Autec s r l FJRNF022 Remote Control Transceiver Unit User Manual LIFJRE00 01

Autec s.r.l. Remote Control Transceiver Unit LIFJRE00 01

User Manual

Original instructionsAUTEC  Dynamic Part C: FJR transmitting unit ENGDYNAMIC SERIESPart C: FJR transmitting unitINDEX1 Description ...........................................................................................................  C - 22 Technical data ......................................................................................................  C - 33 Technical data sheet  ...........................................................................................  C - 34 Plates ....................................................................................................................  C - 45 Light signals  ........................................................................................................  C - 46 Malfunction signalled by the transmitting unit .................................................  C - 6
Dynamic Series Part C: FJR transmitting unitDescription C - 21 DescriptionAconnector for wire control (if present) Bactuators(joysticks, selectors, pushbuttons)CSTOP pushbutton Ddisplay or LED (if present)ELEDs FSTART pushbuttonGS-KEY (electronic starting key)DAEBBBBGCBF
Technical dataAUTEC  Dynamic Part C: FJR transmitting unitC - 3ENG2 Technical dataPower supply (battery MBM06MH)................................................................. NiMH 7.2 VAntenna ...................................................................................................................  internal Housing material ........................................................................................... PA 6 (20% fg)Protection degree  ....................................................................................... IP65 (NEMA 4)Dimensions  ......................................................... 260 x 200 x 190 mm (10.2 x 7.9 x 7.5 In)Weight ..........................................................................................................  2.0 kg (4.4 Lb)Run time (at 20°C / 68°F)  ............................................................................................  11 h Run time with Data Feedback (at 20°C / 68°F)  ..........................................................  9.5 h Run time with Low Power (at 20°C / 68°F)  ..................................................................  14 hRun time with Data Feedback and Low Power (at 20°C / 68°F) ...............................  12.5 h3 Technical data sheetThe technical data sheet contains the transmitting unit configuration and showsthe matching between commands sent and machine functions/movements. It also contains the wiring diagram showing the connection between the receivingunit and the machine.Each technical data sheet must be filled in, checked and signed by the installer,who is responsible for a correct wiring. A copy of the technical data sheet must always be kept together with this manual(always keep a copy of this data sheet for administrative purposes).The wiring of the receiving unit outputs must always reflect the wiring indi-cated in the technical data sheet.
Dynamic Series Part C: FJR transmitting unitPlates C - 44PlatesThe transmitting unit has three plates.5 Light signalsThe FJR transmitting units may have two or four LEDs.In both cases, two LEDs are always available, providing information regarding theradio remote control.- a green LED identified with - a red LED identified with Plate Position Contentradio remote control identification plateOn the S-KEY: remove the S-KEY to read the plate.Radio remote control serialnumber (S/N).transmitting unit iden-tification plateIn the battery housing: removethe battery to read the plate.Manufacturing year, bar codeand transmitting unit identifi-cation number (TU ID). technical data plate In the battery housing: removethe battery to read the plate.MODEL, TYPE and maintransmitting unit technicaldata, marking and possibleradio remote control marks. The green LED ... Meaning... is off The transmitting unit is switched off.... blinks fast The transmitting unit is switched on and there is noradio link.... blinks slowly The radio remote control is started and the radio link ispresent.
Light signalsAUTEC  Dynamic Part C: FJR transmitting unitC - 5ENG- If it has 4 LEDs, the side LEDs are red and provide information coming fromthe machine (Data Feedback function).The red LEDa...a. An acoustic signal is also heard when the red LED is illuminated.Meaning... is off The transmitting unit works correctly....blinks The battery is nearly flat.... is on for 2 secondsbb. After this signal, the transmitting unit switches off.The transmitting unit does not work correctly.... blinks oncebAt power on, the transmitting unit detects that theSTOP pushbutton is activated or damaged.... blinks twicebAt power on, the transmitting unit detects that one ofthe commands D2-D20 or SAFETY is activated ordamaged (see technical data sheet).... blinks three timesbAt power on, the transmitting unit detects that the bat-tery is flat.... blinks four timesbAt power on, the transmitting unit detects that one ofthe commands A1-A8, L1-L8 and H1-H8 is activated ordamaged (see technical data sheet).
Dynamic Series Part C: FJR transmitting unitMalfunction signalled by the transmitting unit C - 66 Malfunction signalled by the transmitting unitUse the light signals on the transmitting unit to identify the radio remote controlmalfunction. If the problem persists after the suggested solution has been carried out, contactthe support service of the machine manufacturer.** Procedure to save the address- press the STOP pushbutton- press the START pushbutton and do not release it until the green LED switches off- unlock the STOP pushbuttonSignals Possiblereason SolutionsThe green LED does notswitch on when theSTART pushbutton ispressed, even thoughboth the battery and theS-KEY are inserted.The battery is flat. Replace the battery with a chargedone.The green LED blinksfast. No radio link. Bring the transmitting unit close to thereceiving unit.The red LED switcheson for 2 seconds andthen the unit switchesoff.The transmitting unitdoes not work correctly.Perform the procedure to save theaddress.**Contact the support service of themachine manufacturer.The red LED blinks onceduring start up.The STOP pushbuttonis locked or damaged.Unlock the STOP pushbutton.If this signal persists, contact the sup-port service of the machine manufac-turer.The red LED blinks twiceduring start up.At least one of theactuators correspond-ing to commands D2-D20 and SAFETY isactivated or damaged.Bring the actuators to the rest posi-tion. If this signal persists, contact thesupport service of the machine manu-facturer.The red LED blinks threetimes during start up. The battery is flat. Replace the battery with a chargedone.The red LED blinks fourtimes during start up.At least one of theactuators correspond-ing to commands A1-A8, L1-L8, H1-H8 andSAFETY is activatedor damaged.Bring the actuators to the rest posi-tion. If this signal persists, contact thesupport service of the machine manu-facturer.

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