Autec s r l TF02B07D Remote Control Transmitter TF02B07D User Manual Copertine LIMJNMA0 usa

Autec s.r.l. Remote Control Transmitter TF02B07D Copertine LIMJNMA0 usa

Users Manual

Transmitter SystemUSER’S MANUALModular Series
Follow the indications and warnings given by the machine producer regarding the machine controlled by the radio remote control.The information contained in this manual considers a representative configuration of the radio remote control: please find radio remote control real configuration in the technical data sheet (attached to the manual).If this manual is lost or damaged, ask for a copy from AUTEC.  Please specify the serial number of the relative radio remote control.Contact AUTEC if any of the instructions and/or warnings given in this manual are not clear.The information contained in this manual is subject to modification without notice and is not binding.No parts of this manual may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of AUTEC (including recording and photocopying).
LIMJNMA0 1 - Index and conventions Page 1 of 16 1  INDEX AND CONVENTIONSINDEX1 Index and conventions..................................................................................................... 12 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 23 MJ transmitting unit ......................................................................................................... 54 Warnings for use ............................................................................................................. 75 Warnings for maintenance............................................................................................... 86 MJ transmitting unit operation ....................................................................................... 117 Frequencies...................................................................................................................138 Programming ................................................................................................................. 149 MJ transmitting unit diagnostics .................................................................................... 15CONVENTIONSIn this manual, all important information is indicated using the following symbols and con-ventions: : WARNINGS : INSTRUC-TIONS: TECHNICAL DATA: IMPORTANT TEXTSabcd....!abcd....abcd.... abcd....THIS MANUAL REFERS EXCLUSIVELY TO THE TRANSMITTING UNIT: THE INSTAL-LATION WARNINGS ARE GIVEN IN THE RECEIVING UNIT MANUAL.BEFORE INSTALLING, STARTING AND USING THE RADIO REMOTE CONTROL,THIS MANUAL MUST BE READ AND UNDERSTOOD CAREFULLY BY ALL PEOPLEWHO INSTALL, USE AND CARRY OUT MAINTENANCE ON THE RADIO REMOTECONTROL.
Page 2 of 16 2 - Introduction LIMJNMA0English 2  INTRODUCTIONIndustrial radio remote controls of the Modular se-ries are used to command machines from a dis-tance. Each industrial radio remote control is madeup of a portable transmitting unit, from which theuser can remotely control the machine, and a re-ceiving unit installed on board the machine itself.The transmitting unit uses radio frequencies totransmit a coded message which contains a valuecalled address. Each receiving unit can only de-code the messages coming from a transmitting unitwith the same address.This excludes the possibility of an interference ac-tivating any system function. If the radio frequencytransmission is disturbed, incorrect or interrupted,the receiving unit autonomously stops the wholesystem.Each Modular series radio remote control complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party re-sponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operatethe equipment.Autec cannot be held responsible if the radio remote control is in-stalled on applications that are different from those permitted:PERMITTED USES Material lifting machines (construction cranes, industrial bridgecranes, machines for moving material in general, . . . ).FORBIDDEN USESMachines installed in areas where equipment with explosion-proofcharacteristics are being used.Machines for moving, raising and transporting people.ReceivingunitTransmitting unit!!
LIMJNMA0 2 - Introduction Page 3 of 16All machines must undergo a risk analysis; therefore it is necessary to evaluate, withinthe limits of this analysis, if the machine can be radio remote controlled.The machine producer and/or the person who decides upon radio remote control useand installation is responsible for this analysis.Autec cannot be held responsible if the risk analysis is not carried out correctly.To guarantee correct radio remote control operation, all current regulations regardingsafety at work and accident prevention should be respected. All current user countrynational laws regarding the use of both the machine and the radio remote controlMUST ALWAYS be respected.Autec cannot be held responsible if the radio remote control is used in unlawfulworking conditions.System must be installed by a licensed technician and in accordance with all rel-evant local, state/provincial and federal regulations, including but not limited toNEC, OSHA, CE etc.In any cases of emergencies, faults or damaged parts, ALWAYS stopthe “machine + radio remote control” system until the problem hasbeen solved.Any damaged parts can ONLY be replaced by authorised Autec personnelor service representative, and only using original Autec spare parts. !
Page 4 of 16 2 - Introduction LIMJNMA0EnglishINSTRUCTIONS FOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTThe following minimum documentation is supplied with each radio remote control:- transmitting unit manual- receiving unit manual- battery charger manual- a guarantee certificate- the radio remote control technical data sheet.Make sure that the following documents have been supplied: if they are not, re-quest them from Autec. Please specify the radio remote control serial number.CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEEThe conditions of the radio remote control guarantee are given in the “Certificate ofGuarantee”. TECHNICAL DATA SHEETThe technical data sheet shows the wiring system between the receiving unit andthe machine. It should be compiled and checked by the installer, who has the re-sponsibility of correct wiring. Once all necessary checks have taken place the in-staller must sign the technical data sheet, which must be kept with the user'smanual (always keep a copy of this data sheet in case it is needed for administra-tive purposes).IDENTIFICATION PLATESThe radio remote control identification and approval data is given on plates that areon both the transmitting unit and the receiving unit.The plates MUST NOT be removed from where they are placed or damaged oth-erwise the warranty will be forfeited.MODULAR SERIES TECHNICAL DATAFrequency band  .................................................................................  902 - 928 MHzProgrammable radio channel .................................................................................. 32 Hamming distance................................................................................................... ≥8Probability of non-recognition of error ......................................................  <10 exp-11Typical working range ....................................................................................... 100 mTime of reply to commands .........................................................................  < 100 msTime of reply to STOP.................................................................................  < 100 msPassive emergency time ........................................................................  * 0,35/1 sec.* refer to paragraph “Programming” in the receiving unit manual, DIP nr. 1 settings.Following from the status of dip switch no.1 or possibly due to a fai-lure (of the dip switch itself), a delay up to max 1 second may occa-sionally occur between command release and actual deactivation ofoutputs. This is due to the characteristics of radio propagation (i.e.:EM interferences, near out-of-range condition). Care must be takento ensure that this could never lead to.!
LIMJNMA0 3 - MJ transmitting unit Page 5 of 16 3  MJ TRANSMITTING UNITThese transmitting units can be used with one of the following receiving units:- Type R102 - Type R202.     Aactuators (joysticks and selectors) Ebattery (at the bottom)Bstarting keyswitch Ftechnical data plate and identification plate (in the battery housing)CSTART pushbutton Gpushbutton and/or selector (optional)Dsignalling LED HSTOP pushbuttonBDEFGHAC
Page 6 of 16 3 - MJ transmitting unit LIMJNMA0EnglishThe Modular series radio remote controls are equipped with a redundant control thatprotects the “radio remote control + machine” system, when it is in neutral (neutralposition), from involuntary movements caused by possible radio remote controlfaults. This occurs only if the wiring indications indicated in the technical data sheethave been respected (paragraph "Technical data sheet" on page 5) as well as the in-dications for correct installation (see paragraph 4.3 or paragraph 5.3)..MJ TRANSMITTING UNIT TECHNICAL DATAPower supply (rechargeable battery MBM06MH) .............................. * NiMH 7,2 VdcAntenna .......................................................................................................... internalOutput power .................................. meets FCC Part 15 for free-license oeprationHousing ................................................................................................  PA 6 (20% fg)Minimum protection grade...................................................................................  IP65Operating temperature range ................................................................  -4°F - +131°FDimensions..................................................................................  (255x170x126 mm)Weight ............................................................................................................... 1,3 kgBattery operation time (at 68°F in continuous use)  ..................................... 14 hoursWarning of low battery charge........................................................................  3,5 min* refer to battery technical data in the battery charger manual.
LIMJNMA0 4 - Warnings for use Page 7 of 16 4  WARNINGS FOR USE.   VISUALLY FOLLOW all movements of the machine and its load re-maining inside radio remote control typical working range.BE POSITIONED in a way that permits him to see the “machine + radio remote control” system, and above all the load, inthe best possible way.Before using the radio remote control ALWAYS MAKE SURE that theSTOP push-button can be pressed and released: if it does not work,do not use the radio remote control.SWITCH OFF the transmitting unit when work is interrupted. Avoidleaving the load suspended in the air (even when changing the bat-tery).NEVER LEAVE the transmitting unit unguarded when the startingkeyswitch is inserted.ONLY SWITCH ON OR USE the transmitting unit when starting work:improper use could be hazardous.NEVER SWITCH ON OR USE the transmitting unit in closed spaces,with the machine not in sight, or outside the typical working range.PRESS immediately the STOP button in case of hazard.PAY ATTENTION to the entire work area. Press the STOP button incase of hazard.PAY ATTENTION not to let elements such as cement, sand, lime, etc.deposit on the transmitting unit because they can compromisetransmitting unit use and safety.In case of malfunctions and/or damaged and/or faulty parts, PUT theradio remote control out of use until the problem has been complete-ly eliminated.FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE WARNINGS MAY RESULTIN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TOEQUIPMENT.THE OPERATORMUST ALWAYS!
Page 8 of 16 5 - Warnings for maintenance LIMJNMA0English 5  WARNINGS FOR MAINTENANCE All control and maintenance interventions carried out on the radio remote control must beverified and recorded by the person in charge of carrying out maintenance on the machine.Before carrying out maintenance and/or diagnostics it is recom-mended to replace the battery with a charged one and ensure the ef-ficiency of the START key.Routine maintenance in accordance to the instructions given in thismanual is fundamental for the safe use of the radio remote control.Read and strictly respect the warnings given in the battery chargermanual in order to lengthen the life of the battery itself. After each maintenance intervention, always make sure that only theexpected manoeuvres are carried out when the relative commandsare sent by the transmitting unit.ENSURE THAT THE BATTERY HAS BEEN RE-MOVED FROM THE TRANSMITTING UNIT BE-FORE CARRYING OUT ANY MAINTENANCEWORK.Any faults should be repaired by authorised Au-tec personnel using original Autec spare partsonly.!!
LIMJNMA0 5 - Warnings for maintenance Page 9 of 16ROUTINE MAINTENANCEThe following instructions allow to maintain the radio remote control in a perfectcondition, guaranteeing it to function safely and correctly for a long period. Special applications may need more specific routine maintenance interventions tobe carried out at different periods. These instructions do not in any case substitute the norms and laws that regulatework safety, nor do they limit the responsibility of the purchaser and user of the radioremote control.All given instructions must be followed correctly each time the machine and the ra-dio remote control are started.If irregularities are noted while carrying out routine maintenance, putthe "machine+radio remote control" system out of order, followingthe indications given (see “Receiving unit diagnostic”)Transmitting unitIt is recommended every day to:1. remove dust or accumulations of other material from the transmitting unit. Never use sol-vents or flammable/corrosive materials to clean, and do not use high pressure water clean-ers or steam cleaners.2. store the transmitting unit in clean and dry areas.3. make sure that the transmitting unit gaskets, joystick bellows, selectors caps and push-buttons are intact, soft and elastic 4. make sure that the battery seat and the battery contacts are always clean5. make sure that the transmitting unit are structurally integral6. make sure that the panel symbols can be easily recognised. If necessary, replace thepanel.7. check identification plate readability and integrity8. verify the efficiency of the STOP pushbutton before using the radio remote control.!
Page 10 of 16 5 - Warnings for maintenance LIMJNMA0EnglishSPECIAL MAINTENANCEAny fault should be repaired by authorised Autec personnel (contactService), using original Autec spare parts only.AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTERWhen it is necessary to carry out special maintenance (radio remote control repair andreplacement of damaged or faulty parts), do not contact anyone other than our Author-ized Service Center. In order to make the intervention faster and more reliable, pleasehelp us identify the radio remote control correctly and completely by giving:- the serial number- the purchase date (given on the guarantee)- description of the problem found- the address and telephone number of the place where the radio remote control is be-ing used- the name of the person to be contacted- the name of the company that supplied the radio remote control.Before speaking with a service technician, it is advisable to make sure that the giveninstructions have been followed correctly.DISPOSALWhen scrapping, entrust the radio remote control to the separate scrap collecting serv-ices in the country of use.Please pay particular attention when recycling the batteries, applying local rules. Donot throw them away with domestic trash.!
LIMJNMA0 6 - MJ transmitting unit operation Page 11 of 16 6  MJ TRANSMITTING UNIT OPERATIONPOWER AND STARTINGTo switch on the transmitting unit, in-sert the starting key and turn it to "I".To start the radio remote controlfunctions, press the “START” buttonfor 1-2 seconds.After starting, the green signallingLED always lights up.COMMAND ACTIVATIONActivate the joystick and/or se-lector actuators relevant towhatever movement or selec-tion command is to be carriedout.SIGNALSTYPE MEANING ACTIONblinking green LED OPERATION NORMAL ///blinking red LED, accom-panied by intermittent sounds from the buzzerLOW BATTERY.The transmitting unit switches off 3 and half minutes after the LED starts flashingSwitch off the transmit-ting unit and replace the batterysteady red LED at start-ing, accompanied by the continuous sound from the buzzerONE OR MORE (movement) ACTUATORS and/or STOP PUSHBUTTON INSERTEDRelease actuator(s) and/or the STOP push-button
Page 12 of 16 6 - MJ transmitting unit operation LIMJNMA0EnglishSWITCHING OFFThe transmitting unit should beswitched off each time work isstopped by turning the starting keyto "O" and extracting it (always putthe key in a safe place).The unit may also switch off if the bat-tery is not sufficiently charged and/orwhen the radio remote control is notused for more than 3 and half minutes(set DIP nr. 1: refer to paragraph 8"Programming").STOPThe STOP button shouldbe used when it is nec-essary to stop the ma-chine immediately inorder to check any dan-ger condition.To stop the machine immediately,press the STOP button.To start working again, after havingmade sure that the working conditionsare safe, turn the STOP button in thedirection indicated to deactivate it andrepeat the starting procedure.BATTERYTo recharge a flat battery, proceed as fol-lows:1. Insert the battery into its proper batterycharger, which should be positioned in anarea having a temperature of between+5°C and +45°C. The battery now startscharging, a state signalled by the lightingup of the “CHARGE” pilot light.2. After a maximum of 3 hours the"CHARGE" indicator switches off: the bat-tery is fully charged. Remove the batteryfrom the charger (if the battery is not re-moved, charging continues in mainte-nance mode).!
LIMJNMA0 7 - Frequencies Page 13 of 16 7  FREQUENCIESThe radio frequency of AUTEC radio remote controls is included in the group offrequencies permitted by regulations that are current at the moment of radio re-mote control entry onto the market.Each radio remote control is programmed by the producer in the AUTOMATIC scanmode (producer's standard programming) or MANUAL selection mode.MANUAL SELECTION MODEWhen operating in the MANUAL selection mode it is possible to work at a specific fre-quency that must be set manually by programming the dip switches in the radio mod-ules (refer to paragraph 8 "Programming").To set or modify this operation mode contact personnel that have been author-ised by Autec.AUTOMATIC SCAN MODEWhen operating in the AUTOMATIC scan mode it is possible to operate at a specificfrequency, which can be changed in case of interference or conflict with other radioequipment using the “Changing the operating frequency” procedure.This mode avoids internal interventions on the transmitting unit and the receiving unit.Working frequency change processN.B.: During the work frequency changing process, the receiving unit loses radioelec-tric connection with the transmitting unit.After starting, some seconds may be necessary to reset connection, thereforekeep the START button pressed for about 8-10 seconds. 1 With the transmitting unit started (blinking greenLED):- press the START pushbutton and keep it pressed(a),- press the STOP pushbutton (b),- release the START pushbutton2 Unlock the STOP pushbutton byturning it as shown in the photo and re-peat the starting procedure.ab
Page 14 of 16 8 - Programming LIMJNMA0English 8  PROGRAMMINGThe dip switches must be programmed with the battery removedfrom the transmitting unit and can be done only by authorised per-sonnel.The incorrect closure of the transmitting unit can compromise sealbetween the casings and thereby the protection grade from dust andwater.DIP SWITCHES ON E16STXUS1 RADIO TRANSMITTING MODULEThe group of eight dip switchesfound in the module is necessaryfor programming some opera-tions and setting the operatingfrequency.The programming set in the oth-er group of four dip switchesmust never be modified.Group of 8 dip switchesDIP POS. DESCRIPTION1ON The transmitting unit never switches off automaticallyOFF The transmitting unit switched on without movement com-mands entered switches off after approx. 3,5 minutes2ON Deactivated of low battery warning from horn on machine.OFF Activation of low battery warning from horn on machine3ON With DIP 8 OFF, automatic scan of the frequencies in the 902 - 928 MHzOFF With DIP 8 OFF, automatic scan of the frequencies in the 902 - 928 MHz3-7 ON/OFF With DIP 8 ON see "Appendix: Frequency Table"8ON Manual selection of frequencies (DIP 3 - DIP 7 see  "Appendix: Frequency Table")OFF Automatic scan mode of frequencies in the band selected with DIP 3 (DIP 4 - DIP 7 not relevant)!Group of 8 dip switchesGroup of 4 dip switchesThese eight dip switches must be programmed in the same manneras the group of 8 dip switches (excluding DIP 1) present in the radiomodule of the receiving unit (see manual).!
LIMJNMA0 9 - MJ transmitting unit diagnostics Page 15 of 16 9  MJ TRANSMITTING UNIT DIAGNOSTICSIf the “machine+radio remote control” system does not start, check if the problem is causedby the radio remote control or the machine. Before carrying out any verifications, check thefunctioning of the machine with the cable control panel: - if it does not switch on, the problem lies with the machine itself- if it does switch on, the problem lies with the radio remote control. In this case, proceedas follows:When START is activated, is the red LED lit steadily and does the buzzer sound?Is the STOP button or one of the movement actuator inserted? Release it/them Is the led on with a steady light?Does the red LED blink and does the buzzer sound?The battery is dis-charged: replace it with one that is charged. Does it con-tinue to blink quickly and the buzzer sound-ing?Clean the contacts in the battery seat. Does it continue to blink quickly and the buzzer sounding?Does the green LED blink?Carry out diagnostics checks on the receiving unit.If the problem persists CALL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEYESNO NOYESYESYESNONONONOYESYES
Page 16 of 16 9 - MJ transmitting unit diagnostics LIMJNMA0English
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