Authinx 24110T Finder Base User Manual 24110 Find it OM Black pmd

Authinx Inc. Finder Base 24110 Find it OM Black pmd

User Manual

32IntroductionTable of ContentsIntroduction ...................................................... 3Button Functions ............................................... 4Initial Setup ...................................................... 6Battery Installation ....................................... 6Battery Saver ............................................... 6Code Saver ................................................. 6Power-On default ........................................ 6Code Setup ................................................. 6Direct Code Entry ............................................ 7Code Search .................................................... 7Code Identification Feature ............................... 8Setup ............................................................... 9Programming Combo Device Codes ............ 9Controlling Combo Devices ......................... 9Controlling Devices Requiring SeparatePower On and Off Buttons ........................... 9VCR/DVD/DVR Punch-Through Feature .. 10Volume/Mute Control andPunch-Through Feature .............................. 10Setting All Volume/Mute Control toany one Mode ........................................... 11Setting any Mode to use itsown Volume/Mute Control ......................... 11Sleep Timer .................................................... 12Find/Page Feature .......................................... 12Troubleshooting .............................................. 13Congratulations on your purchase of this 24110Universal Remote Control. It is one of the mostunique looking, and easy to use remote controlsavailable today. With the 24110 juggling multipleremote controls is a thing of the past! Your 24110Universal Remote controls up to 5 devices,including the most popular brands of TV, VCR,DVD, SAT, CBL, and audio equipment.The 24110 comes with a convenient base/standthat you can place the remote in when you’re notusing it. The base/stand also has a Find/Pagefeature, which lets you quickly find the remote ifyou’ve misplaced it. You simply press the Pagekey on the base and the remote sounds with atone, making it easy to locate.Other unique features for this remote aredescribed in the remainder of this manual.Note: Some functions from your original remotemay not be controlled by the 24110 remote. Usethe original remote, if available, to control suchfunctions. Sometimes buttons other than describedin these instructions may actually perform thefunction. For example, the CH and VOL buttonsmight be used to navigate through menu choices.We recommend you experiment with the remoteto identify if such situations pertain to yourequipment.The 24110 Universal Remote is easy to use, easyto program, and it gives you total control—at thetouch of your fingertips!
541. ON-OFF: Turns device On or Off.2. TV, VCR, DVD, SAT/CBL, AUDIO/AUX: Selectsproduct to be operated.3. VOL UP/DOWN: Changes the volume level of theproduct, normally the TV.4. CH UP/DOWN: Changes the channels. Alsocontrols DVD/CD CHAPTER +/- track selection, i.e.,DVD/CD Track Skip Up/Down. Note the VCRbuttons also control the DVD when in DVD Mode.5. SLEEP: Turns off the TV after a period of 1 to 99minutes.6. NUMBERS: Enter numbers for direct channelselection. Some products require ENTER to bepressed after channel selection.7. ENTER: Used after direct channel number entry toimmediately change to the selected channel.8. INFO: Displays on-screen channel information, etc.9. OK: Selects menu items for the device you arecontrolling.10. MENU: Displays the DVD disc menu screen. Usewith the UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT navigationbuttons.11. PIP: TV Picture-in-Picture control.12. SWAP: Swaps TV PIP screens.13. MOVE: Moves the position of the PIP screen.14. EXIT: Exits On-Screen Menus and/or Returns toprevious On-Screen selection.15. UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT: Navigation buttons.16. RECORD, PLAY, STOP, REW, FF, PAUSE:   VCRcontrol buttons operate your VCR even when theremote is set to operate the TV. Also operates DVDScan -/+.17. GUIDE: Displays satellite or cable on-screenprogram guide.18 (    ) Used for digital channels, e.g., 2.3.19. INPUT Selects the video inputs of your TV ifequipped with that feature. TV/VCR: Operates thesame as the TV/VCR or antenna keys on youroriginal remotes.20. PREV CH: Returns to the previously selectedchannel or DVD repeat toggle.21. MUTE: Turns off the TV sound while the pictureremains.22. Red Indicator: Lights when any button is pressed.23. SETUP: Used for setting up your remote.Button Functions, cont.Button Functions1. The Record button must be pressed TWICE to recordfrom your VCR. For some brands of VCRs, you might need topress the Record button once, then press it again for threeseconds. Some buttons on the remote might have functionsthat are referred to by different names on the device you arecontrolling. E.g.,  PREV.CH may be called RECALL, orENTER may be called DISPLAY. These differences depend onthe brand and model of your product. Also, this remote canonly operate features that exist on your product. E.g., yourproduct must have PREV.CH ability for the PREV.CH buttonto operate this feature.•
76Battery InstallationThe 24110 Remote requires batteries for both the remoteand the remote base. Do the following to install thebatteries.1. Push down on the tab on the back of the remote,and lift the cover off.2. Match the batteries to the + and - marks inside thebattery case, then insert 2 AAA alkaline batteries.3. Press the battery cover back into place.4. Open the battery door on the bottom of the base.5. Match the batteries to the + and - marks inside thebattery case, then insert 2 AAA alkaline batteries.6. Press the battery door back into place.Battery SaverYour remote automatically turns off if the buttons aredepressed more than 30 seconds. This will save yourbatteries should your remote get stuck in a place wherethe buttons remain depressed (e.g., between the sofacushions).Code SaverYou have up to 10 minutes to change the batteries inyour remote without losing codes you have set up.However, do not press any buttons until batteries areinstalled in the remote. If buttons are pressed withoutbatteries in the remote, all the codes will be lost.Power-On DefaultThe remote powers on in TV mode.Code SetupThe SETUP button is used to setup the remote. You caneither setup the remote using the code for your brand ofproduct, from the code tables (on separate sheet), oryou can search through the library of codes until youfind a code that works for your product.Please refer to “Code Search” on page 7 for moreinformation on using the code search feature to learnhow to search through the library of codes for yourproducts.NOTE: You can store any kind of code under any mode(except TV). I.e., you can store a VCR code under theCBL button, or a DVD code under the VCR button, etc.However, you can only store TV codes under the TVbutton.Setup Direct Code Entry1. Press and hold the SETUP button until the redindicator stays on, then release the SETUP button.2. Press and release the desired mode button (TV,VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks, then stays lit.3. Enter the 4-digit code from the code tables (onseparate sheet). Note: After a valid code entry, thered indicator turns off.  For an invalid code, the redindicator flashes.4. With your device on, press CHANNEL UP. If thedevice responds, no further programming isrequired. Note: If some buttons do not operate yourequipment, try one of the other codes for yourbrand.Write your codes down here for easy reference later.Code SearchIf your product does not respond after you have tried allthe codes for your brand, or if your brand is not listed,try searching for your code by following these steps.1. Manually turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to becontrolled.2. Press and hold the SETUP button until the redindicator stays on, then release the SETUP button.3. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks off once.4. Press the CH UP button repeatedly (up to 300 times)until the device to be controlled changes channel.The red indicator blinks off with each button press.If you accidentally overshoot the code required,press the CH DOWN button to backtrack throughthe library until the device changes channel.Pressing CH UP changes direction to forward again.5. Press and release ENTER to install the code.Type Type stored CodeTV TVVCRDVDSAT/CBLAudio/AUX
98Most users will store VCR codes under the VCR button,DVD codes under DVD, etc. If (for example) you want tostore a VCR code under DVD, first follow the procedurefor Direct Code Entry (previous page), and press DVD instep 2 of Direct Code Entry, then enter ANY VCR code instep 3 of Direct Code Entry. Then follow the steps forCode Search on the previous page. Note:  If the devicedoes not have a CHANNEL UP button, use PLAY (VCRonly) or ON-OFF instead. Code Search starts from thecurrently stored 4-digit number under that mode.Code Search, cont.Code Identification FeatureThe Code Identification Feature allows you to identifythe four digit library code stored under your device key.For example, if you want to find out what 4-digit code isstored under your TV device key, follow the six stepsbelow:1. Press and hold the SETUP button until the redindicator stays on. Release the SETUP button.2. Press and release the desired mode button (TV,VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks, then stays lit.3. Press and release the SETUP button. The redindicator blinks off.4. To find the first digit for the code stored under themode key pressed in step 2, press each numeric keyfrom 0-9 in turn. When the red indicator blinks offthe number you pressed is the first digit for the codeyou are searching for.5. To find the second digit, repeat step 4. This timewhen the red indicator blinks off this is the seconddigit.6. Repeat step 4 to find the third and fourth digits.Programming Combo Device CodesSome Combo devices (e.g., TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR, etc.) will require you to set up two different Modebuttons to control both parts of the Combo device. Forexample, if you have a TV/DVD Combo, you might needto set up one code under the TV button to control theTV part AND a separate code (under any other Modebutton) to control the DVD part.Controlling Combo DevicesSome Combo devices (e.g., TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR, etc.) have separate buttons on the original remoteto select the part of the Combo device to be controlled.For example, if your Combo device is a DVD/VCR thenits original remote might have separate DVD and VCRbuttons for selection of the Combo part you wouldcontrol. The equivalent button functions can be foundon your new remote by using the device Mode andSETUP buttons.Referring to “Code Search” on page 7, setup a deviceMode (e.g., DVD) with the correct code for your Combodevice. Assuming the DVD/VCR Combo device is theexample and its code is programmed under DVD Mode,press and hold the DVD Mode button for more thanone second to send the DVD button command. To sendthe VCR button command, quickly press and release theSETUP button followed by pressing and releasing theDVD Mode button. This method can be appliedsimilarly to all Combo devices (e.g., TV/VCR, TV/DVD,DVD/VCR, etc.) and is available for all Modes. Note thisfeature is not supported by all codes.Controlling Devices Requiring Separate Power On andOff ButtonsSome devices (e.g., certain RCA TVs) require separatePower On and Power Off buttons to turn the device onand off. The equivalent button functions can be foundon your new remote by using the device Mode and ON-OFF buttons. Referring to “Code Search” on page 7,setup a device Mode (e.g., TV) with the correct code foryour device.Assuming a TV device is the example and its code isprogrammed under TV Mode, to turn your TV on, pressand hold the TV Mode button for more than onesecond to transmit the Power On button command.Setup, cont.
1110Controlling Devices Requiring Separate Power On andOff Buttons, cont.To turn the TV off, press and release the ON-OFFbutton to transmit the Power Off button command. Thismethod can be applied similarly to any device and isavailable for all Modes. Note this feature is notsupported by all codes.VCR/DVD/DVR Punch-Through FeatureThis remote allows the 6 VCR transport buttons (i.e.,PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, FF, REWIND, and REC) toPunch-Through control from any Mode programmedwith TV, SAT or Cable codes to the last VCR, DVD orDVR programmed Mode you used.  Normally othertypes of remotes only punch-through (from anotherMode) on the 6 VCR buttons to the device programmedunder the VCR Mode button. This is not much use ifyou are using a DVD programmed under a Mode otherthan VCR. For example, if you have 3 DVD, VCR or DVRdevices programmed into this remote, the last one youaccessed on the remote will be the one that has controlof the 6 VCR transport buttons when in any otherMode.  This feature will not operate if the programmedTV, SAT or Cable code has its own VCR transportbutton control, e.g., a TV Combo, SAT/PVR, etc.Volume/Mute Control and Punch-Through FeatureThis remote lets you select which device Mode controlsyour Volume/Mute buttons. The remote is initially set(factory default) for all device Modes programmed with“Visual” codes (e.g., TV, VCR, DVD, DVR, SAT &CABLE) and “Audio” codes (e.g., CD & AUDIO) to usetheir own Volume/Mute control if present. If theprogrammed “Visual” code has no Volume/Muteoperation of its own then those buttons will punch-through control to the TV Mode device withoutneeding to change to TV Mode. Please refer to the nextpage for more information.Setup, cont.Any Mode chosen for Volume/Mute control MUST haveits own Volume/Mute function or the Volume/Mutebuttons will do nothing.Setting ALL Volume/Mute Control to any one ModeThis routine can set all Modes to “punch-through” toany one chosen Mode for Volume/Mute button controlwithout the needing to change to that Mode.1. Press and hold the SETUP button until the redindicator turns on, then release the button.2. Press and hold the MUTE button until the redindicator blinks off, then release the button.3. Press and release the desired Mode button (TV,VCR, etc.) for Volume/Mute control, the redindicator blinks then stays on.4. Press and release the MUTE button and the redindicator turns off. The red indicator will blinkrapidly for three seconds if the Mode you haveselected has no Volume/Mute control.5. All other Modes will now punch-through to yourchosen Mode for Volume/Mute control.6. All “Visual” and “Audio” programmed Modes willnow punch-through to the respective Modes youhave chosen for Volume/Mute control.Setting any Mode to use its own Volume/Mute ControlThis routine can set any Mode to use only its ownVolume/Mute control. Note - If your chosen Mode hasno Volume/Mute functions of its own then the Volume/Mute buttons will do nothing.1. Press and hold the SETUP button until the redindicator turns on, then release the button.2. Press and hold the MUTE button until the redindicator blinks off, then release the button.3. Press and release the desired Mode button (TV,VCR, etc.), the red indicator blinks then stays on.4. Press and release the VOL- (Down) button, the redindicator blinks then stays on.5. Press and release the MUTE button and the redindicator turns off.6. All “Visual” and “Audio” programmed Modes willnow punch-through to the respective Modes youhave chosen for Volume/Mute control.Setup, cont.
1312Sleep TimerThe SLEEP button enables the remote to turn off yourTV after a period of 1 to 99 minutes as shown below.The remote must be in TV mode to set a Sleep Timer.This feature works even if your TV does not have asleep feature.1. Press and release the TV device button.2. Press and hold the SLEEP button until the redindicator remains lit (about 2-3 seconds).3. Release the SLEEP button.4. Press and release the numeric buttons (01-99) forthe time required. The red indicator will blink off toindicate button press acceptance.5. TV Sleep Timer is set.6. Leave the Remote pointing towards the TV with anunobstructed path.To cancel the Sleep Timer, press and hold the SLEEPbutton until the red indicator blinks, or press andrelease the ON-OFF button in TV mode.TroubleshootingRemote does not operate your product.• Press the mode button of the product you want tocontrol.• Program the remote with a new code.• Install new batteries. (You might have to reprogramyour remote after installing new batteries.)• Remote may not be compatible with your product.Remote does not operate some features of your product.• Program remote with a new code.• Remote may not be able to operate all features ofyour product or button names might be differentthan your product.Red Indicator blinks after you program a product code.• Remote did not accept the code.• Try to program the code again or try a differentcode.Lost Your Codes?Enclosed with this remote is a sticker on which youshould write the codes for each device you programmed.Apply the sticker to the back of the remote orsomewhere convenient for future reference.Also on the sticker is our website address which, shouldyou lose your codes or programming instructions, youcan find available on our website:www.jascoproducts.comThe 24110 comes with a convenient base/stand that youcan place the remote in when you’re not using it. Thebase/stand also has a Find/Page feature, which lets youquickly find the remote from up to 20 feet from the base,if you’ve misplaced it. You simply press the Page keyon the base and the remote sounds with a tone, makingit easy to locate.Find/Page FeaturePAG E
1514Jasco Products Company warrants this product to befree from manufacturing defects for a period of ninetydays from the original date of consumer purchase.  Thiswarranty is limited to the repair or replacement of thisproduct only and does not extend to consequential orincidental damage to other products that may be usedwith this unit.  This warranty is in lieu of all otherwarranties express or implied.  Some states do not allowlimitations on how long an implied warranty lasts orpermit the exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, so the above limitations maynot apply to you.  This warranty gives you specificrights, and you may also have other rights which varyfrom state to state.   If unit should prove defective withinthe warranty period, return prepaid with dated proof ofpurchase to:Jasco Products Company10 E. Memorial RoadOklahoma City, OK  73114-220590 Day Limited WarrantyTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THEFCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIREDOPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed and usedproperly, that is, in strict accordance with themanufacturers instructions, it may causeinterference to radio and television reception. It hasbeen type tested and found to comply with thelimits for remote control devices in accordance withthe specifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15of FCC Rules, which are designed to providereasonable protection against such interference in aresidential installation. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does causeinterference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by unplugging the equipment,try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencingthe interference.• Relocate the interface with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the interface away from the radio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on a differentelectrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencingthe interference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealer foradditional suggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of the components inthis kit will void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.FCC Caution
Jasco Products Company10 E. Memorial RoadOklahoma City, OK  73114-2205Made in ChinaUniversal RemoteInstruction Manual24110-12/0824110

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