Authinx JSC13A SUPERVISED SECURITY SYSTEM User Manual Jasco JSC1300 OM pmd



Supervised Security SystemModel JSC1300Owner’s ManualARM DISARMLIGHTSONLIGHTSOFFPANIC
32Introduction .................................................................................................... 4Installation ...................................................................................................... 5Locating Security System components ....................................................... 5Attaching the cables .................................................................................... 6Fitting the backup batteries ......................................................................... 7Wall mounting.............................................................................................. 7Overview ......................................................................................................... 8Registering Remotes................................................................................. 12Registering Door/Window Sensors ........................................................... 13Removing Door/Window Sensors ............................................................. 14Installing Door/Window Sensors ............................................................... 15Registering Motion Detectors .................................................................... 16Removing Motion Detectors ...................................................................... 17Installing Motion Detectors ........................................................................ 18Hard-wired Inputs ...................................................................................... 19Setting the Clock ....................................................................................... 20Setting the Phone Numbers ...................................................................... 21Setting the Outgoing Message .................................................................. 22Setting the PIN .......................................................................................... 24Clearing the Memory ................................................................................. 25Setting Options.......................................................................................... 26Setting Delays ........................................................................................... 27Setting Timers ........................................................................................... 28Canceling Timers ...................................................................................... 30Using the System ......................................................................................... 32Arming and Disarming .............................................................................. 32Problem zones .......................................................................................... 33When there’s an alarm .............................................................................. 34Controlling Lights and Appliances............................................................. 35Setting up Optional Lamp Modules ............................................................ 36Operation from an Outside Telephone ....................................................... 38Replacing Batteries...................................................................................... 39Resetting the P.I.N. ....................................................................................... 40Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 41Expanding your System .............................................................................. 45ContentsFCC CautionThis equipment generates and uses radio frequencyenergy, and if not installed and used properly, that is,in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions,it may cause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and found to complywith the limits for remote control devices in accordancewith the specifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15of FCC Rules, which are designed to providereasonable protection against such interference in aresidential installation. However, there is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined byunplugging the equipment, try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencingthe interference.• Relocate the equipment with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the equipment away from the radio/TV.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on a differentelectrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing theinterference.• If necessary, consult your local dealer for additionalsuggestions.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THEFCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICEMAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFER-ENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCETHAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCCrules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. Onthe bottom of the Console is a label that contains,among other information, the product identifierB4SAL04BJSC13A. If requested, this number mustbe provided to the telephone company.On the bottom of the Console is a label thatcontains, among other information, the FCCregistration number and ringer equivalence number(REN) for this equipment. If requested, thisinformation must be provided to the telephonecompany.The REN is used to determine the number of devicesthat may be connected to a telephone line. ExcessiveRENs on a telephone line may result in the devicesnot ringing in response to an incoming call. In mostbut not all areas, the sum of RENs should notexceed five (5.0).To be certain of the number of devices that may beconnected to a line, as determined by the totalRENs, contact the local telephone company.The REN for this Console is part of the productidentifier B4SAL04BJSC13A. The digits 15 representthe REN without a decimal point (e.g., 04 is a RENof 0.4).Use an RJ11 connector to connect the Console tothe telephone line.A plug and jack used to connect the Console to thepremises wiring and telephone network must complywith the applicable FCC Part 68 rules andrequirements adopted by the ACTA. A complianttelephone cord and modular plug is provided withthis product. It is designed to be connected to acompatible modular jack that is also compliant. Seeinstallation instructions for details.If the Console causes harm to the telephonenetwork, the telephone company will notify you inadvance that temporary discontinuance of servicemay be required. But if advance notice isn’t practical,the telephone company will notify you as soon aspossible. Also, you will be advised of your right to filea complaint with the FCC if you believe it isnecessary.The telephone company may make changes in itsfacilities, equipment, operations or procedures thatcould affect the operation of the equipment. If thishappens the telephone company will provideadvance notice in order for you to make necessarymodifications to maintain uninterrupted service.If trouble is experienced with the console for repairor warranty information, please If the equipment is causingharm to the telephone network, the telephonecompany may request that you disconnect theequipment until the problem is resolved.There are no user serviceable parts in the console.Connection to party line service is subject to statetariffs. Contact the state public utility commission,public service commission or corporationcommission for information.Note 1: Modifications to this product will void the user’sauthority to operate this equipment.Note 2: The security functions of this system havenot been tested by Underwriters Laboratories.
54ARM DISARMLIGHTSONLIGHTSOFFPANICLocating Security System componentsLiving RoomDining RoomKitchenHallwayStudyLocating the Security ConsoleChoose a location for the Security Console which is as central as possible in the house,while providing access to a modular telephone jack and an AC outlet. The Console maybe placed on a shelf or table, or may be wall mounted.Locating Door/Window Sensors and Motion DetectorsPlan the location of the Door/Window Sensors and Motion Detectors so that the RF pathwhich runs in a straight line from sensor to Console is not obstructed by large metalobjects such as a refrigerators or freezers, and passes through as few walls as possible.Door/Window Sensors may be hidden behind drapes for a more discreet installation.Introduction InstallationThe JSC1300 Supervised Security System includes the JSC13A Console, its plug-inpower supply, an RJ11 phone cord, and a telephone T adapter. The Console has anautomatic dialer that calls friends or relatives in the event of a break in, and plays amessage (in your voice). Your friend or neighbor can listen in to your home through theConsole’s microphone, and call the police if there’s a problem. Accessories includebattery powered Radio Frequency (RF) Door/Window Sensors, battery powered RFMotion Detectors, and RF Keyfob Remote Controls for arming and disarming the system.All sensors and remotes incorporate random digital security coding for added security.The system can be configured with any combination of the following items:• Up to 16* Wireless Keyfob Security Remotes with arm/disarm and panic functions, andbuttons to control security lights in and around the home.• Up to 30* magnetic switch operated Wireless Door/Window Sensors.• Up to 30* Wireless PIR Motion Detectors.• Optional X10 and/or GE Home Automation modules such as plug-in lamp andappliance modules and wired-in replacement wall switches can be added to thesystem, to flash house lights on and off when the alarm trips.*Note: Door/Window Sensors and Motion Detectors may be added in anycombination up to a total of 30, e.g. 15 Door/Window Sensors and 15 MotionDetectors, or any combination up to a total of 30 . There are also 2 hard wiredinputs, which are zones 31 and 32.Some of the accessories available are shown below. Visit formore.Motion DetectorJMS18A Door/Window SensorJDS12A GE ModuleRF100RXPSKeyfob RemoteJKR32A
76Attach the powersupply’s cord here.Tamper Switch(internal)Hard Wired Inputs.Attach the phonecord here.Fitting the backup batteriesInstall 4 AA alkaline batteries (not supplied) in the battery compartment. It is notnecessary to disconnect power to the Console when fitting or replacing batteries.Replace the battery cover and securely insert the screw.Note, if you remove the battery cover AFTER you powered up the Console, TAMPER willappear in the display. To remove TAMPER from the display, replace the battery cover,securely insert the screw, and then enter your PIN (default 0000). The display then showsHOME CONTROL in the top line and the time of day below it.InstallationInstallationRemove the screw and open the center lidon the Console. Attach the power supply’scord to the connector labeled powersupply (see above). Plug the power supplyinto any convenient (unswitched) ACoutlet. If you power up and then open thelid, (not easy to do) the display showsTAMPER (see next page).NOTE: you must use the power supplythat came with the Security System. Thepower supply contains circuitry required tocontrol X10 modules, so you CANNOTreplace it with a regular 8V DC powersupply.Security ConsoleAttaching cablesA telephone cord terminated at each end with an RJ11 connector is provided fortelephone connection. If possible, the Console should be connected to its own telephoneline to ensure that the line cannot be busy when the Console attempts to dial out. Forapplications where this is not practical, the Console may also share a line with an existingtelephone using a ‘T’ adapter (supplied).Note: The Security Console is not designed to operate with an RJ31X type telephoneconnection.Mounting the ConsoleThe Security Console is designed to be installed freestanding, on a table top or shelf. Orit can be wall mounted using the two slotted holes on the back of the Console.Turns on ifbatteries arelow or notinstalled.If you don’t want to wall mount the console, you can flip the feet on the Console out, so asto tilt the Console slightly forward for better viewing of the display.
98Console setup Overview, cont.After you’ve followed the steps on page 6 and 7 and connected power to the Console, thedisplay shows the time of day at the left of the bottom line, with HOME CONTROL in thetop line. See below:All features (except Home Control) require access to the Menu mode. To do this, presseither of the Menu Start up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, see page 24 for how you can change this, but for now press0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left of the display). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.When you enter the PIN the display shows the First Level of the menu at step 1, below.See next page.InstallationConsole keyboard buttons are as follows:0-9 Used for all number entries.On Used to send a X10/GE On message or to enter am in a time.Off Used to send a X10/GE Off message or to enter pm in a time.Menu up Used to initially enter the menu and then to move up through the items.Menu down Used to initially enter the menu and then to move down through theitems.Clear Used to clear entries, back up through the menu levels, and to bypassproblem Door/Window Sensors or Motion Detectors.Enter Used to terminate an entry.To the right of the display:Arm Home Used to arm the console in the Home mode.Arm Away Used to arm the console in the Away mode.InstallationConsole Setup OverviewHOME CONTROL12:00 amENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL
1110Sub-menusOnce you’ve arrived at your desired first level menu and pressed OK, you can select thesub-menus under that menu item. Alternatively you can go directly to the sub-menu itemby pressing the appropriate number button.Phone Numbers Sub-menuEnter number up to 16 digits. Off/pm gives a pause.PHONE 1PHONE 2PHONE 3PHONE 4PHONE 5PHONE 6Delays Sub-menuAll times are entered in seconds, up to 99.ENTRY DELAYEXIT DELAYDIAL DELAYANSWER DELAYOptions Sub-menuCHIME 1. CHIME ON2. CHIME OFF (No chimes when doors/windows are opened)SIREN 1. SIREN ON2. SIREN OFF (Silent Alarm)HOUSECODE Chosen by Menu up/down buttonsLIGHTCODE Chosen by Menu up/down buttonsMemory Clear Sub-menuCLEAR ALL SENSORSCLEAR ALL REMOTESCLEAR ALL TIMERSMASTER RESETInstallationFirst Menu LevelAfter pressing a menu up/down button and entering the PIN, the First Level menu isdisplayed, as shown below:InstallationTo select a menu option, press the up or down Menu button repeatedly to step throughthe menu items 1 through 9 below (or you can press the number buttons 1 thru 9 on thecontrol panel (under the lid to the bottom left of the display) to go directly to that menuitem. Once you arrive at the menu item you desire, press OK to select it.1. INSTALL Allows installation/removal of sensors, and/or remotes.2. SET CLOCK Enter time followed by am or pm.3. PHONE NUMS Store up to six (16 digit) phone numbers.4. MESSAGE 1. RECORD (This is your own alarm message)2. REPLAY (Replays your message).5. NEW PIN Enter new 4 digit PIN.6. MEMORY Clear all Sensors, Remotes, Timers, or Master Clear.CLEAR7. OPTIONS Set Chime On/Off, Siren On/Off, Set Housecode or Light Code.8. DELAYS Set Exit, Entry, Dial, and Answer Delays.9. SET TIMER Enter unit code, then On and Off time, then Daily, Once, Random orArmed only.To leave the first level menu press the Clear button. If you are entering numbers (for thetime, etc.), Clear will clear all numbers entered. Otherwise Clear gives the option ofleaving the menu completely and going back to the HOME CONTROL mode, or staying inthe INSTALL mode.Menu buttonsDirect Menuaccess numbersOK buttonPRESS      THEN ENTER YOUR PIN. THEN USETO STEP THRU MENU ITEMS. THEN PRESS OK TOSELECT ITEM. OR PRESS NUMBERS BELOW.1. INSTALL 3. PHONE #S4. MESSAGE----Install Sensors & RemotesRecord/ Replay your message2. SET CLOCKEnte r time of dayStore up to 6 phone numbersChan ge your  4 Digi t P.I. N.Sensor, Remote, Timer, Master    - Chime, Siren, H Code, L CodeEntry, Exit, Dial, Answer delays- Set ON/OFF Timers5. NEW PIN6. MEMORY    CLEAR7. OPTIONS9. SET TIME R-- -8. DELAYSCLEAR GIVES OPTION TO LEAVE THE MENULabel on insideof left hand lid.1. INSTALL
1312InstallationInitializing Door/Window SensorsPry the two halves of the Door/Window Sensor apart and install2 AAA alkaline batteries inside. Observe polarity.Set switch to MAX (left) for doors, or MIN (right) for windows.Press and hold the button inside the Sensor for 3-4 secondsand then release it. This initializes the Sensor and picks arandom code that is used when it is registered with the Console.Replace cover and place the magnet next to the Sensor (withthe arrows aligned).The default PIN is 0000, see page 24 for how you can change this, but for now press0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left of the display). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.When you see INSTALL on the display, press OK. The display then looks like this:See pages 14 and 15 if you want to use an additional magnetic contact switch.Registering Door/Window Sensors with the ConsolePress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.InstallationInitializing Keyfob RemotesPress and hold the ARM button on the Keyfob remote for 3-4 secondsand then release it. This initializes the remote and picks a randomcode that is used when it is registered with the Console.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.When you see INSTALL on the display, press OK. The display then looks like this:Now simply press any button on the Keyfob remote. The Console acknowledges that ithas been registered by beeping and displaying RMOT 1 SET.Repeat this for any other Keyfob Remotes you want to register. The display increments toRMOT 2 SET, etc. as you register more remotes.Press Clear repeatedly to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO.Pressing 1 takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen.Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Registering the Keyfob Remote with the ConsolePress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 amINSTALLZONEENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 amINSTALLZONE
1514Installation• Set the DELAY slide switch (inside the Sensor) to MIN (for windows) to always triggerthe alarm instantly, or to MAX (for doors) to trigger the alarm after a preset entry delaywhen the system is armed in the AWAY mode.• Attach the Door/Window Sensor to the wall using the mounting screws provided.Replace the cover (since the unit has a tamper switch).• Fit the Door/Window Sensor as high as possible at the top of the door/window.• Make sure the arrows on the magnetic and the Door/Window Sensor are facing eachother and that they separate cleanly when the door or window is opened.• To protect two doors or windows close to each other, use the Door/Window Sensor withan additional set of magnetic switch contacts as shown in the diagrams above.The numbers 1 –32 in the display refer to up to 32 “zones.” These represent up to 30Door/Window Sensors and/or Motion Detectors you install, plus the 2 hard wired zones.The numbers show open zones, problem zones and bypassed zones by being displayedas steady on (door or window open), slow flash (there’s a problem with that zone) or fastflash (that zone has been bypassed). Attempting to arm with an open or problem zonemakes the Console beep continuously and it will display in words on the display what thecause is, but only for one zone at a time. Bypassing that zone (by pressing the Clearbutton) moves on to the next problem zone, if there is one.Two doors or windows(requires accessorymagnetic switch pair)Ideal locationSliding windowInstalling the Door/Window SensorsNow move the magnet away from the Door/Window Sensor. The Console acknowledgesthat it has been registered with a chime and by displaying ZONE 1 SET.Repeat this for any other Door/Window Sensors you want to register. The displayincrements to ZONE 2 SET, etc. as you register more Door Window Sensors. If youconnected a second magnetic switch to the contacts on the sensor (as shown on the nextpage) move its magnet away to install the second magnetic switch as a separate zone.If desired, you can specify what zone you want the Door Window Sensor to be registeredinto. Just press the number of the zone you want on the Console’s keypad, before youmove the magnet away to register the Door Window Sensor.Press Clear repeatedly to back out of the menu. After a short delay the display reverts toshowing HOME CONTROL on the top line and the time of day on the bottom line.Removing Door/ Window SensorsFollow the steps above to install a sensor. Then when the display shows:InstallationPress the number of the zone you desire (just as if you were going to register the Door/Window Sensor into that zone) but instead of registering the Door/Window Sensor, pressCLEAR on the Console’s keypad. The display asks you to confirm the deletion:Pressing 1 on the Console’s keypad changes the display to:Where 13 is the zone you selected. Pressing 2 instead takes you back to the INSTALLZONE screen.Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Remove shorting linkbefore installing hardwired magnetic contacts.***Note when you add a magneticswitch to a sensor you can register itwith the console as its own zone,e.g., the sensor itself can be zone 1and the extra magnet zone 2. Seeprevious page.INSTALLZONECLEAR ZONE1. YES 2. NOINSTALLZONE 13 OUT
1716InstallationNow simply press the TEST button on the back of the Motion Detector (or turn the unitover so that it sees motion). The Console will acknowledge that it has been registered bydisplaying (for example) ZONE 3 SET.Repeat this for any other Motion Detectors you want to register. The display increments toZONE 4 SET, etc. as you register more Motion Detectors.If desired, you can specify what zone you want the Motion Detector to be installed into.Just press the number of the zone you want on the Console’s keypad, before you pressthe TEST button on the back of the Motion Detector.Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Removing Motion DetectorsFollow the steps above to install a Motion Detector. When the display shows:Press the number of the zone you desire (just as if you were going to register the MotionDetector into that zone) but instead of pressing the TEST button on the Motion Detector(to register it) press CLEAR on the Console’s keypad. The display ask you to confirm thedeletion:Pressing 1 on the Console’s keypad changes the display to:Where 13 is the zone you selected. Pressing 2 instead takes you back to the INSTALLZONE screen.Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.InstallationInitializing Motion DetectorsRemove the cover on the front of the Motion Detector andinstall 2 AA alkaline batteries in the compartment.Replace the battery cover (the unit has a tamper switch).Press and hold the TEST button on the back of the MotionDetector for 3-4 seconds and then release it. This initializesthe Motion Detector and picks a random code that is usedwhen it is registered with the Console. Place the unit facedown, so that it won’t see any motion during the registeringprocess below.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.When you see INSTALL on the display, press OK. The display then looks like this:Registering the Motion Detector with the ConsolePress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 amINSTALLZONEINSTALLZONECLEAR ZONE1. YES 2. NOINSTALLZONE 13 OUT
1918InstallationHard-Wired InputsYou can also connect two hard-wired magnetic contact switches to the console.These will be zones 31 and 32.You can install a total of 30 additional zones, which can be a combination of Door/WindowSensors and Motion Detectors. So, for example, you could have 15 Door/WindowSensors, 15 Motion Detectors, and 2 hard-wired zones. The hard wired zones are treatedas delayed zones (i.e. they have exit and entry delays if you arm the system in the Awaymode).Installing the Motion Detector• Attach the Motion Detector to a wall at a height of 5 to 6 ft. using the mounting bracketand screws provided.• Point the Motion Detector so that it looks slightly downwards.• Set the slide switch (on the back) to position 1 for instant triggering for maximumsensitivity, or position 2 to trigger only after two movements have been sensed.MOTION DETECTOR5-6ft30-40ft90˚InstallationTesting the Motion Detector• Set the slide switch on the Motion Detector to position 1.• Press and hold the TEST button for about a second (untilthe LED indicator flashes twice) and then release it.• Wait 20 seconds for the Motion Detector to settle.• Walk in front of the Motion Detector. The LED indicatorlights each time movement is detected. Check thecoverage area and reposition the sensor as required.• Press the TEST button to return to normal operatingmode.Note: The Motion Detector will automatically return tonormal operating mode after about 2 minutes.Magnetic SwitchContacts (soldseparately).Remove shorting linkbefore installing hardwired magnetic contacts.Replace cover. (Tamper switchinside lid).
2120InstallationSetting the phone numbersPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the PHONE NUMS menu below, andthen press OK (or press 3, instead of up/down, to go into the PHONE NUMS menu):Press an up or down Menu button to select the desired sub-menu:PHONE 1, PHONE 2, PHONE 3, PHONE 4, PHONE 5, PHONE 6Press OK at the desired number (1-6). The display shows SET PH1, SET PH2, etc. Enterthe phone number, up to 16 digits (off/pm gives a pause). Press OK. This takes you to thenext phone number to be stored.Press Clear to back out of the menu. If you press Clear while entering numbers, beforeyou’ve finished setting the phone number, it clears the numbers. If you press Clear afteryou finished entering the phone number and pressed OK, you are asked to confirm,1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1 takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stayin the INSTALL menu.InstallationSetting the ClockPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the SET CLOCK menu, and then pressOK (or press 2, instead of an up or down menu button, to go directly to the screen below):Enter the time by pressing the digits on the Console’s keyboard. Then press am or pm.Then press OK.Press Clear to back out of the menu. If you press Clear while entering numbers, beforeyou’re finished setting the clock, it clears the numbers. If you press Clear after you’ve setthe time and pressed OK, you are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1 takes youback to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL2. SET CLOCK4:00 pmENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL3. PHONE NUMS
2322Press 1 for RECORD , then press OK. The display shows:InstallationThen:Clearly speak your message into the Console’s microphone (up to 12 seconds max.). Atypical message could be: “There’s an alarm in progress at (your address), at the end ofthis message please press any button on your touch-tone phone to listen in.” After you’vefinished speaking, wait for the display shown below:It then plays back your recorded message. Wait for the display shown below:InstallationRecording your outgoing phone messagePress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the MESSAGE menu, and then pressOK (or press 4, instead of an up or down menu button, to go into the MESSAGE menu):Press 1 or 2 to select one of the options below:1. RECORD (This is your own alarm message).2. REPLAY (This replays a previously recorded message).Now press 2 for REPLAY. The display shows:Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Note: you cannot record messages remotely via telephone.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL4. MESSAGE1. RECORD2. REPLAYPLEASE WAITSPEAK NOW1. RECORD2. REPLAYPLEASE WAIT1. RECORD2. REPLAY
2524InstallationClearing the memoryPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the MEMORY CLEAR menu below, andthen press OK (or press 6, instead of an up or down menu button, to go into theMEMORY CLEAR menu):Press an up or down Menu button to select the desired sub-menu.CLEAR ALL SENSORSCLEAR ALL REMOTESCLEAR ALL TIMERSMASTER RESETSelect the desired sub-menu item and then press OK. Press Clear to back out of themenu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1 takes you back to the HOMECONTROL screen. Pressing 2 stays in the MEMORY CLEAR menu. Note, selectingMASTER RESET immediately takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen.InstallationChanging your Personal Identification Number (PIN)Press either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display). This clears the top line and shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the NEW PIN menu below, and thenpress OK (or press 5, instead of an up or down menu button, to go directly to the screenbelow):Enter your new PIN (4 digits). Press OK.Note, choose a PIN that you are not likely to forget (a birthday, for example). If you forgetyour PIN you will need to reset the system and set everything up again. See page 39.Press Clear to back out of the menu. If you press Clear while entering numbers, beforeyou’re finished setting the new PIN, it clears the numbers. If you press Clear after you’veset the new PIN and pressed OK, you are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL5. NEW PINENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL6. MEMORY    CLEAR
2726InstallationSetting DelaysPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the DELAYS menu below, and thenpress OK (or press 8, instead of an up or down menu button, to go into the DELAYSmenu):Press the up or down Menu button to select the desired sub-menu:ENTRY DELAY (Default 30 seconds)EXIT DELAY (Default 60 seconds)DIAL DELAY (Default 5 seconds)ANSWER DELAY (Default 30 seconds)Select the desired sub-menu item and then press OK. Then enter the desired delay timein seconds up to 99 (press 0 first for single digit times). Press OK.Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Pressing Clear while entering a number (for a delay time) just clears the numbers.InstallationSetting OptionsPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the OPTIONS menu below, and thenpress OK (or press 7, instead of an up or down menu button, to go into the OPTIONSmenu):Press an up or down Menu button to select the desired sub-menu:CHIME 1. CHIME ON2. CHIME OFF (No chimes when doors/windows are opened)SIREN 1. SIREN ON2. SIREN OFF (Silent Alarm, but Console still dials out)HOUSECODE For X10/GE Module (Chosen by Menu up/down buttons)LIGHTCODE For flashing lights (Chosen by Menu up/down buttons)ANSWER TYPE 1. ANSWER ON  2. ANSWER OFF  3. VOICE MAILSelect the desired sub-menu item and then press OK. Press 1 or 2 in CHIME and SIRENsub-menus, press OK. Select the desired Housecode letter, or desired Security LightCode, using the up/down buttons, press OK. For ANSWER TYPE: 1 always answers, 2never answers, use option 3 if you have a voice mail service, press OK. (See page 37).Press Clear to back out of the menus. You are asked to confirm, 1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1takes you back to the HOME CONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL7. OPTIONSENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL8. DELAYS
29281. DAILYInstallationSetting Timers to turn lights on and off (requires X10/GE Modules)Press either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the SET TIMER menu below, and thenpress OK (or press 9, instead of an up or down menu button, to go to the NEW TIMERmenu):You will see NEW TIMER on the top line. If no timers have been entered yet, the up anddown Menu buttons will do nothing. If there are other timers already in memory the up anddown buttons will cycle around them and will always include NEW TIMER in the loop ifthere is empty space in the memory.To enter a new timer you must be on the NEW TIMER screen. Then press OK. The displayshows UNIT NUMBER on the top line. Using the number keys, enter a valid number (1-16)and press OK.Say for example you enter 12. The top line displays TIMER 12 ON. The bottom linedisplays a colon,  :Enter your desired ON time with the number keys followed by am or pm in the formatshown below, (or just press OK if you don’t want to set an ON time). Press Clear if youenter a wrong time.Then press OK. The top line displays TIMER 12 OFF. The bottom line displays a colon,  :Enter the OFF time as above and press OK, (or just press OK if you don’t want to set anOFF time). Press Clear if you enter a wrong time. The display shows 1. DAILY on thebottom line (top line blank).Using the up or down Menu buttons you can cycle around 1. DAILY, 2. ONCE ONLY, 3.RANDOM, or 4. ARMED ONLY. Select the one of your choice and press OK. The displayagain shows NEW TIMER. Now the up and down Menu buttons will cycle through theentered events in the form:Note you can set a total of 12 “timer pairs” i.e., ON-OFF times. If you set an ON time withno corresponding OFF time for that unit code (or vice versa) it still counts as a “timer pair.”RANDOM varies the time during the programmed hour. ARMED ONLY activates the timedevent ONLY when the system is armed (for a lived-in look when you’re away).InstallationENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL9. SET TIMERNEW TIMERUNIT NUMBERTIMER 12 ONTIMER 12 ON12:34amTIMER 12 OFF12ON 12:34am  OFF 12:45pm
3130InstallationReviewing/Canceling TimersPress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the lid to the bottom left of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the top line.The default PIN is 0000, so press 0000 on the keypad (under the lid to the bottom left ofthe display), or enter your PIN if you changed it (see page 24). This clears the top lineand shows * for each number entered.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.The display looks like this:Press an up or down menu button until you reach the SET TIMER menu below, and thenpress OK (or press 9, instead of an up or down menu button) to go into the NEW TIMERmenu):You will see NEW TIMER on the top line. If no timers have yet been entered the up anddown Menu buttons will do nothing. If there are other timers already in memory the up anddown buttons will cycle around them and will always include NEW TIMER in the loop ifthere is empty space in the memory.InstallationYou can cycle through (Review) your stored timers by pressing the up or down Menubuttons. This will show the stored timers in the form below:12ON 12:34am  OFF 12:45pmWhile a timer is on the display, pressing Clear deletes it. You are first asked: CLEARTIMER 1. YES 2. NO .Pressing 1 (for YES) deletes the timer and takes you to NEW TIMER to allow you to startentering a new timer. Pressing 2 takes you to NEW TIMER without deleting the one thatwas on the screen. Press Clear to back out of the menus.Replacing TimersYou can cycle through (Review) your timers by pressing the up or down Menu buttons.This will show the stored timers in the form below:12ON 12:34am  OFF 12:45pmWhile a timer is on the display, pressing OK takes you to the Replace Timer screen below.Selecting 1 for YES, takes you to the UNIT NUMBER screen below where you cancontinue to enter a new timer as described on page 29. Selecting 2 for NO takes you tothe NEW TIMER screen so you can enter a new timer without replacing the existing one.Press Clear the back out of the menus.Note, you can also clear ALL timers as described on page 25.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALL9. SET TIMERNEW TIMERCLEAR TIMER1. YES 2. NOREPLACE TIMR1. YES 2. NOUNIT NUMBER
3332Using the systemIf there’s a problemIf a door or window is open and you try to arm the system the display looks as below.(Where ZONE 9 is the door or window that’s open).If a Door/Window Sensor or Motion Detector has not reported in within the last 4 hours,and you try to arm the system, the display looks as below. (Where ZONE 12 is the Door/Window Sensor or Motion Detector that hasn’t reported in).If a Door/Window Sensor or Motion Detector has been tampered with, e.g. the batterycover is open, and you try to arm the system, the display looks as below. (Where ZONE 4is the Door/Window Sensor or Motion Detector that has been tampered with).For an open or problem zone, pressing the Clear (Bypass) button bypasses the problemzone and lets you arm the system. After pressing Bypass the next problem zone isdisplayed, (if there is more than one).You can’t arm the system while there’s a problem zone unless you fix the problem, orbypass the zone. If you try to arm the system while there’s a problem with one or morezone you will hear a repetitive “trouble alarm” to alert you that you need to bypass or fixthe problem zone(s).If you bypass a zone and then arm the system, that zone stays bypassed until you disarmthe system.If a Door/Window Sensor, Motion Detector, or the Console has been tampered with, youmust fix the problem (close the battery cover) and then enter your PIN, before you canarm the system. Note if the system is armed and a tamper occurs, the alarm trips.Using the systemArming the systemPress ARM HOME on the Console to arm ALL Door/Window Sensors instantly. MotionDetectors will not trip the system when it is armed in the ARM HOME mode.Press ARM AWAY to arm all Door/Window Sensors and Motion Detectors. This arms thesystem after a set delay. The delay will be what you specified as the EXIT DELAY on page27 (1 minute default). If you arm the system in the AWAY mode you will also have anentry delay when you enter your home before the alarm trips (from Door/Window Sensorsset to MAX, and from Motion Detectors), to give you time to disarm it. This delay will bewhat you specified for your ENTRY DELAY on page 27 (30 second default).Pressing ARM on the Keyfob remote always arms in the AWAY mode, (instantly). ALLDoor/Window Sensors and Motion Detectors trip instantly when armed from the Keyfob.Disarming the systemPressing DISARM on the Keyfob remote disarms the system instantly. The zone that wasviolated is shown in the display. To remove this press Arm and Disarm again.To disarm from the Console: Enter your 4 digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) thiswill be 0000 unless you changed it (see page 24).Entering the PIN clears the top line and shows * for each number entered.If the unit is armed it will disarm when the PIN is entered, and return to the time display,with DISARMED in the top line.ARMED HOME12:00 am****12:00 amDISARMED12:00 amOPENZONE 9PROBLEMZONE 12TAMPERZONE 4Then after a short delay the display reverts to HOME CONTROL mode.
3534Using the systemControls lights connectedto X10/GE modules thatare set to the SecurityLIGHT CODE you set inthe Console (see page 26).Press both buttons at thesame time to activate thepanic alarm.Using the systemWhen there’s an alarmWhen the system is armed (in Home or Away mode) and you open a protected door orwindow, or walk past a Motion Detector (if armed in the Away Mode), or activate the Panicfeature (by pressing BOTH Panic buttons at the same time on the Keyfob Remote) thealarm trips. The following then happens:•A loud siren sounds.•Lights (set to the security code) flash on and off (if you set up X10/GE modules).See pages 26, 36, and 37.•The Console dials the first phone number you set up. It then starts to play the recordedmessage you stored. E.G. “There’s an alarm in progress at (your address), at the endof this message please press any button on your touch-tone phone to listen in.” Note, itmight take a while before the person the Console called picks up the phone so theymight miss the first part of your message, but the message is repeated 3 times, sothey will get to hear the complete message.When the person who was called answers the call, listens to the message, waits for a gapbetween messages, and then presses a button on their phone. This activates amicrophone in the Console so they can listen in to your home, and will be able todetermine if there is suspicious activity going on. They can then take action. E.G. call thePolice for you. Note, if no one presses a button on their phone to listen in, as wouldhappen if an answering machine picked up the line, the console dials the next numberyou programmed it to (up to 6 numbers).IMPORTANT: Do NOT program the Console to call the Police directly.Note, the person who answers the phone needs to wait for a gap between the messagesbefore they can press a button on their phone to listen in (the message repeats threetimes, but might have already played once or twice before the person answers thephone).If no one answers the call (and presses a button on their phone) before the third messageis played, the Console dials the next number stored. It can take quite a long time to dial allthe numbers if you’ve stored 6 of them, and no one answers. But the siren stops soundingafter 4 minutes in any case (usually required by local ordinance). The unit still dials all thenumbers stored unless someone answers the call and presses a button on their phone.At the end of the 4 minutes the alarm stops, but the armed state is unchanged. I.E., thealarm is still armed. Any open Door or Window is automatically bypassed at that point. Soif a burglar has opened a window to get in, set the alarm off, but left the window open, thesystem continues to protect all other doors and windows without that Door/WindowSensor. (If it did not bypass it, the alarm would trip again whenever that Door/WindowSensor reported in again, which it does every 90 minutes).If the system is tampered withIf the system is armed and someone tampers with (opens the battery cover) on a Door/Window Sensor, Motion Detector, or the Console, the same thing happens as when thealarm is tripped by any other method. If the system is NOT armed and someone tamperswith a Door/Window Sensor, Motion Detector, or the Console, the word TAMPER appearsin the display but the system does not trip. You must fix the tamper, (close the batterycover) then enter your PIN to remove the word TAMPER from the display.Controlling lights and appliancesIf you install one or more Lamp Modules (sold separately), see pages 36 and 37, you cancontrol lights around your home from the Console. When the Console is in its normalstate it displays HOME CONTROL in the display. When its in this state you can simplypress the number button on the Console corresponding to the number set on the moduleand then press On or Off on the Console’s control panel to control the light connected tothe module.You can also control lights set to your Security LIGHTCODE from the Light On and LightOff buttons on the Keyfob Remote. These buttons on the Keyfob Remote control lightsconnected to X10/GE Modules that are set to the Security LIGHTCODE you set in theConsole. (See page 26). To control GE Modules your LIGHTCODE must be a numberbetween 1 and 8. For X10 Module your LIGHTCODE can be any number (1-16).Also, any lights connected to X10/GE Modules that are set to your Security LIGHTCODEflash on and off when the alarm trips. They stay on after an alarm until you turn them off,either from the Console, or from the Keyfob Remote.These lights also blink on for a second when the alarm is armed (from the Console) in theARM HOME Mode (or when armed from the keyfob Remote).  Or these lights turn on forthe exit delay time when the alarm is armed from the Console in the ARM AWAY Mode.
37363. Plug the Module intothe same wall outletas your controller (seetesting below).2. Plug a lamp intothe Module.1. Set the House Codeand Unit Code.Testing The X10 Module(s)Make sure the lamp's switch is on. Plug the X10 Lamp Module into the same wall outletas your Console’s power supply,  press the number button on the Console thatcorresponds to the Unit Code setting on the Module (1-16), then press On or Off. If theModule turns on and off you can unplug the Module and move it to its permanent location.If you can’t control the module, visit for help.RatingsThe Lamp Module can be used to control an incandescent lamp rated up to 300W. It isnot suitable for other types of lamps such as fluorescent or energy saving lamps, lowvoltage lamps, or lamps that include a dimmer control. Caution: Do not connect anappliance such as a coffee pot or heater to a Lamp Module. It may damage the Moduleand/or the appliance and could cause a fire hazard. Use an Appliance Module instead.Setting the (optional) X10 LampModule’s CodeUsing a small screwdriver, set the redHouse Code dial to the same letter asyour Console is set to. Set the Black UnitCode dial to your Security Code (seepage 26).UNIT CODEDIALHOUSE CODEDIALOptional X10 Lamp Modules Optional GE Lamp ModulesSetting the (optional) GE LampModule’s CodeSet the Unit Code dial on the front of theGE Module to your Security Code. Mustbe between 1 and 8.  (See page 26).UNIT CODEDIALSet the House Code on the GE Module(s) to match the House Code for the Console (seepage 26). To set the Module’s House Code, remove the small tab labelled House Code onthe back of the GE Module using a small screwdriver. Set the House Code to match theConsole’s House Code (the Console must use House Code A, B, C, or D if you want it tocontrol GE Modules).House Code AshownFollow the instructions that came with the GE Module(s) and observe the ratings on theback of the module:  1200W Max. resistive load, 600W Max. tungsten lamps, 1/3 HPmotor load.Testing The GE Module(s)Make sure the lamp's switch is on. Plug the GE Module into the same wall outlet as yourConsole’s power supply, press the number button on the Console that corresponds to theUnit Code setting on the Module (1-8), then press On or Off. If the Module turns on andoff you can unplug the Module and move it to its permanent location. If you can’t controlthe module, visit  for help.
3938GeneralDoor/Window Sensors, Motion Detectors and Keyfob remotes are designed to operate forapproximately one year when fitted with the appropriate batteries. Since operatingconditions vary from installation to installation however, it is recommended that allbatteries are replaced every 6 months.Security ConsoleBattery backupThe batteries in the Security Console are used as a backup when there has been apower failure. The batteries provides approximately 12 hours of backup time provided thealarm has not been triggered.While on battery backup, the Console will continue to operate, and will sound the sirenand dial out if the alarm is tripped. It will not, of course, flash the house lights (becausethere’s no AC power).If both the AC supply and the batteries fail, the Console will no longer dial out or soundthe siren. You will NOT lose its stored telephone numbers, recorded message, or installedsensors and remotes, but you WILL need to reset the clock for the correct time of day.Battery ReplacementBatteries can be replaced at any time, even while the unit is powered up. There is nospecial procedure for battery replacement. Use 4 AA alkaline batteries.Keyfob RemotesBattery ReplacementProviding the batteries have not already failed, they can be replaced with fresh batterieswithout the need to reregister the remote. After removing the old batteries fresh batteriesmust be fitted within 30 seconds to ensure that the security code is retained.Gently pry the 2 halves of the Keyfob Remote’s case apart and install two CR2016 lithiumbatteries in the compartment (+ facing up). Press the 2 halves of the cabinet backtogether.Once the batteries have been replaced, confirm that the remote is still registered with theConsole by arming the system. If it does not arm, the code has been lost and you willneed to proceed as described below.If the batteries have failed completely, the remote’s code will have been lost. The remotewill need to be reinstalled following the procedure on page 12.Battery InformationThe Console has remote telephone access, with voice responses to acknowledge receiptof remote commands.When you call home, the Console answers and says “Please enter PIN.” You enter yourPIN using the touch tone buttons on the remote telephone.If the PIN is entered correctly it says “PIN accepted”. If wrong it says “Error.”Pressing 0, then * (on the remote telephone’s touch tone keypad) arms the Console.Pressing 0, then # disarms the Console.Pressing 9, then 9, then * tells you the current system status: I.E. it says Armed Home,Armed away, Disarmed, Panic alarm, or Alarm in zone (1 – 32).The numbers 1 –32 in the display refer to up to 32 “zones.” These represent the Door/Window Sensors/Motion Detectors you installed. Therefore if the alarm tripped becausezone 3 was violated, when you call in and press 9, 9, * you will hear “Alarm in zone 3.”Remotely controlling lights (or appliances) via telephoneIf you install X10 or GE modules (sold separately), see pages 36 and 37, you can controllights and appliances around your home from any touch tone telephone in the world.When you call home, the Console answers and says “Please enter PIN.”If the PIN is entered correctly it says “PIN accepted”. If wrong it says “Error.”If you then press 4, then * on the touch tone phone, it says “4 On” and turns on any X10/GE module(s) set to Unit Code 4 (and the same Housecode as the Console is set to).If you then press 1, then 6, then # on the touch tone phone, it says “16 Off” and turns offany X10 module(s) set to Unit Code 16 (and the same Housecode as the Console is setto). Note, GE  Modules can only be set to 1-8. See page 26 to change the Housecode.If you have an answering machine, or voice mail service.If you own an answering machine, you will normally set it to answer after a few rings. Inthis case, when the answering machine answers a call (or if there’s someone home whopicks up the phone), the security system will NOT answer the call and will NOT say“Please enter PIN.” You can still however go ahead and enter the PIN to access thesecurity system features above. Just wait until your answering machine finishes itsoutgoing message and then enter your security system PIN. Note, your answeringmachine will record the touch tones you hear when you press buttons to turn lights onand off, etc. and will also record the messages played back by the security system.If you have voice mail provided by your phone company, you can set the Console so thatyou call once, hang up and call right back (within 20 seconds). On the second call theConsole answers (so the call doesn’t get diverted to voice mail). See Options on page 26.Operation from an Outside Telephone
4140If you hear a repetitive trouble alarmwhen you try to arm the system, and itdoes not arm.Check the Console’s display. If a door orwindow is open, its zone # will indicatethere’s a PROBLEM.• Press DISARM. Check each Door/Window Sensor is working properlyand that no doors or windows areopen. Then arm the system.Or:• While the trouble alarm is sounding,press CLEAR on the Console tobypass the problem zone (the displayshows that it has been BYPASSED).Then arm the system again.• Or if the display shows TAMPER,check the cover on the sensor ormotion detector for that zone.• Or check that the center lid on theConsole it closed.• Check that the indicator on the Remoteturns on when you press ARM.Replace the batteries and reregisterthe Remote with the Console ifnecessary.If the system does not arm.Console displays PROBLEM followed byZone number when you try to arm it. One of the sensors/motion detectors hasnot reported in, in the last 4 hours.Check that the batteries in the sensor/motion detector are good.Or a protected door or window is open.If you need to arm the system and wantto ignore a sensor/motion detector whichis not functioning:1. Press CLEAR on the Console whilethe problems is being displayed.2. Then press ARM on the Remote. Theproblem zone is not protected but allother zones are armed.SOLUTIONPROBLEMTroubleshootingDoor/Window Sensors and Motion DetectorsBattery ReplacementIf a zone has not reported in to the Console during the last four hours, the display willshow PROBLEM and the appropriate zone number when you try to arm the system. Thisis most likely caused by dead batteries in the sensor for that zone.As with the remotes, as long as the batteries have not completely failed they may bereplaced with fresh batteries without the need to reregister the Door/Window Sensor orMotion Detector. After removing the old batteries the new batteries must be fitted within30 seconds to ensure that the code is retained.Testing the Door/Window SensorOnce the batteries have been replaced, the Door/Window Sensor should be tested asfollows:• Make sure the system is NOT armed.• Open the door or window with the sensor attached. The Console chimes toacknowledge and the zone # is displayed on the LCD.• If you don’t hear a chime, reregister the Door/Window Sensor, as described on page 13Testing the Motion SensorTo test the Motion Detector:• Make sure the system IS armed.• Walk past the Motion Detector. The alarm trips. Press disarm on the Keyfob Remote.• If the alarm doesn’t trip, reregister the Motion Detector, as described on page 16.Clearing Remotes & Sensors from the ConsoleIf you suspect that a neighbor’s system is causing false alarms, or if you need to reinstallKeyfob Remotes, Door/Window Sensors, and/or Motion Detectors for any other reason,you can clear all sensors and remotes from the Console’s memory by following the stepson page 25. Before reregistering your remotes, Door/Window Sensors, and MotionDetectors you should reinitialize them - remove the batteries, press a button for 5seconds then refit the batteries. Then follow the steps to reinitialize the unit (pages 12, 13,or 16 as appropriate).If you forget your PINWhile in normal Home Control mode:Press 7, 9, On. The display shows all 32 numbers and all letters A thru Z.Press Clear. The display returns to Home Control, and the PIN is reset to 0000.Note, everything in the Console is reset so you will need to set everything up again.Battery Information
4342If you do not hear a beep from theConsole when you register a Door/Window Sensor or Motion Detector.With the Console NOT armed check thatit chimes when you press TEST inside theDoor/Window Sensor, or the alarm tripswhen you press test on a Motion Detector(when the system IS armed). If it does,then the sensor is already installed andno further action is necessary. If not:• Reregister the sensor/motion detector(see Setting Up Door/Window Sensorsand Setting Up Motion Detectors.If the battery indicator on the Console ison. Replace the Console’s batteries. Four AAalkaline batteries provides approximately12 hours of backup. Replace batteries atleast once a year.If you lose your remote control. Reregister your complete system toprevent someone else from using the lostremote control. See bottom of page 39.If the system Arms or Disarms by itself A neighbor may have a compatiblesystem. Reinstall the complete system sothat it chooses different RF codes. Seebottom of page 39.If the light on the Keyfob Remote stays onduring initialization. Remove the batteries, press a button fora few seconds, release, then replace thebatteries. Press and hold the ARM buttonon the Keyfob Remote for a few secondsand then release it. This initializes theremote and picks a random code that isused when it is registered with theConsole. Reregister the remote.If you do not hear a beep from the Consolewhen you press ARM to install a Remote. Reinitialize the remote (see page 12).PROBLEM SOLUTIONTroubleshootingIf the alarm trips when you enter thehouse before you have time to disarm it. Arm the system in the AWAY mode.• Be sure you set the correct SECURITYLIGHT Code in the Console, seepages 26 and 35.• Be sure the light you are trying tocontrol has its on/off switch in the onposition. Be sure its bulb is good.• Plug the Module into another outletnear the Console.• Check that the indicator on the KeyfobRemote comes on when you press abutton. Replace batteries andreregister the remote if necessary.• Check the dials on the Modules.Lights will not turn on or off from the ONor OFF buttons on the Keyfob Remote.PROBLEM SOLUTIONTroubleshootingYou open a door or window and the alarmdoes not trip. • Check that the system is armed.• Check to see if the alarm trips whenyou press TEST inside the Door/Window Sensor.• If the alarm does not trip when youpress TEST, check that the indicator onthe sensor comes on when you pressTEST.If the indicator does not come on, replacethe batteries and reinstall the sensor ifnecessary.If appliances turn off during an alarm. The system flashes lights by repetitivelytransmitting the SECURITY light on andoff code.Any Appliance Modules set to the samecode will therefore turn on and off.
4544The GE Security System can flash lights on and off when the alarm trips. You connect thelights you want it to control to X10 and/or GE Lamp Modules, Wall Switch Modules, andScrew-in Modules (sold separately).  The SC13A Security Console acts as a “Transceiver”and passes commands received from wireless remote controls onto your house wiring, soyou can use X10 wireless remote controls to control the same lights that the SecuritySystem flashes. You can also use X10 remote controls to control Appliance Modules, etc.The system also sends RF wireless commands to GE wireless modules.The SC13A Security Console also works with X10 wireless motion detectors, again actingas a Transceiver, to pass the commands from the motion detectors to the X10 Modules.Expanding Your SystemIntercom SystemsIntercom systems which send voice signals over existing electrical wiring may interferewith the ability to control X10 Modules from your security system with the intercom in use.If the intercom system has its own separate wiring it will not cause a problem.The alarm cause is shown on the displayeven after disarming. To remove, Arm and Disarm from aremote, or disarm by entering the PIN onthe Console.If the optional PowerHorn does not tripwhen the alarm trips. • Be sure you set the dials on thePowerHorn to the same SECURITYLIGHT code as set in the Console, seepage 26.• Plug the PowerHorn into another outletnear the Console.The Motion Detector causes false alarms. • All brands of motion detectors sensemotion by detecting a change intemperature, therefore do not place thedetector near any sources of heat suchas over a heating vent or an airconditioner.• Do not place in a direct source ofbright light, such as sunlight.PROBLEM SOLUTIONTroubleshootingSiren doesn’t sound when the alarm istripped. Check that you didn’t accidentally set theConsole for Silent Alarm (SIREN OFF).See Options settings on page 26.If TAMPER appears in the display. Fix the problem (close the  battery coveron the Sensor or the Console, then enteryou PIN.Jasco Products Company warrants this product to be free from manufacturing defects fora period of ninety days from the original date of consumer purchase.  This warranty islimited to the repair or replacement of this product only and does not extend toconsequential or incidental damage to other products that may be used with this unit.This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied.  Some states do notallow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or permit the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not applyto you.  This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights whichvary from state to state.   If unit should prove defective within the warranty period, returnprepaid with dated proof of purchase to:Jasco Products Company311 N.W. 122ndOklahoma City, OK  73114LIMITED 90 DAY WARRANTY
4746Notes Notes
JSC1300 -02/05Supervised Security SystemJasco Products Company311 N.W. 122ndOklahoma City, OK  73114

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