Authinx KR33A PANIC BUTTON User Manual 49 1006 UG pmd

Authinx Inc. PANIC BUTTON 49 1006 UG pmd


InstallationInitializing Panic ButtonsPress and hold the CALL button on thePanic Button remote for 3-4 secondsand then release it. This initializes theremote and picks a random code that isused when it is registered with theConsole.Registering the Panic Button with the ConsolePress either of the Menu up/down buttons (under the Console’slid to the bottom right of the display). This takes you to the firstlevel of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATION level.When you see INSTALL on the display, press OK.Now simply press CALL on the Panic Button. The Consoleacknowledges that it has been registered by beeping anddisplaying RMOT 1 SET.Repeat this for any other Panic Buttons you want to register.The display increments to RMOT 2 SET, etc. as you install morePanic Buttons.Press Clear to back out of the menu. You are asked to confirm,1. YES, 2 NO. Pressing 1 takes you back to the HOMECONTROL screen. Press 2 to stay in the INSTALL menu.Panic Button Battery ReplacementPanic Buttons are designed to operate for approximately oneyear when fitted with the appropriate batteries. Since operatingconditions vary from installation to installation however, it isrecommended that all batteries are replaced every 6 months.Providing the batteries have not already failed, they can bereplaced with fresh batteries without the need to reregister thePanic Button. After removing the old batteries fresh batteriesmust be fitted within 30 seconds to ensure that the securitycode is retained.Gently pry the 2 halves of the Panic Button’s case apart andinstall two CR2016 lithium batteries in the compartment (+facing up). Press the 2 halves of the cabinet back together.Once the batteries have been replaced, confirm that the PanicButton is still registered in the Console by pressing STOP. If theConsole does NOT chime, the code has been lost and you willneed to proceed as described below.If the batteries have failed completely, the Panic Button’s codewill have been lost. It will need to be reinstalled following theprocedure the Console’s owner’s manual.
FCC StatementThis equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy,and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accor-dance with the manufacturers instructions, may cause interfer-ence to radio and television reception. It has been type testedand found to comply with the limits for remote control securitydevices in accordance with the specifications in Sub-Parts Band C of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to providereasonable protection against such interference in a residentialinstallation. However, there is no guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by unplugging the equipment, try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing the interfer-ence.• Relocate the Console with respect to theradio/TV.• Move the Console away from the radio/TV.• Plug the Console into an outlet on a different electrical circuitfrom the radio/TV experiencing the interference.If necessary, consult your local RadioShack store for additionalsuggestions.The Plug ‘n Power Personal Assistance System providespeace of mind at a price nobody can resist. When trippedfrom the Panic Button the Console sounds its alarm, thendials up to 6 phone numbers and plays up to 12 secondsof voice message (in your voice) to a friend who can thenpress a key on their telephone to activate the Console’smicrophone. This lets them listen in to your home todetermine the cause of the problem. They can then sendassistance if necessary.A couple of typical messages below give an idea of howthe system could help you or a loved-one (you make upyour own messages).RadioShack Corporation, Ft. Worth, TX 76102.Panic ButtonCat. No. 49-1006“This is Mr. Brown. I’ve fallen and I can’t get to the phone. Please press 0 to listen-in.”“There’s a strange noise in my house and I’m afraid to go to the phone.Please press 0 to listen-in.”Features:●●●●●Built-in alarm.●●●●●Easy installation – just plug it in.●●●●●Flashing house lights (optional).●●●●●Remote control of house lights (optional).●●●●●Wireless water resistant call pendant (wear it in the shower or bath tub).●●●●●Built-in programmable voice dialer (automatically dials a friend or neighbor forhelp).●●●●●Calls a friend or neighbor (not a monitoring service) so there is no monthlymonitoring fee.●●●●●Friend or neighbor can listen-in to your home to determine the nature of theproblem.●●●●●You can add Lamp Modules to flash lamps and remotely control lampsanywhere in the home.●●●●●You can add Appliance Modules to remotely control TVs, stereos, coffee pots,etc.●●●●●You can add Wall Switch Modules to control or flash outside lights.

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