Authinx MS17A Motion Detector User Manual 49 1003 UG pmd

Authinx Inc. Motion Detector 49 1003 UG pmd

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Initializing Motion DetectorsRemove the cover on the front of the Motion Detector and install2 AAA alkaline batteries in the compartment. Replace the cover.Press and hold  the TEST button on the back of the MotionDetector for a second and then release it. This initializes theMotion Detector and picks a random code that is used when it isregistered with the Console.ENTER PIN12:00 am****12:00 am1. INSTALLEntering the PIN clears the top line and shows * for each number entered. Thedefault PIN is 0000, you’ll find out later how you can change this, but for now press0000 on the keyboard under the Console’s flip up lid.This takes you to the first level of the menu at step 1. This is the INSTALLATIONlevel. The display looks like this:Press OK and the display looks like this:Registering the Motion Detector with the Console.Press either of the Console’s 2 Menu up/down buttons (to the right of the display).The display then shows ENTER PIN (Personal Identification Number) in the topline.1. INSTALLZONEInstalling the Motion Detector• Attach the Motion Detector to a wall at a height of 5 to 6 ft. using the mountingbracket and screws provided.Note: The Motion Detector has a special lens that ‘looks’ downwards. It musttherefore be mounted to face outwards horizontally, i.e. do not ‘aim’ the sensordownwards.• Set the slide switch (on the back) to position 1 for instant triggering for maximumsensitivity or position 2 to trigger only after two movements have been sensed.MOTION DETECTOR5-6ft30-40ft90˚Testing the Motion Detector• Set the slide switch on the Motion Detector to position1.• Press and hold the TEST button for about a second.The LED flashes twice when you release it.• Wait 20 seconds for the Motion Detector to settle.• Walk in front of the Motion Detector. The indicatorLED lights each time it senses movement. Check thecoverage area and reposition the sensor as required.• Press the TEST button to return to normal operatingmode.Note: The Motion Detector will automatically return tonormal operating mode after about 2 minutes.
Battery ReplacementIf any zone shows LOW BATT on the Console’s display, the Motion Detector forthat zone will need its batteries replacing. Also, if a zone has not reported in duringthe last four hours, the display will show PROBLEM. This is most likely caused bydead batteries.As long as the batteries have not completely failed they may be replaced with freshbatteries without the need to reinstall the Motion Detector. After removing the oldbatteries fresh batteries must be fitted within 30 seconds to ensure that the securitycode is retained.To test the Motion Detector:Once the batteries have been replaced, the Motion Detector should be tested asfollows:• Make sure the system is NOT armed.• Press the TEST button on the back of the Motion Detector. The Console chimes toacknowledge and the zone # is displayed on the LCD.FCC StatementThis equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed andused properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, maycause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and foundto comply with the limits for remote control security devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed toprovide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television recep-tion, which can be determined by unplugging the equipment, try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing the interference.• Relocate the Console with respect to theradio/TV.• Move the Console away from the radio/TV.• Plug the Console into an outlet on a different electrical circuit from the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.If necessary, consult your local RadioShack store for additional suggestions.Motion Detector Cat. No 49-1003The plug ‘n power Supervised Security System Cat. No 49-1000 includes a SecurityConsole with an automatic dialer that calls neighbors or friends in the event of abreak in. A battery powered RF Door/Window Sensors and battery powered RFMotion Detector to trigger the alarm, and an RF and Keychain Remote control forarming and disarming the system. All sensors and remotes incorporate randomdigital security coding.The system may be configured with any combination of the following items:• Up to 16* Keychain Security Remotes with arm/disarm and panic functions, andbuttons to control security lights in and around the home.• Up to 32* magnetic switch operated wireless Door/Window Sensors.• Up to 32* wireless PIR Motion Detectors.• Additional plug ‘n power Home Automation modules such as plug-in lamp andappliance modules and wired-in replacement wall switches can be added to thesystem (one Lamp Module included).This manual for the 49-1000 system describes the installation process for thesecurity elements of the system, and should be referred to as a supplement to thisinstruction booklet.*Note: Door/Window Sensors and Motion Detectors may be added in anycombination up to a total of 32.RadioShack Corporation, Ft. Worth, TX 76102.

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