Authinx VT42A Remote Music Player User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
Authinx Inc. Remote Music Player Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
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Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
R EMOTE M USIC P LA YER LAYER OWNER’S MANUAL A ll Lt s on S ETUP LEARN AUDIO CBL PC TV X10 CH+ on VT42A VOL VOL+ brt dim of f CH 2 ABC 3DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8 TUV 9WXYZ Add Delete A/B ALBUM ARTI ST GENRE TRACK PAGE PAGE E NTE R DOWN UP P LAY LI ST VR38A S CA N P LAY ING TOP E ND FI ND S ELECT REW P LAY F. F REC S TOP PAUSE S CA N+ UR89A Basic Model, MK10A (UR89A + CM19A) Deluxe Model, MK11A (UR89A + VT42A + VR38A) CM19A C ONTENTS INTRODUCTION Introduction ................................................................................................... 3 Your Lola™ Wireless Audio/Video Sender kit consists of a Sender which connects to the video and audio output jacks on your PC, and a Receiver which you connect to your TV and/or audio system. It includes the Lola software program that you install from X10’s Web Site. You control the Audio/Video Sender and software using a remote control (included). The Sender converts the audio and video signals from your PC into wireless Radio Frequency (RF) signals and transmits them (even through walls) to the Receiver. The Receiver converts the signals back to their original form and passes them to your TV and/or audio system. The Lola software application lets you listen to audio files stored on your computer’s hard drive, in a variety or formats (MP3, wma, rm, wav, etc.), on any TV or audio system in your home, and you can control everything using the remote control while sitting in front of your TV. Basic System ................................................................................................ 4 Deluxe System .............................................................................................. 5 Installing the Software .................................................................................. 6 Basic System ........................................................................................... 6 Deluxe System ......................................................................................... 7 Operation ...................................................................................................... 8 Media Manager ....................................................................................... 8 Using Lola .............................................................................................. 10 Using the Remote ....................................................................................... 12 Installing the batteries ............................................................................ 12 Button Descriptions ............................................................................... 13 Connecting up the Audio/Video Sender (Deluxe System only) .................. 14 Connecting up the Audio/Video Receiver (Deluxe System only) ............... 15 Advanced Options ...................................................................................... 17 Using the Remote to Control Your TV/Audio system ........................... 17 Code Search .......................................................................................... 17 Code Identification ................................................................................. 18 Learning Codes ...................................................................................... 18 Code List ............................................................................................... 19 Home Control ............................................................................................. 22 Controlling X10 Modules ....................................................................... 23 Changing the Remote’s Housecode ....................................................... 24 Changing the Remote’s Master Code. .................................................. 24 Fine Tuning Your System ............................................................................ 25 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 26 The Basic System includes the UR89A remote control, a CM19A USB PC Receiver, the Lola software, and all connecting cables. The Deluxe System includes the UR89A remote control, a VT42A Wireless Audio/Video Sender with built in USB PC Receiver, a Wireless Audio/Video Receiver, and the Lola software, and all connecting cables. To video in on VT42A VGA Out To your PC’s monitor. Sound Card To your PC’s speakers. VGA Out VR38A A/V Receiver TV To audio in on VT42A Video Card USB Port Sound Card 100 ft. SCAN+ STOP REC F.F PLAY REW This lets you view the Lola application on your PC, and listen to audio files through your PC’s speakers. You can also directly connect the video and sound outputs from your PC to a TV using the RCA, S-Video, and Audio, jacks and cables. All connecting cables are included. SCAN+ STOP REC F.F PLAY REW SCAN FIND PAUSE PAGE SELECT END TOP TRACK 9WXY DOWN PLAYING ENTER 6MNO UP PLAYLIST PAGE DAdd elete 3DEF 8TUV 7PQR GENRE 5 JK 4 GHI CH 2ABC ARTIST dim ALBUM br t off PC CBL All Lts o X10 VO L+ CH + on LEARN The remote controls the Lola application in your PC via the CM19A receiver. The CM19A connects to your PC’s USB port. 100 ft. AUDIO SETUP VT42A A/V Sender TV UR89A Wireless Remote A/ B SCAN FIND PAUSE PAGE SELECT END TOP TRACK 9WXY DOWN PLAYING ENTER 6MNO UP PLAYLIST PAGE Add Del ete 3DEF 8TUV 7PQR GENRE 5 JK 4 GHI CH 2ABC ARTIST dim ALBUM X10 All Lts o PC br t off CBL LEARN CH + on AUDIO TV SETUP 100 ft. V OL V OL CM19A Receiver A/ B USB Port VO L+ UR89A Wireless Remote The remote controls the Lola application in your PC via the receiver built into the VT42A. The VT42A connects to your PC’s USB port. The VT42A sends the sound and picture from your PC to the VR38A that you connect to a TV anywhere in your home. This lets you view the Lola application on your TV, hear the music files stored in your PC on your TV’s speakers, and control the Lola application while sitting in front of your TV with the remote. Or you can connect the VR38A receiver to your audio system, view Lola on your PC’s monitor and listen to the music files stored in your PC on the speakers connected to your audio system. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE SOFTWARE INSTALLATION FOR DELUXE SYSTEM (VT42A) Basic vs Deluxe Systems The Basic System includes the UR89A remote control, a CM19A USB PC Receiver, the Lola software, and all connecting cables. Before you install the software, unpack the hardware components and have the Sender (Model VT42A) near your PC ready to connect it up when the Lola software installation program instructs you to do so. The Deluxe System includes the UR89A remote control, a VT42A Wireless Audio/Video Sender with built in USB PC Receiver, a Wireless Audio/Video Receiver, the Lola software, and all connecting cables. IMPORTANT: Do NOT connect the USB connector before you install the software. Go to page 12 if you purchased the Deluxe System. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION FOR BASIC SYSTEM (CM19A) Before you install the software, unpack the hardware components and have the USB Receiver (Model CM19A) near your PC ready to connect it up when the Lola software installation program instructs you to do so. IMPORTANT: Do NOT connect the USB connector before you install the software. Log on to the Internet and go to the web address in the e-mail you received when your order was confirmed (or visit There you will be able to install the software (you need to be connected to the Internet while you install the software). Follow the instructions to install it. At the appropriate point in the installation you will be instructed to plug the Receiver’s USB connector into your PC’s USB port. When you do this, Windows® will tell you it has found new hardware and will automatically install the X10 USB driver for the CM19A. Follow the instructions to complete the software installation. Log on to the Internet and go to the web address in the e-mail you received when your order was confirmed (or visit There you will be able to install the software (you need to be connected to the Internet while you install the software). Follow the instructions to install it. At the appropriate point in the installation you will be instructed to plug the Sender’s USB connector into your PC’s USB port. When you do this, Windows® will tell you it has found new hardware and will automatically install the X10 USB driver for the Sender. Follow the instructions to complete the software installation. USB connector Do not connect to your PC until you install the Lola software. Model VT42A USB connector Do not connect to your PC until you install the Lola software. Model CM19A After the software installation is complete, connect the VT42A’s power supply to the jack on the back of the unit and plug the power supply into an AC outlet. Make sure the switch on the side of the unit is ON. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. OPERATION MEDIA MANAGER Before using Lola you will need to use Media Manager to scan your computer for music files and import them into Lola. Lola then uses that information to display your music in an easy to use format that can be accessed by remote control from anywhere in your home. Select Run Media Manager from the Lola folder under your Windows Start button. Select Scan Computer for Media from the Tools menu. A screen like the one below appears. After Media Manager files all your music files, click on Import Files. Click on the Browse button to find the location that you store your music files (if desired), then click on Start Search. Or scan your entire computer by clicking on Start Search. Media Manager searches your computer for music files and lists them as they are found. After you’ve imported all your music files into Lola, exit the Media Manager and run Lola. Note you can also right-click on the screen while Lola is running and select Run Media Manager. USING LOLA After you’ve installed the Lola software, connected up the hardware, and turned on your PC, the Lola shortcut icon shown below appears on your desktop. You can use Media Manager included with Lola to search the Internet for the album covers for the albums you import into Lola and displays them on screen. Double-click on the Lola shortcut icon on your desktop to launch Lola. If you don’t see the icon, run Lola from the Windows Start button. If during installation you chose to have the Lola Controller run at startup, you can simply press the Power button on the remote to launch Lola. Press the Genre button on the remote. A screen similar to the one below appears on your PC’s screen. Select your favorite tracks from any album, play them in order, or out of sequence. Create your own albums and Play Lists. All Lts on SETUP LEARN AUDIO CBL PC X10 TV CH+ on VOL VOL+ brt dim off CH 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ Add Delete ALBUM ARTIST A/B GENRE TRACK PAGE PAGE ENTER UP DOWN PLAYING PLAYLIST SCAN TOP END FIND SELECT REW PLAY F.F REC STOP PAUSE SCAN+ The software displayed on your PC lets you select music by Album, by Artist, by Genre (Rock, Jazz, Country, etc.) or you can list all your tracks in sequence. You can also create and display your own Play Lists. The buttons on the remote match the categories shown on your PC screen. When used with X10’s 2.4 GHz Audio/Video Sender, you can display the above on any TV in your home. This lets you sit in front of your TV and select and play all the music stored in your PC using the remote control. You can hear your music through your TV’s speakers, through a surroundsound system connected to your TV, or you can send the music to your stereo system - with no wires! See Lola’s Help for more information. 10 11 USING THE REMOTE The Lola Remote works with the CM19A Receiver (Basic system) or VT42A Receiver/Transmitter (Deluxe system). The remote sends commands to the Receiver which is connected to your PC. This lets you access all the features of the Lola application from the comfort of your easy chair. BUTTON DESCRIPTIONS Setup Used to setup the remote to control your TV or audio system (see page xx): Learn Learns TV/Audio codes not in the remote’s library (see page xx): Power Hides/Reopens Lola. Also operates your TV/Stereo. Press the corresponding button on the remote (color matched to the buttons on the screen) to view your music files by Album, by Artist, by Genre (Rock, Jazz, Country, etc.) or to list them all by track. PC, TV, Audio Changes the remote’s control from Lola, to TV, to audio system, respectively. Press the Playlist button to view playlists that you previously set up in Media Manager. 0-9 Selects track numbers directly. Press Now Playing to view details on the track you’re currently playing. A/B Selects input mode on your TV. Use the up and down cursor keys on the remote to navigate around each screen and then use Play, Stop, Pause, etc. when you select the Album, Artist list, Genre, or playlist that you want to play. Album, Artist, Genre, Track Selects how you want to display/select your music files. INSTALL THE BATTERIES IN THE REMOTE. All Lts on SETUP X10 Used for Home Control functions. Add/Delete Marks a track to be added to a playlist, or excluded from play. Up, Down, Left, Right Arrows Moves around the current list displayed. Works like a joystick. LEARN AUDIO CBL Enter Opens the current selection. (Like pressing joystick button). PC X10 TV Page Up and Down Moves up and down through screens. CH+ on Push the tab and lift off the battery cover. VOL VOL+ brt dim Playlist Displays your play lists. Playing Displays info on the track that’s playing. off CH Insert four AAA alkaline batteries, taking care to match the + and - marks in the battery compartment. 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ Add Delete ALBUM ARTIST A/B GENRE TRACK PAGE ENTER DOWN UP SCAN Play, Stop, Pause, FF, REW, Scan+/- Used like you would use on your CD player. PAGE PLAYLIST 12 Top, End, Find, Order Used to move around within, and organize your music files. Top and end go to the top and end of a list. Find lets you find albums/artists/tracks by name using the ABC, DEF, etc., on the numeric buttons (like you enter names on a cell phone). Order lets you rearrange the order of albums/artists/tracks. PLAYING TOP END FIND SELECT REW PLAY F.F REC STOP PAUSE SCAN+ Play Plays the currently highlighted selection. Also, with Add/Delete, used to exclude a track from play. Record Saves the track exclusion for every time Lola is run. See the help in the Lola software for more information. To access the help, rightclick your mouse button while at your PC. 13 CONNECTING UP THE AUDIO SENDER (SKIP PAGES 14 THRU 16 IF YOU HAVE THE BASIC SYSTEM) CONNECTING UP THE RECEIVER Connecting the receiver to your TV lets you see the picture displayed on your PC’s monitor on a TV located up to 100 ft. away from your PC. 1. Connect the jack on the audio cable (supplied) to the speaker/headphone jack, or line out jack on your PC’s sound card. Use adapter if needed. 2. Connect the red RCA plug to the jack labelled AUDIO RIGHT and the white RCA plug to the jack labeled AUDIO LEFT on the A/V Sender. 3. Connect the yellow RCA plug on the supplied video cable to the Video out jack from your PC. If your PC has an S-Video Out jack you can use the supplied adapter. 4. Plug the other end of the video cable (yellow plug) to the video IN jack on the A/V Sender. 2.4 GHz Video Antenna TV Output Connector ON-OFF Switch 5. Set the channel switch (on the TOP of the unit) to channel A (to the RIGHT). 6. Plug the A/V Sender’s Power Supply into a convenient 120 volt wall outlet and plug its jack into the Audio Sender. Power Supply Jack 7. Turn the power switch (on the side of unit) on. 8. Position the A/V Sender in a convenient location and orient the antenna so that the flat side points in the direction of the room where you will be installing the Receiver. TV Channel Switch (on bottom) A/V Output Jacks 2.4 GHz Channel Switch (on bottom) 1. Connect a set of Audio/Video cables to the A/V OUT jacks on the A/V Receiver. Connect the other end to your TV. STOP! IMPORTANT: Do not connect USB connector to your PC until you install the software (see page 7). 2. Plug the Audio/Video Receiver’s Power Supply into a 120 volt wall outlet and plug its jack into the Audio/Video Receiver. 3. Turn power switch on (on side of unit). To Video out To Audio out To plug-in on your PC. on your PC. power supply. 14 4. Position the Audio/Video Receiver in a convenient location such as on top of the TV and orient the antenna so that the flat side points in the direction of the room where you set up the Audio/Video Sender. 15 ADVANCED OPTIONS CONNECTING UP THE RECEIVER, CONT. IF YOUR TV DOES NO T HA VE NOT HAVE A/V Using the remote to control your TV or Cable Box or Audio System CONNECT ORS CONNECTORS The remote can be set up to control the volume, channel etc. on your TV or audio system as follows. You can use the supplied coaxial cable to connect the TV OUT socket on the Audio/ Video Receiver to the Antenna input on your TV. If you already have an antenna connected to your TV, you will need to use a TV antenna splitter. 1. Turn on the device you want to control (TV, Cable Box or Audio system). 2. Press and release mode button for the device you want to control (TV, Cable, or Audio). 3. Press and hold SETUP until the green LED indicator under the button you pressed in step 2 lights steadily. Release SETUP. 4. Enter the 3 digit Code from the Library Code Table on page 17. The LED turns off after the last digit entered. 5. Point the remote at the device and press the POWER button. Your device should turn off. Set your TV and the TV Channel switch on the Audio/ Video Receiver (on bottom) to the same channel (3 or 4). I F YOUR TV IS A/V DEVICE ALREAD Y HOOKED UP TO A ALREADY S ATELLITE R ECEIVER OR OTHER Code Search. If you can’t find the code for your device in the Code List you can search for it: If a Satellite Receiver or other A/V component is connected to your TV using Audio/Video cables, you can connect the Audio/Video Receiver to the free LINE IN jacks on the component. If there are no LINE IN jacks, you will need to use a TV antenna splitter as described above. 16 1. Turn on the device you want to control (TV, Cable, or Audio system). 2. Press and release mode button for the device you want to control (TV, Cable, or Audio). 3. Press and hold SETUP until the green LED indicator under the button you pressed in step 2 lights steadily. Release SETUP. 4. Press the CH+ (or Power) button on the remote repeatedly until your TV changes channel (or your Audio device turns off). If you overshoot you can press Ch -. 5. When you device responds, press Mute to install the code. 17 EMERSON ......... 004 009 014 023 024 025 ...... 026 027 030 032 033 034 035 036 037 ...... 038 039 040 041 042 043 045 046 049 ...... 053 116 135 147 155 177 179 189 198 ENVISION .......................................... 004 009 FISHER ....................... 013 049 050 180 209 FUJITSU ............................................. 046 197 FUNAI ................ 042 053 046 155 189 198 FUTURETEC .................................... 042 053 GE ........ 000 003 004 009 022 031 044 052 ...... 054 055 087 092 103 107 125 164 181 GIBRALTER ...................................... 004 121 GOLDSTAR ........................ 004 005 009 056 ..................................... 057 133 155 156 172 GRUNDY ............................................ 046 053 HALLMARK ..................................... 004 009 HARVARD ..................................................053 HITACHI ............ 001 004 009 013 059 060 ..................... 061 088 091 137 139 140 141 ..................... 142 143 144 145 146 179 210 IMA ............................................................. 053 INFINITY ..................................................062 INTEQ ........................................................ 121 JANEIL ....................................................... 174 JBL .............................................................. 062 JCB .............................................................. 002 JC PENNY ................. 000 004 005 008 009 ............................. 022 031 052 054 055 063 ............................. 087 105 107 109 172 181 JENSEN .............................................. 004 009 JVC .............. 013 054 055 060 065 067 089 KAWASHO ................................. 002 004 009 KAYPANI ................................................... 175 KEC ............................................................. 042 KENWOOD ............................... 004 009 133 KLOSS NOVABEAM ............... 068 069 174 KONKA .............. 016 047 066 157 158 176 KTV ............ 014 021 042 053 070 116 177 LODGENET ...................................... 000 001 LOEWE .............................................. 062 211 LOGIK ................................................ 000 001 LUXMAN ........................................... 004 009 LXI ...................................... 000 004 009 031 ..................................... 049 062 107 109 181 MAGNAVOX ..... 004 008 009 062 068 069 ............. 074 075 076 077 089 133 163 165 MAJESTIC ......................................... 000 001 MARANTZ ................................ 004 009 062 MEGATRON .............................. 004 009 059 MEI ............................................................. 014 MEMOREX ........................ 000 001 004 009 ............................................. 046 049 051 135 MGA ............ 004 005 009 022 046 133 180 MIDLAND ......... 054 055 107 121 172 181 MINUTZ .................................................... 052 Code List Code Identification. TV To identify what code is stored in the remote: 1. Press and release mode button for the device you want to control (TV, Cable, or Audio). 2. Press and hold SETUP until the green LED indicator under the button you pressed in step 2 lights steadily. Release SETUP. 3. Press SETUP again. 4. Press each digit number in turn. When the indicator blinks off, the button you pressed when it blinked is the first digit of the code set in the remote. 5. Repeat step 4 twice to find the second and third digits. Learning Codes. If you can’t find the code for your TV, Cable or audio system in the code library, you can learn the commands you need from your existing remote: 1. Point your existing remote at the UR89A Remote with a distance of about 1 inch between remotes. 2. Press the mode button that matches the equipment you want to learn (TV or Audio). The LED blinks once. 3. Press and hold SETUP until the green LED indicator under the button you pressed in step 2 lights steadily. Release SETUP. 4. Press and release the LEARN button. The LED blinks once. 5. Press and release the button on the UR89A Remote that you want to teach. (e.g. POWER) The LED blinks once. 6. Press the matching button on your existing remote that you want to learn. Hold the button until the LED on the UR89A Remote blinks off. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each button you want to learn. 8. When you’ve finished learning all the keys, press SETUP. Note you can only learn codes under Power, Vol +/-, Ch+/-, and Mute. 18 ABEX .......................................................... 185 ACME ................................................. 003 031 ADA ............................................................ 009 ADC .................................................... 009 002 ADMIRAL ......................................... 001 173 ADVENTURA ...........................................174 AIKO .......................................................... 058 AIWA .................................................. 195 196 ALLERON ................................................. 046 AMARK ...................................................... 020 AMTRON ................................................... 053 AKAI .......................................................... 002 AMSTRAD ................................................. 189 ANAM NATIONAL . 003 025 042 053 193 AOC .... 004 005 007 009 014 132 156 175 ARCHER .................................................... 020 AUDIOVOX ............................................... 053 BANG & OLUFSEN .................................. 190 BELCOR ..................................................... 004 BELL & HOWELL ................... 000 001 049 BRADFORD ............................................... 053 BROKSONIC ...................................... 136 147 BROKWOOD ............................................. 004 CANDLE ............................ 004 008 009 174 CAPEHART ............................................... 175 CELEBRITY .............................................. 002 CENTURION ............................................. 009 CETRONIC ................................................ 042 CHANGHONG ...........................................214 CITIZEN .................... 001 004 008 009 042 ..................................... 053 058 105 109 177 CLAIRTONE ............................................. 014 CLASSIC ............................................. 042 214 COLORTYME ........................... 004 009 010 CONCERTO ....................................... 004 009 CONCIERGE .............................................. 121 CONTEC/CONY ....... 012 013 014 042 053 CRAIG ................................................. 042 053 CROWN .............................................. 042 053 CURTIS MATHES ..... 000 001 004 009 015 ..................................... 031 049 105 109 130 CXC ..................................................... 042 053 DAEWOO .. 004 005 009 017 018 019 042 ...... 058 082 085 097 100 126 127 130 138 DAYTRON ......................................... 004 009 DIMENSIA ......................................... 000 031 DUMONT .......................................... 004 121 DYNASTY ................................................. 042 ELEKTRA ................................................. 001 ELECTROBAND .............................. 002 014 ELECTROHOME .... 003 004 009 022 133 19 MITSUBISHI ............. 004 005 009 022 046 ..................................... 081 089 132 133 180 MONTGOMERY WARD ................. 000 001 MOTOROLA ..................................... 003 173 MTC .................... 004 005 009 014 105 109 MULTITECH ............................................ 053 MULTIVISION .......................................... 084 NAD .................................... 004 009 109 185 NEC ..... 003 004 005 009 010 085 089 095 NIKEI .........................................................042 NIKKO ....................................... 004 009 058 NTC ............................................................ 058 ONKING ..................................................... 042 ONWA ................................................ 042 053 OPTIMUS .......................................... 170 185 OPTONICA ....................................... 095 173 ORION ........................................ 035 121 135 PANASONIC ...................... 003 054 055 062 ............................................. 070 148 170 171 PHILCO .............. 003 004 005 008 009 062 ............................. 068 069 074 075 077 133 PHILIPS ..... 003 004 006 008 062 068 069 ............. 074 075 076 086 087 089 133 163 ............. 183 184 205 206 207 208 212 213 PHILIPS/MAGNAVOX .................... 183 184 ..................................................... 204 208 213 PILOT ........................................................ 004 PIONEER ................... 004 009 090 179 185 PORTLAND ...................... 004 005 009 058 PRECISION ................................................ 166 PRICE CLUB ............................................. 105 PRISM .........................................................055 PROSCAN .......................... 000 031 107 181 PROTON ............ 004 009 093 175 186 192 PULSAR ..................................................... 121 PULSER ...................................................... 004 QUASAR ............................ 003 054 055 062 ............................................. 070 148 170 171 RADIO SHACK . 000 004 009 031 041 042 ...... 048 049 053 095 133 155 170 172 194 RCA ............. 000 003 004 005 007 009 011 ..................... 048 078 082 092 094 096 098 ............. 099 101 102 103 107 113 125 129 ............. 133 167 179 181 187 188 191 194 REALISTIC ........ 000 004 009 031 041 042 ............ 048 049 053 095 133 155 170 172 RHAPSODY ............................................... 014 RUNCO ....................................................... 121 SAMPO ............................... 004 009 172 175 SAMSUNG .................. 004 005 009 015 104 ..................................... 105 106 109 133 172 SAMSUX .................................................... 009 SANSUI ............................................... 135 136 SANYO ....... 004 013 049 108 110 180 209 SCOTCH ............................................. 004 009 SCOTT ....... 004 009 024 035 042 046 053 SEARS ......... 000 004 009 013 031 046 049 ............. 105 107 109 110 133 180 181 189 SHARP ........................ 004 009 079 095 111 ............................. 112 114 122 123 124 173 SHOGUN .................................................... 004 SIGNATURE .............................. 000 001 023 SIMPSON ................................................... 008 SONIC .........................................................014 SONY .................................. 002 006 071 128 SOUNDESIGN ... 004 008 009 042 053 046 SPECTRAVISION ..................................... 203 SQUAREVIEW .......................................... 189 SSS ............................................... 004 042 053 STARLITE ................................................. 053 SUPREMACY ............................................ 174 SUPREME ..................................................002 SYLVANIA ................. 004 008 009 062 068 ..................................... 069 074 075 076 077 ............................. 133 155 161 163 189 198 SYMPHONIC ............. 033 053 155 189 198 TANDY ...................................................... 173 TATUNG .................................................... 003 TECHNICS ......................................... 054 055 TECHWOOD ..................... 004 009 054 055 TEKNIKA .. 000 001 004 005 008 009 013 ...... 042 046 053 058 076 105 109 170 174 TELECAPTION ....................................... 117 TELERENT ....................................... 000 001 TERA .................................................. 004 186 TMK ................................................... 004 009 TOSHIBA ................... 013 049 089 105 109 ..................................... 117 118 120 159 178 UNIVERSAL ...................................... 052 087 VICTOR ...................................................... 060 VIDTECH ................................... 004 005 009 VIKING ....................................................... 174 WARDS ............... 000 001 004 005 009 024 ..................... 031 033 046 052 062 068 069 ..................... 074 075 076 087 095 119 133 WHITE WESTINGHOUSE ............. 097 100 ............................................................. 130 155 YAMAHA ........................... 004 005 009 133 ZENITH ..................... 000 001 004 023 038 ..................... 058 059 064 121 135 136 153 Cable ABC ............. 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 ADELPHIA ................................................ 596 ALLEGRO .......................................... 524 525 AMERICAST ............................................. 527 ANTRONIX ....................................... 468 469 ARCHER ............................ 468 469 470 471 AT & T .........................................................511 20 CABLETENNA ......................................... 468 CABLEVIEW ............................................. 468 CENTURY ................................................. 471 CITIZEN .................................................... 471 COLOUR VOICE ............................... 472 473 COMTRONICS .................................. 474 475 CONTEC/CONY ....................................... 476 EASTERN ..................................................477 GARRARD ................................................. 471 GC ELECTRONICS .................................. 469 GEMINI ...................................... 478 479 536 GE ................................................................549 GENERAL INSTRUMENT ............. 463 509 ............. 511 513 514 518 528 529 530 531 HAMLIN .................................... 480 481 482 HITACHI .................................................... 463 HYTEK ...................................................... 462 JASCO .........................................................471 JERROLD ........... 461 463 464 465 467 478 ..................... 484 509 510 511 526 528 529 MAGNAVOX ............................................. 485 MEMOREX ................................................ 486 MOVIE TIME ................................... 462 487 NSC ..................................................... 462 487 OAK ............................................ 462 476 489 PACE .......................................................... 532 PANASONIC ...................................... 460 508 PARAGON ................................................. 486 PHILIPS ............................. 471 472 473 479 ............................................. 485 490 491 492 PHILIPS/MAGNAVOX .................... 505 534 PIONEER ................................... 493 494 498 PULSAR ..................................................... 486 RADIO SHACK ......................... 505 525 534 RCA ..................................................... 460 507 REALISTIC ................................................ 469 REGAL ....................................................... 482 REGENCY ..................................................477 REMBRANDT ...........................................463 RUNCO ....................................................... 486 SAMSUNG .......................................... 474 494 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA ......... 466 496 497 ............................................. 498 535 596 607 SIGNAL .............................................. 474 478 SIGNATURE .............................................. 463 SL MARX ................................................... 474 SPRUCER ................................................... 460 STANDARD COMPONENTS ................. 499 STARCOM ................................. 461 467 478 STARGATE ........................................ 474 478 STAR SIGHT .............................................. 520 STAR SIGHT CABLE SERVICE .............. 507 STARQUEST ............................................. 478 STAR TRAK .............................................. 516 TANDY ...................................................... 500 TELEVIEW ............................................... 474 TELEWEST .............................................. 532 TEXSCAN ..................................................499 TOCOM ...................................... 464 501 513 TOSHIBA ................................................... 486 TUSA .......................................................... 478 TV86 ........................................................... 487 UNIKA ....................................... 468 469 471 UNITED ARTISTS ................................... 462 UNITED CABLE ...................................... 461 UNIVERSAL .............. 468 469 470 471 502 VIDEOWAY ............................................... 504 VIEWSTAR ........................ 475 485 487 500 VIDEO TECH ............................................ 550 ZENITH ............. 486 488 503 517 519 520 ..................... 521 522 523 524 525 527 533 Audio AIWA .................................. 839 842 851 860 CARVER ..................................................... 825 CITIZEN .................................................... 826 DENON .............................................. 803 817 FISHER ............................................... 814 821 GOLDSTAR ................................................ 766 HARMAN KARDON ........................ 804 818 JVC .............................................. 790 813 819 KENWOOD ....... 683 808 816 828 832 869 MAGNAVOX ..................................... 796 814 MARANTZ ........................................ 688 824 MITSUBISHI ............................................. 877 NAD ............................................ 721 739 743 ONKYO ...................................... 805 811 812 OPTIMUS .......................... 667 747 748 749 ............................................. 751 752 754 793 PANASONIC ...................................... 810 815 PHILIPS ............................. 814 823 824 825 PIONEER ........................... 837 866 867 878 RADIOSHACK .......... 706 754 793 806 865 ............................. 866 867 868 875 878 879 RCA ..................... 717 772 781 795 827 866 ..................... 867 870 871 872 875 878 879 REALISTIC ................................................ 822 SANYO ....................................................... 705 SCOTT ....................................................... 768 SHARP ........................................ 671 684 809 SHERWOOD ...................... 706 806 858 859 SONY .......................... 778 785 797 798 799 ..................................... 833 834 835 836 843 TEAC .......................... 710 807 855 856 857 TECHNICS ......... 791 810 815 823 863 864 VENTURER ............................................... 745 YAMAHA ........................... 801 802 838 840 ..................................... 841 846 847 848 849 ZENITH ............................. 676 730 749 759 ..................................... 765 766 784 814 850 21 HOME CONTROL The X10 button on the Lola remote control is your gateway to a world of useful control and automation solutions built by X10. Why enter a dark room when there is a simple and affordable solution that can keep you safe and secure? From a simple remote control that can turn on a lamp, to a full-blown automation system, X10 provides you with all the products you need. CONTROLLING X10 MODULES Here’s how to control X10 modules with your Lola Remote Control. The remote is set to House Code A by default. See next page to change it. All Lts on SETUP LEARN AUDIO CBL PC X10 TV 1. Press and release the X10 button. CH+ All Lts on SETUP on LEARN CBL PC VOL AUDIO X10 TV CH+ on VOL dim VOL+ brt off CH 2. Use the number buttons to select the Unit Code number of the chosen module. (You can press 1, then 6 for Unit Code 16). dim off CH 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ Add Delete ALBUM ARTIST A/B GENRE TRACK PAGE With the correct components in your X10 system, you can have all of these powerful options at your control: · Give your home a secure appearance by scheduling when lights and other electronics turn on and off · Distribute audio and video to stereos and televisions using wireless technology · Turn on house lights while sitting in your car · Schedule sprinkler systems · Control your lights and electronic devices using your personal computer PAGE ENTER UP DOWN PLAYING PLAYLIST SCAN TOP END FIND SELECT REW PLAY F.F REC STOP PAUSE X10’s control and automation products are easy to install and extremely affordable. Visit today for more information and the latest products to build and enhance your X10 system. 22 VOL+ brt 23 SCAN+ 3. Press the appropriate button (labeled in blue) for the function you require (On, Off, Bright, Dim, All Lights On, All Units Off). FINE TUNING Changing the House Code for the Remote The Remote comes set to House Code A by default. To change the House Code on the remote follow steps 1 through 4 below: All Lts on SETUP 2. Press and hold Setup until the indicator lights steadily. Release the Setup button. LEARN AUDIO CBL 1. Press and release the X10 button (indicator flashes). PC X10 TV CH+ on VOL VOL+ brt dim off 4. Press the Mute button to confirm the Housecode. The indicator blinks then goes off. CH 3. Use the number buttons to enter the number equivalent to the chosen Housecode (1=A, 2=B....16=P). Press 1 then 6 for 16, etc. 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ Add Delete ALBUM ARTIST A/B GENRE YOUR SYSTEM The Lola Wireless Audio/Video Sender usually works best with the flat faces of the antennas on the Sender and Receiver units facing each other (see diagram below). Sometimes, however, reflections and other effects in your home may affect the signal so that some adjustment of either the Sender or Receiver antenna might be necessary to get the best signal. IF YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY SIGNAL AT ALL: Check that the CHANNEL slide switch (labeled A, B, C, D) on both units is set to the same letter. Point antennas at each other TRACK PAGE PAGE ENTER DOWN UP PLAYLIST SCAN PLAYING TOP END FIND SELECT REW PLAY F.F REC STOP PAUSE SCAN+ TRANSMITTER Changing the Master Code for the Remote RECEIVER IF THE SIGNAL IS POOR, OR IF THERE IS INTERFERENCE: You can use up to 16 remotes within 100 ft. of each other without interfering with each other by setting each remote to a different Master Code. To do this, press and release PC. Then press and hold Setup until the indicator starts to blink. Release Setup (the indicator blinks a number corresponding to its Master Code 1-16 and then stays on). While the indicator is on, enter a new number for this remote (1-16) and then press setup. The indicator blinks back the new setting and then stays off. Repeat this process for each remote, setting a unique number (1-16) for each remote. Try changing the channel on both units. Do this by adjusting the CHANNEL slide switch on each unit to any position from A to D. Make sure both units are set to the same channel. 24 25 TROUBLESHOOTING Basic Version: If the remote control doesn’t control Lola: • Check the USB cable on the CM19A is connected to your PC. • Make sure you have installed the software from: • Make sure the tray icon is present in the Windows task bar. If it isn’t run Lola from the Windows Start button, or desktop shortcut. • Press the Power button on the remote to launch Lola. • Replace the Remote’s batteries. If the range for the remote control is poor: • Try locating the CM19A Receiver away from the PC and/or its monitor. If there is no sound: If there is no sound: • Check the connections between your PC’s sound card and the audio-in jacks on the VT42A Audio/Video Sender (steps 1 and 2 on page 14). If you are not getting any audio or video: • There is a power light on the front of the Sender and Receiver. Check that both the Sender’s and Receiver’s power supplies are plugged in. Check that the ON/OFF switch on the Sender and Receiver are ON. • Verify that your connections to the TV are correct. If you are using the RCA jacks, make sure you are using the appropriate input mode for your TV, try pressing the A-B button or the Video button on your TV’s remote control to change the input mode (consult your TV’s owner’s manual, if necessary). If you are using the COAX cable, verify that the Receiver and the TV are on the same channel (3 or 4). If the sound or video is poor, or there is interference: • Try locating the VT42A Sender away from the PC and/or its monitor. • Check the connections between your PC’s sound card and your PC’s speakers. Deluxe Version: If the remote control doesn’t control Lola: • Make sure the VT42A Audio/Video Sender is turned on. • Check the USB cable on the VT42A is connected to your PC. • Make sure you have installed the software from: • Make sure the tray icon is present in the Windows task bar. If it isn’t run Lola from the Windows Start button, or desktop shortcut. • Press the Power button on the remote to launch Lola. • Replace the Remote’s batteries. • Try changing the channel on both units. Do this by adjusting the CHANNEL slide switch on each unit to any position (A, B, C, or D). • Try different positions for the antennas on the Sender and Receiver. Normally the flat faces on each antenna should point at each other. Sometimes, due to reflections, you might get a better picture with the Receiver’s antenna pointing to the ceiling. • Take a look at what the audio and video signal is passing through or near to get to the Receiver. Metal objects and electromagnetic fields can distort the signal. Try to keep the Receiver as far away from other devices as the RCA or Coax cables allow. In most cases, relocating the Sender or Receiver a few feet is enough to avoid the source of interference. • Try unplugging/turning off any electromagnetic interference producing devices, such as a microwave oven, baby monitor, computer, wireless LAN, wireless speakers, cordless phone, cell phone, etc. If the range for the remote control is poor: • Try locating the VT42A Audio/Video Sender away from the PC and/or its monitor. 26 For more help please visit 27 FCC Caution THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION. This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, it may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for remote control devices in accordance with the specifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by unplugging the equipment, try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. • Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing the interference. • Relocate the equipment with respect to the radio/TV. • Move the equipment away from the radio/TV. • Plug the equipment into an outlet on a different electrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing the interference. • If necessary, consult your local dealer for additional suggestions. NOTE: Modifications to this product will void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. Limited One Year Warranty, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. (X10) warrants X10 products to be free from defective material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase at retail. X10 agrees to repair or replace, at its sole discretion, a defective X10 product if returned to X10 within the warranty period and with proof of purchase. If service is required under this warranty: Call 1-800-442-5065, visit, or e-mail For help or more information on setup, please visit:, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. 3824 North 5th St., Suite C, North Las Vegas, NV 89032 M TT-- O M - 2 / 0 3
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