Authinx XC22A 2.4 GHz Wireless Camera User Manual

Authinx Inc. 2.4 GHz Wireless Camera Users Manual

Users Manual

TrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrim to crop marks Trim to crop marksOWNER’S MANUALPLEASE KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCEXCAM2™ AND WIDEEYE™INDOOR/OUTDOOR WIRELESSCAMERA SYSTEMCongratulations! You have purchased X10’s mostpopular wireless camera system. Your XCam2 or WideEye is a powerful and versatile video solution.Your camera uses X10’s 2.4 Gigahertz wirelesstechnology to transmit live video through walls to atelevision up to 100 feet away. It’s also designed sothat you can combine multiple cameras to providecomprehensive coverage of your home or business.This owner’s manual will take you through setting upand using the camera. The world of wireless video iswaiting for you!Your camera is ready to go out of the box! Follow thesesteps for a quick setup of your new Camera system.You should have: a camera and its power supply; awireless video receiver and its power supply; and avideo cable.Unpack these items.Basic Camera Setup Connect the camera to power.Plug the camera’s power supply into a standard walloutlet. Plug the other end into the camera. Removethe protective cover from the camera’s lens.Connect the wireless video receiver to power.Put your video receiver in a convenient place near oron your TV. Plug its power supply into a standard walloutlet and the other end into the video receiver.Basic Camera Setup, cont.Connect the video receiver to your TV.Connect the video cable into the video-out jackon the video receiver and into the video-in jack onyour TV.Turn on the video receiver.Make sure the power switch on the video receiver is setto “ON.”Turn on your TV.Turn on your TV and select its video input. Use theVideo or Select buttons on your TV remote control,or try channel 0 and then Channel Down. Thecamera’s picture should appear.Once the camera and receiver are in place, adjust theirantennas so that they face each other. The side of thecamera’s antenna with the dot on it should face the sideof the receiver’s antenna marked with four squares.Adjust the positions to improve the picture on your TV.Fine tune the antennas.OptionsMounting theCameraYou can attach yourcamera to a wall usingthe supplied screws.Recording with a VCRYou can configure your XCam2 camera so that you canrecord its video signal on your VCR. It’s easy:1. Make sure your VCR is connected to play back onyour TV.2. Set up your camera according to the instructions insteps    1   thru   7.3. Connect the video cable from the video receiver intothe Video In jack on your VCR.With the camera connected to the VCR, you will be ablerecord surveillance video while watching on your TV.Check your VCR owner’s manual if you aren’t sure howto select the camera as the video source.Options, cont. Multi-Camera SystemsHow does it work?XCam2 cameras are designed so that you can use morethan one camera together with one wireless videoreceiver. You select different cameras using a remotecontrol. The cameras should be set in groups of four,i.e., A1, A2, A3, and A4, or A5, A6, A7, and A8. Youchange the setting by turning the dials on the camera’spower supply. Ensure all of your cameras are set to thesame Housecode, e.g. A.Setting Up Multiple Cameras1. Get together the parts of your multi-camera system:the cameras and power supplies, video receiver andpower supply, video cable, transceiver module, andcamera remote control.2. Set up your first camera and your video receiveraccording to the instructions in steps    1   thru   7.3. Plug in the transceiver module and extend theantenna.X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.Limited One Year, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.(X10) warrants X10 products to be free from defectivematerial and workmanship for a period of one (1) yearfrom the original date of purchase at retail. X10 agreesto repair or replace, at its sole discretion, a defectiveX10 product if returned to X10 within the warrantyperiod and with proof of purchase. If service is requiredunder this warranty:Call 1-800-442-5065, visit, or help or more information on setup, please visit:, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.3824 North 5th St., Suite C,North Las Vegas, NV 89032.Basic Camera Setup, cont. Basic Camera Setup, cont.4. Remove the battery cover andput four AAA batteries into theremote. Make sure to match thebatteries to the + and – marksinside the battery case.3456 78XCam2-3/03Trim to crop marksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrim to crop marksFold FoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldTrimtocropmarks
To set Put the Then press And then:to group: switch to: and hold:1-4 1-8 1 On Flip the switchback and forth5-8 1-8 5 On once, and releasethe button.9-12 9-16 9 On13-16 9-16 13 On5. Press 1 Off on the remotecontrol to turn the firstcamera off.6. Set the dials on the secondcamera’s power supply to Aand 2.7. Connect the second camera topower. A picture will appear onyour TV.8. Press 1 On to switch tocamera 1 and then 2 On toswitch back to camera 2.Multi-Camera Systems, cont.Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each additional camera,changing the Unit Code as appropriate. For each extracamera, set the Unit Code (number) dial to the nextnumber. For example, your third camera will be set to‘3,’ your fourth camera set to ‘4’ and so on. Set allcameras to A.Cameras 1-4 onand off.Next/Previouscamera.Write cameranames here.Set HouseCode the sameas cameras.Switching Cameras with the RemoteTo switch from one camera to another with the remotecontrol, simply press the On button for that camera. Forexample, press 2 On to switch from the current camerato camera 2. When you do that, the current cameraswitches off and camera 2 switches on, displaying itspicture. Note: If you have 8 cameras set up, beforeturning on a camera in group 1-4, turn off any camerasin group 5-8, and vice versa.Scanning Between Cameras with the RemoteIf you select a camera with the remote, you can thenuse the scan buttons to cycle through cameras 1through 4. First select a camera using its On button.Then use the blue arrow buttons at the bottom of theremote to go to the next or previous cameras. Eachpress of the button switches to the next or previouscamera in order.Unit SwitchCameras 5-8 onand off.Using Different Unit CodesIf you need to set your cameras to unit codes otherthan 1 through 4, make sure that you use Unit Codeswithin one of the three other camera groups: 5-8, 9-12,and 13-16. The camera switching system is designed towork within these groups.When you change the Unit Codes on your cameras,you will also need to change the Unit Code groupingon your remote control.Flip the label on the remote over if you are usingcameras 9 thru 12 or 13 thru 16.Troubleshooting If there’s no camera picture on your TV:1. Make sure your Wireless Video Receiver isconnected to power and turned on.Top of cameraSet theABCDchannelswitchBottom of receiver2. Select the appropriate video input on your TV.Usually you can select the input mode by pressingthe VIDEO or INPUT button on the remote control.Or, you might have to change the TV to Channel 0 or2, and then use Channel Down to change videoinputs. See your TV’s owner’s manual if you stillaren’t sure how to change the video source.3. Make sure your camera is connected to power andturned on.5. Follow the setup steps again (steps    1  thru  7   ),and check that you have done each step correctly.6. Make sure that the ABCD switches on the top of thecamera and the bottom of the wireless video receiverare set to the same letter. On the camera, the bottomswitch position is A and the top position is D.If the picture on your TV isn’t clear:First, adjust the antennas on the video receiver andcamera so they point towards each other. The side ofthe camera’s antenna with the dot on it should face theside of the receiver’s antenna marked with four squares.You can also try moving the video receiver itself toanother location near the TV. Sometimes moving it justa foot can make a big difference.If the camera picture still doesn’t improve afteradjusting the antennas and receiver position, trychanging the channels on the camera and videoreceiver. The channel switch is on the top of the camera(under the rubber plug) and the bottom of the wirelessvideo receiver. Change the setting on both the cameraand video receiver, making sure they are set to the sameletter (A, B, C, or D). Try different letter settings to seeif the picture improves.If the picture is out of focus:The camera is shipped with the focus preset for optimaluse. You can adjust the focus by turning the lens. Tryturning it counterclockwise first. If you turn itclockwise do not force or overtighten it.If you can’t switch cameras:If you have a multi-camera setup and are having troubleswitching, start by unplugging all the cameras but one.Use your remote control to turn the remaining cameraon and off. If you find that you can’t control it, plug itinto a different power outlet and try again. You mayhave to try several outlets. If you still can’t controla camera, try the following (page 15):Troubleshooting, cont.AccessoriesVisit for more details.Ninja Pan ‘n TiltIncrease the viewable areaof your camera by 400%.The standard XCam2records everything within a60° x 60° field of view. Butwith the Ninja RoboticMount, you get sweeping240° x 130° views.VCR CommanderRecord only when there’smovement in your camera’sfield of view. The VCRCommander issues “STOP”and “START” commands toyour VCR anytime there’smovement within 30 feet ofyour camera.XRay VisionMonitor your home from anycity in the world! With XRayVision Software you canmonitor your home from anycomputer with an Internetconnection. E-mail videosnapshots to your personalaccount or view them on yourown secure Web Site.Home ControlX10 remote controls are your gateway to aworld of useful control and automationsolutions built by X10. Why enter a dark roomwhen there is a simple and affordable solutionthat can keep you safe and secure? From asimple remote control that can turn on a lamp,to a full-blown automation system, X10provides you with all the products you need.With the right components in your X10system, you can have all of these powerfuloptions at your control:• Enhance the color, brightness and detailof your camera’s subject by adding morelight automatically.• Give your home a secure appearance byscheduling when lights and otherelectronics turn on and off.• Distribute audio and video to stereosand televisions using wirelesstechnology.• Turn on house lights while sitting in your car.• Schedule sprinkler systems.• Control your lights and electronic devices usingyour personal computer.X10’s control and automation products are easy toinstall and extremely affordable. Visit today formore information on the latest products to build andenhance and your X10 system.FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCCRULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1)THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND(2)THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIREDOPERATION.NOTE: Modifications to this product will void theuser’s authority to operate this equipment.Multi-Camera Systems, cont.1. Check that you have a transceiver module (modelTM751) plugged in.2. Make sure that all camera power supplies are set tothe same House (letter) Code as the transceiver andremote control you are using.3. Check that the cameras are set to different,sequential Unit (number) Codes. E.G. 1, 2, 3, and 4.4. Once it works, unplug it and try another camera inthe same outlet. Test each camera in this way. Thentry each camera in its desired outlet.For more help with setup please visit Systems, cont.Troubleshooting, cont.910 111213 14 15 16TrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrim to crop marks Trim to crop marksTrim to crop marks Trim to crop marksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksTrimtocropmarksFold FoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFold

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