Autostart RTR433 Remote Control Car Starter User Manual

Autostart Remote Control Car Starter Users Manual


Users Manual

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Date Submitted1999-06-10 00:00:00
Date Available1999-10-07 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-06-10 14:53:56
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Document TitleUsers Manual
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Install on vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions only.
Recommended for gasoline powered, fuel injected engines only.
This unit must be installed with all safety devices supplied.
EXHIBIT it: 5 £>
Major Features ............................. 1 ,
Hardware Features ........................... t ‘
Programmable Features ......................... 1 ‘
Installation ............................... 3
Programming Transmitter“) ...................... 3
Reset to Factory Default ........................ 3
Automatic Tach Search 1; Setting .................... 3
Tech Adjustment .................. . ......... 4
Tech Watch Lockout ........................... 4
User Programming of Cold Weather Mode ............... 4
User Idle Mode Activation ....................... 4
Vacuum Mode Setting . . . . .............. . ...... 4
Vacuum Watch Lockout ...... . . . . . .............. 4
Diesel Engines ........ . . . . . . . . . ............. 5
Custom Options Mode 1 . .................... 5
Custom Engine Options Modez . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . 5
Appendix A: Diagnostics ....... . ................ 5
AppendixA: Symptoms. . l . . . . . . . . . . ............ 7
IMPORTANT: The remote starter is programmed uslng
default settings and does not contain any transmitter
codes. Transmltters must be learned by the starter unit
before it can be used.
. Insunl remote delmiofl
Brake and hood monttonng
Ignition disables remote start
Staner kill option
Enguie tensor monitoring
laclv'vacuum watch Lotltout
Negative and positive door locks triggering
Diesel englne option
Idle mode option
Chrlfl wool oplwn
Factory alarm control
VATS bypass
Custom-zed operations
nogrammaole cold Weather operation
TACHNACUUM SE NSING - The remote starter can oeused
in either nich or vatisum Sensing Mode depending on the
installer or customer‘s melerente, Also. the Tach Watch
Lockout Feature w-II cause the remote starter to be locked
out it the engine crank: the entire crank time and no lath
pulses were ever deteaed
OUN. el? VOLTFOWERLINES- Dueloa heavydrawhy
the vehicle's accessoriei. mmyvehicles have more than one
wire suoplving power to the key twitch As such. the remote
starter has a second power wire to supply the acusioiiet
REMOVE DOOR LOEKS - The unit provides indivrdual lock
and unlock signalt. allovving the doors to be locked or
unlocked by remote control Negative lock signals (most
common tyoet ol locks) or wfiliire lock signals can he
pmvioed by the unit without the needol adding an external
device (no extra relay required). the remote starter confirms
these operations by llashirig the parking light»
The unit provides an indtvidual line which all be used to
release the trunk by remote «antrol or to control a gauge
door opener even while the engine is running. This line can
tn used to control other new il desired
SlAltlEIt KILL - the starter ltill lulma prevents the vehicle
trout being started manually using the key unless unarmed
thy unit-(lung the doors lay remotelt This prelude-i. additional
tmhpumnnon tor the ml! and also prevent: unauthor
iled uni oi the vehicle hit it a separate and individual line
GuOUNDOU‘l UNDER REMOIE START - rhis separate line
can be used to dtsable vats. systems [on son-e 6M cart),
bypass igmtion seating Wires on factory alarm tyttems and
completely tittarm Marin systems. etc
RElulM auteur - I’his separate ltne can be used In rearm
a luxury alarm system ante the doors are locked by remote
or whenwer the remote starter shuts off
AUX LINE: DISAHM SIGNAL- This “le (art be pte~
grammId to provide a disarm praise to a lottery alarm
system more starting the vehicle by remote control
Aux LINE: DErllosT SIGNAL - The line v/ill send a ground
pulse 4 seconds alter the engine starts sutcesslully curing
remote mm.
EXTERNAL TRIGGER- This line is enabled when Normal
Operation and External Trigger Option is used [Mode l,
Amman 5. Optmn 1]. Thu line it enaoled when Satery Lbfll
Option is used [Mode I programmingl. This allows the
module to be triggered try an external ground signal tetg
separate reserve!)
{ODE LEARNING- the remote starter can learn up to 4
remote transmitters “setting the unit causes all codes to
his mated.
TACN tEAItNING - the remote starter can learn its correct
hath setting by reading the engine's tach oulset when
running using the key, You can also (me tune the setting
using the remote oy increasing or deereasinq the learned
IGMIION LOCK - the ignition lotlt lealure allows the le-
mote slant-r to automatically lock the door: when the driver
lulns the ignition to the ON DMIWVI and presses on the
brakes The unit will automatically unlotk the doors when
the ignition key ls tunnel to the OFF position Ooor lock/um
loelt bggled can also be enabled wtlh rgniuon lock Mode
l. Futuhon 1. Cotton 3), mix option prevents unlocking the
doors again alter the doors were unlocked and the starter
kill rear-n; This is used when the tuner tall I! not installed
NOIE: ‘lhis option is not needed i! the vehicle already has
this feature builtqnt This option it ON by default the
cotton-ind Programming Mode l for ¢QRD|SJ
DOOR LOCK NLSE TIME - Door Ioclvunlodt pulse dura-
tion is programmable lot a l or 4 seeond putie or loi two
I.“ second unlock pulses.
DIESEL ENGINE OPTION - The remote starter ten be pro
crammed toopeute diesel engines by monitoring the glori-
plug light Node 2. Funcuon 4. Option 3],
IDLE M005 - The remote starter can be programmed so
that the engine can be left running and the vehicle unat-
tended lor the engine run time if the Idle Mode Ophoh is
enabled and it the engine rt already running [Mode 1
Function e, Dptton t or all ‘lhe engine will run as it it out
started by remote while you make a short stop or delivery
without having to stop the engine
CHILD PROOF OPIION - The child prool oplion requires
Button ll to be pressed lot 4 seconds in order to start the
vehicle II this option is «tabled, cold weather operation will
be controlled try-pressing ooth Buttons l and II for A seconds
rnstead of only priming Sutton ll for 4 seconds
FCC II): N 1103
ENGINE mm TIME - The female starter can he pro-
grammed to run luv 5. rs or 15 minutes when started by
remote, Longer run 1mm can be programmed when m-
sulled m colderxlirnatesorwnen the nude requires longer
run firms to heat or cool the car down. Shnmr run times
can be programmed for more temperate climalei.
CRANK CYCLES - The remme starter an be programmed
to crank the engine 2. 3 or A film: when starting by remote
For engines that need mare crank tries. the unit an be
(uninsured for more crank the: before giving up.
CMNK ME - The remote starter can be pregmnmed a:
crank the engine Ger 6. B or 12 seconas an etch try. For
(older dimom car engine: that have diflreulty starting. a
Ianger and: cycle can be programmed. For mines that
sum “fill a 6 second crank (We may he sulfide-rt.
GROUNDOUT uNE - The groundnut line can be pro-
grammed for constant qr pulsed operation.
ALARM INSAIM - The delrnaler Irne can he programmer!
to double as a disarm wise slgnalwhrch IS sent just prior to
remnte starting (Made I. Function 2. Option 31
VACUUM MODE- Vacuum or mach men can he pra-
PROGMM PLAYBMK- Playbad'. onion to new tuna“
HOOD SWI'CK » when rmullrng the hood swrtch rnslde
the engine compartment. the sw-uh‘s contacts must be
closed when the hood rs opened and open when the heed
is closed. The body of the hood switch must be properly
VALET swrttlt - The valet swrtch should be located in an
area whreh allows easy access In the user but as orfIrcult to
fund by a potential that
IMMliT: This switch must be installed in order to make
programming attessible and easy to use As well, lt rs the
only way to disable the unit should any problems arise
NOTE: Yo ensure proper operation. ilis very important that
all remote starter connections be well soldered.
Once the harness has been installed and solderedt the
Voltages and signals at the connector should be vent-ed
before plugging in the remote starter module,
with the newer walet) watch in the OFF position plug the
remote starter unit in the connectolls). Turn the newer
switch to the UN com-on It the installatron rs correct the
partrnt; lights should flash twrte slowly
Rerse the hood and the parking lights should come on lot
about 4 seconds,
- Some vehrcles may have 2 tori-tron wires which rtwst be
powered up for the engine to start arld'or run property
under remote start
- Olhrx vehicles may have 2 accessory Wires which must
he erwvared in order to turn on the blow lant
To be able to use the remote tranumttor. you must first
haw the sysrern learn the transmitters code The system
can loam a total 01 A transmitters. It more than 4 codes are
programmld, the oldest codes will be replaced. (The same
transmitter can be coded it turns»: to lock out a! other
NOTE: when aodmga transmrller. rtlalu sure that no other
transmrtter rs in use or the remote starter unlt may learn it
1. Turn the valet swrlch to OFF
Open the hood
Turn the ignition swttth to ON
Turn the valet switch to ON
Yeu have up to 5 seconds to press lune-s I on the
transmitter to be added to the Uflllt
It the operation rs ilKlMilul the remote starter unit will
flash the parking lights 5 tunes with;
rf the coat- could not be read by the unit. the lights will
llash 2 times slow-t; Repeat the operation trern step L If
you cannot program the unsr after several tries, there may
be a problem with the transmitter or remote starter uflltt
This opt-on allows the remote starter was to be reset to l“
lactery default sen-hos.
NOTE: Using this opuon erases all transmitter codes. vov
will have to reprogram the transmitters into the umt
s lgmtron Iotlt enabled
- Consunt groundnut. no disarm on Aux line
0 A single all second floor lock/unlock pulse
- Trunk release by pressing Euttorls I and II
o no external trigger. No child wool feature
o 15 Minute run lime
- 3 crank cycles
o 3 second think time
- Gasollne engines and he idle mode
The "nth mode is set to setting 4 the 2 hour Cold weather
Mode taoabillty is enabled.
To reset the unit follow the steps below:
Turn the valet swrtch to 055,
flaise the hood
Turn the ignition swrtch to ON,
Hold the external trigger wrre to ground.
Pms and hold the brakes,
Turn the valet switch to out
wait approxlmatels' 5 snows until the parking lights
flesh ll) tunes
8, Remove the ground "am the external trigger line,
store: Sen-re vehicles automatically turn the parking |rghls
all mutter the rgrotroms turned ON This wiltoreuent you
lrom getting light confirmation or diagnostics. To circum-
vent this problem cut the lights wrre and attach a test lrghl
to the one connected to thestarler unit lie-attach the lights
war! when insnllatson ts corhpleee.
IMPORTANT: Thrs umt relres on relative tach pulses instead
0! absolute tyliedtl settings. For this reason, we strongly
urge you to use the tach learning steps outllrled below and
to use madtustrnlrlts when necessary
This remote starter system will help you locate the correct
lath wrre and learn lts optimum setting.
l Open the hood and hold the hood switch down tor
about 4 seconds Release the hood with. then once
the lights come on. press and release the switch once
more The lights should my on for up to 20 seconds
2 Press and hold the transmutter Buttons I and ll together
for about a secondt The oarlung lights should llash from
l to 7 tor-est (Eight flashes indicate vacuum mode.)
1 Start the vehicle Manually using the key, then let the
engine role to a normal speed.
I If you have the correct mach wire the lights will go out
methe engine starts ll [M lights stay on or (title: on
and o". you may need to find a better lath wrre
5. Press and hold the brakes until the lights go on. Once
the hghts go on release the brakes and count the
number oi llaches from the parlor-9 lighfl, ll it gives a
hash count of 8, you may have the wrong uch wire
so To save the taeh setting. areas and hold Buttons I and
II on the remote until you get a single lung flash trorn
the Irghts.
7 to cancel the setting. oress on thehood mitchmstead
8 Turn the engine oil. dose the hood and try to start the
vehicle by remote tontrot Ii the engine seems to oner-
crank or underaank. iollom the tach adjusts-rent stops
wrath follow,
li engine overcranks or undetcranlu. follow the steps out
lined below
1 Open the hood and hold the hood switch down tor
about 4 seconds, Release the hood mum: and once the
lights come on, press and relene the witch once
More the hghts should stay on (or up to 20 seconds
2 Press and hold trantrnrtter mutton; I and II together for
about a second, the parking lights should hash lrom t
to 7 times, (Eight flames indicates Vacuum Mode)
3 ll the engine mrctanktr press button It The setting
will decrease by I and the lights will flash the new
4 It the englne undercranltt, press Button Ii, The setting
wtll increace by l and the lights will ilash the new
More: In ‘l’ach Mod-n the lights should only flash from one
to seven tit-nee (Eight flashes ind-cam Vacuum Mode.)
5, To save the new setting. pvets and hold Buttons 1 and
ll on the remote until the oarkino light: hath once
6 to cancel the new tetting. prets on the hood switch
Yhe lach Watch Lockout ieattrre will cause the remote
starter to be locked out -i the enq-ne cranlu the entire
clan). time and N0 tach pull-s were ever detected dunno
the Ilrtl crank cycle Ihe drag-home lot this condition as 3
ourck [lashes when remote “in u mutated
II the umt goes tn lath watch Lochoul verify the nth wrre
connect-one Once you know that the lath wire is properly
connectw. you need to re-enable the remote tlarter unut
tn order to do this. follow the stem outitned below:
1 Disable the surter kill (ii installed],
1 Start the engine uslng the key. let it run a lew secontlt
and then turn the engine offt
1 Start the engine by remote
it the parking hghtt still hath 3 other and the car tune:
reiuses to crank it means that the unit is still in run Watch
Lockout and that the tach connection is improper. Redo the
steps in the Amomatic hch Search and Setting section
rccmmatm 3:
‘ mar: %_
Yhe user can enable or disable the cold weather mode
capability which makes the engine start and run automat-
really for 5 minutes during cold weather for a maximum at
24 hour» The user can also program the cold weather
turner to that I" engine starts mry one or two hours. in
order to program told weather mode. the user thould
complete the follomng mgr
1, Hold the brakes
2 YurniorntiontoON then immediately to “no“ position
3. Release the brakes immedtateiy
Select the iollumng choices With the transmitter:
- iuttort I: No cold Weather Capability (l light flash)
- Button ll: Cold Weather capability with a 2 hour time
interval (2 light hashes)
- ttutton le-II: Cold Weather capabdtty truth a 1 hour
lrme interval (3 light ilashes]
II enabled by the Ifll‘fllul me user can actrvate role mode
by compienng the Iotlowtng steps‘
l, Enmre that engine it running
1 Hold Button Illor button l to also unlock dootsiitgmuun
Lockis disabled) at lean 2 seconostoactivateldle Mode,
l! the parhng lights were OFF before activating lole
Moder theywill flash then remain ON loindicate the Idle
Mode active tale.
3, lemove the key the engine will run {or the run time
programmed in Mode 2.
1, cm the vehicle and tea the doors
If you plan on turn; a vacuum detect “ditch instead of
the tach wire. iollow the steps outlined tn the l'ath nogusb
mam section labovel and on tett-ng 818 tlathetl
Note that one side oi the vacuum much has to be con
nectad to the autoswn tach wire and the other side to
the matched 012 volts Irorn the valet switch.
ll vacuum mode was telected. the Vacuum Watch Lockout
ieature is similar to the lath Watch Lockout in that it lock:
out the remote starter if no vacuum ts detected. but tn that
case aher all the crank cycles. The diagnostic ior this condv
tron ta 3 quote ileum when remote start 11 mlttaledt
ti the unit goes in Tach Watch lockout. vain/the operation
of the vacuum switch and the vote connectton. Once you
know that the vacuum ware is properly connected, you
need to re-enabie the remote starter unit In order to do
thtt. follow the steps outlined below:
it Disable the starter kill iii installed).
1 Start the engine using the key. lot it run a few second;
and then turn the engine 011
at Start the enqtnr by remote to verity that the starter it
You may have to repeat this operation a tecond time,
”if? PK“? g
AUYOSTART units have an option to operate mm engines
This diesel opt-on reouires that an extra connection be
made at the glow olug light as shown on the dravnng.
Connect a wave to the glow plug light on the dashboard. Be
sure to connect the wrre to the side of the light that
rezone-a 12 volts when the glow plugs are ON. the tuner
output is in standby and will not start until the glow plugs
go OFF. or aher a 30 second delay.
“ME: If the glow plug light is energised by a negative
signal. use a relay to reverse polarity to yield a positive 12
volt signal
IMPORTANT: Diesel engines can oilher operate imth a tech
sensor a: a vacuum sensor This mic applies il using the
Vacuum mode. Some diesel engines takes long time for the
wacwmwdrop belowBinches of mercury. lneold wealhtc.
it mzy take as long as S to 10 mtnutes Aul’OsTAm’ will wt
lunction until the vacuum level drops below 3 inches 0!
"HS mode allows you to program the ignition lock. door
locx'unlock toggle. groundnut mode. Aux line. door lock
pulses. trunk release. garage transmitter control. cola
Mather mode, external trigger and child prool options.
1 Open the hood and hold the hood swttch down lor
about 4 seconds llelease the hood switch and once the
lighu come on. press and release the switch once more.
the lights should stay on up to 10 seconds.
2 Fress and hold the brakes.
3 Press Hutton I on lhe remote transmitter. The parking
lights will Ilash once to confirm that you‘re in Mode |.
Release the brakes and program the next three options.
more: You can program the first. first two or ad five lunc'
trans but they must be in the lollowing sequence. Alter
programming the desired option. press the hood much to
end programming.
Function 1: Ignition lock. Door tocluuiiloclc logy-d
0 Button I‘ Ignition Lotlc Enabled
- Button II Ignition Lock Disabled
0 Buttons loll Ignition Lock Enabled
lDoor led/unlock toggledl
Function 2: Groundwt. AUX llnes
- Button l' constant Groundoui
- lotion || Pulsed Groundoux
- auttons I-Hl Constant Groundout, Disann pulse
Function 3; Door ioclc eulte Time
. Button I' 3m second Lock/Unlock pulse
- Button II Three 3m second LocWMuclc pulses
- Bultons lvll 31a second Loch pulse.
Two m second unlock pulses
Function 1: use 0! lumna l-tll Pressed simultaneously
- Hutton I' Yrunlt release lw-Il not oclnrale while ignition
- station n Garage door transmitter control
lmll activate while ignition ON]
- Stilton: 10“ Cold weather Mode Murat-ort'Doaclrvar-on
Function 5: External nigger. child Prob!
- button I‘ Normal operation
. Button || Normal Operation 5 Enable external Trigger
- svttons loll child vrool Operation
- = Factory Deleult
This concludes Mode l programming. lb get a playback of
these options. press and releaso the hood swrich. These 5
functions (and those from Mode 2] will play back wa the
lurking lights.
Yhis mode allows you to customrae the reinote starler's
control of crank cycles, engine run time. idle mode and
diesel engines options.
1. Open the hood and hold the hood switch down for
about 4 seconds. Rmase the hood swutch and once the
lights came on. press and release the switch once More
the lights should stay on up in an seconds.
1. fires and hold the brakes.
3 l'ress Button II on the remote. 1he parking lights will
flash twice to confirm that you‘re in Mode 2.
At this point. you can release the brakes and program the
tint. lint two or all loin functions.
Fir-salon 1: Engine Inn rime
- Iullonl 5 minutes
- lulu» Il‘ 15 minutes
e muons Iell 25 minutes
Function 2: cranlt cycles
a lutton I a max.
- Iutton ll' 3 mat.
- lutton loll a max.
Function a: trunk Ilrne
c Hutton I 6 seconds mat
a Bullion ll' 8 seconds mast.
- Button loll 12 seconds mas.
function I Diesel Engines. Idle Mod!
0 Button l Gasoline Engine Er Idle Mode inabled
- Button II‘ Gasoline Engine
o Button l+ll Diesel Engine 3 idle Mode inabled
' a Factory Delauls
This concludes Mode 2 programming See Mode 1 lo!
flayoact of options.
EXHlBITfl: find
~m Luau.
..,._ a},
2 Slow 5mm has reser. Should occur Mun vale: switch is turned On.
No loch pulse dolcmd during crank Should nor «can. ll no pulse is demand within 2
seconds of cranking. the unrl wil force a rem. ‘
4 slow Pcwnrvuo will. hum prcsndr This imam M was made! union;
I Quint Door: locked or and 06 run time or run |irne cancelled or wnk open of cancclltd cold
math“ o: cannot sun alter minimum all'mpls of mnk this
2 Quick Doors unlockndl
3 Quick Enuring cold wcaunr made or uch watch lockout
4 Quick m Duke lint mm high and cent-led cranlo‘ng or run cycle
5 Quick New lrarrsmimr leaf-ad
I Quick Unit mm: Occurs Manta: the arm is lorccd inlo Rem Mada during pm-upl
lo cu-a Mood lint went to ground Gunny cunt or fun firm
on t sac llthr parlinglloMsgoDNlo-l seconds. mhoodopcmdlndthchoodmch line want
u wound. This is mp one crl mogul-lining modes.
ON 5 slcondx ll 1M light; on on lot 5 mud: whirl ulcl crunch is turned on. me syn-m delecln lhll
the ignition lino ir on and tho hood twitch line it ground”. sun of rrnnsrr-rimr lurnrrrg
on 14 sec. A "mote sun ammpt ms mod: Willi a ucn or a vacuum signal mend.
ON 20 mono: ll the hood watch I: Hound (ground. opal. ground]. thr uni: wan! Mo sup 1 cl the
programming cycle and no mnrmlmr mimw rm mm for 20 “tends.
ERMIK II the unit flashes annually (1 to 3 "AM. lolomd by a pan». than mote llama). u
might ht in plwbcck mode. This ocnrm Mun Ila hood with line is flashed mm
(ground, elm. ground. nun. ground).
FCCID: NA“! 33
e Pin Swrtch Problems
0 9m svntch problems are the most commnn problem will remote tuners. u the pin switch is grounded. the system Will
not respond. A simple check lot this cnnduien Ii the following With the hand closed and IngIM err. turn the valet
swctch 055 and then ON. ll the parking lights lush end they stw on ‘0’ 4 seconds. the pin watch is grounded.
e Nothing happens when pressing button I or II.
. ll perkrng lights go on when hood is raised. there may be e problem vnlh the transmitter
- transrnttter may not be learned
- Transmitter battery may be dead or week
a Engine stops the» lights "Ash 1!) times.
0 Ground “ng teen on head switch or lane
. cheek lor hand switch alignment.
. Make sure lined twitch line doesn‘t piss near spark plugs or mm or coil and distributor
- Lew range
. Check beltery line! on trensrrutter
. Antenne should he in plain sight. not ton dnse to rnnl
- Check connector wire at module
lMFOm'Am: Ensure that tech lmll’lg is correct
e Engine won‘t eranlr and lights flash 3 tlmes.
o The unit I! “1 tech watch lockout. Check the tech wire connection. start the car manually and let it run a few recendr
to exit the lockout state
- Engine cranks and doesn't relene.
. Make sure pins es and 30 on xterm lrill rel-y ere not tied together.
- Check to make sure you have the correct ucn writ (You may need us locate a different tech wire)
- Check to ensure that year use the tech lnming feature
e Starter over or under crank; during ”arts.
0 Manually adyutl tec‘h setting (down if over-cranking, up il undev-«enhngl
. try using a dlllerenl tech wire.
a starter cranks for about 2 menu: then stop; lights flesh 1 tlrnes llewIM.
- thle check the tech wire. the system will stop crenhng if it doesn't detect a tech pulse in z recur-at.
a Englne mm but steps alter a tent seconds. then trier to teen egaln.
0 Try uung another tech wire.
IMPORTANT: Ensure tech selling is set to 8
a Li; ht: we in for to mend; when trying to start by lemme
- No ground from van-urn twitch.
- Mel-e sure vacuum MIMI! rs properly grounded.
- Make sure vacuum line is properly connected to switch and module
. check lor defect-we vacuum switch
e Cunt doesn't shut ell wee engine sures.
0 Check lei delectlve muurn switch
- cheek ler short to ground on vacuum smith line to medtlc.
o Emure that vmum switch is connected to e strong vacuum return.
I Engine won't crenlt and lights lleth 3 time;
. the mini is in vacuum watch lockout slate after 3 unsucoeulul crank tries MlMut a vacuum signal being detected
clued: the vacuum snatch opemien. start the ear namely and let it run a few seconds to exit the lockout mu.
e Doors den'l unlock on 95 "hunt and possibly ethen.
- It seems the! name newer model or: require 2 ground pulses en the unlock wire In order to unlock “vehicle. lhis
llarter module support: such syswmst
t 50 min Custom Program Mede l and m the deer Ieelwnluck pulse an» (Quinn 3) to 3 lmnd mode. "in wil
provide e 3 second pulre. lelIuwed by a quarter mend pulse which wlll unlock the diner.
rec 1D: mums:
EXHIBIT 0:42 ’
HARNESS oucmflou (15pm)
run a com
| amt (Ground)
1 We! (Tab!
3 my mood)
4: Pm 4 u not men
5 Orange (Bram?
6 Red lvalu)
3 Mlnw
lo lzv) lvarhrng fights)
3 Brown not“
9 Gwen (Unhak)
lD Blue
GROUND (hunk)
n wmumflow
GNOUND (sum It“!
12 (External logger:
ll lemma-cull
14 “(warm sap-nu
‘5 (AUX Imel
A led Maw]
B km
N 12V) («gnu-on lmel
c mom (cranlrl
H lzv)
D Orange
(0 llv.‘ (hunches)
E Red (Gallery)
18 AWG
la aws
ls awn
10 AM
u lWG
|4 AWG
APPENDlx 8 FCCID: ummsz
mum a:
CONN!“ 70
Goal! solid ground. usually an the Mil frame of (he whltle
Negative (-) nae nl ml crush wrro of electron-z arm-hum: If lhe vatuum «node
u out mum comm one use al A normally mud nzuum swulrrl m mu wvrf
and the mr nor re 0 I zv lrom the vain mun.
Noon “mun mum no body of the hood awilth choulu be groomed to the
veal-ale rna the mounnng orachrt
memo! oralm amen rhn hat flivwrwn brake pedal is pressed. (lgmuofl may
have no he on, slap-Mum an the van-do I ll lne Dmel Mama oar-arr us until the
glow plug Ilghl shall be also cannon-d to (hr brake lune mun 07 name 1 made:
We! to the Dead Connmmn human:
one MB: 5! VALE'I Mil. (unnm rho arr-er sale oftha mm to u zv flattery]
Mus! m connamd for some programming optima.
Parlnng ham or swam w-ra (bar has +|2v whm parlor-q Irghn an on
On cars with quame Tagger deer leak mrerm. um wire can be amzlnd dime“)
row “are that LOCKS the doors Mona ground rs applred, For pom-ya tnggered
dam lotlra or rm“! polarity wnemr. (M wrre can be attuned firmly in me
vnra that muons lnt own when a pom-we signal 15 annual
On an wrth Nagairve Triggar door Inek warm. "as wira can be another! Glrtflly
la rue ma rhn UNLOCKS the deer: Man a ground u awl-0d. for pun-w
"wad door locks or ravma mum; mum. Ill-r wit-an on all-chad firmly
ln aha win rhar was me soon mm a 90mm srgnal la aophadl
Pm! is of - ralay adds lor mix (mur- lm anagram]. 5mm a 61mm: srgnal
hm! as of Storm us new (in flagrant]. Sands a GROUND signal
can I» null to comma to an mural rumor lo larval. QM ararw renown
whith «and; a ground ma! when amand. Una also m "n slaps 10 run! tho
unit {Mun program Mode l. Fund-on Leonor-r z wallow Hm mgr-a! lo our-w.)
(an bumd lor VA m. mm» mm diuolt. Ems a GMND signal.
Mann van Sonar 0 0mm algnal.
No“: (mumm- u mum on mat of melt urn-shad.
flinsa on! mom! paw, lour mus arm-m Mid. xlarts and-r «mole Can
5! Med m hook up lo a horn lurmq a relay] and/or mmndow drhmur argnal
rum lrequrnrrq a ground algnan. Vn-l ngnal gum a GROUND «mull
N0“: ll rhe M»: Me a programmed for nrmM P055. this I'm. wil alao
gar-um a on new ma ma! pain just Dado-a the nail-on u luv-IN an
Gunny rmoll mm
tonllam ‘ m rout“ (usual), lh! largest wit-J al kay- wind-
“0 AMP Invlirla fun man be am)
Win: at kw lwilth lnal has uzv whar- hay us in lb: on and CRANK (SIM?!
Wm mat ha: a mi cum when kay swath u m cum pom-on. (Attach a Wire
comm-rag from pm 037A of sramr Krlr relay rl rm: lmure n and)
Wire ar by wale» rhal has uzv when m ago-non way u in Ignition andror
Actuaries amnion only lnot crank position).
Mammal Pow lrnz. (Sn "N CA abate!)
[. , 25.322: ‘ an
wwz‘ areas cm fax-“75. . ‘ $501.13»
xfxchw . >w55
5: $2 2 $2535 ..... E255
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C65: 80: ‘ . f , , KS n M N x
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Ea: an: 3:3 $2515.95; was; ‘ 525.0 , C
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53,5 2.1; $53: 3332? : 5.x. E.
£3230 a: 1220.59 xo‘. ESE
A»: 535. $53 x:= «3:3:
AUTOSTART units have an option 10 operate
diesel engines. This diesel option requires lhal an
extra connection be made at the glow plug lighl as
shown on the Diesel schematic.
Connect a wire to the glow plug light on the
dashboard. Be sure lo connect the wire to the side
of the light that receives 12 VDIIS when the glow
plugs are ON. When the glow plugs are ON. the
sinner oulput is in standby and will not sum until
the glow plugs go OFF.
It the glow plug light is energized try a negative
Signal, use a relay to reverse potarily to yield a
positive 12 volis signal.
In some cars. the glow plug light can come ON
while the engine is running. On AUTOSTART
modules snipped Il'om November 2. 1995, version
228. the Circuit 2 can be used to prevent a
premature engine shut OFF,
IMPORTANT NOTE: Diesel engines can erther
operate With a sensor or a vacuum sensor. This
note applies ll usrng the vacuum mode. Some
diesel engines lake 3 long time for the vacuum to
drop below 6 inches at mercury. In cold weather Il
may take as long as 5 to 10 minutes.
AUTOSTART wlll not function until the vacuum
level drops below 6 inches oI mercury.
fl— “ Glow plug
Circull 1
Les unites AUTOSTART out me option qui perrnet
d‘utiliser tes véhicuies a moleur diesel, L'option diesel
necessite une connection suoolémenlaire a l'indicateur
de la Dougie de rechaufiemeni (glow plug light) comme
l'indique le Circuit 1,
Connector un til a l'indicateur de la Dougie ue
réchauftemenl du iableau de bond Assurez-vous oue
ce til soit connecté é celui de la lumiere qui repair 12
volts lorsque Ia bougle de réchauffemem est allumee
Lorsque Ia Dougie de recheuflement est active, le
demaneur est en atteme jusqu'e oe qu'elte se desactive
Si la boogie de réohaul‘lemenl est emivée par un Signal
negatll. utlliser un relai pour renverser la polarité a 12
Pour cenains véhicules. Ia Dougie oe rechauitement
peui s’aaiver sores le demarrage. Sur les modules
AUTOSTART dates a partir du 2 novembre 1995.
version 2.28. lo circuit 2 peul etre utilise pour prevenir
un arret premature du moieur,
NOTE IMPORYANTE: Les moteurs diesels peuvent
Ionctionner avec un senseur de tachometm ou un
nnseur de vacuum. Gene note s'applluue 5: tin
senseur de vacuum est utilise. Le Iigne tie vamum de
oenains moteurs diesels prenu du temps a descendre
sous B pouoes do mercure. Par temps lroid. cela peul
prenare de 5 a 10 minutes . L‘unlte AUTOSTART ne
Iondionnera pas (am que le niveau de vacuum ne sera
pas sous 8 pouoes de mercure
57 no
H—«m—f— Glow plug
Orflnge l
ACC ’—“‘
GND our «L 55 as
car! coll
Brakareinr— — BukelFreln
Circuit 2
5222 Sim 20 mam-5.3
\ 52:53
mag-fin ism 55.5 xmé
Egrugiag§§§ m.
San flop 035.3» 5a 05ch m .
I. ..mD in: u “822 a... N
Eganzo-Saae {55-533 , MM
.emmflfiq §=a:n52:
28.5? ..: 23:35
.ofiznm ...: «gaggififlfiasizcnpfia
.eem 58222...
. Sci . . . . 8.2.10: zh. SEE: 5.5.-
.zos...:.... £85
15‘ AWG
8cfl...f..11~<§=mac ....... m5.
552. . . . . Rang-mm 852.2
59.2 . . . . . $55.55
Ezm ..... 82.6: S 32. En

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
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Modify Date                     : 1999:06:10 14:54:41
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