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Avaya IP Phones Avaya Ethernet Routing Switches Engineering > Avaya IP Telephony Deployment Technical Configuration Guide Avaya Networking Document Date: August 2012 Document Number: NN48500-517 Document Version: 7.4 avaya.com © 2012 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notices While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Documentation disclaimer Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya’s agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User. Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked Web sites referenced within this site or documentation(s) provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages. Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Please note that if you acquired the product from an authorized reseller, the warranty is provided to you by said reseller and not by Avaya. Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO/ ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER. 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All content in this documentation(s) and the product(s) provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense under the applicable law. Third Party Components Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Product may contain software distributed under third party agreements ("Third Party Components"), which may contain terms that expand or limit rights to use certain portions of the Product ("Third Party Terms"). Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those Products that have distributed the Linux OS source code), and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply to them is available on the Avaya Support Web site: http://support.avaya.com/Copyright. Trademarks The trademarks, logos and service marks ("Marks") displayed in this site, the documentation(s) and product(s) provided by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its affiliates, or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing contained in this site, the documentation(s) and product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party. Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc. All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Downloading documents For the most current versions of documentation, see the Avaya Support. Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Contact Avaya Support Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your product. The support telephone number is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http:// www.avaya.com/support. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 2 avaya.com Abstract The purpose of this TCG is to review the many options available on Avaya Ethernet and Ethernet Routing Switches for interoperability with Avaya’s IP Phone sets. Acronym Key Throughout this guide the following acronyms will be used: AES :Avaya Energy Saver ADAC :Auto Detect Auto Configuration DHCP :Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DSCP : Differentiated Services Code Point EAP :Extensible Authentication Protocol, IEEE 802.1X EAP MHMA :EAP Multiple Host Multiple Authentication EAP NEAP : non-EAP Client EDM :Enterprise Device Manager ERS :Ethernet Routing Switch LACP :Link Aggregation Control Protocol LLDP :Link Payer Discovery Protocol, IEEE 802.1AB MLT :Multilink Trunking PoE :Power over Ethernet QoS :Quality of Service SMLT :Split Multilink Trunking TOS :Type of Service UBP :User Based Policies VLACP : Virtual LACP VLAN : Virtual LAN Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 3 avaya.com Revision Control No Date Version Revised By Remarks 1 07/12/2007 2.2 ESE Modification to section 4.4.2 on page 45. 2 01/28/2008 3.0 ESE Modifications ESE Added updates related to ADAC and EAPOL. 3 02/14/2008 4.0 Added ERS2500 and ERS4000 switches. 4 8/4/2009 6.0 JVE Updates related to auto provisioning and software updates on various switches 5 8/26/2010 7.0 JVE Updated based on all Avaya IP Phones and added features on various Avaya switches. Added AES (Avaya Energy Savings) Update regarding LLDP-TLVs. LLDP tx-tlv sys-cap added to interface level in section This is required to support some IP Phone models 6 1/07/2011 7.1 JVE 7 2/21/2012 7.2 John Vant Erve Add details regarding voice-vlan provisioning reflected in configuration examples. Added ERS 4000 PoE+ models 8 7/30/2012 7.3 John Vant Erve Added ERS 3500. 8 8/21/2012 7.4 John Vant Erve Non-eap-phone support when using Avaya 9600 series IP Phones Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 4 avaya.com Table of Contents Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 Tables.......................................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 13 2. Automatic Provisioning Configuration Examples ................................................................................ 14 2.1 Reference Diagrams ................................................................................................................... 15 2.1.1 Diagram 1 : Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch ..................................................................................... 15 2.1.3 Diagram 2 : Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 ............................................................................................ 16 2.2 Switch Software levels ................................................................................................................ 17 2.3 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with traffic filters for QoS and optional LLDP MED Policy ...................................................................................................................... 18 2.3.1 Stackable Switch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 18 2.3.2 Verify Operations.................................................................................................................................... 25 2.4 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with ADAC for QoS using LLDP Dectection ............................................................................................................................................... 32 2.4.1 Stackable Ethernet Switch Configuration ............................................................................................... 32 2.4.2 Verify operations .................................................................................................................................... 35 2.5 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with ADAC for QoS using MAC Address Dectection ................................................................................................................................. 40 2.5.1 Stackable Ethernet Switch Configuration ............................................................................................... 40 2.5.2 Verify configuration................................................................................................................................. 42 2.6 Auto Configuration with an Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 using DHCP .................................... 48 2.6.1 ERS 8300 Configuration......................................................................................................................... 48 2.6.2 Verify Operations.................................................................................................................................... 54 2.7 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch with EAP MHMA ....................... 55 2.7.1 Stackable Switch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 55 2.7.2 Verify Operations.................................................................................................................................... 57 2.7.3 RADIUS Server Configuration ................................................................................................................ 60 2.8 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch using EAP with NEAP and User Based Policy............................................................................................................................................ 64 2.8.1 Stackable Switch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 65 2.8.2 Verify Operations.................................................................................................................................... 67 2.8.3 RADIUS Server – Policy Setup .............................................................................................................. 74 2.9 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch using EAP with Fail Open VLAN, Guest VLAN, and RADIUS Assigned VLAN for PC Supplicant .............................................................. 81 2.9.1 Stackable Switch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 81 2.9.2 Verify Operations.................................................................................................................................... 84 2.10 Avaya IP Phone – DHCP and Provisioning Files ........................................................................ 89 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 5 avaya.com 2.10.1 DHCP Settings ................................................................................................................................... 89 2.10.2 Provisioning Files ............................................................................................................................... 90 2.11 Avaya Energy Saver (AES) ......................................................................................................... 92 2.11.1 Go to configuration mode. .................................................................................................................. 92 2.11.2 Add SNTP Server .............................................................................................................................. 92 2.11.3 Add Avaya Energy Saver configuration ............................................................................................. 92 2.11.4 Verify operations ................................................................................................................................ 93 2.12 DHCP Server Setup .................................................................................................................... 97 2.12.1 3. Avaya IP Deskphones ....................................................................................................................... 106 3.1 2000 Series IP Deskphones...................................................................................................... 106 3.1.1 Feature Comparison............................................................................................................................. 106 3.1.2 Accessing the Configuration Menu (2001/2002/2004).......................................................................... 107 3.1.3 Configuration Menu on Phase II IP Phone 2001, Phase II IP Phone 2002 and Phase II IP Phone 2004 109 3.1.4 Accessing the Configuration Menu (2007 IP Deskphone) .................................................................... 111 3.1.5 Configuration Menu on the 2007 IP Deskphone ................................................................................... 111 3.2 1100 Series IP Deskphones...................................................................................................... 114 3.2.1 Feature Comparison............................................................................................................................. 114 3.2.2 Accessing the Configuration Menu ....................................................................................................... 115 3.2.3 Configuration Menu on the 1120E/1140E/1150E/1165E IP Deskphone .............................................. 116 3.3 1200 Series IP Deskphone ....................................................................................................... 119 3.3.1 Feature Comparison............................................................................................................................. 119 3.3.2 Access the Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................... 120 3.3.3 Configuration Menu on IP Phone 12xx Series and IP Phone 1110 ...................................................... 121 3.4 Restore to Factory Defaults (applies to 1100-Series, 1200-Series, and 2007 IP Deskphones) 123 3.5 1600 Series IP Deskphones...................................................................................................... 124 3.5.1 3.6 Feature Comparison............................................................................................................................. 124 9600 Series IP Deskphones...................................................................................................... 125 3.6.1 4. Feature Comparison............................................................................................................................. 125 IP Office Script: ERS 3500 ................................................................................................................ 127 4.1 5. Windows 2003 DHCP Configuration .................................................................................................. 98 IP Office Script: Example using verbose mode......................................................................... 128 Automatic Provisioning: Plug and Play IP Telephony ....................................................................... 130 5.1 Voice VLAN ............................................................................................................................... 131 5.2 Auto Provisioning on Avaya IP Deskphones (1100-Series, 1200-Series, 2000-Series)........... 132 5.2.1 Provisioning Server – Using TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS ................................................................................ 132 5.2.2 LLDP .................................................................................................................................................... 136 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 6 avaya.com 5.2.3 5.3 Auto Provisioning on Avaya IP Deskphones (1600-Series, 9600-Series) ................................ 141 5.3.1 LLDP .................................................................................................................................................... 141 5.3.2 DHCP ................................................................................................................................................... 145 5.3.3 Provisioning Server – Using HTTP or HTTPS ...................................................................................... 147 5.3.4 SNMP ................................................................................................................................................... 147 5.4 Auto Detection and Auto Configuration (ADAC) of Avaya IP Phones ...................................... 148 5.4.1 ADAC Operating Modes ....................................................................................................................... 148 5.4.2 QoS Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 150 5.4.3 ADAC Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 152 5.5 6. DHCP ................................................................................................................................................... 138 Link Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE 802.1AB) ........................................................................ 156 5.5.1 Protocol Behavior ................................................................................................................................. 157 5.5.2 Mandatory TLVs ................................................................................................................................... 158 5.5.3 Optional TLVs....................................................................................................................................... 159 5.5.4 Basic Management TLVs ..................................................................................................................... 159 5.5.5 IEEE Organization Specific TLV ........................................................................................................... 159 5.5.6 TIA LLDP-MED Extensions .................................................................................................................. 162 5.5.7 Vendor Specific 802.1AB (LLDP) TLVs ................................................................................................ 163 5.5.8 LLDP Support on Avaya Switches........................................................................................................ 165 5.5.9 LLDP Configuration on Avaya IP Phone Sets and Switches ................................................................ 166 5.5.10 LLDP VLAN Name ........................................................................................................................... 166 5.5.11 LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Devices) Network Policy .................................................................... 173 802.3af and 802.3at (PoE+) Power over Ethernet ............................................................................ 186 6.1 IP Deskphone Power Requirements ......................................................................................... 187 6.2 Avaya PoE Switches ................................................................................................................. 189 6.3 Configuring PoE ........................................................................................................................ 198 6.3.1 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch ...................................................................................................... 198 6.3.2 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 .............................................................................................................. 204 7. Avaya Enery Saver ........................................................................................................................... 210 8. QoS ................................................................................................................................................... 211 8.1 Interface Roles – Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch .............................................................. 211 8.2 Default QoS Operations - ERS 8300 ........................................................................................ 212 8.3 QoS Mapping ............................................................................................................................ 213 8.4 Queue Sets ............................................................................................................................... 214 8.4.1 Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 .............................................................................................................. 214 8.4.3 Ethernet Routing Switch 3500 .............................................................................................................. 216 8.4.4 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 .............................................................................................................. 218 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 7 avaya.com 8.4.5 Ethernet Routing Switch 5000 .............................................................................................................. 221 8.4.6 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 .............................................................................................................. 223 8.5 Automatic QoS .......................................................................................................................... 226 8.5.1 Automatic QoS Edge Mode: Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch ......................................................... 227 8.5.2 Automatic QoS Configuration – Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch .................................................... 229 8.6 9. Configuring QoS on a Avaya Switch for Voice Traffic .............................................................. 230 8.6.1 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch - Creating a new Interface Group of Trusted ................................ 230 8.6.2 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch - Assuming default role combination with class of untrusted ........ 234 8.6.3 Configure L2 QoS on a Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 ........................................................................ 236 Anti-Spoofing Best Practices ............................................................................................................ 243 10. EAPoL Support ............................................................................................................................. 246 10.1 EAP Overview ........................................................................................................................... 246 10.2 EAP Support on Avaya IP Phone Sets ..................................................................................... 248 10.3 EAP and ADAC ......................................................................................................................... 249 10.4 EAP Support on Avaya Switches .............................................................................................. 250 10.5 EAP Feature Overview and Configuration on Avaya Stackable Switches ............................... 252 10.5.1 Single Host Single Authentication: SHSA ........................................................................................ 252 10.5.2 Guest VLAN ..................................................................................................................................... 252 10.5.3 Multiple Host Multiple Authentication: MHMA .................................................................................. 253 10.5.4 MHMA Radius Assigned VLANs ...................................................................................................... 253 10.5.5 MHMA MultiVLAN ............................................................................................................................ 254 10.5.6 MHMA Last Assigned RADIUS VLAN .............................................................................................. 255 10.5.7 MHMA with Fail Open VLAN ............................................................................................................ 255 10.5.8 VoIP VLAN ....................................................................................................................................... 255 10.5.9 Multihost Dummy ADAC RADIUS Requests .................................................................................... 256 10.5.10 Enhanced MHMA Feature: Non-EAP-MAC (NEAP) ........................................................................ 257 10.5.11 Enhanced MHMA Feature: Non-EAP IP Phone client...................................................................... 258 10.5.12 EAP/NEAP with VLAN Names ......................................................................................................... 259 10.5.13 Unicast EAP Request in MHMA ....................................................................................................... 259 10.5.14 User Based Policies (UBP) .............................................................................................................. 260 10.6 EAP Configuration using EDM .................................................................................................. 262 10.7 RADIUS Setup .......................................................................................................................... 265 11. 10.7.1 RADIUS Setup for NEAP ................................................................................................................. 265 10.7.2 RADIUS Setup for Dynamic VLAN Assignment ............................................................................... 274 10.7.3 IAS Server ....................................................................................................................................... 275 Appendixes.................................................................................................................................... 279 11.1 Appendix A: IP Deskphone info Block (applies to the 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 1110, 1120E, 1140E, 1150E, 1165E, 1210, 1220, and 1230 IP Deskphones) ........................................................... 279 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 8 avaya.com 11.2 Appendix B: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 9600 Series H323 IP Phones............. 289 11.3 Appendix C: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 9600 Series SIP IP Phones ............... 291 11.4 Appendix D: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 1600 Series H.323 IP Deskphones ... 293 11.5 Appendix E: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 1600 Series SIP IP Deskphones ....... 296 11.6 Appendix F: 46xxsettings.txt Configuration File ........................................................................ 298 12. Reference Documentation ............................................................................................................ 394 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 9 avaya.com Figures Figure 1: Base setup - Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch Setup.............................................................. 15 Figure 2: Base setup - Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Setup ..................................................................... 16 Figure 3: IP Phone 2004 Access Configuration Menu ............................................................................. 107 Figure 4: IP Phone 2002 Access Configuration Menu ............................................................................. 107 Figure 5: IP Phone 2004 Power Cycle Phone Set ................................................................................... 108 Figure 6: IP Phone 2002 Power Cycle Phone Set ................................................................................... 108 Figure 7: IP Phone 2007 Phone Set ........................................................................................................ 111 Figure 8: 1100 Series IP Deskphone Setup ............................................................................................. 115 Figure 9: 1200 Series IP Deskphone Setup ............................................................................................. 120 Figure 10: IEEE 802.3 LLDP frame format ............................................................................................... 157 Figure 11: LLDPDU Frame Format ........................................................................................................... 158 Figure 12: Organizationally Specific TLV Format ..................................................................................... 159 Figure 13: LLDP-MED TLV Format ........................................................................................................... 162 Figure 14: Organizational TLV SubType 3 TLV Frame Format ................................................................ 166 Figure 15: LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV SubType 2 Frame Format .................................................... 173 Figure 16: PD and PSE 8-pin Modular Jack Pin’s ................................................................................... 186 Figure 17: Redundant Power Supply 15 (RPS15) .................................................................................... 196 Figure 18: EAP Overview ......................................................................................................................... 246 Figure 19: EAP Frame ............................................................................................................................. 247 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 10 avaya.com Tables Table 1: Avaya IP Deskphones – 2000 Series ........................................................................................ 106 Table 2: Avaya IP Deskphones – 1100 Series ........................................................................................ 114 Table 3: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 1200 series .......................................................................................... 119 Table 4: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 1600 series .......................................................................................... 124 Table 5: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 9600 series .......................................................................................... 126 Table 6: DHCP Response Codes ............................................................................................................ 138 Table 7: ADAC Support on Avaya Switches ............................................................................................. 155 Table 8: TLV Type Values......................................................................................................................... 158 Table 9: Organizational TLV ..................................................................................................................... 160 Table 10: LLDP MED TLV......................................................................................................................... 162 Table 11: LLDP Support on Avaya Switches ............................................................................................ 165 Table 12: PSE Pinout Alternative ............................................................................................................. 186 Table 13: 802.3af PD Power Classification .............................................................................................. 187 Table 14: IP Deskphone Power Requirements ........................................................................................ 188 Table 15: ERS 8300 Power over Ethernet Options .................................................................................. 189 Table 16: ERS 5600 Power over Ethernet Options .................................................................................. 190 Table 17: ERS 5500 Power over Ethernet Options .................................................................................. 191 Table 18: ERS 4000 Power over Ethernet Options .................................................................................. 192 Table 19: ERS 4000 Power over Ethernet Plus Options .......................................................................... 193 Table 20: ERS 3500 Power over Ethernet Plus Options .......................................................................... 194 Table 21: ERS 2500 Power over Ethernet Options .................................................................................. 195 Table 22: RPS 15 Configuration Options .................................................................................................. 197 Table 23: Default QoS fields by class of interface—IPv4 only................................................................. 212 Table 24: Avaya QoS Class Mappings .................................................................................................... 213 Table 25: Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 ASIC ......................................................................................... 220 Table 26: Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Egress Queue ......................................................................... 223 Table 27: NT DSCP Mapping Values (Mixed) .......................................................................................... 227 Table 28: NT DSCP Values (Pure) ........................................................................................................... 227 Table 29: Default QOS Behavior for the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 ................................................. 236 Table 30: MITM Attacks ............................................................................................................................ 244 Table 31: Anti-Spoofing support on Avaya Switches ................................................................................ 245 Table 32: EAP Support on Avaya IP Phones........................................................................................... 248 Table 33: EAP Support on Avaya Switches ............................................................................................. 251 Table 34: NEAP Passwords ..................................................................................................................... 257 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 11 avaya.com Conventions This section describes the text, image, and command conventions used in this document. Symbols Tip – Highlights a configuration or technical tip. Note – Highlights important information to the reader. Warning – Highlights important information about an action that may result in equipment damage, configuration or data loss. Text Bold text indicates emphasis. Italic text in a Courier New font indicates text the user must enter or select in a menu item, button or command: ERS5520-48T# show running-config Output examples from Avaya devices are displayed in a Lucida Console font: ERS5520-48T# show sys-info Operation Mode: Switch MAC Address: 00-12-83-93-B0-00 PoE Module FW: 6370.4 Reset Count: 83 Last Reset Type: Management Factory Reset Power Status: Primary Power Autotopology: Enabled Pluggable Port 45: None Pluggable Port 46: None Pluggable Port 47: None Pluggable Port 48: None Base Unit Selection: Non-base unit using rear-panel switch sysDescr: Ethernet Routing Switch 5520-48T-PWR HW:02 FW: Mfg Date:12042004 Aug 2012 SW:v6.2.0.009 HW Dev:H/W rev.02 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 12 avaya.com 1. Overview This TCG covers standalone Avaya IP Phone sets and how they can be deployed on various Avaya switches. It will cover features on Avaya switches related to VoIP with configuration examples. Overall, topics that will be covered include the following: Ethernet switch platforms that support PoE: Ethernet Routing Switch 5000: 5520-48T-PWR, 5650TD-PWR, 5698TFD-PWR Ethernet Routing Switch 4000: 4526T-PWR, 4550T-PWR, 4524GT-PWR, 4526GTX-PWR, 4548GT-PWR, 4526T-PWR+, 4550T-PWR+, 4826GTS-PWR+, 4850GTS-PWR+ Ethernet Routing Switch 3500: 3526T-PWR+, 3510GT-PWR+, 3526GT-PWR+ Ethernet Routing Switch 2500: 2526T-PWR, 2550T-PWR Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 VoIP technologies: Auto configuration via DHCP for VoIP Phone sets Auto provisioning using tftp or http Avaya Energy Saver (AES) Authentication using EAPoL (802.1x) Auto Detection Auto Configuration (ADAC) Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Power over Ethernet (PoE) Quality over Service (QoS) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 13 avaya.com 2. Automatic Provisioning Configuration Examples This section will cover various configuration examples to allow for automatic or zero-touch provisioning of Avaya IP phones using Avaya data switches. The following chart summarizes each configuration example. Section Item QoS Description 2.3 DHCP or optional LLDPMED Manually configured 1 Switch uses either DHCP or optional LLDP-MED Network Policy to provision voice VLAN 2.4 ADAC – LLDP Dectection Automatically applied 2 to Voice VLAN Switch uses ADAC to automically detect IP Phone using LLDP 2.5 ADAC – MAC Detection Automatically applied to Voice VLAN Switch uses ADAC to automatically detect IP Phone using MAC address of IP Phone 2.6 DHCP None Uses DHCP to get VLAN ID for voice VLAN from data DHCP scope using the ERS 8300 2.7 EAP MHMA N/A Optional configuration to enable IP Phones as an EAP Supplicant using MD5 2.8 EAP NEAP N/A Optional configuration using the EAP NEAP feature on the switch allowing it to authenticate the IP Phone using its MAC address 2.9 EAP fail open VLAN, guest VLAN, and RADIUS assigned VLAN N/A Optional configuration using the EAP non-eapphone feature and other EAP options such as fail open VLAN, guest VLAN, and RADIUS assigned VLANs 2.10 DHCP and Provisioning files N/A DHCP server settings and provisioning files for the IP Phones used in this example 2.11 Avaya Energy Saver N/A Optional configuration adding AES to the switch 2.12 DHCP Server N/A Windows 2003 DHCP server settings 1 QoS can be added in a number of methods such as simply trusting all traffic, applying filters, or enabling Auto QoS (applies to Avaya 1100, 1200, or 2000 series only) 2 The LLDP-MED Network Policy can also set the QoS DSCP and p-bit priority values Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 14 avaya.com 2.1 Reference Diagrams 2.1.1 Diagram 1 : Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch Figure 1: Base setup - Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch Setup The following are the details for the base configuration: ERS-Stackable is a stackable Ethernet Routing Switches (ERS 2500, 4000, or 5000 series) setup as a Layer 2 switch connected to an SMLT Cluster The SMLT Cluster requires that DHCP Relay be enabled with a DHCP Relay agent for both the voice and data VLANs Overall, we will configure the following o Create Voice VLAN 805 with port members 3 to 11, 23, and 24 o Create Data VLAN 1002 with port members 3 to 11, 23, and 24 o Create Management VLAN 201 with port members 23 and 24 o Configure access ports 3 to 11 to allow untagged Data VLAN 1002 and tagged Voice VLAN 805 o Configure core ports 23 and 24 using MLT 1 using VLAN tagging and with Spanning disabled o Use all the recommended SMLT best practices Details regarding various Avaya IP Phone DHCP and provisioning file parameters are listed in Appendix A Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 15 avaya.com 2.1.3 Diagram 2 : Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Figure 2: Base setup - Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Setup Overall, we will configure the following: Create Voice VLAN 220 with port members 1/1 to 1/25 Create Data VLAN 61 with port members 1/1 to 1/25 Create Trunk VLAN 83 with port member 5/5 Enable DHCP relay for VLAN 220 and 61 Enable Spanning Tree Fast-Start on ports 1/1 to 1/25 and disable STP on port 5/5 Configure all voice ports, 1/1 to 1/25, with POE priority of high Enable RIP on all VLANs By default, the ERS 8300 passes both the DSCP and p-bit values as-is. The p-bit value determines the QoS level. For this example, we will not configure QoS as we are using VLAN tagging for the Voice VLAN Details regarding various Avaya IP Phone DHCP and provisioning file parameters are listed in Appendix A Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 16 avaya.com 2.2 Switch Software levels For this configuration example, the following software levels are used Switch Model Software Level Notes ERS 2500 4.4 Supports LLDP MED Policy via ADAC ERS 4000 5.6 Support LLDP MED Policy with ADAC or without ADAC ERS 5000 Support LLDP MED Policy with ADAC or without ADAC Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 17 avaya.com 2.3 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with traffic filters for QoS and optional LLDP MED Policy LLDP-MED Policy can be used with our without ADAC. If you choice to not use ADAC, by default, there will be no QoS for the voice traffic. There are a number of ways to provide QoS for the voice traffic such as: Creating a new interface group with a class of trusted and applying this interface group to either all ports or at minimum the uplink ports, call server ports, and all ports connected to IP phones. This is simplest method, but, it also trusts all traffic which may or may not be acceptable o Could create a filter to look for the data VLAN and remark to Standard service Leave all ports with the default Interface Group with a class of untrusted and add a filter to look for the voice VLAN and remark traffic to Premium service. For this configuration example, we will simply create a traffic profile to match the voice VLAN and set the CoS to Premium (p-bit value of 6 and DSCP value of 46). This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1. 2.3.1 Stackable Switch Configuration Go to configuration mode. ERS-Stackable Step 1 - Enter configuration mode ERS-Stackable>enable ERS-Stackable#configure terminal Create VLAN’s ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Create VLAN’s 201, 805, and 1002 ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 201 name mgmt type port ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 805 name voice type port voice-vlan ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 1002 name data type port ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Enable VLAN tagging on all appropriate ports ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan port 23-24 tagging tagall ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan port 3-11 tagging untagpvidOnly ERS-Stackable Step 3 – Set VLAN configuration control to automatic and add VLAN port members ERS-Stackable(config)# vlan configcontrol automatic Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 18 avaya.com ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan members add 201 23-24 ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan members add 1002 3-11,23-24 ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan members add 805 3-11,23-24 ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan port 3-11 pvid 1002 ERS-Stackable Step 4 – Remove port members from the default VLAN ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan members remove 1 3-11,23-24 Voice VLAN integration has been added to the various ERS stackable switches beginning with release 5.6 for the ERS 4000, and 6.2 for the ERS 5000. This feature offers a unified concept of Voice VLAN though various applications including ADAC, EAP, and LLDP. Please see section 5.1 for more details. Add MLT ERS5698TFD-1 Step 1 – Add MLT with trunk members ERS-Stackable(config)# mlt 1 enable member 23,24 learning disable Enable VLACP on trunk members using recommend values ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable VLACP on uplink port member 23 and 24 using the recommended VLACP MAC and timeout values ERS-Stackable(config)#vlacp macaddress 01:80:c2:00:00:0f ERS-Stackable(config)#vlacp enable ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 23,24 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#vlacp timeout short ERS-Stackable(config-if)#vlacp timeout-scale 5 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#vlacp enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Discard Untagged Frames on uplink ports to SMLT Cluster ERS-Stackable: Step 1 – Enable Discard Untagged Frames ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan ports 23-24 filter-untagged-frame enable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 19 avaya.com Configure Management IP address on switch An IP address can be added in one of two ways. If the switch is strictly used as a Layer 2 switch, then an IP address can be added via the Layer 2 method using the ACLI command ip addressnetmask default-gateway . Adding Management IP - Layer 2 ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Set the IP address of the switch ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan mgmt 201 ERS-Stackable(config)#ip address switch netmask default-gateway Adding Management IP - Layer 3 ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Set the IP address of the switch ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan mgmt 201 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface vlan 201 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#ip address netmask ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add the default route ERS-Stackable(config)#ip routing ERS-Stackable(config)#ip route 1 Configure PoE levels - Optional If you wish, you can change the default PoE level of low to either high or critical. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Set PoE Power level high on all VoIP ports ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-priority high ERS-Stackable(config)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 20 avaya.com QoS There are several options you can deploy to add QoS for the voice traffic. Assign QoS class of trusted to all ports – easiest to implement and trust’s all traffic including soft clients Assign QoS class of trusted to all ports and adding a filter to remark the data traffic if you do not trust traffic from the data VLAN – note, will will also remark soft clients to best effort Set all access ports as untrusted (default setting), set uplink ports as trusted, and add a filter to remark the voice traffic to CoS level of Premium – only provides QoS for the voice VLAN Enable Auto QoS – only supported on limited Avaya products o CS1000, CS2100, BCM, and/or SRG call servers Enable ADAC – automatically provides QoS only to the voice VAN – please see next two sections regarding ADAC provisioning For this example, we will simply trust all traffic by setting all ports as trusted ports. This is the easiest method for applying QoS for both untagged soft clients and tagged hard clients. We will also provision the switch with queue set 4 providing 1 strict queue and 3 WRR queues which may be more acceptable to handle voice, data, and video if the switch is either a ERS 4000 or ERS 5000; by default, the ERS 2500 uses queue set 4 while the ERS 4000 and ERS 5000 uses queue set 2. Otherwise, if the switch is only supporting voice and data, you can use the default queue set 2 in reference to the ERS 4000 and ERS 5000. If you are using an Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 5000 or Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 (release 5.4 or higher), the default queue set (queue set 2) uses two strict queues with large buffers. If you wish, you can provision another queue set if 2 queues do not meet your needs. For example, queue set 4 which will provide three weighted queues and one strict queue may be more acceptable to handle voice, video, and data. If you do wish to use queue set 4, enter the ACLI command qos agent queue-set 4. You can use the ACLI command show qos queue-set to view the make up for each queue set. The ERS 2500 only supports one queue set, queue set 4, which supports one strict queue and three weighted-round-robin (WWR) queues. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Change from default queue set (queue set 2) to queue set 4 and reset the switch. Note, this only applies to the ERS 5000 or ERS 4000 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos agent queue-set 4 QoS queue setting isn't effective until after reset. ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Create a new interface group with a class of trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-group name trusted class trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-assign port ALL name trusted Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 21 avaya.com If you wish, you can provision the switch to remark the data traffic to best effort if you do not trust the traffic from the data VLAN. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Traffic Profile Option. Configure either a traffic profile or ACL to remark the data VLAN with a QoS level of Standard depending on switch model. Assuming ERS-Stackable is an ERS 4000 or ERS 5000, it is recommend to use traffic profiles ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile classifier name one vlan-min 1002 vlan-max 1002 ethertype 0x800 update-dscp 0 update-1p 0 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile set port 1-13 name one ERS-Stackable Step 1 – ACL Option. Configure either a traffic profile or ACL to remark the data VLAN with a QoS level of Standard depending on switch model. ACL’s can be used on a ERS 2500, ERS 4000, or ERS 5000 where it is recommended to use traffic profiles over ACL’s if supported on the switch ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one vlan-min 1002 vlan-max 1002 ethertype 0x800 update-dscp 0 update-1p 0 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one ethertype 0x800 drop-action disable ERS-Stackable(config)#qos acl-assign port 1-13 acl-type l2 name one Spanning Tree Configuration ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable STP Fast-Start and BPDU filtering on port 3 to 11 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#spanning-tree port 3-11 learning fast ERS-Stackable(config-if)#spanning-tree port 3-11 bpdu-filtering timeout 0 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#spanning-tree port 3-11 bpdu-filtering enable Add LLDP-MED Network Policy – Optional for ERS 3500, ERS 4000 or ERS 5000 As an option, you can enable LLDP-MED with Network Policy to provision the voice VLAN without having to use DHCP. In addition, you can also provision LLDP vendor specific settings to provision the call server and file server (only for the Avaya 96xx IP phones as per this configuration example). Note that the ERS 2500 requires ADAC must be used to enable LLDP MED. The ERS 3500 requires software release 5.0.1 or higher to use LLDP-MED without ADAC. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add LLDP MED Network Policy ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp med-network-policies voice tagging tagged vlan-id 805 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 22 avaya.com LLDP Tx-TLVs – Older Software Releases Depending on the software release used, it may be nessessary to enable LLDP TLVs. This does not apply to the ERS 4000 as of release 5.5, ERS 3500 as of release 5.0.1, and ERS 5000 as of release 6.3 from a factory default setting, but, to verify if the TLVs are enabled or not, please enter the ACLI commands show lldp port 3-11 & show lldp tx-tlv. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable LLDP TLVs ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sys-desc sys-name ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp status txandRx config-notification ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med extendedPSE inventory location medcapabilities network-policy ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Enable LLDP Vendor Specific settings Up to 8 call-servers and up to 4 file-servers can be defined. Note that, for this configuration example, the LLDP vendor specific settings only apply to the Avaya IP Phones. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add LLDP Vendor Specific options ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing tagged ERS-Stackable(config)#exit Enable IP Anti-Spoofing and IP Source Guard – Optional To prevent IP spoofing attacks, it is recommended to enabled IP DHCP Snooping and IP Arp Inspection. In addition, it is recommended to enabled IP Source Guard which prevents a host from spoofing a source IP other than that assigned by DHCP. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable IP DHCP Snooping for voice VLAN 805 and data VLAN 1002 ERS-Stackable(config)#ip dhcp-snooping vlan 805 ERS-Stackable(config)#ip dhcp-snooping vlan 1002 ERS-Stackable(config)#ip dhcp-snooping enable ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Enable IP Arp Inspection for voice VLAN 805 and data VLAN 1002 ERS-Stackable(config)#ip arp-inspection vlan 805 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 23 avaya.com ERS-Stackable(config)#ip arp-inspection vlan 1002 ERS-Stackable Step 3 – Enable core ports 23 and 24 as a trusted port ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 23-24 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#ip dhcp-snooping trusted ERS-Stackable(config-if)#ip arp-inspection trusted ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit ERS-Stackable Step 4 – Enable IP Source Guard on access ports 3 to 11 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#ip verify source ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 24 avaya.com 2.3.2 Verify Operations Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Step 1 – Verify VLAN Configuration as shown for ERS-Stackable where the default VLAN should be VLAN 1002 on ports 3 to 11 ERS-Stackable#show vlan interface info 3-11 Result: Filter Filter Untagged Unregistered Port Frames Frames PVID PRI Tagging Name ---- -------- ------------ ---- --- ------------- -------------3 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 3 4 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 4 5 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 5 6 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 6 7 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 7 8 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 8 9 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 9 10 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 10 11 No Yes 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 11 Step 2 – Verify VLAN Configuration as shown for ERS-Stackable where the ports 3 to 11 should be members of untagged VLAN 1002 and tagged VLAN 805 ERS-Stackable#show vlan interface vids 3-11 Result: Port VLAN VLAN Name VLAN VLAN Name VLAN VLAN Name ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 3 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 4 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 5 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 6 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 7 1002 data 805 Aug 2012 voice ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 25 avaya.com ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 8 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 9 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 10 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 11 1002 data 805 voice ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- Step 3 – Verify IP Phone detection by issuing PoE port status command ERS-Stackable#show poe-port-status 3-11 Result: Admin Current Limit Port Status Status Classification (Watts) Priority ---- ------- ----------------- -------------- ------- -------- 3 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low 4 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low 5 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low 6 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low 7 Enable Delivering Power 2 16 Low 8 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low 9 Enable Delivering Power 2 16 Low 10 Enable Delivering Power 2 16 Low 11 Enable Detecting 0 16 Low Step 4 – Verify IP Phone power usage by issuing PoE power measured command ERS-Stackable#show poe-power-measurement 3-11 Result: Port Volt(V) Current(mA) Power(Watt) ---- ------- ----------- --------------- 3 0.0 0 0.000 4 0.0 0 0.000 5 0.0 0 0.000 6 0.0 0 0.000 7 48.4 58 2.807 8 0.0 0 0.000 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 26 avaya.com 9 48.4 61 2.952 10 48.4 58 2.807 11 0.0 0 0.000 Step 5 – Verify LLDP configuration. ERS-Stackable#show running-config module 802.1ab Result for ERS 4000 and ERS 5000 where the items highlighted in blue will not be shown via the ERS 4000 as these are the default settings: ! Displaying only parameters different to default !================================================ enable configure terminal ! ! *** 802.1ab *** ! ! ! *** 802.1ab vendor-specific Avaya TLVs config *** ! lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server 1 lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server 1 interface FastEthernet ALL lldp port 1/3-11 vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing tagged exit ! interface FastEthernet ALL lldp port 3-11 config-notification lldp tx-tlv port 3-11 local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-desc sys-name lldp tx-tlv port 3-11 med extendedPSE inventory location med-capabilities network-policy exit ! ! *** 802.1AB MED Voice Network Policies *** ! interface FastEthernet ALL lldp med-network-policies port 3-11 voice dscp 46 priority 6 tagging tagged vla n-id 805 exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 27 avaya.com Result for ERS 2500: ! ! *** 802.1ab *** ! ! *** 802.1ab vendor-specific Avaya TLVs config *** ! lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server 1 lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server 1 interface FastEthernet ALL lldp port 1/3-11,1/13 vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing tagged exit Step 2 – Verify LLDP network policy configuration – note, this only applies to the ERS 4000 or ERS 5000 as this command is not available on the ERS 2500 ERS-Stackable#show lldp med-network-policies port 3-11 or, via some switches ERS-Stackable#show lldp med-network-policies port 3-11 voice Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LLDP-MED network-policies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit/ Application Type VlanID Tagging DSCP Priority Port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 4 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 5 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 6 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 7 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 8 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 9 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 10 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 11 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 28 avaya.com Step 3 – Verify LLDP MED configuration; for example, the following ACLI command shows LLDP MED configuration for port 11 ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 13 local-sys-data med Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp local-sys-data chassis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ChassisId: MAC address 00:13:0a:35:e8:00 SysName: ERS-Stackable SysCap: rB / rB (Supported/Enabled) SysDescr: Ethernet Routing Switch ERS-Stackable HW:05 FW: MED-Device class: Network Connectivity Device MED-POE Device Type: PSE Device HWRev: 05 SerialNumber: SDNI2S00L9 FWRev: SWRev: v6.2.0.009 ManufName: Avaya ModelName: ERS-Stackable SW:v6.2.0.009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp local-sys-data port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 11 MED-Capabilities: CNLSI MED-PSE PDPort Priority: Low Power Value: MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 805 L2 Priority: 6 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined DSCP Value: 46 16.0 Watt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Med Capabilities-C: N-Network Policy; L-Location Identification; I-Inventory; S-Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D-Extended Power via MDI - PD. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 29 avaya.com Step 4 – Verify LLDP neighbor details assuming an Avaya 9640G is connected to port 11 ERS-Stackable# show lldp port 11 neighbor detail Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 11 Index: 89 Time: 11 days, 04:49:49 ChassisId: Network address IPv4 PortId: MAC address 00:1b:4f:58:1a:d0 SysName: AVB581AD0 SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PVID: PPVID Supported: none VLAN Name List: none PPVID Enabled: none Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled PMD auto-neg: 100BaseTXFD 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD), 1000Base(TFD) MED-Capabilities: CNDI / CNDI MED-Device type: OperMAUtype: (Supported/Current) Endpoint Class 3 MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 805 L2 Priority: 6 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined DSCP Value: 46 Med-Power Type: PD Device Power Source: FromPSE Power Priority: Low Power Value: HWRev: 9640GD01A FWRev: hb96xxua3_11.bin SWRev: ha96xxua3_11.bin SerialNumber: 10N520301110 ManufName: Avaya ModelName: 9640G 5.6 Watt AssetID: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Total neighbors: 3 Med Capabilities-C: N-Network Policy; L-Location Identification; I-Inventory; S-Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D-Extended Power via MDI - PD. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 30 avaya.com Step 5 – Verify LLDP neighbor vendor-specific Avaya IP Phones ERS-Stackable# show lldp neighbor vendor-specific avaya phone-ip Result: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Neighbors LLDP info - Avaya TLVs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 7 Avaya Phone IP: Address: Netmask: Gateway: Port: 11 Avaya Phone IP: Address: Netmask: Gateway: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 31 avaya.com 2.4 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with ADAC for QoS using LLDP Dectection The following configuration example covers setting up a network to support both voice and data to support Auto-Configuration with Avaya’s stackable Ethernet Routing switches and IP Phone sets. ADAC LLDP-MED detection will be enabled detect the IP Phone and apply QoS. This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1 and base configuration in section 2.3. 2.4.1 Stackable Ethernet Switch Configuration Please note, the ADAC configuration is exactly the same as that used in section 2.3 with the only difference that ADAC is used to automatically detect the IP Phone via LLDP and provide QoS. Enable ADAC Globally ERS-Stackable Step 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#interterface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#no lldp med-network-policies ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Enable ADAC using VLAN 805, set the operation mode to taggedframes, and add the uplink port 23 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac voice-vlan 805 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac op-mode tagged-frames ERS-Stackable(config)#adac uplink-port 23 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac traps enable ERS-Stackable(config)#adac enable Please note the following: VLAN 805 must not exist prior to configuring ADAC – this only applies to the ERS 2500. Note, this does not apply if VLAN is provisioned as a Voice VLAN on either the ERS 3500, ERS 4000 or ERS 5000 using either ACLI command vlan voice-vlan 805 or vlan create 805 type port voice-vlan The command adac uplink-port 23 will automatically enable VLAN tagging on port 23 and 24 and add these ports as a member of VLAN 805 and MLT 1. Please not that in reference to newer software releases for Avaya stackable switches, a default LLDP MED policy has been added. The default values for this policy is application type = voice, tagging = untagged, DSCP = 46, VLAN priority = 6, and VLAN id= 0. If ADAC is configured and an IP Phone is detected, the dynamic LLDP MED policy with the ADAC Voice VLAN ID will never be installed, resulting in the IP phone not receiving the VLAN configuration for the case when ADAC tagged frames is used. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 32 avaya.com The same behavior applies to ADAC uplink/call server ports. This happens because the default MED policy is static and overrides the dynamic one that should be installed by ADAC. If ADAC is to be used, then it is recommended that the default 802.1AB/LLDP MED policies are deleted on telephony ports and on uplink/call server ports. Use the interface command no lldp med-network-policies on telephony ports and on uplink/call server ports, prior to configuring ADAC. Or if you already have ADAC enable, as long as the IP Phone is detected by ADAC, you can use the interface command lldp med-networkpolicies voice tagging tagged vlan-id . Enable ADAC at interface level ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable ADAC on port members 3 to 11, set the ADAC detection to LLDP only, and enable the ADAC tag mode to tagged frames and untag the default VLAN ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 **ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac detection lldp ERS-Stackable(config-if)#no adac detection mac ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac tagged-frames-tagging untag-pvid-only ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit **Note that by default, ADAC detection for MAC and LLDP is enabled. Hence, the command adac detection lldp is not required and only used in this example to show that there is a command to enable or disable the detection type. Enable LLDP TLVs In software releases 6.2 or earlier for the ERS 5000, one must enable LLDP TX-TLVs. This does not apply to the ERS 4000 as of release 5.5, the ERS 3500 as of release 5.0.1, and the ERS 5000 as of release 6.3, but, to verify if the TLVs are enabled or not, please enter the ACLI commands show lldp port 3-11 & show lldp tx-tlv. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable LLDP-MED on port 3 to 11 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sys-desc sys-name ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp status txAndRx config-notification ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med extendedPSE med-capabilities networkpolicy ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 33 avaya.com Enable LLDP Vendor Specific settings Up to 8 call-servers and up to 4 file-servers can be defined. Note that, for this configuration example, the LLDP vendor specific settings only apply to the Avaya 96xx IP Phones. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add LLDP Vendor Specific options ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing tagged ERS-Stackable(config)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 34 avaya.com 2.4.2 Verify operations Verify LLDP-MED Operations The following command is used to retrieve LLDP neighbor information from the IP Phone set assuming we have an Avaya 9640G connected to port 11 on ERS-Stackable. Step 1 – Verify LLDP neighbor details by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 11 neighbor detail Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 11 Index: 4 Time: 0 days, 00:53:14 ChassisId: Network address IPv4 PortId: MAC address 00:1b:4f:58:1a:d0 SysName: AVB581AD0 SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PVID: PPVID Supported: none VLAN Name List: none PPVID Enabled: none Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled PMD auto-neg: 100BaseTXFD 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD), 1000Base(TFD) MED-Capabilities: CNDI / CNDI MED-Device type: OperMAUtype: (Supported/Current) Endpoint Class 3 MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 805 L2 Priority: 6 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined DSCP Value: 46 Med-Power Type: PD Device Power Source: FromPSE Power Priority: Low Power Value: HWRev: 9640GD01A FWRev: hb96xxua3_11.bin SWRev: ha96xxua3_11.bin SerialNumber: 10N520301110 ManufName: Avaya ModelName: 9640G 5.6 Watt AssetID: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 35 avaya.com Total neighbors: 3 Med Capabilities-C: N-Network Policy; L-Location Identification; I-Inventory; S-Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D-Extended Power via MDI - PD. Step 2 – Verify LLDP-MED ERS-Stackable LLDP-MED network policy: ERS-Stackable# show lldp med-network-policies port 7 Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LLDP-MED network-policies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit/ Application Type VlanID Tagging DSCP Priority Port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Voice 805 tagged 46 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 – Verify LLDP neighbor vendor-specific Avaya IP Phones ERS-Stackable# show lldp neighbor vendor-specific avaya phone-ip Result: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Neighbors LLDP info - Avaya TLVs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 7 Avaya Phone IP: Address: Netmask: Gateway: Port: 11 Avaya Phone IP: Address: Netmask: Gateway: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 36 avaya.com Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify ChassissId: Displays the IP address of the PD device PortId: Displays the MAC address of the PD device L2 Priority: Displays as 6 indicating the 802.1p value for a CoS class of Premium. DSCP Value: Displays as decimal 46 indicating the DSCP value for a CoS class of Premium. VLAN ID: Displays as 805, the Voice VLAN ID. Power Value: Displays the PoE power consumed by the PD device. ManufName: Displays Avaya ModelName: Displays as the Avaya IP phone model, for this example, 9640G should be displayed. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 37 avaya.com Verify ADAC Operations The following command is used to view ADAC detection. Assuming we have IP Phones connected to ports 7 and 9 the results should be as follows Step 1 – Verify LLDP neighbor details by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show adac interface 3-11 Result: Auto Oper Auto Port Type Detection State Configuration T-F PVID T-F Tagging ---- ---- --------- -------- ------------- --------- --------------- 3 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 4 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 5 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 6 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 7 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 8 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 9 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 10 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 11 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Type Verify that the ADAC type is set for T indicating the port is configured for ADAC type of tagged port Auto Detection Verify the ADAC detection is set to Enabled for ports 3 to 11 Oper State: Verify the ADAC operation state is set to Enabled for port 3 to 11 Auto Configuration In our example, ports 7 and 9 should indicate Applied while the other ports should indicate Not Applied as only ports 7 and 9 have IP Phone sets detected by ADAC T-F PVID Verify the tagged frames No Change which indicates do not change the default PVID T-F Tagging Verify the port members 3 to 11 are set to Untag PVID only Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 38 avaya.com Verify ADAC Detection The following command is used to view ADAC detection configuration. Step 1 – Verify LLDP neighbor details by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show adac detection interface 3-11 Result: MAC LLDP Port Detection Detection ---- --------- --------- 3 Disabled Enabled 4 Disabled Enabled 5 Disabled Enabled 6 Disabled Enabled 7 Disabled Enabled 8 Disabled Enabled 9 Disabled Enabled 10 Disabled Enabled 11 Disabled Enabled Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify MAC Detection For this example, we disabled ADAC MAC detection, hence the value should be Disabled LLDP Detection For this example, we enabled ADAC LLDP detection, hence the value should be Enabled Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 39 avaya.com 2.5 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – with ADAC for QoS using MAC Address Dectection The following configuration example covers setting up a network to support both voice and data to support Auto-Configuration with Avaya’s stackable Ethernet Routing switches and IP Phone sets. ADAC MAC detection will be enabled detect the IP Phone and apply QoS. This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1 and base configuration in section 2.3. 2.5.1 Stackable Ethernet Switch Configuration Please note, the ADAC configuration is exactly the same as that used in section 2.3 with only exception that the Voice VLAN is created by ADAC. Configure ADAC ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add ADAC voice VLAN with operation mode of tagged frame, enable ADAC traps, and add ADAC uplink port 23 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac voice-vlan 805 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac op-mode tagged-frames ERS-Stackable(config)#adac uplink-port 23 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac traps enable ERS-Stackable(config)#adac enable Please note the following: VLAN 805 must not exist prior to configuring ADAC. Note, this does not apply if VLAN is provisioned as a Voice VLAN The command adac uplink-port 23 will automatically enable VLAN tagging on port 23 and 24 and add these ports as a member of VLAN 805 and MLT 1. Enable ADAC at interface level ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable ADAC on port members 3 to 11 and enable ADAC tagged frames with the option to untag the default PVID. By default, ADAC MAC detection is already enabled, hence it is not necessary to enable ADAC MAC detection. ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac port 3-11 tagged-frames-tagging untag-pvid-only ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac port 3-11 enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 40 avaya.com Add ADAC MAC address range ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add to ADAC the IP Phone set MAC address range for the Avaya 1230 and 9640 IP phone sets used in this example ERS-Stackable(config)#adac mac-range-table low-end 0024.000D.0000 high-end 0024.000D.ffff ERS-Stackable(config)#adac mac-range-table low-end 001b.4f58.0000 high-end 001b.4f58.ffff Disable unregistered frames on ADAC port members ERS-Stackable: Step 1 – Disable Filter unregistered Frames on MLT trunks members ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan ports 3-11 filter-unregistered-frames disable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 41 avaya.com 2.5.2 Verify configuration VLAN Information Step 1 – Verify the VLAN configuration for all access and trunk port members prior to connecting an IP phone to any port member ERS-Stackable#show vlan interface info 3-11,23-24 Result: Filter Filter Untagged Unregistered Port Frames Frames PVID PRI Tagging Name ---- -------- ------------ ---- --- ------------- ---------------3 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 3 4 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 4 5 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 5 6 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 6 7 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 7 8 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 8 9 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 9 10 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 10 11 No No 1002 0 UntagAll Port 11 23 Yes Yes 1 0 TagAll Port 23 24 Yes Yes 1 0 TagAll Port 24 Step 2 – Verify the VLAN configuration for all access port members after connecting an IP phone to a port member. For example, assuming we have attached an Avaya IP phone connected to ports 3 and port 4 ERS-Stackable# show vlan interface info 3-4 Result: Filter Filter Untagged Unregistered Port Frames Frames PVID PRI Tagging Name ---- -------- ------------ ---- --- ------------- ---------------3 No No 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 10 4 No No 1002 0 UntagPvidOnly Port 11 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 42 avaya.com Step 3 – Verify the VLAN PVIDs for all access port members after connecting an IP phone to a port member. For example, assuming we have attached an Avaya IP phone to ports 3 and port 4 ERS-Stackable# show vlan interface vids 3-6 Result: Port VLAN VLAN Name VLAN VLAN Name VLAN VLAN Name ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 3 805 1002 data Voice_VLAN ---- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 4 805 1002 data ---- ---- ---------------5 Voice_VLAN ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---------------- 1002 data ---- ---- ---------------6 ---- ---------------- 1002 data ---- ---- ---------------- Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify PVID Verify that the default PVID on port member 3 to 11 is 1002 Tagging Verify that ports 3 to 11 are configured as UntagAll when no IP Phones have been detected by ADAC and set to UntagPvidOnly only when an IP Phone has successfully been detected by ADAC Filter Untagged Frames Verify that ports 3 to 11 are configured as No and port members 23 and 24 are configured as Yes Filter Unregistered Frames Verify that ports 3 to 11 are configured as No and port members 23 and 24 are configured as Yes VLAN and VLAN Name Verify that ports 3 to 11 are members of VLANs 1002 and only members of VLAN 805 when an IP Phone has been detected by ADAC. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 43 avaya.com Verify ADAC Global Information Step 1 – Verify ADAC Global Settings ERS-Stackable#show adac Result: ADAC Global Configuration --------------------------------------ADAC Admin State: ADAC Oper State: Operating Mode: Enabled Enabled Tagged Frames Traps Control Status: Voice-VLAN ID: 805 Call Server Port: Uplink Port: Enabled None 23 Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify ADAC Admin State: Verify that the ADAC administrative and operation state is Enabled ADAC Oper State: Operating Mode Verify the ADAC operating mode is set for Tagged Frames Traps Control Status: Verify the ADAC traps is set for Enabled Voice-VLAN ID: Verify the ADAC voice VLAN is set for 805 Uplink Port: Verify the ADAC uplink port is configured for port 23 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 44 avaya.com Verify ADAC at interface level Assuming ADAC has detected an Avaya IP phone on ports 3 and 4. Step 2 – Verify ADAC at interface level ERS-Stackable#show adac interface 3-11 Result: Auto Oper Auto Port Type Detection State Configuration T-F PVID T-F Tagging ---- ---- --------- -------- ------------- --------- --------------- 3 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 4 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 5 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 6 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 7 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 8 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 9 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 10 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 11 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only The filter unregistered frames must be disabled for ADAC to work. If you connect an IP phone set to a port and the auto configuration state is Not Applied, either the MAC address is not part of the ADAC MAC table or filter unregistered frames is enabled. Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Type Verify that the ADAC type is set for T indicating the port is configured for ADAC type of tagged port Auto Detection Verify the ADAC detection is set to Enabled for port 3 to 11 Oper State: Verify the ADAC operation state is set to Enabled for port 3 to 11 Auto Configuration In our example, ports 3 and 4 should indicate Applied while ports 5 to 11 should indicate Not Applied as only ports 3 and 4 have IP Phone sets detected by ADAC T-F PVID Verify the tagged frames No Change which indicates do not change the default PVID T-F Tagging Verify the port members 3 to 11 are set to Untag PVID only Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 45 avaya.com Verify ADAC MAC Address table Step 3 – Verify ADAC MAC address range ERS-Stackable# show adac mac-range-table Result: Lowest MAC Address Highest MAC Address ------------------------ ------------------------- 00-0A-E4-01-10-20 00-0A-E4-01-23-A7 00-0A-E4-01-70-EC 00-0A-E4-01-84-73 00-0A-E4-01-A1-C8 00-0A-E4-01-AD-7F 00-0A-E4-01-DA-4E 00-0A-E4-01-ED-D5 00-0A-E4-02-1E-D4 00-0A-E4-02-32-5B 00-0A-E4-02-5D-22 00-0A-E4-02-70-A9 00-0A-E4-02-D8-AE 00-0A-E4-02-FF-BD 00-0A-E4-03-87-E4 00-0A-E4-03-89-0F 00-0A-E4-03-90-E0 00-0A-E4-03-B7-EF 00-0A-E4-04-1A-56 00-0A-E4-04-41-65 00-0A-E4-04-80-E8 00-0A-E4-04-A7-F7 00-0A-E4-04-D2-FC 00-0A-E4-05-48-2B 00-0A-E4-05-B7-DF 00-0A-E4-06-05-FE 00-0A-E4-06-55-EC 00-0A-E4-07-19-3B 00-0A-E4-08-0A-02 00-0A-E4-08-7F-31 00-0A-E4-08-B2-89 00-0A-E4-09-75-D8 00-0A-E4-09-BB-9D 00-0A-E4-09-CF-24 00-0A-E4-09-FC-2B 00-0A-E4-0A-71-5A 00-0A-E4-0A-9D-DA 00-0A-E4-0B-61-29 00-0A-E4-0B-BB-FC 00-0A-E4-0B-BC-0F 00-0A-E4-0B-D9-BE 00-0A-E4-0C-9D-0D 00-13-65-FE-F3-2C 00-13-65-FF-ED-2B 00-15-9B-FE-A4-66 00-15-9B-FF-24-B5 00-16-CA-00-00-00 00-16-CA-01-FF-FF 00-16-CA-F2-74-20 00-16-CA-F4-BE-0F 00-17-65-F6-94-C0 00-17-65-F7-38-CF 00-17-65-FD-00-00 00-17-65-FF-FF-FF 00-18-B0-33-90-00 00-18-B0-35-DF-FF 00-19-69-83-25-40 00-19-69-85-5F-FF Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 46 avaya.com 00-1B-4F-58-00-00 00-1B-4F-58-FF-FF 00-24-00-0D-00-00 00-24-00-0D-FF-FF Total Ranges: 30 On ERS-Stackable, verify the following information: Option Verify Lowest MAC Address Verify the ADAC MAC address range you added for the Avaya 1230 and 9640 phone sets have been added from 00-24-00-0D-00-00 to 0024-00-0D-FF-FF and 00-1B-4F-58-00-00 to 00-1B-4F-58-FF-FF. Highest MAC Address Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 47 avaya.com 2.6 Auto Configuration with an Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 using DHCP The following configuration example covers setting up a network to support both voice and data to support automatic provisioning on Avaya’s IP Phone sets. We will cover how to setup the edge switch, in this example an Ethernet Routing Switch 8300, for L3 operations using RIP. By default, the ERS 8300 passes both the DSCP and p-bit values as-is. The p-bit value determines the QoS level. For this example, we will not configure QoS as we are using VLAN tagging for the Voice VLAN. This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1. 2.6.1 ERS 8300 Configuration Go to configuration mode. ERS8300-1 Step 1 - Enter configuration mode – ACLI only ACLI ERS8300-1:5>enable Password: ****** ERS8300-1:5#configure terminal Enable VLAN tagging on access port members ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable VLAN tagging on ports 1/1 to 1/25 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ether 1/1-1/25 perform-tagging enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 48 avaya.com Create Data VLAN 61 ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Remove port members from the default VLAN 1 and create VLAN 61, add port members, enable RIP, and enable DHCP relay CLI ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 1 port remove 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 create byport 1 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 name Data ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 ports add 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 ip create ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 ip dhcp-relay mode dhcp ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 ip dhcp-relay enable ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 61 ip rip enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan members remove 1 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan create 61 type name Data port 1 ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan members add 61 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface vlan 61 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip address ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip dhcp-relay mode dhcp ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip dhcp-relay ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#no ip rip supply enable ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#no ip rip listen enable ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 49 avaya.com Enable Spanning Tree Faststart on access port ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable STP Faststart on ports 1/1 to 1/25 and disable STP on port 5/5 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/25 stg 1 faststart enable ERS8300-1:5# config ethernet 5/5 stg 1 stp disable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#spanning-tree stp 1 faststart ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 5/5 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#no spanning-tree stp 1 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Create Voice VLAN 220 ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Create VLAN 220, add port members, enable RIP, and enable DHCP relay CLI ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 create byport 1 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 ports add 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 name Voice ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 ip create ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 ip dhcp-relay mode dhcp ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 ip dhcp-relay enable ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 220 ip rip enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)# vlan create 220 name Voice type port 1 ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan members add 220 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface vlan 220 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip address ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip dhcp-relay mode dhcp ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip dhcp-relay ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#no ip rip supply enable ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#no ip rip listen enable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 50 avaya.com ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Create Core VLAN 83 ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Create VLAN 83, add port member, and enable RIP CLI ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 1 port remove 5/5 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 83 create byport 1 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 83 name Trunk ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 83 ports add 5/5 ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 83 ip create ERS8300-1:5# config vlan 83 ip rip enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan members remove 1 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan create 83 type name Trunk port 1 ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan members add 83 5/5 ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface vlan 83 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#ip address ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Configure access port members to untag the default VLAN ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Configure port 1/1 to 1/25 for untag default VLAN and set the default VLAN to 61 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/25 untag-port-default-vlan enable ERS8300-1:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/25 default-vlan-id 61 ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#vlan ports 1/1-1/25 tagging untagpvidonly ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#default-vlan-id 61 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 51 avaya.com Enable RIP Globally ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable RIP CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ip rip enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip routing ERS8300-1:5(config)#router rip enable ERS8300-1:5(config)#router rip ERS8300-1:5(config-router)#networks ERS8300-1:5(config-router)#networks ERS8300-1:5(config-router)#networks ERS8300-1:5(config-router)#exit Enable DHCP relay agents ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable relay agent for both data VLAN 61 and voice VLAN 220 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ip dhcp-relay create-fwd-path agent server mode dhcp state enable ERS8300-1:5# config ip dhcp-relay create-fwd-path agent server mode dhcp state enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip dhcp-relay fwd-path ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip dhcp-relay fwd-path ll Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 52 avaya.com Enable IP Anti-Spoofing ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable IP DHCP Snooping for voice VLAN 220 and data VLAN 61 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ip dhcp-snooping vlan 61 enable ERS8300-1:5# config ip dhcp-snooping vlan 220 enable ERS8300-1:5# config ip dhcp-snooping enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip dhcp-snooping vlan 61 enable ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip dhcp-snooping vlan 220 enable ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip dhcp-snooping enable ERS8300-1 Step 2 – Enable IP ARP Inspection for voice VLAN 220 and data VLAN 61 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config ip arp-inspection vlan 61 enable ERS8300-1:5# config ip arp-inspection vlan 220 enable ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip arp-inspection vlan 61 ERS8300-1:5(config)#ip arp-inspection vlan 220 Configure access port member PoE setting to high ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable relay agent for both data VLAN 61 and voice VLAN 220 CLI ERS8300-1:5# config poe port 1/1-1/25 power-priority high ERS8300-1:5# config poe port 1/1-1/25 type telephone ACLI ERS8300-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/25 ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#poe priority high ERS8300-1:5(config-if)#exit By default, the power priority level is set to low. It is recommended to change this value to either high or critical depending on which ports you wish to come up first after a switch power cycle. Also, by default, the power limit is set to 16W per port for PoE switches. You can change this value from 3 to 16 watts using the command poe limit <3-16> under the interface level. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 53 avaya.com 2.6.2 Verify Operations Step 1 – Verify operations by using the following commands: CLI ERS8300-1:5# show ip interface ERS8300-1:5# show ip route info ERS8300-1:5# show vlan info basic ERS8300-1:5# show vlan info port ERS8300-1:5# show port info vlans ERS8300-1:5# show port info interface ERS8300-1:5# show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path ERS8300-1:5# show ip rip info ERS8300-1:5# show ip rip interface ERS8300-1:5# show poe port ERS8300-1:5# show poe card info ERS8300-1:5# show poe sys info ACLI ERS8300-1:5# show ip interface ERS8300-1:5# show ip route ERS8300-1:5# show vlan basic ERS8300-1:5# show vlan members ERS8300-1:5# show vlan ERS8300-1:5# show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path ERS8300-1:5# show ip dhcp-relay interface ERS8300-1:5# show ip rip ERS8300-1:5# show ip rip interface ERS8300-1:5# show poe main-status ERS8300-1:5# show poe port-status ERS8300-1:5# show poe power-measurement ERS8300-1:5# show poe sys-status Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 54 avaya.com 2.7 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch with EAP MHMA The following configuration example covers setting up a network to support both voice and data with Avaya’s stackable Ethernet Routing switches and IP Phone sets where the Avaya IP Phones are configured as an EAP Supplicant. On the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch, LLDP-MED will be used to set the Voice VLAN and QoS settings on the phone and EAP Multihost Multi Authentication will be enabled to authenticate all EAP Supplicants which includes the IP Phone and attached PC. This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1 and uses the base configuration from example 2.3. Please not that if the IP phones are auto provisioned via a provision server, the IP Phone must be able to receive the configuration file prior to enabling EAP on the switch. After the initial IP Phone configuration, you can then enable EAP on the switch. With the Avaya 1230 IP phone, the EAP user credentials can be added in the device configuration file, hence, the end user never has to enter anything. In regards to the Avaya 9640 IP Phone, the end-user will be prompted to enter a password. By default, the IP phone will use its MAC address as the EAP-MD5 user-id. If you chose to use the default settings, the user-id configured on the RADIUS server for the Avaya 9640 must contain the MAC address of the IP phone entered in upper-case with no spaces; ie.for this example, the user-id will be 000B4F581AD0. 2.7.1 Stackable Switch Configuration In addition to the base configuration from section 2.3, we will add the following: Configure ports 3 to 11 with EAP Multiple-Host-Multiple-Authentication (MHMA) Configure the Avaya IP Phone 1230 and 9600 for auto provisioning and EAP using MD5 o For this configuration example, we are going to use device files for Avaya 1230 phone to set the EAP MD5 user name and password o In regards to the Avaya 9640, the EAP user credentials includes the phone MAC as the EAP user name where the password must be entered Please refer to Section 9 for more details regarding EAP configuration on Avaya Switches Configure RADIUS server ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add RADIUS server ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host used-by eapol acctenable ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host key used-by eapol Enter key: ****** Confirm key: ****** Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 55 avaya.com Enable EAP at interface level ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable EAP MHMA on ports 3 to 11 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost eap-mac-max 2 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port 3-11 status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Enable EAP globally ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable EAP ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 56 avaya.com 2.7.2 Verify Operations Verify EAP Global and Port Configuration Assuming we have an IP phone authenticated via port 6 and 8. Step 1 – Verify that EAP has been enabled globally and the correct port members: ERS-Stackable#show eapol port 6,8 Result: EAPOL Administrative State: Enabled Port-mirroring on EAP ports: Disabled EAPOL User Based Policies: Disabled EAPOL User Based Policies Filter On MAC Addresses: Port: 6 Admin Status: Auth: Auto Yes Admin Dir: Both Oper Dir: Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Quiet Period: 60 Xmit Period: 30 Supplic Timeout: 30 Server Timeout: Max Req: 2 RDS DSE: No Port: Disabled 30 8 Admin Status: Auth: Auto Yes Admin Dir: Both Oper Dir: Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Quiet Period: Xmit Period: 60 30 Supplic Timeout: Server Timeout: Max Req: Aug 2012 30 30 2 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 57 avaya.com RDS DSE: No Step 2 – Verify that EAP multihost configuration ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost interface 6,8,10 Result: Port: 6 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 2 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Disabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Disabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Multicast Disabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: Disabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Port: Disabled Disabled 8 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 2 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Disabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Disabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Multicast Disabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: Disabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Aug 2012 Disabled Disabled Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 58 avaya.com Step 3 – Verify that EAP supplicants assuming IP Phones via port 6 and 8 have successfully authenticated: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost status Result: Port Client MAC Address Pae State Backend Auth State ---- ------------------ -------------- -----------------6 00:24:00:0D:8D:AA Authenticated Idle 8 00:1B:4F:58:1A:D0 Authenticated Idle =========Neap Phones============ Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify EAPOL Administrative State Verify that the EAPOL is Enabled globally. Admin Status Verify that the EAP is enabled on ports 3 to 11 by verifying that the Admin Status is set to Auto; in this example, we only show ports 6, 8, and 10 Auth The value will be Yes for port 6 and 8 assuming the IP phone attached to port 6 has successfully authenticated using EAP. Otherwise, the value should be No. MultiHost Status Verify that EAP multihost status is set to Enabled. Pae State and Client MAC Address Pae state should show Authenticated for each successfully authenticated EAP supplicant along with the corresponding MAC address Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 59 avaya.com 2.7.3 RADIUS Server Configuration Avaya Identity Engines IDE Step 1 – Go to Site Configuration -> Access Policies -> RADIUS Right-click RADIUS and select New Access Policy. Enter a policy name, i.e. ERSEAP as used in this example and click on OK when done Click on the policy we just created, i.e. ERS-EAP, and click on Edit via the Authentication Policy tab. Under Edit Authentication Policy window, select NONE -> EAP-MD5 and any additional authentication protocols you may require. Click on OK when done. Go to the Identity Routing tab and click on Edit. Check off the Enable Default Directory Set and click on OK when done. Go to the Authorization Policy tab and click on Edit. Aug 2012 o Once the Edit Authorization Policy window pops up, click on Add under Rules and via the name pop-up box, enter a name, i.e. EAP as used in this example o Click on the rule named EAP, click on New to add a new constraint. From Attribute Category, select User and scroll down and select Authentication Service. Select Equal To with Static Vlaue of Internernal User Store. Click on OK when done and OK one more time to exit Edit Authentication Policy. o Clicking on the Access Policy Summary icon should display an Access Policy similar to that shown below Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 60 avaya.com Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 61 avaya.com IDE Step 2 – Go to Site Configuration -> Authenticators For this configuration example, we will create a new container named Avaya Switch o Under Authenticators, right-click default and add a new container with a container, add a name of Avaya Switch, and click OK when done Select Avaya Switch and click on click on New o Aug 2012 Enter the settings as shown below making sure you select the policy we created above named ERS_EAP via Access Policy. Leave Enable Authenticator and Enable RADIUS Access checked. Click on OK when done. Please note, the RADIUS Shared Secret must match the secret entered on the switch Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 62 avaya.com IDE Step 3 – Add Users by going to Site Configuration -> Directories -> Internal Store -> Internal Users and click on New Add the EAP users by going to Directories>Internal Store>Internal Users. Next, enter the User Name and Password as shown below, i.e. User Name = phonea, Password = Phoneaeselab as per the Avaya IP Phone provisioning files used. Enter the user name for for the Avaya IP Phone EAP Supplicant via User Name: and enter the password for this user via Password and Confirm Password. Click on OK when done. If you wish, you can also change the expiry date via Password Expires if you do not wish to use the default setting of one year. Repeat again by clicking on New to add additional internal user names and passwords for each EAP Supplicant. Assuming we used the user credentials as per the provisioning file for the Avaya 1230 IP Phone and the MAC address of the Avaya 9640 IP Phone as the default user name, the internal store user-id’s should like like the following o Avaya 1230 IP Phone o Avaya 9640 IP Phone Aug 2012 User Name = phonea, Password = Phoneaeselab User Name = 001B4F581AD0, Password = 123456 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 63 avaya.com 2.8 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch using EAP with NEAP and User Based Policy The Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch can be configured in one of two methods using NEAP (non-EAP) to allow an IP phone without an EAP Supplicant access to the network. One method is to enable NonEAPOL VoIP phone clients – please see next configuration example. If you do wish to authenticate the IP Phone via RADIUS using EAP on the switch, but, without enabling an EAP Supplicant on the phone itself, the Allow Non-EAPOL client’s (NEAP) option can be enabled where the switch itself will authenticate the IP Phone on its behalf. The Non-EAPOL VoIP phone clients feature is supported when using the Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 series IP Phones. Starting in the 5.1 release for the ERS 3500, present in release 5.6 (fully supported in release 5.7) for the ERS 4000, and in release 6.3 for the ERS 5000, the Non-EAPOL VoIP phone clients feature is supported when using the Avaya 9600 series IP Phones. The Non-EAPOL VoIP phone feature, when enabled on the switch, will simply authenticate the IP Phone by looking at the DHCP Signature in the DHCP request packet from the IP Phone. The allows the switch to allow IP Phones without having to authenticate the IP Phone MAC address against a RADIUS server and at the same time provide full EAP authentication for the attached PC. For this example, we will demonstrate how to configure the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch to allow for NEAP authentication using RADIUS for the IP Phones. We will also demonstrate using user based policies to apply QoS for the IP Phones. Hence, instead of configuring filters on the switch to apply QoS for the voice traffic, we can use a policy triggered by EAP to apply QoS to the voice VLAN. Any of the stackable Ethernet Routing switches support NEAP (ERS 2500, 4000 or 5000 series), however, only the ERS 5000 series supports user based policies. The Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch can be configured to accept both EAP and non-EAP (NEAP) on the same port. In regards to non-EAP, the switch can be configured to accept a password format using any combination of IP address and MAC address with or without port number. By default, the password format is set for IP address, MAC address, and port number. To apply QoS for the IP Phone sets, you can configure the QoS filters on the switch, use ADAC, or use user based policies (UBP) and trigger the policy via RADIUS authentication. As stated above, we will use UBP for this configuration example. Once the user based policies has been configured on a switch, the RADIUS server can reference the policy by using the name given to the UBP policy. User based policies (UBP) can be used with EAP and/or NEAP. This configuration example is in reference to diagram 1 and uses the base configuration from example 2.3. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 64 avaya.com 2.8.1 Stackable Switch Configuration In addition to the base configuration from Section 2.3, we will add the following: Enable NEAP on ports 3 to 11 on ERS-Stackable using the non-EAP password format of MAC address only – this will allow the IP Phone to be connected elsewhere in the network on a different switch without having to worry about port numbers and IP addresses Configure a user based policy (UBP) for non-EAP IP Phones named voice that will remark both the DSCP and p-bit values to a CoS value of Premium only for tagged Voice VLAN 220 Configure the RADIUS server NEAP policy using Nortel specific option 562 with vendor-assigned attribute number 110 and set the string value to UROLvoice. Please refer to Section 9 for more details regaring EAP configuration on Avaya Switches Please refer to Section 9 for more details regarding EAP configuration on Avaya Switches Please note that when setting up the RADIUS server policy for the NEAP group, the string always starts with UROL. In our example, we configured the ERS5000 with a user based policy named voice, hence the string value configured on the RADIUS server must be set to UROLvoice. Configure RADIUS server ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add RADIUS server assuming we used a shared key of avaya – this shared key must also be configured on the RADIUS server for this authenticator ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host used-by eapol acctenable ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host key used-by eapol Enter key: ****** Confirm key: ****** Enable EAP globally ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable non-EAP (NEAP) ERS-Stackable(config)#eap multihost allow-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable Step 2 – IpAddr.MACAddr.PortNumber Remove the default NEAP password format of ERS-Stackable(config)#no eapol multihost non-eap-pwd-fmt ERS-Stackable Step 3 – Enable NEAP password format of MAC address only ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost non-eap-pwd-fmt mac-addr ERS-Stackable Step 4 – Enable EAP user-based Policies ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol user-based-policies enable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 65 avaya.com ERS-Stackable Step 5 – Enable EAP multihost NEAP policies ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost non-eap-user-based-policies enable ERS-Stackable Step 6 – Enable EAP globally ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Enable EAP at interface level ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable EAP on port 3-11 with NEAP, set the maximum allowable EAP and NEAP clients to 1, enable EAP multihost and enable RADIUS NEAP phone ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost allow-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost eap-mac-max 1 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost non-eap-mac-max 1 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost radius-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Configure Policy ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Configure a policy using the name voice to filter on tagged VLAN 805 and remark DSCP and p-bit to Premium CoS. We will set the eval-order to 5 in case you wish to add additional filters in the future with a higher preference ERS-Stackable(config)#qos ubp classifier name voice vlan-min 805 vlan-max 805 vlan-tag tagged ethertype 0x0800 update-dscp 46 update-1p 6 eval-order 4 ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Enable the UBP set ERS-Stackable(config)#qos ubp set name voice ERS-Stackable Step 3 – Enable UBP ERS-Stackable(config)#qos agent ubp high-security-local The default ubp classifier action non-match action is for forward traffic. In older software releases for the ERS5500, this was not the case and you had to enter the command qos ubp set name voice drop-nm-action disable. You can quickly check to see if the software versions you are using require the drop non-match action by simply typing in qos ubp set name voice ? and checking if the command drop-nm-action is displayed or not. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 66 avaya.com 2.8.2 Verify Operations Verify EAP Global and Port Configuration Step 1 – Verify that EAP has been enabled globally and the correct port members: ERS-Stackable# show eapol port 3-11 Result: EAPOL Administrative State: Enabled Port-mirroring on EAP ports: Disabled EAPOL User Based Policies: Enabled EAPOL User Based Policies Filter On MAC Addresses: Port: Disabled 3 Admin Status: Auth: Auto No Admin Dir: Both Oper Dir: Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Quiet Period: Xmit Period: 60 30 Supplic Timeout: 30 Server Timeout: Max Req: 2 RDS DSE: No 30 | | Port: 11 Admin Status: Auth: Auto No Admin Dir: Oper Dir: Both Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Quiet Period: Xmit Period: 60 30 Supplic Timeout: Server Timeout: Aug 2012 30 30 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 67 avaya.com Max Req: 2 RDS DSE: No Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify EAPOL Administrative State Verify that the EAPOL is Enabled globally. EAPOL User Based Policies Verify that EAPOL policies are Enabled globally. Admin Status Verify that the EAP is enabled on ports 3 to 11 by verifying that the Admin Status is set to Auto. Auth The value will be No even if the IP Phone has successfully authenticated. Only if there a Supplicant attached to the IP Phone and it has successfully authenticated will this value change to Yes. Verify EAP Multihost Configuration Step 1 – Verify that EAP multihost has been globally configured correctly: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost Result: Allow Non-EAPOL Clients: Enabled Use RADIUS To Authenticate Non-EAPOL Clients: Enabled Allow Non-EAPOL Clients After Single Auth (MHSA): Allow Non-EAPOL VoIP Phone Clients: Disabled EAPOL Request Packet Generation Mode: Allow Use of RADIUS Assigned VLANs: Multicast Disabled Allow Use of Non-Eapol RADIUS Assigned VLANs: Non-EAPOL RADIUS Password Attribute Format: Non-EAPOL User Based Policies: Disabled Disabled MACAddr Enabled Non-EAPOL User Based Policies Filter On MAC Addresses: Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Disabled Disabled Step 2 – Verify that EAP multihost has been configured correctly at interface level: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost interface 3-11 Result: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 68 avaya.com Port: 3 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 1 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Enabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Disabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Enabled Multicast Disabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: Disabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Disabled | | Port: 11 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 1 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Enabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Disabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Multicast Disabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: Disabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Aug 2012 Enabled Disabled Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 69 avaya.com Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Allow Non-EAPOL Clients: Verify that the non-EAPOL (NEAP) is Enabled globally. Use RADIUS To Authenticate NonEAPOL Clients: Verify the use RADUIS to authenticate non-EAPOL option is Enabled globally. Non-EAPOL RADIUS Password Attribute Format: Verify that the non-EAP password format is set for MACAddr. Please note, some of the older software releases required a leading period “.” before and after the MAC address. Non-EAPOL User Based Policies: Verity that the non-EAPOL user based policies is Enabled Verify EAP Multihost Status Step 1 – Assuming the IP Phone via port 3 has successfully authenticated via EAP, use the following command to view the EAP status: ERS-Stackable# show eapol multihost non-eap-mac status Result: Port Client MAC Address State ---- ------------------ -----------------------------3 00:24:00:0D:8D:29 Authenticated By RADIUS 4 00:24:00:0D:8D:AA Authenticated By RADIUS On the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Port Display the ports where the IP Phone has successfully been authenticated. Client MAC Address If the IP phone has successfully authenticated via NEAP, its MAC address should be shown. State Verity that Authenticated By RADIUS is displayed Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 70 avaya.com Verify EAP Policy Step 1 – Use the following command to view the UBP Policy: ERS-Stackable# show qos ubp classifier Result: Id: 1 Name: voice Block: Eval Order: 5 Address Type: IPv4 Destination Addr/Mask: Ignore Source Addr/Mask: Ignore DSCP: Ignore IPv4 Protocol / IPv6 Next Header: Ignore Destination L4 Port Min: Ignore Destination L4 Port Max: Ignore Source L4 Port Min: Ignore Source L4 Port Max: Ignore IPv6 Flow Id: Ignore IP Flags: Ignore TCP Control Flags: Ignore IPv4 Options: Ignore Destination MAC Addr: Ignore Destination MAC Mask: Ignore Source MAC Addr: Ignore Source MAC Mask: Ignore VLAN: 805 VLAN Tag: Tagged EtherType: 0x0800 802.1p Priority: All Packet Type: Ignore Inner VLAN: Ignore Action Drop: No Action Update DSCP: 0x2E Action Update 802.1p Priority: Priority 6 Action Set Drop Precedence: Low Drop Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 71 avaya.com Storage Type: NonVolatile Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Name: Verify the port number is correct, should be voice for this example. Eval Order: Verify the port number is correct, should be 5 for this example. Address Type: Verify the Address Type is correct, should be IPv4 for this example. VLAN: Verify VLAN is correct, should be 805 for this example. EtherType: Verify the EtherType is correct, should be 0x0800 representing the IP for this example. Action Update DSCP: Verify the DSCP value is correct, should be 0x2e (decimal 46) for this example. Action Update 802.1p Priority: Verify the p-bit value is correct, should be 6 for this example. Verify EAP Policy upon the NEAP client successfully authenticating Step 1 – Assuming an IP Phone via port 3 and 4 has successfully authenticated via EAP, use the following command to view the UBP Policy: ERS-Stackable# show qos ubp interface Result: Id Unit Port Filter Set Name _____ ____ ____ _______________ 55001 1 3 voice 55002 1 4 voice Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Port Verify the port number is correct according the NEAP authenticated IP Phones Filter Set Name If the IP phone has successfully authenticated via NEAP, and if the RADIUS server has been configured correctly, the policy named voice will be displayed. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 72 avaya.com View EAP Policy Statistics Step 1 – You can view the statistics by using the UBP reference and port number using the following command. Please note that the reference number for each port will be different. ERS-Stackable# show qos statistics 55001 port 3 Result: Id: 55001 Policy Name: UntrustedClfrs1 Classifier Unit/Port In-Profile Name Packets ________________ _________ ____________________ 1/3 Aug 2012 203 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 73 avaya.com RADIUS Server – Policy Setup 2.8.3 Microsoft IAS Assuming the RADIUS server is a Windows 2003 server, via the IAS Remote Access Policies, go to your NEAP policy Advanced settings. The Vendor-Specific attribute should be setup as follows. Vendor Code : Nortel ; Nortel Specific Option 562 Vendor-assigned attribute o Attribute number : 110 o Attribute format : String o Attribute value : UROLvoice Step 1 – Via IAS, assuming you have already started a NEAP policy, go the Advanced tab and click on Add and scroll down to Vendor-Specific and click on Add Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 74 avaya.com Step 2 - Via the Multivalued Attribute Information window, click on Add. In the next window titled Vendor-Specific Attribute Information, click no the Select from list radio button and select Nortel Networks and click on the Yes, it conforms radio button. When finished, click on Configure Attributes. Step 3: Via the Configure VSA (RFC compliant) window, enter the following: o o o Vendor-assigned attribute number: 110 Attribute formate: String Attribute value: UROLvoice Click on OK when done. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 75 avaya.com Step 4 – When completed, the profile should be as that displayed below. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 76 avaya.com Avaya Identity Engines Ignition Server Using the base IDE configuration in Section 2.7.3, we will simply add the appropriate outbound attribute to the Access Policy. Please note, the Nortel vendor specific attributes are already added and can be viewed by going to Site Configuration -> Provisioning -> Vendors/VSAs and scrolling down and selecting Nortel -> VSA Definitions. For this example, we will use the VSA Definition ERS-User-Based-Policy. IDE Step 1 – Go to Site Configuration -> Provisioning -> Outbound Attributes -> New When the New Outbound Attribute window pops up, enter the following as shown below. As shown below, in this example, we simply named the outbound attribute UROL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 77 avaya.com IDE Step 2 – Go to Site Configuration -> Provisioning -> Outbound Values -> New When the Outbound Value Details window pops up, enter a name, i.e. UROLvoice as used in this example, and click on New When the Outbound Value Instance window pops up, enter the following as shown below. Please note, the String value must be UROLvoice as “voice” is the name of the policy defined on the switch in this configuration example. Click OK twice when done Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 78 avaya.com IDE Step 3 – Go to Site Configuration -> Access Policies-> RADIUS -> ERS_EAP -> Authorization Policy -> Edit (assuming we are using the policy we configured in Section 2.7.3 named “ERS_EAP”) From the All Outbound Values windows, select UROLvoice and then click on the “lessthan” arrow key Click OK when done This should move the outbound attribute named UROLvoice to the Provision With window as shown below Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 79 avaya.com Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 80 avaya.com 2.9 Auto Configuration with a Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch using EAP with Fail Open VLAN, Guest VLAN, and RADIUS Assigned VLAN for PC Supplicant Providing we enable the voice VLAN feature on the ERS 3500, 4000 and ERS 5000, we can now provision EAP with open fail VLAN, guest VLAN, and RADIUS assigned VLAN with EAP or non-eapphone for the IP phone set. Please see section 5.1 for more details regarding voice VLAN. Assuming we wish to accomplish the following: Allow non-eap-phone for the Avaya 1230 IP Phones Provide RADIUS Assigned VLAN provisioning for the PC supplicant connected to any of the IP Phones in addition to allowing EAP Guest VLAN, and fail-open VLAN The Non-EAPOL VoIP phone clients feature is supported when using the Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 series IP Phones. Starting in the 5.1 release for the ERS 3500, present in release 5.6 (fully supported in release 5.7) for the ERS 4000, and in release 6.3 for the ERS 5000, the Non-EAPOL VoIP phone clients feature is supported when using the Avaya 9600 series IP Phones. The Non-EAPOL VoIP phone feature, when enabled on the switch, will simply authenticate the IP Phone by looking at the DHCP Signature in the DHCP request packet from the IP Phone. The allows the switch to allow IP Phones without having to authenticate the IP Phone MAC address against a RADIUS server and at the same time provide full EAP authentication for the attached PC. 2.9.1 Stackable Switch Configuration For example, we will use the base configuration from example 2.3 and add guest VLAN 1011 and fail open VLAN 1012 Configure RADIUS server ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add RADIUS server ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host used-by eapol acctenable ERS-Stackable(config)#radius server host key used-by eapol Enter key: ****** Confirm key: ****** Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 81 avaya.com VLAN provisioning Make sure VLAN 805 is provisioned as a voice VLAN – ERS 4000 and ERS 5000 only. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Provision VLAN 805 as the voice VLAN ERS-Stackable(config)# vlan voice-vlan 805 ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Add guest VLAN 1011 and open fail VLAN 1012 ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 1011 type port ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan create 1012 type port Enable EAP globally ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable EAP MHMA with non-eap-phone, guest VLAN, and fail open VLAN ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost non-eap-phone-enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost use-radius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol guest-vlan enable vid 1011 ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost fail-open-vlan enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost fail-open-vlan vid 1012 ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost voip-vlan 1 enable vid 805 ERS-Stackable Step 2 – Enable EAP ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable ERS-Stackable Step 3 – If ADAC and non-eap-phone is enabled, enter the following command ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost dummy-adac-radius-requests enable When you have NEAP enabled on a port, as soon as the MAC address of a new device is learnt, the switch will send out a RADIUS request with the device MAC Address. After which the switch may then send another request if the client has a supplicant. The reason this occurs is because Address learning happens first and in hardware. Similar actions happen when you have an IP Phone. If you have NEAP enabled and plug in an IP Phone, once the MAC is learnt on the port the switch will send a RADIUS request. Now if NEAP IP Phone is enabled, the switch does not initially know that it is an IP Phone, so when the MAC is learnt then it should likewise send a RADIUS request for the MAC. After this if NEAP IP Phone is enabled, it is only after the phone sends out a DHCP request, that we see the appropriate signature and then authenticate the device based on the DHCP Signature. So in both cases this should stop extra requests to the RADIUS server. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 82 avaya.com Enable EAP at interface level ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable EAP on ports 3 to 11 with non-eap-phone and use-radiusassigned-vlan enabled ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost enable non-eap-phone-enable useradius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol guest-vlan enable vid 1011 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 83 avaya.com 2.9.2 Verify Operations Assuming we have an Avaya IP phone with a Supplicant connected to port 7 and an Avaya IP Phone connected to port 8 with the following characteristics: Port 7: o Avaya IP Phone 1230 with MAC address 00-24-00-0d-8d-29 o Supplicant with MAC address 00:02:A5:E9:00:28 Port 8: o Avaya IP Phone 1230 with MAC address 00-24-00-0d-8d-aa Verify EAP Global and Port Configuration Step 1 – Verify that EAP has been enabled globally and the correct port members: ERS-Stackable#show eapol port 3-11 Result: EAPOL Administrative State: Port: Enabled 3 Admin Status: Auth: Auto No Admin Dir: Both Oper Dir: Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Quiet Period: Xmit Period: 60 30 Supplic Timeout: Server Timeout: Max Req: 2 RDS DSE: No 30 30 | Port: 7 Admin Status: Auth: Auto Yes Admin Dir: Oper Dir: Both Both ReAuth Enable: No ReAuth Period: 3600 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 84 avaya.com Quiet Period: Xmit Period: 60 30 Supplic Timeout: Server Timeout: Max Req: 2 RDS DSE: No Port: 30 30 8 Admin Status: Auth: Auto Yes Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify EAPOL Administrative State Verify that the EAPOL is Enabled globally. Auth For any port that has a Supplicant which has successfully been authenticated, the Auth state should be Yes Verify EAP Multihost Configuration Step 1 – Verify that EAP multihost has been globally configured correctly: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost Result: Allow Non-EAPOL Clients: Disabled Use RADIUS To Authenticate Non-EAPOL Clients: Disabled Allow Non-EAPOL Clients After Single Auth (MHSA): Allow Non-EAPOL VoIP Phone Clients: Enabled EAPOL Request Packet Generation Mode: Allow Use of RADIUS Assigned VLANs: Multicast Enabled Allow Use of Non-Eapol RADIUS Assigned VLANs: Non-EAPOL RADIUS Password Attribute Format: EAPOL Protocol: Disabled IpAddr.MACAddr.PortNumber Enabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Non-EAP re-authentication: Dummy ADAC Radius Requests: Aug 2012 Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 85 avaya.com Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Allow Non-EAPOL VoIP Phone Clients Verify the allow non-EAPOL VoIP Phone Clients option is Enabled globally. Verify EAP Multihost Port configuration Step 1 – Verify that EAP mulltihost configuration: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost interface 3-11 Result, i.e. for port 3: Port: 3 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 1 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Disabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Enabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Multicast Enabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: EAPOL Protocol: Disabled Disabled Enabled Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Disabled | | Port: 11 MultiHost Status: Max Eap Clients: Enabled 1 Allow Non-EAP Clients: Disabled Max Non-EAP Client MACs: 1 Use RADIUS To Auth Non-EAP MACs: Allow Auto Non-EAP MHSA: Allow Non-EAP Phones: Disabled Enabled RADIUS Req Pkt Send Mode: Allow RADIUS VLANs: Multicast Disabled Allow Non-EAP RADIUS VLANs: EAPOL Protocol: Aug 2012 Disabled Enabled Enabled Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 86 avaya.com Use most recent RADIUS VLAN: Disabled Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify MultiHost Status Verify that the MultiHost status is Enabled on port 3 to 11. Max Eap Client Verify that the maximum EAP client is set to 1. If not, check your configuration Max Non-EAP Client MACs Verify that the maximum non-EAP client is set to 1. If not, check your configuration Allow Non-EAP Phones Verify that Allow Non-EAP Phone is set to Enabled. If not, check your configuration Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 87 avaya.com Verify EAP Multihost Status Step 1 – Assuming the Supplicant via port 8 has successfully authenticated via EAP, use the following command to view the EAP status: ERS-Stackable#show eapol multihost status Result: Port Client MAC Address Pae State Backend Auth State ---- ------------------ -------------- -----------------7 00:02:A5:E9:00:28 Authenticated Idle =========Neap Phones============ 7 00-24-00-0d-8d-29 8 00-24-00-0d-8d-aa Via the ERS-Stackable switch, verify the following information: Option Verify Client MAC Address Verify the actual Supplicant MAC. For this example, this should be 00:02:A5:E9:00:28 on port 7. Pae State Verify the actual Supplicant Pae State. If the Supplicant has successfully authenticated, the Pae State should be displayed as Authenticated Neap Phones Verify the actual MAC for the Avaya IP Phone sets. For this example, this should be 00-24-00-0d-8d-29 on port 7 and 00-24-00-0d-8d-aa on port 8 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 88 avaya.com 2.10 Avaya IP Phone – DHCP and Provisioning Files Details regarding various Avaya IP Phone DHCP and configuration file paramteters are listed in Appendix A. List below are the mimimum settings required for this configuration example. 2.10.1 DHCP Settings The following assumptions apply: The voice VLAN id is 805 We will use the HTTP provisioning server as illustrated in diagram 1 using an IP address of o The file path for the Avaya 9640 IP Phone is 9600/96xxH323_032910 o The file path for the Avaya 1230 IP Phone is phone_prov_files DHCP Server Step 1 – Data VLAN DHCP Scope settings for the Avaya 1230 IP Phone Option 191 String Value VLAN-A:805. DHCP Server Step 1 – Data VLAN DHCP Scope settings for the Avaya 9640 IP Phone Option 242 String Value L2Q=1 L2QVLAN=805 VLANTEST=60 DHCP Server Step 2 – Voice VLAN DHCP Scope settings for the Avaya 1230 IP Phone Option 224 String Value Nortel-i2004-B,prov=; DHCP Server Step 2 – Voice VLAN DHCP Scope settings for the Avaya 9640 IP Phone Option 242 String Value HTTPSRVR= HTTPDIR= 9600/96xxH323_032910 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 89 avaya.com 2.10.2 Provisioning Files The following shows the configuration files used for this example. Avaya 1230 IP Phone provisioning Files – Files include system.prv, 1230.prv, and 0024000D8DAA.prv (includes EAP MD5 configuration) system.prv file=td; s1ip=; p1=4100; a1=1; rl=2; s2ip=; p2=4100; a2=1; r2=2; 1230.prv lldp=y; igarp=y; vq=y; vlanf=y; pc=y; dq=n; pcuntag=y; reg=00:24:00:0D:8D:AA,CS1K,S1S2,600,096-00-00-20; 0024000D8DAA.prv eap=md5; eapid1=phoneb; eappwd=Phonebeselab; Avaya 9640 IP phone provisioning File – File used is 46xxxsettings.txt (includes EAP MD5 configuration) 46xxsettings.txt SET HTTPSRVR SET HTTPDIR 9600\96xxH323_032910 SET VLANTEST 60 SET PROCSTAT 0 SET PROCPSWD 27238 SET PHY1STAT 1 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 90 avaya.com SET PHY2STAT 1 SET MCIPADD SET DOT1XSTAT 2 SET DOT1X 0 SET DOT1XEAPS "MD5" Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 91 avaya.com 2.11 Avaya Energy Saver (AES) In reference to Diagram 1, assume we wish to enable AES to ERS-Stackable with the following schedule: Activate AES during the week from Monday to Friday nighttime from 7:00 pm to 6:30 am Deactivate AES on Saturday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm 2.11.1 Go to configuration mode. ERS-Stackable: Step 1 - Enter configuration mode ERS-Stackable>enable ERS-Stackable#config terminal 2.11.2 Add SNTP Server ERS-Stackable: Step 1 – Add an SNTP server ERS-Stackable(config)#sntp server primary address ERS-Stackable(config)#sntp enable 2.11.3 Add Avaya Energy Saver configuration ERS-Stackable: Step 1 – Enable AES at interface level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#energy-saver enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit ERS-Stackable: Step 2 – Enable AES schedule ERS-Stackable(config)#energy-saver schedule weekday 06:30 deactivate ERS-Stackable(config)#energy-saver schedule weekday 19:00 activate ERS-Stackable(config)#energy-saver schedule saturday 07:00 deactivate ERS-Stackable(config)#energy-saver schedule saturday 17:00 activate ERS-Stackable(config)#energy-saver enable For test purposes, you can activate/deactivate AES by issuing the following commands from the ACLI Privileged level: ERS-Stackable#energy-saver activate ERS-Stackable#energy-saver deactivate Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 92 avaya.com 2.11.4 Verify operations Verify SNTP SNTP must be configured and running for AES to operate. The switch must have SNTP enabled to correctly obtain the time for operation of AES if the scheduler is configured. Step 1 – Verify SNTP is configured ERS-Stackable#show sntp Result: SNTP Status: Enabled Primary server address: Secondary server address: Sync interval: 24 hours Last sync source: Primary server sync failures: 0 Secondary server sync failures: 0 Last sync time: 2010-06-22 09:43:31 GMT-01:00 Next sync time: 2010-06-23 09:43:31 GMT-01:00 Current time: 2010-06-22 14:52:16 GMT-01:00 Step 2 – Verify clock ERS-Stackable#show clock Result: Current SNTP time : 2010-06-22 14:51:11 GMT-01:00 Summer time recurring is set to: start: on Sunday in the 4th week of March at 02:00 end: on Sunday in the 4th week of October at 02:00 Offset: 60 minutes. Summer time is set to: start: 29 March 2010 at 02:00 end: 30 October 2010 at 03:00 Offset: -60 minutes. Time zone will be 'EDT' Time zone is set to 'EST', offset from UTC is -02:00 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 93 avaya.com Verify AES Use the following commands to verify AES is operational. In this example, we will show the effect of AES with a model 1120E IP phone connected to port 1/9. Prior to AES activation, the 1120E should be operating at 1000Mbps full duplex. After AES activation, the 1120E should be operating at 10Mbps full duplex. Step 1 – Verify AES is configured at interface level ERS-Stackable#show energy-saver interface Result: Unit/Port AES State PoE Savings PoE Priority --------- --------- ----------- -----------1/1 Enabled Disabled Low 1/2 Enabled Disabled Low | | Step 2 – Verify Port is delivering PoE power; the following shows the power measured prior to and after AES activation ERS-Stackable#show poe-power-measurement 1/9 Result: The following shows the PoE power delivered prior to AES activation: Unit/Port Volt(V) Current(mA) Power(Watt) --------- ------- ----------- --------------- 1/9 47.5 125 6.000 The following show the PoE power delivered after AES activation: Unit/Port Volt(V) Current(mA) Power(Watt) --------- ------- ----------- --------------- 1/9 47.5 95 4.500 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 94 avaya.com Step 3 – Verify Ethernet interface speed; the following shows the port speed prior to and after AES activation ERS-Stackable#show poe-port-status 1/9 Result: The following displays the interface speed prior to AES activation: Status Unit/Port Trunk Admin Auto Flow Oper Link LinkTrap Negotiation Speed Duplex Control --------- ----- ------- ---- ---- -------- ----------- -------- ------ ------1/9 Enable Up Up Enabled Enabled 1000Mbps Full Symm The following displays the interface speed after AES is activated: Status Unit/Port Trunk Admin Auto Flow Oper Link LinkTrap Negotiation Speed Duplex Control --------- ----- ------- ---- ---- -------- ----------- -------- ------ ------1/9 Enable Up Up Enabled Enabled 10Mbps Full Disable Step 4 – Verify AES globally settings ERS-Stackable#show energy-saver Result: Avaya Energy Saver (AES): Enabled AES PoE Power Saving Mode: Disabled AES Efficiency-Mode Mode: Disabled Day/Time: Tuesday 20:58:58 Current AES state: AES is Active Step 5 – Verify AES schedule ERS-Stackable#show energy-saver schedule Result: Day Time Action --------- ----- ----------Monday 06:30 Deactivate Monday 19:00 Activate Tuesday 06:30 Deactivate Tuesday 19:00 Activate Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 95 avaya.com Wednesday 06:30 Deactivate Wednesday 19:00 Activate Thursday 06:30 Deactivate Thursday 19:00 Activate Friday 06:30 Deactivate Friday 19:00 Activate Saturday 07:00 Deactivate Saturday 17:00 Activate Step 6 – Verify AES power savings; the following shows the power savings after AES activation ERS-Stackable# show energy-saver savings Result: Prior to AES activation: Unit# Model Switch Capacity Saving PoE Saving ----- ------------ ---------------------- ------------------1 5698TFD-PWR 0.0 watts 0.0 watts ------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 0.0 watts 0.0 watts ============================================================= After AES activation: Unit# Model Switch Capacity Saving PoE Saving ----- ------------ ---------------------- ------------------1 5698TFD-PWR 2.7 watts 0.0 watts ------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 3.6 watts 0.0 watts ============================================================= Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 96 avaya.com 2.12 DHCP Server Setup The following setup applies to configuring a DHCP server for auto configuration. Depending on the Avaya IP phone series used, the DHCP options can vary. VLAN Setting using DHCP Double DHCP is a term used where the IP Phone learns the voice VLAN Id using DHCP. From a default setting, all IP Phones send out traffic untagged and use DHCP to get an IP address. Providing you configure the data VLAN scope with the correct DHCP options, the IP Phone will learn the voice VLAN ID from the data VLAN and then proceed to request for a new IP address now via the tagged voice VLAN. This method provides separation for voice and data traffic allowing for a PC or any other data device to be directly connected to the IP Phone set. The IP Phone can be also be setup to either leave the data traffic untagged or tag the data VLAN using a different VLAN Id other than that of the voice VLAN. Depending on the Avaya IP Phone model, the VLAN and IP address may be cached so this double DHCP process actually only occurs once. The Avaya 1600, 4600, and 9600 series cache both the IP address and VLAN Id. Hence, upon a power cycle, the Avaya IP Phone will request an IP address directly via the tagged voice VLAN without having to perform double DHCP. The Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 series have an option to cache the IP address, but, this only comes into effect if a DHCP server is unreachable – in other words, the IP phone will continue to perform double DHCP unless the DHCP server is unreachable. Depending on the Avaya IP phone model, the following DHCP option should be configured. Details on each on these items are described in detail latter in this document and in the appendixes. Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 Series o Avaya 4600 Series o Option 191 Option 176 Avaya 1600 and 9600 Series o Option 242 IP Phone Settings using DHCP A limited set of IP phone settings can be set by DHCP. Details are covered in detail later in this document and in the appendixes. More detailed IP phone configuration should be done using a provisioning server which can be set via the voice VLAN. Depending on the Avaya IP phone model, the following DHCP option should be configured. Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 Series o Option 128- prior to UNIStim firmware release 2.2 o Option 128, 131, 144, 157, 188, 191, 205, 219, 223, 224, 227, 230, 232, 235, 238, 241, 244, 247, 251 or 254 - UNIStim firmware release 2.2 and greater Extended IP phone settings Avaya 4600 Series o Call Server settings only Option 176 Avaya 1600 and 9600 Series o Aug 2012 Option 242 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 97 avaya.com The following configuration example shows how to setup a DHCP server for Avaya IP phone. In our example, a Windows 2003 server will be used. 2.12.1 Windows 2003 DHCP Configuration For this configuration example, we will create the following Option 224 and 191 to be used for the Avaya 1100, 1200, and 2000 Series Series IP phones Option 242 to be used for the Avaya 1600 and 9600 Series IP Phones Default DHCP Options Windows 2003 Server Step 1 – Go to the following Start->Administrative Tools->DHCP Windows 2003 Server Step 2 – Create DHCP Options by high-lighting the name on of your DHCP server from the top menu and select the following Action -> Set Predefined Options -> Add Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 98 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 3 – Add a new DHCP option, create DHCP option 191 After clicking on Add, fill in the information as shown below for the DHCP option with the identifier set to 191. Name: Any name you like Set Date type: String Code: 191 Description: Add any comments if you like Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 99 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 4 – Create DHCP option 224 Select Add again and fill in the information as shown below for the DHCP option with the identifier set to 224. Name: Any name you like Set Date type: String Code: 224 Description: Add any comments if you like Windows 2003 Server Step 5 – Create DHCP option 242 Select Add again and fill in the information as shown below for the DHCP option with the identifier set to 242. Name: Any name you like Set Date type: String Code: 242 Description: Add any comments if you like Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 100 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 6 – Right-click Scope Option from the data VLAN DHCP scope and select Configure Options. Scroll down to the DHCP Options you just created and check off the box to enable the 191 Option Add the appropriate IP address scope, default router, and other various DHCP options for the data VLAN. Once you complete this step, you can then add the required DHCP options for the Avaya IP Phone VLAN information. The example below shows the DHCP scope for the Data VLAN using DHCP Option 191 for the Avaya 1100, 1200, or 2000 series IP Phones. The example below shows the string value pertaining for the Data VLAN where the following string is added to set the Avaya IP phone to tag the voice VLAN using VLAN ID 805: VLAN-A:805. There must be a colon (:) separating the Hardware Revision from the VLAN ID. The string must also end in a period (.) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 101 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 7 – Right-click Scope Option from the data VLAN DHCP scope then select Configure Options. Scroll down to the DHCP Options you just created and check off the box to enable the 242 Option Add the appropriate IP address scope, default router, and other various DHCP options for the data VLAN. Once you complete this step, you can then add the required DHCP options for the Avaya IP Phone VLAN information. The example below shows the DHCP scope for the Data VLAN using DHCP Option 242 for the Avaya 1600 or 9600 series IP Phones. The example below shows the string value pertaining for the Data VLAN where the following string is added to set the Avaya IP phone to tag the voice VLAN using VLAN ID 60: L2Q=1,L2QVLAN=805,VLANTEST=60 The string must have a comma (,) between each parameter with no spaces. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 102 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 8 – Right-click Scope Option from the voice VLAN DHCP scope and select Configure Options. Scroll down to the DHCP Options you just created and check off the box to enable the 242 Option Add the appropriate IP address scope, default router, and other various DHCP options for the voice VLAN. Once you complete this step, you can then add the required DHCP options for the Avaya IP Phone VLAN information. The example below shows the DHCP scope for the Voice VLAN using DHCP Option 242 for the Avaya 9600 series IP Phones as used in this example. The example below shows the string value pertaining for the Voice VLAN assuming the Avaya 9600 IP Phones are using H.323 and retrieving the configuration file using HTTP from the directory 9600/96xxH323_032910. In this directory, it should contain the appropriate files, assuming the Avaya 9600 series is used, it should contain the 96xxupgrade.txt and 46xxsettings.txt files With a provision server using HTTP o HTTPSRVR=,HTTPDIR= 9600/96xxH323_032910 Without a provision server: o MCIPADD=,VLANTEST=60 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 103 avaya.com Windows 2003 Server Step 9 – Right-click Scope Option from the voice VLAN DHCP scope and select Configure Options. Scroll down to the DHCP Options you just created and check off the box to enable the 224 Option Add the appropriate IP address scope, default router, and other various DHCP options for the voice VLAN. Once you complete this step, you can then add the required DHCP options for the Avaya IP Phone VLAN information. The example below shows the DHCP scope for the Voice VLAN using DHCP Option 224 for the Avaya 1100 or 1200 series IP Phones. The example below shows the string value pertaining for the Voice VLAN assuming the Avaya 1100 or 1200 IP Phones use HTTP to get it’s provisioning files via the directory named phone_prov_files With a provision server using HTTP o Nortel-i2004-B,prov=; With a provision server using TFTP o Nortel-i2004-B,prov=; Without a provision server: o Nortel-i2004-B,s1=;p1=4100;a1=1;r1=5;s2=;p1=4100; a1=1;r1=5; Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 104 avaya.com Please note that if using a Windows 2003 server, it may not associate the Avaya 1100/1200 series provision file extention of .prv with text files. To change this, open Windows 2003 Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and under the name of your IIS server, go to Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> phone_prov_files -> Properties (in our example, phone_prov_files is the name of the directory storing the Avaya 1100/1200 series provision files). Next, go to HTTP Headers -> MIME Types -> New and under Extention, enter .prv and under MIME Type, enter text. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 105 avaya.com 3. Avaya IP Deskphones Avaya offers a variety of IP Deskphones. The following sections highlight the major features of each of these series of phones along with information on how to access the configuration menus. 3.1 2000 Series IP Deskphones 3.1.1 Feature Comparison Avaya 2000 Series IP Deskphones Feature 2007 IP Deskphone IP Phone 1 2001 IP Phone 1 2002 IP Phone 1 2004 Display Size / Type 3x24 Character LCD 4x24 Character LCD 8x24 Character LCD # of Lines 1 4 6+ Varies w/config 320x240 Pixels Color Touch screen LCD 6+ Varies w/config Headset Jack 0 1 1 1 Handsfree Listen only Yes Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 3 Two Port Switch No Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No No No No USB Ports 0 0 0 1 Support for Expansion Module Attachment No Yes (Current 200x KEM) Yes (Current 200x KEM) No Bluetooth Headset No No No No XAS (Application Gateway) Support Yes Yes Yes Yes EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes (Phase II only) Yes 802.1AB Yes Yes (Phase II only) Yes (Phase II only) Yes Table 1: Avaya IP Deskphones – 2000 Series 1 The IP Phone 2001, IP Phone 2002 and IP Phone 2002 are no longer manufactured. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 106 avaya.com 3.1.2 Accessing the Configuration Menu (2001/2002/2004) To access the configuration menu power cycle the IP Phone 2001/2002/2004 and then wait until Nortel appears on the LCD panel. At this point, press the following keys in order from 1 to 4: Function key 1, Function key 2, Function key 3, and finally Function key 4. 1 2 3 4 Figure 3: IP Phone 2004 Access Configuration Menu Function Keys 1 2 3 4 Figure 4: IP Phone 2002 Access Configuration Menu To power cycle the IP Phone 2004 via the front panel, press the following keys in order from 1 to 9: Mute key, up Navigation key, down Navigation key, up Navigation key, down Navigation key, up Navigation key, Mute, 9, and finally the Goodbye key. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 107 avaya.com To power cycle the IP Phone 2001 via the front panel, press the following keys in order from 1 to 9: # key, up Navigation key, down Navigation key, up Navigation key, down Navigation key, up Navigation key, #, 9, and finally the Goodbye key. 9 8 2, 3 1, Figure 5: IP Phone 2004 Power Cycle Phone Set 2, 3 8 1, 9 Figure 6: IP Phone 2002 Power Cycle Phone Set Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 108 avaya.com 3.1.3 Configuration Menu on Phase II IP Phone 2001, Phase II IP Phone 2002 and Phase II IP Phone 2004 The single-line based configuration menu structure below presents the complete configuration menu now available on the Phase II IP Phone 2001, Phase II IP Phone 2002 and Phase II IP Phone 2004: EAP Enable?[0-N,1-Y]:0 if “1” DeviceID:[ ] Password: LLDP Enable?[0-N,1-Y]:0 DHCP? [0-N, 1-Y]:1 if “0” SET IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx NETMSK: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DEF GW: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S1 PORT: S1 ACTION: S1 RETRY COUNT: S2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S2 PORT: S2 ACTION: S2 RETRY COUNT: else if “1” DHCP:0-Full,1-Partial:1 if “1” S1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S1 PORT: S1 ACTION: S1 RETRY COUNT: S2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S2 PORT: S2 ACTION: S2 RETRY COUNT: Speed[0-A,1-10,2-100]:0 if “1” or “2” Duplex[0-A,1-F,2-H]:0 Cfg XAS?[0-N, 1-Y]:1 if “1” XAS IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Voice 802.1Q[0-N,1-Y]:1 if “1” VOICE VLAN?[0-N,1-Y]:0 if “1” VLAN Cfg?0-Auto,1-Man :1 The VLAN Cfg menu is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Partial” or “Full” Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 109 avaya.com above or if LLDP is enabled above. if “0” LLDP MED? [0-N, 1-Y] :0 The LLDP MED menu is only presented if LLDP is enabled above. if “0” LLDP VLAN? [0-N,1-Y] :0 The LLDP VLAN menu is only presented if LLDP is enabled above. if “0” DHCP? [0-N, 1-Y] :0 The DHCP menu is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Partial” or “Full” above. else if “1” VOICE VLAN ID : VLANFILTER?[0-N, 1-Y] :0 Ctrl pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 Media pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 PC Port? [0-OFF,1-ON] :1 This menu item, and submenus, are not available on the IP Phone 2001. if “1” Speed[0-A,1-10,2-100]:0 if “1” or “2” Duplex[0-A,1-F,2-H]:0 Data 802.1Q[0-N,1-Y]:1 if “1” DATA VLAN? [0-N, 1-Y]:0 if “1” DATA VLAN Cfg?0-A,1-M:0 This DATA VLAN Cfg menu item is only presented if LLDP is enabled above. if “1” DATA VLAN ID: Data pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 PCUntagAll?[0-N,1-Y]:0 Cached IP? [0-N, 1-Y]:0 This Cached IP menu item is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Yes” above and Voice VLAN is not provisioned as “Auto”. GARP Ignore?[0-N,1-Y]:0 PSK SRTP?[0-N, 1-Y]:0 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 110 avaya.com 3.1.4 Accessing the Configuration Menu (2007 IP Deskphone) To access the configuration menu, power cycle the 2007 IP Deskphone and when the Avaya logo appears in the middle of the display, immediately press the following key in sequence: 0, 0, 7, and star (*). If prompted for “Enter Administration Password:”, then press the following keys in sequence: 2, 6, 5, 6, 7, *, 7, 3, 8, OK. Using Navigation Keys scroll down/up to select the configuration options. As an alternative, use the USB port on the back of the IP Phone to use a mouse to scroll and select configuration options. Figure 7: IP Phone 2007 Phone Set 3.1.5 Configuration Menu on the 2007 IP Deskphone The full-screen based configuration menu structure below presents the complete configuration menu available on the 2007 IP Deskphone as of UNIStim 4.2 (0621C7G). For other releases of software, please refer to the associated Product Bulletin or ReadMe File. EAP Mode: [Disable, MD5, PEAP, TLS] ID 1: ID 2: Password: Enable 802.1ab (LLDP): [] DHCP: [No, Yes] Set IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 111 avaya.com Net Mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx CA Server: Domain Name: Hostname: S1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port: S1 Action: Retry: S1 PK: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF S2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port: S2 Action: Retry: S2 PK: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Ntwk Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT] Ntwk Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half] Phone Mode [Hidden, Full, Reduced] XAS Mode [Text Mode, Graphical, Full Screen, Secure Graphical, Secure Full Screen] XAS IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port: Enable Voice 802.1Q: [] VoiceVLAN: [No VLAN, Auto, Enter VLAN ID] The Auto option in the VoiceVLAN menu is only available if DHCP is provisioned to “Yes” above or if LLDP is enabled above, respectively. VLAN Filter : [] Ctrl Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Media Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Enable Avaya Auto QoS: [] DSCP Override: [] This DSCP Override menu item is only presented if “Enable 802.1ab (LLDP)” is enabled above and “Control DSCP” or “Media DSCP” are not manually set below Control DSCP: xx Media DSCP: xx Enable PC Port: [] PC Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT] PC Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half] Enable Data 802.1Q: [] DataVLAN: [No VLAN, Enter VLAN ID] Data Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] PC-Port Untag All: [] Enable Stickiness [] Cached IP: [] This Cached IP menu item is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Yes” above. Ignore GARP: [] Enable SRTP PSK: [] SRTP PSK Payload ID: [96, 115, 120] Provision: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 112 avaya.com Provision Zone ID: The 2007 IP Deskphone contains a password protection mechanism to lock out access to the Local Tools menu including the Network Configuration menu. If enabled, access to the Local Tools menu is password protected and the password is prompted by a pop up window. One must type the password from the dial pad and press the center of the navigation cluster (enter key) to enter the Network Configuration menu. The default password is 26567*738 (color*set), but this password can be changed by the system administrator. When an incorrect password is entered, the Local Tools menu is not opened. rd To thwart password guessing, only 3 incorrect password entries in a row are allowed. After the 3 incorrect entry, the password entry is ignored for 5 minutes. During this period of time, the password prompt is displayed and the entered digits accepted; however, the phone will not process the incoming digits. The password prompt window simply closes and the behavior is identical to that of an incorrect password entry. The user will assume the incorrect password has been entered and try again. Thus even if the correct password is guessed during the 5 minute period, it will be ignored. This effectively reduces the guess entry rate to 3 guesses every 5 minutes. Once the password has been entered, access to the Local Tools menu remains active for 5 minutes. During the 5 minutes, the menu can be freely navigated, exited and entered without being prompted again for the password. When the 5 minutes expires, the menu is closed. The password must be reentered to access the Local Tools menu. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 113 avaya.com 3.2 1100 Series IP Deskphones 3.2.1 Feature Comparison Feature 1110 IP Deskphone Avaya 1100 Series IP Deskphone 1120E IP 1140E IP 1150E IP Deskphone Deskphone Deskphone 1165E IP Deskphone Display Size / Type 144x32 Pixels Graphical LCD 240x80 Pixels Grayscale LCD 240x160 Pixels Grayscale LCD 240x160 Pixels Grayscale LCD 320x240 Pixels 24-bit Color LCD Feature Keys (Excluding Enter + NAV) 12 22 24 30 30 # of Lines 1 4 Headset Jack 0 1 6+ Varies w/config 1 6+ Varies w/config 1 8+ Varies w/config 1 Handsfree Listen only Yes Yes Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 3 Class 2 Two Port Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No Yes Yes Yes Yes USB Ports 0 1 1 1 1 Support for Expansion Module Attachment No Yes Yes Yes Yes Bluetooth Headset No No Yes Yes XAS (Application Gateway) Support Yes (Agent only) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 802.1AB No Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 2: Avaya IP Deskphones – 1100 Series Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 114 avaya.com 3.2.2 Accessing the Configuration Menu To access the configuration menu, power cycle the 11xx IP Deskphone and when the Avaya logo appears in the middle of the display, immediately press the four feature keys at the bottom of the display in sequence from left to right. If prompted for “Enter Administration Password:”, then press the following keys in sequence: 2, 6, 5, 6, 7, *, 7, 3, 8, Down. Use the Navigation Keys scroll down/up to select configuration options. As an alternative, use the USB port on the back of the IP Deskphone to use a mouse to scroll and select configuration options. Function Keys 1 2 3 4 Navigation Keys Services keys Figure 8: 1100 Series IP Deskphone Setup You can also configure the 1100 Series IP Deskphone by pressing the Services key twice and select option 3 Network Configuration. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 115 avaya.com 3.2.3 Configuration Menu on the 1120E/1140E/1150E/1165E IP Deskphone The full-screen based configuration menu structure below presents the complete configuration menu available on the 1120E, 1140E, 1150E and 1165E IP Deskphones running UNIStim 4.2 software (062xC7M). For other versions of software, please refer to the associated Product Bulletin or ReadMe File. EAP Mode: [Disable, MD5, PEAP, TLS] ID 1: ID 2: Password: Enable VPN: [] Protocol: Mode: Authentication: PSK User ID: PSK Password: XAUTH Method: XAUTH User ID: XAUTH Password: VPN Server 1: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx VPN Server 2: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx VPN DSCP: VPN MOTD Timer: Enable 802.1ab (LLDP): [] DHCP: [No, Yes] Set IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Net Mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Local DNS IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx CA Server: Domain Name: Hostname: S1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port: S1 Action: Retry: S1 PK: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF S2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Port: S2 Action: Retry: S2 PK: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Ntwk Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT] Ntwk Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half] Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 116 avaya.com XAS Mode: [Text Mode, Graphical, Secure Graphical] This parameter is called “Graphical XAS” on the 1165E IP Deskphone. XAS IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx XAS Port: Enable Voice 802.1Q: [] VoiceVLAN: [No VLAN, Auto, Enter VLAN ID] The Auto option in the VoiceVLAN menu is only available if DHCP is provisioned to “Yes” above or if LLDP is enabled above VLAN Filter : [] Ctrl Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Media Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Enable Avaya Auto Qos: [] DSCP Override: [] This DSCP Override menu item is only presented if “Enable 802.1ab (LLDP)” is enabled above and “Control DSCP” or “Media DSCP” are not manually set below Control DSCP: xx Media DSCP: xx Enable PC Port: [] PC Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT] PC Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half] Enable Data 802.1Q: [] DataVLAN: [No VLAN, Enter VLAN ID] Data Priority Bits: [Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] PC-Port Untag All: [] Enable Stickiness [] Cached IP: [] This Cached IP menu item is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Yes”. Ignore GARP: [] Enable SRTP PSK: [] SRTP PSK Payload ID: [96, 115, 120] Provision: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Provision Zone ID: Enable Bluetooth: [Yes, No] This Bluetooth menu item is on the 1140E, 1150E, and 1165E only. The 1120E, 1140E, 1150E and 1165E IP Deskphones contain a password protection mechanism to lock out access to the Local Tools menu including the Network Configuration menu. If enabled, access to the Local Tools menu is password protected and the password is prompted by a pop up window. One must type the password from the dial pad and press the center of the navigation cluster (enter key) to enter the Network Configuration menu. The default password is 26567*738 (color*set), but this password can be changed by the system administrator. When an incorrect password is entered, the Local Tools menu is not opened. rd To thwart password guessing, only 3 incorrect password entries in a row are allowed. After the 3 incorrect entry, the password entry is ignored for 5 minutes. During this period of time, the password prompt is displayed and the entered digits accepted; however, the phone will not process the incoming digits. The password prompt window simply closes and the behavior is identical to that of an incorrect password entry. The user will assume the incorrect password has been entered and try again. Thus even if the correct password is guessed during the 5 minute period, it will be ignored. This effectively reduces the guess entry rate to 3 guesses every 5 minutes. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 117 avaya.com Once the password has been entered, access to the Local Tools menu remains active for 5 minutes. During the 5 minutes, the menu can be freely navigated, exited and entered without being prompted again for the password. When the 5 minutes expires, the menu is closed. The password must be reentered to access the Local Tools menu. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 118 avaya.com 3.3 1200 Series IP Deskphone 3.3.1 Feature Comparison Feature Display Size / Type Avaya 1200 Series IP Deskphone IP Phone IP Phone IP Phone 1210 1220 1230 3x24 5x25 9x25 characters characters characters LCD LCD LCD Feature Keys (Excluding Enter + NAV) 14 22 28 # of Lines 1 4+ Varies w/config 6+ Varies w/config Headset Jack 1 1 1 Handsfree Yes Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Two Port Switch Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No No No USB Ports 0 0 0 No Yes (LED & LCD) Yes (LED & LCD) No No No No No No EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes 802.1AB Yes Yes Yes Support for Expansion Module Attachment Bluetooth Headset XAS (Application Gateway) Support Table 3: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 1200 series Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 119 avaya.com 3.3.2 Access the Configuration Menu To access the configuration menu, power cycle the IP Phone 12x0 and when the Avaya logo appears in the middle of the display, immediately press the four feature keys at the bottom of the display in sequence from left to right. If prompted for “Enter Administration Password:”, then press the following keys in sequence: 2, 6, 5, 6, 7, *, 7, 3, 8, Down. Use the Navigation Keys scroll down/up to select configuration options. Function Keys 1 2 3 4 Navigation Keys Services key Figure 9: 1200 Series IP Deskphone Setup You can also configure the 1200 Series IP Deskphone by pressing the Services key twice and select option 3 Network Configuration. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 120 avaya.com 3.3.3 Configuration Menu on IP Phone 12xx Series and IP Phone 1110 The single-line based configuration menu structure below presents the complete configuration menu available with UNIStim 4.2 software (062xC7M) on the 1110 and 1200 Series IP Deskphones. For other releases of software, please refer to the associated Product Bulletin or ReadMe File. EAP[0-N,1-M, 2-P, 3-T]:0 if “1” or “2” or “3” ID 1: [ ] also if “1” or “2” ID 2: [ ] Password: [*******] LLDP Enable?[0-N,1-Y]:0 DHCP? [0-N,1-Y]:1 if “0” Set IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Netmsk: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Def GW: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DNS2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx CA Server: Domain Name: Hostname: S1 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S1 Port: S1 Action: S1 Retry Count: S2 IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx S2 Port: S2 Action: S2 Retry Count: Speed[0-A,1-10,2-100]:0 if “1” or “2” Duplex[0-A,1-F,2-H]:0 Cfg XAS? [0-N, 1-Y]:1 if “1” XAS IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Voice 802.1Q[0-N,1-Y]:1 if “1” Voice VLAN?[0-N,1-Y]:0 if “1” VLAN Cfg ?0-Auto,1-Man :1 This VLAN Cfg menu is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Y” above or if LLDP Enabled is provisioned to “Y” above. if “1” VLAN ID : VLAN Filter?[0-N,1-Y] :0 Ctrl pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 Media pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 Avaya QOS? [0-N,1-Y]:0 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 121 avaya.com DSCP Ovride [0-N,1-Y]:0 This DSCP Override menu item is only presented if “LLDP Enable?” is enabled above and neither the “Control DSCP” or “Media DSCP” are not manually set below CTRL DSCP [0-63]: xx Media DSCP [0-63]: xx PC Port ? [0-Off,1-On] :1 if “1” Speed[0-A,1-10,2-100]:0 if “1” or “2” Duplex[0-A,1-F,2-H]:0 Data 802.1Q[0-N,1-Y]:1 if “1” VLAN ID : Data pBits[0-7,8-Au] :8 PCUntagAll? [0-N,1-Y]:1 Stickiness? [0-N,1-Y]:1 Cached IP? [0-N, 1-Y]:0 This Cached IP menu item is only presented if DHCP is provisioned to “Y” above GARP Ignore?[0-N,1-Y]:0 SRTP PSK? [0-N, 1-Y]:0 PayID[0-96,1-115,2-120]0 Prov: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Prov Zone ID: End of Menu The 1110, 1210, 1220 and 1230 IP Deskphones contain a password protection mechanism to lock out access to the Local Tools menu including the Network Configuration menu. If enabled, access to the Local Tools menu is password protected and the password is prompted by a pop up window. One must type the password from the dial pad and press the center of the navigation cluster (enter key) to enter the Network Configuration menu. The default password is 26567*738 (color*set), but this password can be changed by the system administrator. When an incorrect password is entered, the Local Tools menu is not opened. rd To thwart password guessing, only 3 incorrect password entries in a row are allowed. After the 3 incorrect entry, the password entry is ignored for 5 minutes. During this period of time, the password prompt is displayed and the entered digits accepted; however, the phone will not process the incoming digits. The password prompt window simply closes and the behavior is identical to that of an incorrect password entry. The user will assume the incorrect password has been entered and try again. Thus even if the correct password is guessed during the 5 minute period, it will be ignored. This effectively reduces the guess entry rate to 3 guesses every 5 minutes. Once the password has been entered, access to the Local Tools menu remains active for 5 minutes. During the 5 minutes, the menu can be freely navigated, exited and entered without being prompted again for the password. When the 5 minutes expires, the menu is closed. The password must be reentered to access the Local Tools menu. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 122 avaya.com 3.4 Restore to Factory Defaults (applies to 1100Series, 1200-Series, and 2007 IP Deskphones) The UNIStim software release 3.0 for IP Deskphones introduced the ability to restore an IP Deskphone to a “factory default” configuration. This can be useful when redeploying an IP Deskphone from one location to another, when starting to use an IP Deskphone with unknown history, or to reset to a known baseline configuration. With UNIStim software release 3.0, and greater, the following keypad sequence is used to reset all provisioning parameters to a “factory default”: [*][*][7][3][6][3][9][MAC][#][#] Where MAC corresponds to the MAC address of the IP Deskphone which can be found on a label on the back of the IP Deskphone. Since a MAC address can contain the letters A through F, the letters A, B and C can be entered via the [2] key on the dialpad, and letters D, E and F can be entered via the [3] key. For example, an IP Deskphone with MAC address 00:19:E1:E2:17:12 would be reset to “factory default” when the sequence **73639001931321712## is entered on the keypad. Please note that the keypad sequence will only be accepted by the phone after the IP Deskphone has finished its boot-up procedure. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 123 avaya.com 3.5 1600 Series IP Deskphones 3.5.1 Feature Comparison Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphone 1603-I IP 1603SW-I IP 1608-I IP 1616-I IP Deskphone Deskphone Deskphone Deskphone Feature Display Size / Type 128x25 Pixel Mono LCD 128x25 Pixel Mono LCD 181x40 Pixel Mono LCD 181x56 Pixel Mono LCD # of Lines 3 3 8 16 Headset Jack 0 0 1 1 Handsfree Listen only Listen only Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Two Port Switch No Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No No No No USB Ports 0 0 0 0 Support for Expansion Module Attachment No No No Yes Bluetooth Headset No No No No WML Support No No No No EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes Yes 802.1AB No No No No Table 4: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 1600 series Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 124 avaya.com 3.6 9600 Series IP Deskphones 3.6.1 Feature Comparison Avaya 9600 Series IP Deskphone (1 of 2) Feature 9608 IP Deskphone 9611G IP Deskphone 9620L IP Deskphone 9620C IP Deskphone 9621G IP Deskphone 9630G IP Deskphone Display Size / Type 181x120 Pixels Color LCD 320x240 Pixels Color LCD 320x160 Pixels Grayscale LCD 320x160 Pixels Color LCD 480x272 Pixels Color Touchscreen LCD 320x240 Pixels Grayscale LCD # of Lines 8 8 1 1 11 6 Headset Jack 1 1 1 1 1 1 Handsfree Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Two Port Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No Yes No No Yes Yes USB Ports 0 1 0 1 0 1 No Yes No No Yes Yes Support for Expansion Module Attachment Bluetooth Headset WML Support No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LLDP (802.1AB) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 125 avaya.com Avaya 9600 Series IP Deskphone (2 of 2) Feature 9640 IP Deskphone 9640G IP Deskphone 9641G IP Deskphone 9650 IP Deskphone 9650C IP Deskphone 9670G IP Deskphone Display Size / Type 320x240 Pixels Color LCD 320x240 Pixels Color LCD 480x272 Pixels Color Touchscreen LCD 320x240 Pixels Grayscale LCD 320x240 Pixels Color LCD 640x480 Pixels Color Touchscreen LCD # of Lines 6 6 11 11 11 11 Headset Jack 1 1 1 1 1 1 Handsfree Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 802.3af PoE Class Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Class 2 Two Port Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gigabit Ethernet No Yes Yes No No Yes USB Ports 1 1 1 1 1 1 Support for Expansion Module Attachment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bluetooth Headset No No No No No Yes WML Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EAP (802.1x) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LLDP (802.1AB) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 5: Avaya IP Phone Sets – 9600 series Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 126 avaya.com 4. IP Office Script: ERS 3500 In release 5.0.1 for the ERS 3500, a run ipoffice scipt was added to automatically provision the switch according to Avaya best practices for converged solutions. The configuration is optimized for solutions with IP Office supporting ~2 to 22 users commencing on the ERS3500 platform (and greater once stacking is supported on ERS3500), IE: where a non-data savvy voice technician can quickly and easily setup the ERS3500 switch in a best practices solution with IP Office. The script supports a fully automated (default) configuration and a verbose version that prompts the user to change the selected defaults. The non-verbose mode just executes the script with all of the pre-defined default values and settings without the requirement of user intervention. The verbose version of the script provides an opportunity for a user to change the defaults via prompted inputs. The script will set VLAN ID’s, IP addresses, QoS rules, and tagging modes on switch ports to specific values. Secondarily, to set LLDP for IP Phone detection and then to choose specific switch ports for the IP Office (PBX) call server to connect to. Running the script in the default mode will result in the following: 1. Set Voice VLAN ID [42] Set IP address for VLAN 42 to on the ERS 3500 2. Set Data VLAN ID [44] Set IP address for VLAN 44 to on the ERS 3500 Switch Management IP address (IP Address 3. Set IP Office LAN port (Port 1 on switch) 4. Set Gateway modem/router port (Port 2 on switch) 5. Set Call Server - IP Office (IP address IP Office default DHCP pool: – 6. Set File Server IP Address (IP address 7. Create QoS if-group named qosTrustedIfcs with interface class of trusted and assign to all ports 8. Set all port tagging to UntagPvidOnly Default PVID on port 1 is 42 Default PVID on all other ports is 44 Port 1 is a member of VLAN 42, port 2 is a member of VLAN 44, while all other ports are members of both VLAN 42 and VLAN 44 9. Set LLDP MED Policy on all ports VLAN ID = 42, tagging = tagged, DSCP = 46, Priority = 6 Running the script in the verbose mode will result in the following: 1. Prompt for Voice VLAN ID Default Voice VLAN ID is set to 42 unless changed 2. Prompt user for Voice VLAN gateway IP address Default IP address is unless changed 3. Prompt user for Voice VLAN IP subnet mask Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 127 avaya.com Default IP subnet address mask is unless changed 4. Prompt for Data VLAN ID Default Data VLAN ID is set to 44 unless changed 5. Prompt user for Data VLAN gateway IP address Default IP address is unless changed 6. Prompt user for Data VLAN IP subnet mask Default IP subnet address mask is unless changed 7. Set IP Office LAN port (Port 1 on switch) 8. Set Gateway modem/router port (Port 2 on switch) 9. Prompt user for default IP route gateway modem-router Default IP router is unless changed 10. Prompt user for Call Server IP address Default Call Server IP address is unless changed 11. Prompt user for File Server IP address Default File Server IP address is unless changed 12. Create QoS if-group named qosTrustedIfcs with interface class of trusted and assign to all ports 10. Set all port tagging to UntagPvidOnly Default PVID on port 1 to Voice VLAN ID Default PVID on all other ports Data VLAN ID Port 1 is a member of the Voice VLAN, port 2 is a member of Data VLAN, while all other ports are members of both the Data and Voice VLANs 11. Set LLDP MED Policy on all ports VLAN ID = Voice VLAN ID, tagging = tagged, DSCP = 46, Priority = 6 4.1 IP Office Script: Example using verbose mode The following is an example of running the IP Office scipt in verbose mode. 3524GT-PWR+#run ipoffice verbose ********************************************************** *** This script will guide you through configuring the *** *** Avaya switch for optimal operation with IP Office. *** *** ---------------------------------------------------*** *** The values in [] are the default values, you can *** *** input alternative values at any of the prompts. *** *** Warning: This script may delete previous settings. *** *** If you wish to terminate or exit this script *** *** enter ^C at any prompt. *** ********************************************************** Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 128 avaya.com Voice VLAN ID [42] :200 % The Voice VLAN ID has been set to 200 Voice VLAN Gateway IP Address [] : Voice VLAN Gateway IP Mask [] : % The Voice VLAN Gateway IP address has been set to % The Voice VLAN Gateway IP network mask has been set to Data VLAN ID [44] :1008 % The Data VLAN ID has been set to 1008 Data VLAN Gateway IP Address [] : Data VLAN Gateway IP Mask [] : % The Data VLAN IP address has been set to % The Data VLAN IP network mask has been set to % ---------------------------------------------------------------------% IP Office LAN port is set to plug into switch port 1 % Gateway Modem-Router port is set to plug into switch port 2 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------IP Route to Gateway Modem-Router (Internet/WAN) [] : % Default IP Route set to (Gateway Modem-Router interface) IP Office Call-Server IP address [] : % IP Office Call-Server IP address is set to IP Office File-Server IP address [] : % IP Office File-Server IP address is set to % ** Switch QoS and Unified Communications policies setup and saved ** % ** IP Office solution automated switch setup complete and saved ** % ---------------------------------------------------------------------% To manage this Avaya switch, enter in your Web browser. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 129 avaya.com 5. Automatic Provisioning: Plug and Play IP Telephony IP Phone provisioning has evolved over the years and Avaya now offers several methods that can be used independently or together to automatically provision an Avaya IP Phone. Although the manual provision of an IP Phone is still available and overrides any automatic provision mechanism, IP client provisioning provides an alternative mechanism to easily set the various IP Phone settings. The end result is IP Phone provisioning removes the need for a trained technician to walk desk-to-desk configuring IP Phones. The following is a summary of the various IP Phone provisioning mechanisms: DHCP & TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS o o o o o 802.1AB - Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery o o o o Uses Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Exchanges capabilities/information of connected devices Builds topology of connected devices Can be used for configuration of network devices Auto Detect Auto Config (ADAC) o o o o o Provides configuration information to IP phone Configuration options for call server, VLAN, etc. VLAN auto discovery via DHCP site specific option DHCP options Auto Provisioning via tftp/http/https Avaya Ethernet Switch feature Discovers IP phones connected to it Automatically configures Voice VLAN and QoS Auto detection of IP phone can be accomplished in one of two methods MAC address of IP phone 802.1ab LLDP-MED Can be used with 802.1x EAP QoS o Aug 2012 can be provided automatically using Avaya Automatic QoS, ADAC, or using LLDP Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 130 avaya.com 5.1 Voice VLAN Voice VLAN integration has been added to the various ERS stackable switches beginning with release 5.0.1 for the ERS 3500, release 5.6 for the ERS 4000, and 6.2 for the ERS 5000. This feature offers a unified concept of Voice VLAN though various applications including ADAC, EAP, and LLDP. In regards to ADAC, it removes many limitations which resulted in the Voice VLAN being dynamically allocated. In regards to EAP, it is now possible to support both voice and data on the same port with various EAP features such as non-eap-phone, RADIUS assigned VLANs, guest VLAN, and open-fail-vlan all enabled. The ACLI syntax is as follows: ACLI Syntax (global configmode): vlan create type [port] [voice-vlan] no vlan voice-vlan show vlan[voice-vlan] or vlan create type [port] vlan voice-vlan Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 131 avaya.com 5.2 Auto Provisioning on Avaya IP Deskphones (1100Series, 1200-Series, 2000-Series) Multiple modes of configuration exist for provisioning an Avaya IP Deskphone (1100-Series, 1200-Series, 2000-Series). A hierarchy must be employed for configuration information. The hierarchy, as shown below, will aid in resolution in the case of any conflict due to parameter settings from multiple sources. Manual Configuration Provision Server - device specific Provision Server – zone specific Provision Server – model/type specific Provision Server – system specific LLDP DHCP (Nortel-i2004-B) DHCP (Nortel-i2004-A) UNIStim(for some specific device / network parameters only) Last value received Factory default More details on each of these mechanisms is provided in the following sections. Provisioning Server – Using TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS 5.2.1 If a provision server is deployed, the IP phone receives the provision server address via DHCP Option 66, the prov parameter via DHCP (Nortel-i2004-B) extended option, or via manual configuration on the phone itself. An IP phone can be configured via a combination of different files from a provisioning server. For example, you may only have a system.prv file which includes a generic configuration and then have an 1140E.prv to enable Bluetooth. When the phone sees the server address or URL prefixed with “http://”, it knows to connect to an HTTP server and retrieve the files using HTTP as apposed to TFTP. Auto provisioning is supported on the IP Phone 2007, the IP Phone 1100 series, and the IP Phone 1200 series. A summary of each type of provision file is as follows: System level file SYSTEM.PRV o System specific provisioning information o “file” parameter indicates which other files (if any) are to be downloaded via TFTP – line below indicates phone type (t), device (d) and zone (z) files should all be pulled via TFTP file=tdz; Model level file TTTT.PRV Aug 2012 o Phone type specific provisioning information o For example – to turn on/off Bluetooth on all 1140E sets o TTTT replaced by phone model, e.g. 1140e.prv o 1110,1120E,1140E,1150E,2007,1210,1220,1230 as valid options Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 132 avaya.com Zone level file ZZZZZ.PRV o Zone specific provisioning information, where ZZZZZ is the one to eight character Zone ID o Zone ID can be set manually, via DHCP or via “zone” parameter in SYSTEM.PRV Device level file XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.PRV o Device specific provisioning information, where XX… is the MAC address of the device, i.e. 001365FEF$D4.prv Please refer to Appendix A for a list of all the various parameters that can be provisioned. With the delivery of UNIStim firmware release 3.0 or higher, the IP Phones will now accept a list of Node and TN values associated to a particular MAC address. The Node and TN value is assigned to an appropriate phone by the phone recognizing its own MAC address within the list of Node and TN values. If the phone’s MAC address is found in more than one valid association across the different .PRV files, the association that the phone ultimately accepts will be the one in the highest priority file. The precedence order of the .PRV files from highest priority to lowest is device, zone, type then system. The Node and TN provisioning string has the following format: reg=MACaddr, CallServerType, ConnectServer, NodeID, TN o MACaddr: delimiters in the MAC address can be dashes, colons, spaces, or any combination thereof. o CallServerType: Currently the implementation only support the CS 1000, thus the only supported CallServerType is CS1K o ConnectServer: Only values S1 and S1S2 are supported at this time o NodeID: The Node ID can be any number from 0 -9999. o TN: The same format is used for the Terminal Number as would be entered via the TN prompt on the phone’s display during registration. Two formats exist: Large system TN: “LLL-SS-CC-UU” or LLL SS CC UU” Small system TN: “CC-UU” or “CC UU” The following is an example of a valid Node and TN provision string that could be included in any .PRV file: reg=00:24:00:0D:8D:CD,CS1K,S1S2,600,096-0-0-01 An example of using hierarchal provision files using system, zone, and type provisioning files is as per the following: system.prv # System level provisioning file # Applies to all phones file=zt; # read .prv and .prv zone=headqrtr; # Zone id unid=Main-tower; # Unique network identification menulock=p; # Menu lock mode vq=y; # Enable 802.1Q for voice vcp=3; # 802.1Q control p bit for voice Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 133 avaya.com vmp=4; vlanf=y; pc=y; pcs=a; pcd=a; dq=y; lldp=y; pk1= ffffffffffffffff; pk2= ffffffffffffffff; stickiness=y; cachedip=n; igarp=n; srtp=n; eap=peap; eapid1=DEV1024; eapid2=TOW2234; eappwd=D3c6v5; cdiff=13; mdiff=12; prov=; dns=; dns2=; ct=20; br=18; blt=1; dim=y; hd=w; bold=y # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 802.1Q media p bit for voice Enable VLAN filter Enable PC port PC port speed PC port duplex Enable 802.1Q for PC port Enable 802.1ab (LLDP) force pk1 to ff SMC will update force pk1 to ff SMC will update Enable stickiness Enable cached IP Ignore GARP Enable PSK SRTP Enable 802.1x (EAP) 802.1x (EAP) device ID 1 802.1X (EAP) device ID 2 802.1x (EAP) password DiffServ code point for control DiffServ code point for media Provisioning server IP address Primary DNS server IP address Secondary DNS server IP address Contrast value Brightness value Backlight timer Enable dim Headset type Enable font display in bold headqrtr.prv # Zone level provisioning file # Applies to all phones within the headquarters zone s1ip=; # Primary server IP address p1=4100; # Primary server port number a1=1; # Primary server action code r1=10; # Primary server retry count s2ip=; # Secondary server IP address p2=4100; # Secondary server port number a2=1; # Secondary server action code r2=10; # Secondary server retry count xip=; # XAS server IP address xp=5000; # XAS server port number xa=g; # XAS server action code Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 134 avaya.com 1140E.prv # Type level provisioning file specific to IP Phone 1140E # Applies to all IP Phone 1140E within the network bt=y; # Enable Bluetooth Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 135 avaya.com 5.2.2 LLDP Avaya 1100/1200/2000 Series IP Deskphones support IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). For more information on LLDP, please refer to section 4.4. An 1100/1200/2000 Series IP Deskphone initiates LLDP after receiving an LLDPDU message from an appropriate system. Once initiated, the 1100/1200/2000 Series IP Deskphones send an LLDPDU every 30 seconds with the following content. Category TLV Name (Type) TLV Info String (Value) Basic Mandatory Chassis ID IPv4 Address of IP Deskphone Basic Mandatory Basic Mandatory Basic Optional Basic Optional Port ID Time-To-Live Port Description System Description Basic Optional System Capabilities Basic Optional VLAN Name Basic Optional Protocol Identity Basic Optional IEEE 802.3 Organization Specific TIA LLDP MED Maximum Frame Size MAC / Configuration/Status LLDP-MED Capabilities TIA LLDP MED Extended Power-via-MDI TIA LLDP MED Network Policy MAC address of the IP Deskphone 180 seconds. “Avaya IP Phone” “Avaya IP Telephone” plus model number plus firmware version Bit 2 (Bridge) is set and Bit 5 (Telephone) is set. If the voice or data VLAN is configured, the Deskphone will transmit respectively one or two VLAN Name TLVs. The VLAN name field will be set to “data” and “voice” accordingly. Three TLVs are transmitted: One for STP: Protocol identity = the first 8 bytes of an STP PDU starting with the Ethertype field. One for 802.1x: Protocol identity= 0x888E – the 802.1x Ethertype One for LLDP: Protocol identity= 0x88CC – the LLDP Ethertype 1552 Reports autonegotiation status and speed of the uplink port. Media Endpoint Discovery – Class III – IP Telephone Maximum power usage of the IP Deskphone plus all modules and adjuncts powered by the IP Deskphone in tenths of a watt. Tagging Yes/No, VLAN ID for voice, Aug 2012 PHY Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 136 avaya.com Category TLV Name (Type) TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED Inventory – Firmware Revision Inventory – Manufacturer Name TIA LLDP MED Inventory – Model Name Basic Mandatory End-of-LLDPDU TLV Info String (Value) L2 Priority, DSCP Value Software version being used Avaya-xy were xy is a 2-digit manufacturer code String containing the IP Deskphone model name. Not applicable On receipt of a LLDPDU message, the Avaya IP Deskphone 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphone will act on the TLV elements as described below. TLV Name Impact IEEE 802.1 VLAN Name Use the received VLAN ID, L2 Priority and DSCP values to program the phone Use the received VLAN ID, L2 Priority and DSCP values to program the phone. Has priority over any VLAN Name TLV. In case of a discrepancy in the settings of duplex mode, the Telephone does the following: If duplex mode is in auto, force duplex mode to the received one, If duplex mode is in full, i.e., manually configured, send the “Duplex mismatch” alarm to the call server, Stored in the IP Deskphone for subsequent forwarding. MED Network Policy MAC / PHY Configuration/Status Location Identification Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 137 avaya.com 5.2.3 DHCP The IP Phones can use DHCP to receive VLAN, network configuration parameters, and specific Connect Server parameters allowing for automatic configuration. All Avaya IP Phones use the text string Norteli2004-A or Nortel-i2004-B for provisioning Avaya network and Connect Server information and the string VLAN-A for provisioning 802.1Q VLAN information. The ASCII string is send inside the Class Identifier option of the IP Phone DHCP messages. The following table list the various IP Phone network configuration parameters requested by the IP Phone in the Parameter Request List option (Option Code 55) in the DHCPDISCOVERY and DHCPREQUEST messages Parameters requested by IP Phone (Option Code 55) DHCP server response: Option Code Subnet mask – the client IP subnet mask 1 Router/gateway(s) — the client default gateway IP address (not required in DHCPOFFER in IP Phone Firmware 1.25 and later for compatibility with Novell DHCP server) 3 DNS Server IP 6 DNS domain 15 Lease time — implementation varies according to DHCP server 51 Renewal time — implementation varies according to DHCP server 58 Rebinding interval — implementation varies according to DHCP server 59 TFTP Server Name 66 IP Line site-specific or vendor-specific encapsulated or site options. 43, 128, 131, 144, 157, 188, 191, 205, 219, 223, 224, 227, 230, 232, 235, 238, 241, 244, 247, 249, 251, and 254 RFC 3942 states that DHCP site-specific options 128 to 223 are hereby reclassified as publicly defined options. The IP Phone supports 9 vender specific options in this range and continues to do so for backward compatibility. However, as suggested in RFC 3942, the use of these options is discouraged to avoid potential future collisions. Table 6: DHCP Response Codes If auto provisioning for the Voice VLAN is enabled, the Voice VLAN ID is received from the DHCP VLANA option string typically from a DHCP response received from the DHCP server in the Data VLAN. Whereas, the Nortel-i2004-A and Nortel-i2004-B sections would typically contain DHCP response received from the DHCP server in Voice VLAN. If the VLAN-A option is also provided by the DHCP server in the Voice VLAN, the VLAN-A section in “DHCP Information” will not be updated. The Site Specific Option #191 pertains to the VLAN ID information that the IP Phone set will require for the voice VLAN. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 138 avaya.com Note that the string always begins with VLAN-A where ‘A’ refers to the revision of the Avaya DHCP/VLAN specification VLAN-A:vvvv. Where: “VLAN-A” “vvvv” = Option #191 begins with this string for all Nortel IP phone sets = The VLAN ID in Decimal For example, enter the following in DHCP option 191 typically in the Data VLAN DHCP scope to inform an IP Phone to use VLAN 99 as the voice VLAN. There must be a colon (:) separating the Hardware Revision from the VLAN ID. The string must also end in a period (.) VLAN-A:99. In firmware loads prior to UNIStim firmware release 2.2 for the IP Phone 2007, IP Phone 1110, IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E and prior to UNIStim firmware release 2.3 for the Phase II IP Phone 2001, 2002 and 2004 the IP Phones could obtain only limited provisioning parameters via Nortel specific DHCP text string Nortel-i2004-A via DHCP option 128. The format of the String for Option #128 is as shown below. Note that the string always begins with Nortel-i2004-A where ‘A’ refers to the revision of the Nortel DHCP/VLAN specification. The IP Address must be separated from the port number by a colon (:). The parameters for the Primary (S1) and the Secondary (S2) Call Servers are separated by a semicolon (;). The string must end a period (.). Nortel-i2004-A,iii.iii.iii.iii:ppppp,aaa,rrr;iii.iii.iii.iii:ppppp,aaa,rrr. Where “Nortel-i2004-A” “iii.iii.iii.iii” “ppppp” “aaa” “rrr” = Option #128 begins with this string for all Nortel IP phone sets = the IP Address of the Call Server (S1 or S2) = port number for the Call Server = the Action for the Server = the Retry Count for the Server For example, enter the following via DHCP Option 128 to configure a Nortel IP Phone to use Call Server S1 IP address of, Call Server S2 IP address of, S1 and S2 port number of 4100, S1 and S2 action of 1, and S1 and S2 retry of 5: Nortel-i2004-A,,1,5:,1,5. With the introduction of the UNIStim firmware release 2.2 and greater for the IP Phone 2007, IP Phone 1110, IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E, and UNIStim firmware release 2.3 and greater for the Phase II IP Phone 2001, 2002 and 2004, a new Nortel specific option type was introduced (“Nortel-i2004-B”). The Nortel-i2004-B specific option type expands the number of parameters that can be provisioned to include all those previously provisioned in the existing option type of Nortel-i2004-A, plus more. The existing option type of Nortel-i2004-A will continue to be supported for backward compatibility. In fact, the new firmware will accept both option types, although it is recommended to either remain with the existing option type or move to the new option type, but not both. In the event that the IP Phone receives both option types, values provisioned with the new option type of Nortel-i2004-B will have a higher priority than values provisioned with the old option type Nortel-i2004-A. Please refer to Appendix A for a list of all the various parameters that can be provisioned. In the case of Expanded DHCP Options the DHCP private options 128, 131, 144, 157, 188, 191, 205, 219, 223, 224, 227, 230, 232, 235, 238, 241, 244, 247, 251 or 254 can be used – so there is wider choice than in the case of Default DHCP Options. Another change with Expanded DHCP Options is that multiple options can be used to pass information – this is necessary as the theoretical maximum size otherwise exceeds what is allowed for any one DHCP option. In the case of Expanded DHCP Options and multiple options being used, if information is repeated in a later option then it will take precedence over what came in an earlier option. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 139 avaya.com The priority rules are: “Nortel-i2004-B” option’s priority is higher than the “Nortel-i2004-A” option’s. Vendor specific DHCP options’ priorities are higher than the site specific DHCP options’. The option with lower DHCP option number has higher priority than the option with higher DHCP option number. In the same DHCP option, the rear sub-string has higher priority than the front sub-string. Setup of the DHCP server is very similar to what is done for the Default DHCP Options. The Predefined Options still need to be defined initially and then enabled for the scope, using the choice of private options as noted above. The main change comes in defining the string for the Call Server information in the case of Expanded DHCP Options, as the format is different. The Default DHCP Options uses the string Nortel-i2004-A at the start of the DHCP option string; the Expanded DHCP Options uses the string Nortel-i2004-B instead. The screenshot below shows the DHCP server with two private options (#224 and #227) configured for the Expanded DHCP Options, in addition to the private earlier option (#128) for the Default DHCP Options. The format of the Expanded DHCP option is obviously different to the earlier mode of operation; it is easier to understand as it consists of a series of “parameter=value” combinations, each followed by a semi colon. Note that the string always begins with ‘Nortel-i2004-B’ where ‘B’ refers to the revision of the Nortel DHCP/VLAN specification. Nortel-i2004-B,param=value;param=value;param=value; … Where “Nortel-i2004-B” “param” “value” = the selected private option(s) for Expanded DHCP Options begins with this string for 1100 series (C4I upwards) or 1200 series IP sets = a defined string representing one of the values that can be set via Expanded DHCP Options = a valid value for the corresponding parameter All parameters are separated by a semicolon (;). The string must end a semi colon (;). As noted earlier, there can be multiple Nortel-i2004-B strings in order to pass the full range of parameters possible, which in theory could exceed (at 310 bytes) the maximum length allowed for any one DHCP option (255 bytes). An example of the new Nortel-i2004-B Expanded DHCP Options is as follows. Option 224 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 140 avaya.com Nortel-i2004-B,s1=;p1=4100;a1=1;r1=10;s2=;p2=4100;a2=1;r2=10; menulock=p;pc=n; Option 227 Nortel-i2004-B,cachedip=n;igarp=y;srtp=n; There is no change in the operation of the Voice VLAN Auto Discovery process as part of Extended DHCP Options. That continues to use the same “VLAN-A” option type as with Default DHCP Options. 5.3 Auto Provisioning on Avaya IP Deskphones (1600Series, 9600-Series) Multiple modes of configuration now exist for provisioning an Avaya IP Deskphone (1600-Series, 9600 Series). A hierarchy must be employed for configuration information. The hierarchy, as shown below, will aid in resolution in the case of any conflict due to parameter settings from multiple sources. LLDP Manual Configuration DHCP HTTP/HTTPS script file Avaya Media Server Backup files Settings the IP telephone receives from backup files or the media server overwrite any previous settings, including manual settings. The only exception to this sequence is in the case of VLAN IDs. In the case of VLAN IDs, LLDP settings of VLAN IDs are the absolute authority. Then the usual sequence applies through HTTP/HTTPS. 5.3.1 LLDP Release 1.2 9600 Series IP Deskphones and Release 1.1 1600 Series IP Deskphones support IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). For more information on LLDP, please refer to section 4.4. A 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphone initiates LLDP after receiving an LLDPDU message from an appropriate system. Once initiated, the 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphones send an LLDPDU every 30 seconds with the following content. Category Basic Mandatory TLV Name (Type) Chassis ID TLV Info String (Value) IPv4 Address of IP Deskphone Basic Mandatory Basic Mandatory Basic Optional Port ID Time-To-Live System Name MAC address of the IP Deskphone 120 seconds. The Host Name sent to the DHCP server in DHCP Option 12 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 141 avaya.com Category Basic Optional TLV Name (Type) System Capabilities Basic Optional Management Address IEEE 802.3 Organization Specific TIA LLDP MED MAC / Configuration/Status LLDP-MED Capabilities TIA LLDP MED Extended Power-via-MDI TIA LLDP MED Network Policy TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED TIA LLDP MED Inventory – Hardware Revision Inventory – Firmware Revision Inventory – Software Revision Inventory – Serial Number Inventory – Manufacturer Name Inventory – Model Name Avaya Proprietary PoE Conservation Support Avaya Proprietary Avaya Proprietary Call Server IP Address IP Phone Addresses Avaya Proprietary CNA Server IP Address Avaya Proprietary Avaya Proprietary File Server 802.1Q Framing Basic Mandatory End-of-LLDPDU Aug 2012 PHY Level TLV Info String (Value) Bit 2 (Bridge) is set if the IP Deskphone has an internal Ethernet switch. Bit 5 (Telephone) will be set in the System Capabilities. If Bit 5 is set in the Enabled Capabilities than the IP Deskphone is registered. Mgmt IPv4 Address of IP Deskphone. Interface number subtype = 3 (system port). Interface number = 1. OID = SNMP MIB-II sysObjectID of the IP Deskphone. Reports autonegotiation status and speed of the uplink port. Media Endpoint Discovery – Class III – IP Telephone Power Value = 0 if the IP Deskphone is not currently powered via PoE, elese the maximum power usage of the IP Deskphone plus all modules and adjuncts powered by the IP Deskphone in tenths of a watt. Tagging Yes/No, VLAN ID for voice, L2 Priority, DSCP Value MODEL – Full Model Name BOOTNAME APPNAME IP Deskphone serial number Avaya MODEL with the final Dxxx characters removed. Provides Power Conservation abilities/settings, Typical and Maximum Power values OUI = 00-40-0D (hex), Subtype = 1 Call Server IP Address Subtype = 3 Phone IP Address, Phone Address Mask, Gateway IP Address Subtype =4 CNA Server IP Address = in-use value from CNASRVR Subtype = 5 File Server IP Address Subtype = 6 802.1Q Framing = 1 if tagging or 2 if not Subtype = 7 Not applicable Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 142 avaya.com On receipt of a LLDPDU message, the Avaya IP Deskphone 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphone will act on the TLV elements as described below. System Paramater Name PHY2VLAN TLV Name Impact IEEE 802.1 Port VLAN ID L2QVLAN L2Q IEEE 802.1 VLAN Name System value changed to the Port VLAN identifier in the TLV The system value is changed to the TLV VLAN Identifier. L2Q will be set to 1 (ON). VLAN Name TLV is only effective if: The telephone is not registered with the Call Server. Name begins with VOICE (case does not matter). The VLAN is not zero. DHCP Client is activated. The telephone is registered but is not tagginglayer 2 frames with a nonzero VLAN ID. If VLAN Name causes the telephone to change VLAN and the telephone already has an IP Address the telephone will release the IP Address and reset. If the TLV VLAN ID matches the VLAN ID the telephone is using, the VLAN ID is marked as set by LLDP. Otherwise, if already registered, the telephone waits until there are no active calls, releases its IP Address, turns on tagging with the TLV VLAN ID, sets L2Q to "on," changes the default L2Q to "on," and resets. If there is no valid IP Address, the telephone immediately starts tagging with the new VLAN ID without resetting. Aug 2012 and Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 143 avaya.com System Paramater Name L2Q, L2QVLAN, L2QAUD, L2QSIG, DSCPAUD, DSCPSIG TLV Name Impact MED Network Policy TLV MCIPADD Proprietary Call Server TLV TLSSRVR and HTTPSRVR Proprietary File Server TLV L2Q Proprietary 802.1 Q Framing L2Q - set to “2” (off) If T (the Tagged Flag) is set to 0; set to “1” (on) if T is set to 1. L2QVLAN - set to the VLAN ID in the TLV. L2QAUD and L2QSIG - set to the Layer 2 Priority value in the TLV. DSCPAUD and DSCPSIG - set to the DSCP value in the TLV. A check is made as to whether a reset is necessary to obtain a new IP address due to a change in the values of the parameters L2Q or L2QVLAN. This TLV is ignored if: the value of USE_DHCP is “0” and the value of IPADD is not “”, or the Application Type is not 1 (Voice), or the Unknown Policy Flag (U) is set to 1. MCIPADD will be set to this value if it has not already been set. NOT USED WITH SIP IP DESKPHONE. TLSSRVR and HTTPSRVR will be set to this value if neither of them have already been set. The default L2Q is set to the value of this TLV. No change is made to the current L2 tagging, but the new default value is used on the next reboot. If TLV = 1, L2Q set to "1" (On). If TLV = 2, L2Q set to "2" (Off). If TLV = 3, L2Q set to "0" (Auto). This proprietary TLV can initiate a power conservation mode. The telephones that support this will turn on/off the telephone backlight and the backlight of an attached Button Module in response to this TLV. Exception: the 9670G display backlight is put into low-power mode rather than being turned off. Proprietary – PoE Conservation TLV Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 144 avaya.com System Paramater Name 5.3.2 TLV Name Impact Extended Power-via-MDI Power conservation mode will be enabled if the received binary Power Source value is 10, and power conservation mode will be disabled if the received binary Power Source value is not 10. Power conservation mode is enabled even if the telephone is not powered over Ethernet because the telephone sends information about the power source that it is using in a TIA LLDP MED Extended Power-Via-MDI TLV; it is assumed that the power management system intends to conserve local power as well. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) minimizes maintenance for a 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphone network by removing the need to individually assign and maintain IP addresses and other parameters for each IP Deskphone on the network. The DHCP server provides the following information to the 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphones: IP address of the 1600/9600 Series IP Telephone(s) IP address of the Gatekeeper board on the Avaya Media Server IP address of the HTTP or HTTPS server The subnet mask IP address of the router DNS Server IP address Administer the LAN so each IP Deskphone can access a DHCP server that contains the IPaddresses and subnet mask. Parameters requested by IP Phone (Option Code 55) DHCP server response: Option Code Subnet mak 1 Gateway (router) IP Address(es) If using more than one address, the total list can contain up to 255 total ASCII characters. You must separate IP addresses with commas with no intervening spaces. 3 DNS Server(s) address list 6 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 145 avaya.com If using more than one address, the total list can contain up to 127 total ASCII characters. You must separate IP addresses with with no intervening spaces. At least one address in Option 6 must be a valid, non-zero, dotted decimal address. Host name Value is AVohhhhhh, where: o is “A” if the OID (first three octets) of the MAC addressfor the telephone is 00-04-0D. “E” if the OID is 00-096E, “L” if the OID is 00-60-1D,and “X” if the OID is anything else and where hhhhhh are ASCII characters for the hexadecimal representation of the last three octets of the MAC address for the IP Deskphone. 12 DNS domain name 15 Lease time — implementation varies according to DHCP server 51 Overload option (if desired). If this option is received in a message, the IP Deskphone interprets the sname and file fields in accordance with IETF RFC 2132. 52 Renewal time — implementation varies according to DHCP server If not received or this value is greater than that for Option 51, the default value of T1 (renewal timer) is used. 58 Rebinding interval — implementation varies according to DHCP server If not received or this value is greater than that for Option 51, the default value of T2 (rebinding timer) is used. 59 Vendor Class identifier The default value is “ccp.avaya.com”. 60 Vendor-specific encapsulated or site options. Refer to Appendix B-E for DHCP Configurable Paramaters. 242 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 146 avaya.com 5.3.3 Provisioning Server – Using HTTP or HTTPS Avaya 1600/9600 IP Deskphones can retrieve application software, script file, and settings file from an HTTP/HTTPS server. The addresses of the HTTP/HTTPS server must be provided to the IP Deskphone in DHCP Option 242 or via LLDP or manually configured. Avaya 1600/9600 IP Deskphones will request a “46xxsettings.txt” file and parse that file. Avaya maintains a current version of this file on http://www.avaya.com/support with all available paramaters. An example file is shown in Appendix E. 5.3.4 SNMP The 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphones are fully compatible with SNMPv2c and with Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMlv2). The Avaya custom MIB for the 1600/9600 Series IP Deskphones is available in *.txt format on the Avay support web site at http://www.avaya.com/support. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 147 avaya.com 5.4 Auto Detection and Auto Configuration (ADAC) of Avaya IP Phones ADAC can be used to automatically discover an IP Phone set either via MAC addresses or LLDP. In addition, ADAC can be used with 802.1AB LLDP-MED to inform an IP Phone with the Voice VLAN ID and QoS values ADAC detection by MAC address works by checking the MAC address of the IP phone against a MAC address range pre-configured on the switch. With the availability of ADAC detection by LLDP, Avaya no longer recommends the use of ADAC detection by MAC. 5.4.1 ADAC Operating Modes ADAC can also be configured to automatically assign a port to a voice VLAN. The voice VLAN is an independent VLAN leaning (IVL) port-based VLAN that can be applied to either tagged or untagged ports with the following modes of operation: Untagged Basic Mode o No VLAN auto configuration will be applied o ADAC Call Server or Uplink Port is not used o The customer can create and configure the VLAN independently o The IP Phone must be configured to send untagged frames o QoS configuration is applied o Auto-Configuration is applied only when a Avaya IP Phone is detected on a port Untagged Advanced Mode o Voice VLAN is created o Call server port (if any) o Uplink port (if any): o Aug 2012 Membership = add to Voice-VLAN Tagging = UntaggedAll PVID = no change Up to 8 uplink ports are supported starting with release 5.0 for the ERS 3500, release 5.4 for the ERS 4000 and 6.2 for the ERS 5000 Telephony port o Membership = add to Voice-VLAN Tagging = UntaggedAll PVID = Voice-VLAN Up to 8 call server ports are supported starting with release 5.0 for the ERS 3500, release 5.4 for the ERS 4000 and 6.2 for the ERS 5000 Membership = remove from all other VLANs and add to Voice VLAN Tagging = UntaggedAll PVID = Voice-VLAN Port and PVID are assigned to Voice VLAN when phone is detected. Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 148 avaya.com o The IP Phone must be configured to send untagged frames o QoS configuration is applied o Auto-Configuration is applied only when a Avaya IP Phone is detected on a port o When ADAC is disabled, the port is placed back into the previously configured VLAN Tagged Frames o IP Phone are pre-configured to send tagged traffic o Voice VLAN is configured o Telephony port: o Call Server port (if any): o Membership = add to Voice-VLAN Tagging = UntaggedAll PVID = Voice-VLAN Uplink port (if any): Membership = add to Voice-VLAN Tagging = UntaggedPVIDOnly PVID = unchanged or changed to DefaultVLAN (1) if equals Voice-VLAN Membership = add to Voice-VLAN Tagging = TaggedAll PVID = no change Tagged mode Aug 2012 o Voice traffic is tagged from the IP phone must be configured with the VLAN ID of the Voice VLAN o QoS configuration is applied o Auto-Configuration is applied only when a Avaya IP Phone is detected on a port Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 149 avaya.com o Initial User Settings When configuring ADAC, you must set the ADAC operation mode using one of the three operation modes mentioned above according to if the IP Phones are configured to send tagged or untagged frames. If you select either Untagged Advanced or Tagged mode, you must also supply the voice VLAN ID and at least one of the following: Call Server port, if it is connected directly to the switch Uplink port, if used o 5.4.2 If you select Uplink port, this will enable tagging on the specified uplink port with a VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. QoS Settings Overall, ADAC QoS configuration will be applied to: traffic coming from the IP Phones traffic coming from the Call Server port traffic coming from the Uplink port Auto QoS and 802.1AB MED Interopability Starting with release 5.4 for the ERS 4000 and 6.2 for the ERS 5000, the LLDP-MED network policy will be automatically be altered to match the Automatic QoS value if Automatic QoS is enabled Previously, when you enabled Automatic QoS, the LLDP-MED values where defined by the network policy ADAC Port Restrictions The following applies to the Call Server, Uplink, and Telephony ports: The Call Server port must not be: part of a trunk (MLT, LAG) a Monitor Port in port mirroring a Telephony port the Uplink port The Uplink port must not be: a Monitor Port in port mirroring a Telephony port the Call Server port The Telephony port must not be: part of a trunk (MLT, LAG) a Monitor Port in port mirroring an IGMP static router port the Call Server port the Uplink port Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 150 avaya.com To support Auto Configuration on an Avaya IP Phone, an ADAC port must be configured as untagPvidOnly with a default PVID belonging to the data VLAN even though ADAC is configured with operation mode of Tagged. This will allow support for an IP Phone with Auto Configuration and a data device on the same port. The data device will be put in an untagged data VLAN and the IP Phone will be put into a different tagged voice VLAN. For ADAC MAC Detection to work, you must disable unregistered frames on the ERS2500, ERS3500, ERS4000, and ERS5000 series. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 151 avaya.com 5.4.3 ADAC Configuration ADAC can be configured by either using ACLI (CLI or ACLI on ERS8300), or using EDM (Enterprise Device Manager). ADAC Global Settings ACLI Via the privileged configuration terminal mode, the following command is used to enable ADAC: Use the following command to view the various ADAC options: ERS-Stackable(config)#adac ? Parameters: call-server-port Set call server port enable Enable ADAC op-mode Set ADAC operation mode uplink-port Set uplink port voice-vlan Set Voice-VLAN Sub-Commands/Groups: mac-range-table Add new supported MAC address range Use the following command to disable ADAC: ERS-Stackable(config)#no adac enable EDM Go to Configuration -> Edit -> ADAC Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 152 avaya.com Where: Item call-server-port Description Sets Call Server port. Depending on the switch and software version used, up to 8 call-server ports are supported. Enables ADAC on the switch. Sets the ADAC operation mode to one of the following: untagged-frames-basic: IP Phones send untagged frames and the Voice VLAN is not created untagged-frames-advanced: IP Phones send untagged frames and the Voice VLAN is created tagged-frames: IP Phones send tagged frames enable op-mode uplink-port voice-vlan mac-range-table Sets the Uplink port(s). Depending on the switch and software version used, up to 8 uplinks are supported. Sets the Voice VLAN ID. The assigned VLAN ID must not previously exist. Sets a new MAC addresses range used by ADAC to auto detect IP Phone sets. NOTE: this option is only available for the ERS5500 series. ADAC Interface settings ACLI ERS-Stackable: Use the following command to view the various ADAC options: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac ? Parameters: enable Enable auto-detection on ports port Port number(s) for which to change settings tagged-frames-pvid Set the PVID to be configured for telephony ports in Tagged Frames operating mode tagged-frames-tagging Set the tagging to be configured for telephony ports in Tagged Frames operating mode Sub-Commands/Groups: detection Enable detection mechanisms on ports ERS-Stackable: Use the following command to view the various ADAC detection options: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac detection ? Parameters: lldp Enable 802.1ab-based detection on ports mac Enable MAC-based detection on ports port Port number(s) for which to change settings Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 153 avaya.com EDM Go to Device Physical View -> right-click port(s) and select Edit -> ADAC Where: Item enable port tagged-frames-pvid <1-4094> | no-change Description Enables ADAC on the port or ports listed. Ports to which to apply the ADAC configuration. Sets Tagged-Frames PVID on the port or ports listed. Use no-change to keep the current setting. tagged-frames-tagging tagAll | tagPvidOnly | untagPvidOnly | no-change Sets Tagged-Frames Tagging to tagAll tagPvidOnly untagPvidOnly Use no-change to keep the current setting. ADAC Dectection variable Aug 2012 Specifies the ADAC detection method for either MAC or LLDP. The default setting is MAC. Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 154 avaya.com ADAC Support on Avaya Products Model Software Release ADAC Detection MAC LLDPMED LLDP Untag only Tag only Untag default VLAN and tag Voice VLAN √ √ √ 4.1 √ 1 √ 4.2 √ 1 √ √ √ √ √ ERS3500 5.0 √ 1 √ √ √ √ √ ERS4000 5.1 √ 1 √ √ √ √ 5.2 √ 1 √ √ √ √ 5.0 √ 1 √ √ √ 5.1 √ 1 √ √ √ √ √ 6.0 √ 1 √ √ √ √ √ ERS2500 ERS5500 ERS 5600 1 2 Voice VLAN Tagging 2 √ Requires filter unregistered frames to be disabled Table 7: ADAC Support on Avaya Switches Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 155 avaya.com 5.5 Link Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE 802.1AB) IEEE 802.1AB LLDP is a Layer 2 neighbor discovery protocol. It defines a standard method for Ethernet network devices such as switches, routers and IP Phones to advertise information about themselves to other nodes on the network and store the information they discover. LLDP was formally ratified as IEEE standard 802.1AB-2005 in May 2005. LLDP defines a set of common advertisement messages, a protocol for transmitting the advertisements and a method for storing the information contained in received advertisements. The LLDP lets network management systems accurately discover and model physical network topologies. As LLDP devices transmit and receive advertisements, the devices will store information they discover about their neighbors. Details such as device configuration, device capabilities and device identification can be advertised using this protocol. LLDP can be used as a useful management tool – particularly for heterogeneous networks – by providing accurate network mapping, inventory data and network troubleshooting information. LLDP enables Ethernet network devices to inform each other about their configurations. A miss-configuration can be easily detected and with suitable configuration management can be rectified. Presently today, IP Phones do not have any SNMP or SONMP agent. Providing LLDP support in the phone, allows the phones to exchange information between the phone and the L2/L3 data switch to which it is attached. This allows the phone and the switch to exchange capabilities and for a network administrator to have a more complete view of the network infrastructure. LLDP exchange between the IP Phone and the data switch allows for the following: VLAN assignment QoS assignment Duplex mismatch errors Topology Recognition Inventory Management Basis for e911 location services – Nortel working group Proprietary TLV – 802.1AB is flexible enough to define additional TLVs Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 156 avaya.com 5.5.1 Protocol Behavior DA SA LLDP 01-80-C2- MAC 88-CC 00-00-0E address 6 octets 6 octets 2 octets TLV information string LLDPDU 1500 octets FCS 4 octets LLDPDU TLV type TLV information string length = 127 7 bits 9 bits TLV information string 0 ≤ n ≤ 511 octets TLV header Figure 10: IEEE 802.3 LLDP frame format LLDPPDUs are transmitted with a multicast destination address specially identified for LLDPDU. The LLDP-Multicast address is 01-80-C2-00-00-0E. An LLDPDU is identified based on the Ethertype (Hexadecimal 88-CC) value carried in the MAC header. The neighboring devices do not acknowledge LLDP information received from a device. LLDP information is transmitted periodically and stored for a finite period. IEEE has defined a recommended transmission rate of 30 seconds, but the transmission rate is adjustable. LLDP devices, after receiving an LLDP message from a neighboring network device, will store the LLDP information in a Management Information Base (MIB). LLDP information is stored in the MIB and is valid for a period of time defined by the LLDP Time to Live (TTL). An LLDP agent can operate in any of the following three modes: 1. Transmit-only mode: The agent can only transmit the information about the capabilities and the current status of the local system. 2. Receive-only mode: The agent can only receive information about the capabilities and the current status of the remote systems. 3. Transmit and receive mode: The agent can transmit the local system capabilities and status information and receive remote system’s capabilities and status information. The TIA extensions require a device claiming conformity with this protocol to implement both transmits and receive mode. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 157 avaya.com TLV Type TLV TLV Name Usage in LLPDU 0 End of LLDPDU Mandatory 1 Chassis ID Mandatory 2 Port ID Mandatory 3 Time to Live Mandatory 4 Port Description Mandatory 5 System Name Optional 6 System Description Optional 7 System Capabilities Optional 8 Management Address Optional 9-126 Reserved for future utilization NA 127 Organizational specific TLVx Optional Sub Type Table 8: TLV Type Values 5.5.2 Mandatory TLVs Chassis ID Port ID Time To Optional TLV TLV Live TLV TLV M M M … Optional End of TLV LLDPDU TLV M Figure 11: LLDPDU Frame Format The following mandatory TLVs shall be included at the beginning of each LLDPDU and shall be in the following order 1. Chassis ID TLV - Identifies the 802 LAN device’s chassis, 2. Port ID TLV - Identifies the port from which the LLDPDU is transmitted, 3. Time-to-Live TLV - Indicates how long the received data is valid, 4. End-of-LLDPDU TLV - Indicates the end of TLVs in the LLDPDU and shall be the last TLV in the LLDPDU Optional TLVs as selected by network management may be inserted in any order. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 158 avaya.com 5.5.3 Optional TLVs The optional TLVs provide various details about the LLDP agent advertising them. The LLDP agent can advertise one or more of these TLVs in addition to the mandatory TLVs. The optional TLVs defined as part of LLDP are grouped into two sets: Basic Management and Organizationally Specific extensions. Currently the latter set includes three subsets: IEEE 802.1 extensions, IEEE 802.3 extensions, and TIA Media Endpoint Discovery extensions. 5.5.4 Basic Management TLVs This set includes the following five TLVs: 1. Port description TLV: Provides a description of the port in an alpha-numeric format. 2. System name TLV: Provides the system’s assigned name in an alpha-numeric format. 3. System description TLV: Provides a description of the network entity in an alpha-numeric format. 4. System capabilities TLV: Indicates the primary function(s) of the device such as Repeater, Bridge, WLAN AP, Router, or Telephone. 5. Management address TLV: Indicates the addresses of the local LLDP agent. Other remote managers can use this address to obtain information related to the local device. 5.5.5 IEEE Organization Specific TLV TLV type TLV information string length = 127 organizationally unique identifier (OUI) 7 bits 9 bits TLV header 3 octets organizationally defined subtype organizationally defined information string 1 octets TLV information string 0 ≤ n ≤ 507 octets 4 - 511 octets Figure 12: Organizationally Specific TLV Format Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 159 avaya.com This TLV category is provided to allow different organizations, such as IEEE 802.1, IEEE 802.3, IETF, as well as individual software and equipment vendors, to define TLVs that advertise information to remote entities attached to the same media. 802.1 802.3 OUI TLV SubType TLV Name Usage in LLDPDU 00-80-C2 1 Port VLAN ID Mandatory 00-80-C2 2 Port & Protocol VLAN ID Mandatory 00-80-C2 3 VLAN Name Mandatory 00-80-C2 4 Protocol Identity Mandatory 00-80-C2 0, 5-255 Reserved - 00-12-0F 1 MAC/PHY configuration/status Mandatory 00-12-0F 2 Power via MDI Mandatory 00-12-0F 3 Link Aggregation Mandatory 00-12-0F 4 Maximum Frame Size Mandatory 00-12-0F 0, 5-255 Reserved - Table 9: Organizational TLV IEEE 802.1 Organizational Specific TLV Set This group includes the following four TLVs: 1. Port VLANID TLV: The PVID that will be associated with an untagged or priority tagged data frame received on the VLAN port. 2. PPVLAN ID TLV: The PPVID that will be associated with an untagged or priority tagged data frame received on the VLAN port. 3. VLAN name TLV: The assigned name of any VLAN at the device. The number of VLAN name TLVs in an LLDPDU corresponds to the number of VLANs enabled at the port. 4. Protocol identity TLV: The set of protocols that is accessible at the device’s port. IEEE 802.3 Organizational Specific TLV Set This set includes the following four TLVs: 1. MAC/PHY configuration/status TLV: Duplex and bit rate capability and the current duplex and bit rate settings of the sending device. It also indicates whether the current settings are due to auto-negotiation or due to manual configuration. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 160 avaya.com 2. Power via media dependent interface (MDI) TLV: The power support capabilities of the LAN device. 3. Link aggregation TLV: Indicates whether the link (associated with the port on which the LLDPDU is transmitted) can be aggregated 4. Maximum frame size TLV: The maximum frame size capability of the devices MAC and PHY implementation. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 161 avaya.com 5.5.6 TIA LLDP-MED Extensions TLV LLDP-MED TIA OUI LLDP-MED LLDP-MED LLDP-MED Type = 127 Capabilities 00-12-BB Capabilities Capabilities Device Type 7 bits 9 bits 3 octets TLV 1 octets MED 2 1 octets LLDP-Med octets Header Figure 13: LLDP-MED TLV Format OUI TLV SubType 00-12-BB TLV Name NCD Capabilities ED ED ED I II III 1 LLDP-MED Capabilities M M M M 2 Network Policy C O M M 3 Location Identification C 4 Extended Power-via-MDI C 5 Inventory – Hardware Revision 6 Inventory – Firmware Revision 7 Inventory – Software Revision 8 Inventory – Serial Number 9 Inventory – Manufacturer Name 10 Inventory – Model Name 11 Inventory – Asset ID 12-255 O C C C Optional TLV Set Recommended when device does not support SNMP Reserved Table 10: LLDP MED TLV The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) has developed an extension to LLDP for VoIP networks. VoIP-related extensions to LLDP, known as LLDP - Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) enable media devices to transmit and receive media related information. In addition to expanding the LLDP TLVs, LLDP-MED requires certain optional LLDP TLVs to be transmitted as mandatory information by media endpoints. Currently the TIA has defined the following TLVs: 1. 2. Aug 2012 Capabilities Discovery TLV: Indicates which MED capabilities are supported, Network Policy Discovery TLV: Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 162 avaya.com Advertises the VLAN configuration and QoS attributes, Location Identification Discovery TLV: Advertises location information, Extended Power-via MDI Discovery TLV: Advertises power requirements, Inventory Management Discovery TLVs: Provide HW/firmware/SW revision, serial number, manufacturer/model name, and asset ID. 3. 4. 5. 5.5.7 Vendor Specific 802.1AB (LLDP) TLVs The Avaya Stackable Switches supports a number of Avaya vendor specific LLDP TLVs: Enables the switch to provision the Phone via TLVs rather than DHCP/TFTP method Improved provisioning capabilities by allowing the switch to configure: call-server, file-server, poeconservation, dot1q-framing The switch can report on currently used parameters per port as well as listing the Phones in-use IP parameters. Integrates with Avaya Energy Saver, so that when Energy Saver is activated, the poeconservation parameter is dynamically changes to maximum to drive further power savings PoE Convervation Level Request TLV This TLV is used to advertise or request power conservation level to the end device. This enables the switch to request the connected PD to go into a certain power conservation level. By default, the requested conservation value on this proprietary LLDP TLV is 0, which means no power conservation. This LLDP TLV is sent out only on PoE-capable Ethernet switching ports. The higher the level the more power it will conserve. If this power conservation level TLV is set and energy-saver is activated on the port, then the TLV setting will be temporarily modified to the maximum power savings value. Call Server TLV This TLV is used to advertise up to 8 call servers IP Addresses. This TLV allows the exchange of information from the switch to the connected IP Phone about the IP addresses of the call server. The Avaya IP Phone uses this addressing information after it receives the TLV from the switch to reach the call server. The information sent by the IP phone to the switch includes the IPv4 address used by the phone to reach the call server. Note: only IPv4 addressing is currently supported by this TLV. File Server TLV This TLV is used to advertise up to 4 file servers IP Addresses. This TLV allows the exchange of information from the switch to the connected IP Phone about the IP addresses of the file server. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 163 avaya.com The Avaya IP Phone uses this addressing information after it receives the TLV from the switch to reach the file server. The information sent by the IP phone to the switch includes the IPv4 address used by the phone to reach the file server. Note: only IPv4 addressing is currently supported by this TLV. 802.1Q Framing This TLV is used to exchange information about Layer 2 priority tagging between the switch and an IP phone. The Avaya IP phone uses this addressing information after it receives the TLV from the switch. This TLV works as an extension of the LLDP network policy TLV. For this TLV to function, you must enable both: LLDP MED capabilities TLV & LLDP MED network policy TLV. IP Phone TLV This TLV used by Avaya IP Phones to advertise their IP configuration information to the switch. This can then be displayed by the switch as useful diagnostic information. Note:only IPv4 addressing is currently supported by this TLV. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 164 avaya.com 5.5.8 Switch LLDP Support on Avaya Switches 802.1AB core (mandatory TLVs) ORGANIZATIONAL TLVs (802.1 and 802.3) LLDP-MED TLVs ES 325/425 v 3.6 - - ES 470 v 3.7 - - ERS 2500 v 4.1 v 4.2 v 4.2 ERS 3500 v 5.0 v 5.0 v 5.0 ERS 4000 v 5.1 v 5.1 v 5.2 ERS 5500 v 5.0 ERS 5600 v 6.0 ERS 8300 v 2.3.1 1 12 v 5.0 v 6.0 1,3 v 3.0 1 v 5.0 v 6.0 4 v 3.0 1 Supported on a port configured with both a untagged data VLAN and tagged voice VLAN 2 The ERS55xx can send two LLDP VLAN Name packets, one for a Data VLAN and another for a Voice VLAN. To do so, you must name the Data VLAN as “data” and the Voice VLAN as “voice”. The VLAN name is not case-sensitive. The LLDP VLAN Name packet will contain the VLAN name and VLAN ID. 3 The ERS8300 only sends one LLDP VLAN Name packet. If a Voice VLAN is either not configured or not named “voice”, the ERS8300 will send one LLDP VLAN Name packet providing you name a VLAN as “data”. The LLDP VLAN Name packet will contain the name “data” and the VLAN ID. Otherwise, if you name a VLAN as “voice”, the ERS8300 will only send one LLDP VLAN Name packet which will contain the name “voice” and the VLAN ID. 4 The ERS8300 supports LLDP-MED network policy as of release For more details, please refer to the release notes. Table 11: LLDP Support on Avaya Switches Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 165 avaya.com 5.5.9 LLDP Configuration on Avaya IP Phone Sets and Switches The IP Phone sets can be set up for LLDP Vlan Name or LLDP-MED Network Policy but not both. 5.5.10 LLDP VLAN Name TLV type TLV information string length = 127 7 bits 9 bits TLV header 802.1 OUI 802.1 00-80-C2 subtype = 3 3 octets 1 octets VLAN ID VLAN name length VLAN 1 octets 1 - 32 octets (VID) 2 octets name TLV information string 8-39 octets Figure 14: Organizational TLV SubType 3 TLV Frame Format Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 166 avaya.com LLDP VLAN configuration on a Avaya Ethernet Switch LLDP Interface level configuration The following is an example of configuring LLDP on an Avaya Stackable Ethernet switch. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – To enable LLDP on an Avaya Stackable Ethernet switch, please enter the following commands assuming that ports 3 to 11 are used for both voice and data using data VLAN 1000 and voice VLAN 800 ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sys-desc sys-name ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp status txAndRx config-notification ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port 12 dot1 port-vlan-id vlan-name 800,1000 EDM Go to Configuration -> Edit -> Diagnostics -> 802.1AB -> LLDP -> Port By default, the Avaya IP Phone set only uses the LLDP VLAN dot1 tx-tlv VLAN Name where the LLDP VLAN Name packet contains the VLAN name and VLAN ID. The Avaya IP Phone set requires the Voice VLAN to be named “voice” and the data VLAN to be named “data”. The name is not case-sensitive. To set the LLDP tx-tlv dot1 VLAN name, the Avaya switch by default will send the VLAN name assigned to the actual VLAN. Hence, we rename both VLAN’s. ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan name 1000 data ERS-Stackable(config)#vlan name 800 voice Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 167 avaya.com Verifying Operations The following commands are used to verify the organizational TLV for both the local (switch) and remote (IP Phone) devices assuming we have an IP Phone 2004 phone set connected to port 4. Verify local TLV Step 1 – Verify the local (switch) TLV by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 4 local-sys-data dot1 dot3 Result: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp local-sys-data chassis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ChassisId: MAC address 80:17:7d:26:68:00 SysName: ERS-Stackable SysCap: rB / rB (Supported/Enabled) SysDescr: Ethernet Routing Switch ERS-Stackable HW:02 FW: SW:v6.2.0.003 Dot1 protocols: STP,EAP,LLDP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp local-sys-data port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 4 PVID: 1000 PPVID List: 800,1000 VLAN Name List: 800,1000 ProtocolId List: ALL Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled PSE MDI power: supported/enabled PSE power pair: signal/not controllable LinkAggr: not aggregatable/not aggregated PMD auto-neg: OperMAUtype: 100BaseTXFD Port class: PSE Power class: 0 AggrPortID: 0 MaxFrameSize: 9216 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD), (FdxS)Pause, Core TLV 802.1 802.3 1000Base(TFD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 168 avaya.com Verify Remote TLV Step 1 – Verify the remote (IP phone) TLV by using the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#show lldp port 4 neighbor dot1 dot3 Result: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 4 Index: 157 Time: 4 days, 22:56:16 ChassisId: Network address ipV4 PortId: MAC address 00:0a:e4:09:72:e7 SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PortDesc: Nortel IP Phone SysDescr: Nortel IP Telephone 2004, Firmware:C604DB1 PVID: 0 VLAN Name List: 800 PPVID Supported: not supported(0) PPVID Enabled: none Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled PSE MDI power: not supported/disabled PSE power pair: signal/not controllable LinkAggr: not aggregatable/not aggregated OperMAUtype: 100BaseTXFD Port class: PD Power class: 1 AggrPortID: 0 MaxFrameSize: 1522 PMD auto-neg: (FdxS, FdxB)Pause, 1000Base(XFD, T) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution Core TLC 802.1 802.3 169 avaya.com LLDP VLAN configuration on the ERS8300 ERS8300 Step 1 – To enable LLDP on an ERS8300 switch, please enter the following commands assuming that ports 31 is used for both voice and data using data VLAN 61 and voice VLAN 220 ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 default-vlan-id 61 ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr-tx enable ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv sys-name enable ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv sys-desc enable ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv sys-cap enable ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv port-desc enable ERS8300:5# config ethernet 1/33 lldp tx-tlv dot1 vlan-name enable By default, the Avaya IP Phone set only uses the LLDP VLAN dot1 tx-tlv VLAN Name where the LLDP VLAN Name packet contains the VLAN name and VLAN ID. The Avaya IP Phone set requires the Voice VLAN to be named “voice” and the data VLAN to be named “data”. The name is not case-sensitive; however, on the ERS8300 you must either use the name “voice” or “VOICE”. Also, the ERS8300 only sends one LLDP VLAN Name packet. To set the LLDP tx-tlv dot1 VLAN name, the ERS8300 by default will send the VLAN name assigned to the actual VLAN. Hence, we rename both VLAN’s. Aug 2012 ERS8300:5# config vlan 61 name data ERS8300:5# config vlan 220 name voice Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 170 avaya.com Verifying Operations The following commands are used to verify the organizational TLV for both the local (switch) and remote (IP Phone) devices assuming we have an IP Phone 2004 phone set connected to port 4. Verify neighbor TLV Step 1 – Verify the local (switch) core TLV by using the following command: ERS8300B:5# show lldp neighbor 1/33 Result: ================================================================================ LLDP NEIGHBOR ================================================================================ PORT NUM INDEX CHASSIS SUBTYPE CHASSIS ID PORT SUBTYPE PORT ID PORT DESC SYS NAME SYS DESC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/33 22 NetworkAddr MAC Nortel IP Phone irmware:0624C22 00:13:65:fe:f1:cb Nortel IP Telephone 1120E, F ================================================================================ lldp Remote-sys-data Sys Capabilitities ================================================================================ Repeater Bridge WLAN Router Telephone DOCICS Station Other Access Pt Cable Only (Supported/Enabled) Core TLV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No Yes/Yes No/No No/No No/No Step 2 – Verify the neighbor 802.1 TLV by using the following command: ERS8300B:5# show lldp neighbor-dot1 Result: ================================================================================ LLDP NEIGHBOR (Dot1) ================================================================================ PORT INDEX CHASSIS CHASSIS PORT PORT NUM SUBTYPE ID SUBTYPE ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PVID PPVID PPVID VlanName Supported List Enabled List List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/33 0 11 0 Aug 2012 NetworkAddr 0 MAC 220 00:0a:e4:09:72:e7 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 171 avaya.com Step 3– Verify the neighor 802.3 TLV by using the following command: ERS8300B:5# show lldp neighbor-dot3 Result: ================================================================================ LLDP NEIGHBOR (Dot3) ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PORT INDEX CHASSIS CHASSIS PORT PORT NUM SUBTYPE ID SUBTYPE ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/33 11 NetworkAddr MAC Dot3-MAC/PHY Autoneg OperMAUtype PMD auto-neg PSE MDI power Port Class PSE pair control Power Class : : : : : : : Link Aggregation Link Aggregation Port ID MaxFrameSize : Supported : 0 : 1522 Aug 2012 00:0a:e4:09:72:e7 Supported/Enabled 100BaseTXFD 1000-half Signal Class 1 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 172 avaya.com 5.5.11 LLDP-MED (Media Endpoint Devices) Network Policy TLV Network Policy MED OUI Network Policy Application Type = 127 String Length = 8 00-12-BB Subtype = 2 Type 7 bits 9 bits 3 octets 1 octets 1 octets TLV MED Header U T X 3 bits VLAN L2 DSCP ID Priority Value 12 bits 3 bits 6 bits Network Policy 4 octets Figure 15: LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV SubType 2 Frame Format LLDP-MED configuration on an Avaya Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch Depending on the switch model and software version used, ADAC may have to be enabled on the switch to allow LLDP-MED. As of software release 5.1.4 for the ERS5500, software 6.1 for the ERS5500 or ERS5600, or software release 5.4 for the ERS 4000, ADAC is no longer required in order to enable LLDP-MED network policy. For the ERS 2500 or older releases for the ERS 4000 or ERS 5000, in order to support LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV, ADAC must be used in addition to enabling, at minimum, LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV and LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV. ADAC Configuration for LLDP-MED Assuming the Ethernet Routing Switch is configured as a Layer 2 switch with a trunked uplink port 1 and access ports 3 to 11 for IP phones where we wish to tag the ADAC voice VLAN and untag the data VLAN, enter the following. Please note that by default, ADAC detection by MAC and LLDP is enabled. The configuration below allows only for ADAC detection by LLDP by disabling ADAC detection by MAC using interface command no adac detection port mac. Step 1 – Enable ADAC ERS-Stackable(config)#adac voice-vlan 280 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac uplink-port 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#adac op-mode tagged-frames ERS-Stackable(config)#adac enable ERS-Stackable(config)#interface FastEthernet ALL ERS-Stackable(config-if)#no adac detection port 3-11 mac ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac tagged-frames-tagging untag-pvid-only ERS-Stackable(config-if)#adac port 3-11 enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 173 avaya.com LLDP-MED Configuration After ADAC has been configured, enable LLDP-MED by entering the following commands. Step 1 – Enable ADAC and also set PoE priority level to high ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-priority high ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp status txAndRx ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sysdesc sys-name ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med extendedPSE med-capabilities networkpolicy ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit EDM Go to Configuration -> Edit -> Diagnostics -> 802.1AB -> Port We will also add LLDP-MED extendedPSE so that we can compare PoE settings between the IP Phone set and the switch. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 174 avaya.com Verifying Operations Assuming an IP Phone 2004 IP Phone set is connected to port 4. Verify LLDP-MED Step 1 – Verify LLDP-MED operation by using the following command: ERS-Stackable# show lldp port 4 neighbor med Result: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 4 Index: 4 Time: 0 days, 00:01:43 ChassisId: Network address ipV4 PortId: MAC address 00:0a:e4:09:72:e7 SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PortDesc: Nortel IP Phone SysDescr: Nortel IP Telephone 2004, Firmware:C604DB1 MED-Capabilities: CNSD / CNDI (Supported/Current) MED-Device type: Endpoint Class 3 MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 280 L2 Priority: 6 DSCP Value: 46 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined Med-Power Type: PD Device Power Source: Unknown Power Priority: High Power Value: 5.4 Watt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Med Capabilities-C: N-Network Policy; L-Location Identification; I-Inventory; S-Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D-Extended Power via MDI - PD. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution Core TLC MED 175 avaya.com Verify ADAC Detection Step 1 – Verify ADAC detection by using the following command assuming IP Phones are connected to ports 4 and 5: ERS-Stackable#show adac interface 3-11 Result: Auto Oper Auto Port Type Detection State Configuration T-F PVID T-F Tagging ---- ---- --------- -------- ------------- --------- --------------- 3 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 4 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 5 T Enabled Enabled Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 6 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 7 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 8 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 9 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 10 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only 11 T Enabled Enabled Not Applied No Change Untag PVID Only Step 2 – Verify ADAC detection mechanism enabled by issuing the following command: ERS-Stackable#show adac detection interface 3-11 Result: MAC LLDP Port Detection Detection ---- --------- --------- 3 Disabled Enabled 4 Disabled Enabled 5 Disabled Enabled 6 Disabled Enabled 7 Disabled Enabled 8 Disabled Enabled 9 Disabled Enabled 10 Disabled Enabled 11 Disabled Enabled Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 176 avaya.com LLDP-MED configuration on Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch without ADAC In software release 5.0.1 or higher for the ERS 3500, software release 5.1.4 or higher for the ERS5500, software release 6.3 for the ERS5500 or ERS5600, or software release 5.4 for the ERS 4000, you can use LLDP-MED network policy to configure the voice VLAN, Layer 3 QoS level (DSCP value) and the Layer 2 QoS level (802.1p value). The DSCP value is entered in decimal with a value from 0 to 63 while the p-bit value is also entered in decimal with a value from 0 to 7. The command syntax to enable the MED network policy is as follows at an interface level: ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp med-network-policies voice dscp <0-63> priority <0-7> tagging vlan-id <1-4094> The default MED policy values are: DSCP = 0, Priority = 0, Tagging Mode = untagged, VLAN-ID = 1. As of software release 5.4 for the ERS 4000 and 6.2 for the ERS 5000, Auto QoS and LLDP-MED interoperates with each other. Auo QoS, when enabled, will now alter the LLDP-MED Network Policy to match the Auto QoS values. Previously, the LLDP MED values where determined by the Network Policy - there was no interaction between Auto QoS and LLDP-MED. Assuming the Stackable Ethernet Routing switch switch is configured as a Layer 2 switch with access ports 3 to 11 for IP phones, enter the following assuming you are using VLAN 805 for the voice VLAN and you wish to use a DSCP value of 46 and a p-bit value of 6. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Add LLDP MED Network Policy ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp med-network-policies voice dscp 46 priority 6 tagging tagged vlan-id 805 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit LLDP Tx-TLVs – Older Software Releases Depending on the software release used, it may be nessessary to enable LLDP TLVs. This does not apply to the ERS 4000 as of release 5.5, ERS 3500 as of release 5.0.1, and ERS 5000 as of release 6.3 from a factory default setting, but, to verify if the TLVs are enabled or not, please enter the ACLI commands show lldp port 3-11 & show lldp tx-tlv. ERS-Stackable Step 1 – Enable LLDP TLVs ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 3-11 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr port-desc sys-cap sys-desc sys-name ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp status txandRx config-notification ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med extendedPSE inventory location medcapabilities network-policy ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 177 avaya.com Step 1 – Using EDM EDM Go to Configuration -> Edit -> Diagnostics -> 802.1AB -> LLDP -> Port and then Go to Configuration -> Edit -> Diagnostics -> 802.1AB -> Port MED -> Insert Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 178 avaya.com LLDP Vendor Specific Avaya Configuration ERS-Stackable– Integrated Power Conservation TLV ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 1 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp vendor-specific avaya poe-conservation-requestlevel 7 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit ERS-Stackable– Call Server TLV ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp avaya call-server 2 ERS-Stackable– File Server TLV ERS-Stackable(config)#lldp avaya file-server 2 ERS-Stackable– 802.1Q Framing TLV ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet 1 ERS-Stackable(config-if)#lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 179 avaya.com Verify Operations Assuming an IP Phone 1230 IP Phone set is connected to port 5. Verify LLDP-MED Step 1 – Verify LLDP neighbor details by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 5 neighbor detail Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 5 Index: 4 Time: 3 days, 19:18:15 ChassisId: Network address IPv4 PortId: MAC address 00:24:00:0d:8d:aa SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PortDesc: Nortel IP Phone SysDescr: Nortel IP Telephone 1230, Firmware:062AC6R PVID: 0 VLAN Name List: 805 PPVID Supported: not supported(0) PPVID Enabled: none Dot3-MAC/PHY Auto-neg: supported/enabled PSE MDI power: not supported/disabled PSE power pair: signal/not controllable LinkAggr: not aggregatable/not aggregated PMD auto-neg: OperMAUtype: Port class: Power class: AggrPortID: MaxFrameSize: 10Base(T, TFD), 100Base(TX, TXFD) 100BaseTXFD PD 2 0 1522 MED-Capabilities: CNLDI / CNDI (Supported/Current) MED-Device type: Endpoint Class 3 MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 805 L2 Priority: 6 DSCP Value: 46 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined Med-Power Type: PD Device Power Source: Unknown Power Priority: High Power Value: 6.0 Watt HWRev: FWRev: 062AC6R SWRev: SerialNumber: ManufName: Nortel-05 ModelName: IP Phone 1230 AssetID: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Total neighbors: 1 Med Capabilities-C: N-Network Policy; L-Location Identification; I-Inventory; S-Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D-Extended Power via MDI - PD. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 180 avaya.com Step 2 – Verify LLDP-MED operations by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 5 neighbor med network-policy Result: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------lldp neighbor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 5 Index: 4 Time: 3 days, 19:18:15 ChassisId: Network address IPv4 PortId: MAC address 00:24:00:0d:8d:aa SysCap: TB / TB (Supported/Enabled) PortDesc: Nortel IP Phone SysDescr: Nortel IP Telephone 1230, Firmware:062AC6R MED-Application Type: Voice VLAN ID: 805 L2 Priority: 6 Tagged Vlan, Policy defined DSCP Value: 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router; T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only. Total neighbors: 1 Verify LLDP-MED Policy Configuration Step 1 – Verify LLDP neighbor details by using the following command: ERS-Stackable# show lldp med-network-policies voice Result: ---------------------------------------------------------------lldp voice network-policies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Voice Tagging DSCP Priority VlanID ---------------------------------------------------------------3 805 tagged 46 6 4 805 tagged 46 6 5 805 tagged 46 6 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 181 avaya.com 6 805 tagged 46 6 7 805 tagged 46 6 8 805 tagged 46 6 9 805 tagged 46 6 10 805 tagged 46 6 11 805 tagged 46 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Verify Vendor Specific Avaya TLVs ERS-Stackable– Integrated Power Conservation TLV ERS-Stackable#show lldp neighbor vendor-specific avaya poe-conservation Results: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Neighbors LLDP info - Avaya TLVs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 1/3 Phone PoE Conservation Levels: Crt. Conservation Level: 1 Typical Power: 4.9 Watts Max Power: 5.6 Watts Supported Conservation Levels: Level 1: 4.5 Watts ERS-Stackable– Call Server TLV ERS-Stackable)#show lldp vendor-specific avaya call-server ERS-Stackable)#show lldp neighbor vendor-specific avaya call-server Results: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LLDP Avaya Call Servers IP addresses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avaya Configured Call Server 1: Avaya Configured Call Server 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 182 avaya.com ERS-Stackable– File Server TLV ERS-Stackable#show lldp vendor-specific avaya file-server ERS-Stackable#show lldp neighbor vendor-specific avaya file-server Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LLDP Avaya File Servers IP addresses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avaya Configured File Server 1: Avaya Configured File Server 1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ERS-Stackable– 802.1Q Framing TLV ERS-Stackable#show lldp vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 1/3 vendor-specific avaya dot1q-framing Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LLDP vendor-specific Avaya 802.1Q Framing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit/ Port Framing Tagging Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/3 tagged ERS-Stackable– IP Phone TLV ERS-Stackable#show lldp vendor-specific avaya phone-ip ERS-Stackable#show lldp port 1/3 vendor-specific avaya phone-ip Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Neighbors LLDP info - Avaya TLVs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port: 4/15 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 183 avaya.com Avaya Phone IP: Address: Netmask: Gateway: LLDP-MED configuration on the ERS8300 In order to support LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV, ADAC must be enabled on an interface level in addition to enabling at minimum LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV and LLDP-MED Network Policy TLV. Assuming the ERS8300 is configured as a Layer 2 switch with access ports 1/1 to 1/5 for IP phones, enter the following: Enable ADAC at interface level ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable ADAC on port members 1/1 to 1/5 CLI ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 adac enable ACLI ERS8310-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/5 ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#adac port enable ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 184 avaya.com Enable LLDP-MED ERS8300-1 Step 1 – Enable LLDP VLAN name on port 1/1 to 1/5 CLI ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr-tx enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv sys-name enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv sys-desc enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv sys-cap enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv port-desc enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv med network-policy enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv med extendedPSE enable ERS8300-2:5# config ethernet 1/1-1/5 lldp tx-tlv med capabilities enable ACLI ERS8310-1:5(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1-1/5 ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv local-mgmt-addr ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv sys-name sys-desc sys-cap ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv port-desc ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp status txAndRx ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med capabilities extendedPSE ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#lldp tx-tlv med network-policy ERS8310-1:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 185 avaya.com 6. 802.3af and 802.3at (PoE+) Power over Ethernet The intention of the 802.3af standard is to provide a 10BaseT, 100BaseT, or1000BaseT device with a single interface for the data it requires and the power to process the data. Power is supplied by a Power Sourcing Device (PSE) for one or more Powered Devices (PD). The PSE main function is to only supply power for a PD after it has successfully detected a PD on a link by probing. The PSE can also successfully detect a PD, but then opt to not supply power to the detected PD. The PSE shall only supply power on the same pair as those used for detection. The cable requirements are defined in ISO/IEC 11801-2000 and EIA/TIA 568A/B (T-568A or B, with most using the A standard) which allows for up to 100 meters of cable. Power Sourcing Devices (PSE) can deliver power on the data pairs (1+2, 3+6), spare pairs (4+5, 7+8), or either, but only on the pair that the Powered Device (PD) is detected on. Power is not to be supplied to non-powered devices and other PSE’s. T-568B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T-568A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678 O/ 0 G/ B B/ G Br/ Br G/ G O/ B B/ O Br/ Br Figure 16: PD and PSE 8-pin Modular Jack Pin’s Conductor Alternative A Alternative A Alternative B (MDI-X) (MDI) (All) 1 Negative VPort Positive VPort 2 Negative VPort Positive VPort 3 Positive VPort Negative VPort 4 Positive VPort 5 Positive VPort 6 Positive VPort Negative VPort 7 Negative VPort 8 Negative VPort Table 12: PSE Pinout Alternative Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 186 avaya.com In regards to the PD, it must fall into the following characteristics: 19k to 26.5k ohm DC resistance <100nF of capacitance and a voltage offset of at least 2VDC in the signature characteristics a current of less than 12uA in the signature characteristics Anything outside of the characteristics listed above will be considered a non-PD device and the PSE will not supply power. Each port from a PSE should be capable of delivering up to 15.4W of power. 802.3af also adds a class feature that allows the PSE to limit the power based on the class of the PD detected. Table 13 shown below lists the 802.3af power classes. Class Usage Range of MAXIMUM power used by the PD 0 Default 0.44 to 12.95 Watts 1 Optional 0.44 to 3.84 Watts 2 Optional 3.84 to 6.49 Watts 3 Optional 6.49 to 12.95 Watts 4 Not Allowed Reserved for Future Use Table 13: 802.3af PD Power Classification 6.1 IP Deskphone Power Requirements Table 14 displays the average power consumed for each Avaya IP Phone set. Model Product Code PoE Class Typical use Power (Watts) 2007 All 3 9.6 1110 All 2 2.8 1120E NTYS03xA – NTYS03xCE6 3 7.0 1120E NTYS03xDE6 3 4.6 UNISTIm 3.1 / SIP 2.1 1120E NTYS03xEE6, NTYS03xFE6 2 4.2 UNISTim 3.4 / SIP 2.2 1140E NTYS05xA – NTYS05xCE6 3 7.3 1140E NTYS05xCE6 Rel 50 & higher 3 4.8 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution Minimum Software UNISTIm 3.1 / SIP 2.1 187 avaya.com 1140E NTYS05xEE6, NTYS05xFE6 2 4.3 1150E NTYS06xxE6 3 7.0 1165E NTYS07xxE6 2 3.8 1210 All 2 3.2 1220 All 2 3.2 1230 All 2 3.2 1603-I All 2 4.32 1603SW-I All 2 4.32 1608-I All 2 4.66 1616-I All 2 3.17 1616 w/BM32 All 2 4.37 9608 All 1 2.0 9611G All 1 3.1 9620L All 1 2.2 9620C All 2 4.6 9621G All 2 3.5 9630G All 2 4.8 9640 All 2 4.5 9640G All 2 4.8 9641G All 2 3.4 9650 All 2 4.6 9650C All 2 4.5 9670G All 2 6.2 UNISTim 3.4 / SIP 2.2 Table 14: IP Deskphone Power Requirements Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 188 avaya.com 6.2 Avaya PoE Switches Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 This chassis system provides both 10/100 and 10/100/1000 48 port I/O modules capable of PoE. When utilizing PoE, make sure to engineer the power requirements of the chassis properly. The amount of PoE per module is configurable up to 800 watts per module, along with the ability to specify port priority for PoE. The total PoE power required will dictate the type of input power for the chassis. The ERS 8300 provides different power options as indicated in Table 15. ERS 8300 Six Slot Chassis ERS 8300 Ten Slot Chassis Power Supply Power Supply Rating 110-120 VAC 20 Amp 1140 watts # of Power Supplies Redundancy PoE Available 1 No 400 watts 2 Yes 1+1 400 watts 3 Yes 2+1 800 watts 1 No 800 watts 2 Yes 1+1 800 watts 3 Yes 2+1 1600 watts 1 No 200 watts 2 Yes 1+1 200 watts 3 Yes 2+1 400 watts 1 No 400 watts 2 Yes 1+1 400 watts 3 Yes 2+1 800 watts 8301AC 200-240 VAC 20 Amp 1770 watts 100-120 VAC 15 Amp 850 watts 8302AC 200-240 VAC 15 Amp 1400 watts Table 15: ERS 8300 Power over Ethernet Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 189 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 5600 The PoE capable ERS 5600 series stackable switches are available in a 48-port and a 96-port version. The ERS 5600 offers built-in, hot swappable redundant power supply options in both AC and DC varieties. It is also capable of providing full 15.4watts per port on every port in the switch along with full N+1 redundant power simultaneously. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 16. ERS 5698TFD-PWR ERS 5650TD-PWR Switch Model PoE with one power supply PoE with two power supplies PoE with three power supplies ERS 5650TD-PWR (600W) 370 watts total 7.7 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port N/A ERS 5650TD-PWR (1000W) 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 740 watts total * 15.4 watts/port N/A ERS 5698TFD-PWR (1000W) 740 watts total 7.7 watts/port 1480 watts total 15.4 watts/port 1480 watts total * 15.4 watts/port * Full 15.4 watts on every port with N+1 power redundancy Table 16: ERS 5600 Power over Ethernet Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 190 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 The PoE capable ERS 5520 stackable switch is available in both a 24-port and a 48-port version. The ERS 5520 provides up to 320 watts per switch on standard 110/240 VAC power. To provide more power and/or redundant power, use the ERS Redundant Power Supply 15 (RPS 15) to augment the ERS 5520. The RPS 15 can support up to three ERS 5520 switches. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 17. ERS 5520-48T-PWR ERS5530-24T-PWR Switch Model PoE on Standard AC RPS 15 Power Sharing RPS 15 RPSU ERS ERS-24TPWR 320 watts total 13.3 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 320 watts total 13.3 watts/port ERS 5520-48TPWR 320 watts total 6.7 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 320 watts total 6.7 watts/port Table 17: ERS 5500 Power over Ethernet Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 191 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 - POE The PoE capable ERS 4000 stackable switches are available in 10/100 and 10/100/1000 48-port versions. The ERS 4000 provides up to 370 watts per switch on standard 110/240 VAC power. To provide more power and/or redundant power, use the ERS Redundant Power Supply 15 (RPS 15) to augment the ERS 4000. The RPS 15 can support up to three ERS 4000 switches. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 18. ERS 4526T-PWR ERS 4550T-PWR ERS 4548GT-PWR ERS 4524GT-PWR ERS 4526GTX-PWR Switch Model PoE on Standard AC RPS 15 Power Sharing RPS 15 RPSU ERS 4526TPWR 370 watts total 15.4 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 370 watts total 15.4 watts/port ERS 4550TPWR 370 watts total 7.7 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 370 watts total 7.7 watts/port ERS 4524GTPWR 360 watts total 15.0 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 360 watts total 15.0 watts/port ERS 4548GTPWR 320 watts total 6.7 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 320 watts total 6.7 watts/port ERS 4526GTXPWR 360 watts total 15.0 watts/port 740 watts total 15.4 watts/port 360 watts total 15.0 watts/port Table 18: ERS 4000 Power over Ethernet Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 192 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 – POE+ The PoE+ capable ERS 4000 stackable switches are available in 10/100 and 10/100/1000 24-port and 48-port versions supporting 802.3af PoE and 802.3at PoE+. The ERS 4000 PoE+ models offer built-in, hot swappable redundant power supply options. Up to 855 watts per switch is supported using one 1000w power supply or up to 1855 watts with two power supplies. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 19. ERS 4526T-PWR+ ERS 4550T-PWR+ ERS 4550GTS-PWR+ ERS 4526GTS-PWR+ Switch Model ERS 4526TPWR+ ERS 4550TPWR+ ERS 4524GTSPWR+ ERS 4550GTSPWR+ PoE with one Power Supply PoE with two Power Supplies 855 watts total 855 watts total 32.4 watts/port 32.4 watts/port 855 watts total 855 watts total 32.4 watts/port 32.4 watts/port 855 watts total 855 watts total 32.4 watts/port 32.4 watts/port 855 watts total 855 watts total 32.4 watts/port 32.4 watts/port Table 19: ERS 4000 Power over Ethernet Plus Options Notes: All models can provide full 802.3af 15.4 watts per port with 1 PSU installed (a second PSU provides full redundancy). Both 26 port models can provide full 802.3at 32.4 watts per port with 1 PSU installed (a second PSU provides full redundancy). To provide the maximum of 32.4 watts for 802.3at PoE+ across all ports, the 50 port models needs a second power supply to be installed. If one power supply should be removed or fail, then the switch will prune utilization back to a maximum of 855 watts. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 193 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 3500 The PoE+ capable ERS 3500 stackable switches are available in 10/100 and 10/100/1000 8-port and 24port versions supporting 802.3af PoE and 802.3at PoE+. The ERS 3500 PoE+ models offer built-in, hot swappable redundant power supply options. Up to 855 watts per switch is supported using one 1000w power supply or up to 1855 watts with two power supplies. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 20. ERS 3524GT-PWR+ ERS 3510T-PWR+ ERS 3526T-PWR+ Switch Model PoE on Standard AC ERS 3510T-PWR+ 60W or 170W watts total 7.5 or 21.25 watts/port ERS 3524GT-PWR+ 370 watts total 15.4 watts/port ERS 3526T-PWR+ 370 watts total 15.4 watts/port Table 20: ERS 3500 Power over Ethernet Plus Options Notes: The 3510GT-PWR+ supports fanless mode (silent) operation mode as well as a normal mode deliverying full PoE budget with fan operational o Low Power Budget Mode: this sets the maximum PoE budget to 60W and disables the fan from operating – “fanless” mode. o High Power Budget Mode: this sets the maximum PoE budget to 170W and normal fan operation occurs – “normal” mode (default mode) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 194 avaya.com Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 The PoE capable ERS 2500 switches are available in both a 24-port and a 48-port version. With both of these ERS 2500 switches, PoE is provided on half the ports (ports 1-12 of the 24 port switch and ports 124 on the 48 port switch). The ERS 2500 provides up to 165 watts per switch on standard 110/240 VAC power. The ERS 2500 does not support a redundant power option. The available configurations for power options are specified in Table 20. ERS 2526T-PWR ERS 2550T-PWR Switch Model PoE on Standard AC RPS 15 Power Sharing RPS 15 RPSU ERS 2526TPWR 165 watts N/A N/A ERS 2550TPWR 165 watts N/A N/A Table 21: ERS 2500 Power over Ethernet Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 195 avaya.com Redundant Power Supply 15 (RPS 15) The RPS 15 provides redundant power to the Avaya stackable Ethernet switches (both PoE and nonPoe). The RPS 15 is comprised of the following components: RPS 15 Chassis (supports up to three 600 watt power supplies) 600 Watt Power Supply DC-DC Converter (only required for some switches – see table below) DC cable to connect power supply to Ethernet switch The RPS 15 supports two different DC cable types. The first (AA0005018) is used with all Ethernet switches that have a built-in DC-DC converter and can provide a single power connection to one Ethernet switch. The second type of cable, which comes in two models (AA0005020 – 25’ and AA0005021 – 10’) is used with all Ethernet switches that require the addition of the DC-DC converter module. This second cable type can provide a single power connection for up to four Ethernet switches. The RPS 15 can be added to an Ethernet switch or stack of Ethernet switches while the switches are powered up and running. There is no need to power off the switch to connect the RPS 15 cable. ERS 5520 ERS 5520 DC Cable AA0005018 ERS 5510 ERS 5510 ERS 5510 ERS 5510 RPS 15 with Three 600w Power Supplies DC Cable AA0005020 (25’) Or DC Cable AA0005021 (10’) Figure 17: Redundant Power Supply 15 (RPS15) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 196 avaya.com Table 21 provides information on the required components when using the RPS 15 with the various Ethernet switching options. Switch Model PoE Capable Switch RPS 15 Chassis RPS 15 600w Power Supply DC Cable DC-DC for Built-In Converter Converter ERS 5510 No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 5520 Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 5530 No 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 4526FX No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4526T No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4526T-PWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 4550T No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4550T-PWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 4524GT No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4524GTPWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 4548GT No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4548GTPWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ERS 4526GTX No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ERS 4526GTXPWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ES 470-24TPWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ES 470-48TPWR Yes 1 1 Built-In Required N/A ES 470-24T No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required ES 470-48T No 1 1 per 4 switches Required N/A Required 10’ or 25’ DC Cable Table 22: RPS 15 Configuration Options Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 197 avaya.com 6.3 Configuring PoE 6.3.1 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch By default, PoE Power Management is enabled by default with all PoE ports power enabled at power up. The following commands apply to the switches listed in the previous section. Displaying PoE Status and Statistics and setting global settings To display the PoE status and statistics, you can use the following commands: To view the Global PoE status, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-main-status ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-main-status unit <1-8> To view the PoE port status, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-port-status ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-port-status To view power used on a PoE port, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-power-measurement ERS-Stackable(config)#show poe-power-measurement To change the trap threshold, enter the following commands: ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-power-usage-threshold <1-99> ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-power-usage-threshold unit <1-8> <1-99> To set the PD detection type, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-pd-detect-type <802dot3af | 802dot3ad_and_legacy> ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-pd-detect-type unit <1-8> <802dot3af| 802dot3ad_and_legacy> To set the PD detection type, enter the following command for the ERS 4000 PoE+ and ERS 3500 PoE+switches; the 3500, 4500 and 4800 PWR+ models that support PoE+, according to the IEEE 802.3at standard, and can deliver power up to 32W, as opposed to 16W for the 4500 PWR legacy units: ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-pd-detect-type <802dot3af | 802dot3ad_and_legacy802dot3at | 802dot3at_and_legacy> ERS-Stackable(config)#poe poe-pd-detect-type unit <1-8> <802dot3af | 802dot3ad_and_legacy802dot3at | 802dot3at_and_legacy> Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 198 avaya.com ERS 3500: To change the PoE power mode ERS3500(config)#poe power-mode {low-power-budget | high-power-budget} To default the operating mode (low power budget): ERS3500(config)#default poe power-mode ERS 3500: To display the Power Mode setting ERS3500(config)#show poe-main-status PoE Main Status - Stand-alone -------------------------------------------------Power Mode : Low Power Budget Available DTE Power : 60 Watts DTE Power Status : Normal DTE Power Consumption : 0 Watts DTE Power Usage Threshold : 80 % PD Detect Type : 802.3at and Legacy Power Source Present : AC Only AC Power Status : Present DC Power Status : Not Present Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 199 avaya.com EDM: To view or configure the PoE global status, enter the following: Using EDM, go to the Device Physical View, right-click the switch and select Edit Go to the PoE tab PoE+ To view or configure the PoE port status, enter the following: Using EDM, go to the Device Physical View, right-click the port or ports and select Edit Go to the PoE tab Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 200 avaya.com PoE+ Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 201 avaya.com PoE Settings ACLI By default, all ports support 802.3af Power Class of 0 providing up to 15.4W per port. The 4500 and 4800 PWR models that support PoE+, according to the IEEE 802.3at standard, and can deliver power up to 32W, as opposed to 16W for the 4500 PWR legacy units: To disable PoE at a port level, enter the following commands: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-shutdown port ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit To configure the PoE power level, enter the following commands where the value <3-16> is the power limit in watts: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-limit port <3-16> ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit To set the PoE port priority, enter the following commands: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-priority port ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit For the ERS 4000 PoE+ models: ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-limit port <3-32> ERS-Stackable(config-if)#poe poe-priority port ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 202 avaya.com EDM: To disable PoE on a port via EDM, perform the following: Go to the Device Phyical View Right-click on the port and select Edit o If you wish to configure multiple port, press the Ctrl key and left click each port you wish to configure Go to the PoE tab POE+ Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 203 avaya.com 6.3.2 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 By default, PoE Power Management is enabled with all PoE ports power enabled at power up. Displaying PoE Status and Statistics To display the PoE status and statistics, you can use the following commands: To view the Global PoE status per module, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# show poe card info ACLI ERS-8310:5#show poe main-status To view the PoE port status, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# show poe port info ACLI ERS-8310:5#show To view the PoE port stats, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# show poe port stats ACLI ERS-8310:5#show poe port-status To view power used on a PoE port, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# show poe port power-measurement ACLI ERS-8310:5#show poe port-stats To view the PoE system status, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# show poe sys info ACLI ERS-8310:5#show poe sys-status Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 204 avaya.com JDM - Port Level Right-click on the port> Edit>PoE o If you wish to configure multiple ports, press the Ctrl key and left click each port you wish to configure PoE Statistics per port Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 205 avaya.com PoE Settings To disable PoE on a port, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe port admin disable ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS-8310:5(config-if)#poe shutdown ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To disable PoE on a slot basis, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe card admin disable ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)# poe shutdown slot To limit PoE power at a port level, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe port power-limit <3-16> ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS-8310:5(config-if)# poe limit <3-16> ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To limit PoE power at a module level from 37 to 800W, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe card 1 power-limit <37-800> ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#poe limit slot <37-800> To set the PoE slot priority, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe card power-priority ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#poe priority slot To set the PoE priority at a port level, enter the following command: CLI Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 206 avaya.com ERS-8310:5# config poe port power-priority ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS-8310:5(config-if)#poe priority ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To set the PoE detection control, enter the following command. The PSE Power Management Admin Status is enabled by default with power detection set on all ports to auto mode. Power detection can be set for either auto or test where test mode implies the port is in continuous discovery without supplying power. Under normal operation, the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 will not supply power unless a PD (Powered Device) is requesting power. To change the detection control, enter the following commands. CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe port power-detection-control ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS-8310:5(config-if)#poe detect-control ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To set the Power Device (PD) Type, enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe port 1/1 type ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS-8310:5(config-if)# poe type ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To set the PoE Trap Threshold , enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe card power-usage-threshold <0-99> ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)# poe usage-threshold slot <0-99> Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 207 avaya.com To disable PoE threshold notification , enter the following command: CLI ERS-8310:5# config poe card notification-control ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)# no poe notification slot Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 208 avaya.com JDM – Port Level: Right-click on the port> Edit>PoE If you wish to configure multiple ports, press the Ctrl key and left click each port you wish to configure Enable/disable PoE power per port JDM – Card Level: Select slot that you wish to configure, it should be high-lighted in a yellow box Right-click the card and select Edit>PoE Enable/disable PoE power per slot Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 209 avaya.com 7. Avaya Enery Saver You can use Avaya Energy Saver (AES) to reduce network infrastructure power consumption without impacting network connectivity. AES uses intelligent switching capacity reduction in off-peak mode to reduce direct power consumption by up to 40%. AES can also use Power over Ethernet (PoE) port power priority levels to shut down low priority PoE ports and provide more power savings. The power consumption savings of each switch is determined by the number of ports with AES enabled and by the power consumption of PoE ports that are powered off. If AES for a port is set to disabled, the port is not powered off, irrespective of the PoE configuration. AES turns off the power to a port only when PoE is enabled globally, the port has AES is enabled, and the PoE priority for the port is configured to low. You can schedule AES to enter lower power states during specified periods of time. These time periods can be a complete week, complete weekend, or individual days. Because AES reduces the port speed to 10 Mbps full duplex when AES is activated, the IP phone will experience a short loss of traffic. Depending on the Avaya IP Phone model, this loss can be anywhere from 3 to 15 seconds as shown in the following chart. Avaya IP Phone Duration of loss of traffic Setup 1600, 4600, 9600 Series 3-5 seconds Using double DHCP 3-5 seconds LLDP-MED with Network Policy 25 seconds ADAC with LLDP-MED 5-15 seconds Using double DHCP 8-13 seconds LLDP-MED with Network Policy 70 seconds ADAC with LLDP-MED 1100, 1200, 2000 Series The Avaya 1600, 4600, and 9600 series are faster to recover when AES is activated as they cache the VLAN and IP address. The 1100, 1200, and 2000 series will always perform a DHCP request when AES is activated even if the cached IP setting is enabled – this setting is only used when the IP Phone cannot reach the DHCP server. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 210 avaya.com 8. QoS 8.1 Interface Roles – Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch The Ethernet Routing Switch ports are classified into one of three categories which are trusted, untrusted, or unrestricted. The classifications of trusted, untrusted, and unrestricted actually apply to groups of ports (interface groups). These three categories are also referred to as interface classes. In your network, trusted ports are usually connected to the core of the DiffServ network, and untrusted ports are typically access links that are connected to end stations. Unrestricted ports can be either access links or connected to the core network. At factory default, all ports are considered untrusted. However, for those interface groups created, the default is unrestricted. Because a port can belong to only one interface group, a port is classified as trusted, untrusted, or unrestricted. These types are also referred to as interface classes. The default processing of trusted and untrusted interfaces is as follows: Trusted interfaces — IPv4 traffic received on trusted interfaces is re-marked at the layer 2 level, that is, the 802.1p user priority value is updated based on the DSCP value in the packet at ingress and the installed DSCP-to-CoS mapping data. The DSCP value is not updated. On the 5500 Series switch, remapping occurs, by default, only for standardized DSCP values (for example, EF, AFXX) and any proprietary Avaya values. On the 5600 Series switch, remapping occurs for all DSCP values. The DSCP values that are remapped are associated with a zero 802.1p user priority value in the DSCP-to-COS Mapping Table. The 5600 Series switch uses a hardware based DSCP table to support Trusted processing. No policies or filters are consumed by the 5600 Series. Untrusted interfaces — IPv4 traffic received on untrusted interfaces is re-marked at the layer 3 level—that is, the DSCP value is updated. The new DSCP value is determined differently depending on whether the packet is untagged or tagged: o Untagged frames The DSCP value is derived using the default port priority of the interface receiving the ingressing packet. This default port priority is used to perform a lookup in the installed CoSto-DSCP mapping table. The 802.1p user priority value is unchanged—that is, the default port priority determines this value. (Thus, the DSCP value on untagged frames on untrusted interfaces is updated using the default port priority of the ingress interface; the user sets the default port priority). o Tagged frames The DSCP value is re-marked to indicate best-effort treatment is all that is required for this traffic. The 802.1p user priority value is updated based on the DSCP-to-CoS mapping data associated with the best effort DSCP, which is 0. Table 23 "Default QoS fields by class of interface—IPv4 only" shows the default guidelines the switch uses to re-mark various fields of IPv4 traffic (and layer 2 traffic matching IPv4) based on the class of the interface. These actions occur if the user does not intervene at all; they are the default actions of the switch. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 211 avaya.com Action Trusted Untrusted Unrestricted DSCP Does not change Tagged--Updates to 0 (Standard) Does not change Untagged--Updates using mapping table and port’s default QoS level value Updates based on DSCP IEEE 802.1p Updates based on DSCP mapping table value mapping table value Tagged—Updates to 0 Untagged--Updates to port’s default value Does not change Table 23: Default QoS fields by class of interface—IPv4 only By default, all ports are untrusted using the default role combination named allQoSPolicyIfcs. This can be viewed by using the following command: ERS-Stackable#show qos if-group Role Combination Interface Capabilities Class Storage Type ________________________________ ____________ ___________________ ___________ allQoSPolicyIfcs Untrusted Input 802, Input IP ReadOnly $remediationIfcs Unrestricted Input 802, Input IP Other $NsnaIfcs Unrestricted Input 802, Input IP Other The following demonstrates several methods used to configure a simple layer 2 filter depending on if the ports are configured as untrusted or trusted. In our example VLAN 220 will be used for the Voice VLAN and VLAN 1000 as the data VLAN. 8.2 Default QoS Operations - ERS 8300 In regards to the ERS 8300, by default, both the DSCP and p-bit values are passed as-is. The p-bit value determines the QoS level. If you wish to use the DSCP value instead of the p-bit value to determine the QoS level, the port parameter trust-dscp should be enabled (in software versions prior to and on I/O modules other than the 8348GTX or 8348GTX-PWR, an ACL must be configured to trust DSCP instead). Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 212 avaya.com 8.3 QoS Mapping Table 24 display’s the default QoS Avaya service class mapping. This is the default mapping used with all the Avaya switches mentioned in the TCG. DSCP TOS Binary Decimal NNSC PHB Standard CS0 DSCP/ToS 0x0 0x0 000000 00 0 0x0 0x0 000000 00 0 0x8 0x20 001000 00 8/32 0xA 0x28 001010 00 10/40 0x10 0x40 010000 00 16/64 0x12 0x48 010010 00 18/72 0x18 0x60 011000 00 24/96 0x1A 0x68 011010 00 26/104 0x20 0x80 100000 00 32/128 0x22 0x88 100010 00 34/136 0x28 0xA0 101000 00 40/160 0x2E 0xB8 101110 00 46/184 0x30 0xC0 110000 00 48/192 Network CS6 0x38 0xE0 111000 00 56/224 Critical CS7 DE Bronze CS1 AF11 Silver CS2 AF21 Gold CS3 AF31 Platinum CS4 AF41 Premium CS5 EF Table 24: Avaya QoS Class Mappings Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 213 avaya.com 8.4 Queue Sets 8.4.1 Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 The ERS 2500 has four hardware queues which can be viewed by using the following ACLI command. The first queue, strict priority, is always serviced first. The remaining three queues are serviced using a weighted-round-robin (WRR) scheduler. 2526T-PWR#show qos queue-set Set Queue ID General ID Bandwidth Absolute Discipline (%) Bandwidth Bandwidth Allocation Service Order Size (Bytes) (Kbps) ___ _____ _____________________ _________ _________ __________ _______ _______ 4 1 Priority Queuing 100 0 Relative 1 184320 4 2 Weighted Round Robin 65 0 Relative 2 151552 4 3 Weighted Round Robin 26 0 Relative 2 135168 4 4 Weighted Round Robin 9 0 Relative 2 118784 The default priority mapping can be used by the issuing the following ACLI command. 2526T-PWR#show qos queue-set-assignment Queue Set 4 802.1p Priority Queue _______________ _____ 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 6 1 7 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 214 avaya.com The default DSCP to priority mapping can be viewed by issuing the following command. 2526T-PWR#show qos egressmap DSCP 802.1p Priority Drop Precedence Name ____ _______________ _______________ ________________ 0 0 High Drop Standard Service 1 0 High Drop Standard Service 2 0 High Drop Standard Service 3 0 High Drop Standard Service 8 2 High Drop Bronze Service 3 High Drop Silver Service 4 High Drop Gold Service 5 High Drop Platinum Service 6 Low Drop Premium Service 7 Low Drop Network Service 7 Low Drop Critical Service 0 High Drop Standard Service […] 16 […] 24 […] 32 […] 40 […] 48 […] 56 […] 63 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 215 avaya.com 8.4.3 Ethernet Routing Switch 3500 The ERS 3500 has four hardware queues which can be viewed by using the following ACLI command. The first queue, strict priority, is always serviced first. The remaining three queues are serviced using a weighted-round-robin (WRR) scheduler. 3524GT-PWR+#show qos queue-set Set Queue ID General ID Bandwidth Absolute Discipline (%) Bandwidth Bandwidth Allocation Service Order Size (Bytes) (Kbps) ___ _____ _____________________ _________ _________ __________ _______ _______ 4 1 Priority Queuing 100 Relative 1 184320 4 2 Weighted Round Robin 65 Relative 2 151552 4 3 Weighted Round Robin 26 Relative 2 135168 4 4 Weighted Round Robin 9 Relative 2 118784 The default priority mapping can be used by the issuing the following ACLI command. 3524GT-PWR+#show qos queue-set-assignment Queue Set 4 802.1p Priority Queue _______________ _____ 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 6 1 7 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 216 avaya.com The default DSCP to priority mapping can be viewed by issuing the following command. 3524GT-PWR+#show qos egressmap DSCP 802.1p Priority Drop Precedence Name ____ _______________ _______________ ________________ 0 0 High Drop Standard Service 1 0 High Drop Standard Service 2 0 High Drop Standard Service 3 0 High Drop Standard Service 8 2 High Drop Bronze Service 3 High Drop Silver Service 4 High Drop Gold Service 5 High Drop Platinum Service 6 Low Drop Premium Service 7 Low Drop Network Service 7 Low Drop Critical Service 0 High Drop Standard Service […] 16 […] 24 […] 32 […] 40 […] 48 […] 56 […] 63 The qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-32> 1p <0-7> queue <1-8> command gives the user the ability to specify the queue to associate an 802.1p priority. The show qos queue-set-assignment command displays in the ACLI the 802.1p priority to egress CoS and QoS queue mapping for CoS setting. 3524GT-PWR+(config)#qos egressmap [name ] ds 1p <802.1P-value 0-7> dp newds QoS DSCP mutation is a QoS feature which extends the trusted interface support to allow recolouring of the DSCP values on egress utilising the mapping tables rather than filters. This feature enables the switch to not only set the Class of Service, but to also recolour the DSCP value on egress without using any filter resouces. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 217 avaya.com 8.4.4 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Beginning with release 5.4, the ERS 4000 now supports up to 8 different queue sets with a buffering sharing setting, and support for egress traffic shaping. Depending on the queue set, up to eight queues are supported. The default settings include queue-set 2 supporting two strict queues with and a buffer sharing setting of Large. Egress CoS Queuing ACLI Commands 4000-PWR(config)#qos agent queue set <1-8> 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set <1-8> 4000-PWR(config)#default qos agent queue-set The qos agent queue set <1-8> command sets the egress CoS and QoS queue mode (1-8) in which the switch will operate. This parameter is global and requires a reset to activate a change. Please note, although up to 32 queue sets shown using the show qos queue-set, you can only select one of the first eight queue sets. The show qos queue-set command displays the queue set configuration. The display includes the general discipline of the queue, the percent bandwidth (Kbps), and the queues size in bytes. The default qos agent queue-set command will default the egress CoS and QoS queue set back to queue mode is 2. 4000-PWR(config)# qos agent buffer 4000-PWR(config)#show qos agent 4000-PWR(config)#qos agent reset-default The qos agent buffer command allows the user to specify the level of resource sharing on the switch. This parameter is global and requires a reset to activate a change. The show qos agent command displays the current attributes for egress CoS and QoS queue mode, resource sharing mode, and QoS NVRAM commit delay. The qos agent reset-default command resets QoS to its configuration default. 4000-PWR(config)#qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-32> 1p <0-7> queue <1-8> 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set-assignment 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-32> The qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-32> 1p <0-7> queue <1-8> command gives the user the ability to specify the queue to associate an 802.1p priority. The show qos queue-set-assignment command displays in the ACLI the 802.1p priority to egress CoS and QoS queue mapping for CoS setting. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 218 avaya.com 4000-PWR(config)#qos egressmap [name ] ds 1p <802.1P-value 0-7> dp newds QoS DSCP mutation is a QoS feature (release 5.4 or higher) which extends the trusted interface support to allow recolouring of the DSCP values on egress utilising the mapping tables rather than filters. This feature enables the switch to not only set the Class of Service, but to also recolour the DSCP value on egress without using any filter resouces. In software releases prior to v5.4 the ERS4000 supported one queue set, queue set 4, made up of four queues with maximum allocation. QoS Egress Queue Traffic Shaping 4000-PWR(config)# qos if-queue-shaper port queue <1-8> shape-rate <64-10230000> shape-min-rate <64-10230000> 4000-PWR(config)#show qos if-queue-shaper port {queue <1-8>} Egress Queue Shaping allows the ability to configure egress shaping on either a per port basis or on a per Class-of-Service basis on the ERS 4000. Aug 2012 Can be applied to any of the 8 egress queues per port Provides shaping granularity of 1Mbps or 64kbps Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 219 avaya.com QoS Guidelines QoS resources are shared on the Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 across groups of ports. Each hardware device (ASIC) contains 24 to 26 ports as per table 25 below and supports the following scaling: Up to 128 classifiers for each mask precedence for each ASIC. Up to 64 meters for each mask precedence for each ASIC. Up to 64 counters for each mask precedence for each ASIC. Up to 8 precedence masks for each port. Up to 16 range checkers for each ASIC. Model ASIC Device 1 4526FX, 4526T, 4526TPWR, 4526GTX, 4526GTX-PWR Port 1 -24 or 26 4550T, 4550T-PWR, 4548GT, 4548GT-PWR Port 1 -24 ASIC Device 2 Not Applicable Port 25 – 48 or 50 Table 25: Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 ASIC The QoS resources used can be viewed by using the following command: 4000-PWR#show qos diag unit <1-8> A maximum of 16 port ranges are supported for each hardware device (ASIC). Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 220 avaya.com 8.4.5 Ethernet Routing Switch 5000 The ERS 5000 supports up to 8 different queue sets, a buffering sharing setting, and support for egress traffic shaping. Depending on the queue set, up to eight queues are supported. The default settings include queue-set 2 supporting two strict queues with and a buffer sharing setting of Large. Egress CoS Queuing ACLI Commands 5000-PWR(config)#qos agent queue set <1-8> 5000-PWR#show qos queue-set 5000-PWR#show qos queue-set <1-8> 5000-PWR(config)#default qos agent queue-set The qos agent queue set <1-8> command sets the egress CoS and QoS queue mode (1-8) in which the switch will operate. This parameter is global and requires a reset to activate a change. Please note, although up to 56 queue sets shown using the show qos queue-set, you can only select one of the first eight queue sets. The show qos queue-set command displays the queue set configuration. The display includes the general discipline of the queue, the percent bandwidth (Kbps), and the queues size in bytes. The default qos agent queue-set command will default the egress CoS and QoS queue set back to queue mode is 2. 5600-PWR(config)# qos agent buffer 5520-PWR(config)# qos agent buffer 5000-PWR(config)#show qos agent 5000-PWR(config)#qos agent reset-default The qos agent buffer command allows the user to specify the level of resource sharing on the switch. The lossless value, added in release 6.2, shapes traffic to be lossless at the expense of throughput using 802.3x flow control. In order for lossless to work, the end stations must be capable of sending and responding to 802.3x pause frames. Please note the value of lossless applies only to the ERS 5600 series, hence, it should be used in hybrid stack of ERS 5600 and ERS 5500 switches. This parameter is global and requires a reset to activate a change. The show qos agent command displays the current attributes for egress CoS and QoS queue mode, resource sharing mode, and QoS NVRAM commit delay. The qos agent reset-default command resets QoS to its configuration default. 4000-PWR(config)#qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-56> 1p <0-7> queue <1-8> 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set-assignment 4000-PWR#show qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-56> The qos queue-set-assignment queue-set <1-56> 1p <0-7> queue <1-8> command gives the user the ability to specify the queue to associate an 802.1p priority. The show qos queue-set-assignment command displays the 802.1p priority to egress CoS and QoS queue mapping for CoS setting. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 221 avaya.com 5000-PWR(config)#qos egressmap [name ] ds 1p <802.1P-value 0-7> dp newds QoS DSCP mutation is a QoS feature (release 6.2 or higher) which extends the trusted interface support to allow recoloring of the DSCP values on egress utilising the mapping tables rather than filters. This feature enables the switch to not only set the Class of Service, but to also recolour the DSCP value on egress without using any filter resouces. QoS Egress Queue Traffic Shaping 5000-PWR(config)# qos if-queue-shaper port queue <1-8> shape-rate <64-10230000> shape-min-rate <64-10230000> 5000-PWR(config)#show qos if-queue-shaper port {queue <1-8>} Egress Queue Shaping allows the ability to configure egress shaping on either a per port basis or on a per Class-of-Service basis on the ERS 5000. Aug 2012 Can be applied to any of the 8 egress queues per port Provides shaping granularity of 1Mbps or 64kbps Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 222 avaya.com 8.4.6 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Each Ethernet port on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 supports eight hardware queues as shown in the Table below. Each of the eight queues is mapped to one of the eight QoS levels while each queue can be configured using one of three scheduling arbitration groups, i.e. strict priority, DWRR0, and DWRR1 where strict always have the highest precedence followed by DWRR1 and then DWRR0. This allows you to have the flexibility, if you wish to change all eight queues to Strict Priority. In addition, each per queue shaping can be enabled for shaping with a minimum shaping rate of 1 Mbps Queue Traffic Class Queue Drop Precedence Scheduling Group DWRR Weight Size Size Size Size (8348TX) (8324GTX) (8348GTX) (8393SF) 7 Low Strict Priority N/A 16 32 64 48 1 (highest) 2 6 Low DWRR1 36 16 32 64 48 3 5 Low DWRR1 12 16 32 64 48 4 4 Low DWRR1 10 16 32 64 48 5 3 Low DWRR1 8 32 32 64 48 6 2 Low DWRR1 6 32 32 64 48 7 1 Low DWRR1 3 32 48 64 48 0 Low DWRR1 3 32 48 64 48 Traffic Class Queue Drop Precedence Scheduling Group DWRR Weight Size Size (8394SF) (8308XPF) 7 Low Strict Priority N/A 192 8 (lowest) Queue 1 (highest) 2 6 Low DWRR1 36 192 3 5 Low DWRR1 12 192 4 4 Low DWRR1 10 192 5 3 Low DWRR1 8 192 6 2 Low DWRR1 6 192 7 1 Low DWRR1 3 192 8 0 Low DWRR1 3 192 (lowest) Table 26: Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Egress Queue Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 223 avaya.com Egress TX Queue CLI Commands Use the following command to change the Tx Queue settings: CLI ERS-8310:5# config ethernet tx-queue <0-7> [transmit ] [size ] [scheduler ] [weight ] [shaper ] [rate ] [burst-size ] To disable a queue ERS-8310:5# config ethernet tx-queue <0-7> transmit disable ACLI ERS-8310:5(config)#interface ERS-8310:5(config-if)#tx-queue <0-7> transmit [size ] [scheduler ] [weight ] shaper [rate ] [burst-size ] ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit To disable a queue ERS-8310:5(config-if)# no tx-queue <0-7> transmit ERS-8310:5(config-if)#exit Where : config ethernet tx-queue (CLI) tx-queue (CLI) followed by: [burst-size ] Sets the shaper burst size in Kilobytes (KB). The default value is 4 KB. The range is an integer value in the range 4 and 16000 KB. [rate ] burst-size allows you to set the shaper burst size in KB. The available range is 1 and 16000 KB. Sets the shaping rate in Mb/s. The default value is 10 Mb/s. The range is an integer value in the range 1 and 10000 Mb/s. rate allows you to set the shaper maximum rate in Mb/s. The available range is 1 and 10000 Mb/s. Note: the actual shaping rate can be different from the configured rate due to the rate granularity of the shaper. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 224 avaya.com [scheduler ] Sets the scheduling Arbitration group. value allows you to set one of the three following scheduling arbitration groups: Strict priority - This Arbitration Group is served first, where the priority goes from the highest queue index to the lowest. DWRR1 - This Arbitration Group may transmit packets when there is no traffic from the SP Arbitration Group. DWRR0 - This Arbitration Group may transmit packets when there is no traffic from the DWRR Group 1. Note: Within each DWRR Arbitration Group, each queue is guaranteed its proportional minimal bandwidth according to its configured weight. shaper ] (CLI only) [size ] Enables or disables transmission of shaper on the port. Specifies the number of packet descriptors allocated for the queue. [transmit ] (CLI only) [weight ] shaper allows you to enable or disable the feature. size sets the number of descriptors in resolution of 16 {16..384} Enables or disables transmission on the queue. transmit enables or disables the feature Specifies the proportion (in units of 256 bytes) of bandwidth assigned to this queue relative to the other queues in the arbitration group. value is an integer value in the range 1 and 256, which represents units of bandwidth in the DWRR. The default value is 8 units, which is 8 * 256 (2048). Note: Avaya recommends that the minimum weight (N * 256) be greater than the port MTU. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 225 avaya.com 8.5 Automatic QoS Automatic QoS provides application traffic prioritization allowing for the ability to identify and prioritize Avaya application traffic. This applies to both an Avaya only or Avaya edge and third party core data infrastructure to provide application aware networking. Avaya application traffic is defined as IP Telephony and Multimedia applications. By identifying Avaya application traffic, Automatic QoS transparently provides appropriate traffic prioritization handling and in turn improves application performance particularly in times of network congestion. Automatic QoS is applied end-to-end from the application traffic to the Avaya or third party data infrastructure without the need to configure individual application filters and QoS components across a variety of platforms. Simply enable/disable the appropriate Automatic QoS mode and all underlying QoS configurations to identify Avaya application traffic are automatically configured. Well known Avaya application traffic that is automatically identified via DSCP values will be given preferential treatment and will be handled by the appropriate egress queue on the Ethernet switching infrastructure. As shown in the diagram below, dynamic prioritization is provided by enabling Automatic QoS on the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch edge access switch and on the CS1000, CS2100, BCM, and/or SRG call servers. In regards to the edge switch, the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch supports dynamic prioritization for either tagged or untagged IP telephony traffic. The only other configuration required on the edge switch is setting the uplink port members attached to the core/distribution layer as trusted port members. In the core, all that is required is enabling the port members as QoS trusted. Please note that Automatic QoS configuration is only available using the CS1000, CS2100, BCM, and/or SRG call servers. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 226 avaya.com 8.5.1 Automatic QoS Edge Mode: Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch On the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch, when enabling dynamic prioritization via Automatic QoS Edge, there are two modes to choose from, mixed mode and pure mode. In mixed mode, the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch will recognize and remark the traffic from the attached IP phone, IP Softphone 2050 client or BCM/SRG/CS1000/CS2100 according to values shown in Table 27. As long as the switches used in the core/distribution layer are configured as QoS trusted, these remarked DSCP values will be given preferential treatment and will be handled by the appropriate egress queue. NT DSCP from IP Phone Traffic Type Standard DSCP Standard p-bit 0x2F (47) VoIP Data (Premium) 0x2E (46) (EF) 6 0x29 (41) VoIP Signaling (Platinum) 0x28 (40) (CS5) 5 0x23 (35) Video (Platinum) 0x22 (34) (AF41) 5 0x1B (27) Streaming (Gold) 0x1A (26) (AF31) 4 Table 27: NT DSCP Mapping Values (Mixed) Please note that all other traffic types not identified will be handled as normal unidentified traffic and will be remarked as “Standard/Best Effort” with DSCP value of 0x00 and treated as untrusted traffic. In pure mode, the Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch will recognize and not remark the traffic from the attached IP phone, IP Softphone 2050 client or BCM/SRG/CS1000/CS2100. Avaya DSCP values will be given preferential treatment and will be handled by the appropriate egress queue and the packet will retain these DSCP values as shown in Table 28. NT DSCP NT p-bit Traffic Type 0x2F (47) 6 VoIP Data (Premium) 0x29 (41) 5 VoIP Signaling (Platinum) 0x23 (35) 5 Video (Platinum) 0x1B (27) 4 Streaming (Gold) Table 28: NT DSCP Values (Pure) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 227 avaya.com Please note that all other traffic types not identified will be handled as normal unidentified traffic and will be remarked as “Standard/Best Effort” with DSCP value of 0x00 and treated as untrusted traffic. Automatic QoS support is envisioned as a multi-phase project. In phase 1 of Automatic QoS, ADAC, NSNA, Automatic QoS pure mode, or 802.1AB is not supported simultaneously. This will be added in subsequent phases of Automatic QoS. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 228 avaya.com Automatic QoS Configuration – Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch 8.5.2 Automatic QoS is configured by using the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#qos agent aq-mode ? disable Auto QOS application traffic processing disabled on all ports mixed Auto QOS application traffic processing enabled on all ports with egress DSCP remapping pure Auto QOS application traffic processing enabled on all ports without egress DSCP remapping where: Parameter Description disable Disables Automatic QoS functionality for the system mixed Enables Automatic QoS functionality with DSCP remarking at egress enabled. Private Avaya DSCP values will be remarked to corresponding standard DSCP values. pure Enables Automatic QoS functionality with DSCP remarking at egress disabled. Private DSCP values will be honored while all other traffic is remarked to QoS level of Standard. Please note that this mode is not supported at this time. Please note that phase 1 of Automatic QoS does not support ADAC, NSNA, or 802.1AB simultaneously. Depending on the software release, the ACLI Automatic QOS command may either be qos agent aq-mode or qos agent nt-mode. Core Ports Although not necessary, the core or uplink port members could be configured as QoS trusted ports if you wish to trust all QoS levels besides just the Automatic QoS levels. This can be accomplished by first adding a new QoS interface group and then adding the port members to this interface group. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-group name class trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-assign port name Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 229 avaya.com 8.6 Configuring QoS on a Avaya Switch for Voice Traffic 8.6.1 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch - Creating a new Interface Group of Trusted The following will show how to use a Policy, ACL, or Traffic profile to only trust the voice traffic assuming we will use VLAN 220 for the voice VLAN and 1000 for the data VLAN Section 7.6.1: Creating a new Interface Group with a class of trusted o Remark the data VLAN to CoS level of Standard or best effort by adding either a QoS policy, an ACL, or Traffic Profile Section 7.6.2: Using the default Interface Group with a class of untrusted o Remarking the voice VLAN to CoS level of Premium by adding either a QoS policy, an ACL, or Traffic Profile Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch - Using a Policy ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Add a new interface group with a class of trusted and add port members. For this example, we will name the if-group “trusted”. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-group name trusted class trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-assign port 1-24 name trusted ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Create two elements, one matching the voice VLAN and another matching the data VLAN and set the EtherType to 0x0800. An EtherType value of 0x0800 signifies IP traffic ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-element 1 vlan-min 220 vlan-max 220 ethertype 0x800 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-element 2 vlan-min 1000 vlan-max 1000 ethertype 0x800 ERS Stackable: Step 3 – Add each layer 2 element to a classifier by starting with classifier id 1 and adding the layer 2 element id’s from step above ERS-Stackable(config)#qos classifier 1 set-id 1 name voice element-type l2 element-id 1 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos classifier 2 set-id 2 name data element-type l2 element-id 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 230 avaya.com ERS Stackable: Step 3 – Create a classifier-block and add both classifiers from the previous step to it. For the voice classifier, we will add an in-profile action of null to pass all voice traffic as-is. For the data classifier, we will add an in-profile action of standard to remark all the traffic to a QoS level of standard. Please note that a classifier block can be used in this example because both of the classifier elements are of the same type, i.e. both are a layer 2 element matching a VLAN with the same EtherType. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos classifier-block 1 block-number 1 name data_remark set-id 1 in-profile-action 9 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos classifier-block 2 block-number 1 name data_remark set-id 2 in-profile-action 2 ERS Stackable: Step 4 – Add a policy, for this example named VoIP_Policy, add classifierblock id 1 configured above, and set the precedence to a value from 1 to 7 for the ERS 4000, 2 to 11 for the ERS 2500, and 1 to 15 for the ERS 5000. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos policy 1 name "VoIP_Policy" if-group trusted clfrtype block clfr-name data_remark precedence 3 Note that you can use either ID’s or names for the classifiers and policy actions. To understand what the in-profile-action and non-match-action refer to, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable#show qos action 2 ERS-Stackable#show qos action 9 Id: 2 Name: Standard_Service Drop: No Update DSCP: 0x0 802.1p Priority: Priority 0 Set Drop Precedence: High Drop Extension: Session Id: 0 Storage Type: ReadOnly Id: 9 Name: Null_Action Drop: No Update DSCP: Ignore 802.1p Priority: Ignore Set Drop Precedence: Low Drop Extension: Session Id: 0 Storage Type: ReadOnly Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 231 avaya.com Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – using an ACL ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Add a new interface group with a class of trusted and add port members. For this example, we will name the if-group “trusted”. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-group name trusted class trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-assign port 1-24 name trusted ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Create the ACL to match the data VLAN and remark DSCP and pbit values to 0. Please note the default action of an ACL is drop for all other traffic not matched by an ACL, hence, we also need to add a drop-action of disable to our ACL: ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one vlan-min 1000 vlan-max 1000 ethertype 0x800 drop-action disable update-dscp 0 update-1p 0 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one ethertype 0x800 drop-action disable ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Assign the ACL vlan_fil to the appropriate port members ERS-Stackable(config)#qos acl-assign port 1-24 acl-type l2 name one To view the configuration, enter the following commands” ERS-Stackable#show qos l2-acl ERS-Stackable#show qos acl-assign To remove the configuration, enter the following commands: Aug 2012 ERS-Stackable#no qos acl-assign x (where x = id assigned to port; in our case, this command has to be repeated 24 times where x = 1 to 24 as we assigned the ACL to 24 port members) ERS-Stackable#no qos l2-acl 1 ERS-Stackable#no qos l2-acl 2 ERS-Stackable#no qos l2-acl all (remove all L2-ACL’s) Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 232 avaya.com Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – using an Traffic Profile Please note Traffic Profiles can only be applied to the ERS 4000 and ERS 5000. ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Add a new interface group with a class of trusted and add port members. For this example, we will name the if-group “trusted”. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-group name trusted class trusted ERS-Stackable(config)#qos if-assign port 1-24 name trusted ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Create the traffic profile to match the data VLAN and remark DSCP and p-bit values to 0 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile classifier name one vlan-min 1000 vlan-max 1000 ethertype 0x800 update-dscp 0 update-1p 0 ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Assign the traffic profile one to the appropriate port members ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile set port 1-24 name one At mimimum, software release 6.1 for the ERS 5000 and 5.4 for the ERS 4000 must be used in order to create traffic profiles. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 233 avaya.com 8.6.2 Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch - Assuming default role combination with class of untrusted By default, all ports belong to the default interface group named allQoSPolicyIfcs with an interface class of untrusted. Hence, it is not nessessary to create a new interface group. Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – using an Policy ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Create a new layer 2 element, assign Voice VLAN and set the EtherType to 0x0800 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-element 1 vlan-min 220 vlan-max 220 ethertype 0x800 ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Add layer 2 element to a classifier by starting with classifier id 1 and adding layer 2 element id 1 from step above ERS-Stackable(config)#qos classifier 1 set-id 1 name VoIP_Class element-type l2 element-id 1 ERS Stackable: Step 3 – Add a policy, for this example named VoIP_Policy, add classifier id 1 configured above, set in-profile-action to remark to Premium CoS, and set the nonmatch action to remark to Standard CoS. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos policy 1 name VoIP_Policy if-group allQoSPolicyIfcs clfr-type classifier clfr-id 1 in-profile-action 7 non-match-action 2 ERS Stackable: Step 3 – Add a policy, for this example named VoIP_Policy, add classifier id 1 configured above, set in-profile-action to remark to Premium CoS, and set the nonmatch action to remark to Standard CoS. ERS-Stackable(config)#qos policy 1 name "VoIP_Policy" if-group allQoSPolicyIfcs clfr-type classifier clfr-id 1 in-profile-action 7 precedence 3 You can also apply the policy to an individual port member instead of an interface role with multiple port members. For example, assuming only wish to apply the policy to port 12, enter the following command: ERS-Stackable(config)#qos policy 1 name VoIP_Policy port 12 clfr-type classifier clfr-id 1 in-profile-action 7 non-match-action 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 234 avaya.com Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – using an ACL ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Create an ACL to match the voice VLAN. Please note that default action of an ACL is drop for all other traffic not matched by an ACL, hence, we also need to add a drop-action of disable to our ACL: ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one vlan-min 220 vlan-max 220 ethertype 0x800 update-dscp 46 update-1p 6 ERS-Stackable(config)#qos l2-acl name one ethertype 0x800 drop-action disable ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Assign the ACL to the appropriate port members; for example, port member 1-24: ERS-Stackable(config)#qos acl-assign port 1-24 acl-type l2 name one Stackable Ethernet Routing Switch – using a Traffic Profile Please note Traffic Profiles can only be applied to the ERS 4000 and ERS 5000. ERS Stackable: Step 1 – Create the traffic profile to match the voice VLAN and remark DSCP and p-bit values ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile classifier name one vlan-min 220 vlan-max 220 ethertype 0x800 update-dscp 46 update-1p 6 ERS Stackable: Step 2 – Assign the traffic profile one to the appropriate port members ERS-Stackable(config)#qos traffic-profile set port 1-24 name one At mimimum, software release 6.1 for the ERS 5000 and 5.4 for the ERS 4000 must be used in order to create traffic profiles. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 235 avaya.com 8.6.3 Configure L2 QoS on a Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 By default, the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 trusts the 802.1p value with a default behavior as shown in table 29 below. Providing the VoIP VLAN is tagged, no additional configuration steps are required. Traffic Type 802.1p Behavior DSCP Queue Behavior Queue Bridged, i.e. VLAN without IP address Tagged Passed as-is As per traffic class and queue mapping Passed as-is As per p-bit Untagged N/A N/A Passed as-is Queue 1 Routed, i.e. VLAN with IP address assigned Tagged Passed as-is As per traffic class and queue mapping Passed as-is As per p-bit Untagged N/A N/A Passed as-is Queue 1 Table 29: Default QOS Behavior for the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 If the IP Phone set voice VLAN is not tagged or if the voice VLAN is tagged and you wish to trust the DSCP value instead of the p-bit, you could set up a filter to trust the DSCP value. You can also classify traffic based on VLAN value or filters. Trust DSCP Value Configuration To setup a filter to trust the DSCP value, please enter the following commands. ERS8300: Step 1 – Create a new ACL with an action to trust the DSCP value. Assuming no ACLs have been configured, start with ACL 1 CLI ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 create ip ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 ace 1 action permit trust-dscp enable ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter acl 1 ip ERS8300:5(config)#filter acl 1 action 1 permit trust-dscp enable ERS8300: Step 2 – Create an ACG group and add ACL configured in step 1 above. Assuming no ACG have been configured, start with ACG 1 CLI ERS8300:5# config filter acg 1 create 1 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 236 avaya.com ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter acg 1 1 ERS8300: Step 3 – Add the ACG created in step 2 to all appropriate port members CLI ERS8300:5# config ethernet filter create 1 ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS8300:5(config-if)#filter 1 ERS8300:5(config-if)#exit You can enable or disable trusted DSCP at an interface level as per the configuration steps shown below. ERS8300: Step 1 – Enable trust-dscp via interface level CLI ERS8300:5# config ethernet qos trust-dscp enable ACLI ERS8300:5(config)# interface gigabitEthernet ERS8300:5(config-if)#qos trust-dscp enable ERS8300:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 237 avaya.com Classify traffic based on VLAN basis For IP subnet and Protocol-based VLANs you can set up a default traffic class level based on the VLAN id. The VLAN QoS level can be assigned a value from 0 (lowest) to 7 (highest) with a default setting of 1. Note that you cannot apply a VLAN QoS level to port-based VLANs. For example, assuming the VoIP VLAN is 220 with port members 1/3 to 1/11, enter the following commands: ERS8300: Step 1 – Create VLAN 220 and add port members CLI ERS8300:5# config vlan 220 create byprotocol 1 ip ERS8300:5# config vlan 1 ports remove 1/1-1/11 ERS8300:5# config vlan 220 ports add 1/1-1/11 ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#vlan create 220 type protocol-ipether2 1 ERS8300:5(config)#vlan members remove 1 1/1-1/11 ERS8300:5(config)#vlan members add 220 1/1-1/11 ERS8300: Step 2 – Assign QoS level CLI ERS8300:5# config vlan 220 qos-level 6 ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#vlan qos-level 220 6 ERS8300: Step 3 – Enable Dynamic MAC QoS Update CLI ERS8300:5# config vlan 220 update-dynamic-mac-qos-level enable ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#vlan update-dynamic-mac-qos-level 220 The dynamic update parameter is used to enable to disable the update of the MAC traffic class assignment when the VLAN traffic class changes. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 238 avaya.com Classify traffic based on a filter Assuming we wish to filter on the VoIP VLAN with the MAC address range belonging to the IP Phone sets and set the DiffServ value to EF (0x2e). This can be accomplished by using the commands shown below. For our example, we will assume the voice VLAN is 220 while the MAC address range is from 00:0a:e4:00:00:00 to 00:0a:e4:ff:ff:ff. ERS8300: Step 1 – Create a new ACT to allow ACL filtering on MAC addresses CLI ERS8300:5# filter act 2 ethernet ip src-mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff dst-mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff vlan-mask 0x0fff name "act_2_ip-mac" ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter act 2 ethernet ip src-mask ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff dst-mask ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff vlan-mask 0x0fff name act-2-ip-mac ERS8300: Step 2 – Enable the ACT to also allow ACL filtering on the DSCP value CLI ERS8300:5# config filter act 2 ip tos 0xff ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter act 2 ip tos 0xff ERS8300: Step 3 – Add ACL 1 using the name ACL-1_VoIP, add ACT 2 created above, and enable the ACL to filter on the specified MAC address in VLAN 220 to remark traffic using Premium CoS and remark all other traffic as Standard CoS CLI ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 create ip acl-name ACL-1_VoIP act-id 2 ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 ace 1 action permit remark-dscp phbef "ACE1_remark" precedence 1 ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 ace 1 ethernet src-mac 00:0a:e4:00:00:00 range 00:0a:e4:ff:ff:ff vlan-id 220 ERS8300:5# config filter acl 1 ace default action permit remark-dscp phbcs0 ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter acl 1 ip acl-name ACL-1_VoIP act-id 2 ERS8300:5(config)# filter acl 1 action 1 permit remark-dscp phbef ACE-1_remark precedence 1 ERS8300:5(config)#filter acl 1 ethernet 1 src-mac 00:0a:e4:00:00:00 range 00:0a:e4:ff:ff:ff vlan-id 220 ERS8300:5(config)#filter acl 1 action default permit remark-dscp phbcs0 ERS8300: Step 4 – Create a new ACT to allow ACL filtering on MAC addresses. For this example, we will name the ACG ACG-1_Voip. CLI Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 239 avaya.com ERS8300:5# config filter acg 1 create 1 acg-name ACG-1_Voip ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#filter acg 1 1 acg-name ACG-1_Voip ERS8300: Step 5 – Add ACG ‘ACG-1_Voip’ to interface level and disable p-bit override. CLI ERS8300:5# config ethernet filter create 1 ERS8300:5# config ethernet qos 8021p-override enable ACLI ERS8300:5(config)#interface fastEthernet ERS8300:5(config-if)#filter 1 ERS8300:5(config-if)#qos 8021p-override ERS8300:5(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 240 avaya.com Verify QoS Operation using IPFIX IPFIX can be used to verify the DSCP settings. For example, assuming if we are using an ERS 8000 in the core where the edge switch is connected to port 3/29, entering the following commands on the ERS 8000 allows to verify the DSCP on values send from the traffic ingressing this port. ERS8000: Step 1 – Enable IPFIX globally ERS8000:5# config ip ipfix state enable ERS8000: Step 2 – Enable IPFIX at interface level, assuming port 3/29 for this example ERS8000:5# config ip ipfix port 3/29 all-traffic enable ERS8000: Step 3 – Verify DSCP values via slot 3, assuming we have VoIP traffic via VLAN 805 ERS8000:5# show ip ipfix flows 3 Results: ================================================================================ IPFIX Flows ================================================================================ Slot Number : 3 Total Number Of Flows : 3 Port/ SrcIP/DstIP Src/ Protcol/ DSCP/ Egrss Start/Last Vlan Addr Dst Obsv TcpFlag Port/ Time Port Point Mgid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3/29 5201 udp 184 805 51009 Port none 3/29 5200 udp 184 805 51008 Port none 3/29 5000 udp 184 805 5100 Port none 3/27 3/27 AUG 1 11:38:35 AUG 1 11:38:35 AUG 1 11:38:32 AUG 13 11:38:36 3/3 AUG 1 11:38:21 AUG 1 11:38:36 Total number of Displayed Flows on Slot 3 : 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port/ SrcMac/DstMac Vlan Byte/Pkt Count -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 241 avaya.com 3/29 00:24:00:0d:8d:aa 114 805 00:00:5e:00:01:55 1 3/29 00:24:00:0d:8d:aa 918636 805 00:00:5e:00:01:55 4138 3/29 00:24:00:0d:8d:aa 92670 805 00:00:5e:00:01:55 1440 Please note the DSCP value shown is actually the ToS value. To calculate the DSCP value, drop the two least significant binary bits. For this example, 184 in binary is “10111000” where the two least significant bits become binary “101110” or decimal 46. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 242 avaya.com 9. Anti-Spoofing Best Practices Overview – ARP Poison ARP spoofing simply involves spoofing an IP address of a victim thereby allowing frames destined for the remote host to be forwarded to the attacker. For example, by sending Gratuitous ARP (GARP) frames between an attacker to a victim and a default gateway router within a VLAN of a Layer 2 switch, a man-inthe-middle (MITM) attack can occur. Overview – IP Spoofing IP spoofing refers to the creation of IP packets with a spoofed source IP address other than the local network address. By forging the source IP address, an attacker can make the packet appear as it was sent by a different machine. The victim that receives the spoofed packets will send responses back to the forged source address. IP Source Guard IP Source Guard provides security to the network by filtering clients with invalid IP addresses. IPSource Guard works closely with information in the Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) snooping binding table. When IP Source Guard is enabled on an untrusted port with DHCP snooping enabled, an IP filter entry is created or deleted for that port automatically, based on IP information stored in the corresponding DHCP snooping binding table entry. When a connecting client receives a valid IP address from the DHCP server, a filter is installed on the port to allow traffic only from the assigned IP address. A maximum of 10 IP addresses are allowed on each IP Source Guard-enabled port. When this number is reached, no more filters are set up and traffic is dropped. When IP Source Guard is enabled without DHCP snooping enabled, a default filter is installed and IP traffic for the port is dropped. Defense against Spoofing Avaya IP Phone sets supports GARP feature – please see section 3. However, this feature only prevents ARP spoofing one way from the IP Phone set to the default gateway address. Therefore, if the voice call is to another phone set that is off-net (to a phone on a different subnet or switch) an attacker can only poison the phone one-way. The attacker can only record the voice traffic from a remote phone sent to the local phone set and not from the local phone to the remote phone. The IP Phone GARP also does prevent an on-net attack. On-net refers to the same VLAN on a switch where both IP phone are connected. To prevent ARP Spoofing, it is recommended to enabled DHCP Snooping and ARP Spoofing when available on the local switch where the IP Phone sets are connected. Both of these mechanisms will prevent Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and spoofing a victims IP address. In addition, it is also recommended to enable IP Spoofing either on the local switch where the IP Phone sets are attached or in the core. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 243 avaya.com Summary Chart The following chart provides a summary of Off-Net and On-Net MITM attacks. An ‘X” indicated MITM attack (ARP Spoofing can occur) in both directions, i.e. the ability to capture traffic from a local phone set to the remote phone set and vise-versa. An “” indicates a MITM attack does not occur An “” indicates a one-way MITM attack from an remote phone set to the local phone set only Off-Net indicates traffic off the local subnet On-Net indicated traffic between two devices within the same VLAN, i.e. same subnet, on a local switch Switch Traffic Type Off-Net On-Net Generic L2 switch Data X X Voice X X Voice with GARP disabled on IP Phone X X Voice with GARP enabled on IP Phone Data Voice Voice with GARP enabled on IP Phone ERS switch with ARP Spoofing Prevention enabled Table 30: MITM Attacks Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 244 avaya.com Support on Avaya Switches Switch Feature DHCP Snooping ARP Inspection IP Source Guard ERS2500 (4.2) (4.2) (4.2) ERS3500 (5.0) (5.0) (5.0) ERS5500 (5.0) (5.0) (5.1) ERS5600 (6.0) (6.0) (6.0) ERS4000 (5.1) (5.1) (5.2) ERS8300 (4.2) (4.2) (4.2) (7.0) (7.0) (4.1)* Core ERS8600 *Requires software release 4.1 with R-modules (does not require R-mode) Table 31: Anti-Spoofing support on Avaya Switches Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 245 avaya.com 10. EAPoL Support 10.1 EAP Overview Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN is a port-based network access control protocol. EAPoL provides a method for performing authentication at the edge of the network in order to obtain network access based on the IEEE 802.1X standard. 802.1X specifies a protocol used between devices (EAP Supplicants) that desire access to the network and devices providing access to the network (EAP Authenticator). It also specifies the requirements for the protocol used between the EAP Authenticator and the Authentication server, i.e. RADIUS. The following are some of the 802.1X definitions: Authenticator: The entity that requires the entity on the other end of the link to be authenticated. Authenticator passes authentication exchanges between supplicant and authentication server. Supplicant: The entity being authenticated by the Authenticator and desiring access to the services of the Authenticator. Port Access Entity (PAE): The protocol entity associated with a port. May support functionality of Authenticator, Supplicant or both. Authentication Server: An entity providing authentication service to the Authenticator. May be colocated with Authenticator, but most likely an external server. Figure 18: EAP Overview Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 246 avaya.com 802.1x Ethernet Frame 6 bytes 6 bytes Dest. MAC 0180C200000x 2 bytes Source Type 88-8E MAC 1 byte 1 byte Protocol Packet Version Type 00 EAP-Packet 01 EAPOL-Start * 02 EAPOL-Logoff * 03 EAPOL-Key 04 EAPOL-Encapsulated-ASF-Alert 1 byte Code 1 byte Identifier 2 bytes Length 2 bytes n bytes Packet Body Length Packet Body * No packet body field n bytes Data Packet body field 1 Request 2 Response 3 Success 4 Failure 1 byte 2 bytes 8 bytes 16 bytes 1 byte 16 bytes n bytes Descriptor Type Key Length Relay Counter Key IV Key Index Key Signature Key Packet body field Figure 19: EAP Frame EAP Request and Response Code Types Type code 1: Identity Type code 2: Notification Type code 3: NAK Type code 4: MD-5 Challenge Type code 5: One-time password (OTP) Type code 6: Generic Token Card Type code 13: TLS EAP and RADIUS related RFCs RFC2284 – PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol RFC2716 – PPP EAP Transport Level Security (TLS) Authentication Protocol RFC2865 (Obsoletes RFC2138) – RADIUS RFC2548 – Microsoft Vendor specific RADIUS Attributes Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 247 avaya.com 10.2 EAP Support on Avaya IP Phone Sets The following table shows the authentication methods supported on each type of Avaya IP phone. Authentication method EAP MD5 IP Phone IP Phone 2001, IP Phone 2002, IP Phone 2004, IP Audio Conference Phone 2033, IP Phone 1210, IP Phone 1220, IP Phone 1230, IP Phone 2007, IP Phone 1110, IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E, and IP Phone 1150E. Beginning with 46xx H.323 Release 2.6, 96xx H.323 Release 1.0, 96xx SIP Release 2.0, and 16xx H.323 Release 1.0. EAP PEAP, EAP TLS IP Phone 1210, IP Phone 1220, IP Phone 1230, IP Phone 2007, IP Phone 1110, IP Phone 1120E, IP Phone 1140E, and IP Phone 1150E The 96xx SIP Supplicant supports EAP-TLS authentication Table 32: EAP Support on Avaya IP Phones Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 248 avaya.com 10.3 EAP and ADAC ADAC and EAP are mutually exclusive on The Call Server port The Uplink port ADAC and EAP can both be enabled on telephony ports as follows: The ports must be configured to allow non-EAP MAC addresses Guest VLAN must not be configured on the ports o In software release 5.0 for the ERS 3500, 5.6 for the ERS 4000 and 5.6 for the ERS 5000 it is now possible to support Guest VLAN and fail-open VLAN providing the vlan voicevlan & eapol multihost voip parameters are configured To enable ADAC on an EAP port, you must perform the following: On the switch, globally enable support for non-EAP MAC addresses On each telephony port, enable support for non-EAP MAC addresses On each telephony port, enable EAP Multihost On the telephony ports, ensure that Guest VLAN is disabled o This does not apply to software release 5.6 for the ERS 4000 and 5.6 for the ERS 5000 On the switch, enable EAP globally Configure and enable ADAC on the ports When you configure ADAC and EAP, the following restrictions apply: If ADAC is enabled, you cannot enable or disable EAP or EAP Multihost on the port You can enable ADAC on the port only if: EAP is disabled on the port OR EAP and Multihost are enabled on the port EAP does not change the VLAN configuration for ADAC-enabled ports. ADAC changes to the VLAN configuration take priority over EAP configurations o Aug 2012 Note, these restrictions no longer apply to the ERS 3500, software release 5.6 for the ERS 4000 and 5.6 for the ERS 5000 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 249 avaya.com 10.4 EAP Support on Avaya Switches Table 33 shown below display’s the various EAP features supported on the Avaya switches used for this TCG. Authentication Feature Switch Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 Ethernet Routing Switch 3500 Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Ethernet Routing Switch 5600 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Single Host Single Authentication (SHSA) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multiple Host Single Authentication (MHSA) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multiple Host Multiple Authentication (MHMA) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MHMA MultiVLAN – EAP and non-EAP No No Yes (5.4) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No *Guest VLAN with EAP (GVLAN-SHSA) Yes (4.1.0) Yes Yes Yes (5.0.0) Yes Yes SHSA with Guest VLAN Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes *MHSA with Guest VLAN Yes (4.1.0) Yes Yes (5.1.0) Yes (5.0.0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (4.1.0) Yes Yes (5.1.0) Yes (5.0.0) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RADIUS Assigned VLAN in MHMA Yes (4.2.0) Yes Yes (5.1.0) Yes (5.1.0) Yes Yes Non-EAP IP Phone Support Yes (4.2.0) Yes Yes (5.1.0) Yes (5.1.0) Yes No EAP or non-EAP with Guest VLAN Yes (4.0) Yes Yes (5.3.0) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No EAP or non-EAP with Fail Open VLAN Yes (4.4) Yes Yes (5.3.0) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No MHMA wit Guest VLAN MAC Based EAP Authentication EAP and non-EAP on same port Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 250 avaya.com EAP or non-EAP with VLAN Name Yes (4.3) Yes Yes (5.3.0) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No EAP or non-EAP Last Assigned VLAN Yes (4.0) Yes Yes (5.3.0) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No Non-EAP use with Wake on LAN Yes (4.0) Yes Yes (5.3.0) Yes (6.2) Yes (6.2) No No No No Yes Yes No Per VLAN Egress Tagging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tagged and untagged per port Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tagging with EAP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes **Yes User Based Policy Support Tagged/Untagged * Please note that a device is only put into the Guest VLAN providing another user has not already passed EAP authentication. For example, on a switch port configured for MHMA with Guest VLAN, once an EAP supplicant has passed EAP authentication, any existing client or any new client that either fails EAP or does not support EAP will be removed from the Guest VLAN. You cannot enable Guest VLAN and non-EAP on the same port. 1 Requires software release 5.1. Not supported for NEAP (centralized MAC authentication) **The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 supports tagging with 802.1x in software release Please see software release notes. Tagging with EAP is not supported in release 2.3, but is reintroduced in release 2.3.1. Table 33: EAP Support on Avaya Switches Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 251 avaya.com 10.5 EAP Feature Overview and Configuration on Avaya Stackable Switches 10.5.1 Single Host Single Authentication: SHSA SHSA is the default mode of operation which supports a single EAP Supplicant on a per port basis. Hence, only one MAC address is allowed per port. If multiple MAC addresses are detected, the port will be disabled - set to an EAP Force Unauthorized state. In SHSA mode, the switch supports dynamic VLAN assignment and setting of the port priority via the RADIUS server. Once you have setup a RADIUS server, SHSA can be enabled by issuing the following commands. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit 10.5.2 Guest VLAN By default, if EAP is enabled on a port, an EAP Supplicant is required on the end station and requires authentication against an Authentication Server. If the end station does not have an EAP Supplicant or if the EAP authentication fails, the end station can be put into a guest VLAN. Any VLAN can be assigned as the guest VLAN. The guest VLAN, for example, could allow internet access, but deny access to the corporate network. A port configured with EAP and Guest VLAN feature only allows one MAC address to be learned per port. Any traffic from a new host will be discarded. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol guest-vlan enable vid <1-4094> ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol guest-vlan port enable vid ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 252 avaya.com 10.5.3 Multiple Host Multiple Authentication: MHMA MHMA allows multiple EAP Supplicants to be authenticated on the same port. Up to eight (8) MACs are allowed per port for the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 which can be either EAP Supplicants or non-eapmac end stations. Up to 32 MACs are allowed for the ERS 2500, ERS3500, ERS 4000, or ERS 5000. For non-eap-mac end stations, the MAC address must either be statically configured on the switch or NonEAP MAC (NEAP) must be used. If the switch senses more than the configured MHMA limit, traffic from the new host will be discarded and a trap message is sent. NOTES: Please be aware of the following when using MHMA: VLAN Tagging is now supported on a port configuring with MHMA on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 in software release and 3.0 As of release 5.4 for the ERS 4000 and 6.2 for the ERS 5000, the maximum number clients supported is 384 NEAP clients per stack, or 768 EAP clients per stack, or 768 EAP & NEAP clients per stack. In older repleases, the maximum number of EAP and NEAP clients supported is 384 Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port eap-mac-max <1-32> ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit 10.5.4 MHMA Radius Assigned VLANs This feature allows the RADIUS server to dynamically assign VLANs to a port. In MHMA, the switch will move the port to the VLAN of the first authenticated client and subsequent VLAN assigments are ignored. MHMA Radius Assigned VLANs can be used with an IP Phone on the port which can be authenticated via NEAP, IP Phone signature or EAP. Please note if Guest VLAN is enabled, once the IP Phone is authenticatd, the port is moved out of the Guest VLAN. Please see the MHMA MultiVLAN section below if you wish to allow multiple VLANs . Please see the MHMA Last Assigned RADIUS VLAN section below if you wish to allow subsequent VLAN assigments. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost use-radius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost port use-radius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 253 avaya.com 10.5.5 MHMA MultiVLAN EAP MHMA MultiVLAN capability enables a port to support multiple RADIUS assigned VLANs (RAV) per port. It uses dynamic MAC based VLANs to bind each MAC address dynamically to the appropriate VLAN. With the EAP MHMA MultiVLAN feature enabled, this will allow EAP to be more widely deployed in scenarios where end devices are daisy chained from IP Phones. All RAV must be previously defined on the switch and assigned to uplink ports (as per current configuration requirements). The IP Phone can be assigned to an appropriate Voice VLAN or RAV and client devices can also be assigned to RAV based upon their login credentials. An IP Phone on the port can be authenticated via NEAP, IP Phone signature or EAP and at the same time the port will also maintain Guest VLAN access. This then allows guest to continue to be able to access the Guest VLAN once the IP Phone is authenticated. Previously if Guest VLAN were enabled once the IP Phone was authenticated the port was moved out of the Guest VLAN, meaning you can not have Guest VLAN access once an IP Phone is authenticated on a port. Please be aware of the following considerations when using MultiVLAN: EAP must be globally disabled to enable or disable multiVLAN feature. RAV must be configured on the switch and uplink ports. Manually moving a port from a VLAN with authenticated clients is not recommended, EAP should first be globally disabled. Deleting a RAV with authenticated clients is not recommended. EAP should first be globally disabled, so that clients are removed from the VLAN before it is deleted. Note that each EAP/NEAP client can have only one entry in VLAN_MAC table. EAP MultiVLAN is mutually exclusive with “RADIUS Last Assigned VLAN” functionality as it supersedes that functionality as each host will be assigned individual VLANs. EAP MultiVLAN is mutually exclusive with “Fail Open VLAN”. If the Guest VLAN is enabled, the port PVID is set to the Guest VLAN, so that all unauthenticated clients will have access to the Guest VLAN. If NEAP IP Phone is enabled “non-eap-phone-enable”, then the port will dynamically be a member of all VoIP VLANs. Untagged traffic that comes from the authenticated client (identified by its MAC address) will be placed into the RADIUS Assigned VLAN (RAV) or the initial port VLAN if the RADIUS VLAN attribute for the client is missing. If the client sends tagged traffic once authenticated, then if the VLAN is defined for that port, the traffic will be forwarded for that VLAN. When a client is physically disconnected, logs-off or is sent an RFC 3576 disconnect message, if no other clients are assigned to the same RADIUS Assigned VLAN (RAV) on that port, the port will then be removed from the dynamic VLAN. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 254 avaya.com Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost use-radius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost multivlan enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost multivlan voip-vlan <1-5> vid <1-4095> ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost port use-radius-assigned-vlan ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit 10.5.6 MHMA Last Assigned RADIUS VLAN This features introduces a mode where the latest RADIUS assigned VLAN will be configured for the port. Without this feature, the first RADIUS assigned VLAN from the RADIUS server will be used and subsequent VLAN assignments will be ignored. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost use-most-recent-radius-vlan ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable 10.5.7 MHMA with Fail Open VLAN This feature allows the switch to deal with a situation when the RADIUS servers become unreachable. Rather than denying clients access to the network, the switch can assign clients into a specialized fail open VLAN. This will allow clients to continue to work during certain failures, but through the VLAN configuration, could support additional restrictions and restrictions. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost fail-open-vlan enable vid <1-4094> ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable 10.5.8 VoIP VLAN Enable the EAPOL multihost VoIP VLAN by using the following command: Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)# eapol multihost voip-vlan <1-5> {[enable] [vid <1-4094>]} Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 255 avaya.com 10.5.9 Multihost Dummy ADAC RADIUS Requests When you have NEAP enabled on a port, as soon as the MAC address of a new device is learnt, the switch will send out a RADIUS request with the device MAC Address. After which the switch may then send another request if the client has a supplicant. The reason this occurs is because Address learning happens first and in hardware. Similar actions happen when you have an IP Phone. If you have NEAP enabled and plug in an IP Phone, once the MAC is learnt on the port the switch will send a RADIUS request. Now if NEAP IP Phone is enabled, the switch does not initially know that it is an IP Phone, so when the MAC is learnt then it should likewise send a RADIUS request for the MAC. After this if NEAP IP Phone is enabled, it is only after the phone sends out a DHCP request, that we see the appropriate signature and then authenticate the device based on the DHCP Signature. So in both cases this should stop extra requests to the RADIUS server. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost dummy-adac-radius-requests enable Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 256 avaya.com 10.5.10 Enhanced MHMA Feature: Non-EAP-MAC (NEAP) If a port is configured for MHMA, by default only multiple EAP Supplicants are allowed on this port. All traffic from non-EAP MAC addresses will be discarded. To allow non-EAP MAC (NEAP) addresses on a port, the Switch non-eap-mac (NEAP) feature must be enabled. The NEAP MAC address or addresses can be statically configured on the switch. If a NEAP MAC connects to the switch, its MAC address will be checked against the NEAP table and if present, the port will forward traffic for this particular MAC address. As an alternative to configuring the NEAP MAC statically on the switch, the NEAP MAC can be authenticated via RADIUS. Upon detecting a NEAP MAC, the switch will first check to see if the NEAP MAC is located in the NEAP table. If not, and if the Radius authentication of non-eap clients is enabled, the switch will forward an Access-Request to the Radius server. The Access-Request will contain the non-EAP MAC address as the user name and one or any combination of IP address, MAC address, and/or port number for the password. Hence, if the password is made up of MAC address or IP address or MAC and IP address, this will allow NEAP MAC to be used on any port. For example, assuming the non-eap MAC is 00:50:8b:e1:58:e8, the non-eap source-IP is and the port number for the client is 1/21 (stack 1, port 21), this will result in any of the following passwords: RADIUS Password Details 00508be158e8 Just MAC included 011001046005.. Just IP included 011001046005..0121 IP, unit & port are used 011001046005.00508be158e8. IP and MAC included 011001046005.00508be158e8.0121 IP, MAC, and unit & port included. If only MAC address is used, in older releases, a period must be inserted before and after the MAC address. This is no longer the case. Use the ACLI command show eapol multihost to view the RADIUS password attribute format. If only the switch IP address is used, 2 periods must be inserted after the IP address If you plan to use unit/port number, on a standalone switch the unit number is always 00. Table 34: NEAP Passwords The number of EAP and non-EAP addresses is configurable. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost allow-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost non-eap-pwd-fmt status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port allow-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port eap-mac-max <1-32> ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port non-eap-mac-max <1-32> ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port radius-non-eap-enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit 10.5.11 Enhanced MHMA Feature: Non-EAP IP Phone client This feature allows an Avaya IP Phone and an EAP Supplicant to co-exist on an EAP enabled port. The IP Phone is not required to use EAP and instead is authenticated by the switch using a DHCP Signature from the Avaya IP Phone while the PC, if connected on the same interface, is authenticated by EAP. At this time, support for only Avaya IP Phones sets is supported with this feature. Do not enable EAP on the IP Phone. If EAP authentication is required on the phone, do not enable this feature. Do not enable any other non-eap feature on the same port. DHCP has to be enabled on the phone, because the switch will examine the phone signature contained in the DHCP Discover packet sent by the phone. This feature is also supported on the Avaya IP phone 1100, 1200, and 2000 series. Starting in the 5.1 release for the ERS 3500, present in release 5.6 (fully supported in release 5.7) for the ERS 4000, and in release 6.3 for the ERS 5000, the Non-EAPOL VoIP phone clients feature is supported when using the Avaya 9600 series IP Phones. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)# eapol multihost non-eap-phone-enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol port status auto ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port non-eap-phone-enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)# eapol multihost port enable ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 258 avaya.com 10.5.12 EAP/NEAP with VLAN Names This feature allows the switch to match the RADIUS VLAN attribute by either VLAN-ID (current operational mode) or VLAN-name to improve the interoperability where some other devices many use or require VLAN-name. If the first character is non-numerical, then a match for VLAN will occur based on name, if it is numerical; then match will proceed based on VLAN number. If no match occurs for VLANs defined on the switch, then the client will not be assigned to the RADIUS VLAN, but will instead stay in the default port based VLAN. No ACLI/WebUI/JDM configuration is required 10.5.13 Unicast EAP Request in MHMA By default, the switch periodically queries the connected MAC addresses connected to a port with EAP MHMA enabled with EAP Request Identity packets. The EAP Supplicant must reply in order to remain an authorized MAC address. This does not occur when the switch is configured for SHSA unless EAP reauthentication is enabled. With the switch setup for unicast EAP in MHMA, the switch no longer queries the connected MAC addresses with EAP Request Identity packets. This helps in preventing repeated authentications. The EAP Supplicants must be able to initiate the EAP authentication session. In other words, the Supplicant must send EAP Start and End packets to the switch. Please note that not all EAP Supplication support this operating mode. By default, multicast mode is selected both globally and at an interface level on all switch ports. To select unicast mode, you must enable EAP unicast mode globally and at an interface level. Any other combination, i.e. multicast in global and unicast in interface mode, will select multicast operating mode. Global Setting ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol multihost eap-packet-mode unicast Interface Level ERS-Stackable(config)#interface fastEthernet all ERS-Stackable(config-if)#eapol multihost port eap-packet-mode unicast ERS-Stackable(config-if)#exit Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 259 avaya.com 10.5.14 User Based Policies (UBP) The Ethernet Routing Switch 5000 Series can be configured to manage access with user based policies. User based policies revolve around the User Policy Table supporting multiple users per interface. User data is provided through interaction with EAP and is maintained in the User Policy Table. A user is associated with a specific interface, user role combination, user name string, and, optionally, user group string. Each user is also associated with session information. Session data is used to maintain state information for each user and includes a session identifier and a session start time. Users are also associated with a session group identifier. The same group identifier is shared by users with the same role combination and is referenced during new user installation and the subsequent EPM policy installation to identify the policy criteria to be applied. This session data is controlled by the QoS Agent. Once the user based policies has been configured on a switch, the RADIUS server can reference the policy by using the name given to the UBP policy. User based policies (UBP) can be used with EAP and/or NEAP. Global Setting - EAP ERS-Stackable(config)# eapol user-based-policies enable ERS-Stackable(config)#eapol enable UBP ERS-Stackable(config)# qos ubp classifier name ? addr-type Specify the address type (IPv4, IPv6) classifier criteria block Specify the label to identify access-list elements that are of the same block drop-action Specify the drop action ds-field Specify the DSCP classifier criteria dst-ip Specify the destination IP classifier criteria dst-mac Specify the destination MAC classifier criteria dst-port-min Specify the L4 destination port minimum value classifier criteria Aug 2012 ethertype Specify the ethertype classifier criteria eval-order Specify the evaluation order flow-id Specify the IPv6 flow identifier classifier criteria ip-flag Specify the IP fragment flag criteria ipv4-option Specify the IPv4 option criteria master Specify as the master member of the block next-header Specify the IPv6 next header classifier criteria pkt-type Specify the filter packet format ethertype encoding criteria priority Specify the user priority classifier criteria protocol Specify the IPv4 protocol classifier criteria set-drop-prec Specify the set drop precedence src-ip Specify the source IP classifier criteria src-mac Specify the source MAC classifier criteria Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 260 avaya.com src-port-min Specify the L4 source port minimum value classifier criteria tcp-control Specify the TCP control criteria update-1p Specify the update user priority update-dscp Specify the update DSCP vlan-min Specify the Vlan ID minimum value classifier criteria vlan-tag Specify the vlan tag classifier criteria ERS-Stackable(config)#qos ubp set name ERS-Stackable(config)#qos agent ubp high-security-local Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 261 avaya.com 10.6 EAP Configuration using EDM Global Settings Go to Configuration -> Security -> 802.1X/EAP Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 262 avaya.com Interface Settings – Base Settings Go to Device Physical View -> (select port(s), right-click and select Edit -> EAPOL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 263 avaya.com Interface Settings – Advance Settings Go to Device Physical View -> (select port(s), right-click and select Edit -> EAPOL Advance Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 264 avaya.com 10.7 RADIUS Setup 10.7.1 RADIUS Setup for NEAP Microsoft IAS Server When setting up the RADIUS server, the user name is the non-eap MAC address. The password is one of or a combination of the non-eap MAC address, source-IP address and the physical port of the non-eap MAC as a string separated by dots. For example, assuming the non-eap MAC is 00:50:8b:e1:58:e8, the non-eap source-IP is and the port number for the client is 1/21, this will result in a user name of 00508be158e8 and password of 011001046005.00508be158e8.0121 assuming use the non-eap password format of MAC, IP and port number. For a Microsoft IAS, the non-eap user is entered as follows: 1) Go to Active Directory for Users and Computers, right-click on Users and select New>User 2) Add new user using the MAC address of the PC as the User logon name. 3) Next, enter the Password shown above (011001046005.00508be158e8.0121) and click on Finish when done. 4) Next, right-click on the user you just created and select Properties In the Dial-in dialog box, select Allow Access In the Member Of dialog box, click on Add and add RAS and IAS Servers Finally, in the Account dialog box, under Account options, click on Store Password using reverse encryption 5) Enable the IAS Authentication profile for MD5-Challenge with PAP/SPAP selected. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 265 avaya.com Avaya Identity Engines IDE Step 1 – Go to Site Configuration -> Access Policies -> RADIUS Right-click RADIUS and select New Access Policy. Enter a policy name, i.e. ERSEAP as used in this example and click on OK when done Click on the policy we just created, i.e. ERS-EAP, and click on Edit via the Authentication Policy tab. Under Edit Authentication Policy window, select NONE -> PAP and any additional authentication protocols you may require. Click on OK when done. Go to the Identity Routing tab and click on Edit. Check off the Enable Default Directory Set and click on OK when done. Go to the Authorization Policy tab and click on Edit. Aug 2012 o Once the Edit Authorization Policy window pops up, click on Add under Rules and via the name pop-up box, enter a name, i.e. EAP as used in this example o Click on the rule named EAP, click on New to add a new constraint. From Attribute Category, select User and scroll down and select Authentication Service. Select Equal To with Static Vlaue of Internernal User Store. Click on OK when done and OK one more time to exit Edit Authentication Policy. o Clicking on the Access Policy Summary icon should display an Access Policy similar to that shown below Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 266 avaya.com Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 267 avaya.com IDE Step 2 – Go to Site Configuration -> Authenticators For this configuration example, we will create a new container named Avaya Switch o Under Authenticators, right-click default and add a new container with a container, add a name of Avaya Switch, and click OK when done Select Avaya Switch and click on click on New o Aug 2012 Enter the settings as shown below making sure you select the policy we created above named ERS_EAP via Access Policy. Leave Enable Authenticator and Enable RADIUS Access checked. Click on OK when done. Please note, the RADIUS Shared Secret must match the secret entered on the switch Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 268 avaya.com IDE Step 3 – Add Users by going to Site Configuration -> Directories -> Internal Store -> Internal Users and click on New Add the NEAP users by going to Directories>Internal Store>Internal Users. Next, enter the User Name and Password as shown below: o NEAP user with MAC address of 0050.8be1.58e8 and using a password of MAC plus IP (, and port number (1/21) User Name = 00508be158e8 Password = 011001046005.00508be158e8.0121 DE Step 4 – At the point you are completed. After clicking on the IP address of your IDE server, go to the Monitor tab and then to Log Viewer -> Access to verify if the non-EAP client can successfully login. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 269 avaya.com FreeRADIUS Setup In the radius server’s user configuration file, 1. Add the MAC address of the Non-EAP host as the user name. (ex: “00a0c9a4d0e0”) 2. Set the Auth-Type to ‘local’. 3. Set the User-Password to “Net Mgmt IP of the switch” + ”.” + “Mac address of the Non-EAP host” + ”.” + “slot port through which the non-eap client will be connected”. For example, assuming the management IP address of the switch is, the MAC address of the non-EAP host is 00:a0:c9:a4:d0:e0 and the slot/port is 8/5, enter "192168151165.00a0c9a4d0e0.0805" 4. Set the desired QoS value for the Non-EAP host in the ‘Nortel-Dot1x-Mac-Qos’ attribute. Where, “Nortel-Dot1x-Mac-Qos” is declared as a vendor-specific-attribute in “dictionary.passport” file as follows: ATTRIBUTE Nortel-Dot1x-Mac-Qos 2 integer Nortel The above declaration describes that “Nortel-Dot1x-Mac-Qos” attribute is a vendor-specific attribute (Nortel keyword does that). The identifier for this vendor-specific attribute is 2 and the type of the attribute is integer. Example: “” specifies the net management IP of the switch. User configuration for Non-Eap host with mac address 00:a0:c9:a4:d0:e0 connected to port 8/5 is given as: 00a0c9a4d0e0 Auth-Type := local, User-Password == "192168151165.00a0c9a4d0e0.0805" Termination-Action = RADIUS-Request, Tunnel-Type = VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE802, Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = "0002", Nortel-Dot1x-Port-Priority = 5, Nortel-Dot1x-Mac-Qos = 3 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 270 avaya.com Steel-Belted Radius Server To get a non-eap client authenticated using radius server, 1. Ensure that pprt8300 is included in dictiona.dcm file. 2. In the pprt8300 file, add the following return list attribute for returning MAC QoS in the access-accept packet. The Mac-QoS attribute identifier, i.e. type1 is set to 2 and data is set to integer. ATTRIBUTE Mac-QoS 26 [vid=1584 type1=2 len1=+2 data=integer]R VALUE Mac-QoS Level0 0 VALUE Mac-QoS Level1 1 VALUE Mac-QoS Level2 2 VALUE Mac-QoS Level3 3 VALUE Mac-QoS Level4 4 VALUE Mac-QoS Level5 5 VALUE Mac-QoS Level6 6 VALUE Mac-QoS Level7 7 3. In eap.ini file, add the following lines for the Non-EAP client to get authenticated [radiusmac] EAP-Only = 0 EAP-Type = First-Handle-Via-Auto-EAP = 0 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 271 avaya.com 4. Set the RAS-Clients as follows: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 272 avaya.com 5. Configure the Non-EAP user with user-name, password (as specified in FreeRADIUS section) and the return list attribute, MAC-QoS. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 273 avaya.com RADIUS Setup for Dynamic VLAN Assignment 10.7.2 In EAP SHSA or MHMA mode, the RADIUS server can be configured with a Return-Attribute to dynamically set the VLAN and if required, the port priority. The following applies to dynamic VLAN assignment: The dynamic VLAN configuration values assigned by EAPoL are not stored in the switch’s NVRAM or running configuration file. You can override the dynamic VLAN configuration values assigned by EAPoL; however, be aware that the values you configure are not stored in NVRAM. When EAPoL is enabled on a port, and you configure values other than VLAN configuration values, those values are applied and stored in NVRAM. You cannot enable EAPoL on tagged ports or MLT ports. You cannot change the VLAN/STG membership of EAPoL authorized ports. To set up the Authentication server, the following RADIUS ‘Return-List’ attributes needs to be set: VLAN membership attributes: o Tunnel-Type: value 13, Tunnel-Type-VLAN o Tunnel-Medium-Type: value 6, Tunnel-Medium-Type-802 o Tunnel-Private-Group-Id: ASCII value 1 to 4094 (this value is used to identify the specified VLAN) or VLAN name Port priority (vendor-specific) attributes: o Aug 2012 Vendor Id: value 562, Nortel vendor Id Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 274 avaya.com 10.7.3 IAS Server If the Authentication server is a Microsoft IAS server, the configuration would look something like the following assuming the dynamic VLAN is 50 and the port priority is 4. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 275 avaya.com Avaya Identity Engines IDE Step 1 – Configure an Outbound Attribute on Ignition Server for VLAN. Go to Site Configuration -> Provisioning -> Outbound Attributes -> New Aug 2012 Via the New Outbound Attribute window, enter a name for the attribute (i.e. VLAN as used in this example), and select Tunnel-Private-Group-Id via the RADIUS Attribute radio button. Click on OK when done Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 276 avaya.com IDE Step 2 – Go to Site Configuration -> Provisioning -> Outbound Values -> New Using the Outbound Attribute created in Step 1, we will add the VLAN-ID or VLAN-name value. o Start by entering a name via the Outbound Value Name: window (i.e. vlan-800 assuming VLAN 800 will be used) and click on New o Via the Choose Global Outbound Attribute: pull down menu, select the outbound attribute we created in step 1 (VLAN). Make sure the Fixed Value radio button is selected. Enter a name (i.e. VLAN-800 as used in this example) in the VLAN Label: window and enter the correct VLAN number or name (i.e. 800 as used in this example) in the VLAN ID: window. Click on OK twice when done. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 277 avaya.com IDE Step 3 – Add Users by going to Site Configuration -> Directories -> Internal Store -> Internal Users and click on New Add the NEAP users by going to Directories>Internal Store>Internal Users. Next, enter the User Name and Password as shown below: o Aug 2012 NEAP user with MAC address of 0050.8be1.58e8 and using a password of MAC plus IP (, and port number (1/21) User Name = 00508be158e8 Password = 011001046005.00508be158e8.0121 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 278 avaya.com 11. Appendixes 11.1 Appendix A: IP Deskphone info Block (applies to the 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 1110, 1120E, 1140E, 1150E, 1165E, 1210, 1220, and 1230 IP Deskphones) The list of all the parameters that can be provisioned via the Info-Block is provided in the table below. Note that not all parameters need be specified in the Info-Block. If the option is included, the parameter will be provisioned with the value specified. If the option is not included, the phone will retain its default value for the particular parameter, or the phone will retain the value that was previously provisioned for the parameter if the “stickiness” parameter is set. Info Block Parameters Parameter Value Description a1 Value from 0 to 255 Primary server action code a2 Value from 0 to 255 Secondary server action code ar ‘y’ yes Enable Auto-recovery ‘n’ no arl ‘cr’ critical Auto-recovery level ‘ma’ major ‘mi’ minor blt ‘0’ 5 seconds Backlight timer ‘1’ 1 minute ‘2’ 5 minutes ‘3’ 10 minutes ‘4’ 15 minutes ‘5’ 30 minutes ‘6’ 1 hour ‘7’ 2 hours ‘8’ always on bold ‘y’ yes Enable bold on font display ‘n’ no br Aug 2012 Value from 0 to 15 Brightness value Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 279 avaya.com Info Block Parameters bt ‘y’ yes Enable Bluetooth (1140E IP Deskphone and 1150E only) ‘n’ no ca Character string up to 80 characters Certificate Authority (CA) server cachedip ‘y’ yes Enable cached IP ‘n’ no cadomain Character string up to 50 characters Certificate Authority (CA) domain name cahost Character string up to 32 characters Certificate Authority (CA) host name cdiff Value from 0 to 255 Diffserv code points for control messages ct Value from 0 to 15 for 1100 Series IP Deskphones Contrast value Value from 7 to 39 for 2007 IP Deskphone dcpactive1 ‘n’ Inactive Profile is active or not ‘y’ Active dcpattrcn1 Character string of 128 characters If “Auto CN” is disabled, this value is used instead of combining cadomain and cahost dcpattrextkeyusage1 Character string made up of one of the following characters Define the Extended Key Usage attributes to be requested for the device certificate. ‘a’ anyExtendedKeyUsage The default is clientAuth. ‘c’ clientAuth ‘i’ ipsecIKE (RFC 4945) ‘m’ iKEIntermediate ’ ’ no Extended Key Usage dcpcaname1 Character string of 128 characters CA name included in the SCEP request to identify requested CA (note that not all CA require the CA name) dcphostnameoverride1 Character string of 128 characters Override hostname (cahost) for this DCP only Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 280 avaya.com Info Block Parameters dcpsource1 ‘scep’ Method used to install device certificates ‘pkcs12’ dhcp ‘y’ yes Enable DHCP ‘n’ no dim ‘y’ yes As of UNIStim software release 3.4, the previously supported “dim” parameter is no longer supported since its functionality is superseded by the dimt parameter. The phone will still accept the dim parameter to prevent errors when reading existing provisioning files but the parameter will be ignored in favor of the new dimt parameter. ‘n’ no dimt ‘0’ Off ‘1’ 5 seconds Phone inactivity timer to dim the screen (2007 IP Deskphone only) ‘2’ 1 minute ‘3’ 5 minutes ‘4’ 10 minutes ‘5’ 15 minutes ‘6’ 30 minutes ‘7’ 1 hour ‘8’ 2 hours dns Character string up to 50 characters Primary DNS server URL dns2 Character string up to 50 characters Secondary DNS server URL dp Value from 0 to 8 802.1Q p bit for data stream. Provisioning this value to 8 tells the phone to use the value it receives from the LLDP Network Policy TLV or from the call server dq ‘y’ yes Enable 802.1Q for PC port ‘n’ no dscpovr ‘y’ yes DSCP Precedence Override ‘n’ no Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 281 avaya.com Info Block Parameters dv ‘y’ yes Enable VLAN for data ‘n’ no dvid Value from 1 to 4094 VLAN ID for data VLAN eap ‘dis’ disable Disable or choose an EAP authentication method [1] [2] ‘md5’ EAP-MD5 ‘peap’ PEAP/MD5 ‘tls’ EAP-TLS eapid1 Character string up to 32 characters 802.1x (EAP) device ID1 [1] [2] eapid2 Character string up to 32 characters 802.1x (EAP) device ID2 [1] [2] eappwd Character string up to 32 characters 802.1x (EAP) password [1] [2] file Character string up of the following character For system specific provisioning file specifies what other provisioning files to read ‘z’ read zone file ‘t’ read type file ‘d’ read device file fs ‘y’ enabled Font smoothing enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled hd Character string up of the following character Headset type ‘w’ wired ‘b’ Bluetooth ‘n’ none igarp ‘y’ yes Ignore GARP ‘n’ no ll ‘cr’ critical Log level ‘ma’ major ‘mi’ minor lldp ‘y’ yes Enable 802.1ab LLDP [1] ‘n’ no Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 282 avaya.com Info Block Parameters mdiff Value from 0 to 255 Diffserv code points for media messages menulock ‘f’ full lock Menu lock mode ‘p’ partial lock ‘u’ unlock menupwd String between and 21 characters containing only numeric digits, asterisk (*) and hash (#) – i.e. only the dialpad symbols Administrator password [2] nid ‘a’ auto negotiation Network port duplex [1] ‘f’ full duplex ‘h’ half duplex nis ‘a’ auto negotiation Network port speed [1] ‘10’ 10 Mbps ‘100’ 100 Mbps ntqos ‘y’ yes Enable Avaya Automatic QoS ‘n’ no of ‘y’ enabled Outlined font enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled p1 Value from 1 to 65535 Primary server port number p2 Value from 1 to 65535 Secondary server port number pc ‘y’ yes Enable PC port ‘n’ no pcd ‘a’ auto negotiation PC port duplex ‘f’ full duplex ‘h’ half duplex pcs ‘a’ auto negotiation PC port speed ‘10’ 10 Mbps ‘100’ 100 Mbps pcuntag ‘y’ yes ‘n’ no Aug 2012 Enable stripping of tags on packets forwarded to PC port Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 283 avaya.com Info Block Parameters pk1 Character string of16 character representing 16 hexadecimal digits S1 PK [2] pk2 Character string of 16 character representing 16 hexadecimal digits S2 PK [2] prov Character string up to 50 characters Provisioning server address or URL (if the string is prefixed with “http://” the phone will connect to a HTTP server, otherwise the phone will connect to a TFTP server) r1 Value from 0 to 255 Primary server retry count r2 Value from 0 to 255 Secondary server retry count s1ip Value from to Primary server IP address s2ip Value from to Secondary server IP address si ‘y’ enabled Simple icons enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled srtp ‘y’ yes Enable SRTP-PSK ‘n’ no srtpid 96 Payload type ID 115 120 ssh ‘y’ yes Enable SSH ‘n’ no sshid Character string between 4 and 12 characters SSH user ID [2] sshpwd Character string between 4 and 12 characters SSH password [2] Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 284 avaya.com Info Block Parameters sst ‘0’ Off ‘1’ 1 minute Phone inactivity timer to initiate the slide show (2007 IP Deskphone only) ‘2’ 5 minutes ‘3’ 10 minutes ‘4’ 15 minutes ‘5’ 30 minutes ‘6’ 1 hour ‘7’ 2 hours st ‘y’ yes Enable stickiness (provisioning is persistent in the event a new info block is not received) ‘n’ no th ‘0’ black theme Theme [3] ‘1’ metallic blue them ‘2’ blue theme ‘3’ orange theme ‘4’ green theme ‘5’ red theme ‘6’ purple theme unid Character string up to 32 characters Unique network identification usb ‘y’ enabled UBS port enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled usbh ‘y’ enabled UBS headset device enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled usbk ‘y’ enabled UBS keyboard device enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled usbm ‘y’ enabled UBS mouse device enabled [3] ‘n’ disabled usbms ‘y’ enabled ‘n’ disabled Aug 2012 UBS memory stick (flash drive) device enabled [3] Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 285 avaya.com Info Block Parameters utb ‘y’ use the selected theme background Use a user selected background picture [3] ‘n’ use the user selected image – if present vcp Value from 0 to 8 802.1Q control p bit for voice stream. Provisioning this value to 8 tells the phone to use the value it receives from the LLDP Network Policy TLV or from the call server vlanf ‘y’ yes Enable VLAN filter on voice stream ‘n’ no vmp Value from 0 to 8 802.1Q media p bit for voice stream. Provisioning this value to 8 tells the phone to use the value it receives from the LLDP Network Policy TLV or from the call server vpn ‘y’ enable Enable the UNIStim VPN Client (UVC) within the phone ‘n’ disable vpnauth ‘psk’ preshared key Authentication credential2 ‘certificate’ X.509 certificate vpndiff 0-255 If vpndiffcpy=n, then this value is used for the DSCP value for the tunnel traffic vpndiffcpy ‘y’ copy DSCP from inner packet Source of DSCP value for the tunnel traffic. Determines if DSCP value is copied from inner packet to outer packet or if vpndiff is used. ‘n’ use vpndiff value vpnmode ‘aggressive’ Authentication mode ‘main’ vpnmotd 0-999 Message of the Day (MOTD) timer vpnpskpwd Character string up to 64 characters PreShared Key (PSK) password vpnpskuser Character string up to 64 characters PreShared Key (PSK) User ID 2 When ‘certificate’ is provisioned, both a CA root certificate and a device certificates must be installed in the phone. Please refer to Appendix A: Certificate Installation for details on installing a CA root certificate and a device certificate into the phone. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 286 avaya.com Info Block Parameters vpns1 Character string up to 64 characters IP address or FQDN3 of the primary VPN server vpns2 Character string up to 64 characters IP address or FQDN of the secondary VPN server vpntype ‘1’ Avaya VPN Only Avaya (heritage Nortel) VPN devices are supported at this time vpnxauth ‘0’ none X Authentication type ‘1’ password vpnxauthpwd Character string up to 64 characters X Authentication password vpnxauthuser Character string up to 64 characters X Authentication User ID vq ‘y’ yes Enable 802.1Q for voice [1] ‘n’ no vvsource ‘n’ no VLAN Source of VLAN information ‘a’ auto VLAN via DHCP ‘lv’ auto VLAN via VLAN Name TLV ‘lm’ auto VLAN via Network Policy TLV 3 If a FQDN is entered, the remote user’s local network must have access to DNS to resolve the entered name. Typically in a home environment, this would be the service provider’s DNS. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 287 avaya.com Info Block Parameters xa Character string made up of the following character XAS server action code (XAS Mode and Phone Mode) ‘g’ graphical XAS mode ‘f’ full screen XAS mode ‘s’ secure XAS mode ‘h’ hidden Phone mode Note that there is no explicit character to select text-mode. Instead, the lack of specifying graphical ‘g’ implies the XAS mode is text. ‘r’ reduced Phone mode Also note that there is no explicit character to select Full phone mode. Instead, the lack of specifying either hidden ‘h’ or reduced ‘r” implies the phone is to be provisioned for Full phone mode. Please be careful not to confuse Full Screen XAS mode ‘f’ with Full phone mode. Note that hidden Phone mode and reduced Phone mode are supported on the 2007 IP Deskphone only. xatv ‘0’ no tone Alternate tone volume ‘1’ -36dB ‘2’ -26dB ‘3’ -20dB ‘4’ -16dB ‘5’ -13dB ‘6’ -9dB ‘7’ -6dB ‘8’ 0dB xip Value from to XAS server IP address xp Value from 0 to 65535 XAS server port number zone Character string up to 8 characters Zone ID [1]: Warning - changing this parameter could impact the network connectivity and may require manual correction [2]: Warning – provisioning this parameter via TFTP, HTTP, or DHCP means that secure information is transferred in clear text [3]: Applies to the 1165E IP Deskphone only Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 288 avaya.com 11.2 Appendix B: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 9600 Series H323 IP Phones Parameter Description DOT1X Controls the operational mode for 802.1X. The default is 0 (pass-through of multicast EAPOL messages to an attached PC, and enable Supplicant operation for unicast EAPOL messages). DOT1XSTAT Controls 802.1X Supplicant operation. HTTPDIR Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names used in HTTP and HTTPS GET operations during startup. (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.) The command is “SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir”. The path (relative to the root of the TLS or HTTP file server) where 96xx telephone files are stored. If an Avaya file server is used to download configuration files over TLS, but a different server is used to download software files via HTTP, set the path of the Avaya server in the DHCP site-specific option, and set HTTPDIR again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the appropriate path for the second server. HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations except for BRURI. HTTPPORT Specifies the TCP port number to be used for HTTP file downloading. HTTPSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of HTTP file server(s) used for file download (settings file, language files, code) during startup. The files are digitally signed, so TLS is not required for security. ICMPDU Controls the extent to which ICMP Destination Unreachable messages are sent in response to messages sent to closed ports so as not to reveal information to potential hackers. The default is 1 (sends Destination Unreachable messages for closed ports used by traceroute). ICMPRED Controls whether ICMP Redirect messages are processed. The default is 0 (redirect messages are not processed). L2Q 802.1Q tagging mode. The default is 0 (automatic). L2QVLAN VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. The default is 0. LOGLOCAL Controls the severity level of events logged in the SNMP MIB. The default is 7. MCIPADD CM server(s) IP Address(es) or DNS name(s). If there are too many addresses or names to include all of them in the DHCP site-specific option, include at least one from each major system. Then set MCIPADD again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the complete list of addresses. Providing a subset of the addresses via DHCP improves reliability if the file server is not available due to server or network problems. PHY1STAT Controls the Ethernet line interface speed. The default is 1 (auto-negotiate). Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 289 avaya.com Parameter Description PHY2STAT Controls the secondary Ethernet interface speed. The default is 1 (autonegotiate). PROCPSWD Security string used to access local procedures. The default is 27238. PROCSTAT Controls whether local procedures are enabled. The default is 0 (enabled). SNMPADD Allowable source IP Address(es) for SNMP queries. The default is " " (Null). SNMPSTRING SNMP community name string. The default is " " (Null). STATIC Controls whether to use a manually-programmed file server or CM IP Address instead of those received via DHCP or a settings file. If a manuallyprogrammed file server IP Address is to be used, STATIC must be set via DHCP. TLSDIR Specifies the path name prepended to all file names used in HTTPS GET operations during startup. TLSPORT Specifies the TCP port number used for HTTPS file downloading. TLSSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of Avaya file server(s) used to download configuration files. Note: Transport Layer Security is used to authenticate the server. VLANTEST Aug 2012 Controls the length of time the telephone tries DHCP with a non-zero VLAN ID. When the interval is exceeded, the telephone records the VLAN ID so that it is not used again, and DHCP continues on the default VLAN. The default is 60 seconds. Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 290 avaya.com 11.3 Appendix C: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 9600 Series SIP IP Phones Parameter Description HTTPDIR Specifies the path to prepend to all configurations and data files the phone might request when starting up, i.e., the path, relative to the root of the HTTP file server, to the directory in which the telephone configuration and date files are stored. The path may contain no more than 127 characters and may contain no spaces. If an Avaya file server is used to download configuration files over HTTPS, but a different server is used to download software files via HTTP, set the path of the Avaya server in the DHCP sitespecific option, and set HTTPDIR again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the appropriate path for the second server. HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations. The command is "SET HTTPDIR= ". In configurations where the upgrade(96xxupgrade.txt) and binary files are in the default directory on the HTTP server, do not use the HTTPDIR= . HTTPPORT Destination port for HTTP requests (default is 80). HTTPSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of HTTP file server(s) used for file download (settings file, language files, code) during startup. The files are digitally signed, so TLS is not required for security. ICMPDU Controls the extent to which ICMP Destination Unreachable messages are sent in response to messages sent to closed ports so as not to reveal information to potential hackers. The default is 1 (sends Destination Unreachable messages for closed ports used by traceroute). ICMPRED Controls whether ICMP Redirect messages are processed. The default is 0 (redirect messages are not processed). L2Q 802.1Q tagging mode. The default is 0 (automatic). L2QVLAN VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. The default is 0. LOGSRVR Syslog server IP or DNS address. MTU_SIZE Maximum transmission unit size. Used to accommodate older Ethernet switches that cannot support the longer maximum frame length of tagged frames (since 802.1Q adds 4 octets to the frame). PHY1STAT Controls the Ethernet line interface speed. The default is 1 (autonegotiate). PHY2STAT Controls the secondary Ethernet interface speed. The default is 1 (auto-negotiate). Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 291 avaya.com Parameter Description PROCPSWD Security string used to access local procedures. The default is 27238. PROCSTAT Controls whether local procedures are enabled. The default is 0 (enabled). SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST SIP proxy/registrar server IP or DNS address(es). (0 to 255 characters; zero or one IP Address in dotted decimal or DNS name format, separated by commas without any intervening spaces.) The default is null. SNTPSRVR List of SNTP server IP or DNS address(es) used to retrieve date and time via SNTP TLSDIR Used as path name that is prepended to all file names used in HTTPS TLSPORT Destination TCP port used for requests to https server (0-65535). Thedefault is 443. TLSSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of Avaya file server(s) used todownload configuration files. Note: Transport Layer Security is used to authenticate the server. VLANTEST Number of seconds to wait for a DHCPOFFER on a non-zero VLAN. The default is 60 seconds. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 292 avaya.com 11.4 Appendix D: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 1600 Series H.323 IP Deskphones Parameter Description AGCHAND Automatic Gain Control status for handset AGCHEAD Automatic Gain Control status for headset AGCSPKR Automatic Gain Control status for speaker APPNAME Primary application image file name APPSTAT Controls whether specific applications are enabled, restricted, or disabled. AUTH Script file authentication value (0=HTTP is accepted, 1=HTTPS is accepted) BAKLIGHTOFF Number of minutes without display activity to wait before turning off the backlight. BRURI URL used for backup and retrieval of user data. DHCPSTD DHCP Standard leave violation flag. DNSSRVR Text string containing the IP address of zero or more DNS servers. DOMAIN Text string containing the domain name to be used when DNS names in system values are resolved into IP addresses. DOT1X Controls the operational mode for 802.1X. The default is 0 (pass-through of multicast EAPOL messages to an attached PC, and enable Supplicant operation for unicast EAPOL messages). DOT1XSTAT Controls 802.1X Supplicant operation. ENHDIALSTAT Enhanced Dialing Status. FONTFILE Name of the font file for a language for a 1600 Series International Deskphone HTTPDIR Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names used in HTTP and HTTPS GET operations during startup. (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.) The command is “SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir”. The path (relative to the root of the TLS or HTTP file server) where 96xx telephone files are stored. If an Avaya file server is used to download configuration files over TLS, but a different server is used to download software files via HTTP, set the path of the Avaya server in the DHCP site-specific option, and set HTTPDIR again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the appropriate path for the second server. HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations except for BRURI. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 293 avaya.com Parameter Description HTTPSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of HTTP file server(s) used for file download (settings file, language files, code) during startup. The files are digitally signed, so TLS is not required for security. ICMPDU Controls the extent to which ICMP Destination Unreachable messages are sent in response to messages sent to closed ports so as not to reveal information to potential hackers. The default is 1 (sends Destination Unreachable messages for closed ports used by traceroute). ICMPRED Controls whether ICMP Redirect messages are processed. The default is 0 (redirect messages are not processed). L2Q 802.1Q tagging mode. The default is 0 (automatic). L2QVLAN VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. The default is 0. LANG0STAT Controls whether the built-in English language text strings can be selected by the user. LANGxFILE Name of the language file in use. LANGSYS The file name of the system default language file, if any. LOGLOCAL Controls the severity level of events logged in the SNMP MIB. LOGSRVR Voice Monitoring Manager (VMM) Server Address MCIPADD CM server(s) IP Address(es) or DNS name(s). If there are too many addresses or names to include all of them in the DHCP site-specific option, include at least one from each major system. Then set MCIPADD again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the complete list of addresses. Providing a subset of the addresses via DHCP improves reliability if the file server is not available due to server or network problems. MSGNUM Voice Mail telephone number. OPSTAT Options status flag(s) indicate which options are user-selectable. PHNCC Telephone country code. PHNDPLENGTH Internal extension telephone number length. PHNIC Telephone international access code PHNLD Telephone long distance access code PHNLDLENTGH Length of national telephone number. PHNOL Outside line access code. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 294 avaya.com Parameter Description PHY1STAT Controls the Ethernet line interface speed. The default is 1 (auto-negotiate). PHY2PRIO Layer 2 priority value for frames received on or forwarded to the secondary Ethernet interface. Set this parameter only when VLAN separation is “1” (enabled). PHY2STAT Controls the secondary Ethernet interface speed. The default is 1 (autonegotiate). PHY2VLAN VLAN identifier used by frames received on or forwarded to the secondary Ethernet interface. Set this parameter only when VLAN separation is “1” (enabled). If this value is set by LLDP using the Port VLAN ID TLV value, it will not change regardless of the settings from other sources. PROCPSWD Security string used to access local procedures. The default is 27238. PROCSTAT Controls whether local procedures are enabled. The default is 0 (enabled). REREGISTER Registration time in minutes. RTCPMON Text string containing the 4-octet IP address of the RTCP monitor currently in use. SNMPADD Allowable source IP Address(es) for SNMP queries. The default is " " (Null). SNMPSTRING SNMP community name string. The default is " " (Null). STATIC Controls whether to use a manually-programmed file server or CM IP Address instead of those received via DHCP or a settings file. If a manuallyprogrammed file server IP Address is to be used, STATIC must be set via DHCP. SUBSCRIBELIST One or more Push application server subscription URLs. TPSLIST One or more trusted domain/path strings. UNNAMEDSTAT Unnamed Registration Status VLANSEP VLAN Separation. Controls whether frames to/from the secondary Ethernet interface receive IEEE 802.1Q tagging treatment. This parameter is used with several related paramaters. VLANTEST Controls the length of time the telephone tries DHCP with a non-zero VLAN ID. When the interval is exceeded, the telephone records the VLAN ID so that it is not used again, and DHCP continues on the default VLAN. The default is 60 seconds. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 295 avaya.com 11.5 Appendix E: DHCP Configurable Parameters – Avaya 1600 Series SIP IP Deskphones Parameter Description HTTPDIR Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names used in HTTP and HTTPS GET operations during startup. (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.) The command is “SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir”. The path (relative to the root of the TLS or HTTP file server) where 96xx telephone files are stored. If an Avaya file server is used to download configuration files over TLS, but a different server is used to download software files via HTTP, set the path of the Avaya server in the DHCP site-specific option, and set HTTPDIR again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the appropriate path for the second server. HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations except for BRURI. HTTPPORT Destination port for HTTP requests. HTTPSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of HTTP file server(s) used for file download (settings file, language files, code) during startup. The files are digitally signed, so TLS is not required for security. ICMPDU Controls the extent to which ICMP Destination Unreachable messages are sent in response to messages sent to closed ports so as not to reveal information to potential hackers. The default is 1 (sends Destination Unreachable messages for closed ports used by traceroute). ICMPRED Controls whether ICMP Redirect messages are processed. The default is 0 (redirect messages are not processed). L2Q 802.1Q tagging mode. The default is 0 (automatic). L2QVLAN VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. The default is 0. LOGSRVR Voice Monitoring Manager (VMM) Server Address MTU_SIZE Maximum transmission unit size. PHY1STAT Controls the Ethernet line interface speed. The default is 1 (auto-negotiate). PHY2STAT Controls the secondary Ethernet interface speed. The default is 1 (autonegotiate). PROCPSWD Security string used to access local procedures. The default is 27238. PROCSTAT Controls whether local procedures are enabled. The default is 0 (enabled). REREGISTER Registration time in minutes. SIP_CONTROLLE SIP proxy/registrar server IP or DNS address(es). Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 296 avaya.com Parameter Description R_LIST TLSDIR Used as path name that is prepended to all fine names used in HTTPS GET operations during initialization. TLSSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of Avaya file server(s) used to download configuration files. VLANTEST Controls the length of time the telephone tries DHCP with a non-zero VLAN ID. When the interval is exceeded, the telephone records the VLAN ID so that it is not used again, and DHCP continues on the default VLAN. The default is 60 seconds. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 297 avaya.com 11.6 Appendix F: 46xxsettings.txt Configuration File ############################################################ ## ## ## AVAYA IP TELEPHONE CONFIGURATION FILE TEMPLATE ## ## *** Aug 31, 2010 *** ## ## ## ## ## ## This file is to be used as a template for configuring ## ## Avaya IP telephones. This file lists parameters ## ## supported through the following software releases: ## ## ## ## 16xx telephone H.323 software release 1.3 ## ## 1603 telephone SIP software release 1.0 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.6 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.5 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.4.2 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.4.1 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.2 ## ## 96x1 telephone SIP software release 6.0 ## ## 96x1 telephone H.323 software release 6.0 ## ## 96xx telephone H.323 software release 3.1 ## ## 9670 telephone H.323 software release 2.0 ## ## 96xx telephone H.323 software release 2.0 SP1 ## ## 96xx telephone H.323 software release 1.5 ## ## 46xx telephone H.323 software release 2.9 ## ## 3631 telephone H.323 software release 1.3.0 ## ## 16cc telephone SIP software release 1.0 ## ## 1692 telephone H.323 software release R1.00 ## ## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.0 ## ## 46xx telephone SIP software release 2.2.2 ## ## SIP Softphone release 2.1 ## ## ## ## Not all parameters are supported on all telephones or ## ## on all software releases. See the appropriate issue ## ## of your telephone's Administrators Guide for more ## ## details. The guides are available on support.avaya.com ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## Use "## " without quotes to comment out a line. ## To activate a setting, set the parameter to the ## appropriate value for your environment and remove the ## "## " from the beginning of the line. ## ## To include white spaces in a value, the entire value ## must be enclosed in double quotes. ## example: ## SET PARAM "value1 value2" ## ## To set different set types to different values, use ## the "IF" keyword statement. ## See the LAN Administrators Guide for more details. ## ## Some of the parameters listed below have default settings ## which are used by the IP Telephones even if they are ## commented out in this file. For a list of those ## settings and their default values, see the LAN ## Administrators Guide. ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 298 avaya.com ############################################################ ############################################################ ## ## ## COMMON SETTINGS ## ## Applies to all telephones ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ################## HTTP SERVER SETTINGS ################## ## ## HTTP Server Addresses ## [If you set your HTTP Server Addresses via DHCP, do not ## set them here as they will override your DHCP settings. ## Also, use TLSSRVR instead if you require an ## authenticated server] ## Server used to download configuration script files. ## Zero or more HTTP server IP addresses in dotted-decimal, colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards), ## or DNS name format, separated by commas without any ## intervening spaces. (0 to 255 ASCII characters, ## including commas). ## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## SET HTTPSRVR ## ## HTTP Server Directory Path ## Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names ## used in HTTP and HTTPS GET operations during startup. ## (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.) ## SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir ## ## HTTP port ## Sets the TCP port used for HTTP file downloads from ## non-Avaya servers. (0-65535) The default is 80. ## Applies only to 46xx H.323 phones, 96xx phones and 96x1 phones. ## SET HTTPPORT 80 ## ## Server Authentication ## Sets whether script files are downloaded from an ## authenticated server over an HTTPS link. ## 0 for optional, 1 for mandatory ## SET AUTH 0 ## ################ DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) ################ ## ## If you set your DNS parameters via DHCP, do not set them ## here as they will over ride your DHCP settings. ## ## Your Domain Name Server ## SET DNSSRVR ## ## Your DNS domain ## SET DOMAIN mycompany.com ## ## ############# CALL SERVER ADDRESS OVERRIDE ############### ## ## ## STATIC parameter is not supported by SIP phones. ## ## STATIC specifies whether a call server IP address that Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 299 avaya.com ## has been manually programmed into the phone may override ## any value received via DHCP or this settings file. ## 0 for disabled. File server and call server IP addresses received via DHCP or ## via a configuration file are used instead of manually programmed values ## 1 for allowing manually programmed file server IP address. ## 2 for allowing manually programmed call server IP address. ## 3 for allowing manually programmed file server and call server IP addresses. ## ## SET STATIC 0 ## ################# DHCP ADDRESS SETTINGS ################## ## ## DHCPSTD controls whether the phone continues to use an ## expired IP address if the phone received no response to ## its address renewal request. 0 for yes, 1 for no. ## ## SET DHCPSTD 0 ## ## VLANTEST specifies the number of seconds to wait for a ## DHCPOFFER when the phone is using a non-zero VLAN ID. ## (0-999) ## ## SET VLANTEST 60 ## ###################### LOGIN SETTINGS ###################### ## ## QKLOGINSTAT specifies whether a password must always be ## entered manually at the login screen.For 96XX SIP Phones , ## default value is 0 and 'Press Continue softkey to accept ## the current password' ## ## 0 : makes manual password entry mandatory. ## 1 : enables a "quick login' by pressing the ## # key to accept the current password value. ## ## SET QKLOGINSTAT 0 ## ###################### SIG SETTINGS ###################### ## Variable Name : SIG ## Valid Values ## 0 Default ## 1 H.323 ## 2 SIP ## ## Description ## Signaling protocol download flag ## ## SET SIG 1 ## Note: This setting is applicable for 96x1 phone models ## ############# ENHANCED LOCAL DIALING RULES ############### ## ## These settings affect certain dialing behaviors, such as ## dialing numbers from the incoming Call Log or from web ## pages ## ## Dialing Algorithm Status ## Controls whether algorithm defined by parameters in ## this section is used during certain dialing behaviors. ## 0 disables algorithm. ## 1 enables algorithm, but not for Contacts Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 300 avaya.com ## 2 enables algorithm, including Contacts (96xx SIP only) ## SET ENHDIALSTAT 1 ## ## Country Code ## For United States the value is '1' ## SET PHNCC 1 ## ## Internal extension number length ## If your extension is 12345, your dial plan length is 5. ## On 46xx phones, the maximum extension length is 10. ## On 96xx phones, the maximum extension length is 13. ## This value must match the extension length set on your ## call server. ## SET PHNDPLENGTH 5 ## ## International access code ## For the United States, the value is 011. ## SET PHNIC 011 ## ## Long distance access code ## SET PHNLD 1 ## ## National telephone number Length ## For example, 800-555-1111 has a length of 10. ## SET PHNLDLENGTH 10 ## ## Outside line access code ## The number you press to make an outside call. ## SET PHNOL 9 ## ## ############### Emergency Contact Number ############## ## ## If set, this number will be the top-leftmost speed dial ## button in Group 1 of the 46xx speed dial screen and ## labeled "EMERGENCY". The default is null ("") but any ## valid phone number is acceptable. ## If set in the case of 96xx phones, this is the number ## dialed when the softkey labeled "Emerg." is pressed. ## The default is null ("") but any valid phone number is acceptable. ## ## Note 1: This parameter is not supported on phone model 3631. ## Note 2: This setting is applicable for 1603 phone models also. ## SET PHNEMERGNUM 911 ## ############## APPLICATION ACCESS SETTINGS ############### ## ## These settings restrict access to certain applications. ## APPSTAT is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones. ## ## When APPSTAT is set to 0, Call Log and Redial are ## suppressed and changes to Speed Dial/Contacts are not allowed. ## ## When APPSTAT is set to 1, Call Log, Redial and, ## Speed Dial/Contacts work without restrictions. ## ## When APPSTAT is set to 2, Call Log is suppressed. ## For Redial the Last-6-numbers option is suppressed ## and changes to Speed Dial/Contacts are not allowed. ## ## When APPSTAT is set to 3, changes to Speed Dial/Contacts Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 301 avaya.com ## are not allowed. ## ## SET APPSTAT 1 ## ## ################# OPTION ACCESS SETTINGS ################# ## ## This setting restricts access to certain user options. ## OPSTAT is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 000, the user options ## are not accessible. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 001, the user can only access ## the Log-Off Option. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 010, the user can only access ## view-only options. The user cannot change any setting. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 011, the user can only access ## view-only options and the Log-Off Option. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 100, the user can access ## all options except the view-only options and ## the Log-Off option. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 101, the user can access ## all options except the view-only options. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 110, the user can access ## all the options except the Log-Off option. ## ## When OPSTAT is set to 111, the user can invoke ## any or all of the user options. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET OPSTAT 111 ## ## ############# LOCAL PROCEDURE ACCESS SETTINGS ############ ## ## Restrict Local Procedure Access ## Controls whether local (dial pad) procedures can be ## used to administer the telephone. ## 0 means local procedures can be accessed from the ## telephone. ## 1 means local procedures can not be accessed from the ## telephone. ## CAUTION:Be absolutely sure before setting PROCSTAT to 1 ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PROCSTAT 0 ## ## Local Procedure Password ## Sets password for local (dial pad) procedure access. ## (0 to 7 ASCII numeric digits). See your telephone's ## Administrator's guide for the default password ## supported by your release. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PROCPSWD 27238 ## #################### AUDIO SETTINGS ###################### ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 302 avaya.com ## Automatic Gain Control (AGC). ## These settings enable or disable AGC. ## ## A value of 1 (default) enables AGC. A value of 0 disables AGC. ## AGCHAND controls handset AGC. Not supported on 16cc phones. ## AGCHEAD controls headset AGC ## AGCSPKR controls speaker AGC. Not supported on 16cc phones. ## Note: AGCHAND and AGCSPKR are applicable for 1603 SIP phone. ## SET AGCHAND 0 ## SET AGCHEAD 0 ## SET AGCSPKR 0 ## ## Headset Operational Mode ## Controls whether the headset ignores a disconnect ## message. ## ## A value of 0 or 2 makes the headset go on-hook when it ## receives a disconnect message. ## A value of 1 or 3 makes the headset ignore a disconnect ## message. ## ## SET HEADSYS 1 ## ## Audio Environment Index ## Enables you to customize the telephone's audio ## performance. (0-299) This parameter affects settings ## for AGC dynamic range, handset and headset noise ## reduction thresholds, and headset transmit gain. It is ## highly recommended you consult Avaya before changing ## this parameter. ## ## SET AUDIOENV 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################### ## ## This section contains the common settings used to ## enable and administer the 'Web' application. These ## parameters are not supported on 16cc and 96x1 SIP phones. ## ## The settings 'WMLHOME', which sets the URL of the ## telephone home page, and 'WMLIDLEURI', which sets the ## idle phone home page, may be different for each set ## type to take advantage of the capabilities of the ## individual sets. WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI should be set ## in the sections for the individual set types. ## Note: The 9610 does not use WMLHOME or WMLIDLEURI. ## Use WMLSMALL in their place. ## ## Your HTTP proxy server address (name or IP address) ## SET WMLPROXY my.proxy.company.com ## ## The TCP port number of your HTTP proxy server ## SET WMLPORT 8080 ## ## A list of one or more HTTP proxy server exception ## domains separated by commas without any spaces. ## Accesses to these addresses will not go through the ## proxy server. ## SET WMLEXCEPT mycompany.com, ## ## The idle period in minutes before the WMLIDLEURI Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 303 avaya.com ## web page is displayed. Valid values are 1 to 999. ## Default (if WMLIDLEURI is set) is 10 minutes. ## SET WMLIDLETIME 100 ## ## ################ PUSH INTERFACE SETTINGS ################# ## ## These settings are used to administer the Push interface. ## These parameters are not supported on 16cc and 96x1 SIP phones. ## ## The list of all the Trusted Push Servers. ## If set to "/", all servers are allowed. ## If set to null or blank, Push is disabled. ## Note: This parameter is supported on H.323 and R2.2 release ## of SIP 96xx telephones. ## SET TPSLIST ## ## The list of all the Subscription Servers. ## Note: This parameter is supported on H.323 and R2.2 release ## of SIP 96xx telephones. ## SET SUBSCRIBELIST ## ################## USB POWER SETTINGS ######################### ## ## USBPOWER parameter is not supported by SIP phones. ## ## USB Power Control ## This defines a Control parameter to Power the USB interface. ## The values are as follows and default is 2. ## 0: Turn off USB power regardless of power source. ## 1: Turn on USB power only if Aux powered. ## 2: Turn on USB power regardless of power source. ## 3: Turn on USB power if Aux powered or PoE Class 3 power. ## ## SET USBPOWER 2 ## #################### RTCP MONITORING ##################### ## ## The RTCP monitor ## One RTCP monitor (VMM server) IP address in ## dotted-decimal format or DNS name format (0 to 15 ## characters). Note that for H.323 telephones only this ## parameter may be changed via signaling from Avaya ## Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP models in Avaya ## environments, this parameter is set via the PPM server. ## This parameter is not supported on 16cc model phones. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTCPMON ## ## RTCPMONPORT sets the port used to send RTCP information ## to the IP address specified in the RTCPMON parameter. ## RTCPMONPORT is only supported on 46xx SIP telephones and ## 96xx telephones in non-Avaya environments. For 96xx SIP ## models in Avaya environments, this parameter is set via ## the PPM server. The default is 5005. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTCPMONPORT "5005" ## ## RTCP Monitor Report Period ## Specifies the interval for sending out RTCP monitoring ## reports (5-30 seconds). Default is 5 seconds. This Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 304 avaya.com ## parameter applies only to 96xx SIP telephones. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTCPMONPERIOD 5 ## ########### CONVERGED NETWORK ANALYZER SETTINGS ########## ## ## The CNA server ## One or more CNA server IP addresses in ## dotted-decimal format or DNS name format (0 to 255 ## characters). This parameter is not supported on 16cc ## and 1603 SIP model phones. ## SET CNASRVR ## ## CNA port ## Sets the port used for CNA registration. (0-65535) ## The default is 50002. This parameter is not supported ## on 16cc and 1603 SIP model phones. ## SET CNAPORT 50002 ## ## ################## ETHERNET INTERFACES ################### ## ## Primary Interface Status ## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the primary ## Ethernet interface. ## 1 for auto-negotiate ## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex ## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex ## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex ## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex ## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only) ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PHY1STAT 1 ## ## PC Interface Status ## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the PC ## Ethernet interface. ## 0 for disabled ## 1 for auto-negotiate ## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex ## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex ## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex ## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex ## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only) ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PHY2STAT 1 ## ################## 802.1P/Q SETTINGS ################### ## ## Telephone Frame Tagging ## Controls whether layer 2 frames generated by the ## telephone have IEEE 802.1Q tags. ## 0 for Auto, 1 for On, and 2 for Off ## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET L2Q 0 ## ## Voice VLAN Identifier ## VLAN identifier to be used by IP telephones. This ## parameter should only be set when IP telephones are to ## use a VLAN that is separate from the default data VLAN. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 305 avaya.com ## If the VLAN identifier is to be configured via H.323 ## signaling based on Avaya Communication Manager ## administration forms, it should not be set here. ## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET L2QVLAN 0 ## ## Audio Priority Value ## Sets the layer 2 priority value for audio packets ## from the phone. (0-7) ## For H.323 phones, this parameter may also be ## changed from Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP ## phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET L2QAUD 6 ## ## Signaling Priority Value ## Sets the layer 2 priority value for signaling ## protocol messages from the phone. (0-7) ## For H.323 phones, this parameter may also be ## changed from Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP ## phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET L2QSIG 6 ## ## VLAN Separation ## Controls access to the voice VLAN from the secondary ## Ethernet interface and whether broadcast traffic from ## the data VLAN is forwarded to the phone. ## 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET VLANSEP 0 ## ## Secondary Ethernet Interface VLAN Identifier ## VLAN Identifier used for the data VLAN (0-4094). ## This parameter is only used if VLANSEP is 1. ## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PHY2VLAN 0 ## ## Secondary Ethernet Interface Priority Value ## Sets the priority value (0-7) for layer 2 frames ## forwarded to the network from the telephone's secondary ## Ethernet interface. ## This parameter is only used if VLANSEP is 1. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET PHY2PRIO 0 ## ##################### SNMP SETTINGS ###################### ## ## SNMP addresses ## If this parameter is set, an SNMP query will only be ## accepted if the source IP address of the query matches ## one of these values. This parameter may contain one or ## more IP addresses in dotted-decimal,colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards) or DNS name format, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces ## (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET SNMPADD, ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 306 avaya.com ## SNMP community name string ## This value must be set to enable viewing of the phone's ## MIB. This value must match the community string name ## used in the SNMP query (up to 32 ASCII characters, no ## spaces). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET SNMPSTRING mystring ## ## ################ EVENT LOGGING SETTINGS ################## ## ## Event Logging control ## Controls the level of events logged in the ## endptRecentLog and endptResetLog objects in the SNMP ## MIB. Events with the selected severity level and higher ## will be logged. ## LOGLOCAL is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones. ## 0 for disabled ## 1 for emergencies ## 2 for alerts ## 3 for critical ## 4 for errors ## 5 for warnings ## 6 for notices ## 7 for information ## 8 for debug ## SET LOGLOCAL 5 ## ## Syslog Server address ## One syslog server IP address in dotted-decimal,colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards), or DNS ## name format (0 to 255 ASCII characters). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 phones also. ## SET LOGSRVR ## ## ############### DISPLAY BACKLIGHT CONTROL ################ ## ## Idle Time Before Turning Off Backlight (minutes) ## Number of minutes without phone activity to wait ## before turning off backlight. A value of 0 means the ## backlight is never turned off. This parameter is ## supported only by phones which have a backlight. ## The default is 120 minutes. ## Gray-scale phones do not completely turn backlight off; ## it is set to the lowest non-off level ## Valid values are in the range 0-999. ## SET BAKLIGHTOFF 120 ## ## ##################### 802.1X SETTINGS #################### ## ## 802.1X Supplicant Status ## This setting determines the 802.1X supplicant operating ## mode for 96xx telephones only. ## ## 0: Supplicant operation disabled. ## 1: Supplicant operation enabled, but responds only to ## received unicast EAPOL messages (default) ## 2: Supplicant operation enabled; responds to received ## unicast and multicast EAPOL messages Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 307 avaya.com ## Note 1: The default value of "0" is only for R2.4.1 and later ## releases of 96xx SIP telephones. For releases prior to R2.4.1, ## the default value is "1". ## Note 2: This setting is applicable to 1603 SIP phone models also. ## the default value for 1603 SIP is "0". ## SET DOT1XSTAT 0 ## ## 802.1X Pass-Through Mode ## This setting determines the 802.1X pass-through operating ## mode. ## 0: PAE multicast pass-through enabled. No proxy Logoff. ## (For H.323 phones, also enables Unicast Supplicant ## operation.) DEFAULT OPERATION. ## 1: Same operation as for "0" but with proxy Logoff. ## 2: No PAE multicast pass-through or proxy Logoff. ## (For H.323 phones prior to S2.0, also enables Unicast or multicast ## Supplicant operation.) ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET DOT1X 0 ## ###################### ICMP SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Destination Unreachable Message Control ## Controls whether ICMP Destination Unreachable messages ## are generated. ## 0 for No ## 1 for limited Port Unreachable messages ## 2 for Protocol and Port Unreachable messages ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET ICMPDU 1 ## ## Redirect Message control ## Controls whether received ICMP Redirect messages will ## be processed ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET ICMPRED 0 ## ################# BACKUP/RESTORE SETTINGS ################ ## ## Backup and Restore URI ## URI used for HTTP backup and retrieval of user data. ## Specify HTTP server and directory path to backup file. ## Do not specify backup file name. ## BRURI is not supported on 96xx, 16cc and 1603 SIP phones. ## SET BRURI ## ## Backup/Restore Authentication ## Specifies whether authentication is used for backup/restore file download. ## Call server IP address and telephone's registration can be used as credentials. ## 0: Call server IP address and telephone's registration password ## are not included as credentials. ## 1: The call server IP address and the telephone’s registration ## password are included as the credentials in an Authorization request-header ## SET BRAUTH 0 ## #################### AUDIBLE ALERTING ####################### ## ## Specifies the audible alerting setting for the telephone Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 308 avaya.com ## and whether users may change this setting. ## ## A value of 0 turns off audible alerting; user cannot ## adjust ringer volume at all. ## A value of 1 turns on audible alerting; user can adjust ## ringer volume but cannot turn off audible alerting. ## A value of 2 turns off audible alerting; user can adjust ## ringer volume and can turn off audible alerting. ## A value of 3 turns on audible alerting; user can adjust ## ringer volume and can turn off audible alerting. ## ## For 46xx phones: ## A value of 0 or 2 lets the user reduce audible alerting to ## the lowest audible setting, but not zero. ## A value of 1 or 3 lets the user reduce audible alerting to zero. ## ## The default value is 3. ## ## SET AUDASYS 3 ## ## NOTE : This AUDASYS value is applicable for 16xx phones starting ## with R1.3. ## ############################################################ ## ## ## 46xx SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable to 46xx telephone models ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## IP Filter List Addresses ## Specifies additional IP addresses whose packets are ## allowed through the IP source address filter to be ## processed by the telephone. This parameter should be ## set only if it is suspected that an address is being ## blocked unnecessarily. This parameter may contain one ## or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS name ## format, separated by commas without any intervening ## spaces (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas). ## SET FILTERLIST ## ###### 46XX IP Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## This setting is used to set the local display ## language of your 46XX telephone. ## ## For all 4620 sets, and either 4610SW or 4620SW sets ## that have been loaded with single-byte software (the ## default), use one of the following settings: ## For English use keyword "English" ## For French use keyword "Francais" ## For Italian use keyword "Italiano" ## For Japanese use keyword "Katakana" ## For Dutch use keyword "Nederlands" ## For German use keyword "Deutsch" ## For Portuguese use keyword "Portugues" ## For Spanish use keyword "Espanol" ## ## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with ## multi-byte software to support Chinese/Russian/Hebrew/ ## English fonts, use one of the following settings: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 309 avaya.com ## For English use keyword "English" ## For Chinese use keyword "Chinese" ## For Russian use keyword "Russian" ## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew" ## ## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with ## multi-byte software to support Japanese/Russian/ ## Hebrew/English fonts, use one of the following ## settings: ## For English use keyword "English" ## For Japanese use keyword "Japanese" ## For Russian use keyword "Russian" ## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew" ## ## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with ## multi-byte software to support Korean/Russian/Hebrew/ ## English fonts, use one of the following settings: ## For English use keyword "English" ## For Korean use keyword "Korean" ## For Russian use keyword "Russian" ## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew" ## ## SET SYSLANG English ## ## ###### 46xx Automatic Backup/Restore Settings ######## ## ## RESTORESTAT enables/disables the automatic backup and ## restore of user data. Applies to both FTP and HTTP ## backup/restore. This setting does not apply to the ## 4602 sets. ## ## A value of 1 enables Backup/Restore. ## A value of 0 disables Backup/Restore. ## ## FTPUSERSTAT sets user permissions on modifications to ## server names and directory paths used for FTP ## backup/restore. Does not apply to HTTP backup/restore. ## ## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 0, the user can only use the ## server and path data administered via DHCP or settings ## file. ## ## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 1, the user can specify ## alternative FTP servers or directory paths. The default ## is 1. ## ## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 2, the user can specify ## alternative FTP directory paths but is not allowed to ## specify alternative FTP servers. ## ## FTPSRVR specifies the IP Address of the default FTP ## Server. May be a dotted-decimal address or DNS string. ## Depending on FTPUSERSTAT setting, may be overridden by ## the user. ## ## FTPDIR specifies the default directory path used for ## storage and retrieval of phone user information. ## Depending on FTPUSERSTAT setting, may be overridden by ## the user. ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 310 avaya.com ## SET RESTORESTAT 1 ## SET FTPUSERSTAT 1 ## SET FTPSRVR ## SET FTPDIR myftpdir ## ################################################################ ## ## ## PUSH INTERFACE SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable to 46xx,96xx,96x1 H.323 ## ## telephone models only ## ## ## ################################################################ ## ## These settings are used to administer the Push interface ## ## The TCP port number for the telephone's HTTP server. ## (80-65535). The default is 80. ## Note: This parameter is supported on H.323 and R2.2 release of ## 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET PUSHPORT 80 ## ## Push capabilities settings. ## PUSHCAP consists of 4 digits (each 0, 1, or 2). ## The rightmost digit controls the Top Line push mode, ## the next digit to the left controls the display (web) pushes, ## the next digit to the leftmost controls Audio receive pushes, ## and the leftmost digit controls Audio transmit pushes. ## ## 0000: all push modes are disabled ## ## 1111: barge in only is allowed in ## all push modes. ## ## 2222: both barge in and normalpushes are allowed in ## all push modes. ## SET PUSHCAP 1111 ## ################################################################ ## ## ## PUSH INTERFACE SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable for 96xx SIP Telephone ## ## release 2.2, 2.5 and above. ## ## ## ################################################################ ######### PUSH SETTINGS ###################### ## ## These settings are used to administer the push interface. ## ## Push capabilities. Valid values are any one to five digit ## combination using only the digits "0", "1", or "2". The ## PUSHCAP is interpreted as a five digit number so any ## PUSHCAP fewer than 5 digits in length will be prepended ## with zeros. ## ## Each of the digits control the following push functionality as ## specified below: ## - First digit - PhoneXML push ## - Second digit - Audio transmit push ## - Third digit - Audio receive push ## - Fourth digit - Display push ## - Fifth digit - Top Line push Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 311 avaya.com ## ## Each of the digit values is described below: ## - 0 - Push mode is disabled. ## - 1 - Only barge-in push is allowed for this push type. ## - 2 - Normal and barge-in pushes are allowed for this push type. ## ## An example of a PUSHCAP is that of 21100. For this PUSHCAP the phone ## will be able to receive both barge-in and normal PhoneXML push ## messages, it will only be able to receive barge-in audio receive and ## transmit pushes, and it will not be able to receive barge-in or ## normal priority display or topline pushes. ## SET PUSHCAP 22222 ## ## The TCP port number for the telephone's HTTP server. ## (80-65535). The default is 80. ## SET PUSHPORT 80 ## ## The list of all the Trusted Push Servers. ## If set to "/", all servers are allowed. ## If set to null or blank, Push is disabled. ## SET TPSLIST xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port ## Where the TPSPORT i.e the port of the push server from which ## phone will receive the push request. This was not present in R2.2. ## ## The list of all the Subscription Servers. ## SET SUBSCRIBELIST xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ## ## If this is set to 1, then the RTP receive port must be the ## same as the RTP transmit port. The default is 1. ## SET SYMMETRIC_RTP 0 ## ############################################################ ## ## ## 96xx,16xx and 16cc SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable to 96xx,16xx and 16cc models ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## Voice Mail Telephone Number ## Specifies the telephone number to be dialed ## automatically when the telephone user presses the ## Messaging button. The specified number is used to ## connect to the user’s Voice Mail system. ## ## Note: ## This parameter setting is ignored for extensions ## configured as 96xx station types on the call server. ## ## SET MSGNUM 1234 ## ## English Language Selection Status ## Specifies whether built-in English language text strings ## are selectable by the user. 0 for off, 1 for on. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 16xx H323 and 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET LANG0STAT 1 ## ################ AVAYA SCREEN SAVER SETTINGS ################### ## ## Idle time before the Avaya Screen Saver is activated (minutes). ## Number of minutes without phone activity to wait ## before the screen saver is activated. A value of 0 means Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 312 avaya.com ## the screen saver is never activated. The default is 240 minutes. ## This parameter does not apply to 16cc SIP phones. ## ## Note: ## This setting activates the Avaya Screen Saver which is ## different than the "idle screen" accessed by WMLIDLEURI. ## While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an "idle ## screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## The available range is 0-999. ## ## SET SCREENSAVERON 240 ## ## The filename of a valid JPEG customized screen saver image. ## 0-32 ASCII characters. ## Note: This parameter is supported on H.323 and Its not been ## supported for SIP 96XX Releases of telephones ## ## SET SCREENSAVER filename ## ################ A(Avaya) Menu Settings ################# ## ## WML-Application URI ## URI used for WML-applications under A (AVAYA) Menu. ## Specify HTTP server and directory path to administration ## file (AvayaMenuAdmin.txt). Do not specify the ## administration file name. This parameter applies to 96xx H323 ## model phones and also supported in 96xx SIP releases from R2.5 onwards. ## This parameter is not supported in 96x1 SIP phones. ## ## SET AMADMIN ## ## ################################################################# ## ## ## H.323 SETTINGS for 96xx ## ## Settings specific to 96xx telephones with H.323 software ## ## ## ################################################################# ## ## VOICE LANGUAGE FILES ## ## Specifies the list of files presented to the user for selecting a ## voice language file for the phone. The files are separated by ## commas, and the filenames are fixed and should not be changed. ## By default, the first file in the list is installed in the phone at ## registration. The first three characters in the filename ## indicate the language supported as follows: ## ## Brazilian Portuguese PTB ## European Spanish SPE ## Dutch DUN ## German GED ## Italian ITI ## Parisian French FRF ## U.K. English ENG ## U.S. English ENU ## ## SET VOXFILES ENU_S20_v3.tar,SPE_S20_v3.tar,GED_S20_v3.tar Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 313 avaya.com ################################################################# ## ## ## H.323 SETTINGS for 96xx & 96x1 ## ## Settings specific to 96xx & 96x1 telephones ## ## with H.323 software ## ## ## ################################################################# ## ## Guest Login State ## Specifies whether Guest Login feature is available to the user ## A binary value, with a default of 0. ## ## 0 : Guest Login feature is not available to the user. ## 1 : The telephone will offer the Guest Login feature ## ## SET GUESTLOGINSTAT 0 ## ## Guest Duration ## Specifies the minimum duration (in hours) the ## Guest Login is effective, before the telephone may ## automatically log the guest off. ## An integer value from 1 to 12, with a default of 2. ## ## SET GUESTDURATION 2 ## ## Guest warning ## Specifies the number of minutes before the ## GUESTDURATION expires that a warning is initially ## presented to the user, warning of the impending expiration. ## An integer value from 1 to 15, with a default of 5. ## ## SET GUESTWARNING 5 ## ########################## Features on Softkeys ####################### ## ## Idle Feature Settings ## A list of feature identifiers for softkey features ## available in the Idle call state ## 0 to 255 ASCII characters: zero to six whole numbers ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces ## ## SET IDLEFEATURES "" ## ## Dial Feature Settings ## A list of feature identifiers for softkey features ## available in the Dialing call state ## 0 to 255 ASCII characters :zero to five whole numbers separated ## by commas without any intervening spaces ## ## SET DIALFEATURES "" ## ## Ring Back Feature Settings ## ## A list of feature identifiers for softkey features ## available in the Active with far end ringback call state ## 0 to 255 ASCII characters :zero to three whole numbers ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces ## ## SET RINGBKFEATURES "" ## ## Talk Feature Settings Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 314 avaya.com ## ## A list of feature identifiers for softkey features ## available in the Active with talk path call state ## 0 to 255 ASCII characters :zero to three whole numbers ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces ## ## SET TALKFEATURES "" ## #################### USB Login/Logout feature ################### ## USB Login/Logout State ## Specifies whether USB Login/Logout feature is available to the user ## 0 : USB Login/Logout feature is not available to the user. ## 1 : USB Login/Logout feature is available to the user ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET USBLOGINSTAT 1 ## ## ## Admin Option for locking down access to features ## ## When OPSTAT2 is set to 1, the user can upload ## customized labels from backup file irrespective ## of value of first digit of OPSTAT ## When OPSTAT2 is set 0, the user can not upload ## customized labels from backup file ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET OPSTAT2 0 ## ## Backup of Call Log Entries ## When LOGBACKUP set to "1" Call Log entries are backed up ## to & restored from standard backup file. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET LOGBACKUP 1 ## ## ## Enable/disable logging of Call Log entries ## Call Log entries for calls that have reached the phone ## (E.g. calls that have not been alerted because the phone was busy, or forwarded calls) ## are logged in Call Log if LOGUNSEEN is set to 1. ## If LOGUNSEEN is set to 0 then those calls will not be logged. ## Default = 0. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET LOGUNSEEN 1 ## ## ## Enable/disable removing of Call Log entries ## When CLDELCALLBK is set to 1, and when user presses Call, if the call ## is established then the entry is deleted from the Call Log. ## When CLDELCALLBK is set to 0, then the enrty will not be deleted from ## Call log. ## Default = 0. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET CLDELCALLBK 0 ## ## ## Entries in missed call log from the same caller Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 315 avaya.com ## When LOGMISSEDONCE is set to 1, then Calls are logged only once ## for the same number.Any other Missed Call Log entry with the same ## Number is deleted. ## Default = 0. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET LOGMISSEDONCE 1 ## ## Enable/disable Feature Button on Phone ## When FBONCASCREEN is set to 1 Feature Button are also ## displayed on Call Appearance filtered screen. ## Default = 0. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 only for 9630 or 9640 phones & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones.. ## SET FBONCASCREEN 0 ## ## Team Button Display ## When TEAMBTNDISPLAY is set to 1, use LED to mark the Busy state of their team member’s phone ## When TEAMBTNDISPLAY is set to 0, use the LED to mark the Forwarding state of the team member's phone. ## Default = 0. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0 for 96xx & release 6.0 for 96x1 phones. ## SET TEAMBTNDISPLAY 0 ## ################### Home Idle Timer ######################### ## HOMEIDLETIME is the idle period in minutes before the ## Home screen will be displayed ## Valid values are 0 to 30. ## Default is 10 minutes. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 2.0 for 9670 & release 6.0 for 9641 & 9621. ## SET HOMEIDLETIME 10 ## ## World Clock Application ## WORLDCLOCKAPP is the application to display World Clock information. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 2.0 for 9670 & release 6.0 for 9641 & 9621. ## "" : World Clock application is disabled ## "default" : World Clock application is enabled (default) ## SET WORLDCLOCKAPP "default" ## ## Weather application ## WEATHERAPP is the application to display the weather information. ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 2.0 for 9670 & release 6.0 for 9641 & 9621. ## "" : Weather application is disabled ## "default" : Weather application is enabled (default) ## SET WEATHERAPP "default" ## ## Calcualtor Application ## ## Description ## Specifies whether the Calculator application should be displayed. ## ## Variable Name : CALCSTAT ## Valid Values ## 0 Don't display Calculator ## 1 Display Calculator ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 316 avaya.com ## SET CALCSTAT 1 ## Note: This feature is available on release 6.0 for 9641 & 9621. ## ## Ring Tone Style ## This feature is related to personalised ringing operation. ## RINGTONESTYLE determines name of the list for the current setting ## i.e. "Rich", "Classic" or "Alternate" ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 2.0 for 9670 & 96x1 H.323 6.0 release. ## SET RINGTONESTYLE 0 ## ## Variable Name : WMLHELPSTAT ## Valid Values ## 1 WML Applications Help screen that explains that the telephone supports ## WML applications, but that no such applications are currently administered. ## 0 no WML items are displayed. ## ## Description ## Specifies whether a Web Application Help item is displayed on the Home screen ## if no WML apps are administered and WMLHOME is null ## ## SET WMLHELPSTAT 1 ## Note: This feature is available on H.323 release 6.0 for 9641 & 9621. ## ################## REUSE TIME SETTINGS ################## ## ## REUSE TIME: ## Phone can reuse its previous IP address, and parameter values after configured REUSE TIME elapsed, if ## the DHCP server and/or file server is not available after a power outage or reset. ## ## Value 20 to 999 - This value specifies the number of seconds that an IP telephone will attempt to ## contact a DHCP server on the default VLAN before proceeding to reuse its previous ## IP address and parameter values. ## ## The Default value of REUSETIME is 60. ## ## When set to "0", reuse of an IP address and parameter values will be disabled. ## ## For other values - Waits for the DHCP offer for an infinite time. ## ## SET REUSETIME 60 ## ## NOTE: This feature is available on H.323 release 2.0SP1, 3.0SP1 and ## SIP release R2.5 for 96xx phones. ## ################## GRATUITOUS ARP SETTINGS ################## ## ## This parameter specifies the phones behavior for handling Gratuitous ARP. ## In the PE Dup Environment, if the PE DUP server and the phone reside ## in the same subnet, the user should set this to 1. ## ## 0 - (Default) ignore all received gratuitous ARP messages. ## ## ## 1 - Phones will update an existing ARP cache entry with the MAC address received in a gratuitous ARP message ## for that entry’s destination IP address. ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 317 avaya.com ## SET GRATARP 0 ## ## NOTE: This feature is available on H.323 release 3.0SP1 for 96xx phones. ## ############################################################# ## Avaya VPN IP Telephone Settings Script ## File Modified on: 07/16/2010 ## See the LAN Administrators Guide for ## more details on using this file. ## ## Variable Name : NVVPNMODE ## Valid Values ## 0 DISABLE ## 1 ENABLE ## Default Value ## 0 DISABLE ## Description ## This variable dictates when the VPN Client is started. If it's value is ## 1, VPN Client is started immediately after TCP/IP stack is initialized, ## If it's value is 0, VPN Client is disabled ## Example : Setting VPN startup mode to ENABLE. ## SET NVVPNMODE 1 ## SET NVVPNMODE 0 ## ## ## DHCP Server Addresses ## ## Specifies enterprise DHCP server IP address(es) from which configuration ## parameters may be requested through a VPN tunnel via a DHCPINFORM message ## ## SET DHCPSRVR ## ## ## ## Variable Name : NVVPNCFGPROF ## Valid Values ## 0 Profile ID 0 ## 2 Checkpoint ## 3 Cisco Xauth with Preshared Key ## 5 Juniper/Netscreen Xauth with Preshared Key ## 6 Generic Preshared key ## 8 Cisco xauth with certificates ## 9 Juniper Xauth with certificates. ## 11 Nortel contivity ## Default Value ## NONE ## Description ## Set this to 3 if Security Gateway Vendor is Cisco and Xauth is used for ## authenticating phone user. ## Set this to 5 if Security Gateway Vendor is Juniper, Xauth is used for ## authenticating phone user. ## Set this to 6 if Security Gateway Vendor does not support Xauth. ## Following Variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF = 3 ## NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 ## NVIKEIDTYPE 11 ## NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 ## Following Variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF = 5 ## NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 ## NVIKEIDTYPE 3 ## NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 ## Following Variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF = 6 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 318 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## NVIKECONFIGMODE 2 NVIKEIDTYPE 3 NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 Following variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 NVIKEIDTYPE 11 NVIKEOVERTCP 1 NVIKEXCHGMODE 2 Following variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 NVIKEIDTYPE 11 NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 Following variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 NVIKEIDTYPE 11 NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 Following variables are set to specified value when NVVPNCFGPROF NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 NVIKEIDTYPE 3 NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 NOTE : SET commands for all the dependent variables mentioned above appear after SET command for NVVPNCFGPROF. Example : Setting VPN Configuration profile to "0" SET NVVPNCFGPROF 0 SET NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 SET NVIKEXCHGMODE 1 = 2 = 11 = 8 = 9 must Variable Name : NVIKEXCHGMODE Description: The exchange method used for IKE Phase 1 Valid Values 1 Aggressive Mode 2 Main Mode Default Value 1 SET NVIKEXCHGMODE 2 Variable Name : NVIKECONFIGMODE Description: Enables IKE configuration mode Valid Values: 1: Enabled, 2: Disabled. Default Value 1 SET NVIKECONFIGMODE 1 Variable Name : NVVPNAUTHTYPE Valid Values 3 PSK 4 PSK with XAUTH 5 RSA Signature with XAUTH 6 HYBRID XAUTH 7 RSA Signature Default Value 3 Example : Setting authentication method to PSK with XAUTH SET NVVPNAUTHTYPE 4 SET NVVPNAUTHTYPE 3 Variable Name : NVSGIP Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 319 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Valid Values String. Length of the string cannot exceed 255 characters. Description This variable contains the ip address or fully qualified domain name of the primary security gateway. Example : Setting primarysg.mycompany.com as the primary security gateway's FQDN. SET NVSGIP primarysg.mycompany.com Example : Setting as the primary security gateway's IP address. SET NVSGIP "" SET NVSGIP "" Variable Name : NVVPNUSER Valid Values String, Length of the string cannot exceed 16 characters. Description This variable contains the VPN User Name. In most cases this value will be unique to each phone hence should not be specified here. However it is possible to force the VPN client in the phone to use phone's mac address or serial number as user name thus eliminating the need to enter user name by the phone user via phone keypad. In such cases you need to add each phone's serial number or mac address in your authentication database. Example : Setting phone's mac address as VPN user name. SET NVVPNUSER %MACADDR% SET NVVPNUSER "" Variable Name : NVVPNPSWDTYPE Valid Values 1 Save in Flash. 2 Erase on reset. 3 Numeric One Time Password. 4 Alpha-Numeric One Time Password. 5 Erase on VPN Termination Description This variables determines how password should be treated. By default password type is set to 1. You must set this variable to 3 or 4 if using One Time Password such as SecureID from RSA. Note Setting password type to 3 will not let the user select "Alpahbets" while entering password. This might look like an obvious choice when using RSA secure ID tokens. However under some conditions user may need to respond back by entering 'y' or 'n' in the password field. This could happen if RSA ACE server is configured to generate PIN instead of letting the user select a PIN. Example : Setting password type to 2 (Erase on reset) SET NVVPNPSWDTYPE 1 Variable Name : NVVPNCOPYTOS Valid Values 1 YES 2 NO Description Value of this variable decides whether TOS bits should be copied from inner header to outer header or not. If it's value is 1, TOS bits are copied otherwise not. By default TOS bits are not copied from inner header to outer header. Some Internet Service Provider don't route the Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 320 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## IP packets properly if TOS bits are set to anything other than 0. Example SET NVVPNCOPYTOS 1 Note It is highly recommended that this value should not be changed if phone is downloading the script over the VPN tunnel in order to avoid overriding end user setting due to ISP specific issues. For example you can set this value to 1 while provisioning phone with VPN firmware so that phone can take advantage of QOS service provided by home router but if the phone's ISP (Few percent cases) does not handle properly the packets with non-zero TOS bits in IP header, phone user will have to revert back this value to 2. Under such circumstances it is desirable the user's choice don't get overriden every time script is downloaded. Example : Setting NVVPNCOPYTOS to 1 if script is not downloaded over VPN tunnel. IF $VPNACTIVE SEQ 1 goto skipcopytos SET NVVPNCOPYTOS 1 # skipcopytos SET NVVPNCOPYTOS 2 Variable Name : NVVPNENCAPS Valid Values 0 4500-4500 1 Disable 2 2070-500 4 RFC (As per RFC 3947 and 3948) Description Type of UDP encapsulation method to use if there is a NAT device between phone and the security gateway. By default UDP Encapsulation 4500-4500 is used. If NVVPNENCAPS is 0, ike negotiation starts with source port of 2070 and destination port 500. Negotiation switches to port source port 4500 and destination port 4500 if peer supports port floating (Ref RFC 3947,3948). Finally IPsec traffic is send inside UDP packets from/to port 4500 if supported by peer or port 2070<->500 if port floating is not supported but UDP encapsulation is supported as published in the initial draft versions of RFC 3947 and 3948. If NVVPNENCAPS is 1, ike nat traversal is completly disabled. If NVVPNENCAPS is 2, Port floating is disabled during IKE nat traversal. If NVVPNENCAPS is 4, ike negotiation starts with source port of 500 and destination port 500. Negotiation switches to port source port 4500 and destination port 4500 if peer supports port floating (Ref RFC 3947 and 3948). Finally IPsec traffic is send inside UDP packets from/to port 4500 if supported by peer or port 500<->500 if port floating is not supported but UDP encapsulation is supported as published in the initial draft versions of RFC 3947 and 3948. Note UDP Encapsulation causes overhead hence it might be desirable to disable udp encapsulation if NAT device supports IPsec pass through and there is only one IPsec client behind the NAT connecting to the same security gateway. However not all devices support IPsec pass through hence this value must not be pushed if phone is downloading the script over the VPN tunnel. Example : Setting NVVPNENCAPS to 1 if script is not downloaded over VPN tunnel. Aug 2012 IF $VPNACTIVE SEQ 1 goto skipencaps Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 321 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SET NVVPNENCAPS 1 # skipencaps The example above will set NVVPNENCAPS to 1 if script is not downloaded over the tunnel. SET NVVPNENCAPS 0 Variable Name : NVIKEPSK Valid Values String. Length of the string cannot exceed 30 characters. Description Preshared Key to use during phase 1 negotiation. Note It is recommened that user enter his/her Preshared Key using phone's dialpad. However if you don't want to share PSK with the end user because it's common for multiple users you can use this variable to push PSK (Group password) to each phone and the end user will never know what the PSK is. But if you are doing this, make sure that the file server is on an isolated network and is used only for provisioning VPN parameters to the phones. Example : Setting abc1234 as Preshared Key SET NVIKEPSK "abc1234" SET NVIKEPSK "" Variable Name : NVIKEID Valid Values String. Length of the string cannot exceed 30 characters. Description Phone uses this string as IKE Identifier during phase 1 negotiation. Some XAuth documentation refer to this variable as group name because same IKE Id is shared among a group of user and indvidual user authentication is done using XAuth after establishing IKE phase 1 security association. Note If this variable is left uninitialized, phone uses "VPNPHONE" as the IKE Identifier. Example : Setting IKE Id as phones@sales.com SET NVIKEID phones@sales.com SET NVIKEID "phones@sales.com" SET NVIKEID "VPNPHONE" Variable Name NVIKEIDTYPE Valid Values 1 IP Address 2 FQDN 3 User-FQDN (E-Mail) 9 Directory-Name 11 KEY-ID (Opaque) Description Phone uses this variable as the IKE Identifier type for the IKE-ID specified via NVIKEID variable. Note This variable default value depends on the value of variable NVVPNCFGPROF. Example : Setting IKE ID type to FQDN SET NVIKEIDTYPE 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 322 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SET NVIKEIDTYPE 3 Variable Name : NVIPSECSUBNET Valid Values Comma separated list of strings containing subnet and masks. Number of strings cannot exceed 5. Description This variable contains IP subnets protected by the security gateway. By default phone assumes that all the network resources are behind the security gateway hence it negotiates for a security association between it's IP address (or Virtual IP if delevired via IKE Config mode) and with the security gateway. If your security gateway is configured to allow building security association for only selected subnets, you can specify them here. Example : Configuring and as the subnets protected by the Security Gateway SET NVIPSECSUBNET, SET NVIPSECSUBNET "" Variable Name : NVIKEDHGRP Valid Values 1 Diffie-Hellman Group 1 2 Diffie-Hellman Group 2 5 Diffie-Hellman Group 5 14 Diffie-Hellman Group 14 15 Diffie-Hellman Group 15 Description This variable contains the value of DH group to use during phase 1 negotiation. By default phone uses Group 2. Example : Setting DH Group 1 for phase 1. SET NVIKEDHGRP 1 SET NVIKEDHGRP 2 Variable Name : NVPFSDHGRP Valid Values 0 No-PFS 1 Diffie-Hellman Group 1 2 Diffie-Hellman Group 2 5 Diffie-Hellman Group 5 14 Diffie-Hellman Group 14 15 Diffie-Hellman Group 15 Description This variable contains the value of DH group to use during phase 2 negotiation for establishing IPsec security associations also known as perfect forward secrecy (PFS). By default PFS is disabled. Example : Setting DH Group 2 for phase PFS. SET NVPFSDHGRP SET NVPFSDHGRP 0 Variable Name : NVIKEP1ENCALG Valid Values 0 ANY Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 323 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 1 AES-128 2 3DES 3 DES 4 AES-192 5 AES-256 Description Encryption Algorithms to propose for IKE Phase 1 Security Association. Note Phone by default proposes all encryption algorithm. Security Gateway picks the algorthm mandated by administrator. Prioirity order of algorithms proposed by phone is AES-128,3DES,DES,AES-192.AES-256. In very rare circumstances security gateway may not handle multiple proposals. In such cases only you should try overriding the default behaviour. Example : Setting Encryption Alg to AES-128 SET NVIKEP1ENCALG 1 SET NVIKEP1ENCALG 0 Variable Name : NVIKEP2ENCALG Valid Values 0 ANY 1 AES-128 2 3DES 3 DES 4 AES-192 5 AES-256 Description Encryption Algorithm(s) to propose for IKE Phase 2 Security Association. Note Phone by default proposes all encryption algorithm. Security Gateway picks the algorithm mandated by administrator. Priority order of algorithms proposed by phone is AES-128,3DES,DES,AES-192.AES-256. In very rare circumstances security gateway may not handle multiple proposals. In such cases only you should try overriding the default behaviour. Example : Setting Encryption Alg to AES-128 SET NVIKEP2ENCALG 1 SET NVIKEP2ENCALG 0 Variable Name : NVIKEP1AUTHALG Valid Values 0 ANY 1 MD5 2 SHA1 Description Authentication Algorithm(s) to propose for IKE phase 1 Security Association. Note Phone by default proposes all Authentication algorithms. Security Gateway picks the algorithm mandated by administrator. Prioirity order of algorithims proposed by phone is MD5,SHA1. In very rare circumstances security gateway may not handle multiple proposals. In such cases only you should try overriding the default behaviour. Example : Setting Authentication Alg to SHA1 SET NVIKEP1AUTHALG 1 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 324 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SET NVIKEP1AUTHALG 0 Variable Name : NVIKEP2AUTHALG Valid Values 0 ANY 1 MD5 2 SHA1 Description Authentication Algorithim(s) to propose for IKE phase 2 Security Association Note Phone by default proposes all Authentication algorithms. Security Gateway picks the algorithm mandated by administrator. Priority order of algorithms proposed by phone is MD5,SHA1. In very rare circumstances security gateway may not handle multiple proposals. In such cases only you should try overriding the default behaviour. Example : Setting Authentication Alg to SHA1 SET NVIKEP2AUTHALG 1 SET NVIKEP2AUTHALG 0 Variable Name : NORTELAUTH Valid Values 1 Local username and password 2 RADIUS username and password 3 Radius SecureId 4 RADIUS Axent Description Use this variable to configure Authentication method for Nortel Contivity. Example (User is configured locally on Nortel Switch) SET NORTELAUTH 1 Example (User is configured externally on a RADIUS sever) SET NORTELAUTH 2 Example (User is configured externally on a RSA Ace server) SET NORTELAUTH 3 SET NORTELAUTH 1 Variable Name : NVXAUTH Valid Values 1 "Enable" 2 "Disable" Description Use this variable to disable XAuth based user authentication for profiles which enable XAuth by default. Example (XAuth based user authentication required) SET NVXAUTH 1 Example (XAuth based user authentication not required) SET NVXAUTH 2 SET NVXAUTH 1 Variable Name : QTESTRESPONDER Valid Values: IP Address or domain name of the host acting as QTESTRESPONDER Description Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 325 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## If this information is supplied, phone performs QTEST using UDP Echo port 7 with the host indicated by this variable. Example (Setting as the QTEST responder) SET QTESTRESPONDER SET QTESTRESPONDER "" Variable Name : RINGPRIORITY Valid Values 1 Inside Call rate 2 Outside Call rate 3 Priority Ring rate Description Informs the phone which distinctive ring rate is really for a Priority Call SET RINGPRIORITY 3 Variable Name : MYCERTURL Valid Values URL for enrolling with a SCEP fronted Certificate Authority. Description If this information is supplied, phone generates a RSA key pair and sends the enrollment request using SCEP protocol to the server pointed by this URL. Consult your CA administrator guide for further information regarding SCEP support. Example SET MYCERTURL "" SET MYCERTURL"" Variable Name : MYCERTCN Valid values $MACADDR $SERIALNO Description If value of this variable is set to $MACADDR, phone uses it's MAC Address as the CN component of the certificate request If value of this variable is set to $SERIALNO, phone uses it's Serial Number as the CN component of the certificate request. Example SET MYCERTCN $MACADDR SET MYCERTCN "$SERIALNO" Variable Name : SCEPPASSWORD Valid values String Description The string specified here is used by phone as the SCEP challenge pass phrase for SCEP certificate enrollment. If left unspecified and SCEPPASSWORDREQ is SET to 0, phone uses it's SERIAL number as the challenge pass phrase. Note Consult your Certificate Authrority administrator guide for HOWTO configure pass phrase for SCEP certificate enrollment. Example (Instructing phone to use string "abcd" as the SCEP challenge pass phrase) SET SCEPPASSWORD "abcd" SET SCEPPASSWORD "$SERIALNO" Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 326 avaya.com ## ## Variable Name : MYCERTRENEW ## Valid values ## 1 to 98 ## ## Description ## Percentage life used after which phone should attempt to renew identity ## certificate. By default phone attempts to renew certificate after 90% of ## identity certificate life is finished. ## For example, if Identity certificate was issued for 2 years and MYCERTRENEW ## set to 95. Phone will attempt to renew certificate approximately 694 days after ## Identity certificate was issued. ## ## Example ## SET MYCERTRENEW 95 ## SET MYCERTRENEW 90 ## ## Variable Name : MYCERTCAID ## Valid Values: 0 to 255 ASCII characters ## ## Descriptiom ## Specifies the Certificate Authority Identifier to be used in a certificate request. ## SET MYCERTCAID "CAIdentifier" ## ## Variable Name : MYCERTDN ## Valid Values: 0 to 255 ASCII characters ## Descriptiom ## Specifies additional information for the Subject of a certificate request ## SET MYCERTDN "" ## ## Variable Name : MYCERTKEYLEN ## Valid Values: 4 ASCII numeric digits,"1024" through "2048" ## Descriptiom ## Specifies the bit length of the public and private keys generated for a certificate request ## SET MYCERTKEYLEN 1024 ## ## Variable Name : MYCERTWAIT ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0" or "1" ## Descriptiom ## Specifies whether the telephone will wait until a pending certificate request is complete, or ## whether it will periodically check in the background ## SET MYCERTWAIT 1 ## ## Variable Name : VPNCODE ## Valid Values: 0 to 7 ASCII numeric digits,null ("") and "0" through "9999999" ## Description: Specifies the VPN procedure access code ## SET VPNCODE "876" ## ## ## Variable Name : VPNPROC ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0","1" or "2" ## 0: disabled, ## 1: view only ## 2: View and edit. ## Description: Specifies whether VPNCODE can be used to access the VPN procedure at all, in ## view-only mode, or in view/modify mode ## SET VPNPROC 1 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 327 avaya.com ## ## ## Variable Name : ALWCLRNOTIFY ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0" or "1" ## Description: Specifies whether unencrypted ISAKMP Notification Payloads will be accepted ## SET ALWCLRNOTIFY 0 ## ## ## Variable Name : DROPCLEAR ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0" or "1" ## Description: Specifies the treatment of received unencrypted (clear) IPsec packets ## SET DROPCLEAR 1 ## ## ## Variable Name : NVMCIPADD ## Valid Values: 0 to 255 ASCII characters zero or more IP addresses in dotted decimal, colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards) or DNS ## name format,separated by ## commas without any intervening spaces ## Description: Call server IP addresses ## SET NVMCIPADD "" ## ## Variable Name : NVHTTPSRVR ## Valid Values: 0 to 255 ASCII characters zero or more IP addresses in dotted decimal, colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards)or DNS ## name format,separated by ## commas without any intervening spaces ## Description: HTTP file server IP addresses used to initialize HTTPSRVR the next time the phone starts up, ## SET NVHTTPSRVR "" ## ## Variable Name : NVTLSSRVR ## Valid Values: 0 to 255 ASCII characters zero or more IP addresses in dotted decimal, colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards) or DNS ## name format,separated by ## commas without any intervening spaces ## Description: HTTPS file server IP addresses used to initialize TLSSRVR the next time the phone starts up. ## SET NVTLSSRVR "" ## ## ## Variable Name : NVIKEOVERTCP ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0", "1" or "2" ## 0: Never, ## 1: Auto ## 2: Always ## Description: Specifies whether and when to use TCP as a transport protocol for IKE ## SET NVIKEOVERTCP 0 ## ## ## Variable Name : NVIKEP1LIFESEC ## Valid Values: 3 to 8 ASCII numeric digits"600" through "15552000" ## Description: Specifies the proposed IKE SA lifetime in seconds ## SET NVIKEP1LIFESEC 432000 ## ## ## Variable Name : NVIKEP2LIFESEC ## Valid Values: 3 to 8 ASCII numeric digits"600" through "15552000" Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 328 avaya.com ## Description: Specifies the proposed IPsec SA lifetime in seconds ## SET NVIKEP2LIFESEC 432000 ## ## ## Variable Name : NVVPNPSWD ## Valid Values: 0 to 30 ASCII characters ## Description: If the user password can be stored in NV memory, it is stored as the value of ## NVVPNPSWD ## SET NVVPNPSWD "" ## ## ## Variable Name : NVVPNSVENDOR ## Valid Values: ## 1: Juniper/Netscreen, 2: Cisco ## 3: Checkpoint/ Nokia, 4: Other ## 5: Nortel. ## Description: Specifies the security gateway Vendor to be used. ## SET NVVPNSVENDOR 4 ## ## ## Variable Name : NVVPNUSERTYPE ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"1" or "2" ## 1: Any, ## 2: User ## ## Description: Specifies whether the user can change the VPN username ## SET NVVPNUSERTYPE 1 ## ## Variable Name : VPNTTS ## Valid Values: 1 ASCII numeric digit,"0" or "1" ## Description: this parameter specifies TTS mode is enabled or disabled in VPN mode ## 0 - Disable ## 1 - Enable ## SET VPNTTS 0 ## ############################################################# ## Avaya IP Telephone IPv6 related Settings for H.323 release 6.0 for 96x1 phones ## Script File modified on: 07/08/2010 ## ## Variable Name : NDREDV6 ## Valid Values ## 0 disable ## 1 enable ## Description ## Controls whether IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Redirect messages will be processed ## Note ## Received Redirect messages will be processed if and only if the value of ## the parameter NDREDV6 is “1” otherwise they will be ignored. ## ## Example : Setting IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Redirect messages ## SET NDREDV6 1 ## SET NDREDV6 0 ## ## ## Variable Name : DHCPPREF ## Valid Values ## 4 DHCPv4 ## 6 DHCPv6 ## ## Description Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 329 avaya.com ## Specifies whether new values received via DHCPv4 orDHCPv6 will be preferred ## when both are used, ## ## Example : Setting prefernace to recived DHCPPv4 values ## SET DHCPPREF 4 ## SET DHCPPREF 6 ## ## ## Variable Name : DHCPSTAT ## Valid Values ## 1 run DHCPv4 only (IPv4only-mode, if no own IPv6 address is programmed statically) ## 2 run DHCPv6 only (IPv6only-mode, if no own IPv4 address is programmed statically) ## 3 run both DHCPv4 & DHCPv6 (dual-stack mode) ## Description ## Specifies whether DHCPv4, DHCPv6, or both will be used in case IPV6STAT has enabled IPv6 support generally ## ## Example : Setting dual stack mode ## SET DHCPSTAT 3 ## ## SET DHCPSTAT 1 ## ## Variable Name : IPPREF ## Valid Values ## 4 IPv4 ## 6 IPv6 ## ## Description ## Control whether an IPv4 or an IPv6 address returned by DNS would be ## tried first during dual-mode operation. ## Note ## In general, if dual-stack operation is enabled, whether IPv4 or IPv6 ## is to be used to contact a server is determined by the value of the ## parameter that contains the server address(es). However, if the value ## is a DNS name and if DNS returns both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address, ## the order in which they will be tried will be based on the order in ## which they are returned to the application by the DNS resolver, which ## is controlled by the parameter ## ## Example : Setting preference to IPv4 ## SET IPPREF 4 ## SET IPPREF 6 ## ## Variable Name : IPV6STAT ## Valid Values ## 0 IPv6 will not be supported. ## 1 IPv6 will be supported. ## ## Description ## Specifies whether IPv6 will be supported ## ## SET IPV6STAT 0 ## ## Variable Name : PINGREPLYV6 ## Valid Values ## 0 ICMPv6 Echo Reply messages will not be sent ## 1 ICMPv6 Echo Reply messages will be sent only in reply to received Echo ## Request messages with a Destination Address equal to one of the telephone’s ## unicast IPv6 addresses. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 330 avaya.com ## 2 ICMPv6 Echo Reply messages will be sent in reply to received Echo Request ## messages with a Destination Address equal to one of the telephone’s unicast, ## multicast or anycast IPv6 addresses. ## ## Description ## Specifies whether ICMPv6 Echo Reply messages will be sent. ## ## SET PINGREPLYV6 1 ## ## ## Variable Name : GRATNAV6 ## Valid Values ## 0 Received unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement messages will not be processed ## 1 Received unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement messages will be processed ## ## Description ## Specifies whether gratuitous (unsolicited) IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement messages will be processed ## Note: ## An IPv6 unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement message is similar to a gratuitous ARP message in IPv4. ## ## SET GRATNAV6 0 ## ################################################################################### ############################################################ ## ## ## H.323 SETTINGS ## ## Settings specific to telephones with H.323 software ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## The Call Server Addresses ## [If you set your Call Server Addresses via DHCP, do not ## set them here as they will over ride your DHCP settings.] ## One or more Avaya Communication Manager server IP ## addresses in dotted-decimal,colon-hex (H.323 R6.0 onwards) or DNS name format, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces ## (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas). ## SET MCIPADD ## ## Unnamed Registration Status ## Specifies whether unnamed registration is initiated if ## a user fails to enter a value at the Extension prompt. ## Unnamed registration provides the telephone with ## TTI-level service, enabling a user, for example, to ## dial emergency services such as 911. ## SET UNNAMEDSTAT 1 ## ## Reregistration Timer ## Controls an H.323 protocol timer. It is highly ## recommended you consult Avaya before changing this ## parameter. ## SET REREGISTER 20 ## ## CTI Status ## Controls the status of the Computer-Telephony Interface. ## 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled ## SET CTISTAT 0 ## ## CTI Port Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 331 avaya.com ## Sets the UDP port number for reception of broadcast ## CTI discovery messages. (49714-49721). ## SET CTIUDPPORT 49721 ## ## ############################################################ ## ## ## SIP SETTINGS ## ## Settings specific to telephones with SIP software ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## REGISTERWAIT sets the time, in seconds, between ## re-registrations with the current server. ## ## The default is 3600 for the 46xx SIP telephones, ## 96xx SIP Releases 1.0, 2.0, R2.2 telephones and 16CC telephones. ## ## The default is 900 seconds for R2.4.1 and later telephones. ## ## Valid values are 0 to 65535 for the 46xx SIP telephones, ## 10 to 1,000,000,000 for the 96xx SIP Releases 1.0, 2.0, 2.2 and 16CC telephones and ## 30 to 86400 for the 96xx SIP R2.4.1 and later telephones ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET REGISTERWAIT "900" ## ## SIPDOMAIN sets the domain name to be used during ## registration. The default is null ("") but valid values ## are 0 to 255 ASCII characters with no spaces. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET SIPDOMAIN "example.com" ## ## SIPPROXYSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified ## Domain Name (FQDN) of the SIP Proxy server(s). The ## default is null (""), but valid values are zero or more ## IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated ## by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of ## 255 ASCII characters. (For 96xx SIP models, this ## parameter also may be set either via LLDP or PPM.) ## Note: This parameter is supported on 96xx SIP Releases ## 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 16CC and 1603 SIP telephones only. For SIP ## releases 2.4.1 and later this parameter is ignored and ## equivalent functionality is supported using SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST. ## Please see SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST parameter for details. ## SET SIPPROXYSRVR "" ## ## SIPPORT sets the port that the telephone set will listen ## for UDP/TCP SIP signaling messages. The default is 5060, but ## valid values are 1 to 5 ASCII digits from 0 to 65535, ## inclusive. ## ## Note: For 96xx SIP Releases 1.0, 2.0, 2.2 and 16CC telephones ## the parameter also controls the proxy server port for the telephone's ## outbound connections.For SIP releases 2.4.1 and later , this parameter is ignored ## and equivalent functionality for the proxy server port ## is supported using SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST. ## Please see SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST parameter for details. ## ## SET SIPPORT "5060" ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 332 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SPEAKERSTAT controls operation of Speakerphone as follows: 0 no speakerphone allowed 1 one-way speaker (also called "monitor") allowed 2 two-way speaker allowed The default is 2. This parameter is not supported on 16cc phones. SET SPEAKERSTAT "2" DSCPAUD Sets the DiffServ value for audio streams from the phone. The default is 46 and valid values are 0-63. For 96xx SIP phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. SET DSCPAUD 46 DSCPSIG Sets the DiffServ value for signaling protocol messages from the phone. The default is 34 and valid values are 0-63. For 96xx SIP phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 phones also. SET DSCPSIG 34 SNTP settings are used to configure SNTP related parameters. SNTP is only supported on SIP telephones. SNTPSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the SNTP server(s) to be used. The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. SET SNTPSRVR "" DSTOFFSET sets the daylight savings time adjustment value. The default is 1 but valid values are 0, 1, or 2. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. SET DSTOFFSET "1" DSTSTART sets the beginning day for daylight savings time. The default for 16cc phones is 2SunMar2L. The default for 46xx phone sis 1SunApr2L; see the 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Admin Guide for format and setting alternatives. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. SET DSTSTART "2SunMar2L" NOTE: Starting in March 2007, the default values for DSTSTART and DSTSTOP on 46xx SIP phones are obsolete for the United States and Canada and must be changed via revised values in this file as indicated in the examples below. DSTSTOP sets the ending day for daylight savings time. The default for 16cc phones is 1SunNov2L. The default for 46xx phones is LSunOct2L; see the 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Admin Guide for format and setting alternatives. Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 333 avaya.com ## SET DSTSTOP "1SunNov2L" ## ## GMTOFFSET sets the time zone the phone should use. The ## default is 0:00; see the 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN ## Admin Guide for format and setting alternatives. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET GMTOFFSET "0:00" ## ## CONFIG_SERVER_SECURE_MODE ## Specifies the communication mode used to access the ## configuration server. This parameter applies only to ## 96xx model phones. ## 0 for use HTTP (default) ## 1 for use HTTPS ## 2 for use HTTPS if SIP transport mode is TLS; ## otherwise, use HTTP ## Note 1: Default value is 0 for 2.5 and 1 for 2.6 and above. ## Note 2: This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET CONFIG_SERVER_SECURE_MODE 1 ## ## SDPCAPNEG ## Controls the SDP capability negotiation. The range is ## from 0-1. The default value for this SDP CAP NEG is 1 ## for 2.6 and 0 for 2.5 releases respectively. ## SET SDPCAPNEG 1 ## ## ENFORCE_SIPS_URI ## Controls the enforcement of SIPS URI with SRTP. The range ## is from 0-1. The default value for ENFORCE SIPS URI is 1 ## for 2.6 and above releases. ## SET ENFORCE_SIPS_URI 1 ## ## ASTCONFIRMATION ## Sets the time that the phone waits to validate an active ## subscription when it SUBSCRIBEs to the "avaya-cm-feature-status" ## package. The range is from 16-3600 seconds. The default ## value for ASTCONFIRMATION is 32 seconds for 2.6 and above. ## SET ASTCONFIRMATION 32 ## ## SIMULTANEOUS_REGISTRATIONS ## The number of Session Managers in the configuration that ## the phone will simultaneously register with. The range is ## from 1-3. The default value for SIMULTANEOUS_REGISTRATIONS ## 3 for 2.6 and above. ## SET SIMULTANEOUS_REGISTRATIONS 3 ## ############################################################ ## ## ## 46xx SIP SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable only to 46xx telephone models ## ## running the SIP protocol ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## DATESEPARATOR sets the character to be used to delineate ## the date values. The default is a backslash. ## SET DATESEPARATOR "/" ## ## DATETIMEFORMAT sets the formatting of the date display. ## The default is 0, which means the SIP phone will display ## 12-hour time and displays dates in mm/dd/yy format. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 334 avaya.com ## Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 1 means the SIP phone will ## display 12-hour time and displays dates in dd/mm/yy ## format. Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 2 means the SIP phone ## will display 24-hour time and displays dates in ## mm/dd/yy format. Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 3 means the ## SIP phone will display 24-hour time and displays dates ## in dd/mm/yy format. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET DATETIMEFORMAT "0" ## ## DIALWAIT sets the time (in seconds) the phone waits ## after the user enters the most recent dialable character ## before it automatically begins dialing. A value of 0 ## disables the wait timer. The default is 5, and valid ## values are 0-10 seconds. ## SET DIALWAIT "5" ## ############################################################ ## ## ## SIP SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable only to 46xx telephone models ## ## or 96xx telephone models in non-Avaya environments ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## SIP Signaling Transport Type ## Specifies the type of transport to use for SIP signaling. ## 0 for UDP ## 1 for TCP ## 2 for TLS (default) ## Note: This parameter is supported on 96xx SIP Releases ## 1.0, 2.0, 2.2 and 16CC telephones only. For SIP ## releases 2.4.1 and later, this parameter is ignored and ## equivalent functionality is supported using SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST. ## Please see SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST parameter for details. ## SET SIPSIGNAL 2 ## ## Secure SIP port ## For 96xx SIP Releases 1.0, 2.0, 2.2 and 16CC telephones, ## Destination TCP port used for secure SIP registration ## and signaling messages sent over TLS link. ## The default is 5061. Valid range is 1024 to 65535. ## SET SIP_PORT_SECURE 5061 ## ## PHNNUMOFSA sets the number of Session Appearances the ## telephone should support while operating in the non-Avaya ## environment. The default is 3 and valid values are 1-10. ## SET PHNNUMOFSA "3" ## ## Avaya Environment Enabled ## Determines whether phone is configured for use in Avaya ## SES environment or third-party proxy environment. If ## set to 0, standard SIPPING 19 features are available. ## If set to 1, SIP/AST features and use of PPM are ## available. This parameter is not supported on 46xx ## phones. ## 0 for 3rd party proxy ## 1 for Avaya SES (default) ## Note: This parameter is not supported on R2.4.1 and later ## release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET ENABLE_AVAYA_ENVIRONMENT 1 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 335 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SIPREGISTRAR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the SIP registration server(s). The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. SET SIPREGISTRAR "" MWISRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Message Waiting server. The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. SET MWISRVR "" Music-On-Hold Server MUSICSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Music-On-Hold server. The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. SET MUSICSRVR "" Note: This parameter is set only in non-Avaya environments. DIALPLAN accelerates dialing by defining the dial plan used in the phone. The default is null (""). See the telephone Admin Guide for format and setting alternatives. SET DIALPLAN "[23]xxxx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxxxxx" CALLFWDSTAT sets the call forwarding mode of the set by summing the values below: 1 Permits unconditional call forwarding 2 Permits call forward on busy 4 Permits call forward/no answer A value of 0 disables call forwarding. The default is 0. Example: a value of 6 allows Call Forwarding on busy and on no answer. SET CALLFWDSTAT "3" CALLFWDDELAY sets the number of ring cycles before the call is forwarded to the forward or coverage address. The default delay is one ring cycle. SET CALLFWDDELAY "5" CALLFWDADDR sets the address to which calls are forwarded for the call forwarding feature. The default is null (""). Note the user can change or replace this administered value if CALLFWDSTAT is not 0. SET CALLFWDADDR "cover@avaya.com" COVERAGEADDR sets the address to which calls will be forwarded for the call coverage feature. The default is null (""). Note the user can change or replace this Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 336 avaya.com ## administered value if CALLFWDSTAT is not 0. ## SET COVERAGEADDR "cover@avaya.com" ## ## SIPCONFERENCECONTINUE specifies whether a conference ## call continues after the host hangs up. This parameter ## is not supported on 46xx telephones. ## 0 for drop all parties (default) ## 1 for continue conference ## SET SIPCONFERENCECONTINUE 0 ## ## ## ## PROVIDE_TRANSFER_TYPE provides the call transfer type in 3rd party environments. ## No meaning for Avaya environment ## Value 0 or 1 (default 0), ## ## PROVIDE_TRANSFER_TYPE 0 ## ## ## ## CALL_TRANSFER_MODE determines the call transfer mode in 3rd party environments. ## Value 0 or 1 (default is 0) ## CALL_TRANSFER_MODE 0 ## ## ############################################################ ## ## ## 96xx and 16cc SIP SETTINGS ## ## Settings applicable only to 96xx and 16cc telephone ## ## models running the SIP protocol ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## ## TLS Server Identification ## TLSSRVRID parameter is used for TLS servers identification. ## If it is set to 1 then TLS/SSL connection will only be established ## if the server’s identity matches the server’s certificate. ## If it is set to 0 then connection will be established anyway. ## SET TLSSRVRID 1 ## ## Usage of Quad Zeros for hold ## When call hold request is received,the telephone will look for ## 'c=’, to determine whether an incoming re-INVITE is to ## initiate call hold. ## This is provisioned using USE_QUAD_ZEROS_FOR_HOLD parameter. ## When USE_QUAD_ZEROS_FOR_HOLD is set to 0 then a=directional ## attributes will be used in SDP to signal hold operation. ## When USE_QUAD_ZEROS_FOR_HOLD is set to 1 then c= IP ## address is used in SDP to signal hold operation. ## USE_QUAD_ZEROS_FOR_HOLD ## ## SIP and SIPS subscriptions ## SUBSCRIBE_SECURITY controls use of SIP or SIPS for subscriptions. ## If SUBSCRIBE_SECURITY is 0, the phone uses SIP for both the ## Request URI and the Contact Header regardless of whether SRTP is ## enabled. If SUBSCRIBE_SECURITY is 1,the phone uses SIPS for both ## the Request URI and the Contact Header if SRTP is enabled ## (TLS is on and MEDIAENCRYPTION has at least one valid crypto suite). ## If SUBSCRIBE_SECURITY is 2, and the SES/PPM does not show a ## FS-DeviceData FeatureName with a FeatureVersion of 2 in the Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 337 avaya.com ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## response to the getHomeCapabilities request (indicative SET SUBSCRIBE_SECURITY 2 SIP Operational Mode SIP_MODE parameter is used to define SIP operational mode. If set to 0 then SIP Proxy/Registrar is used. If set to 1 then SIP Proxy/Registrar will not be used and phone will operate in peer-to-peer mode. SIP_MODE 0 EAP methods for IEEE 802.1x authentication DOT1XEAPS defines EAP authentication methods for authentication. This parameter is a comma seperated string. Currently it allows only one method. The allowable methods are MD5 or TLS. SET DOT1XEAPS "MD5" Power over Ethernet conservation mode If POE_CONS_SUPPORT is set to 1 then Power conservation mode is supported. If this parameter is set to 0 then Power conservation mode is not supported. SET POE_CONS_SUPPORT 1 Personalize button labels ability CNGLABEL determines ability to personalize button labels to be displayed to the user. If it is set to 0 then ability will not be displayed to user. If it is set to 1 then personalize button labels ability will be exposed to user. Default value is 1. SET CNGLABEL 1. Selection of Conference Method If CONFERENCE_TYPE is set to 0 then local conferencing is supported based on sipping services. If set to 1 then server based conferencing is supported. If it is set to 2 then click-to conference server based conferencing is supported. If it is set to outside range then default value is selected. Default value is 1. SET CONFERENCE_TYPE 1 Call Coverage Tone Specifies the tone to play when a call goes to coverage. The default is 1 and valid values are 1-4. This parameter applies only to 16cc model phones. SET REDIRECT_TONE 1 LLDP Mode Specifies whether LLDP is enabled on the telephone. This parameter applies only to 96xx model phones. 0 for Off 1 for On 2 for On but only begin transmitting once an LLDP frame is received (default) SET LLDP_ENABLED 2 Early Media Enabled Specifies whether the phone sets up a voice channel to the called party before the call is answered. Setting this parameter to 1 can speed up call setup. 0 for No 1 for Yes Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. SET ENABLE_EARLY_MEDIA 1 Hold Indication Method Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 338 avaya.com ## Specifies method to use to indicate phone is on hold. ## A setting of 1 is useful for compatibility with 3rd ## party SIP endpoints. ## 0 for "a= directional attributes" ## 1 for IP address ## SET USE_QUAD_ZEROES_FOR_HOLD 0 ## ## RTCP Enabled ## Enables the phone to send RTCP data during calls. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTCPCONT 1 ## ## Maximum Transmission Unit Size ## Specifies the maximum frame length (MTU size) ## transmitted by the phone. Use 1496 for older Ethernet ## switches. (1496 or 1500) ## SET MTU_SIZE 1500 ## ## Media Encryption Support ## Specifies media encryption (SRTP) options supported by ## phone. Up to 2 options may be selected. Values are in ## comma-separated list. Options should match those ## specified in CM IP-codec-set form. ## 1 = aescm128-hmac80 ## 2 = aescm128-hmac32 ## 3 = aescm128-hmac80-unauth ## 4 = aescm128-hmac32-unauth ## 5 = aescm128-hmac80-unenc ## 6 = aescm128-hmac32-unenc ## 7 = aescm128-hmac80-unenc-unauth ## 8 = aescm128-hmac32-unenc-unauth ## 9 = none (default) ## SET MEDIAENCRYPTION "9" ## #################### DISPLAY SETTINGS #################### ## ## Display Colors and Layout ## Specifies a list of tuples describing color scheme and ## layout used in phone display. See Administrator's guide ## for additional detail. (0 to 1023 ASCII characters) ## SET SKINS Yankees=http://mycompany.com/skins/yankees_color/pinstripes.xml ## ## Selected skin for display layout ## If CURRENT_SKIN is selected(not empty string), then that particular skin is selected ## for display. This parameter should be one of the label as defined in 'SKINS' ## configuration parameter. If it is empty or not set then default skin is used. ## SET CURRENT_SKIN "" ## ## Display Logo ## Specifies a list of tuples describing logo used as phone ## display background. See Administrator's guide for ## additional detail. This parameter is not supported on ## 16cc phones. ## SET LOGOS FIFAWorldCup=../fifa_logo.jpg ## ## Selected background logo on display ## CURRENT_LOGO defines if custom logo is selected for display. ## This is used to display custom logo or built in default logo is to be used. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 339 avaya.com ## If CURRENT_LOGO is selected (not empty string), then the resource should be ## available using "LOGOS" configuration parameter. ## SET CURRENT_LOGO "" ## ## Options Menu Display ## Determines whether Options & Settings menu is displayed ## on phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET PROVIDE_OPTIONS_SCREEN 1 ## ## Network Info Menu Display ## Determines whether Network Information menu is displayed ## on phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET PROVIDE_NETWORKINFO_SCREEN 1 ## ## Logout Enabled ## Determines whether user can log out from phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET PROVIDE_LOGOUT 1 ## Determines whether log out option is available or not in Avaya Menu options. #################### CALL LOG SETTINGS ################### ## ## Call Log Enabled ## Determines whether call logging and associated menus ## are available on the phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_CALL_LOG 1 ## ## Redial Enabled ## Determines whether redial softkey is available. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_REDIAL 1 ## ## Redial List Enabled ## Determines whether phone redials last number or ## displays list of recently dialed numbers. ## 0 for last number redial ## 1 user can select between last number redial and ## redial list ## SET ENABLE_REDIAL_LIST 1 ## #################### CONTACTS SETTINGS ################### ## ## Contacts Enabled ## Determines whether the contacts application and ## associated menus are available on the phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_CONTACTS 1 ## ## Contacts Modification Enabled ## Determines whether the list of contacts and ## the function of the contacts application can ## be modified on the phone. ## 0 for No Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 340 avaya.com ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_MODIFY_CONTACTS 1 ## ## Multiple Contacts Warning Display ## Determines whether a warning message is displayed if ## there are multiple devices registered on a user's ## behalf. Multiple registered devices may lead to ## service disruption. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_MULTIPLE_CONTACT_WARNING 1 ## #################### EXCHANGE SETTINGS ################### ## ## Exchange Calendar Enabled ## Determines whether phone will retrieve calendar data ## from Microsoft Exchange ## 0 for Disabled ## 1 for Enabled ## SET USE_EXCHANGE_CALENDAR 0 ## ## Exchange Calendar Display ## Determines whether menu item(s) for Exchange® Calendar ## integration are displayed on the phone. This parameter ## is not supported on 16cc phones. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET PROVIDE_EXCHANGE_CALENDAR 1 ## ## Exchange Domain ## Specifies domain information for URL used to obtain ## Exchange contacts and calendar data. Appended to ## Exchange User ID specified in phone menus.(0 to 255 ## ASCII characters). This parameter is not supported ## on 16cc phones. ## SET EXCHANGE_USER_DOMAIN exchange.mycompany.com ## ## Exchange Server List ## A list of one or more Exchange servers to be accessed ## for contacts and calendar data. The default is null ## (""), but valid values are zero or more IP addresses ## in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas ## without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII ## characters. This parameter is not supported on 16cc ## phones. ## SET EXCHANGE_SERVER_LIST example ## ## For additional Exchange-related settings, see the ## CONTACTS SETTINGS section. ## ## Enable Exchange Reminder ## Enables popup reminder notifications to turn Exchange Reminder ## Message Box Interrupt screen on or off. ## If it is 0 = Off ## 1 = On ## SET ENABLE_EXCHANGE_REMINDER 0 ## ## Exchange Reminder Time ## To administer how far in advance the user wants to get the ## reminder for the appointment. Setting the value to 5 min for example, ## will cause the reminder/popup to appear 5 min before the start time Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 341 avaya.com ## of appointment. Setting the value to 0 minute will cause the reminder ## to be displayed at the start time of the appointment. ## The maximum reminder time can be set for 60 minutes. ## SET EXCHANGE_REMINDER_TIME 5 ## ## Exchange Snooze Time ## To administer how long in minutes for the Reminder to reappear ## after it has been snoozed (temporally dismissed) by the user. ## Setting the value to 5 min for example, will cause the Reminder ## popup to reappear after 5 min once it has been snoozed by the user. ## The maximum snooze time can be set for 60 minutes. ## SET EXCHANGE_SNOOZE_TIME 5 ## ## Exchange Reminder Tone ## To enable/disable generation of reminder tone (error beep) ## that will be played when the Reminder popup appears. If the user ## chooses "Yes", the reminder tone will be played with the popup. ## If user chooses "No", the reminder tone will not be played with ## the popup. This is only played when a popup pops for the 1st time. ## 0 = Disabled ## 1 = Enabled ## SET EXCHANGE_REMINDER_TONE 0 ## ## Exchange Notify Subscription Period ## To administer how long the phone re-syncs with the Exchange ## Server in seconds. ## 0 = Minumum value for the re-sync ## 3600 = Maximum value for the re-sync ## SET EXCHANGE_NOTIFY_SUBSCRIPTION_PERIOD 180 ## ## ##################### PRESENCE SETTINGS ################### ## ## On 96x1 SIP phones, presence is not supported for SM 5.x / 6.x ## ## Enable Presence ## To enable/disable complete Presence function ## 0 = Disabled ## 1 = Enabled ## SET ENABLE_PRESENCE 0 ## ## Presence Server ## A list of one or more presence server IP addresses or DNS addresses ## used to access server for presence indication (in case of several ## entries first address always first, etc.). The default is null ## (""), but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in dotted decimal ## or DNS format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a ## maximum of 255 ASCII characters. ## SET PRESENCE_SERVER "" ## ## Enable Automatic On The Phone Presence ## To enable/disable automatic On The Phone Presence status update when ## user goes on/off hook. ## 0 = Disabled ## 1 = Enabled ## SET ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_ON_THE_PHONE_PRESENCE 1 ## ## ##################### CODEC SETTINGS ##################### ## ## G.711a Codec Enabled Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 342 avaya.com ## Determines whether G.711 a-law codec is available on ## the phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_G711A 1 ## ## G.711u Codec Enabled ## Determines whether G.711 mu-law codec is available on ## the phone. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_G711U 1 ## ## G.729 Codec Enabled ## Determines whether G.729 codec is available on the ## phone. ## 0 for G.729(A) disabled ## 1 for G.729(A) enabled without Annex B support ## 2 for G.729(A) enabled with Annex B support ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET ENABLE_G729 1 ## ## G.726 Codec Enabled ## Determines whether G.726 codec is available on the ## phone. This parameter is not supported on 16cc phones. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_G726 1 ## ## G.726 Payload Type ## Specifies the RTP payload type to be used with the ## G.726 codec. (96-127). This parameter is not supported ## on 16cc phones. ## SET G726_PAYLOAD_TYPE 110 ## ## G.722 Codec Enabled ## Determines whether G.722 codec is available on the ## phone. This parameter is not supported on 16cc phones. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## SET ENABLE_G722 0 ## ## DTMF Payload Type ## Specifies the RTP payload type to be used for RFC ## 2833 signaling. (96-127). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET DTMF_PAYLOAD_TYPE 120 ## ## DTMF Transmission Method ## Specifies whether DTMF tones are sent in-band, as ## regular audio, or out-of-band, using RFC 2833 ## procedures. ## 1 for in-band ## 2 for out-of-band using RFC 2833 ## SET SEND_DTMF_TYPE 2 ## #################### LANGUAGE SETTINGS #################### ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file ## used in the phone. The filename should be one of the Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 343 avaya.com ## files listed in the LANGUAGES parameter. If no ## filename is specified, or if the filename does not ## match one of the LANGUAGES values, the phone shall use ## its built-in English text strings. 0 to 32 ASCII ## characters. Filename must end in .xml ## ## NOTE: ## For 96xx SIP Release 1.0 phones only, all language ## filenames begin with Mls_Spark_. For example, ## Mls_Spark_English.xml ## ## For 96xx SIP Release 2.0 and later and for 16CC phones, ## all language filenames begin with Mlf_ ## ## SET SYSTEM_LANGUAGE Mlf_English.xml ## ## Installed Languages ## Specifies the language files to be installed/downloaded ## to the phone. Filenames may be full URL, relative ## pathname, or filename. (0 to 1096 ASCII characters, ## including commas). Filenames must end in .xml. ## ## NOTE: ## For 96xx SIP Release 1.0 phones only, all language ## filenames begin with Mls_Spark_ For example, ## Mls_Spark_English.xml ## ## For 96xx SIP Release 2.0 and later and for 16CC phones, ## all language filenames begin with Mlf_ ## ## SET LANGUAGES Mlf_German.xml,Mlf_ParisianFrench.xml,Mlf_LatinAmericanSpanish.xml ## #################### COUNTRY AND DATE SETTINGS #################### ## ## Call Progress Tone Country ## Country used for network call progress tones. ## For Argentina use keyword "Argentina" ## For Australia use keyword "Australia" ## For Brazil use keyword "Brazil" ## For Canada use keyword "USA" ## For France use keyword "France" ## For Germany use keyword "Germany" ## For Italy use keyword "Italy" ## For Ireland use keyword "Ireland" ## For Mexico use keyword "Mexico" ## For Spain use keyword "Spain" ## For United Kingdom use keyword "UK" ## For United States use keyword "USA" ## ## NOTE 1:For a complete list of supported countries, see your ## telephone's Administrators Guide. ## NOTE 2:This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phone models also. ## ## SET COUNTRY "USA" ## ## Date Format ## Specifies the format for dates displayed in the phone. ## Use %d for day of month ## Use %m for month in decimal format ## Use %y for year without century (e.g., 07) ## Use %Y for year with century (e.g., 2007) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 344 avaya.com ## Any character not preceded by % is reproduced exactly. ## SET DATEFORMAT %m/%d/%y ## ## Time Format ## Specifies the format for time displayed in the phone. ## 0 for am/pm format ## 1 for 24h format ## SET TIMEFORMAT 0 ## ## Daylight Savings Time Mode ## Specifies daylight savings time setting for phone. ## 0 for no daylight saving time ## 1 for daylight savings activated (time set to DSTOFFSET) ## 2 for automatic daylight savings adjustment (as ## specified by DSTSTART and DSTSTOP) ## SET DAYLIGHT_SAVING_SETTING_MODE 2 ## ################# TIMER PARAMETER SETTINGS ############## ## ## Registration Response Timer. ## Specifies number of seconds to wait for a SIP register response message. ## If no response message is received within this time, registration is retried. ## The possible values are in the range of 4 seconds to 3600 seconds. ## The default value is 32 seconds. ## ## NOTE: For Avaya Distributed Office configurations prior to release 2.0, ## this parameter must be set to 60. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET WAIT_FOR_REGISTRATION_TIMER 32 ## ## ## Un-Registration complete Timer ## Specifies number of seconds to wait before declaring the SIP ## un-registration request to be complete. Un-registration includes ## termination of all active SIP dialogs, and SIP registration. ## The min-max values for this parameter are 4-3600 secs and default ## value is 32. ## SET WAIT_FOR_UNREGISTRATION_TIMER 32 ## ## Subscription Request Duration ## Specifies the duration of initial SUBSCRIBE messages ## sent from the phone. May be lowered by the server. ## (60–31536000 seconds). Maximum is one year; default is ## one day. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET OUTBOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST_DURATION 86400 ## ## No Digits Timeout ## Specifies the number of seconds after going off-hook ## that the phone waits to receive its first dialed digit. ## If no digits are entered within the specified time ## period, the phone plays a warning tone. (1-60) ## SET NO_DIGITS_TIMEOUT 20 ## ## Inter-Digit Timeout ## Specifies the number of seconds after the user dials ## a digit and before the phone sends out a SIP INVITE. ## The expiration of this timer signifies the completion ## of the digit collection period. (1-10) ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET INTER_DIGIT_TIMEOUT 5 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 345 avaya.com ## ## Failed Session Removal Timer ## Specifies the number of seconds the phone will play ## re-order tone after an invalid extension has been ## dialed. If this timer expires, or if the user ## presses the End Call softkey, the re-order tone is ## stopped and the session line appearance is removed. ## (5-999) ## SET FAILED_SESSION_REMOVAL_TIMER 30 ## ## TCP Keep Alive Enabled ## Determines whether or not the phone sends TCP keep ## alive (TCP ACK) messages. ## 0 for No ## 1 for Yes ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_STATUS 1 ## ## TCP Keep Alive Time ## Specifies number of seconds an idle phone will wait ## before sending out a TCP keep alive (TCP ACK) message. ## (10-3600). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME 60 ## ## TCP Keep Alive Interval ## Specifies number of seconds a phone will wait before ## re-transmitting a TCP keep alive (TCP ACK) message. ## (5-60). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL 10 ## ################ EVENT LOGGING SETTINGS ################## ## ## Local Event Logging control ## Controls the level of events recorded in the phone's local ## log. Events with the selected severity level and higher ## will be logged. ## 0 for emergencies ## 1 for alerts ## 2 for critical ## 3 for errors ## 4 for warnings ## 5 for notices ## 6 for information ## 7 for debug ## SET LOCAL_LOG_LEVEL 3 ## ## Logging Categories ## Specifies categories to be logged in syslog and local ## log file. This parameter must be specified to log ## events below Errors level. Comma-separated list of ## keywords. See Administrator's guide for additional ## detail. ## SET LOG_CATEGORY DHCP ## ## Enable syslog logging ## Value 0 (disable) and 1 (enable) and default is 0. ## Meaning for Activate/deactivate sending of syslog messages ## ## SYSLOG_ENABLED 0 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 346 avaya.com ## ################### CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ################# ## ## Certificate Server URI ## URI used to access SCEP server. ## SET MYCERTURL ## ## HTTP Proxy ## Specifies proxy server used to set up HTTP connection ## for SCEP protocol. zero or one IP address in dotted ## decimal or DNS name format followed by optional colon ## and port number. ## SET HTTPPROXY proxy.mycompany.com ## ## HTTP Exception Domains ## A list of one or more HTTP proxy server exception ## domains separated by commas without any spaces. ## SCEP accesses to these addresses will not go through ## the proxy server. ## SET HTTPEXCEPTIONDOMAINS mycompany.com, ## ## Certificate Common Name ## Common Name (CN) specified for SUBJECT of SCEP ## certificate request. ## Use $SERIALNO for phone's serial number ## Use $MACADDR for phone's MAC address ## SET MYCERTCN $SERIALNO ## ## Certificate Distinguished Name ## Specifies the part of SUBJECT in a certificate ## request which is common for requests from different ## phones. May include Organizational Unit, Organization, ## Location, State, Country, (0 to xx ASCII characters ## beginning with /). ## SET MYCERTDN /C=US/ST=NJ/L=MyTown/O=MyCompany ## ## Certificate Authority Identifier ## specifies the certificate with which the certificate ## request will be signed. Used especially by CAs that ## host multiple CAs (for example, EJBCA). Some CAs ## will ignore this parameter if they act as only one ## CA (for example, Microsoft CA). ## SET MYCERTCAID EjbSubCA ## ## Certificate Key Length ## specifies length of certificate private key for phone. ## (1024-2048). ## SET MYCERTKEYLEN 1024 ## ## Certificate Renewal Threshold ## Specifies period of time after which to begin ## certificate renewal request. Specified as percentage ## of certificate's Validity Object.(1-99) ## SET MYCERTRENEW 90 ## ## Certificate Wait Behavior ## Specifies phone's behavior while performing ## certificate enrollment. ## 0 for periodic background check ## 1 for wait until phone receives certificate, ## denial, or pending notification before continuing Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 347 avaya.com ## startup operation ## SET MYCERTWAIT 1 ## ##################### PORT SETTINGS ##################### ## ## UDP Minimum Port Value ## Specifies the lower limit of the UDP port range ## to be used by RTP/RTCP or SRTP/SRTCP connections. ## (1024 -65503). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTP_PORT_LOW 5004 ## ## UDP Port Range ## Specifies the range or number of UDP ports ## available for RTP/RTCP or SRTP/SRTCP connections. ## This value is added to RTP_PORT_LOW to determine ## the upper limit of the UDP port range (32-64511). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RTP_PORT_RANGE 40 ## ## Signaling Port Minimum Value ## Specifies the minimum port value for SIP ## signaling. ## (1024 -65503). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET SIG_PORT_LOW 1024 ## ## Signaling Port Range ## Specifies the range or number of SIP signaling ## ports. This value is added to SIG_PORT_LOW to ## determine the upper limit of the SIP signaling ## port range (32-64511). ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET SIG_PORT_RANGE 64511 ## ############################################################ ## ## ## 96xx SIP TELEPHONE SETTINGS ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## PROVIDE_EDITED_DIALING specifies control for editied dialing for user. ## 0 = Dialing Options is not displayed. The user cannot change edit dialing ## and the phone defaults to on-hook dialing. Edit dialing is disabled. ## 1 = Dialing Options is not displayed. The user cannot change edit dialing ## and the phone defaults to edit dialing. On hook dialing is disabled. ## 2 = Dialing Options is displayed. The user can change edit dialing ## and the phone defaults to on-hook dialing. ## 3 = Dialing Options is displayed. The user can change edit dialing and ## the phone defaults to edit dialing. ## PROVIDE_EDITED_DIALING 2 ## ## DTMF Volume Level ## This parameter specifies the power level of tone, expressed ## in dBm0. ## The possible values are in the range of -20dBm to -7dBm. ## The default value is -12dBm. This parameter is supported on ## 96xx telephones. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET INGRESS_DTMF_VOL_LEVEL -12 ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 348 avaya.com ## UDP Source port check for Audio regeneration ## Audio received via RTP or SRTP will be regenerated through ## the appropriate audio transducer if and only if the telephone ## is off-hook, and if the datagrams containing the RTP or SRTP ## have a UDP Source Port equal to the corresponding value of ## FEPORT if the value of the parameter SYMMETRIC_RTP is 1. ## If the value of SYMMETRIC_RTP is 0, he UDP Source Port is not checked. ## SET SYMMETRIC_RTP 1 ## ## Push capabilities settings. ## PUSHCAP consists of 4 digits (each 0, 1, or 2). ## The rightmost digit controls the Top Line push mode, ## the next digit to the left controls the display (web) pushes, ## the next digit to the leftmost controls Audio receive pushes,and Multicast Audio pushes, ## the next digit controls Audio transmit pushes. ## and the leftmost digit controls phonexml pushes ## and it only supports barge priority. ## Note: These settings are supported on R2.2 release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## 00000: all push modes are disabled ## ## 11111: barge in only is allowed in all push modes. ## ## 12222: both barge in and normal pushes are allowed in ## all push modes except phonexml, which supports only barge in pushes. ## ## SET PUSHCAP 00000 ## ## Customization file for Home Screen ## CURRENT_CONTENT parameter is used to customize home screen. This parameter defines ## URL of the customization file in xml format. The default value of the parameter is null. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.2 and above releases of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET CURRENT_CONTENT "" ## ############################################# ## ## Conference transfer on primary appearence ## When CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is set to 1, ## conference and transfer setup will first attempt ## to use an idle primary call appearance even if ## initiated from a bridged call appearance. ## If an idle primary call appearance is not available, ## then an idle bridged call appearance will be used. ## Conference and transfer setup initiated from a bridged call ## appearance when no idle primary call appearance is available ## will next attempt to use an idle bridged call appearance of ## the same extension and if not available, an idle bridged call ## appearance of a different extension. ## Note: When CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is set to 1, AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is ignored. ## ## When CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is set to 0, ## conference and transfer setup initiated from a primary call ## appearance will first attempt to use an idle primary call appearance. ## If an idle primary call appearance is not available, it will use an idle ## bridged call appearance regardless of the setting of AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR. ## Conference and transfer setup initiated from a bridged call appearance will attempt ## to use an idle bridged call appearance of the same extension. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 349 avaya.com ## If an idle bridged call appearance of the same extension is not available ## and AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is set to 1, then conference and transfer ## setup will use any idle call appearance (primary or bridged). ## It will first attempt to find an idle primary call appearance and if not ## available will then attempt to find an idle bridged call appearance of a different extension. ## However, if AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is set to 0, transfer and conference setup ## initiated on a bridged call appearance will be denied if an idle bridged call appearance ## of the same extension is not available. ## ## The Default value of CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is 0. ## Note: These parameters are supported on SIP release R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## ## Visiting User Mode ## VU_MODE defines visiting user mode capabilities. ## If set to 0, the phone operates normally. ## If set to 1, phone prompts the user, at registration time, if they are Visiting or Not. ## If set to 2, phone only allows Visiting User registrations. ## SET VU_MODE 0 ## ## Auto Select any idle appearance ## When AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is active then any idle appearance is selected. ## When AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is set to 0 and CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is 0, ## then if no associated call appearance is selected, the conference or transfer ## operation will be denied. ## When AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR is set to 1 and CONF_TRANS_ON_PRIMARY_APPR is 0, ## then if no associated call appearance is selected, the conference or transfer ## operation will be tried on any available call appearance (primary or bridged). ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET AUTO_SELECT_ANY_IDLE_APPR 0 ## ## Ring Tone files ## EXTEND_RINGTONE provides to customize ring tone files. ## This is a comma seperated list of file names in xml format. ## The default value of this parameter is null. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET EXTEND_RINGTONE "" ## ## Display Name and Number of incoming call ## DISPLAY_NAME_NUMBER provides display of name and number of incoming call. ## If it is set to 0 then phone will display only number of incoming call. ## If it is set to 1 then phone will display name and number os incoming call. ## SET DISPLAY_NAME_NUMBER 0 ## ## ## SIP controller list ## SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST provides the ability to configure a list of SIP proxies/registrars. ## The list may contain one or more comma separated controllers where a controller ## has the following format: ## host[:port][;transport=xxx] ## host is an IP addresses in dotted-decimal format or DNS name. ## [:port] is the optional port number. ## [;tansport=xxx] is the optional transport type where xxx can be tls, tcp, or udp. ## If a port number is not specified the default value of 5060 for TCP and UDP or 5061 for TLS is used. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 350 avaya.com ## If a transport type is not specified the default value of tls is used. ## Note 1: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## Note 2: This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phone models also. ## SET SIP_CONTROLLER_LIST proxy1:5060;transport=tcp,proxy2:5060;transport=tcp ## ## PPM as a source of SIP proxy server ## ENABLE_PPM_SOURCED_SIPPROXYSRVR parameter enables PPM as a source of SIP ## Proxy server information. ## When this is set to 1 then proxy server information discovered via PPM will be used. ## The default value of this parameter is 1. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET ENABLE_PPM_SOURCED_SIPPROXYSRVR 1. ## ## Fast Response Timer ## FAST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT provides ability to configure fast response timer. ## When it is set to 0 then this timer is disabled. ## When it is set to any value in between 1 to 32 then the timer will be ## started for the set value. The timer terminates INVITE transactions if no ## SIP response is received within a specified number seconds of sending the request ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET FAST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 4 ## ## Reactive Monitoring Interval ## When RECOVERYREGISTERWAIT is set with value then phone will retry the ## monitoring attempt after a randomly selected delay of 50% - 90% of ## the reactive monitoring interval specified in the RECOVERYREGISTERWAIT parameter. ## The range for this timer is 10-36000 seconds ## Note 1: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## Note 2: This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phone models also. ## SET RECOVERYREGISTERWAIT 60 ## ## For small network loads, but back off under non-responsive or error conditions, to avoid network congestion or server overload. ## Impose a delay before each retry where the delay interval grows exponentially for each subsequent retry. ## The parameters are configurable via settings file. ## ## RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_TIME ## The initial delay time is RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_TIME seconds. Each subsequent retry ## is delayed by double the previous delay.The minimum value is 2 seconds and Maximum value is 60 seconds . ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_TIME 2 ## ## RDS_MAX_RETRY_TIME ## The max delay interval is limited to RDS_MAX_RETRY_TIME seconds. The minimum value is 2 seconds ## and Maximum value is 3600 seconds ## SET RDS_MAX_RETRY_TIME 600 ## ## RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_ATTEMPTS ## The number of retries is limited to RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_ATTEMPTS.The minimum value is 1 attempt and Maximum value is 30 attempts. ## Note : This setting is applicable for 1603 SIP phones also. ## SET RDS_INITIAL_RETRY_ATTEMPTS 15 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 351 avaya.com ## ## ## Selection of Active Controller ## When FAILBACK_POLICY parameter is set to "auto", the phone’s active controller will ## always be the highest priority available controller. ## If FAILBACK_POLICY parameter is set to "admin", then a controller ## lower down the priority list may be active. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET FAILBACK_POLICY auto ## ## SIP Registration Proxy Policy ## If SIPREGPROXYPOLICY parameter is "alternate" and a user is logged-in, ## the phone will attempt and maintain a single active SIP registration with the highest priority ## If SIPREGPROXYPOLICY parameter is "simultaneous" and a user is logged-in, ## the phone will attempt and maintain active SIP registrations with all Available Controller(s). ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET SIPREGPROXYPOLICY alternate ## ## Dynamic Feature Set Discovery ## If the DICSOVER_AVAYA_ENVIRONMENT parameter value is 1, the phone discovers (determines) ## if that controller supports the AST feature set or not. The phone will send a SUBSCRIBE ## request to the active controller for the Feature Status Event Package (avaya-cmfeature-status). ## If the request succeeds, then the phone proceeds with PPM Synchronization. ## If the request is rejected, is proxied back to the phone or does not receive a response, ## the phone will assume that AST features are not available. ## If the parameter value is 0, the phone operates in a mode where AST features are not available. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones. ## SET DISCOVER_AVAYA_ENVIRONMENT 1 ## ## ## Telephone number to call into the messaging system ## PSTN_VM_NUM is the "dialable" string is used to call into the messaging system ## (e.g. when pressing the Message Waiting button). ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones ## when the phone is failed over. ## SET PSTN_VM_NUM "" ## ## PSTN Access Prefix ## ENABLE_REMOVE_PSTN_ACCESS_PREFIX parameter allows telephone to ## perform digit manipulation during failure scenarios. This parameter ## allows removal of PSTN access prefix from the outgoing number. ## 0 - PSTN access prefix is retained in the outgoing number ## 1 - PSTN access prefix is stripped from the outgoing number. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones ## when the phone is failed over. ## SET ENABLE_REMOVE_PSTN_ACCESS_PREFIX 0 ## ## Local Dial Area Code Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 352 avaya.com ## LOCAL_DIAL_AREA_CODE indicates whether user must dial area code for calls within same ## area code regions. when LOCAL_DIAL_AREA_CODE is enabled (1), the area code parameter (PHNLAC) ## should also be configured (ie. not the empty string). ## 0 - User don't need to dial area code. ## 1 - User need to dial area code. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones ## when the phone is failed over. ## SET LOCAL_DIAL_AREA_CODE 0 ## ## Phone's Local Area Code ## When PHNLAC is set,it indicates the telephone's local area code, which along with ## the parameter LOCAL_DIAL_AREA_CODE, allows users to dial local numbers with more flexibility. ## PHNLAC is a string representing the local area code the telephone. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones ## when the phone is failed over. ## SET PHNLAC "" ## ## Monitored Controller Search Interval settings ## CONTROLLER_SEARCH_INTERVAL which is the time that the phone waits ## to complete the maintenance check for monitored controllers. ## This value is the wait period in seconds. Range is 4secs to 3600secs. ## Note: This parameter is supported on R2.4.1 and later release of 96xx SIP telephones ## SET CONTROLLER_SEARCH_INTERVAL 4 ## ## Phone Lock ## Phone Lock provides users with the capability to manually lock their ## stations using either a softkey on the idle Phone Screen or a button ## on the Feature Screen. ## 0 - Lock Softkey and Feature Button are not displayed ## 1 - Lock Softkey and Feature Button are displayed ## SET ENABLE_PHONE_LOCK 0 ## ## Phone Lock Idle Time ## Phone can be automatically locked after a period of idle time. ## The Default Phone Lock idle time is not to lock the phone. ## If Phone Lock is enabled via settings, but Phone Lock idle time ## is not set; the phone will not lock. If Phone Lock is enabled via ## settings, and Phone Lock idle time is set; the phone will lock ## after whatever value of minutes of inactivity is set. ## 0 – Phone does not lock ## 1-999 – Phone locks after the value in minutes ## SET PHONE_LOCK_IDLETIME 0 ## ## ############################################################ ## ## ## SIP SOFTPHONE SETTINGS ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## WEBLMSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain ## Name (FQDN) of the Licensing Server Name or Address. The ## default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more ## IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated ## by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 353 avaya.com ## 255 ASCII characters. ## ## SP_DIRSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain ## Name (FQDN) of the LDAP Directory Server Name or ## Address. The default is null ("") but valid values are ## zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS ## format, separated by commas without intervening spaces, ## to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. ## ## SP_DIRSRVRPORT sets the TCP port number of your LDAP ## Directory Server. The default port number is 389. If ## you wish to change the port number, you must set this ## value. ## ## SP_DIRTOPDN sets the Directory Topmost Distinguished ## Name. You must set this value to a non-null value to ## enable the LDAP application. The default is null (""), ## but you should set DIRTOPDN to the LDAP root entry. ## ## SP_AC sets the Area Code ## ## LOCAL_CALL_PREFIX sets the prefix for local calls. ## Permissible values are the Area Code denoted by AC, a ## string of digits, or the default, DIAL_AS_IS. The ## example shows the Area Code. ## ## Examples: ## SET WEBLMSRVR ## SET SP_DIRSRVR ldap-east.post.avaya.com ## SET SP_DIRSRVRPORT 389 ## SET SP_DIRTOPDN ou=People,o=avaya.com ## SET SP_AC 212 ## SET LOCAL_CALL_PREFIX AC ## ## ############################################################ # # SETTINGS16XX # ############################################################ ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 16XX telephone. ## NOTE: ## For releases previous to R1.1, only language files (LANGxFILE) needed to be specified. ## For release R1.1 and beyond, where 5 additional languages received support, a FONTFILE for ## each of these languages was also needed, in addition to its LANGxFILE. ## ## The 5 additional languages supported in phones (R1.1 and beyond) are: ## ## Arabic ## Simplified Chinese ## Traditional Chinese ## Hebrew ## Korean ## ## There are ten predefined language files for phone display that don't require any font file. ## By convention, when specifying any 3 of these 10 languages, use LANG1FILE, LANG2FILE, LANG3FILE: Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 354 avaya.com ## mlf_Sage_v54_dutch.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_french_can.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_french_paris.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_german.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_italian.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_japanese_kat.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_portuguese.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_russian.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_spanish.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_spanish_latin.txt ## ## There are five predefined language files for the phone display that require a font file. ## Normally, only specify one of these languages because the font files are large and require more memory ## By convention, when specifying any 1 of these 5 languages, use LANG4FILE: ## mlf_Sage_v54_arabic.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_chinese.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_trad_chinese.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_hebrew.txt ## mlf_Sage_v54_korean.txt ## ## Five predefined font files for the 5 languages above, respectively: ## Arabic_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## GB_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## Big5_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## Hebrew_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## KSC_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## ## These next language file configurations are examples of what a customer might ## use whan specifying 4 languages. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_german.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_russian.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_spanish_latin.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET FONTFILE KSC_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_korean.txt" ## ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_Sage_V54_german.txt" ## ############## END OF 16XX IP Phone Language Settings ############# ############################################################ Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 355 avaya.com ## ## ## PER MODEL SETTINGS ## ## Applies to specific telephone models ## ## ## ############################################################ ## IF $MODEL4 SEQ 1692 GOTO SETTINGS1692 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 1603 GOTO SETTINGS1603 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 1608 GOTO SETTINGS1608 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 1616 GOTO SETTINGS1616 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 16cc GOTO SETTINGS16cc IF $MODEL4 SEQ 3631 GOTO SETTINGS3631 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4601 GOTO SETTINGS4601 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4602 GOTO SETTINGS4602 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4610 GOTO SETTINGS4610 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4620 GOTO SETTINGS4620 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4621 GOTO SETTINGS4621 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4622 GOTO SETTINGS4622 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4625 GOTO SETTINGS4625 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 4630 GOTO SETTINGS4630 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9610 GOTO SETTINGS9610 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9620 GOTO SETTINGS9620 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9630 GOTO SETTINGS9630 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9640 GOTO SETTINGS9640 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9650 GOTO SETTINGS9650 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9670 GOTO SETTINGS9670 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9608 GOTO SETTINGS9608 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9641 GOTO SETTINGS9641 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9611 GOTO SETTINGS9611 IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9621 GOTO SETTINGS9621 GOTO END ## ############################################################ ############################################################ # # SETTINGS1692 # ############################################################ ## GOTO END ############## END OF 1692 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS1603 # ############################################################ ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 1603 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_spanish.txt" Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 356 avaya.com ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET FONTFILE KSC_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_korean.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_Sage_v54_german.txt" ## goto END ############## END OF 1603 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS1608 # ############################################################ ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 1608 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET FONTFILE KSC_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_korean.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_Sage_v54_german.txt" ## goto END ############## END OF 1608 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS1616 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 357 avaya.com # ############################################################ ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 1616 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET FONTFILE KSC_S11_V34.rbm.lzma ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_Sage_v54_korean.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_Sage_v54_german.txt" ## goto END ############## END OF 1616 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS16cc # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 16cc telephone. ## ## Agent Login Tone ## Specifies the confirmation tone to play when the agent ## successfully logs in. The default is 1 and valid ## values are 1-32. This parameter applies only to 16cc ## model phones. ## SET AGENTTONE 1 ################### CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ################# ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 358 avaya.com ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 one level softer than NORMAL ## 2 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 3 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 4 OFF (inaudible) ## 5 one level louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## goto END ############## END OF 16cc IP Phone Settings ############### # ## # SETTINGS3631 ## # ## ############################################################ ## ## ## Settings applicable to 3631 telephone model ## ## ## ############################################################ ## ## WMM mode for 3631 telephone. May be overridden by WMM ## mode specified in Access Profile. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTWMM 0 ## ## Power save mode for 3631 telephone. May be overridden ## by power save mode specified in Access Profile. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTPWRSAV 1 ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## cacert1.pem for 3631 Access Profile 1 ## cacert2.pem for 3631 Access Profile 2 ## cacert3.pem for 3631 Access Profile 3 ## SET TRUSTCERTS cacert1.pem,cacert2.pem,cacert3.pem ## ## Regulatory domain (country) for 3631 telephone. (0 to ## 2 ASCII characters, no spaces.) ## SET WTREGDOM US ## ## Data rate for 3631 telephone ## -1 for Auto ## 2 for 1 Mbps ## 4 for 2 Mbps ## 11 for 5.5 Mbps ## 12 for 6 Mbps ## 18 for 9 Mbps ## 22 for 11 Mbps ## 24 for 12 Mbps ## 36 for 18 Mbps ## 48 for 24 Mbps Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 359 avaya.com ## 72 for 36 Mbps ## 96 for 48 Mbps ## 108 for 54 Mbps ## SET WTRATE -1 ## ## Fragmentation threshold for 3631 telephone (256-3000). ## SET WTFRAG 3000 ## ## Request to send (RTS) threshold for 3631 telephone ## (0-3000). ## SET WTRTS 3000 ## ################ ACCESS PROFILE 1 SETTINGS ############### ## ## Name for Access Profile 1. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTPROF1 North ## ## SSID for Access Profile 1. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTSSIDP1 north@mycompany ## ## WMM mode for Access Profile 1. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTWMMP1 0 ## ## Power save mode for Access Profile 1. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTPWRSAVP1 1 ## ## Security mode for Access Profile 1. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP ## 2 for WPA-PSK ## 3 for WPA2-PSK ## 4 for WPA-802.1X ## 5 for WPA2-802.1X ## SET WTSECP1 0 ## ## Encryption type for Access Profile 1. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP-64 ## 2 for WEP-128 ## 3 for TKIP ## 4 for AES ## SET ENCRYPTP1 0 ## ## Encryption key for Access Profile 1. (0 to 63 ASCII ## characters, no spaces.) ## SET WTKEYP1 northkey ## ## EAP type for Access Profile 1. ## 0 for disable ## 1 for TLS ## 2 for LEAP ## 3 for PEAP-GTC ## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2 ## 5 for TTLS-CHAP ## 6 for TTLS-MD5 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 360 avaya.com ## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP ## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2 ## SET EAPTYPEP1 0 ## ################ ACCESS PROFILE 2 SETTINGS ############### ## ## Name for Access Profile 2. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTPROF2 South ## ## SSID for Access Profile 2. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTSSIDP2 south@mycompany ## ## WMM mode for Access Profile 2. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTWMMP2 0 ## ## Power save mode for Access Profile 2. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTPWRSAVP2 1 ## ## Security mode for Access Profile 2. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP ## 2 for WPA-PSK ## 3 for WPA2-PSK ## 4 for WPA-802.1X ## 5 for WPA2-802.1X ## SET WTSECP2 0 ## ## Encryption type for Access Profile 2. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP-64 ## 2 for WEP-128 ## 3 for TKIP ## 4 for AES ## SET ENCRYPTP2 0 ## ## Encryption key for Access Profile 2. (0 to 63 ASCII ## characters, no spaces.) ## SET WTKEYP2 southkey ## ## EAP type for Access Profile 2. ## 0 for disable ## 1 for TLS ## 2 for LEAP ## 3 for PEAP-GTC ## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2 ## 5 for TTLS-CHAP ## 6 for TTLS-MD5 ## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP ## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2 ## SET EAPTYPEP2 0 ## ## Domain Name Server for Access Profile 2 ## SET DNSSRVRP2 ## ## DNS domain for Access Profile 2 Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 361 avaya.com ## SET DOMAINP2 south.mycompany.com ## ################ ACCESS PROFILE 3 SETTINGS ############### ## ## Name for Access Profile 3. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTPROF3 West ## ## SSID for Access Profile 3. (0 to 31 ASCII characters, ## no spaces.) ## SET WTSSIDP3 west@mycompany ## ## WMM mode for Access Profile 3. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTWMMP3 0 ## ## Power save mode for Access Profile 3. ## 0 for off ## 1 for on ## SET WTPWRSAVP3 1 ## ## Security mode for Access Profile 3. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP ## 2 for WPA-PSK ## 3 for WPA2-PSK ## 4 for WPA-802.1X ## 5 for WPA2-802.1X ## SET WTSECP3 0 ## ## Encryption type for Access Profile 3. ## 0 for none ## 1 for WEP-64 ## 2 for WEP-128 ## 3 for TKIP ## 4 for AES ## SET ENCRYPTP3 0 ## ## Encryption key for Access Profile 3. (0 to 63 ASCII ## characters, no spaces.) ## SET WTKEYP3 westkey ## ## EAP type for Access Profile 3. ## 0 for disable ## 1 for TLS ## 2 for LEAP ## 3 for PEAP-GTC ## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2 ## 5 for TTLS-CHAP ## 6 for TTLS-MD5 ## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP ## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2 ## SET EAPTYPEP3 0 ## ## Domain Name Server for Access Profile 3 ## SET DNSSRVRP3 ## ## DNS domain for Access Profile 3 ## SET DOMAINP3 west.mycompany.com ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 362 avaya.com ## ## GOTO END ################## END OF 3631 phone settings ################ ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4601 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4601 telephone. ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4601 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4602 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4602 telephone. ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 363 avaya.com ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4602 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4610 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4610 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## The WMLIDLEURI setting acts as an idle screen when the ## phone has been idle (see WMLIDLETIME value). By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTE: ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 364 avaya.com ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/idle.wml ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4610 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4620 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4620 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 365 avaya.com ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## The WMLIDLEURI setting acts as an idle screen when the ## phone has been idle (see WMLIDLETIME value). By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTE: ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/idle.wml ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4620 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4621 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4621 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 366 avaya.com ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## The WMLIDLEURI setting acts as an idle screen when the ## phone has been idle (see WMLIDLETIME value). By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTE: ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/idle.wml ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4621 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4622 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4622 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 367 avaya.com ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## The WMLIDLEURI setting acts as an idle screen when the ## phone has been idle (see WMLIDLETIME value). By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTE: ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4620/idle.wml ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4622 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4625 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 4625 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 368 avaya.com ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## The WMLIDLEURI setting acts as an idle screen when the ## phone has been idle (see WMLIDLETIME value). By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTE: ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4625/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4625/idle.wml ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4625 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS4630 # ############################################################ ## ###### Settings for the 4630 IP Phone LDAP Application ##### ## ## These settings are used to enable and administer the LDAP ## application on the 4630. ## ## Your LDAP Directory server Address ## You must set this value to a non-null value to enable ## the LDAP application. ## The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or ## more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, ## separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a ## maximum of 255 ASCII characters.## ## SET DIRSRVR ldap.mycompany.com ## ## The TCP port number of your LDAP Directory Server ## The default port number is 389. If you wish to change ## the port number, you must set this value.## ## SET DIRLDAPPORT 389 ## ## The Directory Topmost Distinguished Name ## You must set this value to a non-null value to enable ## the LDAP application. The default is null ("") but Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 369 avaya.com ## you should set DIRTOPDN to the LDAP root entry. ## SET DIRTOPDN "People" ## ## The default LDAP search value. ## The 4630 only supports searches on names. The default ## is "cn" which stands for "complete name" in LDAP. ## CHANGING ## THIS VALUE IS NOT RECOMMENDED unless your ## LDAP directory uses a different term for this data ## field. ## SET DIRFULLNAME cn ## ## The Directory Telephone Number field. ## The default is "telephonenumber". CHANGING THIS VALUE ## IS NOT RECOMMENDED unless your LDAP directory uses a ## different term for this data field. ## SET DIRTELNUM telephonenumber ## ## ######## Settings for 4630 IP Phone Web Application ######## ## ## These settings are used to enable and administer the Web ## application on the 4630. ## ## NOTE: Avaya hosts a web site for the 4630 IP Phone. ## The WEBHOME and WEBCODING parameters are set up ## to point your 4630 IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable this operation, remove "##" from the front ## of the lines SET WEBHOME ... (and you may need to ## administer WEBPROXY as well). ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## remove "##" from the front of the lines SET WEBHOME ... ## and replace the provided URL with the URL of your site. ## ## NOTE: Your network must be using Domain Name Services ## (DNS) for the Avaya hosted site settings to operate ## properly. ## ## The URL of your 4630 Home page ## The default is null ("") but you can specify any other ## valid URL up to 255 characters in length. ## SET WEBHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/4630/index.htm ## ## Your HTTP proxy server address (name or IP address) ## This text string contains zero or one IP address in ## dotted-decimal or DNS format, identifying an HTTP Proxy ## Server. The default is null ("") and you may not need ## to set this parameter if all Web pages to be viewed by ## the phone user are on your organization's intranet. ## SET WEBPROXY my.proxy.company.com ## ## The TCP port number of your HTTP proxy server ## The default is 80, but WEBPORT is ignored if WEBPROXY ## is null. ## SET WEBPORT 80 ## ## A list of one or more HTTP proxy server exception ## domains. Accesses to these addresses will not go ## through the proxy server. The default is null ("") ## but valid values are zero or more IP addresses in ## dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas ## without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 370 avaya.com ## characters. ## SET WEBEXCEPT mycompany.com, ## #################### 4630 Stock Ticker ##################### ## Use this setting to activate the stock ticker on your ## 4630. Go to Options on your 4630 to complete setup of ## this feature. ## Use 0 to Disable or 1 to Enable (the default) ## SET STKSTAT 1 ## GOTO END ############## END OF 4630 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9610 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9610 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLSMALL setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The model 9610 is different from other 96xx phone ## models and does not use either WMLHOME or ## WMLIDLEURI. Use WMLSMALL in their place together ## with WMLIDLETIME. The 9610 requires the 9610 backup ## restore file to populate the home page on the phone. ## When the 9610 has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes, ## there are several possible displays which may appear ## depending on the values of IDLEAPP (in the 9610 ## backup restore file) and WMLSMALL itself. While it is ## possible to use one of these screens as an "idle ## screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON timer ## and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. See your telephone's Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 371 avaya.com ## Administrators guide for more information. ## ## To change the web site that your 9610 points to, remove ## the "## " from the SET WMLSMALL line and replace the ## provided URL in the line with the URL of your site. ## If WMLSMALL is null, 9610 backup-restore Main Menu WML ## links will not display ## ## SET WMLSMALL http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ###### 9610 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9610 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9610 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 372 avaya.com # # SETTINGS9620 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9620 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## CAUTION: ## Setting 2 turns OFF sidetone in H.323 release 1.1 and ## earlier ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## CAUTION: ## Setting 2 turns OFF sidetone in H.323 release 1.1 and ## earlier ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMALL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 373 avaya.com ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDLEURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ####### 9620 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9620 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 374 avaya.com ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_s31_v49_english_large.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9620 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9630 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9630 telephone. ## ###################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## CAUTION: ## Setting 2 turns OFF sidetone in H.323 release 1.1 and ## earlier ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## CAUTION: ## Setting 2 turns OFF sidetone in H.323 release 1.1 and ## earlier ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 375 avaya.com ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDLEURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9630 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9630 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 376 avaya.com ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_s31_v49_english_large.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9630 IP Phone Settings ############### ## ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9640 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9640 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 377 avaya.com ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDLEURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9640 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9640 H.323 telephone. ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 378 avaya.com ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_s31_v49_english_large.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9640 IP Phone Settings ############### ## ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9650 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9650 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 379 avaya.com ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDLEURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDLEURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 380 avaya.com ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9650 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9650 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_s31_v49_english_large.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9650 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9670 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9670 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 381 avaya.com ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDELURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 382 avaya.com ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDELURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9670 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9670 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96xx H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_s31_v49_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_s31_v49_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_s31_v49_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_s31_v49_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_s31_v49_english_large.txt" GOTO END ############## END OF 9670 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9608 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9608 telephone. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 383 avaya.com ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDELURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 384 avaya.com ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDELURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9608 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9608 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96x1 H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## Larger Text Font File name ## Specifies the loadable language file on the HTTP server ## for the Large Text Font. 0 to 32 ASCII characters. ## ## SET LANGLARGEFONT "mlf_S96x1_v55_english_large.txt" ## ## Variable Name : PHNSCRALL ## Valid Values Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 385 avaya.com ## 0 filtered views are the Call Appearance filtered screen, containing all call ## appearances (primary and bridged), and the Feature Button filtered screen, ## containing all administered feature buttons. ## 1 filtered view is the Consolidated Phone Screen ## ## Description ## Phone Screen Consolidation flag ## ## SET PHNSCRALL 0 ## ## Variable Name : CLDISPCONTENT ## Valid Values ## 0 Name & number both will be seen in History screen ## 1 Number will not be seen in History screen ## ## Description ## Specifies Call Log Display Content control ## ## SET CLDISPCONTENT 1 GOTO END ############## END OF 9608 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9611 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9611 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 386 avaya.com ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDELURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDELURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9611 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9611 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96x1 H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_russian.txt" Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 387 avaya.com ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## ## Variable Name : PHNSCRALL ## Valid Values ## 0 filtered views are the Call Appearance filtered screen, containing all call ## appearances (primary and bridged), and the Feature Button filtered screen, ## containing all administered feature buttons. ## 1 filtered view is the Consolidated Phone Screen ## ## Description ## Phone Screen Consolidation flag ## ## SET PHNSCRALL 0 ## ## Variable Name : CLDISPCONTENT ## Valid Values ## 0 Name & number both will be seen in History screen ## 1 Number will not be seen in History screen ## ## Description ## Specifies Call Log Display Content control ## ## SET CLDISPCONTENT 1 GOTO END ############## END OF 9611 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9621 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9621 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 388 avaya.com ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDELURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 389 avaya.com ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDELURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9621 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9621 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96x1 H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## ## Variable Name : PHNSCRALL ## Valid Values ## 0 filtered views are the Call Appearance filtered screen, containing all call ## appearances (primary and bridged), and the Feature Button filtered screen, ## containing all administered feature buttons. ## 1 filtered view is the Consolidated Phone Screen ## ## Description ## Phone Screen Consolidation flag ## ## SET PHNSCRALL 0 ## ## Variable Name : CLDISPCONTENT ## Valid Values ## 0 Name & number both will be seen in History screen Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 390 avaya.com ## 1 Number will not be seen in History screen ## ## Description ## Specifies Call Log Display Content control ## ## SET CLDISPCONTENT 1 GOTO END ############## END OF 9621 IP Phone Settings ############### ############################################################ # # SETTINGS9641 # ############################################################ ## ## This section contains the phone model specific settings ## for the 9641 telephone. ## ##################### AUDIO SETTINGS ##################### ## ## Headset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the headset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHD 0 ## ## Handset Sidetone ## Controls the level of sidetone in the handset. ## ## setting level ## 0 NORMAL level for most users (default) ## 1 three levels softer than NORMAL ## 2 OFF (inaudible) ## 3 one level softer than NORMAL ## 4 two levels softer than NORMAL ## 5 four levels softer than NORMAL ## 6 five levels softer than NORMAL ## 7 six levels softer than NORMAL ## 8 one level louder than NORMAL ## 9 two levels louder than NORMAL ## ## SET AUDIOSTHS 0 ## ############### Authentication section ###################### ## ## CERTIFICATE SETTINGS ## ## Authentication Certificates ## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This ## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames, ## separated by commas without any intervening spaces. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 391 avaya.com ## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates. ## SET TRUSTCERTS avayaprca.crt,sip_product_root.crt,avayacallserver.crt ## ################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ################## ## ## The WMLHOME setting is used to enable and ## administer the 'Web' Application. ## ## WMLIDLEURI may be used as an "idle screen" when the ## phone has been idle for WMLIDLETIME minutes. By default ## this URL is NULL ("") and this screen is not activated. ## ## NOTES: ## ## The WMLIDELURI idle screen is different than the ## Avaya screen saver activated by the SCREENSAVERON ## timer. While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an ## "idle screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON ## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for ## screen saver purposes. ## ## Avaya hosts a web site for IP Phones. ## The WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI parameters are set up ## to point your IP telephones to this hosted site. ## To enable access to this site, remove the "## " ## from the SET WMLHOME ... and SET WMLIDLEURI ... lines. ## To change the web site that your phones point to, ## replace the provided URL in the SET WMLHOME .. and ## SET WMLIDELURI ...lines with the URL of your site. ## ## SET WMLHOME http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/avayaip/9600/home.wml ## SET WMLIDLEURI http://www.mycompany.com/my_screen.wml ## ###### 9641 H.323 Phone Multi-Language Administration ####### ## ## These settings are used to set the local display ## language of your 9641 H.323 telephone. ## ## First Language File Name ## Contains the name of the first language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## ## Note: ## It is recommended you install the latest version of the ## language files in all 96x1 H.323 telephones, even if some ## phones are running an earlier release of software. ## ## SET LANG1FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_russian.txt" ## ## Second Language File Name ## Contains the name of the second language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG2FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_spanish.txt" ## ## Third Language File Name ## Contains the name of the third language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG3FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_french_paris.txt" ## ## Fourth Language File Name ## Contains the name of the fourth language file. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 392 avaya.com ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANG4FILE "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## System-Wide Language ## Contains the name of the default system language file. ## 0 to 32 ASCII characters. File name must end in .txt ## SET LANGSYS "mlf_S96x1_v55_german.txt" ## ## ## Variable Name : PHNSCRALL ## Valid Values ## 0 filtered views are the Call Appearance filtered screen, containing all call ## appearances (primary and bridged), and the Feature Button filtered screen, ## containing all administered feature buttons. ## 1 filtered view is the Consolidated Phone Screen ## ## Description ## Phone Screen Consolidation flag ## ## SET PHNSCRALL 0 ## ## Variable Name : CLDISPCONTENT ## Valid Values ## 0 Name & number both will be seen in History screen ## 1 Number will not be seen in History screen ## ## Description ## Specifies Call Log Display Content control ## ## SET CLDISPCONTENT 1 GOTO END ############## END OF 9641 IP Phone Settings ############### # END ############## END OF CONFIGURATION FILE ################### Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 393 avaya.com 12. Reference Documentation Document Title Publication Number Description © 2012 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are registered in the United States and other countries. All trademarks identified by ®, TM or SM are registered marks, trademarks, and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Avaya may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. References to Avaya include the Nortel Enterprise business, which was acquired as of December 18, 2009. Aug 2012 Avaya Inc. – External Distribution 394
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 394 Language : en-US Tagged PDF : Yes Title : Avaya Data Solutions Document Template Author : jvanterv Creator : Microsoft® Word 2010 Create Date : 2012:08:21 13:56:57-04:00 Modify Date : 2012:08:21 13:56:57-04:00 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2010EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools