Avaya Message Forwarding Bcm Rls 6 0 Users Manual
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BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Task Based Guide Message Forwarding Copyright © 2010 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notices While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Documentation disclaimer Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya’s agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User. Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked Web sites referenced within this site or documentation(s) provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages. Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product, while under warranty, is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Please note that if you acquired the product from an authorized reseller, the warranty is provided to you by said reseller and not by Avaya. Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO/ ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER. 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All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Downloading documents For the most current versions of documentation, see the Avaya Support. Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Contact Avaya Support Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your product. The support telephone number is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Copyright © 2010 ITEL, All Rights Reserved The copyright in the material belongs to ITEL and no part of the material may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of a duly authorised representative of ITEL. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 3 Message Forwarding Table of Contents Message Forwarding ........................................................ 5 Overview .......................................................................................... 5 Required Information ....................................................................... 5 Flow Chart ....................................................................................... 6 Administration Configuration: CallPilot Manager .............................. 7 Accessing CallPilot Manager from Element Manager .......................................7 Accessing CallPilot Manager from Internet Explorer .........................................7 Configuring the System Properties ..................................................................13 Enabling Message Forwarding in Class of Service ........................ 15 Finding a Mailbox‟s Class of Service ...............................................................15 Changing the Class of Service entry ...............................................................16 Setting the Destination E-mail Address on Behalf of the Mailbox Owner ........17 User Configuration: The Mailbox Manager Portal .......................... 19 Accessing the Mailbox Manager Portal ...........................................................19 Minimum User Setup and Configuration ..........................................................20 Additional Message Forwarding Options .........................................................21 Additional Information .................................................... 23 Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration ...................................................23 Receiving WAV Files or TIF Fax Attachments ................................................23 Avaya Documentation Links .......................................... 24 4 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Message Forwarding Overview The message forwarding feature generates an email whenever a voicemail arrives in your CallPilot voice mailbox. This is then sent to any specified email address, containing either a copy of the voice message (WAV file), or with any sent fax attachment (TIF file) - allowing you to play the voice message, or view the fax, on your mobile device. Any email enabled device can receive these messages, including: Personal Digital Assistants (PDA‟s). Email Clients (such as Outlook, Lotus Notes etc.) Mobile Phones. Laptops. Note: Email devices should be checked to ensure that they can play media (WAV) files, or view Fax (TIF) files as required. For example, the Nokia S60 device is unable to display Fax images. Required Information Before you begin, please ensure that: You have installed the Message Forwarding software update on the BCM (this feature is activated with the Unified Messaging keycode). There are as many Voice Messaging and Unified Messaging keycoded seats as there are mailboxes that require configuring with Message Forwarding. Note: Mailboxes using a Class of Service (CoS) with Message Forwarding do not have to be the same mailboxes that use CallPilot Unified Messaging. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 5 Message Forwarding Flow Chart Use this flow chart as a guide to installing and configuring the Message Forwarding feature. Ensure that there are as many Unified Messaging and Voice Messaging keycode seats as there are Mailboxes to be configured, and the update containing the Message Forwarding feature has been applied to the BCM. Access the CallPilot Manager interface: refer to the Accessing CallPilot Manager section of this guide. Configure the system properties: refer to the Configuring the System Properties section of this guide. Enable the Message Forwarding feature in all relevant Class of Service entries: refer to the Enabling Message Forwarding in Class of Service section of this guide. Configure the local user settings: refer to the User Configuration: the Mailbox Manager Portal section of this guide. 6 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Administration Configuration: CallPilot Manager Message forwarding is configured in two parts, firstly within the CallPilot Manager application by the BCM administrator. Once setup the local users can configure the service through the Mailbox Manager portal. We will first look at the CallPilot Manager administration tasks. Accessing CallPilot Manager from Element Manager Use this process to access CallPilot Manager from Element Manager. 1. To access the Business Element Manager application from the Start Menu, navigate to Start, Programs, Avaya, Business Communications Manager, Business Element Manager. 2. Alternatively, double-click on the Business Element Manager desktop icon. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 7 Message Forwarding 3. You will be presented with the Element Manager interface. 4. Open the Network Elements folder and select the IP Address of the BCM. 5. Enter the User Name of the BCM in the User Name field, by default this is nnadmin. Then enter the Password in the Password field, by default the password is PlsChgMe!. Click the Connect button. 8 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding 6. A warning screen will appear, read the warning and click OK. 7. You will be presented with the Element Manager interface. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 9 Message Forwarding 8. To access CallPilot Manager: Select the Configuration tab, open the Applications folder, select the Voice Messaging / Contact Center link, and then click to Launch CallPilot Manager. 9. You will be presented with a Security Alert Screen. Read the alert and click Continue to this website to continue. 10 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding 10. The Main Menu of CallPilot Manager will be launched. Accessing CallPilot Manager from Internet Explorer CallPilot Manager can also be accessed directly from Internet Explorer. This method of access is an alternative if you cannot gain access via Element Manager. 1. Open Internet Explorer. In the address bar enter http:///CallPilotManager. 2. If you are presented with the Certificate Error window, click Continue to this website (not recommended). NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 11 Message Forwarding 3. You will be presented with Administration Login screen. Enter the user ID and password. By default the User ID is nnadmin and the Password is PlsChgMe!. 4. Click the Submit button. The Main Menu of CallPilot Manager will be displayed. 12 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Configuring the System Properties The System Properties hold your outgoing mail or proxy server settings. You can also stipulate whether to allow local users to change the email address that voicemails are forwarded to. 1. To access the settings page, click on the System Properties option from the main CallPilot menu. 2. Once the System Properties page opens, scroll to the bottom to access the required fields. 3. When the relevant details have been entered, simply click on the Submit button to make them permanent. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 13 Message Forwarding Message Forwarding System Properties Settings Attribute Description Outgoing SMTP server, Account Password Mail/Proxy Name, & Outgoing SMTP Port Outgoing SMTP encryption (TLS) requires Enable Message Forwarding User Administration Message Forwarding “From” email address 14 Enter the IP address of the Email server on your network (e.g. your Microsoft Exchange Server). Alternatively some Internet Service Providers (ISP‟s) require you to use specific mail servers with login details (Account Name & Password) when sending outgoing emails. If this is a requirement for your provider, enter the details into these fields. If you are unsure, please check with your ISP. This defaults to port 25, but you can change this by typing into this field. This option allows a level of security between the entered mail server, and the client (your mobile device). Again, if unsure please check with your network provider for more details. This option is selected by default. This allows local users to change the email address that the forwarded emails will go to. If you uncheck this box you must enter an email address in the local user‟s mailbox settings, configured in Mailbox Manager (this cannot be changed by the local user and becomes a read only field). This is optional, and blank by default. If required, in the Message Forwarding “From” E-Mail Address box, type your e-mail address for sending outgoing Email. If you have entered your ISP‟s mail server or proxy server details, you may also have been given a default email address that outgoing mail is sent from. If required, enter that address into this field. If left blank, the service will generate an entry based upon the BCM‟s extension number and your network domain name. For example, all forwarded email will display a sent address in the format of: 225@bcm.example.com NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Enabling Message Forwarding in Class of Service Next you will need to enable the Message Forwarding option in the relevant Class of Service(s). You must enable the feature in every Class of Service entry that is actively used on the mailboxes you wish to setup Message Forwarding for. Finding a Mailbox’s Class of Service 1. From the main menu within CallPilot Manager, click on the Change/ Delete Mailbox option. 2. And finally, click the Change option next to the Mailbox you wish to check. 3. You will now see the Class of Service assigned to that particular mailbox. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 15 Message Forwarding Changing the Class of Service entry Once you know which entries need enabling, you can proceed to change them within CallPilot Manager. 1. To begin, click on the Class of Service option within the Mailbox Administration menu. 2. Next, click Change on the relevant entry that you wish to change. 16 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding 3. Finally, tick the Enable Message Forwarding option and click Submit to save the changes. Setting the Destination E-mail Address on Behalf of the Mailbox Owner If you ticked the option to Enable Message Forwarding User Administration in the System Properties section (please refer to the Configuring the System Properties section of this guide for more information), then you have completed the necessary steps to allow Message Forwarding. You can proceed to the User Configuration: The Mailbox Manager Portal section of this guide. If, however, you left the option un-ticked, you must now enter a forwarding email address for each individual mailbox that requires this feature. This option allows greater control over the forwarding process, meaning that only the BCM administrator can stipulate which email address is used for the message forwarding. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 17 Message Forwarding 1. From the main menu of CallPilot Manager, click on the Change/Delete Mailbox option. 2. Next, click the Change option on the mailbox you wish to add a forwarding email address to. 3. At the bottom of the screen, enter the full email address to forward any messages to, and then click on the Submit button to save the changes. 4. Repeat these steps for each Mailbox that requires the Message Forwarding e-mail address specifying on behalf of the mailbox owner. 18 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding 5. When a local user logs into the Mailbox Manager Portal to configure the feature, the forwarding email address will be a „read only‟ field (see below). User Configuration: The Mailbox Manager Portal Mailbox Manager allows users to log in and configure certain elements of their mailbox from a PC Web Browser. Accessing the Mailbox Manager Portal Once the BCM administration is complete, local users can log into the Mailbox Manager portal and finalise the setup of the Message Forwarding feature. 1. To access the portal, simply type the following into a web browser: https:// /mailboxmanager 2. If you are presented with the Certificate Error window, click Continue to this website (not recommended). 3. Once the login screen appears, enter the extension number of the BCM business phone and the mailbox password before clicking Submit. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 19 Message Forwarding 4. Next, click on the Message Forwarding option from the menu. Minimum User Setup and Configuration Although there are several configurable options, the minimum requirement is to enable the Message Forwarding feature, enter an e-mail address if this hasn‟t been set in CallPilot Manager Mailbox Properties, and select the type of Email attachment you wish to receive, all other fields are optional. Message Forwarding Minimum Settings Attribute Description Enable Message Forwarding Email Address Attachment 20 You must tick this box to enable the Message Forwarding service. Depending on the CallPilot Manager configuration, users will either see a read only Email address, or a field where they can enter an Email address for forwarding purposes. If available, enter a destination e-mail address for mailbox messages. Select the attachment type(s) you wish to receive in the forwarded message, ensuring that your Email device can play WAV files, or view TIF files as required. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding 5. When the relevant details have been entered, simply click on the Submit button to make them permanent. Additional Message Forwarding Options Additional options available for configuration are explained below: Message Forwarding Optional Settings Attribute Description Message Type Original Message NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Select the type of messages to forward, All New Messages or just the ones flagged as Urgent. None - (default) the original message remains unchanged in your CallPilot mailbox. The Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) on your telephone remains lit (announcing the new message). Mark as read when received by the recipient - the original message remains in your CallPilot mailbox. After your e-mail server receives the forwarded e-mail message, the MWI on your telephone goes out. This option works only if the e-mail server to which the message is forwarded supports delivery status notifications. 21 Message Forwarding Attribute Current Signature Remove Current Signature Description Mark as read when opened by the recipient - the original message remains in your CallPilot mailbox. After you open the forwarded e-mail message, the MWI on your telephone goes out. This option works only if the e-mail server to which the message is forwarded supports read receipt capability. Delete when received by the recipient after your e-mail server receives the forwarded e-mail message, the original message is deleted from your CallPilot mailbox and the MWI on your telephone goes out. This option works only if the e-mail server to which the message is forwarded supports delivery status notifications. Delete when opened by the recipient - after you open the forwarded e-mail message, the original message is deleted from your CallPilot mailbox and the MWI on your telephone goes out. This option works only if the e-mail server to which the message is forwarded supports read receipt capability. This field displays your e-mail signature, allowing you to automatically atach this to the forwarded e-mail message. When you leave a message (for another Message Forwarding user) your signature is attached to the message that is sent to their e-mail address (as a .Txt file). You could add your contact details to a signature, making it easier for others to get in touch once they have recieved your message. The default setting is None. You can enter your e-mail signature in the Add Signature Line text box. A signature can be a maximum of 1024 characters long, and spread across several lines of text if required. This is an optional field. This option only appears if you have previously stored a signature (see below). Note: Depending on your email client, you may need to “Accept” a read receipt from the BCM. This may be in the form of a pop up box that appears when the message is delivered. This is a requirement if you have selected an option other than „None‟ from the Original Message drop down list, for example, if you opted for the original message to be deleted once read by the recipient. 22 NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 Message Forwarding Additional Information Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration If you use DNS, ensure the BCM Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN, i.e. . ) can be resolved and is reachable by the Outgoing SMTP Mail/Proxy Server. For example: If the BCM System Name is "BCM1" and the Domain Name is "ITEL.com" in Element Manager, then the Outgoing SMTP Mail/Proxy Server must be able to reach (or "ping") BCM1.ITEL.com. Ask your network administrator to configure the DNS server, ensuring that the BCM is correctly entered and reachable from the outgoing SMTP mail/Proxy server. If the BCM has incorrect DNS settings (i.e. in the IP Subsystem – General Settings tab) or is not configured correctly on the DNS server, the Original Message settings may not be actioned. Receiving WAV Files or TIF Fax Attachments Not all devices can play media (specifically G711 linear wav) files, or view Fax (TIF) attachments. Please refer to any user documentation you may have on your specific device, or contact your provider for more information. NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0 23 Message Forwarding Avaya Documentation Links 24 CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide NN40011-040 Issue 1.2 BCM Rls 6.0
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