Avaya K155 IP Phone User Manual Using Avaya Vantage and Avaya Vantage Basic

AVAYA IP Phone Using Avaya Vantage and Avaya Vantage Basic

User Manual

Using Avaya Vantage™ and AvayaVantage™ BasicRelease 2.0Issue 1June 2018Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
© 2017-2018, Avaya Inc.1All Rights Reserved.2Note3Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or a two-way radio in close4proximity to an Avaya IP telephone might cause interference.5Documentation disclaimer6“Documentation” means information published in varying mediums7which may include product information, operating instructions and8performance specifications that are generally made available to users9of products. Documentation does not include marketing materials.10Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or11deletions to the original published version of Documentation unless12such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by or on13the express behalf of Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold14harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all15claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in16connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to17this documentation, to the extent made by End User.18Link disclaimer19Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked20websites referenced within this site or Documentation provided by21Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information,22statement or content provided on these sites and does not23necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described24or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will25work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked26pages.27Warranty28Avaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software.29Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited30warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as31information regarding support for this product while under warranty is32available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya33Support website: https://support.avaya.com/helpcenter/34getGenericDetails?detailId=C20091120112456651010 under the link35“Warranty & Product Lifecycle” or such successor site as designated36by Avaya. Please note that if You acquired the product(s) from an37authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United States and38Canada, the warranty is provided to You by said Avaya Channel39Partner and not by Avaya.40“Hosted Service” means an Avaya hosted service subscription that41You acquire from either Avaya or an authorized Avaya Channel42Partner (as applicable) and which is described further in Hosted SAS43or other service description documentation regarding the applicable44hosted service. If You purchase a Hosted Service subscription, the45foregoing limited warranty may not apply but You may be entitled to46support services in connection with the Hosted Service as described47further in your service description documents for the applicable48Hosted Service. Contact Avaya or Avaya Channel Partner (as49applicable) for more information.50Hosted Service51THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ONLY IF YOU PURCHASE AN AVAYA52HOSTED SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION FROM AVAYA OR AN AVAYA53CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE), THE TERMS OF USE54FOR HOSTED SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA55WEBSITE, HTTPS://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO UNDER56THE LINK “Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services” OR SUCH57SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, AND ARE58APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO ACCESSES OR USES THE59HOSTED SERVICE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE HOSTED60SERVICE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON61BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE62DOING SO (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY63AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. IF64YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF A65COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT66YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY TO THESE67TERMS OF USE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF68YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, YOU69MUST NOT ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED SERVICE OR70AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED71SERVICE.72Licenses73THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA74WEBSITE, HTTPS://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO,75UNDER THE LINK “AVAYA SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS (Avaya76Products)” OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY77AVAYA, ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS,78USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED79FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA80CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL81AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER.82UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING,83AVAYA DOES NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE84WAS OBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA85AFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYA86RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU87AND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE88WITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR89USING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO,90YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM91YOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE92SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO93INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO94THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDING95CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE96APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (“AVAYA”).97Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license types98described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for99which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order100documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the101applicable license will be a Designated System License as set forth102below in the Designated System(s) License (DS) section as103applicable. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity104for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different105number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the106documentation or other materials available to You. “Software” means107computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya108Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed on109hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, patches, bug fixes,110or modified versions thereto. “Designated Processor” means a single111stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a set of Designated112Processors that hosts (physically or virtually) a software application113to be accessed by multiple users. “Instance” means a single copy of114the Software executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical115machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or116similar deployment.117License types118Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use119each copy or an Instance of the Software only: 1) on a number of120Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order; or 2)121up to the number of Instances of the Software as indicated in the122order, Documentation, or as authorized by Avaya in writing. Avaya123may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order124by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other125specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through126electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.127Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in128accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license129agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” license130accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”).131Heritage Nortel Software132“Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by133Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions134Business in December 2009. The Heritage Nortel Software is the135software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located136at https://support.avaya.com/LicenseInfo under the link “Heritage137Nortel Products” or such successor site as designated by Avaya. For138Heritage Nortel Software, Avaya grants Customer a license to use139Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of140the authorized activation or authorized usage level, solely for the141purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in,142for execution on, or for communication with Avaya equipment.143Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of144activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice.145
Copyright1Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of2materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service,3or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, the4documentation, Hosted Service, and the product provided by Avaya5including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is6owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright7and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights8relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy,9reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way10any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software11unless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction,12transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express13written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense14under the applicable law.15Virtualization16The following applies if the product is deployed on a virtual machine.17Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Note,18unless otherwise stated, that each Instance of a product must be19separately licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user20customer or Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two21Instances of the same type of products, then two products of that22type must be ordered.23Third Party Components24“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or25portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may26contain software (including open source software) distributed under27third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain28terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software29(“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed30Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux31OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third32Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available33in the products, Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: https://34support.avaya.com/Copyright or such successor site as designated35by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third36Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these37Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting38You, such as modification and distribution of the open source39software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these40Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third41Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms42impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party43Terms.44The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with45the product. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC46PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A47CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE48REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH49THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC50VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A51PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO52PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS53GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE.54ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA,55L.L.C. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM.56Service Provider57THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S58HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. THE PRODUCT59OR HOSTED SERVICE MAY USE THIRD PARTY COMPONENTS60SUBJECT TO THIRD PARTY TERMS AND REQUIRE A SERVICE61PROVIDER TO BE INDEPENDENTLY LICENSED DIRECTLY FROM62THE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER. AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S63HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN64WRITING BY AVAYA AND IF THOSE HOSTED PRODUCTS USE65OR EMBED CERTAIN THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING66BUT NOT LIMITED TO MICROSOFT SOFTWARE OR CODECS,67THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS REQUIRED TO68INDEPENDENTLY OBTAIN ANY APPLICABLE LICENSE69AGREEMENTS, AT THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S EXPENSE,70DIRECTLY FROM THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER.71WITH RESPECT TO CODECS, IF THE AVAYA CHANNEL72PARTNER IS HOSTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT USE OR EMBED73THE G.729 CODEC, H.264 CODEC, OR H.265 CODEC, THE74AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES75THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY76AND ALL RELATED FEES AND/OR ROYALTIES. THE G.72977CODEC IS LICENSED BY SIPRO LAB TELECOM INC. SEE 78WWW.SIPRO.COM/CONTACT.HTML. THE H.264 (AVC) CODEC IS79LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR80THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN81WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO: (I) ENCODE82VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC83VIDEO”) AND/OR (II) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED84BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR85WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO86PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE87IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION88FOR H.264 (AVC) AND H.265 (HEVC) CODECS MAY BE89OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE HTTP://90WWW.MPEGLA.COM.91Compliance with Laws92You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for93complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including, but not94limited to laws and regulations related to call recording, data privacy,95intellectual property, trade secret, fraud, and music performance96rights, in the country or territory where the Avaya product is used.97Preventing Toll Fraud98“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications99system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a100corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your101company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud102associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can103result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications104services.105Avaya Toll Fraud intervention106If You suspect that You are being victimized by Toll Fraud and You107need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center108Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United109States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see110the Avaya Support website: https://support.avaya.com or such111successor site as designated by Avaya.112Security Vulnerabilities113Information about Avaya’s security support policies can be found in114the Security Policies and Support section of https://115support.avaya.com/security.116Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the117Avaya Product Security Support Flow (https://118support.avaya.com/css/P8/documents/100161515).119Downloading Documentation120For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya121Support website: https://support.avaya.com, or such successor site122as designated by Avaya.123Contact Avaya Support124See the Avaya Support website: https://support.avaya.com for125product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem126with your Avaya product or Hosted Service. For a list of support127telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support128website: https://support.avaya.com (or such successor site as129designated by Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select130Contact Avaya Support.131Regulatory Statements132Australia Statements133Handset Magnets Statement: 134Danger:The handset receiver contains magnetic devices that can135attract small metallic objects. Care should be taken to avoid136personal injury.137Industry Canada (IC) Statements138RSS Standards Statement75
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS1standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:21. This device may not cause interference, and32. This device must accept any interference, including4interference that may cause undesired operation of the5device.6Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada7applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est8autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:91. L'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et102. L'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage11radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible12d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.13Radio Transmitter Statement14Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only15operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain16approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential17radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain18should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power19(EIRP) is not more than that necessary for successful20communication.21Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent22émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un23gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie24Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage25radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le26type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope27rayonnée équivalente ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à28l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.29This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.30Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme31NMB-003 du Canada.32Radiation Exposure Statement33This equipment complies with FCC & IC RSS102 radiation exposure34limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment35should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm36between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-37located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or38transmitter.39Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux40rayonnements ISEDétablies pour un environnement non contrôlé.41Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 2042cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.43Japan Statements44Class B Statement45This is a Class B product based on the standard of the VCCI Council.46If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic47environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the48equipment according to the instruction manual.4950Denan Power Cord Statement51Danger:Please be careful of the following while installing the52equipment:53•Please only use the connecting cables, power cord, and54AC adapters shipped with the equipment or specified by55Avaya to be used with the equipment. If you use any56other equipment, it may cause failures, malfunctioning,57or fire.58• Power cords shipped with this equipment must not be59used with any other equipment. In case the above60guidelines are not followed, it may lead to death or61severe injury.6263本製品を安全にご使用頂くため、以下のことにご注意ください。64•接続ケーブル、電源コード、AC アダプタなどの部品は、必ず65製品に同梱されております添付品または指定品をご使用くだ66さい。添付品指定品以外の部品をご使用になると故障や動作67不良、火災の原因となることがあります。68•同梱されております付属の電源コードを他の機器には使用し69ないでください。上記注意事項を守らないと、死亡や大怪我70など人身事故の原因となることがあります。71México Statement72The operation of this equipment is subject to the following two73conditions:741. It is possible that this equipment or device may not cause75harmful interference, and762. This equipment or device must accept any interference,77including interference that may cause undesired operation.78La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos79condiciones:801. Es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause81interferencia perjudicial y822. Este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier83interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación84no deseada.85Power over Ethernet (PoE) Statement86This equipment must be connected to PoE networks without routing87to the outside plant.88U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statements89Compliance Statement90The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party91responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate92the equipment.93To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this94device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating to95conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.96This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is97subject to the following two conditions:981. This device may not cause harmful interference, and992. This device must accept any interference received,100including interferences that may cause undesired101operation.102This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits103for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.104These limits are designated to provide reasonable protection against105harmful interferences in a residential installation. This equipment106generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not107installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause108harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no109guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If110this equipment does cause harmful interferences to radio or111television reception, which can be determined by turning the112equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the113interference by one or more of the following measures:114• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.115• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.116• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from117that to which the receiver is connected.118• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for61help.62
Radiation Exposure Statement1This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth2for an uncontrolled environment . This equipment should be installed3and operated with minimum distance of 8 in or 20 cm between the4radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or5operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.6EU Countries7This device when installed complies with the essential requirements8and other relevant provisions of the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU,9Safety LV Directive 2014/35/EU, and Radio Equipment Directive102014/53/EU. A copy of the Declaration may be obtained from http://11support.avaya.com or Avaya Inc., 4655 Great America Parkway,12Santa Clara, CA 95054–1233 USA.13WiFi and BT transmitter14• Frequencies for 2412-2472 MHz, transmit power: 19.84 dBm15• Frequencies for 5180-5240 MHz, transmit power: 22.5 dBm16General Safety Warning17• Use only the Avaya approved Limited Power Source power18supplies specified for this product.19• Ensure that you:20- Do not operate the device near water.21- Do not use the device during a lightning storm.22- Do not report a gas leak while in the vicinity of the leak.23- For Accessory Power Supply - Use Only Limited Power24Supply Delta Electronics Inc. model:ADP-30HR B , output:2548Vdc, 0.66A.26Trademarks27The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed in this28site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s), and product(s) provided29by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its30affiliates, its licensors, its suppliers, or other third parties. Users are31not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from32Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing33contained in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s) and34product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel,35or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the36express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party.37Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc.38All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners.39Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and40other countries.41Android, Google and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.42
ContentsChapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................  8Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 8Change history........................................................................................................................ 8Chapter 2: Avaya Vantage™ overview.....................................................................................  9Supported features................................................................................................................ 10Wireless handset features................................................................................................  11Third party applications.......................................................................................................... 13New in this release................................................................................................................  13Chapter 3: Getting started with Avaya Vantage™................................................................. 14Installing applications............................................................................................................. 14Logging in to and out of Avaya Vantage™................................................................................  15Locking and unlocking Avaya Vantage™..................................................................................  15Avaya Smart Lock.................................................................................................................  16Enabling Avaya Smart Lock.............................................................................................  17Removing or changing the trusted device..........................................................................  18Locking the device manually when Smart Lock is enabled..................................................  19Connecting a wireless handset...............................................................................................  19Turning the wireless handset on and off............................................................................  20Chapter 4: Navigation............................................................................................................. 22Physical device layout...........................................................................................................  22Layout of Avaya Vantage™ K165 and K175........................................................................ 22Layout of Avaya Vantage™ K155....................................................................................... 24Connectors and controls..................................................................................................  25Wireless handset layout......................................................................................................... 28Avaya Vantage Basic screen navigation..................................................................................  28Dial pad screen...............................................................................................................  28Contacts screen..............................................................................................................  30Call screen.....................................................................................................................  32Chapter 5: Call management operations.............................................................................. 35Making audio or video calls....................................................................................................  35Making an emergency call................................................................................................ 35Making an audio or video call using the dial pad................................................................  36Making an audio or video call using contacts.....................................................................  36Making an audio or video call from your Favorites list......................................................... 36Making an audio or video call using call history.................................................................. 37Making a second call.......................................................................................................  37Redialing a number.........................................................................................................  38Managing calls...................................................................................................................... 38Answering or declining an incoming call............................................................................  38June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 6Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Entering digits during a call..............................................................................................  39Muting or unmuting a call.................................................................................................  39Placing a call on hold and resuming the call......................................................................  40Toggling between calls..................................................................................................... 40Transferring a call............................................................................................................ 40Working with video functionality........................................................................................ 41Selecting an active audio device....................................................................................... 41Ending a call...................................................................................................................  42Viewing call history................................................................................................................ 42Deleting all call information............................................................................................... 43Working with conference calls................................................................................................  43Starting a conference call................................................................................................. 43Merging calls to create a conference call........................................................................... 43Chapter 6: Contact management operations.......................................................................  45Adding a contact...................................................................................................................  45Editing a contact.................................................................................................................... 46Deleting a contact.................................................................................................................. 46Searching for a contact..........................................................................................................  47IP Office contact search options.......................................................................................  47Setting contact display options...............................................................................................  47Setting a contact as a favorite................................................................................................  48Synchronizing contacts and call history over Bluetooth............................................................. 48Filtering contacts...................................................................................................................  49Chapter 7: Customization......................................................................................................  51Modifying the ring tone........................................................................................................... 51Disabling video using the privacy shutter................................................................................. 51Changing the wallpaper.........................................................................................................  52Chapter 8: Resources............................................................................................................. 53Documentation...................................................................................................................... 53Finding documents on the Avaya Support website.............................................................  53Viewing Avaya Mentor videos................................................................................................. 54Support................................................................................................................................  54Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base........................................................................... 54ContentsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 7Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 1: Introduction1Purpose2This document is intended for end users and describes how to use the Avaya Vantage™ Basic3application on an Avaya Vantage™ device. This document also describes setup tasks performed4by end users.5Separate documentation is available for SDK developer applications. This document does not6provide information about SDK applications.7Change history8The following table describes the major changes made in this document:9Issue Date Summary of changesRelease 2.0, Issue 1 June 2018 • Added information about the K155 devicethroughout the document.•Updated Supported features on page 10.• Updated New in this release on page 13.• Added IP Office login information in Logging into and out of Avaya Vantage on page 15.•Updated the “Navigation” chapter.• Minor rephrasing throughout the document.• Added Editing a contact on page 46.• Added Editing a contact on page 46.• Updated Filtering contacts on page 49.June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 8Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 2: Avaya Vantage™ overview1Avaya Vantage™ is an Android™ device that provides telephony and conferencing functionality.2Avaya Vantage™ combines the advantages of a customizable unified communications solution and a3fully functional Android device. Use the Avaya Breeze™ Client Software Development Kit (CSDK)4and custom applications to integrate communications in business processes on your Avaya5Vantage™ device.6According to your business needs, you can choose from the following Avaya Vantage™ device7variants:8• Avaya Vantage™ K175: Standard device with an 8-inch screen and an integrated camera for full9access to video calls and conferences. You can cover the camera by using a mechanical10camera shutter.11• Avaya Vantage™ K165: Standard device with an 8-inch screen that does not include an12integrated camera. You can still receive video from other users.13• Avaya Vantage™ K155: Device with a small 5-inch screen. The device also includes a dial pad14and an integrated camera.15Avaya Vantage™ supports the following communication applications:16• Avaya Vantage™ Basic17• Avaya Equinox®18• Avaya Vantage™ Open19This document is focused on Avaya Vantage™ Basic usage. For more information about using other20applications, see the following documents:21• For more information about using Avaya Equinox® clients, see Using Avaya Equinox® for22Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows.23Some features and services are not supported when an Avaya Equinox® client is deployed on24Avaya Vantage™. These feature discrepancies are described in the Avaya Equinox® clients25documentation.26• For more information about using Avaya Vantage™ Open, see Using Avaya Vantage™ Open.27Note:•IP Office Release 11.0 only supports Avaya Vantage™ Basic. IP Office Release 11.0 does28not support other clients, such as Avaya Equinox®, on Avaya Vantage™.29June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 9Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
• In Release 2.0, the Avaya Vantage™ K155 device only supports Avaya Vantage™ Basic. It1does not support Avaya Equinox® or Avaya Vantage™ Open.2Supported features3Avaya Vantage™ Basic feature Supported with Avaya Aura®Supported with IP OfficeMake and receive audio calls Yes YesCaller ID and call information Yes YesMultiple line support Yes Yes1Feature Access Codes (FACs)2Yes YesMute calls Yes YesHold calls Yes YesTransfer calls Yes YesForward calls Yes, through FACs Yes, through FACs or short codesToggle calls Yes YesConferencing Yes YesMissed calls indication Yes YesDo Not Disturb mode No NoMessage Waiting Indication(MWI)Yes YesVideo calls Yes YesEmergency calls Yes Yes3Off Hook dialing Yes YesCall logs Yes Yes4Avaya Aura® Device Servicescontact servicesYes NoPPM contacts Yes NoLocal contacts, including Google™and Microsoft Exchange contactsYes YesTable continues…1For multiple line support to work on IP Office, you must enable the Call Waiting On feature for the user account.Otherwise the connection is treated as a single line.2Avaya Vantage™ Basic does not have any UI representation for the FAC status. For example, if EC500 is enabled in theAvaya Aura® environment, then the UI of Avaya Vantage™ Basic does not indicate that EC500 is enabled.3In the IP Office environment, you can make an emergency call only when you are logged in to Avaya Vantage™. Youcannot make an emergency call from the Login screen. You can make an emergency call from the Lock screen if theLock mode is enabled and an administrator has configured emergency numbers in the 46xxspecial.txt file.4Call logs in IP Office are local to the device.Avaya Vantage™ overviewJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 10Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Avaya Vantage™ Basic feature Supported with Avaya Aura®Supported with IP OfficeFavorites Yes YesOnly local contacts can be addedto the Favorites listPresence No NoInstant Messaging No NoImportant:IP Office Release 11.0 only supports Avaya Vantage™ Basic. Other applications, such as1Avaya Equinox® on Avaya Vantage™, are not supported.23Wireless handset features4A wired or wireless handset can optionally be used with Avaya Vantage™. The following section5describes the wireless handset features.6Range7The handset uses Bluetooth technology. As a Class 2 device, the handset nominal range is 108meters. In practical use this range might vary depending on the environment. If the handset was9out of range, the connection is reestablished automatically when the handset is back in range.10When the handset is not in range for more than 22 minutes, it turns off to prevent battery11discharge. If the handset was turned off, the connection is reestablished automatically when the12handset is turned on and back in range.13Battery service life14If used carefully, the expected service life of the battery is several years. Although the battery15capacity is diminished over time, in general it does not affect normal handset use.16Battery talk time17When fully charged, the new battery provides approximately 12 hours of talk time. You might need18to charge the battery before the first use to achieve the full talk time. To prevent damage to the19battery, the protection system does not allow the battery to discharge below a certain point. Avaya20Vantage™ displays the battery charge level on the Notifications panel.21Battery standby time22When fully charged, the new battery provides approximately 60 hours of standby time. When the23handset is not in range or Avaya Vantage™ is turned off for approximately 22 minutes, the handset24is turned off automatically to save battery. To turn on the handset again, press the Power button25for approximately 2 seconds. The handset is not turned on automatically even if it is returned to26the cradle.27Battery charging28The handset supports a contactless charging system. To charge the handset, place it in its cradle.29If the battery charge is low, the handset will notify you with warning tones. When you hear the30warning tones, return the handset to its cradle to charge the battery.31Supported featuresJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 11Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
The handset uses a Lithium-Ion battery with the battery management and protection system. The1protection system allows to prevent the following situations:2•Overcharging.3• Over-discharging.4• Charging if the ambient temperature is higher than 40 °C (102 °F).5Battery recharge time6The battery fully recharges in less than 3 hours. You do not need to fully discharge the battery7before charging.8Battery disposal9At the end of the service life, remove the battery and deliver it to a battery recycling depot. Do not10dispose of the battery in the normal waste stream.11Wireless handset LED indicator12The blue LED indicator shows the current state of the handset and is also used to indicate user13actions.14Wireless handset state LED indication NotesWireless handset is in the Pairingmode.LED flashes every 0.5 seconds. Wireless handset exits the Pairingmode in 150 seconds.Pairing completed successfully. LED flashes 10 times at 0.1seconds rate.NoneWireless handset is used in a call LED flashes 3 times every 3secondsNoneWireless handset is turned onand is connected to its base(Connected mode).LED flashes 2 times every 5seconds.NoneWireless handset is trying toestablish connection to its base(Linkback mode).LED flashes every 0.5 seconds. NoneWireless handset is out of rangeand is not trying to establishconnection to its base (Standbymode).LED flashes every 5 seconds. Wireless handset is turned offafter 22 minutes.Incoming call. LED flashes 3 times every 7seconds.NoneMute. LED is on and flashes 3 timesevery 4 seconds.NoneWireless handset has beenturned on.LED flashes 4 times. NoneWireless handset has beenturned off.LED flashes 3 times. NoneAvaya Vantage™ overviewJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 12Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Third party applications1You can install third party applications on Google Play™. The system administrator determines the2list of applications that you are allowed to install.3New in this release4Avaya Vantage™ Release 2.0 introduces the K155 device. This device includes a 5-inch screen5and a key pad. Currently, only Avaya Vantage™ Basic is supported on the K155 device.6Third party applicationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 13Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 3: Getting started with Avaya1Vantage™2This chapter describes general startup tasks, such as logging in or out, locking your Avaya3Vantage™ device, and enabling the Avaya Smart Lock feature. To enable the Avaya Smart Lock4feature, you must first log in to your device manually.5Installing applications6About this task7You can install applications from Google Play.8Note:•You can use this procedure to install Avaya Vantage™ Basic, Avaya Equinox®, or Avaya9Vantage™ Open if these applications were not pre-installed by your administrator.10• Your installation policy might prevent you from installing certain applications.11Before you begin12•Ensure that you have a Google account to access Google Play.13• Work with your administrator to obtain permission to install applications on your Avaya14Vantage™ device.15Procedure161. On your device open Google Play.172. In the Search bar, enter the appropriate search term and then tap  .18For example, to find Avaya Vantage™ Basic, enter Avaya Vantage Basic.193. From the displayed search results, open the application page.204. Install the application.215. (Optional) If you want to set the installed telephony application as your primary telephony22application, contact your administrator.23Some Avaya applications, such as Avaya Vantage™ Basic or Avaya Equinox®, require24additional setup performed by your administrator. Contact your administrator to see if the25installed application requires additional setup.26June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 14Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Logging in to and out of Avaya Vantage™1About this task2Use this procedure to log in to the Avaya Vantage™ device manually. You can log in to the device3by using either SIP or Avaya Aura® Device Services credentials.4After the first login, you can activate the Avaya Smart Lock feature. The Avaya Vantage™ device5then automatically logs you in when you are within the range of the device while carrying a trusted6device.7Note:This procedure is only applicable to Avaya Vantage™ Basic and Avaya Equinox®, but not to8other telephony applications, such as Avaya Vantage™ Open.9Procedure10• To log in, do the following:111. In Username, enter your SIP or Avaya Aura® Device Services user name.12In an IP Office environment, you must enter your SIP extension number.132. In Password, enter your user password.143. Tap Login.15If you are using Avaya Aura® Device Services credentials, you might also need to enter16your SIP credentials.174. (Optional) At the first login, accept the software license agreement.18Avaya Vantage™ displays the Home screen or the main screen of the active telephony19application depending on the settings configured by your system administrator.20• To log out, do one of the following:21- Swipe down to open the notification area, and tap Logout ( ).22-On the Home screen, tap Logout ( ).23-In Settings > System, tap Logout.24Related links25Enabling Avaya Smart Lock on page 1726Locking and unlocking Avaya Vantage™27About this task28Use this procedure to lock and unlock the Avaya Vantage™ device manually. You can lock the29device for security and privacy reasons. Locking your phone does not log you out, so you can30continue to receive calls.31Logging in to and out of Avaya Vantage™June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 15Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
You can activate the Screen Lock feature so that the device is locked automatically after a period1of inactivity. With IP Office deployments, this feature is disabled by default.2You can also activate the Avaya Smart Lock feature. The Avaya Vantage™ device then3automatically unlocks when you are within the range of the device while carrying a trusted4Bluetooth device. When the trusted device goes out of range, the Avaya Vantage™ device is5locked automatically.6Note:This procedure is only applicable to Avaya Vantage™ Basic and Avaya Equinox®, but not for7other telephony applications, such as Avaya Vantage™ Open.8Procedure9• To lock the device, do one of the following:10-Swipe down to open the notification area, and tap Lock ( ).11-On the Home screen, tap Lock ( ).12•To unlock the device, do the following:131. On the locked screen, swipe up to open the login prompt.142. In the Enter Password field, enter your SIP or Avaya Aura® Device Services password.15- If login is performed using SIP credentials, enter the SIP password.16- If login is performed using Avaya Aura® Device Services credentials, enter the Avaya17Aura® Device Services password.183. Tap  .19When the device is unlocked successfully, Avaya Vantage™ displays the Home screen or the20main screen of the active telephony application depending on the settings configured by your21system administrator.22Related links23Enabling Avaya Smart Lock on page 1724Avaya Smart Lock25When Avaya Smart Lock is enabled, the Avaya Vantage™ device can automatically get unlocked26and log you in without the need to enter your account credentials. The automatic login or unlock27happens based on the proximity of the device to a trusted Bluetooth device. When the trusted28device goes out of range, the Avaya Vantage™ device is locked automatically, and if configured,29you are automatically logged out of the device.30You can have your phone stay unlocked whenever it is connected to a trusted device.31Getting started with Avaya Vantage™June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 16Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Bluetooth device as the trusted device1You can choose any Bluetooth device, such as Bluetooth headsets, watches, or Bluetooth-2enabled Android smart phones, as the trusted device. However, you cannot select the Avaya3Vantage™ wireless Bluetooth handset as the trusted device. When choosing your trusted device,4avoid using a device that is always with your Avaya Vantage™ device. For example, if you always5have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with Avaya Vantage™, do not use this as your trusted6device.7Note that only one device can be set as the trusted device.8Bluetooth connectivity range9The Bluetooth connectivity range can vary based on factors, such as your device model, the10Bluetooth device, and the current environment. Bluetooth connectivity of the Avaya Vantage™11device can be up to 10 meters.12Avaya Smart Lock vs. Google Smart Lock13• Avaya Smart Lock can automatically log you in or out of the Avaya Vantage™ device. Google14Smart Lock does not support this capability.15• Google Smart Lock does not support an Android smart phone as the trusted device.1617Enabling Avaya Smart Lock18About this task19Use this procedure to enable the Avaya Smart Lock feature. You can set your Avaya Vantage™20device to automatically unlock in certain circumstances, so you do not need to manually unlock21the device with your PIN or password.22Before you begin23• On the Avaya Vantage™ device, turn on Bluetooth.24• Pair a Bluetooth device to use as your trusted device.25Procedure26To enable the Avaya Smart Lock feature, do the following:271. Open the Settings menu.282. Tap Security > Trust agents.293. Turn on Avaya Smart Lock and tap Back ( ).30By default, Google Smart Lock is enabled on Avaya Vantage™. Since you can enable only31one trust agent at a time, Google Smart Lock is disabled automatically when you enable32Avaya Smart Lock.33To set up automatic unlock options and add the trusted device, do the following:344. Tap Security > Avaya Smart Lock.35Avaya Smart Lock or Google Smart Lock are available only when the Screen lock36feature is enabled.37Avaya Smart LockJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 17Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
5. Enter the password that you use to log in and unlock Avaya Vantage™.16. In the Avaya Smart Lock menu, select one of the following lock options:2•Unlock/Lock: When the trusted device is within range, the Avaya Vantage™ device3unlocks automatically. When the trusted device goes out of range, the Avaya Vantage™4device is locked automatically.5•Login and Unlock/Logout: When the trusted device is within the range, the Avaya6Vantage™ device unlocks, and if required, logs you in automatically. When the trusted7device goes out of range, the Avaya Vantage™ device is locked and you are8automatically logged out of the device.9After a logout, another user can log in to the device. When a new user logs in, all10previous user data is wiped.117. Tap Trust Device.128. On the list of paired and connected devices, tap the device that you want to select as the13trusted device.14On the Lock screen, you see the Lock ( ) icon with a pulsing circle at the bottom. The 15icon indicates that the device is unlocked. When the trusted device is within range, the16device remains unlocked until you manually lock it.17To access the device Home screen from the Lock screen, do the following:189. Swipe up the   icon.19You see the   icon only when Smart Lock is set up and the trusted device is within range.2021Removing or changing the trusted device22Procedure231. Open the Settings menu.242. Tap Security > Avaya Smart Lock.253. Enter the password that you use to log in and unlock Avaya Vantage™.264. Tap Trust Device.275. On the list of paired and connected devices, do one of the following:28• To select a new device as the trusted device, tap the device name.29• To remove the trusted device, tap None.30Getting started with Avaya Vantage™June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 18Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
1Locking the device manually when Smart Lock is enabled2About this task3Use this procedure to manually lock your Avaya Vantage™ device when Avaya Smart Lock is set4up and the trusted device is within range.5When the trusted device is within range, tapping Lock ( ) from the Home screen or from the6notification area does not lock the device. The device displays the Lock screen with the Lock ( )7icon.8Procedure9On the Lock screen, tap the Lock ( ) icon.10The device stays locked until you manually unlock it with your account password.11Connecting a wireless handset12About this task13Use this procedure to connect or pair a wireless handset with your Avaya Vantage™ device. You14cannot use the wired handset after you connect the wireless handset. You can connect only one15wireless handset at a time.16You need administrative privilege to remove the pairing with the wireless handset.17Before you begin18• Charge the handset battery by placing the handset in the cradle.19• Turn off the wireless handset.20Procedure211. Lift the wireless handset from the cradle, and press and hold the top Power button for at22least 10 seconds to enter the pairing mode.23Connecting a wireless handsetJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 19Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
1To indicate that the handset is in the pairing mode, the handset LED starts flashing.22. On the Home screen, tap Applications.33. Tap Settings.44. Tap Bluetooth.55. Turn Bluetooth on.66. In the list of available devices, tap the entry that matches the ID on the handset label.7When pairing is successful, Avaya Vantage™ displays the wireless handset in the list of8paired devices as connected.9Result10You can now use your wireless handset for calls as long as the handset is turned on. When the11handset is turned off, you cannot use it for calls, but it is still paired with Avaya Vantage™. When12you turn on the handset the next time, you do not need to repeat the pairing procedure.1314Turning the wireless handset on and off15About this task16Your system administrator might connect an optional wireless handset to your Avaya Vantage™. To17use the handset, you must turn it on.18Getting started with Avaya Vantage™June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 20Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
When the handset is turned on, the handset LED flashes every 5 seconds. When the handset is1not being used on a call and is not in its cradle, it automatically turns off in 60 seconds.2Procedure3To turn the wireless handset on or off, press the Power button for approximately 3 seconds.4- When the handset turns on, the handset LED flashes 4 times.5- When the handset turns off, the handset LED flashes 3 times.6Connecting a wireless handsetJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 21Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 4: Navigation1Physical device layout2You can choose from the following Avaya Vantage™ device variants:3• Avaya Vantage™ K175: Standard device with an 8-inch screen and an integrated camera for4full access to video calls and conferences. You can cover the camera by using a mechanical5camera shutter.6• Avaya Vantage™ K165: Standard device with an 8-inch screen that does not include an7integrated camera. You can still receive video from other users.8• Avaya Vantage™ K155: Device with a small 5-inch screen. The device also includes a dial9pad and an integrated camera.1011Layout of Avaya Vantage™ K165 and K17512The standard Avaya Vantage™ device resembles a tablet in the portrait orientation. The only13difference in the layout of the Avaya Vantage™ K165 and K175 variants is that K175 comes with14an integrated camera and a mechanical camera shutter.15June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 22Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Camera (K175 only)Camera shutter (K175 only)Message waiting indicatorUSB Type-C portVolume upVolume downSpeakerMicrophoneStandKensington lock slot3.5 mm stereo headset jackCamera activity indicator (K175 only)Wired or wireless handset (optional)Handset cradle (optional)Screen1Physical device layoutJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 23Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
1Layout of Avaya Vantage™ K1552CameraMessage waiting indicatorUSB Type-A portSpeakerMicrophoneStandKensington lock slot3.5 mm stereo headset jackCamera activity indicatorTouch screenWired or wireless handset (optional)Handset cradle (optional)Dial pad andfunctional keys 3Dial pad and functional keys4The Avaya Vantage™ K155 device includes a physical dial pad and functional keys.5NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 24Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Video muteAndroid navigation keysAudio muteHeadsetSpeakerVolume12Connectors and controls3The following images show the options available on the Avaya Vantage™ device.4Rear panel5The rear panel contains a power adapter connector, an RJ9 headset port, and dual Ethernet ports6with an internal Ethernet switch.7Power adapter connectorRJ9 analogheadset portRJ45 PC portRJ45 PoE LAN port8Physical device layoutJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 25Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Note:Avaya Vantage™ K165 and K175 devices from Release 1.0 only have a single Ethernet port.1Devices with hardware version 5 and later support dual Ethernet ports.2The K155 device has dual Ethernet ports.3K155 devices have an additional wireless module slot at the top-right side of the rear panel. The4wireless module provides Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.5Slot for wireless module6Right side panel7On Avaya Vantage™ K165 and K175, the right side panel contains a 3.5 mm audio jack socket and8a USB Type-C port.93.5 mm stereo headset jackwith microphone supportUSB Type-Cport10NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 26Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
On Avaya Vantage™ K155, the right side panel contains a 3.5 mm audio jack socket and a USB1Type-A port.23.5 mm stereo headset jackwith microphone supportUSB Type-Aport3Left side panel4On all device variants, the left side panel contains a cordless or corded handset cradle connector.5Handset cradle connector6Physical device layoutJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 27Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Wireless handset layout1Power buttonLED indicatorMuteVolume upVolume down2Avaya Vantage Basic screen navigation34Dial pad screen5The following sections show the Avaya Vantage™ Basic Dial pad screen.6NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 28Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K165 or K175 device1Dial pad tabFavorites tabContacts tabProfile settingsCall history tabDial padVideo callAudio callOn hook buttonMuteBlock outgoing videoRedialAudio device selectorVoice mail2Avaya Vantage Basic screen navigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 29Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K155 device1Voice mailAudio callVideo callAudio device selectorOn hook buttonRedialCall history tabProfile settingsContacts tabFavorites tabDial pad tab23Contacts screen4The following sections show the Avaya Vantage™ Basic Contacts screen.5NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 30Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K165 or K175 device1Contact searchAdd new contactsAudio callVideo callContacts listFavorite contactVoice searchSynch contacts from paired deviceSynched contactContact filters2Avaya Vantage Basic screen navigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 31Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K155 device1ContactslistContact searchAdd contactVideo callAudio callFavorite contactSynched contact Contact filters23Call screen4The following sections show the Avaya Vantage™ Basic Call screen.5NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 32Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K165 or K175 device1Back to Main screenProfile settingsAdvanced call optionsEnd callHold callDial padName of the contactMuteOn hook buttonBlock outgoing videoSecond call informationAudio device selector2Avaya Vantage Basic screen navigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 33Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
K155 device1Second call informationProfile settingsName of the contactSpeaker or On hookAudio device selectorEnd callHold callAdvanced call options2NavigationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 34Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 5: Call management operations1You can perform the following key call management tasks:2• Making audio or video calls3• Answering audio or video calls4• Performing call control operations5• Viewing your call history and missed calls6• Working with conferences7Making audio or video calls89Making an emergency call10About this task11Use this procedure to make a call to a preconfigured emergency services number. Your system12administrator can configure the emergency services numbers.13In the Avaya Aura® environment, you can make an emergency call even when you are logged out14of Avaya Vantage™ or when Avaya Vantage™ is in the locked state.15In the IP Office environment, you can make an emergency call only when you are logged in to16Avaya Vantage™. You cannot make an emergency call from the Login screen. You can make an17emergency call from the Lock screen if the Lock mode is enabled and an administrator has18configured emergency numbers in the 46xxspecial.txt file.19Procedure20• To make an emergency call from the Login or the Lock screen, in the lower-right corner of the21screen, tap Emergency call and do one of the following:22- To automatically dial the preconfigured emergency number with the highest priority, tap23Auto - dial.24- To dial one of preconfigured emergency numbers manually, tap Manual dial, enter the25number and then tap  .26With K165 and K175, you must tap the digits on the screen. With K155, use the physical27keypad on the device to dial the number.28June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 35Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
• To make an emergency call from Avaya Vantage™ Basic, on the Dial pad screen, enter the1emergency number and then tap  .2With K165 and K175, you must tap the digits on the screen. With K155, use the physical3keypad on the device to dial the number.45Making an audio or video call using the dial pad6Before you begin7If you are using a handset, lift the handset from the cradle.8Procedure91. Tap the Dial pad tab.102. Enter the telephone number you want to call.11With K165 and K175, you must tap the digits on the screen. With K155, use the physical12keypad on the device to dial the number.133. Tap one of the following:14•: To make an audio call.15•: To make a video call.1617Making an audio or video call using contacts18Procedure191. Tap the Contacts tab.202. Select the required contact.213. Tap one of the following:22•: To make an audio call.23•: To make a video call.2425Making an audio or video call from your Favorites list26Before you begin27Ensure that you have contacts in your Favorites list.28Note:On IP Office, you cannot add IP Office personal contacts to your Favorites list.29Call management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 36Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Procedure11. Tap the Favorites tab.22. Select the required contact.33. Tap one of the following:4•: To make an audio call.5•: To make a video call.67Making an audio or video call using call history8Procedure91. Tap the Call History tab.102. Select the required contact or telephone number.113. Tap one of the following:12•: To make an audio call.13•: To make a video call.1415Making a second call16About this task17Use this procedure to make a second call while you are already on a call. You can have up to two18calls at the same time. When one call is active, the other is placed on hold.19Note:For multiple line support to work on IP Office, you must enable the Call Waiting On feature for20the user account. Otherwise the connection is treated as a single line.21Procedure221. While on a call, tap  .232. In the Call Features window, tap New Call.24Avaya Vantage™ Basic places the first call on hold and displays the Dial pad screen.253. Do one of the following:26• Enter the telephone number you want to call.27With K165 and K175, you must tap the digits on the screen. With K155, use the physical28keypad on the device to dial the number.29• In the Contacts tab, select the required contact.30Making audio or video callsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 37Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
• In the Favorites tab, select the required contact.1• In the Call History tab, select the required contact or telephone number.24. Tap one of the following:3•: To make an audio call.4•: To make a video call.5After the connection is established, the second call becomes the active call. The first call6remains on hold until you toggle between calls.78Redialing a number9About this task10Use this procedure to redial the last dialed number.11Procedure121. On the Dial pad screen, tap  .13Avaya Vantage™ displays the last dialed number on the screen.142. Tap one of the following:15•: To make an audio call.16•: To make a video call.17You can also redial by double tapping   or  .18Managing calls1920Answering or declining an incoming call21Procedure22•To answer an audio call, do one of the following:23-Tap   on your screen.24-Lift the handset from the cradle when you are using a wired or wireless handset.25With K155, after answering the call, you can also use the   and   buttons on the device to26toggle between your headset or speaker phone.27•To accept a video call, tap  .28Call management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 38Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
•To decline a call, tap  .12Entering digits during a call3About this task4Use this procedure if you need to enter DTMF digits during a call. For example, when you check5your voice mail, you are prompted to enter digits.6Procedure7•With K165 and K175, do the following:81. While on an active call, tap  .9The application displays the dial pad.102. Enter the required digits.11• With K155, use the physical keypad on the device to enter the required digits.12On K155, the application does not display the entered digits on the screen.1314Muting or unmuting a call15About this task16Use this procedure to mute or unmute your microphone during an active call. When you are on17mute, the other party cannot hear you.18A muted call gets unmuted automatically when you switch to a different audio device during the19call. However, you can perform call operations, such as putting the call on hold or resuming the20call, during a muted call without getting unmuted.21Procedure22• To mute yourself during a call:23- With K165 or K175, tap   on the screen.24-With K155, press the   button on the device keypad.25•To unmute yourself:26- With K165 or K175, tap  .27-With K155, press the   button on the device again.28•(Optional) On a wireless handset, press the Mute button to mute or unmute yourself.29When you mute a call on your wireless handset, the application UI does not indicate that the30call is muted.31If you disconnect the call without unmuting the wireless handset, the handset remains muted.32Managing callsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 39Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
1Placing a call on hold and resuming the call2Procedure3•To place a call on hold, tap  .4•To resume the call, tap  .56Toggling between calls7About this task8Use this procedure to toggle between two calls when one call is active and the other call is on9hold.10Note:For multiple line support to work on IP Office, you must enable the Call Waiting On feature for11the user account. Otherwise the connection is treated as a single line.12Procedure131. At the top of the Call screen, tap the label of the held call.14The application displays the inactive or held call on the Call screen.152. Tap  .16The inactive call becomes the active call, and the other call is placed on hold.1718Transferring a call19About this task20Use this procedure to transfer a call to another number. A direct transfer, as described in this21procedure, is a blind or unattended transfer. When you perform a blind transfer, you cannot notify22the other party about the transfer and you cannot return to your original call after starting the23transfer procedure.24Procedure251. During an active call, tap  .262. Tap  .273. Do one of the following:28• Tap Enter a number and then enter the phone number.29• Tap Choose a Person and then select the required contact from the Contacts, Call30History, or Favorites list.31Call management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 40Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
4. Tap Transfer.12Working with video functionality3About this task4Use this procedure to start, stop, pause and resume video during a call. When you pause your5video, the application stops transmitting your video to the other party. When a video is paused,6you can still receive video from the other party and your audio is still transmitted to the other party.7Note:• If you switch to another application while on a video call, video will be stopped. To start8video again, switch back to Avaya Vantage™ Basic.9• For privacy reasons, Avaya Vantage™ Basic always pauses outgoing video when the10other party makes a video call or adds video to an existing call. To transmit your video to11the other party, you must enable video manually.12Procedure13•To start or stop video, tap   and then tap Start Video or Stop Video.14• To pause or mute video:15-With K165 or K175, tap  .16The icon becomes blue. You can tap this icon again to resume video.17-With K155, press the  .18Press this button again to resume video.1920Selecting an active audio device21About this task22By default, Avaya Vantage™ uses speakers to transmit audio. If you have a headset or handset23connected to your device, you can select which audio device to use in a call.24Procedure25• From the Dial pad or Call screen, tap Audio device selector and select the required device26from the list.27• To select your wireless handset as an active audio device when on a call, lift the handset28from the cradle.29Avaya Vantage™ automatically transfers audio to the wireless handset.30• To select the device speaker when using a wireless handset, do the following:311. Select the device speaker from Audio device selector.32Managing callsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 41Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
2. Place the handset in its cradle.12Ending a call3About this task4Use this procedure to end a call.5Note:If you receive an incoming call while on another call, you cannot end the first call until you6answer or decline the second call.7Procedure8• To end an active call, tap   on the screen.9• If you are using a handset, hang up by placing the handset in its cradle.10Viewing call history11Procedure121. Tap the Call History tab.132. Filter the call history using the following options:14•All Calls15•Missed Calls16•Outgoing Calls17•Incoming Calls183. (Optional) To view the call history of the synchronized device:19•With K165 or K175, tap  , which is at the top-right side of the contacts list.20•With K155, in the filter options drop-down ( ), tap Bluetooth Sync.21Avaya Vantage™ Basic displays the call history of the synchronized mobile device in the22Call History tab if:23• Call history sharing is enabled.24• The paired mobile device is connected with Avaya Vantage™.25Related links26Synchronizing contacts and call history over Bluetooth on page 4827Call management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 42Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
1Deleting all call information2Procedure31. Tap the Call history tab.42. Filter the call history and select Clear All Calls.53. Tap Delete in the Confirmation dialog box.6Working with conference calls78Starting a conference call9About this task10Use this procedure to start an audio or video conference call.11Important:This procedure does not apply to IP Office deployments. With IP Office, you can only merge12calls to create a conference call. Video conference is also not supported with IP Office.13Procedure141. During an active call, tap  .152. In the Call Features window, tap Add Someone.163. Do one of the following:17• Tap Enter a number and then enter the phone number.18• Tap Choose a Person and then select the required contact from the Contacts, Call19History, or Favorites list.204. Tap Add Someone.21A call is placed to the selected participant. When the participant answers, the conference22starts.2324Merging calls to create a conference call25About this task26Use this procedure to merge two calls to create a conference call.27Working with conference callsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 43Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Before you begin1You must have two ongoing calls.2Procedure31. From the Call screen, tap  .42. Tap   to merge both calls into a conference call.5Call management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 44Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 6: Contact management operations1Adding a contact2About this task3Use this procedure to add new contacts in Avaya Vantage™ Basic. You can save a personal4contact in the local storage or to the enterprise directory. In the IP Office environment, you can add5a personal contact to the IP Office personal directory.6In Avaya Vantage™ Basic, you can modify and delete personal contacts added to the enterprise or7IP Office personal directory. Any modification to such contacts is synchronized automatically8between Avaya Vantage™ Basic and the enterprise or IP Office personal directory.9Note that Avaya Vantage™ deletes local contacts data when another user logs in to the device. To10store local contacts data, enable data backup and provide a backup account in the Settings11menu.12Procedure131. Tap the Contacts tab.142. Tap  .153. Choose one of the following options:16•Local Contact: To store the contact locally on the device.17•Enterprise Contact: To add the contact to the Avaya Aura® enterprise directory.18•Personal Contact: To add the contact to the IP Office personal directory.19Either the Enterprise Contact or the Personal Contact option is available depending on20the environment in which the device is installed.214. In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter the name of the new contact.225. Do the following to add the phone number of the contact:23a. Tap Add phone number.24b. In the drop-down list, select the appropriate phone category.25c. In the Phone field, enter the phone number.26You must provide at least one phone number for each contact.27Use the on-screen keyboard to enter contact details. Do not use the physical keypad on28the K155 device.29June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 45Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
6. (Optional) Repeat the previous step to add more phone numbers for the contact.17. (Optional) Add other information about the contact, such as the job title, company name,2and address.38. Tap Done.4The contacts and their details are displayed in your Contacts list.5Editing a contact6About this task7Use this procedure to edit the details of a contact.8You can modify local contacts and personal contacts added to the enterprise or IP Office personal9directory. Any modification to personal contacts is synchronized automatically between Avaya10Vantage™ Basic and the enterprise or IP Office personal directory.11Procedure121. Tap the Contacts tab.132. In the contacts list, tap the contact that you want to edit.143. On the Contact Details page, tap Edit.154. Tap the field that you want to edit.165. Use the on-screen keyboard to modify the information.176. Tap Done.18Deleting a contact19About this task20Use this procedure to delete a contact from the contacts list.21You can delete local contacts and personal contacts added to the Avaya Aura® enterprise or IP22Office personal directory.23Procedure241. Tap the Contacts tab.252. In the contacts list, tap the contact that you want to delete.263. On the Contact Details page, tap Delete.274. Tap Yes to confirm the action.28Contact management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 46Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Searching for a contact1About this task2Use this procedure to search for a contact.3In the IP Office environment, IP Officesystem contacts are visible only through search.4Procedure51. Tap the Contacts tab.62. On K155, tap the   icon.73. In the Search field, start typing the name of the contact that you want to look for.8The application displays all relevant contacts.910IP Office contact search options11In the IP Office environment, Avaya Vantage™ Basic and the standard Contacts application ( )12available on the Avaya Vantage™ device support centralized IP Office directory contact search,13which includes the following:14• IP Office system contacts across a small community network (SCN).15• IP Office hunt group contacts across a small community network (SCN).16• IP Office external contacts in the LDAP, system, and HTTP directories configured in IP Office.17Setting contact display options18About this task19Use this procedure to modify how contact names are displayed in the Contacts list. Contacts can20be displayed with the first name first or with the last name first.21Procedure221. In Avaya Vantage™ Basic, tap Extension > User Settings.232. Tap Application.243. In Display preferences, tap Name display preferences and then select one of the25following options:26•First Name First: To display the contact names with the first name first followed by the27last name.28•Last Name First: To display the contact names with the last name first followed by the29first name.30Searching for a contactJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 47Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
4. Tap Name sort preferences and then select one of the following options:1•First Name First: To sort the contact list based on the first name.2•Last Name First: To sort the contact list based on the last name.3Setting a contact as a favorite4About this task5Use this procedure to add a contact to your Favorites list.6Note:In the IP Office environment, you cannot add IP Office personal contacts to you Favorites list.7Procedure81. Tap the Contacts tab.92. Tap the appropriate contact.103. In Contact Details, tap  , which is beside the contact’s name.11Synchronizing contacts and call history over Bluetooth12About this task13Use this procedure to synchronize your mobile phone’s contacts and call history with the Avaya14Vantage™ device over Bluetooth. After the synchronization, you can access all contacts and call15history of the paired phone on your Avaya Vantage™ device when the devices are connected.16Contacts from all accounts on your mobile phone, including Google and Facebook, are shared17with the Avaya Vantage™ device, but only so long as the devices remain connected. If Bluetooth18connectivity is lost, the shared phone contacts and call history data is automatically deleted from19the Avaya Vantage™ device.20Procedure21To pair a mobile phone with the Avaya Vantage™ device, do the following:221. On the mobile phone and the Avaya Vantage™ device, turn on Bluetooth.232. On the Avaya Vantage™ device, tap Settings > Bluetooth.243. In Available devices, tap the name of the mobile phone.254. On the screens of both devices, do the following:26a. Verify the displayed passcode.27b. Select the option to allow the paired device to access the contacts and call history.28Contact management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 48Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
c. Tap Pair.1To synchronize and share contacts and call history from the paired phone, do the following:25. On the Avaya Vantage™ device, tap Settings > Bluetooth.36. In Bluetooth Contact & Call History Sharing, enable the following:4•Contact Sharing5•Call History Sharing6The synchronized contacts become available through the following:7• The Contacts tab in the Avaya Vantage™ Basic or Avaya Equinox® application.8• The standard Contacts application on the Avaya Vantage™ device.9The synchronized call history is available on the Call History tab of the Avaya Vantage™10Basic application.11Note:Any third-party application that is capable of displaying call logs from the default12telephony application can display the call history from the synchronized mobile device.13After the Bluetooth connection is disconnected, if such application is caching the call14history and not clearing the cache, the call history from the synchronized device is15retained.16Filtering contacts17Procedure181. Tap the Contacts tab.192. Filter the contacts using the following options:20•All Contacts: To view the local and enterprise contacts.21•Enterprise Contacts: To view Avaya Aura® enterprise contacts.22•Personal Contacts: To view IP Office personal contacts.23•Local Contacts: To view the contacts stored in the local storage, such as Google or24Exchange contacts.253. (Optional) To view the contacts of the synchronized device:26•With K165 or K175, tap  , which is at the top-right side of the contacts list.27•With K155, in the contacts filter drop-down ( ), tap Bluetooth Sync.28Avaya Vantage™ Basic displays the contacts of the synchronized device under All Contacts29and Local Contacts if:30• Contact sharing is enabled.31Filtering contactsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 49Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
• The paired device is connected with Avaya Vantage™.1Related links2Synchronizing contacts and call history over Bluetooth on page 483Contact management operationsJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 50Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 7: Customization1Modifying the ring tone2About this task3Use this procedure to change the default ring tone for incoming calls in Avaya Vantage™ Basic.4You can select from a list of built-in and administrator-downloaded ring tones.5You can change the ring tone in the telephony application but not on the Avaya Vantage™device.6Procedure71. In Avaya Vantage™ Basic, tap Extension > User Settings.82. Tap Audio/Video.93. In Ring Preferences, tap Choose Ringtone.104. Select the new ring tone and tap OK.11Disabling video using the privacy shutter12About this task13On the K175 device, you can physically prevent the camera from capturing video using a privacy14shutter. When you close the shutter, the camera is still on, but it only transmits a black15background. The camera LED is also on, indicating that the camera is working.16Note:The K155 device does not include a physical shutter. You can use the video mute button ( )17to disable video.18Procedure19•To disable video capturing, shift the lever located above the camera to the leftmost position20so that the camera is entirely covered with the shutter.21If the shutter does not cover the entire camera, the camera might be able to capture partial22video.23• To enable video capturing, shift the lever to the rightmost position so that the shutter does not24cover the camera.25June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 51Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Changing the wallpaper1About this task2Use this procedure to change the default wallpaper on the Avaya Vantage™ device. You can select3an administrator-downloaded wallpaper or any other image file available on the device.4Procedure51. Tap Settings > Display.62. Tap Wallpaper.73. Tap one of the following options available on the device:8•Live wallpapers9•Photos10•Wallpapers114. Select the new wallpaper and tap Set wallpaper.12CustomizationJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 52Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Chapter 8: Resources1Documentation2See the following related documents at http://support.avaya.com.3Title Use this document to: AudienceDeployingInstalling and Administering AvayaVantage™Install, configure, and maintain AvayaVantage™.ImplementationpersonnelUsingUsing Avaya Equinox® for Android,iOS, Mac, and WindowsSet up and use Avaya Equinox® clients. • End users• Support personnelUsing Avaya Vantage™ Open Use Avaya Vantage™• End users• Support personnel4Finding documents on the Avaya Support website5Procedure61. Navigate to http://support.avaya.com/.72. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.83. Click Support by Product > Documents.94. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the10list.115. In Choose Release, select an appropriate release number.126. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all13available documents.14For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list15displays the documents only from the selected category.167. Click Enter.17June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 53Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos1Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot2Avaya products.3About this task4Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on5the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.6Procedure7• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to http://support.avaya.com and perform one8of the following actions:9- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos to see a list of the available videos.10- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the11Content Type column on the left.12• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and13perform one of the following actions:14-Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or15topic.16- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos17posted on the website.18Note:Videos are not available for all products.19Support20Go to the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date21documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,22downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service23request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a24support team if an issue requires additional expertise.2526Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base27The Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides:28• Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips29• Information about service packs30• Access to customer and technical documentation31ResourcesJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 54Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
• Information about training and certification programs1• Links to other pertinent information2If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, you3can access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a valid4Sold-To number.5Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems.61. Go to http://www.avaya.com/support.72. Log on to the Avaya website with a valid Avaya user ID and password.8The system displays the Avaya Support page.93. Click Support by Product > Product Specific Support.104. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter.115. Select the product from the list, and select a release.126. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles.137. Select relevant articles.14SupportJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 55Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
IndexAactive callentering digits ............................................................... 39add a contact ....................................................................... 45answering a call ................................................................... 38Avaya Smart Lock ................................................................16enabling ........................................................................ 17Avaya Vantage Basicinstalling ........................................................................14supported features ........................................................10Avaya Vantage device layoutK155 ............................................................................. 24K165 and K175 .............................................................22Avaya Vantage overview ........................................................9Ccall historydeleting ......................................................................... 43viewing ..........................................................................42call management ................................................................. 35callsadding video to a call ....................................................41answering ..................................................................... 38ending ...........................................................................42making a call using a call history .................................. 37making a call using contacts .........................................36making a call using dial pad ......................................... 36making a call using favorites ........................................ 36making an emergency call ............................................35making a second call .................................................... 37toggling between calls .................................................. 40transferring ................................................................... 40call transferunattended transfer ...................................................... 40change history ....................................................................... 8changing default ring tone ................................................... 51changing wallpaper ..............................................................52conference call .....................................................................43merging calls into conference .......................................43connectingwireless handset ...........................................................19connectors and controls .......................................................25contactsadding a contact ........................................................... 45adding to favorites ........................................................ 48deleting a contact ......................................................... 46editing a contact ........................................................... 46filtering .......................................................................... 49making a call using contacts .........................................36searching ...................................................................... 47contacts and call historycontacts and call history (continued)synchronizing ................................................................48contact searchIP Office ........................................................................47Ddeclining a call ..................................................................... 38delete the call history ........................................................... 43deleting a contact .................................................................46device layout ........................................................................22Avaya Vantage K155 .................................................... 24K165 and K175 standard Avaya Vantage device ......... 22disabling video ..................................................................... 51displaychanging wallpaper .......................................................52document changes ................................................................ 8DTMF digits ......................................................................... 39Eediting a contact ...................................................................46emergency call .....................................................................35enablingAvaya Smart Lock .........................................................17Ffeatures ................................................................................10GGoogle Play applications ..................................................... 13Hhandsetwireless .........................................................................19Iignoring a call .......................................................................38InSite Knowledge Base ........................................................54installing applications ...........................................................14IP Office contact search .......................................................47LlayoutAvaya Vantage K155 .................................................... 24K165 and K175 standard Avaya Vantage device ......... 22June 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 56Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)
legal notices .............................................................................locking ..................................................................................15locking when Smart Lock is enabled ................................... 19logging in ............................................................................. 15logging out ........................................................................... 15Mmaking a callusing call history ........................................................... 37using contacts list ......................................................... 36using dial pad ............................................................... 36using favorites list ......................................................... 36making a call using contacts ................................................36making an emergency call ................................................... 35making a second call ........................................................... 37merging calls into conference .............................................. 43muting a call .........................................................................39Nnew in this release ............................................................... 13Pphysical layout ..................................................................... 22placing a call on hold ........................................................... 40ports .....................................................................................25Rredialing a number ............................................................... 38rejecting a call ......................................................................38related documentation ......................................................... 53resuming a call .....................................................................40ring tonechanging default ring tone ............................................ 51Ssearching contacts ...............................................................47second call ...........................................................................37select active audio device ....................................................41setting contact display options .............................................47support .................................................................................54synchronizing contacts and call history ............................... 48Tthird party applications .........................................................13toggling calls ........................................................................ 40trusted devicechanging ....................................................................... 18removing .......................................................................18turn on the wireless handset ................................................20Uunlocking ..............................................................................15unmuting a call .....................................................................39Vvideoadding video to a call ....................................................41blocking and resuming ..................................................41disabling ....................................................................... 51videos .................................................................................. 54viewing call history ...............................................................42Wwireless handset .................................................................. 19features .........................................................................11layout ............................................................................ 28LED indication .............................................................. 12turning on and off ..........................................................20IndexJune 2018 Using Avaya Vantage™ and Avaya Vantage™ Basic 57Avaya - Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.DRAFT—May 15, 2018—3:13 PM (UTC)

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