Aviat Networks 3ECJ68B3E PTP Radio User Manual 862 01881 12c

Aviat Networks PTP Radio 862 01881 12c


Manual 2 revised

     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 77   4.  Once setup, use the following screens to set up the COM port’s parameters.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 78    A.4  Adding Dial-up Networking : Windows 95/98  1.  After adding the modem, set up the connection properties using the following screens as a guideline.  This will allow establishment of a PPP connection between the computer and the DIU’s Element Manager port.  A Null_Modem connection option as shown below will be created.  If one doesn’t exist, double click on the “Make New Connection” icon.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 79
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 80   A.5  Adding Dial-up Networking : Windows 2000 / Windows XP A.5.1  To add dial-up networking The installation procedure documented here is based on the procedure that should be followed for Windows 2000.  Some of the configuration windows for Windows XP may look slightly different, and may appear in a different order, but the basic procedure are the same as for Windows 2000 and are therefore not repeated in an attempt to reduce the size of this user manual.  1. Select the Make New Connection menu item. Win2000 & Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 81 2. Select the Connect directly to another computer and press the Next button. Win2000   Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 82 3. Set the dialup connection to connect as Guest and press the Next button. Win2000 & Win-XP  4. Select the COM port you intend to use to connect to the radio from the Select Device dropdown box and press the Next button.  In Windows XP, this window is preceded by Step 6 below.  Win2000 & Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 83 5. Select the users that must be able to use this dialup connection and press the Next button. Win2000 & Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 84 6.  Enter the name of this dialup connection and press the Finish button.  This name may be any name of your choice.  The connection is now installed, but its properties must still be configured.  This window is displayed earlier in Windows XP. Win2000 & Win-XP  7. Finish installing the connection (Windows XP only) Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 85 8. Browse to the newly added connection under the Network and Dial-Up connections menu item of Windows, and right-click on the connection with your mouse.  Select the Properties item from the pop-up menu to bring up the properties window below.  Now click on the Configure button below the Select a Device combo box in the General properties tab window to bring up the Modem Configuration box below.  Make sure that all the settings on your PC are the same is in this window (Maximum speed: 115200 bps & hardware flow control enabled).  Now press the OK button. Win2000 & Win-XP  9. In the Options properties box below, select Redial if line is dropped and press the OK button. Win2000 & Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 86 10. Browse to the newly added connection under the Network and Dial-Up connections menu item of Windows, and left-click on the connection with your mouse.  This will bring up the connection window below.  The values of the Username and Password fields does not matter, press Connect to dial into the radio once the dialup cable has been plugged into the Digital Indoor Unit and the PC. Win2000 & Win-XP
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 87 B  Appendix: MANAGEMENT OF THE MDR2400-SR MDR5800-SR and the Orion 5825-sr  All management of the MDR and Orion products are implemented using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), an open standard.  The products can be managed by:   1.  Standard SNMP managers such as HP OpenView or SNMPc i.e. there is Open Network Management compatibility.  2.  For rapid product installation, the NMS GUI Application (hereafter referred to as the NMS-GA) provides extensive management functions on site and, via the microwave radio link, can be used to access the MDR / Orion station on the opposite side of the link.   The NMS-GA is a software application that runs on a PC workstation such as a laptop or notebook computer that is connected to an MDR / Orion Digital Indoor Unit serial port (DB9 DTE) or an Ethernet connection (10BaseT DTE), both accessed via the DIU front-panel.     B.1    SNMP and the MDR / Orion  Use of SNMP within the product allows remote: configuration, monitoring of performance, notification of alarms and firmware upgrades via an IP-network.  Within an IP network supporting routing of IP data, the radios can be supported from any remote location.  The product can be accessed via the Internet if the necessary gateways are provided.  A GSM/PCS modem dial-up capability provides another remote management option.    The Digital Indoor Units have built-in SNMP agents and an extensive MIB (Management Information Base).  The MDR /Orion product uses SNMP V1 (RFC1155, 1157).  The user has access to an Enterprise MIB (obtainable though customer services) and MIB II (RFC 1213).     Access to the MIB via the DIU SNMP agent is via Ethernet (10BaseT interface on the product's front panel) or PPP (RFC 1661) via the product's serial channel Element Manager port.  The use of SNMP provides flexibility for operators with central equipment monitoring.  It provides management access to radio configuration (all data interfaces), interface status and statistics, fault and maintenance information.    SNMP security (if enabled) is ensured by using a login and password to give the user "administrator" or "standard user" rights.  The "standard user rights" option limits the ability to SET MIB variables.   NOTE Secure SNMP is not longer supported.  The product has threshold-based alarm generation (there is an extensive SNMP trap list with a trap filter that is adjustable via SNMP).  Network access (wired or wireless i.e. GSM/PCS Modem) allows over-the-air remote firmware uploading (FTP) with a load verification (and reversion) capability.      There are three principle requirements to use SNMP with the MDR / Orion Radio Stations.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 88 1.  A Management Station that runs a SNMP Management Software package that is installed on a networked or stand-alone PC that can be connected to an Digital Indoor Unit either using a serial connection or an Ethernet connection.   From the Management station, the agents within the Digital Indoor Units can be configured or polled for information.   2.  Agent:  The agent accepts SNMP GET, SET or GET-NEXT commands from the Management Application software and collects or adjusts information from the Digital Indoor Unit's MIB.   3.  Management Information Base (MIB): the MIB is a database that is accessed based on the OID (object ID) the SNMP Manager has chosen.  The Digital Indoor Unit uses an Enterprise MIB and a standard MIB (MIB II) to store or allow access to information relevant to the MDR / Orion link.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 89 B.2    The MIB Elements – OID (Object ID) DESCRIPTIONS  Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316 plessey       .1316.1 products       .1316.1.1 digitalradio       .1316.1.1.1 mdrmte       .1316. mdrmtePerformance       .1316. mdrmteConfiguration       .1316. mdrmteFault       .1316. mdrmteAccess       .1316. mdrmteRelayOutputs       .1316. mdrmteOptoInputs       .1316. mdrmtePayloadPerf       .1316. mdrmtePpTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmtePpEntry  MdrmtePpEntry  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmtePpIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmtePpLOS  INTEGER  read-only A Loss of Signal has been detected on the input to a tributary - there is one for each tributary (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) .1316. mdrmtePpAIS  INTEGER  read-only An Alarm Indication Signal has been detected on the input to a tributary - there is one for each tributary (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) .1316. mdrmteCrcErrors  INTEGER  read-only The number of CRC4 or CRC6 errors seen on the selected tributary since the last time errors were cleared. .1316. mdrmteCrcTribSelect  INTEGER  read-write The tributary selected for CRC checking. .1316. mdrmteCrcLock  INTEGER  read-only Indication of whether the CRC checking algorithm has locked onto a CRC frame signature in the payload data. .1316. mdrmteCrcEbitCnt  INTEGER  read-only Reflects the number of assertions of the 'E' bits in selected tributary. .1316. mdrmteRFLinkPerf       .1316. mdrmteCarrierDetect  INTEGER  read-only Indicates if a RF Carrier has been detected by the RF Unit - if so, the header in the RF Packet has been identified as a potential valid packet - note however, that it could be received from another transmitter that uses the same header format .1316. mdrmteRSSI  Gauge  read-only A dBm value representative of the received signal level.  The value detected is representative of the level that would be measured should a spread spectrum signal be input at the RF Unit's Diplexer RF Port - a CW (Continuous Wave) signal will appear to be 20 dB higher
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 90 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteCurrentPER  DisplayString  read-only This is the current Packet Error Rate and is based on the number of uncorrectable packets/blocks being detected by the FEC (Forward Error Correction) circuitry within the Digital Indoor Unit (based of the number of errored packets divided by the total number of packets transmitted in a measurement period of 250msec) .1316. mdrmteMaximizedPER  DisplayString  read-only This is the maximum Packet Error Rate detected during the last measurement period, based number of maximum number .1316. mdrmteLinkUnavailable  INTEGER  read-only Based on G.826 criteria, this MIB element indicates RF Link Availability/Non-availability .1316. mdrmteFrameUnlock  INTEGER  read-only The data that is transmitted across the RF Link is conveyed in a frame, compiled within .1316. mdrmteRemoteFrameUnlock  INTEGER  read-only Frame-lock (mdrmteFrameUnlock) as seen by the other end of the link is fed back here.  .1316. mdrmteErrSecRatioExceeded  INTEGER  read-only The ESR is a ratio of the number of Errored seconds (one second periods within  .1316. mdrmteSevErrSecRatioExceeded INTEGER  read-only The SESR is a ratio of the number of Severely Errored seconds (one second periods within  .1316. mdrmteBkgrndBlkErrRatioExceeded INTEGER  read-only The BBER is a ratio of the number of uncorrectable blocks/packets received .1316. mdrmteMinorPERExceeded  INTEGER  read-only This parameter indicates if the minor packet (uncorrectable by FEC) error rate has been exceeded based on the defined  .1316. mdrmteMajorPERExceeded  INTEGER  read-only This parameter indicates if the major packet (uncorrectable by FEC) error rate has been exceeded based on the defined  .1316. mdrmteCriticalPERExceeded  INTEGER  read-only This parameter indicates if the critical packet (uncorrectable by FEC) error rate has been exceeded based on the defined  .1316. mdrmtePrevParamsRestored  INTEGER  read-only Indicates if autorecovery for the RF Unit settings had to be invoked  .1316. mdrmteAveragePER  DisplayString  read-only This is the current Average Packet Error Rate and is based on the number of  .1316. mdrmteStartSweep  INTEGER  read-write This is used to start the spectral RSSI sweep. .1316. mdrmteRssiSpectrum  DisplayString  read-only This contains the results of the sweep through the spectum of  .1316. mdrmteG826
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 91 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteStatus  INTEGER  read-only Indicates if 'G.826-like' errored, severely errored and unavailable  .1316. mdrmteTotalSeconds  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of seconds, both available and unavailable .1316. mdrmteAvailableSeconds  Counter  read-only A period of unavailable time begins at the onset of ten consecutive SES events.   .1316. mdrmteUnavailableSeconds  Counter  read-only A period of unavailable time begins at the onset of ten consecutive SES events.   .1316. mdrmteErroredSeconds  Counter  read-only A one second period with one or more errored packets(uncorrectable packets) or at least one defect .1316. mdrmteSeverelyErroredSeconds Counter  read-only A one-second period which contains > 30% errored blocks or at least one defect. SES is a subset of ES. .1316. mdrmteErroredBlocks  Counter  read-only A packet which has been identified as containing uncorrectable bits by the FEC circuitry .1316. mdrmteBackgroundBlockErrors Counter  read-only An errored block not occurring as part of a SES. .1316. mdrmteErroredSecondsRatio  DisplayString  read-only The ratio of ES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement interval. .1316. mdrmteSeverelyErroredSecondsRatio DisplayString read-only The ratio of SES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement interval. .1316. mdrmteBackgroundBlockErrorRatio DisplayString  read-only The ratio of Background Block Errors (BBE) to total blocks in available time  .1316. mdrmteDeprecated2  INTEGER  write-only  Deprecated .1316. mdrmteCorrectedSymbols  INTEGER  read-only This parameter lists the number of corrected symbols i.e. those corrected by the FEC .1316. mdrmteCounters       .1316. mdrmteLostEthRxPkts  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times an ethernet packet could not be buffered .1316. mdrmteLostLinkRxPkts  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times a link packet could not be buffered .1316. mdrmteLostWaySideTxPkts  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times a wayside packet could not be buffered .1316. mdrmteScc1FullCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC1 was full to capacity .1316. mdrmteScc2FullCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC2 was full to capacity .1316. mdrmteScc1UnderrunCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC1 ran out of BDs .1316. mdrmteScc2UnderrunCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC2 ran out of BDs .1316. mdrmteScc2RxBdAbortCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC2 received an aborted frame
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 92 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteScc2RxBdNonOctCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC2 received a Non octet aligned frame .1316. mdrmteScc2RxBdCrcCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times SCC2 received a frame with a CRC error .1316. mdrmteEtherTxRetries  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of (collisions) packets that were retransmitted on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherTxDeferCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of frames deferred due to early collisions on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherTxHeartBeatCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the collision inup was not asserted on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherTxLateCollisions  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of late collisions on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherReTxLimit  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the retransmission limit was reached on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherTxUnderrun  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of buffer underruns on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherTxCarrierLost  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times carrier was lost on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxLenErr  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of frame length violations received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxNonOctet  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of non-octet aligned frames received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxShort  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of (too) short frames received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxCRCerr  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of CRC errored frames received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxOverrun  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of receiver overruns received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherRxCollision  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of collisioned frames received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherJunkFrames  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of invalid frames received on ethernet .1316. mdrmteEtherShortFrames  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Ethernet frame received was too short. .1316. mdrmteEtherTxBdsFull  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the ethernet Tx BD queue was too full to insert data .1316. mdrmteEtherRxPauseCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the ethernet receiver was disabled due to lack of buffers. .1316. mdrmteIdma1InUse  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times IDMA controller 1 was already in use. memcpy() was used instead.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 93 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteIdma2InUse  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times IDMA controller 2 was already in use. memcpy() was used instead. .1316. mdrmteLinkKnQueueFull  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times a Kwiknet frame was deferred due to a lack of space in the AMX link queue. .1316. mdrmteLinkTxBdsFull  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Rf Link Tx BD queue was too full to insert data .1316. mdrmteKnEtherFramesLost  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Kwiknet queue was too full to insert Ethernet data .1316. mdrmteKnCraftFramesLost  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Kwiknet queue was too full to insert SCC4 data .1316. mdrmteKnLinkFramesLost  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Kwiknet queue was too full to insert SCC2 data .1316. mdrmteKnFramesTooShort  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Kwiknet buffer allocated was too short. .1316. mdrmteLinkVoidFrames  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of overwritten frames received on the wireless PPP link .1316. mdrmteLinkRxPauseCnt  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the link receiver was disabled due to lack of buffers. .1316. mdrmteRelayServerRestarts  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Relay scripting server restarted. .1316. mdrmteRelayClientRestarts  Counter  read-only Indicates the total number of times the Relay scripting client restarted. .1316. mdrmteMuxEtherErrors  Counter  read-only The number of Ethernet errors reported by the FPGA .1316. mdrmteMuxBlockErrors  Counter  read-only The number of Block errors reported by the FPGA .1316. mdrmteOuRxEtherCRCerrors  Counter  read-only The number of Ethernet errors reported by the FPGA on the RFU .1316. mdrmteResetAllPerfData  INTEGER  write-only Reset all parameters associated with Packet Error and G.826 measurements for the RF Link .1316. mdrmtePayloadConf       .1316. mdrmteDataRate  INTEGER  read-write Configure the tributary data interface rate - either E1 or T1 .1316. mdrmteLineCodeType  INTEGER  read-only  Deprecated .1316. mdrmtePcTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmtePcEntry  MdrmtePcEntry  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmtePcIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmtePcLabel  DisplayString  read-write E1/T1 Payload configuration tributary label .1316. mdrmtePcActive  INTEGER  read-write Defines whether tributaries are active or inactive .1316. mdrmteLineEncodingTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 94 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteLineEncodingEntry MdrmteLineEncodingEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteLineEncodingIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteLineEncodingTribSelect  INTEGER  read-only Selects the trib, or group of tributaries to which encoding applies .1316. mdrmteLineEncoding  INTEGER  read-write Defines the line code types for the tributaries, either HDB3 or AMI for E1  .1316. mdrmteRFLinkConf       .1316. mdrmteTxPower  INTEGER  read-write Allows setup of the output power available at the diplexer port of the RF Unit .1316. mdrmteBandPlan  INTEGER  read-write The MDR5800 RF Units operate in the 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz ISM frequency band.   .1316. mdrmteTxFrequencyPlanD  INTEGER  read-write Frequency plan D allows independent control of transmit and receive frequencies.   .1316. mdrmteRxFrequencyPlanD  INTEGER  read-write Refer to the mdrmteTxFrequencyPlanD description .1316. mdrmteTransmitBand  INTEGER  read-only This value is read from the RF Unit via the Digital Indoor Unit and defines whether it transmits in the  .1316. mdrmteReserved2  INTEGER  read-write   .1316. mdrmteRegulations  INTEGER  read-only This parameter is read from the RF Unit via the Digital Indoor Unit and defines regulatory compliance of the RF Unit .1316. mdrmteAutoRecovery  INTEGER  read-write This feature is used if the user is installing a link from one side and there is no assistance on the opposite side of the link.  It mitigates against the link failing and not being able to be  .1316. mdrmteOURateOverride  INTEGER  read-write  Depracated .1316. mdrmteOUDataRate  INTEGER  read-write A setable rate that allows a reduced transfer data rate over the RF Link .1316. mdrmteTxFrequencyCurrent  INTEGER  read-only This value [MHz] is read back from the RF Unit and defines the transmit frequency of the RF Unit .1316. mdrmteRxFrequencyCurrent  INTEGER  read-only This value [MHz] is read back from the RF Unit and defines the receive frequency of the RF Unit .1316. mdrmteNonAutoBandPlan  INTEGER  read-write Same as mdrMTEBandPlan setting in this MIB group except Autorecovery is not enabled - this allows control of the Outdoor  .1316. mdrmteNonAutoTxFreqPlanD  INTEGER  read-write Same as mdrTxFrequencyPlanD setting in this MIB group except autorecovery is not enabled - this allows control of the Outdoor
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 95 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteNonAutoRxFreqPlanD  INTEGER  read-write Same as mdrRxFrequencyPlanD setting in this MIB group except autorecovery is not enabled - this allows control of the Outdoor  .1316. mdrmteNonAutoTxPower  INTEGER  read-write Same as mdrTxPower setting in this MIB group except autorecovery is not enabled - this allows control of the Outdoor  .1316. mdrmteRadioType  INTEGER  read-only This value is read from the RF Unit via the Digital Indoor Unit and defines .1316. mdrmteSevereErrorMargin  INTEGER  read-write Defines the percentage threshold (1-99) used when calculating in a one second period .1316. mdrmteTimedMute  INTEGER  write-only Initiates muting of transmitted signal for a short period to facilitate spectral analysis. .1316. mdrmteServiceChannel       .1316. mdrmteScDataRate  INTEGER  read-write Bit rate used across the wayside service channel link .1316. mdrmteScDataBits  INTEGER  read-write The data width - can be 7 or 8 bits .1316. mdrmteScParity  INTEGER  read-write Serial channel - set to none, odd or even .1316. mdrmteScStopBits  INTEGER  read-write The nuber of stop bits can be set to 1 or 2 .1316. mdrmteScFlowControl  INTEGER  read-write Either hardware or no flow control is used .1316. mdrmteScStatusDump  INTEGER  read-write Allows the wayside service (serial) channel to be used as a diagnostics port .1316. mdrmteGeneral       .1316. mdrmteStationName  DisplayString  read-write The station name is stored in the Digital Indoor Unit in nonvolatile memory  .1316. mdrmteIUSerialNumber  DisplayString  read-only An electronic serial number is read from the Digital Indoor Unit - this number is unique .1316. mdrmteIUFirmwareVersion  DisplayString  read-only The Digital Indoor Unit firmware number is the version of application firmware that is loaded into .1316. mdrmteIUBootkernelVersion  DisplayString  read-only The Digital Indoor Unit bootkernel version is the version of boot firmware that is loaded into .1316. mdrmteOUBarCode  INTEGER  read-only The RF Unit bar-code number is programmed into the RFU at time of manufacture and is read via the  .1316. mdrmteOUPICFirmwareVersion DisplayString  read-only The RF Unit PIC firmware number is programmed into the RFU at time of manufactute and is read via the  .1316. mdrmteOUPayloadSupport  INTEGER  read-only  Deprecated .1316. mdrmteDate  DisplayString  read-write This is a date record that is recovered from the Digital Indoor Unit's Real Time Clock
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 96 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteTime  DisplayString  read-write This is a time record that is recovered from the Digital Indoor Unit's Real Time Clock .1316. mdrmteNOVRAMInit  INTEGER  read-write If activated, the Nonvolatile memory is initialised to a set of default parameters .1316. mdrmteFECBypass  INTEGER  read-write This is primarily a laboratory test entry used to control whether the FEC circuitry within the  .1316. mdrmteFECCorrectableSymbols  INTEGER  read-write This is primarily a laboratory test entry used to control the FEC correction power - 20 parity symbols  .1316. mdrmteTribCode  DisplayString  read-write This is a text entry code (80 characters ie 40 bytes) used to allow activation of tributaries on the Digital Indoor Units. .1316. mdrmteIndoorUnitBarCodeNumber DisplayString  read-write This is a text entry code used to allow storage of the Digital Indoor Unit's bar code serial number (as seen on the outside of the  .1316. mdrmteIndoorUnitPCBrevision  INTEGER  read-write This is a numeric entry code used to reflect the PCB revision number and modification status. .1316. mdrmteLocation  DisplayString  read-write The station location is stored in the Digital Indoor Unit in nonvolatile memory  .1316. mdrmteOnePlusOne  INTEGER  read-write Enables 'one-plus-one' dual-redundant (non-hitless) operation .1316. mdrmteMaxTribs  INTEGER  read-only How many tribs can be used with the current trib code. .1316. mdrmteDefaultConfig  INTEGER  write-only Allows one to set one of four default-configurations. .1316. mdrmteTotalTribs  INTEGER  read-only How many tribs in total on this version of IDU motherboard. .1316. mdrmteCustomConfigSet  INTEGER  read-write Changes the way in which the default configurations work by pre-loading .1316. mdrmteFpgaVersion  INTEGER  read-only Firmware version of the FPGA. .1316. mdrmteOuCommsRate  INTEGER  read-write Data-rate of the ethernet link between the DIU and the RFU. .1316. mdrmteHdlcRateCap  INTEGER  read-write Maximum Data-rate of the HDLC link between the DIU's (Mbit/sec + 1) .1316. mdrmteOUSerialNo  DisplayString  read-only The RF Unit serial number is programmed into the RFU at time of manufacture and is read via the  .1316. mdrmteApVersion  DisplayString  read-only The Firmware version number of the Atmel processor .1316. mdrmteFirmware       .1316. mdrmteFTPServerStatus  INTEGER  read-write This allows activation/deactivation of the FTP server that runs in the Digital Indoor Unit and is .1316. mdrmteFlashNewFirmware  INTEGER  read-write This entry determines the time when the new version of firmware will be activated
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 97 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmtePlatformSupport  DisplayString  read-only This indicates the hardware types supported by the firmware: .1316. mdrmteOutdoorUnit       .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityEntry MdrmteOuPersonalityEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityActive  INTEGER  read-write Indicates whether this particular RFU personality is selected. .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityDataRate  INTEGER  read-only Maximum raw data rate of the personality. .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityModulation  INTEGER  read-only  Modulation type. .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityFpgaVersion  INTEGER  read-only  FPGA version. .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityRssiComp  INTEGER  read-only RSSI compensation factor used by the RFU .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMinTxFreq  INTEGER  read-only Lowest allowed Tx frequency .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMaxTxFreq  INTEGER  read-only Highest allowed Tx frequency .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMinRxFreq  INTEGER  read-only Lowest allowed Rx frequency .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMaxRxFreq  INTEGER  read-only Highest allowed Rx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanATxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan A Tx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanARxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan A Tx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanBTxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan B Tx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanBRxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan B Rx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanCTxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan C Rx frequency .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityPlanCRxFreq  INTEGER  read-only  Band plan C Rx frequency .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMaxTxPower  INTEGER  read-only Maximum allowed Transmit Power .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityMinTxPower  INTEGER  read-only Minimum allowed Transmit Power .1316.  mdrmteOuPersonalityDefTxPower  INTEGER  read-only  Default Transmit Power .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalityDescription  DisplayString  read-only Verbal description of this personality .1316. mdrmteOuPersonalities  INTEGER  read-only The number of FPGA personalities that the RFU has programmed .1316. mdrmteOuActivePersonality  INTEGER  read-write The currently active FPGA personality .1316. mdrmteInfo       .1316. mdrmteLEDTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible A group of LEDs on the front panel of the Digital Indoor Unit. .1316. mdrmteLEDEntry  MdrmteLEDEntry  not-accessible A LED entry containing objects describing a particular LED. .1316. mdrmteLEDIndex  INTEGER  read-only A unique value for each LED in the Digital Indoor Unit.  Its value .1316. mdrmteLEDLabel  DisplayString  read-only SYSTEM Green OK, Orange (RFU/DIU Comms Error), Red (RFU/DIU Comms Down).   .1316. mdrmteLEDState  INTEGER  read-only The current state of the LED - for a detailed description of functionality, see the mdrmteLEDLabel entry
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 98 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteLEDColour  INTEGER  read-only The current colour of the LED - for a detailed description of functionality, see the mdrmteLEDLabel entry  .1316. mdrmteLEDHistoricAmberWarning  INTEGER  read-only The number of Amber 'blips' that the LED is flashing .1316. mdrmteLEDHistoricRedError  INTEGER  read-only The number of Red 'blips' that the LED is flashing .1316. mdrmteOutdoorUnitComms  INTEGER  read-only Describes the state of Digital Indoor Unit communication with the RF Unit. .1316. mdrmteOutdoorUnitResetType  INTEGER  read-only This message is read from the RF Unit and identifies the last reason for a reset within the  .1316. mdrmteOutdoorUnitLockDetect  INTEGER  read-only The transmit RF synthesizer, receive RF synthesizer and IF phased locked loop lock detect signals .1316. mdrmtePayloadDrive  INTEGER  read-only In a One-Plus-One configuration, this tells you if this DIU is driving the .1316. mdrmteLock  INTEGER  read-only In a One-Plus-One configuration, this tells you if this DIU is driving the .1316. mdrmtePeerPayloadDrive  INTEGER  read-only In a One-Plus-One configuration, this tells you if the peer (standby) is driving the .1316. mdrmtePeerLock  INTEGER  read-only In a One-Plus-One configuration, this tells you if the peer (standby) is driving the .1316. mdrmteOuEtherRate  INTEGER  read-only The current (actual) Data-rate of the ethernet link between the DIU and the RFU. .1316. mdrmteSelfTest       .1316. mdrmteFlash  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's application flash .1316. mdrmteDRAM  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's Dynamic RAM .1316. mdrmteSRAM  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's Static RAM .1316. mdrmteLineInterface  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's Line Interface IC .1316. mdrmteFPGA  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's FPGA interface registers to the microprocessor .1316. mdrmteFEC  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's FEC IC electrical interface .1316. mdrmteRealTimeClock  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's Real Time Clock .1316. mdrmteIndoorUnitResetType  INTEGER  read-only This message is read from the Digital Indoor Unit and identifies the last reason for a reset within the  .1316. mdrmteLoopbackMode  INTEGER  read-write Entry defines the loopback mode of a radio station in terms of loopback at either .1316. mdrmteLoopbackTimeOut  INTEGER  read-write This is the number of seconds the loopback will run for until it times out
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 99 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteOuTemperature  DisplayString  read-only This is the measured temperature in the Out-door unit (if supported) in degrees Celcius .1316. mdrmteOuEtherPhy  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the ethernet phy to the RFU .1316. mdrmteEEprom  INTEGER  read-only Identifies pass/fail status of the Digital Indoor Unit's EEPROM .1316. mdrmteTrapManagement       .1316. mdrmteTrapFilter  INTEGER  read-write Alarms within the MDR product are classfied as critical, major, minor or informational.  The trap  .1316. mdrmteNumberTrapManagers  INTEGER  read-only This entry shows the number of trap managers allowed .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerEntry MdrmteTrapManagerEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerIP  IpAddress  read-write This is the IP address of the management station that is set up to detect and act upon .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerComm  DisplayString  read-write This is the 'SNMP community name' used for dispatch of traps .1316. mdrmteTrapManagerActive  INTEGER  read-write Defines whether a particular Trap Manager is active or inactive .1316. mdrmtePerfTrapThreshold       .1316. mdrmteMinorPERThreshold  DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Minor PER (Packet Error Rate) .1316. mdrmteMajorPERThreshold  DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Major PER (Packet Error Rate) .1316. mdrmteCriticalPERThreshold  DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Critical PER (Packet Error Rate) .1316. mdrmteErrSecRatioThreshold  DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Errored Second Ratio .1316. mdrmteSevErrSecRatioThreshold DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Severely Errored Second Ratio .1316. mdrmteBkgrndBlkErrRatioThreshold DisplayString  read-write Defines the threshold used as a checking criterion for the Background Block Error Ratio .1316. mdrmteEventLogTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmteEventLogEntry MdrmteEventLogEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteEventIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteEventDate  DisplayString  read-only Lists the date on which the event occurred .1316. mdrmteEventTime  DisplayString  read-only Lists the time when the event occurred .1316. mdrmteEventType  INTEGER  read-only Lists the type of event - informational, minor, major or critical .1316. mdrmteEventDescription  DisplayString  read-only Textual description of the logged event
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 100 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteClearEventLog  INTEGER  write-only This entry is used to clear the Event Log .1316.  mdrmteResetAllFaults  INTEGER  write-only  This entry is used to .1316. mdrmteEnableDebug  INTEGER  read-write This entry is used to enable test and debugging features .1316. mdrmteErrorWindow  INTEGER  read-write This entry is used to set the time period in minutes during .1316. mdrmteTrapData  DisplayString  read-only Textual description or data relating to a trap .1316. mdrmteLogCorrectedSymbols  INTEGER  read-write Enable or disable periodic logging of corrected sybmols .1316. mdrmteHideHistoricLeds  INTEGER  read-write Enable or disable the 'historic' flashing on the LEDs .1316. mdrmteEngineering       .1316. mdrmteDataStreamStatus  INTEGER  read-only Status bits for the RF Unit and tribs during during production tests. .1316. mdrmteFramingSchedule  INTEGER  read-only The current framing schedule selected on the FPGA .1316. mdrmteFrameTribCnt  INTEGER  read-only The number of tribs supported by the framing structure in use .1316. mdrmteIuBackToBack  INTEGER  read-write Loop one Digital Indoor Unit to another without RF Units for production tests .1316. mdrmteWaysideFeedsOu  INTEGER  read-write Feed the Wayside channel to the RF Unit for production tests .1316. mdrmteEthernetIPAddress  IpAddress  read-write The IP address associated with product's Ethernet port.   .1316. mdrmteEthernetNetMask  IpAddress  read-write The netmask associated with the Ethernet port .1316. mdrmteMaxNumUsers  INTEGER  read-only If the firmware is compiled with the security feature  .1316. mdrmteMaxNumActiveUsers  INTEGER  read-only If the firmware is built with the security feature switched on, users  .1316. mdrmteNumActiveUsers  Gauge  read-only If the firmware is built with the security feature switched on, users  .1316. mdrmteUserTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible  Deprecated .1316. mdrmteUserEntry  MdrmteUserEntry not-accessible  Deprecated .1316. mdrmteUserIndex  INTEGER  read-only  Deprecated .1316. mdrmteUserName  DisplayString  read-write If the firmware is built with the security feature switched on, users  .1316. mdrmteUserPassword  DisplayString  write-only If the firmware is built with the security feature switched on, users  .1316. mdrmteUserAccessLevel  INTEGER  read-write If the firmware is built with the security feature switched on, users  .1316. mdrmteUserActive  INTEGER  read-write Indicates if a user is active or not based on password entry .1316. mdrmteUserAdd  INTEGER  write-only In security-enabled mode, allows an administrator to add users .1316. mdrmteUserDelete  INTEGER  write-only In security-enabled mode, allows an administrator to delete users
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 101 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteRFLinkIPAddress  IpAddress  read-write PPP IP address for the RF Link. The user need not adjust this parameter .1316. mdrmteRFLinkNetMask  IpAddress  read-write PPP IP netmask for the RF Link. The user need not adjust this parameter .1316. mdrmteRemoteIPAddress  IpAddress  read-write Default PPP IP address for the other end of the link. The user need not adjust this parameter .1316. mdrmteElementManagerIPAddress IpAddress  read-write Default PPP IP address for the the element manager port -  .1316. mdrmteElementManagerNetMask IpAddress  read-write IP netmask for the Element Manager PPP port .1316. mdrmteIPNegotiable  INTEGER  read-write  Determines if the local PPP IP address is negotiable or not - does not need to be adjusted by  .1316. mdrmtePPPisDefaultRoute  INTEGER  read-write Determines if PPP interface is the default route  - does not need to be adjusted by  .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible Manually added static routes. (Only activated after system reset) .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteEntry MdrmteStaticRouteEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteIPAddressDestination  IpAddress read-write  Ultimate destination .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteIPAddressMask IpAddress  read-write net mask, if destination is host address .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteIPAddressNextHop  IpAddress  read-write  Where to forward to .1316. mdrmteStaticRouteInterfaceForNextHop  INTEGER  read-write  Interface (net) for nexthop .1316. mdrmteBridgeEnable  INTEGER  read-write Determines if the system is to act as a transparent bridge for all ethernet packets received. .1316. mdrmteEthernetFullDuplex  INTEGER  read-write Determines if the ethernet interface is full- or half-duplex. .1316. mdrmteDefaultGateway  IpAddress  read-write Default Gateway (Only activated after system reset) .1316.  mdrmteDefaultGWInterface  INTEGER  read-write  Default Gateway interface .1316. mdrmteElementManagerPeerIP IpAddress  read-write Default PPP IP address for the the PC connected to the element manager serial port. .1316. mdrmteMacLearning  INTEGER  read-write Enable or disable the ability to learn what MAC addresses are present locally. .1316. mdrmteEnableDHCP  INTEGER  read-write Enable or disable the DHCP client on ethernet. If enabled, the locally stored IP .1316. mdrmteClearArpCache  INTEGER  read-write Delete all cached MAC addresses in the ARP table .1316. mdrmteMacAddress  DisplayString  read-write 3-octet substring of the ethernet MAC address excluding the Plessey RFUI. .1316. mdrmteSnmpSetCommunity  DisplayString  write-only Up to 31 octets defining the SNMP Write community string for READ/WRITE access.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 102 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteSnmpGetCommunity  DisplayString  write-only Up to 31 octets defining the SNMP Read community string for READ access. .1316. mdrmteRelay1       .1316. mdrmteRelay1Label  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay, .1316. mdrmteRelay1OpenStateLabel  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay .1316. mdrmteRelay1ClosedStateLabel DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay .1316. mdrmteRelay1Reserved  INTEGER  read-write  Reserved. .1316. mdrmteRelay1CurrentState  INTEGER  read-write The current state of the relay.  Used to activate/deactivate a relay. .1316. mdrmteRelay1Latching  INTEGER  read-write Indicates whether the relay will be latched by Scripting events, or will follow the state. .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptEntry MdrmteRelay1ScriptEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptID  INTEGER  read-only Defines which of the listed alarms can cause a relay to activate .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptActiveLocal  INTEGER  read-write Defines if the script is active or not for local relay activation .1316. mdrmteRelay1ScriptActiveRemote  INTEGER  read-write Defines if the script is active or not for remote relay activation .1316. mdrmteRelay2       .1316. mdrmteRelay2Label  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay. .1316. mdrmteRelay2OpenStateLabel  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay .1316. mdrmteRelay2ClosedStateLabel DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the relay .1316. mdrmteRelay2Reserved  INTEGER  read-write  Reserved. .1316. mdrmteRelay2CurrentState  INTEGER  read-write The current state of the relay.  Used to activate/deactivate a relay. .1316. mdrmteRelay2Latching  INTEGER  read-write Indicates whether the relay will be latched by Scripting events, or will follow the state. .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible   .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptEntry MdrmteRelay2ScriptEntry  not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptIndex  INTEGER  read-only   .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptID  INTEGER  read-only Defines which of the listed alarms can cause a relay to activate .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptActiveLocal  INTEGER  read-write Defines if the script is active or not for local relay activation .1316. mdrmteRelay2ScriptActiveRemote  INTEGER  read-write Defines if the script is active or not for remote relay activation
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 103 Object ID  Object name  Object TypeAccess Rights  Description .1316. mdrmteRelayScriptServerPort INTEGER  read-write This specifies the IP port number to be used by the Relay scripting server .1316. mdrmteRelayClientComms  INTEGER  read-only This indicates the state of the Relay Scripting client-server socket. .1316. mdrmteRelayScriptRemotePollTime INTEGER  read-write This specifies the poll interval for remote scripting updates in seconds. .1316. mdrmteActiveEventsTable  SEQUENCE  not-accessible Shows all the currently active events (even if scripting on the event is disabled.) .1316. mdrmteActiveEventsEntry MdrmteActiveEventsEntry not-accessible  .1316. mdrmteActiveEventsIndex  INTEGER  read-only  Index .1316.  mdrmteActiveEventsLabel  INTEGER  read-only  Name of the event .1316. mdrmteActiveEvents  INTEGER  read-only Defines whether events are active or inactive .1316. mdrmteActiveRemoteEvents  INTEGER  read-only Defines whether remote events are active or inactive .1316. mdrmteRelayScriptingEnable  INTEGER  read-write This enables or disables relay scripting. Both near and far units must have the same setting. .1316. mdrmteOptoInput1       .1316. mdrmteOptoInput1Label  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the contact-closure input .1316. mdrmteOptoInput1State  INTEGER  read-only Indicates if the opto input contact-closure input is active (on) or not (off) .1316. mdrmteOptoInput2       .1316. mdrmteOptoInput2Label  DisplayString  read-write A short, descriptive name indicating the primary funtion of the contact-closure input .1316. mdrmteOptoInput2State  INTEGER  read-only Indicates if the opto input contact-closure input is active (on) or not (off)
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 104 B.3  The MIB elements – TRAP DESCRIPTIONS   1  mdrmteTrapUndefined : Informational   2  mdrmteTrapPayloadLOS : Critical  Indicates a Loss of Signal identified on the INPUT TO a tributary  3  mdrmteTrapPayloadAIS : Critical  Indicates an Alarm Indication Signal ' all 1's ' identified/sensed on the INPUT TO a tributary 4  mdrmteTrapLinkUnavailable : Critical  Indicates, based on G.826 criteria if the RF Link has become unavailable 5  MdrmteTrapLinkFrameUnlock : Critical  Indicates a Frame Unlock condition associated with the Digital Indoor Unit 6  mdrmteTrapLinkOuSynthUnlock : Critical  Indicates if a synthesizer unlock condition was identified in the RF Unit 7  mdrmteTrapLinkMinorPERExceeded : Minor  Indicates the minor packet error rate threshold was exceeded 8  mdrmteTrapLinkMajorPERExceeded : Major  Indicates the major packet error rate threshold was exceeded 9  mdrmteTrapLinkCriticalPERExceeded : Critical  Indicates the critical packet error rate threshold was exceeded 10  mdrmteTrapLinkESRExceeded : Minor  Indicates the Link Errored Second Ratio Threshold limit was exceeded 11  mdrmteTrapLinkSESRExceeded : Critical  Indicates the Link Severely Errored Second Ratio threshold limit was exceeded 12  mdrmteTrapLinkBBERExceeded : Minor  Indicates the Link Background Block Error Rate threshold limit was exceeded 13  mdrmteTrapFTPUploadDone : Informational  Indicates FTP Upload done 14  mdrmteTrapFlashEraseFail : Informational  Indicates failure to erase Application flash  15  mdrmteTrapFirmwareUpgradePass : Informational  Indicates that firmware was uploaded successfully 16  mdrmteTrapFirmwareUpgradeFail : Informational  Indicates that there was a firmware upload failure 17  mdrmteTrapInterstationCommsTimeOut : Major  Indicates an interstation communications timeout 18  mdrmteTrapInterstationCommsInvalidResponse : Minor  Indicates a communications error on the interstation overhead link 19  mdrmteTrapOUCommsTimeOut : Major  Indicates an RF Unit communications timeout 20  mdrmteTrapOUCommsInvalidResponse : Minor  Indicates an RF Unit communications error - an invalid response was received 21  MdrmteTrapOUCommsTxFail  Indicates RF Unit communications transmit failure 22  mdrmteTrapSSPCRCError : Minor  Simple Serial Protocol CRC error identified 23  mdrmteTrapSSPLengthError : Minor  Simple Serial Protocol Length error identified 24  mdrmteTrapOptoInput1Off : Major  Contact closure input off state detected - Opto 1 25  mdrmteTrapOptoInput1On : Major  Contact closure input off state detected- Opto 1 26  mdrmteTrapOptoInput2Off : Major  Contact closure input off state detected - Opto 2 27  mdrmteTrapOptoInput2On : Major  Contact closure input on state detected - Opto 2 28  mdrmteTrapUserLoginFailed : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user attempted to log on and the attempt failed 29  mdrmteTrapUserLogoutFailed : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user attempted to log out and the attempt failed 30  MdrmteTrapUserAddFailed : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates there was an attempt to add a user, but the attempt failed. 31  mdrmteTrapUserDeleteFailed : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates there was an attempt to remove/delete a user, but the attempt failed. 32  mdrmteTrapUserLogIn : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user logged in. 33  mdrmteTrapUserLogOut : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user logged out. 34  mdrmteTrapUserAdd : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user was added successfully. 35  mdrmteTrapUserDelete : Informational  With security MODE ON - indicates a user was deleted successfully. 36  mdrmteTrapOUSetBandPlan : Informational  Indicates the RF Unit channel/band plan was changed. 37  mdrmteTrapOUSetTxChannel : Informational  Indicates the RF Unit transmit frequency was changed. 38  mdrmteTrapOUSetRxChannel : Informational  Indicates the RF Unit receive frequency was changed.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR   862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 105 39  mdrmteTrapOUEepromWrite : Minor  Indicates there was an attempt to write to the RF Unit EEPROM. 40  MdrmteTrapOUSetTxPower : Informational  Indicates there was an attempt to change the transmit power. 41 MdrmteTrapOUSetPNCode  Deprecated 42  MdrmteTrapOUSetAutoRecovery  Indicates there was an attempt to change the 'auto recovery' setting. 43 MdrmteTrapOUProgramConfig  Deprecated 44  mdrmteTrapOUChangeRFLoopback : Informational  Indicates a change the RFU RF Loopback setting was implemented. 45  mdrmteTrapOUChangeBBPLoopback : Informational  Indicates a change the Baseband Processor Loopback setting was implemented. 46  mdrmteTrapOUWriteBBP : Minor  Indicates there was an attempt to write to the Baseband Processor. 47  mdrmteTrapSetDate : Informational  Indicates the Digital Indoor Unit date was adjusted. 48  mdrmteTrapSetTime : Informational  Indicates the Digital Indoor Unit time was adjusted. 49  mdrmteTrapSynchronizeSwRTC : Informational  Indicates the Digital Indoor Unit's time was synchronized with its real-time clock. 50  MdrmteTrapSetRelayLabel  A relay label was changed. 51  MdrmteTrapSetRelayOpenStateLabel  A relay open-state label was changed. 52  MdrmteTrapSetRelayClosedStateLabel  A relay closed-state label was changed. 53  mdrmteTrapSetRelayDefaultState : NA  Deprecated 54  mdrmteTrapSetRelayCurrentState : Informational  Relay's current state has changed 55  MdrmteTrapRelayScriptEnable  Relay scripting is enabled. 56  MdrmteTrapRelayScriptDisable  Relay scripting is disabled. 57  mdrmteTrapGetEventLog : Informational  Digital Indoor Unit's event log is being accessed. 58  mdrmteTrapClearEventLog : Informational  Digital Indoor Unit's event log is being cleared. 59  mdrmteTrapSelfTestFailure : Major  Digital Indoor Unit's self test failed. 60  mdrmteTrapProcessorReset : Critical  There was an Digital Indoor Unit processor reset. 61  MdrmteTrapEtherRx  There was an Digital Indoor Unit Receive Ethernet buffer error. 62  mdrmteTrapTest : Informational  Test trap 63 MdrmteTrapGenericText  Test trap 64 mdrmteTrapGenericText_Data  Test trap 65 mdrmteTrapGenericText_DecData  Test trap 66 mdrmteTrapSocket_Error  Test trap 67  mdrmteLog_Link_Status : Informational  The Event Log was cleared, so a summary of the status has been logged. 68  mdrmteLog_Link_Errors : Informational  One or more packet errors occurred in the last error window. 69  mdrmteLog_Link_Corrections : Informational  One or more corrected symbols occurred in the last error window. 70  mdrmteLocRelayScriptOpen : Minor  A relay opened as a result of a local relay scripting event. 71  mdrmteLocRelayScriptClose : Minor  A relay closed as a result of a local relay scripting event. 72  mdrmteRemRelayScriptOpen : Minor  A relay opened as a result of a remote relay scripting event. 73  MdrmteRemRelayScriptClose : Minor  A relay closed as a result of a remote relay scripting event. 74  mdrmteRemScriptEvent : Minor  A remote event occurred which will be processed by relay scripting. 75  MdrmteTrapLinkFrameUnlockAgain  Indicates a Frame Unlock condition associated with the Digital Indoor Unit 76  MdrmteTrapOUSetFrequencies  Indicates the RF Unit receive frequencies were changed. 77  MdrmteTrapOUSetPersonality  Indicates the RF Unit FPGA personality was changed.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 106 C  Appendix: SETUP OF A PC (WIN 95, 98, NT) TO ALLOW PINGING OF A ‘REMOTE’-CONFIGURED DIGITAL INDOOR UNIT  The following diagram shows the default (factory) network IP addresses assigned to the various network ports on the MDR / Orion System: ROUTING CONFIGURATION    C.1  IP CONFIGURATION OF THE MDR / Orion – ROUTING CONFIGURATION"NEAR" "FAR"Laptop computerBrowser/NMS10.2.1.3(IP User assigned)HubMDR / Orion - ROUTING CONFIGURATIONLaptop computerBrowser/NMS10.12.1.2(IP Auto assigned)"Server assigned"Laptop computerBrowser/NMS10.13.1.2(IP Auto assigned)"Server assigned"    To allow pinging of a DIU configured as a "remote unit" i.e. with an IP address of ( when the PC has a IP address, default gateway and netmask, create batch files.    Batch file 1 - addroute.bat  route add mask  Batch file 1 adds a route so that the IP stack on the PC "knows" where to send IP packets destined for the net
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 107    If you want to delete the route, use   Batch file 2 - delroute.bat  route delete  If you want a screen printout of the routes the PC is using, use the command line entry:  route print  NOTE   DO NOT ALLOW AN RF LINK TO ESTABLISH BEFORE DOING A PING on the remote DIU (with as an IP address) - if the RF link was established before, use the front panel button "position 3" to reset the DIU before attempting to ping.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 108 C.2  IP CONFIGURATION OF THE MDR / Orion – BRIDGING CONFIGURATION  The following diagram shows the default (factory) network IP addresses assigned to the various network ports on the MDR / Orion System: BRIDGING CONFIGURATION.    NOTE For most networks, bridging is the preferred IP configuration."NEAR" "FAR"Laptop computerBrowser/NMS192.168.1.4(IP User assigned)HubMDR / Orion - BRIDGING CONFIGURATIONLaptop computerBrowser/NMS192.168.3.2(IP Auto assigned)"Server assigned"Laptop computerBrowser/NMS192.168.2.3(IP Auto assigned)"Server assigned"  NOTE  The netmask for all the 192.168.x.x addresses is
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 109 D  Appendix: MDR5800 hardware VERSION 1, 2.x DIFFERENCES, COMPATIBILITY SUMMARY  Version 1 hardware (Indoor and RF Units) is incompatible with Version 2.x hardware.   The Digital Indoor Unit /RF Unit Twisted Pair Data Interconnection for Version 2 hardware uses 2 twisted pair cables to convey payload and RF Unit control signals whereas Version 1 hardware uses 4 twisted pair cables.    Notes : Version 2.x firmware (can be uploaded into the Digital Indoor Unit using the NMS’s Maintenance option) that can be used in Version 1.x hardware must be obtained from the product manufacturer.  The file is not the same file that is used with Version 2.x hardware. Updated RSSI and Power control functionality have been added to Version 2.x hardware and firmware. Version 2.x firmware has   1.  FTP upload functionality (needs to be activated via the MIB) 2.  IP Bridging functionality (half and full duplex – selectable via the MIB).  Appropriate DIU hardware must be used. 3.  Band Plan C 4.  Refer to the MIB section of this manual and look for the † symbol to see what MIB-related functionality is in place/activated/planned for Version 2.x + firmware. 5.  Functional RF Loopback built-in test feature. 6.  Ethernet packet error monitoring and buffer monitoring added to MIB 7.  E1 CRC4 payload monitoring added to MIB (only applicable for a single tributary) 8.  Digital Indoor Unit PCB hardware revision added to MIB 9.  Periodic reporting of RF Link packet errors (adjustable in time, defaulted to 10 minutes) added to MIB.   Version 2.x NMS has  1.  Ability to allow the user to connect to the Digital Indoor Unit using PPP (via a serial cable interface to the DIU’s front panel Element Manager RS232 port) or via Ethernet (via the front panel RJ45 connector: 10BaseT). 2.  Graphical Spectrum Analyzer display  By default, firmware provided for the Digital Indoor Units does not provide a secure login feature (thereby limiting a user’s ability to ‘set’ MIB variables).  Suitably adapted firmware versions (dependent on hardware version) need to be requested from the product manufacturer to allow activation of this feature.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 110 MDR / ORION DIGITAL INDOOR UNIT FIRMWARE UPGRADE NOTICE MDR Version 2 hardware Digital Indoor Units are identified as having 200+ serial numbers, RF Units have 250+ serial numbers. If upgrading Digital Indoor Units to use V2.02+ DIU firmware, upgrade the DIU firmware on BOTH sides of the RF Link. Note that firmware upgrades of Version 1 MDR Digital Indoor Unit hardware do not require setting up of the PCB Issue in the MIB i.e. mdrmteIndoorUnitPCBrevision element.  Upgrade to DIU firmware Version 2+ of Version 1 hardware will NOT give improved RSSI functionality.  This is only achieved with Version 2 hardware or modified version 1 hardware.  Full Duplex Ethernet Capability on MDR DIUs As a standard setting for mdrmteIndoorUnitPCBrevision, use MIB selection Issue_2.  HOWEVER, if an appropriate Indoor PCB modification (made at the factory) has been made to allow Full Duplex Ethernet operation, the Issue_2_Mod_A selection option in the MIB MUST be used.  Per trib line code selectivity on MDR DIUs MDR Digital Indoor Units that are modified to allow T1 line codes to be selected uniquely on a per trib basis are identified by a hardware version number of 2.1AT.  These Digital Indoor Units must only be operated with firmware version 4.09 and higher.  The PCB revision of these units should also be set to 5.  Table 13 indicates the compatibility between different indoor and RF Unit types.  The DIU firmware types required to provide the compatibility between different hardware types are listed in. NOTE  Different Digital Indoor Unit firmware versions may be required to provide compatibility between different indoor and RF Unit types.  Table 13 Indoor - RF Unit compatibility matrix. Hardware Type  MDR DIU  ORION 10 DIU  ORION 25 DIU MDR2400 RFU Orion2410i RFU  X X X MDR5800 RFU Orion5810i RFU  X X X MDR5850 RFU   X X  Older versions (up to version 3.08) of the firmware are only suitable for MDR Digital Indoor Units and are identified by the following filename: IDU_X_XX.CVF, WHERE THE X_XX IS THE NUMERIC VERSION NUMBER.  Newer firmware versions (version 4 upwards) are identified by the following filename: abcddeeefghI_x_xx.cvf, where x_xx is the numeric version number of the firmware.  The other fields in the name has the following meaning: a:  M or O = Digital Indoor Unit PCB (MDR or Orion) b:  C=100 X=10 Ethernet to RFU (or - if both are supported)
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 111 c:  2=v2 framing 3=v3 framing structure (3 is programmable, 2 is used on MDR) dd:  tt = 04=4 tribs 08=8 tribs E3, T3, etc eee:  2.4 5.8 if it's specifically limited, not in name if not used f:  T or E for T1/E1 if it's specifically limited, not in name if not used ghi:  Reserved, not in number if not used  Examples: oc308_4_04.cvf  = Orion 100M v3 framing 8 tribs (Normal 8e1) ox204_4_04.cvf  = Orion 10M  v2 framing 4 tribs (CCK-compatible 8e1) mx204_4_09.cvf = MDR type DIU firmware.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 112 E  Appendix: FIXED Antennas The table below identifies the distances where the 1mW/cm2 exposure limits may be exceeded during continuous transmission using the proposed fixed antennas.  E.1 MDR5800 Manufacturer Type  Model Gain (dBi) Numeric gain Peak Power (mW) Calculated Distance (m) Minimum RF Exposure Separation Distance (m) Gabriel Dish  SSP2 52B 29.0 794.3 239.9  1.2  2 Gabriel Flat panel DFPD1-52 23.9 245.5 239.9  0.7  2 MTI Flat panel MT-20004 28.0 631.0 239.9 1.1  2  E.2 Orion5810i Manufacturer Type  Model Gain (dBi) Numeric gain Peak Power (mW) Calculated Distance (m) Minimum RF Exposure Separation Distance (m) Gabriel Dish  SSP2 52B 29.0 794.3 239.9  1.2  2  E.3 Orion5850 Manufacturer Type  Model Gain (dBi) Numeric gain Peak Power (mW) Calculated Distance (m) Minimum RF Exposure Separation Distance (m) Gabriel Dish  SSP2 52B 29.0 794.3 239.9  1.2  2 MTI Flat panel MT-20004 28.0 631.0 239.9 1.1  2  E.4  MDR2400 and Orion2410i Manufacturer Type  Model Gain (dBi) Numeric gain Peak Power (mW) Calculated Distance (m) Minimum RF Exposure Separation Distance (m) Gabriel Parabolic  SSG4-23 26.7 467.7 63  0.5  2  WARNING: It is the responsibility of the professional installer to ensure that when using the outdoor antenna kits in the United States (or where FCC rules apply), only these antenna configurations shown in the table above are used.  The use of any antenna other than those listed is expressly forbidden in accordance to FCC rules CFR47 part 15.204. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment when installed as directed. This equipment should be installed and operated with fix-mounted antennas that are installed with a minimum separation distance of 2 meters (6.6 ft) or more from all persons during normal operation to satisfy RF exposure requirements.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 113 F  Appendix: Useful web links  The URL http://www.plesseyinc.com/ provides information on current products as well as some FAQ.  For any other questions, the latest firmware or software, contact your local distributor, customer support on the above web site or customer support at mdrsupport@tellumat.com.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 114 G  Appendix: MDR / Orion SCALABLE 1-to-4/8 E/T1 / 10 Base-T Ethernet functionality Depending on the radio model and RFU configuration, the MDR / Orion radio can simultaneously support 1 to 8 E1 or T1 tributary channels, with the balance of the available user BW made up by Ethernet packet data, up to a maximum aggregate Ethernet throughput no greater than 9.5 Mbps (Combined up- and downstream throughput).  The unidirectional Ethernet throughput of the radios is limited to a maximum of 8 Mbps, which decreases as more tributary channels are activated.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 115 H  Appendix:  MDR / Orion FTP Firmware Upload    Firmware can be uploaded to MDR and Orion DIUs using FTP uploads as well as by using the "CVF Loader" or NMS software, available on the software CD or from the distributor.  Note the following:  Username : anonymous Password : guest  The relevant MIB info is in the "mdrmteConfiguration" GROUP mdrmteFirmware mdrmteFTPServerStatus mdrmteFlashNewFirmware  By Default for mdrmteFTPServerStatus : the Digital Indoor Unit FTP server is active By Default for mdrmteFlashNewFirmware : the upgrade is immediate (it can also be timed)  We recommend that the user ALWAYS verify that the new version has indeed been uploaded and is being used by the DIU.  In this case one checks the following element: mdrmteIUFirmwareVersion  This OID (object ID) is part of: mdrmteGeneral, part of the "mdrmteConfiguration" GROUP  When updating the Digital Indoor Unit firmware by means of FTP, please note that the choice of IP address is very important. You must always choose the IP address of the interface "closest" to you. In other words if you are using Ethernet to connect, then use the IP address of the Ethernet Interface.   NOTE If you are updating the firmware on the remote unit, use the IP address of the "overhead" PPP link - NOT the Ethernet interface of the remote unit.  For example use when uploading to the far side and using the bridging configuration.  If by mistake you use the wrong address, you will create a "half-established" FTP session, and NO FURTHER SESSIONS will be permitted until the session times out after some minutes.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 116 Setup for Full Duplex mode on the MDR: Max Transfer Rate  Follow the steps outlined below to setup the MDR radio in Full Duplex mode: • Upload the radio Firmware by following the aforementioned procedure.  Full duplex Ethernet operation is supported from version 2 of the firmware. • Setup default configuration of the radio to the required configuration.  Refer to Section 2.3.4 for a description of the different default configurations. • Ensure that the PCB revision of the DIU is issue_2_mod_a(3) by reading the following MIB element: mdrmteIndoorUnitPCBrevision.  If the PCB revision is issue_2(2) the radio hardware does not support Full Duplex Ethernet mode. • Disable all tributary channels to make the maximum user bandwidth available for Ethernet traffic. • Enable Full Duplex mode via the MIB using element: mdrmteEthernetFullDuplex. • Set the data rate to T1 if required using MIB element: mdrmteDataRate.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 117 I  Appendix:  Getting started guide I.1  Checklist for Bench Testing (without a PC) You will need the following: Check Additional Information 1  1 MDR / Orion User Manual (Issue 11)   2  2 Digital Indoor Units     3  2 RF Units    1 low and 1 high band - see L/H stamp near serial number 4  1 or 2 Power supplies    User Manual par. 4.2.3 and 8.4 5  2 Digital Indoor Unit power cables   User Manual par. 4.2.3 6  2 Indoor to RF Unit power cables   Specifications - User Manual par. 8.5.10 7  2 Indoor to Outdoor RJ45 Data cables   Connections - User Manual par. 4.4.1 8  N-type male to N-type male (6 GHz) RF cable   Type and connection - User Manual par. 4.3.1 9  60 - 90 dB of N-type attenuators    Note Max input is -30 dBm, default output power is +24 dBm 10  2.5 mm Allen Key    Required to open the connector lid on the RF Unit. 11  3 mm terminal screwdriver    Required to connect the power cables  Recommended items: 12  T1 or E1 BER Tester     13  T1/E1 Payload cable    User Manual par. 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6 14  Payload Loopback Connector    User Manual par. 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6  You will need to know: 15  How to use the reset button:    When you press and hold down the reset button on the front panel with a suitable tool,the 3 LEDs on the front panel will change state depending on the duration that the button is held down for: Count the number of state changes and let go of the reset button when the desired count is reached:  It starts off with one green LED in the right most position, "moving" to the left:  Number Left (System) Middle(Payload) Right (RF Link) 1 off  off  Green
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 118 2 off  Green  off 3 Green  off  off Then an Orange LED "moving" from right to left (for 4-6), then Red, then Green again etc. NOTE If you accidentally overshoot, keep on holding the reset button until all the LEDs eventually go off.  Then release the button and try again. See User Manual - par. 2.3.4 for more detail.  16  How to interpret the status of the LEDs:   Interpreting Rear Panel LED (Front Panel on Orion DIU)  DIU/RFU Link LED - OFF: No communication between Indoor and RF Units  Check cables between Digital Indoor Unit and RF Unit  Interpreting Front Panel LEDs Continually Lit LEDs LED COLOR I.2 Interpretation  I.3 Action System RED There is a problem with the communication to the RF Unit Check cables between Digital Indoor Unit and RF Unit RF Link RED Continually running bit errors on tributaries If System LEDs are green then check RF Units Payload RED The is no Payload signal present (LOS) on one or more tributaries Check connections to the BER Tester System ORANGE There is a problem with the communication to the RF Unit Check cables between Digital Indoor Unit and RF Unit RF Link ORANGE FEC is correcting errors - no problem No problem unless the LED stays orange Payload ORANGE The incoming payload signal is AIS Check BER tester  Flashing/Blinking LEDs A blinking LED indicates that a particular error condition from the table above (same colour coding) occurred at some time in the past. You can clear this memory of past errors by applying a "1 LED"-reset.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 119 I.4  One Page Set-up for T1/E1 Bench Test (without a PC) 1.  PREPARATION: Complete the attached check list This section applies to the MDR and Orion radio series with the only difference being the location of the interface connectors on the MDR and Orion DIUs.  Complete the attached checklist (above section) to ensure that you have the required equipment and information to continue. Do not continue until you have read the checklist in the above section!  2.  CONNECT AS SHOWN, THEN SWITCH POWER ON Far Side Indoor Unit  Outdoor UnitNear Side Indoor Unit  DC Power SupplyBER TesterPowerDataRFAttenuatorDC Power SupplyOutdoor UnitPowerDataRFAttenuatorLoopbackConnector
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 120 3.  CONFIGURE USING THE RESET BUTTON Be sure that you know how to use the reset button before continuing! See note "How to use the reset button" on the checklist, above section.  Configure your payload type to T1 or E1: For E1:  Do a 12-reset on both Digital Indoor Units For T1:  Do a 13-reset on both Digital Indoor Units  Configure Near and Far side Digital Indoor Units: For Near:  Do an 8-reset on the Digital Indoor Unit you would like as the "Near" side unit  Note that this clears all stored parameters to factory defaults For Far:  Do a 7-reset on the Digital Indoor Unit you would like as the "Far" side unit  Note that this clears all stored parameters to factory defaults  4. CLEAR ERRORS Apply a 1-reset to Clear the Historical errors on the Front Panel LEDs    See note "Interpreting LED Status" on the checklist  Apply a 2-reset to Clear the Event Log in the Digital Indoor Unit    This is required if you wish to view the Event Log using a PC.  Reset your BER Tester.  5. MONITOR STATUS Be sure that you know how to interpret the status of the LEDs before continuing!  See note "Interpreting LED Status" on the checklist  If all is well, then: BER Tester should run with no errors All 3 Front Panel LEDs should be green. (The RF Link LED may flash orange without the need to worry.)  If you have not connected a BER Tester, then the Payload LED will be Red, indicating LOS i.e. no payload signal. NOTE Make sure to deactivate all unused tribs to ensure that the Payload LED stays GREEN for the tribs used.  That is: if only two tribs are used, but all four are active, a RED Payload LED will be indicated as the two unused tribs have LOS.  Deactivating the two unused tribs through the NMS / GUI, will result in the Payload LED only indicating information for two active tribs – i.e. are there a valid signals on the two tribs, regardless of the two other, unused tribs.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 121 J  APPENDIX: 1+1 PROTECTION SYSTEM OPERATION J.1 Introduction J.1.1 System Description When a single radio link is used to convey user data, any number of unexpected events may cause the link to fail resulting in user data being lost.  This would require immediate corrective actions from the network operator responsible for maintaining the radio link.  Since such a failure may occur at any time and possibly at a remote location, corrective actions may be very costly, both in terms of downtime and human resources.  Common reasons for radio links to fail are: • Signal fading on the radio link • The presence of strong in-band interference • Equipment failure  One possible solution to this problem is to install a second redundant radio link that can automatically take over the function of the primary radio link.  This not only reduces the downtime of the link, but also provides the network operator with the opportunity to repair the faulty link at a convenient time.  This document describes the one-plus-one redundancy system that can be used with the radio products of Plessey BBW.  Radio systems that are currently supported by the system are: • MDR2400-SR • MDR5800-SR • Orion 2410-SRi • Orion 5810-SRi • Orion 5825-SR  The remainder of this document is aimed at giving a detailed technical description of the redundancy system and the installation thereof.  J.2 Technical Description J.2.1 System Overview The functionality required to establish a protected radio link is already built into the MDR- and Orion-type Software Radios.  This implies that the user can set up a protected radio link by interconnecting the equipment for two parallel radio links through a 1U protection panel and a dedicated communications cable.  Each Digital Indoor Unit in a protected radio system continuously monitors the status of the radio link it uses, as well as the radio link provided through the redundant system running in parallel.  Digital Indoor Units forming part of a redundant link at each end of the radio link share status information through a cable connecting the two Auxiliary ports of the Digital Indoor Units.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 122 Only the tributary payload data channels are protected by the redundant link i.e. there is no protection for Ethernet data. Tributary payload data is split and combined between links through a 1U protection panel that connects to the user network equipment as well as the two Digital Indoor Units used at each end of the redundant link.  Although both radio links are functioning continuously, only one of the Digital Indoor Units is actively driving the tributary channels of the user network at any given time.  Each Digital Indoor Unit continuously monitors the level of the Packet Error Ratio (PER) for the radio link on which it is receiving user data.  When the PER exceeds a predefined ratio of 10 consecutive seconds, the Digital Indoor Unit driving the tributary channels of the user network will signal the redundant Digital Indoor Unit to take over processing the data it receives over the radio link.  The value of the PER threshold is configurable and can be changed through the Orion NMS if required. The default value is set at 30%.  There is no notion of a primary and secondary link in this redundancy system.  The first link to be configured successfully will start driving the tributary payload channels.  Switch over will only take place when the aforementioned condition occurs.  In the event where the link to which the data was switched over fails at a later stage, the system will attempt to switch the data back to the original link.  NOTE 1  A situation can arise where the up- and downstream user tributary data is carried by separate radio links, i.e. link A carries the upstream data, and link B carries the downstream data. NOTE 2  Due to the architecture of the redundancy system, the process of switching over from one link to another is not hitless and user tributary data will be lost for a few seconds (< 10)  J.2.2 System Configuration The block diagram in Figure 10 illustrates a typical redundancy system configuration.  Note that this system is managed over an Ethernet LAN, where the two local Digital Indoor Units are connected to the LAN using a hub.  It is important to note that the IP addresses for each Digital Indoor Unit should be unique.  It is however possible to configure each link in the redundant system separately through the Element-Manager port of each local Digital Indoor Unit, in which case it is not necessary to assign unique IP addresses to the Digital Indoor Units.  The block diagram in Figure 10 also clearly illustrates the following important interfaces: • DIU A to DIU B connection through the respective Auxiliary ports of the four Digital Indoor Units • The Protection Panel interfaces on each side of the link that combines and splits the tributary payload channels between the two radio links • The single user network interfaces provided by the Protection Panel • The two radio links that provide the redundancy required for user data protection
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 123  IDU 1 AIDU 1 BIDU 2 AIDU 2 BODU ODUODU ODURF Link ARF Link BHUBEthernetTributriesAUX PortCross ConnectEthernetNetwork Port IP Addr192.168.1.2Network Port IP Addr192.168.1.4Network Port IP Addr192.168.1.3Network Port IP Addr192.168.1.5Config PCTributriesAUX PortCross ConnectOne-Plus-One Redundancy SystemProtection PanelSplitter/CombinerProtection PanelSplitter/Combiner Figure 10: Block diagram of a typical redundancy protected system where the radio links are managed through an Ethernet network. J.2.2.1  1U Protection Panel There are two types of protection panels: a four and an eight tributary channel panel.  They operate in the same way and perform the signal splitting and combination functions for the tributary channels taking part in the redundancy protected radio system.  Note from Table 14: Protection Kit connector interfaces. that the Protection Kit is currently only provided in 110-ohm as a compromise to make provision for E1 and T1 mode. Table 14: Protection Kit connector interfaces. Description Connector Impedance Orion Protection Panel    Payload Network Interface 2xDB-25 or 8xRJ-48  110 ohm Digital Indoor Unit Interface 2x2xDB-25  110 ohm Orion Protection Panel    Payload Network Interface DB-25 or 4xRJ-48  110 ohm Digital Indoor Unit Interface 2xDB-25  110 ohm  The cables required to connect the Patch Panel to the two Digital Indoor Units are provided with the Patch Panel.  The DB-25 pinouts used for each DB-25 connector on
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 124 the patch panel are exactly the same as that of the MDR and Orion Digital Indoor Units respectively. J.2.2.2  Auxiliary port communication The two Digital Indoor Units on each side of the radio link share status information through the two relay outputs and OPTO inputs on the Auxiliary (AUX) port of each Digital Indoor Unit.  Information shared by each of these: • Indication if the Digital Indoor Unit is currently driving the tributary channels on the user network • The current Frame Lock status detected by the Digital Indoor Unit for the radio link it is using J.3  System functional description Each Digital Indoor Unit taking part in a protected radio link continuously monitors the PER of the radio link it is receiving tributary data over.  If the PER for the link increases above the Sever Error Margin for more than 10 consecutive seconds, the Digital Indoor Unit will request the second Digital Indoor Unit to take over the driving of the tributary channels if the second Digital Indoor Unit sees a frame lock.  Once the second Digital Indoor Unit has started driving the tributary channels, the first Digital Indoor Unit becomes the redundant link.  The flow diagram for the algorithm that governs the protection switch-over process in each Digital Indoor Unit is illustrated in Figure 11. Is IU driving theTribsPER >ThresholdYESYESTimer >= 10secRedundant IUhas frame lockYESStart Driving Tribs& SignalRedundant IUIs RedundantIU driving TribsIU has framelockReset TimerStop Driving Tribs& SignalRedundant IUNONOYESYESNO NOYESReset Figure 11: Redundant system switch-over algorithm.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 125 J.4 Installation J.4.1 Hardware Installation The following list of equipment is required to set up a protected radio link: • Four MDR / Orion Digital Indoor Units • Four MDR / Orion RF Units • Two MDR / Orion Protection Kit 1U panels (Supplied with protection kit) • Four / Eight DIU interface loom cables (Supplied with protection kit) • Tributary channel interface cables to connect to the user network • Two DIU auxiliary communications cables (Supplied with protection kit) • Standard tools and cabling required to set up a MDR / Orion radio link  Illustrations of the Protection Kits can be seen in Figure 12and Figure 13.  Note from the drawings that the Orion Protection Kit offers the ability to protect eight E1/T1 tributary channels.  Thus, the latter could be used with either the MDR or Orion radios.  Follow the steps below at each site to interconnect and set up the protected radio systems: • Install each DIU-RFU system as described in the MDR / Orion User Manual • Install the four / eight tributary channel Protection Kit panel in the rack mount • Connect tributary paths A and B on the Protection Kit panel to the two installed Digital Indoor Units using the provided DB-25 interface cables • Link the two Digital Indoor Unit auxiliary ports of the Digital Indoor Units through the DIU auxiliary communications cable • Switch on the two units and configure the radios as explained in Section J.4.2 • Connect the tributary interface of the Protection Kit panel to the user network through the preferred interface (DB-25 / RJ48) NOTE Be sure to acquire the correction protection kit that matches the Digital Indoor Unit type you intend to use.  Figure 12: MDR Protection Kit front panel.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 126  Figure 13: Orion Protection Kit front panel.   Figure 14: Tributary channel interface cable used to connect Protection Kit Paths A & B to the two Digital Indoor Units.  DIU auxiliary communications cables are supplied with the Protection Kit and are used to connect the auxiliary ports of the two Digital Indoor Units according to Table 15.   The system diagram when using the two radio pairs in bridging mode is shown in Figure 10.    Table 15: Auxiliary Port cross connection.           J.4.2  Radio Software Configuration Two MIB elements are used to configure the radios taking part in the protected radio link.  These MIB elements can be set using any SNMP element manager application, or through the Orion NMS application.  Please refer to the following user manuals for details on using the above applications: • MDR / Orion – SR user manual • Orion NMS HTML user manual • 3rd party user manual (If a 3rd party SNMP element manager / MIB browser is used.  Set the following MIB element in all IDUs taking part in the protected radio link to 1 (Yes). mdrmteOnePlusOne (OID:, Parent: mdrmteGeneral)  Radio 1A Pin No  Radio 1B Pin No 1 12 2 13 8 14 9 15 12 1 13 2 14 8 15 9
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 127 The MIB element controlling the switch-over threshold, mdrmteSevereErrorMargin (OID:, Parent: mdrmteRFLinkConf), is set to 30% by default.  This value is a percentage and represents the switch-over threshold for the Packet Error Ratio (PER). When the PER exceeds 30%, the switch-over will occur.  The value of this MIB element can be adjusted to meet the exact user requirements.  It is advisable to set the switch-over threshold on all Digital Indoor Units to the same value. J.5 System Verification Since most of the functionality of the protected system is hidden from the user, it may be difficult to monitor the status at times. It can however be determined by monitoring the MIB elements listed below.  The status of the protected link can also be monitored through the Orion NMS.  Please refer to the Orion NMS user manual for more information on this option.  • Name: mdrmteOnePlusOne – shows if the protected mode is active (OID:, Parent: mdrmteGeneral)  • Name: mdrmtePayloadDrive – shows if the Digital Indoor Unit is driving the tributary channels of the user network (OID:, Parent: mdrmteInfo)  • Name: mdrmteLock – shows if frame lock is present (OID:, Parent: mdrmteInfo)  • Name: mdrmtePeerPayloadDrive – shows if the Auxiliary port connected Digital Indoor Unit (Peer) is driving the tributary channels. This element is the inverse (opposite) of mdrmtePayloadDrive  (OID:, Parent: mdrmteInfo)  • Name: mdrmtePeerLock - shows if the Auxiliary port connected Digital Indoor Unit (Peer) has frame lock  (OID:, Parent: mdrmteInfo)  • Name: mdrmteSevereErrorMargin – the threshold percentage value for link unavailable to switch over  (OID:, Parent: mdrmteRFLinkConf)  • Name: mdrmteAveragePER – average Packet Error Ratio  (OID:, Parent: mdrmteRFLinkPerf)  • Name: mdrmteCurrentPER – real time Packet Error Ratio. For example a PER of 1e-1 (10%) corresponds to a SevereErrorMargin value of 10. The Current PER has to exceed the Severe Error Margin for 10 seconds continuously for the link to become unavailable and switch over to its peer Digital Indoor Unit.  (OID:, Parent: mdrmteRFLinkPerf)
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 128 K  APPENDIX: Indoor RF Units Orion2410i, Orion5810i     K.1 Description The Indoor RF Units are functionally similar to the MDR2400 and MDR5800 RF Units referred to in the body of this manual. All connections and functional indicators are on the front panel.  Combinations: Orion2410-SRi  =   Orion10 (Digital Indoor Unit)  + Orion2410i (Indoor RFU) Orion5810-SRi  =   Orion10 (Digital Indoor Unit)  + Orion5810i (Indoor RFU)  K.2  Steps to install the Indoor RF Unit: 1.  Install the Indoor RF Unit similar to description in 4.2.2 not forgetting earthing. 2.  Install the system antenna with reference to Section 5. The RSSI BNC connector is on the front panel. 3.  Connect the RF cable or wave guide outer conductor to the pole lightning earth electrically before it enters the equipment shelter. 4.  Connect the type-N RF output connector to the system antenna through an inline lightning protection unit in areas with lightning activity. 5.  Cover the connectors using an ultra violet protective, self-vulcanising tape.  CAUTION – ENSURE THAT THE POLE IS EARTHED FOR LIGHTNING PROTECTION.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 129 K.3 RF Connection 1.  The RF port is an N-type female connector on the front panel. 2.  The N-Type connector is used to connect to the antenna, typically using coaxial transmission line or flexible wave guide via a launch/N-type adaptor. 3.  Elliptical wave guide is recommended for longer feeder runs to minimize losses. 4.  Also refer to 4.3.1.  K.4  Interconnection Cable Installation Refer to 4.4 and follow the steps to install the interconnection cables between Indoor (Digital) Unit and Indoor (RF) Unit. All connections to the Indoor (Digital) Unit are on the front panel.
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 130  Index  A Add Modem Windows 2000 and XP · 80 auxiliary port · 18, 34 C cables IU to OU connections · 37 IU to OU (RJ45 + power) cable type · 10, 56 recommended · 56 RF · 36 commissioning · See installation  configuration button · See reset button connectors location on IU · 18 customer support · See web links D dial-up networking add Windows 95/98 · 78 Windows NT · 71, 80 E element manager dial-up connection · See modem PPP RS232 connection · See modem F firmware compatibility · 109 upload ftp · 115 fuse · 23 G getting started · 117 I installation before radio installation · 29 commissioning record · 44 outdoor unit mechanical · 36 recommended procedure · 29 L LED reset · See reset button LEDs interpreting on front panel · 19 M modem add Windows 95/98 · 76 Windows NT · 66 modulation different types MDR2400 · 51 MDR5800 · 51 Orion 5850 · 16 O outdoor unit connection to IU · See cables, IU to OU  (RJ45 + power) P payload (T1/E1) BNC · 34 DB25 · 33 location · 18 RJ45 · 34 power IU DC connector · 23, 32 IU DC requirement · 50
     MDR2400/5800-SR, Orion2410/5810-SRi and Orion 5825-SR  862-01881 Issue 12c    Page 131 R reset button · 19 W web links · 113 www · See web links

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