Avitec CSFT1922 Extender GSM/EDGE User Manual New ation Structure

Avitec, AB Extender GSM/EDGE New ation Structure


Users Manual 3

  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY     © Avitec AB  6/15/2004   1 (96)          Command and Attribute Summary for Avitec AB GSM/EDGE repeaters      Document Revision 1.0 Software Version: 1.03 Release date: 2004-06-15
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  2 (96)  Contact Information  Phone:     +46 8 475 47 00 Fax:    +46 8 475 47 99 Email:   software.support@avitec.se Web:   http://www.avitec.se Address:  Avitec AB Box 20116 S-161 02 BROMMA SWEDEN                        © COPYRIGHT AVITEC AB 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language without the prior written permission of Avitec AB. The manufacturer has made every effort to ensure that the instructions contained in the documents are adequate and free of errors and omissions. The manufacturer will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the documents. The manufacturer's liability for any errors in the documents is limited to the correction of errors and the aforementioned advisory services. This document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using them. The manufacturer welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continual development and improvement of the documentation in the best way possible from the user's viewpoint. Please submit your comments to the nearest Avitec AB sales representative.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  3 (96)  Contents Contact Information..................................................................................................................2 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................8 2 GET and SET-Attributes .................................................................................................8 2.1 ADD - SMS Address Access List .................................................................................... 8 2.2 ADC - Active Devices Count........................................................................................... 8 2.3 AIC - Antenna Isolation Measurement Channels............................................................. 8 2.4 AIE - Antenna Isolation Measurement Enabled............................................................... 9 2.5 AIM - Antenna Isolation Measurement Status................................................................. 9 2.6 AIP - Antenna Isolation Measurement Progress............................................................ 10 2.7 AIT - Antenna Isolation Measurement Timepoint......................................................... 10 2.8 AL1 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 11 2.9 AL2 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 11 2.10 AL3 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 11 2.11 AL4 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 11 2.12 AL5 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 12 2.13 AL6 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 12 2.14 AL7 - Compressed Alarm Format.................................................................................. 12 2.15 ALA - Alarm Configuration Settings............................................................................. 12 2.16 ALL - Compact Message for Getting Status and RF Parameters from Repeater........... 13 2.17 ALV - Analog Levels..................................................................................................... 13 2.18 AMD - Status of Amplifier Chain Downlink................................................................. 14 2.19 AMU - Status of Amplifier Chain Uplink...................................................................... 15 2.20 ASC - Telephone Number to OMC, or Address of SMSC ............................................ 15 2.21 ASD - Amplifier Chain Saturation Downlink Status..................................................... 16 2.22 ASL - Amplifier Chain Saturation Level ....................................................................... 16 2.23 ASU - Amplifier Chain Saturation Uplink Status.......................................................... 17 2.24 ATD - Attenuation Downlink ........................................................................................ 18 2.25 ATU - Attenuation Uplink ............................................................................................. 19 2.26 BAT - Battery for Mobile Equipment............................................................................ 20 2.27 CHA - Channel Configuration ....................................................................................... 20 2.28 CHL - Channel Limits. Minimum Channel Number ..................................................... 21 2.29 COM - Status of Communication Between Controller and Hardware Devices ............. 21 2.30 DAT - Date .................................................................................................................... 23 2.31 DDI - Detailed Device Information ............................................................................... 23 2.32 DEV - Sets the Different Communications Methods..................................................... 24 2.33 DOO - Door Status......................................................................................................... 24 2.34 EX1 - External Alarm 1 ................................................................................................. 24 2.35 EX2 - External Alarm 2 ................................................................................................. 24 2.36 EX3 - External Alarm 3 ................................................................................................. 25 2.37 EX4 - External Alarm 4 ................................................................................................. 25 2.38 EXT - Configuration of External Alarms....................................................................... 25
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  4 (96)  2.39 FRX - Fiber Optic Receiver Status ................................................................................ 26 2.40 FTX - Fiber Optic Transmitter Status ............................................................................ 26 2.41 HDC - Hardware Device Count..................................................................................... 26 2.42 HDI - Hardware Device Information ............................................................................. 27 2.43 HWV - Hardware Version ............................................................................................. 27 2.44 ILA - Invalid Login Attempts ........................................................................................ 27 2.45 IOD - Input Overload Downlink Status ......................................................................... 28 2.46 IOU - Input Overload Uplink Status .............................................................................. 28 2.47 IPL - Input Level............................................................................................................ 28 2.48 LAI - Last Antenna Isolation Measurement Level......................................................... 29 2.49 LAR - Last Antenna Isolation Measurement Reply....................................................... 30 2.50 LLN - Log Length.......................................................................................................... 30 2.51 LIT - Log Item ............................................................................................................... 30 2.52 LMT - Timeout in Minutes ............................................................................................ 31 2.53 LNK - Link Channel ...................................................................................................... 31 2.54 LPC - Last Power Cycling of Modem............................................................................ 32 2.55 LVD - Peak Power Out level Downlink......................................................................... 32 2.56 LVU - Peak Power Out level Uplink ............................................................................. 33 2.57 MAD - Main Address .................................................................................................... 34 2.58 MAR - Minimum Alarm Repetition Cycle .................................................................... 34 2.59 MCT - Modem Connection Time .................................................................................. 35 2.60 MDL - Repeater Model.................................................................................................. 35 2.61 MGA - Maximum Gain.................................................................................................. 36 2.62 MIS - Modem Initialization String................................................................................. 36 2.63 MPE - Automatic Modem Power Cycling Enabled....................................................... 37 2.64 MPT - Automatic Modem Power Cycling Timepoint.................................................... 37 2.65 MNR - Maximum Number  of Alarm Retransmissions................................................. 38 2.66 MRR - Maximum Report Retransmission ..................................................................... 38 2.67 MSG - Message Counter................................................................................................ 38 2.68 MTP - Modem Type ...................................................................................................... 39 2.69 NCH - Number of Channels........................................................................................... 39 2.70 NCT - Network Connect Time....................................................................................... 39 2.71 NOL - Number of Successful Logins............................................................................. 40 2.72 NUA - Next Un-acknowledged Alarm........................................................................... 40 2.73 OLV - Optical Levels..................................................................................................... 40 2.74 OPL - Output Levels...................................................................................................... 41 2.75 ORP - OMC to Controller Password.............................................................................. 41 2.76 PDC - Power Downlink measurement Configuration.................................................... 42 2.77 PDL - Power Downlink Level........................................................................................ 43 2.78 PIN - Sets the PIN Code Used to Lock Up GSM Module ............................................. 44 2.79 PLB - Level of BCCH output power in Downlink......................................................... 44 2.80 PSD - Power Supply Distribution Levels....................................................................... 45 2.81 PSL - Status of Power Supply Level.............................................................................. 47
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  5 (96)  2.82 PTM - Power Supply Temperature Status...................................................................... 47 2.83 PW1 - Status of Power 1................................................................................................ 48 2.84 PW2 - Status of Power 2................................................................................................ 48 2.85 PW3 - Status of Power 3................................................................................................ 50 2.86 PW4 - Status of Power 4................................................................................................ 51 2.87 PWD - Set Password to Access Repeater....................................................................... 52 2.88 RCA - Repetition Cycle for non Acknowledged Alarms............................................... 52 2.89 RCH - Repetition Cycle for Heartbeat........................................................................... 52 2.90 RCR - Repetition Cycle for Reports .............................................................................. 53 2.91 RFP - RF Parameters...................................................................................................... 53 2.92 RID - Repeater ID.......................................................................................................... 54 2.93 RLY - Relay Status ........................................................................................................ 54 2.94 ROP - Controller to OMC password.............................................................................. 54 2.95 RSP - Repeater Status Parameters.................................................................................. 55 2.96 SAC - SMS Acknowledge Configuration...................................................................... 55 2.97 SFT - Secondary OMC address Fallback Timer ............................................................ 56 2.98 SIS - System Information String.................................................................................... 56 2.99 SIT - System Initialization Time.................................................................................... 57 2.100 SSC - Secondary Service Center Address...................................................................... 57 2.101 SUT - System Up Time.................................................................................................. 58 2.102 SWV - Software Version ............................................................................................... 58 2.103 SZD - Status of Synthesizers in Downlink Chain.......................................................... 58 2.104 SZU - Status of Synthesizers in Uplink Chain............................................................... 59 2.105 TAG - Equipment Tag ................................................................................................... 60 2.106 TEM - Status of Temperature ........................................................................................ 60 2.107 TIM - Time .................................................................................................................... 60 2.108 TMD - Terminal Mode .................................................................................................. 61 2.109 UID - User ID ................................................................................................................ 61 2.110 VLD - Valid Peak Limiting Levels Downlink............................................................... 61 2.111 VLU - Valid Peak Limiting Levels Uplink.................................................................... 62 2.112 WRD - Status of Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Downlink ........................................... 62 2.113 WRL - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Level.................................................................. 63 3 Traffic Related GET and SET Attributes ......................................................................64 3.1 AIS - Active Intervals String.......................................................................................... 64 3.2 ATS - Active Timeslots ................................................................................................. 64 3.3 CTI - Current Traffic Interval ........................................................................................ 65 3.4 LAT - Last Active Timeslot........................................................................................... 65 3.5 PRF - Sending of Report................................................................................................ 65 3.6 TAT - Traffic Activity Threshold .................................................................................. 66 3.7 TTL - Traffic Threshold................................................................................................. 66 3.8 TPD - Timepoint of Traffic Report Transmission.......................................................... 66 3.9 TRF - Traffic String....................................................................................................... 67 3.10 UCI - Utilization Current Interval.................................................................................. 67
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  6 (96)  3.11 ULI - Utilization Last Interval ....................................................................................... 68 4 Alarm Attribute Configuration ......................................................................................69 4.1 AIM - Antenna Isolation Measurements........................................................................ 69 4.2 AMD - Amplifier Chain Downlink................................................................................ 71 4.3 AMU - Amplifier Chain Uplink..................................................................................... 71 4.4 ASD - Amplifier Chain Saturation Downlink................................................................ 71 4.5 ASU - Amplifier Chain Saturation Uplink..................................................................... 72 4.6 BAT - Battery for Mobile Equipment............................................................................ 72 4.7 CLR - Changes made by logged in user......................................................................... 73 4.8 COM - Communication Between Controller and Active Devices ................................. 73 4.9 DOO - Door ................................................................................................................... 73 4.10 EX1 - External Alarm 1 ................................................................................................. 74 4.11 EX2 - External Alarm 2 ................................................................................................. 74 4.12 EX3 - External Alarm 3 ................................................................................................. 75 4.13 EX4 - External Alarm 4 ................................................................................................. 75 4.14 FRX - Fiber Optic Receiver........................................................................................... 75 4.15 FTX - Fiber Optic Transmitter....................................................................................... 76 4.16 ILI - Illegal Logins exceeded limit................................................................................. 76 4.17 IOD - Input Overload Downlink.................................................................................... 77 4.18 IOU - Input Overload Uplink......................................................................................... 77 4.19 LGO - User logged out from repeater............................................................................ 78 4.20 PDL - Power Level BCCH Downlink............................................................................ 78 4.21 PSL - Power Supply Level............................................................................................. 78 4.22 PTM - Power Supply Temperature ................................................................................ 79 4.23 PW1 - Power Supply 1................................................................................................... 79 4.24 PW2 - Power Supply 2................................................................................................... 79 4.25 PW3 - Power Supply 3................................................................................................... 80 4.26 PW4 - Power Supply 4................................................................................................... 80 4.27 SZD - Synthesizer Downlink ......................................................................................... 81 4.28 SZU - Synthesizer Uplink.............................................................................................. 81 4.29 TEM - Temperature ....................................................................................................... 81 4.30 VLI - Valid Login to repeater ........................................................................................ 82 4.31 WRD - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Downlink .......................................................... 82 5 Miscellaneous Command Attributes..............................................................................83 5.1 ACT ACK ...................................................................................................................... 83 5.2 ACT AIM....................................................................................................................... 83 5.3 ACT CLO....................................................................................................................... 84 5.4 ACT HBT....................................................................................................................... 84 5.5 ACT RCD ...................................................................................................................... 84 5.6 ACT RHW ..................................................................................................................... 84 5.7 ACT RSR....................................................................................................................... 84 5.8 ACT TRE....................................................................................................................... 84 5.9 ACT UPA....................................................................................................................... 84
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  7 (96)  6 Commands .....................................................................................................................85 6.1 ACCESS MODEM ........................................................................................................ 85 6.2 CLEAR LOG ................................................................................................................. 85 6.3 CLEAR SCREEN .......................................................................................................... 85 6.4 HARDWARE ................................................................................................................ 85 6.5 HELP ............................................................................................................................. 86 6.6 LOG ............................................................................................................................... 86 6.7 LOGOUT....................................................................................................................... 86 6.8 MODEM ........................................................................................................................ 86 6.9 MP.................................................................................................................................. 86 6.10 PERF.............................................................................................................................. 86 6.11 REINIT ..........................................................................................................................86 6.12 SILENT ON / SILENT OFF.......................................................................................... 86 6.13 STATUS ........................................................................................................................ 87 6.14 SYSTEM........................................................................................................................ 87 6.15 TRACE AMP................................................................................................................. 87 6.16 TRACE TRAFFIC ......................................................................................................... 87 7 Heartbeat Format ...........................................................................................................89 7.1 Heartbeat Format in conventional 2-channel Repeaters................................................. 89 7.2 Heartbeat Format in 2-channel Fiber Optic Repeaters................................................... 90 7.3 Heartbeat Format in Frequency Translating Repeaters.................................................. 91 7.4 Heartbeat Format in conventional 4-channel Repeaters................................................. 92 7.5 Heartbeat Format in 4-channel Fiber Optic Repeaters................................................... 94
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  8 (96)   1 Introduction This document gives an overview of all available commands and attributes for Avitec AB GSM/EDGE repeaters. Commands and attributes described applies to 2-channel, 4-channel and frequency shifting  as well as the fiber optic fed repeaters in 900, 1800 and 1900 frequency range. Note! The commands and attributes apply to controller software version 1.03. 2 GET and SET-Attributes This section describes all the parameters and alarms that can be GET (read) or SET (written) to the control module. 2.1 ADD - SMS Address Access List Attribute type: Read and Write When SMS is used for communication, addresses 1 to 4 indicates addresses that are allowed to read and write attributes from the controller. All addresses have read access to the controller, but only address one and two can set parameters and perform ACT commands. Reply format: 1 X 2 Y 3 Z 4 W X is address 1, Y address 2, Z address 3 and W is address 4. If no address is available, a ‘-‘(dash) will be replied. Example: GET ADD  Reply: 1 +46705511125 2 – 3 +46705521334 4 – Example: SET ADD 3 +46705511125 Configures address number three to be +46705511125 When data call communication is used, this attribute is obsolete. 2.2 ADC - Active Devices Count Attribute type: Read only This attribute replies with number of installed active devices to the controller. Format: N N represents the number of devices. Example: GET ADC Reply: 5 meaning that the number of active devices is 5.   2.3 AIC - Antenna Isolation Measurement Channels Attribute type: Read and Write
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  9 (96)  The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain timepoint of the day (configured using attributes AIE and AIT). If antenna isolation is too low (as configured with attribute ALA AIM), an alarm is triggered. For details about the antenna measurement, please refer to attribute ACT AIM in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes” The antenna isolation is measured using the BCCH downlink and a second listener channel.  By default, downlink chain 1 and 2 settings are used for the antenna measurements. If only one chain is enabled in the repeater, or if measurement should be done on other channels, this attribute can be used to configure the alternate channels. Format: X Y X is the BCCH channel, and Y is the second channel used in the measurements. If configured to 0, same as configured in CHA 1 and 2 is used. Example: GET AIC Reply: 0 122 means that BCCH channel used is the one used in chain 1, but the listener channel is 122. Example: SET AIC 46 51 configures the BCCH used during measurements to 46, and listener channel to 51. Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.4 AIE - Antenna Isolation Measurement Enabled Attribute type: Read and Write The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain timepoint of the day (configured using attributes AIE and AIT). If antenna isolation is too low (as configured with attribute ALA AIM), an alarm is triggered. For details about the antenna measurement, please refer to attribute ACT AIM in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes” This attribute configures if the automatic measurement should be enabled or not. Format: X X = 0 means measurement of antenna isolation is disabled and X  = 1 means measurement of antenna isolation is enabled. Example: GET AIE Reply: 1 means that the repeater will measure the antenna isolation once per day. Example: SET AIE 1 disables the measurement.  Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.5 AIM - Antenna Isolation Measurement Status Attribute type: Read only
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  10 (96)  The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain time point of the day (configured using attributes AIE and AIT). If antenna isolation is too low (as configured with attribute ALA AIM), an alarm is triggered. For details about the antenna measurement, please refer to attribute ACT AIM in “Miscellaneous Command Attributes” This attribute replies with the status of last antenna measurement. Format: X X = 0 means OK. X = 1 means antenna isolation is too low, or a failure was encountered (failure cause can be read out with attribute LAR) during measurement of the antenna isolation. Example: GET AIM Reply: 1 meaning that last antenna measurement detected that the antenna isolation was too low, or the measurement failed.   Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.6 AIP - Antenna Isolation Measurement Progress Attribute type: Read only The repeater can perform an measurement of the antenna isolation measurement, either at scheduled timepoints, or upon user request by entering the command ACT AIM (for details about the antenna measurement, please refer to attribute ACT AIM in “Miscellaneous Command Attributes”). Once the antenna isolation measurement is requested, polling the AIP  detects when antenna isolation measurement is completed. This attribute replies with the progress of current antenna isolation routine. Format: X X = 0 means measurements are completed, and  X = 1 means antenna isolation measurement is in progress Example: GET AIP Reply: 1 meaning that antenna isolation measurement is in progress.   Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.7 AIT - Antenna Isolation Measurement Timepoint Attribute type: Read and Write     The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain timepoint of the day (configured using attributes AIE and AIT). If antenna isolation is too low (as configured with attribute ALA AIM), an alarm is triggered. For details about the antenna measurement, please refer to attribute ACT AIM in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes” This attribute configures at what timepoint of the day the antenna isolation measurement should be performed. Format: HHMMSS
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  11 (96)  HH is the hours (in 24 hour notation), MM is minutes and SS is seconds specifying the measurement timepoint. Example: GET AIT Reply: 031500 meaning that antenna measurement timepoint is 15 minutes past three in the morning. Example: SET AIT 170000 sets the time for measurement to 17 in the afternoon. Note 1! Since antenna measurement might cause dropped calls (radio parameters are changed for 3-4 seconds), it is recommended to set the antenna measurement to be performed during low traffic intervals. Note 2! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.8 AL1 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only This is a compact message of the alarm configuration strings. This attribute replies with the configuration of the alarm sources AMU, AMD, BAT, PDL and WRD The use of the attribute is mainly to increase the speed of repeater installations into the repeater OMC. Example: GET AL1 Replies: 0 0 1 006 003 003 0 0 1 006 003 003 0 0 1 90 115 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 012 000 003 0 0 2 013 000 003 which are the alarm configuration strings received as if using the commands GET ALA AMU GET ALA AMD GET ALA BAT GET ALA PDL GET ALA WRD For a detailed description of the different alarm attributes and alarm strings, please refer to attribute ALA and section Alarm Attribute Configuration. 2.9 AL2 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources TEM, DOO, PW1, PW2 and PW3 2.10 AL3 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources EX1, EX2, EX3, EX4 and PW4 2.11 AL4 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources VLI, LGO, CLR and ILI
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  12 (96)  2.12 AL5 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources SZU, SZD, PSL, PTM, AIM 2.13 AL6 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources IOU, IOD, ASU, ASD, COM 2.14 AL7 - Compressed Alarm Format    Attribute type: Read only Same as attribute AL1, but replies with configuration for alarm sources FRX, FTX. Note! This attribute is only used in fiber optic fed repeaters. 2.15 ALA - Alarm Configuration Settings   Attribute type: Read and Write Format: AAA X Y Z LLL UUU TTT AAA is the alarm source to configure. Please refer to “Alarm Attribute Configuration” for an overview of available alarm parameters to configure. X has double functionality. It determines whether an alarm should be send if error is detected, and it also configures whether the alarm relay should be affected by the alarm source.  X = 0 means alarm transmission enabled, but alarm doesn’t affect the relay output X = 1 means alarm transmission disabled, and does not affect the relay. X = 2 means alarm transmission is enabled, and alarm affects the relay output. X = 3 means alarm transmission is disabled, but alarm affects relay output Y determines whether an alarm requires to be acknowledged or not. (When using data call, an alarm is considered acknowledged when the repeater has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the alarm. In case of SMS, an alarm is considered acknowledged when an acknowledge message is received from the main address. The alarms can also be acknowledged with the command ACT ACK when logged in locally or remotely. If an alarm is not acknowledged, it will be retransmitted up to MNR (maximum number of retransmissions) times, with RCA (repetition cycle for alarms) minute’s interval. Refer to attributes MNR and RCA.) Y = 0 means Acknowledge required Y = 1 means No acknowledge required Z is a threshold indicator, indicating how thresholds are used for this particular alarm source. Z = 1 means that both thresholds are used for alarm calculation. Z = 2 means that lower threshold is used Z = 3 means that upper threshold is used Z = 4 means that thresholds are ignored, i.e. digital measurement. Note! Changing parameter Z does NOT affect the measurement of the alarm source. Z is just an indicator of how the measurement is done, and should NEVER be changed. LLL is the value of the lower threshold used for alarm calculation. UUU is the value of the upper threshold used for alarm calculation. TTT is the time an alarm has to be in erroneous state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA TEM Returns: 0 0 1 -15 060 5
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  13 (96)  This means that alarm is enabled and acknowledge required. Both thresholds are used in measuring the alarm, lower threshold is -15 (degrees), 60 (degrees) is the upper threshold and that the temperature has to be higher than 60 for 5 seconds before an alarm is triggered. Example: SET ALA TEM 0 0 1 0 60 20 Modifies the above alarm source to generate an alarm when the temperature has been above 60 degrees or below 0 degrees for more than 20 seconds. 2.16 ALL - Compact Message for Getting Status and RF Parameters from Repeater  Attribute type: Read only This attribute replies with the same information as in the heartbeat sent to the Avitec Element Manager, except the Time and Date information. Please refer to section Heartbeat Reports.  2.17 ALV - Analog Levels   Attribute type: Read only Returns the snapshot information about the main analog levels in the repeater unit.  Depending on the number of channels in the repeater, the reply varies. 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: <P1> <P2> <P3> <P4> <BAT> <TEM> <PTem> <PSUPLevel> <P1> is the +28 V power supply level out from the Power Supply. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P2> is the +15 V power supply level out from the Power Supply. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P3> is the +6.45 V power supply level out from the Power Supply. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P4> is the +6.45 V power supply level from the Power Supply to the Controller. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <BAT> is the +10.5 V (when fully charged) power supply level feeding the controller in case of a power failure. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <TEM> is the temperature in Celsius as measured in the control module. <PTem> is the temperature in Celsius as measured in the Power Supply. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <PSUPLevel> is the mains voltage level in to the Power Supply. If communication with power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. Example: GET ALV Reply: +28.1 +15.0 +6.5 +6.4 +10.1 33 48 229 This displays the four different power levels +28.1 V, +15.0 V, +6.5 V, +6.4 V out from the Power Supply. Battery level is +10.1 V, Controller temperature is 33 °C, Power Supply temperature is 48 °C and mains input level to power supply is 229 V. 4-channel repeaters: 4-channel repeaters are equipped with two power supplies, the Master Power Supply, feeding 2 LIMPA’s, Reference Generator, FDM’s and the controller, and also the Slave Power Supply, feeding the 2 remaining LIMPA’s. Format: <P1Master> <P1Slave> <P2Master> <P2Slave> <P3Master> <P3Slave> <P4> <BAT> <TEM> <PTem Master> <PTem Slace> <PSUPLevel>
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  14 (96)  <P1Master> is the +28 V power supply level out from the Master Power Supply. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P1Slave> is the +28 V power supply level out from the Slave Power Supply. If communication with slave power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P2 Master> is the +15 V power supply level out from the Master Power Supply. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P2 Slave> is the +15 V power supply level out from the Slave Power Supply. If communication with slave power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P3 Master> is the +6.45 V power supply level out from the Master Power Supply. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P3 Slave> is the +6.45 V power supply level out from the Slave Power Supply. If communication with slave power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <P4> is the +6.45 V power supply level from the Master Power Supply to the Controller. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <BAT> is the +10.5 V (when fully charged) power supply level feeding the controller in case of a power failure. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <TEM> is the temperature in Celsius as measured in the control module. <PTem Master> is the temperature in Celsius as measured in the Master Power Supply. If communication with master power supply in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <PTem Slave> is the temperature in Celsius as measured in the Slave Power Supply. If communication with slave power supply in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. <PSUPLevel> is the mains voltage level in to the Power Supplies. If communication with master power supply is in error, a dash (‘-‘) is reported. Example: GET ALV Reply: +28.1 +28.0 +15.0 +15.0 +6.5 +6.5 +6.4 +10.1 33 48 45 229 This displays the eight different power levels +28.1 V, +28.0, +15.0 V, +15.0, +6.5 V, +6.5 V, +6.4 V out from the Power Supply. Battery level is +10.1 V, Controller temperature is 33 °C, Master Power Supply temperature is 48 °C, Slave Power Supply temperature is 45 °C,  and mains input level to power supply is 229 V. Note! To read out full power levels in all modules, please refer to attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution)  2.18 AMD - Status of Amplifier Chain Downlink   Attribute type: Read only This parameter returns the status of the amplifier chains in the downlink path. Each LIMPA contains two chains, and the reply depends on number of installed channels / LIMPA’s. Format for 2 channel repeaters: XY X is status of Amplifier Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Amplifier Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) 0 indicates an OK, and 1 an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 01 means amplifier chain 1 DL is OK, while there is an error in chain 2 DL. Format for 4 channel repeaters: XYZW
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  15 (96)  X is status of Amplifier Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1). Y is status of Amplifier Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1). Z is status of Amplifier Chain 3 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2). W is status of Amplifier Chain 4 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2). 0 indicates an OK, and 1 an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with corresponding LIMPA is in error. Example: 0001 means an Error in chain 4 DL, while all other chains are OK.   2.19 AMU - Status of Amplifier Chain Uplink   Attribute type: Read only This parameter returns the status of the amplifier chains in the uplink path. Each LIMPA contains two chains, and the reply depends on number of installed channels / LIMPA’s. Format for 2 channel repeaters: XY X is status of Amplifier Chain 1 UL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Amplifier Chain 2 UL (in downlink LIMPA 1) 0 indicates an OK, and 1 an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 01 means amplifier chain 1 UL is OK, while there is an error in chain 2 UL. Format for 4 channel repeaters: XYZW X is status of Amplifier Chain 1 UL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Amplifier Chain 2 UL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Z is status of Amplifier Chain 3 UL (in downlink LIMPA 2) W is status of Amplifier Chain 4 UL (in downlink LIMPA 2) 0 indicates an OK, and 1 an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with corresponding LIMPA is in error. Example: 00-- means an that chains 1 and 2 are OK, while there is an error in  communication with LIMPA 2 (containing uplink chains 3 and 4).   2.20 ASC - Telephone Number to OMC, or Address of SMSC   Attribute type: Read and Write When data call is used, ASC is the telephone number to the OMC. In case of SMS communication, this is the number to the Short Message Service Center (SMSC). Example: GET ASC Reply: +46705008999 means, if SMS is enabled, that this is the address to the Short Message Service Center.  If data call is used, the controller will dial this number if an alarm occurs, or a report is to be sent. The controller can optionally call a secondary OMC address in case message is undeliverable to the ASC address. Please refer to attribute SSC attribute for details. Example: SET ASC 90510
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  16 (96)  sets the address to 90510. Note! If data call is used as communications method, setting the address to nothing will disable the sending of alarms to the OMC, while the controller is still available for remote login. Example: SET ASC Disables the sending of alarms and reports (if data call is used)  2.21 ASD - Amplifier Chain Saturation Downlink Status  Attribute type: Read only The Amplifier Chain Saturation detects if the repeater works in the optimum way. If the input signal to the repeater is too high, the amplifiers will go into saturation, and hence the repeater will not work within the optimum range.  Note! Having a chain going well into saturation might indicate that the repeater is oscillating. In this case, the gain must be decreased in order to avoid severe signal pollution. Also, the antenna isolation should be verified. Please refer to command ACT AIM for details on how to measure the antenna isolation. Format for 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: XY X is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 2 where 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. - (dash) means connection with LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASD Reply: 10 meaning that the gain in downlink 1 is in error, and downlink chain 2 is OK.  Format for 4-channel repeaters: XYZW X is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 2 Z is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 3 W is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Downlink path 4 where 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. - (dash) means connection with corresponding LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASD Reply: 0001 meaning that the saturation in downlink chain 4 is in error. In this example, it might be that chain 4 is oscillating, and hence the gain should be decreased and / or antenna isolation verified. Note! To read out actual level of saturation on a chain by chain basis, refer to attribute ASL. 2.22 ASL - Amplifier Chain Saturation Level   Attribute type: Read only
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  17 (96)  The Amplifier Chain Saturation Level displays the amplifier saturation level on a chain by chain basis. Format for 2-channel and Frequency Translating repeaters: KLXY K is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 1 L is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 2 X is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 2 K, L, X, Y can have the following values 0 means amplifier is below optimum settings (can be due to lack of input signal ). 1 means amplifier is working in the optimum range. 2 means amplifier is going into saturation and that gain should be decreased. 3 means amplifier is well into saturation, and that gain must be decreased to avoid degradation of signal quality. - (dash) means connection with LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASL Reply: 3310 meaning that the uplink amplifier chains are going very hard into saturation, while downlink one works in optimum range.  This probably indicates that the repeater is oscillating in the uplink, and that the gain in the uplink should be decreased.  Format for 4-channel repeaters: KLMNXYZW K is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 1 L is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 2 M is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 3 N is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the uplink path 4 X is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 2 Z is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 3 W is the Amplifier Saturation Level in the downlink path 4 K-M, X-W can have the following values 0 means amplifier is below optimum settings (can be due to lack of input signal). 1 means amplifier is working in the optimum range. 2 means amplifier is going into saturation and that gain should be decreased. 3 means amplifier is well into saturation, and that gain must be decreased to avoid degradation of signal quality. - (dash) means connection with corresponding LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASL Reply: 00011003 meaning that uplink channel 4 works in optimum range (probably traffic going through the chain), downlink chain one is working in optimum range (BCCH properly configured) and that downlink chain four is well into saturation. Downlink chain four should hence be decreased to avoid signal degradation. This can also be an indication that the downlink chain four is oscillating. 2.23 ASU - Amplifier Chain Saturation Uplink Status   Attribute type: Read only The Amplifier Chain Saturation detects if the repeater works in the optimum way. If the input signal to the repeater is too high, the amplifiers will go into saturation, and hence the repeater will not work within the optimum range.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  18 (96)  Note 1! Having a chain going well into saturation might indicate that the repeater is oscillating. In this case, the gain must be decreased in order to avoid severe signal pollution. Also, the antenna isolation should be verified. Please refer to command ACT AIM for details on how to measure the antenna isolation. Note 2! A mobile phone being used very close to the server antenna might cause the amplifier saturation alarm to be activated.  Format for 2-channel and Frequency Translating repeaters: XY X is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 2 where 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. - (dash) means connection with LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASU Reply: 11 meaning that the uplink amplifier chains are in error. This probably indicates that the repeater is oscillating, and that the gain in the uplink must be decreased.  Format for 4-channel repeaters: XYZW X is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 1 Y is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 2 Z is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 3 W is the Amplifier Saturation status in the Uplink path 4 where 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error - (dash) means connection with corresponding LIMPA is in error. Example: GET ASU Reply: 1001 meaning that the amplifier chain in uplink one and uplink chain four is in error. In this example, it might be that chain one and four is oscillating, and hence the gain should be decreased and / or antenna isolation verified.  Note! To read out actual level of saturation on a chain by chain basis, refer to attribute ASL. 2.24 ATD - Attenuation Downlink   Attribute type: Read and Write Format on setting parameter: SET ATD K X [L Y] [M Z] [N W] K is the chain selector, and X is the attenuation in downlink chain K. Optionally attenuation in chain L, M, N can be set in the same command. The chain selector is 1 or 2 in 2-channel and frequency translating repeaters, and 1 to 4 in 4-channel repeaters. The attenuation is settable in 1 dB steps from 0 to 30 dB. Example: SET ATD 2 21
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  19 (96)  Sets attenuation in downlink chain 2 to 21 dB.  Example: SET ATD 3 20 4 22 Sets attenuation in downlink chain 3 to 20 dB and in chain 4 to 22 dB. Format on getting parameters in 2 channel repeaters: GET ATD Reply: 1 XX 2 YY XX is attenuation in chain one downlink, YY attenuation in downlink 2. Reply in 2 channel repeaters: 1 XX 2 YY 3 ZZ 4 WW XX is attenuation in chain 1 downlink, YY attenuation in downlink 2, ZZ attenuation in downlink 3 and WW in downlink 4. Example: GET ATD Reply: 1 22 2 22 3 22 4 23 means that attenuation in downlink 1 to 3 is 22 dB, while channel 4 is set to 23 dB attenuation. 2.25 ATU - Attenuation Uplink   Attribute type: Read and Write Format on setting parameter: SET ATU K X [L Y] [M Z] [N WW] K is the chain selector, and X is the attenuation in uplink chain K. Optionally attenuation in chain L, M, N can be set in the same command. The chain selector is 1 or 2 in 2-channel and frequency translating repeaters, and 1 to 4 in 4-channel repeaters. The attenuation is settable in 1 dB steps from 0 to 30 dB. Example: SET ATU 2 7 Sets attenuation in uplink chain 2 to 7 dB.  Example: SET ATU 2 11 3 11 Sets attenuation in uplink chains 2 and 3 to 11 dB. Format on getting parameters in 2 channel repeaters: GET ATU Reply: 1 XX 2 YY XX is attenuation in chain 1 uplink, YY attenuation in uplink 2. Reply in 2 channel repeaters: 1 XX 2 YY 3 ZZ 4 WW XX is attenuation in chain one uplink, YY attenuation in uplink 2, ZZ attenuation in uplink 3 and WW in uplink 4. Example: GET ATU Reply: 1 24 2 24 3 24 4 24 means that attenuation in downlink 1 to 4 is 24 dB.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  20 (96)  2.26 BAT - Battery for Mobile Equipment   Attribute type: Read only Reports the status of the battery charge for the remote communications equipment. Format: X X = 0 means charge is OK X = 1 means charge is ERROR. X = ‘-‘ means there is a communications error between the controller and the Master Power Supply. Example: GET BAT Replies: 1 meaning that there is an error in the charging of the battery for the remote communications equipment 2.27 CHA - Channel Configuration   Attribute type: Read and Write This attribute is used to configure and determine the repeated channels. Format on setting channel: SET CHA K X [L Y] [M Z] [N W] Where K is the chain selector, and X is the repeated channel in chain K (both uplink and downlink). Depending on repeater the chain selector is 1 or 2 (2-channel and frequency translating repeaters) or 1 to 4 (4-channel repeaters ). Optionally channels in chain L, M, N can be set in the same command. Channel must be within the interval that the repeater can handle. Channel limits can be determined by using attribute CHL. Example: SET CHA 2 64 Sets channel in uplink and downlink chain 2 to 64. Example: SET CHA 1 562 3 570 Sets channel one to 562 and 2 to 570. Format on getting parameters in 2 channel and frequency translating repeaters: GET CHA Replies: 1 X 2 Y  X is channel 1, Y is channel 2 Example: GET CHA Reply: 1 47 2 11 means that channel in chain 1 is 47 and chain 2 is set to 11. Format on getting parameters in 4-channel repeaters: GET CHA Replies: 1 X 2 Y 3 Z 4 W X is channel 1, Y is channel 2, Z is channel 3 and W is channel 4. Example: GET CHA Reply: 1 610 2 615 3 630 4 637
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  21 (96)  means that channel in chain 1 is 610, chain 2 is set to 615, 3 is set to 630 and channel four is set to 637. 2.28 CHL - Channel Limits. Minimum Channel Number  Attribute type: Read only Format: X Y X is lowest, and Y highest available channel that the repeater can repeat Example: GET CHL Reply: 1 124 Indicates that the repeater can handle channel numbers 1 through 124   2.29 COM - Status of Communication Between Controller and Hardware Devices  Attribute type: Read only The control module communicates with a number of hardware devices in the repeater over a serial bus. This attribute is used to determine the status of the communication between the control module and the different modules. Note! If Reference Generator is broken, this will lead to communications alarm with the Reference Generator itself, and also with the LIMPA’s, since their microcontrollers run from the Reference Generator clock. Depending on repeater type, the format varies: Format for 2 channel conventional and Frequency translating –IR, -SD and - DD repeaters: XYZWK X   =   Status of communication with Power Supply Y   =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL Z   =  Status of communication with LIMPA DL W  =   Status of communication with Reference Generator K   =   Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server side. 0 means OK 1 means Error Example: GET COM Reply: 00100 means that communication between all modules are working properly , except for communication between controller and LIMPA DL. Format for 2-channel Fiber Optic fed repeaters: XYZWKL X   =   Status of communication with Power Supply Y   =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL Z   =  Status of communication with LIMPA DL W  =   Status of communication with Reference Generator K   =  Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server side. L   =  Status of  communication with Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Error Example: GET COM
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  22 (96)  Reply: 001000 means that communication between all modules are working properly , except for communication between controller and LIMPA DL. Format for Frequency translating –ER repeaters: XYZWKL X   =   Status of communication with Power Supply Y   =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL Z   =   Status of communication with LIMPA DL W  =  Status of communication with Reference Generator K   =   Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server antenna port 1 L   =   Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server antenna port 2 0 means OK 1 means Error Example: GET COM Reply: 0000010 means that communication between all modules are working properly , except for communication between controller and Filtering And Distribution module on server antenna 1. Format for 4-channel conventional repeaters: XYZWJKLM X   =   Status of communication with Master Power Supply Y   =  Status of communication with Slave Power Supply Z   =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL 1 W  =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL 2 J   =   Status of communication with LIMPA DL 1 K   =   Status of communication with LIMPA DL 2 L   =   Status of communication with Reference Generator M   =   Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server side. 0 means OK 1 means Error Example: GET COM Reply: 00010000 means that communication between all modules are working properly , except for communication between controller and LIMPA UL 2.   Format for 4-channel Fiber Optic fed repeaters: XYZWJKLMN X   =   Status of communication with Master Power Supply Y   =  Status of communication with Slave Power Supply Z   =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL 1 W  =   Status of communication with LIMPA UL 2 J   =   Status of communication with LIMPA DL 1 K   =   Status of communication with LIMPA DL 2 L   =   Status of communication with Reference Generator M   =   Status of communication with Filtering and Distribution module on server side. N   =  Status of  communication with Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Error Example: GET COM
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  23 (96)  Reply: 000100000 means that communication between all modules are working properly , except for communication between controller and LIMPA UL 2.   2.30 DAT - Date     Attribute type: Read and Write Format: DDMMYY  DD=Date, MM=Month, YY=Year Example: GET DAT Replies: 181099 means the repeater date is set to 18’th of October, 1999 Example: SET DAT 241200 sets the repeater date to 24’th of December year 2000. Note! When changing the date, a heartbeat will be sent as soon as user logs out, the traffic / uplink activity log will be cleared, and all alarms in the log will have the number of retransmissions of non-acknowledged alarms set to the value MNR.  2.31 DDI - Detailed Device Information   Attribute type: Read only Format: GET DDI <Devce No> <Device No> is a number from 1 to max number of attributes (as read out by ADC attribute). Format on Reply: <SerialNumber> <ArtNo> <SWV> <SWBuildTime> <SWBuildDate> <ManufacturingInfo> <ModuleInitTime> <ModuleInitDate> <Uptime> <HWResetCounter> <WDResetCounter> <Device Description> <SerialNumber> is the Serial Number of the device <ArtNo> is Article Number / Hardware Revision <SWV>  is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs, containing software version of the device <SWBuildTime> is a string delimited by “(double quote) signs, containing software build time <SWBuildDate> is a string delimited by “(double quote) signs, software build date <ManufacturingInfo> is a string delimited by “(double quote) signs, containing manufacturing specific information. If no information is available, a ‘-‘is reported. <ModuleInitTime> contains the repeater initialization time on the format HHMMSS, with 24 hours notation. If no information is available, a ‘-‘(dash) is reported.   <ModuleInitDate> contains the repeater initialization date on the format DDMMYY. If no information is available, a ‘-‘(dash) is reported.   <Uptime> shows how many seconds the device has been up and running since last reset  <HWResetCounter> shows how many times the device has been started since device was initialized <WDResetCounter> shows how many times the watchdog has forced the device to reset since device initialization <Device Description> is a string delimited by “(double quote) signs, containing a textual description of the hardware device.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  24 (96)  2.32 DEV - Sets the Different Communications Methods   Attribute type: Read and Write Options: SMS = Short Message Services DTC = Data Call NUL = No remote access enabled In order to use SMS, modem type must be set to Wavecom (external modem, SET MTP WAVECOM), Integra (on board modem, SET MTP INTEGRA) or TrioRail (external modem, SET MTP TRIOEXT ). Example: SET DEV SMS Enables the repeater for remote access via SMS.  Note 1! This requires that the address of the SMS center be configured (SET ASC X, where X is SMSC address). Also, at least one of the addresses must be configured (SET ADD X Y) and the main address must point at one of the configured addresses (SET MAD X), otherwise, the controller will not be accessible SMS. Note 2! An SMS configured repeater will, if modem is initialized correctly, still be remotely accessible via modem connection ( Data Call ). Note 3! TrioRail external modem is only supported in GSM-R (railway) repeaters.     2.33 DOO - Door Status   Attribute type: Read only Format: X X = 0 means door is closed X = 1 means door is open Example: GET DOO Replies: 1 meaning that door is open   2.34 EX1 - External Alarm 1   Attribute type: Read only Format: X X=0 means status is OK X=1 means status is ERROR Example: GET EX1 Replies: 0 meaning status is OK.   2.35 EX2 - External Alarm 2   Attribute type: Read only Format: X
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  25 (96)  X=0 means status is OK X=1 means status is ERROR Example: GET EX2 Replies: 1 meaning status is ERROR.  2.36 EX3 - External Alarm 3   Attribute type: Read only Format: X X=0 means status is OK X=1 means status is ERROR Example: GET EX3 Replies: 0 meaning status is OK.   2.37 EX4 - External Alarm 4   Attribute type: Read only Format: X X=0 means status is OK X=1 means status is ERROR. Example: GET EX4 Replies: 1 meaning status is ERROR.  2.38 EXT - Configuration of External Alarms   Attribute type: Read and Write Format: X Y Z W X is configuration for alarm pin 1 Y is configuration for alarm pin 2 Z is configuration for alarm pin 3 W is configuration for alarm pin 4 0 means that no voltage is the OK state, i.e. a voltage applied to the pin generates an alarm  1 means that applied voltage is the OK state, i.e. absence of voltage generates an alarm Note! If the pin is not used for alarm input, the configuration should be ‘0’. Example: GET EXT Replies: 0 0 1 0 means that pin 3 normally should have a voltage applied, and that the other pins either normally should NOT have a voltage applied, or are not in use.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  26 (96)  Example: SET EXT 0 0 1 1 Configures alarm pins 1 and 2 to report OK if no voltage is available, and pin 3 and 4 to require a voltage applied in order to be in OK state.   2.39 FRX - Fiber Optic Receiver Status   Attribute type: Read only Returns the status of the fiber optic receiver. An error might indicate that the fiber from the HUB unit is failing or that the HUB unit is experiencing a power failure. Format: X X = 0 means receiver status is OK X = 1 means receiver has an ERROR detected. If there is a communications error with fiber optic module, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.  Example: GET FRX Replies: 1 meaning that something is wrong in the fiber optic receiver.   2.40 FTX - Fiber Optic Transmitter Status   Attribute type: Read only Returns the status of the fiber optic transmitter. A fiber optic transmitter most likely indicates that there is something wrong with the fiber optic unit. Format: X X = 0 means transmitter status is OK X = 1 means transmitter has an ERROR detected. If there is a communications error with fiber optic module, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. Example: GET FTX Replies: 1 meaning that something is wrong in the fiber optic transmitter.  2.41 HDC - Hardware Device Count   Attribute type: Read only Returns number of configured hardware devices in the repeater. Format: X  Example: GET HDC Replies: 12 meaning that there are 12 hardware devices configured in the system. Please refer to attribute HDI on how to retrieve information about the different devices.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  27 (96)  2.42 HDI - Hardware Device Information   Attribute type: Read only This command returns device information about a specific device. GET HDI X X is from 1 to HDC. Reply: <Serial> <ArticleNo> <Device Information String> <Serial> is 4 characters containing the device serial number. <ArticleNo> is the Avitec Article Number, up to 12 characters. <Device Information String> contains a quoted textual description of the hardware device. String can be up to 40 characters wide. Example: GET HDI 1 Reply: 4711 H311001A "Control Module" If Device Number X doesn't exist, a dash '-' is replied. Example: GET HDI 4000 Reply: -  2.43 HWV - Hardware Version   Attribute type: Read only Returns a string with the hardware version of the control module. Example: GET HWV Replies: H121001C meaning that the controller version is H121001C.   2.44 ILA - Invalid Login Attempts   Attribute type: Read and Write Format: X X is the number of invalid login attempts that can be made before the login is locked for login. Every time an erroneous login attempt is made to the repeater, a counter is increased. This counter is decreased with one every hour. If the counter exceeds the ILA value, the login will be blocked for one hour. After that one more login attempt is allowed. Example: GET ILA Replies: 8 meaning that 8 erroneous login attempts can be made before login is blocked. Example: SET ILA 5 Modifies this value to 5.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  28 (96)  2.45 IOD - Input Overload Downlink Status   Attribute type: Read only The input circuitry in the downlink chain contains circuitry to detect if there is an input overload on the downlink chain. The measurement is always measuered in downlink chain 1, but the detector is a broadband detector, covering the entire repeater band where the repeater is operational. This attribute can be used to see if there is other equipment in the frequency band causing the input of the repeater to be blocked, and hence decreasing the repeater performance. This can for example be a base station from another operator being mounted too close to the repeater donor antenna. Format: X X = 0 means that the input in the downlink is OK X = 1 means that there is a strong input signal in the downlink, causing the input to be blocked. Example: GET IOD Replies: 1 meaning that a radio source is injecting a strong signal in the downlink path, causing the repeater performance to be decreased. Most likely, the antenna is facing a base station from another operator, the repeater is mounted too close to the base station or the antenna has too much gain, causing the repeater input to be blocked.   2.46 IOU - Input Overload Uplink Status   Attribute type: Read only The input circuitry in the uplink chain contains circuitry to detect if there is an input overload on the uplink chain. The measurement is always measured in uplink chain 1, but the detector is a broadband detector, covering the entire repeater band where the repeater is operational. This attribute can be used to see if there is other equipment in the frequency band causing the input of the repeater to be blocked, and hence decreasing the repeater performance. Format: X X = 0 means that the input in the uplink is OK and X = 1 means that there is a strong input signal in the uplink, causing the input to be blocked. Example: GET IOU Replies: 1 meaning that a radio source is injecting a strong signal in the uplink path, causing the repeater performance to be decreased. If the repeater stays in this stage for a long time, a visit to the site is necessary, in order to find the cause for the alarm.   2.47 IPL - Input Level   Attribute type: Read only Displays the maximum input power of the last sampled frame. The input power is continuously sampled, and the highest value each second is saved in the controller on a chain by chain basis. Reply format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: X Y Z W where value is input level in dBm
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  29 (96)  X is input level in chain 1 UL Y is input level in chain 2 UL Z is input level in chain 1 DL W is input level in chain 2 DL If a value is below lowest detectable value, '-110' is reported Example: GET IPL Reply: –110 -77 -59 -110 This means chain 1 UL is lower than lowest detectable, Uplink 2 has –77 dBm, chain 1 DL has –59 dBm and chain 2 DL is lower than lowest detectable level. Reply format in 4-channel repeaters: X Y Z W K L M N where value is input level in dBm X is input level in chain 1 UL Y is input level in chain 2 UL Z is input level in chain 3 UL W is input level in chain 4 UL K is input level in chain 1 DL L is input level in chain 2 DL M is input level in chain 3 DL N is input level in chain 4 DL.  If a value is below lowest detectable level, '-110' is reported Example: GET IPL Reply: –82 -56 -110 -110 -66 -110 -110 -110 This means chain 1 UL has -82 dBm, chain 2 UL has -56 dBm, 1 DL has -66 dBm, and all other chain has input level lower than lowest detectable level.   2.48 LAI - Last Antenna Isolation Measurement Level   Attribute type: Read only This attribute is used to read out the last antenna isolation measurement. The antenna isolation measurements can be configured to be scheduled on a certain time of the day (using the attribute AIT Format: <Last Status> <Isolation> <BCCH Channel> <Listener Channel> <HHMMSS> <DDMMYYMM> If measure has never been done, a ‘-‘ (dash) is replied, otherwise <Last Status> determines the status of the last antenna isolation measurement, 0 is OK 1 is ERROR or ‘-‘ if last measurement for some reason failed (failure cause is read out with attribute LAR). <Isolation> displays the measured isolation in dB. If last measurement failed, a ‘-‘ is reported. <BCCH Channel> displays the BCCH channel used during the measurements. <Listener Channel> displays the listener channel used during the measurements. <HHMMSS> displays timepoint when last measurement was performed. If no measurements have been performed, a ‘-‘ is reported. <DDMMYY> is the date when last measurement was performed. If no measurements have been performed, a ‘-‘ is reported. Example 1: GET LAI Returns: - - 17 42 - -
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  30 (96)  means that no antenna measurement has been completed since system startup. Example 2: GET LAI Returns: - - 17 42 020306 023000 means that last measurement was attempted at 02.30 AM the 2’nd March 2003, but that measurement failed. Failure cause should be read out with attribute LAR. Example 3: GET LAI Returns: 1 73 17 42 020306 023000 means that last measurement was  completed at 02.30 AM the 2’nd March 2003, and measurement showed that antenna is 73 dBm, which in this case is too low, and considered an ERROR.   Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.49 LAR - Last Antenna Isolation Measurement Reply   Attribute type: Read only This attribute is used to read out a reply string with additional information about last antenna isolation, including failure cause when failing to perform a measurement. Format: <Text> <Text> is a quoted string, in clear. If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is replied. Example: GET LAR Returns: “BCCH input on channel 42 too low.” In this example, another BCCH channel might be required in order to perform the antenna isolation measurement successfully.  Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822. 2.50 LLN - Log Length   Attribute type: Read only Format: X Where is the number of log entries in the alarm log. Example: GET LLN Returns: 17 means that there are 17 alarms that can be read out from the alarm log, starting with log item 1.   2.51 LIT - Log Item Attribute type: Read only Format: GET LIT M
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  31 (96)  Reads alarm log entry number M. Reply format: X Y N A S C K R B Text X = Time on the format HHMMSS Y = Data on the format DDMMYY N = Message Number of Alarm Message 0 to 99999 A = Attribute Name SZU, SZD, AMU ……. Please refer to section Alarm Attribute Configuration for an overview of available alarm. S = Severity WA, CR, MI…. C = Class EN, EQ, CO K = Acknowledged 0 = No, 1 = Yes R = Number of Retransmissions B = Attribute i.e. 00, 1, 1100 Text = Additional information about the alarm entry within double quotes up to 45 characters long, for example “Current out level is +26 dBm”. This textual information applies to when the alarm occurred. Note! If no log entry exists in log, an empty string is replied.   2.52 LMT - Timeout in Minutes   Attribute type: Read and Write Format: X If a logged in user does not perform any activity within LMT minutes, the control module will initiate an automatic logout. Example: GET LMT Reply: 20 meaning that the user will be logged out after 20 minutes of inactivity. Example: SET LMT 15 Changes this time to 15 minutes.   2.53 LNK - Link Channel   Attribute type: Read and Write This parameter is used to configure the link channels used between Donor and Remote units. Note! This parameter should only be used in frequency translating repeaters. Format on setting parameter: SET LNK N X [M Y] N is the chain selector, and X is the link channel between the Donor and Remote unit in chain N (both uplink and downlink). Optionally link channel in chain M can be set to Y in the same command. The chain selector is either 1 or 2, depending on what chain is to be modified. Link Channel must be within the interval that the repeater can handle. Attribute CHL can be used to determine channel limits in the repeater. Example: SET LNK 2 112 Sets link channel in uplink and downlink chain two to 112 Example: SET LNK 1 120 2 112 Sets channel one to 120 and two to 112.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  32 (96)  Format on getting parameters: GET CHA Replies: 1 X 2 Y X is channel 1 and Y is channel 2 Example: GET LNK Reply: 1 23 2 43 means that link channel in chain 1 is 23 and link chain 2 is set to 43. Note! If changes are made to a Remote Unit via remote login over wireless modem, changing this parameter might cause the call to be dropped, since the Remote and Donor units get different link channels.  If a frequency re-tuning of a repeater pair should be performed, first change the Remote link channels, then the Donor link channels. After that, change the Remote channels and finally the Donor channels. 2.54 LPC - Last Power Cycling of Modem   Attribute type: Read only The controller can be configured to automatically turn off and turn on the modem once per day. This feature can be used to ensure that the modem parameters when using for example GSM modems contain the latest network parameters such as HLR update interval etc. This attribute displays when last power cycling of the modem was performed. Format: HHMMSS DDMMYY HHMMSS is the timepoint, with 24 hours notation, and DDMMYY is the date when last modem power cycling (more precisely last modem power ON) was performed. Example: GET LPC Reply: 201300 110503 indicating that the modem was last power cycled on 11’th of May 2003 at 20:13. Attribute MPE is used to configure if automatic modem power cycling should be enabled. Timepoint for when to power cycling the modem can be set with attribute MPT. In order to read out Last modem Power Cycling timepoint, use attribute LPC.  In order to perform an instant modem power cycling, please refer to attribute ACT RCD in section Miscellaneous Command Attributes  2.55 LVD - Peak Power Out level Downlink   Attribute type: Read and Write This attribute is used to control the peak power limiting in the downlink path. Format on setting peak power: SET LVD K X [L Y] [M Z] [N W] K is the chain selector, and X is the maximum peak power (outlevel) in the downlink chain before the ALC is activated. Optionally peak power in chain L, M, N can be set in the same command. The chain selector is 1 or 2 in 2-channel and frequency translating repeaters, and 1 to 4 in 4-channel repeaters. Depending on repeater model, the different valid peak powers in dBm are: 2-channel repeaters:    37, 34, 31, -100 4-channel repeaters:    34, 31, 28, -100
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  33 (96)  Frequency translating –ER units:  43, 40, 37, -100 Frequency translating –IR units:  40, 37, 34 -100 Frequency translating –SD units:  37, 34, 31, -100 Frequency translating –DD units:  37, 34, 31 -100 2-channel Fiber Fed repeaters:  37, 34, 31, -100 4-channel Fiber Fed repeaters:  34, 31, 28, -100 Output power -100 means output power is turned off. Example: SET LVD 1 43 2 43  sets chain 1 and chain 2 peak limiting to 43 dBm. Format on getting parameters in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: GET LVD Replies: 1 X 2 Y X is out level in  downlink chain 1 and Y is out level in downlink  chain 2. Example: GET LVD Reply: 1 37 2 -100 meaning that Peak Limiting is set to 37 dBm in chain one, while chain 2 has output power turned off. Format on getting parameters in 4-channel repeaters: GET LVD Replies: 1 X 2 Y 3 Z 4 W X is out level in downlink chain 1, Y is out level in downlink  chain 2, Z is out level in downlink chain 3 and W is outlevel in chain 4. Example: GET LVD Reply: 1 34 2 34 3 34 4 -100 meaning that Peak Limiting is set to 34 dBm in chain 1, chain 2 and chain 3, while chain 4 has output power turned off.  2.56 LVU - Peak Power Out level Uplink   Attribute type: Read and Write This attribute is used to control the peak power limiting in the uplink path. Format on setting peak power: SET LVU K X [L Y] [M Z] [N W] K is the chain selector, and X is the maximum peak power (outlevel) in the uplink chain before the ALC is activated. Optionally peak power in chain L, M, N can be set in the same command. The chain selector is 1 or 2 in 2-channel and frequency translating repeaters, and 1 to 4 in 4-channel repeaters. Depending on repeater model, the different valid peak powers in dBm are: 2-channel repeaters:      37, 34, 31, -100 4-channel repeaters:      34, 31, 28, -100 Frequency translating –ER, -IR units:  37, 34, 31, -100 Frequency translating –SD units:    -10, -13, -16, -100 Frequency translating –DD units:    -7, -10, -13, -100 2-channel Fiber Fed repeaters:    -1, -4, -7, -100  (-1 is not a recommended setting) 4-channel Fiber Fed repeaters:    -4, -7, -10, -100 Output power -100 means output power is turned off.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  34 (96)  Example: SET LVU 1 34 2 34  sets chain 1 and chain 2 peak limiting to 34 dBm. Format on getting parameters in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: GET LVU Replies: 1 X 2 Y X is out level in uplink chain 1 and Y is out level in uplink chain 2. Example: GET LVU Reply: 1 37 2 -100 meaning that Peak Limiting is set to 37 dBm in chain one, while chain 2 has output power turned off. Format on getting parameters in 4-channel repeaters: GET LVU Replies: 1 X 2 Y 3 Z 4 W X is out level in uplink chain 1, Y is out level in uplink chain 2, Z is out level in uplink chain 3 and W is outlevel in uplink chain 4. Example: GET LVU Reply: 1 34 2 34 3 34 4 -100 meaning that Peak Limiting is set to 34 dBm in chain 1, chain 2 and chain 3, while chain 4 has output power turned off.  2.57 MAD - Main Address   Attribute type: Read and Write When SMS is used for communication, the controller contains a list of four addresses that are allowed to read and write attributes from the controller (refer to attribute ADD for a description of how to modify the list). All addresses have read access to the controller, but only address one and two can set parameters and perform ACT commands. However, alarms and reports are always sent to the main address. Main Address select which one of the four addresses in the list is the main address. Format: X X is 1 to 4. Example: GET MAD Reply: 3 means that address number three is the main address. Example: SET MAD 2 Changes main address to two. Note! When communication is done via Data Call (refer to attribute DEV), attribute MAD is obsolete. 2.58 MAR - Minimum Alarm Repetition Cycle   Attribute type: Read and Write
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  35 (96)  If there is an alarm toggling between OK and ERROR, the controller will continuously send alarms to the OMC, with the new alarm detected, and then directly end of alarm, causing the communications interface between the controller and the OMC to be blocked for a long time. If lots of alarms are received at the OMC, the operator must be able to send a message to disable the particular alarm at the controller until service of the unit has been performed. The Minimum Alarm Repetition Cycle takes care of this problem by defining a minimum time between two consecutive alarms from the same alarm source. Typically the MAR should be set to a minimum of two or three times the time it takes for the controller to report the alarm to the OMC. Format: X X is the Minimum Alarm Repetition Cycle in minutes. Example: GET MAR Reply: 3 meaning that the minimum time between two consecutive alarms is three minutes. Example: SET MAR 4 changes this interval to four minutes. Note! The first error will always be detected with the normal Threshold time, only the repeated alarms will be blocked/delayed.   2.59 MCT - Modem Connection Time  Attribute type: Read and Write When a repeater is answering an incoming modem call, or calling up the OMC to deliver an alarm or a report, the controller will wait up to MCT seconds for the call to be established. If no communication is established within this time, the call will be hung up. Format: X X is the connection time in seconds. Example: GET MCT Reply: 45 meaning that the repeater will wait up to 45 seconds for a call to be established. Example: SET MCT 50 changes the timeout to 50 seconds.   2.60 MDL - Repeater Model   Attribute type: Read only This attribute returns a string containing the repeater model.  The repeater model is built up of a number of fields, uniquely identifying the repeater model: Format: [Model][GSM System][Repeater Series][Number of channels][Optional Frequency Band Configuration][Optional Repeater Configuration] [Model] is ‘CSR’ for conventional repeaters and ‘CSHP’ for Frequency translating repeaters. [GSM System] is ‘9’ for GSM900 and GSM-R, ‘18’ for DCS1800 and ‘19’ for PCS1900 [Repeater Series] is always set to ‘2’
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  36 (96)  [Number of channels] is number of channels the repeater is capable of amplifying, 2 (conventional and frequency translating repeaters) or 4 (conventional repeaters only). [Optional Frequency Band Configuration] If repeater is used in the GSM-R band, this is set to ‘R’. [Optional Repeater Configuration] If this is a Frequency translating repeater (CSHP), the following identifiers apply: ’-SD’, meaning this repeater has a Single BTS port, and is a Donor unit. ‘-DD’, meaning this repeater has Dual BTS ports, channels Duplexed, and is a Donor unit. ‘-IR’, meaning this repeater has Internal combiner for sever antenna, and is a Remote unit. ‘-ER’, meaning this repeater has External (air) combiner for sever antenna, and is a Remote unit. Example: GET MDL Replies: CSHP922-DD meaning that this is a frequency translating (CSHP) 2-channel repeater in the GSM 900 band with Dual BTS ports, channels Duplexed, and is a Donor unit.   2.61 MGA - Maximum Gain   Attribute type: Read only Returns maximum gain in repeater. Format: X X is maximum gain in dB. Example: GET MGA Reply: NG_GSM 108 meaning that maximum gain in the repeater is 108 dB. Note 1! This attribute only replies with maximum gain that the repeater is able to give, not what it is currently configured for. Note 2! Please refer to attribute RFP for detailed description about the gain distribution in the repeater. 2.62 MIS - Modem Initialization String   Attribute type: Read and Write In order for some modems to work correctly in a network, they might require different configurations. The configuration is modified with this attribute. Format: <String> <string> is the actual modem initialization string. Example: GET MIS Reply: ATB98%U1\N6&W which is the modem specific modem initialization string. Example: SET MIS ATB98%U1\N0&W modifies the modem initialization string. Note 1! Modem string must NOT contain any white space (blanks).
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  37 (96)  Note 2! The changes will not take effect until the user logs out from the controller. As soon as the user logs out, the initialization of the modem will be initiated.   2.63 MPE - Automatic Modem Power Cycling Enabled   Attribute type: Read and Write The controller can be configured to automatically turn off and turn on the modem once per day. This feature can be used to ensure that the modem parameters when using for example GSM modems contain the latest network parameters such as HLR update interval etc. This attribute configures whether automatic power cycling should be enabled or not. Format: X X = 1 means modem power cycling is enabled X = 0 means modem power cycling is disabled Example: GET MPE Reply: 1 means that the modem power cycling is enabled. Example: SET MPE 0 disables the automatic modem power cycling. Timepoint for when to power cycling the modem can be set with attribute MPT. In order to read out Last modem Power Cycling timepoint, use attribute LPC. In order to perform an instant modem power cycling, please refer to attribute ACT RCD in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes”.  2.64 MPT - Automatic Modem Power Cycling Timepoint Attribute type: Read and Write The controller can be configured to automatically turn off and turn on the modem once per day. This feature can be used to ensure that the modem parameters when using for example GSM modems contain the latest network parameters such as HLR update interval etc. This attribute configures at what timepoint the modem power cycling should be performed. Format: HHMMSS HH is the hours (in 24 hour notation), MM is minutes and SS is seconds specifying the modem power cycling timepoint. Example: GET MPC Reply: 010000 means that the modem power cycling is performed att one in the morning. Example: SET MPC 160000 configures modem power cycling to be performed at 4 in the afternoon.  Enabling / Disabling of the automatic power cycling can be configured with attribute MPE. Timepoint for when to power cycling the modem can be set with attribute MPT. In order to read out Last modem Power Cycling timepoint, use attribute LPC. In order to perform an instant modem power cycling, please refer to attribute ACT RCD in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes”.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  38 (96)  2.65 MNR - Maximum Number  of Alarm Retransmissions   Attribute type: Read and Write Every alarm is sent to the OMC up to MNR number of times, or until it is acknowledged. The alarms are retransmitted with RCA minutes intervals. When using data call, an alarm is considered acknowledged when the controller has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the alarm. In case of SMS, an alarm is considered acknowledged when an acknowledge message is received from the main address. The alarms can also be acknowledged with the command ACT ACK when logged in locally or remotely. Example: SET MNR 4  Sets the number of retransmissions to 4.   2.66 MRR - Maximum Report Retransmission   Attribute type: Read and Write Every heartbeat and traffic / activity report is sent to the OMC up to MRR number of times, or until it is successfully delivered. The reports are retransmitted with RCR minutes intervals. When using data call,  report is considered successfully delivered when the controller has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the report. In case of SMS, report is considered successfully delivered when it has been successfully transmitted to the SMSC. Format: X X is interval in minutes. Example: GET MRR Reply: 3 meaning that the repeater will try to retransmit a failed report 3 times. Example: SET MRR 2 Sets the number of retransmissions to 2.   2.67 MSG - Message Counter  Attribute type: Read and Write When a message (alarm, SMS-reply or report) is sent to the Avitec Element Manager, the message contains a message number. This message number is increased for every message sent (except for alarm and report retransmission). If the controller is communicating via SMS, all four addresses (as read by attribute ADD) have their own counter.  The MSG attribute is used to receive the list of these four counters. Format on getting parameters: 1 X 2 Y 3 Z 4 W X, Y, Z and W are the individual counters 1 – 4. Example: GET MSG Reply: 1 00167 2 03421 3 00032 4 00000 indicating the different counters for addresses 1 to 4. Format on setting value: X M X is the counter to modify, and M is the new value. X is from 1 to 4, and M is from 0 to 99999
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  39 (96)  Example: SET MSG 4 234 Sets the value of counter 4 to 234. Note 1! Counters are wrap around, i.e. when reaching 99999, next value is 0. Note 2! When an address is changed (SET ADD), corresponding counter is cleared. Note 3! When using data call, only counter 1 is used for the alarm and report message numbers.   2.68 MTP - Modem Type    Attribute type: Read and Write Attribute is used to determine/configure what modem type installed in the repeater. Format: <Modem Description> <Modem Description> is one of WAVECOM INTEGRA STANDARD TRIOEXT WAVECOM is the external Wavecom GSM module INTEGRA is the on-board Wavecom GSM module STANDARD is a normal Standard Hayes compatible modem TRIOEXT is the TrioRail external GSM-R modem. (only available in GSM-R repeaters). If remote communication is disabled (using command SET DEV NUL), the string “Modem disabled” is returned. When setting the modem type, the same names are used. For the standard modem, the short form STD can be used. Example: SET MTP STD sets the modem type to Standard Hayes compatible modem.   2.69 NCH - Number of Channels   Attribute type: Read only Returns the number of installed channels Example: GET NCH Replies: 2 meaning that the repeater has 2 channels installed.   2.70 NCT - Network Connect Time   Attribute type: Read and Write This attribute is used to configure how long to wait before trying to initialize a modem after power up or a modem power cycle. Format: X X is in seconds. Example: GET NCT Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  40 (96)  15 meaning modem connect time is set to 15 seconds. Example: SET NCT 30 Sets this time to 30 seconds.   2.71 NOL - Number of Successful Logins   Attribute type: Read only Format: X Y X is number of successful logins locally, and Y is number of successful logins remotely Example: GET NOL Reply: 55 123 means that 55 successful and 123 successful remote logins have been made.    2.72 NUA - Next Un-acknowledged Alarm   Attribute type: Read only This attribute gives the next non-acknowledged alarm in the alarm log. If no alarm exists, a ‘-‘ is replied. Format: <Alarm No> <Originating Node> <Originating Alarm No> <DDMMYY> <HHMMSS> <Parameters> <Severity> <Class> <Attribute> “<Textual description>” Example: GET NUA Reply: 00017 1 00042 101202 145523 PW2 CR EQ 1 “Current power level is 0.0 V”  Please refer to ACT ACK in section “Miscellaneous Command Attributes” for details on how to acknowledge alarms.   2.73 OLV - Optical Levels Attribute type: Read only By using this attribute, transmitted and received optical level for the Fiber Optic Interface can be obtained.  Format: <Tx> <Rx>  <Tx> represents the dBm value of transmitted optical level  <Rx> represents the dBm value of the received optical level If there is a communications error with the Fiber Optic Interface, ‘- -‘ (two dashes separated by a blank) is replied. If input signal is lover than lowest detectable value, <X is replied, where X is lowest detectable level for the Fiber Optic Interface. Example: GET OLV Reply: -5 –11  meaning that transmitted optical level is -5 dBm and received optical level is -11 dBm.   Note! This attribute is only used in Fiber Optic repeaters.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  41 (96)  2.74 OPL - Output Levels   Attribute type: Read only Displays the maximum output power of the last sampled frame. The output power is continuously sampled, and the highest value each second is saved in the controller on a chain by chain basis. Reply format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: X Y Z W where value is output level in dBm X is output level in chain 1 UL Y is output level in chain 2 UL. Z is output level in chain 1 DL.  W is output level in chain 2 DL.  If a value is below lowest detectable level, '<X' is reported, where X is the lowest detectable level ( this and other radio performance related parameters can be read using attribute RFP ). Example: GET OPL Reply: <12 <12 39 32 This means chain 1 UL and 2 UL is lower than lowest detectable level (12 dBm), chain 1 DL has 39 dBm output power level and chain 2 DL has 32 dBm output power. Reply format in 4-channel repeaters: X Y Z W K L M N where value is input level in dBm X is output level in chain 1 UL Y is output level in chain 2 UL Z is output level in chain 3 UL. W is output level in chain 4 UL K is output level in chain 1 DL L is output level in chain 2 DL M is output level in chain 3 DL N is output level in chain 4 DL If a value is below lowest detectable level, '<X' is reported, where X is the lowest detectable level ( this and other radio performance related parameters can be read using attribute RFP ). Example: GET OPL Reply: <12 27 <12 <12 37 32 35 <12 This means that chain 1 UL, 3 UL, 4 UL and 4 DL has output level lower than lowest detectable level (12dBm), 2 UL has an output power of 27 dBm. Output power in 1 DL is 37 dBm, 2 DL is 32 dBm and outlevel in 3 DL is 35 dBm.   2.75 ORP  - OMC to Controller Password Attribute type: Write only When the controller is configured to use data call for configuration and alarm transmission, the OMC have a unique password to log in to the controller, together with a unique username, OMCUNAME. Format: SET ORP MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM is a password, up to 8 characters long.  Note 1!. If data call is used, this password should be changed from the Avitec Element Manager. If SMS is used, this password should be changed to avoid unauthorized access to the controller. Note 2!. This login will NOT cause any VLI, LGO or CLR alarms to be sent.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  42 (96)  Note 3!. When logging in with this user ID, Terminal Mode is automatically set to 1.   2.76 PDC - Power Downlink measurement Configuration   Attribute type: Read and Write This attribute is used to configure the way the BCCH is measured.  By default, all repeaters measure the BCCH only on chain one. By changing this attribute, the BCCH can be measured on other channels as well. When BCCH is measured on more than one chain, the repeater will always make sure that at least one of the chains have an output power above threshold configured with ALA PDL attribute. This attribute can be used to maintain BCCH monitoring in network where BTS uses the second TRX as a backup for TRX one. Furthermore, this attribute can be used in systems where more than one cell feeds the repeater, for Example two BTS’s with two TRX’s feeds one four channel repeater. Measurements can be used to ensure that the signal from both BTS’s / cells are sufficiently high. Note1! By changing this attribute, all PDL alarm sources will be reset. If a PDL alarm was detected, an end of alarm will be generated, and, if BCCH still is too low, a new PDL alarm after the configured time. Note 2! Setting Required on a non installed/available channel will have no effect. Format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: XY X represents chain one and Y chain two. X, Y can be either  R as Required  E as Either S as Skip measurements on this chain Required means that this chain MUST have BCCH high enough. Either means that this chain OR one of the other needs to have BCCH all the time. Skip means that this chain is ignored in the BCCH measurements. Example 1: GET PDC Reply: RS means that chain one must have BCCH output power, while two is ignored. Example 2: GET PDC Reply: EE means that any of the two channels should have BCCH above the threshold all the time, or an alarm will be triggered Example: SET PDC RS configures the repeater to require BCCH output power on chain one, while chain two is ignored. Format in 4-channel repeaters: XYZW X represents chain one, Y chain two, Z chain three and W chain 4. X, Y can be either  R as Required  E as Either S as Skip measurements on this chain Required means that this chain MUST have BCCH high enough.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  43 (96)  Either means that this chain OR one of the other needs to have BCCH all the time. Skip means that this chain is ignored in the BCCH measurements. Example 1: GET PDC Reply: RSRS means that chain one and three must have BCCH output power, while two and four are ignored. Example 2: GET PDC Reply: EEEE means that any of the four channels should have BCCH above the threshold all the time, or an alarm will be triggered Example: SET PDC RSSS configures the repeater to require BCCH output power on chain one, while chains two through four are ignored.  2.77 PDL - Power Downlink Level Attribute type: Read only Status of BCCH output power measurement in the downlink chains. Format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: XY X represents the BCCH status for chain 1 and Y for chain 2. 1 means that output power in BCCH is lower than the configured threshold (configured with attribute ALA PDL) 0 means that output power level is OK.  If measurement (configurable with attribute PDC) shouldn’t be performed on chain, a ‘-‘ is reported. If PDC for the chains are set to Either, and none of the chains reports output power, all configured chains will report ‘1’ (Error). Example 1: GET PDL Reply: 00 meaning that output power of BCCH is OK on chains one and two. Example 2, PDC is configured as RS: GET PDL Reply: 1- meaning that BCCH in chain one requires BCCH above a certain threshold, but chain reports a BCCH alarm. Format in 4-channel repeaters: XYZW X represents the BCCH status for chain 1, Y for chain 2, Z for chain 3 and W for chain 4. 1 means that output power in BCCH is lower than the configured threshold (configured with attribute ALA PDL) 0 means that output power level is OK.  If measurement (configurable with attribute PDC) shouldn’t be performed on chain, a ‘-‘ is reported.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  44 (96)  If PDC for the chains are set to Either, and none of the chains reports output power, all configured chains will report ‘1’ (Error). Example 1: GET PDL Reply: 00-- meaning that output power of BCCH is OK on chains one and two, and that chains three and four are configured as Skip in the PDC attribute. Example 2, PDC is configured as RSRS: GET PDL Reply: 0-1- meaning that BCCH in chain one and three requires BCCH above a certain threshold, but chain three reports a BCCH alarm.   2.78 PIN - Sets the PIN Code Used to Lock Up GSM Module   Attribute type: Write only Sets the PIN code associated with the SIM card in the GSM module.  Format: SET PIN XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX is a number, up to 8 characters long, representing the PIN code of the SIM card. Note! If wrong PIN code is entered, the controller will only try to open it up once. After that it will not try to lock it up again until the PIN code is changed. This is to avoid that the SIM card is blocked if wrong PIN code is enabled.   2.79 PLB - Level of BCCH output power in Downlink   Attribute type: Read only This attribute displays BCCH output power in the downlink channels. By default, the BCCH is monitored in downlink chain one. However, for special purposes, the BCCH can be configured to be monitored in other chains (see attribute PDC). Format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: X Y X, Y is the BCCH output power in dBm for downlink chains 1 DL and 2 DL. If BCCH is not measured in chain, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. If value is lower than lowest detectable value, a ‘<X’ will be replied, where X is lowest detectable output power of the repeater.  Example: GET PLB Reply: 33 – meaning that output power in chain one downlink is 33 dBm, while chain two not is configured for BCCH downlink measurement. Format in 4-channel repeaters: X Y Z W X, Y is the BCCH output power in dBm for downlink chains 1 DL, 2 DL, 3 DL and 4 DL. If BCCH is not measured in chain, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. If value is lower than lowest detectable value, a ‘<X’ will be replied, where X is lowest detectable output power of the repeater. Example: GET PLB Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  45 (96)  33 – <12 - meaning that output power in chain one downlink is 33 dBm, while chain two is not configured for BCCH downlink measurement, chain 3 has less than 12 dBm and downlink chain 4 is not configured for BCCH measurements.   2.80 PSD - Power Supply Distribution Levels   Attribute type: Read only This attribute is used to read out the snapshot power supply levels in all the modules in the repeater.  Format in conventional 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: <P1PSUP> <P1LIMPAUL> <P1LIMPADL> <P2PSUP> <P2LIMPAUL> <P2LIMPADL> <P3PSUP> <P3LIMPAUL> <P3LIMPADL> <P3REFGEN> <P4> <P1PSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Power Supply <P1LIMPAUL> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL <P1LIMPADL> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL <P2PSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Power Supply <P2LIMPAUL> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL <P2LIMPADL> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL  <P3PSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Power Supply <P3LIMPAUL> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL <P3LIMPADL> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL <P3REFGEN> is the +6.45 V measured in the Reference Generator <P4> is the +6.45 V to the controller, measured in the Power Supply  If communication between the controller and the module where voltage is measured is in error, a ‘-‘ is reported. Example: +28.0 +28.1 - +15.1 +15.1 - +6.5 +6.5 - +6.4 This shows the different power supply levels in the modules, except for power supply levels in LIMPA DL, which has a communications failure. Format in conventional 4-channel repeaters: <P1MasterPSUP> <P1SlavePSUP ><P1LIMPAUL 1> <P1LIMPAUL 2> <P1LIMPADL 1> <P1LIMPADL 2> <P2MasterPSUP> <P2SlavePSUP > <P2LIMPAUL 1> <P2LIMPAUL 2> <P2LIMPADL 1> <P2IMPADL 2> <P3MasterPSUP> <P3SlavePSUP> <P3LIMPAUL 1> <P3LIMPAUL 2> <P3LIMPADL 1> <P3LIMPADL 1> <P3RefGen> <P4> <P1MasterPSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P1SlavePSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P1LIMPAUL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL 1 <P1LIMPAUL 2> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL 2 <P1LIMPADL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL 1 <P1LIMPADL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL 2 <P2MasterPSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P2SlavePSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P2LIMPAUL 1> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL 1 <P2LIMPAUL 2> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL 2 <P2LIMPADL 1> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL 1 <P2LIMPADL 2> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL 2 <P3MasterPSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P3SlavePSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P3LIMPAUL 1> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL 1 <P3LIMPAUL 2> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL 2 <P3LIMPADL 1> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL 1 <P3LIMPADL 2> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL 2 <P3REFGEN> is the +6.45 V measured in the Reference Generator <P4> is the +6.45 V to the controller, measured in the Power Supply  If communication between the controller and the module where voltage is measured is in error, a ‘-‘ is reported.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  46 (96)  Example: +28.0 +0.0 +28.0 +0.0 +28.1 +0.0 +15.1 +14.9 +15.1 +14.9 +15.1 +14.9 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.4 +6.5 +6.4 +6.5 This shows the different power supply levels in the modules. In the Example, 0.0 Volts is measured at the +28 V in the Slave Power Supply, LIMPA UL 2 and LIMPA DL 2. This indicates that the level out from the Slave Power Supply is broken. Format in fiber optic 2-channel repeaters: <P1PSUP> <P1LIMPAUL> <P1LIMPADL> <P2PSUP> <P2LIMPAUL> <P2LIMPADL> <P2FIBEROPTIC> <P3PSUP> <P3LIMPAUL> <P3LIMPADL> <P3REFGEN> <P3FIBEROPTIC> <P4> <P1PSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Power Supply <P1LIMPAUL> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL <P1LIMPADL> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL <P2PSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Power Supply <P2LIMPAUL> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL <P2LIMPADL> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL  <P2FIBEROPTIC> is the +15 V measured in the Fiber Optic Interface <P3PSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Power Supply <P3LIMPAUL> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL <P3LIMPADL> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL <P3REFGEN> is the +6.45 V measured in the Reference Generator <P3FIBEROPTIC> is the +6.45 V measured in the Fiber Optic Interface <P4> is the +6.45 V to the controller, measured in the Power Supply  If communication between the controller and the module where voltage is measured is in error, a ‘-‘ is reported. Example: +28.0 +28.1 - +15.1 +15.1 - +15.0 +6.5 +6.5 - +6.4 +6.4 This shows the different power supply levels in the modules, except for power supply levels in LIMPA DL, which has a communications failure. Format in fiber optic  4-channel repeaters: <P1MasterPSUP> <P1SlavePSUP ><P1LIMPAUL 1> <P1LIMPAUL 2> <P1LIMPADL 1> <P1LIMPADL 2> <P2MasterPSUP> <P2SlavePSUP > <P2LIMPAUL 1> <P2LIMPAUL 2> <P2LIMPADL 1> <P2IMPADL 2> <P3MasterPSUP> <P3SlavePSUP> <P3LIMPAUL 1> <P3LIMPAUL 2> <P3LIMPADL 1> <P3LIMPADL 1> <P3RefGen> <P3FiberOptic>  <P4> <P1MasterPSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P1SlavePSUP> is the +28 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P1LIMPAUL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL 1 <P1LIMPAUL 2> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA UL 2 <P1LIMPADL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL 1 <P1LIMPADL 1> is the +28 V measured in LIMPA DL 2 <P2MasterPSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P2SlavePSUP> is the +15 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P2LIMPAUL 1> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL 1 <P2LIMPAUL 2> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA UL 2 <P2LIMPADL 1> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL 1 <P2LIMPADL 2> is the +15 V measured in the LIMPA DL 2 <P2FIBEROPTIC> is the +15 V measured in the Fiber Optic Interface <P3MasterPSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Master Power Supply <P3SlavePSUP> is the +6.45 V measured in the Slave Power Supply <P3LIMPAUL 1> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL 1 <P3LIMPAUL 2> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA UL 2 <P3LIMPADL 1> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL 1 <P3LIMPADL 2> is the +6.45 V measured in the LIMPA DL 2 <P3REFGEN> is the +6.45 V measured in the Reference Generator <P3FIBEROPTIC> is the +6.45 V measured in the Fiber Optic Interface <P4> is the +6.45 V to the controller, measured in the Power Supply
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  47 (96)  If communication between the controller and the module where voltage is measured is in error, a ‘-‘ is reported. Example: +28.0 +0.0 +28.0 +0.0 +28.1 +0.0 +15.1 +14.9 +15.1 +14.9 +15.1 +14.9 +15.0 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.4 +6.5 +6.4 +6.4 +6.5 This shows the different power supply levels in the modules. In the Example, 0.0 Volts is measured at the +28 V in the Slave Power Supply, LIMPA UL 2 and LIMPA DL 2. This indicates that the level out from the Slave Power Supply is broken.     2.81 PSL - Status of Power Supply Level   Attribute type: Read only The Power Supply constantly monitors the mains input power level. This can be used to generate an alarm if repeater is experiencing a power brownout or a blackout. Note! In order to read out current power supply level, please refer to attribute ALV. Format: X X=0 means mains power level is within configured thresholds X=1 means power level is outside allowed interval (too low or too high) If there is a communications error with master power supply, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. Example: GET PSL Replies: 1 meaning input power supply level is outside allowed interval.    2.82 PTM - Power Supply Temperature Status   Attribute type: Read only The Power Supply temperature is constantly monitored, and if temperature is outside configured interval, an alarm is generated. This attribute shows the status of the power supply temperature. Note! In order to read out current power supply temperature, please refer to attribute ALV. Format in 2-channel and Frequency translating Repeaters: X X = 0 means temperature OK and X = 1 means temperature is outside allowed interval. If communication with Power Supply is in error, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. Example: GET PTM Reply: 1 indicating that the Power Supply Temperatyre is outside allowed interval.  Format in 4-channel Repeaters: XY X is temperature status for Master Power Supply. Y is temperature status for Slave Power Supply. 0 means status is OK, and 1 means power supply temperature is outside allowed interval. If communication with power supply is in error, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported. Example: GET PTM Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  48 (96)  01 indicating that the Master Power Supply temperature is OK, and that Slave Power Supply temperature is in error.   2.83 PW1 - Status of Power 1 Attribute type: Read only This is the status for the +28V Power Distribution in the repeater. Format for 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: XYZ X is status for +28 V in Power Supply Y is status for +28 V in LIMPA UL. Z is status for +28 V in LIMPA DL. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW1 Replies: 0-1 meaning status is OK in Power Supply, there is a communications failure with LIMPA UL, and there is an error in +28 V level to LIMPA DL.  Format for 4-channel repeaters: XYZWKL X is status for +28 V in Master Power Supply Y is status for +28 V in Slave Power Supply Z is status for +28 V in LIMPA UL 1. W is status for +28 V in LIMPA UL 2. K is status for +28 V in LIMPA DL 1. L is status for +28 V in LIMPA DL 2. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW1 Replies: 010101 meaning status is OK in Master Power Supply, LIMPA UL 1 and LIMPA DL 1 an an, there is a power failure in Slave Power Supply, LIMPA UL 2 and LIMPA DL 2. In this Example, it seems the Slave Power Supply is failing; leading to a power failure in the two LIMPA’s fed by the slave power supply.   2.84 PW2 - Status of Power 2 Attribute type: Read only This is the status for the +15 V Power Distributions in the repeater. Format for 2-channel conventional and Frequency translating repeaters: XYZ
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  49 (96)  X is status for +15 V in Power Supply Y is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL. Z is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW2 Replies: 0100 meaning status is OK in Power Supply and LIMPA DL and there is an error in +15 V level to LIMPA UL.  Format for 2 channel Fiber Optic fed  repeaters: XYZ X is status for +15 V in Power Supply Y is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL. Z is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL. W is status for +15 V in Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW2 Replies: 010 meaning status is OK in Power Supply and LIMPA DL and there is an error in +15 V level to LIMPA UL.  Format for conventional 4-channel repeaters: XYZWKL X is status for +15 V in Master Power Supply Y is status for +15 V in Slave Power Supply Z is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL 1. W is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL 2. K is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL 1. L is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL 2 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW2 Replies: 010000 meaning there is an error in +15 V power supply in LIMPA UL1, and all other statuses are OK.   Format for 4-channel Fiber Optic fed repeaters: XYZWKLM
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  50 (96)  X is status for +15 V in Master Power Supply Y is status for +15 V in Slave Power Supply Z is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL 1. W is status for +15 V in LIMPA UL 2. K is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL 1. L is status for +15 V in LIMPA DL 2 M is status for +15 V in Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW2 Replies: 0100000 meaning there is an error in +15 V power supply in LIMPA UL1, and all other statuses are OK.   2.85 PW3 - Status of Power 3 Attribute type: Read only This is the status for the +6.45 V Power Distribution in the repeater. Format for 2-channel conventional and Frequency translating repeaters: XYZW X is status for +6.45 V in Power Supply Y is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL. Z is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL. W is status for +6.45 V in Reference Generator. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW3 Replies: 0010 meaning status is OK in Power Supply, LIMPA UL and Reference Generator and there is an error in +6.45 V supply to LIMPA DL.  Format for 2-channel Fiber Optic repeaters: XYZWK X is status for +6.45 V in Power Supply Y is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL. Z is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL. W is status for +6.45 V in Reference Generator. K is status for +6.45 V in Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  51 (96)  GET PW3 Replies: 00100 meaning status is OK in Power Supply, LIMPA UL and Reference Generator and there is an error in +6.45 V supply to LIMPA DL.  Format for conventional 4-channel repeaters: XYZWKLM X is status for +6.45 V in Master Power Supply Y is status for +6.45 V in Slave Power Supply Z is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL 1. W is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL 2. K is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL 1. L is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL 2. M is status for +6.45 V in Reference Generator. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW3 Replies: 0010000 meaning there is an error in +6.45 V power supply in LIMPA UL2, and all other statuses are OK.   Format for 4-channel Fiber Optic repeaters: XYZWKLM X is status for +6.45 V in Master Power Supply Y is status for +6.45 V in Slave Power Supply Z is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL 1. W is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA UL 2. K is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL 1. L is status for +6.45 V in LIMPA DL 2. M is status for +6.45 V in Reference Generator. N is status for +6.45 V in Fiber Optic Interface. 0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means communication with module is in error. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels) or attribute PSD (Power Supply Distribution levels). Example: GET PW3 Replies: 0010000 meaning there is an error in +6.45 V power supply in LIMPA UL2, and all other statuses are OK.   2.86 PW4 - Status of Power 4 Attribute type: Read only This is the status for the +6.45 V Power Supply to the Control Module, as measured in the power supply. Format: X X is status for +6.45 V Power Supply to the controller
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  52 (96)  0 means OK 1 means Power Supply is outside allowed thresholds - (dash) means rack is not installed / configured. Note! To read out the actual level, use attribute ALV (Analog Levels). Example: GET PW4 Replies: 1 meaning that power supply to control module is outside allowed interval. Note! Since this power supply is feeding the controller itself, if power supply is completely lost the controller will not be up and running, and hence can not be detected / alarmed.    2.87 PWD - Set Password to Access Repeater   Attribute type: Write only The repeater is accessed via four different User ID’s. User ID 1 and 2 have full access to the repeaters parameters, while users 3 and 4 only have read access to the repeater. Attribute PWD is used to change the password associated with the different user ID’s. Format: SET PWD X NNNNNNNN X is the selector of what password to modify, 1 ≤ X ≤ 4 N is a password, up to 8 characters long, and NOT including white space. Example: SET PWD 1 AVITECAB Modifies password number 1 to AVITECAB. Note! To modify the corresponding user ID, please refer to attribute UID.   2.88 RCA - Repetition Cycle for non Acknowledged Alarms   Attribute type: Read and Write Every alarm is sent to the OMC up to MNR number of times, or until it is acknowledged. The alarms are retransmitted with RCA minutes intervals. When using data call, an alarm is considered acknowledged when the controller has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the alarm. In case of SMS, an alarm is considered acknowledged when an acknowledge message is received from the main address. The alarms can also be acknowledged with the command ACT ACK when logged in locally or remotely. Format: X X is the interval in minutes. Example: GET RCA Reply: 10 meaning that the interval between retransmissions is 10 minutes. Example: SET RCA 12  sets the interval to 12 minutes   2.89 RCH - Repetition Cycle for Heartbeat  Attribute type: Read and Write
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  53 (96)  Sets the interval for how often the heartbeat reports are sent to the repeater OMC. The heartbeat report is a report containing all relevant status parameters of the repeater. If a report fails to be sent, it will try to retransmit the reports with a settable interval. Refer to attributes RCR and MRR for information on how to change the number of retransmissions and retransmit interval. Format: X X is the heartbeat interval in minutes. Valid values are from 1 to 1440 minutes. Example: GET RCH Reply: 1335 meaning that a heartbeat will be sent to the repeater OMC every 1335 minutes. Example: SET RCH 1400 Changes this interval to 1400 minutes. Note! As soon as the heartbeat interval is changed, and the user is logged out, a new heartbeat will be sent to the repeater OMC, in order to cause resynchronization of the heartbeat intervals between the repeater and the OMC.   2.90 RCR - Repetition Cycle for Reports   Attribute type: Read and Write Every heartbeat and traffic / uplink activity report is sent to the OMC up to MRR number of times, or until it is successfully delivered. The reports are retransmitted with RCR minutes intervals. When using data call, report is considered successfully delivered when the controller has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the report. In case of SMS,  report is considered successfully delivered when it has been successfully transmitted to the SMSC. Format: X X is the retransmit interval in minutes. Valid values for X is from 1 to 20 minutes Example: GET RCR Reply: 3 meaning that the report will be retransmitted after 3 minutes. Example: SET RCR 2 Sets the time between retransmissions to 2 minutes.   2.91 RFP - RF Parameters   Attribute type: Read only This attribute gives information about gain and gain distribution in the repeater Format: <Max Gain UL> <Max Gain DL> <PreAmp UL> <PreAmp DL> <Loss after PA UL> <Loss after PA DL> <Lowest Detectable Output UL> <Lowest Detectable Output DL> <Max Gain UL> <Max Gain DL> is the maximum gain in dB in Uplink  and Downlink <PreAmp UL> <PreAmp DL> is the gain in dB from the inport to the input to the LIMPA’s in Uplink and Downlink <Loss after PA UL> <Loss after PA DL> is the loss in dB after the Power Amplifiers to the outport of the repeater in Uplink and Downlink
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  54 (96)  <Lowest Detectable Output UL> <Lowest Detectable Output UL> is the lowest output level that the detector in the Power Amplifiers in Uplink and Downlink. Example: GET RFP Reply: 45.0 45.0 17.1 –25.1 2.1 4.9 –15.1 17.2 means maximum gain in repeater in Uplink and Downlink is 45.0 dBm. In uplink, the gain before the RSSI is 17.1 dB, while the gain in downlink is –25.1 dB (an attenuation of 25.1 dB). Loss after the PA in uplink is 2.1 dB and in downlink 4.9 dB. The lowest detectable output in the uplink is –15.1 dBm, while lowest detectable in Downlink is 17.2 dBm.   2.92 RID - Repeater ID Attribute type: Read and Write The repeater ID gives the OMC (Avitec Element Manager) a way to give the each network element (boosters, repeaters, Hubs) a unique number in the network. Format: XX-YY-ZZZZ XX,YY,ZZZZ are unique numbers to identify the element. The length of this attribute is exactly 10 characters. Example: GET RID Reply: 01-01-0334 which is the unique ID for this element. Example: SET RID 02-01-0077 Modifies the repeater ID. Note! If the element is installed into and controlled by the Avitec Element Manager, this attribute should NEVER be modified. This ID is unique in the Element Manager database. Changing this ID will cause the OMC database to be corrupt.   2.93 RLY - Relay Status   Attribute type: Read only By using the attribute status of the relay can be read out. Format: N N is 0 or 1 0 means that relay circuit is currently open, no alarms configured to activate relay is detected. 1 means relay circuit is closed. One or more of the alarms configured to activate the relay is detected. 2.94 ROP  - Controller to OMC password.   Attribute type: Write only When the controller is configured for data call, and the equipment is controlled from the Avitec Element Manager, every time the controller connects to the OMC, a login is required. The username is the equipment ID (attribute RID), and the password is set with this attribute, ROP. Format: NNNNNNNN NNNNNNN is the password, up to 8 characters, no space allowed.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  55 (96)  Example: SET ROP REPEATER sets the password to REPEATER. Note! This password should normally be changed from the Element Manager, since a wrong configured password will cause the login to the Element Manager to fail.   2.95 RSP - Repeater Status Parameters   Attribute type: Read only This attribute replies with the status of all alarm sources in the repeater. The attribute can be used to quickly get an overview of all the statuses in the repeater. Non Fiber Optic Fed Repeaters: Attribute replies with the status of the alarm sources:  <PDL> <ASU> <ASD> <AMU> <AMD> <SZU> <SZD> <COM> <BAT/DOO/EX1/EX2/EX3/EX4/TEM> <IOU/IOD/AIM> <PSL> <PTM> <PW1> <PW2> <PW3> <PW4> <WRD> Example: GET RSP Reply: 0- 00 11 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 00000 0100010 000 0 0 000 000 0000 0 0 which means all parameters are OK, except door status and status of external alarm input 4. Note! Reply on this parameter will be different depending on if this is a 2-channel or 4-channel capable repeater. Fiber Optic Fed Repeaters: Attribute replies with the status of the alarm sources:  <PDL> <ASU> <ASD> <AMU> <AMD> <SZU> <SZD> <COM> <BAT/DOO/EX1/EX2/EX3/EX4/TEM> <IOU/IOD/AIM> <PSL> <PTM> <PW1> <PW2> <PW3> <PW4> <WRD> <FRX/FTX> Example: GET RSP Reply: 0- 00 11 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 00000 0100010 000 0 0 000 000 0000 0 0 00 which means all parameters are OK, except door status and status of external alarm input 4. Note! Reply on this parameter will be different depending on if this is a 2-channel or 4-channel capable repeater. 2.96 SAC - SMS Acknowledge Configuration   Attribute type: Read and Write This command affects controllers using SMS for alarm transmission. SAC configures how the controller determines whether an alarm is acknowledged or not. Format: X X can be of two values: 0 means that the alarm is considered acknowledged when an acknowledge message is received from the OMC 1 means that an alarm is considered acknowledged when the alarm is successfully transmitted to the Short Message Service Center (SMSC), i.e. when the message is successfully delivered to the network. Example: GET SAC   Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  56 (96)  0 meaning that the controller requires an acknowledge message back from the OMC (if the individual alarm source is configured for that). Example: SET SAC 1 changes the behavior to consider the alarm acknowledged when the message is sent successfully to the SMSC. Note! This configuration will work in conjunction with the other alarm attributes (ALA XXX, RCA and MNR). If for example SAC is set to “1”, and RCA is set to 3 and MNR 3, the controller will try to send the message to the SMSC center up to 3 times with 3 minute intervals. If the individual alarm source is configured to not require an acknowledge, it will only try to send it once to the SMSC.   2.97 SFT - Secondary OMC address Fallback Timer   Attribute type: Read and Write This configures how many minutes the controller will wait before going back to the primary address again after calling the secondary OMC address. If this parameter is set to zero, no fallback will be done, i.e., the controller will toggle between the addresses for every failure to deliver messages. See also attributes SSC, ASC and command ACT UPA. Format: X X is number of minutes to wait before fallback to primary OMC address. Example: GET SFT Reply: 15 meaning that the controller will use the secondary address for 15 minutes before going back to normal OMC address. Example: SET SFT 10 changes this value to 10 minutes.   2.98 SIS - System Information String   Attribute type: Read only Compact string containing system versions and system dates. The string contains the following data, separated by spaces Format: <BIOS Ver> <PLD Ver> <HW Version> <SW Version> <Controller Serial Number> <Repeater Serial Number> <System Initialization Time> <System Initialization Date> <Controller Initialization Time> <Controller Initialization Date> <Manufacturing specific information> <Software Build Date>  <BIOS Ver> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs, containing the controller BIOS version. If no information is available, an empty string (“”) is replied.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  57 (96)  <PLD Ver> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs, containing on chip specific version information.  <HW Version> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs, containing the controller hardware version. This can also be obtained with the attribute HWV. <SW Version> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs, containing the controller software version. This can also be obtained with the attribute SWV. <Controller Serial Number> reports the serial number of the controller (4 characters). If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <Repeater Serial Number> reports the serial number of the controller (4 characters). If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <System Initialization Time> contains the repeater initialization time on the format HHMMSS, with 24 hours notation. If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <System Initialization Date> contains the repeater initialization date on the format DDMMYY. If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <Controller Initialization Time> contains the controller initialization time on the format HHMMSS, with 24 hours notation. If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <Controller Initialization Date> contains the controller initialization date on the format DDMMYY. If no information is available, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported.   <Manufacturing specific information> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs,  containing information entered during manufacturing. <Software Build Date> is a string delimited by “ (double quote) signs,  containg the timepoint when the software was built. Example: GET SIS Reply: “1.11” “12” “H041001C” “2.32” 2JG5 2JF3 174200 991220 120333 991101 “JK” “Jan 18 2002 10:09:30” indicating that BIOS version is 1.11, PLD version is 12, hardware version is H041001C and software version is 2.32. The control module has the serial number 2JG5, the repeater serial is 2JF3, the system (repeater) was initialized at 17:42.00 on Dec 20, 1999, and controller was initialized at 12:03.33 on Nov 1, 1999. Factory information is JK. Finally, software was built at 18’th of January 2002 at 10:09:30 AM.   2.99 SIT - System Initialization Time   Attribute type: Read only Returns a string containing the system initialization time, i.e. when the controller was initialized for the first time. Format: HHMMSS DDMMYY Where HHMMSS is the time point, with 24 hours notation, and DDMMYY is the date of the initialization. Example: GET SIT Reply: 164500 070498 indicating that the controller was initialized on 7’th of April 1998 at 16:45.   2.100 SSC - Secondary Service Center Address   Attribute type: Read and Write
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  58 (96)  When controller is configured for data call, if the controller fails to dial the first service center (configured with the attribute ASC), the controller will automatically switch over to the secondary service center address. If secondary address is not set, it will be neglected. Furthermore, if controller experiences problems connecting to secondary address, it will switch back to primary address.  A fallback timer can be configured so that the controller goes back to primary address after a specified interval. Please refer to attribute SFT for details Note! The controller will always check if first address is set. If not, the secondary address will be ignored. Example: GET SSC  Reply: 118118 meaning that the secondary address is set to 118118. Example: SET SSC  Disables the use of a secondary address.   2.101 SUT - System Up Time   Attribute type: Read only Format: N Returns the number of seconds that has elapsed since last system reset, or since last power up. Example: GET SUT Reply: 34423 meaning that the system booted up 34 423 seconds ago.   2.102 SWV - Software Version  Attribute type: Read only Format: <String> returns a string with the software version in the control module. Example: GET SWV Reply: 2.36 meaning that the software version is 2.36.   2.103 SZD - Status of Synthesizers in Downlink Chain   Attribute type: Read only This parameter returns the status of the synthesizer in the downlink path. Each LIMPA contains two chains, and each chain contains two synthesizers. One synthesizer is for down conversion of the radio signals to the IF frequency, and one for up conversion. The reply depends on number of installed channels / LIMPA’s. Format for 2 channel repeaters: XYZW
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  59 (96)  X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 0100 means all synthesizers in downlink are OK, except Out Synthesizer in chain 1 DL. Format for 4 channel repeaters: XYZWKLMN X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 1 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 2 DL (in downlink LIMPA 1) K is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 3 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2) L is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 3 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2) M is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 4 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2) N is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 4 DL (in downlink LIMPA 2) 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 00000010 means all synthesizers in downlink are OK, except In Synthesizer in chain 4 DL.   2.104 SZU - Status of Synthesizers in Uplink Chain   Attribute type: Read only This parameter returns the status of the synthesizer in the uplink path. Each LIMPA contains two chains, and each chain contains two synthesizers. One synthesizer is for down conversion of the radio signals to the IF frequency, and one for up conversion. The reply depends on number of installed channels / LIMPA’s. Format 2 channel repeaters: XYZW X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 1 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 1 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 2 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 2 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) 0 indicates an OK indicates an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 0100 means all synthesizers in uplink are OK, except Out Synthesizer in chain 1 UL. Format 4 channel repeaters: XYZWKLMN X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 1 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 1 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) X is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 2 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1) Y is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 2 UL (in uplink LIMPA 1)
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  60 (96)  K is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 3 UL (in uplink LIMPA 2) L is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 3 UL (in uplink LIMPA 2) M is status of In Synthesizer in Chain 4 UL (in uplink LIMPA 2) N is status of Out Synthesizer in Chain 4 UL (in uplink LIMPA 2) 0 indicates an OK 1 indicates an Error. A ‘-‘ means communication with LIMPA is in error. Example: 00000010 means all synthesizers in uplink are OK, except In Synthesizer in chain 4 UL.   2.105 TAG - Equipment Tag   Attribute type: Read and Write The tag can be used to give the equipment a unique name, for example the site name.  Format: <String> <String> can be up to 20 characters long, NOT containing any space. All characters will be converted to uppercase. Example: GET TAG Reply: X3431_HIGHWAY_15 Indicating the tag associated with this equipment. Example: SET TAG ERNEST_HEMINGWAY modifies the tag.   2.106 TEM - Status of Temperature   Attribute type: Read only Format: X X=0 means status is OK X=1 means status is ERROR Example: GET TEM Reply: 1 meaning temperature is outside configured threshold (see attribute ALA TEM).   2.107 TIM - Time   Attribute type: Read and Write Time of the real time clock in the repeater Format: HHMMSS HH is 24-hour representation of the hours, MM is minutes, and SS is seconds. Example: GET TIM Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  61 (96)  145000 meaning the repeater time is 10 minutes to three in the afternoon. Example: SET TIM 150542 modifies the time settings. Note! If the time in the repeater is changed, as soon as the user logs out, a new heartbeat will be sent, in order to cause resynchronization of the heartbeat intervals between the repeater and the OMC.   2.108 TMD - Terminal Mode   Attribute type: Read and Write When logged in to the controller, either locally or remote, the output to the user can appear in two different ways: Terminal Mode or VT100 mode. Terminal mode gives the replies back to the user on the next row, while VT100 mode replies in the old-fashioned way, with the clock, ID and Tag etc displayed on the top of the screen. Terminal Mode is normally used by Avitec Maintenance Console and Avitec Element Manager. Format: SET TMD X X = 0 means VT100 mode X = 1 means Terminal mode Example: SET TMD 1 Switches to Terminal mode. Note! When logging in, Terminal Mode is always defaulted to VT100 mode.   2.109 UID  - User ID   Attribute type: Write only The repeater is accessed via four different User ID’s. User ID 1 and 2 have full access to the repeaters parameters, while users 3 and 4 only have read access to the repeater. Attribute UID is used to change the different user ID’s. Format: SET UID X NNNNNNNN X is the selector of what user ID to modify, 1 ≤ X ≤ 4. N is a name, up to 8 characters long, and NOT including white space. Example: SET UID 1 KAFKA Modifies user ID number 1 to KAFKA. Note! To modify the corresponding password, please refer to attribute PWD.   2.110 VLD - Valid Peak Limiting Levels Downlink   Attribute type: Read only This attribute replies with the valid peak limiting values settable in the downlink path of the repeater, as set with the attribute LVD. Format: [Value 1] [Value 2] .. [Value N] where the different values are in dBm. A value of -100 means that this is used to turn the output power off. Example: GET VLD
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  62 (96)  Reply: -100 31 34 37 meaning that the different peak limiting levels possible to set are -100 (turning off output power), 31, 34 and 37 (dBm).  2.111 VLU - Valid Peak Limiting Levels Uplink   Attribute type: Read only This attribute replies with the valid peak limiting values settable in the uplink path of  the repeater, as set with the attribute LVU. Format: [Value 1] [Value 2] .. [Value N] where the different values are in dBm. A value of -100 means that this is used to turn the output power off. Example: GET VLU Reply: -100 28 31 34 meaning that the different peak limiting levels possible to set are -100 (turning off output power), 28, 31 and 34 (dBm).  2.112 WRD - Status of Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Downlink Attribute type: Read only The repeaters measure the VSWR on the antenna ports, and, if reflected power is too high, an alarm is triggered. This can indicate a bad connector or a broken antenna. Format in all repeaters except Frequency Translating –ER repeaters: X X=0 means reflected power level in downlink is OK X=1 means reflected power level in downlink chain is in error X=’-‘ (dash) means there is a failure in communication between the controller and the FDM where VSWR is measured. Example: GET WRD Reply: 1 meaning that reflected power in the downlink path is outside of the allowed range (please refer to ALA WRD for configuration). Format in Frequency translating –ER repeaters: XY X is status for reflected power at antenna port 1 downlink Y is status for reflected power at antenna port 2 downlink ‘ 0 means reflected power level is OK 1 means reflected power level is in error. ’-‘ (dash) means there is a failure in communication between the controller and the FDM where VSWR is measured. Example: GET WRD Reply: 01 meaning that reflected power at antenna port 2 downlink 2 is outside of the allowed range (please refer to ALA WRD for configuration), and port 1 is OK.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  63 (96)  2.113 WRL - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Level   Attribute type: Read only Shows the return loss in dBm in the uplink and downlink at the antenna ports of the repeater. Depending on repeater type, there are different number of antennas connected, and hence different number of levels to display. Format for 2-channel, 4-channel and Frequency translating –IR, -SD and -DD repeaters: X X is the return loss at the server antenna (downlink path). If return loss is higher than repeater is able to detect, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported instead Example: GET WRL Reply: 13  meaning that the return loss in the downlink is 13 dB. Format for Frequency translating –ER repeaters: X Y X is the return loss at the server antenna 1 (downlink path) Y is the return loss at the server antenna 2 (downlink path).  If return loss is higher than repeater is able to detect, a ‘-‘ (dash) is reported instead. Example: GET WRL Reply: 19 - meaning that the return loss in downlink 1 is 19 dB and downlink 2 is not detectable.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  64 (96)  3 Traffic Related GET and SET Attributes The controller constantly measures all timeslots in the uplink paths of all the chains. Every 15 minutes, the utilization is calculated and stored in a log. At a configurable time of the day, the report can optionally be sent to the repeater OMC. The report consists of 96 intervals, each interval 15 minutes long.  As soon as the report is sent away, OR after measurements of the first interval of the next day is completed, the log is cleared. The utilization is measured in percentage:  Utilization = (Number occupied timeslots) / (Number of available timeslots) * 100 Example: A two-channel repeater is sampled for one frame. 9 timeslots are utilized, which means ”Number of occupied timeslots” is increased by 9, and ”Number of available timeslots”  is increased by 16.  3.1 AIS - Active Intervals String   Attribute type: Read only Reply format: X Y M……M X is the date of the first measurement in the format DDMMYYY Y is the time point of the start of the first interval in the measurement in the format HHMMSS M..M shows information about the 96 intervals of 15 minutes each M = '0' means no active timeslots were detected during the 15 minutes interval M = '1' means one or more intervals were detected during the interval. M =’-‘ (dash) means interval has not been measured. This can be used for troubleshooting if there are suspicions that a Server antenna is broken. During startup of the repeater this string is filled with ‘-‘. It is also cleared when the traffic report is successfully delivered to the OMC. The starting time point of the first measurement is set with the attribute TPD. Traffic Activity Threshold (attribute TAT) can be used to define the threshold for this   Note! When using remote communication, the detected timeslots can be from the communication itself, i.e., the Server antenna still might be broken.    3.2 ATS - Active Timeslots   Attribute type: Read only This is a snapshot of how many timeslots where detected during last sampled frame. Format in 2-channel and Frequency translating repeaters: GET ATS Replies: X Y X is the number of occupied timeslots in Uplink chain 1 Y is number of timeslots in chain 2 Uplink. Value of X, Y is 0-8 timeslots. If communication with LIMPA is in error, value is replaced by a dash ('-'). Example: 3 0 means that 3 timeslots were detected in chain 1, and that no timeslots where detected in chain 2 uplink. Format in 4-channel repeaters: GET ATS
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  65 (96)  Replies: X Y Z W X is the number of occupied timeslots in Uplink chain 1 Y is timeslots in chain 2 Uplink, Z is timeslots in chain 3 Uplink and W is timeslots in chain 4 Uplink. Value of X, Y, Z , W is 0-8 timeslots. If communication with LIMPA is in error, value is replaced by a dash ('-'). Example: 0 3 – - means that on timeslots where detected in uplink chain a, 3 timeslots were detected in chain 2, and that there was a communications alarm with LIMPA 2 in uplink (containing chains 3 and 4).   3.3 CTI - Current Traffic Interval   Attribute type: Read only Format: GET CTI Replies: X X is the Current Traffic Measurement Interval Each Interval is 15 minutes, and the traffic is reported in 24-hour intervals. Therefore X is between 1 and 96 The first interval starts at the time point set by attribute TPD.   3.4 LAT - Last Active Timeslot   Attribute type: Read only Format: GET LAT Replies: DDMMYY HHMMSS HHMMSS is the time point, with 24 hours notation, and DDMMYY is the date of the last measured timeslot / activity. This can be used for troubleshooting if there are suspicions that a Server antenna is broken. During startup of the repeater this time point is set to current time. Example: GET LAT Reply: 164500 070498 indicating that last active timeslot was detected on 7’th of April 1998 at 16:45.   3.5 PRF - Sending of Report  Attribute type: Read and Write This parameter determines whether sending of traffic report is enabled or not. Format: X X = 0 means sending of traffic report enabled X = 1 means sending of traffic report disabled Example: GET PRF Reply:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  66 (96)  1 means no traffic report will be sent to the repeater OMC. Example: SET PRF 0 enables the sending of the report.    3.6 TAT - Traffic Activity Threshold   Attribute type: Read and Write The Traffic Activity Threshold defines how many timeslots should be sampled during one traffic interval (15 minutes) in order for the repeater to consider traffic to have passed through the repeater. This threshold is used in conjunction with the Active Intervals String (attribute AIS. Interval is settable from 1 to 32000, but value is defaulted to 10. Format: X X determines the number of detected timeslots needed in one interval to define that traffic has been sent through the repeater. Note! This value is the total number of timeslots, independent of the number of channels installed in the repeater. Example: GET TAT Reply: 100 meaning that 100 timeslots are needed to define an interval as active. Example: SET TAT 10 changes this value to 10 timeslots. 3.7 TTL - Traffic Threshold   Attribute type: Read and Write Threshold for traffic. This defines above what level the in signal has to be in the uplink path to be considered traffic.  Format: GET TTL Replies: X X is the lowest signal that should be sampled on the input to be considered traffic. Example: GET TTL Replies: -85 meaning that in signal has to be –85 dBm or higher to be considered traffic. Example: SET TTL –80 changes this value to –80 dBm.   3.8 TPD - Timepoint of Traffic Report Transmission   Attribute type: Read and Write
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  67 (96)  This parameter sets the time of the day when the traffic report is to be sent to the repeater OMC. If a report fails to be sent, the repeater will try to retransmit the reports with a settable interval. Refer to attributes RCR and MRR for information on how to change the number of retransmissions and retransmit interval. Format: HHMMSS HH is the hour in 24-hour representation, MM is minutes and SS is seconds. Example: GET TPD Reply: 031500 means that the report is sent to the repeater OMC at a quarter past three in the morning. Example:  SET TPD 230000 Changes this time to 11 in the evening.   3.9 TRF - Traffic String   Attribute type: Read only Reply format: X Y M……M X is the date of the first measurement in the Format DDMMYYY Y is the time point of the start of the first interval in the measurement in the format HHMMSS M..M shows information about the 96 intervals of 15 minutes each M = '0' means a utilization of 0% to 2% M = '1' means a utilization of 2% to 4% ... M = '9' means a utilization of 18% to 20% M = 'A' means a utilization of 20% to 22% M = 'B' means a utilization of 22% to 24% ... ... M = 'T' means a utilization of 58% to 60% M = 'a' means a utilization of 60% to 62% M = 'b' means a utilization of 62% to 64% M = 't' means a utilization of 98% to 100% If no data is available, a dash ('-') is reported. The starting time point of the first measurement is set with the attribute TPD.   3.10 UCI - Utilization Current Interval   Attribute type: Read only Gives a reply of the utilization so far in current interval. Format: X X is a one decimal value of the repeater utilization. Example: GET UCI Reply: 16.8 meaning 16.8% of the timeslots are used so far in the current interval.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  68 (96)  3.11 ULI - Utilization Last Interval   Attribute type: Read only Gives a reply of the utilization in last measured interval. Format: X X is a one decimal value of the repeater utilization of the last measured interval. Example: GET ULI Reply: 12.7 meaning 12.7% of the timeslots where used in the last measured 15 minutes interval.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  69 (96)  4 Alarm Attribute Configuration Format: AAA X Y Z LLL UUU TTT AAA is the alarm attribute to configure (see table below). X has double functionality. It determines whether an alarm should be send if error is detected, and it also configures whether the alarm relay should be affected by the alarm source.  X = 0 means alarm transmission enabled, but alarm doesn’t affect the relay output X = 1 means alarm transmission disabled, and does not affect the relay. X = 2 means alarm transmission is enabled, and alarm affects the relay output. X = 3 means alarm transmission is disabled, but alarm affects relay output Y determines whether an alarm requires to be acknowledged or not. (When using data call, an alarm is considered acknowledged when the controller has successfully logged in to the OMC, and delivered the alarm. In case of SMS, an alarm is considered acknowledged when an acknowledge message is received from the main address. The alarms can also be acknowledged with the command ACT ACK when logged in locally or remotely. If an alarm is not acknowledged, it will be retransmitted up to MNR (maximum number of retransmissions) times, with RCA (repetition cycle for alarms) minutes interval. Refer to attributes MNR and RCA.) Y = 0 means Acknowledge required Y = 1 means No acknowledge required Z is a threshold indicator, indicating how thresholds are used for this particular alarm source. Z = 1 means that both thresholds are used for alarm calculation. Z = 2 means that lower threshold is used Z = 3 means that upper threshold is used Z = 4 means that thresholds are ignored, i.e. digital measurement. Note! Changing parameter Z does NOT affect the measurement of the alarm source. Z is just an indicator of how the measurement is done, and should NEVER be changed. LLL is the value of the lower threshold used for alarm calculation UUU is the value of the upper threshold used for alarm calculation. TTT is the time an alarm has to be in erroneous state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA TEM Returns: 0 0 3 000 060 5 This means that alarm is enabled and acknowledge required. Upper threshold is used in measuring the alarm, , lower threshold not set (000),  60 (degrees) is the upper threshold and that the temperature has to be higher than 60 for 5 seconds before an alarm is triggered. Example: SET ALA TEM 0 0 3 0 60 20 modifies the above alarm source to generate an alarm when the temperature has been above 60 degrees for more than 20 seconds. The following table describes the usage of the thresholds of the different alarm sources. 4.1 AIM - Antenna Isolation Measurements Antenna isolation measurement is performed using a special feature in the LIMPA’s, allowing for output channel to be shifted from the input channel. Two channels are used, one BCCH channel, and one so called Listener channel. By default, these channels are the ones configured in chain one and two, but can with attribute AIC (Antenna Isolation
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  70 (96)  Measurement Channels) be changed. The measurement is automatically performed by the following steps: 1. Output is turned of in the repeater downlink paths, except in chain 1. 2. Channel in chain 1 is optionally changed to the alternative BCCH channel. 3. Channel in chain 2 is optionally changed to the alternative Listener channel. 4. Output channel in chain 1 downlink is changed to the Listener channel. 5. Since the BCCH in chain one is transmitted as the Listener channel, we measure the input signal on the Listener channel. Antenna isolation can now be calculated as transmitted output power in chain one – received input signal in chain 2. 6. Compare the measured signal with the alarm threshold ( ALA AIM ), and, depending on measurement result, generate alarm or end of alarm. 7. All radio parameters are restored to the default. The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain timepoint of the day, configurable using attributes AIE and AIT)  All measurements in the repeater will affect the alarm transmission, meaning that a user initiated measurement (using command ACT AIM) will also generate an alarm if isolation is outside allowed interval. Lower Threshold: This is treated differently in Frequency Shifting repeaters and conventional repeaters; 2- and 4-channel Conventional Repeaters: The lower threshold determines how many dB above the gain settings in downlink chain one the isolation must be. Frequency Translating Repeaters: The lower threshold shows the lowest absolute isolation in dB before an alarm is triggere. Upper Threshold: Not used. Time Threshold: This indicates how many times the antenna isolation should have been measured as outside allowed interval before an alarm is triggered. Note! Since the antenna isolation is scheduled for measurement once per day, it is recommended that the value is set to one. Example in Frequency Translating repeaters: GET ALA AIM Returns: 0 0 2 75 0 1 This means that alarm is enabled and acknowledge required. Lower threshold is used in calculating the alarms. Lowest allowed antenna isolation is 75 dB, and the isolation needs to be outside allowed interval in one measurement before the alarm is triggered. Example in Frequency 2- and 4-channel Conventional Repeaters: SET ALA AIM 0 0 2 20 1 This sets the alarm as enabled and that acknowledge is required. Lower threshold is used in calculating the alarms. Lowest allowed antenna isolation is 20 dB above gain settings in chain 1 DL, and the isolation needs to be outside allowed interval in one measurement before the alarm is triggered. If the gain in the repeater is set to 84 dB, the isolation in this example must be at least 104 dB. Note! Antenna isolation is not measured in Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  71 (96)  4.2 AMD - Amplifier Chain Downlink When measuring the amplifier chains, the input signal to and output power in the chain is measured. Depending on input signal level, the expected output power is calculated with regards to attenuation and gain in repeater. If the expected output level is not correct, an alarm is generated..  Lower Threshold: This indicates how many dB’s the output power is allowed to drop from the expected output power before an alarm is generated. Upper Threshold: This indicates how many dB’s the output power is allowed to increase from the calculated output power before an alarm is generated. Time Threshold: This defines how many seconds an alarm source must be in error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA AMD Reply: 0 0 1 003 003 003 meaning that output power level can be 3 dB higher or 3 dB lower than expected before an alarm is triggered. The amplifier chain must be measured as error for 3 seconds before alarm is triggered. 4.3 AMU - Amplifier Chain Uplink When measuring the amplifier chains, the input signal to and output power in the chain is measured. Depending on input signal level, the expected output power is calculated with regards to attenuation and gain in repeater. If the expected output level is not correct, an alarm is generated..  Lower Threshold: This indicates how many dB’s the output power is allowed to drop from the expected output power before an alarm is generated. Upper Threshold: This indicates how many dB’s the output power is allowed to increase from the calculated output power before an alarm is generated. Time Threshold: This defines how many seconds an alarm source must be in error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA AMU Reply: 0 0 1 003 003 003 meaning that output power level can be 3 dB higher or 3 dB lower than expected before an alarm is triggered. The amplifier chain must be measured as error for 3 seconds before alarm is triggered. 4.4 ASD - Amplifier Chain Saturation Downlink The LIMPA’s contain circuitry to see how far into saturation the amplifier chain has gone. As described for the ASL attribute, the saturation can be detected in four different levels: 0 means amplifier is below optimum settings (can be due to lack of input signal) 1 means amplifier is working in the optimum range. 2 means amplifier is going into saturation and that gain should be decreased. 3 means amplifier is well into saturation, and that gain must be decreased to avoid degradation of signal quality. This alarm attribute configures when a saturation alarm should be generated.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  72 (96)  Lower Threshold: Not used Upper Threshold: This defines what from what saturation level (0-3) an alarm situation is entered. Setting this value to 0 will always generate an alarm. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the amplifier chain has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA ASD Reply: 0 0 3 000 002 3 indicates that if saturation level two or higher is entered an alarm situation has occurred, and that an alarm will be triggered after three seconds in this situation. 4.5 ASU - Amplifier Chain Saturation Uplink   The LIMPA’s contain circuitry to see how far into saturation the amplifier chain has gone. As described for the ASL attribute, the saturation can be detected in four different levels: 0 means amplifier is below optimum settings (can be due to lack of input signal) 1 means amplifier is working in the optimum range. 2 means amplifier is going into saturation and that gain should be decreased. 3 means amplifier is well into saturation, and that gain must be decreased to avoid degradation of signal quality. This alarm attribute configures when a saturation alarm should be generated. Lower Threshold: Not used Upper Threshold: This defines what from what saturation level (0-3) an alarm situation is entered. Setting this value to 0 will always generate an alarm. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the amplifier chain has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA ASU Reply: 0 0 3 000 002 3 indicates that if saturation level two or higher is entered an alarm situation has occurred, and that an alarm will be triggered after three seconds in this situation. 4.6 BAT - Battery for Mobile Equipment The mobile equipment is backed up by an external battery, which contains enough power to generate an alarm to the repeater OMC in case of a power failure. The Battery alarm generates an alarm if the battery charge under normal conditions (no power failure) drops below a configurable threshold, or if a too high charge is detected. Lower Threshold: Indicates the lower voltage level that is allowed before an alarm is generated. The level is displayed without decimal point. Configuring lower level as 89 means that the lowest allowed level is 8.9 Volts. Upper Threshold: Indicates the upper voltage level that is allowed before an alarm is generated.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  73 (96)  The level is displayed without decimal point. Configuring upper level as 110 means that the highest allowed level is 11.0 Volts. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the battery charge has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA BAT Reply: 0 0 1 83 112 3 indicates that if the power drops below 8.3 Volts, or exceeds 11.2 Volts, an erroneous state is reached.  After 3 seconds in error state, an alarm is triggered. 4.7 CLR - Changes made by logged in user   If a user logs in to the repeater, and changes one or more of the repeater settings, an alarm can be sent to the repeater OMC. The alarm configuration for the CLR attribute is only used to configure whether the alarm should be sent (Enabled), and if the alarm requires an acknowledgement. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Not Used Example GET ALA CLR  Reply: 0 0 4 0 0 0 indicates that the alarm will be generated, and also requires an acknowledgement. 4.8 COM - Communication Between Controller and Active Devices The COM alarm indicates if there is an error in the communication between the controller and active devices. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the communication is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a communications error should be detected before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA COM Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 003 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the communication must fail for 3 seconds before an alarm is generated.   4.9 DOO - Door The Door alarm is generated if the door is opened. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the door is closed (OK), or opened (Error).
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  74 (96)  Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the door should be opened before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA DOO Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 010 meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the door needs to be opened for 10 seconds before an alarm is triggered. 4.10 EX1 - External Alarm 1 The external alarm allows the user to connect external alarm sources, for example fire alarms or external door sensors to the controller. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the external alarm is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds an external alarm should be in error state before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA EX1 Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 020 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the external alarm needs to be in Error state for 20 seconds before an alarm is generated. Note! In order to configure the external alarm polarity (active high or active low), please refer to attribute EXT. 4.11 EX2 - External Alarm 2 The external alarm allows the user to connect external alarm sources, for example fire alarms or external door sensors to the controller. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the external alarm is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds an external alarm should be in error state before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA EX2 Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 005 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the external alarm needs to be in Error state for 5 seconds before an alarm is generated.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  75 (96)  Note! In order to configure the external alarm polarity (active high or active low), please refer to attribute EXT. 4.12 EX3 - External Alarm 3 The external alarm allows the user to connect external alarm sources, for example fire alarms or external door sensors to the controller. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the external alarm is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds an external alarm should be in error state before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA EX3 Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 002 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the external alarm needs to be in Error state for 2 seconds before an alarm is generated. Note! In order to configure the external alarm polarity (active high or active low), please refer to attribute EXT. 4.13 EX4 - External Alarm 4 The external alarm allows the user to connect external alarm sources, for example fire alarms or external door sensors to the controller. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the external alarm is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds an external alarm should be in error state before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA EX4 Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 010 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the external alarm needs to be in Error state for 10 seconds before an alarm is generated. Note! In order to configure the external alarm polarity (active high or active low), please refer to attribute EXT. 4.14 FRX - Fiber Optic Receiver  The Fiber Optic Receiver alarm is triggered when there is a failure in the Fiber Optic Interface receiver equipment. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the receiver is OK, or broken (Error). Lower Threshold: Not Used.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  76 (96)  Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the receiver should be in error condition opened before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA FRX Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 003 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the receiver needs needs to be in error for 3 seconds before an alarm is triggered. Note! This alarm attribute is only used in Fiber Optic fed repeaters. 4.15 FTX - Fiber Optic Transmitter The Fiber Optic Transmitter alarm is triggered when there is a failure in the Fiber Optic transmitter equipment. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the transmitter is OK, or broken (Error). Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the transmitter should be in error condition opened before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA FTX Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 003 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the transmitter needs needs to be in error for 3 seconds before an alarm is triggered. Note! This alarm attribute is only used in Fiber Optic fed repeaters. 4.16 ILI - Illegal Logins exceeded limit When a user makes an invalid login attempt, the repeater increases a counter of invalid logins. This counter is decreased by one every hour. If the counter reaches a configurable threshold (please refer to the ILA attribute), an alarm can be generated to the repeater OMC. The alarm configuration for the ILI attribute is only used to configure whether the alarm should be sent (Enabled), and if the alarm requires an acknowledgement. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Not Used Example GET ALA ILI Reply: 0 1 4 0 0 0
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  77 (96)  indicates that the alarm will be generated, but doesn’t require an acknowledgement. 4.17 IOD - Input Overload Downlink The input circuitry in the downlink chain contains circuitry to detect if there is an input overload on the downlink chain. The measurement is always measured in downlink chain 1, but the detector is a broadband detector, covering the entire downlink band where the repeater is operational. This alarm is used to detect if there is other equipment in the frequency band causing the input of the repeater to be blocked, and hence decreasing the repeater performance. This can for example be a base station from another operator being mounted too close to the repeater donor antenna. This is a purely digital measurement, meaning that either the measurement is OK, or input overload is high. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Number of consecutive measurements on the input overload detector before an alarm is triggered. Exampl: GET ALA IOD  Repyl: 0 0 4 0 0 3 indicates that the alarm transmission is enabled, and also requires an acknowledgement. The input overload has to be measured as too high three consecutive times before an alarm is triggered.  4.18 IOU - Input Overload Uplink The input circuitry in the uplink chain contains circuitry to detect if there is an input overload on the uplink chain.  The measurement is always measured in uplink chain 1, but the detector is a broadband detector, covering the entire uplink band where the repeater is operational. This alarm is used to detect if there is other equipment in the frequency band causing the input of the repeater to be blocked, and hence decreasing the repeater performance. This can for example be harmonics from TV-transmitters or other strong radio signals. This is a purely digital measurement, meaning that either the measurement is OK, or input overload is high. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Number of consecutive measurements on the input overload detector before an alarm is triggered. Exampl: GET ALA IOU  Repyl: 0 0 4 0 0 3 indicates that the alarm is enabled, and also requires an acknowledgement. The input overload has to be measured as too high three consecutive times before an alarm is triggered.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  78 (96)  4.19 LGO - User logged out from repeater If a user logs in to the repeater, an alarm is triggered. Also, an alarm can be configured to be sent away indicating the user logged out. The alarm configuration for the LGO attribute is only used to configure whether the alarm should be sent (Enabled), and if the alarm requires an acknowledgement. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Not Used Example GET ALA LGO  Reply: 0 0 4 0 0 0 indicates that the alarm will be generated, and also requires an acknowledgement. 4.20 PDL - Power Level BCCH Downlink If the output power of the BCCH in the downlink drops below a certain threshold, for example if an obstacle is raised between the feeding base station and the repeater, an alarm is generated. Lower Threshold: This indicates the lower value in dBm for when the BCCH is considered too low. Upper Threshold: Not Used. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a too low output power  should be measured before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA PDL Reply: 0 0 3 024 000 003 indicating that if BCCH drops below 24 dBm an erroneous level is detected, upper threshold is ignored and the output level must be too low for 3 seconds before an alarm is generated. Note! If the lower threshold is set lower than the lowest detectable output power in the repeater, the alarm will be ignored. 4.21 PSL - Power Supply Level The Power Supply Level is configured to generate an alarm if the mains power supply level drops below or increases above a configured threshold. Depending on if power supply is AC or DC configured, the alarm thresholds are set correspondingly. Lower Threshold: Indicates the level in Volts that is the lowest allowed input voltage. Upper Threshold: Indicates the level in Volts that is the highest allowed input voltage. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the input voltage has to be outside allowed interval in order to be considered an alarm. Example:
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  79 (96)  GET ALA PSL Reply: 0 0 1 207 263 3 indicates that if the allowed input Voltage range is 207 Volts to 263 Volts, and that an alarm will be triggered if Voltage is outside allowed interval for 3 seconds.  4.22 PTM - Power Supply Temperature If the temperature in the power supply exceeds or decrease below a certain threshold, an alarm is triggered. Lower Threshold: Defines the temperature in degrees Celsius for when the temperature is considered too low. Upper Threshold: Defines the temperature in degrees Celsius for when the temperature is considered too high. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a too high temperature should be measured before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA PTM Reply: 0 0 1 -20 080 005 Meaning that lower threshold is –20° C , upper temperature threshold is 80° C and the power supply temperature must be out of range for 5 seconds before an alarm is generated. 4.23 PW1 - Power Supply 1 The Power Supply 1 alarm is configured to generate an alarm if the +28 V drops below, or raise above a certain threshold. This threshold is used for all alarm sources where the PW1 is monitored. Lower Threshold: Configures in Volts*10 how much the voltage can drop before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring lower threshold to 265 means that the lower threshold is 26.5 Volts. Upper Threshold: Configures in Volts*10 how much the voltage can increase before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring upper threshold to 290 means that the upper threshold is 29.0 Volts. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the Power Supply has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA PW1 Reply: 0 0 1 275 285 3 indicates that if the power drops 0.5 Volts, or increases 0.5 Volts, an erroneous state is reached. It also shows that after 3 seconds of error, an alarm is triggered. 4.24 PW2 - Power Supply 2 The Power Supply 2 alarm is configured to generate an alarm if the +15 V drops below, or raise above a certain threshold. This threshold is used for all alarm sources where the PW2 is monitored. Lower Threshold: Configures in Volts*10 how much the voltage can drop before an alarm status is entered.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  80 (96)  For example, configuring lower threshold to 145 means that the lower threshold is 14.5 Volts. Upper Threshold: Configures in Volts*10 how much the voltage can increase before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring upper threshold to 155 means that the upper threshold is 15.5 Volts. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the Power Supply has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA PW2 Reply: 0 0 1 143 157 3 indicates that if the power drops 0.7 Volts, or increases 0.5 Volts, an erroneous state is reached. It also shows that after 3 seconds of error, an alarm is triggered. 4.25 PW3 - Power Supply 3 The Power Supply 3 alarm is configured to generate an alarm if the +6.45 V drops below, or raise above a certain threshold. This threshold is used for all alarm sources where the PW3 is monitored. Lower Threshold: Configures in Volts*100 how much the voltage can drop before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring lower threshold to 610 means that the lower threshold is 6.1 Volts. Upper Threshold: Configures in Volts*100 how much the voltage can increase before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring upper threshold to 670 means that the upper threshold is 6.7 Volts. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the Power Supply has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA PW3 Reply: 0 0 1 630 680 3 indicates that if the power drops below 6.3 Volts, or exceeds 6.8 Volts, an erroneous state is reached. It also shows that after 3 seconds of error, an alarm is triggered. 4.26 PW4 - Power Supply 4 The Power Supply 4 alarm is configured to generate an alarm if the +6.45 V feeding the controller drops below, or raise above a certain threshold. Lower Threshold: Configures in Volts*100 how much the voltage can drop before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring lower threshold to 630 means that the lower threshold is 6.3 Volts. Upper Threshold: Configures in Volts*100 how much the voltage can increase before an alarm status is entered.  For example, configuring upper threshold to 670 means that the upper threshold is 6.7 Volts. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds the Power Supply has to be in an error state before an alarm is triggered. Example: GET ALA PW4 Reply: 0 0 1 630 680 3
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  81 (96)  indicates that if the power drops below 6.3 Volts, or exceeds 6.8 Volts, an erroneous state is reached. It also shows that after 3 seconds of error, an alarm is triggered. 4.27 SZD - Synthesizer Downlink The synthesizer alarm indicates if a synthesizer in the repeater is unlocked. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the synthesizer is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a synthesizer should be unlocked before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA SZD Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 003 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the synthesizer needs to be unlocked for 3 seconds before an alarm is generated. 4.28 SZU - Synthesizer Uplink The synthesizer alarm indicates if a synthesizer in the repeater is unlocked. This is a purely digital measurement, i.e. either the synthesizer is OK, or in Error. Lower Threshold: Not Used. Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a synthesizer should be unlocked before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA SZU Reply: 0 0 4 000 000 003 Meaning that lower and upper thresholds are ignored, and the synthesizer needs to be unlocked for 3 seconds before an alarm is generated. 4.29 TEM - Temperature If the temperature in the unit exceeds or decrease below a certain threshold, an alarm is triggered. Lower Threshold: Defines the temperature in degrees Celsius for when the temperature is considered too low. Upper Threshold: Defines the temperature in degrees Celsius for when the temperature is considered too high. Time Threshold: Defines how many seconds a too high temperature should be measured before an alarm is generated. Example: GET ALA TEM Reply: 0 0 1 -20 65 5
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  82 (96)  Meaning that lower threshold is –20° C , upper temperature threshold is 65° C and the temperature must be out of range for 5 seconds before an alarm is generated. 4.30 VLI - Valid Login to repeater If a user logs in to the repeater, an alarm is triggered. The alarm configuration for the VLI attribute is only used to configure whether the alarm should be sent (Enabled), and if the alarm requires an acknowledgement. Lower Threshold: Not Used Upper Threshold: Not Used Time Threshold: Not Used Example GET ALA VLI  Reply: 0 1 4 0 0 0 indicates that the alarm will be generated, but does not require an acknowledgement. Note! The VLI alarm will not be sent to the repeater OMC until the user logged out from the repeater, and thus releases the communications interface. 4.31 WRD - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Downlink The VSWR unit monitors the reflected power level at the server anenna port(s). If the the difference between the transmitted and reflected power is too low, an alarm is generated. Lower Threshold: This configures how many dB that can differ between transmitted and reflected power in the downlink before an alarm is generated.  Upper Threshold: Not used. Time Threshold: This defines after how many seconds in alarm condition that an alarm will be generated. Example: GET ALA WRD Reply: 0 0 2 013 000 003 This shows that if the difference between transmitted and reflected power is less than 13 dB, and this is measured for three seconds in a row, an alarm will be generated.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  83 (96)   5 Miscellaneous Command Attributes The following commands are available both from login and, when supported, via Short Message Service (SMS). The commands can also be sent from the Avitec Element Manager and the Avitec Maintenance Console 5.1 ACT ACK  Acknowledges alarm  Format: ACT ACK X X is alarm with message number X. Example: ACT ACK 42 Acknowledges alarm with message number 42 Requires Read and Write access when logged in. Via SMS, this can only be performed by the Main Address 5.2 ACT AIM This command is used to perform antenna isolation measurements. Antenna isolation measurement is performed using a special feature in the LIMPA’s, allowing for output channel to be shifted from the input channel. Two channels are used, one BCCH channel, and one so called Listener channel. By default, these channels are the ones configured in chain one and two, but can with attribute AIC (Antenna Isolation Measurement Channels) be changed. The measurement is performed by the following steps: 8. Output is turned of in chain 2 of the repeater in the downlink path. 9. Channel in chain 1 is optionally changed to the alternative BCCH channel. 10. Channel in chain 2 is optionally changed to the alternative Listener channel. 11. Output channel in chain 1 downlink is changed to the Listener channel. 12. Since the BCCH in chain one is transmitted as the Listener channel, we measure the input signal on the Listener channel. Antenna isolation can now be calculated as transmitted output power in chain one – received input signal in chain 2. 13. Compare the measured signal with the alarm threshold ( ALA AIM ), and, depending on measurement result, generate alarm or end of alarm. 14. All radio parameters are restored to the default. The repeater can be configured to measure the antenna isolation on a certain timepoint of the day (configured using attributes AIE and AIT).  By default, downlink chain 1 and 2 settings are used for the antenna measurements. If only one chain is enabled in the repeater, or if measurement should be done on other channels, this attribute can be used to configure the alternate channels. Typically this measurement takes around 3-4 seconds. Under normal circumstances, the GSM network should be able to keep the call during this absence of radio signal, but in some cases the call might be dropped. If this measurement is requested remotely, the call might be dropped. In order to read out the last measurement, use the command GET LAI (Last Antenna Isolation Measurement).
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  84 (96)  Note 1! This command will return the command prompt directly, and the actual measurement will be performed in the background. In order to get the last measurement, poll the GET LAI until time stamp in the reply shows that the measurement is completed. Note 2! Since Fiber Optic repeaters and repeaters CSFT18922 and CSFT91822 cannot oscillate, measuring antenna isolation will not give a meaningful result. For that reason, automatic antenna isolation is not by default enabled in these repeaters. 5.3 ACT CLO Clears all entries in the alarm log. Requires Read and Write access when logged in. Via SMS, this can only be performed by the Main Address 5.4 ACT HBT Heartbeat Request Causes the controller to send a heartbeat immediately after logout. Can be used to synchronize the heartbeat transmissions in the Element Manager. 5.5 ACT RCD This command is used to perform a power cycle of the modem directly after the next logout from the repeater is performed. Note! The controller can also be configured to automatically turn off and turn on the modem once per day. This feature can be used to ensure that the modem parameters when using for example GSM modems contain the latest network parameters such as HLR update interval etc. Attribute MPE is used to configure if automatic modem power cycling should be enabled. Timepoint for when to power cycling the modem can be set with attribute MPT. In order to read out Last modem Power Cycling timepoint, use attribute LPC. 5.6 ACT RHW Performs a hardware reset of the active devices ( not including the controller) 5.7 ACT RSR Resets the controller software, as if the power has been switched off and back on. Requires Read and Write access when logged in. Via SMS, this can only be performed by the Main Address Note 1! If logged in, an automatic logout will immediately occur. Note 2! Since the controller always sends End of Power alarm after power up, two alarms will be sent away every time a reset is performed, end of Power 1 and end of Power 2. 5.8 ACT TRE Test Relay Connection. For installation testing purposes, it is possible to test the open / close function of the relay. This test procedure makes sure the relay is closed for 2.5 seconds, then opens for 10 seconds, and finally closes for 2.5 seconds before going back to original state. Note! During this test interval, the relay connection will be unaffected by all alarms. 5.9 ACT UPA Use Primary Address.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  85 (96)  Causes the controller to force the controller back to primary OMC address, in case secondary address is used. 6 Commands The following commands are only available when logged in to the repeater, either via Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT), or via a remote login over a modem. 6.1 ACCESS MODEM If user is logged in locally, the user can directly send characters from the keyboard to the modem attached to the controller.  When typing ACCESS MODEM, the controller will send all the characters typed directly out the modem port. All characters replied back from the modem will go directly out the LMT port. This command can, together with the modem manual, be used to troubleshoot specific modem communication problems. To abort an ACCESS MODEM session, press <Ctrl>-C, or use the escape sequence <Wait 1 s> ‘---‘ <Wait 1 s>. Note that the three ‘-‘ must be pressed within one second.  Note! When accessing the modem port the modem might be configured with “echo off”, meaning that the characters entered will not be echoed back to the screen. In order to enable the characters to be echoed back from the modem, please hit <CR>.  After that, type  ATE1 followed by <CR>.The modem should then reply with OK indicating that the echo is enabled.   6.2 CLEAR LOG By entering this command, the alarm log in the controller will be cleared. This is the same as using the command ACT CLO, as described in section Miscellaneous Command Attributes. 6.3 CLEAR SCREEN By entering this command, the screen will be cleared from old information. 6.4 HARDWARE Displays a list of all the configured hardware devices in the equipment, including serial number, software and hardware versions. This command is also used to reconfigure the system after replacing a broken module. Format: HARDWARE REPLACE <OldSNO> <NewSNO> [Article Number] <OldSNO> is the serial number of the module that has been removed <NewSNO> is the serial number of the new module [Article Number] is used if a passive module, such as a distribution board or external interface board is changed. Example 1: HARDWARE REPLACE 2J3A 3ASA  replaces the broken module 2J3A with the new module 3ASA.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  86 (96)  Example 2: HARDWARE REPLACE 3AZC 3EEF J691001A replaces the old module 3AZC with the new module 3EEF, with article number J691001A. 6.5 HELP Displays a simple help screen. Note! This screen can also, if terminal emulation for the communications package is set to VT100, be brought up by pressing the key F1. 6.6 LOG The LOG command displays all the entries in the alarm log. Information is given about when the alarm was detected, what kind of alarm, severity, attribute etc. 6.7 LOGOUT Ends the controller login session. If logged in remotely, the modem connection will, as a part of the logout procedure, be disconnected. 6.8 MODEM This command gives a quick overview of some of the modem configurations, such as modem type and initialization string etc. 6.9 MP The controller is responsible for applying power to the communications equipment (CE). This command turns on and off the power to the modem (MP = Modem Power).  MP ON Turn the power to the modem on.  MP OFF Turn the power to the modem off. If this is done remotely, the connection will hang up immediately.  6.10 PERF Displays the traffic report screen. Note! This screen can also, if terminal emulation for the communications package is set to VT100, be brought up by pressing the key F4. 6.11 REINIT This command reinitializes ALL controller factory settings. The controller will prompt for Date, Time, serial number of active devices etc. Note! All the hardware configuration, address information, modem configuration, etc will be set to default values. This means that the unit will not be operational with the old settings anymore.  This command should normally ONLY be used if a control module have been replaced. 6.12 SILENT ON / SILENT OFF When the user is logged out from the controller, the controller sends information out on the LMT port about current activities, such as modem check, alarm transmission and report transmissions etc. SILENT ON
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  87 (96)  configures the controller to not send any information out, while SILENT OFF will enable the controller to send information out on the LMT port. 6.13 STATUS Displays the status screen, containing all relevant RF-parameters, and all status parameters. Note! This screen can also, if terminal emulation for the communications package is set to VT100, be brought up by pressing the key F3. 6.14 SYSTEM Displays a screen with different system parameters, such as serial numbers, failure statistics and hardware/software versions. 6.15 TRACE AMP This command displays a trace of the sampled input and output power levels. This trace is useful for verifying if BCCH signals exists, and see the approximate input and output signal levels in dBm. Also, gain calculation status is displayed for each chain, indicating whether the gain is within expected interval or not. If an output power is below lowest detectable output power, a ‘<X’ is displayed, where X is the lowest detectable output power. Trace Example: 4UL Ipl:-106.9 Opl:<15.0 - OK                              1DL Ipl:-53.7 Opl:36.5 - OK                               2DL Ipl:-98.5 Opl:<15.0 - OK 1UL Ipl:-105.2 Opl:<15.0 - OK 2UL Ipl:-105.8 Opl:<15.0 - OK 3DL Ipl:-103.2 Opl:<15.0 - OK 4DL Ipl:-102.8 Opl:<15.0 - OK 3UL Ipl:-63.2 Opl:33.0 - OK 4UL Ipl:-106.6 Opl:<15.0 - OK 1DL Ipl:-53.7 Opl:36.5 - OK 2DL Ipl:-98.6 Opl:<15.0 - OK 1UL Ipl:-105.2 Opl:<15.0 - OK 2UL Ipl:-105.8 Opl:<15.0 - OK 3UL Ipl:-63.1 Opl:33.1 - OK 4UL Ipl:-106.8 Opl:<15.0 – OK As seen in the example, chain 1 downlink (BCCH) has -53.7 dBm input signal, and the output signal is 36.5 dBm. Also, uplink channel 3 (a traffic channel) has an input signal of around -63 dBm and an output power of 33.1 dBm.  Since input level + repeater corresponds to measured output power level, an OK is displayed after each measurement, indicating the amplifier chain works as expected. Note! Please refer to attributes IPL and OPL for further description of input and output power measurements. 6.16 TRACE TRAFFIC The controller constantly measures all timeslots in the uplink paths of all the chains. Every 15 minutes an average of the utilization in the uplink path is calculated and stored in a log.  In order to be able to detect number of time slots occupied in each frame, the repeater extracts a downlink synchronization signal from the BCCH, which must be configured for chain one downlink. This synchronization signal is used by the uplink LIMPA’s to measure timeslots in last frame.  If the BCCH cannot be extracted, a built in timer in the LIMPA tries to generate an approximate frame length, from which number of occupied timeslots in this frame is measured.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  88 (96)  Note! Total numbers of time slots detected are correctly detected even if the frame synchronization is not present.  By using the TRACE TRAFFIC command it is possible to see the actual utilization on a chain by chain basis. Depending on if this is a two or four channel repeater a number of columns are presented. The first two (or four) columns represent the number of time slots detected in last sampled frame. The following columns, starting with S: denotes number of timeslots detected in this interval. The columns starting with Tot: shows how many timeslots have elapsed so far in this interval. The % column shows percent of the timeslots have been active/occupied in this interval. If the string “No DL sync!” follows the trace, it means that the BCCH signal cannot be extracted from downlink chain one, and that timeslots last frame are estimated based on the timer in the LIMPA. Example: 1 0 S:1680 8220 Tot:259950 259950  %:1.46 No DL sync! 0 2 S:1708 8244 Tot:261683 261683  %:1.45 No DL sync! 1 2 S:1723 8267 Tot:263416 263416  %:1.44 No DL sync! 0 0 S:1730 8301 Tot:265149 265149  %:1.43 No DL sync! 1 2 S:1755 8330 Tot:266882 266882  %:1.41 No DL sync!  This trace shows an average utilization of around 1.4 % so far in this interval.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  89 (96)  7 Heartbeat Format For Status parameters ‘0’ means OK and ‘1’ means ERROR. The information in the Heartbeat message can also be achieved by using the command GET ALL, which will reply with all information except fields RepeaterID..Time. 7.1 Heartbeat Format in conventional 2-channel Repeaters Field  Format  Description Repeater ID  XX-YY-ZZZZ   Message no  NNNNN   State STATE  Date DDMMYY  Time HHMMSS  RCH  NNNN  Repetition cycle for heartbeat reports CHA 1  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 1 CHA 2  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 2 ATU 1  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 1 ATU 2  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 2 ATD 1  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 1 ATD 2  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 2 LVU 1  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 2  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 1  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 2  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. PDL   BB  BCCH Status Downlink ASU   BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm uplink ASD  BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm downlink AMU   BB  Status of amplifier chains uplink  AMD   BB  Status of amplifier chains downlink SZU  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Uplink SZD  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Downlink COM  BBBBBB  Status communication with active devices BAT / DOO / EXT / TEM  BBBBBB  State of battery charge for mobile phone equipment/ State of door / State of external pins 1-4 / Status of temperature IOU / IOD / AIM  BBB  Status of Input Overload Uplink / Downlink / Antenna Isolation Measurement PSL  B  Status of Power Supply input Level PTM  B  Status of Power Supply Temperature
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  90 (96)  PW1  BBB  Status of +28 V Power Distribution PW2  BBB  Status of +15 Power Distribution PW3  BBBB  Status of +6.45 V Power Distribution PW4  B  Status of +6.45 V to Controller WRD  B  Status of VSWR downlink 7.2 Heartbeat Format in 2-channel Fiber Optic Repeaters Field  Format  Description Repeater ID  XX-YY-ZZZZ   Message no  NNNNN   State STATE  Date DDMMYY  Time HHMMSS  RCH  NNNN  Repetition cycle for heartbeat reports CHA 1  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 1 CHA 2  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 2 ATU 1  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 1 ATU 2  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 2 ATD 1  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 1 ATD 2  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 2 LVU 1  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 2  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 1  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 2  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. PDL   BB  BCCH Status Downlink ASU   BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm uplink ASD  BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm downlink AMU   BB  Status of amplifier chains uplink  AMD   BB  Status of amplifier chains downlink SZU  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Uplink SZD  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Downlink COM  BBBBBBB  Status communication with active devices BAT / DOO / EXT / TEM  BBBBBB  State of battery charge for mobile phone equipment/ State of door / State of external pins 1-4 / Status of temperature IOU / IOD / AIM  BBB  Status of Input Overload Uplink / Downlink / Antenna Isolation Measurement PSL  B  Status of Power Supply input Level PTM  B  Status of Power Supply Temperature
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  91 (96)  PW1  BBB  Status of +28 V Power Distribution PW2  BBB  Status of +15 Power Distribution PW3  BBBB  Status of +6.45 V Power Distribution PW4  B  Status of +6.45 V to Controller WRD  B  Status of VSWR downlink FRX/FTX  BB  Status Fiber Optic Receiver/Transmitter 7.3 Heartbeat Format in Frequency Translating Repeaters Field  Format  Description Repeater ID  XX-YY-ZZZZ   Message no  NNNNN   State STATE  Date DDMMYY  Time HHMMSS  RCH  NNNN  Repetition cycle for heartbeat reports CHA 1  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 1 CHA 2  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 2 LNK 1  NNN  Link Channel in chain 1 LNK 2  NNN  Link Channel in chain 2 ATU 1  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 1 ATU 2  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 2 ATD 1  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 1 ATD 2  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 2 LVU 1  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 2  NNN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 1  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 2  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. PDL   BB  BCCH Status Downlink ASU   BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm uplink ASD  BB  Status of amplifier saturation alarm downlink AMU   BB  Status of amplifier chains uplink  AMD   BB  Status of amplifier chains downlink SZU  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Uplink SZD  BBBB  Synthesizer Alarm Downlink COM  BBBBBB(B)  Status communication with active devices (optionally an extra status byte in –ER repeaters) BAT / DOO / EXT / TEM  BBBBBB  State of battery charge for mobile phone equipment/ State of door / State of external pins 1-4 / Status of temperature
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  92 (96)  IOU / IOD / AIM  BBB  Status of Input Overload Uplink / Downlink / Antenna Isolation Measurement PSL  B  Status of Power Supply input Level PTM  B  Status of Power Supply Temperature PW1  BBB  Status of +28 V Power Distribution PW2  BBB  Status of +15 Power Distribution PW3  BBBB  Status of +6.45 V Power Distribution PW4  B  Status of +6.45 V to Controller WRD  B(B)  Status of VSWR downlink (optionally an extra status byte in –ER repeaters) 7.4 Heartbeat Format in conventional 4-channel Repeaters Field  Format  Description Repeater ID  XX-YY-ZZZZ   Message no  NNNNN   State STATE  Date DDMMYY  Time HHMMSS  RCH  NNNN  Repetition cycle for heartbeat reports CHA 1  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 1 CHA 2  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 2 CHA 3  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 3 CHA 4  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 4 ATU 1  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 1 ATU 2  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 2 ATU 3  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 3 ATU 4  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 4 ATD 1  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 1 ATD 2  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 2 ATD 3  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 3 ATD 4  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 4 LVU 1  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 2  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 3  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 3. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 4  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 4. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 1  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 2  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied.
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  93 (96)  LVD 3  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 3. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 4  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 4. If output power is turned off, - is replied. PDL / ASU / ASD  BBBB BBBBBBBB  BCCH Status Downlink/ Amplifier Saturation Status Uplink/Downlink AMU / AMD /  SZU / SZD / COM BBBBBBBBBB  Status of amplifier chains uplink / Downlink, Amplifier Saturation Alarm / Uplink / Downlink, Synthesizer Alarm Uplink / Downlink and Status of Communication with active devices in a compressed format. These values are Hex Coded, and should be used in conjunction with COM alarm. For example, the AMU is sent as Hex ‘4’, which is extracted to 0100. However, COM alarm reports an alarm for LIMPA 2 uplink, why AMU should be extracted to 01--. Byte 1  Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 AMU:1 AMU:2 AMU:3  AMU:4 Byte 2 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 AMD:1 AMD:2 AMD:3  AMD:4 Byte 3 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 0 0 0  0 Byte 4 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 0 0 0  0 Byte 5 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZU:1 SZU:2 SZU:3  SZU:4 Byte 6 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZU:5 SZU:6 SZU:7  SZU:8 Byte 7 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZD:1 SZD:2 SZD:3  SZD:4 Byte 8 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZD:5 SZD:6 SZD:7 SZD:8 Byte 9 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 COM:1 COM:2 COM:3  COM:4 Byte 10 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 COM:5 COM:6 COM:7 COM:8
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  94 (96)  BAT / DOO / EXT / TEM  BBBBBBB  State of battery charge for mobile phone equipment/ State of door / State of external pins 1-4 / Status of temperature IOU / IOD / AIM / PSL / PTM BBBBBBBB  Status of Input Overload Uplink / Downlink / Antenna Isolation Measurement/ Status of Power Supply input Level / Status of Power Supply Temperature PW1 / PW2 / PW3 / PW4  BBBBB  Status of Power Distribution. These values are Hex Coded, and should be used in conjunction with COM alarm. Byte 1  Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW1:1 PW1:2 PW1:3 PW1:4 Byte 2 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW1:5 PW1:6 PW2:1 PW2:2 Byte 3 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW2:3 PW2:4 PW2:5 PW2:6 Byte 4 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW3:1 PW3:2 PW3:3 PW3:4 Byte 5 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW3:5 PW3:6 PW3:7 PW4  WRD  B  Status of VSWR downlink 7.5 Heartbeat Format in 4-channel Fiber Optic Repeaters Field  Format  Description Repeater ID  XX-YY-ZZZZ   Message no  NNNNN   State STATE  Date DDMMYY  Time HHMMSS  RCH  NNNN  Repetition cycle for heartbeat reports CHA 1  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 1 CHA 2  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 2 CHA 3  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 3 CHA 4  NNN  Repeated channel in chain 4 ATU 1  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 1 ATU 2  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 2 ATU 3  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 3 ATU 4  NN  Attenuation in uplink chain 4 ATD 1  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 1 ATD 2  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 2
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  95 (96)  ATD 3  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 3 ATD 4  NN  Attenuation in downlink chain 4 LVU 1  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 2  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 3  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 3. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVU 4  NN  Peak Limiting in uplink chain 4. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 1  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 1. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 2  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 2. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 3  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 3. If output power is turned off, - is replied. LVD 4  NN  Peak Limiting in downlink chain 4. If output power is turned off, - is replied. PDL / ASU / ASD  BBBB BBBBBBBB  BCCH Status Downlink/ Amplifier Saturation Status Uplink/Downlink AMU / AMD /  SZU / SZD / COM BBBBBBBBB  Status of amplifier chains uplink / Downlink, Synthesizer Alarm Uplink / Downlink and Status of Communication with active devices in a compressed format. These values are Hex Coded, and should be used in conjunction with COM alarm. For example, the AMU is sent as Hex ‘4’, which is extracted to 0100. However, COM alarm reports an alarm for LIMPA 2 uplink, why AMU should be extracted to 01--. Byte 1  Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 AMU:1 AMU:2 AMU:3  AMU:4 Byte 2 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 AMD:1 AMD:2 AMD:3  AMD:4 Byte 3 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZU:1 SZU:2 SZU:3  SZU:4 Byte 4 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZU:5 SZU:6 SZU:7  SZU:8 Byte 5 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZD:1 SZD:2 SZD:3  SZD:4 Byte 6 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 SZD:5 SZD:6 SZD:7 SZD:8
  COMMAND AND ATTRIBUTE SUMMARY  © Avitec AB  6/15/2004  96 (96)  Byte 7 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 COM:1 COM:2 COM:3  COM:4 Byte 8 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 COM:5 COM:6 COM:7 COM:8 Byte 9 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 COM:9 0  0  0  BAT / DOO / EXT / TEM  BBBBBBB  State of battery charge for mobile phone equipment/ State of door / State of external pins 1-4 / Status of temperature IOU / IOD / AIM / PSL / PTM BBBBBB  Status of Input Overload Uplink / Downlink / Antenna Isolation Measurement/ Status of  Power Supply input Level / Status of Power Supply Temperature PW1 / PW2 / PW3 / PW4  BBBBBB  Status of Power Distribution. These values are Hex Coded, and should be used in conjunction with COM alarm. Byte 1  Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW1:1 PW1:2 PW1:3 PW1:4 Byte 2 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW1:5 PW1:6 PW2:1 PW2:2 Byte 3 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW2:3 PW2:4 PW2:5 PW2:6 Byte 4 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW2:7 PW3:1 PW3:2 PW3:3 Byte 5 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW3:4 PW3:5 PW3:6 PW3:7 Byte 6 Bit 1  Bit 2  Bit 3  Bit 4 PW3:8 PW4  0  0  WRD  B  Status of VSWR downlink FRX/FTX  BB  Status Fiber Optic Receiver/Transmitter
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  1 (10) GSM Frequency Tables GSM 900 Channel Uplink Downlink  Channel Uplink Downlink 1 890.2 935.2  51 900.2 945.2 2 890.4 935.4  52 900.4 945.4 3 890.6 935.6  53 900.6 945.6 4 890.8 935.8  54 900.8 945.8 5 891.0 936.0  55 901.0 946.0 6 891.2 936.2  56 901.2 946.2 7 891.4 936.4  57 901.4 946.4 8 891.6 936.6  58 901.6 946.6 9 891.8 936.8  59 901.8 946.8 10 892.0 937.0  60 902.0 947.0 11 892.2 937.2  61 902.2 947.2 12 892.4 937.4  62 902.4 947.4 13 892.6 937.6  63 902.6 947.6 14 892.8 937.8  64 902.8 947.8 15 893.0 938.0  65 903.0 948.0 16 893.2 938.2  66 903.2 948.2 17 893.4 938.4  67 903.4 948.4 18 893.6 938.6  68 903.6 948.6 19 893.8 938.8  69 903.8 948.8 20 894.0 939.0  70 904.0 949.0 21 894.2 939.2  71 904.2 949.2 22 894.4 939.4  72 904.4 949.4 23 894.6 939.6  73 904.6 949.6 24 894.8 939.8  74 904.8 949.8 25 895.0 940.0  75 905.0 950.0 26 895.2 940.2  76 905.2 950.2 27 895.4 940.4  77 905.4 950.4 28 895.6 940.6  78 905.6 950.6 29 895.8 940.8  79 905.8 950.8 30 896.0 941.0  80 906.0 951.0 31 896.2 941.2  81 906.2 951.2 32 896.4 941.4  82 906.4 951.4 33 896.6 941.6  83 906.6 951.6 34 896.8 941.8  84 906.8 951.8 35 897.0 942.0  85 907.0 952.0 36 897.2 942.2  86 907.2 952.2 37 897.4 942.4  87 907.4 952.4 38 897.6 942.6  88 907.6 952.6 39 897.8 942.8  89 907.8 952.8 40 898.0 943.0  90 908.0 953.0 41 898.2 943.2  91 908.2 953.2 42 898.4 943.4  92 908.4 953.4 43 898.6 943.6  93 908.6 953.6 44 898.8 943.8  94 908.8 953.8 45 899.0 944.0  95 909.0 954.0 46 899.2 944.2  96 909.2 954.2 47 899.4 944.4  97 909.4 954.4 48 899.6 944.6  98 909.6 954.6 49 899.8 944.8  99 909.8 954.8 50 900.0 945.0  100 910.0 955.0
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  2 (10)  GSM 900, cont.  Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 101 910.2 955.2    151 920.2 965.2 102 910.4 955.4    152 920.4 965.4 103 910.6 955.6    153 920.6 965.6 104 910.8 955.8    154 920.8 965.8 105 911.0 956.0    155 921.0 966.0 106 911.2 956.2    156 921.2 966.2 107 911.4 956.4    157 921.4 966.4 108 911.6 956.6    158 921.6 966.6 109 911.8 956.8    159 921.8 966.8 110 912.0 957.0    160 922.0 967.0 111 912.2 957.2    161 922.2 967.2 112 912.4 957.4    162 922.4 967.4 113 912.6 957.6    163 922.6 967.6 114 912.8 957.8    164 922.8 967.8 115 913.0 958.0    165 923.0 968.0 116 913.2 958.2    166 923.2 968.2 117 913.4 958.4    167 923.4 968.4 118 913.6 958.6    168 923.6 968.6 119 913.8 958.8    169 923.8 968.8 120 914.0 959.0    170 924.0 969.0 121 914.2 959.2    171 924.2 969.2 122 914.4 959.4    172 924.4 969.4 123 914.6 959.6    173 924.6 969.6 124 914.8 959.8    174 924.8 969.8 125 915.0 960.0    175 925.0 970.0 126 915.2 960.2    176 925.2 970.2 127 915.4 960.4    177 925.4 970.4 128 915.6 960.6    178 925.6 970.6 129 915.8 960.8    179 925.8 970.8 130 916.0 961.0    180 926.0 971.0 131 916.2 961.2    181 926.2 971.2 132 916.4 961.4    182 926.4 971.4 133 916.6 961.6    183 926.6 971.6 134 916.8 961.8    184 926.8 971.8 135 917.0 962.0    185 927.0 972.0 136 917.2 962.2    186 927.2 972.2 137 917.4 962.4    187 927.4 972.4 138 917.6 962.6    188 927.6 972.6 139 917.8 962.8    189 927.8 972.8 140 918.0 963.0    190 928.0 973.0 141 918.2 963.2    191 928.2 973.2 142 918.4 963.4    192 928.4 973.4 143 918.6 963.6    193 928.6 973.6 144 918.8 963.8    194 928.8 973.8 145 919.0 964.0    195 929.0 974.0 146 919.2 964.2    196 929.2 974.2 147 919.4 964.4    197 929.4 974.4 148 919.6 964.6    198 929.6 974.6 149 919.8 964.8    199 929.8 974.8 150 920.0 965.0    200 930.0 975.0
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  3 (10)  GSM 900 R Channel Uplink Downlink  Channel Uplink Downlink 955 876.20 921.20    1005 886.20 931.20 956 876.40 921.40    1006 886.40 931.40 957 876.60 921.60    1007 886.60 931.60 958 876.80 921.80    1008 886.80 931.80 959 877.00 922.00    1009 887.00 932.00 960 877.20 922.20    1010 887.20 932.20 961 877.40 922.40    1011 887.40 932.40 962 877.60 922.60    1012 887.60 932.60 963 877.80 922.80    1013 887.80 932.80 964 878.00 923.00    1014 888.00 933.00 965 878.20 923.20    1015 888.20 933.20 966 878.40 923.40    1016 888.40 933.40 967 878.60 923.60    1017 888.60 933.60 968 878.80 923.80    1018 888.80 933.80 969 879.00 924.00    1019 889.00 934.00 970 879.20 924.20    1020 889.20 934.20 971 879.40 924.40    1021 889.40 934.40 972 879.60 924.60    1022 889.60 934.60 973 879.80 924.80    1023 889.80 934.80 974 880.00 925.00    1024 890.00 935.00 975 880.20 925.20            976 880.40 925.40    1 890.20 935.20 977 880.60 925.60    2 890.40 935.40 978 880.80 925.80    3 890.60 935.60 979 881.00 926.00    4 890.80 935.80 980 881.20 926.20    5 891.00 936.00 981 881.40 926.40    6 891.20 936.20 982 881.60 926.60    7 891.40 936.40 983 881.80 926.80    8 891.60 936.60 984 882.00 927.00    9 891.80 936.80 985 882.20 927.20    10 892.00 937.00 986 882.40 927.40    11 892.20 937.20 987 882.60 927.60    12 892.40 937.40 988 882.80 927.80    13 892.60 937.60 989 883.00 928.00    14 892.80 937.80 990 883.20 928.20    15 893.00 938.00 991 883.40 928.40    16 893.20 938.20 992 883.60 928.60    17 893.40 938.40 993 883.80 928.80    18 893.60 938.60 994 884.00 929.00    19 893.80 938.80 995 884.20 929.20    20 894.00 939.00 996 884.40 929.40    21 894.20 939.20 997 884.60 929.60    22 894.40 939.40 998 884.80 929.80    23 894.60 939.60 999 885.00 930.00    24 894.80 939.80 1000 885.20 930.20    25 895.00 940.00 1001 885.40 930.40    26 895.20 940.20 1002 885.60 930.60    27 895.40 940.40 1003 885.80 930.80    28 895.60 940.60 1004 886.00 931.00    29 895.80 940.80
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  4 (10)  GSM 900 R, cont. Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 30 896.00 941.00    80 906.00 951.00 31 896.20 941.20    81 906.20 951.20 32 896.40 941.40    82 906.40 951.40 33 896.60 941.60    83 906.60 951.60 34 896.80 941.80    84 906.80 951.80 35 897.00 942.00    85 907.00 952.00 36 897.20 942.20    86 907.20 952.20 37 897.40 942.40    87 907.40 952.40 38 897.60 942.60    88 907.60 952.60 39 897.80 942.80    89 907.80 952.80 40 898.00 943.00    90 908.00 953.00 41 898.20 943.20    91 908.20 953.20 42 898.40 943.40    92 908.40 953.40 43 898.60 943.60    93 908.60 953.60 44 898.80 943.80    94 908.80 953.80 45 899.00 944.00    95 909.00 954.00 46 899.20 944.20    96 909.20 954.20 47 899.40 944.40    97 909.40 954.40 48 899.60 944.60    98 909.60 954.60 49 899.80 944.80    99 909.80 954.80 50 900.00 945.00    100 910.00 955.00 51 900.20 945.20    101 910.20 955.20 52 900.40 945.40    102 910.40 955.40 53 900.60 945.60    103 910.60 955.60 54 900.80 945.80    104 910.80 955.80 55 901.00 946.00    105 911.00 956.00 56 901.20 946.20    106 911.20 956.20 57 901.40 946.40    107 911.40 956.40 58 901.60 946.60    108 911.60 956.60 59 901.80 946.80    109 911.80 956.80 60 902.00 947.00    110 912.00 957.00 61 902.20 947.20    111 912.20 957.20 62 902.40 947.40    112 912.40 957.40 63 902.60 947.60    113 912.60 957.60 64 902.80 947.80    114 912.80 957.80 65 903.00 948.00    115 913.00 958.00 66 903.20 948.20    116 913.20 958.20 67 903.40 948.40    117 913.40 958.40 68 903.60 948.60    118 913.60 958.60 69 903.80 948.80    119 913.80 958.80 70 904.00 949.00    120 914.00 959.00 71 904.20 949.20    121 914.20 959.20 72 904.40 949.40    122 914.40 959.40 73 904.60 949.60    123 914.60 959.60 74 904.80 949.80    124 914.80 959.80 75 905.00 950.00            76 905.20 950.20         77 905.40 950.40         78 905.60 950.60         79 905.80 950.80
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  5 (10)  GSM 1800 Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 511 1710.0 1805.0    561 1720.0 1815.0 512 1710.2 1805.2    562 1720.2 1815.2 513 1710.4 1805.4    563 1720.4 1815.4 514 1710.6 1805.6    564 1720.6 1815.6 515 1710.8 1805.8    565 1720.8 1815.8 516 1711.0 1806.0    566 1721.0 1816.0 517 1711.2 1806.2    567 1721.2 1816.2 518 1711.4 1806.4    568 1721.4 1816.4 519 1711.6 1806.6    569 1721.6 1816.6 520 1711.8 1806.8    570 1721.8 1816.8 521 1712.0 1807.0    571 1722.0 1817.0 522 1712.2 1807.2    572 1722.2 1817.2 523 1712.4 1807.4    573 1722.4 1817.4 524 1712.6 1807.6    574 1722.6 1817.6 525 1712.8 1807.8    575 1722.8 1817.8 526 1713.0 1808.0    576 1723.0 1818.0 527 1713.2 1808.2    577 1723.2 1818.2 528 1713.4 1808.4    578 1723.4 1818.4 529 1713.6 1808.6    579 1723.6 1818.6 530 1713.8 1808.8    580 1723.8 1818.8 531 1714.0 1809.0    581 1724.0 1819.0 532 1714.2 1809.2    582 1724.2 1819.2 533 1714.4 1809.4    583 1724.4 1819.4 534 1714.6 1809.6    584 1724.6 1819.6 535 1714.8 1809.8    585 1724.8 1819.8 536 1715.0 1810.0    586 1725.0 1820.0 537 1715.2 1810.2    587 1725.2 1820.2 538 1715.4 1810.4    588 1725.4 1820.4 539 1715.6 1810.6    589 1725.6 1820.6 540 1715.8 1810.8    590 1725.8 1820.8 541 1716.0 1811.0    591 1726.0 1821.0 542 1716.2 1811.2    592 1726.2 1821.2 543 1716.4 1811.4    593 1726.4 1821.4 544 1716.6 1811.6    594 1726.6 1821.6 545 1716.8 1811.8    595 1726.8 1821.8 546 1717.0 1812.0    596 1727.0 1822.0 547 1717.2 1812.2    597 1727.2 1822.2 548 1717.4 1812.4    598 1727.4 1822.4 549 1717.6 1812.6    599 1727.6 1822.6 550 1717.8 1812.8    600 1727.8 1822.8 551 1718.0 1813.0    601 1728.0 1823.0 552 1718.2 1813.2    602 1728.2 1823.2 553 1718.4 1813.4    603 1728.4 1823.4 554 1718.6 1813.6    604 1728.6 1823.6 555 1718.8 1813.8    605 1728.8 1823.8 556 1719.0 1814.0    606 1729.0 1824.0 557 1719.2 1814.2    607 1729.2 1824.2 558 1719.4 1814.4    608 1729.4 1824.4 559 1719.6 1814.6    609 1729.6 1824.6 560 1719.8 1814.8    610 1729.8 1824.8
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  6 (10)  GSM 1800, cont. Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 611 1730.0 1825.0    667 1741.2 1836.2 612 1730.2 1825.2    668 1741.4 1836.4 613 1730.4 1825.4    669 1741.6 1836.6 614 1730.6 1825.6    670 1741.8 1836.8 615 1730.8 1825.8    671 1742.0 1837.0 616 1731.0 1826.0    672 1742.2 1837.2 617 1731.2 1826.2    673 1742.4 1837.4 618 1731.4 1826.4    674 1742.6 1837.6 619 1731.6 1826.6    675 1742.8 1837.8 620 1731.8 1826.8    676 1743.0 1838.0 621 1732.0 1827.0    677 1743.2 1838.2 622 1732.2 1827.2    678 1743.4 1838.4 623 1732.4 1827.4    679 1743.6 1838.6 624 1732.6 1827.6    680 1743.8 1838.8 625 1732.8 1827.8    681 1744.0 1839.0 626 1733.0 1828.0    682 1744.2 1839.2 627 1733.2 1828.2    683 1744.4 1839.4 628 1733.4 1828.4    684 1744.6 1839.6 629 1733.6 1828.6    685 1744.8 1839.8 630 1733.8 1828.8    686 1745.0 1840.0 631 1734.0 1829.0    687 1745.2 1840.2 632 1734.2 1829.2    688 1745.4 1840.4 633 1734.4 1829.4    689 1745.6 1840.6 634 1734.6 1829.6    690 1745.8 1840.8 635 1734.8 1829.8    691 1746.0 1841.0 636 1735.0 1830.0    692 1746.2 1841.2 637 1735.2 1830.2    693 1746.4 1841.4 638 1735.4 1830.4    694 1746.6 1841.6 639 1735.6 1830.6    695 1746.8 1841.8 640 1735.8 1830.8    696 1747.0 1842.0 641 1736.0 1831.0    697 1747.2 1842.2 642 1736.2 1831.2    698 1747.4 1842.4 643 1736.4 1831.4    699 1747.6 1842.6 644 1736.6 1831.6    700 1747.8 1842.8 645 1736.8 1831.8    701 1748.0 1843.0 646 1737.0 1832.0    702 1748.2 1843.2 647 1737.2 1832.2    703 1748.4 1843.4 648 1737.4 1832.4    704 1748.6 1843.6 649 1737.6 1832.6    705 1748.8 1843.8 650 1737.8 1832.8    706 1749.0 1844.0 651 1738.0 1833.0    707 1749.2 1844.2 652 1738.2 1833.2    708 1749.4 1844.4 653 1738.4 1833.4    709 1749.6 1844.6 654 1738.6 1833.6    710 1749.8 1844.8 655 1738.8 1833.8    711 1750,0 1845,0 656 1739.0 1834.0    712 1750,2 1845,2 657 1739.2 1834.2    713 1750,4 1845,4 658 1739.4 1834.4    714 1750,6 1845,6 659 1739.6 1834.6    715 1750,8 1845,8 660 1739.8 1834.8    716 1751,0 1846,0 661 1740.0 1835.0    717 1751,2 1846,2 662 1740.2 1835.2    718 1751,4 1846,4 663 1740.4 1835.4    719 1751,6 1846,6 664 1740.6 1835.6    720 1751,8 1846,8 665 1740.8 1835.8    721 1752,0 1847,0 666 1741.0 1836.0    722 1752,2 1847,2         723 1752,4 1847,4
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  7 (10)  GSM 1800, cont. Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 724 1752.6 1847.6    774 1762.6 1857.6 725 1752.8 1847.8    775 1762.8 1857.8 726 1753.0 1848.0    776 1763.0 1858.0 727 1753.2 1848.2    777 1763.2 1858.2 728 1753.4 1848.4    778 1763.4 1858.4 729 1753.6 1848.6    779 1763.6 1858.6 730 1753.8 1848.8    780 1763.8 1858.8 731 1754.0 1849.0    781 1764.0 1859.0 732 1754.2 1849.2    782 1764.2 1859.2 733 1754.4 1849.4    783 1764.4 1859.4 734 1754.6 1849.6    784 1764.6 1859.6 735 1754.8 1849.8    785 1764.8 1859.8 736 1755.0 1850.0    786 1765.0 1860.0 737 1755.2 1850.2    787 1765.2 1860.2 738 1755.4 1850.4    788 1765.4 1860.4 739 1755.6 1850.6    789 1765.6 1860.6 740 1755.8 1850.8    790 1765.8 1860.8 741 1756.0 1851.0    791 1766.0 1861.0 742 1756.2 1851.2    792 1766.2 1861.2 743 1756.4 1851.4    793 1766.4 1861.4 744 1756.6 1851.6    794 1766.6 1861.6 745 1756.8 1851.8    795 1766.8 1861.8 746 1757.0 1852.0    796 1767.0 1862.0 747 1757.2 1852.2    797 1767.2 1862.2 748 1757.4 1852.4    798 1767.4 1862.4 749 1757.6 1852.6    799 1767.6 1862.6 750 1757.8 1852.8    800 1767.8 1862.8 751 1758.0 1853.0    801 1768.0 1863.0 752 1758.2 1853.2    802 1768.2 1863.2 753 1758.4 1853.4    803 1768.4 1863.4 754 1758.6 1853.6    804 1768.6 1863.6 755 1758.8 1853.8    805 1768.8 1863.8 756 1759.0 1854.0    806 1769.0 1864.0 757 1759.2 1854.2    807 1769.2 1864.2 758 1759.4 1854.4    808 1769.4 1864.4 759 1759.6 1854.6    809 1769.6 1864.6 760 1759.8 1854.8    810 1769.8 1864.8 761 1760.0 1855.0    811 1770.0 1865.0 762 1760.2 1855.2    812 1770.2 1865.2 763 1760.4 1855.4    813 1770.4 1865.4 764 1760.6 1855.6    814 1770.6 1865.6 765 1760.8 1855.8    815 1770.8 1865.8 766 1761.0 1856.0    816 1771.0 1866.0 767 1761.2 1856.2    817 1771.2 1866.2 768 1761.4 1856.4    818 1771.4 1866.4 769 1761.6 1856.6    819 1771.6 1866.6 770 1761.8 1856.8    820 1771.8 1866.8 771 1762.0 1857.0    821 1772.0 1867.0 772 1762.2 1857.2    822 1772.2 1867.2 773 1762.4 1857.4    823 1772.4 1867.4
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  8 (10)  GSM 1800, cont. Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink 824 1772.6 1867.6    874 1782.6 1877.6 825 1772.8 1867.8    875 1782.8 1877.8 826 1773.0 1868.0    876 1783.0 1878.0 827 1773.2 1868.2    877 1783.2 1878.2 828 1773.4 1868.4    878 1783.4 1878.4 829 1773.6 1868.6    879 1783.6 1878.6 830 1773.8 1868.8    880 1783.8 1878.8 831 1774.0 1869.0    881 1784.0 1879.0 832 1774.2 1869.2    882 1784.2 1879.2 833 1774.4 1869.4    883 1784.4 1879.4 834 1774.6 1869.6    884 1784.6 1879.6 835 1774.8 1869.8    885 1784.8 1879.8 836 1775.0 1870.0         837 1775.2 1870.2         838 1775.4 1870.4         839 1775.6 1870.6         840 1775.8 1870.8         841 1776.0 1871.0         842 1776.2 1871.2         843 1776.4 1871.4         844 1776.6 1871.6         845 1776.8 1871.8         846 1777.0 1872.0         847 1777.2 1872.2         848 1777.4 1872.4         849 1777.6 1872.6         850 1777.8 1872.8         851 1778.0 1873.0         852 1778.2 1873.2         853 1778.4 1873.4         854 1778.6 1873.6         855 1778.8 1873.8         856 1779.0 1874.0         857 1779.2 1874.2         858 1779.4 1874.4         859 1779.6 1874.6         860 1779.8 1874.8         861 1780.0 1875.0         862 1780.2 1875.2         863 1780.4 1875.4         864 1780.6 1875.6         865 1780.8 1875.8         866 1781.0 1876.0         867 1781.2 1876.2         868 1781.4 1876.4         869 1781.6 1876.6         870 1781.8 1876.8         871 1782.0 1877.0         872 1782.2 1877.2         873 1782.4 1877.4
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  9 (10)  GSM 1900 Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink   512 1850.2 1930.2 A 562 1860.2 1940.2 A 513 1850.4 1930.4 A 563 1860.4 1940.4 A 514 1850.6 1930.6 A 564 1860.6 1940.6 A 515 1850.8 1930.8 A 565 1860.8 1940.8 A 516 1851.0 1931.0 A 566 1861.0 1941.0 A 517 1851.2 1931.2 A 567 1861.2 1941.2 A 518 1851.4 1931.4 A 568 1861.4 1941.4 A 519 1851.6 1931.6 A 569 1861.6 1941.6 A 520 1851.8 1931.8 A 570 1861.8 1941.8 A 521 1852.0 1932.0 A 571 1862.0 1942.0 A 522 1852.2 1932.2 A 572 1862.2 1942.2 A 523 1852.4 1932.4 A 573 1862.4 1942.4 A 524 1852.6 1932.6 A 574 1862.6 1942.6 A 525 1852.8 1932.8 A 575 1862.8 1942.8 A 526 1853.0 1933.0 A 576 1863.0 1943.0 A 527 1853.2 1933.2 A 577 1863.2 1943.2 A 528 1853.4 1933.4 A 578 1863.4 1943.4 A 529 1853.6 1933.6 A 579 1863.6 1943.6 A 530 1853.8 1933.8 A 580 1863.8 1943.8 A 531 1854.0 1934.0 A 581 1864.0 1944.0 A 532 1854.2 1934.2 A 582 1864.2 1944.2 A 533 1854.4 1934.4 A 583 1864.4 1944.4 A 534 1854.6 1934.6 A 584 1864.6 1944.6 A 535 1854.8 1934.8 A 585 1864.8 1944.8 A 536 1855.0 1935.0 A 586 1865.0 1945.0   537 1855.2 1935.2 A 587 1865.2 1945.2 D 538 1855.4 1935.4 A 588 1865.4 1945.4 D 539 1855.6 1935.6 A 589 1865.6 1945.6 D 540 1855.8 1935.8 A 590 1865.8 1945.8 D 541 1856.0 1936.0 A 591 1866.0 1946.0 D 542 1856.2 1936.2 A 592 1866.2 1946.2 D 543 1856.4 1936.4 A 593 1866.4 1946.4 D 544 1856.6 1936.6 A 594 1866.6 1946.6 D 545 1856.8 1936.8 A 595 1866.8 1946.8 D 546 1857.0 1937.0 A 596 1867.0 1947.0 D 547 1857.2 1937.2 A 597 1867.2 1947.2 D 548 1857.4 1937.4 A 598 1867.4 1947.4 D 549 1857.6 1937.6 A 599 1867.6 1947.6 D 550 1857.8 1937.8 A 600 1867.8 1947.8 D 551 1858.0 1938.0 A 601 1868.0 1948.0 D 552 1858.2 1938.2 A 602 1868.2 1948.2 D 553 1858.4 1938.4 A 603 1868.4 1948.4 D 554 1858.6 1938.6 A 604 1868.6 1948.6 D 555 1858.8 1938.8 A 605 1868.8 1948.8 D 556 1859.0 1939.0 A 606 1869.0 1949.0 D 557 1859.2 1939.2 A 607 1869.2 1949.2 D 558 1859.4 1939.4 A 608 1869.4 1949.4 D 559 1859.6 1939.6 A 609 1869.6 1949.6 D 560 1859.8 1939.8 A 610 1869.8 1949.8 D 561 1860.0 1940.0 A 611 1870.0 1950.0
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 1 – FREQUENCY TABLES     © Avitec AB 12/3/2003  10 (10)  GSM 1900, cont. Channel Uplink Downlink    Channel Uplink Downlink  612 1870.2 1950.2 B 662 1880.2 1960.2 B 613 1870.4 1950.4 B 663 1880.4 1960.4 B 614 1870.6 1950.6 B 664 1880.6 1960.6 B 615 1870.8 1950.8 B 665 1880.8 1960.8 B 616 1871.0 1951.0 B 666 1881.0 1961.0 B 617 1871.2 1951.2 B 667 1881.2 1961.2 B 618 1871.4 1951.4 B 668 1881.4 1961.4 B 619 1871.6 1951.6 B 669 1881.6 1961.6 B 620 1871.8 1951.8 B 670 1881.8 1961.8 B 621 1872.0 1952.0 B 671 1882.0 1962.0 B 622 1872.2 1952.2 B 672 1882.2 1962.2 B 623 1872.4 1952.4 B 673 1882.4 1962.4 B 624 1872.6 1952.6 B 674 1882.6 1962.6 B 625 1872.8 1952.8 B 675 1882.8 1962.8 B 626 1873.0 1953.0 B 676 1883.0 1963.0 B 627 1873.2 1953.2 B 677 1883.2 1963.2 B 628 1873.4 1953.4 B 678 1883.4 1963.4 B 629 1873.6 1953.6 B 679 1883.6 1963.6 B 630 1873.8 1953.8 B 680 1883.8 1963.8 B 631 1874.0 1954.0 B 681 1884.0 1964.0 B 632 1874.2 1954.2 B 682 1884.2 1964.2 B 633 1874.4 1954.4 B 683 1884.4 1964.4 B 634 1874.6 1954.6 B 684 1884.6 1964.6 B 635 1874.8 1954.8 B 685 1884.8 1964.8 B 636 1875.0 1955.0 B 686 1885.0 1965.0  637 1875.2 1955.2 B 687 1885.2 1965.2 E 638 1875.4 1955.4 B 688 1885.4 1965.4 E 639 1875.6 1955.6 B 689 1885.6 1965.6 E 640 1875.8 1955.8 B 690 1885.8 1965.8 E 641 1876.0 1956.0 B 691 1886.0 1966.0 E 642 1876.2 1956.2 B 692 1886.2 1966.2 E 643 1876.4 1956.4 B 693 1886.4 1966.4 E 644 1876.6 1956.6 B 694 1886.6 1966.6 E 645 1876.8 1956.8 B 695 1886.8 1966.8 E 646 1877.0 1957.0 B 696 1887.0 1967.0 E 647 1877.2 1957.2 B 697 1887.2 1967.2 E 648 1877.4 1957.4 B 698 1887.4 1967.4 E 649 1877.6 1957.6 B 699 1887.6 1967.6 E 650 1877.8 1957.8 B 700 1887.8 1967.8 E 651 1878.0 1958.0 B 701 1888.0 1968.0 E 652 1878.2 1958.2 B 702 1888.2 1968.2 E 653 1878.4 1958.4 B 703 1888.4 1968.4 E 654 1878.6 1958.6 B 704 1888.6 1968.6 E 655 1878.8 1958.8 B 705 1888.8 1968.8 E 656 1879.0 1959.0 B 706 1889.0 1969.0 E 657 1879.2 1959.2 B 707 1889.2 1969.2 E 658 1879.4 1959.4 B 708 1889.4 1969.4 E 659 1879.6 1959.6 B 709 1889.6 1969.6 E 660 1879.8 1959.8 B 710 1889.8 1969.8 E 661 1880.0 1960.0 B 711 1890.0 1970.0
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE              Avitec Remote Maintenance Console Short Guide Valid from RMC version 2.02     © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  1 (6)
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE     Installation  Requirements CPU    Pentium, 200 MHz (Pentium III, 500 MHz recommended) RAM    64 MB (128 MB recommended) Hard Drive    10 MB free disk space CD-ROM    Required for installation Video resolution     800 x 600 with at least 15 bit color depth (approx. 32000 colors) 24 bit color depth (16.7 million colors) recommended It is possible to run the program in 256 or 16 color modes, but colors will appear distorted Operating system  Windows 98SE/NT/2000/XP Installation Procedure 1. Ensure the computer and operation system complies with the requirements above. 2. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM reader. This will in most cases auto-start the setup program. If not select your CD-ROM drive and double-click the file “Setup.exe”. 3. Follow the setup program guide through the installation process. Specify where the program should be installed.  4. When the installation is finished, start the RMC from the” Start” menu (no reboot is needed)  Connection Setup At startup the “connection wizard” is displayed. This wizard contains a step-by-step guide through the connection and login process.   Cable Connection Set up Click “Cable”  Click “Next”   © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  2 (6)
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE     Select the serial port to be used.  Click “Connect”   Modem Connection Set up Click “Modem”  Click “Next”     Select the modem to use. The RMC automatically receives a list of available modems from the Windows operation system. Click “Next”     Note!     It is important that your modem is installed in Windows according to the manual provided by the modem manufacturer. Enter the phone number. Type the number or choose one from the phone book.       Click “Connect” and wait for connection to be established   Login Enter username and password (for Terminal view no login is required).  Click “Next”    © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  3 (6)
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE     Work Flow for Connection Set up Choose if you want to connectvia cable or modem. Click Next.Select modemto use.Click Next.Selectserial portto use.ClickNext.Enter the phonenumber to dialor select anumber fromthe phonebook.Click Next.Enter usernameand password.Click Next.Select desiredviewMODEMCABLEIf Console or Firmwareview is selected login isrequired.If Terminal view isselected login is notrequired.CONNECTION ESTABLISHEDTerminal view Console view Firmware view  © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  4 (6)
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE     How to Change a Parameter There is a two step procedure to change a parameter in RMC. Change the value   A value can be changed by typing it or by choosing a value from a drop down menu   In this case there is a drop down menu. Click on ”b” to the right of the box and  chose a value. Apply or cancel the change   As soon as a change is made or a value is inserted this symbol appears    The change is applied by clicking the green “accept button”  The change is canceled by clicking the red cross (or by pressing Esc)  How to Use the Phone Book Modem phone numbers to can be stored in the RMC phone book.  Each computer user is allocated an individual RMC phonebook which is stored in the windows registry. Initial screen    Add a Phone Number Type the number in the phone number edit box Click “Add” This brings up a dialog box Enter a description of the phonebook entry  Click “Ok”   © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  5 (6)
GSM-EDGE Repeaters APPENDIX 2 – RMC SHORT GUIDE     Edit a Phone Number Select a number in the list Click “Edit” This brings up a dialog box Make the changes Click “Ok”   Delete a Phone Number Select a phone number in the list Click “Delete” Confirm   Import/Export Phonebook Data Click “Phonebook Options” Choose between the options: Save phonebook  Restore the phonebook Synchronize phonebook The file extension is RPF. Files can be used in RMC versions 2.00 and later. Phonebook data from RMC version 1.xx (INI-files) can also be imported.         © Avitec AB  11/12/2003  6 (6)

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