BEI Electronics STL-20W-950S STL Transmitter User Manual users manual 1
BEI Electronics, LLC STL Transmitter users manual 1
- 1. users manual 1
- 2. users manual 2
- 3. users manual 3
users manual 1
COMPOSITE STL TRANSMITTER MODEL STL-200 Introduction Specifications ............................................................................................................... Unpacking and Inspection Installation ................................................................................................................... Electrical Connections .......................................... STL System (Stereo and Mono) Block Diagram, No. 702-096 .................................... Antennas ............................................................................... Operation ................................................................................................................. System Performance Tests ................................................................................. Theory ofOperan‘on .................................................................................... Tools and Test Equipment Required ............................................................................ Transmitter Test Report ............................................................................................... Tune-Up and Adjustment ............................................................................................ Sending an Instruction Block Diagram, STL~20C Adjustment Locations Diagram, STL20C Main Frame Schematic Frequency Dip-Switch Settings Board Schematics and Parts List 10 13 15 17 1s 19 24 26 27 28 29 49 The Marti STL-20C Transmitter with companion R-lSC Receiver, form a high quality, fre- quency synthesized, point-to-point, line of sight, radio communications link. This system is available in the frequency band from 940 MHz to 965 MHz and will soon be available in all STL bands from 140 MHz and up. Depending upon available channel bandwidth, these systems can transmit one of the following: 0 Composite FM Stereo audio with two subcarriers" . Monophonic audio with two subcarriers - Digital stereo audio (requires external modems) - Multi-channel audio or data (requires external MUX) . Digital data (requires external modems) Complex systems can be built from basic STL-ZOC transmitters and R-15C receivers having multiple relay (repeaters), bidirectional (full duplex), and automatic switching hot standby features. The STL-2OC offers new features not found in other 950 MHz STL’s: - 20 Watts output power - adjustable . Frequency agile — 25 MHz wide — 25 KHz steps . No tuning . High speed embedded mierocontroller . Automatic level control of output power - High VSWR and high temp protection THIS EQUIPMENT MUST BE OPERATED WITH A 3-PRONG GROUNDED OUTLET RECEPTACLE. FAILURE TO USE A PROPERLY GROUNDED OUTLET MAY RESULT IN IMPRO- PER OPERATION OR SAFETY HAZARDI LIMITED WARRANTY The Seller warrants that, at the time of shipment, the productsmanufirchxredbytheSellerarefi'eefi'om defects in material and workmanship. The Seller‘s obligation under this warranty is limited to replace- mentorrepair ofsuah products whichureretumed to Marti at its fictcry, transportation prepaid and properly insured, provided: a. Notice of the claimed defect is given to Marti within one (1) year [two (2) years for STL systems] from date of original shipment and goods are returned in accordance with Marti instructions, b. Equipment, accessories, tubes and batteries not matmfaowredbyMnniaresuhjecttoonlywchad— justments as Marti may obtain fi'om the supplier thereof. c. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been altered, improperly handled, or damaged in any way. The Seller is in no event liable for consequential damages, installation cost or other costs of any numre summit oftheuseoftheproducts nmnufactured or supplied by the Seller, whether used in accordance with instructions or not, Thiswamnty isin lint ofall others, eitherexpressed or implied No representative is authorized to assume for the Seller any other liability in connection with Seller's products, MAILING 8; SHIPPING ADDRESS: MART! Electronics PO, Box 661 421 Mani Drive Ciebume, Texas 76031—0661 The United States of America COPYRIGHT NOTICE ©1993 All nghh Reserved Marti Electronics 7th printing, May 1997 No part of this mutual may be repmdumd, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system , or translated into any language, natural or computer, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission charti Electronics, Artwork depicting circuitry in dis manual is protected by copyright laws. Information in this manual is subject to chmge without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Marti Electronics, Marti Electronics may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product descn‘bed herein at any time. This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. PHONE NUMBERS: Sales & Service (817) 645-9163 FAX (817) 641-3869 IMPORTANT NOTICE This equipment must be operated in a well-ventilated rack cabinet. install rack-mounted equipment in a well-ventilated, well-grounded, and shielded rack cabinet. Do not locate solid-state equipment in a rack above tube-type equipment which produces high temperatures. Problems can also be avoided by locating this unit away from other equipment which has transformers that produce strong magnetic fields. These fields can induce hum and noise into the Marti equipment thus reducing performance. Strong radio- frequency (RF) fields should be avoided where possible. Extensive shielding and filtering have been incorporated into this equipment to permit operation In moderate RF environments. All equipment racks, cabinets, etc., should be bonded together by wide copper grounding strap to ensure that all system elements are at RF ground potential. Transmitter connections for Composite Stereo operation (Rater to Drawing 102-098) 1. The composite signal output fi'om a stereo gerr- erator is connected to the BNC jock labeled ”JZ comm ", The input impedance is 5K ohms and the composite signal level should he 3 volts peak- to-peak or approximately 1 volt RMS, The final level adjustment is set for 100% peak modulation indica- tion on the MODULATION bar graph meter on the STL-lSC front panel, 2, A subcarrier generator or remote control (operating above 92 KHz) can be connected to ”It or J3 SUBCARRIER" jack. The ability of the STL-ZOC system to transmit subcarriers depends upon the channel bandwidth available. The R-lSC receiver lP filter selectivity must be compatible with the available interference free channel bandwidth. Using 50 KHz deviation for 100% moduhtion, the apprordmare bandwidth required for various subcarriers follows: Actual bandwidth may require an additional 10% to 15% to allow for the modulation on the subcan'ier itself, With the severe STL channel crowding with resulting interference prevalent around large markets, subcarriers above [10 KHz are not recommended. 3. The accessory connector has several uses such as remote control, automatic switching, and external DC power. Connection instructions are fumished with time accessories, 4. Connect 511. transmitting antenna coax to "JG ANTENNA“. This requires a type N male connector. A short flexible jumper (20" max.) may be used between J6 and sen'ri-t'le7dblo warn Marti Part No. 585-017 double shielded, low- loss RG 214/U jumper is recommended. 5. Turn transmitter ofl‘t Connect AC line receptacle on back of the transmitter to a 115 volt AC power source with special cord set supplied. USE ONLY 3-PRONG GROUNDED OUTLET RECEHACLES FOR SAFETY. WARNING This equipment must be operated with a 3- prong, grounded, 115 volt, AC outlet receptacle! Failure to use a properly grounded outlet could result in a safety hazard or faulty equipment performance! Transmitter connections for Monophonic operation (Refer to Drawing 701-096) l, Monophonic program audio output is connected to balanced audio input screw tenninals Use shielded wire Prognmnudiolevelrequiredisi-B dBm, 600 ohms balanced and isolated from ground. For dual channel stereo repeat instructions at second transmitter. Audio processing requirements will be dismissed in the “OPERATION“ section of this mnnuaL 2. Connect a remote control or subcan-ier generator (medium) to the jack marked, “11 or J3 sun in", The mbcsrriet source may he 50 to SK ohms impedance, and the input level required is approximately one (1) volt RMS. System factory supplied with 250 RH: IF bandwidth will any subcerriers up to 92 KHz. For other subcarrier frequencies or narrow lF bandwidth systems contact the factory. A second subcmier generator can be cormed to "JS", If; dual channel stereo $11. is used connect one subcanier generator to “Jl” or “13” on each channel's transmitter, 3. The accessory connector has several uses such as remote control, automatic switching, and external DC power, Connection instructions are finished with these accessories. 4. Connect STL transmitting antenna coax to, 16 ANTENNA This requires a type N male connector A short flexflale jumper (20" max.) may be used between 16 and semi-flexible coaxr Marti Part No. 585017 double shielded, low-loss RG~214IU jumper is recommended 5. For dual channel stereo, use only Marti Part No 585017 double shielded, low-loss RG-ZM/U jumpersbetweenJfiofeachtransmitter-anddre indicated connectors of the HRC-lo Series Combinersr Use a third Pm No. 585-017 jumper between the ANTENNA connector of the HRC-lo and the semi-rigid coax. Refer to Drawing 702-096. 6. Tum transmitter ofl', Connect AC line receptacle on back ofthe msmitterto a 115 volt AC power source with special cord set supplied, USE ONLY 3- PRONG GROUNDED OUTLET RECEPTA- CLES FOR SAFETY. WARNING This equipment must be operated with a 3- prong, grounded, 115 volt, AC outlet receptacle! Failure to use a properly grounded outlet could result in a safety hazard or faulty equipment performance! The following suggestions are offered to help those responsible for antenna installations avoid costly errors in assembly and adjustment Marti Electronics, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the installation and performance of antenna systems associated with its equipment. The following suggestions are not intended to he a complete step- by-rtep procedure, simply a listing of some a! the most frequently reported errors in antenna system installation. Antenna Assembly Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully Ifno instructions were included with the antenna, call or write the antenna manufacmrer for instnwtions. Errors are fiequently made in assembly of the RF feed dipoleelementswhichnmstbeinstalledinthesame plan as the reflector grids. In other words, if the reflecwrgi‘iddememsmhofiMMthenthefeed dipole elements nmst also be horizontal. Cross polarization of grid and feed dipole will result in total loss of antenna gainl. Transmlssion Llne Connector Assembly Do not use RG~58 U or RG-S U cable for STL station antennas! They have too much loss at VHF and UHF fi'equenoies. Follow the instructions fumished by the manufincturer when wtting coaxial cable. Inspect the cable ends for small metal fragments which can short-circuit the line inside the contractor assembly. Check the line for a short-circuit condition alter each cormector is installed by using an ohmmeter. Pressurized line should be checked for several days under pressure before installation on s towertoensurethattherearenoleaksinthelineor fittings Moisture Proofing Coax Connectors and Fittlngs Extreme care must be exercised with coaxial cable before and afier connectors have been installed to erlsure that moisture does not enter the line. Foam dielearic line can take on moisture absorption which is difiicult to detect and remedy. Therefore, keep the line dry while in storage with ends tiditly capped. Coaxial splices, connectors, and fittings, to be located outside should be made mechanically tight then coated with a weather-proofing material over at least two layers of vinyl plastic electrical tape. Moisture problems in antenna systems are usually traced back to connectors which have NOT been properly taped. The Marti K-l Grounding and Weatherproofing Kit is recommended for use in each new antenna installation. Location and Grounding of Coaxial Cable KeeptheSTLreceivercoain’aleableasfarfiom thebroadcasttrannnitteranditscoaxialcsbleas pnssdilc. D0 NOTSTRAP RECEIVER CABLE TO THE MAINANIENNA GdBLE ATANYPOHVT. PLACE THE REGIVER ANTENNA COAHAL CABLE ON THE 09mm SIDE OF HIE TOWER FROM THE MAIN ANTENNA CABLE. Maintain maximum separation between these cables at all points, including the distance fiom tower base to transmitter budding as well as inside the building System Groundlng Itisessentialthattliesuantennasyscemhe properlygroundedforsat‘etyandproperoperatim Antenna Installatlon and Adjustment The polarization of the transmit and receive antennasoftheS'lLsystcmmustbethe same! This means that ifthe transmitting antenna is horizontal, the receiving antenna must also be horizontal. Each antenna should be attached to the tower to allow for final adjustment in azimuth heading and vertical tilt. Afier visual adjustment of the antennas, the transmitterandreceivercanheusedtcmakethefinal adjustments of the antennas, With the transmitter driving one antenna, the receiver antenna is adjusted for maximum signal (indicated on the receiver) in both horizontal and vertical directivity CAUTION: Antemas have a “major“ and several “rm'nor” lobes in their directivity patterns. A common error is to peak the antenna on a miner lobe, residting in a signal level of only a fiction of the major lobe signal This error can be avoided only by swinging the antenna through alargeanglesothatalllobesareevalumdandthe major lobe clearly determined, Alter one antenna is adjusted, the transmitter and receiver locations are reversed, to allow adjustment of the other antenna, If an RF wattmeter is available, each antenna and transmission line can be checked for VSWR when the transmitter is supplying power to it. The VSWR should be less than 1.5 to 1 (1.5:1). D? THE AN- TENNA SYSTEM NAILS TO GIVE THE PRE- DICTED SIGNAL STRENGTH LEVEL, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE ClmCKED: 2. 3. 4. Check for oorroct assembly of antennal Check that antennas have same polarityr Check orientation ofantennns in both horizontal and vertical directions Check VSWR ofboth transmit and receive antennas. VSWR should be less that 1.5:1. Check Fresnel zone clearance along radio path Check fior obmmtions in the path such as trees and man-made structures. Do NOT depend on maps or aerial photographs, CAUTION & WARNING You CAN BE Imam IE AN ANTENNA COMES IN CONTACI‘ WITH ELECTRIC POWER LINES on EXPOSED ELECTRICAL WIRING. FOR YOUR SAFETY usE EXTREME CAUTION WI-IEN INSTALLING ANTENNAS. KEEP AWAY mom POWER LINES. gfiofPERA TION , QUICK START Simply plug in the STL-20C (there is no power switch). The float panel meter light will immediately come on. Within 5 seconds the AFC LOCK LED will begin flashing indicating that the synthesizer is in the process of looking on a frequency. Also, if the TRANSNHT switch is on, the red TRANSMIT LED will flash in unison with the AFC LOCK LED. During power up, the synthesizer will always lock on the frequency it was locked on when the S'I'L-2OC was last powered up. Within seconds the synthesizer locks on frequency and the AFC LOCK LED will immediately stop flashing and stay on solid green. If the TRANSMIT switch is on, about 3 seconds later the TRANSMIT LED will stop flashing and stay on solid red, and then the STL-ZOC will begin transmitting RF power at whatever setting the POWER ADIUST pot is at. if the TRANSM'iT switch is oh" the TRANSMIT LED will be ofl‘. When the operator tums the TRANSlvflT switch on, the TRANSMIT LED will come on solid red and the STL-ZOC will begin transmitting. if the operator is not sure what frequency the STL-ZOC will transmit on, before turning on the TRANSMIT switch, tweak the POWER ADJUST fully counter-clockwise for minimum power, then turn the TRANSMIT switch on, Observe the output frequency on a frequency counter. If the frequency counter is not detecting a strong enough signal, the operator may need to slowly tweak the POWER ADJUST pot for more power. To change the frequency, refer to the SENDmG AN INSTRUCTION section. DETA|LED OPERATION Transmit-Off Switch This toggle switch controls the RF output of the transmitter. The red light above this switch is a visual indication that the switch is in "TRANSMIT" position. The audio circuits, the 13 5 volt regulated power supply and the meter illumination lamps remain on when the TRANSMJT switch is "OFF". Test Meter The TEST METER, with its selector switch, allows monitoring of six important parameters within the transmitter as follows: 1. When switched to “FORWARD POWER", the meter indicates the RF power output of the STL~ 20C transmitter. The maximum power is 20 Watts (ls Watts nominal). 2, When switched to "REFLECTED POWER”, the TEST METER indicates the amount of power returning on the coaxial line from the antenna. This is useful in determining the VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) for the antenna system, The lower the VSWR for a given forward power, the better. Most antennas guarantee a VSWR of less than 15 to l. The table below gives VSWR for Various reflected powers: Forward Reflected 10 Wnfls (890-960 MHz) 10 Watts (890-960 MHz) 10 Watts (890-960 MHz) 10 Watts (890-960 MHz) 10 Watts (890-960 MHz) 0.4 watts 0.5 watts 15 watts (140480 MHz) 15 watts (140-480 MHz) IS watts (140-480 MHz) 15 watts (140-480 MHz) 15 watts (140-480 MHz) 0.4 watts 1.40 0.7 watts 1.55 3. “SUB LEVEL" » Indicates subcarrier injection. 0 VU is approximately 10% injection. Subcam'er voltage at 11 or B is approximately 0.5 Volt RMS (1.5 v, P-P) for 10%, 4. "+13 VOLT SUPPLY" - Indicates regulated voltage supply operation. +l.5 VU is approximately 13.5 VDC. 5, “PA. CURRENT" - The current of the final amplifier and its driver is calibrated to read "0 VU" on the meter correSponding to a maximum rated power output. LED Indicators (front panel) 1. AFC LOCK light — A solid green LED light is illuminated when the synthesizer VCO is locked on the desired output frequency. If unlocked, or in the process of being locked the AFC LOCK LED flashes green. RF power output is inhibited until AFC Lock is achieved. Initial power-up of the transmitter may require several seconds to achieve AFC Lock. 2, TRANSMIT light v A solid red LED light is illuminated when the STL transmitter is transmitting output power. If the TRANSMJT switch is on and the STL transmitter is not transmitting output power due to AFC unlock, frequency change or very high temperature fault, the TRANSMIT LED flashes red, If the TRANSMIT switch is off the TRANSMIT LED will also be off, 3. HIGH VSWR light — When the STL is operating at a detected VSWR of less than 2, the HIGH VSWR LED is off and the transmitter can operate up to a maximum power of 20 Watts. If the STL internal controller detects a VSWR measured between 2 and 4, the HIGH VSWR LED flashes red at a slow rate of approximately once a second. When this happens, the controller will limit the output power to 10 Watts. If the STL internal controller detects a measured VSWR of greater than 4, the HIGH VSWR LED flashes red at a fast rate of approximately twice a second. When this happens, the controller will limit the output power to 5 Watts. 4. HIGH TEMP light — When the STL’s PA is operating at a temperature of less than 65 degrees C the HIGH TEMP LED will be off. When the internal controller detects a PA temperature between 65 and 80 derees C, the HIGH TEMP LED will flash red at a slow rate of approximately once a second, When the internal controller detects a PA temperature of greater than 80 degrees C, the HIGH TEMP LED will flash red at a fast rate of approximately twice a second. When this happens the controller will shut down the output power. The output power will remain shut down and the HIGH TEMP lROADCAST ELECTRONICS FCC ID : DDE—STL-2OW-9SOS JOB # : 250Ul EXHIBIT # ; G6 ll LED will flash red twice a second until the temperature falls to less than 55 degrees C, upon which the STL will resume transmitting to it previously set power. 5, MODE-COMPOSITE/MONO - Amber colored LED lights indicate the selected mode of operation. Jumper plug "JP4" on 800-285 Audio Processing Board turns on the MONO light; "JP3".turns on the COMPOSITE light. Peak Modulation Meter A “peak hold" twelve segment bar graph display is included on the STL<20C transmitter for setting and monitoring peak STL modulation (composite or mono mode). The five highest LED’s (100% to 250%) have a “peak hold” feature which will display an instantaneous peak value for one second. This is a valuable feature when dealing with pro-emphasized program audio, The procedure for setting peak modulation is to adjust the (mono or composite) input level into the STL-20C until the 100% bar is flashing on audio peaks, The llO% thm 250% bars indicate over-modulation and require a reduction in input level to obtain a 100% peak indication, Pre-Emphasis Selection (Mono Operation only) Two progammable Jumper plugs JPS and H6, on 800-235 Audm Processing Board, enable the user to select 0 us, 25 us, 50 us, or 75 us pre—emphasis characteristics. The selection of one of these options in the transmitter requires a corresponding selection of IPQ and J'PlO on the receiver (R—ISC) Audio Processing Board, 800-294, Refer to Drawing 800- 285 and Drawing 800-294 for the location of these plugs. The plugs as shown in the diagrams, are positioned for 75 us at the factory. 75 ps pre- emphasis and de-emphasis produces the best threshold noise performance in an FM system. It does, however, present problems in modulation control. Some users, therefore, may wish to use 50 us, 25 us, or flat processing. AM stations will find flat processing desirable since the STL can be treated as a pair of wires in proof-of-perfonnance tests without possible overmodulation of the link at high audio frequencies. With 75 us pre—emphasis, audio input levels to the transmitter should be reduced 20 dB below 100% modulation when running frequency response tests to prevent overmodulation at the higher audio frequencies. With a full-quieting RF signal into the receiver, flat pre-emphasis will produce a system signal-to-noise ratio approximately 6 dB less than 75 as pre—emphasis. Received signal levels less than fixll quieting may produce a difi'erence of as much as 13 dB between flat and 75 us pre-emphasis. Power Adjust Pot Rotating the POWER ADJUST pot clockwise will increase the output power. Rotating it counter- clockwise will decrease the output power. Frequency Measurement The RF output fi'equency of this transmitter should be measured and adjusted as ofien as necessary to insure on-frequeney operation and to comply with regulations. This procedure is covered in the TUNE UP and ADJUSTMENT section. 'LOADCAST ELECTRONICS FCC ID : DDE-STL-ZOW—9SOS JOB # : 250Ul EXHIBIT a : (g C, RF EXPOSURE WARNING This studio to transmitter ling unit (STL) contains a radio frequency (RF) transmitter. During normal operation it sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for Wireless devices. CAUTION: To maintain compliance with the FCC‘s RP exposure guidelines, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed (0 provide a separation distance of at least 2 meters from all persons during normal operation and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations, BROADCAST ELECTRONICS FCC ID : DDE~STL~20W-9SOS JOB : 250Ul EXHlBlT# : 7D The STL-ZOC transmitter, R-15C receiver with the associated antenna system can be tested and com- pared with fiactory test data included in this manual. The following procedures should be followed in order to obtain reliable and accurate results. Before audio tests or subcarrier tests are begun check the receiver “SIG. LEVEL” METER for required minimum signal, A conversion from W to microvolts is given under OPERAflON in the 11-15 rweiver nwntul. For a 950 MHz. system using 50 KHz FM deviation, typical noise levels in Composite Mode are: 10 uv for 50 dB SIN ratio 63 pv for 60 dB SIN ratio 80 uv for ultimate SIN ratio (Demodulated lett or right channel de-em- phasized and low-pass filtered) For the above system with 7.0% whom-is: injection. the following noise level on the suboarrier (Mani SCG-IO - SUD-10 System) was measured: (no modulation main or sub) for 40 dB Subcaniel' SIN ratio for 47 dB Subcan'ler SIN ratio for 50 dB Subcarrier SIN ratio for ultimate Suboan'ier SIN ratio 10 pv 20 pv 30 pv 150 pv WrthultimateS/Nmio,maintosubcrosstalk shouldbe-40 to 45 dB (usinngrti SCG-lo - SCD- 10 Suburrier System), NOISE (monophonic mode) Noise nwasuremarts should be made first, since high noise levels will influence distortion readings. Also ground loops in the audio oscillator to transmitter connections and distortion analyzer to receiver connections must be resolved before testing begins. The influence of high RF fields upon the test equipment must be determined and corrected before accurate measurements can be made. NOTE: NOISE AND DISTORTION MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE WITH SUBCARRJER AND REMOTE CONTROL INPUT SIGNALS MOVED. System 13 signal to noise ratio is determined while the transmitter 100% at 400 Hz. A level of +8 dBm across the balanced audio input terminals of TB-I will produce a reading of 100% modulation on the “PEAK MODULATION” indicator. Set Receiver “MONO LEVEL” pot for +10 dBm output into the distortion analyzer. If the distortion analyzer has a high impedance input, add a 600 ohm load resistor to match the receiver, Establish +10 dBm on the audio voltmeterot’themulyurastherefcreme level for 100% modulation Next, remove the audio signal from the transmitter input and measure noise level below reference (100% modulation). This reading should compare with that published under SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS in this manual, DISTORTION (monophonic mode) Harmonic distortion is usually measured at 100% modulation and at several frequencies. [fore-emphasis processing is used in the transmitter with cor- responding de-emphnsis in the receiver, it is normal for availsble audio level at the receiver to drop with increasing frequency according to the de—emphasis curve selected. At 15 KHz, there is suflicient level to operate most modern distortion analyzers. Distortion levels should be within specifications. ll’ distortion is outofspeos,cheoksystemnoise,ohedcfortest equipment ground loops, RH, and transmit- ter/receiver operating fl'equetwy. If either unit is off fi'equency, the FM modulation sidebands are not cornered within the [F filter bandpass, which can cause audio distortion FREQUENCY RESPONSE (monophonic mode) If the STL-ZOC Symm is switched to flat processing, fi-equency response can be measured as if'pre- emphasis processing is used (especially 75 pa) allowance must be made in the transmitter audio input level to prevent over-modulation at test frequencies above 400 Hz. The simplest and fastest method is to set the transmitter audio input level for 100% modulation at 400 Hz, than attenuate this level 20 (15. Set receiver output level to -10 dBm as the reference, then sweep the audio band for response, Response should be within the limits listed in SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 14 COMPOSITE (STEREO) SEP- ARATION. NOISE. DISTORTION AND FREQUENCY RESPONSE. (composite mode) This procedure consists of feeding a stereo enooder (generator) capable of more than 60 dB separation (50 Hz - 15 KHz) into the composite input of the STL-ZOC transmitter and connecting a stereo decoder (monitor) to the composite ouqmt of the R- 15C receivers The actunltestproeeduremayvarywith difietent decoders (monitors) Therefore the proce- dure presented in the decoder (monitor) instruction manual should be followed SENDING AN INSTRUCTION Refer to drawing 597-6020—2. This section outlines how to send an instruction to the T/R SYNTHESIZEL The controls for sending an instruction all reside on the SYNTHESIZER CONTROL BOARD (800-377). These controls consist of three S-pin dip switches labeled 51, S2, and $3, and one pushbutton switch labeled S4, For the STL-ZOC the only instructions that are needed are as ibllows: Frequency Change Forward Power Calibration Reverse Power Calibration Normal Operation Power Control - Max StoreRanowerIntoCal?osifion#(where#representsnnumb«fi'om0w8) P‘MfiPNr‘ Following are EM steps for sending an instruction: 1. Setthe dip switches ofSl, S2, and S3 according to the instruction fonnnt. A“l” indicatesthntthe dip switch is phoed in the OFF position. A “0’ indiutes that the dip switch is placed in the ON position. An “x” indicates thatitdoesnotmatterwhatposifiontheswitchisin. Zr Pushtbe Mpuflbumnsfitdtdownmdflwnrelfise. INSTRUCTIDNFDHMAT Wm Refer to the FREQUENCY DIP-SWITCH SETTINGS section. 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