BEI Electronics STL-20W-950S STL Transmitter User Manual users manual 3
BEI Electronics, LLC STL Transmitter users manual 3
- 1. users manual 1
- 2. users manual 2
- 3. users manual 3
users manual 3
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This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been altered, improperly handled, or damaged in any way, The Seller is in no event liable for consequential damages, installation cost or other costs of any nature as a result of the use of the products manufactured or supplied by the Seller. whether used in accordance with instructions or not, This warranty is in lieu of all others. either expressed or implied, No representative is authorized to assume for the Seller any other liability in connection with Seller‘s products. MAILING & SHIPPING ADDRESS MARTI ELECTRONICS 421 MARTI DRIVE PO. BOX 661 CLEBURNE, TEXAS 76031 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COPYRIGHT NOTICE © 2000 All nghts Reserved Mart! Electronlcs No part of this manual may be reproduced. transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system , or translated into any language, natural or computer, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Marti Electronics. Artwork depicting circuitry in this manual is protected by copyright laws Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Marti Electronics. Mani Electronics may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product described herein at any time. This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND INTERNET Sales & Service — (817) 645-9163 FAX — (817) 641-3869 E-Mail — Web — www.martielectronicstcom
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