BIO CONTROL MEDICAL 0010 Programming Wand User Manual RU 53 001 RevH Physician Programmer IFU

BIO CONTROL MEDICAL (B.C.M.) LTD. Programming Wand RU 53 001 RevH Physician Programmer IFU

Users Manual

    VERSION  NAME  DATE  ECO NO:  MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION A  ARI KEREN-YAAR   06/08/2006  ---  First Issue B  ARI KEREN-YAAR  31/10/2006  ---  Editorial Changes C  ARI KEREN-YAAR   11/12/2006  ---  Addition of buttons; add applicable icons and authorized representative D  YITZHAK SINAI   01/02/2007  136  Update of device and software to 7.14 E  LEVY ITSIK  15/03/2007  ---  Changes According TO ITL Remarks. F  ROMANO AVINOAM  05/05/2008  153  Update to software 1.0.105 G  LEVY ITSIK  15/08/2008  KEMA 2103063 Adding battery lifetime contour; list of abbreviations; clarification of terms and warnings H  RIGLER DAVID  28/12/2008  KEMA 2103063-17.9.08 Addition of follow-up requirements; RF and FCC symbols and text Addition of ICD compliance; updating to software 1.0.14; updating troubleshooting and EMC requirements.
      Neurostimulator For Heart Failure Therapy     UNIFIED PHYSICIAN PROGRAMMER MODEL 5300    INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE (IFU) & TD  Caution: Limited by Federal Law to Investigational Use  0344 (2008)
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                              4  Explanation of symbols on package labeling   Symbol  Explanation  Symbol  Explanation  Contents  Warning: Patient Might Be Compromised SN Serial Number   Caution: possible damage to device  Product Literature  Note: Important Information  Consult Instructions For Use   Do Not Use If Package Damaged  Type B Applied Part   Manufacturer  European Approval Mark   Date Of Manufacturing   On   Storage Temperature Range   OFF  Storage & Transport Relative Humidity Range  Stepping Prohibited  Storage & Transport Atmospheric Pressure Range  Sitting Prohibited  Authorized Representative In The European Community  Do Not Dispose Of. Contact BCM For Recycling.  Complies with FCC part 15
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            5   Contains RF transmitters
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            6  CONTENTS 1.  DESCRIPTION  8 3.  PRECAUTIONS  9 4.  WARNINGs  9 5.  SETTING UP THE SYSTEM  10 5.1  Charging the Physician Programmer  10 5.2  Getting started  10 5.3  General System Interface Description  12 5.3.1  The "General" Tab  12 5.3.2 The "Statistic" tab; Therapy evaluation.  14 5.3.3 The "Setting" Tab  17 6 Therapy Setting and Optimization Program  25 6.1 General  26 6.2 Therapy Optimization Goal  26 6.3 Communication rules with the patient  26 6.4 Visit Activities Flow  26 6.5 Parameter setting process  27 6.6 Instantaneous HRR evaluation and PPB/ON time change  27 7. INTERACTIONS WITH IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILLATORS  28 8 MAINTENANCE, HANDLING, AND STORAGE  31 8.1  Maintenance  31 8.2  Handling  31 8.3  Storage  32 9. TROUBLESHOOTING  33 10. PRODUCT INFORMATION AND SUPPORT  36 11.  DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY  36 APPENDIX A.  Electromagnetic environment – guidance IEC 60601-1-2 37 Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions  37 Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity  37 Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity  38 Recommended separation distance  38 Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15  39
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            7  List of Abbreviations  Abbreviation  Explanation BCM  BioControl Medical CIS  CardioFit™ Implanted Stimulator  CRT-D  Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - Implantable Cardioverter - Defibrillators CSL  CardioFit™ Stimulation Lead ECM  Electromagnetic protection mode HR / BPM  Heart Rate / Beats Per Minute ICD  Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators, Single, or Dual chamber  IHRR  Instantaneous heart rate reduction ISE  Intracardiac Sensing Lead NYHA  New York Heart Association PPB  Pulse Per Beat – The number of pulses provided by the stimulator per heartbeat PRI  Pulse Repetition Interval – The distance between pulses when PPT > 1 QTP  Quasitrapezoidal Pulse – Shape of the default pulse TD  Technical Dossier UniPP  Unified Physician Programmer VF  Ventricular Fibrillation VT  Ventricular Tachycardia
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            8  1.   DESCRIPTION  Introduction The  model  5300  Unified  Physician  Programmer  (UniPP)  is  used  to  interrogate  and program  the  BioControl  model  5000  CardioFit™  neurostimulator  (the  stimulator).  The UniPP can retrieve data and set programmable parameters of the CardioFit™ stimulator via  wireless  communication.  Programming  is  done  using  the  CardioFit™  Physician Programmer  software  installed  on  a  PC  compatible  laptop,  a  communication  interface and a programming wand. The wand is the only part of the Programmer that contacts the patient.  The  Physician  Programmer  software  uses  the  communication  interface  and  the programming wand to convert digital output from the Laptop PC to wireless signal format that is required for communication with the stimulator (Figure 1).  Figure 1 – Model 5300 Physician Programmer    Specifications and user information regarding the wireless technology The CardioFit system uses a short-range (3-6 cm) inductive coupling communication scheme in frequency of 27kHz. The system is ready to communicate when green light is blinking in 1-2Hz on the programming wand. See warnings and precautions that should be exercised when using the system under Sections 3 and 4 below.  Contents of package The model 5300 Physician Programmer package contains: a.  One Laptop PC installed with BioControl CardioFit™ Unified Physician Programmer software version 2.0.x; b.  One Communication Interface and Programming Wand (Model 4320); c.  Medical grade power supply Model 4300/MPU100-106; d.  Instructions For Use; Laptop PC Communication Interface Programming Wand
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            9   2.  INTENDED USE / INDICATION  The  model  5300  Physician  Programmer  is  intended  for  use  only  with  CardioFit™ systems, and is subjected to the same indications for use.  In the US: BioControl’s CardioFit is an investigational device under IDE. It is intended for the treatment of Heart Failure patients who are in NYHA class II – IV. It is indicated for patients  who  have  failed  to  achieve  symptomatic  improvement  through  standard evidence  based  management.  See  Investigational  Plan  for  inclusion  and  exclusion criteria.  In Europe: BioControl’s CardioFit is intended for the treatment of Heart Failure patients who  are  in  NYHA  class  II-III.  It  is  indicated  for  patients  who  have  failed  to  achieve symptomatic improvement through standard evidence based management.   3.   PRECAUTIONS  •  Do not immerse any part of the Physician Programmer in liquid. •  Laptop PC should be used outside the patient environment  (i.e. not closer than 1.5 m to patient).  •  Operator should not touch Laptop PC and patient simultaneously.  •  Do  not  connect  the  programming  wand  to  external  equipment  while  the  battery compartment of the interface is open.  •  The  use  of  non-BioControl  components  with  BioControl  components  may  result  in patient injury, loss of stimulation or components damage. •  Avoid using the Physician Programmer and the BioControl stimulator near sensitive electronic equipment. The low-level wireless signals transmitted by the two devices may interfere with the electronic equipment. •  Compatibility with other (non-BioControl) implanted devices should be verified prior to implantation (see section 7) •  This equipment has been tested and found  to  comply with the limits for a  Class  B digital device,  pursuant to  Part  15 of the  FCC rules.    These  limits  are  designed  to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. •  This equipment generates; uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful interference  to  radio  communications.    However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that interference will not occur in a particular installation. •  Modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  manufacturer  could  void  the  user authority to operate the equipment under FCC Rules. •  A  distance  of  at  least  15cm  between  the  equipment  and  all  persons  should  be maintained during the operation of the equipment.    4.   WARNINGS
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            10  US users:  Please refer to the study protocol for a complete list of eligibility criteria.  •  No modification of this equipment is allowed. •  Do not connect any equipment to Laptop except dedicated Communication interface and medical grade power supply Model 4300/MPU100-106. •  To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply main with protective earth. •  Pediatric use – safety and effectiveness of Physician Programmer for pediatric use, has not been established. •  When using the programming wand in a sterile field, place it into a sterile sleeve. The wand is not sterile and cannot be sterilized. •  Wireless signals from the Physician Programmer may interfere with the performance of other devices. •  Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect the CardioFit •  Keep your cellular phone at least 6 inches (15 cm) away from the device.  The cellular phone is a source of EMI and could affect device’s operation. •  Using the programming wand over a metallic field may decrease its operating range.   5.   SETTING UP THE SYSTEM  5.1   Charging the Physician Programmer  1.  Charge laptop battery prior to use and make sure it is fully charged. 2.  Install a 9-volt battery (use only alkaline 9V battery) in the communication interface.  5.2   Getting started 1.  Connect  the  programming  wand  plug  to  the  communication  interface  and  then, connect the interface to the parallel port of the PC.  2.  Turn “ON” the PC and the communication interface.  CAUTION: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and  (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  FCC WARNINGS: Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user authority  to  operate  the  equipment  under  FCC  Rules  received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            11  3.  Run the Physician Programmer program (from the desktop or the program menu. Do not  advance  beyond  the  first,  “Welcome”,  screen,  which  shows  the  ‘interrogate’ button.    Figure 2: Welcome Screen  4.  Position the programming wand directly above the stimulator’s area.   WARNING: Avoid direct contact with patient skin – place above thin clothing or use a thin wrapper around the wand to reduce the risk of skin irritation and/or cross contamination between patients  A green light blinks, usually at a constant frequency of 1or 2 Hz (every 1 or 2 seconds respectively), depending on whether the device is active or sleep mode. Such blinking verifies proper communication and readiness for receiving and transmitting signals.     NOTE:
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            12  If communication difficulties are experienced, reposition the programming wand at different angles relative to the stimulator.  5.3   General System Interface Description  Select  the  “INTERROGATE” (F1) button.  This  initial  interrogation  sets  up  the  Physician Programmer screen with the panes and programmable buttons relevant to the version of the device interrogated. The Programmer interface consists of 4 tabs, which can be freely navigated by pressing on the tab name on the left.  General tab: Shows general device settings and allows recording of patient and system information  Statistics tab: Shows device heart rate statistics and allows for statistics counter reset Settings tab: Main tab used for programming device stimulation parameters. Technician tab: Shows device technical parameters  5.3.1  The "General" Tab   Figure 3: The General tab following device Interrogation
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            13  The general tab is divided into 3 panes:  The left pane includes patient and system information: •  Patient Information   Patient name – An editable text view. Up to 14 characters  Patient date of birth  – An editable date field – double click to change date  Date of implantation  – An editable date field – double click to change date   •  CIS information (automatically recognized by the device)  Serial number - Displays the device’s serial number  Firmware version - Device’s software version   Hardware version - Device’s hardware version   Mechanics version- Device’s mechanical version   •  Lead information  Lead serial  - An editable text view up to 32 characters  Lead model - An editable text view up to 32 characters  Lead size - An editable text view up to 32 characters  •  Sensing lead information  Serial - An editable text view up to 32 characters  Model - An editable text view up to 32 characters  •  Notes An editable text view which can be used at the physician’s discretion  The right pane includes: •  An overview of current device settings including Active, On time, Off time, On cycles, Off cycles, Duty cycle, PPB, Current •  Battery status and estimated running time.  For a detailed description of these parameters, please see section 5.3.3, The Settings tab  •  Advisory Notes Advisory  notes  will  appear  in  case  the  device  has  experienced  one  of  the  following conditions: •  Battery voltage is too low •  Indication of insufficient discharge of stimulation electrode was given •  Indication from runaway protection mechanism was given •  CardioFit performed reset •  Bad memory shadow indication was given •  Magnet was applied to disable stimulation . Actions that should be taken following each advisory note are described in section 9
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            14   Pressing the “Clear Advisory Notes” button will clear advisory notes  The bottom pane includes 4 buttons:  Interrogate [F1] Device Interrogation provides current device settings. Interrogation checks the parameters of the device and presenting the current values of all programmable buttons. The interrogate function does not change parameters stored in the stimulator  Send [F3] In order to communicate updates of programmable buttons press this button. It will also perform interrogation and update output parameters such as counters.  Print Report  Generates a hardcopy report with device parameters. Create an image file (*.JPG) in which major counters values and the latest display graph are presented. The image file will be created on a connected external removable drive (disk-on-key). After  pressing  the  ‘print  report’  a  separate  window  will  appear.  The  image  file  will  be placed  in  a  subdirectory “NNNN”  in  the  external  removable  disk  where  “NNNN” is  the device serial number.   File name: “Report__NNNN_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.jpg”   NNNN     is the device serial number. YYYY-MM-DD  is the creation date, in year/month/day format. hh-mm-ss    is the creation time, in 24h format.  Example:  a report was printed on 18 May 2010 at 1:53 pm for device 2812, where the external disk drive letter is E: The report will be in file: E:\2812\Report_2812_2010-05-18_13-53-00.jpg  Exit Exits the Physician Programmer and returns to Windows  These 4 buttons also appear in setting tab and have similar functions   5.3.2 The "Statistic" tab; Therapy evaluation.   The UniPP calculates and analyses the stimulation parameter setting effect on patient heart, thus enabling evaluation of optimal therapy setting. Measures are presented numerically and graphically.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            15   Figure 4: The Statistic tab  The Statistic tab is divided into 3 panes:  The left Statistics pane includes the HR numerical information: • Last reset – Date and time of the last statistical information reset • Duration – Time period of which the statistic is calculated and presented • Average HR – the average HR detected (R waves) and calculated by the device • Average HR at On time - the average HR detected (R waves) and calculated by the device during stimulation • Average HR at Off time - the average HR detected (R waves) and calculated by the device while stimulations are not given • Low HR events at On time - A counter registering how many detection events (R waves) are occurring at a rate below that defined as Low HR Threshold. Therefore, this  counter  actually  registers  bradycardia  occurring  while  device  is  giving stimulations • High HR events at On time - A counter registering how many detection events (R waves) are occurring at a rate above that defined as High HR Threshold. Therefore, this counter registers tachycardia occurring while device is in giving stimulations
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            16  • Low HR events at Off time - A counter registering how many detection events (R waves)  are  occurring  at  a  rate  below  that  defined  as  Low  HR  Threshold.  This counter registers bradycardia occurring while device does not stimulate • High HR events at Off time - A counter registering how many detection events (R waves) are occurring at a rate above that defined as High HR Threshold. Thus, this counter registers tachycardia occurring while device does not stimulate • Actual Duty cycle – The ratio (in percentage) between the period while stimulation was ON and the period while stimulation was OFF  The right HR Reduction pane includes graphical presentation of the average heart rate reduction for the time duration indicated in the left pane.    HR reduction graph The graph provides visual evaluation of the effect of stimulation on the heart rate. The three left points are the HR for the 2 last beats before switching from off to on and the  HR for  the first beat after switching from off to on  respectively. The three right points are the HR for the 2 last beats before switching from on to off and the HR for the first beat after switching from on to off respectively. The heart rates shown are averaged over all on/off cycles that occurred since the last reset. Two blue thresholds line are indicated as well demonstrating the average HR at On time and average HR at Off time   The bottom Heart rate histogram pane includes graphical presentation of the heart rate histogram for the time duration indicated in the left pane and the functional button.  Heart Rate Histogram This is a bar graph presenting the distribution of the patient HR during the evaluated period.  Last commands Pressing this button will results with opening a new window, which present most of the  CardioFit  parameters,  new  line  will  be  opened  each  time  the  operator  has changed a parameter, “Last  command”  will present  all the  commands given  by the  operator  from  the  1st interrogation at a specific session.  Retrieve statistic Present the statistic parameters including update of the HR reduction figure as well as the HR histogram,  Updating  is  from  the  last  “retrieve  statistics“  or  from  the  last  “reset  counters” commands.  Reset counters Resetting the CardioFit statistic counters.   Low/High HR during On/Off time counters will not be reset by this function.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            17    NOTE: Pressing “Reset counters” button will not update the screen with reseted counters; for the updated numbers please use the “retrieve statistic”.  5.3.3 The "Setting" Tab  This screen allows the operator to control the stimulation therapy delivered by the device to  the  patient.  Adjustment  of  HR  detection  and  vagal  nerve  stimulation  therapy programming and changes are performed through the Setting tab.  On the top pane, a switch screen of IEGM and HR streaming is appeared. Clicking the relevant tab on the top of the screen makes the switch between the screens. Description of buttons and panes below the switch screen is found under the HR screen.  IEGM screen The CardioFit detects right ventricle signal in order to synchronize stimulation with the cardiac cycle. The max detection sensitivity = 2mVolt.  Figure 5: The IEGM Setting tab  Update IEGM (F9) Button is located at the right pane of the setting screen Pressing the button will update the three windows that compose the IEGM screen. Each window represents one second.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            18  Please note: the three windows are not consecutive in time.  Zooming in/out Buttons are located at the left side of the IEGM screen as + and –. Pressing  the  +  results  in  IEGM  magnifying,  each  press  will  provide  higher magnification, allow better view of the IEGM and ease threshold setting. Pressing the – button will decrease the IEGM magnification.  Stimulation annotation line Appears as a white line below the IEGM and the threshold graph, When stimulation  is being  delivered  tall  bar will be  presented,  when stimulation is being  inhibited  a  short bar  will  be  presented,  in  addition,  a  letter  representing  the inhibition cause will appear below the bar as follow: Inhibition letter legends: O – Off time, Off cycle M – Magnet has been applied. F – Fault (lead status out of range, low battery, bad shadow, device reset) R – Runaway protection has been activated. D – Discharge, in case the electrode has not been sufficiently discharged. H – High HR, short RR. L – Low HR, Low daily Avg. HR  IEGM max measured amplitude Below each IEGM window screen, the “Peak” value of the R wave is presented.  Detection Threshold The threshold for detection appears on the grid of the display as a bright purple line that  can  be  set  higher  or  lower  by  left  clicking  and  dragging  or  by  entering  the numeric  value.  The  relative  scale  for  displaying  voltage  amplitude  of  the  acquired signal appears in mVolts. An optimal threshold setting should be at the one-third upper scale of the R wave. If the “visible” box is not checked, the threshold will not be shown.  Invert signal Marking the check box will invert the heart signal; use this button when the negative projection of the signal is much greater then the positive.   HR screen The HR screen presents the heart rate in bpm during the last 128 RR intervals with marks  for  stimulations.  The  figure  enables  on-line  evaluation  of  the  heart  rate response to stimulation.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            19   Figure 6: The HR Setting tab  View HR storage [F8] Button is located at the right pane of the setting screen Pressing this button will display a graph of heart rate of the last 128 RR intervals. Every such heartbeat is marked by a green dot on the graph. Stimulated R waves will be marked in bigger dots.   Zooming in/out Marking the desired area in the graph to be zoom-in while left click in the “mouse” will provide focused area of interest. Repeat the procedure for higher magnification if required. Right click will reset the axis scale.  The bottom pane of the “setting” tab includes stimulation parameters setting:  Stimulation Settings:  Active
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            20  Box can be made blank to put device into ‘non active’ mode; not sensing or counting and not stimulating - or it can be checked to activate the device.  Delay from R Determines the time between the R wave detection and the first stimulation pulse in mSec. The range is 8 ~ 1000 msec in 7-8msec steps. The default value is 70msec.  Current  Sets the amplitude of the current provided by the stimulation lead in milliamps (mA). Value can only be chosen from a table appearing when button is left-clicked, as a safety measure. Current should not be increased by more than 0.2mA at one time. The default value is 0mA, max value is 6mA.  PPB Pulse Per Beat will set a constant number of pulses per single heartbeat. Max PPB value  is  3  in  regular  use  and  8  in  implantations  (only  appear  in  the  CardioFit-X version).  PRI  Pulse Repetition Interval. Sets the interval between pulses constituting a single stimulation event.  Default value is 55 msec.   Blanking  Determines the duration of blanking period following stimulation. The purpose of blanking during which there is no detection, is to prevent T wave detection, as well as to prevent the stimulation itself from causing misdetection. Range: 8 ~ 1000 msec in 7-8msec steps. It appears in the IEGM as uncolored line area.  The default value is 102msec.  Max detectable heart rate The number appearing is the maximum regular beats, or more precisely - Intracardiac signals, per minute that may be detected. This value is the product of several variables, including: PRI, PPB, blanking and Delay from R. The ‘Max detectable HR’ field became red if the programmed ‘High HR Threshold’ is greater than 90% of the max detection rate.   WARNING: In case the High HR Threshold is higher than the Max detectable HR, the device may not be able to prevent stimulation when it is resulted from detection of noisy signal
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            21  Stimulation Limits:   High HR Threshold The heart rate above which no stimulation is provided no matter what the mode, the cycle or stimulation parameters are. The default value is 150 BPM.  Low HR Threshold The heart rate below which no stimulation is provided no matter what the mode, the cycle or stimulation parameters are. The default value is 56 BPM.  Daily Average RR This feature cancels the stimulation Cycle mode. It automatically use the calculated last 24 hours average heart rate by the device and enable stimulation only when the measured  heart  rate  is  higher  than  the  average  value.  The  value  is  updated automatically every 24 hours. In the first time used, the value should be set manually. When  the  default  ‘Off’  value  is  presented  the  stimulation  limitation  ignores  this feature.  Intermittent Mode Settings:  Treatment mode  The  CardioFit™  stimulation  logic  consists  of  four  combined  time  intervals,  the On/Off Time and the On/Off Cycles.    CardioFit administers stimulation in an intermittent, periodic manner. The period is determined by the "on time" and "off time" programmable parameters. A "stimulation cycle" is the time period consisting of a single "off"  period followed by a single "on" period. The "On cycle" and "Off cycles" programmable parameters give further control of the intermittent administration of stimulation by allowing a long period in which no stimulation is administered. CardioFit will administer "On cycle” normal stimulation cycles,  to  be  followed  by  a  period  of  "Off  cycles"  stimulation  cycles  in  which  no stimulations will be administered.  For example: See Figure 7, where the following parameters are programmed:  on time=4 sec, off time=1 sec, on cycle=2, off cycle=3.  Based  on  these  parameters,  the  stimulation  cycle=off  time  +  on  time  =  5  sec. Therefore,  10  seconds  (2  cycles)  of  intermittent  stimulation  are  followed  by  15 seconds of no stimulations, etc.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            22   Figure 7: On/Off time and On/Off Cycle operation parameters.  Duty Cycle The duty cycle indicator calculates and present the actual activation time according to the last programmed settings. The indicator becomes red if the calculated value exceeds 30%  )()( OffCycleOnCycleOffTimeOnTimeOnCycleOnTimeDutyCycle +⋅+⋅=    NOTE: Values for the treatment mode parameters can only be chosen from a table appearing when button is left-clicked, as a safety measure  Lead Status Calculates the  CSL  lead  impedance  and  provide  an  indication  status:  Short,  OK, High or Unknown   WARNING: Lead status ‘Short’ or ‘High’ may indicate on lead break or damaged insulation and need to be reported immediately to BioControl representative
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            23  The result will be displayed in the dialog box and on the Lead status button and will be written in the log files as a comment. To perform the test press the ‘lead status’, the test take a minute and is part of a routine On Time cycle, a progress bar indicate on the test status. In order to perform the test, four conditions must be fulfilled. The conditions are:  On time ≥ 1 On cycle ≥ 1 Active On R wave detection    NOTE: If one of the conditions is not fulfilled the results of the lead status test will be    “Lead Status: unknown”   Battery Status  Battery capacity indicator is shown as a blue strip containing a measure percentage of full capacity, Battery Voltage is provided in Volt units in parenthesis. Battery expected remaining time is expressed in months.  If less than 3 months remain for battery operation (assuming no change in setting) a message will appear in the gray space below “Please schedule battery replacement”.    NOTE: If less than 3 months remain for battery operation (assuming no change in setting) a message will appear in the gray space below “Please schedule battery replacement”.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            24   Figure 8: Predicted device life time as function of current and PPT  The nominal predicted lifetime of the CardioFit™ Implantable Stimulator battery in the maximal therapeutic setting is 5.0 years and the minimum is 3.5 years. Under the following conditions: Stimulation electrode Impedance: 1740Ω; Capacity: 4.7µF Stimulation current: 5mA, 3 pulses per trigger,  Average HR: 100bpm, Stimulation duty cycle: 25%.  Print Report See section 5.3.1  Add Remarks Adds a line in the log file, on which user remarks may be written. Remarks could be chosen from a dropdown list or added as a free text.  Exit Exits the Physician Programmer and returns to Windows.    NOTE:
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            25  When a button is pressed or a new parameter is typed a light blue box will appear around it, until the button “Send” [F3] has been pressed. It is possible to program several parameters together and then press the “Send’ button.    Range and default of programmed parameters list:  Parameter  Range  Default On Time [sec]  0…(1)…10…(5)…255  0 Off Time [sec]  0…(1)…10…(5)…255  0 PPB  1, 2, 3  1 Current [mA]  0…(0.1)…6  0 PRI [mSec]  16, 55, 148, 250, 350  55 On Cycles  0…(1)…127  1 Off Cycles  0…(1)…127  0 Low Stimulation Limit [BPM]  30…(4)…320  56 High Stimulation Limit [BPM]  Off, 30…(4)…320  150 Daily Average HR  Off, 30.1 - 7680  0ff Blanking [mSec]  8…(8)…1000  102 Delay from R wave  0…(8)…1000mSec  70 Detection Threshold (mV)  1.88 to 39.69  39.69 Detection Thresholds sensitivity (mV)  ≥2   39.69   6  THERAPY SETTING AND OPTIMIZATION PROGRAM   WARNING: The Physician Programmer should be used only by authorized and trained personal     NOTE: Make sure the programming wand is correctly positioned over the stimulator, and a green blinking light appears. Hold the programming wand in place until the transmitted parameters had been programmed.     NOTE:
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            26  After each time a button is pressed or a parameter is typed the “send” button on the screen should be pressed, or alternatively press the keyboard “F3” button.  6.1  General This section provides guidance and recommendation regarding use of the CardioFit Unified Physician Programmer (UniPP) for device activation and parameter setting optimization in patients implanted with the CardioFit™ System during the adjustment period that all implanted subjects undergo in order to provide them with optimal CardioFit therapy. This period is defined as "optimization period". The optimization period starts at weeks 3-4 post operation (depending on patient recovery from system implantation and wound healing), and lasts around 4 weeks. In order to optimally set the therapy, approximately 6 setting sessions are required during that period depends on patient adjustment and tolerability to the stimulation.  6.2  Therapy Optimization Goal The goal of the optimization is to adjust the stimulation parameters to the patient specific physiological characteristics in order to achieve the optimal CardioFit therapy settings. Optimal setting criteria are: •  Statistically  significant  Instantaneous  Heart  Rate  Reduction  ("iHRR")    in  an interval ≥ 24-hour •  Minimal discomfort to the patient  6.3  Communication rules with the patient •  Prior  to  each  session  consult  with  the  patient’s  physician  regarding  his  or  her condition.  Physical examination is required prior to each optimization session.  •  Ask  the  patient  for  his/her  condition  -  presence  of  adverse  events  or  unusual feelings since last visit and during the visit. •  It  is  recommended  to  use  standard  stimulation  sensation  scale  to  standardize patient comfort with the programmed therapy setting level.  6.4  Visit Activities Flow •  Physical examination should be performed prior to parameter change.  •  Review the last patient clinical outcome o  Stimulation discomfort characteristic - Interview patient for his response to therapy  and  general  clinical  feeling.  Ask  patient  to  determine  the stimulation  discomfort  level  since  last  visit,  if  any,  using  the  stimulation sensation pain scale  o  Adverse events o  Electrocardiogram  from  most  updated  12-lead  ECG/Holter.  Identify  any new significant abnormalities (Heart rate, conduction, arrhythmias, etc.) •  Interrogate the device and review the information appeared in the "General" tab of the UniPP. Identify any parameter settings discrepancy or system malfunctions.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            27  •  Switch to the  "Statistic" tab and press the "retrieve statistic"  button. Review the last interval heart rate outcome.  •  Set therapy parameters •  After the last parameter setting change, follow the patient for any discomfort for at least 30 minutes before release.  6.5  Parameter setting process •  Use the "Setting" tab in the UniPP for setting parameters •  Verify that "active" button is marked •  HR wave detection: Press the IEGM tab to view IEGM and than press the "Update IEGM" [F9]. Verify correct signal threshold for detection. Detection  thresholds  should  be  set  to  the  2/3  amplitude  of  R  wave.  Minimum sensitivity is 2 mV. •  At  the first activation  of the device  set  the parameters  as  indicated  in following table. Parameter  Value On Time [sec]  10 Off Time [sec]  15 PPB  1 Current [mA]  0.1 PRI [mSec]  250 On Cycles  30 Off Cycles  20 Low Stimulation Limit [BPM]  56 High Stimulation Limit [BPM]  130 Daily Average HR  Off Blanking [mSec]  70 Delay from R wave  250  •  Increase current in steps of 0.2 mA and press "Send [F3]" button. Allow patient to adjust the change for 5 minutes. •  When  the  patient  detects  stimulation,  ask  him/her  to  determine  the  stimulation sensation level. If the sensation is intolerable, wait for at least 15 minutes before proceeding. In case that sensation level does not decrease, reduce current in 0.1 mA  steps  until  comfortable  sensation  of  stimulation  is  achieved.  Set  the  final parameters for the optimization session accordingly. •  Continue with the same procedure at each optimization session up to 5.5 mA and continuously evaluate the effect of the stimulation setting on iHRR.  6.6  Instantaneous HRR evaluation and PPB/ON time change iHRR can be observed  at the "Statistic" tab: HR statistic,  HR  reduction figure and HR distribution histogram for the last interval and in the "Setting" tab: HR figure •  ON Time setting change;
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            28  o  Review the HR reduction figure appears in the "Statistic" tab after pressing the "Retrieve" button at the beginning of each session. o  Increase  ON  time,  if  the  HR  value  at  the  last  measuring  point  of  the Stimulation  ON  time  is  lower  or  equal  to  the  HR  value  of  the  previous measuring point and the average HR. o  Decrease  ON  time,  if  the  HR  value  at  the  last  measuring  point  of  the Stimulation ON time is higher than the HR value of the previous measuring point and the average HR. o  Please note that whenever the On time is modified, the Off time should be modified accordingly in order to keep the overall Duty Cycle constant. •  PPB setting change; When  statistically  significant  iHRR  in  an  interval  ≥  24-hours  is  observed  switch setting to 2 PPB. o  The change may require eventually reduction of 0.5mA in pulse current  o  Re-evaluate  the  iHRR  in  the  following  visit.  In  case  the  measured  iHRR value decreased following the change, revert to the last setting with the 1 PPB. •  It is mandatory to print report at the beginning and completion of visit, all reports should be reviewed and signed by the patient physician.  7.  INTERACTIONS WITH IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILLATORS  This section provides the procedure to be followed when programming CardioFit in a patient with an implanted pacemaker and/or implanted Cardioverter defibrillator. Following  this  procedure  shall  minimize  the  risk  of  interaction  between  the  two implanted devices and will allow safe delivery of therapy from both of them.  Programming device parameters Use the following guidelines to set pacing/sensing parameters in the devices. These guidelines  minimize  the  possibility  of  CardioFit  and  the  other  device  sensing  each other’s stimulations as cardiac events. •  Avoid using atrial sensing if possible •  Set the CardioFit sensing threshold to be between 50% and 70% of the R-wave amplitude •  Set  the  other  device’s  sensitivity  to  the  most  un-sensitive  setting  possible  as recommended by the manufacturer of that device. •  Note that it is possible and common for a device (e.g. a CRT/D) to be both anti-bradycardia and anti-tachycardia. In this case guidelines for both types of modes should be followed •  For  several  parameters  below,  conversion  from  beats  per  minute  (bpm)  to milliseconds (ms) is required. Use the following formula:    NOTE: Press the EXIT key after parameter setting is completed
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            29  Ms = 1000*60/bpm Bpm = 1000*60/ms •  The stimulation duration is the time from detection to the end of the last pulse. The duration is calculated as: Delay From R + (PPB-1)*PRI + PPB  Example 1:   Delay From R = 50 ms   PPB = 2   PRI = 50 ms   Stimulation duration = 50 + (2-1)*50 + 2 = 102 ms  Example 2:   Delay From R = 50 ms   PPB = 1   PRI = 50 ms (in this case PRI is irrelevant to the calculation since PPB=1)   Stimulation duration = 50 + (1-1)*50 + 1 = 51 ms  •  When the other device is using atrial sensing (not recommended) o  The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values such that the other device’s parameter governing the atrial refractory period after ventricular pacing/sensing (e.g. Post-Ventricular Atrial Blanking) is greater than the CardioFit stimulation duration. Example: CardioFit stimulation duration = 150 ms  Other device’s PVARP should be set to be greater than 150 ms.  o  The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values such that the other device’s parameter governing the maximal delay from sensed atrial event to paced ventricular event (e.g. Sensed AV interval) is smaller than the CardioFit delay from R. Example: Other device’s Sensed AV interval =150 ms. CardioFit delay from R should be set larger than 150 ms.  •  When the other device is using ventricular sensing o  The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values such that the other device’s parameter governing the ventricular refractory period after ventricular pacing/sensing is greater than the CardioFit stimulation duration. Example: Other device’s ventricular refractory period = 130 ms. CardioFit stimulation duration should be set to smaller than 130 ms.  o  When the other device is an anti-bradycardia device:   CardioFit Low HR threshold shall be set to be above the other device’s basic pacing rate
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            30   CAUTION: In case that CardioFit low HR threshold is set below the other device’s basic pacing rate, the CardioFit will stimulate on paced beats. The physician should take this into account when programming CardioFit stimulation parameters, or should consider abolition of CardioFit implantation  o  When the other device is using bi-ventricular pacing •  The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values in which the other device’s V-V delay is smaller than the CardioFit maximal detectable heart rate Example: Other device’s V-V delay = 50 ms. 50 ms = 1200 bpm. CardioFit Maximal detectable heart rate should be smaller than 1200 bpm.  o  When the other device is an anti-tachycardia device   The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values in which the CardioFit Maximum detectable HR is about 10% above the other device’s VT zone (to ensure correct CardioFit tracking of the VT)   Example: Other device’s VT zone = 180 bpm. CardioFit High Maximum detectable HR threshold should be above 200 bpm.    The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values in which the CardioFit High HR threshold is about 10% below the other device’s VT zone (to ensure no CardioFit stimulation during VT therapy).  Example: Other device’s VT zone = 180 bpm. CardioFit High HR threshold should be below 160 bpm.    The other device’s and CardioFit’s parameters shall be set to values in which the CardioFit High HR threshold is about 10% below the other device’s anti-tachycardia pacing interval (to ensure no CardioFit stimulation during ATP therapy).  Example: Other device’s anti-tachycardia pacing interval= 200 ms. 200 ms = 300 bpm CardioFit High HR threshold should be below 270 bpm.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            31    Patient follow-up During patient follow-up special attention should be taken to ensure that the above guidelines are still in effect. Also, any irregular events should be scrutinized to ensure that they did not occur due to device-device interactions. Such events may include: o  Defibrillation shocks. o  Pacemaker detection problems (double-counting). o  CardioFit detection problems.     NOTE: Both devices, ICD and the CardioFit cannot be interrogated simultaneously    WARNING: It is advised to ensure proper sensing by the CardioFit of intrinsic and paced beats   8  MAINTENANCE, HANDLING, AND STORAGE  8.1   Maintenance Except for periodical battery replacement of the communication interface and PC battery charging, the Physician Programmer does not require maintenance:  •  Use only alkaline 9V battery. •  Remove the 9-volt battery from the communication interface device if the Physician Programmer will not be used for an extended period. •  Replace the 9-volt battery only after the communication interface has been disconnected from all external equipment. •  Do not sterilize the programming wand. •  Return the Physician Programmer to BioControl if repair or replacement is required. •  If required, the Physician Programmer components can be cleaned with a moistened cloth.  8.2   Handling •  Never immerse the programming wand in liquid.   NOTE: Please note that the term ‘ICD’ refers to: Single chamber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators, Dual chamber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy- Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (CRT-D)
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            32  •  Never connect the communication interface to external equipment while the battery compartment is open.  8.3   Storage •  Do not store the Physician Programmer where it might be exposed to water or other liquids.  Moisture can damage its functionality! •  Store the Physician Programmer between 0ºC and 45ºC. Temperature outside this range can damage the Physician Programmer. •  Relative Humidity (RH): Between 10% and 95% RH.  •  Atmospheric Pressure: Between –400m and 3000m (700-1060 hPa). •  Store the Physician Programmer in a secure place.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            33   9. TROUBLESHOOTING  The following table presents possible errors and suggested solutions:   Error  Feature  Suggestion Green light not blinking 1.  Reposition wand. 2.  Ask patient to change his/her position. 3.  Check physician programmer operation on a neutral CardioFit™-X device. 4.  Check/change the 9-volt battery of the communication interface device. 5.  Verify that the Physician Programmer components (i.e. PC; communication interface; and programming wand) are properly connected. 6.  Change the programming wand and the communication interface. 7.  In case green light is, still, not blinking contact BioControl Medical (BCM). Communication error  Green light blinking in a high frequency 1.  Check if the CardioFit programming wand is located in the proximity of another programming wand (ICD, CRT). 2.  Try to isolate the CardioFit programming wand from others electrical devices 3.  Contact BioControl Medical (BCM). Physician Programmer not responding or a persistent malfunction not related to communication. 1.  Close the Physician Programmer program and restart the program. 2.  If the problem is not resolved, restart the laptop. 3.  Contact BioControl Medical (BCM).     CAUTION: In case of unsuccessful Turn-off of the neurostimulator while using the Physician Programmer, use safety magnet to turn the neurostimulator OFF. Please contact BioControl Medical personnel, immediately.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            34   The following table presents possible error messages:   Message  Description  Action "A different CardioFit was interrogated, do you wish to proceed?"   After   interrogation, the serial number of the device is different from the last SN. Press YES in case the new device (patient) interrogation was scheduled or press NO and interrogate again the right device in the case of a mistake.   "Communication battery voltage too low!"  Whenever the battery voltage is too low. Turn on the communication interface or replace the battery, use 9v alkaline battery only. "There is no communication"  Indicates a communication error.  See the table above. "There is no Communication interface connected to this computer, or CP93.Vxd file is not found in the current folder." When a communication box is missing, or faulty parallel connection between the interface box and the PC. Connect the communication interface to the programmer. "Unfamiliar device or old device version or communication error" Unexpected model or version was read, may indicate an old device version. Re-interrogates the device, if the massage still appears contact BioControl Medical. "Unable to write to a log file"  In case of an error in writing to a log file.  Make sure all log files are closed. "Unable to read from the log file"  A problem in reading the log file.  Make sure all log files are closed. “Disk on key is not connected, operation canceled! “ Disk on key should be connected in order to perform this action. Connect a Disk-On-Key to the programmer. "The operation cannot be performed when device is not active" The desired action requires an active CardioFit. Appears when updating IEGM or HR while the device is set to “active off”, set the device to “Active on”. "Please schedule device replacement" When CardioFit longevity is less than 3 months.  Schedule device replacement.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            35
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            36  10.  PRODUCT INFORMATION AND SUPPORT  For technical support for the CardioFit™ system Physician Programmer or any of its accessories, please contact BioControl:  BioControl Medical (B.C.M) Ltd. 3 Geron St. Yehud, 56100           ISRAEL              TEL: + 972-3-6322126    FAX: +972-3-6322125     Email:   11.   DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY  Although the Physician Programmer hereafter referred to as “Product” has been carefully designed, manufactured and tested prior to use, the Product may fail to perform its intended function satisfactorily for a variety of reasons. Warnings contained in the Product labeling provide more detailed information and are considered an integral part of this disclaimer. BioControl, therefore, disclaims all warranties, both expressed and implied, with respect to the Product. BioControl shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by any use, defect or failure of the Product, whether the claim is based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise.  The exclusions and limitations set out above are not intended to, and should not be construed so as to, contravene mandatory provisions of applicable law. If any part or term of this disclaimer of warranty is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with applicable law, the validity of the remaining portion of the disclaimer of warranty shall not be affected and all rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as if this disclaimer of warranty did not contain the particular part or term held to be invalid.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            37  APPENDIX A.   Electromagnetic environment – guidance IEC 60601-1-2  Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X ver 8.15 should assure that it is used in such an environment. Emissions test  Compliance  Electromagnetic environment - guidance RF emissions CISPR 11  Group 2  The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X ver 8.15 must emit electromagnetic energy in order to perform their intended function. Nearby electronic equipment may be affected. RF emissions CISPR 11  Class B Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2  Class D Voltage fluctuations/flicker emissions IEC 61000-3-3 Complies The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X ver 8.15 are suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.9  Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity Test  IEC 60601 test level  Compliance level  Electromagnetic environment – guidance Electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2 ±6 kV contact  ±8 kV air ±6 kV contact  ±8 kV air Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30 %. Electrical fast transient/burst  IEC 61000-4-4. ±2 kV for power supply lines  ±1 kV for input/output lines ±2 kV for power supply lines  ±1 kV for input/output lines Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment Surge IEC 61000-4-5  ±1 kV differential mode  ±2 kV common mode ±1 kV differential mode  ±2 kV common mode Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on power supply input lines IEC 61000-4-11. <5 % UT  (>95 % dip in UT) for 0,5 cycle  40 % UT  (60 % dip in UT) for 5 cycles  70 % UT (30 % dip in UT) for 25 cycles  <5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT) for 5 sec <5 % UT  (>95 % dip in UT) for 0,5 cycle  40 % UT  (60 % dip in UT) for 5 cycles  70 % UT (30 % dip in UT) for 25 cycles  <5 % UT (>95 % dip in UT) for 5 sec Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 requires continued operation during power mains interruptions, it is recommended that the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 be powered from an uninterruptible power supply or a battery Power frequency (50/60 Hz) magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 3 A/m  3 A/m  Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment. NOTE UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            38  Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity Test  IEC 60601 test level  Compliance level  Electromagnetic environment – guidance       Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.   Recommended separation distance   Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6  3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 MHz  3 V  d = 1.2 √P Radiated RF IEC 61000-4-3  3 V/m 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz  3 V/m  d = 1.2 √P  80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 2.3 √P  800 MHz to 2,5 GHz        where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in metres (m).  Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey,a should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range.b  Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:  NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 are used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than [V1] V/m.
   Unified Physicain Programmer   IFU     RU-53-001 H                                                                                                                            39   Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 The Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 are intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Physician Programmer model 5300 & CardioFit-X Ver 8.15 as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.  Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter m Rated maximum output power of transmitter W  150 kHz to 80 MHz d = 1.2 √P  80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 1.2 √P  800 MHz to 2,5 GHz d = 2.3 √P 0.01  0.12  0.12  0.23 0.1  0.38  0.38  0.73 1  1.2  1.2  2.3 10  3.8  3.8  7.2 100  12  12  23 For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.  NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.  NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
              BioControl Medical BCM Ltd.  3 Geron Street, P.O.B 2713 Yehud 56217, ISRAEL Tel: +972 3 6322126  Fax: +972 3 6322125 Email:  The                                    system  and  its  use  for  treatment  of  cardiological pathologies is protected under one or more of United States patents nos. 6,600,954,  6,684,105,    and  7,346,398,  as  well  as  corresponding international patents. Other patents are pending.  IN THE US - CAUTION - Investigational Device. Limited By Federal Law To Investigational Use.  Hereby,  BioControl  Medical  BCM  Ltd.,  declares  that  CardioFit™ Neurostimulator  is  in  compliance  with  the  essential  requirements  and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC   © BioControl Medical BCM Ltd. All rights reserved  MedNet GmbH Borkstrasse 10 48163 MÜnster, Germany Tel: +49 2513 22660, Fax: +49 2513 226622    0344

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