BK Technologies GMH599 VHF Mobile Transceiver User Manual Section 3

RELM WIRELESS CORP. - BK RADIO VHF Mobile Transceiver Users Manual Section 3

Users Manual Section 3

BK RADIOPage 3-1SECTION IIIOPERATION3.1 INTRODUCTIONThis section contains information concerning the operation procedures of the GMH Series radio.Information on programming and installation is contained in Section 2 of this manual.3.1.1 Safety precautionsA.  Do not operate the transmitter in close proximity to blasting caps.B.  Do not operate the radio in an explosive atmosphere (petroleum fuels, solvents, dust, etc.).C.  Do not operate the transmitter if a person outside the vehicle is within two feet of the antennaor touching the antenna.D.  Do not install the radio in a closed compartment that contains an LP gas container or itsfittings.E.  The radio must be properly grounded.F.  The equipment must be installed and serviced by a qualified technician.3.2 BASIC OPERATION3.2.1 ReceiveTURN POWER ON by turning the Volume knob clockwise past the OFF detent.The radio will beep, indicating that it has passed its self test and is operational.SET VOLUME by pressing the MON button to hear squelch noise. Turn theVolume knob to set a comfortable volume level. Press the MON button again tostop squelch noise.SELECT A CHANNEL GROUP (if applicable) by pressing the GRP button andturning the Channel Select knob. Press the GRP button again to return tochannel select mode. See “GRP” on page 3-5.SELECT A CHANNEL by turning the Channel Selector knob. After reaching thehighest number, the radio wraps to channel 1.The display can show channel numbers (numeric mode), channel labels(alphanumeric mode), or receive and transmit frequencies. The display modeand channel labels are programmed by the technician along with group labels(if applicable) and channel frequencies. The display shows slightly differentindications during Channel Scan and Priority Scan operation in alphanumericand numeric modes.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioPage 3-2BK RADIO3.2.2 TransmitPRESS THE PTT (Push To Talk) switch on the microphone. The TX annunciatorappears on the display and the red Transmit indicator glows while the PTT ispressed. Talk in a normal voice with the microphone approximately one to twoinches from your mouth. Release the PTT switch to stop transmitting.If the TX annunciator does not appear and a tone is heard, you are on areceive-only channel or the channel is busy (if Busy Channel Lockout isenabled). Turn the Channel Select knob to an authorized transmit channel orwait until the channel is clear (if Busy Channel Lockout is installed).If the length of the message exceeds the preset time-out timer setting, thetransmitter automatically shuts off and a tone sounds. To continue thetransmission, release the PTT switch, and then press it again and continuetalking.3.2 CODE GUARD OPERATIONCode GuardTM allows one radio or group of radios to be selectively called within a system. If the radiohas been programmed with Code Guard, use the following receive and transmit instructions.3.2.1 Code Guard ReceiveTURN POWER ON by turning the Volume knob clockwise past the OFF detent.The radio will beep, indicating that it has passed its self test and is operational.SET VOLUME by pressing the MON button to hear squelch noise. Turn theVolume knob to set a comfortable volume level. Press the MON button again tostop squelch noise.SELECT A CHANNEL GROUP (if applicable) by pressing the GRP button andturning the Channel Select knob. Press the GRP button again to return tochannel select mode. See “GRP” on page 3-5.SELECT A CHANNEL by turning the Channel Selector knob. After reaching thehighest number, the radio wraps to channel 1.PRESS THE CG BUTTON to disable or enable Code Guard operation. An arrowon the display points to the CG button when Code Guard is disabled. WhenCode Guard is enabled, a message is heard only when the proper Code Guardis received.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioBK RADIOPage 3-33.2.2 Code Guard TransmitMONITOR THE CHANNEL, before transmitting on Code Guard channels, by liftingthe microphone off hook or pressing the MON button. Listen to the channel fora few seconds to ensure that no communications are occurring on the channel.PRESS THE PTT (Push To Talk) switch on the microphone. The TX annunciatorappears on the display and the red Transmit indicator glows while the PTT ispressed. Talk in a normal voice with the microphone approximately one to twoinches from your mouth. Release the PTT switch to stop transmitting.HANG UP THE MICROPHONE when finished. If you pressed the MON button tomonitor the channel, press it again after the transmission to return to CodeGuard operation.3.3 Button FunctionsWhen the radio is installed, labels are placed on the front push buttons to indicate theirfunctions. An arrow on the display points to each front mounted push button that isactive. The five push buttons can be programmed with the following functions:Standard Functions Optional FunctionsMON Monitor Squelch Noise TA Repeater Talk Around GSC Group ScanSCN Channel Scan CG Code Guard Disable SQL Squelch AdjustPRI Priority Scan GRP Channel Group ACC Accessory 1PA Public Address SPK External Speaker ACC Accessory 2HOM Home Channel NXT Next Scan Channel ACC Accessory 3LPW Low Power SelectEach of these controls is described in the following sections.MON Monitor Squelch NoisePress the MON button to start or stop monitoring squelch noise. This allows you to set acomfortable volume level.SCN Channel ScanPress the SCN button to start or stop scanning channels in the scan list. Scan operationoccurs only while the radio is not transmitting. To add or delete the current channel from thescan list, press the SCN button and hold it down for 1 second or more. See “Channel Scan”on page 3-7.PRI Priority ScanPress the PRI button to start or stop priority scanning. The PR annunciator and the flashingSCN  annunciator appear on the display. To make the current channel the fixed prioritychannel, press the PRI button and hold it down for 1 second or more. See “Priority Scan” onpage 3-11.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioPage 3-4BK RADIOPA Public AddressPress the PA button to turn the Public Address system on or off. When PA is on, pressing themicrophone PTT switch causes audio to be routed to the audio amplifier without enabling thetransmitter.HOM Home ChannelPress the HOM button to go to the pre-programmed Home Channel.To set a different Home Channel, select the desired channel using the Channel Select knob,press the HOM button, and hold it for more than 1 second until the arrow above the HOMbutton appears on the display. The new channel then becomes the Home Channel.TA Repeater Talk AroundPress the TA button to turn Repeater Talk Around on or off. When TA is on, the radiotransmits on the receive frequency of the selected channel, bypassing or “talking around” therepeater. This function may be used on any channel that is programmed to a frequency pair(repeater channel).CG Code Guard DisablePress the CG button to disable or enable Code Guard operation. An arrow on the displaypoints to the CG button when Code Guard is disabled. When Code Guard is enabled, amessage is heard only when the proper Code Guard is received. Transmit Code Guardgeneration is unaffected. The CG button may also be used to override Busy ChannelLockout, if that is installed.GRP Channel GroupPress the GRP button to toggle between Group Select and Channel Select modes. This isused only if the radio has been programmed to divide the available channels into groups.Press the GRP button for Group Select mode. Turn the Channel Select knob to select agroup. Return to Channel Select mode by waiting 5 seconds, or by pressing the GRP buttonone time (numeric mode) or two times (alphanumeric mode). After selecting a group inalphanumeric mode, press the GRP button one time to display the group label, and a secondtime to return to Channel Select mode.SPK External SpeakerPress the SPK button to toggle between the built-in radio speaker and an external speaker.NXT Next Scan ChannelPress the NXT button to select the next consecutive channel in the scan list (not during scanoperation).LPW Low Power SelectPress the LPW button to toggle between high power and low power transmitter operation.Transmitter power settings can be programmed from 15 to 50 watts.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioBK RADIOPage 3-5GSC Group ScanPress the GSC button to enable or disable Group Scan operation. During Group Scanoperation, the following features are disabled: Dual Priority Scan, User Code Guard, andNuisance Channel Delete.Press the GSC button for 1 second or more to toggle the current channel’s group on or offthe group scan list.SQL Squelch AdjustPress the SQL button to toggle between Squelch Adjust and Volume Adjust modes.Press the SQL button for Squelch Adjust mode. Turn the Volume knob to adjust the squelchsetting. Turning the knob counter-clockwise tightens the squelch setting, allowing onlystronger signals to open the squelch and be heard. In the absence of a held channel, thereceiver will be tuned to the main channel. Guard qualification will be disabled during squelchadjustment.Return to Volume Adjust mode by waiting 5 seconds, or by pressing the SQL button again.Pressing the SQL button and holding for more than 1 second sets the squelch to its factorypreset value.ACC AccessoryPress the ACC button to turn the installed accessory on or off. Up to three ACC buttons maybe installed for different accessories.3.3.1 Built-In FeaturesBK Radio GMH radios are based on a microprocessor core that allows extra features and operationalcharacteristics to be built into the radio. Your dealer will help define the best operational settings foryour system and program them into the radio.Additional FrequenciesAdditional transmit and receive frequencies can be added. If you wish to monitor other localradio systems that fall anywhere in your band, a frequency with or without Code Guard canbe added to your program.Time Out TimerThe time out timer limits the duration of calls and guards against accidentally locking on thetransmitter and tying up the radio system. The duration of the time out timer can be changedby your dealer. (15-225 seconds, or 0 - disabled)DTMF/ANIA DTMF/ANI encoding feature is also available. If enabled by your dealer, a sequence ofDTMF tones (similar to the tones used by a standard pushbutton telephone) are transmittedeach time the transmit PTT switch is activated.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioPage 3-6BK RADIOScan DelayScan delay allows the radio to receive a response to a transmission before scanning theother channels for activity. If you find that your scanner is restarting before message repliesare heard, you can ask your dealer to increase the scan delay time. (0-7.5 seconds)Keyboard Microphone OperationIf a keyboard microphone is used with the GMH radio, the following features may be enabled.Not all microphones support these functions.  Contact your dealer to determine whichfeatures are available with your microphone and have been enabled in the radio.Group SelectionSelect a channel group by pressing the # key on the keyboard microphone followed by thenumber of the desired group. This is used only if the radio has been programmed to dividethe available channels into groups.DTMF EncodeDTMF Encode (telephone touch tone) is accomplished by pressing and holding the keyboardmicrophone PTT switch, and then pressing the 0 - 9 keys for the encoding operation desired.After the desired numbers have been entered, monitor or transmit as required.ANI OperationAutomatic Number Identification can be programmed into the GMH radio for use with inter-connect telephone and other systems requiring users to identify before allowing use of thesystem.User Selected Scan ListPress the ENT button on the keyboard microphone to add the selected channel to the scanlist. The SCN annunciator appears on the display for each channel entered in the scan list.Press the CLR button on the keyboard microphone to remove (clear) the selected channelfrom the scan list. This can be accomplished during Channel Scan operation to remove anunwanted channel.User Selected Priority ChannelPress the PRI button on the keyboard microphone to make the current channel the fixedpriority channel. The PR annunciator appears on the display. This occurs in priority scanmodes B, C, and D, but not A. See "Priority Scan" on page 3-11.USER SELECTED CODE GUARDWhen the frequencies are programmed for each channel in the radio, a receive Code Guard valueand a transmit Code Guard value may also be entered for each channel. The Code Guard values forchannels 1-9 can be copied to a another channel in the radio. For example, to use the Code Guardvalues of Channel 9 with the frequencies of Channel 5:1. Tum off the SCN and PRI buttons.2. Set the Channel Selector knob to Channel 5.3. Press the 9 key on the keyboard microphone. The CG annunciator appears on the display toindicate that the Code Guard has been changed from its original programming.4. Press the 0 key to reset all values to the original settings, or press a different number key toselect a different set of Code Guard values.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioBK RADIOPage 3-7In numeric mode, the display shows the selected channel (Ch 5) with the Code Guard valuechannel (9) to the right. The CG annunciator appears on the display to indicate that the CodeGuard has been changed from its original programming.In alphanumeric mode, the display shows the label for the Code Guard value channel(ALPHA 9) briefly when changing to Channel 5, then the display shows the label for theselected channel (ALPHA 5). The CG annunciator appears on the display to indicate that theCode Guard has been changed from its original programming.CHANNEL SCANPress the SCN button to start or stop scanning channels in the scan list. Scan operation occurs onlywhile the radio is not transmitting. Scan operation is indicated on the display by the flashing SCNannunciator (alphanumeric mode) or two flashing bars (numeric mode).The radio scans all channels in the scan list for activity. When activity is detected, the radio receivesthe active channel, and the channel name or number appears on the display.Channels in the scan list are pre-programmed. To determine which channels are in the scan list,select a channel with the channel knob. If it is in the scan list the SCN annunciator appears in thedisplay.To add or delete the current channel from the scan list, press the SCN button and hold it down for 1second or more. A beep sounds when the scan list change is executed.PRIORITY SCANPress the PRI button to start or stop priority scanning. Priority scan operation occurs only while theradio is not transmitting. Priority scan operation is indicated on the display by the PR annunciator andeither the flashing SCN annunciator (alphanumeric mode) or two flashing bars (numeric mode).To make the current channel the fixed priority channel, press the PRI button and hold it down for 1second or more. A beep sounds and the PR annunciator appears when the priority channel change isexecuted. This occurs in priority scan modes B, C, and D, but not A.The GMH radio can be programmed with one of four priority scan modes: A, B, C, and D.Priority Mode AThe channel selected with the Channel Select knob becomes the priority channel as well.When scanning with the PRI button on, the receiver checks the priority channel for activity. Ifactivity is detected by scanning and the receiver stops on a channel other than the prioritychannel, the receiver continues to check the priority channel for activity. If, in this condition,activity is detected on the priority channel, the receiver receives the priority channel activityfor the duration of the transmission, then returns to scanning operation. The yellow PriorityIndicator glows during the priority reception. The radio transmits on the channel selected withthe Channel Select knob.Priority Mode BIn priority mode B the priority mode is fixed in programming and indicated by the PRannunciator when the priority channel is selected. Priority operation during scanning is thesame as with Priority mode A, except that the priority channel is pre-programmed, not theselected channel. However, with any channel selected other than the fixed priority channelwith SCN off and PRI on, the receiver checks the priority channel while receiving on theselected channel. If activity is detected on the priority channel, the receiver switches toreceive the priority channel for the duration of the transmission, then returns to the selectedchannel. The transmitter transmits on the knob-selected channel while operating in prioritymode B.
Operation GMH Series VHF RadioPage 3-8BK RADIOPriority Mode CIn priority mode C the priority channel is pre-programmed. This channel is displayed any timePRI is on, no matter where the Channel Select knob is set. Priority operation during scanoperation is the same as with Priority Mode A, except that the priority channel is pre-programmed, not the selected channel. In priority mode C the transmitter always transmits onthe priority channel when PR is on.Priority Mode DPriority mode D operates exactly like priority mode C. However when PRI is on, the channelname or number displayed is the knob-selected channel, not the fixed priority channel.BUSY CHANNELIf your radio has been programmed by your dealer for busy channel operation, it will operate in one ofthe following three modes.Busy Channel IndicationThe yellow Busy Channel Indicator glows if there is carrier activity on the channel selected. Ifthe channel selected is a Code Guard channel and the correct code is not detected, the BusyChannel Indicator remains on for the duration of the carrier activity and no messages areheard. During Channel Scan and Priority Scan operation, the Busy Channel Indicator glowswhen activity is detected on any channel that is on the scan list. When scanning Code Guardchannels, with the CG button on, and activity has been detected, the Busy Channel Indicatorglows for the time period necessary to determine if the proper Code Guard has beenreceived, causing the Busy Channel Indicator to flash at various rates. In Priority Scanoperation, with the CG button on, the Busy Channel Indicator remains on for the duration ofthe carrier activity.Busy Channel LockoutThe Busy Channel Lockout feature applies only to those channels programmed for receiveCode Guard operation. When carrier activity is detected on the channel selected, the radiochecks the receive Code Guard value. If the proper Code Guard value is present, the radiocan transmit on that channel, even if the CG button is not on. If the radio detects an incorrectvalue or carrier activity only, the transmitter is disabled, an alert tone is heard, and the displayshows the word "Busy" when the PTT is pressed, regardless of whether the CG button is onor off.Channels not programmed for receive Code Guard operation transmit regardless of carrieractivity.Busy Channel Lockout OverrideThis mode operates in the same manner as Busy Channel Lockout with the exception thatthe user can override and transmit by pressing the CG button.

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