BUFFALO 04600087-0 Wireless-G USB 2.0 Keychain Adapter User Manual

BUFFALO INC. Wireless-G USB 2.0 Keychain Adapter

User manual

www.buffalotech.com v1.2User Manual - AirStation WLI-UC-GWireless G USB Keychain Client/Access Point
2Table of ContentsIntroduction ......................................................................3Installation .......................................................................48VLQJ:LQGRZV=HUR&RQÀJ ...............................................7Using Client Manager 3 .....................................................8Using AOSS ......................................................................9Access Point Mode ..........................................................12Connecting Your Nintendo DS® ...................................... 14Connecting Your Nintendo Wii® ...................................... 16Connecting Your Sony PSP® ........................................... 19Connecting Your Sony Playstation 3® ............................. 216SHFLÀFDWLRQV ..................................................................23FCC/CE Information ....................................................... 24Contact Information ........................................................ 38
3Congratulations on your purchase! The AirStation WLI-UC-G Turbo G wireless USBAdapter connects your notebook computer or desktop PC to a 2.4 GHz 802.11g or bnetwork. It can also serve as an access point for connecting AOSS compatable wirelessdevices to your existing network.Package Contents•WLI-UC-G USB Adapter•USB Extension Cable•Utility CD with Manual•Quick Setup Guide•Warranty StatementIntroduction
4Insert the AirNavigator CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. Donot insert the USB key into a USB port yet.InstallationThis window will open on your desktop.Select Begin Installation.
5The WLI-UC-G may be installed as either a wireless clientor a wireless access point.Choose Client Mode Installation if you want to add awireless client to your computer, allowing it to connectto existing wireless networks. Turn to the next page forinstructions on Client Mode Installation.Choose Access Point Mode Installation if you want toFRQÀJXUHWKHWLI-UC-G as a simple wireless access pointfor connecting AOSS-compatable devices such as gameconsoles. Access Point Mode Installation instructionscontinue on page 12.Installation
6Client Mode InstallationTo install drivers and use the wireless connection toolbuilt-in to Windows, click Install.Included on the disk is Buffalo’s Client Manager 3software. To install it, click the checkbox beside itin the Software Option List and then click Install.Client Manager 3 includes the option of automaticallyconnecting to AOSS or WPS devices.Click Next to step through the installation wizards.When the wizard asks you to insert your device, plugthe AirStation WLI-UC-G in to a USB port on yourcomputer. Drivers will install automatically, and ifyou checked its box, Client Manager 3 will install aswell. When the wizard is complete, click Finish.
77RXVH:LQGRZV·EXLOWLQZLUHOHVVXWLOLW\FOLFNRQLWVLFRQLQWKHV\VWUD\=HUR&RQÀJZLOORSHQUsing Windows®=HUR&RQÀJAll available wireless networks will be listed. Click on yournetwork to highlight it and then click Connect.If your network requires a network key or password toconnect, enter it twice. Click Connect. When the wirelessicon in the systray changes to , you are connected to thewireless network.
8Using Client Manager 3If you installed Buffalo’s Client Manager 3 software, then you will use it to connect instead of:LQGRZV=HUR&RQÀJ&OLFNRQLWVLFRQLQWKHV\VWUD\WRRSHQ&OLHQW0DQDJHUClick on one of the three buttons up top to navigate to the three differentsections of Client Manager. The Scan tab shows a list of availablewireless networks. Highlight one and click Connect at the bottom toconnect to that network.The Status tab shows information about your current wirelessconnection.The 3URÀOHV tab lets you create, store, and prioritize common wirelessconnections. The AOSS button is also located here.
9then AOSS will let you connect the WLI-UC-G to your wireless network, easily andsecurely.<RXUURXWHURUDFFHVVSRLQWPXVWVXSSRUW$266WRXVHLW,I\RXZRXOGUDWKHUFRQÀJXUHyour wireless connection manually, select the Scan tab in Client Manager to scan foravailable networks.Start Client Manager by double clicking on the black antenna icon in your systray,or by launching it from your Start Menu: Programs >> Buffalo >> AirStation Utility >>ClientManager3.AOSS (AirStation One-Touch SecureSystem) is a simple system for connectingwireless clients to an access point whileenforcing the most secure possibleconnection encryption type. Users nolonger need to worry about choosing theproper security protocols, IP addresses,or SSID. AOSS determines the optimalFRQQHFWLRQDQGFRQÀJXUHVLWVHOILQseconds.Your WLI-UC-G has its AOSS buttonin the Client Manager software. If yourrouter or access point supports AOSS,Using AOSS
10•From the Status Screen, select the 3URÀOHV tab.•Initiate AOSS by clicking the blue AOSS button on the Client Manager’s screen. The AOSSwizard will appear.•Now, press the AOSS button on your access point. Hold it down until the AOSS LED on theDFFHVVSRLQWEHJLQVWRÁDVKVHFRQGVUsing AOSS
112QFH$266LVFRPSOHWHDERXWVHFRQGVWKHFRQQHFWLRQLVDUFKLYHGDVDSURÀOHIRUODWHUXVH7RPLQLPL]HClient Manager to the system tray, click the ‘X’ in the top right corner.Notes:$266ZLOOVFDQIRUDQ$266SDUWQHUIRUDERXWWZRPLQXWHV,ILWWLPHVRXWEHIRUHÀQGLQJRQHMXVWSUHVVWKHAOSS buttons again.Output power is reduced to 25% of normal during AOSS for security reasons. If you’re having trouble makingan AOSS connection, temporarily move the devices closer together.AOSS will automatically use the highest level of security available for all currently connected wireless devices.,I\RXKDYHWURXEOHFRQQHFWLQJZLWK$266WHPSRUDULO\GLVDEOHDOOSHUVRQDOÀUHZDOOVRQ\RXU3&VXFKDV=RQH$ODUPRU0LFURVRIW3HUVRQDO)LUHZDOO7KHVHSURJUDPVPD\EHUHHQDEOHGDIWHU$266KDVÀQLVKHG$OVRPDNHVXUHWKDWDQ\RWKHUZLUHOHVVFOLHQWPDQDJHUVRIWZDUHLQFOXGLQJ:LQGRZV;3·V=HUR&RQÀJXUDWLRQService) is disabled before using Client Manager.Using AOSS
12Besides its wireless client capability, the WLI-UC-G canfunction as a wireless access point. If your computeralready has a connection to the internet, and you wantto connect AOSS-compatable devices wirelessly, thenchoose Access Point Mode during installation. Note: If\RXKDYHÀUHZDOORUDQWLYLUXVVRIWZDUHUXQQLQJRQWKHcomputer, temporarily disable it before continuing.Click Install to continue. Continue clicking Next to stepthrough the installation wizard. When the program asksfor your device, plug the WLI-UC-G into a USB port onthe computer and click Next,OK, and Finish.Access Point Mode Installation
13AOSSUsing Your AirStation as an Access PointMany kinds of AOSS devices can be connected to theAirStation WLI-UC-G in access point mode. Right clickon the icon to open the window shown at left. Clickor push the AOSS button for the device you want toconnect to start AOSS. Then, click on the AOSS buttonin this window. AOSS will set up your connectionautomatically.In the following examples, we’ll show how to connectseveral common gaming consoles to the AirStationwirelessly.
14The DS®uses seperate wireless connections for each game. You willneed to do these steps for each game that you play wirelessly.Turn on your DS®.  Click on Wi-Fi Settings.  The location of this may varydepending on what game you're in.Click on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings.Click on any of the 3 available connections.Connecting Your Nintendo DS®
15Click on AOSS.You'll see this screen. Now, click the AOSS button on your desktop (seepage 13).Your DS®is now connected to the network.  Click OK to run a connectiontest.Connecting Your Nintendo DS®
16Turn on your Wii®. Click on Wii Options, in the bottom left corner of themain menu.Click on Wii Settings.Click on the right arrow for more options.Connecting Your Nintendo Wii®
17Click on Internet.Click on Connection Settings.Click on any of the three available connections. If the coonection you'reusing has settings already saved, clear them.Connecting Your Nintendo Wii®
18Connecting Your Nintendo Wii®Click on AOSS.When you see this screen, click the AOSS button on your PC's desktop(page 13 for more info).Your Wii®is now connected to the network. Click OK to run aconnection test.
19Turn on your PSP®.363ÀUPZDUHYHUVLRQRUODWHULVUHTXLUHGWRXVH$2668SGDWH\RXU363ÀUPZDUHLIQHFHVVDU\Select Network Settings.Connecting Your Sony PSP®
20Choose Infrastructure Mode.Choose New Connection.Choose Automatic.Select AOSS. Click the AOSS button on your PC's desktop (see page 13for more info).Connecting Your Sony PSP®In about a minute, the devices will form asecure connection.
21Turn on your Playstation 3®without a game inserted and navigate toNetwork Settings.Open Internet Connection Settings.Select Yes to continue.Connecting Your Sony Playstation 3®
22Choose Wireless.Choose Automatic.Press the "X" button on your controller to initiate AOSS. Then, clickthe AOSS button on your PC's desktop (page 13 for more info onthis).Connecting Your Sony Playstation 3®In about a minute, the devices will form a secure connection.
236SHFLÀFDWLRQVStandards Compliance: IEEE802.11g/IEEE802.11bAccess Modes: Infrastructure (Client Mode/AP Mode)   Ad-hoc (Client Mode)Communication Protocol: OFDM, DSSS, CCKFrequency Range: 2.412 - 2.464MHz (Channels1-11)Security: WPA-PSK (TKIP,AES), WPA2-PSK   (TKIP, AES)*, 128/64-bit WEP   *Software Access Point mode does not   support WPA2-PSK.Interface: USB 2.0Dimensions: 2.9” x 0.8” x 0.4” (74 x 21 x 10 mm)Weight: ~0.7 ounces (20 grams)Operating Environment: 32° - 95° F; 20-80% non-condensingOS Support: Windows® XP, Windows® Vista
24Federal Communication Commission Declaration of Conformity ( DoC ) StatementModel No:  WLI-UC-GAirStation 11g 54Mbps Wireless LAN USB AdapterBuffalo Inc. 15, Shibata Hondori 4-chromeMinami-ku, Nagoya 457-8520Japan01181-52-241-7980This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference byFCC/CE Information
25one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
26Caution Exposure to radio frequency radiation (below is for portable device)To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be colocatedor operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.b. Industry Canada PortionCanada Regulatory Compliance StatementThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numériqué de la classe B est conformé à la norme NMB-003 duCanada.For Customers in CanadaThis device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada (IC).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of this device.L’ utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes :(1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et(2) l’ utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu,même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.
27Caution:  Within the 5.15-to-5.25-GHz band, UNII devices are restricted to indoor operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite Systems (MSS) operationsExposure to radio frequency radiation (below statement applied to mobile or portable device)The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed suchthat it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population;consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s website at www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb.c. EU PortionEuropean Community Declaration of Conformity with Regard to the R&TTE Directive1999/5/ECThe following standards were applied: (Omni)• Radio: EN 300-328 v1.7.1 (2.4-GHz operation)• EMC: EN 301.489-1 v1.6.1, EN 301.489-17 v1.2.1• Safety: IEC 60950 ( 1999 3rd Edition with Amend. 1,2,3,4 ) , EN 60950-1 ( 2006 ),     EN 50371 (V. 2002)The following CE mark is affixed to the device:0678
28Note: This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries. Outdoor use maybe restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for operation. For moredetails, contact your customer service representative.To comply with RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons. This device mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Member States shall ensure that the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing theapparatus on the market provides information for the user on the intended use of theapparatus, together with the declaration of conformity to the essential requirements. Where itconcerns radio equipment, such information shall be sufficient to identify on the packagingand the instructions for use of the apparatus the Member States or the geographical areawithin a Member State where the equipment is intended to be used and shall alert the user bythe marking on the apparatus referred to in Annex VII, paragraph 5, to potential restrictionsor requirements for authorization of use of the radio equipment in certain Member States.Buffalo declares that WLI-UC-G ( FCC ID: FDI-04600087-0 ) is limited in CH1~CH11 for 2.4GHz by specified firmware controlled in U.S.A.
29Declaration of Conformity with Regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/ECýHVN\[Czech]%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFWtPWRSURKODãXMHåHWHQWR$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*MHYHVKRGČVH]iNODGQtPLSRåDGDYN\DGDOãtPLSĜtVOXãQêPLXVWDQRYHQtPLVPČUQLFH(6Dansk[Danish]Undertegnede Buffalo Technology Inc. erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr AirStation WLI-UC-G overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.Deutsch[German]Hiermit erklärt Buffalo Technology Inc. dass sich das Gerät AirStation WLI-UC-G in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie1999/5/EG befindet.Eesti[Estonian]Käesolevaga kinnitab Buffalo Technology Inc. seadme AirStation WLI-UC-G vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.English Hereby, Buffalo Technology Inc. declares that this AirStation WLI-UC-G is in compliance
30with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.Español[Spanish]Por medio de la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. declara que el AirStation WLI-UC-G cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva1999/5/CE.ǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒ[Greek]ȂǼȉǾȃȆǹȇȅȊȈǹ%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFǻǾȁȍȃǼǿȅȉǿ$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*ȈȊȂȂȅȇĭȍȃǼȉǹǿȆȇȅȈ ȉǿȈ ȅȊȈǿȍǻǼǿȈ ǹȆǹǿȉǾȈǼǿȈ Ȁǹǿ ȉǿȈ ȁȅǿȆǼȈ ȈȋǼȉǿȀǼȈ ǻǿǹȉǹȄǼǿȈ ȉǾȈ ȅǻǾīǿǹȈǼȀFrançais[French]Par la présente Buffalo Technology Inc. déclare que l’appareil AirStation WLI-UC-G est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.Italiano[Italian]Con la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. dichiara che questo AirStation WLI-UC-G è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
31with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.Español[Spanish]Por medio de la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. declara que el AirStation WLI-UC-G cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva1999/5/CE.ǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒ[Greek]ȂǼȉǾȃȆǹȇȅȊȈǹ%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFǻǾȁȍȃǼǿȅȉǿ$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*ȈȊȂȂȅȇĭȍȃǼȉǹǿȆȇȅȈ ȉǿȈ ȅȊȈǿȍǻǼǿȈ ǹȆǹǿȉǾȈǼǿȈ Ȁǹǿ ȉǿȈ ȁȅǿȆǼȈ ȈȋǼȉǿȀǼȈ ǻǿǹȉǹȄǼǿȈ ȉǾȈ ȅǻǾīǿǹȈǼȀFrançais[French]Par la présente Buffalo Technology Inc. déclare que l’appareil AirStation WLI-UC-G est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.Italiano[Italian]Con la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. dichiara che questo AirStation WLI-UC-G è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
32with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.Español[Spanish]Por medio de la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. declara que el AirStation WLI-UC-G cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva1999/5/CE.ǼȜȜȘȞȚțȒ[Greek]ȂǼȉǾȃȆǹȇȅȊȈǹ%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFǻǾȁȍȃǼǿȅȉǿ$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*ȈȊȂȂȅȇĭȍȃǼȉǹǿȆȇȅȈ ȉǿȈ ȅȊȈǿȍǻǼǿȈ ǹȆǹǿȉǾȈǼǿȈ Ȁǹǿ ȉǿȈ ȁȅǿȆǼȈ ȈȋǼȉǿȀǼȈ ǻǿǹȉǹȄǼǿȈ ȉǾȈ ȅǻǾīǿǹȈǼȀFrançais[French]Par la présente Buffalo Technology Inc. déclare que l’appareil AirStation WLI-UC-G est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.Italiano[Italian]Con la presente Buffalo Technology Inc. dichiara che questo AirStation WLI-UC-G è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
33Latviski[Latvian]$UãR%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFGHNODUƝND$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*DWELOVW'LUHNWƯYDV(.EnjWLVNDMƗPSUDVƯEƗPXQFLWLHPDUWRVDLVWƯWDMLHPQRWHLNXPLHP/LHWXYLǐ[Lithuanian]Šiuo Buffalo Technology Inc. deklaruoja, kad šis AirStation WLI-UC-G atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.Nederlands[Dutch]Hierbij verklaart Buffalo Technology Inc. dat het toestel AirStation WLI-UC-G in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.Malti[Maltese]+DZQKHNN%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFMLGGLNMDUDOLGDQ$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*MLNNRQIRUPDPDOƫWLƥLMLHWHVVHQ]MDOLXPDSURYYHGLPHQWLRƫUDMQUHOHYDQWLOLKHPPILG'LUUHWWLYD(&Magyar[Hungarian]Alulírott, Buffalo Technology Inc. nyilatkozom, hogy a AirStation WLI-UC-G megfelel a vonatkozó
34DODSYHW}N|YHWHOPpQ\HNQHNpVD](&LUiQ\HOYHJ\pEHO}tUiVDLQDNPolski[Polish]1LQLHMV]\P%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFGHNODUXMĊĪH$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*VSHáQLDZ\PDJDQLD]DVDGQLF]HRUD]stosowne postanowienia zawarte Dyrektywie 1999/5/EC.Português[Portuguese]%XIIDOR7HFKQRORJ\,QFGHFODUDTXHHVWH$LU6WDWLRQ:/,8&*HVWiFRQIRUPHFRPRVUHTXLVLWRVHVVHQFLDLVe outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.Slovensko[Slovenian]Buffalo Technology Inc. izjavlja, da je ta AirStation WLI-UC-G v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi UHOHYDQWQLPLGRORþLOLGLUHNWLYH(6Slovensky[Slovak]%XIIDOR 7HFKQRORJ\ ,QF WêPWR Y\KODVXMH åH $LU6WDWLRQ :/,8&* VSĎĖD ]iNODGQp SRåLDGDYN\ D YãHWN\príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.Suomi[Finnish]Buffalo Technology Inc. vakuuttaa täten että AirStation WLI-UC-G tyyppinen laite on direktiivin
351999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.Svenska[Swedish]Härmed intygar Buffalo Technology Inc. att denna AirStation WLI-UC-G står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.͗⎊שᢕNCC᱿⨸ب⃻ࠣೣ⦓⨢׶ጁʠ̥Լ᪓ૼ㆒ヅᑨŊ㄄⃻⥓רŊҝ׮Ȯۄ⚦໣͐ᮢ≛ࠀʃവႸ⎊⩐ሩ㆒᪓ȮԽञԼ᪓໣⩐ሩ׆⥑⤺ʠ᧚ඖדԼ⋱ȯ̥Լ᪓ૼ㆒ヅᑨʠ͐ᮢʃവഛㅨ㇓⎵મҚד౸ჟ׶ᘍⳇΒř⃻ᱹ᫠ሷ౸ჟ᫠⩽ᆹŊະἼ֯ϟᮢŊʏᄊۧ⎏ᤀ౸ჟᆹᅞവ↧↲͐ᮢȯԊㅮ׶ᘍⳇΒŊ྆ͩヅΒᘍ⣳હ̳ᏈʠᤀℬヅⳇΒȯ̥Լ᪓ૼ㆒ヅᑨㅱ൘ט׶ᘍⳇΒ໣డᏈȮẤણדⷪ᱗ᮢヅᘘⱜૼඖヅᑨ⥑Јʠ౸ჟȯ㢨Gὤὤ⏈Gᴴ㥉㟝㡰⦐G㤸㣄䑀㤵䚝☥⦑㡸G䚐Gὤὤ⦐㉐G㨰ᶤ㫴㜡㜄㉐⏈GⱰ⦔G⯜☔G㫴㜡㜄㉐G㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U
36© Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc. Buffalo Technology, Buffalo Technology logo and AOSS logoare registered trademarks of Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc. The names and logos of othercompanies mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. “Nintendo” is a registeredtrademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Nintendo owns extensive intellectual property rightsin all of its products, including video game systems, game titles, characters, game software,graphics, artwork, and screen shots. Nintendo also retains rights in content on Nintendo’sZHEVLWHVLQFOXGLQJDUWLFOHVDUWZRUNVFUHHQVKRWVDQGRWKHUÀOHV7UDGHPDUNVDQGFRS\-rights for third-party games and characters are owned by the companies that market orlicense those products. “SONY” is a registered trademark or Sony Corporation, Inc. Anyother product names, service names or logos of SONY used are trademarks or registeredWUDGHPDUNVRI6RQ\&RUSRUDWLRQRUDQ\RILWVDIÀOLDWHV:LQGRZVLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNof Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.Logos and Trademarks
37Contact Information (North America)ADDRESSBuffalo Technology (USA), Inc.11100 Metric Blvd, Suite 750Austin, TX 78758GENERAL INQUIRIESEmail: sales@buffalotech.comTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support by phone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (USAand Canada).Toll-free: (866) 752-6210
38Contact Information (Europe)ADDRESSBuffalo Technology UK Ltd.2 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell LaneBracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7BWUnited KingdomGENERAL INQUIRIESEmail: sales@buffalo-technology.comTECHNICAL SUPPORTBuffalo Technology provides technical support in English, German, French, Italian, andSpanish. For opening hours and relevant telephone numbers, please go towww.buffalo-technology.com/contact

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