Balluff UHF-CNTL-02 UHF RFID Controller User Manual Version 28 05 09
BALLUFF inc UHF RFID Controller Version 28 05 09
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User Manual
COBALT UHF-SERIES Cobalt UHF Series Operator’s Manual For Models: UHF-CNTL-232/485/IND –02 EU UHF-CNTL-232/485/IND –02 US Datalogic Automation reserves the right to make modifications and improvements to its products and/or documentation without prior notification. Datalogic Automation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material. The text and graphic content of this publication may be used, printed and distributed only when all of the following conditions are met: Permission is first obtained from Datalogic Automation. The content is used for non-commercial purposes only. Copyright information is clearly displayed (Copyright © 2009, Datalogic Automation S.r.l., All Rights Reserved). The content is not modified. The following are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Datalogic Automation: Escort Memory Systems®, and the Escort Memory Systems logo, Cobalt UHF™, RFID AT WORK™, C-Macro™, C-MacroBuilder™, ABx™ and Cobalt Dashboard™. COPYRIGHT © 2009 DATALOGIC AUTOMATION S.R.L., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 28/05/2009 PAGE 2 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES COBALT UHF-SERIES RFID CONTROLLERS Ultra High Frequency, Multi Protocol, Passive Radio Frequency Identification Controllers For Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controller Models: UHF-CNTL-232-02 UHF-CNTL-485-02 UHF-CNTL-IND-02 O PERATOR ’ S M ANUAL How to Install, Configure and Operate the Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controllers PAGE 3 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES REGULATORY COMPLIANCE R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE FCC Compliance Modifications or changes to this equipment without the expressed written approval of Datalogic could void the authority to use the equipment. This device complies with PART 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference which may cause undesired operation. FCC ID: E36-UHF-CNTL-02 Radio Compliance ENGLISH Contact the competent authority responsible for the management of radio frequency devices of your country to verify any possible restrictions or licenses required. Refer to the web site: for further information. ITALIANO Prendi contatto con l'autorità competente per la gestione degli apparati a radio frequenza del tuo paese, per verificare eventuali restrizioni o licenze. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito: FRANÇAIS Contactez l'autorité compétente en la gestion des appareils à radio fréquence de votre pays pour vérifier d'éventuelles restrictions ou licences. Pour tout renseignement vous pouvez vous adresser au site web: DEUTSCH Wenden Sie sich an die für Radiofrequenzgeräte zuständige Behörde Ihres Landes, um zu prüfen ob es Einschränkungen gibt, oder eine Lizenz erforderlich ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Web Seite: PAGE 4 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ESPAÑOL Contacta la autoridad competente para la gestión de los dispositivos de radio frecuencia de tu país, para verificar cualesquiera restricciones o licencias posibles requerida. Además se puede encontrar mas información en el sitio Web: Power Supply This product is intended to be installed by Qualified Personnel only. This device is intended to be supplied by a UL Listed or CSA Certified Power Unit with «Class 2» or LPS power source. PAGE 5 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CONTENTS CONTENTS L IST OF T ABLES ................................................................................................10 L IST OF F IGURES ...............................................................................................11 CHAPTER 1: 1.1 GETTING STARTED ............................................... 12 I NTRODUCTION ..................................................................................12 1.1.1 1.2 About this Manual........................................................................................... 12 C OBALT C ONTROLLER O VERVIEW .......................................................13 1.2.1 Cobalt Controller Features .............................................................................. 13 1.2.2 UHF Operating Frequencies Options ............................................................... 13 1.2.3 Connection and Communication Interface Options ........................................... 14 1.2.4 Cobalt Controllers - Interface Connectors ........................................................ 14 1.2.5 Package Contents .......................................................................................... 14 1.3 C OBALT C ONTROLLER D IMENSIONS ....................................................15 1.3.1 1.4 UHF-CNTL-232/485/IND-02 Controller Dimensions .......................................... 15 C OBALT UHF RFID A NTENNAS ...........................................................17 1.4.1 Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Features ............................................................ 17 1.4.2 Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Models and Sizes ............................................... 17 1.4.3 UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Antenna Dimensions ..................................................... 18 1.4.4 UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Antenna Dimensions ..................................................... 19 1.4.5 Connecting the Antenna to the Controller ........................................................ 20 1.4.6 Optional Mounting Kit for Antenna Installation .................................................. 22 1.5 S UBNET 16™ M ULTIDROP P ROTOCOL ..................................................23 CHAPTER 2: 2.1 INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF ............................. 24 P REPARING FOR I NSTALLATION ...........................................................24 2.1.1 Power Requirements ...................................................................................... 24 2.1.2 Installation Guidelines .................................................................................... 24 2.2 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-232-02 ...................................................25 2.2.1 Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-232-02 ............................................................. 26 2.2.2 UHF-CNTL-232-02 Cabling Information ........................................................... 27 2.3 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-485-02 ...................................................29 2.3.1 Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-485-02 ............................................................. 30 2.3.2 UHF-CNTL-485-02 Cabling Information ........................................................... 31 2.4 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-IND-02 ..................................................32 2.4.1 Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-IND-02 ............................................................ 33 2.4.2 UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Cabling Information ........................................................... 34 CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT UHF .......................... 36 3.1 C ONFIGURING THE C OBALT VIA D ASHBOARD U TILITY ...........................36 3.2 N OTE A BOUT THE R EADER P OWER ......................................................38 PAGE 6 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 3.3 CONTENTS C ONFIGURING T HE C OBALT VIA “C ONFIGURATION T AG ” .......................38 3.3.1 Restoring Factory Defaults .............................................................................. 38 3.3.2 Manually Assigning Node ID (Cobalt -485 Model Only) ..................................... 39 3.3.3 Automatic Node ID Assignment via Gateway (Cobalt -485 Model Only) ............ 40 3.3.4 Automatic Node ID Assignment via Hub (Cobalt -485 Model Only) .................... 41 CHAPTER 4: 4.1 LED STATUS ......................................................... 42 LED F UNCTIONS O VERVIEW ...............................................................42 4.1.1 LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-232-02 .................................................... 42 4.1.2 LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 .................................................... 43 4.1.3 LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 .................................................... 44 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS........................................ 45 5.1 C OMMAND P ROTOCOLS O VERVIEW ......................................................45 5.2 RFID C OMMAND T ABLE ......................................................................46 5.2.1 5.3 RFID Commands - Note About the UHF-G2-525xx Tag Memory Structure ......... 48 AB X C OMMAND P ROTOCOL O VERVIEW ................................................49 5.3.1 ABx Command Packet Structure ...................................................................... 49 5.3.2 ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators ....................................................... 49 5.3.3 ABx Response Packet Structure ...................................................................... 50 5.4 AB X F AST C OMMAND P ROTOCOL ........................................................51 5.4.1 ABx Fast - Command / Response Procedure .................................................... 51 5.4.2 ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure ............................................................ 52 5.4.3 ABx Fast – Command Packet Elements ........................................................... 53 5.4.4 ABx Fast - Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure ............................................. 56 5.4.5 ABx Fast - Multi-Tag Command Packet Elements ............................................. 57 5.4.6 ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure ............................................................ 58 5.4.7 ABx Fast Protocol: Error Response Packet Structure ...................................... 59 Single-Tag RFID Command 0xC2: R e a d E P C C o d e .................................................... 60 Single-Tag RFID Command 0xC3: W r i t e E P C C o d e .................................................... 61 Multi-Tag RFID Command 0xC4: R e a d E P C C o d e ...................................................... 62 Controller Specific Command 0xC0: Set UHF Configuration ............................................. 64 Controller Specific Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration ............................................ 66 5.5 CB X C OMMAND P ROTOCOL ................................................................67 5.5.1 CBx - Command Procedure ............................................................................. 67 5.5.2 CBx - Command Packet Structure ................................................................... 68 5.5.3 CBx Response Packet Structure ...................................................................... 69 5.5.4 CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure ...................................................... 71 5.5.5 CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Elements ...................................................... 72 5.5.6 CBx Multi-Tag Response Packet Structures ..................................................... 73 5.5.7 CBx Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure ............................ 74 5.5.8 CBx Protocol: Error Response Packet Structure ............................................... 75 CBx Single-Tag RFID Command 0xC2: R e a d E P C C o d e ............................................. 76 CBx Single-Tag RFID Command 0xC3: W r i t e E P C C o d e ............................................. 78 Multi-Tag RFID Command 0xC4: R e a d E P C C o d e ...................................................... 80 Controller Specific Command 0xC0: Set UHF Configuration ............................................. 82 Controller Specific Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration ............................................ 85 5.6 E RROR C ODE T ABLE ..........................................................................87 PAGE 7 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: CONTENTS ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE ..................................... 89 6.1 E THERNET /IP C ONFIGURATION O VERVIEW ...........................................89 6.2 HTML S ERVER & O N D EMAND PLC S UPPORT ......................................90 6.3 HTML S ERVER AND O N D EMAND U TILITIES ..........................................90 6.4 IP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER ...............................................91 6.5 O N D EMAND C ONFIGURATION FOR E THERNET /IP...................................93 6.6 C ONFIGURING PLC C ONTROLLER T AGS ..............................................96 6.7 C HECKING O N D EMAND S TATUS ..........................................................97 6.8 V ERIFYING D ATA E XCHANGE WITH RSL OGIX 5000 ..............................98 6.8.1 Ethernet/IP Handshaking ................................................................................ 98 6.8.2 Ethernet/IP Handshaking Example .................................................................. 99 6.9 E THERNET /IP: O BJECT M ODEL .........................................................100 6.9.1 Ethernet/IP Required Objects ........................................................................ 101 6.9.2 EtherNet/IP: Vendor Specific Objects ............................................................ 107 6.9.3 Application Object (0x67 – 10 Instances) ........................................................ 110 CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE ................................... 112 7.1 M ODBUS TCP O VERVIEW .................................................................112 7.2 M ODBUS TCP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER ............................112 7.2.1 Setting the IP Address of the Cobalt .............................................................. 112 7.2.2 Modbus TCP - Command Packet Structure .................................................... 115 7.2.3 Modbus TCP - Response Packet Structure .................................................... 116 7.2.4 Modbus TCP - Mapping for Node 33 .............................................................. 116 7.3 M ODBUS TCP - H ANDSHAKING .........................................................118 7.3.1 Modbus TCP - Host/Cobalt Handshaking ....................................................... 119 7.3.2 Modbus TCP - Handshaking Example ............................................................ 119 CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE ........................... 121 8.1 S TANDARD TCP/IP O VERVIEW ..........................................................121 8.2 S TANDARD TCP/IP - IP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER ..............121 8.2.1 8.3 Setting the IP Address of the Cobalt .............................................................. 122 S TANDARD TCP/IP - C OMMAND & R ESPONSE E XAMPLES ...................124 8.3.1 Standard TCP/IP - Command Structure & Example ........................................ 125 8.3.2 Standard TCP/IP - Response Structure & Example ......................................... 126 CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW ................................................. 127 9.1 RFID O VERVIEW ..............................................................................127 9.2 O VERVIEW ON U LTRA H IGH F REQUENCY RFID A PPLICATIONS .............128 9.2.1 UHF Standards and Regulations ................................................................... 128 9.2.2 UHF Signal Propagation ............................................................................... 130 9.2.3 Limiting Interference and UHF Signal Attenuation .......................................... 132 APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................. 133 C OBALT UHF C ONTROLLERS - T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS ...............................133 PAGE 8 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CONTENTS C OBALT UHF A NTENNAS - T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS .....................................135 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES .................................. 136 C OBALT UHF S ERIES A CCESSORIES .................................................................136 C OBALT UHF-S ERIES RFID C ONTROLLERS .......................................................136 C OBALT UHF-S ERIES A NTENNAS .....................................................................137 S UBNET 16 G ATEWAYS .....................................................................................137 S UBNET 16 H UBS .............................................................................................137 P OWER S UPPLIES ............................................................................................137 S OFTWARE A PPLICATIONS ...............................................................................138 C OBALT C ABLES & A CCESSORIES ....................................................................138 WARRANTY .............................................................................. 140 PAGE 9 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES LIST OF TABLES L IST OF T ABLES Table 1-1: Connection and Communication Interface Options __________________________ 14 Table 1-2: Cobalt Controllers - Interface Connectors _________________________________ 14 Table 1-3: Package Contents ___________________________________________________ 14 Table 1-4: Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Models and Sizes ____________________________ 17 Table 1-5: Controller-Antenna Cabling Information ___________________________________ 21 TTable 2-1: COM Port Parameter Defaults (UHF-CNTL-232-02) ________________________ 26 Table 2-2: RS232 Connector - Pinout _____________________________________________ 27 Table 2-3: RS485 Connector – Pinout ____________________________________________ 31 Table 2-4: Ethernet Connector - Pinout____________________________________________ 34 Table 2-5: Power Connector - Pinout _____________________________________________ 35 Table 3-1:Reader Radiated Power Limits __________________________________________ 38 Table 3-2: Configuration Tag – Restored Factory Defaults _____________________________ 39 Table 4-1: UHF-CNTL-232-02 - LEDs Description ___________________________________ 42 Table 4-2: UHF-CNTL-485-02 - LEDs Description ___________________________________ 43 Table 4-3: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 - LEDs Description ___________________________________ 44 Table 5-1: Command Protocol Matrix _____________________________________________ 45 Table 5-2: RFID Command Table ________________________________________________ 47 Table 5-3: UHF-G2-525xxx Tag Memory Structure___________________________________ 48 Table 5-4: ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators_________________________________ 49 Table 5-5: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure ___________________________________ 51 Table 5-6: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure ___________________________________ 52 Table 5-7: ABx Fast - Command Size Parameter ____________________________________ 53 Table 5-8: ABx Fast - Checksum Example _________________________________________ 55 Table 5-9: ABx Fast - Anti-Collision Command Packet Structure ________________________ 56 Table 5-10: ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure __________________________________ 58 Table 5-11: ABx Fast - Error Response Structure____________________________________ 59 Table 5-12: CBx Command Packet Structure _______________________________________ 68 Table 5-13: CBx Command Packet Structure _______________________________________ 69 Table 5-14: CBx Response Packet Structure _______________________________________ 70 Table 5-15: CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure _______________________________ 72 Table 5-16: CBx Multi-Tag Response Packet Structure _______________________________ 73 Table 5-17: CBx Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure _________________ 74 Table 5-18: CBx - Error Response Packet Structure__________________________________ 75 Table 5-19: Error Code Table___________________________________________________ 88 Table 6-1: Data Type Definitions________________________________________________ 101 Table 7-1: Modbus TCP - Command Packet Structure _______________________________ 115 Table 7-2: Modbus TCP - Response Packet Structure _______________________________ 116 Table 7-3: Modbus TCP - Mapping for Node 33 ____________________________________ 117 Table 8-1: Standard TCP/IP - Command Structure & Example ________________________ 125 Table 8-2: Standard TCP/IP - Response Structure & Example_________________________ 126 Table 9-1:Reader Radiated Power Limits Expressed in Watt or dBm ___________________ 129 Table Appendix B-1:Cobalt UHF Series Accessories ________________________________ 136 Table Appendix B-2: Cobalt Cables and Accessories ________________________________ 139 PAGE 10 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES LIST OF FIGURES L IST OF F IGURES Figure 1-1: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Top View ____________________________ 15 Figure 1-2: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Front View ___________________________ 16 Figure 1-3: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Right View ___________________________ 16 Figure 1-4: UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Antenna Dimensions_______________________________ 18 Figure 1-5: UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Antenna Dimensions_______________________________ 19 Figure 1-6: Connecting the Antenna to the Controller _________________________________ 20 Figure 1-7: TNC-Reverse Female Connector for Antenna Feeding ______________________ 21 Figure 1-8: UHF-CBL-0X - Controller-Antenna Coaxial Cable __________________________ 21 Figure 1-9:Optional Mounting Kit for Antennas ______________________________________ 22 Figure 1-10: Subnet16™ Industrial Gateway and Industrial Hub ________________________ 23 Figure 2-1: UHF-CNTL-232-02 Communication Interfaces _____________________________ 25 Figure 2-2: UHF-CNTL-232-02 Controller - RS232 Connector __________________________ 27 Figure 2-3: RS232 Serial Interface Cable – Schematic________________________________ 28 Figure 2-4: CBL-1493 Mountable Connector________________________________________ 28 Figure 2-5: UHF-CNTL-485-02 Communication Interfaces _____________________________ 29 Figure 2-6: UHF-CNTL-485-02 Controller - RS485 Connector __________________________ 31 Figure 2-7: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Communication Interfaces_____________________________ 32 Figure 2-8: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Controller - Ethernet & Power Connectors ________________ 34 Figure 6-1: The HTML Server - Main Page _________________________________________ 91 Figure 6-2: The IP Configuration Page ____________________________________________ 92 Figure 6-3: The OnDemand Configuration Page_____________________________________ 94 Figure 6-4: The OnDemand Status Page __________________________________________ 97 Figure 6-5: RSLogix 5000 ______________________________________________________ 98 Figure 7-1: The HTML Server - Main Page ________________________________________ 113 Figure 7-2: The IP Configuration Page ___________________________________________ 114 Figure 8-1: The HTML Server - Main Page ________________________________________ 122 Figure 8-2: The IP Configuration Page ___________________________________________ 123 Figure 8-3: Standard TCP/IP Protocol Command Packet Structure _____________________ 124 Figure 9-1: Radiowaves Spectrum Diagram _______________________________________ 128 Figure 9-2: Radiofrequency Bands Allocation ______________________________________ 129 Figure 9-3: Circular Polarized Antenna’s Field Pattern _______________________________ 130 Figure 9-4: Circular Polarized Antenna’s Reading Range_____________________________ 131 PAGE 11 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.1 I NTRODUCTION Welcome to the Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controllers - Operator’s Manual. This manual will assist you in the installation, configuration and operation of the Cobalt UHF RFID controllers. The Cobalt UHF-Series is a complete line of feature-rich, passive, ultra high frequency, read/write RadioFrequency Identification devices that provide RFID data collection and control solutions to shop floor, itemlevel tracking and material handling applications. Cobalt UHF controllers are designed to be compact, rugged and reliable, in order to meet and exceed the requirements of the industrial automation industry. The Cobalt UHF is ideal for industrial applications where single or multiple tags must be read at long distance and at high speed. 1.1.1 About this Manual This manual provides guidelines and instructions for installing and operating the Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controllers. Included are descriptions of the RFID command set and examples demonstrating how to issue commands to the Cobalt RFID Controller. Numbers expressed in Hexadecimal notation, are prefaced with “0x”. For example, the number ten in decimal is expressed as 0x0A in hexadecimal. In case of need, the user should refer to a chart containing Hex values and their corresponding decimal integers. PAGE 12 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.2 C OBALT C ONTROLLER O VERVIEW 1.2.1 Cobalt Controller Features High performance, industrial RFID controller Features long range, and high speed read/write rates Supports RS232, RS485 or Ethernet interface connection RFID Air Protocol: EPCglobalTM Class 1 Generation 2 Compatible with UHF-G2-525 and UHF-G2-525HT RFID tags from Escort Memory systems; compatible with all Class 1, Gen 2 RFID tags Supports Escort Memory Systems’ ABx Fast™ and CBx™ RFID command protocols Operates at the internationally recognized ISM frequencies of 865-870 MHz (ETSI approved for European use) and of 902-928 MHz (FCC approved for North America use) Housed in rugged IP65 rated enclosure LED status indicators display power status, COM activity and RF activity, Software programmable, contains flash memory for firmware upgrades and internal configuration storage Long range antennas capable of reading EPCglobal Class 1 Gen2. 1.2.2 UHF Operating Frequencies Options The Cobalt UHF-Series Controllers are available in two different operating frequency ranges: 865-870 MHz (ETSI approved for European use) 902-928 MHz (FCC approved for North America use) Please refer to Appendix B - Models & Accessories for the corresponding Cobalt UHF Controller models. PAGE 13 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 1.2.3 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED Connection and Communication Interface Options There are three different models of the Cobalt HF-Series RFID Controllers. Each model is designed to support a specific communication protocol and interface connection option. The table below lists the three controller models, their respective connection types and supported communication interfaces. CONTROLLER MODEL I N T E R F AC E UHF-CNTL-232-02 RS232 Serial, Point-to-Point, Host/Controller 15m 115 KB UHF-CNTL-485-02 RS485 Multidrop (Subnet16) Bus Architecture 300m 115 KB UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Ethernet TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP 100m 100 Mb/s CONNECTION C O M M U N I C AT I O N I N T E R F AC E M AX C AB L E LENGTH M AX SPEED Table 1-1: Connection and Communication Interface Options 1.2.4 Cobalt Controllers - Interface Connectors CONTROLLER MODEL I N T E R F AC E C O N NE C T O R ( S ) UHF-CNTL-232-02 8-pin, Male M12 Connector for Power and Data UHF-CNTL-485-02 5-pin, male M12 Connector for Power and Data UHF-CNTL-IND-02 4-pin, Female M12, D-Code Connector for Ethernet (2 connectors) 5-pin, Male M12 Connector for Power Table 1-2: Cobalt Controllers - Interface Connectors 1.2.5 Package Contents Unpack your Cobalt Controller hardware and accessories. Inspect each piece carefully, if an item appears to be damaged, notify your EMS’ product distributor. The Cobalt UHF Series RFID Controller product package contains the following components: DESCRIPTION QTY Cobalt UHF-CNTL-xxx-02 RFID Controller UHF-CNTL-xxx-02 Installation Guide Cobalt UHF-Series Configuration Tag Table 1-3: Package Contents PAGE 14 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.3 C OBALT C ONTROLLER D IMENSIONS 1.3.1 UHF-CNTL-232/485/IND-02 Controller Dimensions Figure 1-1: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Top View PAGE 15 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED Figure 1-2: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Front View Figure 1-3: Cobalt UHF Controller Dimensions – Right View PAGE 16 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.4 C OBALT UHF RFID A NTENNAS 1.4.1 Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Features Long read range (up to 3 meters with the UHF-G2-525HT tag and depending on installation conditions) Right-hand circular polarization ensures capturing tag data when tag is at random orientations 3dB Beamwidth, 63° or 65°, providing a large reading zone Housed in rugged IP67 rated enclosure Mounting kit for easy installation available 1.4.2 Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Models and Sizes The Cobalt UHF product family includes two RFID antenna models: UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 for operating frequencies in the 865-870 MHz UHF ranges UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 for operating frequencies in the 902-928 MHz UHF ranges Please refer to the table below for antennas’ dimensions and part numbers: AN T E N N A M O D E L AN T E N N A P/N UHF FREQ AN T E N N A S I Z E UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 970669001 868MHz 260 x 260mm (10.2 x 10.2 inch) UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 970665003 915MHz 305 x 305mm (12 x 12 inch) Table 1-4: Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas - Models and Sizes The two Cobalt UHF RFID Antennas are compatible with all Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controller models (see Appendix B - Models & Accessories). PAGE 17 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 1.4.3 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Antenna Dimensions Figure 1-4: UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Antenna Dimensions PAGE 18 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 1.4.4 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Antenna Dimensions Figure 1-5: UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Antenna Dimensions PAGE 19 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 1.4.5 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED Connecting the Antenna to the Controller The Cobalt UHF Antennas are connected to the top of the Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controller’s housing through a single coaxial cable. Figure 1-6: Connecting the Antenna to the Controller The Cobalt UHF antenna has one female, N-type connector located on its rear side. The Cobalt UHF Controller has one TNC-Reverse female connector located on the top of the Controller’s housing. PAGE 20 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED The RF port on the Cobalt UHF controller connects directly to the RF port on the Cobalt UHF antenna via a compatible antenna feeder cable (see Table 1-6 below for cabling information). Figure 1-7: TNC-Reverse Female Connector for Antenna Feeding For cabling part numbers and descriptions, please refer to the table below: C AB L E MODEL C AB L I N G P/N DESCRIPTION UHF-CBL-01 970106002 Coaxial Cable Controller-Antenna, TNC-Reverse Male to NType Male, 1 meter UHF-CBL-03 970106003 Coaxial Cable Controller-Antenna, TNC-Reverse Male to NType Male, 3 meters Table 1-5: Controller-Antenna Cabling Information Figure 1-8: UHF-CBL-0X - Controller-Antenna Coaxial Cable PAGE 21 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED To connect the Cobalt UHF controller to the antenna, follow the steps below: 1.4.6 Attach the TNC-Reverse male plug of the controller-antenna coaxial cable to the TNC- Reverse female connector located on the top of the controller’s housing. Attach the N-type male plug of the coaxial cable to the N-type female connector located in the rear of the antenna’s body. Optional Mounting Kit for Antenna Installation Industrial environments where UHF RFID applications are used often entail specific installation requirements. The Cobalt UHF Antenna can take advantage of an optional mounting set, providing an easy and solid installation (P/N: 970103035, Mounting Kit for large size UHF Antennas). Figure 1-9:Optional Mounting Kit for Antennas PAGE 22 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 1.5 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED S UBNET 16™ M ULTIDROP P ROTOCOL The UHF-CNTL-485-02 model includes support for Escort Memory Systems’ Subnet16™ Multidrop RFID networking protocol. Under the Subnet16 protocol, up to 16 UHF-CNTL-485-02 controllers can be connected via a trunk and tap network to a Subnet16 Industrial Gateway (GWY-01-IND-1), a Subnet16 TCP/IP Gateway (GWY01-TCP-01) or a Subnet16 Serial Gateway (GWY-01-232-1). UHF-CNTL-485-02 models can also be connected directly to a Subnet16 Industrial Hub (HUB-04-IND-01) or Subnet16 TCP/IP Hub (HUB-04-TCP-01). Subnet16 Hubs possess four independent controller ports, four digital inputs and four digital outputs. Figure 1-10: Subnet16™ Industrial Gateway and Industrial Hub PAGE 23 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF 2.1 P REPARING FOR I NSTALLATION The Cobalt UHF-Series RFID Controllers support point-to-point serial connections (RS232 and RS485), multi-drop network connections (via Subnet16™ Gateway or Hub) and Ethernet connections (TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP). NOTE: Up to 16 UHF-CNTL-485-02 units can be networked via Subnet16 Gateway interface module and Escort Memory Systems’ Subnet16 Multidrop Bus Architecture. 2.1.1 Power Requirements The Cobalt UHF Controller requires an electrical supply voltage of 10~30VDC (see Appendix A: Technical Specifications). Use a dedicated and regulated power supply connected to a suitable AC power source that is capable of delivering these requirements. Do not apply power until the entire system is wired and checked. See Appendix B: Models & Accessories – Power Supplies for a list of available power supplies. 2.1.2 Installation Guidelines Conduct a test phase where you will construct a small scale, independent network that includes only the essential devices required to test your RFID application. To avoid possible interference with other devices, do not initially connect your RFID testing environment to an existing local area network. RF performance and read/write range can be negatively impacted by the proximity of metallic objects and liquids (for further information, refer to Section 9.2.2 “UHF Signal Propagation”). Avoid mounting the Cobalt antenna within 15cm (6 inches) of any metallic object or wet surface. If electrical interference is encountered (as indicated by a reduction in read/write performance), relocate the controller/antenna to an area free from potential sources of interference. Route cables away from other unshielded cables and away from wiring carrying high voltage or high current. Avoid routing cables near motors and solenoids. Always use adequate electro-static discharge (ESD) prevention measures to dissipate potentially high voltages. Refrain from mounting the controller/antenna near sources of EMI (electromagnetic interference) or near devices that generate high ESD levels. PAGE 24 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF 2.2 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-232-02 The UHF-CNTL-232-02 RFID Controller is designed for point-to-point RFID applications, where the distance from host to controller is less than 15 meters (50 feet). The controller connects directly to a serial communications port on a host computer via an RS232-compatible serial interface cable. TO ANTENNA TO RS232 HOST CONNECTOR Figure 2-1: UHF-CNTL-232-02 Communication Interfaces PAGE 25 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.2.1 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-232-02 1. Select a suitable location for the Cobalt UHF Controller/Antenna. 2. Attach the Cobalt UHF Antenna to the Cobalt UHF Controller, as described in Section 1.4.5 “Connecting the Antenna to the Controller”. 3. Fasten the combined controller and antenna to your mounting fixture using two M5 (#10) diameter screws (not included) and secure them with appropriate washers and nuts. Tighten screws to 1.7 Nm or 15 lbs per inch ± 10%. 4. Connect the 8-pin, female M12 connector from an RS232-compatible serial interface cable (EMS P/N: CBL-1478) to the 8-pin, male M12 interface connector on the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-232-02. 5. Connect the 9-pin, female D-sub connector on the serial interface cable to a COM port on a host computer. Tighten the cable’s two locking thumbscrews. 6. Connect the 2.5mm DC power plug on the power supply transformer to the DC power jack receptacle on the serial interface cable. Tighten the locking ring to prevent power from becoming disconnected during use. 7. Plug the power supply transformer into a suitable AC power source. Apply power to the controller after all cable connections have been made. The green PWR (power) LED will remain ON while the Cobalt is powered. 8. On the host computer, set COM port parameters to the following values: C O M P O R T P AR AM E T E R D E F AU L T V AL U E Baud Rate 9600* Parity None Data Bits Stop Bits Handshaking None Table 2-1: COM Port Parameter Defaults (UHF-CNTL-232-02) *Supported baud rates include 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 115.2k. 9. To verify operations, download the Cobalt Dashboard Utility from Escort Memory Systems’ website ( The Cobalt Dashboard Utility allows users to configure their Cobalt UHF Controllers and send RFID commands for testing purposes. Please refer to Section 3.1 “Configuring the Cobalt via Dashboard Utility” for some generic Cobalt UHF configuration examples. PAGE 26 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.2.2 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF UHF-CNTL-232-02 Cabling Information The UHF-CNTL-232-02 has one 8-pin, male M12 RS232 connector located on the bottom of the Controller’s housing. Figure 2-2: UHF-CNTL-232-02 Controller - RS232 Connector PIN # DESCRIPTION 10~30VDC POWER 0VDC (POWER GROUND) NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED RX TX SGND (SIGNAL GROUND) Table 2-2: RS232 Connector - Pinout UHF-CNTL-232-02 CABLING PART NUMBERS CBL-1478: Cable Assembly (8-pin, female M12 to RS232; with 2.5mm DC power jack, 2m) CBL-1488-XX: Cable (8-pin, female M12 to bare wire leads) CBL-1492-XX: Cable (8-pin, right-angle female M12 to bare wire leads) CBL-1493: Connector (8-pos, straight female M12, field mountable) (XX = Cable Length in Meters) PAGE 27 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF RS232 SERIAL INTERFACE CABLE SCHEMATIC If you intend to assemble your own RS232 serial interface cable, follow the schematic below. Note that signals and electrical loads applied to Pin 6 (RX) and Pin 7 (TX) should conform to RS232 specifications. For bulk RS232 cable, see Belden cable P/N: 9941 ( Figure 2-3: RS232 Serial Interface Cable – Schematic CBL-1493: FIELD MOUNTABLE CONNECTOR Figure 2-4: CBL-1493 Mountable Connector The CBL-1493 field mountable connector is available for attaching the UHF-CNTL232-02 model to a host computer via bulk cable. See Appendix B: Cobalt Cables and Accessories for more information regarding cables and connectors for the entire line of Cobalt UHF RFID Controllers. PAGE 28 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF 2.3 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-485-02 The UHF-CNTL-485-02 RFID Controller supports RS485 communications and Escort Memory Systems’ Subnet16™ multi-drop bus architecture and RFID network protocol. Through the Subnet16 protocol, up to 16 UHF-CNTL-485-02 units can be connected to one Subnet16 Gateway and four UHF-CNTL-485-02 units can be connected to one Hub interface module. Subnet16 Gateways and Hubs assign each attached controller a unique Node ID number through which communication with a host computer and/or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is achieved. For applications that require multiple UHF-CNTL-485-02 controllers, install and configure each device one at a time. TO ANTENNA TO SUBNET16 NETWORK Figure 2-5: UHF-CNTL-485-02 Communication Interfaces PAGE 29 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.3.1 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-485-02 1. Select a suitable location for the Cobalt UHF Controller/Antenna. 2. Attach the Cobalt UHF Antenna to the Cobalt UHF Controller, as described in Section 1.4.5 “Connecting the Antenna to the Controller”. 3. Fasten the combined controller and antenna to your mounting fixture using two M5 (#10) diameter screws (not included) and secure them with appropriate washers and nuts. Tighten screws to 1.7 Nm or 15 lbs per inch ± 10%. 4. Connect the 5-pin, female end of an EMS approved Subnet16-compatible cable to the 5-pin, male M12 interface connector on the UHF-CNTL-485-02. Connect the opposite end of this cable to a Subnet16 Gateway or Subnet16 Hub network interface module. Connect the Gateway or Hub to your host computer via CAT5E Ethernet cabling.*. 5. The UHF-CNTL-485-02 will require 10~30VDC (see Appendix A: Technical Specifications) from the network or interface module to which it is connected.Utilize a regulated power supply for the controller that is capable of delivering these requirements. 6. Turn the power supply ON. The green PWR (power) LED on the unit will illuminate when power is applied to the unit and remain ON while the Cobalt is powered. 7. After installation is complete (see also Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3), the yellow Node ID LEDs will display the currently assigned Subnet16 Node ID (in binary). Note: the Cobalt’s default Node ID is Node 00; in which case none of the yellow Node ID LEDs will be lit. 8. To verify operations, download the Cobalt Dashboard Utility from Escort Memory Systems’ website ( The Cobalt Dashboard Utility allows users to configure their Cobalt UHF Controllers and send RFID commands for testing purposes. Please refer to Section 3.1 “Configuring the Cobalt via Dashboard Utility” for some generic Cobalt UHF configuration examples. * For more information regarding the installation of a Subnet16 Gateway or Subnet16 Hub, refer to the operator’s manual for each product, available online at PAGE 30 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.3.2 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF UHF-CNTL-485-02 Cabling Information The UHF-CNTL-485-02 has one 5-pin, male M12 RS485 connector located on the bottom of the Controller’s housing. Figure 2-6: UHF-CNTL-485-02 Controller - RS485 Connector PIN # DESCRIPTION SIGNAL GND 10~30VDC PWR 0V (POWER GND) Tx/Rx+ Tx/Rx- Table 2-3: RS485 Connector – Pinout UHF-CNTL-485-02 CABLING PART NUMBERS CBL-1480-XX: Cable (5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, female M12, ThinNet) CBL-1481-XX: Cable (5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, male M12, ThinNet) (XX = Cable Length in Meters) PAGE 31 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF 2.4 I NSTALLING THE UHF-CNTL-IND-02 The UHF-CNTL-IND-02 RFID Controller supports TCP/IP and Industrial Ethernet communications. The UHF-CNTL-IND-02 can be connected to a LAN or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) via CAT5E Ethernet cabling or it can be connected directly to a host computer by means of a standard Ethernet crossover cable. TO ANTENNA TO ETHERNET NETWORK TO MAINS Figure 2-7: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Communication Interfaces PAGE 32 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.4.1 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF Steps to Install the UHF-CNTL-IND-02 1. Select a suitable location for the Cobalt UHF Controller/Antenna. 2. Attach the Cobalt UHF Antenna to the Cobalt UHF Controller, as described in Section 1.4.5 “Connecting the Antenna to the Controller”. 3. Fasten the combined controller and antenna to your mounting fixture using two M5 (#10) diameter screws (not included) and secure them with appropriate washers and nuts. Tighten screws to 1.7 Nm or 15 lbs per inch ± 10%. 4. Connect the three wires from your power supply to pins 1-3 on the 5-pin, female, M12 connector (P/N: CBL-1487). 5. Attach the CBL-1487 connector to the 5-pin, male, M12 connector on the Cobalt Controller. 6. Attach the 4-pin, male, M12, D-Code connector from a CAT 5E (or better) industrial Ethernet cable (P/N: CBL-1515-05) to the 4-pin, female, M12, D-Code connector on the Cobalt Controller. 7. Connect the other RJ45S end of the CBL-1515-05 cable to your application network or LAN. A crossover cable may be required if you are connecting the Cobalt directly to a host computer (rather than to a switch, hub or router). 8. Turn the power supply ON. The green Power LED on the unit will illuminate. 9. After installation is complete, the amber Default IP LED will be lit when the controller is operating using its default IP address. The amber Actual IP LED will be lit when the controller is operating with a user assigned IP address. UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Default IP Address: 10. To verify operations, download the Cobalt Dashboard Utility from Escort Memory Systems’ website ( The Cobalt Dashboard Utility allows users to configure their Cobalt UHF Controllers and send RFID commands for testing purposes. Please refer to Section 3.1 “Configuring the Cobalt via Dashboard Utility” for some generic Cobalt UHF configuration examples. PAGE 33 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 2.4.2 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Cabling Information The UHF-CNTL-IND-02 includes: a 4-pin, female M12, D-code connector for Ethernet communication a 5-pin, male M12 connector for power. These connectors are located on the bottom of the Controller’s housing. Figure 2-8: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Controller - Ethernet & Power Connectors PIN # DESCRIPTION TX+ RX+ TX- RX- Table 2-4: Ethernet Connector - Pinout PAGE 34 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE COBALT UHF PIN # DESCRIPTION NOT CONNECTED 10~30VDC POWER 0VDC (POWER GROUND) NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED Table 2-5: Power Connector - Pinout UHF-CNTL-IND-02 CABLING PART NUMBERS CBL-1515-05: Cable Assembly (CAT5E, RJ45S to 4-pin, male M12, D- Code, 5m) CBL-1487: Field Mountable Connector (5-pos, female M12) PAGE 35 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT UHF Stored in the Cobalt’s flash memory is a group of settings, attributes and parameters known as the “Controller Configuration.” These parameters are related to the communication protocol and operating mode. The controller configuration can be modified by using Escort Memory Systems’ Cobalt Dashboard Utility (which can be downloaded from or through the use of a Cobalt UHF Configuration Tag (included with each Cobalt Controller). 3.1 C ONFIGURING THE C OBALT VIA D ASHBOARD U TILITY The Cobalt Dashboard Utility is a software application that allows users to view, modify, save and update the configuration settings of their Cobalt controllers. Download the Cobalt Dashboard from and follow the instructions included with the software to install and operate the utility and to set the controller’s configuration. The Cobalt Dashboard configuration utility is a general purpose software that can be used with all the Cobalt family devices, including HF controllers and Gateways. To use it with the UHF Series Controller you need to properly select the model at startup. For example, in this case the Cobalt UHF Serial controller is selected: Once the connection is established, you will see the normal startup screen of the Dashboard utility. For more information on the Dashboard please see the manual that you can find on the web site. PAGE 36 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT COBALT UHF CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE: UHF CONFIGURATION TAB One of the five different tabs shown in the Dashboard’s main display is the UHF Configuration Tab. This tab contains two different sections: EPC Read/Write and UHF Configuration Section. These sections provide configuration details and contains parameter options related to the UHF controller’s specific features. In the EPC Read/Write section, for instance, users can read and write the EPC portion of the UHF tags and also do an inventory of the ECP codes of all the tags in the field of the reader. Setting the Repeat option will make the Dashboard continuously sending the same command. The UHF Configuration section allows users to set configuration parameters which are specific to the UHF controller, namely: UHF Power, representing the RF power in mW emitted during the communication with tags RF Channel, a 2-bytes value in the range 0-9 representing the RF channel to use (this has a meaning only on the EU frequency reader) PAGE 37 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT Choose Nearest, Instruct the reader to return only the information of the tag with the stronger signal, which can be assumed is the “nearest” in space, even if in real world condition this might be not always true. Furthermore, users may retrieve or set the desired UHF configuration settings by clicking on the buttons “Get UHF Config” and “Set UHF Config”. 3.2 N OTE A BOUT THE R EADER P OWER The performance of a UHF reader depends on the radiated power, not simply on the reader output power that can be set with the above parameter. The radiated power depends on the reader output power, the cable attenuation and the antenna gain. The radiated power limits are set by the different governments (see table below for details). REGION R E G U L AT I O N S R AD I AT E D P O W E R USA FCC Part 15 4 W EIRP (36 dBm) Europe EN 302 208 2 W ERP (35 dBm) Table 3-1:Reader Radiated Power Limits The UHF-CNTL-XXX-02 controllers produce up to 500 mW output power. EXAMPLE OF A CALCULATION: Radiated Power = Reader Power + Antenna Gain – Cable Losses 500 mW (27dBm) + 6.85 dBi - 1.5dBm = 32.35 dBm (~1.7 W ERP) 3.3 C ONFIGURING T HE C OBALT VIA “C ONFIGURATION T AG ” As noted, the Cobalt UHF controllers are software configurable via the Cobalt Dashboard Utility. However, they can also be configured through the use of the Cobalt UHF Configuration Tag supplied with each unit. The Configuration Tag can be used to restore the factory default values for all versions of the Cobalt UHF RFID Controller. 3.3.1 Restoring Factory Defaults 1. Place the Configuration Tag in the antenna’s RF field. 2. Cycle power to the controller or issue the “Reset Controller” command (Command 0x35). As power returns to the unit, the LEDs will blink. 3. After the LEDs blink, remove the Configuration Tag from the antenna’s RF field. Factory default values have been restored. PAGE 38 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT The following factory default values will be restored on the controller: C O N F I G U R AT I O N P AR AM E T E R F AC T O R Y D E F AU L T V AL U E Continuous Read Mode Disabled Macros and Triggers Erased UHF Power 500 mW RF channel Choose Nearest Disabled RS232 - Serial Communications 9600, N, 8, 1, N RS485 - Node ID IND – TCP/IP Address Table 3-2: Configuration Tag – Restored Factory Defaults 3.3.2 Manually Assigning Node ID (Cobalt -485 Model Only) On the UHF-CNTL-485-02, the five amber Node LEDs display (in binary notation) the numerical Node ID value of the controller. For example, if Node LEDs 1, 2 and 8 are ON, the controller has been assigned Node ID 11. Follow the steps below to assign a Node ID value manually to an UHF-CNTL-485-02. 1. Place the Configuration Tag in the antenna’s RF field. 2. Cycle power to the controller or issue the “Reset Controller” command (Command 0x35 for ABx Fast, Command 0x54 for CBx). As power returns to the unit, the LEDs will blink. 3. Remove the Configuration Tag from the antenna’s RF field and then immediately place it back within antenna range. Verify that all five amber Node LEDs are OFF (indicating that the controller’s Node ID was reset to zero). 4. With all amber Node LEDs OFF, remove the Configuration Tag from the antenna’s RF field and then immediately place it back in the antenna’s RF field to increment the Node ID value by one (from Node ID 00 to 01, in this case). The lone amber Node 1 LED will illuminate to indicate that Node 01 is selected. 5. You may repeat Step 4 until the desired Node ID number is reached. The value is incremented by one each time a Configuration Tag is withdrawn from and reintroduced to the Cobalt HF Antenna’s RF field. This procedure can be used to cycle through all 16 possible Node ID values. Note that after reaching Node ID 16, incrementing the value once more returns the selected Node ID number to zero. 6. After setting the desired Node ID, remove the Configuration Tag from the RF field and allow approximately 10 seconds for the unit to reset and resume operation under its new Node ID value. PAGE 39 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 3.3.3 CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT Automatic Node ID Assignment via Gateway (Cobalt -485 Model Only) For multi-drop network configurations (where up to 16 Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 controllers are connected via one Subnet16 Gateway interface module), a Gateway module can be instructed, through the use of a Configuration Tag, to automatically assign each controller a separate Node ID number (between 1 and 16). However, before the Gateway can begin allocating Node IDs automatically, each UHF-CNTL-485-02 controller must first be restored to factory default values. In doing so, the Cobalt’s Node ID number will be reset to zero. Note that, by default, the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 controller ships pre-configured to Node ID 00. Therefore, if your Cobalt is brand new, it should already be set to Node ID 00. If it has previously been assigned another Node ID number, you will likely need to reset its Node ID value to zero (see Section 3.2.1 – Restoring Factory Defaults for instructions on resetting the controller’s Node ID to 00). When automatically assigning a Node ID to a new Cobalt Controller, the Gateway will normally issue the next available Node ID value. The Gateway can also assign a new controller the same Node ID and configuration settings of a previous Cobalt controller that has since disappeared from the network or has been determined to be offline. Therefore, if a controller becomes damaged and must be quickly replaced, a new Cobalt controller can be installed easily in its place, allowing the Gateway to assign the new controller the same Node ID and controller configuration settings as the recently replaced controller. ATTENTION: Connect and configure only one RFID controller at a time. Conflicts can occur when multiple controllers set to the same Node ID are simultaneously attached to a multi-drop network. You may, however, leave connected any controller once it has been has successfully assigned a Node ID by the Gateway. Baud rates for all controllers must be set to 9600 Follow the steps below to assign the Cobalt -485 controller a Node ID automatically via a Subnet16 Gateway. 1. Place a Configuration Tag within the Cobalt Antenna’s RF field. 2. Cycle power to the controller or issue the “Reset Controller” command (Command 0x35 for ABx Fast, Command 0x54 for CBx). As power returns to the unit, the LEDs will blink. 3. After the LEDs blink, remove the Configuration Tag from the antenna’s RF field and then immediately place it back within range. Confirm that all five amber Node LEDs are OFF (indicating that the controller’s Node ID is set to zero) then remove the tag from RF range. 4. Cycle power once again to the Cobalt (or issue the Reset Controller command). While the Cobalt is restarting, place the Configuration Tag back within the antenna’s RF field. Allow 10 seconds for the Gateway to recognize and assign the controller an available Node ID number, then remove the Configuration Tag from RF range. Check the five amber Node LEDs to determine the assigned Node ID. PAGE 40 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 3.3.4 CHAPTER 3: CONFIGURING THE COBALT Automatic Node ID Assignment via Hub (Cobalt -485 Model Only) Subnet16 Hub interface modules, which have four independent RFID controller ports, can automatically assign an attached UHF-CNTL-485-02 controller the corresponding Node ID number of the port to which it is connected. For example, if a controller is attached to port 1 on the Hub, it will be assigned Node ID 01. If a controller that was previously assigned Node ID 03 is connected to port 2, the Hub will override the controller’s internal configuration and automatically change it from Node ID 03 to 02. Follow the steps below to assign the Node ID automatically to an RFID controller via Subnet16 Hub: 1. Connect an UHF-CNTL-485-02 to controller port 1 on a Subnet16 Hub. 2. Place the Configuration Tag within the antenna’s RF field and cycle power to the UHF-CNTL-485-02 controller. 3. When power returns to the unit, the LEDs on the controller will blink. Remove the Configuration Tag from RF range and then immediately place it back within antenna range. Verify that all five amber Node LEDs are OFF (indicating that the controller’s Node ID has been reset to zero). Then remove the Configuration Tag from RF range and cycle power to the Hub module. 4. While the Hub is restarting, place the Configuration Tag back into the antenna’s RF field. Allow several seconds for the Hub to recognize the controller and assign it the corresponding Node ID number of the controller port to which it is attached. The amber Node LEDs on the Cobalt will display its assigned Node ID (between one and four) in binary format. Remove the Configuration Tag from RF range. For more information regarding the Subnet16 Gateway or Hub, please refer to the Operator’s Manuals for each product - available online at PAGE 41 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS 4.1 LED F UNCTIONS O VERVIEW 4.1.1 LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-232-02 Cobalt UHF-232 RFID Controller has three LED indicators conveniently located on the front of the device, that convey visual information to the operator. LED FUNCTION LED COLOR PWR RF COM Power On Activity Activity Green Red Green LEDs Description LED COLOR N AM E LED DESCRIPTION RED RF The RF LED illuminates when RF power is being transmitted by the antenna. GREEN COM The COM (communications) LED flashes ON and OFF when data is being transmitted between the antenna and a tag. When in Continuous Read mode, the COM LED will remain ON and will turn OFF briefly only while data is being read from or written to a tag. GREEN PWR The PWR (power) LED is ON whenever power is applied to the Cobalt. Table 4-1: UHF-CNTL-232-02 - LEDs Description PAGE 42 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 4.1.2 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 The Cobalt UHF-485 RFID Controller has eight LED indicators conveniently located on the front of the device, that convey visual information to the operator. LED 16 PWR RF COM FUNCTION Node Node Node Node Node Power Activity Activity (24) (23) (22 ) (21) (20) On Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Green Red Green LED COLOR LEDs Description LED COLOR N AM E LED DESCRIPTION RED RF The RF LED illuminates when RF power is being transmitted by the antenna. GREEN COM The COM (communications) LED flashes ON and OFF when data is being transmitted between the antenna and a tag. When in Continuous Read mode, the COM LED will remain ON and will turn OFF briefly only while data is being read from or written to a tag. GREEN PWR The PWR (power) LED is ON whenever power is applied to the Cobalt. AM B E R 16,8,4,2,1 (Node LEDs) The five amber Node LEDs on the right side indicate the current Subnet 16 address of the unit. In binary from bottom to top, they indicate the current Node ID value assigned to the controller. For example, Node 9 will have: Led 16 OFF, Led 8 ON, Led 2 OFF, Led 1 ON Table 4-2: UHF-CNTL-485-02 - LEDs Description PAGE 43 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 4.1.3 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS LED Behavior for Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 The Cobalt UHF-IND RFID Controller has five LED indicators conveniently located on the front of the device, that convey visual information to the operator. LED FUNCTION DEF IP LED COLOR Amber ACT IP Amber PWR RF COM Power On Activity Activity Green Red Green LEDs Description LED COLOR N AM E LED DESCRIPTION RED RF The RF LED illuminates when RF power is being transmitted by the antenna. GREEN COM The COM (communications) LED flashes ON and OFF when data is being transmitted between the antenna and a tag. When in Continuous Read mode, the COM LED will remain ON and will turn OFF briefly only while data is being read from or written to a tag. GREEN PWR The PWR (power) LED is ON whenever power is applied to the Cobalt. AM B E R DEF IP The DEF IP LED indicate the status of the IP address in the unit. It illuminates when the IP address of the unit is the default one: AM B E R ACT IP The ACT IP LED indicate the status of the IP address in the unit. It illuminates when the IP address of the unit is not the default one, but one chosen by the user. Table 4-3: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 - LEDs Description PAGE 44 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 5.1 C OMMAND P ROTOCOLS O VERVIEW In order to execute RFID commands properly, the Cobalt UHF and host computer must be able to communicate using the same language. The language that is used to communicate is referred to as the Command Protocol. When an RFID command is issued, the host computer instructs the RFID controller to perform a given task. After performing that task, the RFID controller will normally reply back with a Command Response message indicating the status or results of the attempted command. This response notifies the host as to whether the command was successfully completed or if the RFID controller failed to complete the command. The Cobalt RFID product line by Datalogic supports three basic command protocols: CBx, ABx Fast and ABx Standard. To determine which command protocol to utilize for the different versions of Cobalt UHF Series, please refer to the table below: PRODUCT CBX UHF-CNTL-232-02 UHF-CNTL-IND-02 UHF-CNTL-485-02 AB X F AS T AB X S T AN D AR D Table 5-1: Command Protocol Matrix NOTE: RS485-based RFID controllers are used in conjunction with Subnet16 Gateway and Subnet16 Hub interface modules, which use the CBx Command Protocol. PAGE 45 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 5.2 RFID C OMMAND T ABLE This is a list of all the commands supported by the Cobalt UHF Series controllers: C O M M AN D I D C O M M AN D N AM E DESCRIPTION S in g le- Ta g RF ID C omma nds 0x04 Fill Tag Fills a specified tag address range with a one-byte value 0x05 Read Data Reads a specified length of data from a contiguous (sequential) area of tag memory 0x06 Write Data Writes a specified number of bytes to a contiguous area of tag memory 0x07 Read Tag ID Retrieves a tag’s unique identification (Tag ID) number 0x08 Tag Search Instructs the controller to search for a tag in its RF field 0x0D S t a r t C o n t i n u o u s Instructs the controller to start or stop Read Continuous Read mode. 0x0E Read Tag ID and Data 0x0F Start Continuous Instructs the controller to start or stop Read Tag ID and Continuous Read Tag ID and Data mode. Data 0xC2 Read EPC Code Retrieves the tag’s Electronic Product Code Identity 0xC3 Write EPC Code Used to modify the tag’s factory default Electronic Product Code Identity Reads a tag’s ID number as well as a specified number of bytes of tag memory RF ID C on tr o lle r Co mma nds 0x35 Reset Controller Resets power to the controller 0x36 Set Controller Configuration Used to set (configure or modify) the controller’s configuration parameters and settings 0x37 Get Controller Configuration Retrieves the controller’s configuration settings 0x38 Get Controller Info Retrieves hardware, firmware and serial number information from the controller 0x51 Set Controller Time Used to set the time for the controller PAGE 46 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES C O M M AN D I D CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS C O M M AN D N AM E DESCRIPTION 0x56 Set Controller Trigger Used to set the parameters for one of the controller’s eight triggers 0x57 Get Controller Trigger Used to retrieve the parameters of one of the controller’s eight triggers 0x70 Set Controller Macro Used to set the parameters for one of the controller’s eight macros 0x71 Get Controller Macro Used to retrieve the parameters of one of the controller’s eight macros 0x72 Execute Controller Macro Instructs the controller to execute one of its eight macros 0xC0 Set UHF Configuration Used to set (configure or modify) the controller’s UHF configuration parameters and settings 0xC1 Get UHF Configuration Retrieves the controller’s UHF configuration parameters Mu lt i- Ta g R FI D Co mma nds 0x82 Multi-Tag Read ID and Data All Retrieves a contiguous segment of data and the tag ID from all RFID tags in range 0x85 Multi-Tag Block Read All Retrieves a contiguous segment of data from all RFID tags in range 0x87 Multi-Tag Get Inventory Retrieves the tag ID from all RFID tags in range Read EPC Code Retrieves the Electronic Product Code Identities for all tags in range (multi-tag inventory) 0xC4 Table 5-2: RFID Command Table PAGE 47 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.2.1 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS RFID Commands - Note About the UHF-G2-525xx Tag Memory Structure The memory in Datalogic’s EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag UHF-G2-525xx is organized in three areas: N AM E DESCRIPTION SIZE EPC EPC memory according to the EPCglobal standard 96 bit ( 12 bytes ) TID Read Only Unique identifier 64 bits ( 8 bytes ) USER User memory 512 bit ( 64 bytes ) Table 5-3: UHF-G2-525xxx Tag Memory Structure EPC EPC is a numbering scheme that allows assignment of a unique identifier to any physical object. It can be regarded as the next generation of Universal Product Code (UPC), which is used on most products today. EPC enables the means to assign a unique identifier to each item, thus allowing every item to be uniquely identified. To have more details on the structure of the EPC memory area please consult: EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 Mhz – 960 Mhz, Version 1.1.0 (December 17, 2005) In our UHF-G2-525xx tag this memory area is preprogrammed with the TID unique identifier and padded with zeroes. The user can change that but it’s important to note that only tags with different EPC codes will be discriminated in a multitag reading environment. TID This is a read-only area that holds a unique tag identifier number. This area can be accessed using the common ABx/CBx Read ID commands. USER This is the normal data area that can be accessed using the common ABx/CBx Read and Write commands. NOTE: The fastest access memory is the EPC area. For applications where speed is important the use of this memory is recommended. PAGE 48 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 5.3 AB X C OMMAND P ROTOCOL O VERVIEW There are two versions of the ABx Command Protocol that are supported by the Cobalt UHF Serial Controller, they are: ABx Fast (default) ABx Standard The ABx Fast Command Protocol has a single-byte based packet structure that permits the execution of RFID commands while requiring the transfer of fewer total bytes than ABx Standard. ABx Fast is the default command protocol used by Cobalt UHF Serial RFID Controller. It can be used with or without a checksum byte. The ABx Standard Command Protocol uses a double-byte, word based format that shares a common syntax with most existing RFID systems produced by Escort Memory Systems. This protocol offers legacy support, which may be required by existing PLC applications that only support a 2-byte word packet format. If your application requires compatibility with existing or legacy RFID devices from Datalogic’s EMS product line, use ABx Standard. ABx Standard does not support the use of a checksum byte. NOTE: By default, the UHF-CNTL-232-02 is configured to use the ABx Fast Command Protocol. ABx Fast (as the name suggests) is the faster and more efficient of the two ABx protocols, offering increased communication speed and error immunity. 5.3.1 ABx Command Packet Structure All ABx-based RFID commands contain certain fundamental packet elements, including a Command Header, a Command ID, one or more Command Parameters (when applicable) and a Command Terminator. Command Packet Structure = [Command Header + Command ID + Command Parameters + Command Terminator] 5.3.2 ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators In ABx Standard, commands begin with the one-byte command header "0xAA," and end with the two-byte command terminator "0xFF, 0xFF". In ABx Fast, commands begin with the two-byte command header “0x02, 0x02” and end with the one-byte command terminator “0x03.” See the table below for further clarification. ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators AB X P R O T O C O L H E AD E R T E R M I N AT O R ABx Fast 0x02, 0x02 0x03 ABx Standard 0xAA 0xFF, 0xFF Table 5-4: ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators PAGE 49 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS When a command is issued by the host, the RFID controller stores the incoming data packet in a buffer while it scans the data for a start character (0x02, 0x02 or 0xAA). When a start character is found, it checks for the proper terminator (0x03 or 0xFF, 0xFF). Having identified a potentially valid command string, the controller will verify the format of the data and either perform the requested function or generate an error message. 5.3.3 ABx Response Packet Structure After completing an ABx command, the RFID controller generates a host-bound, response packet that indicates the status and/or results of the attempted command. The response packet structure for all ABx protocols consists of a Response Header, a Command Echo, one or more Response Values (when applicable), and a Response Terminator. Response Packet Structure = [Response Header + Command Echo + Response Values + Response Terminator] Note that, for each ABx protocol, response header and response terminator parameters are the same as their command header and command terminator counterparts. ATTENTION: This Cobalt UHF Series Manual does NOT contain descriptions or examples of each supported RFID command common to all the devices in the Cobalt family. For complete details regarding the use of common RFID commands please visit and download the ABx Standard Command Protocol – Reference Manual or the ABx Fast Command Protocol – Reference Manual. Here you will find only the commands that are specific to the UHF controller. PAGE 50 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 5.4 AB X F AST C OMMAND P ROTOCOL The default command protocol used by UHF-CNTL-232-02 RFID Controllers for Point-to-Point data transmission is known as the ABx Fast Command Protocol. ABx Fast has a single-byte oriented packet structure that permits the rapid execution of RFID commands while requiring the transfer of a minimal number of bytes. ABx Fast supports the inclusion of an optional checksum byte. When increased data integrity is required, the checksum should be utilized. See Section 5.4.3 “Command Packet Elements” for more on using the checksum parameter. 5.4.1 ABx Fast - Command / Response Procedure After an RFID command is issued by the host, a packet of data, called the “Command Packet” is sent to the controller. The command packet contains information that instructs the controller to perform a certain task. The controller automatically parses the incoming data packet, searching for a specific pair of start characters, known as the “Command Header.” In ABx Fast, the Command Header / Start Characters are 0x02, 0x02. When a valid Command Header is recognized, the controller then checks for proper formatting and for the presence of a Command Terminator byte. In ABx Fast, the Command Terminator byte is 0x03. Having identified a valid command, the controller will attempt to execute the given instructions. After which the controller will generate a host-bound response message containing EITHER the results of the attempted command or an error code if the operation failed. Note that all commands generate a response from the controller. Before sending a second or additional command to a controller, allow the host to first process (remove from memory) any pending response data. Table 5-5: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure PAGE 51 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.2 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure The packet structure of all ABx Fast RFID commands contains certain basic elements, including Command Header, Command Size, Command ID and Command Terminator. Packet element and parameter availability depends on the command being performed. C O M M AN D P AC K E T E L E M E N T COMMAND HEADER: CONTENT SIZE 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes 0x0007 + (number of bytes of additional data) 2-byte integer 0x06 (Write Data) 1 byte 0x0000 2-byte integer 0x0001 2-byte integer 0x07D0 2-byte integer The first two bytes of an ABx Fast command. COMMAND SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding Header, Command Size, Checksum and Terminator). COMMAND ID: This single-byte value indicates the RFID command to execute. START ADDRESS: This two-byte integer indicates the location of tag memory where a read or write operation shall begin. BLOCK SIZE: This two-byte integer represents the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to the RFID tag. TIMEOUT VALUE: This two-byte integer indicates the maximum length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. Measured in milliseconds, this value can have a range of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE or between 1 and 65,534 msecs. ADDITIONAL DATA: (0x07D0 = 2000 x .001 = 2 seconds) 0x00 1 or more bytes Optional 1 byte (when applicable) 0x03 1 byte This parameter uses one byte to hold a single character for fill operations and supports the use of multiple bytes when several characters are needed for write commands (when applicable). CHECKSUM: This optional parameter holds a single-byte checksum (only applicable when using ABx Fast with Checksum). COMMAND TERMINATOR: The single-byte command packet terminator is always 0x03 for ABx Fast. Table 5-6: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure PAGE 52 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.3 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast – Command Packet Elements Command Size The ABx Fast protocol requires that the byte count, known as the Command Size, be specified as a two-byte integer within each command packet. To calculate the Command Size, add the total number of bytes within the command packet while excluding the two byte Command Header, the two byte Command Size, the one byte Checksum (if present) and the one byte Command Terminator (see example below). C O M M AN D P AC K E T ELEMENT Command Size = number of bytes in these fields # OF BYTES I N C L U D E D I N C O M M AN D SIZE? Command Header No Command Size No Command ID Yes Start Address Yes Read/Block Size Yes Timeout Value Yes Additional Data Bytes Yes (if present) Checksum No Command Terminator No Table 5-7: ABx Fast - Command Size Parameter In the above sample command packet, there are eight bytes of data (located between the Command Size parameter and the Checksum parameter) that are included in the Command Size. Therefore, the Command Size for this example is 0x0008. Command ID The one-byte Command ID parameter identifies the Hex value of the RFID command to perform. (See the Section 5.2 - ABx Fast RFID Command Table.) Start Address The Start Address parameter holds a two-byte integer representing the tag memory address location where a read or write operation is to begin. Block Size (Read/Write Length) The two-byte Block Size parameter (which is also sometimes called the Read / Write Length parameter) indicates the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to the RFID tag. PAGE 53 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Timeout Value Most ABx Fast commands include a two-byte Timeout Value, which is used to limit the length of time that the Cobalt UHF will attempt to complete the specified operation. The Timeout Value is measured in 1-millisecond increments and has a maximum supported value of 0xFFFE or 65,534 milliseconds (which is slightly longer than one minute). Setting a long Timeout Value does not necessarily mean that a command will take any longer to execute. This value only represents the period of time for which the Cobalt UHF will attempt execution of the command. IMPORTANT: During write commands, the tag must remain within the antenna’s RF field until the write operation completes successfully, or until the Timeout Value has expired. If a write operation is not completed before the tag leaves the controller’s RF field, data may be incompletely written. Checksum The ABx Fast Command Protocol supports the inclusion of an optional Checksum byte that is used to verify the integrity of data being transmitted between host and controller. The Checksum is calculated by adding together (summing) the byte values in the command packet (less the Command Header, Checksum and Command Terminator parameters), and then subtracting the total byte sum from 0xFF. Therefore, when the byte values of each parameter (from Command Size to Checksum) are added together, the byte value sum will equal 0xFF. PAGE 54 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CHECKSUM EXAMPLE The following example depicts Command 0x05 (Read Data) when using a Checksum. Checksum = [0xFF – (sum of these fields)] C O M M AN D ELEMENT CONTENTS USED IN CHECKSUM Header 0x02, 0x02 n/a Command Size 0x0007 0x00, 0x07 Command ID 0x05 0x05 Start Address 0x0001 0x00, 0x01 Block Size 0x0004 0x00, 0x04 Timeout Value 0x07D0 0x07, 0xD0 Checksum Terminator 0x17 0x03 n/a n/a Table 5-8: ABx Fast - Checksum Example Add the byte values from the Command Size, Command ID, Start Address, Block Size and Timeout Value parameters together and subtract from 0xFF. The resulting value will be the Checksum. [0x07 + 0x05 + 0x01 + 0x04 + 0x07 + 0xD0] = 0xE8 The checksum equation is: [0xFF – 0xE8] = 0 x 1 7 PAGE 55 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.4 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast - Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure Multi-tag (anti-collision) commands are used to communicate with one or more RFID tags, when numerous tags are simultaneously within RF range. ABx Fast Multi-tag commands are formatted as follows: C O M M AN D P AC K E T E L E M E N T CONTENT SIZE COMMAND HEADER: 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes 0x0007 + (number of bytes of additional data) 2-byte integer 0x06 (Write Data) 1 byte Reserved for future use 0x00 1 byte Reserved for future use 0x00 1 byte TAG LIMIT: 0x64 1 byte 0x0000 2-byte integer 0x0001 2-byte integer 0x07D0 2-byte integer The first two bytes of an ABx Fast command. COMMAND SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding Header, Command Size and Terminator). COMMAND ID: This single-byte value indicates the RFID command to execute. This single byte specifies the maximum # of tags expected in RF range, up to 100; 0x64 = 100 tags expected max (when applicable) START ADDRESS: This two-byte integer indicates the location of tag memory where a read or write operation shall begin. BLOCK SIZE (READ/WRITE LENGTH): This two-byte integer represents the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to the RFID tag. TIMEOUT VALUE: This two-byte integer indicates the maximum length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. Measured in milliseconds, this value can have a range of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE or between 1 and 65,534 msecs. ADDITIONAL DATA: (0x07D0 = 2000 x .001 = 2 seconds) 0x00 1 or more bytes 0x03 1 byte This parameter uses one byte to hold a single character for fill operations and supports the use of multiple bytes when several characters are needed for write commands (when applicable). COMMAND TERMINATOR: The single-byte command packet terminator is always 0x03 for ABx Fast. Table 5-9: ABx Fast - Anti-Collision Command Packet Structure PAGE 56 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.5 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast - Multi-Tag Command Packet Elements Tag Limit The Tag Limit parameter holds a one-byte value that indicates the maximum number of tags expected simultaneously in RF range for the given command operation. This parameter allows users to limit the number of attempted read/write operations the controller will make per execution. Users do not have to wait for the timeout to expire. The Tag Limit value should be set in relation to the maximum number of tags that could possibly be present in the reading field at any one time. Setting the value higher increases the number of tags expected to be read in the antenna’s RF field. Lowering the value, however, can speed up tag read operations for a small group of tags. Setting the proper value is therefore a tradeoff between the number of expected tags in the reading field, and the time required to read/write to them. The permitted values range from zero to 100 (0x00 – 0x64). The Tag Limit parameter resides directly after the “Anti-collision Mode” parameter in the command string (when applicable). Timeout Value Multi-tag commands also contain a two-byte Timeout Value parameter that is used to limit the length of time for which the Cobalt will attempt to complete a given operation. It is important to set a realistic Timeout Value that permits enough time for the Cobalt to read/write to all tags specified in the command. Processing multiple-tag operations requires a longer time period than does the execution of single-tag commands. The value is expressed in one-millisecond increments, with a maximum value of 0xFFFE (65,534 milliseconds) or approximately 60 seconds. For most single tag read/write commands, a Timeout Value of at least 1000ms is recommended. However, it is recommended that you allow an additional 100ms per tag for multi-tag read operations and 150ms per tag for multi-tag writes. Timeout Value Example When writing to 16 different tags in RF range, for example, set the two-byte Timeout Value to at least 0x0D48 (16 x 150ms + 1000ms = 3400ms or 3.4 seconds). A Timeout Value of zero (0x0000) will cause the Cobalt to return a syntax error message. Using a Timeout Value that is too short may result in diminished read/write range. Setting a long Timeout Value does not necessarily mean that the command will take any longer to complete. The value only represents the period of time in which the Cobalt will attempt to complete the particular operation. If all required tags are in RF range when the command is sent, the time necessary to complete the command will be approximately the same whether the Timeout Value is 1000ms or 10,000ms. For time critical applications, the optimal Timeout Value should be obtained through rigorous performance testing. PAGE 57 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.6 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure After performing a command, the Cobalt UHF will generate a host-bound response packet. ABx Fast responses contain a Response Header, Response Size, Command Echo, one or more Response Values / Retrieved Data (when applicable), and a Response Terminator. R E S P O N S E P AC K E T E L E M E N T CONTENT SIZE RESPONSE HEADER: 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes 0x0001 + (number of bytes of retrieved data) 2-byte integer 0x06 1 byte Data 1 or more bytes (when applicable) Optional 1 byte (when applicable) 0x03 1 byte The first two bytes of an ABx Fast response packet RESPONSE SIZE: This two-byte integer indicates the total number of bytes in the response packet (excluding Response Header, Response Size, Checksum and Terminator). COMMAND ECHO: This single-byte parameter reiterates the Hex value of the command for which the response packet was generated. RESPONSE VALUES / RETRIEVED DATA: This parameter is used to hold one or more bytes of the data that was requested by the command (when applicable). CHECKSUM: This optional parameter holds a single-byte checksum (only applicable when using ABx Fast with Checksum). RESPONSE TERMINATOR: Single-byte response packet terminator (always 0x03) Table 5-10: ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure PAGE 58 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.4.7 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast Protocol: Error Response Packet Structure ABx Fast error responses contain a two-byte Response Header, a two-byte Response Size parameter followed by a single-byte Error Flag (0xFF), a single-byte Error Code, which identifies the error that occurred, and a single-byte Response Terminator. ERROR RESPONSE ELEMENT CONTENT Response Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0002 Error Flag 0xFF Error Code <1-byte error code> Checksum Optional Response Terminator 0x03 Table 5-11: ABx Fast - Error Response Structure ABX FAST - ERROR RESPONSE EXAMPLE Below is an example of an ABx Fast error response for a failed Write Data operation (Error Code 0x06). ERROR RESPONSE ELEMENT CONTENT Response Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0002 Error Flag 0xFF Error Code 0x06 Checksum Optional Response Terminator 0x03 PAGE 59 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS SINGLE-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC2: READ EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC2 – DESCRIPTION The Read EPC Command instructs the controller to retrieve the EPC memory area of a single tag UHF Class1 Gen2. COMMAND 0XC2 - ABX FAST EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to read the EPC memory from a tag. A Timeout Value of 2 seconds (0x07D0 = 2000 x one-millisecond increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Command Size 0x0003 Command ID 0xC2 Timeout Value 0x07D0 Terminator 0x03 Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x000D Command Echo 0xC2 EPC byte 1 0x05 EPC byte 2 0xAA EPC bytes 3… to 11 …….. EPC byte 12 0x07 Terminator 0x03 PAGE 60 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS SINGLE-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC3: WRITE EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC3 – DESCRIPTION The Write EPC Command instructs the controller to write the EPC memory area of a single tag UHF Class1 Gen2. COMMAND 0XC3 - ABX FAST EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to write the specified bytes in the EPC memory of a tag. A Timeout Value of 2 seconds (0x07D0 = 2000 x one-millisecond increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Command Size 0x000F Command ID 0xC3 EPC Data Byte Value 1 0x48 EPC Data Byte Value 2 0x45 EPC Data Byte Value 3… to 11 ……. EPC Data Byte Value 12 0x4C Timeout Value 0x07D0 Terminator 0x03 Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0001 Command Echo 0xC3 Terminator 0x03 PAGE 61 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS MULTI-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC4: READ EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC4 – DESCRIPTION The Multi-Tag Read EPC Code is used to retrieve the EPC data from all tags within RF range. A final termination packet is sent when the Timeout Value expires. COMMAND 0XC4 - ABX FAST EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to read the EPC data from each tag in range. A Timeout Value of 3 seconds (0x0BB8 = 3000 x 1msec increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host PARAMETER FIELD CONTENT Command Header 0x02, 0x02 Command Size 0x0003 Command ID 0xC4 Timeout Value 0x0B, 0xB8 Command Terminator 0x03 Response for Each Tag Read PARAMETER FIELD CONTENT Response Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x000D Command Echo 0xC4 EPC Read Data Byte 1EPC Read Data Byte 2 ... ... EPC Read Data Byte 12 Response Terminator 0x03 PAGE 62 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Final Termination Packet PARAMETER FIELD CONTENT Response Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0004 Final Termination Packet Identifier 0xFF Number of Tags Read Status 0x0000 Response Terminator 0x03 PAGE 63 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CONTROLLER SPECIFIC COMMAND 0XC0: SET UHF CONFIGURATION COMMAND 0XC0 – DESCRIPTION The Set UHF Configuration command is used to set (configure or modify) the controller’s UHF configuration parameters and settings to the controller’s flash memory. IMPORTANT: it is recommended that users first run Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration and make note of their current controller configuration values prior to executing this command. COMMAND 0XC0 - ABX FAST EXAMPLE This example permits the user to modify or write the indicated configuration settings to the controller’s flash memory. The total number of bytes available for this purpose is nine. Command from Host PARAMETER FIELD CONTENT Command Header 0x02, 0x02 Command Size 0x000A Command ID 0xC0 UHF Configuration Bytes 1 & 2 <2-bytes integer> This two-byte integer represents the Reader Output Power ( value from 0 to 500 mW). UHF Configuration Byte 3…to 7 * UHF Configuration Byte 8 This byte permits the user to select the specific UHF channel through which commands are transmitted. The user can write a value between o and 9 in bits from 4 to 7. BIT Description Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* PAGE 64 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES UHF Configuration Byte 9 This byte permits the user to enable/disable the Choose Nearest One property. If the Choose Nearest One property is disabled, an error response is generated whenever a single-tag read/write command is executed in a multi-tag environment. If the Choose Nearest One property is enabled, the read/write command is executed on the tag with the stronger signal. Command Terminator CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS BIT Description Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* 0x03 *Leave the default value retrieved through Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0001 Command Echo 0xC0 Terminator 0x03 PAGE 65 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CONTROLLER SPECIFIC COMMAND 0XC1: GET UHF CONFIGURATION COMMAND 0XC1 – DESCRIPTION The Get UHF Configuration Command instructs the controller to retrieve the controller’s UHF configuration parameters and settings stored in the unit’s flash memory. These are the same values that are set with Command 0xC0: Set UHF Configuration. COMMAND 0XC1 - ABX FAST EXAMPLE Through this command, the user queries a Cobalt UHF RFID controller and reads the controller’s UHF configuration data from its flash memory. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Command Size 0x0001 Command ID 0xC1 Terminator 0x03 Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x000B Command Echo 0xC1 UHF Bytes 1 & 2 <2-bytes value> This two-byte integer represents the Reader Output Power (0÷500 mW). UHF Byte 3 <1-byte value> EPC bytes 4… to 8 …….. EPC byte 9 <1-byte value> Terminator 0x03 PAGE 66 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CB X C OMMAND P ROTOCOL The CBx Command Protocol is based on a double-byte oriented packet structure where commands always contain a minimum of six data “words,” even when one or more parameters are not applicable to the command. CBx does not support the inclusion of a checksum byte. The CBx Command Protocol, utilized by Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 and (when connected to a Gateway or Hub interface module) UHF-CNTL-485-02 models, includes Multidrop Subnet16™ networking support for use with Industrial Ethernet applications. Moreover, the packet structures described herein are protocol independent and can be implemented the same for all Ethernet protocols (Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP and Standard TCP/IP protocol). 5.5.1 CBx - Command Procedure Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 Command Procedure For the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02, controller-bound commands are initiated by a host computer or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and are delivered to the controller by a Subnet16 Gateway or Subnet16 Hub Interface Module that is connected to the host or PLC by standard Ethernet cabling. Each Cobalt UHF-CNTL-485-02 connected to a Multi-drop Subnet16 network is assigned an individual Node ID number between 1 and 16. When a controller-bound command is issued, the instructions are retrieved by the interface module (Gateway or Hub) and distributed to the correct RFID controller by specifying the “Node ID” number of the particular controller. Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Command Procedure For the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02, commands are initiated by a host computer or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and are retrieved by the controller via Ethernet connection. Commands are directed to the Cobalt by specifying, in the command packet, the “Node ID” number of the Cobalt Controller. For the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02, the Node ID will always be 01 (0x01). ATTENTION: This Cobalt UHF Series Manual does NOT contain descriptions or examples of each supported RFID command common to all the devices in the Cobalt family. For complete details regarding the use of common RFID commands please visit and download the CBx Command Protocol – Reference Manual. Here you will find only the commands that are specific to the UHF controller. PAGE 67 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5.2 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBx - Command Packet Structure As noted, CBx commands contain a minimum of six words. Below is the structure of a standard CBx command packet. Table 5-12: CBx Command Packet Structure CBx Command Packet Structure (MSB = Most Significant Byte, LSB = Least Significant Byte) WORD # C O M M AN D P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicating the number of 16-bit “words” in the command packet. 0x00 0x06 + (number of additional data words, if any) 0xAA 0x00 Note: this value will always be at least 6, as each command has a minimum of 12bytes (or 6 words). Overall Length will increase when additional data words are used in the command (for fills, writes, etc.). 02 0xAA in MSB Command ID: single-byte value in LSB indicates command to perform 03 0x00 in MSB Node ID: LSB value indicates the Node ID number of the device to which the command is intended. Note: this value must be 0x20 (Node ID 32) when the command is directed to a Gateway or Hub, and must be 0x01 (Node ID 01) when the command is directed to a Cobalt IND controller. PAGE 68 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 04 Timeout Value: 2-byte integer representing the length of time allowed for the completion of the command (when applicable). Measured in one-millisecond increments, the Timeout Value can have a value of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE (1 - 65,534 milliseconds). 05 Start Address: 2-byte integer indicating the location of tag memory where a read or write operation will begin (when applicable) 06 Block Size: 2-byte integer indicating the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to a tag during the operation (when applicable) 07 Additional Data: (bytes 1 & 2) used to hold 2-bytes of data used for writes and fills (when applicable) 08 Additional Data: (bytes 3 & 4) used to hold an additional 2-bytes of data for writes (when applicable) Table 5-13: CBx Command Packet Structure 5.5.3 CBx Response Packet Structure After executing a command, the controller will generate a host-bound response message. The response message will contain EITHER the results of the attempted command or an error code indicating the reason the operation could not be completed successfully. Below is the structure of a standard CBx response packet. CBx Response Packet Structure WORD # R E S P O N S E P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicating the number of “words” in the response packet. This value will always be at least 6 words. 0x00 0x06 + (number of additional data words retrieved, if any) 02 0xAA in MSB 0xAA Command Echo: single-byte LSB value identifies the command that was performed. PAGE 69 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 03 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Instance Counter: in MSB (see description on following page) Node ID Echo: Value in LSB identifies the Node ID of the device that performed the command and/or generated the response (will always be 0x20 for Gateway/Hub, and 0x01 for Cobalt IND) 04 Month and Day Timestamp 05 Hour and Minute Timestamp 06 Second Timestamp in MSB Additional Data Length: Value in LSB indicates the number of additional bytes retrieved (when applicable) 07 Retrieved Data: (bytes 1 & 2) used to hold 2-bytes of retrieved data (when applicable) 08 Retrieved Data: (bytes 3 & 4) used to hold an additional 2-bytes of retrieved data (when applicable) Table 5-14: CBx Response Packet Structure INSTANCE COUNTER The Instance Counter is a one-byte value used to track the number of responses generated by each Node ID. Instance Counter values are stored in the internal RAM of the Gateway/Hub and are incremented by one following each response. If, for example, the controller at Node 01 has generated 10 responses, the Instance Counter value for Node 01 in the Gateway/Hub will read 10 (0x0A). When power is cycled to the Gateway/Hub, the Instance Counter values for all nodes (and for the Gateway/Hub itself) will be reset to zero (0x00). NOTE: UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Controllers are capable of storing their own Instance Counter values. Likewise, when power is cycled to either device, their Instance Counter values will be reset to zero. PAGE 70 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5.4 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure CBx Multi-tag Commands instruct a specified controller to read from or write to several tags at once when multiple tags are simultaneously within RF range. It is also possible to single-out and read from or write to one tag (identified by its unique tag ID number) when multiple tags are present in the RF field simultaneously. Below is the structure of a basic CBx multi-tag command packet. CBx Multi-tag Command Packet Structure WORD # C O M M AN D P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer value indicating the number of “words” in the command packet. 0x00 0x08 + (number of any additional data words) 02 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0x00 0x01 Command ID: LSB value indicates command to perform 03 0x00 in MSB Node ID: LSB value indicates the Node ID number of the controller to which the command is intended (must be 0x01 for – Cobalt IND models) 04 Timeout Value: 2-byte integer represents the maximum length of time allowed for the completion of the command, measured in one-millisecond increments, where 0x0BB8 = 3000 x .001 = 3 seconds. The Timeout Value can have a value of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE (1 - 65,534 milliseconds). 0x0B 0xB8 05 Start Address: 2-byte integer indicating the location of tag memory where a read or write operation will begin (when applicable). 06 Block Size: 2-byte integer indicating the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to an RFID tag during the operation (when applicable). 07 Reserved for future use 0x00 0x00 08 Tag Limit: Single-byte MSB value for the maximum # of tags expected in RF range, up to 100 (see description in Section 1.3.4). 0x64 0x00 0x00 in LSB (100 tags max Tag Limit) PAGE 71 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 09 Additional Data Byte Values 1 & 2: holds 2 bytes of data used for fills, writes, etc. (when applicable) 10 Additional Data Byte Values 3 & 4: holds an extra 2-bytes for write operations if needed (when applicable) Table 5-15: CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure 5.5.5 CBx Multi-Tag Command Packet Elements Tag Limit The Tag Limit parameter holds a one-byte value that indicates the maximum number of tags expected simultaneously in RF range for the given command operation. This parameter allows users to limit the number of attempted read/write operations the controller will make per execution (users do not have to wait for the Timeout to expire). The Tag Limit value should be set in relation to the maximum number of tags that could possibly be present in the reading field at any one time. Setting a high value increases the number of tags that are expected in the antenna’s RF field. Setting a low value can speed up multi-tag operations when only a small number of tags could be present at any given moment. Setting the proper value is therefore a tradeoff between the number of expected tags in the reading field, and the time required to read/write to them. The permitted values range from zero to 100 (0x00 – 0x64). The Tag Limit parameter resides directly after the “Anti-collision Mode” parameter in the command string (when applicable). Timeout Value Multi-tag commands also contain a two-byte Timeout Value parameter that is used to limit the length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete a given operation. It is important to set a realistic Timeout Value that permits enough time for the controller to read/write to all tags specified in the command. Processing multiple-tag operations requires a longer time period than does the execution of single-tag commands. The value is expressed in one-millisecond increments, with a maximum value of 0xFFFE (65,534 milliseconds) or approximately 60 seconds. It is recommended that users allow at least 100ms per tag for multi-tag read operations and 150ms per tag for multi-tag writes. Using a Timeout Value that is too short may cause the controller to inadvertently “time out” before the data has been successfully read from or written to all tags in RF range. For time critical applications, the optimal Timeout Value should be obtained through rigorous performance testing. PAGE 72 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5.6 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBx Multi-Tag Response Packet Structures When executing multi-tag commands designed to retrieve information from several tags at once (for example CBx Command 0x92: Multi-Tag Read ID and Data All), the RFID controller will generate separate host-bound response packets for each tag that has been read. Below is the structure of a basic CBx multi-tag response packet generated by the controller at Node 01. CBx Multi-tag Response Packet Structure (One Packet for Each Tag Read) WORD # R E S P O N S E P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicates the number of “words” in the response packet. 0x00 0x06 + (number of additional words retrieved) 02 0xAA in MSB 0xAA Command Echo: single-byte value identifies the command that was performed in LSB 03 Instance Counter: 1-byte MSB value indicates number of responses generated by the Node ID identified in the LSB. 0x01 Node ID Echo: 1-byte value indicates the Node ID of the RFID controller that performed the command. 04 Month and Day Timestamp 05 Hour and Minute Timestamp 06 Second Timestamp in MSB Additional Data Length: single-byte LSB value indicates the number of additional bytes retrieved, includes both Tag ID and Read Data bytes (when applicable) 07 Tag ID bytes 1 and 2: holds the first two bytes of the Tag ID number 08 Tag ID bytes 3 and 4 09 Tag ID bytes 5 and 6 10 Tag ID bytes 7 and 8 11 Read Data bytes 1 and 2: holds 2 bytes of retrieved data from tag read operations … … … … 18 Read Data bytes 15 and 16 Table 5-16: CBx Multi-Tag Response Packet Structure PAGE 73 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5.7 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBx Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure After the RFID controller has issued response packets for each tag identified and/or read, a final termination packet is generated. Below is the structure of a standard CBx multi-tag response final termination packet generated by the controller at Node 01. CBx Multi-tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure WORD # P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicates the number of “words” in the packet. 0x00 0x07 02 0xAA in MSB, 0xFF in LSB 0xAA 0xFF 03 Instance Counter: 1-byte value indicates the number of responses generated by the Node ID identified in the LSB (this value is not to be confused with the number of tags read during a single operation) Node ID Echo: 1-byte value indicates the Node ID of the controller that performed the command. 0x01 04 Month and Day Timestamp 05 Hour and Minute Timestamp 06 Second Timestamp in MSB Additional Data Length: Single-byte LSB value indicates the number of additional bytes retrieved (value will usually = 2, for Number of Tags Read/Written and Status) 0x02 07 Number of Tags Read/Written in MSB, identifies the number of tags read from or written to during the operation Status in LSB (0x00 = operation completed successfully, 0x07 = Read Tag ID failed / Tag Not Found) 0x00 Table 5-17: CBx Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure PAGE 74 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 5.5.8 CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBx Protocol: Error Response Packet Structure A one-byte Error Code will be returned in the MSB of the seventh data word of an error response packet (followed by 0x00 in the LSB). ERROR RESPONSE ELEMENT MSB LSB Overall Length: 2-byte value indicating the number of “words” in the Response Packet. This value will always be at least 7 words (6 + 1 for the error code). 0x00 0x07 Error Flag: 0xFF in the MSB indicates that an error occurred. 0xFF 0xFF 0x01 Month and Day Timestamp Hour and Minute Timestamp Seconds Timestamp in MSB 0x01 0x00 Error Information Byte: 0xFF in the LSB indicates that a controller-based error occurred. Any value other than 0xFF indicates that a Gateway or Hub-based error occurred (and indicates the command that was attempted when the error occurred). Instance Counter: This 1-byte value tallies the number of responses from a given Node ID. Node ID Echo: 1-byte value in LSB indicates the Node ID of the controller that experienced or generated the error. (Cobalt -IND = 01) Additional Data Length in LSB (1 byte for “Error Code”) Error Code: 1-byte Error Code in MSB 0x00 in LSB Table 5-18: CBx - Error Response Packet Structure PAGE 75 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBX SINGLE-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC2: READ EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC2 - DESCRIPTION The Read EPC Command instructs the controller to retrieve the EPC memory area of a single tag UHF Class1 Gen2. COMMAND 0XC2 - CBX EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to read the EPC memory from a tag. A Timeout Value of 2 seconds (0x07D0 = 2000 x one-millisecond increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Command (in words) 0x00 0x06 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC2 0x00 0x01 Timeout Value 0x07 0xD0 Not Used (0x00, 0x00)* 0x00 0x00 Not Used (0x00, 0x00)* 0x00 0x00 Command ID in LSB (0xC2) 0x00 in MSB Node ID in LSB *NOTE: even when one or more command parameters are not used in a particular command, the parameter’s two bytes must still be accounted for in the Overall Length. Include all “zeroes” for these bytes (0x00, 0x00). PAGE 76 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Response from Controller (Tag Found) P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0x00 0x0C 0xAA in MSB, Command Echo in LSB 0xAA 0xC2 Instance Counter in MSB, Node ID Echo in LSB 0x01 Month and Day Timestamp: (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB: (:36 seconds) 0x24 0x0C EPC (bytes 1 & 2) 0xE0 0x04 EPC (bytes 3 & 4) 0x01 0x00 EPC (bytes 5 & 6) 0x00 0x2E EPC (bytes 7 & 8) 0xEB 0x34 EPC (bytes 9 & 10) 0x11 0x35 EPC (bytes 11 & 12) 0x16 0xAD th Additional Data Length in LSB: (0x0C) Response from Controller (Tag Not Found) P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0x00 0x07 Error Flag in MSB = 0xFF Error Information Byte in LSB 0xFF in the LSB indicates that a controller-based error occurred. Any value other than 0xFF indicates that a Gateway or Hub-based error occurred (and identifies the command that was attempted when the error occurred). 0xFF 0xFF Instance Counter in MSB, Node ID Echo in LSB 0x01 Month and Day Timestamp: (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB: (:36 seconds) Additional Data Length in LSB: (0x01) 0x24 0x01 Error Code in MSB (0x07 = “Tag Not Found”) 0x00 in LSB 0x07 0x00 th PAGE 77 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CBX SINGLE-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC3: WRITE EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC3 - DESCRIPTION The Write EPC Command instructs the controller to write the EPC memory area of a single tag UHF Class1 Gen2. COMMAND 0XC3 - CBX EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to write the specified bytes in the EPC memory of a tag. A Timeout Value of 2 seconds (0x07D0 = 2000 x one-millisecond increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Command (in words) 0x00 0x0A 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC3 0x00 0x01 Timeout Value (measured in ms) 0x07 0xD0 EPC Write Data (bytes 1 and 2) 0x48 0x45 EPC Write Data (bytes 3 and 4) 0x4C 0x4C EPC Write Data (bytes 5 and 6) 0x58 0x45 EPC Write Data (bytes 7 and 8) 0xAB 0x6F EPC Write Data (bytes 9 and 10) 0x4E 0x45 EPC Write Data (byte 11 and 12) 0x4F 0x00 Command ID in LSB (0x06) 0x00 in MSB Node ID in LSB PAGE 78 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0x00 0x06 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC3 0x01 Month and Day Timestamp: th (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB (:36 seconds) 0x24 0x00 Command Echo in LSB Instance Counter in MSB Node ID Echo in LSB 0x00 in LSB PAGE 79 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS MULTI-TAG RFID COMMAND 0XC4: READ EPC CODE COMMAND 0XC4 - DESCRIPTION The Multi-Tag Read EPC Code is used to retrieve the EPC data from all tags within RF range. A final termination packet is sent when the Timeout Value expires. COMMAND 0XC4 - CBX EXAMPLE This example instructs the controller to read the EPC data from each tag in range. A Timeout Value of 3 seconds (0x0BB8 = 3000 x 1msec increments) is set for the completion of the command. Command from Host PARAMETER FIELD MSB LSB Overall Length of Command (in words) 0x00 0x06 0xAA in MSB, Command ID in LSB 0xAA 0xC4 0x00 in MSB 0x00 0x01 Timeout Value 0x0B 0xB8 Tag Limit in MSB, 0x00 in LSB 0x64 0x00 Not Used (0x00, 0x00)* 0x00 0x00 P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0X00 0X0C 0xAA in MSB, Command Echo in LSB 0XAA 0XC4 Instance Counter in MSB 0X01 Month and Day Timestamp: th (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Node ID in LSB Response for Each Tag Found Node ID Echo in LSB PAGE 80 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES Seconds Timestamp in MSB (:36 seconds) CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 0X24 0X0C EPC ID (bytes 1 and 2) EPC ID (bytes 3 and 4) EPC ID (bytes 5 and 6) EPC ID (bytes 7 and 8) EPC ID (bytes 9 and 10) EPC ID (bytes 11 and 12) P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0X00 0X07 0xAA in MSB, 0xFF in LSB 0XAA 0XFF Instance Counter in MSB 0X01 Month and Day Timestamp: th (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB (:36 seconds) 0X24 0X02 <0X00 = OPERATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY, 0X07 = READ TAG ID FAILED / TAG NOT FOUND> Additional Data Length in LSB (number of additional bytes returned) Final Response Packet Node ID Echo in LSB Additional Data Length in LSB (2 bytes: “Number of Tags” and “Status”) Number of Tags Found in MSB Status in LSB PAGE 81 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CONTROLLER SPECIFIC COMMAND 0XC0: SET UHF CONFIGURATION COMMAND 0XC0 – DESCRIPTION The Set UHF Configuration command is used to set (configure or modify) the controller’s UHF configuration parameters and settings to the controller’s flash memory. IMPORTANT: it is recommended that users first run Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration and make note of their current controller configuration values prior to executing this command. COMMAND 0XC0 - CBX EXAMPLE This example permits the user to modify or write the indicated configuration settings to the controller’s flash memory. The total number of bytes available for this purpose is nine. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Command (in words) 0x00 0x08 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC0 0x00 in MSB, Node ID in LSB 0x00 0x01 UHF Configuration Byte 1 in MSB * * * * Command ID in LSB: (0x43) UHF Configuration Byte 2 in LSB These two-bytes represent the Reader Output Power (value from 0 to 500 mW). UHF Configuration Byte 3 in MSB UHF Configuration Byte 4 in LSB UHF Configuration Byte 5 in MSB UHF Configuration Byte 6 in LSB PAGE 82 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS UHF Configuration Byte 7 in MSB * 0x00 UHF Configuration Byte 8 in LSB Byte 8 in LSB is partially reserved (see table below). This byte permits the user to select the specific UHF channel through which commands are transmitted. The user can write a value between o and 9 in bits from 4 to 7 UHF Config. Byte 8 - Table BIT Description Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* UHF Configuration Byte 9 in MSB 0x00 in LSB (not used) Byte 9 in MSB is partially reserved (see table below).This byte permits the user to enable/disable the Choose Nearest One property. If the Choose Nearest One property is disabled, an error response is generated whenever a single-tag read/write command is executed in a multi-tag environment. If the Choose Nearest One property is enabled, the read/write command is executed on the tag with the strongest signal. UHF Config. Byte 9 - Table BIT Description Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* Reserved* PAGE 83 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS *Leave the default value retrieved through Command 0xC1: Get UHF Configuration Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0x00 0x06 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC0 0x01 Month and Day Timestamp: th (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB (:36 seconds) 0x24 0x00 Command Echo in LSB Instance Counter in MSB Node ID Echo in LSB 0x00 in LSB PAGE 84 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CONTROLLER SPECIFIC COMMAND 0XC1: GET UHF CONFIGURATION COMMAND 0XC1 – DESCRIPTION The Get UHF Configuration Command instructs the controller to retrieve the controller’s UHF configuration parameters and settings stored in the unit’s flash memory. These are the same values that are set with Command 0xC0: Set UHF Configuration. COMMAND 0XC1 - CBX EXAMPLE Through this command, the user queries a Cobalt UHF RFID controller and reads the controller’s UHF configuration data from its flash memory. Command from Host P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Command (in words) 0x00 0x06 0xAA in MSB 0xAA 0xC1 0x00 0x01 Not Used (default: 0x00, 0x00) 0x00 0x00 Not Used (default: 0x00, 0x00) 0x00 0x00 Not Used (default: 0x00, 0x00) 0x00 0x00 Command ID in LSB 0x00 in MSB Node ID in LSB Response from Controller P AR AM E T E R F I E L D MSB LSB Overall Length of Response (in words) 0x00 0x0B 0xAA in MSB, Command Echo in LSB 0xAA 0xC1 Instance Counter in MSB, Node ID Echo in LSB 0x01 th Month and Day Timestamp: (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 Hour and Minute Timestamp: (10:11: AM) 0x0A 0x0B Seconds Timestamp in MSB: (:36 seconds) 0x24 0x0A Additional Data Length in LSB: (0x0A) PAGE 85 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS UHF Configuration Bytes 1 & 2 UHF Configuration Bytes 3 & 4 UHF Configuration Bytes 5 & 6 UHF Configuration Bytes 7 & 8 UHF Configuration Bytes 9 & 10 0x00 These two bytes represent the Reader Output Power (0÷500 mW). PAGE 86 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 5.6 E RROR C ODE T ABLE ERROR CODE ERROR DESCRIPTION 0x04 FILL TAG FAILED Fill Tag operation failed 0x05 READ DATA FAILED Read Data operation failed 0x06 WRITE DATA FAILED Write Data operation failed 0x07 TAG NOT FOUND, TAG SEARCH FAILED Read Tag ID operation failed, Tag Search operation failed 0x21 INVALID SYNTAX Command Contained a syntax error 0x30 INTERNAL CONTROLLER ERROR Generic internal controller error 0x31 INVALID CONTROLLER TYPE Invalid controller type (when setting configuration) 0x32 INVALID PROGRAMMING ADDRESS Invalid tag programming address specified 0x35 INVALID RESET Invalid hardware reset 0x36 SET CONFIGURATION ERROR Configuration not written 0x37 GET CONFIGURATION ERROR Configuration not read 0x83 COMMAND INVALID OPCODE Invalid Command ID specified in the command. 0x84 COMMAND INVALID PARAMETER A parameter specified in the command was invalid. 0x85 COMMAND INVALID CONTROLLER ID An invalid Node ID was specified in the command, or no controller was detected/present at the specified Node. 0x86 COMMAND INACTIVE CONTROLLER ID The Node ID specified in the command is currently inactive. 0x87 SUBNET DEVICE SELECT FAILED Internal Subnet Error – the specified Subnet device failed. 0x88 SUBNET DEVICE FAILED TO ACKNOWLEDGE Internal Subnet Error - the specified Subnet device failed to respond to the Cobalt’s polling. PAGE 87 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 5: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 0x89 SUBNET RESPONSE MALFORMED Internal Subnet Error – a controller returned a malformed response. 0x8A SUBNET RESPONSE TIMEOUT Internal Subnet Error – a controller was unable to generate a response before timeout was reached. 0x8B SUBNET RESPONSE INVALID CHECKSUM Internal Subnet Error – a controller generated a response that has an invalid checksum. 0x8C SUBNET DEVICE CONFLICT DETECTED Internal Subnet Error – a Node ID conflict has been detected 0x8D BUFFER OVERFLOW Internal Error – buffer limit was exceeded 0x8E FLASH FAILURE Internal Error – flash memory failure 0x92 SUBNET16 ONLY COMMAND A Subnet16-only command was issued when in MUX32 mode. 0x93 NODE MISMATCH ERROR The Node specified in the command did not match the Node to which the command was sent 0x94 CRC ERROR Internal Communications Error 0x95 PROTOCOL ERROR Internal Communications Error Table 5-19: Error Code Table PAGE 88 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE The Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 model is designed to support many common Industrial Ethernet protocols and can be implemented in a wide variety of existing host / PLC applications. One such popular Ethernet protocol is Ethernet/IP (EIP). This chapter focuses on the process of setting up the Cobalt Industrial RFID Controller to communicate (via Ethernet/IP) with a ControlLogix Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Also in this chapter are descriptions of EMS’ HTML Server and OnDemand Utilities, as well as systematic instructions to help configure the Cobalt Industrial RFID Controller for Ethernet/IP environments. NOTE: This manual assumes that users are already familiar with Ethernet/IP, industrial Ethernet communications protocols and programmable logic controller technologies. For specific information regarding the protocol used by your particular RFID application, please refer to the appropriate documentation from your host / PLC program provider. IMPORTANT: Users of the Cobalt Dashboard utility should exit the application before attempting communications between the Industrial Cobalt and an EtherNet/IP host Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). When installing the UHF-CNTL-IND-02 for communication over EtherNet/IP, the ODVA Guidelines for EtherNet/IP Media System installation should be followed (refer to, ODVA PUB00148R0 (Pub 148), EtherNet/IP Media Planning and Installation Manual, 2006 ODVA). Follow ODVA recommendations for switching and wiring Ethernet/IP. If the Ethernet/IP network enables I/O Messaging for remote I/O, etc., or if other UDP traffic is present, then the Gateway must be protected by a switch that incorporates IGMP Snooping or a VLAN. 6.1 E THERNET /IP C ONFIGURATION O VERVIEW Based upon on the standard TCP/IP protocol suite, EtherNet/IP is a high-level application layer protocol for industrial automation applications that uses traditional Ethernet hardware and software to define an application layer protocol that structures the task of configuring, accessing and controlling industrial automation devices. Ethernet/IP classifies Ethernet nodes as predefined device types with specific behaviors. The set of device types and the EIP application layer protocol is based on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) layer used in ControlNet. Building on these two widely used protocol suites, Ethernet/IP provides a seamlessly integrated system from the RFID Subnet network to the Host and enterprise networks. The Cobalt is designed to communicate as an EtherNet/IP client device, which will receive and execute RFID commands issued by the host / PLC (acting as EtherNet/IP Server). PAGE 89 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Sections 6.3 through 6.7 contain instructions that will help you accomplish the following: Assign the Cobalt an IP address via HTML Server Configure the Cobalt’s Subnet Node via OnDemand Utilities Create “Controller Tags” in the PLC Verify PLC and Cobalt Subnet Node connectivity 6.2 HTML S ERVER & O N D EMAND PLC S UPPORT Below is a partial list of the programmable logic controllers that are supported by EMS’ HTML Server and OnDemand Utilities. ControlLogix – OnDemand supports all current versions RA’s PLC5E releases: Series C, Revision N.1 Series D, Revision E.1 Series E, Revision D.1 PLC5 "Sidecar" Module Series B, Revision A with EIP support SLC5/05 releases: Series A with firmware revision OS501, FRN5 All Series B and Series C PLC Controllers 6.3 HTML S ERVER AND O N D EMAND U TILITIES Embedded in the Cobalt UHF-CNTL-IND-02 is an HTML Server, which provides a Website-like interface and a suite of configuration tools. Through the use of the Cobalt’s HTML Server, users can access, modify and save changes to the unit’s Industrial Ethernet configuration, IP address, and OnDemand mode settings. The OnDemand Utilities will be used later in this chapter to link the Cobalt to specific Controller Tags as defined in Rockwell Automation’s (RA) ControlLogix PLC. ATTENTION: Disable any firewall services affecting or running locally on the host computer. Firewalls can potentially block communications between the Cobalt and the host and/or PLC. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In ControlLogix, a “Controller Tag” is a small block of internal memory that is used to hold outgoing (command) and incoming (response) data. Within each controller tag, information is stored in two-byte segments, known as registers or “words.” OnDemand is Escort Memory Systems’ approach to adding Change of State messaging to ControlLogix and legacy support for RA PLC5E and RA SCL5/05 programmable logic controllers. PAGE 90 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 6.4 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE IP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER To configure the Cobalt for Ethernet communications, begin by assigning the controller a locally compatible IP address. Through a standard Web browser, you can utilize the Cobalt’s HTML Server to access an embedded suite of controller configuration tools, called the “OnDemand Utilities.” Among its features is the ability to modify and save changes to the controller’s IP address, which is stored internally on the Cobalt. Cobalt Industrial Ethernet RFID Controller - Default IP Address: SETTING THE IP ADDRESS OF THE COBALT To set the Cobalt’s IP address using the HTML Server, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Web browser on the PC. 2. In the URL address field, enter the Cobalt’s IP address ( = factory default). 3. Press ENTER. The HTML Server - Main Page will be displayed. HTML SERVER – MAIN PAGE Figure 6-1: The HTML Server - Main Page The HTML Server - Main Page lists the IP address and network settings currently stored on the Cobalt. PAGE 91 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE 4. Click the button labeled “EDIT”, located below “Network Settings.” The IP Configuration Page will be displayed. IP CONFIGURATION PAGE The IP Configuration Page is used to modify and save changes to the IP Address, Subnet Mask and (Network) Gateway IP Address. Figure 6-2: The IP Configuration Page 5. In the fields provided, enter your new IP configuration values for the Cobalt. 6. Click the “Save Settings” button to store your new IP configuration, then cycle power to the UHF-CNTL to store the changes in the main memory. The Ethernet module will reset and your IP changes will be implemented. 7. After the Cobalt has restarted, verify the new IP configuration by opening a Web browser and manually entering the Cobalt’s new IP address in the URL field. If successful, you should arrive back at the HTML Server – Main Page. PAGE 92 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 6.5 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE O N D EMAND C ONFIGURATION FOR E THERNET /IP Now that you have configured the Cobalt’s IP address, you will need to use the embedded HTML Server to access the Cobalt’s OnDemand Configuration Page. Through the use of the OnDemand Configuration Page, the Cobalt can be configured to communicate with a ControlLogix PLC. To configure the Cobalt’s OnDemand Configuration settings, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Web browser on the host and enter the Cobalt’s new IP address in the URL field. The HTML Server – Main Page will be displayed. 2. At the HTML Server – Main Page, click the button labeled “OnDemand Config.” The OnDemand Configuration Page will be displayed. PAGE 93 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE ONDEMAND CONFIGURATION PAGE The OnDemand Configuration Page allows you to modify the settings of the Cobalt’s Node. Figure 6-3: The OnDemand Configuration Page 3. In the upper portion of the OnDemand Configuration Page, select a PLC Type from the drop-down menu. 4. Enter the PLC’s IP address. 5. For the PLC Slot Number, enter a value between 0 and 255. The PLC Slot Number indicates the location in your PLC rack where the controller module is installed (normally slot 0 for ControlLogix). PAGE 94 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE 6. In the Read Delay field, enter a value between 0 and 6000. This number specifies (in 10ms “ticks”) how frequently the Cobalt will poll the PLC for the presence of new data. (Note: a value of 6000 = 60 seconds; zero = disable). 7. In the column labeled “Enable Node,” place a check in the box for Node 01. Other Nodes listed on this page are not supported by the Cobalt –IND. 8. Write Size: Enter a value between 1 and 100 (or 0 to disable) for the Write Size. The Write Size represents the maximum number of 2-byte “words” that the Cobalt will attempt to write to PLC memory during a single write cycle. (Note: to accommodate message handshaking overhead, the actual data size required by the PLC is three words larger than the value specified in this field). 9. Write Tag Name: For ControlLogix systems, specify a Write Tag Name that is 40 characters or less (for example EMS_WRITE1, for Node 01). The Write Tag Name is a user defined description or title for the area of memory in the PLC where host-bound data will be written for the Cobalt. (Note: the Write Tag Name is not to be confused with writing to an RFID transponder, which is often referred to as “writing to a tag”). OR Write Tag Name: For PLC5E, SLC5/05 and MicroLogix systems, enter the PCCC File Number and Offset (for example N7:0) in the Write Tag Name field. Together these values identify the location in the PLC’s Status File where host-bound data will be written for the Cobalt. 10. Read Size: Enter a value between 1 and 100 (or 0 to disable) for the Read Size. The Read Size represents the maximum number of 2-byte “words” that the Cobalt will attempt to retrieve from PLC memory during a single read cycle. (Note: to accommodate message handshaking overhead, the actual data size required by the PLC is three words larger than the value specified in this field). 11. Read Tag Name: For ControlLogix systems, specify a Read Tag Name that is 40 characters or less (for example EMS_READ1, for Node 01). The Read Tag Name is a user defined description or title for the area of memory in the PLC from which the Cobalt will retrieve data. OR Read Tag Name: For PLC5E, SLC5/05 and MicroLogix systems enter the PCCC File Number and Offset in the Read Tag Name field. Together these values indicate the location in the PLC’s Status File from which the Cobalt will retrieve data. 12. After entering the proper information for Node 01, click the Save Settings button located at the bottom of the page. The OnDemand Status Page will be displayed. PAGE 95 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE 13. At the OnDemand Status Page, click the link labeled “Main Page” to return to the HTML Server – Main Page. 6.6 C ONFIGURING PLC C ONTROLLER T AGS After you have configured the Cobalt’s Node via the OnDemand Configuration Page, open your PLC program (i.e. RSLogix 5000) and, if you have not already done so, define two Controller Tags (a Write Tag and a Read Tag). Controller Tag Naming Controller Tags need to be assigned a name and size. Be sure to use the same Write Tag Name and Read Tag Name that you specified in the OnDemand Node Configuration (i.e., EMS_WRITE1 and EMS_READ1). Controller Tag Size Due to handshaking overhead, Controller Tags must have the size capacity to store an integer array equal to your previously specified Write/Read Size + three words. So for example, if the Read Size you specified earlier was 100 words, the corresponding Read Tag in the PLC must be able to store an array of 103 integers. The Write Tag holds messages and response data generated by the Cobalt that is bound for the host or PLC. The Read Tag holds RFID commands and instructions intended for the Cobalt. (NOTE: the Cobalt should already be linked to the proper Write Tag and Read Tag via the OnDemand Utilities - OnDemand Configuration Page). After creating and defining a Write Tag and a Read Tag for the Cobalt, return to the Cobalt’s HTML Server – Main Page to continue. PAGE 96 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 6.7 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE C HECKING O N D EMAND S TATUS Now that you have configured the Cobalt’s Node and defined corresponding Write and Read Tags in the PLC, the last step is to check the communication status between the Cobalt and the PLC. Return to the Cobalt’s HTML Server - Main Page and click the link labeled “OnDemand Status.” The OnDemand Status Page will be displayed. Figure 6-4: The OnDemand Status Page The OnDemand Status Page provides statistical information regarding the connection status of the Cobalt. This information can be used to verify that read and write connections between the Cobalt and the PLC have been established successfully. Read Counts: this value indicates the number of times the Cobalt has checked the PLC for new data. Write Counts: this value indicates the number of times the Cobalt has provided data to the PLC. Note that under Ethernet/IP, the host (and/or PLC) acts as the server. However, additional messaging instructions are not required on the part of the host because the Cobalt will automatically poll the Read Tag in the PLC at the interval specified by the Read Delay value set via the OnDemand Configuration Utility. There is no delay parameter when writing data to the PLC, as the Cobalt delivers all PLC-bound data immediately after it is generated. If you configured a low Read Delay value, the Read Counts on the OnDemand Status Page will accumulate rapidly. This occurs because a low Read Delay value instructs the Cobalt to poll the PLC for new data more frequently. ATTENTION: If the Cobalt and PLC do not successfully establish a connection, cycle power to the Cobalt and verify that Ethernet/IP services are running properly on the PLC. If that does not resolve the issue, restart Ethernet/IP services on the PLC and the 1756-ENBT module. PAGE 97 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 6.8 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE V ERIFYING D ATA E XCHANGE WITH RSL OGIX 5000 At this point, communication between the Cobalt and the PLC should be properly configured and a connection established. You can verify the exchange of information between devices using RSLogix 5000. Figure 6-5: RSLogix 5000 6.8.1 Ethernet/IP Handshaking To ensure that messages to and from the Cobalt are properly delivered and received, a handshaking mechanism has been implemented that uses a pair of dedicated words in the exchange. The first two words in each Controller Tag are dedicated to handshaking. When new information is generated, the producing device (Data Producer) will increment a counter in one of the Controller Tags. After identifying the new data, the consuming device (Data Consumer) will copy that same counter value to a different Controller Tag location, which lets the Data Producer know that the information has been processed by the Data Consumer. PAGE 98 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE WRITE TAG (where responses are written by the Cobalt) EMS_Write1 [0] = (2) the Cobalt copies counter here to ACK EMS_Write1 [1] = (3) the Cobalt increments this counter to signal response available EMS_Write1 [2] = Data Size EMS_Write1 [3-102] = Data READ TAG (where commands are retrieved by the Cobalt) EMS_Read1 [0] = (4) PLC copies the counter here to ACK the response EMS_Read1 [1] = (1) PLC increments this counter after writing a command EMS_Read1 [2] = Data Size EMS_Read1 [3-102] = Data 6.8.2 Ethernet/IP Handshaking Example In the example below, EMS_READ1 is the name of the Read Tag and EMS_WRITE1 is the name of the Write Tag. NOTE: [0] indicates the first word, [1] indicates the second word in a controller tag. 1. The PLC writes the command to the Read Tag (EMS_READ1) and then increments the counter in EMS_READ1 [1] 2. The counter in EMS_READ1 [1] is copied by the Cobalt to EMS_WRITE1 [0] which acknowledges that the command has been received. 3. Following execution of the command, the Cobalt copies the response to EMS_WRITE1 (the Write Tag) and increments the counter in EMS_WRITE1 [1]. This signals that there is new data for the PLC (the Cobalt generated response, in this case). PAGE 99 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE 4. After the PLC has processed the response information, it copies the counter from EMS_WRITE1 [1] to EMS_READ1 [0] which signals to the Cobalt that the PLC has retrieved the response data. 5. The data will then be cleared from EMS_WRITE1. After which the Cobalt will be ready to receive another command. 6.9 E THERNET /IP: O BJECT M ODEL The Object Model is the logical organization of attributes (parameters) within classes (objects) and services supported by each device. Objects are broken down into three categories: Required Objects, Vendor Specific Objects and Application Objects. Required Objects are classes that must be supported by all devices on EtherNet/IP. The Cobalt has six Required Objects. Vendor Specific Objects are classes that add attributes and services that do not fit into the Required Objects or Application Objects categories. The Cobalt has two Vendor Specific Objects. Application Objects are classes that must be supported by all devices using the same profile. An example of a profile is a Discrete I/O device or an AC PAGE 100 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Drive. This ensures that all devices with the same profile have a common look on the network. DAT A TYPE DEFINITION TABLE EtherNet/IP was designed by the Open Device Vendors Association (ODVA) as an open protocol. The following table contains a description of the data types used by ODVA that are also found in this chapter. D AT A T Y P E DESCRIPTION USINT Unsigned Short Integer (8-bit) UINT Unsigned Integer (16-bit) UDINT Unsigned Double Integer (32-bit) STRING Character String (1 byte per character) BYTE Bit String (8-bits) WORD Bit String (16-bits) DWORD Bit String (32-bits) Table 6-1: Data Type Definitions 6.9.1 Ethernet/IP Required Objects Under Ethernet/IP, there are six Required Objects: REQUIRED OBJECTS: Identity Object (0x01) Message Router Object (0x02) Assembly Object (0x04) Connection Manager Object (0x06) TCP Object (0xF5) Ethernet Link Object (0xF6) PAGE 101 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE IDENTITY OBJECT (0X01 - 1 INSTANCE) Class Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Instance Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Vendor Number UINT 50 DEC Get Device Type UINT 0x0C Get Product Code Number UINT 6102 DEC Get Product Major Revision USINT 01 Get Product Minor Revision USINT 25 Status Word (see below for definition) WORD See Below Get Serial Number UDINT Unique Get 32 Bit Value HF-CNTLIND-02 Product Name: Product Name Size USINT Product Name String USINT[26] Get 06 “Cobalt” Status Word Bit Bit = 0 Bit = 1 No I/O Connection I/O Connection Allocated 1 – 15 Unused Unused Common Services Service Code Implementation Service Name Class Level Instance Level 0x0E Yes Yes Get Attribute Single 0x05 No Yes Reset MESSAGE ROUTER OBJECT (0X02) This object has no supported attributes. PAGE 102 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE ASSEMBLY OBJECT (0X04 - 3 INSTANCES) Class Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Max Instance UINT 81 Get Instance 0x64 Attributes (Input Instance) Attribute ID Name / Description Status Information: Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Get Bitmap of Consume Instances with Data DINT Bitmap of Produce Instances with Data DINT User Datagram Protocol (UDP) I/O Sequence Number Handshaking The data producing device increments the data sequence number by one with the transmission of each new serial data packet. Valid sequence numbers are 1-65535. After the consuming device has processed the data, it must echo the sequence number in the handshake to allow the producing device to remove the data from the queue. This is required for I/O communications because UDP is not guaranteed to arrive in order. If the Node ID number is passed as part of the I/O message, the message is stored to the appropriate location in the Modbus RTU table. Because communications are asynchronous, the Node ID number is also stored as part of the output data. It is the responsibility of the PLC programmer to make sure the proper request lines up with the proper response if the Cobalt is used as a request/response device. Instance 0x65 Attributes (Input Instance 2) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Serial Produce Data: Consume Data Seq. Number Handshake UINT Produce Data Sequence Number UINT Node 1 Serial Produce Data Size UINT Node 1 Serial Produce Data WORD[100] All 0’s Access Rule Get PAGE 103 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Instance 0x66 Attributes (Input Instance 3) Attribute ID Name / Description Serial Produce Data: Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Get Consume Data Seq. Number Handshake UINT Produce Data Sequence Number UINT Node ID (1-32) UINT Node Serial Produce Data Size UINT Node Serial Produce Data WORD[100] All 0’s Data Type Default Data Value Instance 0x70 Attributes (Output Instance 1) Attribute ID Name / Description Serial Consume Data: Access Rule Get / Set Produce Data Seq. Number Handshake UINT Consume Data Sequence Number UINT Node 1 Serial Consume Data Size UINT Node 1 Serial Consume Data WORD[100] All 0’s Data Type Default Data Value Instance 0x71 Attributes (Output Instance 2) Attribute ID Name / Description Serial Consume Data: Produce Data Seq. Number Handshake UINT Consume Data Sequence Number UINT Node ID (1-32) UINT Node Serial Consume Data Size UINT Node Serial Consume Data WORD[100] All 0’s Access Rule Get / Set Instance 0x80 Attributes (Configuration Instance) Most I/O clients include a configuration path when opening an I/O connection to a server. There is no configuration data needed. PAGE 104 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Instance 0x81 Attributes (Heartbeat Instance – Input Only) This instance allows clients to monitor input data without providing output data. Common Services Service Code Implementation Service Name Class Level Instance Level 0x0E Yes Yes Get Attribute Single 0x10 No Yes Set Attribute Single CONNECTION MANAGER OBJECT (0X06) This object has no attributes. TCP OBJECT (0XF5 - 1 INSTANCE) Class Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Instance Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Status* DWORD Get Configuration Capability* DWORD Get Configuration Control* DWORD Get Physical Link Object* Get Structure of: Path Size UINT Path Array Of WORD 0x20F6 0x2401 Get Interface Configuration* Structure of: IP Address UDINT Network Mask UDINT Gateway Address UDINT Name Server UDINT Name Server 2 UDINT Domain Name Size UINT Domain Name STRING PAGE 105 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Get Host Name* Structure of: Host Name Size UINT Host Name STRING *See section 5- – 5- of “Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP” from ODVA for more information regarding these attributes. Common Services Service Code 0x0E Implementation Service Name Class Level Instance Level Yes Yes Get Attribute Single ETHERNET LINK OBJECT (0XF6 - 1 INSTANCE) Class Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Instance Attributes Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Interface Speed* UDINT 100 Get Interface Flags* DWORD Get Physical Address* USINT Array[6] Get *See section 5- – 5- of “Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP” from ODVA for more details on this attribute. Common Services Service Code 0x0E Implementation Class Level Instance Level Yes Yes Service Name Get Attribute Single PAGE 106 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 6.9.2 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE EtherNet/IP: Vendor Specific Objects The Cobalt has two Vendor Specific Objects: VENDOR SPECIFIC OBJECTS: Cobalt Consume Data Object (0x64) Cobalt Produce Data Object (0x65) COBALT CONSUME DATA OBJECT (0X64 - 32 INSTANCES) Class Attributes (Instance 0) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Maximum Consume Data Buffer Size (in words) UINT 32768 Get Bitmap of Consume Instances with Data DINT Get Bit 0: Instance 1 … Bit 31: Instance 32 Instance Attributes (Instances 1-32) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Consume Data Size (in words) UINT Get / Set Consume Data [0-249] UINT Get / Set Consume Data [250-499] UINT Get / Set Consume Data [500-749] UINT Get / Set Consume Data [750-999] UINT Get / Set Consume Data [1,000-1,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 10 Consume Data [2,000-2,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 34 Consume Data [8,000-8,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 38 Consume Data [9,000-9,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 42 Consume Data [10,000-10,249] UINT Get / Set PAGE 107 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE … … … … … 82 Consume Data [20,000-20,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 122 Consume Data [30,000-30,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 126 Consume Data [31,000-31,249] UINT Get / Set … … … … … 130 Consume Data [32,000-32,249] UINT Get / Set 131 Consume Data [32,250-32,249] UINT Get / Set 132 Consume Data [32,500-32,249] UINT Get / Set 133 Consume Data [32,750-32,767] UINT Get / Set Common Services Service Code Implementation Service Name Class Level Instance Level 0x05 No Yes Reset* 0x0E Yes Yes Get Attribute Single 0x10 No Yes Set Attribute Single *This Service Code is used to flush all attributes to zero. COBALT PRODUCE DAT A OBJECT (0X65 - 32 INSTANCES) Class Attributes (Instance 0) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Maximum Produce Data Buffer Size (in words) UINT 32768 Get Bitmap of Produce Instances with Data DINT Get Bit 0: Instance 1 … Bit 31: Instance 32 PAGE 108 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Instance Attributes (Instances 1-32) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Produce Data Size (in words) UINT Get / Set Produce Data [0-249] UINT Get Produce Data [250-499] UINT Get Produce Data [500-749] UINT Get Produce Data [750-999] UINT Get Produce Data [1,000-1,249] UINT Get … … … … … 10 Produce Data [2,000-2,249] UINT Get … … … … … 34 Produce Data [8,000-8,249] UINT Get … … … … … 38 Produce Data [9,000-9,249] UINT Get … … … … … 42 Produce Data [10,000-10,249] UINT Get … … … … … 82 Produce Data [20,000-20,249] UINT Get … … … … … 122 Produce Data [30,000-30,249] UINT Get … … … … … 126 Produce Data [31,000-31,249] UINT Get … … … … … 130 Produce Data [32,000-32,249] UINT Get 131 Produce Data [32,250-32,249] UINT Get 132 Produce Data [32,500-32,249] UINT Get 133 Produce Data [32,750-32,767] UINT Get PAGE 109 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Common Services Service Code Implementation Service Name Class Level Instance Level 0x05 No Yes Reset* 0x0E Yes Yes Get Attribute Single 0x10 No Yes Set Attribute Single *This Service Code is used to flush all attributes to zero. 6.9.3 Application Object (0x67 – 10 Instances) Class Attributes (Instance 0) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Revision UINT Get Instance Attributes (Instances 1-32) Attribute ID Name / Description Data Type Default Data Value Access Rule Instance Type (0-3): USINT Get 0 - Disable 1 – ControlLogix 2 – SLC 5/05 3 – PLC5E PLC IP Address UDINT Get PLC Slot Location (0-255) USINT Get 11 Max Write Size in Words: UINT Get 0 – Disabled 1 – 100 Words 12 Write Tag Name (ControlLogix Only) SHORT STRING Get 13 Write File Number (SLC/PLC Only) UINT Get UINT Get NX:0 - where “X” is the File Number 14 Write File Offset (SLC/PLC Only) N7:Y - where “Y” is the File Offset PAGE 110 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 15 21 CHAPTER 6: ETHERNET/IP INTERFACE Write “Heartbeat” Timeout Measured in 10ms “ticks” 0 = disabled Max value: 6000 ticks Max Read Size in Words UINT 100 Get UINT Get 0 – Disable Max Value: 100 22 Read Tag Name (ControlLogix Only) SHORT STRING Get 23 Read File Number (SLC/PLC Only) UINT Get UINT Get UINT 100 Get NX:0 - Where “X” is the File Number 24 Read File Offset (SLC/PLC Only) N7:Y - Where “Y” is the File Offset 25 Read Poll Rate Measured in 10ms “ticks” 0 = disabled 6000 ticks max Common Services Service Code 0x0E Implementation Class Level Instance Level Yes Yes Service Name Get Attribute Single PAGE 111 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE One of the most popular and well-proven industrial automation protocols in use today is Modbus®. Modbus is an open client/server application protocol. Modbus TCP allows the Modbus protocol to be carried over standard Ethernet networks. Modbus TCP is managed by the Modbus-IDA User Organization. 7.1 M ODBUS TCP O VERVIEW Under the MODBUS® TCP protocol, the Cobalt acts as a Modbus Server and the PLC acts as a Modbus Client. By utilizing Produce and Consume registers for mapping commands and responses, data produced by the Cobalt is consumed by the Modbus Client and data produced by the Modbus Client is consumed by the Cobalt. ATTENTION: • Modbus Client (Host or PLC) must connect to the Modbus Server (Cobalt) on port 50200 • Maximum number of words transferred to/from an RFID tag per read/write cycle: 100 Words / 200 Bytes • Disable any firewall services running on the PC. Firewalls can potentially block communications between the Cobalt and the host and/or PLC 7.2 M ODBUS TCP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER To configure the Cobalt for Modbus TCP communications, begin by assigning the controller a locally compatible IP address. Through a standard Web browser, you can utilize the Cobalt’s HTML Server to access an embedded suite of controller configuration tools, called the “OnDemand Utilities.” Among its features is the ability to modify and save changes to the controller’s IP address, which is stored internally on the Cobalt. Cobalt Industrial Ethernet RFID Controller - Default IP Address: 7.2.1 Setting the IP Address of the Cobalt To set the Cobalt’s IP address using the HTML Server, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Web browser on the host. 2. In the URL address field, enter the Cobalt’s IP address ( = factory default). 3. Press ENTER. The HTML Server - Main Page will be displayed. PAGE 112 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE HTML SERVER – MAIN PAGE Figure 7-1: The HTML Server - Main Page The HTML Server - Main Page lists the network settings (including the IP address) currently stored on the Cobalt. 4. Click the button labeled “EDIT”, located below “Network Settings.” The IP Configuration Page will be displayed. PAGE 113 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE IP CONFIGURATION PAGE The IP Configuration Page is used to modify and save changes to the IP Address, Subnet Mask and (Network) Gateway IP Address. Figure 7-2: The IP Configuration Page 5. In the fields provided, enter your new IP configuration values for the Cobalt. 6. Click the “Save Settings” button to store your new IP configuration, then cycle power to the UHF-CNTL to store the changes in the main memory. The Ethernet module will reset and your IP changes will be implemented. 7. After the Cobalt has restarted, verify the new IP configuration by opening a Web browser and manually entering the Cobalt’s new IP address in the URL field. If successful, you should arrive back at the HTML Server – Main Page. PAGE 114 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 7.2.2 CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE Modbus TCP - Command Packet Structure Consume Registers hold data that is destined for the Cobalt. Modbus TCP commands must be placed in the holding registers, starting at address 40001, of Device ID 01 (Node Input Page 01). Commands utilize at least six registers (doublebyte values or words). MODBUS AD D R E S S R E AD / W R I T E PRIVILEGE REGISTER DESCRIPTION R/W 2-byte Consume Data Overall Length (4XXXX / 3XXXX) (40001) 1 (> 0 indicates data is available; Cobalt clears to 0 after data is processed) R/W MSB = Reader Type LSB = Command ID R/W MSB = 0x00 LSB = Node ID (0x01 for the Cobalt) R/W 2-byte Timeout Value (0-65535) measured in milliseconds R/W 2-byte Start Address (0-65535) R/W 2-byte Read/Block Size (0-65535 bytes) 7 – 32774 R/W Cobalt Consume Data (when applicable) 32775 – 65536 R/W Reserved Table 7-1: Modbus TCP - Command Packet Structure PAGE 115 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 7.2.3 CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE Modbus TCP - Response Packet Structure Produce Registers hold data that is destined for the host or PLC. MODBUS AD D R E S S R E AD / W R I T E PRIVILEGE REGISTER DESCRIPTION R/W 2-byte Produce Data Overall Length (4XXXX / 3XXXX) (40001) 1 (> 0 indicates data is available; Modbus Client clears to 0 after data is processed) RO MSB = Reader Type LSB = Command Echo RO Node ID Number (33 for the Cobalt) RO Timeout Value (0-65535) RO Read/Write Start Address (0-65535) RO Read/Block Size (0-65535 bytes) 7 – 32774 RO Cobalt Produce Data (when applicable) 32775 – 65536 RO Reserved Table 7-2: Modbus TCP - Response Packet Structure 7.2.4 Modbus TCP - Mapping for Node 33 MODBUS AD D R E S S R E AD / WRITE REGISTER DESCRIPTION (4XXXX) PRIVILEGE R/W IP Address 1 (MSB) Example: 192 R/W IP Address 2 Example: 168 R/W IP Address 3 Example: 000 R/W IP Address 4 (LSB) Example: 100 R/W Subnet Mask 1 (MSB) Example: 255 R/W Subnet Mask 2 Example: 255 R/W Subnet Mask 3 Example: 255 R/W Subnet Mask 4 (LSB) Example: 000 R/W Gateway Address 1 (MSB) Example: 192 10 R/W Gateway Address 2 Example: 168 11 R/W Gateway Address 3 Example: 000 12 R/W Gateway Address 4 (LSB) Example: 001 PAGE 116 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE 13 RO MAC Address 1 (MSB) Example: 0x00 14 RO MAC Address 2 Example: 0x40 15 RO MAC Address 3 Example: 0x9D 16 RO MAC Address 4 Example: 0x12 17 RO MAC Address 5 Example: 0x34 18 RO MAC Address 6 (LSB) Example: 0x56 19 RO Link Status: 0 = No Link 1 = Link is OK 20 RO Ethernet Speed (10M or 100M bits) 21 RO Link Duplex: 0 = Half Duplex 1 = Full Duplex 22 RO Revision (Major/Minor) 23 – 1000 R/W Reserved 1001 RO (Input) Data Ready Mask - Nodes 1 - 16 1002 RO (Input) Data Ready Mask - Nodes 17 - 32 1003 RO (Output) Data Ready Mask - Nodes 33 - 48 1004 RO (Output) Data Ready Mask - Nodes 49 - 64 1005-10099 R/W Reserved 10100 – 10199 R/W Reserved 10200 – 10299 R/W Reserved … … … 13100 – 13199 R/W Reserved 13200 – 13299 R/W Reserved 13300 – 65536 R/W Reserved Table 7-3: Modbus TCP - Mapping for Node 33 PAGE 117 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 7.3 CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE M ODBUS TCP - H ANDSHAKING Due to the process with which commands and responses are passed between the Cobalt and the host, a handshaking procedure is used to notify the host that returning data is available for retrieval. OVERALL LENGTH The handshaking process is governed by the changing of the “Overall Length” value within a data packet. The Overall Length value is typically the first word (2-bytes) of a command or response and indicates the total number of data words in the packet. NODE INPUT AND NODE OUTPUT PAGES Under the Modbus TCP protocol, host-generated data is written to a pre-defined region of the Cobalt’s own memory known as the Node Input Page. Host-bound data generated by the Cobalt, is written to a separate region of the Cobalt’s memory known as the Node Output Page (in Modbus TCP these regions of memory are called Device IDs). Node Input and Node Output Pages are used to temporarily hold incoming (controller-bound) and outgoing (host-bound) data. OUTPUT DATA READY MASK To notify the host that new data is waiting to be retrieved from the Node Output Page, the Cobalt utilizes a separate 32-bit block of internal memory, called the Output Data Ready Mask. The first bit of the 32-bit Output Data Ready Mask represents the status of the Node Output Page. For example, the first or lowest bit (bit 01) represents Node Output Page 33 - which holds output data from Node 01. The Cobalt, itself, is assigned Node 01 and thus, its corresponding Node Output Page is 33. As noted, Node Output Page 33 is represented by the first bit (bit 01) in the Output Data Ready Mask. HOLDING REGISTERS When writing host-bound data to Node Output Page 33, the Cobalt actually places each byte of the data packet into pre-defined “holding registers” within the Node Output Page. Note that a single holding register stores 2-bytes or one word of data. The 2-byte Overall Length value, for example, is written to the first holding register (which is location 40001) of the Node Output Page. Then, as the Cobalt finishes writing host-bound data to the Node Output Page, the Overall Length value (stored at holding register 40001) will change from its default value of 0x00 to reflect the number of data words within the newly written host-bound data packet. This change to the Overall Length value (i.e. register 40001) within the Node Output Page, triggers the Cobalt to enable (change from zero to one) bit one in the Output Data Ready Mask. It is when bit one in the Output Data Ready Mask has become enabled, that the host will recognize the pending data. Finally, after the host has retrieved its pending data, the enabled bit in the Output Data Ready Mask and the Overall Length value at holding register 40001 of the Node Output Page will be reset to zero (0x00), indicating that the host has received and processed its pending data. PAGE 118 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 7.3.1 CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE Modbus TCP - Host/Cobalt Handshaking When the host issues a command, it must first write the entire command to the Node Input Page, leaving the Overall Length value to be written last. For example, for the host to issue the 6-word command “Read Data,” it must first write the last five words of the command to Node Input Page 01, beginning at register 40002. After which, the host will fill in the first word (at holding register 40001) with the Overall Length of the command packet. Last Fi ve Words of a Read Data Command WORD MSB LSB DESCRIPTION 02 0xAA 0x05 Command ID: Read Data 03 0x00 0x01 Node ID: 0x01 04 0x03 0xE8 Timeout Value: 1 second 05 0x00 0x20 Read Start Address: 0x0020 06 0x00 0x04 Block Size: 4 Bytes After writing the last five words of the command, the host will write the Overall Length value to holding register 40001 of Node Input Page 01. First Word of a Read Data Command WORD MSB LSB DESCRIPTION 01 0x00 0x06 Overall Length (in words) The moment the Overall Length value (at holding register 40001) of Node Input Page 01 changes from 0x0000 to a “non-zero” value, the Cobalt will recognize the waiting data and will execute the command. 7.3.2 Modbus TCP - Handshaking Example 1. The host or PLC issues an RFID command to the Cobalt, writing the command string to the holding registers for Device ID 01 (Node Input Page 01). An Overall Length value of 0x0006 is written last to holding register 40001. 2. The Cobalt recognizes that the Overall Length value at holding register 40001 has changed for Device ID 01 (Node Input Page 01), indicating that a command is waiting to be executed. 3. The Cobalt executes the command and then clears the Overall Length holding register of Device ID 01 (Node Input Page 01), setting it back the default value of zero (0x0000). NOTE: when the Node Input Page’s value at register 40001 is returned to 0x0000, the host can assume that the command was at least received and execution was attempted. The host can also assume that it is OK to clear the remaining holding registers and write another command to the Device ID (Node Input Page). PAGE 119 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 7: MODBUS TCP INTERFACE 4. After the Cobalt executes its given command instructions, it will write the command response to the holding registers for Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33). Again, the Overall Length value is written last to holding register 40001. NOTE: Host-bound data is always written to Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33). 5. With holding register 40001 of Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33) now containing a non-zero length value, the Cobalt will enable (change from zero to 1) the first bit in the Output Data Ready Mask. (The first bit is allocated to Node Output Page 33). 6. Once bit 01 in the Output Data Ready Mask becomes enabled, the host retrieves the data string stored in the holding register area for Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33). 7. After importing the data from Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33), the host clears (sets back to 0x0000) the Overall Length value at holding register 40001 of Device ID 33 (Node Output Page 33). In doing so, bit 01 in the Output Data Ready Mask is also cleared. NOTE: the clearing of bit 01 in the Output Data Ready Mask indicates to the Cobalt that the host has received the response and that it is now OK to write another response to Node Output Page 33. This completes the Modbus TCP handshaking cycle. PAGE 120 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE 8.1 S TANDARD TCP/IP O VERVIEW Another means of communicating with the Cobalt is through the standard TCP/IP protocol. For this manual, the protocol is referred to as standard TCP/IP to distinguish it from other industrial protocols. In this environment, the Cobalt acts as the server and the host or PLC acts as client. Standard TCP/IP sessions are established between the host computer and the Cobalt via TCP/IP client software. A TCP/IP session generally consists of three stages: connection setup, data transactions and connection termination. All connections to the Cobalt are initiated by client side software only. If, for example, an existing connection terminates unexpectedly, the Cobalt will not attempt to contact the client software or re-establish a connection. The client is responsible for opening, maintaining, and closing all TCP/IP sessions. After establishing a successful connection, communications between the host and the Cobalt can proceed. When communication is no longer necessary, it is the responsibility of the client side application to terminate the connection. ATTENTION: • The TCP/IP client software (running on the host or PLC) must connect to the TCP/IP server (Cobalt) on port 50200 • Maximum number of words transferred to/from an RFID tag per read/write cycle: 100 Words / 200 Bytes • Disable any firewall services running on the PC. Firewalls can potentially block communications between the Cobalt and the host and/or PLC 8.2 S TANDARD TCP/IP - IP C ONFIGURATION VIA HTML S ERVER To configure the Cobalt for standard TCP/IP communications, begin by assigning the controller a locally compatible IP address. Through a standard Web browser, you can utilize the Cobalt’s HTML Server to access an embedded suite of controller configuration tools, called the “OnDemand Utilities.” Among its features is the ability to modify and save changes to the controller’s IP address, which is stored internally on the Cobalt. Cobalt Industrial Ethernet RFID Controller Default IP Address: PAGE 121 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 8.2.1 CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE Setting the IP Address of the Cobalt To set the Cobalt’s IP address using the HTML Server, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Web browser on the PC. 2. In the URL address field, enter the Cobalt’s IP address ( = factory default). 3. Press ENTER. The HTML Server - Main Page will be displayed. Figure 8-1: The HTML Server - Main Page The HTML Server - Main Page lists the network settings (including the IP address) currently stored on the Cobalt. 4. Click the button labeled “EDIT”, located below “Network Settings.” The IP Configuration Page will be displayed. PAGE 122 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE IP CONFIGURATION PAGE The IP Configuration Page is used to modify and save changes to the IP Address, Subnet Mask and (Network) Gateway IP Address. Figure 8-2: The IP Configuration Page 5. In the fields provided, enter your new IP configuration values for the Cobalt. 6. Click the “Save Settings” button to store your new IP configuration. The Cobalt will completely reset and your IP changes will be implemented. 7. After the Cobalt has restarted, verify the new IP configuration by opening a Web browser and manually entering the Cobalt’s new IP address in the URL field. If successful, you should arrive back at the HTML Server – Main Page. PAGE 123 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 8.3 CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE S TANDARD TCP/IP - C OMMAND & R ESPONSE E XAMPLES In standard TCP/IP, RFID commands issued by the host resemble Modbus TCP commands. The Cobalt handles all handshaking tasks. Moreover, the command & response packets need an additional word at the beginning of the string: Protocol Header 0xFF in MSB, in LSB. Please notice that these two bytes are not considered part of the CBx command packet and should not be counted in the Overall Length. Below is the structure of the additional word required, named as Word # 00: WORD # 00 C O M M AN D P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB Protocol Header in MSB: 0xFF 0xFF Node ID in LSB And similarly for the response: WORD # R E S P O N S E P AC K E T E L E M E N T MSB LSB 00 Protocol Header in MSB: 0xFF 0xFF Node ID Echo in LSB NOTE: These first two bytes will not be returned in the response packet for commands executed by Node 01. Therefore, the command packet structure for standard TCP/IP applications is: Figure 8-3: Standard TCP/IP Protocol Command Packet Structure PAGE 124 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 8.3.1 CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE Standard TCP/IP - Command Structure & Example In the following example, a 12-byte command has been issued to the Cobalt, instructing the controller to read six bytes from a tag within RF range. A Timeout Value of five seconds has been set for the completion of the command. WORD 00 DESCRIPTION Protocol Header in MSB = 0xFF MSB LSB 0xFF 0x01 Node ID in LSB = default value for Cobalt -IND is one (0x01) 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicating number of “words” in the command packet 0x00 0x06 02 MSB = 0xAA 0xAA 0x05 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x32 LSB = Command ID: (example: 0x05 – Read Data) 03 MSB = 0x00 LSB = Node ID: default value for Cobalt -IND is one (0x01) 04 Timeout Value: 2-byte integer measured in .10 th (1/10 ) second increments. (0x0032 = 50 x .10 or 5 seconds) 05 Start Address: 2-byte integer identifies tag address where read will begin 0x00 0x01 06 Block Size: 2-byte integer indicates number of bytes to retrieve 0x00 0x06 Table 8-1: Standard TCP/IP - Command Structure & Example PAGE 125 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 8.3.2 CHAPTER 8: STANDARD TCP/IP INTERFACE Standard TCP/IP - Response Structure & Example The following resembles a typical response to the command issued in the previous example: WORD 00 DESCRIPTION Protocol Header in MSB = 0xFF MSB LSB 0xFF 0x01 Node ID in LSB = default value for Cobalt -IND is one (0x01) 01 Overall Length: 2-byte integer indicating number of “words” in the response packet 0x00 0x09 02 MSB = 0xAA 0xAA 0x05 0x01 LSB = Command Echo: (0x05 - Read Data) 03 MSB = Instance Counter LSB = Node ID: 0x01 th 04 Time Stamp: Month / Day (March 19 ) 0x03 0x13 05 Time Stamp: Hour / Minute (8:15 a.m.) 0x08 0x0E 06 MSB = Time Stamp: Seconds 0x00 0x06 LSB = Number of Additional Bytes Retrieved: 6 07 Retrieved Bytes 1 & 2 0x61 0x62 08 Retrieved Bytes 3 & 4 0x63 0x64 09 Retrieved Bytes 5 & 6 0x65 0x66 Table 8-2: Standard TCP/IP - Response Structure & Example PAGE 126 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW 9.1 RFID O VERVIEW Cobalt UHF-Series products are designed for use with passive RFID tags, which do not require batteries or contain an internal power supply. The tags collect the power necessary to operate from the RF field generated by the reader and through a process called backscattering they can reflect some of this power back to the reader, thus creating a communication channel. When a passive tag comes in contact with the RF field from an RFID antenna, the incoming radio frequency signal generates a small, but sufficient, electrical current that powers the passive tag’s integrated circuit (IC) When mounting RFID antennas and tags, it is important to understanding certain principles. If your RFID application requires that the tag be attached directly to a metal surface, always use a non-metallic tag spacer to avoid a possible reduction in read/write range. In addition, motors, conveyors and other automation equipment can produce excessive electrical noise that may also negatively affect RF performance. Cobalt UHF-Series products should only be used with well-grounded systems. Conveyor equipment should be tied directly to an earth ground by an electrician. All cables used on or around Cobalt UHF RFID devices must be shielded. Cable shields typically should be grounded at only one end. The majority of the Antenna-to-Tag range results specified in this publication were measured in a free air environment – where no metallic objects were within the antenna’s RF field. Yet because proximity to metals and other environmental conditions can adversely affect read and write range, it is not possible to state absolute range results achieved under all conditions. System integrators should validate the RF performance of the RFID products used and should not rely solely on Datalogic’s published range specifications. PAGE 127 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW 9.2 O VERVIEW ON U LTRA H IGH F REQUENCY RFID A PPLICATIONS 9.2.1 UHF Standards and Regulations One of the most important aspects of a tag and reader coupling is the frequency at which it operates. Frequency of operation can vary based on the application, standards, and regulations. The most common RFID frequency ranges are Low Frequency (LF) at 135kHz or less, High Frequency (HF) at 13.56MHz, Ultra High Frequency (UHF) starting at 300MHz. Microwave Frequency at 2.45GHz and 5.4GHz is also used in some applications. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) designates a range (or band) of electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 300 MHz and 2.45 GHz (2,450 MHz). Figure 9-1: Radiowaves Spectrum Diagram PAGE 128 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW There are different UHF operating frequency standards all over the world, regulated by governmental authorities in most countries: for instance, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States and ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) in Europe. Globally, each country has its own frequency allocation for RFID. For instance, RFID UHF bands are: 865–870 MHz in Europe 902–928 MHz in North and South America 950–956 MHz in Japan and some Asian countries Figure 9-2: Radiofrequency Bands Allocation With reference to power limits, the maximum allowed reader radiated power is 4 Watts in the US, and 2 Watts in Europe. REGION R E G U L AT I O N S R AD I AT E D P O W E R USA FCC Part 15 4 W EIRP (36 dBm) Europe EN 302 208 2 W ERP (35 dBm) Table 9-1:Reader Radiated Power Limits Expressed in Watt or dBm PAGE 129 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES 9.2.2 CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW UHF Signal Propagation In general, the frequency defines the data transfer rate (speed) between the tag and the reader. For this reason, UHF systems feature long range, and high speed read/write rates. Small antennas and even smaller tags have proven this to be an effective frequency for tracking pallets through dock doors, as well as trucking and transportation applications. Industrial UHF applications have also begun to effectively be developed for tracking parts, product and carriers through production. In this context, Cobalt UHF is ideal for industrial applications where single or multiple tags must be read at long distance and at high speed. The main advantage of UHF transmission is the physically short wave that is produced by the high frequency. The size of transmission and reception equipment, (particularly antennas), is related to the size of the radio wave. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength for RF transmission. Without going into the details of the physics, the shorter the wavelength, the better a small antenna like an RFID tag is able to receive a transmission at greater distances. Therefore, smaller and less conspicuous antennas can be used with higher frequency bands. For the Cobalt UHF- Series product line, Datalogic offers a range of circular polarized antennas, for which tag orientation is less critical. In effect, the helical nature of the field from a circular polarized antenna allows it to read tags in random orientation. Figure 9-3: Circular Polarized Antenna’s Field Pattern PAGE 130 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW Furthermore, the Cobalt UHF antennas feature a 3dB Beamwidth, 63° or 65°, providing a large reading zone. 3 D B B E AM W I D T H 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.5 3.1 3.0 3.7 Figure 9-4: Circular Polarized Antenna’s Reading Range As considered above, the ability for signals to propagate within environment is dependent on the signal wavelength, and hence frequency. UHF will have challenges with crowded environments: within warehouses, truck yards, and other facilities, the ability for an RFID system to operate in and around obstructions is critical. These obstructions are often metallic, such as vehicles and metal shelving racks, requiring signals to propagate “around” rather than “through” the obstructions. For that reason, for industrial applications involving significant environmental obstructions HF is a preferred frequency. At UHF frequencies, multi-path RF waves caused by reflections from the floor and other obstructions may combine constructively or destructively. When these signals are in-phase they combine to give a stronger signal, but when out-of-phase, they cancel and create ‘reading holes that get worse with distance from the antenna. Therefore, referring to the picture above: Tags A and D are in strong zones and will read. Tag B will read if its antenna is long enough to ‘span the gap’ Tag C and E will not read PAGE 131 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES CHAPTER 9: RFID OVERVIEW All materials reduce the power of the RF signal to some extent, but direct contact on metals and liquids can cause particular problems: Metals reflect the signal. A metal object may change the tuning of a tag (or frequency on which it can receive signals), reflecting the RF waves from a reader, or block communication from a specific antenna. Liquids (including atmospheric moisture) absorb the signal. All radio waves are partially absorbed by atmospheric moisture. Atmospheric absorption reduces, or attenuates, the strength of radio signals over long distances. In addition, the effects of attenuation increases according to the frequency; thereby, UHF signals are generally more degraded by moisture than lower bands. 9.2.3 Limiting Interference and UHF Signal Attenuation The following hints may be useful to get the best performance from your RFID application. Reading holes can be reduced in a number of ways: By removing metal from the reading area: if the reflections can be reduced so will the holes By movement of the tag past the antenna. As the tag moves, it will cross the holes and be read at some point. The exact speed is a compromise between the number of tags and the bandwidth of the system. Because of Governmental regulation, for instance, readers are capable of reading more tags in the same time in the USA than is possible in Europe. Multiple readers operating in the same environment may interfere with one another. A number of techniques can help limit these unwanted effects: Use photo-cell triggering to initiate reading - don’t have the reader transmitting all the time Reduce the power Reduce the downlink rate Shield between reading systems with absorptive material (metals could make the problem worse) Most important, testing should be performed in the actual environment to achieve more precise range results. PAGE 132 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS C OBALT UHF C ONTROLLERS - T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL DC Input Voltage Range 12 – 30 VDC Power 6.7 W (280 mA @24 VDC) Reverse Polarity Protection Series Diode protection on DC power pins Tolerable Ripple 100 mVpp Over-current Protection 1 amp internal limit RADIO Transmitter Frequency 902 to 928 MHz (FCC part 15) 865.600 to 867.600 (ETSI EN 302 208) Output Power Programmable in 8 steps up to 500 mW conducted @ 5 V (27 dBm) Antenna Connector Reverse TNC Frequency Tolerance ±10 ppm over the entire temperature range Number of Channels 10 channels (compliant to ETSI EN 302 208) 50 hopping channels (compliant to FCC part 15) Air Interface Standard Compliance EPC C1G2 COMMUNICATION UHF-CNTL-232-02 Point-to-Point: RS232 Baudrate: 9.6 to 115 kbit/s data rate (configurable) Data Bits: 8; Stop Bits: 1; Parity: none; Flow control: none UHF-CNTL-485-02 Multi-drop: Subnet16 (RS485) UHF-CNTL-IND-02 Ethernet: Ethernet/IP, MODBUS TCP, TCP/IP PAGE 133 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL Dimensions 163mm (6.4 inches) H x 112mm (4.4 inches) L x 48mm (1.9 inches) W Weight .56 KG (.97 lb., 560 grams) Enclosure Powder-coated Aluminum ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F), Storage Temperature -40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F) Humidity 90% non-condensing Protection Class IP65 Shock Resistance IEC 68-2-27 Test EA 30g, 11 milliseconds, 3 shocks each axis Vibration Resistance IEC 68-2-6 Test FC 1.5mm; 10 to 55Hz; 2 hours each axis NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. PAGE 134 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS C OBALT UHF A NTENNAS - T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Frequency Range 865 - 870 MHz Gain 8.5 dBic (min) - 9.5 dBic (max) 3 dB Beamwidth 65° (typ) Polarization RHCP Input Impedance 50 (Ohm) Input Power 6 Watt (max) UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Frequency Range 902 – 928 MHZ Gain 9 dBic (min) - 10 dBic (max) 3 dB Beamwidth 63° (typ) Polarization RHCP Input Impedance 50 (Ohm) Input Power 6 Watt (max) MECHANICAL UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 Dimensions (LxWxD) 260x260x30 mm (max) Weight 1 Kg (max) Connector N – type female UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 Dimensions (LxWxD) 305x305x25 mm Weight 1,2 Kg (max) Connector N – type female NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. PAGE 135 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES Datalogic Automation designs, manufactures and distributes a wide range of ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID equipment, including RFID controllers, network interface modules (Gateways and Hubs), RFID tags and the cables needed to make it all work. This portion of the manual lists the products and accessories available for the Cobalt UHF-Series RFID product family. To purchase any of the items listed below contact your EMS distributor or visit our Web site: C OBALT UHF S ERIES A CCESSORIES The following accessories are available for the Cobalt UHF Series RFID Controllers: MODEL P AR T NUMBER DESCRIPTION UHF-CBL-01 970106002 Coaxial Cable Controller-Antenna, TNC-Reverse Male to N-Plug Male, 1 meter UHF-CBL-03 970106003 Coaxial Cable Controller-Antenna, TNC-Reverse Male to N-Plug Male, 3 meters Mounting Kit for Antenna 970103035 Mounting Kit for large size UHF Antennas Table Appendix B-1:Cobalt UHF Series Accessories C OBALT UHF-S ERIES RFID C ONTROLLERS There are six models of the Cobalt UHF RFID Controllers: EU- BAND MODELS (865-870 MHZ) UHF-CNTL-232-02 EU for RS232 interface connections UHF-CNTL-485-02 EU for Subnet16 Multidrop connections UHF-CNTL-IND-02 EU for Ethernet Industrial interface connections US- BAND MODELS (902-928 MHZ) UHF-CNTL-232-02 US for RS232 interface connections UHF-CNTL-485-02 US for Subnet16 Multidrop connections UHF-CNTL-IND-02 US for Ethernet Industrial interface connections PAGE 136 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES C OBALT UHF-S ERIES A NTENNAS (COMPATIBLE WITH THE UHF SERIES CONTROLLERS ABOVE) There are two models of the Cobalt UHF RFID Antenna: UHF-ANT-2626-01-86 26cm x 26cm, 868 MHz UHF-ANT-3030-01-91 30cm x 30cm, 915 MHz S UBNET 16 G ATEWAYS (COMPATIBLE WITH THE UHF-CNTL-485-02 CONTROLLER MODEL) There are four models of the Subnet16 Gateway: GWY-01-232-01 Subnet16™ RS232 Gateway GWY-01-IND-01 Subnet16™ Industrial Ethernet Gateway GWY-01-TCP-01 Subnet16™ TCP/IP Gateway GWY-01-DNT-01 Subnet16™ DeviceNet Gateway S UBNET 16 H UBS (COMPATIBLE WITH THE UHF-CNTL-485-02 CONTROLLER MODEL) There are two models of the Subnet16 Hub. HUB-04-TCP-01 Subnet16™ TCP/IP Hub (4-port) HUB-04-IND-01 Subnet16™ Industrial Ethernet Hub (4-port) P OWER S UPPLIES 00-1166 1.88A max @ 24VDC (45W), Universal Input (90-264VAC, 47-63Hz), 5.5x2.5mm plug, positive tip (requires country specific power cord to mate to IEC 320 power cord receptacle). 00-1167 4.17A max @ 24VDC (100W), Universal Input (90-264VAC, 47-63Hz), 5.5x2.5mm plug, positive tip (requires country specific power cord to mate to IEC 320 power cord receptacle). PAGE 137 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES 00-1168 5.0A max @ 24VDC (120W), Universal Input (88-132VAC/176-264VAC switch selectable, 47-63Hz) DIN Rail Mount (AC wire receptacles are spring clamped for direct wire connections). S OFTWARE A PPLICATIONS Visit the Escort Memory Systems website ( for download instructions. Cobalt Dashboard Communicate in real time with one or more readers directly or via Multi-drop network. Allows users to configure, monitor and control their RFID devices from anywhere on their network. C-Macro Builder Utility C-Macro Builder is an easy to use, GUI-driven utility that provides rapid development and implementation of custom RFID command macros. C OBALT C ABLES & A CCESSORIES EMS P/N DESCRIPTION CBL-1478 Cable Assembly: RS232, with 2.5mm DC Power Jack, 2m CBL-1480-XX Cable: M12, 5-pin, Male/Female, ThinNet CBL-1481-XX Cable: M12, 5-pin, Male/Male, ThinNet CBL-1481-02 Cable: M12, 5-pin, Male/Male, ThinNet, 2m (Gateway to Drop-T) CBL-1482-XX Cable: M12, 5-pin, Male/Right-Angle Female, ThinNet CBL-1483-XX Cable: 7/8–16, 5-pin, Male/Female, ThickNet CBL-1484-XX Cable: 7/8-16, 5-pin, Right-Angle Male/Bare Wire, ThickNet CBL-1485 Drop-T Connector: 5-pin, 7/8-16 F / M12 F / 7/8-16 M (ThickNet to ThinNet) CBL-1486 Drop-T Connector: 5-pin M12, F/F/M (ThinNet to ThinNet) CBL-1487 Field Mountable Connector: 5-pos, Straight Female M12, CBL-1488-XX Cable: 8-pin, Female M12 / Bare Wires CBL-1489 Termination Resistor Plug: 7/8-16, Male, 5-pin, (ThickNet) CBL-1490 Termination Resistor Plug: M12, Male, 5-pin, (ThinNet) CBL-1491 Connector: 5-pos, Right-Angle Female M12, Field Mountable PAGE 138 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES CBL-1492-XX Cable: 8-pin, Right-Angle Female M12 / Bare Wires CBL-1493 Connector: 8-pos, Straight Female M12, Field Mountable CBL-1494-01 Cable: M12, 5P, F/Bare Wire Leads, ThinNet, 1M CBL-1495-XX Cable: 7/8-16, 5P F/Bare Wire Leads CBL-1496 Plug: Termination Resistor M12, 5P, F CBL-1497 Plug: Termination Resistor, 7/8-16, 5P, F CBL-1498-02 Cable: M12, 5P, M/Bare Wire Leads, ThinNet, 2M CBL-1513 Cable Assembly: M12, 5-Pin, Male, Reverse Keyed to Type A, USB, 3M CBL-1514 Connector: M12, Male, 5-Pin, Straight, Reverse Keyed (for USB) CBL-1515-05 Cable: CAT5E Shielded Ethernet/M12, 5-Pin, Male, D-Code, 5M Table Appendix B-2: Cobalt Cables and Accessories XX = Length in Meters PAGE 139 OF 140 COBALT UHF-SERIES WARRANTY WARRANTY Datalogic Automation warrants that all EMS RFID products of its own manufacturing conform to Datalogic Automation’s specifications and are free from defects in material and workmanship when used under normal operating conditions and within the service conditions for which they were furnished. The obligation of Datalogic Automation hereunder shall expire one (1) year after delivery, unless otherwise specified, and is limited to repairing, or at its option, replacing without charge, any such product that in Datalogic Automation’s sole opinion proves to be defective within the scope of this Warranty. In the event Datalogic Automation is not able to repair or replace defective products or components within a reasonable time after receipt thereof, Buyers shall be credited for their value at the original purchase price. Datalogic Automation must be notified in writing of the defect or nonconformity within the warranty period and the affected product returned to Datalogic Automation factory or to an authorized service center within thirty (30) days after discovery of such defect or nonconformity. Shipment shall not be made without prior authorization by Datalogic Automation. This is Datalogic Automation's sole warranty with respect to the products delivered hereunder. No statement, representation, agreement or understanding oral or written, made by an agent, distributor, representative, or employee of Datalogic Automation which is not contained in this warranty, will be binding upon Datalogic Automation, unless made in writing and executed by an authorized Datalogic Automation employee. Datalogic Automation makes no other warranty of any kind what so ever, expressed or implied, and all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use which exceed the aforementioned obligation are here by disclaimed by Datalogic Automation and excluded from this agreement. Under no circumstances shall Datalogic Automation be liable to Buyer, in contract or in tort, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, expenses, losses or delay however caused. Equipment or parts that have been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, alteration, neglect, unauthorized repair or installation are not covered by warranty. Datalogic Automation shall make the final determination as to the existence and cause of any alleged defect. No liability is assumed for expendable items such as lamps and fuses. No warranty is made with respect to equipment or products produced to Buyer’s specification except as specifically stated in writing by Datalogic Automation in the contract for such custom equipment. This warranty is the only warranty made by Datalogic Automation with respect to the goods delivered hereunder, and may be modified or amended only by a written instrument signed by a duly authorized officer of Datalogic Automation and accepted by the Buyer. Extended warranties of up to five years are available for purchase for most Escort Memory Systems products. Contact Datalogic Automation or your distributor for more information. EMS™ and the Escort Memory Systems logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic Automation. Copyright © 2009 Datalogic Automation S.r.l., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PAGE 140 OF 140
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