Barrett Communication 4050HF 4050 HF Transceiver User Manual

Barrett Communication Pty. Ltd. 4050 HF Transceiver

user manual

BCM40500/30© Barrett Communications+HDG2IÀFHBarrett Communications Pty Ltd 47 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lake, WA 6163 Australia Tel: +61 8 9434 1700  Fax: +61 8 9418 6757 Email: and Installation ManualBarrett 4050 HF SDR Transceiver
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL2ContentsIntroduction ............................................................................................................ 12Terms & Abbreviations ....................................................................................................13Exploring the 4050 HF Transceiver .........................................................................15Transceiver Front Panel ...................................................................................................15Keypad .............................................................................................................16Transceiver Front Panel Rear View ..................................................................................16Transceiver Rear Panel ....................................................................................................17Switching the Transceiver On / Off  .................................................................................18Switching the Transceiver On ...........................................................................18Switching the Transceiver Off ...........................................................................19Volume .............................................................................................................................19Power Button Menus .......................................................................................................20Capture ............................................................................................................20Reboot / Shutdown ..........................................................................................21Resync ..............................................................................................................21Locking and Unlocking the Screen ..................................................................................21Display .............................................................................................................................22Using the Microphone .....................................................................................................24Programming Functions .........................................................................................25Program a New Channel from the Front Panel ...............................................................25Emergency Calls ......................................................................................................26Receiving an Emergency Call ..........................................................................................27Barrett Selective Calling System ............................................................................28Summary of Calling Systems ...........................................................................................28Selective Call - Selcall........................................................................................29Selcall Self IDs .............................................................................................29Selcall Decode .............................................................................................29Selcall Transmit ...........................................................................................29Selective Call - Telcall ........................................................................................29Special Notes for the OEM Selective Call Protocol ............................................30
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL3Station ID Ranges ............................................................................................................30Call Key ............................................................................................................................31Call Type ...........................................................................................................31Beacon Call .................................................................................................32Send a Beacon Call ................................................................................32Receive a Beacon Call ............................................................................32Selcall .........................................................................................................33Send a Selcall ........................................................................................33Receiving a Selcall Directed to Your Transceiver .....................................33Receiving Allcalls, Group Calls and Sub-group Calls ..............................34Receiving an Allcall, Group Call or Sub-group Call .................................35Telcall ..........................................................................................................35Send a Telcall .........................................................................................35Last Number Redial ...............................................................................37Receive a Telcall .....................................................................................37Pagecall ......................................................................................................38Send a Pagecall .....................................................................................38Receive a Pagecall ..................................................................................39GPS Req ......................................................................................................40GPS Pos .......................................................................................................41Hangup  ......................................................................................................42Status .........................................................................................................43Requesting Another Station’s Status .....................................................43Secure .........................................................................................................44Contacts ...........................................................................................................45Favourites .........................................................................................................46Call History .......................................................................................................47All ...............................................................................................................47Received .....................................................................................................47Sent ............................................................................................................48Menus ......................................................................................................................49Settings ............................................................................................................................49Menu Map ........................................................................................................................50General.............................................................................................................52Transceiver Name ........................................................................................52Mic Up / Down Keys ....................................................................................53
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4Date and Time ............................................................................................53Time Zone .............................................................................................54BITE Test ......................................................................................................54Language ....................................................................................................54Security ............................................................................................................55Hopping PIN ...............................................................................................55Frequency Hop Rate ....................................................................................56OEM Secure Type ........................................................................................56OEM Secure Key ..........................................................................................56Secure Digital Voice Key ..............................................................................57Secure Data Key ..........................................................................................57Secure Calls Hop Rate .................................................................................58Secure Call Code .........................................................................................58TC2 Programming Mode .............................................................................58Labels ...............................................................................................................59Add a Channel Label ...................................................................................59Edit a Channel Label ...................................................................................60Delete a Channel Label ...............................................................................60Channels ..........................................................................................................60Search For a Channel ..................................................................................61Add a Channel ............................................................................................61Number .................................................................................................62Label .....................................................................................................62Rx Frequency .........................................................................................62Tx Frequency .........................................................................................63Mode ....................................................................................................63Tx Power ................................................................................................63Selcall Format ........................................................................................64ALE Channel ..........................................................................................64Antenna Socket .....................................................................................64Save Channel ..............................................................................................65Edit a Channel ............................................................................................65Delete a Channel .........................................................................................66Contacts ...........................................................................................................66Sort Contacts ..............................................................................................66Search Contacts ..........................................................................................67Add a Contact .............................................................................................67First Name .............................................................................................68Surname ................................................................................................68
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL5ID Type ..................................................................................................68Four Digit .........................................................................................69Six Digit ...........................................................................................69ARINC ..............................................................................................69ALE 2G Alias ..........................................................................................70ALE 3G Alias ..........................................................................................70Email Address ........................................................................................70Phone Number ......................................................................................71Favourite ...............................................................................................71Edit Contact ................................................................................................71Delete Contact ............................................................................................72Scan .................................................................................................................72Scan Rate ....................................................................................................72Dwell Time ..................................................................................................73Resume Time ..............................................................................................73Table Selection ............................................................................................73Edit Scan Tables ..........................................................................................74Add a Scan Table ...................................................................................74Scan Table Name ..............................................................................75Antenna Socket ...............................................................................75Scan Table Channel List ....................................................................75Save a Scan Table ..................................................................................76Edit a Scan Table ...................................................................................76Delete a Scan Table ................................................................................76Mute ................................................................................................................77Syllabic Sensitivity .......................................................................................77Signal Strength Level ..................................................................................77Selcall ...............................................................................................................78Audio in Tx .................................................................................................78Preamable Time ..........................................................................................79Default Int Selcall ID (4 Digits) ....................................................................79Default Int Selcall ID (6 Digits) ....................................................................79OEM Privacy Key .........................................................................................80OEM Selcall ID (4 Digits) .............................................................................80OEM Selcall ID (6 Digits) .............................................................................80Selcall Networks..........................................................................................81Add a Selcall Network ...........................................................................81Selcall Network Alias ........................................................................82Selcall Format ..................................................................................82
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL64 Digit Selcall ID ...............................................................................826 Digit Selcall ID ...............................................................................83Save a Selcall Network ...........................................................................83Edit a Selcall Network ............................................................................83Delete a Selcall Network ........................................................................84GPS Broadcast Enable .................................................................................84Transceiver Lock ..........................................................................................85Audio ...............................................................................................................86Beep Level ...................................................................................................87Alarm Audio Level .......................................................................................87Ring Tones ..................................................................................................885[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ .........................................................................................887[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ .........................................................................................89Audio Bandwidth ........................................................................................89Line Audio ..................................................................................................90Line Follows Digital Voice ...........................................................................90Line Out Level .............................................................................................91Line In Level ................................................................................................91Audio Record ..............................................................................................91RF .....................................................................................................................92Rx Preamp ...................................................................................................92Tx Over Beep ...............................................................................................93Transmit Timeout ........................................................................................93Noise Blanker ..............................................................................................94Tx Power Level ............................................................................................94AGC Hang ...................................................................................................95Broadcast Filter ...........................................................................................95Preselector ..................................................................................................95IO .....................................................................................................................96RS232 Out ..................................................................................................96RS232 Baud Rate ........................................................................................97EXT Alarm Type ...........................................................................................97Antenna 1 Type ...........................................................................................98Antenna 2 Type ...........................................................................................99ALE .................................................................................................................100ALE Set-up Overview .................................................................................100Combined ALE / Selective Call - Overview .................................................101ALE State Settings for 2G ..........................................................................101ALE State .............................................................................................102
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL7Preset Map ..........................................................................................102Response Control ................................................................................103Sounding Control ................................................................................103Sounding Address ...............................................................................104LQA Exchange .....................................................................................104LQA Averaging ....................................................................................105LQA Decay Rate ...................................................................................105Threshold Test .....................................................................................106SINAD Threshold .................................................................................106BER Threshold .....................................................................................107ALE State Settings for 3G ..........................................................................107Voice Link Timeout ..............................................................................108Data Link Timeout ...............................................................................108LQA Averaging ....................................................................................108LSU Mode ............................................................................................109ALE 3G Channels .................................................................................110ALE 3G Addresses ................................................................................110Save the ALE Settings ...............................................................................110System Info ....................................................................................................111System Status ...........................................................................................111Version Information ..................................................................................112Transceiver Options ...................................................................................113Enter Option PINs ................................................................................1134050 Serial Number ..................................................................................114Call History .....................................................................................................114Export ............................................................................................................114Display ...........................................................................................................115Level of Display Backlight ..........................................................................116Backlight Timeout .....................................................................................116Display Timeout Behaviour........................................................................116Transmit Meter Mode ...............................................................................117Receive Meter Mode .................................................................................117Temperature Units ....................................................................................117Network .........................................................................................................118WiFi Operation Mode................................................................................118WiFi Client ...........................................................................................118WiFi Access Point Mode .......................................................................120WiFI Access Point Setup .................................................................120WPS Push Button ...........................................................................122
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL8BoB.................................................................................................................123BoB Name .................................................................................................123Network Settings ......................................................................................124DHCP ...................................................................................................124IP Address ...........................................................................................125Network Mask .....................................................................................125Default Gateway .................................................................................125Primary DNS ........................................................................................126Secondary DNS ....................................................................................126Network Status .........................................................................................127Import / Update .............................................................................................127,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ ................................................................................128Program Firmware ....................................................................................129Channels ...................................................................................................................... ...130Selecting a Channel ........................................................................................131Search For a Channel ......................................................................................131Hop .................................................................................................................................132Selecting the Hop Band ..................................................................................132Entering the Security Code .......................................................................132Security Codes and Bandwidths ..........................................................132To Enable Hopping Mode ...............................................................................133To Disable Hopping Mode ..............................................................................133Tune ................................................................................................................................134Mode ..............................................................................................................................134NR ...................................................................................................................................135Scan ................................................................................................................................135Selcall Scan .....................................................................................................136Signal Strength Scan (SSL Scan) .....................................................................136Voice (Syllabic) Scan .......................................................................................136Mute ...............................................................................................................................137Swipe Menu ...................................................................................................................138Wireless Application .............................................................................................139Downloading the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head Setup App .................................139For Windows PCs ............................................................................................139For iOS and Android Devices ..........................................................................140
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL9Installing the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head Setup App .......................................140For Windows PCs ............................................................................................140For iOS and Android Devices ..........................................................................141Connecting the Wireless Device to the SDR .................................................................144Preparing the SDR ..........................................................................................144Invoking the App ............................................................................................145Exploring the App ..........................................................................................................146Disconnecting the Wireless Device from the SDR ........................................................146Cooling Fan ...........................................................................................................147Installing the Cooling Fan .............................................................................................147Connectors ............................................................................................................ 148Power Connector ...........................................................................................................148GPS Connector ...............................................................................................................148Aux Control Head / BoB Connector ................................................................................149Auxiliary Connector .......................................................................................................149ATU Connector ...............................................................................................................151Microphone Connector ..................................................................................................151Control Head Rear Panel Connector ..............................................................................152Cooling Fan Connector ..................................................................................................1526SHFLÀFDWLRQV ........................................................................................................153General ....................................................................................................................... ....153Receiver ..........................................................................................................................154Transmitter ................................................................................................................... ..155Installation ............................................................................................................156Mobile Pack  ...................................................................................................................156Land Based Systems ......................................................................................................159Fixed Station Installations  ..............................................................................160Site Selection Recommendations  .............................................................160Power Supply  ...........................................................................................161Voltage Drop  ...........................................................................................161Protection Fuse  ........................................................................................161Antenna  ...................................................................................................162
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL10912 Single Wire Broadband Dipoles ....................................................162912 Multi wire Broadband Dipoles ......................................................165913 Series Helical Dipoles ....................................................................167915 Wire Dipole ..................................................................................1694017 Automatic Tuning Horizontal Dipole Antenna ..................................171Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 4017 Automatic Tun-ing Horizontal Dipole Antenna ............................................................172911 Automatic Antenna Tuner for Base Station Installations  ...................173Antenna ..............................................................................................173Transceiver and Tuner Mounting .........................................................173Ground (Earth) System ........................................................................174Electrical Checkout ..............................................................................175Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 911 Automatic $QWHQQD7XQHULQD%DVH6WDWLRQ&RQÀJXUDWLRQ ...................................1764011 Automatic Antenna Tuner for Base Station Installations ..................177Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 4011 Automatic $QWHQQD7XQHULQD%DVH6WDWLRQ&RQÀJXUDWLRQ ...................................178Mobile Installations ........................................................................................180Site Selection Recommendations ..............................................................180Power Wiring  ...........................................................................................181Earthing ....................................................................................................181Antenna ....................................................................................................182Antenna Mounting  ..................................................................................182Antenna Feed Cables  ...............................................................................182Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)  ......................................................182Noise Suppression ....................................................................................182Interference Suppression Kit  ...............................................................183General Noise Suppression Tips ...........................................................1852019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna .............................................186Mounting the Barrett 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna .....186Antenna Assembly ...............................................................................189Mounting the Base Spring .............................................................189Mounting the Whip Sections .........................................................189Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna .................................................191Testing the Barrett 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna ..........192914 Series Manual Tap Whip Antenna ......................................................193Installation ..........................................................................................193Operation Instructions.........................................................................195
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL11Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and 914 Manual Tapped Mobile Antenna  ........................................................1962018 Mobile Magnetic Loop Antenna ......................................................197Connection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and a 2018 Mobile Magnetic Loop Antenna .................................................197Marine Installations .......................................................................................................198Antenna Selection  .........................................................................................198Antenna  ........................................................................................................199Transceiver and Tuner Mounting  ...................................................................199Ground (Earth) System  ..................................................................................199Corrosion  ......................................................................................................200Electrical Checkout .........................................................................................200Connection Details For a 4050 Transceiver and 911 Automatic Antenna Tuner in a Marine Installation .........................................................................201Overview of HF Operation ....................................................................................203HF Propagation ..............................................................................................................203Radio Wave Propagation ...............................................................................................204Factors Which Affect HF / SSB Communications ...........................................................205Frequency Selection ........................................................................................205Time of Day ....................................................................................................205Weather Conditions .......................................................................................205Man-made Electrical Interference ...................................................................2066\VWHP&RQÀJXUDWLRQDQG,QVWDOODWLRQ ...........................................................206HF Communications Compared with VHF or UHF Short Distance Communications ....206Compliance ...........................................................................................................207FCC RF Exposure Compliance Statement ......................................................................207RF Exposure Warning .....................................................................................................208FCC Modulation Modes .................................................................................................208Industry Canada Modulation Modes ............................................................................208Limited 3 Year Warranty Statement .....................................................................209Warranty Registration and Technical Support .....................................................210Warranty Registration Contact Details .........................................................................211Index .....................................................................................................................212
12BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIntroductionThe Barrett 4050 Transceiver is an SDR based HF SSB Transceiver with a fre-quency range of 1.6 to 30 MHz. The Barrett 4050 is designed using the latest technology enabling a physically small package with a full feature complement.Designed to operate in the most arduous environments, as encountered in off-road vehicles, vessels and aircraft, the Barrett 4050 will provide many years of HIÀFLHQWDQGWURXEOHIUHHVHUYLFHThe Barrett 4050 supports features such as Selective Call (Selcall), direct dial WHOHSKRQHFRQQHFWLRQWREDVHVWDWLRQVÀWWHGZLWKWHOHSKRQHLQWHUFRQQHFWsystems (Telcall), GPS location, ALE (Automatic Link Establishment), frequency hopping, data transmission and remote diagnostics. These features make the Barrett 4050 HF Transceiver one of the most economical and versatile HF Trans-ceiver available today.The Barrett 4050 Transceiver caters for increased use of HF data transmission for Internet email access and point-to-point data applications, by providing a comprehensive data modem interface port, high speed transmit-to-receive VZLWFKLQJDKLJKVWDELOLW\IUHTXHQF\VWDQGDUGDQGDQHIÀFLHQWFRROLQJV\VWHPoption.The Barrett 4050 Transceiver can be operated in either a local (desktop) con-ÀJXUDWLRQIRUEDVHVWDWLRQDSSOLFDWLRQVRUZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQRIDQLQH[SHQ-VLYHPRELOHSDFNLQDUHPRWHFRQWUROWUXQNPRXQWFRQÀJXUDWLRQIRUPRELOHapplications. The Barrett 4050 Transceiver can be controlled from all major mobile and desktop platforms. The Barrett 4050 handset app supports iOS, Android and Windows devices for wireless voice and radio control. Full remote control is available via the Barrett 4050 Virtual Control Head app, providing unprece-dented access to all transceiver functionality on Windows and OSX computers, iPad and Android tablets.Operated from either 12 volt (13.8 V) DC or 24 V DC supplies, the transmitter is rated at 125 or 150 watt PEP respectively in voice mode and is protected from over-voltage or reverse-voltage application.8SWRFKDQQHOVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHYDULDQWDUHDYDLODEOHWREHÀHOGor workshop programmable. Auxiliary features such as Selcall, Telcall, scanning, mute status, alarm system etc. can be individually enabled or disabled for every channel as required to suit your operation.Teamed with other matching Barrett products which include antennas, power supplies, vehicle tracking packages and HF modems, the Barrett 4050 HF Trans-ceiver becomes a powerful tool, providing solutions to many long distance communication requirements.
13BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPlease note that this manual describes all the features of the 4050 HF SDR Transceiver and that some variants of the 4050 may not have all the features installed. Terms & AbbreviationsTerm / Abbrevi-ation 'HÀQLWLRQALE Automatic Link EstablishmentAM Amplitude ModulationARINC A set of standards as established by Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC).Call History A list containing details of the last thirty calls received.CCIR 2QHRIPDQ\SRVVLEOH6HOFDOOIRUPDWVDVGHÀQHGE\WKHConsultative Committee on International Radio (CCIR).CW Continuous Wave (used for Morse code)dB DecibelsdBm Power ratio in decibels (dB) of the measured power refer-enced to one milliwatt (mW).DSP Digital Signal ProcessingESU Encryption Synchronisation UnitFHSS Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumFSK Frequency Shift KeyingGPS Global Positioning SystemHF High Frequency,GHQWLÀFDWLRQCode7KHXQLTXHUHIHUHQFHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ,' of a Transceiver (not serial number).IF Intermediate FrequencyLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLSB Lower SidebandLUF Lowest Usable FrequencyMUF Maximum Usable FrequencyOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOTG On-The-Go (USB)
14BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTerm / Abbrevi-ation 'HÀQLWLRQPCB Printed Circuit BoardPEP Peak Envelope PowerPIN 3HUVRQDO,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ1XPEHUPSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPTT Press-To-Talk buttonReceive Only  ChannelA channel that receives calls but does not transmit calls.Revertive Tone / SignalAn acknowledgement signal automatically  transmitted from a station receiving a Selcall.RF Radio FrequencyRFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service (Selcall Format)Rx ReceiveScan Table A list of channels used when scanning for incoming calls.Selcall Selective CallsSCF Suppressed Carrier FrequencySSL Signal Strength LevelStation ID The ID of the station being called  (the receiving station’s Self ID).Self ID 7KHSURJUDPPHGDGGUHVVLGHQWLÀFDWLRQQXPEHURIDORFDOstation. (Used by other stations to call you.)SMS Short Message ServiceSSB Single Sideband (a transmission format)Telcall Telephone call using the Selective Call protocol.Transmit Channel A channel that allows you to receive and transmit calls.Tx TransmitUSB Upper Sideband
15BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALExploring the 4050 HF TransceiverTransceiver Front PanelPower button which combines switching the Transceiver on and off with adjusting the volume. This will be represented as   throughout the manual.USB / WiFi SocketTouchscreenKeypadMini USB SocketMicrophone socket
16BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALKeypadThere are seven keys on the keypad. Some keys have multiple functions assigned to them depending on when or how long the key is pressed. Key FunctionChannel Up /  Scroll upChannel Down /  Scroll down   Scroll left and right Key FunctionEnter /  Set a menu itemMake a call Clear /  Back one stepPress the   and   buttons together to initiate an emergency call.  See page 26 for further information.Transceiver Front Panel Rear View15-way Transceiver plug for remote front panel interface cableSpeaker jackStand-offs (supplied) to enable the front panel to be detached and an interface cable to be secured in positionThe front panel may be detached from the Transceiver (for remote operation), by pulling the front panel away from the Transceiver. A six metre cable may be used to connect the front panel with the Transceiver’s 15-way connector.The speaker jack is used to connect an external loudspeaker (P/N BCA40015).
17BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTransceiver Rear PanelGND Use this stud to attach an earth connection.  For example, vehicle chassis.DC INPUT  12 - 24 V d.c.  Power input for use with the 4022 power supply GPS Input for GPS receiver (P/N BCA40009) for vehicle tracking / location applications.ANT Main antenna socket ATU Interface for Barrett automatic tuning mobile antenna and marine automatic antenna tuners.AUXILIARY 25-way auxiliary interfaceSPEAKER Output for loudspeaker (P/N BCA40015)AUX CONTROL HEAD / BoBThis can be used to attach a secondary control head (via a six metre cable) in addition to the front panel. This can also be used to attach a Break out Box. (see page 123)
18BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSwitching the Transceiver On / Off Switching the Transceiver OnMomentarily press   to turn the Transceiver on.A progress bar displays beneath the logo.The Splash screen displays whilst the keypad illuminates white, green, red, and white.The Home screen displays.
19BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSwitching the Transceiver OffPress and hold   for three seconds to turn the Transceiver off.The Transceiver returns to the Home VFUHHQDQGEULHÁ\GLVSOD\VDUHGFRQ-ÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHWKDWWKHGHYLFHLV“Shutting Down”.A progress bar displays the status of the shutting down process.VolumeRotate   clockwise to increase the volume and anti-clockwise to decrease.The rectangular icon beneath the loudspeaker icon increases and de-creases in length correlating with the volume.
20BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPower Button MenusWith the Transceiver switched on, momentarily press   to display the Power Button menu.Three options are available: Capture, Reboot / Shutdown, and Resync. These are described below.CaptureTap   Capture from the Power Button menu to perform a screen capture. $FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VDQGthe screen capture is stored in the Transceiver. To transfer the screen capture from the Transceiver to a PC, connect a cable with a mini USB plug into the Transceiver’s front USB port and plug the other end with a standard USB plug into a PC’s USB port.From the Transceiver’s home screen, select Menu > Export to display the Export screen. Select Export screen-shots to save the screen captures from Transceiver to PC.
21BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALReboot / ShutdownTap   Reboot / Shutdown from the Power Button menu to switch the Transceiver off.Tap and hold momentarily Reboot / Shutdown to reboot the Transceiver.The Transceiver returns to the Home VFUHHQDQGEULHÁ\GLVSOD\VDUHGFRQ-ÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHWKDWWKHGHYLFHLV“shutting down”.ResyncTap   5HV\QF from the Power Button menu to resynchronise the Transceiver data with the control head.Whilst resynchronising, the keypad illuminates green and the Busy status indi-cator animates.Locking and Unlocking the ScreenPress and hold  IRUÀYHVHFRQGVto lock the screen. The following screen displays and the locked icon   is visible on the title bar.Similarly, with the screen locked, press and hold  IRUÀYHVHFRQGVto unlock the screen.
22BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDisplay1415Tune Status  (page 134)Digital Voice (page 138)Status Indicators:   Access Point    WiFi   Low Voltage    Screen Lock    Busy    GPS    USB    Call Received  BoB Active(page 120)(page 118)(page 21)(page 148)(Import page 127, Export page 114)(page 31)(page 123)
23BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDate and Time (page 53)Menus (page 49)Antenna (page 64)ALE (Channel) Status (page 60)Selective Call Mode (page 64)Transmit Power (page 63)Mode (page 63)Receive Strength IndicatorChannel Label (page 59)Frequency (page 62)14 Channel Number (page 62)15 ALE (System) Status (page 102)See page 115 for further information on Display Settings.
24BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALUsing the MicrophoneUp ButtonDown ButtonPress To Talk  (PTT) ButtonWhen Using the Microphone:1.  Press and hold the PTT (transmit) button only while talking2.  Position the microphone close to your mouth3. Speak clearly4.  8VHWKHZRUGµRYHUµWRLQGLFDWHWKDW\RXKDYHÀQLVKHGVSHDNLQJDQGWKHQrelease the PTT (transmit) button.Notes:• The Barrett 4050 has a transmit time-out facility. This facility (when pro-grammed) allows the transmitter to be keyed in transmit mode with the PTT (transmit) switch for a set time period, after which the Transceiver switches to receive until the PTT (transmit button) is released and re-keyed. This facility prevents the transmitter transmitting for long periods of time if, for example, the microphone becomes jammed between seats in a vehicle causing the PTT (transmit) switch to be held down. Enabling, disabling and changing the time of the transmit timeout facility can be set either when programming the Trans-ceiver or in the General Section of the Settings menu. See page 93.• 7KHPLFURSKRQHXSGRZQEXWWRQVFDQEHFRQÀJXUHGIRUFKDQQHOFKDQJHRUvolume control functions either when programming the Transceiver or in the General Section of the Settings menu. See page 53.
25BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALProgramming FunctionsThe Transceiver may be programmed in two ways:•  By direct key entry through the front panel. See page 49.Note: This facility may not be available if the network administrator has locked it previously.•  %\LQVHUWLQJDWKXPEGULYHFRQWDLQLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHÀOHVLQWRWKH7UDQV-ceiver’s USB socket. See page 127.Program a New Channel from the Front PanelNote: To program a channel from the front panel it is necessary to have this func-tion enabled via the Barrett 4050 HF SDR Programming Software (P/N BCA40001).  Each channel requires the following parameters to be set:• Channel Number• Channel Label• Rx Frequency• Tx Frequency•  Channel Mode (USB, LSB, FSK, CW or AM)•  Channel Power (10, 30, 125 or 150 watt) (Note: 150 W not available in Australia)•  Selcall Format (RFDS Alarm, OEM, CCIR, International or None)• ALE Channel•  Antenna Select (Main or Auxiliary)For information regarding adding a new channel, see page 61.
26BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALEmergency CallsAll Selcall emergency calls are transmitted by pressing the   and   buttons together for more than two seconds. The emergency call sequence commences when the buttons are released. The action of the emergency call depends on how the Transceiver has been pro-grammed. For example:•  Selective Call alarm that only transmits on the currently selected channel Transmits the emergency Selcall sequence once on each press of  the   and   buttons. •  Selective Call alarm that transmits and automatically changes to a selec-tion of channels Transmits the emergency Selcall sequence twice on each channel pro-grammed as an emergency channel.•  Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) alarm Two-tone alarm 880 Hz + 1320 Hz continuous (Australian use only) – alerts the Royal Flying Doctor Service on RFDS channels. The RFDS alarm will continue transmitting for ten seconds even if you have released the   and   buttons. To cancel the RFDS alarm, press the PTT button or the   button. Note: A momentary press of the   and   buttons initiates an RFDS alarm test mode which emits the audio tones but does not transmit them. Another momentary press of the   and   buttons or PTT cancels the RFDS alarm test mode. ,ID*36UHFHLYHULVÀWWHGDQGHQDEOHGWKH*36SRVLWLRQLVDOVRVHQWZLWKWKHcall. Note: After the emergency call has been activated, there is no indication that an alarm is being sent for security purposes.
27BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALReceiving an Emergency CallOn receipt of an emergency Selcall, a distinctive audio alarm is emitted and the following message displayed.If the Transceiver sending the emer-JHQF\6HOFDOOLVÀWWHGZLWKD*36receiver, the position will also be displayed.
28BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBarrett Selective Calling SystemThere are several different types of Selective Calling Systems available in addi-tion to simple point-to-point RF communications.The calling systems available for the Transceiver are listed below:•  International - A four and six digit Selective Call system, fully interoperable with the UN format published in September 2004 and fully backwards compatible with all previous Barrett four and six digit Selcall protocols. •  OEM - A four and six digit Selective Call system compatible with other major HF manufacturers including those using encryption. Includes Selcall, Telcall, Beacon Call, Emergency call, Pagecall and GPS call.•  &&,5$IRXUGLJLW6HOHFWLYH&DOOV\VWHPDVVSHFLÀHGE\&&,5•  ALE FED-STD-188 / MIL-STD-188-141B (option) - MIL-STD Automatic Link Establishment system, refer to the Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) section on page 100.Summary of Calling SystemsCall Type International OEM  CCIREmergency Call Yes Yes NoBeacon Call Yes Yes No*Selcall Yes Yes YesTelcall Yes Yes YesArinc Call Yes Yes YesPage Call (SMS) Yes Yes NoGPS Call (Data & Request) Yes Yes NoSecure Call Yes No NoStatus Request Call Yes Yes NoTransceiver Lock Call Yes No No* With Transceivers set to CCIR calling format, Beacon Call can be sent but will be decoded as a Selcall by other Transceivers.
29BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelective Call - SelcallSelcall (selective calling) is a digital signalling system based on the standard CCIR-493 for use on HF networks. It is a type of squelch protocol used in radio communications systems, in which transmissions include a brief burst of sequential audio tones. Receivers that are set to respond to the transmitted tone sequence will open their squelch, while others will remain muted.Selcall Self IDsEach station in an HF network can be assigned up to 14 different Self IDs of ZKLFKWKHUHFDQEHDPL[WXUHRIIRXURUVL[GLJLW,'VLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ$VWDWLRQcan be called using any of these Self IDs.Selcall DecodeThe Transceiver has the ability to decode both OEM and International Selcalls on any channel programmed as a Selcall channel. However, the call must be addressed to the relevant ID (OEM or International). Calls for each format type will only be decoded if there is at least one Self ID of that format programmed into the Transceiver Self ID group.Selcall Transmit6HOFDOOIRUPDWVLQWUDQVPLWDUHFKDQQHOVSHFLÀF)RUH[DPSOHRQO\FDOOW\SHVprogrammed for the channel are permitted. This means International and CCIR format calls can only be sent on channels that are programmed as International or CCIR Selcall channels. OEM calls can only be sent on channels that are pro-grammed as OEM Selcall channels.Selective Call - TelcallTelcall uses this digital Selective Call system to send a telephone number from a station on an HF network to a base station equipped with a telephone inter-connect unit to initiate phone calls onto the PSTN.1RWH)RU6HOFDOODQG7HOFDOOIXQFWLRQVWRRSHUDWHWKH7UDQVFHLYHUPXVWEHÀWWHGZLWKthe Selcall or Telcall option and the channels enabled for Selcall operation.If Automatic Link establishment (ALE) is in use, refer to the Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) section on page 100.
30BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSpecial Notes for the OEM Selective Call ProtocolFour and six digit OEM calls will only be decoded by other Barrett Transceivers ÀWWHGZLWKWKH2(06HOFDOOSURWRFRORURWKHUPDQXIDFWXUHU·V7UDQVFHLYHUVWKDWuse encryption.Four and six digit GPS and Status data calls use the OEM privacy key to encrypt the data. If this eight digit key has not been programmed by the Barrett 4050 HF SDR Programming Software (P/N BCA40001), a default privacy key of 99999999 is automatically used for transmission.Six digit Page calls also use the privacy key but unlike the other calls, the user has the option to manually enable or disable the privacy key. When disabled, the data is sent as plain text. Emergency GPS calls are automatically sent as plain text (four and six digit).Station ID RangesThe standard Selcall system accommodates four and six digit networks. Station IDs range from 000000 to 999999 inclusive (the destination ID must be either four or six digits long).
31BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCall KeyUse the   key to quickly invoke a call. Call KeyThe   key is located in the lower left of the Transceiver’s keypad, above the mini USB socket.Press   and if necessary tap   to display the Manual Call screen. The Call screen comprises two areas. The narrow left hand area has four menu options. The broader right hand area displays the screens for each of the menu options.The Call menu options are: Call Type, Contacts, Favourites, and Call History.These options are described below. Menu Options for callsCall TypePress   and if necessary tap   to display the Manual Call screen. From this screen choose the type of call to be made. The choices are: Bea-con, Selcall, Telcall, Pagecall, GPS Req, GPS Pos, Hangup, Status and Secure.These are described below.
32BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBeacon CallA Beacon Call checks for the best channel to use between two stations. It allows the Operator to determine the signal quality between their station and the station they want to call on a particular channel, but without actually alert-ing the station they are doing so.When a Beacon Call is sent to another station, and if the channel being used is open, the remote station sends back a distinctive four-tone revertive signal. The Operator can judge the quality of the channel for communications purposes by the strength and clarity of this distinctive tone. Using Beacon Calls on several available channels will determine which channel is best to use either subse-quent Selcalls or Telcalls.Note: both stations must be programmed for Selcall or Telcall operation. Send a Beacon Call/LVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQ\RXUVHOHFWHGFKDQQHO,IWUDIÀFLVKHDUGFKDQQHOis occupied), select another channel and try again.Press   and if necessary tap   to display the Manual Call screen. Tap   %HDFRQ to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   and wait for the Beacon Call to be sent. Listen for the distinctive four tone revertive signal from the station you have called. If the revertive call is not heard, or it ZDVGLIÀFXOWWRKHDUWU\DQRWKHUFKDQQHODQGUHSHDWWKHSURFHVVXQWLOWKHEHVWchannel is found. Receive a Beacon CallWhen a Transceiver receives a beacon request call, it responds by transmitting the Beacon Call revertive tones. No indications occur on the Transceiver. Beacon Calls are not saved in the Selcall history buffer.
33BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcallSelcall is a digital signalling system based on standard CCIR-493 for use on HF networks. Each station in an HF network can be assigned Self IDs of which WKHUHFDQEHDPL[WXUHRIIRXURUVL[GLJLW,'VLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ7KHVWDWLRQFDQEHcalled using any of these Self IDs.Send a SelcallSelect the channel you want to send the Selcall on. (Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.)/LVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHO,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if neces-sary tap   to display the Manual Call screen. Tap   6HOFDOO to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   and wait for the Selective Call to be sent.Listen for revertive tone from the called station that indicates the call was successful.,IWKHUHYHUWLYHWRQHLVQRWKHDUGRULWZDVGLIÀFXOWWRKHDUWU\DQRWKHUFKDQQHOand repeat the process until a good channel is found.If a revertive tone is heard but you receive no verbal response from the station, it may be because the Operator is unavailable at the time.Receiving a Selcall Directed to Your TransceiverNote: To receive a Selcall your Transceiver must be programmed for Selective Call (Selcall) and where multiple channels are in use the scan function should be acti-vated.
34BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALWhen you receive a Selcall, your station sends a revertive tone (to alert the calling station that its call was received), an audible alarm sounds, the mute (squelch) (if selected) opens and the display shows who the call is from.The audible alarm will sound for 60 seconds and then time out. To cancel the alarm before the time out period and to acknowledge the call, press the PTT button or tap Ok. When the audible alarm times out, the call received icon displays p and a periodic audio reminder is emitted.For details of previously received Selcalls, press   and then tap   to dis-play the Call History screen. Refer to the Call History section on page 47.Receiving Allcalls, Group Calls and Sub-group CallsStations can send a Selective Call that will alert different groupings of mobiles as follows:In four digit formatAllcall - A station sending X000 will be received by stations X000 - X999 (up to 890 stations*)Group call - A station sending XX00 will be received by stations XX00 - XX99 (up to 89 stations*)Sub-group call - A station sending XXX0 will be received by stations XXX0 - XXX9 (up to 9 stations*)In six digit formatAllcall - A station sending XXX000 will be received by stations XXX000 - XXX999 (up to 890 stations*)Group call - A station sending XXXX00 will be received by stations XXXX00 - XXXX99 (up to 89 stations*)Sub-group call - A station sending XXXXX0 will be received by stations XXXXX0 - XXXXX9 (up to 9 stations*)
35BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL* If using the group call system, stations cannot be programmed to have Self IDs with last digits 000,00,0 as if you tried to call them a group call would occur.Receiving an Allcall, Group Call or Sub-group CallWhen you receive an Allcall, Group Call or Sub-group call, an audible alarm sounds, the mute (squelch) (if selected) opens and the display shows the call type.In all group calls the audible alarm will sound for 60 seconds and then time out. To cancel the alarm before the time out and to acknowledge the call, press the PTT button or tap Ok. When the audible alarm times out, the call received envelope icon displays.For details of previously received Selcalls, press   and then tap   to dis-play the Call History screen. Refer to the Call History section on page 47.TelcallTelcall uses this digital Selective Call system to send a telephone number on an HF network. Telcalls are primarily used to send to stations equipped with a telephone interconnect unit to initiate phone calls onto the PSTN.1RWH)RU6HOFDOODQG7HOFDOOIXQFWLRQVWRRSHUDWHWKH7UDQVFHLYHUPXVWEHÀWWHGZLWKthe Selcall or Telcall option and the channels enabled for Selcall operation.If Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) is in use, refer to the ALE section on  page 100.Send a TelcallSelect the channel you want to send the Telcall on. (Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.)/LVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHOLIWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if neces-sary tap   to display the Manual Call screen.
36BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   7HOFDOO to display the Selcall ID screen.Type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   to display the Telcall screen.From the Telcall screen, tap either Enter phone number or  6HOHFWIURPFRQWDFW.If Enter phone number was selected, the Phone Number screen displays.Type the phone number using the keyboard and either press   or tap Enter to return to the home screen and send the Telcall.The home screen momentarily dis-plays the Telcall ID.
37BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIf Select from Contact was selected, the Contacts screen displays.Tap the selected contact to return to the home screen and send the Telcall.The home screen momentarily dis-plays the Telcall ID.Listen for revertive tone from the called station that indicates the call is suc-cessful. If the revertive tone is not heard, try another channel and repeat the process.If the destination station is connected to a Telephone Interconnect, when the call is successful, wait for telephone connection to be made and then proceed with the call. When the call is complete, or if the line is busy, send a Hang-Up call (see page 42).Last Number RedialPress   four times and the last telephone number sent displays.Press   once more and the Telcall sequence will be re-sent.Receive a TelcallNote: To receive a Telcall your Transceiver must be programmed with a Self ID and where multiple channels are in use the scan function should be activated.When you receive a Telcall, your station sends a revertive call (to alert the calling station that its call was received), an audible alarm sounds, the mute (squelch) (if selected) opens and the Telcall screen displays.
38BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALThe Telcall screen shows the Selcall ID and telephone number of the caller. Tap   Stop to stop the audible alarm but maintain the Telcall screen. Tap   Close To close the Telcall screen.The audible alarm will sound for 60 seconds and then time out. To cancel the alarm before the time out period and to acknowledge the call, press the PTT button or tap either Stop or Close (described above). When the audible alarm times out, the call received Envelope icon displays and a periodic audio reminder is emitted.After the timeout, the call received icon displays.For details of previously received Telcalls, press   and then tap   to dis-play the Call History screen. Refer to the Call History section on page 47.PagecallPagecall (SMS) allows messages of up to 32 characters in International format, or 64 characters in OEM format to be sent or received to and from other Trans-ceivers with Pagecall facilities.Send a PagecallUse   and   to select the channel you want to send the Pagecall on DQGOLVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHONote: Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if necessary tap   to display the Man-ual Call screen.
39BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   3DJHFDOO to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   to display the PageCall Message screen.Type your message using the alpha numeric keys. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate how many char-acters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use up to 32 characters for an inter-national Selcall and 64 for OEM.Once the message is completed, tap  or press   to send.Receive a PagecallWhen a Pagecall is received, an audible alarm sounds, any mute is disabled and the Pagecall screen displaysThe Pagecall screen shows the Selcall ID and message. Tap   Stop to stop the audible alarm but maintain the Pagecall screen. Tap   Close To close the Pagecall screen.The audible alarm will sound for 60 seconds and then time out. To cancel the alarm before the time out period, and to acknowledge the call press the PTT button or tap either Stop or Close (described above). When the audible alarm times out, the call received Envelope icon displays and a periodic audio reminder is emitted. When the audible alarm times out, the call received Envelope icon displays.
40BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFor details of previously received Selcalls, press   and then tap   to dis-play the Call History screen. Refer to the Call History section on page 47.GPS ReqUse this option to request another station’s GPS position. Use   and   to select the channel you want to send the GPS request FDOORQDQGOLVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHONote: Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if necessary tap   to display the Man-ual Call screen. Tap   GPS Req to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press  .The station you called returns its position.The GPS Data screen displays the caller’s Selcall Alias (if available or alternatively the Selcall ID), and the caller’s Latitude and Longitude position.To stop the sounding alarm but main-tain the GPS Data display, tap Stop. To remove the GPS Data display tap Close.
41BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALHowever, the following error messages may be displayed:•  GPS Unresponsive at Remote Station The GPS unit is not providing data to the remote Transceiver.•  GPS Not Fitted at Remote Station 7KHUHLVQR*36UHFHLYHUÀWWHGWRWKHUHPRWH7UDQVFHLYHU• No Response There was no response from the remote station.GPS PosUse this option to send your GPS position to another station.1RWH7KHEXLOWLQ*36LQWHUIDFHRSWLRQPXVWEHÀWWHGDQGWKH*36UHFHLYHU(P/N BCA40009) must be connected and receiving position information when using the GPS call option.Use   and   to select the channel you want to send the GPS call on DQGOLVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHONote: Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if necessary tap   to display the Man-ual Call screen. Tap   GPS Pos to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   to transmit your GPS position. :DLWIRUWKHUHYHUWLYHWRQHIURPWKHUHPRWHVWDWLRQWRFRQÀUPWKHFDOOZDVreceived. If revertive tone is not heard, repeat the process or change to another channel and repeat the process.Note: If the display indicates that the GPS is unavailable, you cannot select the Selective Call function GPS data.
42BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALHangup When a call to a telephone interconnect base station has completed or a secure call link is complete, the Operator should ‘hang-up’ by sending a hang-up code to a telephone interconnect.Note: If the hang up call is unsuccessful for any reason, the telephone interconnect will time out and hang-up automatically.Press   and if necessary tap   to display the Manual Call screen. Tap   Hangup to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   When the hang-up Selcall has com-pleted transmitting, listen for hang-XSUHYHUWLYHWRQHZKLFKFRQÀUPVWKDWthe hang-up was successful. When hanging up a telephone in-terconnect call, the hang-up process may be repeated until a revertive tone is heard.If the hang-up call is unsuccessful when ending a secure call, only the Transceiver that sent the hang-up call will exit secure mode. Repeating the hang-up call will not hang-up the remote end.
43BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALStatusA Status call allows the operational status parameters of any Barrett Trans-FHLYHUÀWWHGZLWK6HOFDOOWREHDFFHVVHG7KLVVWDWXVLVVHQWIURPWKHUHPRWHTransceiver as a Selcall with the status information embedded within the Selcall structure. Information retrieved for remote diagnosis of Transceiver perfor-mance includes:• Selcall ID•  Receive state battery voltage•  Last transmit state battery voltage•  Signal strength indication of received status request Selcall•  Forward power output level•  VSWR of the antenna• Temperature•  Selcall ID of the last radio called.Requesting Another Station’s StatusUse   and   to select the channel you want to send the Status UHTXHVWFDOORQDQGOLVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHONote: Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if necessary tap   to display the Man-ual Call screen. Tap   Status to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   to transmit the status request and wait for the remote station to return its status data.If a reply is not received, either repeat the process or change the channel and repeat the process.
44BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSecureSecure Calls can only be made on channels programmed with International Format Selcall.A Person to Person(s) Secure Call allows a secure voice connection to be made between two or more stations.Note: The 4 digit secure call code must be the same for both stations. See Secure Call Code on page 113. Use   and   to select the channel you want to set the secure link to DQGOLVWHQIRUWUDIÀFRQWKDWFKDQQHONote: Use a Beacon Call initially to select the best channel - see page 32.,IWUDIÀFLVQRWKHDUGSUHVV  and if necessary tap   to display the Man-ual Call screen. Tap   6HFXUH to display the Selcall ID screen.Use the keyboard to type the Selcall ID, then tap Enter or press   and wait for the Selective Call to be sent..Note: To make a secure call to multiple stations, use a group call ID encom-passing the required stations.Listen for the secure call revertive tone from the called station which indicates the call was successful.Note: The secure call revertive tone has a different sound to the revertive tones of the other call types.,IUHYHUWLYHWRQHLVQRWKHDUGRULWZDVGLIÀFXOWWRKHDUWU\DQRWKHUFKDQQHODQGrepeat the process until a good channel is found.To exit out of secure call mode, press   or send a “Hangup” call.Note: Revertive tones will not be heard if using a group call code to call multiple stations.6HFXUHPRGHLVFRQÀUPHGDQGLQGL-cated beneath the title bar.
45BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALContactsSelective call functions require Station IDs to be entered when making a call. Contacts allow frequently used Station IDs to be called easily.This section describes how to use the Contact list, Favourites and Call History.See page 67 for information on adding, editing and deleting contacts.Press   and if necessary tap   to display the Contacts screen. A list of contacts displays.From the Contacts screen either: •  Select a contact from the Contact list. Scroll down the list to reveal more contacts by either swiping down on the touch screen or pressing   and then tapping the desired contact.•  Search for Contacts by tapping WKH&RQWDFWVÀHOGWRUHYHDODNH\-board. Tap the search criteria into WKH&RQWDFWVÀHOG Either tap   or press   or  to display the results of the search.
46BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFavouritesPress   and if necessary tap   to display the Favourites screen. A list of favourite contacts displays.From the Favourites screen either: •  Select a contact from the favour-ites list. Scroll down the list to reveal more contacts by either swiping down on the touch screen or pressing   and then tapping the desired contact.•  Search for Contacts by tapping WKH)DYRXULWHVÀHOGWRUHYHDODkeyboard. Tap the search criteria LQWRWKH)DYRXULWHVÀHOG Either tap   or press   or  to display the results of the search.To add a contact, see page 67.
47BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCall HistoryWhenever a Selcall, Telcall, Allcall, Group call, Sub-group call, Pagecall, Status-call, GPS or Emergency call is received or transmitted, its details are held in a ÀUVWLQÀUVWRXWFDOOKLVWRU\EXIIHUAll received calls are stored in the Received tab.All transmitted calls are stored in the Sent tab.Each history buffer can store up to 100 entries.Press   and if necessary tap   to display the Call History screen. The Call History screen has three tabs: All, Received, and Sent. These are described below.AllThis tab displays a list of all calls sent and received.The list also details the Selcall ID and the times of the calls.ReceivedThis tab lists all types of Selcalls that have been received, viewed and stored for future reference.From the Call History screen, tap Received to display a list of all calls received.The   icon indicates a missed call.
48BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSentThis tab lists all types of Selcalls that have been transmitted.From the Call History screen, tap Sent to display a list of all calls sent.Select the call displayed in any of the three Call History tabs to display the channel number, frequency, date and time.Tap   Call to proceed with a call to the selected number.
49BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMenusTo navigate through the menus, either use swiping motions on the touch screen or use the keypad (described on page 16).To return to a previous screen, you may also tap   located in the top right hand corner of each screen.The Transceiver’s home screen dis-plays the following menus:• Settings• Channels• Hop• Tune• Mode• NR• Scan• MuteThese menus are described in the following sections.SettingsSelect the Settings menu to display the Settings screen which enables access to the following sub menus: • General• Security• Labels• Channels• Contacts• Scan• Mute• Selcall• Audio• RF• IO• ALE• System Info• Call History• Export• Display• Network•  BoB (if connected)• Import/UpdateTo reveal subsequent pages of sub menus, either swipe down on the touch screen or press  .These sub menus are described in the following sections.
50BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMenu MapSettingsGeneralLabelsChannels ContactsScanMuteSelcallAudioChannels Hop TuneTransceiver Name Mic Up/Down Keys Date and Time BITE Test LanguageSelect a Channel Invoke Tuning SequenceInitiate HoppingAudio in Tx Preamble Time Default Int Selcall ID (4 digits) Default Int Selcall ID (6 digits) OEM Privacy Key OEM Selcall ID (4 digits) OEM Selcall ID (6 digits) Selcall Networks GPS Broadcast Enable Transceiver LockBeep Level Alarm Audio Level Ring Tones 5[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ 7[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ Audio Bandwidth Line Audio Line Follows DV Line Out Level Line In Level Audio RecordScan Rate Dwell Time Resume Time Table Selection Edit Scan TablesSyllabic Sensitivity Signal Strength LevelDelete Edit AddDelete Edit AddNumber Label Rx Frequency Tx Frequency Mode Tx Power Selcall Format ALE Channel Antenna SocketDelete Edit AddFirst Name Surname ID Type ALE 2G Alias ALE 3G Alias Email Address Phone Number FavouriteHopping PIN Frequency Hop Rate OEM Secure Type OEM Secure Key Secure Digital Voice Key Secure Data Key Secure Calls Hop Rate Secure Call Code TC2 Programming ModeSecurity
51BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCall HistoryIOSystem InfoNetworkBoBRFALEDisplayImport /  UpdateMode NR Scan MuteInvoke ScanningRx Preamp Tx Over Beep Transmit Timeout Noise Blanker Tx Power Level AGC Hang Broadcast Filter PreselectorWiFi Operation Mode WiFi Access PointBoB Name Network Settings Network Status,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ Program FirmwareLevel of Display Backlight Backlight Timeout Display Timeout Behaviour Transmit Meter Mode Receive Meter Mode Temperature UnitsSystem Status Version Information Transceiver Options 4050 Serial NumberALE State 2G Preset Map Response Control Sounding Control Sounding Address LQA Exchange LQA Averaging LQA Decay Rate Threshold Test SINAD Threshold BER ThresholdRS 232 Out RS232 Baud Rate Ext Alarm Type Antenna 1 Type Antenna 2 TypeUSB LSB FSK CW AMOff Low Medium HighAudio Mute SSL Mute Selcall Mute Mute DisabledExportALE State 3G Voice Link Timeout Data Link Timeout LQA Averaging LSU Mode ALE 3G Channels Ale 3G Address
52BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALGeneralSelect the General menu to display the *HQHUDO&RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQ$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. To reveal more items, ei-ther swipe down on the touch screen or press  .A brief description of each of the LWHPVZKLFKPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGLVdescribed beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item on the list is described below.Transceiver NameTap   7UDQVFHLYHU1DPH from the *HQHUDO&RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQWRdisplay the SDR Name screen. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the name of the SDR, then tap   to save.
53BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMic Up / Down KeysThe keys on the side of the micro-phone can be assigned to:•  Change channel (up / down)•  Change volume (up / down)• Disabled.Up ButtonDown ButtonTap   0LF8S'RZQ.H\V from the *HQHUDO&RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQWRGLV-play the Mic Up/Down Keys screen.Select either: Disabled, Channel, or Volume.See page 24 for information on how to use the microphone.Date and TimeTap   'DWHDQG7LPH from the Gen-HUDO&RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQWRGLVSOD\the Date & Time screen.Set the Transceiver’s date and time by swiping the touch screen vertically against the columns for hour, min-ute, day, month, and year. :KHQWKHKLJKOLJKWHGÀJXUHVDUHcorrect, tap   to save.
54BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTime ZoneTap   Time Zone from the Date & Time screen to display the Time Zone screen.Scroll up or down to reveal more time zones. Tap or press   to select  a desired time zone. The dates and times will automatically populate the ÀHOGVLQWKH'DWHDQG7LPHVFUHHQBITE TestTap BITE Test to perform internal testing. These tests essentially include all the hardware which make up the Transceiver.The built in test is also automatically performed when the Transceiver is switched on.LanguageTap   Language from the General &RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQWRGLVSOD\WKHLanguage screen.Change the display language from the list shown.To reveal more languages, swipe down on the touch screen or press .
55BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSecurity7KLVVHFWLRQLVXVHGWRFRQÀJXUHWKHVHFXULW\VHWWLQJVIRUWKH7UDQVFHLYHUTap   6HFXULW\ from the General &RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQWRGLVSOD\WKHSecurity Settings screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJ-ured is displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item is described below.Hopping PINTap   +RSSLQJ3,1 from the Security Settings screen to display the Hop-ping PIN screen.Type the Hopping PIN (maximum 8 characters) and then tap Enter.
56BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFrequency Hop RateFrequency hopping can be used to limit performance degradation due to interference and to reduce the likelihood of interception. Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels.The Frequency Hop Rate is the rate at which the frequency hopping moves between transmission frequencies. Tap   )UHTXHQF\+RS5DWH from the Security Settings screen to display the Frequency Hop Rate screen.Select either Standard or High.OEM Secure TypeThis displays whether a scrambler has been installed and the name of the scrambler. See below for further information.OEM Secure KeyThe Audio Scrambler option is only available to Transceivers using the internally ÀWWHGDXGLRVFUDPEOHUDFFHVVRU\PRGXOHWKDWSURYLGHVEDFNZDUGVFRPSDWLELOLW\to the 900 series audio inversion scrambler (P/N BCA20031), Telsy, or the Tran-scrypt scrambler. This option uses the OEM Scrambler encryption.Tap   2(06HFXUH.H\ from the Security Settings screen to display the OEM Secure Key screen.Select between 1 and 16 for the Tran-scrypt scrambler or 1 and 32 for the audio inversion scrambler. All stations using an Audio Scrambler require the same scrambler code to be entered in order to communicate.
57BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL1RWH,IXVLQJWKHLQWHUQDOO\ÀWWHGUROOLQJFRGHDXGLRVFUDPEOHUDFFHVVRU\PRGXOHthe code must be set on the unit before installation using an external programmer.To enable the scrambler, access the Swipe menu by swiping the home screen from left to right, then tap  . For more information, refer to the Swipe Menu on page 138.Secure Digital Voice KeyThe Secure Digital Voice Key is used for secure digital voice. Keys need to EHHQWHUHGLQWRWKH7&PRGXOHÀUVWusing a third party TC2 tool.Tap   6HFXUH'LJLWDO9RLFH.H\ from the Security Settings screen to display the Secure Digital Voice Key screen.Select between 1 and 15.The Transmit Transceiver must have the same number key as the Receive Transceiver in order to communicate.Secure Data KeyThe Secure Data Key is used to secure data. Keys need to be entered into WKH7&PRGXOHÀUVWXVLQJDWKLUGparty TC2 tool.Tap   6HFXUH'DWD.H\ from the Se-curity Settings screen to display the Secure Data Key screen.Select either Disabled or a value between 1 and 15.The Transmit Transceiver must have the same number key as the Receive Transceiver in order to communicate.
58BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSecure Calls Hop RateThe Secure Calls Hop Rate is the rate at which the secure call hopping moves between transmission fre-quencies. Unlike frequency hopping, it doesn’t utilise GPS.Tap   6HFXUH&DOOV+RS5DWH from the Security Settings screen to display the Secure Calls Hop Rate screen.Select either Standard or High.Secure Call CodeTap   6HFXUH&DOO&RGH from the Security Settings screen to display the Secure Call Code screen.Type the four digit PIN and tap Enter.TC2 Programming Mode,IWKH7UDQVFHLYHULVÀWWHGZLWKD7&module, this option enables TC2 to be programmed. Tap   TC2 Programming Mode from the Security Settings screen to display the TC2 Programming Mode screen.Select either Disabled or Enabled. When enabled, the functionality of the Transceiver is disabled. After programming the TC2, reboot the Transceiver.
59BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALLabelsThis section describes how to add, edit, or erase channel labels. Channel labels are used to indicate what a particular channel is used for. For example, UNHCR Geneva.Note: Channel labels may be applied to channels when adding a channel.  See page 62.Tap   Labels from the Settings screen to display the Channel Labels screen.A list of currently used channel labels display.Add a Channel LabelTo add a channel label, tap   to display the Add Label screen. Use the keyboard to type the name of the label, then tap yp to save.
60BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALEdit a Channel LabelTo edit a channel label from the Channel Labels’ screen, select the label by using the   and   keys and either tap the label or press  from the keypad.The Edit Label screen displays. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to edit the name of the label, then tap   to save. Delete a Channel LabelTo delete a channel label from the Channel Labels’ screen, select the channel label you wish to delete, then tap and hold for three seconds. $FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.ChannelsTap   Channels from the Settings screen to display the Channels screen.A list of currently used channel dis-plays. Each channel shows its channel number, frequency, and channel label.
61BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSearch For a ChannelTo search for a channel, tap   to display the Channel Number screen.Tap the appropriate digits for the search, then tap Enter.Add a ChannelTo add a channel, tap   to display the Add Channel screen. A list of attributes that may be con-ÀJXUHGLVGLVSOD\HG7RUHYHDOPRUHattributes, either swipe down on the touch screen or press  .A brief description of each of the DWWULEXWHVZKLFKPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGLVdescribed beneath the attribute.The current status of each of the attributes is displayed to the right.Each attribute on the list is described below.
62BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNumberTap   1XPEHU from the Add Channel screen to display the Channel Num-ber screen.The default shows the next available channel number. Tap   %DFNWRFOHDUWKH(QWU\ÀHOG7DSthe appropriate digits to represent the desired channel number, then tap Enter.LabelTap   Label from the Add Channel screen to display the Label screen.Select a label from the Label screen.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press . See page 59 for information on Channel labels.Rx FrequencyTap   5[)UHTXHQF\ from the Add Channel screen to display the Chan-nel Receive Frequency screen.Tap   %DFNWRFOHDUWKH(QWU\ÀHOGTap the digits to represent the desired values (in kHz).
63BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTx FrequencyTap   7[)UHTXHQF\ from the Add Channel screen to display the Chan-nel Transmit Frequency screen.Tap   %DFNWRFOHDUWKH(QWU\ÀHOGTap the digits to represent the desired values (in kHz). ModeTap   Mode from the Add Channel screen to display the Mode screen.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press . The choices are: Upper Sideband, Lower Sideband, Frequency Shift Key-ing, Continuous Wave (Morse code), and Amplitude Modulation.Tx PowerTap   Tx Power from the Add Channel screen to display the Tx Power screen.Select either: 10 W, 30 W, or 125 W.
64BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcall FormatTap   6HOFDOO)RUPDW from the Add Channel screen to display the Selcall Format screen.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press . Select either: None, INT, CCIR, OEM, RFDS, NW1, NW2, NW3, NW4, or NW5.Refer to page 28 for further infor-mation on Selcall systems.ALE ChannelDisplays the ALE status of a channel: either: True, False, or Disabled.Antenna SocketTap   $QWHQQD6RFNHW from the Add Channel screen to display the Anten-na Socket screen.Select either: Antenna 1 or  Antenna 2.Note: As there is only one antenna socket on the Transceiver, this option only applies if you are using a Break out box.
65BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSave Channel$IWHUFRQÀJXULQJWKHDERYHDWWUL-butes, tap   to add the channel.$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.Edit a ChannelTo edit a channel, select the desired channel by using the   and  keys from the Channel screen (page 60) and either tap the chan-nel or press   from the keypad.The Channel Information screen GLVSOD\V(GLWWKHÀHOGVDVGHVFULEHGabove (Add a Channel).After the channel’s attributes have EHHQHGLWHGDFRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHdisplays.Tap   Yes.
66BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDelete a ChannelTo delete a channel, tap and hold for three seconds the channel you wish WRGHOHWH$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHdisplays. Tap   Yes.ContactsTap   &RQWDFWV from the Settings screen to display the Contacts screen.A list of contacts display. Each contact shows their Selcall ID and telephone number.Sort ContactsThere are two sort icons.•  7RVRUWE\ÀUVWQDPHWDS . •  To sort by last name, tap  .Only one sort icon will display at any time. ,IWKHOLVWKDVDOUHDG\EHHQVRUWHGE\ÀUVWQDPHWKH6RUW%\/DVW1DPHLFRQZLOOdisplay. If the list has already been sorted by last name, the Sort By First Name icon will display.
67BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSearch ContactsTo search contacts, tap the Contacts ÀHOGWRUHYHDODNH\ERDUG7DSWKHVHDUFKFULWHULDLQWRWKH&RQWDFWVÀHOG Either tap   or press   or   to display the results of the search.Add a ContactTo add a contact, tap   The Add Contact screen displays. $OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. To reveal more items, ei-ther swipe down on the touch screen or press  .The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item on the list is described below.
68BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFirst NameTap   )LUVW1DPH from the Add Con-tact screen to display the First Name screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the First Name ÀHOG7KHQXPEHUVLQWKHSDUHQWKHVLVindicate how many characters you have used / total number of charac-ters allowed.Tap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.SurnameTap   Surname from the Add Contact screen to display the Surname screen. Tap the appropriate characters from WKHNH\ERDUGLQWRWKH6XUQDPHÀHOGThe numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed. Tap   to save and return to the Add Contact screen.ID TypeTap   ,'7\SH from the Add Contact screen to display the ID Type screen.Select either: Four digit, six digit, or ARINC. These options are described below. Select Unassigned if there is no Id type to be associated with the con-tact.
69BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFour DigitTap   )RXU'LJLW from the Id Type screen to display the Selcall ID screen.Tap the appropriate characters from WKHNH\ERDUGLQWRWKH6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Add Contact screen.Six DigitTap   6L['LJLW from the Id Type screen to display the Selcall ID screen.Tap the appropriate characters from WKHNH\ERDUGLQWRWKH6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Add Contact screen.ARINCTap   $5,1& from the Id Type screen to display the ARINC Call screen.Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the ARINC Call ÀHOG7KHQXPEHUVLQWKHSDUHQWKHVLVindicate how many characters you have used / total number of charac-ters allowed.Tap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.ARINC Call (0/4)
70BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALALE 2G AliasTap   ALE 2G Alias from the Add Contact screen to display the ALE Addresses screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into WKH$/($GGUHVV,'ÀHOGTap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.ALE 3G AliasTap   ALE 3G Alias from the Add Contact screen to display the ALE Addresses screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into WKH$/($GGUHVV,'ÀHOGTap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.Email AddressTap   Email Address from the Add Contact screen to display the Email Address screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Email Address ÀHOG7KHQXPEHUVLQWKHSDUHQWKHVLVindicate how many characters you have used / total number of charac-ters allowed.Tap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.
71BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPhone NumberTap   3KRQH1XPEHU from the Add Contact screen to display the Phone Number screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into WKH3KRQH1XPEHUÀHOGTap    to save and return to the Add Contact screen.FavouriteTap   )DYRXULWH from the Add Con-tact screen to display the Favourite screen. Select Yes to add to the favourite contacts.Edit ContactTo edit contact details, select the de-sired contact by using the   and  keys and either tap the con-tact or press   from the keypadThe Edit Contact screen displays. Edit the details as described above (for Add Contact).
72BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDelete ContactSelect the contact to be deleted, then tap and hold for three seconds. $FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.ScanTap   6FDQ from the Settings screen to display the Scan screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJ-ured is displayed. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press  .Each item is described below.Scan RateSelect the scan rate applicable to non-Selcall scan channels.Tap   6FDQ5DWH from the Scan screen to display the Scan Rate screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Select either: 300, 500, 700, 1000, 1500, 2000, or 5000 ms.
73BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDwell TimeSelect the length of time the Transceiver dwells (waits) on a channel after scan has been stopped by signal strength level (if signal strength level mute is set) or voice activity (if audio mute is set).Tap   'ZHOO7LPH from the Scan screen to display the Dwell Time screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Select between one and ten seconds.Resume TimeSet the time period after which the Transceiver will automatically resume scan-ning from the last operation. For example, after a key press or PTT.Tap   Resume Time from the Scan screen to display the Resume Time screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Select either: Off, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes.Table SelectionSelect the Scan Table to be used when the Transceiver is put into scan mode, or if enabled, when scan resume occurs. There can be up to eight Scan Tables.Note: When scrolling through the Scan Tables to make a selection, only Scan Tables with channels entered will display. If none of the Scan tables have any channel entries, the message “All Scan Tables Empty“ displays.
74BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   7DEOH6HOHFWLRQ from the Scan screen to display the Table Selection screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .The example shows four tables to select from. Each table revealing the name of the table and the respective number of channels.Edit Scan TablesNote: All channels are displayed in numerical order within the scan table with respect to the entry number. There are a maximum of 30 entries in each table.Tap   (GLW6FDQ7DEOHV from the Scan screen to display the Selcall Scan Tables screen. The example shows two scan tables which may be edited. Each table reveals the name of the table, the antenna, the number of channels in the table and the channel numbers.Add a Scan TableTo add a Scan Table, tap  . The Scan Table screen displays. $OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. A brief description of each of the LWHPVZKLFKPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGLVdescribed beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item on the list is described below.
75BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALScan Table NameTap   6FDQ7DEOH1DPH from the Scan Table screen to display the Scan Table Name screen. The default name is alias. Overtype the default name by tapping the appropriate characters from the key-ERDUGLQWRWKH6FDQ7DEOH1DPHÀHOGTap    to save and return to the Scan Table screen.Antenna SocketTap   $QWHQQD6RFNHW from the Scan Table screen to display the Antenna Socket screen. Select either Antenna 1 or Antenna 2.Note: As there is only one antenna socket on the Transceiver, this option only applies if you are using a Break out box.Scan Table Channel ListTap   6FDQ7DEOH&KDQQHO List from the Scan Table screen to display the Scan Channel Selection screen. Tap the checkboxes adjacent to the channels you wish to choose and then tap y.
76BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSave a Scan Table$IWHUFRQÀJXULQJWKHDERYHLWHPVtap   to add the table.$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.Edit a Scan TableTo edit a table, select the desired table and either tap the table or press   from the keypad.The Scan Table screen displays. Edit the details as described above (for Add a Scan Table).Delete a Scan TableSelect the table to be deleted, then tap and hold for three seconds. $FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.
77BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMuteTap   Mute from the Settings screen to display the Mute screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. Each item is described below.Syllabic SensitivitySet the sensitivity or ‘hardness’ of the syllabic mute (squelch). Tap   6\OODELF6HQVLWLYLW\ from the Mute screen to display the Syllabic Sensitivity screen. Select either: Low, Medium, or High sensitivity to voice activity on a channel.Signal Strength LevelSelect the level at which the Signal Strength Level (SSL) mute (squelch) opens. Tap   6LJQDO6WUHQJWK/HYHO from the Mute screen to display the Signal Strength Level screen. Select either: Low, Medium, or High.When set to low, the mute will open on a relatively low level of received signal. When set to high, the mute will open on a relatively high level of received signal.$IWHUFRQÀJXULQJWKHDERYHLWHPVWDS  or press   to save the settings and return to the Mute screen.
78BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcallTap   6HOFDOO from the Settings screen to display the Selcall screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Each item is described below.Audio in TxTap   Audio in Tx from the Selcall screen to display the Audio in Tx screen. Select either: Off, Low, or High.
79BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPreamable TimeTap   Preamble Time from the Selcall screen to display the Preamble Time screen. Select between one and ten seconds.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Default Int Selcall ID (4 Digits)Tap   'HIDXOW,QW6HOFDOO,' from the Selcall screen to display the Network Selcall ID screen. The default in this example is four digits 0000. Overtype the default by tapping the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Network 6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall screen.Default Int Selcall ID (6 Digits)Tap   'HIDXOW,QW6HOFDOO,' from the Selcall screen to display the Network Selcall ID screen. The default in this example is six dig-its 000000. Overtype the default by tapping the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Network 6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall screen.
80BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALOEM Privacy KeyTap   2(03ULYDF\.H\ from the Selcall screen to display the OEM Privacy Key screen.Select either On or Off.OEM Selcall ID (4 Digits)Tap   2(06HOFDOO,' from the Selcall screen to display the Network Selcall ID screen. The default in this example is six digits 0000. Overtype the default by tapping the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Network 6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall screen. OEM Selcall ID (6 Digits)Tap   2(06HOFDOO,' from the Selcall screen to display the Network Selcall ID screen. The default in this example is six dig-its 000000. Overtype the default by tapping the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Network 6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall screen.
81BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcall NetworksTap   6HOFDOO1HWZRUNV from the Selcall screen to display the Selcall Network screen. The example shows two Selcall Net-ZRUNVPD[LPXPÀYHZKLFKPD\EHedited. Each Selcall Network reveal-ing the name of the network alias, the Selcall format, the four and six digit Selcall ID.Add a Selcall NetworkTo add a Selcall Network, tap  . The Selcall Network screen displays. $OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item on the list is described below.
82BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcall Network AliasTap   6HOFDOO1HWZRUN$OLDV from the Selcall Network screen to display the Selcall Network Alias screen. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.The default alias is NW1. Overtype the default alias by tapping the appropriate characters from the key-board into the Selcall Network Alias ÀHOG7DS  to save and return to the Selcall Network screen.Selcall FormatTap   6HOFDOO)RUPDW from the Selcall Network screen to display the Selcall Format screen. Select either: None, INT, CCIR, OEM, or RFDS.4 Digit Selcall IDTap   'LJLW6HOFDOO,' from the Selcall Network screen to display the Selcall ID screen. The default ID is 0000. Overtype the default ID by tapping the appropriate characters from the keyboard into WKH6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall Network screen.
83BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL6 Digit Selcall IDTap   'LJLW6HOFDOO,' from the Selcall Network screen to display the Selcall ID screen. The default ID is 000000. Overtype the default ID by tapping the appro-priate characters from the keyboard LQWRWKH6HOFDOO,'ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the Selcall Network screen.Save a Selcall Network$IWHUFRQÀJXULQJWKHDERYHLWHPVtap   to add the Selcall Network.$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.Edit a Selcall NetworkTo edit a Selcall Network, select the desired network and either tap the network or press   from the keypad.The Selcall Network screen displays. Edit the details as described above (for Add a Selcall Network).
84BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALDelete a Selcall NetworkSelect the Selcall Network to be deleted, then tap and hold for three seconds. $FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.GPS Broadcast EnableTap   *36%URDGFDVW(QDEOH from the Selcall screen to display the GPS Broadcast Enable screen. Select either Disabled or Enabled.This setting will either prevent or al-low the periodic broadcasting of the Transceiver’s GPS position.Timings for the GPS broadcast are set via the Barrett 4050 HF SDR Program-ming software (P/N BCA40001).
85BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTransceiver LockTo lock a remote Transceiver with a PIN, tap 7UDQVFHLYHU/RFN from the Selcall screen to display the Selcall ID screen. Use the keyboard to type the PIN, then tap Enter.The Transceiver Lock PIN screen displays.Use the keyboard to type the PIN again, then tap Enter.The Transceiver Lock screen displays.Tap   Yes to send a Transceiver lock on the respective channel with the PIN.Tap   1R to abort.
86BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAudioTap   Audio from the Settings screen to display the Audio screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Each item is described below.
87BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBeep LevelThis section is used to set the annunciation beep volume levels. These are the various tones associated with key presses. Annunciation beeps can be disabled for covert operations. For other operations these are set purely for Operator feedback.Tap   %HHS/HYHO from the Audio screen to display the Beep Level screen. Select either: Off, Low, or High.Alarm Audio LevelTap   $ODUP$XGLR/HYHO from the Audio screen to display the Alarm Au-dio Level screen. Select either: Mute, Low, Med, or High.
88BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALRing TonesTap   Ring Tones from the Audio screen to display the Ring Tones screen. Select from a series of different sounding tones: Ringtone 1 through to Ringtone 7.These ring tones are used when receiving alarms, Selcall etc.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .5[&RQÀJXUDWLRQThis option sets where the unprocessed receiver audio in the Transceiver is sourced.Normally, this is set to internal in which case the Transceiver’s receiver provides the unprocessed audio.When used with a remote receiver in split site operations, the audio path can be set to external. In this case, unprocessed received audio from the remote site can be input into the auxiliary sockets 600 ohm balanced audio port.Tap   5[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ from the Au-GLRVFUHHQWRGLVSOD\WKH5[&RQÀJX-ration screen. Select either: Internal Audio, or Exter-nal Audio.
89BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL7[&RQÀJXUDWLRQThis option sets where the transmitter audio in the Transceiver is sourced.Normally, this is set to local in which case the Transceiver’s microphone pro-vides the transmitter audio.When used with a remote site operation, the path can be set to remote. In this case, the transmit audio is input into the auxiliary sockets 600 ohm balanced audio port.Tap   7[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ from the Au-GLRVFUHHQWRGLVSOD\WKH7[&RQÀJX-ration screen. Select either: Local or Remote.Audio BandwidthThis section allows the audio bandwidth to be tailored to an Operator’s com-fort requirements.Tap   Audio Bandwidth from the Audio screen to display the Audio Bandwidth screen. Select either: 300 Hz - 2700 Hz,  300 Hz - 3000 Hz,  300 Hz - 3200 Hz, or 300 Hz - 3400 kHz.
90BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALLine AudioThis option sets the muting condition of the 600 ohm balanced audio line out-put on the rear auxiliary connector.The line output can be set to Unmuted or Follows Mute. When set to Follows Mute, the line output is muted in the same manner as the speaker output and follows the mute condition currently in use. The line output is usually set to Unmuted when using data modems.Tap   Line Audio from the Audio screen to display the Line Audio screen. Select either: Unmuted, or Follows Mute.Line Follows Digital VoiceLine Follows Digital Voice may be used for example with a 2060 Tele-phone Interconnect. The 2060 PTTs the radio through the line and trans-mits the voice. From the drop-down menu select either Off or On.Tap   /LQH)ROORZV'LJLWDO9RLFH from the Audio screen to display the Line Follows Digital Voice screen. Select either: Disabled or Enabled.
91BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALLine Out LevelThis setting adjusts the output level of the auxiliary 600 ohm balanced audio output port. Tap   /LQH2XW/HYHO from the Audio screen to display the Line Out Level screen. Select either: +12, +9, +6, +3, 0, -3, -6, -9, -12 dBm.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Line In LevelThis setting adjusts the input level sensitivity of the auxiliary 600 ohm balanced audio input. Tap   /LQH,Q/HYHO from the Audio screen to display the Line In Level screen. Select either: +9, +6, +3, 0, -3, -6, -9, -12, -18, -24 dBm. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Audio RecordThis option is used to monitor con-versations. It utilises the line audio to  listen to the received and transmitted audio. Connect another device to record the conversation.Tap   $XGLR5HFRUG from the Audio screen to display the Audio Record screen. Select either: Disabled or Enabled.
92BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALRFTap   RF from the Settings screen to display the RF screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGdisplays. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Each item is described below.Rx Preamp(QDEOHVRUGLVDEOHVWKH5)SUHDPSOLÀHU7KHSUHDPSOLÀHUSURYLGHVDQDGGL-WLRQDOUHFHLYHUJDLQRIG%*HQHUDOO\WKH5)SUHDPSOLÀHULVVZLWFKHGRIIZKHQan automatic mobile antenna is in use as these antennas have a built-in RF SUHDPSOLÀHUTap   Rx Preamp from the RF screen to display the Rx Preamp screen. Select either: Disabled or Enabled.
93BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTx Over BeepWhen this option is selected, the Transceiver transmits a short tone after the PTT button is released. The tone provides an audible indication to the Operator at the remote station that the local station has stopped transmitting.Tap   7[2YHU%HHS from the RF screen to display the Tx Over Beep screen.Select either Disabled or Enabled.Transmit TimeoutWhen this feature is enabled, the Transceiver will stop transmitting if the PTT button is held on for more than the allowed time limit. For example, if the microphone is inadvertently jammed under a seat. Releasing the PTT button will re-enable transmission.Tap   Transmit Timeout from the RF screen to display the Transmit Time-out screen.Set the maximum transmit time to either one, two, or three minutes. Alternatively, this transmit timeout can be disabled.
94BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNoise BlankerThis setting allows the predictive noise blanker to be switched on or off. The noise blanker is useful to reduce the interference caused within vehicles with petrol engines.Note: The noise blanker will not be effective in situations where for example, exter-nal power line noise is blanketing the receiver.Tap   1RLVH%ODQNHU from the RF screen to display the Noise Blanker screen. Select either: Off or On.Note: In certain situations noise blank-ers can cause intermodulation in re-ceivers. In these cases the noise blanker should be disabled.The noise blanker can also be con-trolled from the Swipe menu (see page 138).Tx Power LevelThis section sets the RF power output of the Transceiver. Tap   7[3RZHU/HYHO from the RF screen to display the Tx Power Level screen. Select either: 10 W, 30 W, 125 W, or 150 W.
95BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAGC Hang7KLVVHFWLRQDOORZVWKH$*&FRQÀJXUDWLRQRIWKHUHFHLYHUWREHVHWWRHLWKHUHang AGC or Hang Off. The selection depends on the receiver environment and should be set for optimum receiver performance. In the presence of high static and sporadic noise, the function of the hang AGC may result in gaps in the received signal due to the slow AGC recovery.Tap   AGC Hang from the RF screen to display the AGC Hang screen. Select either: Hang Off or Hang AGC.Broadcast FilterTap   %URDGFDVW)LOWHU from the RF screen to display the Broadcast Filter screen. With the Broadcast Filter enabled, strong broadcast signals below 0+]ZLOOEHÀOWHUHGRXWSelect either: Disabled or Enabled.PreselectorTap   3UHVHOHFWRU from the RF screen to display the Preselector screen. Select either: None or Sunair F9800.The Preselector can be used for selectable gain and automatic RF overload protection.
96BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIOTap   IO from the Settings screen to display the IO screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. Note: Antenna 2 Type is only available if connected to a Break out Box (BoB).A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Each item is described below.RS232 OutThis setting enables or disables RS-232 Selcall information output from the Transceiver via the 25 pin auxiliary connector.Tap   RS232 Out from the IO screen to display the RS232 Out screen. Select either: Disabled or Enabled.Note: This command does not allow RS-232 control of the Transceiver as enabled when the RS-232 option is ÀWWHG,WLVXVHGWRFRQWUROWKHRXWSXWRISelcall information used by some exter-nal programs such as vehicle tracking.
97BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALRS232 Baud RateThis menu option allows the selection of the RS232 Baud rate.The higher the baud rate, the faster data is sent / received. However, 9600 should be selected for compatible devices.Tap   RS232 Baud Rate from the IO screen to display the RS232 Baud Rate screen. Select either: 9600 or 115200.EXT Alarm TypeThis setting sets the action of the external alarm output when a Selcall is received by the Transceiver. It can be set to either a pulse output (for use with a horn) where the output is activated 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off; or a con-stant output (for use with a rotating beacon). Both are reset by pressing   or the PTT button.Tap   Ext Alarm Type from the IO screen to display the Ext Alarm Type screen. Select either: Pulsed or Latched.
98BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAntenna 1 TypeThis menu sets the antenna type or OLQHDUDPSOLÀHUXVHGZLWKWKH7UDQV-ceiver.Tap   Antenna 1 Type from the IO screen to display the Antenna 1 Type screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Select an antenna type from the following: Antenna Type Select when . . . Base Station Base station antennas such as the Barrett 2012 series are used. No tuning signals are emitted on channel change. This selection should also be used when operating with a Barrett 2014 manu-al tapped whip.910 Mobile Ant Using a Barrett 910 automatic tuning mobile antenna911 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 911 automatic tuner2019 Mobile Ant Using a Barrett 2019 automatic tuning mobile HF antenna2018 Loop Ant Using the 2018 Mobile magnetic loop HF antenna4075 Linear 8VLQJWKH7UDQVFHLYHUZLWKD%DUUHWWVHULHVOLQHDUDPSOLÀHU4075 Linear with ATU8VLQJWKH7UDQVFHLYHUZLWKD%DUUHWWVHULHVOLQHDUDPSOLÀHUwith ATU. 4011 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 4011 automatic tuner4017 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 4017 automatic tuner
99BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAntenna 2 TypeThis option is only available if connected to a Break out Box (BoB). Note: 4075 Linear and 4075 Linear with ATU is not available for Antenna 2 Type.This menu sets the antenna type which may be used with the Trans-ceiver when connected to a BoB.Tap   Antenna 2 Type from the IO screen to display the Antenna 2 Type screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Select an antenna type from the following:Antenna Type Select when . . . Base Station Base station antennas such as the Barrett 2012 series are used. No tuning signals are emitted on channel change. This selection should also be used when operating with a Barrett 2014 manu-al tapped whip.910 Mobile Ant Using a Barrett 910 automatic tuning mobile antenna911 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 911 automatic tuner2019 Mobile Ant Using a Barrett 2019 automatic tuning mobile HF antenna2018 Loop Ant Using the 2018 Mobile magnetic loop HF antenna4011 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 4011 automatic tuner4017 Auto Tuner Using a Barrett 4017 automatic tuner
100BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALALE7KH%DUUHWW$XWRPDWLF/LQN(VWDEOLVKPHQW$/(FRQWUROOHURSWLRQVLPSOLÀHVWKHoperation of HF networks by automating many of the procedures necessary to establish and maintain an HF link.The ALE controller option provides complete inter-operability as required by FED-STD-1045 and U.S. MIL-STD-188-141C standards.HF network stations equipped with ALE controllers automatically scan a  pre-selected set of channels, listening for ALE calls.If sounding is selected, stations will send out sounding calls to other stations at periodic intervals. These signals are analysed for link quality and stored in the sounded stations. All stations gradually build up a table of parameters which GHWHUPLQHWKHEHVWFKDQQHOVWRXVHWROLQNEHWZHHQVSHFLÀFVWDWLRQV7KHVHtables are used by the ALE controller to determine the best channel to connect on when commanded by its Operator to communicate with another station.The ALE controller’s memory stores up to 8,000 sets of LQA information, 100 FKDQQHOFRQÀJXUDWLRQVDQGDFRPELQDWLRQRIDGGUHVVFRQÀJXUDWLRQV(self-address and other address). Plus, it has the ability to save unknown station information in an Auto Fill queue. This allows new stations to join the ALE network without having to manually re-program the network settings of HDFK7UDQVFHLYHULQWKHQHWZRUN7KHUHDUHVORWVDYDLODEOHIRU$/($XWRÀOOaddresses.ALE Set-up OverviewThe ALE network parameters are determined by a network supervisor. The net-work supervisor programs all the Transceivers in the network with the required addressing and channel information using the Barrett 4050 HF SDR Program-PLQJ6RIWZDUH31%&$SULRUWRÀHOGXVDJHThe Barrett 4050 HF SDR Programming software (P/N BCA40001) is used to transfer pre-determined network information to each Transceiver. As ALE’s prime purpose is to automate many of the procedures necessary to establish and maintain an HF link, it is only necessary for the Operator to enter the desired station to call and activate the ALE call sequence as described in this section.Various operational parameters can be changed within the protected menu ALE section as required by the Operator. The ALE Settings section on page 101 describes these functions.
101BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCombined ALE / Selective Call - OverviewThe combined ALE / Selective Call capability allows the user to receive and transmit ALE and Selcall type calls on channels which are programmed for ALE scan but also have Selcall enabled on them. This means that during ALE channel scanning, the Transceiver can accept incoming Selcalls. However, this feature can only be used if the ALE scan rate is set to 2 channels per second (set in the Barrett 4050 HF SDR Programming Software (P/N BCA40001)).ALE State Settings for 2GTap   ALE from the Settings screen to display the ALE Settings screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Note: The list shown opposite is for an ALE state of 2G mode only. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item is described below.
102BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNote: The ALE Settings screen for an ALE State of 3G mode (shown oppo-site) differs from 2G mode.The list of items for 2G mode is de-scribed below.The list of items for 3G mode is shown on page 107.ALE StateTap   ALE State from the ALE Set-tings screen to display the ALE State screen. Select either: Disabled, ALE 2G, or ALE 3G.Depending on your choice, the list of items will change in the ALE Settings screen.Preset MapTap   Preset Map from the ALE Set-tings screen to display the ALE Preset Maps screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Tap an ALE Preset Map from the displayed list.
103BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALResponse ControlTo allow the ALE system to respond to any incoming ALE calls (including auto-matic soundings), ensure the Response Control is set to Enabled.Tap   Response Control from the ALE Settings screen to display the Response Control screen. Select either: Off, Enable (Global), or Preset.Sounding ControlALE operates normally both transmitting and receiving sounds when Sounding Control is set to Enable. In some circumstances, it is desirable not to transmit soundings. In this case, Sounding Control is set to Disable. Sounding is limited WRFHUWDLQFKDQQHOVSUHSURJUDPPHGE\WKH$/(ÀOOSURJUDP7KH$/(V\VWHPwill continue to make and respond to calls (depending on the Response Control settings).Tap   Sounding Control from the ALE Settings screen to display the Sounding Control screen. Select either: Off, Enable (Global), or Preset.
104BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSounding Address&RQÀJXUHVWKHVHOIDGGUHVVXVHGGXULQJDQDXWRPDWLFVRXQGLQJ6RXQGLQJControl must be set to Global Sounding On). If the sounding control is set to an individual preset, the address used is dependent on the active channel.Tap   Sounding Address from the ALE Settings screen to display the ALE Call Self ID screen. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Tap an ALE Call Self ID from the dis-played list.LQA ExchangeThis option enables or disables the exchange of LQA information with other stations.Tap   /4$([FKDQJH from the ALE Settings screen to display the LQA Exchange screen. Select either: Disabled or Enabled.
105BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALLQA AveragingThis option sets the method used to update an existing link quality value stored in ALE processor memory when the new link quality value is worse than the stored value.The option can be set to either replace the old values with the new values or replace the old values with different weighted averages of the old values and new readings.Averaging reduces the effect that one bad reading might otherwise have on a perfect channel. If a new reading is better than an old value, the old value is replaced by the reading. There are four different averaging formulas available:Tap   /4$$YHUDJLQJ from the ALE Settings screen to display the LQA Averaging screen. Select either:  No Averaging,  (old + new)/2,  ((3*old)+new)/4, or  ((7*old)+new)/8.LQA Decay Rate7KLVRSWLRQVHWVWKHDUWLÀFLDOGHFD\UDWHIRUWKHOLQNTXDOLW\LQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLVstored in the link quality table within the ALE processor.Switching the sounding off and setting a decay rate of two hours would result in the recording of a perfect channel (100% channel quality) decaying to an unusable channel (0% channel quality) over a period of two hours.Tap   /4$'HFD\5DWH from the ALE Settings screen to display the LQA Decay Rate screen. Select either: Disabled, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, or 48 hours.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .
106BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALThreshold TestUsed to select which type of threshold test is used to determine what quality ALE channel is acceptable for communication.Tap   Threshold Test from the ALE Settings screen to display the Thresh-old Test screen. Select either: None, BER, SINAD, or Both.SINAD ThresholdThis option sets the SINAD threshold (in dB) at which an ALE channel is considered usable.Tap   6,1$'7KUHVKROG from the ALE Settings screen to display the SINAD Threshold screen. Type a value between 0 and 30 dB, then tap Enter.
107BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBER ThresholdThis option selects the BER threshold at which an ALE channel is considered usable. If the required BER is not reached in the reply from the remote station, the link establishment process is rejected. Depending on the retry setting, the link establishment would continue on another link.Tap   BER Threshold from the ALE Settings screen to display the BER Threshold screen. Type a value between 0 and 30 dB, then tap Enter. Selecting 30 effectively means that all links are allowed.ALE State Settings for 3GSelecting ALE State 3G Mode displays a different menu shown opposite.These menu items are described below.
108BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALVoice Link TimeoutThis option is only available if the ALE State is set to 3G.Tap   9RLFH/LQN7LPHRXW from the ALE Settings screen to display the ALE 3G Voice Link Timeout screen.Type the number of seconds and tap Enter to save and return to the ALE Settings screen. Data Link TimeoutThis option is only available if the ALE State is set to 3G.Tap   'DWD/LQN7LPHRXW from the ALE Settings screen to display the ALE 3G Data Link Timeout screen.Type the number of seconds and tap Enter to save and return to the ALE Settings screen.  LQA AveragingThis option sets the method used to update an existing link quality value stored in ALE processor memory when the new link quality value is worse than the stored value.The option can be set to either replace the old values with the new values or replace the old values with different weighted averages of the old values and new readings.Averaging reduces the effect that one bad reading might otherwise have on a perfect channel. If a new reading is better than an old value, the old value is replaced by the reading. There are four different averaging formulas available:
109BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   /4$$YHUDJLQJ from the ALE Settings screen to display the LQA Averaging screen. Select either:  No Averaging,  (old + new)/2,  ((3*old)+new)/4, or  ((7*old)+new)/8.LSU ModeLink Set Up is only available if the ALE State is set to 3G.Tap   /680RGH from the ALE Settings screen to display the LSU Mode screen.From the drop-down menu select either: • SynchronousSelect the LSU mode to Synchro-nous to set all the stations to be in synch. However, all Transceivers have to have GPS enabled so they can all scan at the same interval on the same channel. Calls only need a short duration to enable other Transceivers to hear at the same time. The advantages of synchronous include: shorter calls, shorter soundings, and reduced QHWZRUNWUDIÀF• Asynchronous.If there is no GPS signal, set the LSU mode to asynchronous. How-ever, longer calls are necessary to enable successful scans. GPS is not necessary and the network doesn’t have to be synchronised. Note that the linking will take longer.
110BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALALE 3G ChannelsThis option is only available if the ALE State is set to 3G.Tap   ALE3G Channels from the ALE Settings screen to display the ALE 3G Channel List screen.Tap the channel from the displayed list. ALE 3G AddressesThis option is only available if the ALE State is set to 3G.Tap   ALE3G Addresses from the ALE Settings screen to display the ALE 3G Address List screen.Tap the address from the displayed list. Save the ALE Settings$IWHUFRQÀJXULQJWKHDERYHLWHPVtap   to save the ALE Settings.$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.
111BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSystem InfoTap   System Info from the Settings screen to display the System Informa-tion screen.A list of items that may be viewed is displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.Each item is described below.System StatusTap   System Status from the System Information screen to display the System Information screen.
112BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALVersion InformationTap   9HUVLRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ from the System Information screen to display the Software Version Information screen.A list of items that may be viewed is displayed.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .
113BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTransceiver OptionsTap   7UDQVFHLYHU2SWLRQV from the System Information screen to display the SDR Option Information screen.A list of items that may be viewed is displayed.To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .Tap each option to toggle between enabling or disabling the options.Enter Option PINsTap   (QWHU2SWLRQ3,1V from the SDR Option Information screen to display the Option PIN screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the Option PIN ÀHOGTap   Enter to save and return to the SDR Option Information screen.
114BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4050 Serial NumberTap   6HULDO1XPEHUfrom the System Information screen to display the 4050 Serial Number screen. The 4050 serial number displays.Tap   Ok to close the 4050 Serial Num-ber screen and return to the System Information screen.Call HistoryThis function is also available by pressing  . Refer to page 47 for further information.Export7RH[SRUWWKHGHYLFH·VFRQÀJXUD-tion settings, insert a USB into the device’s USB socket. Use either the front USB socket using a mini USB or the USB socket located at the top of the device. Tap   Export from the Settings screen to display the Export screen.7DS([SRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQWRGLVSOD\WKH&RQÀJXUDWLRQ)LOH1DPHVFUHHQThe default name displays. Use the keyboard to type an alternative name RIWKHFRQÀJÀOHWRH[SRUWWRWKHUSB.1RWH7KHÀOHH[WHQVLRQVGUSDFNPXVWnot be changed.Tap    to save.
115BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.7KH([SRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQVFUHHQdisplays showing a progress bar con-ÀUPLQJWKHSURJUHVVRIWKHH[SRUWWhen prompted, tap 2. and remove the USB.DisplayTap   'LVSOD\ from the Settings screen to display the Display screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGis displayed. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item is described below.
116BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALLevel of Display BacklightAdjust the backlight level on the LCD display to one of three brightness levels.Tap   /HYHORIWKH'LVSOD\%DFNOLJKW from the Display screen to display the Level of the Display Backlight screen. Select either: Low, Medium, High or Very High.Backlight TimeoutSet the backlight timeout after the last key press.Tap   %DFNOLJKW7LPHRXW from the Display screen to display the Back-light Timeout screen. Select either: Short Timeout (1 min-ute), Long Timeout (3 minutes), or Always On.Note: The Transceiver’s power con-sumption is reduced when the back-light has a short timeout.Display Timeout BehaviourTap   'LVSOD\7LPHRXW%HKDYLRXU from the Display screen to display the Display Timeout Behaviour screen. Select either: Dim Display or Switch Off Display.
117BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTransmit Meter ModeThis will enable the display to either show or hide the transmit wattage.Tap   Transmit Meter Mode from the Display screen to display the Transmit Meter Mode screen. Select either: Chevrons or Watts.Receive Meter ModeThis will enable the display to show different units of value for the Re-ceive Mode’s signal strength.dBm measures the units in decibels, uV measures the units in microvolts, and S Meter measures the units in S (strength) values. For example, 1 (weakest) to 7 (strongest).Tap   5HFHLYH0HWHU0RGH from the Display screen to display the Receive Meter Mode screen. Select either: dBm, uV, or S Meter.Temperature UnitsThis will enable the SDR to show which temperature units to display.Tap   7HPSHUDWXUH8QLWV from the Display screen to display the Tem-perature Units screen. Select either: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
118BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNetworkTap   1HWZRUN from the Settings screen to display the Network Set-tings screen.The current status of the WiFi Opera-tion Mode is displayed to the rightTap   WiFi Operation Mode to change the status.WiFi Operation ModeTap   WiFi Operation Mode from the Network Settings screen to display the WiFi Operation Mode screen. Select either: Off, WiFi Client, or WiFi Access Point.$:L)LFOLHQWFRQQHFWVWRDVSHFLÀHGInternet IP address and port.A WiFi Access Point is a device that creates a wireless local area network, or WLAN, and projects a Wi-Fi signal to a designated area.WiFi ClientIf WiFi Client was selected from the WiFi Operation Mode screen, the following screen displays.
119BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   WiFi from the Network Settings screen to display the WiFi Network Selection screen. Tap   5HVFDQ:L)L if necessary to display more WiFi networks.Select a WiFi network to connect to from the list.You may be prompted for a password in order to connect to your chosen network.Tap the 3DVVSKUDVHÀHOG from the WiFi Network Setup screen to display the WiFi Passphrase screen. Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the WiFi Pass-SKUDVHÀHOGTap    to save and return to the WiFi Network Setup screen.WiFi Passphrase (10/255)The password entered in the Pass-SKUDVHÀHOGLVQRZGLVSOD\HGDVasterisks.Tap   &RQQHFWWR%&*XHVW.
120BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL$PHVVDJHGLVSOD\VFRQÀUPLQJWKDWyour selected network is connecting.A further message displays con-ÀUPLQJWKH:L)LFRQQHFWLRQHLWKHUsuccessful or failed.WiFi Access Point ModeIf :L)L$FFHVV3RLQW was select-ed from the WiFi Operation Mode screen, the following screen displays.WiFI Access Point SetupTap   :L)L$FFHVV3RLQW from the Net-work Settings screen to display the WiFi Access Point screen.
121BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL66,'Tap   66,'6HUYLFH6HW,GHQWLÀHUfrom the WiFi Access Point screen to display the WiFi Access Point SSID screen. The numbers in the parenthe-sis indicate how many characters you have used / total number of charac-ters allowed.Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the WiFi Access 3RLQW66,'ÀHOGTap    to save and return to the WiFi Access Point screen.PasswordTap   Password from the WiFi Access Point screen to display the WiFi Ac-cess Point Password screen.Tap the appropriate characters from the keyboard into the WiFi Access 3RLQW3DVVZRUGÀHOGTap    to save and return to the WiFi Access Point screen.$FFHVV3RLQW&KDQQHOTap   $FFHVV3RLQW&KDQQHO from the WiFi Access Point screen to display the Access Point Channel screen.Select from channel 0 to 13. Channel 0 is for automatic assignment.
122BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCountryTap   Country from the WiFi Access Point screen to display the Country screen.Select the appropriate country.WPS Push ButtonTap   WPS Push Button (WiFi Pro-tected Setup) from the WiFi Access Point Mode screen to display the WPS Connection screen.This option will initiate the WiFi pro-tection setup.
123BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBoBThe Break out Box (BoB) icon only displays if the 4050 HF SDR Transceiver is connected to a BoB.The BoB is designed to connect two antennas or two ATUs to the 4050 HF SDR Transceiver. Refer to the Break out Box Installation Manual (P/N BCM400500) for further information.This menu setting option is only avail-able if the Transceiver is connected to a Break out Box (BoB) Tap   BoB from the Settings screen to display the BoB screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGdisplays. A brief description of each of the items is described beneath the items.Each item is described below.BoB NameTap   %R%1DPH from the BoB screen to display the BoB Name screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the name of the BoB, then tap   to save.
124BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNetwork SettingsTap   1HWZRUN6HWWLQJV from the BoB screen to display the BoB Network Settings screen.$OLVWRILWHPVWKDWPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGdisplays. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press  .A brief description of each of the LWHPVZKLFKPD\EHFRQÀJXUHGLVdescribed beneath the items.The current status of each of the items is displayed to the right.Each item on the list is described below.DHCP'\QDPLF+RVW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ3URWRFRO'+&3LVDFOLHQWVHUYHUSURWRFROWKDWautomatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and RWKHUUHODWHGFRQÀJXUDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQVXFKDVWKHVXEQHWPDVNDQGGHIDXOWgateway.The DHCP is controlled by a DHCP server that dynamically distributes network FRQÀJXUDWLRQSDUDPHWHUVVXFKDV,3DGGUHVVHVIRULQWHUIDFHVDQGVHUYLFHVTap   '+&3 from the BoB Network Settings screen to display the DHCP screen.Select Off to enter the network set-tings manually, or On to automatical-O\REWDLQWKHQHWZRUNFRQÀJXUDWLRQsettings.7KHPDQXDOQHWZRUNFRQÀJXUDWLRQsettings are described below.
125BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIP AddressTap   IP Address from the BoB Net-work Settings screen to display the IP Address screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the IP Address, then tap yp to save.Network MaskTap   1HWZRUN0DVN from the BoB Network Settings screen to display the Network Mask screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the Network Mask, then tap   to save.Default GatewayTap   'HIDXOW*DWHZD\ from the BoB Network Settings screen to display the Default Gateway screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the Default Gateway, then tap   to save.
126BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPrimary DNSTap   3ULPDU\'16 from the BoB Net-work Settings screen to display the Primary DNS screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the Primary DNS, then tap ppp to save.Secondary DNSTap   6HFRQGDU\'16 from the BoB Network Settings screen to display the Secondary DNS screen.The numbers in the parenthesis indi-cate how many characters you have used / total number of characters allowed.Use the keyboard to type or edit the Secondary DNS, then tap   to save.
127BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNetwork StatusTap   1HWZRUN6WDWXV from the BoB screen to display the BoB Network Status screen.A list of items display. To reveal more items, either swipe down on the touch screen or press  .The current setting of each of the items is displayed to the right.Import / UpdateTo update the Transceiver, insert a thumb drive containing the update ÀOHVLQWRWKH86%VRFNHWRQWRSRIthe front panel.Tap   ,PSRUW8SGDWH from the Settings screen to display the Choose Action screen.6HOHFWHLWKHU,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQRUProgram Firmware.These options are described below.
128BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ7RXSGDWHWKHFRQÀJXUDWLRQWDS,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ from the Choose Action screen described above.The Choose a File screen displays.6HOHFWWKHUHTXLUHGÀOHWRLPSRUW$FRQÀUPDWLRQPHVVDJHGLVSOD\VDVNLQJLIWKHVHOHFWHGFRQÀJÀOHLVWRbe imported.Tap   YesWRGLVSOD\WKH,PSRUW&RQÀJ-uration screen. A progress bar indicates the progress of the import. 7KH8SORDGLQJ&RQÀJXUDWLRQVFUHHQdisplays showing the progress and completion of the upload.
129BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALProgram Firmware7RXSGDWHWKHÀUPZDUHWDSPro-gram Firmware from the Choose Action screen described above.The Choose a File screen displays.6HOHFWWKHUHTXLUHGÀOHWRLPSRUWTap   YesWRFRQÀUPWKHÀOHLPSRUWThe Firmware Update screen displays showing the progress of the process.Tap the checkbox to automatically reboot after a successful update.Tap   Abort to stop the process.
130BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL'XULQJWKHSURFHVVWKHFXUUHQWÀUP-ware will be erased.Warning: During this stage, do not power off.7KHÀQDOSURFHVVLQGLFDWHVWKDWWKHQHZÀUPZDUHZLOOEHSURJUDPPHGWarning: During this stage, do not power off.The Transceiver will automatically reboot after the update has been successful.ChannelsTap   Channels from the Home screen to display the Select Channel screen.A list of channels along with a brief description of the channel’s attri-butes is displayed. For the highlighted example shown opposite, the Channel number 0002 has a channel label BARRETT; a frequency of 5940 kHz; USB mode; 125 W transmit power; and an Inter-national Selective Call mode.To reveal more channels, either swipe down on the touch screen or press .To add a channel, see page 61.
131BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelecting a ChannelTap   Channels from the Home screen to display the Select Channel screen.Select the desired channel.The selected channel now displays on the Home screen.The example shows the Channel number 0002 has a channel label BARRETT; a frequency of 5940 kHz; USB mode; 125 W transmit power; and an International Selective Call mode. It also shows that the channel has -120 dBm and is receiving.Search For a ChannelTap    from the Select Channel screen to display the Channel Num-ber screen. Tap the appropriate digits for the search, then tap Enter.
132BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALHopThis option requires an Export Permit.The Transceiver employs a unique frequency hopping system that uses an external ESU  (Encryption Synchronisation Unit).Note: The external ESU must be connected  and providing valid data for the frequency  hopping system to operate.Selecting the Hop BandSelect a channel which is used for normal / clear transmission based on normal procedures used when using an HF system. This channel frequency and mode is used by the Transceiver to determine the hop band.Note: The reference frequency is NOT a centre frequency for the hop band. It simply determines which of the preset hop bands are selected.Entering the Security CodeFor hopping PIN code entry, refer to SDR Options and Option PINs on page 113. The security PIN code is based on the information below. Security Codes and BandwidthsSecurity codes 00000000 to 19999999 are used for hopping ± 2 kHzSecurity codes 20000000 to 49999999 are used for hopping ± 16 kHzSecurity codes 50000000 to 99999999 are used for hopping ± 128 kHzHopping up to ± 2 kHz is useful for narrow band antennas such as when using antenna tuners in manpack operation.Hopping up to ± 128 kHz can be used with wideband antennas such as base station broadband antennas.Once entered, the security code for security reasons can never be retrieved or viewed.
133BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTo Enable Hopping ModeTap   Hop from the Home screen to begin the hopping sequence.As soon as the display indicates “Hopping Mode“, communicating with other stations using the same channel frequency and the same hop-ping code, may commence.To Disable Hopping ModeEither tap Hop or press   to dis-able hopping mode.The display indicates “Hopping Can-celled“.
134BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTuneWhen tuning, the Transceiver will transmit, at the power level selected, a carrier on the channel selected, at 1.6 kHz above the Suppressed Carrier Frequency (SCF) (displayed frequency) of that channel.Tap and hold Tune from the Home screen for three seconds to begin the automated tuning sequence.The keypad will illuminate red whilst the Transceiver is tuning.When the tune process is completed the display will show “Tune Ok“, or “Tune Failed” in the top left-hand corner.The 96:5EULHÁ\GLVSOD\VEHORZWKHIUHTXHQF\LQGLFDWLQJWKHHIÀFLHQF\of the selected antenna.ModeTap   Mode from the Home screen to cycle through USB, LSB, FSK, CW or AM for the current channelThe current mode is displayed in the lower left hand corner (green background). The example shows the Transceiver in USB mode.Note: The mode icon will only tem-porarily set the mode for a selected channel, the mode reverting to that channel’s programmed default mode after the channel is changed, or the Transceiver is turned off.For further information on setting up modes for channels, see page 63. 1RWH,IWKH,)ÀOWHURSWLRQLVSK\VLFDOO\ÀWWHGDQGHQDEOHGLQVRIWZDUHWKHÀO-ter will automatically be selected when either CW and AFSK mode are selected.
135BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNRThis option allows the DSP noise reduction depth to be adjusted to suit the Operator’s comfort requirements.Tap   15 from the Home screen to cycle through the options: Off, Low, Medium, or High.The example shows an NR set to High.After two seconds, the NR indica-tor is hidden and is replaced by the channel label.When the noise reduction system is active (low, medium or high) the NR icon displays an indication of the setting.   NR    OffNR LowNR Medium     NR     HighScanScanning allows the Transceiver to monitor several channels for incoming calls. It is particularly useful as the nature of HF signal propagation means that not all channels are available for communications at one time. For example, a station calling a station that is in scanning mode can send a Beacon Call on any channel knowing the station it is calling is monitoring all its available channels. A response from the scanning station will only occur on channels that are open for communication.Stations in scan can also monitor channels for voice activity or signals received that has a signal strength over a preset level.The Transceiver will stop scanning for the following reasons:•  Signal Strength Level (SSL) mute is selected and a signal with a level greater than the pre-set threshold is received.•  Audio (syllabic) mute is selected and a voice signal is detected.
136BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   6FDQ from the Home screen to initiate scanning the channels.Whilst scanning The Rx icon changes colour from green to orange, several options on the screen are hidden (Menu, Channels, Hop, Tune, and Mode), the Scan icon is animated, and the keypad’s directional keys are disabled.To stop scanning, press  .See page 72 for setting the attri-butes for scanning.Selcall ScanWhen a Selcall signal is detected, and the channel has Selcall enabled, no mat-ter which mute type is selected the Transceiver will stop scanning and decode the Selcall. The Transceiver will only stop scanning when a Selcall is detected.Signal Strength Scan (SSL Scan)If the signal strength mute (squelch) is active and a signal with a level greater than the pre-set threshold is received, the scan will halt. Scan will remain halted while the signal level stays above the preset threshold. Once the signal decreases below the pre-set threshold level, for a period greater than the scan dwell period, scanning will resume.See page 77 for information on the SSL pre-set threshold and page 73 for information on the scan dwell period.Voice (Syllabic) ScanIf the audio mute (squelch) is active and is opened, scanning will halt. Scanning will remain halted while the audio mute is open. Once the mute closes for a period greater than the scan dwell period, scanning will resume.
137BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMuteTap   Mute from the Home screen to scroll through the options: Audio Mute Select Audio (syllabic) Mute (squelch) to enable the receiv-er audio when speech is detected on the selected channel. Note: The syllabic mute sensitivity can be set to three levels. See page 77.SSL Mute Select Signal Strength Level (SSL) Mute (squelch) to enable the receiver audio when the received signal strength ex-ceeds the nominated threshold level. Note: The signal strength mute level can be set to three levels. See page 77.Selcall Mute Select Selcall Mute (squelch) to enable the receiver audio after a Selcall sent to the unit has been received and de-coded successfully.Mute DisabledThe example opposite shows SSL Mute.After three seconds, the Mute indi-cator is hidden and replaced by the channel label.A further indication of the mute status is shown in the lower right hand corner of the Mute icon. A red circle with a diagonal line indicates that one of the mute’s status is acti-vated. The absence of the red circle indicates that mute is disabled.Audio  MuteSSL MuteSelcall Mute   Mute  DisabledSee page 77 for setting the attributes for Mute.
138BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSwipe MenuFrom the Home screen, swipe hori-zontally from left to right to display the following screen.This screen shows various statistical data for the Transceiver, and if GPS enabled, displays the GPS coordi-nates. From this screen various options may be set. Tap the following icons to en-able or disable the options described below.When enabled, these icons will illuminate green. If an option is not enabled, the icons will appear grey.1RLVH%ODQNHU Used to reduce interference from vehicles with petrol engines  (see page 94).TC2 ProgramIf a TC2 module is installed and TC2 Programming Mode is enabled, the icon will display TC2 Program. If TC2 Programming Mode is disabled, the icon will be blank. (See page 58.)Internal ModemIf a TC2 module is not installed, the TC2 Program icon will be replaced by the Internal Modem icon. This will toggle between two internal modems (2020 or 4026).2(06HFXUHEnables Voice Encryption (See page 56) 1RWH,IERWKWKH2(06HFXUHDQG'LJLWDO9RLFHRSWLRQVDUHÀWWHGwhen one is enabled, the other is automatically disabled.'LJLWDO9RLFHUsed to increase voice quality and reliable communications.When transmitting or receiving a call using digital voice, the recipi-ent’s Transceiver will automatically change to digital voice.7KHKRPHVFUHHQZLOODOVRFRQÀUPZKHQGLJLWDOYRLFHLVHQDEOHG
139BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALWireless ApplicationThe Barrett 4050 wireless application supports Windows PCs, iOS and Android devices for wireless voice and radio control.   Downloading the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head Setup AppFor Windows PCsWarning: It is essential to install the Bonjour app prior to installing the Barrett Con-trol Head Installer app.1.  Download the BonjourPSSetup.exe from: “”Follow the online instructions to install the Bonjour app.2.  Contact for instructions on downloading the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head Setup.exe
140BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFor iOS and Android DevicesThe Barrett SDR Control Head app may be downloaded from:•  The App Store (iOS devices), or •  The Google Play store (Android devices).Android devices can also download the app directly from the SDR Front 3DQHO7KLVLVSUHIHUDEOHDVWKHÀUPZDUHYHUVLRQRIWKH6'5LVJXDUDQWHHGto match the app version.Installing the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head Setup AppFor Windows PCsNote: Windows 7 is the minimum system requirement for running this app.3ULRUWRH[HFXWLQJWKH6HWXSÀOHcheck whether there is an existing installation of the app. This must be XQLQVWDOOHGÀUVWTo install the app, double-click the Barrett SDR Remote Control Head 6HWXSH[HÀOHDQGIROORZWKHRQOLQHinstructions. 7KHÀQDOLQVWDOODWLRQVFUHHQLVVKRZQopposite with a reminder to install the Bonjour app, (link provided).Select the 2SHQ%DUUHWW6'55H-mote Control Head checkbox and click Finish to display the Connect to SDR screen.Select the device to connect to and tap  .
141BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALThe Connecting screen displays and the Busy icon animates as it attempts to connect the wireless device to the SDR.After successfully connecting,  the animating icon disappears and WKHZLÀFRQQHFWLRQLFRQFKDQJHVfrom   to  .For iOS and Android DevicesiOS devices can install the app by following the default Apple process after downloading.Android devices installing the app from the SDR Front Panel need to follow these typical procedures.Check whether there is an existing installation of the app. This must be XQLQVWDOOHGÀUVWTo uninstall an application, go to Settings > ApplicationsSelect the existing installation.Barrett SDR Control Head AppWi-FiSettings MORESearch   Application ManagerBluetoothFlight modeData UsageMore Connection SettingsSmart ManagerApplications
142BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   8QLQVWDOO to remove the app.Barrett SDR Control Head App  Application ManagerUNINSTALL FORCE STOPStorageData UsagePermissions1RWLÀFDWLRQV55.92 MB of Internal storage used81.31 MB used since 30 SepCamera, Microphone, and StorageConnect the device to the SDR ensuring the OTG (On-The-Go) adapter is  connected to the device and not the TransceiverAfter the connection is established, the device’s File Manager displays.Select:  %DUUHWW6'5&RQWURO+HDGDSNBarrettSDRControlHead.apk+^USB storage 0000-0073USB storage...Recent FilesMy Files MORESearch View AsDevice storageDownload historyDocumentsImagesAudioVideosUSB storage 0000-0073
143BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALA warning message displays blocking the installation.Tap   Settings.Note: If the CPU architecture of the Android tablet is “x86” (Intel Inside), install  “BarrettSDRControlHead-x86.apk” instead of  “BarrettSDRControlHead.apk”.Barrett SDR Control Head AppInstall blockedFor security, your phone is set to block installation of apps obtained from unknown sources.CANCEL      SETTINGSSelect 8QNQRZQ6RXUFHV.Wi-FiSettings Search Lock screen and securityBluetoothFlight modeData UsageMore Connection SettingsSmart ManagerApplicationsSound1RWLÀFDWLRQVDo not disturbUnknown sourcesEncrypt deviceEncrypt SD cardFind My MobileInfo and app shortcuts1RWLÀFDWLRQVRQORFNVFUHHQScreen lock typeFingerprintsLock screenAllow installation of apps from Protect your device by encryptingNo SD card insertedLocate and control your device SecurityShow app shortcuts or the deviceShow contentSwipeA warning message displays.Tap   2..Unknown sourcesAllow this installation onlyCANCEL      OK¥Installing from unknown sources may be harmful to your device and personal data. By tapping OK, you agree that you are solely responsi-ble for any damage to your device or loss of data that may result from using these applications.
144BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTap   Install to install the app.Barrett SDR Control Head AppDo you want to install this application? It will get access to:CANCEL INSTALLtake pictures and videosrecord audiomodify or delete the contents of your SD card read the contents of your SD cardConnecting the Wireless Device to the SDRPreparing the SDRPrior to invoking the wireless app, HQVXUHWKHZLÀGRQJOHLVLQVHUWHGLQthe USB socket located on the top of the front panel of the SDR.Also, ensure the SDR’s network setting’s WiFi Operation mode is set to enable a connection between the SDR and the Wireless device.The example shows the WiFi Oper-ation mode set to WiFi Client and is connected to a WiFi network labelled SDR Access RD.For further information on WiFi Cli-ents, refer to the Network section on page 118.
145BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALInvoking the AppTo invoke the application, tap   from the wireless device’s App screen.A progress bar displays as the pro-gram loads, followed by a splash screen and then the Connect to SDR screen.Overtype the SDR IP address if neces-sary (the example shows then tap   to connect the wireless device to the SDR.The Busy icon animates as it attempts to connect the wireless device to the SDR.After successfully connecting,  the animating icon disappears and WKHZLÀFRQQHFWLRQLFRQFKDQJHVfrom   to  .
146BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALExploring the AppThe display and icons shown on the wireless device are the same as the front panel on the 4050 SDR, but includes an additional column of icons replicating the keypad operations of the 4050 SDR.Channel up / scroll upChannel down / scroll downClear / back one stepMake a callPress to talkThe functionality of the Wireless application and the 4050 SDR is essentially the same.Disconnecting the Wireless Device from the SDRFrom the Home screen, swipe hori-zontally from left to right to display the following screen.Tap   .$FRQÀUPDWLRQVFUHHQGLVSOD\VTap   Yes.
147BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALCooling FanThe cooling fan is an optional extra which may be added to the 4050 HF SDR.The cooling fan requires no user input as it is temperature controlled by soft-ware, automatically activating when necessary.Installing the Cooling FanAttach the cooling fan to the SDR by carefully aligning the connector pins located beneath the cooling fan with the socket on top of the SDR as shown below.Connector pinsFour screws (located in the four corners of the cooling fan) are used to secure the cooling fan to the SDR.To uninstall the cooling fan, simply reverse the installation procedure.
148BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALConnectorsNote: All connectors described below are viewed looking at the rear of the Trans-ceiver.Power ConnectorA3 A2 A1A1  12 V DC - 28 V DCA2 ReservedA3 GroundGPS ConnectorSignal LevelABCDEFA. 1PPSB. NMEA+C.  5 V GPSD. CW KeyE. GNDF. Reserved1 Pulse per secondNMEA Data positiveGP Voltage 5 VActive LowGround
149BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAux Control Head / BoB Connector1561011151. VCC2.  CAN Bus positive pin3. CH Audio+4. Not Connected5. Ground6. Ground7.  CAN Bus negative pin8. CH Audio-9. Not Connected10. Line Out11.  Linear amp ALC for Break out Box12. 13V8 Out13. Line In+14. Line In-15. 1PPSAuxiliary Connector1142513Pin Name Description of Function Level1 Ground Ground 0 V2 Rx Data RS-232 data input True RS-2323 Tx Data RS-232 data output True RS-2324 Reserved5 Reserved6 Reserved7 RS-232 Gnd RS-232 Ground 0 V8 ALC In Ext. ALC from Linear Amp 0-10 V
150BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPin Name Description of Function Level9 PTT In Auxiliary PTT input Active low 0 V10 Aux dig in 1 Scan stop input from exter-nal modemActive low 0 V11 Bal. Tx Audio In Balanced Tx audio input (with pin 24)G%PWR0 dBm12 Bal. Rx Audio Out Balanced Rx audio output (with pin 25)G%PWR+9 dBm13 Ground Ground 0 V14 Reserved15 Reserved16 Reserved17 Reserved18 Aux dig out 4 Selcall alarm Active low 0 V19 Aux dig out 5 Audio mute state Active low 0 V20 Reserved21 PTT / C-Mute PTT Out / Receiver Cross MuteActive low 0 V22 Reserved  23 +13.8 V Fused Out +13.8 V Output to power auxiliary equipment13.8 V @ 2 amp24 Bal. Tx Audio In Balanced Tx audio input (with pin 11)G%PWR0 dBm25 Bal. Rx Audio Out Balanced Rx audio output (with pin 12)G%PWR+9 dBmNote: Balanced Rx audio out on Pin 25 and Pin 12 can be un-muted or follow the DXGLRPXWHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHFRQÀJXUDWLRQLQWKHSURWHFWHGPHQX,2VHFWLRQ
151BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALATU ConnectorSignal Level  ABCDEFGA.  GND and shieldB.  RS-232 RX / GPS DataC. 1PPSD. ScanE. TunedF. ATU V+G. RS-232 TXGround and cable shieldReceive data line of RS-2321 Pulse per secondATU Scan lineATU Tuned signalATU Voltage 13V8Transmit data line of RS-232Microphone ConnectorLocated on the Front Panel.Signal Level101234586971. MicH2. MicL3. GND4. PTT5. CH UP6. CH DN7. Reserved8. Reserved9. SPKR+10. SPKR-Microphone audio highMicrophone audio lowGroundLow going PTTChannel upChannel downReservedReservedSpeaker microphone positiveSpeaker microphone negative
152BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALControl Head Rear Panel ConnectorPlug located on the rear of the Front Panel.5110615111. VCC2.  CAN Bus positive pin3. CH Audio+4. SPKR-5. Ground6. Ground7.  CAN Bus negative pin8. CH Audio-9. SPKR+10. Head Detect11. Not Connected12. Not Connected13. Not Connected14. Not Connected15. Not ConnectedCooling Fan ConnectorSocket located on the top of the SDR.123(Viewed from the rear of the SDR)1. Ground2.  + 12 V DC 3. Fan detect
153BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL6SHFLÀFDWLRQVGeneralStandards Designed to meet or exceed:FCC - Part 87 and Part 90CE#Australian/ New Zealand standard AS/NZS 4770:2000 and AS/NZS 4582:1999EMC and vibration standard IEC 945#MIL-STD 810G for shock , vibration, dust, temperature, altitude, humidity, and mould.#NTIA#JITC## Approval pendingTransmit  frequency range1.6 MHz to 30 MHzReceive frequency range250 kHz to 30 MHz Frequency stability ±0.5 ppm (±0.3 ppm optional)Frequency  resolution1 Hz tunable receiverOperating modes J3E (USB, LSB) - H3E (AM) - J2A (CW) - B2B (AFSK) soft-ZDUHGHÀQHGÀOWHUEDQGZLGWKFilter bandwidth )XOO\VRIWZDUHGHÀQHG)URP+]WR+]DQGbeyond. Optionally up to 16 kHzOperating  temperature-30°C to +70°C relative humidity 95% , non-condensingFrequency  hopping25 or 5 hops per second with External Synchronisa-WLRQ8QLW(68VXSSOLHGZKHQWKHRSWLRQLVÀWWHG7KHBarrett frequency hopping system requires no master station, all stations are synchronised and ready to com-municate on switch on, synchronisation is not effected by propagation or local interference and there is no late entry synchronisation delay.Supply voltage 12 V to 28 V DC operation
154BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSelcall system Based on CCIR 493-4, four and six digit systems. Protocol available for free distribution. Fully compatible with other major HF manufacturers’ four and six digit systems including encrypted systemsALE Standards 2G and 3G ALECurrent  consumption350 mA standby (muted)Channel capacity Up to 1000 programmable channels (depending on the 4050 variant (simplex or semi-duplex)Switching speed Less than 15 ms Tx to Rx, Rx to TxWeight NJORFDOFRQWUROFRQÀJXUDWLRQWidth 188 mmDepth PPORFDOFRQWUROFRQÀJXUDWLRQHeight 83 mmReceiverSensitivity -121 dBm (0.20 μV) Pre amp off for 10dB SINADSelectivity J3E -1 kHz and +4 kHz better than 70dB-2 kHz and +5 kHz better than 70dB-5 kHz and +8 kHz better than 70dBSelectivity J2B (optional)-500 Hz and +500 Hz better than 60 dB The level of an un-wanted signal above the level of a wanted signal that will reduce the SINAD of the wanted signal from 20 dB SINAD to 14 dB SINADBlocking -20 kHz and +20 kHz better than 71 dB. The level of an unwanted signal above the level of a wanted signal that will reduce the SINAD of the wanted signal from by 6 dB or cause and output level change of 3 dBIntermodulation Better than 89 dBμV - The level of two unwanted signals, that are within 30 kHz of the wanted signal, above the level of a wanted signal that reduces the SINAD of the wanted signal to 20 dBSpurious  response ratioBetter than 70 dB
155BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALReciprocal mixingBetter than 105 dBμVIn-band IMD Better than 34 dBAudio output 4 W into 4 ohm at less than 2% distortionAudio response Less than 6 dB variation from  350 Hz to 2700 HzTransmitterRF output power 150 W PEP Voice (with 24 V supply)125 W PEP Voice (with 13.8 V supply)Duty cycle 100% data with fan optionIntermodulation ProductsBetter than -31 dB below PEP  (25 dB below two tone peak)Audio frequency responseLess than 6 dB variation 350 Hz to 2700 HzCurrent  consumptionVoice average less than 9 amps typical Two tone less than 12 amps typicalStandby Max 0.5 A13.8 V DC - Max 21 A (full power 125 W)24 V DC - Max 15 A (full power 150 W)
156BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALInstallationThis section describes how to change the 4050 Transceiver from a desktop unit to a remote control (trunk mount) unit using the Mobile Pack P/N BCA40501.Mobile Pack (P/N BCA40501)The mobile pack contains the following components:Item Description Barrett P/NBarrett installation kit BCA400041Universal mounting cradle SA-450602Screws and capstans MW-45027
157BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALItem Description Barrett P/N3RAM mount PW-333344Six metre control head cable with DE-15 connectors SA-45100To install the mobile pack, complete the following steps:1.  Invert the SDR and use a  Posidrive #2 screwdriver to loosen (but not remove), the two front panel securing screws located immediately behind the front panel.2.  Gently pull the front panel from the SDR to remove it.3.  Fit the supplied capstans to the four holes as indicated.
158BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4.  Attach the universal mounting cradle   to the desired location using the À[LQJVSURYLGHG5.  Align the SDR’s capstans into the key holes on the universal mounting cra-dle and slide to secure it.6.  Attach the RAM mount  WRWKHGHVLUHGORFDWLRQDQGDIÀ[WKHIURQWpanel to it using the two screws provided.7.  Plug the six metre control head cable   into the socket located at the front of the SDR and secure using the strain relief screws.8.  Remove the two plug retaining screws   from their storage location as LQGLFDWHGDQGÀWVHFXUHO\LQSRVLWLRQDERYHDQGEHORZWKHFRQWUROKHDGconnector. CAUTION: Do not over tighten. 9.  Plug the other end of the six metre control head cable into the rear of the front panel   and secure using the strain relief screws. 10.  Plug the loudspeaker connector into the socket located at the rear of the front panel   as indicated below.1523467
159BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALSDRSDR Front Panel (Control Head)Universal mounting cradleRAM mountLoudspeakerSix metre control head cable with DE-15 connectors 'HWDLOVIRUÀWWLQJWKHWZRSOXJUHWDLQLQJVFUHZVLand Based SystemsThis section provides instructions for the installation of land based HF commu-nication equipment. Most of the installation work can be performed by non-technical personnel if they carefully follow the instructions given in this manual. However, it is rec-RPPHQGHGWKDWWKHFRPSOHWHGLQVWDOODWLRQEHFKHFNHGE\DVXLWDEO\TXDOLÀHGWHFKQLFLDQ,QVRPHHTXLSPHQWFRQÀJXUDWLRQVWHFKQLFDODGMXVWPHQWLVUHTXLUHGfor the equipment to operate correctly.1RWH6RPHHTXLSPHQWKDVVSHFLÀFLQVWUXFWLRQVVXSSOLHGZLWKLW7KRVHLQVWUXFWLRQVover-ride the general guidance of this manual, and must be followed in detail.8QSDFNLQJDQG,QVSHFWLRQWhen unpacking the Transceiver, check the contents against the packing note provided. Before discarding the carton, check that all accessories have been removed and are not mislaid in the packing material. Inspect the equipment for any transit damage. If damage has occurred, notify your supplier immediately. Failure to do this could affect the warranty covering the equipment.
160BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFixed Station Installations Site Selection Recommendations The success of every HF Radio system is primarily measured by its ability to UHFHLYHZHDNVLJQDOVDQGWRWUDQVPLW5)SRZHUHIÀFLHQWO\$QXPEHURILPSRU-tant factors need to be considered to achieve success. These include: frequency selection, time of day and ambient noise at the receiver site. Frequency and time of day are factors which can be used to calculate the maximum usable fre-quency (MUF) and lowest usable frequency (LUF), for a particular time of day, using prediction software freely available on the internet. A typical example of this is VOACAP, Site selection and system design go hand in hand and should be considered before any equipment is purchased. Forcing the radio system into an unsuita-ble site will undoubtedly result in disappointing if not unworkable performance of the system. Little can be done to improve an installed system if, for example, the ambient RF noise is unacceptably high.It is recommended that site evaluation be done before any system designs are ÀQDOLVHGWRDYRLGV\VWHPSHUIRUPDQFHGLVDSSRLQWPHQWThe following should be considered when choosing a position for the Trans-ceiver:Operating ConvenienceThe Transceiver should be placed so that the operator is com-fortable and any required facilities are easily accessible. Air Circulation 0RVW7UDQVFHLYHUVUHO\RQDLUÁRZDURXQGFRROLQJÀQVWRdissipate heat generated by the transmitter. The mounting SRVLWLRQPXVWDOORZIUHHDLUÁRZDURXQGWKHVHÀQVProximity of Transceiver to AntennaWhen using RG-58 coaxial cable from the Transceiver to the antenna, a cable length of no more than 30 metres is recom-mended. Should a run of more than 30 metres be required, it is recommended that a low loss coax such as RG-213 or RG-8 be used.It is recommended that the Transceiver chassis is connected to ground using the bolt on the rear panel to stop pick-up of unwanted noise from local power supplies and electrical equipment.
161BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALPower Supply When 12 V DC is supplied to the 4050 Transceiver, the PEP Voice output power will be restricted to 125 W. Conversely, when 24 V DC is supplied to the 4050 Transceiver, the PEP Voice output power will achieve 150 W. Power output regulation is done automatically based on the DC voltage pre-sented to the Transceiver DC input connector. The Barrett 4022 Power Supply is available in two versions, the BC402200 (12 V DC) and the BC402201 (24 V DC) version. Each power supply version is capable of operation with AC mains input voltage between 88 and 256 V AC.In base station installations where no mains supply is available, various Barrett VRODUSRZHUVXSSO\YHUVLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHV\VWHPFRQÀJXUD-tion requirement.1RWH6RPHLQVWDOODWLRQVXVHDQ$&EDWWHU\FKDUJHUWRÁRDWFKDUJHWKHVXSSO\EDWWHU\%DWWHU\FKDUJHUVFDQSURGXFHHOHFWULFDOQRLVHIURPWKHUHFWLÀHUGLRGHVThis noise causes a static type of interference in the receiver. It may be necessary, WKHUHIRUHWRVZLWFKRIIWKHEDWWHU\FKDUJHUZKLOVWWKH7UDQVFHLYHULVLQXVH,IÁRDWcharging of batteries is required for installations with unreliable AC power supply, it is recommended that a Barrett BC402200 or BC402201 be used as each pro-vides a three stage charge facility to maintain a battery without the noise problem described above. Voltage Drop The average current consumption of the Transceiver is low but during transmis-sion of voice peaks, high current is needed for short intervals. This means that the power supply cable must be heavy enough to supply these short duration current peaks without excessive voltage drop. Preferably, only use the power cable supplied with the Transceiver. If extra cable is required, use a cable with a conductor square area of no less than 8 mm2. Unwanted voltage drop will also occur if incorrect wiring techniques such as poor choice of connection points and incorrect use of terminal lugs are used.Protection Fuse The Transceiver is provided with adequate internal protection. However, the ÀWWLQJRIDQH[WHUQDOIXVHLVFRQVLGHUHGQHFHVVDU\QRWRQO\IRUSURWHFWLRQRIWKH7UDQVFHLYHULWVHOIEXWWRHQVXUHWKDWLQWKHHYHQWRIGDPDJHWRWKHFDEOHDÀUHrisk does not exist. The fuse used must be installed in the active wire as close as possible to the battery, and must be of a type which has a low voltage drop at the peak currents expected.
162BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNote: In-line 3AG glass fuses are not suitable. An ATC automotive blade type fuse rated at 25 A with a suitable high current ATC fuse holder rated at 30 A or more should be used. These type of fuses and holders are contained in our standard installation kit (Barrett P/N BCA40004) or are available individually (Barrett P/N BCA20021). Antenna The antenna is a most critical part of the complete radio installation. It must accept the output power from the transmitter, radiate that power with minimum loss and in the receive mode, accept weak signals for input to the receiver.Incorrect antenna installations will yield poor system performance and are often the cause of complaints of poor Transceiver performance.$UDQJHRIDQWHQQDVLVDYDLODEOHIURP%DUUHWWWRVXLWPRVWVPDOOÀ[HGVWDWLRQVDetailed instructions are included with each antenna.912 Single Wire Broadband Dipoles(Barrett P/N BC91201)Barrett 912 single wire broadband dipoles are ideal for base stations that require operation on multiple frequencies throughout the HF spectrum using a single antenna.7KHDQWHQQDFDQEHPRXQWHGHLWKHULQDKRUL]RQWDORULQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJX-UDWLRQDVLOOXVWUDWHGLQWKHIROORZLQJGLDJUDPV,QWKHKRUL]RQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQthe major radiation direction is broadside to the antenna. When mounted in WKHLQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHDQWHQQDEHFRPHVIDLUO\2PQLGLUHFWLRQDO,QWKHKRUL]RQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHPLQLPXPGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHPDVWVLV49 metres and the recommended mast height is 15 metres. In the inverted ‘V’ FRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHUHFRPPHQGHGPDVWKHLJKWLVPHWUHV
163BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAt this height, the two metre stub masts are each installed at a minimum of 19 metres from the mast base. In locations with limited space, the antenna can be mounted with the ends past the load resistors drooped down towards the ground. White nylon supports located just past the load resistors are provided WRDWWDFKKDO\DUGVIRUWKLVFRQÀJXUDWLRQ,QWKLVFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHPLQLPXPdistance between masts is reduced to 33 metres. Support towers may be either lattice masts as illustrated, tubular telomasts or other support structures that may be available locally. It is recommended that the halyards used to support the antenna be either UV stabilised Dacron cord or wire rope and that pulleys should be of stainless steel construction. ,QVWDOOWKHDQWHQQDDVLOOXVWUDWHGLQWKHGLDJUDPVLQWKHLQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJXUD-tion the eye on the top of the balun is used to attach the support halyard.
164BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAs with all antenna installations ensure the antenna is as far from sources of electrical interference as possible and in a position that makes it impossible for the antenna to come in contact with high voltage overhead mains wiring.
165BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL912 Multi wire Broadband Dipoles(Barrett P/N BC91200, BC91202 and BC91203)Barrett 912 broadband dipoles are ideal for base stations that require oper-ation on multiple frequencies throughout the HF spectrum using a single antenna.The Barrett 912 antenna can be mounted either in a horizontal or inverted ¶9·FRQÀJXUDWLRQDVLOOXVWUDWHGLQWKHIROORZLQJGLDJUDPV,QWKHKRUL]RQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHPDMRUUDGLDWLRQGLUHFWLRQLVEURDGVLGHWRWKHDQWHQQD:KHQPRXQWHGLQWKHLQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHDQWHQQDEHFRPHVIDLUO\RPQLGL-UHFWLRQDO,QWKHKRUL]RQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHPLQLPXPGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHmasts is 32 metres and the recommended mast height is 15 metres. In the LQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHUHFRPPHQGHGPDVWKHLJKWLVPHWUHVDQGat this height the 2 metre stub masts are each installed at a minimum of 19 PHWUHVIURPWKHPDVWEDVH,QWKLVFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHPDVWPXVWKDYHDQRIIVHWor out-rigger bracket, at least 0.8 metres long, to hold the antenna away from the mast. Support towers may be either lattice masts as illustrated, tubular telomasts or other support structures that may be available locally. It is recom-mended that the halyards used to support the antenna be either UV stabilised Dacron cord or wire rope and that pulleys should be of stainless steel construc-tion.
166BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL,QVWDOOWKHDQWHQQDDVLOOXVWUDWHGLQWKHGLDJUDPVLQWKHLQYHUWHG¶9·FRQÀJXUD-tion the eye on the top of the balun is used to attach the support halyard. In WKHKRUL]RQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQWKHEDOXQKDQJVEHORZWKHDQWHQQDAs with all antenna installations ensure the antenna is as far from sources of electrical interference as possible and in a position that makes it impossible for the antenna to come in contact with high voltage overhead mains wiring.
167BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL913 Series Helical Dipoles(Barrett P/N BC91301 to BC91305)913 series helical dipole antennas are compact and easily installed, having extremely narrow bandwidth characteristics and a performance approaching that of a wire dipole when used at frequencies over 4.5 MHz. The helical dipole DQWHQQDLVIHGE\DVLQJOHFRD[LDOIHHGHUDQGFDQDFFRPPRGDWHXSWRÀYHfrequencies. The 913 helical dipole requires a 50 mm diameter mounting pole. This pole VKRXOGEHORQJHQRXJKWRSODFHWKHKHOLFDOGLSROHDWOHDVWÀYHPHWUHVDERYHany obstruction. Alternatively, the helical dipole can be mounted on top of a mast or tower. Make sure that the site selected for the antenna is as far from any source of electrical interference as possible and that under no circum-stances can come in contact with high tension power lines.After mounting the helical dipole hub on the mounting pole, remove the front circular cover, pass the coaxial cable through the hole at the bottom of the hub. Screw the UHF connector into the balun. Now screw the helical dipole elements onto the hub. Each element has its frequency marked on the brass ferrule used to screw the element onto the hub. Assemble the helical dipole elements in the positions on the hub as indicated by the diagram enclosed in the hub. Failure to assemble the helical dipole as indicated in this diagram will cause tuning problems.
168BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALHub Detail+HOLFDOGLSROHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGWRVSHFLÀFIUHTXHQFLHVEXWPD\UHTXLUHÀQHtuning after installation. To enable this, the dipole elements have an adjustable OHQJWKWLSWRDOORZÀQHWXQLQJIRURSWLPXP96:5GXULQJLQVWDOODWLRQ,QVWDOOWKHDQWHQQDLQLWVÀQDOSRVLWLRQDQGFKHFNWKH96:5RQHDFKRIWKHIUHTXHQ-cies that the antenna was manufactured for. Should the VSWR be greater than 1.5:1 the antenna will require adjustment. If a tunable transmitter is available, determine on each frequency the helical dipole was manufactured for, at what frequency the best VSWR is obtained. If this occurs at a frequency below the required frequency then the tips will have to be shortened on the pair of ele-ments corresponding to that frequency. If the best VSWR occurs on a frequency higher than the required frequency then the tips will have to be lengthened. Adjust both ends by an equal amount and repeat the above sequence until an optimum VSWR is obtained. If a tunable transmitter is not available, use a method of trial and error to adjust the length of the tips, a little at a time, until an optimum VSWR is obtained. Remember always adjust each pair of elements by the same amount at each adjustment.
169BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL915 Wire Dipole(Barrett P/N BC91500)Single frequency wire dipole antennas, spot-tuned to the required operating IUHTXHQF\VDUHWKHPRVWHIÀFLHQWDQWHQQDVIRUXVHLQ+)EDVHVWDWLRQV7KH\are simple to install and have a relatively narrow bandwidth.Dipole antennas should be mounted at least ½ wavelength from the ground. Dipoles may be mounted either between two towers or in an inverted “V” FRQÀJXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRQO\RQHPDVW$VDJXLGHZKHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHPDVWVthe length between insulators of a half wave wire dipole is 142/(frequency of dipole in MHz) metres. To this an allowance should be made for extra insulators and halyards. For example, a 3.7 MHz dipole - length between the insulators = 142/3.7 =38.38 metres.:LUHGLSROHVVXSSOLHGE\%DUUHWWDUHSUHFXWWRDVSHFLÀHGIUHTXHQF\EXWKDYHDGMXVWDEOHHQGV7KHVHDGMXVWDEOHHQGVDOORZÀQHWXQLQJIRURSWLPXP96:5GXULQJLQVWDOODWLRQ7RÀQHWXQHDGLSROHLQVWDOOWKHDQWHQQDLQLWVÀQDOSRVL-tion and check the antenna VSWR. Should the VSWR be greater than 5:1 the antenna will require adjustment.
170BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIf a tunable transmitter is available, determine at what frequency the best VSWR is obtained. If this occurs at a frequency below the required frequency the dipole is too long, if it occurs on a frequency higher than the required frequency then the dipole is too short. Drop the dipole and adjust both ends by an equal amount and repeat the above sequence until an optimum VSWR is obtained. If a tunable transmitter is not available, use a method of trial and error shortening or lengthening the dipole ends, a little at a time, until opti-mum VSWR is obtained. Remember to always adjust each end by the same amount as the other every time.
171BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4017 Automatic Tuning Horizontal Dipole AntennaThe Barrett 4017 Automatic tuning horizontal dipole is designed for base station applications where space is at a premium but high performance is still required.Mounting on a standard 50 mm pole, the Barrett Automatic tuning horizon-tal dipole can be mounted as close as 6 metres from the ground making it extremely easy to install. With a packed length of only 2.1 metres the antenna can be easily transported by air.The tuner has a memory system that stores tuning information for each chan-nel after an initial tune sequence with unlimited capacity.$VVHPEO\À[WXUHVDUHVXSSOLHGWRDVVLVWLQPRXQWLQJWKHDQWHQQDWRDQH[LVWLQJmast, tower or pole. Alternatively, a range of suitable masts can be supplied with the antenna.The Barrett 4017 is supplied standard with a 30 metre composite control, RF cable and connectors to interface with Barrett 2050 transceivers.
172BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 4017 Automatic Tun-ing Horizontal Dipole Antenna+_+12 V DC21945103786Barrett 4017 Automatic Tuning Horizontal Dipole AntennaHorizontal Dipoles and Mounting AssemblyMicrophone6 metre power cable supplied with TransceiverFuse in-line with spare
173BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4050 TransceiverExtension speaker supplied with Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)Auxiliary connectorCoaxial / Control Cable (P/N 4017-01-01)911 Automatic Antenna Tuner for Base Station Installations Antenna9DULRXVDQWHQQDFRQÀJXUDWLRQVVXFKDVYHUWLFDOZKLSVORQJZLUHVDQGORRSVcan be used for base station installations, using the Barrett 911 automatic antenna tuner. However, the following points should be considered:The antenna should be mounted as far away as possible from buildings, trees, vegetation and sources of electrical interference. If metallic masts or supports are used, arrange insulators to ensure the antenna is spaced at least two metres from the mast. Remember the radiating part of the antenna starts at the tuner. The location of the bottom portion of the antenna is very important.Horizontal wire antennas have maximum radiation broadside to the antenna when the frequency is less than ¼ wavelength. Radiation is at a minimum at the end points of the antenna. Inverted “V” installation of horizontal antennas minimises the directivity and is recommended for omni-directional coverage.High voltages are present on the antenna system. The antenna tuner and antenna should be located or protected so that there is no possibility of acci-dental contact.Transceiver and Tuner MountingThe Transceiver should be mounted in a suitable position allowing easy operator access. The antenna tuner should be mounted, preferably out of the weather, and as close to the ground (earth) point as possible. The interconnect cable supplied with the antenna tuner should be routed, away from other cables, back to the Transceiver and connected as indicated in the diagram. The maximum interconnect cable should be less than 25 metres.
174BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALGround (Earth) SystemThe ground (earth) system is a key part of the overall antenna system and con-sequently the system operation. An inadequate ground system is the primary cause of poor performance and tuning problems. There is little point in install-ing the antenna unless a good ground system can be provided. In areas of good ground conductivity (i.e. ground always damp), an effective ground can be made through a grounding rod. This should be approximately three metres in length and should be installed as close to the tuner as possible. Several rods bonded together will improve the ground contact. In some cases metal water pipes may be used as a ground providing:• The water pipe is close to the tuner and the water pipe enters the groundclose to the tuner.• There are no joints or couplings in the pipe that will increase the resist-ance  path to ground.• The water pipe enters soil with good conductivity.• A low resistance joint is made with the water pipe.)UHTXHQWO\WKHJURXQGFRQGXFWLYLW\ZLOOQRWEHVXIÀFLHQWWRSURYLGHDVDWLVIDF-tory ground for the Barrett 911 tuner. This will almost certainly be the case in well drained sandy soils or on rock. In these cases, a counterpoise must be used as a ground system. This will also be the case in rooftop installations where no H[LVWLQJJURXQGSODWHVXFKDVPHWDOURRÀQJH[LVWVThe number of radials required for an effective counterpoise depends on the soil quality, dampness and other factors which affect the conductivity of the soil. The more radials used, the better will be the performance of the antenna / ATU combination especially at lower frequencies. This manual suggests a minimum of 20 radials, but optimum performance at low frequencies is not guaranteed.The radials of the counterpoise need only be of much thinner cable i.e. 5.48mm2 (#1 #2 SWG) preferably copper wire. RG58 Coaxial cable may be used. At the base of the antenna, the radials all couple together at a common well bonded antenna ground point. The radials should be buried into the ground to a minimum of 200 mm depth.Note: To accomplish reliable ATU tunes at frequencies below 5 MHz, it is not uncommon, with poor conductive soil conditions, to require up to 120 radials each of up to 70 m length, requiring thousands of metres of cable and a lot of trenching.  This is impractical and is the reason we do NOT recommend Whip / ATU antenna for land based systems.
175BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALElectrical CheckoutAfter mechanical installation is complete, select the highest frequency to be used on the Transceiver. A directional watt-meter such as a Bird model 43 may be inserted in the coaxial transmission line between the Transceiver and the tuner, although the internal metering of the Barrett 4050 Transceiver is ade-quate. The tune mode on the Transceiver is then energised. Upon application of RF energy, the tuner should start to tune, indicated by the ‘clattering’ of the tuner relays. After a few seconds the relay noise will cease, the Transceiver should indicate a successful tune and the watt-meter, and front panel indica-WLRQRIWKHVKRXOGVKRZDORZYDOXHUHÁHFWHGSRZHUFRQVLVWHQWZLWKDVSWR of better than 2:1. Now select the lowest desired frequency on the Trans-ceiver and repeat the above procedure. The result should be the same, except that the tune cycle may take somewhat longer. If the above procedure does not give the results indicated, check that the antenna length and connections are correct and re-check all ground (earth) connections.Note: When received, the Barrett 911 automatic antenna tuner memory system will usually not have any pre-stored tuning information appropriate to your installation. To allow the 911 to ‘learn’ its tuning information, simply proceed from one channel to the next allowing the normal tune cycle to take place. Each successful tune is ‘memorised’ so that when that channel is re-selected the tuner will almost instanta-neously retune to that frequency.
176BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 911 Automatic $QWHQQD7XQHULQD%DVH6WDWLRQ&RQÀJXUDWLRQ+_+12 V DC164510789237Barrett 4011 automatic antenna tunerAntennaMicrophone6 metre power cable supplied with TransceiverFuse in-line with spare
177BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4050 TransceiverExtension speaker supplied with Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)Auxiliary connectorCoaxial / Control Cable Extension (P/N BCA90055)4011 Automatic Antenna Tuner for Base Station InstallationsThe Barrett 4011 automatic antenna tuner is designed for operation in both marine mobile and land base station installations.Housed in a fully weatherproof enclosure the 4011 will tune long wire anten-nas effectively up to a length of 10 metres and wire loop antennas or whip antennas over a frequency range of 2 to 30 MHz. Tuning is rapid, typically less WKDQRQHVHFRQGWKHÀUVWWLPH5)LVDSSOLHGHLWKHUZKLOVWWKHRSHUDWRULVWDONLQJor when the “Tune” control is activated on the Transceiver.7KHWXQHUIHDWXUHVDPHPRU\IDFLOLW\WKDWVWRUHVWKHFRQÀJXUDWLRQrequired to tune to a frequency. On any subsequent use of that frequency, the UHFRQÀJXUHVWRWKHVWRUHGVHWWLQJVLQW\SLFDOO\OHVVWKDQPLOOLVHFRQGV)ROORZLQJLQLWLDOWXQLQJWKHDQWHQQDV96:5LVPRQLWRUHG,IDQ\VLJQLÀFDQWvariation occurs, the 4011 will re-tune the antenna automatically.The 4011 is supplied complete with coaxial / control cable having an overall length of 30 metres (P/N 4017-01-01). The cable is a composite design incorpo-rating coaxial, power supply and control cables.
178BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver and 4011 Automatic $QWHQQD7XQHULQD%DVH6WDWLRQ&RQÀJXUDWLRQ+_+12 V DC164510778923Barrett 4011 automatic antenna tunerAntennaMicrophone6 metre power cable supplied with TransceiverFuse in-line with spare
179BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL4050 TransceiverExtension speaker supplied with Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)Auxiliary connectorCoaxial / Control Cable Extension (P/N 4017-01-01)
180BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMobile InstallationsSite Selection RecommendationsThe following points must be considered when mounting the Transceiver.Safety It is essential that the Transceiver be mounted in a place where it cannot cause injury to the occupants of the vehicle in the event of a motor vehicle accident.For this reason overhead mounting is not generally recom-mended and “under dash” mounting must take into account the possibility of injuring the legs of front seat occupants.Convenience The chosen position for the Transceiver or control head, (if a remote controlled model is used) should be one which allows convenient operation.Positions which are often used are:•  On the transmission hump•  In place of the glove box•  Behind the seat•  Under the dash board (if safe).Where a remote controlled Transceiver is used, only the control head need be mounted convenient to the operator. The Trans-ceiver may be mounted under a seat, in the luggage com-partment or any other out of the way place within the vehicle ZKLFKDOORZVIRUVXIÀFLHQWFRROLQJAll equipment should be positioned in such a way that conve-nient access for maintenance is provided.Strength It must be assumed that the vehicle will be used on rough roads and in many cases off road. Hence mounting of equip-ment must take into account the severe vibration and shock that can be expected.Transceivers may only be mounted to structural components of the vehicle body and not on dress panels or plastic interior panels. In some cases, the area around the Transceiver mount-ing may need reinforcement.3UHFDXWLRQVVKRXOGEHWDNHQWRHQVXUHÀ[LQJVFUHZVHWFFDQQRWvibrate loose.
181BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAir  Circulation0RVW7UDQVFHLYHUVUHO\RQDLUÁRZDURXQGFRROLQJÀQVWRGLVVL-pate heat generated by the transmitter. The mounting position PXVWDOORZIUHHDLUÁRZDURXQGWKHVHÀQVObstruction The installation of a Transceiver into a vehicle should not inhibit WKHQRUPDOXVHRIWKHYHKLFOH%HIRUHÀQDOO\VHOHFWLQJHTXLS-ment positions, check that normal operation of steering, foot pedals, gear change, hand brake etc. are not impeded, and that heater or air-conditioning outlets, glove box and doors are not obstructed. Always check that the drilling of mounting screw holes will not damage electrical wiring, heater hoses or hydrau-lic lines.Power Wiring Connect the red positive and black negative wires from the Transceiver power cable to the positive and negative terminal of the battery. Do not connect to the ignition switch or internal fuse panels as vehicle wiring to these points is of LQVXIÀFLHQWFXUUHQWFDSDFLW\FDXVLQJYROWDJHGURSDQGSRVVLEOHQRLVHLQWHUIHU-ence.•  Route the power cable away from high tension ignition wiring. •  Secure the power cable, either to other wiring or the vehicle body, with  suitable cable ties.•  Where wiring passes through bulkheads, provide appropriate protection to prevent insulation being damaged.•  ,IDQLVRODWLRQVZLWFKLVÀWWHGEHWZHHQWKHEDWWHU\·VQHJDWLYHWHUPLQDODQGthe vehicle chassis then it is important to connect the radio’s negative supply cable to the chassis side of the isolation switch.EarthingIdeally the radio should be mounted as close as possible to the antenna with a common earthing point being used for both the antenna’s earth connection and the radio’s earth connection.
182BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAntennaIn any radio system an effective antenna installation is essential. Because of the QHHGWRUHGXFHWKHVL]HRI+)DQWHQQDVVRWKDWWKH\FDQEHÀWWHGWRDYHKLFOHmobile antenna bandwidth becomes quite narrow and hence tuning is critical. In most cases the only tuning adjustment that can be effected is adjustment to position. Particular attention must be given to the antenna position if satisfac-tory performance is to be obtained. Refer to the instructions supplied with the antenna you have selected.Antenna Mounting The antenna mounting must provide a strong secure anchorage for the base of the antenna. To obtain maximum radiation, the antenna base must be well bonded electrically to the vehicle chassis. Paint, dirt, rust, etc. should be UHPRYHGIURPWKHUHVSHFWLYHÀ[LQJSRLQWV7KHPRXQWLQJSRLQWPXVWSURYLGHDlow resistance electrical path to the main vehicle metallic structure.Antenna Feed Cables Antenna feed cables should be run (as far as possible) away from other vehicle wiring and especially away from ignition high tension wiring. Where passing through body panels or internal bulkheads, grommets must be used to protect the cables. Water-proof connectors must be used when they are outside the vehicle.Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) After installation it is recommended that the VSWR of the antenna should be measured for each channel. The instructions supplied with each antenna will detail this operation.Noise Suppression Please note that some newer fuel injected engines emit very strong EMI (Electromagnetic interference) noise levels across the HF radio band, which is near impossible to suppress. For these installations, moving the position of the antenna to another position on the vehicle may reduce the noise effect but full elimination of noise during engine running may never be achieved. Please note that this is not unique to the Barrett 4050 radio as all radio makes will suffer similarly from the effects of this noise under these conditions.
183BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNoise generated by motor or electrical accessories on the vehicle may cause objectionable interference to the received signal. This noise enters the receiver either by means of the battery leads or the antenna system. Providing that the recommendations concerning battery wiring given earlier in this manual are IROORZHGQRLVHLQMHFWHGYLDWKHEDWWHU\OHDGLVXQOLNHO\WREHVLJQLÀFDQW0RVWnoise problems result from pick-up by the antenna. Practical cures involve either preventing the noise from being generated or minimising it from being radiated by the wiring connected to the noise source.Interference Suppression Kit (Barrett P/N BCA20008) is available to assist in noise suppression and contains ÀOWHUVVXSSUHVVLQJFDSDFLWRUVHDUWKVWUDSVDQGÀWWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVThe techniques involved in noise suppression include re-routing of wiring, VFUHHQLQJDQGWKHXVHRIÀOWHUV,WLVDOVRQHFHVVDU\WRPDLQWDLQDOOHOHFWULFDOequipment in good working order as worn brushes, loose connections and the like, will increase the amount of noise generated.Before attempting to cure a noise problem, the source (or sources) of noise PXVWEHLGHQWLÀHG,GHDOO\WKHUHVKRXOGEHQRGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQEDFNJURXQGnoise in the receiver with motor and accessories on and that with motor and accessories off.  If a detectable difference does exist, turn off all accessories one by one until a change in noise results. Continue, noting each contributing unit until there is no detectable difference from the “all off” noise level. (For accessories such as alternator, motors, instruments etc. a wire or drive belt may have to be temporarily removed for this assessment.) After identifying each noise source, they can be worked on one at a time until an acceptable level of suppression is achieved.Another approach to this problem is to remove or disconnect all possible sources of noise then replace and suppress them in turn.Some suggestions for suppressing particular noise sources follow:
184BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALIgnition Systems All high tension wiring from the ignition coil through to the spark plugs should be kept as short as practicable, clean, and as close to the engine block as possible. The cable should be an impregnated neoprene resistive type and the coil must be either mounted on, or immediately adjacent to, the engine block. The low tension wire from the coil to the distributor contact breaker points must be as short as possible, and not included with other wires in a harness or loom. This wire must be shielded if more than PPORQJ7ZLQÁH[RU¶ÀJXUHHLJKW·FDEOHSURYLGHVDsuitable shield when connected in lieu of the original wire. This method is useful for shielding other wires suspected of radiating noise. Do not ignore the wire to an electric WDFKRPHWHULIRQHLVÀWWHGCoil to Battery Wiring$ORZSDVVÀOWHUVXFKDVWKDWVXSSOLHGLQWKHLQWHUIHUHQFHVXSSUHVVLRQNLWRUVLPLODUVKRXOGEHÀWWHGDWWKHFRLOHQGRIWKLVZLUH7KHHDUWKFRQQHFWLRQRIWKHÀOWHUVKRXOGEHVKRUWand well-bonded to the coil body.Alternator / Gen-erator to Battery Wiring$ORZSDVVÀOWHUVXFKDVWKDWVXSSOLHGLQWKHLQWHUIHUHQFHVXSSUHVVLRQNLWRUVLPLODUVKRXOGEHÀWWHGWRWKHPDLQEDW-WHU\OHDGDWWKHDOWHUQDWRU7KHÀOWHUPXVWEHUDWHGIRUWKHmaximum current available from the charging system. The HDUWKOXJRIWKHÀOWHUVKRXOGEHDWWDFKHGWRWKHDOWHUQDWRUbody or the engine block.Alternator to Regulator Control Wire (Generator Field Wire)This wire carries switching pulses that often contribute QRLVHWRWKHUHFHLYHU6XSSUHVVLRQXVLQJFDSDFLWRUVRUÀOWHUVmust not be attempted since damage to the regulator may result. Separate the wire from all other wiring, keep it as short as possible and, if longer than about 300 mm it should be shielded as described above.Other Regulator WiresThese are normally adequately suppressed using good low-inductance bypass capacitors. To be effective, these ca-pacitors must connect to the wires to be suppressed and to chassis with very short leads. For this reason, the ‘pigtail’ style of suppressor capacitor often used with MF broadcast receivers is generally ineffective at HF.Electric Motors (windscreen wip-ers, fans etc.)Small electric motors can usually be suppressed with good low inductance bypass capacitors.
185BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALEngine Instru-mentationCertain types of oil-pressure sensors and voltage regulators used in instrument systems contain a vibrating or thermal cycling contact. These devices can only be suppressed by isolating and screening or wiring in the same way as described for the alternator to regulator control wire. Disc ceramic capacitors with short leads (protected with insulat-ing sleeving) are frequently useful but to prevent damage to instrument contacts, where the use of bypass capacitors is attempted, values larger than 1 nF should not be used.General Noise Suppression TipsWhen searching for sources of noise, some of their characteristics can be help-IXOLQLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ•  Petrol engine ignition noise and contact breaker noise is a sharp staccato ‘plop’ varying with engine speed. It is only with this class of noise that the impulse noise limiter incorporated within some Transceivers is effective.•  Noise from other sources generally has a more ‘mushy’ sound. That from the alternator / generator may only be troublesome over a limited range RIHQJLQHVSHHGDQGFDQDOVREHLQÁXHQFHGE\WKHVWDWHRIFKDUJHRIWKHbattery.•  The noise from instrument regulators may depend on the battery voltage, the reading of the instrument and the length of time the system has been switched on. For this reason, the search for noise sources must be done thoroughly to prevent noise from apparently reappearing after the instal-lation has been completed.•  Electric motors generate a ‘whining’ sound. Do not forget to check wind-screen wipers, electric fuel pumps, heater and air conditioning fans and other motors which operate only on an intermittent basis.
186BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna(Barrett P/N BC201900)The Barrett 2019 automatic tuning mobile HF antenna plugs directly into the rear of a 4050 Transceiver using the cables supplied. Important: 4050 Transceivers must have the 2019 antenna option set during pro-gramming.Mounting the Barrett 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF AntennaThe Barrett 2019 antenna should be mounted in positions similar to those illustrated in the diagrams on the following pages. Select a position free from excessive vibration. A bracket, fabricated to withstand the forces and vibration that can be expected during off-road driving, should be used to mount the antenna to the vehicle. When locating the mounting position for the antenna HQVXUHWKDWWKHDQWHQQDERG\ZKHQÁH[LQJRQLWVYLEUDWLRQPRXQWFDQQRWcome into contact with other parts of the vehicle. The antenna should be mounted as far from surrounding objects on the vehicle as possible. The antenna is supplied standard with two sections (Barrett P/N: BCA201901), a tapered black spring (Barrett P/N: BCA201903), an antenna installation guide and a pre-terminated six metre control cable to suit the Barrett 2019 antenna to Transceiver. A six metre (Barrett P/N: BCA201904) or ten metre (Barrett P/N: BCA201905) extension cable for the control cable is also available.The control cable should be routed into either the engine compartment or boot (trunk) of the vehicle. If the joint between the antenna control cable and the extension cable is in an exposed position, a butyl rubber self amalgamating tape should be used to seal the joint. Do not wrap this joint if it cannot be made completely water tight as water will collect in the joint and cause it to corrode.$JRRGHDUWKJURXQGWRWKHPDLQERG\RIWKHYHKLFOHLVHVVHQWLDOIRUHIÀFLHQWRSHUDWLRQRIWKHDQWHQQD To achieve this clean all joints to bare metal and use copper braid earth straps if any non-metallic joints are encountered.After mounting the main body of the antenna, screw the black base spring onto the antenna body followed by the whip section.
187BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALImportant Information,WLV(66(17,$/WRPDLQWDLQWKHPLQLPXPFOHDUDQFHVEHWZHHQWKHDQWHQQDDQGVXUURXQGLQJPHWDOZRUNDVLQGLFDWHGLQWKHGLDJUDPV)$,/85(720$,17$,17+(6(&/($5$1&(6:,//12721/<5('8&(7+(()),&,(1&<2)7+(%$55(77$8720$7,&781,1*02%,/(+)$17(11$%870$<$/62/($'72,17(51$/5)$5&,1*$1')$,/85(,PSRUWDQWPlease note that the mounting of a 2019 antenna on the front of a vehicle may be considered illegal in some areas / countries. Please check with your local transport / vehicle authority prior to installa-tion on the front of your vehicle.Considerations on the overall height of the 2019 antenna once ÀWWHGVKRXOGDOVREHFRQVLGHUHGABSOLUTE MINIMUM CLEARANCE TOP VIEW160 mmBULL BAR
188BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL,PSRUWDQWPlease note that the mounting of a 2019 antenna on the front of a vehicle may be considered illegal in some areas / countries. Please check with your local transport / vehicle authority prior to installation on the front of your vehicle.Considerations on the overall height of the 2019 antenna RQFHÀWWHGVKRXOGDOVREHconsidered.ABSOLUTE MINIMUM CLEARANCE TOP VIEWABSOLUTE MINIMUM CLEARANCE TOP VIEWBONNETREAR OF VEHICLE160 mm160 mm160 mmBULL BARCaution:- Whilst the 2019 automatic tuning mobile HF antenna is designed to with-VWDQGYLEUDWLRQWRPLOLWDU\VSHFLÀFDWLRQVRQW\UHGYHKLFOHVVRPHPRXQWLQJSRVLWLRQVon large prime-movers, particularly front mounted bull bars, are subject to vibration WKDWIDUH[FHHGVWKLVVSHFLÀFDWLRQ'RQRWPRXQWWKHDQWHQQDLQSRVLWLRQVsuch as these as damage to the antenna may result.
189BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAntenna AssemblyMounting the Base SpringThe base spring should only ever be hand tightened, if a tool is used it may damage the spring base.Mounting the Whip SectionsTo mount the whip section it is recom-mended that only one section of the whip is screwed onto the antenna at a time. The whip section should be hand tightened fully then a suitable tool (i.e. a spanner) can be used to tighten the section a further 10 to 20 degrees clockwise while holding the antenna body with a free hand.
190BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALTo mount two whip sections together, the unattached whip section should be hand tightened fully then a suitable tool (i.e. a spanner) can be used to tighten the section a further 10 to 20 degrees clockwise while holding the already screwed on whip section with a free hand.
191BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna+_+12 V DC12765948103Barrett 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna4050 control head6 m Control Cable (P/N SA 45100)MicrophoneFuse in-line with spare
192BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL6 metre power cable supplied with Transceiver4050 TransceiverExtension speaker supplied with 4050 Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)Coaxial / Control Cable Extension External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)Testing the Barrett 2019 Automatic Tuning Mobile HF Antenna7RWHVWWKH%DUUHWWDQWHQQDÀUVWVHOHFWWKHORZHVWWUDQVPLWIUHTXHQF\LQthe Transceiver and tap Tune. The display should show the word “Tuning” for a IHZVHFRQGVIROORZHGEULHÁ\E\´7XQH3DVVHGµDQGDQLQGLFDWLRQRIWKHPHDV-ured VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) value. Check this reading against the VSWR meter.Repeat the above test on the highest frequency in the Transceiver and on a selection of frequencies in between at approximately 2 MHz intervals. If the tune passes at all times, the Barrett 2019 antenna is working correctly. The Barrett 2019 antenna tunes to maximise whip current, not minimise VSWR, but the displayed VSWR value should generally be between 1.0:1 and 2.0:1. How-ever, if the display shows “Autotune Fail” accompanied by low pitched beeps at DQ\SRLQWWKH%DUUHWWDQWHQQDKDVIDLOHGWRWXQH&RQÀUPWKH´$QWHQQDType” is selected to “2019 Mobile Ant” in the Transceiver Menu Settings > IO > Antenna Type setting (page 98). Check all cables are correctly connected, check the earth cable from the base of the Barrett 2019 antenna has a good FRQQHFWLRQWRWKHYHKLFOHERG\QRWFKDVVLVRUEDWWHU\FKHFNWKHZKLSÀWWHGLVnot faulty or incorrect and move the vehicle if the Barrett 2019 antenna is close to any metal fences, buildings etc. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your dealer or Barrett Service Department for advice.
193BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL914 Series Manual Tap Whip Antenna(Barrett P/N BC91401 to BC91424) Installation914 series manual tapped whip antennas are mounted on vehicles using a heavy duty base and spring (Barrett P/N BCA91400). The whip should be mounted on the vehicle in positions such as those illustrated in the diagrams below. A bracket, fabricated to withstand the forces and vibration that can be expected during off-road driving, should be used to mount the antenna base and spring to the vehicle. When locating the mounting position for the antenna, the ring located above the label at the bottom of the whip should be level with the surrounding ground plane, e.g. the bonnet of the vehicle or the roof of the vehicle. Ensure that the mounting bolt on the base and spring is electrically bonded to the chassis of the vehicle via a very low resistance path, i.e. clean all joints to bare metal and use braid earth straps if any non-metal joints are encountered. Use only good quality coaxial cable and water proof UHF connectors (such as those supplied by Barrett Communications). 'RQRWXVH3/8+)FRQQHFWRUV.When running the coaxial cable from the antenna to the Transceiver, avoid sharp corners and heat such as that generated by the manifold of the engine. After installing the antenna check the antenna VSWR on each channel. Gener-ally if the antenna has been mounted in the positions as illustrated, the VSWR will be less than 1.6-1 and no adjustment is necessary. If the VSWR is not lower than 2:1 the antenna to ground capacitance in that installation is probably outside of the design range of the factory set tuning. Consideration may be given to retuning the whip if the VSWR is so high as to cause the transmitter ALC system to begin to reduce power (to protect the transmitter).
194BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFor each frequency which will not tune correctly you will need to determine whether the tuning is high or low in frequency. Generally any frequencies which will not tune will always be out the same way. When the antenna is manufactured, most frequencies are deliberately made on the low frequency side and adjusted upwards by the placement of “tuning rings”. Tuning rings are single short circuit rings of 20 amp fuse wire placed on the windings of an individual part of the antenna. A tuning ring inductively raises the frequency of the section of antenna over which it is placed. It must be understood that the tuning of an antenna on a particular vehicle or installation may not hold for other vehicles or installations. To determine whether any particular frequency tap is high or low, hold the tune key down on the relevant frequency and observe the VSWR on a suitable meter. Get an assistant to slowly move his outstretched arm closer to the antenna tap in use. If the VSWR gets better, then the antenna is too high in frequency. This LQGLFDWHVWKDWWKHUHLVLQVXIÀFLHQWantenna to ground capacity. Usually this happens when the antenna is mounted too far away from the body of a vehicle. Either re-site the antenna closer to the vehicle or remove any tuning rings which are already on the antenna. If the highest frequency on the whip requires adjustment, initially place the tuning ring here and slowly move upwards until a satisfactory SWR is obtained.,IWKHIDFWRU\WXQLQJULQJLVQRWÀWWHGand the highest frequency on the whip requires adjustment, initially place the tuning ring here and move slowly upward until a satisfactory SWR is obtained.If ONLY the lowest frequency requires adjustment, initially place the tuning ring here and slowly move upwards until a satisfactory SWR is obtained.If the VSWR gets worse when fol-lowing the above procedure ,then too much capacity is already present. This is frequently encountered when mounting the antenna too low on a vehicle bumper bar or when mount-ing close to bodywork as in cab-over type vehicles. In this case, either re-site the antenna further away or add extra tuning rings to the frequency sections affected until a suitable VSWR is obtained.Note: Truck cab-over installations usually produce distorted radiation patterns even when the VSWR looks good.When tuning is complete, any new rings added should be coated with epoxy resin to secure and protect the ring from damage. Five minute quick setting type epoxy is suitable. If rings need to be removed they may be cut off using a sharp pair of side cutters. Take care not to cut into the body of the antenna.
195BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNote: If the wander lead is damaged or lost and requires replacing, the number on WKHÀUVWWDSLQGLFDWHVWKHOHQJWKRIWKHUHSODFHPHQWZDQGHUOHDGUHTXLUHGExample: Wl-60 indicates the length of the wander lead was 60cm. When making a replacement wander lead ensure it is made to this length to obtain optimum performance.Operation InstructionsThe 914 manual tapped whip antenna should now be screwed into the base and spring mounted on the front of the vehicle.The operation frequency being used on the Transceiver should now be selected on the antenna. This is accomplished with the supplied jumper lead as indi-cated in the diagram below and the following example (Note: this is an exam-ple only and your antenna will be manufactured with different frequency taps.)The 914 manual tapped whip antenna used in the example has the following frequencies:Channel 1 4030 kHz Channel 2 4760 kHz The illustration shows a 10 frequency 914 manual tapped whip antenna with the highest  frequency being selected.Channel 3 5190 kHz Channel 4 5254 kHzChannel 5 7180 kHz Channel 6 8199 kHzChannel 7 9134 kHz Channel 8 9145 kHzChannel 9 10567 kHz Channel10 14567 kHzWhen using Channel 1, frequency 4030 kHz, the jumper lead should be removed from the bottom antenna socket and stored in the vehicle.On all other channels the jumper lead is required:For Channel 2, frequency 4760 kHz, the jumper is plugged into the bottom socket then wound tight-ly around the antenna and the other end plugged into the socket marked 4760.For Channel 3, frequency 5190 kHz, the jumper is plugged into the bottom socket then wound tight-ly around the antenna and the other end plugged into the socket marked 5190.And so on, to Channel 10.
196BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL1RWH,WLVLPSRUWDQWIRUFRUUHFWRSHUDWLRQRIWKHZKLSDQWHQQDWRKDYHWKHULJKWIUHTXHQF\WDSVHOHFWHGDVLQGLFDWHGDERYHDQGWKDWthe jumper lead is wrapped tightly around the antenna between VRFNHWVConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and 914 Manual Tapped Mobile Antenna +_+12 V DC12765948103Barrett 914 Manual tapped whip antenna4050 control head6 m control cable (P/N SA 45100)
197BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMicrophoneFuse in-line with spare6 metre power cable supplied with Transceiver4050 TransceiverExtension speaker supplied with 4050 Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)6 metre control cable (P/N SA 45100)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)2018 Mobile Magnetic Loop AntennaConnection Details for a 4050 Transceiver with Mobile Pack and a 2018 Mobile Magnetic Loop Antenna+_+12 V DC12345678910
198BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMobile Magnetic Loop Antenna (P/N BC201801)4050 Control Head4050 TransceiverDC Power Cable (P/N BCA40006)Fuse in-line with spareControl & Coaxial Cable 6m (P/N BCA201904)Microphone (P/N MI-45001)Loudspeaker (P/N BCA40015)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)6 m Control Cable (P/N SA 45100)Marine InstallationsThe Barrett 911 automatic antenna tuner is designed for use in land base station and maritime HF services. Primarily designed for operation with end-fed unbalanced antennas such as whips and long wires, the tuner is built in a waterproof impact resistant, moulded ABS plastic enclosure. Antenna Selection The 911 automatic antenna tuner will operate into almost any end-fed antenna with a length exceeding 2.5 metres, providing an effective ground (earth) is XVHG7KHDQWHQQDHIÀFLHQF\ZLOOEHSURSRUWLRQDOWRWKHOHQJWKRIWKHDQWHQQDand will be maximum when the length of the antenna approaches ¼ wave-length. It is advisable to limit the wire antenna to ¼ or ¾ wavelength at the highest frequency to be used.
199BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALAntenna On sailing vessels the antenna can either be an insulated backstay or a whip antenna mounted vertically, usually on the stern. Best performance will be achieved by using an insulated backstay as the radiating length will be longer than that available when using a whip. The top insulator on the backstay should be approximately 300 mm from the mast and the bottom insulator should be at eye level above the deck. The distance between insulators should be greater than 10 metres and less than 35 metres. A whip antenna is generally used on small to medium sized power vessels. There are different length whips to suit the vessel length.Transceiver and Tuner Mounting Select a suitable position in the vessel to mount the Transceiver. It should be a position that is out of the weather and easily accessible to the operator, whilst as close as practical to the 13.8 V DC power source. Mount the Transceiver to a VROLGÀ[LQJSRLQWXVLQJWKHPRXQWLQJFUDGOH0DNHVXUHWKHUHLVVXIÀFLHQWVSDFHat the rear of the Transceiver to connect the power and antenna cables.The antenna tuner should be mounted as close to the antenna feed point as possible. In metal vessels the length of the feeder from the antenna tuner to the feed-through insulator, inside the vessel, should be kept less than 1 metre.The antenna feed cable should be a suitable high voltage cable. Care should be taken to avoid sharp points when terminating the cable to prevent corona discharges.The interconnect cable supplied with the antenna tuner should be routed away from other cables back to the Transceiver and connected as indicated in the diagram overleaf.Ground (Earth) System The ground (earth) system is a key part of the overall antenna system and con-sequently the system operation. An inadequate ground system is the primary cause of poor performance and tuning problems. There is little point in install-ing the antenna unless a good ground system can be provided.Metal hulled vessels provide an almost perfect ground. The tuner ground terminal should be connected directly to the hull using the shortest possible ground strap. The point of connection to the hull should be prepared so that it is free of paint and rust to ensure a good contact area with minimum electrical resistance.
200BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL:RRGHQRUÀEUHJODVVYHVVHOVSUHVHQWPRUHRIDSUREOHPWRJURXQG,GHDOO\WKHYHVVHOVKRXOGEHÀWWHGZLWKDQH[WHUQDOFRSSHUJURXQGVKHHWFRQQHFWHGWRWKHinterior of the vessel by suitable stud or an earth plate (“E” plate Barrett P/N BCA91700),IWKHYHVVHOLV\HWWREHFRQVWUXFWHGWKHQLQWKHFDVHRIÀEUHJODVVYHVVHOVDWKLQcopper sheet with an area of not less than 4 square metres should be moulded into the hull during lamination. A suitable heavy strap should be connected to the sheet and left free for earth connection.Should neither of these methods be available it will be necessary to bond as many large metallic objects, such as the engine and propeller shaft, together to form a ground. Whichever method is used the ground run from the ground system to the antenna tuner should be as short as possible and use copper strap at least 50 mm wide (wider if available). Consideration must always be given to the problem of electrolysis. Severe structural damage may occur if electrolysis is present. Corrosion All connections in marine situations are subject to corrosion and oxidation. To minimise this all joints should be cleaned and have silicon grease applied before assembly. Under severe conditions joints should be protected with self vulcanising rubber tape.Electrical CheckoutAfter mechanical installation is complete, select the highest frequency to be used on the Transceiver. A directional watt-meter such as a Bird Model 43 should be inserted in the coaxial transmission line between the Transceiver and the tuner. The tune mode on the Transceiver is then energised (refer to the Transceiver user manual). Upon application of RF energy, the tuner should start to tune, indicated by the ‘clattering’ of the tuner relays. After a few seconds the relay noise will cease. The Transceiver should indicate a successful tune and WKHZDWWPHWHUUHÁHFWHGSRZHUVKRXOGLQGLFDWHDORZYDOXHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKDVSWR of better than 2:1. If the cover of the tuner is removed, the PCB mounted ‘tuned’ LED should be illuminated. Now select the lowest desired frequency on the Transceiver and repeat the above procedure. The result should be the same, except that the tune cycle may take longer. If the above procedure does not give the results as indicated, check that the antenna length and connections are correct and re-check all ground (earth) connections.
201BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALNote: When received, the Barrett 911 automatic antenna tuner memory system will usually not have any pre-stored tuning information appropriate to your installation. To allow the 911 to ‘learn’ its tuning information simply proceed from one channel to the next allowing the normal tune cycle to take place. Each successful tune is ‘memorised’ so that when that channel is re-selected, the tuner will almost instanta-neously retune to that frequency.Connection Details For a 4050 Transceiver and 911 Automatic Antenna Tuner in a Marine Installation+_+12 V DC16451077892311
202BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALBarrett 911 automatic antenna tunerAntennaMicrophone6 metre power cable supplied with TransceiverFuse in-line with spare4050 Transceiver bodyExtension speaker supplied with Transceiver (P/N BCA40015)External GPS Receiver option (P/N BCA40009)Auxiliary ConnectorCoaxial / Control Cable Extension (P/N BCA90055)Feed Through Insulator
203BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALOverview of HF OperationHF (High Frequency) is the radio spectrum with frequencies between 1.6 and 0+]:LWKLQWKLVUDGLRVSHFWUXPDQHIÀFLHQWIRUPRIWUDQVPLWWHUPRGXOD-tion, SSB (Single Side Band), is used. This, combined with the use of the iono-sphere - a layer of ionisation gases that resides between 100 and 700 km above WKHHDUWK·VVXUIDFHSURYLGHVHIÀFLHQWFRVWHIIHFWLYHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVRYHUshort, medium and long distances - without the need for expensive re-transmis-sion devices, such as the VHF or UHF repeaters or satellites, all of which have ongoing operational costs and a reliance on a physical infrastructure.In many remote areas, HF / SSB is the only form of communication possible.HF PropagationWhen HF / SSB radio waves are generated by the Transceiver there are usually two components:• The ground-wave, which travels directly from the transmitting antenna tothe receiving antenna following the contours of the earth.• The sky-wave, which travels upward and at an angle from the antenna,until it reaches the ionosphere (an ionised layer high above the earth’ssurface), and is then refracted back down to earth, to the receivingantenna.Generally speaking, ground-wave is used to communicate over shorter dis-tances usually less than 50 km. Because ground-wave follows the contours of the earth, it is affected by the type of terrain it passes over. Ground wave is rapidly reduced in level when it passes over heavily forested areas or mountain-ous terrain.Sky-wave is used to communicate reliably over medium to long distances up to 3,000 km. Whilst the nature of sky-wave propagation means it is not affected by the type of terrain as in ground-waves, it is affected by factors involving the ionosphere as described below.
204BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALRadio Wave PropagationThe following illustrations show the characteristics of ground-wave and sky-wave propagation during day and night time. In each illustration the height of the ionosphere above the ground is shown.In both illustrations Station A communicates with Stations B, C and D. Propa-gation from Station A to B is by ground-wave. The diagrams illustrate that the ground-wave is not affected by the time of day and the height of the iono-sphere above the ground.Propagation from Station A to C and D, is by sky-wave and as the diagrams LOOXVWUDWHWKHVN\ZDYHLVVLJQLÀFDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\WKHWLPHRIGD\DQGWKHheight of the ionosphere above the ground.Under each diagram there are recommended working frequencies listed. Please note that these will vary according to time of year and other factors. They are intended only as a guide and are subject to change.'D\ 1LJKWAB20 km 800 km 2000 kmEARTHIONOSPHERECDAB20 km 800 km 2000 kmEARTHIONOSPHERECDThe sun is higher  The ionosphere is higher  The best frequency to use is higher.A to B - Possible optimum working frequency is 3 MHzA to C - Possible optimum working frequency is between 7 - 9 MHzA to D - Possible optimum working frequency is between 13 - 16 MHzThe sun is lower The ionosphere is lower The best frequency to use is lower.A to B - Possible optimum working frequency is 3 MHzA to C - Possible optimum working frequency is between 5 - 7 MHzA to D - Possible optimum working frequency is between 9 - 12 MHz
205BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALFactors Which Affect HF / SSB CommunicationsThere are a number of different factors which will affect the success of commu-nications via HF / SSB radio. These are outlined below:Frequency SelectionFrequency selection is perhaps the most important factor that will determine the success of your HF / SSB communications.Generally speaking the greater the distance over which you want to communi-cate, the higher the frequency you should use.Beacon Call, a Selcall (Selective Call) function built into the Barrett Transceiver, PDNHVÀQGLQJWKHFRUUHFWIUHTXHQF\WRXVHHDV\$%HDFRQ&DOOLVEDVHGRQWKHNetwork Transceivers all having a selection of frequencies that will accommo-date most ionospheric conditions. When in standby, the network Transceivers scan these frequencies waiting for a call (Selcall or Beacon Call) from another Transceiver. The Transceiver wishing to check for the best frequency to operate on sends a Beacon Call to the station to be contacted. If the call to the other station is successful, a revertive tone from the station being called will be heard, indicating the channel selected was suitable for the ionospheric condi-tions prevailing. If the revertive tone is not heard or is very weak, another chan-nel may be tried until a revertive tone of satisfactory signal strength is heard.(Refer to Beacon Calls on page 32 for more details.)Time of DayAs a rule, the higher the sun, the higher the frequency that should be used. This means that you will generally use a low frequency to communicate early morning, late afternoon and evening, but you will use a higher frequency to cover the same distance during times when the sun is high in the sky (for example, midday). You will need to observe the above rule carefully if your Transceiver has a limited number of frequencies programmed into it, as you may only be able to communicate effectively at certain times of the day.Weather ConditionsCertain weather conditions will also affect HF / SSB communications. Stormy conditions will increase the background noise as a result of static caused by lightning. This background noise could rise to a level that will blank out the signals you are trying to receive.
206BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALMan-made Electrical InterferenceInterference of an electrical nature can be caused by overhanging power lines, high power generators, air-conditioners, thermostats, refrigerators and vehicle engines, when in close proximity to your antenna. The result of such inter-ference may cause a continuous or intermittent increase in the level of back-ground noise.6\VWHP&RQÀJXUDWLRQDQG,QVWDOODWLRQ7KHPHWKRGLQZKLFK\RXUV\VWHPLVFRQÀJXUHGDQGLQVWDOOHGZLOODOVRDIIHFWthe success of your HF / SSB communications. Your choice of antenna system and power supply is critical. Correct installation is also extremely important. An HF / SSB Transceiver is generally installed using different rules to those used to install VHF or UHF Transceivers. Failure to correctly install an HF / SSB system will greatly affect the communications quality you will obtain. <RXUORFDO%DUUHWWUHSUHVHQWDWLYHZLOOEHDEOHWRDVVLVWZLWK\RXUV\VWHPFRQÀJX-ration and / or installation.HF Communications Compared with VHF or UHF Short Distance CommunicationsCommunications on any HF / SSB Transceiver will sound different to that on a VHF (Very High Frequency) radio or UHF (Ultra High Frequency) radio or telephone. This is because of the nature of HF propagation and the modulation methods used. On HF / SSB Transceivers there will always be background noise evident behind the signal you are receiving and this will increase when there is electrical interference or thunderstorm activity in the area.
207BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALComplianceBarrett 4000 series Transceivers comply to the following communications standards:• Australian / New Zealand Standard• MF and HF Radio Communications.Equipment in the land mobile service utilising single sideband suppressed carrier emission:• AS/NZS 4770:2000• FCC Part 90.Barrett 4000 series Transceivers comply to the following EMC standard:• EN301 489-1 V 1.4.1 (2002-08).Barrett 4000 series Transceivers comply to the following electrical safety standard:• EN60950-1:2002.FCC RF Exposure Compliance StatementThe Barrett 4000 Series Transceivers have beenFWBMVBUFE and comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF exposure limits for the General Population/Uncontrolled exposure environment.In addition, the Transceivers comply with the following standards and guide-lines:• FCC 96-326, Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects ofRadio-Frequency Radiation• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 01-01 (2001) Supplement C, Evaluating Com-pliance with FCC• Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields• ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect toHuman Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300GHz• ANSI/IEEE C95.3-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurementof Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields - RF and Microwave.
208BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUALRF Exposure WarningTo ensure optimal Transceiver performance and to avoid exposure to excessive HOHFWURPDJQHWLF LHOGV WKH DQWHQQD V\VWHP PXVW EH LQVWDOOHG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKHinstructions provided.High voltages exist on the antenna during transmission and tuning. Do not touch the antenna during these activities. RF burns may result.Install the grounding system or counterpoise as directed to prevent RF burns from any metal part of the Transceiver.For IC and FCC compliance, when the 4050 Transceiver is used at a power level of 10 watts PEPDQGDG%LJDLQDQWHQQD, the antenna(s) used with this Trans-ceiver should be located at least  metres from the operator and should not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.For IC and FCC compliance, when the 4050 Transceiver is used LQDYHKLFXODUHQYLURQPHQWat a power level of  watts PEPZLWKG%LJDLQDQWHQQD, the antenna(s) used with this Trans-ceiver should be located at least 1. metres from the operator and should not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.7\SLFDODQWHQQDW\SHVDQGPLQLPXPVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFH7KHDERYHDQWHQQDVDUHLGHQWLILHGIRUUHIHUHQFHRQO\,WLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWWKHLQVWDOOHUDQGRSHUDWRUPDLQWDLQDPLQLPXPVDIHVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHZLWKWKHDFWXDODQWHQQDXVHGLQWKHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGWRLQVXUHLQDYHKLFXODUHQYLURQPHQWWKDWWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVRQO\XVHGZKHQSHUVRQVRXWVLGHWKHYHKLFOHDUHDWOHDVWWKHUHFRPPHQGHGODWHUDOGLVWDQFHDZD\
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL2Limited 3 Year Warranty StatementBarrett Communications Pty Ltd provides a maximum three year warranty on all equipment it manufactures which is to be used expressly for high frequency, single sideband radio communications. This warranty covers faults arising from defects in design, workmanship or materials. Please note that this warranty does not cover batteries.Should any fault due to bad design, workmanship or materials be proven at any time within the warranty period, the company will rectify such fault free of charge providing the equipment is returned freight paid to Barrett &RPPXQLFDWLRQV3W\/WGKHDGRIÀFHRUWRDQDXWKRULVHGVHUYLFHFHQWUH7KHwarranty period for all products is thirty six (36) months after date of shipment from the factory.In the event that Barrett Communications repairs or replaces a defective product part under warranty, the repaired or replaced product will remain covered under and throughout the term of the original warranty period up to its expiration. No repair or replacement will extend the warranty term past the original thirty six (36) month anniversary of the original shipment delivery date of the Barrett Product.This warranty shall not cover any abuse, accident, improper installation, connection, adjustment or use other than in accordance with the instructions issued by the company.In addition, this warranty shall not cover the distance which transceiver products will operate over or quality of transmission or reception as a result of unfavourable environmental conditions. Nor shall this warranty cover the quality of transmission and reception of transceivers mounted in vehicles or YHVVHOVWKDWKDYHQRWEHHQVXIÀFLHQWO\HOHFWULFDOO\VXSSUHVVHGSubject to the matters set out in this warranty, no liability, expressed or implied is accepted for any consequential loss, damage or injury arising as a result of a fault in the equipment and, all expressed or implied warranties as to quality or ÀWQHVVIRUDQ\SXUSRVHDUHKHUHE\H[FOXGHGThis warranty does not extend to products supplied by the company which are not designed or manufactured by it. Barrett Communications Pty Ltd will however make every endeavour to ensure that the purchaser receives full EHQHÀWRQDQ\ZDUUDQW\JLYHQE\WKHRULJLQDOHTXLSPHQWPDQXIDFWXUHUThis warranty is restricted to the original purchaser. Where the original purchaser is a reseller who has purchased for the purpose of resale, warranty shall be extended to the reseller’s customer.
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21Warranty Registration and Technical SupportThank you for purchasing Barrett HF communications products.Please complete the warranty registration form on the next page and send it to us by mail, fax or email. Please see contact details below.Once received your contact details will be registered against the serial numbers of your equipment and Barrett Communications will then be able to contact you if needed to keep you informed of any developments relating to your equipment.If you have access to the Internet you can use the warranty registration page in the tech support section of our website to register your warranty form. Please go to Communications is proud of its reputation for support of its customers. This registration process has been introduced so that we may continue to improve our level of support to you.
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21Warranty Registration Contact DetailsBy Mail  The registration forms can be returned by mail, (no postage stamp required in Australia)Facsimile  08 9418 6757 (International +618 9418 6757) Email customer / dealer technical support department can be contacted via land mail, email, telephone or with the support department contact form on the tech support web page.%DUUHWW&RPPXQLFDWLRQV3W\/WG+HDG2I¿FHPO Box 1214, Bibra Lake WA 6965 AUSTRALIA Toll Free Tel: 1800 999 580 (Within Australia)  Tel: +618 9434 1700  Fax: +618 9418 6757  email:VXSSRUWIURPWKH$XVWUDOLDQVXSSRUWRIÀFHLVDYDLODEOHIURPDPto 4:30 pm local time Monday to Friday.%DUUHWW&RPPXQLFDWLRQV±(XURSHUnit 9, Fulcrum 2 Victory Park, Solent Way,  Whiteley Hampshire PO15 7FN United KingdomTel: +44 (0) 1489 880 332  Fax: +44 (0) 1489 565 422  email:VXSSRUWIURPWKH8.VXSSRUWRIÀFHLVDYDLODEOHIURPDPWR5:00 pm local time Monday to Friday.
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21IndexAAGC Hang  95Alarm Audio Level  87ALE  1003G Address  1103G Alias  703G Channels  110Alias  70Channel  64Enable/Disable  113Save Settings  110Settings  101State  102Antenna911 Automatic Antenna Tuner  173Connection Details (Base Station)  176Connection Details (Marine)  201912 Multi wire Broadband Dipoles  165912 Single Wire Broadband Dipoles  162913 Series Helical Dipoles  167914 Series Manual Tap Whip  193Connection Details  196915 Wire Dipole  1692018 Mobile Magnetic Loop  197Connection Details  1972019 Automatic Tuning Mobile Antenna  186Assembly  189Connection Details (Mobile Pack)  191Mounting  1864011 Automatic Antenna Tuner for Base Station  177Connection Details  1784017 Automatic Tuning Horizontal Dipole  171Connection Details  172Interference Suppression Kit  183Noise Suppression  182Socket  64, 75Type  98ARINC, Enable/Disable  113ATU Connector  151Audio  86Mute  137Audio Bandwidth  89Audio in Tx  78Audio Level Alarm  87Audio Record  91Audio Scrambler  56Auxiliary Connector  149BBacklight Level  116Backlight Timeout  116Baud Rate  97Beacon Call  32Receive  32Send  32Beep Level  87BER Threshold  107BITE Test  54BoB  123Name  123Network Settings  124Network Status  127Bonjour  139Broadcast Filter  95CCall History  47Calling Groups  34
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21Call Key  31Call Type  31Channel  60, 130Add a Channel  61ALE Channel  64Antenna Socket  64Delete a Channel  66Edit a Channel  65Label  59Mode  63Number  62Rx Frequency  62Save Channel  65Search a Channel  131Selcall Format  64Select Channel  131Tx Frequency  63Tx Power  63Clarify Range  94Connectors  148ATU  151Auxiliary  149Control Head  149Control Head Rear Panel  152GPS  148Microphone  151Power  148Contacts  45, 66Add  67Delete Contact  72Edit Contact  71Search Contacts  67Sort Contacts  66Contacts screen  66Control Head Connector  149Control Head Rear Panel Connector  152Cooling Fan  147Connector  152DData Link Timeout  108Date and Time  53Digital Voice  138Enable/Disable  113Display  22, 115Backlight Level  116Backlight Timeout  116Language  54Timeout Behaviour  116Dwell Time  73EEmail Address  70Emergency Calls  26Export  114EXT Alarm Type  97FFavourite  46Add  71Frequency Hopping, Enable/Disable  113Front Panel  15Front Panel Rear View  16G*HQHUDO&RQÀJXUDWLRQVVFUHHQ52General Menu  52GPS Broadcast  84GPS Connector  148GPS Pos  41GPS Req  40
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21Group CallsCalling Groups  31Receiving Groups  34HHangup  42Hop  132Hopping PIN  55Hop RateFrequency  56Secure Calls  58I,PSRUW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ128Import / Update  127Installation  156Land Based  159Fixed Station  160Mobile  180Marine  198Interference Suppression Kit  183International Selcall ID  79IO  96KKeypad  16LLabels  59Label screen  62Language  54Last Number Redial  37Line Audio  90Line Follows Digital Voice  90Line In Level  91Line Out Level  91Lock  85Locking the Screen  21LQA Averaging  105LQA Decay Rate  105LQA Exchange  104LSU Mode  109MMenu Map  50Menus  49Meter ModeReceive  117Transmit  117Microphone  24Transmit Timeout  93Tx Over Beep  53Up / Down Keys  53Microphone Connector  151Mobile Pack  156Mode  63, 134Mode screen  63Mute  137Attributes  77Audio  137Signal Strength Level  77, 137Syllabic Sensitivity  77, 137NNetwork  118Network Selcall ID screen  79Selcall Networks  81Noise Blanker  94, 138Noise Suppression  182NR  135OOEM 1 Calls  30
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21OEM Privacy Key  80OEM Secure Key  56OEM Secure Type  56OEM Selcall ID  80Option PINs  113PPagecall  38Receive  39Send  38Power Connector  148Preamable Time  79Preselector  95Preset Map  102Program Firmware  129Programming  25RRear Panel  17Receive Meter Mode  117Response Control  103Resume Time  73Resync  21RF  92Ring Tones  88RS232 Baud Rate  97RS232 Out  965[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ88Rx Preamp  92SScan  72, 135Rate  72Selcall Scan  136Signal Strength Scan  136Voice (Syllabic) Scan  136Scan Table  73Add  74Antenna Type  75Channel List  75Delete  76Edit  74, 76Name  75Save  76Select  73SDR Name  52SDR Serial Number  114Secure Call  44Enable/Disable  113Hop Rate  58Secure Call Codes  58Secure Data Key  57Secure Digital Voice Key  57Security  55Selcall  29, 33, 78Format  82ID 4 Digit  826 Digit  83International Selcall ID  79OEM Selcall ID  80Networks  81Add  81Alias  82Delete  84Edit  83Save  83Receive  33Selcall Screen  78Send  33Selcall Format  64
BARRETT 4050 HF SDR TRANSCEIVER - OPERATING AND INSTALLATION MANUAL21Selcall Format screen  64Self IDs  29Serial Number  114Settings Menu  49Settings screen  49Signal Strength Level  77SINAD Threshold  106Software Version Information screen  112Sounding Address  104Sounding Control  1036SHFLÀFDWLRQV153General  153Receiver  154Transmitter  155Squelch  77SSL  77Station ID Ranges  30Status Call  43Swipe Menu  138Syllabic Sensitivity  77System Info  111System Status  111TTC2 Programming Mode  58Telcall  29, 35Receive  37Send  35Temperature Units  117Threshold Test  106Transceiver  15Front Panel  15Front Panel Rear View  16Keypad  16Rear Panel  17Switching On / Off  18Transceiver Lock  85Transceiver Name  52Transceiver Options  113Transmit Meter Mode  117Tune  1347[&RQÀJXUDWLRQ89Tx Over Beep  93Tx Power  63Tx Power Level  94Tx Power screen  63UUnlocking the Screen  21VVersion Information  112Voice Link Timeout  108Voice Security, Enable/Disable  113Volume  19VSWR  134WWiFiAccess Point Mode  120Access Point Setup  120Client  118Enable/Disable  113Operation Mode  118Wireless Application  139
Barrett Communications Pty Ltd 47 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lake, WA 6163 Australia Tel: +61 8 9434 1700  Fax: +61 8 9418 6757 Email:

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