Barrett Communication BARRETT2040HF HF SSB Transceiver User Manual Part 4
Barrett Communication Pty. Ltd. HF SSB Transceiver Part 4
Part 4
BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCEiVER Receivlng an ALE Message When an ALE fink (0 your staiion commences the following is displayed on your transceiver.- A station in the ALE net is attempting to establlsh a link to your station:- m 12:07 ' 10090.0klla ', Int-mains nu: Cal! Your siafion is now linked and has received an ALE message, an audible alarm sounds:- Eall Received “LE massage r itlllsitsfi ii alter 60 seconds no key has been pressed the alarm will stop and regu|ar ‘blips' win be heard, indicating a call was reoeived in your absence. Pressing any key will display the message received? RLL STRTIDI“. KN KIN REEULRR , ET HUGHES ZULL. GF'S Pressing ine key shows ins address that the station called Le, one of your addresses:- —¢ RLE rieisage Page 2 >-—-— Tn murmirlmit ===—= 151 01237 BARRETT HF SSE TRANSCE‘VER Pressing me called you: again shows the address 0! (he s'ation mat —( at: Hessaqe Page 1 >— me r IElBBnSE Pressing returns you to the previous screen etc. Pressing the key or using PTT will return you to (he maln screen BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEiVER Receiving an ALE telephone call If the RS-232 eulpul is dlsabled (see IIO section of the Protected Menu) ALE telephone call requesls are displayed on the transceiver lrenl panel as follows:- When an ALE link to your station commences the following is displayed on your transceiver:- A station In the ALE net is attempting to establish a link to your station:- hannel null! lztm 10000. Our: incoming MLE (all Your station is now Ilnked and has received an ALE phone number. an audible alarm sounds:- (all Received “LE Pnune flE'eIXDRSE If after 60 seconds na key has been pressed the alarm will step and regular ‘blips‘ will be heard indicating a call was received in your absence. Pressing any key will dlsptay the received message:- -—< RLE Phnne page 3 >—— Number Received 0394341Mll Pressing the key shows lhe address that the station called i.e. one of your addresses:- —< nL page 2 Til BRSESTWTION l=—= 153 of 237 RETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCEiV Pressing the called you:- again shows the address oi the station (11a! —< RLE Phone Fla Fffllfl f lElBBfiSE Pressing returns you to the previous screen elc. Presslng the key or using P'I'r will relum you to the main screen Notez- Normally when usan his ALE relephone number lunclrcn [he receiving transceiver is connected 10 a automarlc telephone inleroonnect unil such as me Barren goo or Barren 2060. in mis case (he RS—232 output is enabled [he receipt of an ALE lolephone call request is no! displayec as above and me telephone interconnect lakes oontrol or me transceiver. 154 01237 a BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVE Receiving an ALE Netcall When an ALE link to your station commences the lollo'Mng Is displayed on your transceiver:- A station in the ALE net is attempting to establish a link to your station:- (bsnne teen! 12 no 1 0000!!sz lncnmin-i ME Call Your station Is now linked. an audible alarm soundsz» ~——Eall Received—— llLE Netcall r murmur: Your address has matched an incoming Netcall. a call to a number at stations In one all. Each station must respond to confirm the Netcall Is established with the calling station. Each station responds in predetermined slots. It aner 60 seconds If no key has been pressed the alarm will stop and regular ‘blips’ will be heard indicating a call was received in your absence. Pressing any key will display the call data:- -—-< llLE Net ll Page 2 >—- To Bntfsmnrm Pressing the called You again shows the address oi the station that m 155 d237 ARRE I' 2050 HF SSE TRANSC VER —( RLENetcail Page i )— Frnm f IELBME Presslng returns you to the previous screen etc. Pressing the key or using P'I'I' wIII relurn you m the main scream 15601237 ==== BARRETT 2 Closlng individual ALE Ilnks You must be linked to close an ALE link:- Or current Ch annel. (In ilJ NH 12-00 h m 1 0000.92“, fly nked 3 I'llE HF 858 T NSCEIVE (example 3 links):- hold the & key until the screen showing status of he Ilnks appears:- nElmsuSE turrent L4nks-—— BHSESTIITIDN V use the Sore" keys to se|ec1 link you wish h) close (example shown - a Ilnk with a station not in your -———-Curr(-nl Links unknnwn V f ltumasz then press the @ key ID back):- 157 of 237 B TR SCEIVER anEsruriD-‘t fiLE t-‘nt-ssage Al (his point you can elther send a message. in which use 90 to the section “Sendlng an ALE text message to another slation in an ALE network" or you can terminate the link:- TO terminate the link use the Scroll keys (0 select “Terminate Link":- ERSESTRTIOM— Terminate Link pressthe 3 key Channel 4mm 12119 nfflioooo.oinz at: link u ierminated The Ilnk Is now terminated and unless you are linked to more than thls stafion then your station will reium to ALE scannlng or manual mode:- ne now in“) 5453 1 0000.0”: ,, [Private lg; mm BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCE‘VER Closing an all ALE links You must be linked to close in ALE Ilnk:- Chennai 00!“ |200 um Ex 1 00609551: ked via I'llE ‘efi'fi m Or If more than one ALF. Ilnk Is In progress (example 3 Ilnks):- (Innn . mm! (24m ”3 “Emmonm ‘ By 3 ms links mm QM selecl "Terminate All Links" wim the scroll keys 1 Call Terminaie fii Links V” men press me é key The ALE system now terminates all open links ===== 159 0! 237 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER BARRETT Remote station closes the ALE Ilnk If the swim you are linked lo doses ihe link the tollowing will be displayed:- Eéamuei: um mm m: 1 UOGODkuz , F In: link if]! Terminated Your station wiil men return to ALE scanning (assuming your siau'on was in ALE scan mode before the ALE link occurred;- Lhannel; mm] mm 1 0000.0 an; Private 160 of 237 == ———— BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCE‘lVER ALE configuration menus ALE Enable Drolecled —-._..g|_z 59m" as Settings “LE 5mm V Eisabltd This leamre enables or disables me ALE system Use me Scroll keys m select Ihe selling required (example "ALE Enabled“):- nLE State—— A. Enabled When he selling required is selected press the key -—-——-ill.E Staten—— Enabled d Selected l======-== 161 of 237 ARRETT 20 0 HF SSB TRANSCElVER ALE scan list select ———Pmlecled———-—— ———-F4LES(-llings——-—' A . A Stan US: V NLE Settings ‘v’ Nmrrnmztm Nolez- you can also enter this scan list seled section by holding damn the key (or more than lwo seconds To select the ALE sun list required press lhe \_/ key .._.__.s¢an |_ label: 4 1an mam FressLelter Kegilo Aim? lo Lab/51 Use me Scroll keys or press the first letter of the scan list you want to use (example shown - “s") to select the scan table requlredz- men press me Scan List—— SDUTHWREfll Selected 1 62 0! 237 SCElVER Auto hnsmit Prolacled— ——RLESelilngf A h A nu: Settings "m" "mm“ v V Disable When Auto Transmit is sel to "Disable" the ALE system will not respond lo any calls made to this station Use the Scroll keys to selecl the selling required (example “Enable'):- [Mo Trans-m7 Enable When the semng required is selected press the '= key Rule Trans-mt- Enable Selected m 163 of237 BAR TT 2050 HF SSB CEIVER Transmit Control Pl nit—dad —-——-RLE Selllligs’—— A , , At aLE Settings Transmit Luntlrnl ‘V V uisahled When Transmit Control Is set to “Disabled" the ALE system will not be able to transmit any ALE calls, indudlng automatic soundings and responses to incoming ALE calls. Use ttte Scroll keys to select the settlng required (example "Enabled"):- “Tammi Control Enabled When the setting required is selected pms the 3 key Tl ansmit Coniml Enabled it Seledefl Ll 1640'237 g BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCEWER Sounding control in alerted -—-——-R c . ilnqs A. - A m E Settings Suilndirig Control v ALE operates normally both transmitting and receiving sounds when Sounding Control 's set to “Enable". in some circumstances however il is desirable not m transmit soundings under any circumstances, in this case Sounding Control is set to "Disable“. Sounding is limited to certain channels (Dre-programmed by the ALE lill program). The ALE system will however, oonlinue to make and respond to calls (depending on the Response Control settings} Use the Scroll keys to select the setting required (example Enable"):- ——-Soundlng CoriLi iii When the setting required isselecled pressthe '3 key Cantrel— Enahie J! Sale: tel! Ll l==—==-— 165 of 237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCElV Sounding Address Walecied RLE Serums—— ix. A A fiiE Settings Sounul g "duress V r IElanSlE Configures the self address used during an automatic sounding (Soundlng Control must be set to Global On), ll soundlng oontrol = lndlvldual preset basis, the address used is dependant on the active channel. -——-—vandlng Rddr 955—— f memo FIELDBHSE MED ‘ Use the Scroll keys to select the selfing required (example 'FIELDEASE2"):- Snundlng Rddr 955—— f non Em: FIELDENSEZ Pres! (all to Eontmue When the setting required is selected press the '= key Soundlng address FIELDERSEZ Selected 166 of 237 m ——_ BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER Link qualily analysls (LQA) exchange .—.-.-m ateded— RLE Set-”rig; A . , nu»: Settings “1“ “I‘m“ ‘5‘ Disahiefl “v" This option enables or disables lhe exchange of LQA inlormalion with other stations Use lhe Scroll keys to select the sem'ng required (example ‘Enabled'):- _-LClR Exc'n awe..— Enabled When the setting required Is selected press the '= key ——Lm‘< Exchange—— Enabled Selected Q l “a 167 of 237 BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCE‘VER Llnk quality analysis an» exchange mode Pl olhxe- ——-— aLE Seillngs A A aleSeflmgs “mm" "Dd” v V (urn-ll um This oplion sets the source of (he LQA reading sent to lhe other sialion, it can be set to ”Current LGA' which is a reading taken during the ALE burst just received or it can be set lo “Averaged LQA" which uses the long term averaged value laken from memory Use the Scroll keys (0 selecl (he demy lime or disable (example "Avemged Lew):- --——Ew.h an‘ae mode nveraged [an When the selling required is selecled press the l: key Exchange HQ- 9— nveragefl [Em Seiected 1680f 237 m BARR T 0 HF SSE TRAN CElV LQA averaging leecle ————QLE Settings—— A _ . A aLE Settings LG“ "Magma v V In nvereqinq Thls option sets the method used to update an existing link quallty value stored ln ALE processor memory when the new link quality value is worse than the stored value, The option can be set to either replace the old values with the new values or replace the old wlues with diflerenl weighted averages of the old values and new readings. Avemging reduces the effect that one bad reading might otherwise have on a penect channel. ll a new reading is better than an old value, the old value Is replaced by the reading There are 4 dinerenl averaging lormulas available:- No averaging, replace the old values with new wines (oldmewyz ((3'old)+new)(4 ((7'old)+new)l8 Use the Scroll keys to select the LOA averaging value required (example ‘((7'old)+new)/S":- -—-—L0a Rueraslng— [fiamldjmaw‘lis ml When the selting required is selected press the key l . resin [l'htoldjenew‘j is d Seieflefi 169 01237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEIV Link quality analysis (um decay rate moles-led FJLE Se'lhngf—-~'— A ‘ A m Settings um new“ “a” v V Disabled This option sels me anificial decay rate for file link quality information lhal is slorea in the link quallly lable wilhin lhe ALE processor. Swltchlng (he sounding on and sean a decay rate onwo hours would result in the recording cl 3 perfect channel (100°/n channel quality) denying to an unusable channel (0% channel qualily) over a period of two hours. The decay rate can be disabled. set to 124,824 and 48 hours. Use lhe Scroll keys to select lhe decay time or disable (example -3 hours"):- ——— Decay Rate—— B “BUYS wnenlhesenlngrequlredlsselecledpressme '3 key -——Lm Deng Rate—— 3 hours Selected 170 of2‘37 === BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCENER Threshold lest — —p. otecled— 4m Sew-lg; A , A flLli Settings Threshold Tefi ‘v’ Sinad Used to select which type of threshold lest is used to delermlne what quality ALE channel is acceptable lo! communication. Either “Sinad‘, "BER", “Both" or “None“ can be selectedt Use the Scroll keys to select the test required (example men"):- —--—-thes'notd Test-— BER press the a key ——~Thre5hnld Test—- BER Selectell \. l== 171 07 237 1 72 of 237 SINAD threshold flLE Settings; BARRETT 2 Prnlected——— ——-RLE Selllngs Smfifl 1 nreslmld HF SSB NSCElVER x, can This option sets the SINAD threshold at which an ALE channel ls considered usable. Thls can be sel lo belween 0 and WE, press me '= key using the fihen press lhe Smad Threw I— dB numeric keys enter fihe SINAD threshold required (example “12dB')1— Sln id Thrsihflld— 12ldE key -—Slnad Thresholn— 12 dB Salaried ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCElV BER threshold Prnkeded— — —ftLESetiinqs—-—-—~ A, . A m Settings 55“ Threshold v V 30 This option selects the BER threshold at which an ALE channel is considered usable. If the required BER is not reached in the reply lrom the remote station the link establishment process Is rejected. Depending on the retry setting the llnk establishment would continue on another link, It can be set between 0441 Selecting 30 effectively means that all links are allowed MMVV -—_-§Eu 7 using the numeric keys enter the BER threshold rewired (example M7“):- fiER Threfihnid T! thenpressths 3 key BED. ThreshaId—— Selected 173 of 237 ARRETT HF SSB TRANSCE‘VER ALE fill mode The ALE is configured with its emire nelwark data using the Barren PC based ALE fill program. Refer to me Barrett 2050 PC based programming sofimre |hat contains the ALE fill program for details. 174 01237 = Programming functions The Barrett 2050 transceiver can be programmed In three ways:» Using the 2050 programming software. loaded on a PC. and lransterrlng information to the 2050 by either IR through the lront panel or by RS-232 through the auxiliary connector. By direct key entry through the front panel Note:- This facility may not be available It the network administrator has barred the function during programming using a PC. By cloning intormation from another transceiver, through the auxiliary connector using a cloning cable Barrett PIN BCA90024 (2050) or PIN BCAZMOZO (2050 in manpack adaptor) Programming using the Barrett 2050 programming soitware The Barrett 2050 programming sonware should be loaded onto PC using the instructions supplied with the package. Transceiver configuration packs are uploaded and downloaded to the 2050 transceiver either via IR or via the serial port on the auxiliary socket on the 2050 transceiver, Programming uslng the Barrett cable P/N BCAQllllu/BCAZOMIZO To program the transceiver using the RS~232 port or your PC or Laptop plug one oi the cables mentioned above (depending on whether you are programming a 2050 or a 2050 in the manpack adaptor) into the PC or laptops serial port. The other and should be plugged it the accessory socket of the transceiver or manpack adaptor. Your PC or laptop should have the Barrett 2000 series programming software running and the 2050 should be switched on. Programming functions can now commence. Note:- When programming it is suggested you use a Barrett supplied programming cable. Other common serial cables have other pins connected. In some cases when connected to the programming computer these pins can have varying ellects. The most common Is that the 2050 transceiver remains In power on mode, even though the control head looks inactive the main unlt remains powered up. This is due to the remote power up pin on auxiliary connector being held active. == 1 75 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIV Programming using tile IrDA link To program the transceiver using lne IR Ilnk your PC or notebook should be filled wim an IIDA standard IR lacillly and have the Barrett 2000 series programming soliware running. Bring you PC or laptops IR device in visual range ol the IR window on the tram panel of the 2050 transceiver then go to the “Standard Menu — IR Enable section' and enable me IRlaciIin. The PC or Laplop should now connect to the 2050 transceiver and pmgrsmming Iunctlons can commence. Note:- the IR laciIity will only remain active for 5 minutes afler being enabled if no connection is made win. a PC or laptop. BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIV Programmlng a channel from the front panel Note:- To program a channel from the 1mm panel it is necessary to have «his lunclion enabled. To enter the programming mode firsfi select the channel you want Io program then press the key:- Transmit and receive heqnencles Rx Fr equenw._- munnfluu kHz Tgpe receive rrequencg Use the numeric keypad to enter (he receive "equency TX fre’msnt‘sm- jfl lfl1l][l kHz Type fransmit frequenau Use Ihe numeric keypad to enter the transmit «requency we 0,ka, =—=—== 177 0! 237 BARRET 0 HF SSE TRANSCElVER Channel use labels “Channel Label-——— Private V’ Use the Scroll keys to select the required channel label Note:- channel labels can be entered in the “General" section or the pruleded menu. -———Channel Label—— Put-Ii: then press the or vgkey Opentlng mode ._..-uOP!r sling Node— fix Use the Scroll keys ta select the requlred operating mode, USB, LSB, AM,CW or AFSK then press the or vgkey Note:- If the 500H1 or narrow filler hardware option is enabled th filter is automafically selected in CW made and AFSK mode 178 01237 G AR ETT 0 HF SSE TRANS EN Transmitter power setting .———-Dwer Selling Lurw Paver Use the Scroll keys to select me required output power - high, medium or low power. then press the Ear lg key Antenna socket selectlon Each channel can be dimmed to use either the de'ault antenna socket or the auxiliary antenna socket This is uselul if M0 antennas are used for dinerenl frequency ranges. Note:- the delault anmnna socket Is ANT 1, the Auxiliary antenna socket is ANT 2. Use the Scroll keys to selecl (he requlred anlenna socket 1 or 2 then press the .or '= key =—=== 179 01 237 ARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCE‘VER Selcall format Each channel can be programmed for one sslcall format, {or a descripfion 01 the formats available. refer to the beginning cf this manual, ——-——Seicari Fermi—— Use the Swell keys to seled the required selcall formal nan were [Em C key This last key press displays the (allowing screen indicating the channel programming is complete:- Cnannei 001i] Charms! Programmed The channel program sequence can be aborted ai any stage in he programming sequence by pressing the key afier which the following is dlsplayedz- Channel 0010-— Funtlion aborted 1800f237 ==== BARRET D F SSE TRANSCEiVER Cloning lprogrammlng) from anothortranscelver -—--—Proleded lieneral llpluad Pa General Note:- Use the transceiver you want to send the configuration from for the (allowing steps This feature Is used to send a copy of the configuration of one 2050 transceiver or 2050 transceiver fitted in the maltpack adaptor to another uslng a cable (Barrett PIN BCASOUZA or acumen) connecting both transceivers together via their auxiliary connectors uslng the RS-232 wnnecfion. Belore uploading commences It Is necessary to enter me selcall IDs at the transcslver that will be loaded, press the a key ———Upiuud Dy Seicall ml Selcali 1!!! Six Digit Ill. Input Int tn transmit Usln the numeric keypad enter Sell ID 1 and press the (sum) key -—-—Up ad Mk...— Sescall m I» 5578 Seltalilna. E s Sin Digit m: input me to lransmrt Uslni the numeric keypad enter Sell ID 2 and press the a key whims-sad Pack—— Selcalllnl Sim Se all ma. mgo 181 of 237 RRETT 2 HF SSE TRANSCE‘VER Using the numeric keypad enter Six digit m and mess the vkey Umoad Pack-fl Selcaznnl 1234 ; u, illnlflggg Sm Dug-rm 113455! Pres n'er to Unwed then press the '= key 10 proceed wilh doningv 182 o! 237 == BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER 2050 transceiver in the 2040 manpack adaptor The Barrett manpack uses a Barrett 2050 deployed in the Barrett 2040 manpack adaptor, theretore all me operations described in the manual above will operate when me 2050 transoeiver is In this configuration. The only oltrerenoe is the RF power output is aummatically reduced so that there are only two power settings 10 Watts and 30Watis. These are set by the channel power setting, Low Power (LP) ls 10Watts and Medium Power (MP) and High Power(HP) are both 30Wa|ts The Barrett 2040 manpack adaptor comprises:- An automatic antenna tuner tor operation with a collapsible whip or Iong»wiret A removable 10Ah lithium ion battery mflridge An inbuill battery management system that charges and operates me manpack with DC input voltages between zzvnc and zevnc, allowing operation from 24V vehloie souroeo, 24v solar panels and 24V hand orank generators. A separate Universal ACIDC input power adaptor Barrett P/N BoA204007 is available It: charge and operate the manpack when mains voltages are available between 100» 254 VAC or DC voltage between 11-18VDC are available torm sources such a 12V vehicles sources. a e o e e “HEB ERR amen BBQ flue: wrtlp anlenna met Long wire antenna alto ml Anxllnly such! ESUICW sear-t Handset socket External pow-r rocket 000000 183 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Fltflng the 2050 into the 2040 manpack adaptor Removing the battery cartridge 134 0' 237 = ARR TT 2050 HF SSE TRANSC VER Powering and charglng (he Barren "unpack The Barrett manpack Iranscelver uses a 10Ah Lithium Ion battery canrldge. with the battery canridge fitted in (he manpack lhe lransoeiver can be operated and lhe baltery cartridge charged when a DC lnpul of between 22 we and 26 VDC is supplied 10 the unit. This DC power supply can be generaled in several ways:- 1 From a 24V vehicle power source using DC power cord Bartel! PIN BCA204006 2 24 VDC Tacfical solar panel Barrel! PIN BCA204010 3 24 VDC Hand Clank generator Barrett PIN BCAZNOH 4 From a mains AC supply beaween 100VAC and 254VAC or DC supply between 11 and 18 VDC using the Barren universal AC/DC power adaptor Barrel! PIN BCAZNON DC mun. mwl-w m- we we ucwm Mm l We , 185 of 237 BARRETT 0 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER charging a 10Ah limium ion bafiury cartridge outside the manpack The 2040 battery cartridge can be charged outside the manpack uslng lne external bakery managemenl unil PIN BCAZO4013 and me AC/DC Input unlversal power adaptor P/N BCA204007. Aliernaiively the external battery managemenl unil can be powered Mlhout me use of me AC/DC inpui unlversal power adaplor by a 24V source such as the following:- 1 From a zav vehicle power source using DC power cord Barren PIN BCA204006 2 24 VDC Tactical solar panel Barrett PIN BCA204010 3 24 VDC Hand crank generalor Barren P/N BCA204011 1860f237 BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANS iVE Battery charge Indlcator when charglng the 2040 When the charging source Is unnamed to the 2040 and (he nansoeiver is sw||ched O", the beltery icon between the channel number and the time shows the progress of the charge process:- Il no beltery charging Icon Is vlslble il ind' (es the charglng devlce is not oonnemed or connected but not providing charge, or is connected but switched off:- The battery icon with a moving line running from Iefl to right indicates that the battery Is charging» than one c- 12430 - 10000.0utz g! private m.- The battery Icon stationery and filled "black" indicates that the battery is charged and the charger Is now trickle charging:- {hamlet nnm - 12 mi 1 0000.0“: Frivaie MM _= 187 of 237 ARR T 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Operation in the manpack configuration Manpack operation using the automatic antenna tuner The Barren manpack can he used with the 10 metre throw over long-wire provided or the optional 3 mehe collapsible whip. Note:- Either the whip or the long-wire can be used but not both togethert Using the whip The gooseneck should be fitted to the whip antenna stud and the whip uniotded to is maximum height. it using the Barrett manpack while walking in the backpack configuration it is suggested that while In receive standby mode the ootiapsihie antenna be only extended to half height and secured using the Velcro tab. when a call is received extend the antenna to full height before transmission. Note:- When using an un-Iuned antenna such as the whip or the long-wire the section “2040 Antenna Select" in the standard menu should be used to enable the automatic tuner Le. select ‘Whip/Long—wire" operation. When this is se|ected the in- built tuner automatically tunes the whip or icing-wire whenever the unit transmits ether 9 channel change. 188 cl 237 ARRET 0 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER Uslng tho throw ovsr Iong-wlre antenna The long-wire antenna should be unfuried and me end away from me manpack transceiver should be mashed lo any structure available and as high as possible. Note:- When using an un-tuned antenna such as the whip or the long-wire the semen “2040 Antenna Select“ in the standard menu should be used to enable the automatic tuner Le. select 'WhiplL0n9—wire" operation. When this is selected the in- built tuner automatically tunes the whip or long-wire whenever the unit transmits aner a channel change. Long wlle anlenna 343204022 l= 189 01 237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANS Using the caumerpolse When using either a whip or the long-wire antenna emciency can be increased by the use 0, the counterpoise supplied. This Is connected lo Ihe 2040 Via the BNC oonneclor connected to Ihe oounterpoise. The three radials should be spread oul on Ihe ground as indicated in the diagram below:- BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCE‘VER Operation of the manpack in frequency hopping mode. To operate in frequency hopping mode one o! the two types oi ESU‘s (Encryption synchronisation Units) supplied with the frequency hopping option must be plugged into the Esu sookel on ihe top ol the 2040 manpack adaptor. aom ESU’s acquire smelllis fiming information so must be in View of the sky ire. cannot be operated Inside buildings. This is why one verslen of (he ESU has an extension lead to enable ins ES” (0 be positioned outside if operating within a building Both ESU's can be used to supply position inlomraflon for position tracking operations. To operate the manpack in frequency hopping nmde reier to the Secuon "Frequency hopping‘ in this manual. Enorypmn synchronisation Unit Low Dmflle pm: Boozmooo Encryption s/nonmnssarion Unit with 4 mm lead PIN: acozmoor ga= 191 of 237 BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Operation of the manpack in temporary base stations For temporary base statlon operation, Barrett manpack can be operated using either a single wire, end led. portable broadband antenna Barrett PIN 3091205 or a tactical rapid deploy end ied low power dipole, Barrett PIN ecsisoa as illustrated below:- Deploying the and red single wire low power broadband Barrett PIN 5091205 Uniuri the broadband antenna from the winding bobbin supplied. Push the earth smke into the ground. Clip the short wire from the balun box, with the coaxial connector on it, to the earth stake using the crocodile clip supplied. Hang the wlre section 01 the antenna in any configuration convenient as indicated in the diagrams below. Note the higher from the ground the more enicient the antenna will be. Connect the coaxial cable lrom lhe coaxial socket on the blue balun box on the antenna to the manpack transceiver 500 ENC antenna socket. The antenna is now ready lor operation, no tuning or adjustments are required. 192 Oi 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANS EiVER Deploying the tactical rapid deploy, tuned, end ted, low power dipole Barrett PIN BC91503 Remove all components ilom me kit bag and check for damagelwear, ensure all components are present. Choose a spot on the ground near to a tree or elevated anchor polnt. Flt the coaxial cable to the balun as Indicated In the diagrams below. Unwind the cable and lay the assembly on the ground. From the bobbin unwind the Insulated cable until the desired frequency marker is reached, secure the cable Into the slots provided on the bobbin. The nylon > halyard should then be unwound and laid out (it required). Push the earlh peg irllo the ground. The radiating end .ol the end ted dipole Is now ready to be elevated into a working position either on a tree or some elevated natural object using the lead weight and nylon halyard. .lf you have a mast available, the antenna may be slung rrorntnis. Connect the coaxial cable from the coaxial socket on the balun centre on the antenna to the manpack transceiver 500 BNC antenna socket. The antenna is now ready tor operation on the frequency you have set It to, select that trequency on the transceiver. ===—= 193 at 237 Connectors Anxlllary socket 0 HF SSE TRANSCEJVE 15 pin waterproof panel mounted socket sed 13.8VDC output Balanced audlo out 1 600 n usmmmm Eel Audio Oul 2 _ ’l Balanced audio on 2 600 0 649mm tsdam ‘ BaIAud’ Ou|2 Aux Dig out 2 Gnd Bal Audio Dull Balanced audio n 1 Balanced audio In 2 HT in RS-232 Tx dala 600 {1.2mm u m... 600 n JAdBm to mom Aciive law uv Rs-zaz Rx data { Scan slop input Prr oulpul Io exlemal equipment Ground Ground Acllve low OV Acflve low OV Acfive law uv Ground OV Gmund OV Ground Ground Ground ov Ground ov BARRETT 2050 HF SSE RANSCEIVER ESUICW socket 6 pin waterproof panel mounted socket 1 PPS From External Syncronisation Unit (2511) NMEA dale InDul ¢5v for Esu power cw key input Ground Not connected Handset Socket 6 pin waterproof panel mounted socket Balanced Microphone input Iuw Balanced Mimphnna input high Active low ov Loudspeaker output Unbalanced audio in Ground = 195 of 237 BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCE‘VER Power soaket 4 pin waterproof panel mounted socket Exlemsl supply lnpul— posillve = 42210 23 vnc Exlemsl supply inpul— posilive 722 la 23 vnc -22 I0 28 vac Exlemal supply inpul— negalive -22 w 28 vol: 196 01237 ==—== BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCElVER Installing the Barrett 2050 transceiver Changing me 2050 nansceiver from a desk top unit to a remote control (trunk mount)unit using the Mobile Pack P/N BCA20501 Un-plug short interface cable from the remote head and the main body Using the short M4 cap screws supplied retasten the front panel at the main unit. (into the screw positions Iett vacant by the removal at the control head) 197 of 237 HF SSE TRANSCElVER Replace the previous short interface able wilh me Sm Inler'noe cable and m the cable res1raint/weamarpronfing cover using he 4 x 8mm ihelmoplasfic screws pruvldedl Insert |he imarfaoe‘table and speaker lead mmugh ihe rear opening in the remote head mounting plate and plug into the sockets as indicated in the diagram Screw the cable restraint/weatherproofing cover on he remote head mounfing plate with 4 x 8mm lhermoplaslic screws provided 198 of 237 50 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER Using the original M4 cap screws provided anach the remote head to me remole head mounting plate Amoh |he RAM mount using me 2 x M5 screws provided to me control head rear mount plale. % 199 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Land based systems Introduction This section provides instructions tor the installation oi land based HF communication equipment Most of the installation work can be parlonnog by nonaeohniml personnel it they careiully follow the instructions given in this handbook, It is however recommended that the oompleted installation be checked by a suitably qualified technician. In some equipment configurau'ons. technical adjustment is required tor the equipment to operate oorreotly. Note:»Some equipment has specific instnlctlons supplied with it When this is the Case those instru 'ons over-ride the general guidance oi this handbook, and must be followed in detail. Unpacking and Inspection When unpacking the transceiver. oheok the oontents against the packing note provided. Betore discarding the canon, check that all accessories have been removed and are not mislaid in the packing material. Inspect the equipment for any transit damage. It damage has occurred notify your supplier immediately and gain their advice on further action. Fallure to do this could arrect the warranty covering the equipment. Fixed station Installations Transceiver position The lollowing should be considered when choosing a position for the transceiver. Operating oonvenlenee The transceiver should be placed so that the operator Is comfortable and any iaoilities he may require are easily accessible. A‘ circulation Most transceivers rely on air llow around cooling fins to dissipate heat generated by the transmitter. The mounting position must allow free air llow around these fins. Proximity of transceiver to antenna When using RG-SS coaxial cable from the transceiver to the antenna a cable length oi no more than 30 metres is recommended. Should a run oi more than 30 metres be required it is recommended that a low loss coax such as RG-213 or RG-S be used. 200 of 237 ==
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 50 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:bcd34788-8933-43a4-8434-40c568406f82 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Paper Capture Create Date : 2006:11:16 14:03:29-05:00 Creator Tool : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01 Modify Date : 2006:11:16 14:03:45-05:00 Metadata Date : 2006:11:16 14:03:45-05:00 Document ID : uuid:77f3a792-981f-476e-b77d-705464471a2b Format : application/pdf Creator : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01EXIF Metadata provided by