Baumer Ident OIS-LSRSER Identification System User Manual Manual

Baumer Ident GmbH Identification System Manual


OIS-L RF/ID SystemRead/Write – Short RangeSystem ManualOIS-L
ContentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  2 of  59Reg. Nr. LM.0401.ENIssue 1 / April 2002- Friday, 26. April 2002 -Baumer Ident GmbH, Hertzstrasse 10, D-69469 Weinheim,Deutschland, Tel +49 6201 9957-0, Fax +49 6201 9957-99www.baumerident.comSubject to alteration without prior notice.© Copyright Baumer Ident GmbH 2002Pri nted in Germ any
ContentsPage 3 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHTable of Contents1 Safety precautions .............................................................................................. 72 Foreword.............................................................................................................. 112.1 General Information........................................................................................112.2 FCC rules for the USA .....................................................................................112.3 Central units covered by this manual.............................................................112.4 Documents available......................................................................................122.5 Available Central Units...................................................................................133 System description...........................................................................................153.1 Introduction....................................................................................................153.2 System Principles ..........................................................................................153.3 Typical System Configuration ........................................................................163.4 Part Number Identification (Type) ...................................................................173.5 Basic Functionality Overview.........................................................................184 System Components ........................................................................................194.1 Central units...................................................................................................194.1.1 Common Technical Details of Central Units.............................................. Electronic Design .......................................................................19Electronic Design – Multiplexer Extension................................................ Common parts of every central unit ................................... Communication modules...................................................214.1.2 77LA04/2-SER, -MD, -ET, -DP................................................................ Connector pin assignment........................................................... Power supply, Terminal and Digital I/Os.............................. Host interface................................................................... System Diagnostics.................................................................... Technical Data ...........................................................................26Central Unit 77LA04/4 –SER, -DP................................................................... Connector pin assignment........................................................... Power supply, Terminal and Digital I/Os.............................. Host interface................................................................... System Diagnostics....................................................................304.1.3.3. Technical Data ...........................................................................314.1.4 Central Unit 77LA04/2-IBS .....................................................................324.1.4.1. Connector pin assignment...........................................................324. Power supply, Terminal and Digital I/Os..............................32
ContentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  4 of  594. Host interface ..................................................................334.1.4.2. Status display of Interbus-S......................................................... 344. Monitor (77LA04-IBS only!)...............................................354.1.4.3. System Diagnostics.................................................................... 354.1.4.4. Technical Data........................................................................... 364.2 The Antennae.................................................................................................374.2.1 Standard Frame Antennae.....................................................................384.2.1.1. Common data for all frame antennae........................................... 394.2.2 Special Antennae ..................................................................................394.2.2.1. Common data for all special antennae......................................... 394.2.2.2. 77LS05 ..................................................................................... 394.2.2.3. 77LS06 ..................................................................................... 394.2.2.4. 77LS07 ..................................................................................... 404.2.2.5. 77LS13 ..................................................................................... 404.2.2.6. 77LS14 ..................................................................................... 404.3 Data Tags .......................................................................................................414.3.1 Accessing Data Tags..............................................................................414.3.1.1. Basic Definitions......................................................................... 414.3.1.2. Read Only Tags.......................................................................... 414.3.1.3. 256 Bit Read/Write Tag Type....................................................... 424.3.1.4. 2kBit Read/Write Tag Type.......................................................... 425 Hints on Installation and System Design....................................................455.1 Basic considerations .....................................................................................455.2 The antenna lobe ...........................................................................................455.3 Useful antenna field.......................................................................................455.3.1 Width ∅D and W and reading range at distance Ha.................................475.3.2 Operational Read/Write range Ha...........................................................475.3.3 Peak Read/Write range Hmax................................................................485.3.4 Static applications..................................................................................495.3.5 Dynamic applications.............................................................................495.4 Calculating the Passing Speed ......................................................................495.4.1 Communication: Reader – Antenna – Data Tag .......................................505.4.1.1. Read Only Tag –  76LDxxx ......................................................... 505.4.1.2. General formulas for Read / Write Tag Types............................... 505.4.2 Communication: Reader – Host (PC or PLC)...........................................515.4.2.1. Serial communication time.......................................................... 515.4.3 Correlation of Passing Speed vs. Amount of Read/Write Data..................515.4.3.1. Component selection.................................................................. 515.5 Installation Guidelines ...................................................................................535.5.1 Metal-free environment..........................................................................545.5.2 Mounting examples................................................................................555.5.3 Distance between antennae or tags........................................................56
ContentsPage 5 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5.6 EMC Guidelines..............................................................................................575.6.1 General.................................................................................................575.6.2 Shielding concept ..................................................................................576 FAQ’s.....................................................................................................................596.1 Digital Input / Trigger......................................................................................596.2 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................59
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Safet y prec autionsPage 7 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH1 Safety precautionsThis product contains components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Pleaseobserve the special instructions for their protection. Incorrect handling can damage theunit and cause the invalidation of the warranty.Minimum safety precautions against electrostatic discharge:•  Establish earth contact before you touch the unit. For example, touch the earthing screw on the unit.even better: Use an antistatic ribbon and earth yourself permanently for the time you handle the unit.•  Avoid unnecessary contact with the unit connectors and assemblies inside the unit.•  Only open the unit if the operational settings (as described in the manual) expressly require this.•  Use antistatic tools for the setting of the unit. (Warning: Do not touch life-threatening voltages withthese tools).•  Do not store unit and components without protective packaging.•  Only remove unit and components from the packaging immediately prior to installation.These notes are not sufficient to guarantee complete protection from electrostatic discharges! Werecommend the use of suitable protective equipment.
Safet y prec autionsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  8 of  59Safety InstructionsThe system described in this manual is forexclusive operation by trained employees.Only qualified personnel that know the po-tential dangers involved should perform theinstallation, settings, maintenance and repairof the units used.Safety DocumentsThis OIS-L system was designed, tested andsupplied in perfect condition according to  docu-ment IEC348 Safety Requirements for ElectronicUni ts o f Cl ass 1.Operational SafetyThe correct and safe use of these systems as-sumes that operating and service personnel fol-low the safety measures described in the man-ual alongside the generally acceptable safetyprocedures.If there is a possibility that safe operation cannotbe guaranteed the system must be switched offand secured against accidental use. Then  theservice unit responsible must be informed.Condensing Water / Change of TemperatureMoving the systems from a cold to a warm envi-ronment could lead to dangerous situations dueto condensation. Therefore it must be ensuredthat the system can adjust itself to the warmertemperature.Opening the Cov ers or the HousingDo not open the housing. There is no need toopen the housing in order to set the series 77reader devices. The unit does not have any in-ternal setting elements or displays. All settingsare performed via the test terminal port.The internal parts of the unit, especially theprinted circuit boards must be protected againstoil, moisture and air contamination. When re-moving the protective covers make sure that nomechanical damage of the sensitive electronicsoccur or metal objects (nuts, washers, etc) fallinto the unit. Therefore do not open the unit.EarthingBefore establishing any connections the housingof the system must be earthed.Connections / Power SupplyThe supply circuits must comply with the condi-tions set out for the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).The signal circuits must comply with the condi-tions set out for the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).Use screened cables for the power supply. Thisis the only way to achieve the prescribed EMC.During maintenance damage could occur ifprinted circuit boards or cables are connected ordisconnected whilst the power supply is still on.Therefore only work on the connection and thecomponents when they are not live.SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective meas-ure against dangerous body currents, formerly: pro-tective first voltage rangeEMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility,FusesOnly experts who are aware of the dangers in-volved may replace the fuses. It must be en-sured that only fuses of the required current rat-ing and the correct type are used for replace-ment. The use of repaired fuses and/or short-circuiting the fuse holders is prohibited.Spare PartsWe recommend that only personnel, originalproducts, spare and replacement parts author-ised by Baumer Ident be used for installation,service and repair. Otherwise Baumer Identdoes not accept any responsibility for materialsused, work carried out or possible conse-quences.Electrostatic DischargesSemi-conductors of the type MOS or CMOS aswell as two-pin types and precision resistanceare extremely sensitive to ESD. All components,printed circuit boards and auxiliary systemsshould therefore always be classed as sensitiveto electrostatic discharges.Before opening the cover the unit should beplaced onto an ESD-protected surface. As withall work on modern electronic modules the useof ESD clamps and ESD mats during work onthe unit is recommended.•  Sufficiently protect all printed circuit boardsthat were removed from the unit from dam-age.
Safet y prec autionsPage 9 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH•  Observe all normal precautions for the useof tools.•  Use ESD-protected packaging material.Never use measuring units with low impedancefor measuring or testing systems with semi-conductor components. Never use high voltagete sti ng units o r diel ectri c te st u ni ts to test sy s-tems with semi-conductor components.When it becomes necessary to check the iso-lating properties of the field wiring, the assem-blies (electronic units and sensors)  should bedisconnected.Earth the test units.Baumer Ident does not accept returns of prod-ucts where the regulations concerning the ESDprecautions and protective packaging materialswere not followed.ESD – Electrostatic Discharge
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ForewordPage 11 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH2 Foreword2.1 General InformationThis manual is intended to provide the user withassistance in product selection and project plan-ning for the OIS-L Short Range inductive identi-fication system. All relevant product data as wellas guidelines for the correct product combina-tions and installation are included.This description is valid for all differentRead/Write devices of the OIS-L Series 77. Aspecial controller like the PC-Card Read/Writedevice only supports the subset command set,presented in this document.News on products and applications for our iden-tification systems are updated on a regular basisand are available under the following Internetaddress:http://www.baumerident.com2.2 FCC rules for the USAAny changes or modifications of the OIS-L systemnot expressly approved by Baumer Ident  couldvoid the user's authority to operate the equipment.The OIS-L system consisting of central unit77LA04/2-SER and antennae 77LS03 complieswith the rules of FCC.  Only this system configura-ton ist allowed to operate in USA.It ´s FCC ID is: PNTOIS-LSRSERThe device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference re-ceived, including interference that may cause unde-sired operation.The connections to the antennae, to the powersupply and to the host computer must be done withshi elded cabl es.The antenna connector contains speciel parts to setthe resonance of the antenna  at 125 KHz.This canonly be done by Baumer Ident in Weinheim.2.3 Central units covered by this manualCentral units for 2 antennaeDesignation Type Description Order code77LA04/2-SER ZE.77.SR.02.11 serial interface RS232/422/485 configurableby user 9633-001-SER77LA04/2-SER-ET ZE.77.SR.02.13 serial interface RS232/422/485 configurableby user, version for use at extended tem-peratures: -20 °C … 50 °CDD10003977LA04/2-MD ZE.77.SR.02.12 serial interface pre-configured for RS485 mul-tidrop use DD10011677LA04/2-IBS ZE.77.SR.02.21 Interbus-S interface DD10011077LA04/2-DP ZE.77.SR.02.31 Profibus DP interface 9633-001-DP
ForewordBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  12 of 59Central units for 4 antennaeDesignation Type Interface Order code77LA04/4-SER ZE.77.SR.04.11 serial interface RS232/422/485 configurableby user DD10012977LA04/4-DP ZE.77.SR.04.31 Profibus-DP interface DD10017377LA04/4-MD ZE.77.SR.04.12 serial interface pre-configured for RS485 mul-tidrop use DD100201The central unit 77LA04/4 is an extension of the77LA04/2 controller. This central unit can controlup to four antennae in a multiplexing arrange-ment.2.4 DocumentsavailableManualsCentral Units Short RangeThis documentLM.0401.ENCentral Units Long Range LM.0402.ENInterbus-S Interface LM.0403.ENProfibus-DP Interface LM.0404.ENManual Handheld Reader 77HH03 LM.0405.ENConfiguration Software Short LM.0406.ENMounting of special Ring Data Tags LM.0407.ENMounting of ring data tag into floor LM.0408.ENSerial Interface LM.0409.ENQuick Start Guide [ Long Range ] LM.0440.ENData SheetsCentral Units Short Range LD.0301.ENCentral Units Long Range LD.0302.ENInterbus-S Interface LD.0303.ENProfibus-DP Interface LD.0304.ENStandard Antennae (Short Range) LD.0305.ENStandard Data Tags LD.0306.ENStandard Antennae (Long Range) LD.0307.ENSpecial Frame Antennae LD.0330.ENAntenna 77LS05 LD.0331.ENAntenna 77LS06 LD.0332.ENAntenna 77LS07 LD.0333.ENAntenna 77LS14 LD.0334.ENAntenna 77LS13 LD.0335.ENGeneral papersOur company profile AB.0001.EDTechnical Product Overview AB.0003.EN
ForewordPage 13 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH2.5 Available Central UnitsProductdesignation Type Description77LA04/2-SER ZE.77.SR.02.11 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for two Antennas,Serial interface RS232/422/485 configurable by user77LA04/2-MD ZE.77.SR.02.12 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for two Antennas,Interface pre-configured for RS485 Multidrop use77LA04/2-SER-ET ZE.77.SR.02.13 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for two Antennas,Serial interface RS232/422/485 configurable by user, Ver-sion for use at extended temperatures: -20°C ... 50°C77LA04/4-SER ZE.77.SR.04.11 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for four Antennas,Serial interface RS232/422/485 configurable by user77LA04/2-IBS ZE.77.SR.02.21 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for two Antennas,Glass Fibre Interbus Interface77LA04/2-DP ZE.77.SR.02.31 Central Unit, Read/Write, Short Range, for two Antennas,Profibus DP Interface77LA02-SER ZE.77.LR.01.11 Central Unit, Read/Write, Long Range, for one Antenna, Se-rial Interface RS232/422/485 configurable by user77LA02-DP ZE.77.LR.01.31 Central Unit, Read/Write, Long Range, for one Antenna,Profibus DP Interface76LA02-SER ZE.76.LR.01.11 Central Unit, Read-only, Long Range, for one Antenna, Se-rial Interface, RS232/422/48576LA02-DP ZE.76.LR.01.31 Central Unit, Read-only, Long Range, for one Antenna, Pro-fibus DP Interface77HH03 ZE.77.HH.03 Handheld Unit, Read/Write, based on PSION workabout® oralternativelly with Barcode Scanner77PC01 ZE.77.PC.01.91 PC Card Type II Unit, Read/Write, for one Antenna
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System descriptionPage 15 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH3 System description3.1 IntroductionThe OIS-L Series 77 is an inductive identifica-tion system, generally referred to as RF-ID. Itis intended for applications in logistics sys-tems. The OIS-L standard system consists ofthree units:•  Transponder with a Read/Write memory•  Antenna for energy and data transmission•  Central unit with analogue and digital dataprocessingThe OIS-L Series 77 Standard Range RF-IDsystem  is a family of products that have beendeveloped to meet the market demands for in-dustrial identification products with a high de-gree of modularity to solve a variety of tasks inlogistics and other applications.3.2 System PrinciplesThe OIS-L-system is a passive RF-system in thelower 125 kHz frequency band (ca. 125 kHz).The programmable data tag consists of a CMOS-Chip with an EEPROM memory and a coil. Thereader, is made up of all of the    components  re-quired for the transmission of energy and the re-ception of the demodulated signals from the tag.The energy is transmitted to the tag via an alter-nating magnetic field, analogous with the principleof a transformer.If a transponder comes within the useful area ofthe magnetic field it receives the required energyit is then ready to receive commands, to eitherstore a code in memory or to send the contents ofall or a part of the memory.System overviewThe signals are detected (demodulated) by ananalogue circuit and passed on to the digitalcircuitry. Here the microprocessor and relatedsoftware checks the data transmission, con-verts the code and in the event that the trans-mission was read the code is made availableto the host computer for further data process-ing.The chip requires a field voltage of about 3,5Vto become active. This tension is induced bythe alternating magnetic field. The  data trans-mission is done by means of an amplitudemodulation, using the Manchester code.The detection of 32 full oscillations, indicatesthat one bit has been transmitted. This kind ofdata transmission is very insensitive to externaldisturbances from other electrical equipmentand is particularly suited for industrial applications.The reading distance is dependant on the powerof the magnetic field and the exact frequencytuning (compare radio reception). Normally an up-
System descriptionBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  16 of 59per limit for this technology is set at 1 meter(40") however for small tag/reader combina-tions these values are in the range 1 to 30centimetres (0.5" - 12").3.3 Typical SystemConfigurationThe OIS-L Series 77 Standard RangeRead/Write system consists of the central unit77LA04-X and one or two short range anten-nae (selected from the 77 Series Antennarange). The data tags can be either the fixedcode type (series 76) or the Read/Write type(series 77): The Read/Write data tags come intwo different memory sizes, 256 bit or 2 kbit.The following diagram shows an overview ofthe standard products in the Read/Write sys-tem. The data tags come in differing shapes,sizes,  and housing materials. Some are coin-shaped; others are packaged in PVC and arethe size and shape of a credit card.Although the majority of data tags would functionin combination with any of the antennae, we havegrouped them into logical groups highlighting thedesired combinations, that enable the user toachieve tled information relating to the readingdistances for the various antennae/tag combina-tions are shown later in this document.76LA02-x76LS6176LS62Or equiva-lent series76 typeOr equiva-lent series76 typeFrame Antennae77LS04, 77LS09 are also a-vailable for long rang e, readonl y,  applications on request,call for special offers
System descriptionPage 17 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH3.4 Part Number Identification (Type)General form: $$.NN.$$.$$.$$, where $ is a letter, and N is a number.ExplanationIn order to have a structured part numbering system the following definitions apply.An existing part numbering system is already in circulation e.g. 77 LA04. These names are easy for theexisting user to identify, however they are not always unique to a particular product. An example would bethe part number 77LS03 this identifies an antenna but the version or tuning of this antenna is not includedin this part number.Field No. Description Possible Values$$ 1 Class of com-ponent ZE: Central unitAN: AntennaKA: Cableetc.N 2 System group 76: Read only System77: Read/Write System$$ 3 Subclass LR: Long RangeSR: Short RangeHH: Hand-held reader or related componentPC: PC-Card Reader or related component$$ 4 Product de-nomination 00 … 99For antennae: Indicator for antenna size/geometryFor central units (Field 1=ZE):Number of antennae connectors$$ 5 Product modifi-cations 00 … 99For antennae: Indicates modifications like special tuning, or specialmaterial etc., consecutively numberedFor central units (Field 1 = ZE) First digit: 1: serial Interface2: Interbus-S3: Profibus-DPSecond digit: indicates modification like different mounting holes, sur-face colour, special connectors, etc. Consecutively numbered$$ 1 Always = DT, for data tagN 2 Indicates inter-nal chip type 00: EM4102, read only01: Hitag1, 2kBit02: Hitag2, 256 bitN 3 000 … 999Related to coil size, tags with identical values in this field will haveidentical communication range within airN 4 Housing 00 … 99For different materials or geometries, consecutively numbered
System descriptionBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  18 of 593.5 Basic Functionality OverviewBasic functionality overviewCentral Unit Antenna Data TagsShort Range R/WProduct designation:Type:77LA04/x-yyZE.77.SR.xx.yy 77LS01 … 77LS14AN.77.SR.xx.yy 76LDxxx-yy, 77LDxxx-yyyDT.0x.yyy.zz
Sys tem ComponentsPage 19 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4 System Components4.1 Central unitsThe Baumer Ident short range inductive identifi-cation system OIS-L has been developed with re-spect to the regulation EN 300330 class 2. Thus,passive antennae connected to a central unit isthe basic system concept. Antennae can be easilydesigned for customers request. No additionalapprobation or certification of the complete sys-tem is necessary. By the technique of multiplex-ing, some central units can handle more than oneantenna.The high protection class of all central units makethem ready to use within an industrial environ-ment. Whether outdoor-use, rain or dust, thesystem always operates reliably. Direct mountingon vehicles in particular lift trucks is possible.Various bus interfaces including high layer soft-ware facilitate the connection to host systems forengineers. The intelligent configuration softwareprovides easy installation and system start-up bythe customers qualified personnel. A specialBaumer Ident feature is the possibility of auto-matic on-site antenna adjustment by software.This enables the optimisation of already installedsystems whereby the environment is automati-cally considered by the adjustment process.The system works with EM4102, HiTag 1 and Hi-Tag 2 chip transponders.4.1.1 Common Technical Details of Central Units4.1.1.1. Electronic DesignBlock diagram of the central unit 77LA04/2
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  20 of 594.1.1.2. Electronic Design – Multiplexer ExtensionBlock diagram of the central unit 77LA04- Common parts of everycentral unitPower supplyThe processor board contains the power supplyin the form of a galvanically separated DC-DCconverter, operating between 18 and 36 V DC.The converter provides the different internal ten-sions for the analogue board, the COM-moduleand ancillary electronics. This converter is pro-tected against polarisation errors.Analogue moduleThe analogue module handles the  energytransmission to the tag over the antenna and thedemodulation of the data signals  received  fromthe data tag. The analogue board receives con-trol signals, required for the communication withthe data tag, from the processor board. Theboard contains two separate, identical circuits tohandle two separate antennae.Processor boardA non-galvanically separated RS232 interface isprovided for the configuration of the central unit.The digital inputs and outputs (I/Os) are opto-coupled.The processor of the central unit handles the com-mands from a host computer (PC or PLC) as wellas the data transfer to and from the antenna. Thiselectronic circuitry consists of the following compo-nents:•  Micro controller C515A-L24M or•  Micro controller 80C515•  System memory 32 kByte RAMProgramme memory• 64 kByte EPROMThis memory contains the programme for the sys-tem self-test and the operating system•  Serial EEPROM 32 kByteThis memory serves the purpose of storing theconfiguration data. The data may be altered via theterminalDigital I/OsThe two galvanically separated digital inputs have apermissible input voltage of:77CU04ControllerCPU andHOST-PortElectronicMultiplexer2 : 4Analogue RF boards125kHz4MHz quartz basedAnt 1Ant 2SelectLed 1Led 2Ant 1Ant 3Ant 2Ant 4Ant Led 1Ant Led 3Ant Led 2Ant Led 4Led 5Led 6Led 777MP01 77LP04 (1)77LP04 (2)IC1IC1IC2IC2Ant1+2Ant3+4OhneQ277LA04/4ANT1 (SCL DIN DOUT)ANT2 (SCL DIN DOUT)SelectLed1Led2Led3Led4Led53Reader AsicReader AsicReader AsicReader Asic333
Sys tem ComponentsPage 21 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH`1'-signal 16 ... 36 V (max. 10 mA)`0'-signal -2 ... +2 VThe above is valid when using an input resistorof about 3kΩ.The two galvanically separated digital outputshave an allowed switching voltage of:10 ... 36 V / 0,05 A (50 mA)See also the following section for further details.TerminalThe terminal interface is used for system con-figuration and diagnostics purposes. It is in-tended to be connected to a personal computerrunning a terminal emulation software. The ter-minal is a RS232 interface. It is not galvanicallyseparated (not opto-isolated). Communication modulesThe communication modules make up the sys-tem interface between the reader and a hostcomputer (PC or PLC).The system has automatic interface detection sothat no setting is necessary.77COM-SERThe serial communication module 77COM-SERintegrates a UART of the type 16C550 as a se-rial interface in the respective memory area ofthe processor. The driver-ICs are fed from aDC/DC converter via galvanically separatedopto-couplers. They provide the following hostinterfaces:TxD (3)GND (5)RxD (2)TA (6)TB (7)RA (8)RB (9)A (6)B (7)RS 232 RS 422 RS 485Only one of these options may be connected at anygiven time.You must not connect any unused wires!77 COM-DPThe communication module 77COM-DP integratesa Profibus-DP interface with maximally 12 Mbaud inthe memory area of the processor.77COM-IBSupper connector IBS-OUT, lower connector IBS-INInterbus module and integrated SUPI3 controllerwith 10 IBS words IN and 10 IBS words OUT. Con-nection with the OIS-L controller is via a serial in-terface.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  22 of 594.1.2 77LA04/2-SER, -MD, -ET, -DPDimensional drawing – 77LA04/2-SER, -SER-ET, -MD, -DP4.1.2.1. Connector pin assignmentThe supply circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).A screened cable must be used for the powersupply. Only in that way the required EMC isachieved.SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating.EMC – Electromagnetic CompatibilityThe signal circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating4. Power  supply,  Terminal  andDigital I/OsPin Signal description1, 9 Power supply,  24 VDC,  V+2, 10 Power supply,  0 VDC,  V-14 Digital input 1,  anode,  +6 Digital input 1,  cathode,  -13 Digital input 2,  anode,  +5 Digital input 2,  cathode,  -12 Digital output 1,  collector,  +4 Digital output 1, emi tter,  -11 Digital output 2, coll ector,  +3 Digital output 2, emi tter,  -7 Terminal interface  GND8 Terminal interface  RxD15 Terminal interface  TxDTerminal InterfaceOn the 15-pin D-sub connector there is a terminalInterface RS232 available for service and diag-nostic purposes.When the central unit is equipped with the Pro-fibus-DP communication module 77COM-DP, theterminal interface is also used to set the correctProfibus slave address.Warning! The terminal Interface is not galvani-cally Separated!
Sys tem ComponentsPage 23 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHDigital I/OsThe two galvanically separated digital inputs havea permissible input voltage of:‘1’-signal 16 … 36 V (max. 10 mA)‘0’-signal -2 … +2 VThe above is valid when using an input resistor ofabout 3kΩ.The two galvanically separated digital outputshave an allowed switching voltage of:10 … 36 V / 0,05 A (50 mA) Host interfaceSerial host interface (in central unit77LA04-SER only)Pin Signal description2 RS 232 RxD6 RS 232 TxD5 RS 232 GND6 RS 422 TA and RS 485 A7 RS 422 TB and TS 485 B8 RS 422 RA9 TS 422 RB1 VTERM for RS 422 and RS 485(max 20 mA)You must not connect any unused wires!Profibus DP host interface (in centralunit 77LA04-DP only)The host interface corresponds to the Profibus-DPspecifications.Pin Name Signal description1 Shi eld Shi eld / Protective ground2 M24 Earth for 24 V voltage out3 RxD/TxD-P Receive / Transmit signals –positive4 CNTR-P Control signal for repeater– posi ti ve5 DGND Data ground(ground to  VP)6 VP Voltage supply for the termi-nation resistors (+5V)7 P24 voltage out 24V8 RxD/TxD-N Receive / Transmit– negative9 CNTR-N Control signal for repeater– negativeFigures in bold typeface are mandatory and must beprovided by the user.Cable parametersThe bus cable is specified as cable type A withinthe standard EN50170 and can be applied ac-cording to the following table:Parameter Cable AWa ve re si stan ce 135 .. 165 ΩLine Capacity < 30 pF/mLoop resistance 110 Ω/mCore di ameter of the signal ca-ble Ø 0,64 mmCore  cross se cti on > 0 ,34 m m ²
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  24 of 59In adhering to the above parameters, the followingdistances for a bus segment (branch) can beachieved:Baudrate (Kbit/sec) Max. cable length9.6 1,20019.2 1,20093.75 1,200187.5 1,200500 4001500 20012,000 100•  Short branch cables (< 6,6 m) may be usedup to 1.500 kbit/sec.•  above this speed no branch cables shouldbe used.Bus terminationIf cable A according to EN50170 is used, a resis-tor combination should be used as bus termina-tion to warrant a defined potential on the line.Schematic of bus terminationThe cable shield must be connected to the pro-tective ground to prevent EMC disturbances fromreaching into the central unit. The power supply tothe termination resistors on pin 6 is only intendedfor that purpose and thus restricted to 10 mA.It is important that the connectors at both ends ofthe Profibus-DP cable are equipped with termina-tion resistors. If this is not the case there may beproblems with the transmission.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 25 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.1.2.2. System DiagnosticsLED DescriptionOn the rear side of the controller there are 5LED’s situated as shown in the diagram below:LED Layout on backpanelNo. Signal name Function1 A1 – Antenna 1 active When lit, the antenna is active, executing a Read/Writecommand with a tag or the controller is waiting for a tag atthis antenna (automatic Read/Write mode)2 A2 – Antenna 2 active ditto with antenna 23 R – RUN mode – flashing 1/2s A flashing LED indicates that the controller is running. Whenentering the Monitor – the LED stops flashing – the last LEDstate remains active until the normal program operation con-tinues.Note: the Monitor program stops automatically on missi ngterminal inputs after about 30 seconds and the normal op-eration continues.4 Tx – Transmitting data The controller sends data via the host port (Serial or Pro-fibus) – the LED is switched ON just before the data is putinto the output FIFO buffer and switched OFF when the lastcharacter of data is placed in the communication device.5 Rx – Receiving data When the controller fetches a complete command from thecommunication device the LED switches ON. The LEDswitches OFF when the message receive has completed.With Profibus DP the LED switches ON at any change of thecontroller inputs state (CTL-octet) and switches OFF whenthe decoded command transfer to the command executionmodule (command parser) has completed.Hint:A flickering Rx-LED on Profibus without any flickering of theTx-LED (for responses) indicates that the host does nothandle the command handshake bits correctly – in this caserefer to the section in this manual describing the CTL BitHandshake Protocol.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  26 of 594.1.2.3. Technical DataThe protection class IP65 is only valid whenprotective caps are fitted to the unused con-nectors and cables with sealed  connectorsare used.Operating DataOperating frequency 125 kHzAntenna type separate, series 77LSxxNo. of antennae 1Data transfer speed 9600 baud (-SER)InterfacesSerial RS 232/422/4859-pin D-Sub maleProfibus-DP 9-pin D-Sub femaleDevice addressing software command ordip-switch (optional)Electrical DataSupply voltage 24 VDC ±10%Power consumption max. 200 mASupply connector D-Sub 15-pin, combinedwith IO and testterminalAntenna connectionImmunity EN50082-2, Class 3Emission EN55022, Class AMechanical dataHousingHousing material aluminiumOuter dimensions77LA04/2-SER,-ET, -MD, -DP 145 × 130 × 54 mmWeight77LA04/2-SER,-ET, -MD, -DP 700 gEnvironmental Conditionsmeasured according to EN 60068-2-30Temperature range    0 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +60 °C (Storage)77LA04/2-ET -10 … +50 °C (Operating)Protection class IP 63 *Climate, Uppertemperature +55 °C, 93 % rel. humidityClimate, Lowertemperature +25 °C, 97 % rel. humidityDuration of climatetest 2 cycles, 24 h each* IP65 when protective caps are fitted to the unusedconnectors and cables with sealed connectors areused.Vibration test IEC 68 Part 2-6Wave type Sine formFrequency band 2 – 500 HzAmplitude 2 – 8 Hz 7,53 mmpeak./peak.8 – 200 Hz, 2 g200 – 500 Hz, 4 gSweep speed 1 oct / minDuration of test 2 h per axisShock test (long-term) IEC 68 Part 2-29Shock form half sine formAmplitude 15 gDuration of shock 6 msNumber of shocks 4.000 *Shock test IEC 68 Part 2-27Shock form half sine formAmplitude 30 gDuration of shock 15 msNumber of shocks 3 ** Measured in both directions of the 3 main axis of thetest object, oriented orthogonal to each other.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 27 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.1.3 Central Unit 77LA04/4 –SER, -DPDimensions 77LA04/4-SER, -DP4.1.3.1. Connector pin assignmentThe supply circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).A screened cable must be used for the powersupply. Only in that way the required EMC isachieved.SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating.EMC – Electromagnetic CompatibilityThe signal circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating4. Power  supply,  Terminal  andDigital I/OsPin Signal description1, 9 Power supply,  24 VDC,  V+2, 10 Power supply,  0 VDC,  V-14 Digital input 1,  anode,  +6 Digital input 1,  cathode,  -13 Digital input 2,  anode,  +5 Digital input 2,  cathode,  -12 Digital output 1,  collector,  +4 Digital output 1, emi tter,  -11 Digital output 2, coll ector,  +3 Digital output 2, emi tter,  -7 Terminal interface  GND8 Terminal interface  RxD15 Terminal interface  TxDTerminal InterfaceOn the 15-pin D-sub connector there is a terminalInterface RS232 available for service and diag-nostic purposes.When the central unit is equipped with the Pro-fibus-DP communication module 77COM-DP, theterminal interface is also used to set the correctProfibus slave address.Warning! The terminal Interface is not galvani-cally Separated!!" !#!$ !%&' ( ' &%$")#78 mm
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  28 of 59Digital I/OsThe two galvanically separated digital inputs havea permissible input voltage of:‘1’-signal 16 … 36 V (max. 10 mA)‘0’-signal -2 … +2 VThe above is valid when using an input resistor ofabout 3kΩ.The two galvanically separated digital outputshave an allowed switching voltage range of:10 … 36 V / 0,05 A (50 mA) Host interfaceSerial host interface (in central unit77LA04-SER)Pin Signal description2 RS 232 RxD6 RS 232 TxD5 RS 232 GND6 RS 422 TA and RS 485 A7 RS 422 TB and TS 485 B8 RS 422 RA9 TS 422 RB1 VTERM for RS 422 and RS 485(max 20 mA)You must not connect any unused wires!The cable has to be shielded!Profibus DP host interface (in centralunit 77LA04-DP)The host interface corresponds to the Profibus-DPspecifications.Pin Name Signal description1 Shi eld Shi eld / Protective ground2 M24 Earth for 24 V voltage out3 RxD/TxD-P Receive / Transmit signals –positive4 CNTR-P Control signal for repeater– posi ti ve5 DGND Data ground(ground to  VP)6 VP Voltage supply for the termi-nation resistors (+5V)7 P24 voltage out 24V8 RxD/TxD-N Receive / Transmit– negative9 CNTR-N Control signal for repeater– negativeFigures in bold typeface are mandatory and must beprovided by the user.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 29 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHCable parametersThe bus cable is specified as cable type A withinthe standard EN50170 and can be applied ac-cording to the following table:Parameter Cable AWa ve re si stan ce 135 .. 165 ΩLine Capacity < 30 pF/mLoop resistance 110 Ω/mCore di ameter of the signal ca-ble Ø 0,64 mmCore  cross se cti on > 0 ,34 m m ²In adhering to the above parameters, the followingdistances for a bus segment (branch) can beachieved:Baudrate (Kbit/sec) Max. cable length9.6 1,20019.2 1,20093.75 1,200187.5 1,200500 4001500 20012,000 100•  Short branch cables (< 6,6 m) may be usedup to 1.500 kbit/sec.•  above this speed no branch cables shouldbe used.Bus terminationIf cable A according to EN50170 is used, a resis-tor combination should be used as bus termina-tion to warrant a defined potential on the line.Schematic of bus terminationThe cable shield must be connected to the pro-tective ground to prevent EMC disturbances fromreaching into the central unit. The power supply tothe termination resistors on pin 6 is only intendedfor that purpose and thus restricted to 10 mA.It is important that the connectors at both ends ofthe Profibus-DP cable are equipped with termina-tion resistors. If this is not the case there may beproblems with the transmission.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  30 of 594.1.3.2. System DiagnosticsLED DescriptionOn the rear side of the controller there are 7LED’s situated as shown in the diagram below:LED Layout on backpanelNo. Signal name Function1 A1 – Antenna 1 active When lit, the antenna is active, executing a Read/Writecommand with a tag or the controller is waiting for a tag atthis antenna (automatic Read/Write mode)2 A2 – Antenna 2 active ditto with antenna 21 up A3 – Antenna 3 active ditto with antenna 32 up A4 – Antenna 4 active ditto with antenna 43 R – RUN mode – flashing 1/2s A flashing LED indicates that the controller is running. Whenentering the Monitor – the LED stops flashing – the last LEDstate remains active until the normal program operation con-tinues.Note: the Monitor program stops automatically on missi ngterminal inputs after about 30 seconds and the normal op-eration continues.4 Tx – Transmitting data The controller sends data via the host port (Serial or Pro-fibus) – the LED is switched ON just before the data is putinto the output FIFO buffer and switched OFF when the lastcharacter of data is placed in the communication device.5 Rx – Receiving data When the controller fetches a complete command from thecommunication device the LED switches ON. The LEDswitches OFF when the message receive has completed.With Profibus DP the LED switches ON at any change of thecontroller inputs state (CTL-octet) and switches OFF whenthe decoded command transfer to the command executionmodule (command parser) has completed.Hint:A flickering Rx-LED on Profibus without any flickering of theTx-LED (for responses) indicates that the host does nothandle the command handshake bits correctly – in this caserefer to the section in this manual describing the CTL BitHandshake Protocol.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 31 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.1.3.3. Technical DataThe protection class IP65 is only valid whenprotective caps are fitted to the unused con-nectors and cables with sealed connectors areused.Operating DataOperating frequency 125 kHzAntenna type separate, series 77LSxxNo. of antennae 1Data transfer speed 9600 baud (-SER)InterfacesSerial RS 232/422/4859-pin D-Sub maleProfibus-DP 9-pin D-Sub femaleDevice addressing dip-switch or softwarecommandElectrical DataSupply voltage 24 VDC ±10%Power consumption max. 200 mASupply connector D-Sub 15-pin, combinedwith IO and testterminalAntenna connectionImmunity EN-50082-2, Class 3Emission EN-55022, Class AMechanical dataHousingHousing material aluminiumOuter dimensions77LA04/4-SER,-DP 195 × 145 × 78 mmWeight77LA04/4-SER,-DP 1.1 kgEnvironmental Conditionsmeasured according to EN 60068-2-30Temperature range    0 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +60 °C (Storage)Protection class IP 63 *Climate, Uppertemperature +55 °C, 93 % rel. humidityClimate, Lowertemperature +25 °C, 97 % rel. humidityDuration of climatetest 2 cycles, 24 h each* IP65 when protective caps are fitted to the unusedconnectors and cables with sealed connectors areused.Vibration test IEC 68 Part 2-6Wave type Sine formFrequency band 2 – 500 HzAmplitude 2 – 8 Hz 7,53 mmpeak./peak.8 – 200 Hz, 2 g200 – 500 Hz, 4 gSweep speed 1 oct / minDuration of test 2 h per axisShock test (long-term) IEC 68 Part 2-29Shock form half sine formAmplitude 15 gDuration of shock 6 msNumber of shocks 4.000 *Shock test IEC 68 Part 2-27Shock form half sine formAmplitude 30 gDuration of shock 15 msNumber of shocks 3 ** Measured in both directions of the 3 main axis of thetest object, oriented orthogonal to each other.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  32 of 594.1.4 Central Unit 77LA04/2-IBS78 mmPicture 1Dimensions 77LA04/2-IBS4.1.4.1. Connector pin assignmentThe supply circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).A screened cable must be used for the powersupply. Only in that way the required EMC isachieved.SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating.EMC – Electromagnetic CompatibilityThe signal circuits must comply with the re-quirements of the SELV circuits (seeEN60950).SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage – Protective measureagainst dangerous body currents. Protective first volt-age, circuit not floating4. Power  supply,  Terminal  andDigital I/OsPin Signal description1, 9 Power supply,  24 VDC,  V+2, 10 Power supply,  0 VDC,  V-14 Digital input 1,  anode,  +6 Digital input 1,  cathode,  -13 Digital input 2,  anode,  +5 Digital input 2,  cathode,  -12 Digital output 1,  collector,  +4 Digital output 1, emi tter,  -11 Digital output 2, coll ector,  +3 Digital output 2, emi tter,  -7 Terminal interface  GND8 Terminal interface  RxD15 Terminal interface  TxDTerminal InterfaceOn the 15-pin D-sub connector there is a terminalInterface RS232 available for service and diag-nostic purposes.Warning! The terminal Interface is not galvani-cally Separated!
Sys tem ComponentsPage 33 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHDigital I/OsThe two galvanically separated digital inputs havea permissible input voltage of:‘1’-signal 16 … 36 V (max. 10 mA)‘0’-signal -2 … +2 VThe above is valid when using an input resistor ofabout 3kΩ.The two galvanically separated digital outputshave an allowed switching voltage of:10 … 36 V / 0,05 A (50 mA) Host interfaceInterbus S host interface (in centralunit 77LA04/2-IBS only)Interbus S IN – Remote Bus (female)Pin Name Description1 DO Data Out2 DI Data In3 COM Data Ground4 GND Power supply for opto con-verter56 /DO Data Out inverted7 /DI Data In inverted8 +5V Power supply for opto con-verter9UInterbus S OUT – Device Side (male)Pin Name Description1 DO Data Out2 DI Data In3 COM Data Gound4 GND Power supply for opto con-verter5 BC Bus Control (+5V)6 /DO Data Out inverted7 /DI^ Data In inverted8 +5V Power supply for opto con-verter9URecommended wiringIBS-Out IBS-In* This bridge is made if another module follows downthe line and is only on the Out-Port.Conversion to fibre optic transmissionAvailable converters•  Remote-OUT to glass fibreOPTOSUB-PLUS-G/OUT – 27 99 63 6•  Remote-OUT to polymer fiberOPTOSUB-PLUS-K/OUT – 27 99 61 0•  Remote-IN to glass fiberOPTOSUB-PLUS-G/IN 27 99 62 3•  Remote-IN to polymer fibreOPTOSUB-PLUS-K/IN 27 99 58 4
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  34 of 59Please contact the manufacturer for detailed in-formation. PDF files are available on the internetat:http://www.phoenixcontact.comCables required for Interbus S wiringCharacteristic quantity @ 20 °C Value Test methodNumber of conductors 3 × 2, twisted pair with commonshi e ldConductor cross section Min. 0.2 mm²DC conductor resistance per 100m Max. 9.6 ΩIEC 189-1 clause 5.1Characteristic impedance 120 Ω ± 20 % @ f = 0.064 MHz100 Ω ± 15 Ω @ f > 1 MHzIEC 1156-1 clause3.3.6Dielectric strength- Conductor / conductor 1000 Vrm s, 1 min IEC 189-1 clause 5.2- Conductor / shield 1000 Vrm s, 1 min IEC 189-1 clause 5.2Insulation resistance (after dielectricstrength test) Min. 150 MΩ for a cable of 1kmIEC 189-1 clause 5.3Maximum transfer impedance @ 30 MHz 250 mΩ/m IEC 96-1Working capacitance @ 800 Hz Max. 60 nF for a cable of 1 km IEC189-1 clause Status display of Interbus-S Colour Name Descriptiongn RC Remote bus Check. Showsexisting connection to fore-going Remote bus. It is ac-tive, if the in coming remoteBus is okay and the masteris switched on.rd RD Disabled remote Bus. Showsthe status of the remote In-terface.ON means the remote inter-face is switched off.yl VCC Positive supply voltage on anIC plus 5Vgn BA Bus active. This LED showsthe data on the Interbus cy-cles ON while sending a mes-sage to the PLC/PC via theHOST-Port
Sys tem ComponentsPage 35 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4. Monitor (77LA04-IBS only!)This connection is intended to listen to the internaldata transfer between CPU and interface board.You must not feed signals into any one of thepins!Pin Signal description2RS 232 RxD – Monitor output 1)3RS 232 TxD – Monitor output 1)4 - do not use -5RS 232 GND 1)6 - do not use -7 - do not use -8 - do not use -9 - do not use -1 - do not use -1) connector requires special cable! System DiagnosticsLED DescriptionOn the rear side of the controller there are 5LED’s situated as shown in the diagram below:LED Layout on backpanelNo. Signal name Function1 A1 – Antenna 1 active When lit, the antenna is active, executing a Read/Write com-mand with a tag or the controller is waiting for a tag at this an-tenna (automatic Read/Write mode)2 A2 – Antenna 2 active When lit, the antenna is active executing a Read/Write com-mand with a tag or the controller is waiting for a tag at this an-tenna (automatic Read/Write mode)3 R – RUN mode – flashing 1/2s A flashing LED indicates that the controller is running. Whenentering the Monitor – the LED stops flashing – the last LEDstate remains active until the normal program operation contin-ues.Note: the Monitor program stops automatically on missi ng ter-minal inputs after about 30 seconds and the normal operationcontinues.4 Tx – Transmitting data The controller sends data via the host port (Serial or Profibus) –the LED is switched ON just before the data is put into the out-put FIFO buffer and switched OFF when the last character ofdata is placed in the communication device.5 Rx – Receiving data When the controller fetches a complete command from thecommunication device the LED is switched ON. The led isswitched OFF when the complete message is received.Monitor connector2TxD5SGnd3RxDPC / Terminal3RxD5SGndDSUB 9Monitor cable circuit10kΩΩΩΩ
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  36 of 594.1.4.4. Technical DataThe protection class IP65 is only valid whenprotective caps are fitted to the unused con-nectors and cables with sealed connectors areused.Operating DataOperating frequency 125 kHzAntenna type separate, series 77LSxxNo. of antennae 1Data transfer speed 9600 baud (-SER)InterfacesInterbus-S IBS-IN 9-pin D type maleIBS-OUT, 9-pin D typefemaleDevice addressing dip-switch or softwarecommandElectrical DataSupply voltage 24 VDC ±10%Power consumption max. 200 mASupply connector D-Sub 15-pin, combinedwith IO and testterminalAntenna connectionImmunity EN50082-2, Class 3Emission EN55022, Class AMechanical dataHousingHousing material aluminiumOuter dimensions77LA02/-IBS 195 × 145 × 78 mmWeight77LA02/-IBS 1.1 kgEnvironmental Conditionsmeasured according to EN60068-2-30Temperature range    0 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +60 °C (Storage)77LA04/2-ET -10 … +50 °C (Operating)Protection class IP 63 *Climate, Uppertemperature +55 °C, 93 % rel. humidityClimate, Lowertemperature +25 °C, 97 % rel. humidityDuration of climatetest 2 cycles, 24 h each* IP65 when protective caps are fitted to the unusedconnectors and cables with sealed connectors areused.Vibration test IEC 68 Part 2-6Wave type Sine formFrequency band 2 – 500 HzAmplitude 2 – 8 Hz 7,53 mmpeak./peak.8 – 200 Hz, 2 g200 – 500 Hz, 4 gSweep speed 1 oct / minDuration of test 2 h per axisShock test (long-term) IEC 68 Part 2-29Shock form half sine formAmplitude 15 gDuration of shock 6 msNumber of shocks 4.000 *Shock test IEC 68 Part 2-27Shock form half sine formAmplitude 30 gDuration of shock 15 msNumber of shocks 3 ** Measured in both directions of the 3 main axis of thetest object, oriented orthogonal to each other.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 37 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.2 The AntennaeThe system OISL has been developed with re-spect to the European regulation EN300330/Class2. T hi s cl a ss i s i nten ded fo r syste m s wi th  cus-tomised antennae.The regulation requires an approval for the centralunit only whereas antennae of class 2 systemsare not subject to any approval or permission re-quirements.These antennae are passive; in particular anyOIS-L antenna is only the inductive part of thesystems resonance circuit.There are two different types:•  AN.76.SR.xx.yy: These antennae are onlyfor compatibility with an older Baumer  Identinductive identification system, 76LA01/xx•  AN.77.SR.xx.yy: These antennae are stan-dard use for the Baumer Ident OISL  shortrange system with central unitsZE.77.Sr.xx.yy.The different antennae have been designed withrespect to a wide variety of applications. In gen-eral antennae have to be used in an air environ-ment.For mounting in close proximity to metal pleaseread the appropriate chapter in this system man-ual. Specifications about reading distances andrecommended transponder types are also given inthis system manual or in the OIS-L transponderdata sheet LD.0306.EN.Special antennae for mounting directly onto metalare available.The antenna transmits energy and data signals toand from the data tag. The coil and necessaryelectronics are enclosed in a sturdy frame hous-ing made of polystyrene. The frame is  fully  sealedand is protected to an IP67 rating.On a standard frame antenna the housing ac-commodates four mounting holes size M6 forscrews. A mounting kit (optional) containingbrackets and vibration dampeners is available tofacilitate the simple and correct mounting of theantenna.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  38 of 594.2.1 Standard Frame AntennaeName Type Order No. Remarks77LS01 AN.77.SR.01.01 DD100014 Standard Tuning77LS01 AN.77.SR.01.02 DD100008 Tuned for 20 distance mm to steel77LS02 AN.77.SR.02.01 DD100015 Standard Tuning77LS03 AN.77.SR.03.01 DD100016 Standard Tuning77LS04 AN.77.SR.04.01 DD100017 Standard Tuning77LS09 AN.77.SR.09.01 DD100019 Standard Tuning77LS09 AN.77.SR.09.02 DD100113 Tuned for 20 distance mm to steel77LS09 AN.77.SR.09.03 DD100040 Tuned for 20 distance mm to steel, ET Version ** Extended TemperatureName Type H W H-c/c W-c/c Weight, kg Mounting77LS01 AN.77.SR.01.xx 100 100 85 85 0,5 2 x M477LS02 AN.77.SR.02.xx 150 150 81 81 0,8 4 x M677LS03 AN.77.SR.03.xx 225 225 156 156 1,2 4 x M677LS04 AN.77.SR.04.xx 275 275 206 206 1,5 4 x M677LS09 AN.77.SR.09.xx 400 400 331 331 1,8 4 x M6Frame antennae – mechanical data – All dimensions in mm
Sys tem ComponentsPage 39 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.2.1.1. Common data for all frameantennaeCable 5 m includedTemperaturerange    0 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +60 °C (Storage)Housing Polystrol (PS), dark greyProtectionclass IP65Tuning Free airThe –ET version has an extended temperaturerange ofTemperaturerange -10 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +80 °C (Storage)4.2.2 Special AntennaeThe different antennae have been designed withrespect to a wide variety of applications. In gen-eral antennae have to be used in an air environ-ment.In difference to 77LS05 the antenna 77LS06 hasan internal ferrite rod while the housing is identi-cal. Thus, the antenna field has  a  special  shapewhich influences reading distance an maximumpassing speed of a transponder.The antenna 77LS07 is designed for directmounting onto metal.∅ Common data for all spe-cial antennaeCable fixed cable, 5 m length (otherlengths on request), min. bendingradius: 50 mm, static useTemperaturerange    0 … +50 °C (Operating)-10 … +60 °C (Storage)Protectionclass IP674.2.2.2. 77LS05Technical DataType AN.77.SR.05.01Order code DD100018Housing PVCTuning Free airDimensions Ø M30 × 1,5 × 80 (seedrawing below)Weight 60 g (320 g incl. cable)Data sheet LD.0331.ENDimensional drawing of 77LS05 & 77LS064.2.2.3. 77LS06Technical DataType AN.77.SR.06.01Order code DD10139Housing PVCTuning Free airDimensions/mounting Ø M30 × 1,5 × 80 (seedrawing before)Weight 80 g (340 g incl. cable)Data sheet LD.0332.EN
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  40 of 594.2.2.4. 77LS07Technical DataType AN.77.SR.07.01Order code DD100182Housing PVCTuning Free air or direct on metalDimensions/mounting 46 × 30 × 10 mm, 2 × M 3Weight 230 g (incl. cable)Data sheet LD.0333.ENDimensional drawing of 77LS074.2.2.5. 77LS13Technical DataType AN.77.SR.13.01Order code DD100128Housing Brass/PBTPTuning Free airDimensions/mounting M 18 × 1 × 20 mmWeight 260 g (incl. fixed cable)Data sheet LD.0335.ENPhoto of 77LS134.2.2.6. 77LS14Technical DataType AN.77.SR.14.01Order code DD100098Housing Brass/PBTPTuning Free airDimensions/mounting 32 × 20 × 10 mm, 2 × M 3Weight 230 g (incl. fixed cable)Data sheet LD.0334.ENDimensional drawing of 77LS14
Sys tem ComponentsPage 41 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH4.3 Data TagsBy offering the opportunity to handle various tagtypes it is necessary to provide information onhow  to access read only and read write tags. Thisoverview gives a short overview about differenttag types and their special access parameters.Series 76 tagsRead-only tags – EM series 4001, 4003, and4103 compatible.40 Bit Code ID, read onlyType 76LDxxx-yy•  xxx = housing diameter or size specification•  yy  = material, housing, ... codeExample76LD050-01:• read only tag (series 76)• 50mm diameter• Epoxy housingSeries 77 tagsRead/Write tags – 128 Bit, 1536 Bit user memoryspaceType 77LDxxx-syy•  xxx = housing diameter or size specification•  s = capacity specification 1 = 2 kBit Tag 2 =256Bit Tag•  yy  = material, housing, ... codeExample77LD100-101• 2kBit Read write tag• 100mm diameter•  PVC housing77LD030-201:• 256 Bit Read/Write tag• 30mm diameter• EPOXY housingIn the following chapters the ‘xxx’ and ‘yy’, etc.abbreviations are replacements for the specifictag type specifications (housing, type, material,diameter, size, etc.).4.3.1 Accessing Data Tags4.3.1.1. Basic DefinitionsThe memories of the various read write tag types(77LDxxx) are physically organized in  pages.  Onepage contains 4 Bytes or 32 Bits of data. Only apage can be accessed as a smallest unit. TheRead/Write data tag’s memory size allows to ac-cess 4 to 48 pages (16 to 192 Bytes, 128 to1536Bit) of user pages depending on the specifictag type. Byte access is supported only on thebase ‘page read, modify byte, page write back’.Read-only tags (76LDxxx) are not organized inpages. The memory contains a total net size of 5Bytes (40 bits) of fixed sized  programmed data.The memory size including extra synchronizationbits and parity bits is 64 bits. Read Only TagsThe 76LDxxx read only tag family offers a mem-ory size of 64 bits. These bits are transmitted se-quentially while the tag is in the active antennafield. 24 bits are used as the message frame withthe SYNC-Header, parity bits and stop bit. 40 bitsare used as the UNIQUE ID. Only these 40 bitsare delivered to the user.The logical memory map on the data tag lookslike the following:1 ID Byte [MSB]2ID Byte3ID Byte4ID Byte5 ID Byte [LSB]40Bit unique. (Readonly)[64 Bits with sync bitsand parity bits]Tag data logical memory mapThe TAG-ID has a length of 40 bits packed into 5bytes. Each byte is transmitted as 2 hexadecimalASCII characters ‘0’...’9’, ‘A’...’F’. The higher ordernibble is sent first following the lower order nibble.With read-only tags there is no need to set anypage numbers since the tag has a fixed codelength and is not divided into pages.
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  42 of 594.3.1.3. 256 Bit Read/Write TagTypeWhen using the Read/Write data tag 77LDxxx-2yyit is important to state which page you want toread from. The 256 Bit type contains 8 pages,each having 32 Bit. The first page contains theunique serial number of the tag, the next threepages are reserved and the remaining 4 pagesare available for user data.Optional read only configurationA specialty of this tag type is that it can mimic aread only tag. Using this feature PREDEFINED ormultiple READ ONLY TAGS with the same ID maybe produced that are completely compatible to theSeries 76 tags. Series 77LDxxx-2yy data tagsmay be used in a mixed  environment  with76LDxxx tags.This tag function must be set-up in factory or re-quires special controllers and controller softwareat the customer site.The data on the tag has the following layoutPage # Contents Access0 Serial number 32 Bit unique. (Read only) Publi c1 Reserved2 Reserved3 ReservedNo access available to this 3 pages Not public4 User data 1 Read and write Public5 User data 2 -“-Option: 64 Bit Read only memorylayout for RO operation Public6 User data 3 -“- Public7 User data 4 -“- PublicTag data logical memory mapThe Read Only Memory Option – Bit Map111111111Sync-Headerbits Page4D03 D02 D01 D00 LP0 Digit 1 Line Parity 1 Page 4D13 D12 D11 D10 LP1 Digit 2 Line Parity 2 Page 4 8 bit versioncustumer IDD23 D22 D21 D20 LP2 Digit 3 Line Parity 3 Page 4D33 D32 D31 D30 LP3 Digit 4 Line Parity 4 Page 4D43 D42 D41 D40 LP4 Digit 5 Line Parity 5 Page 4 / Page5D53 D52 D51 D50 LP5 Digit 6 Line Parity 6 Page5D63 D62 D61 D60 LP6 Digit 7 Line Parity 7 Page5D73 D72 D71 D70 LP7 Digit 8 Line Parity 8 Page5D83 D82 D81 D80 LP8 Digit 9 Line Parity 9 Page5D93 D92 D91 D90 LP9 Digit 10 Line Parity 10 Page532 bit uniqueidentifierallowing~4 billion ofcombinationsCP3 CP2 CP1 CP0 4 Bit Column Parity Page5LineParity0Stop bit Page5The parity is calculated as even parity. 2kBit Read/Write TagTypeThe 2kBit data tag is operating functionallysimilar to the 256 Bit tag introduced above. Themain differences are the larger amount of pagesthat can be read by an atomic command (up to16 pages max.) and different page start ad-dresses of user data area and its greater size.
Sys tem ComponentsPage 43 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHThe memory of the 2kBit data tag 77LDxxx-1yycontains 64 pages, each having 32 Bit. The firstpage contains the unique serial number of thetag, the next seven pages are reserved and notaccessable. Pages 8 to 15 are reserved and areaccessable with Long Range Reader Devicesonly  The remaining 48 pages are available foruser data without any restriction.The data on the tag has the following layoutPage # Contents0 Serial number 32 Bit unique. (Read only)1 Reserved… -“-7 -“-No access available to 7 pages8 -“-… -“-15 ReservedNo access available to 8 pages for short range readerStandard: no access with long range reader.Access with long range reader requires special firmware.16 User data 1 page Read and write… -“- -“-64 User data 48 page -“-Tag data logical memory map
Sys tem ComponentsBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  44 of 59
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 45 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5 Hints on Installation and SystemDesign5.1 Basic considerationsWe would all like to ensure that all of the effortsthat have gone into planning and designing  a newsystem will enable it to be installed  problem  freein an efficient and reliable manner. Enabling thenew system to meet all of the planned project cri-teria. When selecting the correct OIS-L compo-nents for an application, there are a few moreitems to be considered:The environment•  Is i t free from metal around antenna anddata tag•  Electrical noise close to the antenna -or datatag• Humidity• Temperature• Aggressive media• Vibrations, shockRequired distance between antenna and datatagWriting data to the tag•  Number of write cycles per time unit• Static• DynamicPassing speed requiredAmount of data to be transmittedMax. out of centre deviation (± mm)5.2 The antenna lobeThe antenna field runs concentric with the coilwindings. Hence the field is stronger towards thecentre of the antenna, where the fields from allfour sides coincide. A certain field also occurs onthe outside of the antenna frame. Thisis  the  rea-son why the field close to the antenna surface islarger than the actual coil winding itself. The fol-lowing graph shows a typical antenna field formand spread when both the antenna and data tagare free from metal influences.5.3 Useful antenna fieldIt is important to distinguish between static anddynami c applications. The tag needs to be withi nthe active field for approximately 80-150 ms  (de-pending on tag type for one page or read onlyCode-ID) to guarantee a correct code reading ordata programming. The higher up on the lobarantenna field form the tag passes the antenna,the shorter the useful field gets resulting in a re-duction of the max. passing speed possible.The reading range achievable depends on differ-ent factors, e.g. antenna type, data tag position,and interferences in the environment. Typical val-ues achievable are listed in the following tablesunder conditions as stated in the respective table.
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  46 of 59Antenna field – Communication – range definition for static and dynamic applicationThe various reference numbers in the previousgraph have the following meanings:Hmax This is the maximum distance pos-sible between the antenna and thedata tag where the field strength ishigh enough to power up the datatag. Since the diameter at this pointis close to zero, it can only be usedfor static applications.Ha This is the main field and should beused for dynamic applications. Themax diameter Ø D indicates the up-per limit for dynamic applications.For maximum allowable passingspeeds please refer to the appro-priate manual section.Hm Defines the distance between ametal surface and the antenna. Foroptimal system performance it isessential to keep a minimum dis-tance to any metal surface.W The W stands for the maximum al-lowable ± offset from the centreline,having just a minor influence on thepassing speed in dynamic applica-tions.Ø D The maximum diameter Ø D indi-cates the upper limit for dynamicapplications.NoteThe tags of the same size e.g. 77LD03-xx havethe same communication distance; hence not allvariants are displayed in the table.Set-up to establish Read/Write distances
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 47 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5.3.1 Width ∅D and W and reading range at distance Ha∅∅∅∅D, W [mm]Data tagAntenna 76LD020 76LD030 76LD050 76LD060 76LD100 76LD500 Reader77LS01 100, 50 100, 90 100, 95 100, 100 100, 140 1) 100, 95 77LA04/x77LS02 150, 100 150, 130 150, 125 150, 140 150, 145 150, 125 77LA04/x77LS03 225, 170 225, 170 225, 190 225, 200 225, 220 225, 190 77LA04/x77LS04 275, 160 275, 190 275, 220 275, 230 275, 265 275, 220 77LA04/x77LS05 50, 30 50, 30 50, 50 50, 60 1) 50, 80 1) 50, 50 77LA04/x77LS09 * 400, 335 400, 375 400, 380 400, 395 400, 375 77LA04/xDimensions of communication field, mm at distance Ha for read-only tags of series 76∅∅∅∅D, W [mm]Data tagAntenna 77LD020 77LD030 77LD050 77LD100 77LD500 Reader77LS01 100, 50 100, 90 100, 90 100, 140 1) 100, 90 77LA04/x77LS02 150, 100 150, 120 150, 125 150, 145 150, 125 77LA04/x77LS03 225, 170 225, 170 225, 190 225, 220 225, 190 77LA04/x77LS04 275, 160 275, 180 275, 220 275, 265 275, 220 77LA04/x77LS05 50, 30 50, 30 50, 50 50, 80 1) 50, 50 77LA04/x77LS09 * 400, 330 400, 355 400, 395 400, 355 77LA04/xDimensions of communication field, mm at distance Ha for Read/Write tags of series 771) if the tag is larger than the antenna – W is determined by the tag size!5.3.2 Operational Read/Write range HaHa[mm]Data tagAntenna 76LD020 76LD030 76LD050 76LD060 76LD100 76LD500 Reader77LS01 50 70 100 110 130 100 77LA04/x77LS02 60 80 120 130 170 130 77LA04/x77LS03 70 110 150 170 210 160 77LA04/x77LS04 60 120 170 180 220 180 77LA04/x77LS05 30 40 60 60 70 60 77LA04/x77LS09 * 120 180 210 290 190 77LA04/xTypical communication distance for read-only tags of series 76* Combination of data tag and antenna not recommended!
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  48 of 59Ha[mm]Data tagAntenna 77LD020 77LD030 77LD050 77LD100 77LD500 Reader77LS01 35 60 90 130 100 77LA04/x77LS02 50 70 100 150 150 77LA04/x77LS03 45 90 150 200 170 77LA04/x77LS04 35 100 170 250 190 77LA04/x77LS05 30 50 70 100 70 77LA04/x77LS09 * 100 170 290 200 77LA04/xTypical communication distance for Read/Write tags of series 775.3.3 Peak Read/Write range HmaxHmax[mm]Data tagAntenna 76LD020 76LD030 76LD050 76LD060 76LD100 76LD500 Reader77LS01 70 100 140 150 190 150 77LA04/x77LS02 90 130 170 190 250 180 77LA04/x77LS03 100 160 220 240 300 230 77LA04/x77LS04 90 170 240 260 320 250 77LA04/x77LS05 40 60 80 90 100 80 77LA04/x77LS09 * 170 260 300 410 270 77LA04/xMaximum communication distance for read-only tags of series 76Hmax[mm]Data tagAntenna 77LD020 77LD030 77LD050 77LD100 77LD500 Reader77LS01 50 90 130 190 160 77LA04/x77LS02 75 100 150 220 220 77LA04/x77LS03 75 130 220 260 250 77LA04/x77LS04 50 150 240 310 280 77LA04/x77LS05 40 60 80 120 80 77LA04/x77LS09 * 160 260 380 310 77LA04/xMaximum communication distance for Read/Write tags of series 77* Combination of data tag and antenna not recommended!
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 49 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5.3.4 Static applicationsFrom the above statement it is evident that theupper part of the field may only be used  in staticapplications. Local environmental influences mayhave an adverse effect on the achievableRead/Write distances. It is therefore  vitally  im-portant to measure the distances on site with theequipment to be used, to avoid problems in thefield.A particular problem to look out for when  consid-ering an installation, can be caused by the closeproximity to strong fields generated from AC-servo s.Note! Watch out for possible disturbances inthe area surrounding the antenna.5.3.5 Dynamic applicationsFor dynamic applications For dynamic applica-tions only the lower section of the lobar fieldshould be used. This is demonstrated  in thegraph given on the previous page.A second important factor to consider in dynamicapplications is the off-centre deviation. The corri-dor W in the graph indicates the maximum devia-tion +/- from the antenna centre line. The fieldvaries slightly with the data tag size. For practicalpurposes a value between 0,4 and 0,5 × Ø  D canbe used as a start value. If the data tag extendsbeyond these values, the contact length with theactive field gets shorter, reducing the achievablepassing speed.Do not forget to consider the deviation fromthe antenna’s centre line!5.4 Calculating thePassing SpeedThe achievable passing speed depends on thesize of the antenna, data tag and the number ofBytes to be transferred. The contact time forreading the fixed-code serial number i.e. the timethe data tag is required to be within the usefularea of the antenna field is about 140 ms. Thisgi ves a si m ple  rul e-of-th um b to  cal cul ate  th emaximum passing speed for a particular an-tenna/data tag combination.Desired passing speed in mm/ms × 100 =Length of useful antenna field required inmm.Examplepassing speed = 30m/min (100 ft/min)This equals 0.5 mm/ms × 100 = 50 mmuseful antenna field length.100 ft/min = 0.02"/msec. × 100 = 2" usefulantenna field lengthThe tables before show typical values for differentantennae and different tags used. The valueshave been established from measurements fromseveral tags and the average value has beentaken.Temperature variations and production tolerancesmay produce values that differ from the above by±20%. Hence we recommend to perform testswith the equipment on the site in question, to es-tablish the Read/Write distances and passingspeeds achievable in the actual application.Note! Local conditions may affect theRead/Write distances achievable. Productiontolerances and temperature changes  may  alsocause a deviation from the values in the table!
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  50 of 595.4.1 Communication:Reader – Antenna – DataTag5.4.1.1. Read Only Tag –  76LDxxxThe read only tag has a fixed timeing thereforethree constant describe the typical tag-reportingrates to be expectedRead:80 ms: reading of tag in antenna field, continu-ously.117 ms: Tag enters antenna field newly, 1 timethen 80ms continuously150 ms: worst case under influence of distur-bance5.4.1.2. General formulas for Read/ Write Tag Types256Bit Tag: Type family 77LDxxx-2yyPages: 0, 4...7,Number of Pages: 1..4Read:Tread [ms]  = 60+ 36 * ‘Number of Pages’Example:2 pages to readTread [ms]  = 60+ 36 * 2 = 132msWrite:Twrite [ms] = 65 + 39 * ‘Number of Pages’Example:3 pages to writeTwrite [ms]  = 65 + 39 * 3 = 182ms2kBit Tag:  Type family 77LDxxx-1yyPages: 0, 16,..,63Number of Pages: 1..15 or 0 for 16 pagesNote: 16 possible when using 0 as number ofpages in the standard host commands using Se-rial, Profibus-DP or Interbus-S protocols.Read:Number of Pages < 16Tread [ms]  = 81+ 44 * ‘Number of Pages’Number of Pages = 16Tread [ms]  = 81+ 44 * 16 = 785msExample:11 pages to readTread [ms]  = 81+ 44 * 11 = 565msWrite:Number of Pages < 16Twrite [ms] = 86 + 48 * ‘Number of Pages’Number of Pages = 16Twrite [ms] = 86 + 48 * 16Example:9 pages to writeTwrite [ms]  = 86 + 48 * 9 = 518ms
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 51 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5.4.2 Communication:Reader – Host (PC or PLC)The communication time required between thecentral unit and the host depends  mainly  on  threefactors:• Type of communication• Cycle time of the host• Software usedThe communication can be split into three mainsteps as follows:1) A command is prepared and executed in thehost and transmitted to the central unit.2) The central unit performs the instructions i.e.writes data to and/or reads data from the tag. Thedata exchange between central unit and tag startsas soon as the tag has entered the active antennafield. The data received from the tag is evaluatedand verified and subsequently stored in the mem-ory of the central unit3) The host polls the central unit and the codestored is transmitted to the host. Serial communication timeThe communication between the host, the centralunit and tag is asynchronous at a standard trans-fer rate of 9.600 Bps. This is the base for calcu-lating the amount of data that may be transferredduring the time the tag is within the active field ofthe antenna. For the serial and Interbus-S con-troller versions the transfertime via the serial linkmust be added to any read / write executiontimes. The Profibus-DP versions provide a fasterinternal transfer rate and must be handled differ-ently.Read command:Tre ad_c omm  [ms] = T rhost + Troisl =(Trhost)  10 * 1,1 +(Troisl) (9 + 4 * 2 * <number of pages>) * 1,1Example: read 16 pagesTre ad_c omm  [ms]  = [10 + (9 + 8 * 16)] * 1,1 = 161,7[ms]Write command:Twrite_comm [m s] = T wh os t  + Twoisl =(Twhost)  (10 + 4 * 2 * <number of pages>) * 1,1 +(Twoisl)9 * 1,1Example: write 15 pagesTwrite_comm [ms]  = [(10 + 8 * 15) + 9] * 1,1  = 152,9 ms5.4.3 Correlation ofPassing Speed vs. Amountof Read/Write DataIt isn’t possible to give a general formula for thecorrelation of speed vs amount of data to handledue to the fact that too many different parametersare influencing this calculation. It is only possibleto show the graphical representation of the corre-lation for typical combinations of tags, antennae tohelp the user to estimate the key limits of thisscheme. The following information only applies todata tags within the field with the boundary Wshortand Wlong of the main field Ha5.4.3.1. Component selectionSelecting the best antenna, tag combination for agiven application is executed as an iterative proc-ess. Various different parameters must be variedto get a proper component match to the specificapplication and environmental conditions.The following steps must be taken to determinethe required parameters.1.  Select the antenna for the required read/writedistance antenna – tag from tables:‚Operational Read/Write range Ha’2. Check the antenna selected for matchingagainst the table:‚Width W of reading range at distanceHa’3. As result the Tag-Type and the Antenna areselected.
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  52 of 594. The given antenna  size  ∅D and the Tag di-ameter give the available physical readinglength as result.The parameter ∅D can be determined from ta-ble:‚Width W of reading range at distanceHa’Now all parameters referring the available lengthof the read/write area Spr oc _l e n are determined.5. With the next step the available time forcommunication with the data tags is calculatedfrom the application specifications.The user must determine the number of pagesto transfer between antenna and tag.With the parameters tag type and number ofpages to transfer over all, the user can calculatethe amount of time Tproc_len required to proceed.6 The best case passing speed vopt_proceed iscalculated (using the general formula v = s/t):vopt_proceed  = Sproc_len / Tproc_lenExample:The following conditions are given by the appli-cation specifications:Controller 77LA04/2-SER with one antenna.Required read range ~50mm (distance tag / an-tenna), minimum distance 30mm, max. distance70mm.Data tag type read only – 76LDxxxStep 1 (Antenna/Tag) Select Antenna/Tag pairswith Ha > 70mmAntennae 77LS02..77LS04 are matchingData tag 76LD030 or 76LD050 are matchingStart with 77LS02 and 76LD030Step 2 (Antenna / Tag verification)From the table W = 120mm is taken.Step 3 W should be OK this selection seems ac-ceptableStep 4 Check read width WThe antenna 77LS02 has an effective coil di-ameter of 120mm (150mm – 2*15mm), using adata tag with an effective coil diameter of 30mm.The estimated resulting field size is:W = Sproc_len = 150mm – 30mm = 120mm.See the following drawing for details..WDEstimated coil diameterDta gDta g Dta gEstimate antenna reading area using given antenna diameter and tag diameter.Step 5 Estimate the time required for Read / Writeoperations:
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 53 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHRead only tag Tag 76LD030 read time is 117mswhen the tag enters the field. The worst case istypically 150ms. To be on the save side 150ms istaken for the following calculation.Tread = Tproc_len = 150ms.Step 6: Determine the maximum tag passingspeed.vopt_proceed = Sproc_len / Tproc_len = W / Tread =  = 120mm/150ms = 120/150 m/s  = 0,8m/s = 48m/minIf this doesn’t meet the application requirement(speed is too low) then the calculation with thenext larger antenna / data tag pair, i.e. 77LS03antenna and 76LD050 data tag must be repeatedwith step 1.5.5 InstallationGuidelinesIn an ideal situation, the system is free from envi-ronmental influences, proximity to metal  andelectrical noise. An industrial environment  is  nor-mally far from being the ideal situation.For that reason the installation can only bedone by a technician, who has enough knowledge about the OIS-L system. Baumer Identoffers support and training in Germany.The nearness of the antenna and/or data tag to ametal surface has more than one adverse effecton system performance.The distance between two adjacent antennae and/ or two tags plays an important role for optimalsystem function. Guidelines for min. distances aregiven in a following section.For optimum performance please ensure that theantenna is mounted as follows:•  No metal closer than 100 mm to the antennain any direction (Hx and Hm)•  Data tag should be arranged as parallel aspossible to the antenna surfaceThe writing/reading range achievable depends onvarious factors, e.g. data tag type and position,environmental interference. For accurate values,tests should be carried out on-site. Typical valuesfor certain antenna/tag combinations are listed inthe subsequent sectionAll  values are valid for a metal free environment atan ambient temperature of 20 °C. Due to compo-nent and production tolerances as well as tem-perature influences, a variance of ±20 % is al-lowed.A set of mounting brackets is available and can beordered  separately.When the tags are flush-mounted in iron or alu-minium, the reading distance is substantially re-duced due to the loss of energy through eddy cur-rents and other losses.By applying certain application techniques, it ispossible to obtain reading distances of 50% ascompared to the readings in air.
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  54 of 595.5.1 Metal-freeenvironmentThe closeness of the antenna and/or data tag to ametal surface has more than one adverse effecton the system performance.Installation DiagramA major effect on the system is caused when ametal surface close to the coil detunes the fre-quency from its nominal value of 125 kHz. An ironsurface will normally increase the frequency byapproximately 6 kHz. An aluminium surface willincrease the frequency even more; in the worstcase it will cause the system to fail.A second negative influence is the loss of energy.The metal in the form of Eddy currents will absorba certain amount of the energy transmitted fromthe antenna. Hence, it is important to strictly ad-here to the mounting recommendations providedin the user manual.If mounting is required on or close to metal parts,special antennae and data tags are needed.Baumer Ident has extensive experience in thisfield and is therefore able to offer a solution.The following graph shows the typical drop insystem performance for any combination antenna/ data tag when the antenna is mounted in closeproximity to metal (Fig. 5-5). The  reduction inperformance is given as the distance to metal inrelation to the size of the antenna loop,  expressedas percentage.Influence on system performance by nearness to metal – distance antenna - Metal in % of antenna loop ØExampleThe antenna 77LS09 has an antenna loop (Ø D)of 340 mm. If the antenna is mounted at a dis-tance of 170 mm to a metal surface (=50% ofloop) the system performance will be reduced to45% of the performance it has in a metal free en-vi ronment.In order to reduce this great performance loss,antennae especially tuned to metall are available.This special antennae guarantee a performanceof better than 90% of a standard antenna withoutinfluence of metal.
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 55 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbHIn the previous sections the various negative in-fluences on system performance have been dis-cussed. To recap, the main points are as follows:•  Mounting of the antenna and tag close tometal is not recommended. If certain criticalvalues are not adhered to, the system per-formance will not only drop considerably - itcan fail completely.•  Flush mounting of the antenna and/or tag ina metal environment requires special atten-tion. There must be a metal free area  in alldirections (distance values for antennae, pls.refer to Fig. 5-5). For the tags it is normallysufficient to have a distance of 50 mm tometal in any direction.•  No metal brackets (or any other metal ob-ject) should be within the active field, sincethis will distort the field lines and reducesystem performance.5.5.2 Mounting examplesThe diagrams below show a typical mountingused in industrial applications. Indicated is  therecommended minimum distances between twoantennae, as well as between two adjacent tags.Should it become necessary to mount the anten-nae closer to each other than Shown in Fig. 5-6an electronic interlock has to be arranged to pre-vent one antenna from "damping " the other.Antenna mounted close to metalPerformance with tag and antenna close to metalPerformance with metal on three sides of antennaSystem performance with tag close to metalImportant Note!The more metal free area there is around the an-tenna and tag, the betterthe system performance.Should the antenna be mounted at a distance ofless than 20% of the loop diameter Ø D, there is arisk that the system will fail.Generally it is less detrimental to system perform-ance if the tag is closer to the metal than recom-mended.
Hints on Installation and System DesignBaumer I dent G mbH  Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Page  56 of 595.5.3 Distance betweenantennae or tagsShould it become necessary to mount the anten-nae closer to each other than shown in Fig. 5-6 anelectronic interlock has to be arranged to preventone antenna from “killing” the other.OIS-L 77LS041234-56BI I 98 34/0001OIS-L 77LS041234-56BI I 98 34/0001>3 x BBMinimum distance between two antennae driven by different central units.OIS-L 77LS041234-56BI I 98 34/0001B>  2 x BTransport box with tag 77LD07Antenna77LS04Minimum distance between two data tags – Communication with the tags through metal transport reels
Hints on Installation and System DesignPage 57 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH5.6 EMC GuidelinesEMC stands for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility.The EMC guidelines are constantly being updatedand more stringent demands are applied to elec-tronic components and equipment.A considerable increase in the use of electronicequipment and appliances has taken place in re-cent years. The required performance of theequipment increases and the physical size of theequipment decreases. The component powerconsumption is reduced and the communicationand processing speeds increase.The more units that are in operation, the higherthe risk that they will influence each other. Hence,the reason for the stricter rules that constantlychallenge the electronic companies.Note! It is the responsibility of the generalcontractor of the total system to adhere to theEMC guidelines for the total installation.Measurements taken at the planning and in-stallation stage will  prevent  expensive systemchanges at a later stageSpecific regional or country regulations andlegal requirements must not be neglected5.6.1 GeneralWith EMC we understand the ability of electric orelectronic equipment to function without anyproblems in an electromagnetic environment. Atthe same time, the equipment is not allowed toinfluence or interfere with other equipment in thevi cini ty, beyond certain limits.EMC can be separated into three general types:Self-immunityThe immunity against internal  (own)  electricaldisturbancesGeneral immunityThe immunity against foreign electromagneticdisturbancesEmissionThe degree of radiation and interference ontoother equipment. EMC tests are performed ac-cording to all three types. All Baumer Identequipment undergoes these rigorous tests.Since the Baumer Ident equipment is only part ofa total system, it is vital for the system perform-ance that all system components adhere to theseEMC gui delines.5.6.2 Shielding conceptIn the OIS-L system the data exchange betweenthe central unit and the host is performed at a rateof at least 9600 Baud via an RS 422 interface.When Profibus DP is used, the rate is considera-bly higher. The maximum cable length at 9600Baud is 1000 meters. This necessitates goodshielding of the data cables.
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FAQ’sPage 59 of 59 Read/Write S hort R ange System Manual Baumer I dent G mbH6 FAQ’s6.1 Digital Input /TriggerTo force a continuous operation with a triggerfunction, a 15pole adapter must be used. Thissets the dedicated trigger input to an active state.For Input 1 activeConnect Pin1-Pin14 or Pin9-Pin14 and Pin6-Pin2with a little isolated wireFor Input 2 activeConnect Pin1-Pin13 or Pin9-Pin13 and Pin5-Pin2with a little isolated wire6.2 MiscellaneousWhat happens if there is a polarisationerror to the power supply?Nothing. The unit is protected against such errors.The onl y chance to kill the central unit i s to feedmains voltage or DC Voltage above the limit of36VDC into it. So don’t even try it!What happens if there are spikes ordrops on the power supply?Normally nothing. The galvanically isolated DC-DC-Converters inside can stand an input voltagebetween 18 and 36 VDC. Spikes from usual elec-trostatic discharges should also do no harm ontothis connector.The digital outputs are also protected againstm i su se.But be careful with overvoltages into the host in-terfaces.

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