Bayer Healthcare Breeze 2 Users Manual — Ascensia Breeze2 (#63220)

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User Guide

For Use With
Ascensia® Breeze ®
Blood Glucose Meter and
Ascensia® Breeze™
Unique 10-Test Disc

NEW! Faster	Test	Results,	and	
Smaller	Blood	Drop,

Increased	Memory	Capacity

as easy as 1-2-3...

Open meter,
insert 10-test disc,
close meter.


Pull (a) and
push (b) handle
to expose test strip.



Apply sample.

Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

Table of Contents


A Look at Your Meter	
Explanation of Display Symbols	
Testing Materials	
Everyday Use
	 Inserting a 10-Test Disc	
	 Running a Blood Glucose Test 	

	 	 marking a deleted blood test 	
	 	 understanding your test results 	
	 	 alternative site testing 	
	 Running a Control Test 	
	 	 marking a control test 	

Beyond Everyday Use
	 Recalling Test Results 	

	 	 viewing your averages 	
	 	 clearing stored test results 	
	 Setup Function	
	 	 setting the time 	
	 	 setting the date	
	 	 setting the buzzer level	
	 	 setting the time format	
	 	 setting the date format	

	 Transferring Results to a Computer	
	 Cleaning Your Meter 	
	 Replacing the Battery


Table of Contents

Technical Information

	 Performance Evaluations 	
Solving Problems
	 Solving Problems	
	 Troubleshooting and Error Codes	
	 Customer Service	
	 Replacement Items	
	 Warranty Information	


The Ascensia® BREEZE ® Blood Glucose Monitoring System (meter, test
strips and controls) is intended for self-testing by persons with diabetes
and by healthcare professionals, to monitor the level of glucose in whole
blood. The BREEZE System is specific for glucose and has been
referenced to plasma/serum glucose.


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Thank you for choosing the Ascensia® Breeze ® Blood
Glucose Monitoring System! We are proud to be your partner
in helping you manage your diabetes. We understand that
people who regularly check their blood glucose levels want
a meter that is simple, straightforward and easy to use. As
you use your Breeze System, you will appreciate the:
•		“no coding” of the test strips;
•		small sample volume;
•		fast reading time;
•		convenience of a 10-test disc;
•		simple “Pull and Push” step to begin testing;
•		user-friendly design.
This ease of use comes with the added bonus of the
reliability that you count on from Bayer.
This user guide shows you how to use your Breeze
System. It will answer any questions you might have and
guide you through the testing process. It is here to help you!
The user guide is divided into color-coded sections to
help you easily find the information you need. See the
Table of Contents for a complete list of topics.
	 CAUTION: Before using any product to test your
	 blood g
	 lucose (sugar), read all instructions carefully
	 and practice the test.

A Look at Your Breeze


Release Button	
Press to release and discard
the used test strip.
This is where
your test results
will be displayed.

Data Port 	
(side of meter)
Insert cable
here to allow
between the
meter and
a personal

Battery Holder	
(side of meter)
Holds one
CR2032 lithium
battery (included).
Used to manually
turn the meter
on or off, check
the number of
strips and check
the date/time.

Tab to Open
Button Door
Button Door 	
Open to expose
meter buttons.
Meter Handle	
Use this handle to push out a test strip
and automatically turn on the meter.

Top End
of Meter

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Test Strip 	

Button Door Open
Used to manually
turn the meter
on or off, check
the number of
strips, and check
the date/time.
Used to view your
blood glucose
results stored in
memory and to
view your test
result averages.
Used to enter
the Setup mode
and easily change
the time, date or
other features.

Used to display
results or options.
Used to accept
changes made
in the Setup
Tab to Open
Button Door
NOTE: Simply place the easy reference sticker
on the Button Door as shown. See the sheet
of stickers provided in your meter package
and select the language of your choice.

Open Latch
Press in and
pull up on the
base to open
the meter.

Back (Base)
of Meter

Explanation of Display Symbols:
A full display, as shown here, indicates that all elements in
the display are working properly. To view the full display,
press and hold the On/Off button ( ) or pull the meter
handle all the way out. Compare your meter to the display
shown here before you run each test. If there is a difference,
please see “Trouble­shooting and Error Codes” on page 40.
Here is what each display element means:
Test result and error
codes are displayed here
The number
of test
strips left in
the disc
results and
options are
available by
pressing the

The units
of measure
(mg/dL or
mmol/L) for
your blood

Where the time, date,
and AM/PM are displayed;
also the type of average

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Here is what each display element means:
Apply blood to
the test strip

Temperature is
too high or too low
Battery is
low or dead

Insert a new
test disc

The result
is not to be
included in
the averages

The volume of
the buzzer

The result is a
control test


TesTIng maTerIals:
Ascensia® Breeze™
10-Test Disc
(Disc contains ten test strips)
(Included with some kits)

Ascensia® Breeze™
Normal Control
(Included with some kits)

Ascensia® MICrOLeT ®
Adjustable Lancing
Device and Lancet
(Included with some kits)


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everyday use

InserTIng a 10-TesT dIsC:
	 WARNING: Never open the
meter with the meter handle
pulled out.

Open Meter
1. Turn the meter over so the
display screen is facing down.
Open the meter by pressing
in on the back edge of the
open latch and then pulling
up on the base.

Open Test Disc Package
2. Open a new 10-test
disc package. Check the
expiration date on the disc.


Insert Disc
3. Insert a new 10-test disc
(with the bumpy side up),
aligning the 5 notches in
the disc with the tabs on
the meter.

Close Meter
4. Close the meter and
snap it shut. Keep
the meter flat when
closing it.

Helpful	Hint: The meter must be kept flat when
closing. If the meter is not kept flat, the disc may move
and become damaged and you may waste test strips.


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Counting the Number of Strips Left
Your Breeze Meter will
automatically count down the
number of test strips you have
left. The number is shown with
your test result. To see the
count when the meter is off,
press the
NOTE: This count is reset to 10
every time you open the meter.
To keep an accurate count,
open the meter only when all
10 of the test strips have been
used in the 10-test disc.
Your meter will also tell you
when you need to insert a new
10-test disc. It will do this by
showing a picture of a disc
being inserted into the meter.


runnIng a blood gluCose TesT:
1. Wash your hands well with
soap and warm water. Rinse
and dry thoroughly.
NOTE: For testing sites other
than fingertips, see page 19.

Prepare Lancing Device
2. Remove the endcap
from the MICrOLeT
Adjustable Lancing Device.
(See MICrOLeT Device
package insert for
complete instructions.)

3. Loosen the cap on a
lancet by rotating it
¼ turn (do not remove).


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Then insert the lancet firmly
until it comes to a full stop.
This will “cock” the device.

4. Twist off the lancet cap and
replace the endcap.

Push Out Test Strip
5. Your Breeze Meter uses
a special, easy-to-use “Pull
and Push” design.
Here’s how it works:
Hold the meter comfortably in
one hand. Firmly grasp the meter
handle with the other hand
(shown here). Now, just “Pull
and Push”—“Pull” the handle
out until it stops and “Push” it
back in until it stops again.
Helpful	Hint: There is no
need to turn the meter on—
just “Pull and Push.”

NOTE: After the meter handle
is pushed in, the release button
is UP, a test strip is pushed out,
and a series of “apply blood”
prompts appears. The meter
is now ready to run a blood
glucose test.

• Your meter is designed to push out one test strip at
a time. Do not attempt to push out a new test strip
with one already showing.
• Discard any test strip that has been removed from
the meter. Never re-insert a test strip into the meter.
6. Stick your finger and form a
small round drop of blood.

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7. Your test strip is like a
straw—it sips in a sample of
blood. Move the entire front
edge of the test strip until
it touches the edge of the
blood drop. The blood
is automatically pulled into
the test strip and fills the
test strip.

Hold the test strip in place
until the meter beeps, then
move the meter away.

For best results:
• Blood is pulled IN the test
strip, not dropped ON.
• Do not allow blood to
run down into the meter.
• Do not add more blood
to the test strip after the
meter beeps.

8. After the beep, the display
counts down from “5” to “1.”

Your test result then appears
on the screen.
Helpful	Hint: The number
displayed in the upper left
corner is the number of test
strips remaining in your
10-test disc.
IMPORTANT: If you want to
mark this result as a deleted
blood test, you must do
that now, while the result is
still being displayed. See
“Marking a Deleted Blood Test”
on page 17.

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9. To release the used test
strip, hold the meter with
the test strip pointing down
over a waste container.
Press the release button. Be
sure the heel of your hand
is not against the meter
NOTE: If you block the meter
handle with your hand, the test
strip may not release properly.
10. Press the

button to turn the meter off.

NOTE: If you forget to turn your meter off, it will
turn off automatically after three minutes. This will
save battery power.


	 •		 Test your blood again if your glucose result is below
			 50 mg/dL, above 250 mg/dL or if the meter shows
			 “LO” or “HI.” If your glucose level is still below
			 50 mg/dL, above 250 mg/dL, or if the meter again
			 shows “LO” or “HI,” it may indicate a potentially
			 serious medical condition.
			 If this is the case: Consult your physician or healthcare
			 professional immediately.
	 •		 Do not change your medication based on blood
			 glucose results with your BREEZE Meter without
			 the advice of a physician or healthcare professional.
	 •		 Your meter has been preset and locked to display
			 results in mg/dL (milligrams of glucose per deciliter).
			 Test results in mg/dL will never include a decimal point.
			 In some countries, the meters are preset to display
			 results in mmol/L (millimoles of glucose per liter). Test
			 results in mmol/L will always include a decimal point.
			 If your test result is displayed in the wrong unit of
			 measure (mmol/L), contact your authorized Bayer
			 representative or call Customer Service (see the
			 bottom of the page).


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Marking	a	Deleted	Blood	Test
NOTE: Marking a test result as a deleted blood test
excludes it from all of the averages that are calculated by
your meter.
You must mark the result immediately after the test is
performed — while the result is still displayed on the
screen. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open the Button Door
(see page 3).
2. Press the
button to mark
as deleted.
3. The symbol indicates a
deleted result.
4. Press

to accept.

5. Press
to turn your
meter off.


Understanding Your Test Results
Expected Blood Glucose Values
Blood glucose values will vary from time to time depending
on food intake, medication dosages, health, stress or exercise.
Consult your physician or healthcare professional for the target
glucose values appropriate for you. Standard medical practice
goals for a typical non-pregnant individual with diabetes are:1
•	 Before a meal: 90 to 130 mg/dL
•	 2 hours after a meal: less than 180 mg/dL
Symptoms of High or Low Blood Glucose
You can better understand your test results by being aware of
the symptoms of high or low blood glucose; this will also help
you decide what to do if your results seem unusual. Some of the
most common symptoms are:2
High blood glucose (hyperglycemia): frequent urination,
excessive thirst, blurred vision, increased fatigue, extreme
hunger, and irritability.
Ketones (ketoacidosis) from untreated hyperglycemia:
shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, very dry mouth.
Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia): shakiness, sweating, fast
heartbeat, blurred vision, strange behavior, confusion, passing
out, and seizure.
	 If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, test your
	 blood glucose. If your result is below 50 mg/dL or above
	 250 mg/dL, or is displayed as “LO“ or “HI,” contact your
	 doctor immediately.

American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care for Patients With
	 Diabetes Mellitus (Position Statement). Diabetes Care 29 (Suppl. 1): S10; 2006.


For additional information and symptoms, refer to the website for the American
	 Diabetes Association:


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Unusual Test Results
If your blood glucose result doesn’t match the way you feel,
follow these steps:
1.	run a control test (see page 20);
2.	retest your blood glucose (see page 10);
3.	call your doctor immediately if your result still does not agree
	 with the way you feel.

Alternative Site Testing
Blood samples for glucose testing may be taken from sites
other than your fingertips. Alternative site testing using blood
from the forearm or palm may give glucose results that significantly differ from fingertip blood. Differences occur when blood
glucose levels are changing rapidly, such as after a meal, after
insulin and with exercise.
We recommend the following:
1.	Consult your healthcare professional to determine if
	 alternative site testing is right for you.
2.	Use a fingertip sample for testing blood glucose whenever
	 you will be participating in risky activities, such as before
	 driving a car or operating machinery.
3.	Alternative site testing is not recommended if you have
	 hypoglycemic unawareness (you do not recognize the
	 symptoms of or cannot tell when you have low blood glucose).
	 Please consult with your healthcare professional if you have
	 low blood glucose levels.
4.	Select a soft, fleshy area of skin that is free from hair and
	 visible veins for alternative site testing. Wash the site with
	 soap and warm water, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
5.	Use alternative site testing for blood glucose tests only when
	 it is more than 2 hours after:
• a meal	
• taking medication	
• exercise


runnIng a ConTrol TesT:
There are times when you will want to do a quality control
test so you know that your system is working properly.
You may also want to do a control test to check the way
you do your test. Simply follow these steps:
Push Out Test Strip
1. Hold the meter comfortably in
one hand. Firmly grasp the meter
handle with the other hand
(shown here). Now, just “Pull
and Push”—“Pull” the handle
out until it stops and “Push” it
back in until it stops again.

NOTE: After the meter handle is pushed in, the release
button is UP, a test strip is pushed out, and a series of
“apply blood” prompts appears. The meter is now ready
to run a control test.

2. Squeeze a small drop of
Breeze control solution onto
a nonabsorbent surface (such as
a clean piece of wax paper). Do
not apply control solution to the
test strip directly from the bottle.
NOTE: The control solution contains a red dye and may stain.


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3. Move the entire front edge of
the test strip until it touches
the edge of the drop of the
control solution. The control
solution is automatically
pulled into the test strip.
IMPORTANT: Hold the test
strip in place until the meter
beeps, then move the meter away.
4. After the beep, the display
counts down from “5” to “1.”

Your Control test result then
appears on the screen.

Compare this Control test
result with the control range
printed on the bottom flap of
the carton of Breeze Test

mg/dL 49-91



110-157 262-341

LOT: 1A2164AA
EXP: 2007-03

NOTE: You will want to “mark”
your Control test now so that it
will not be included in your averages.

Marking	a	Control	Test
Marking a test result as a control test excludes it from
being included in your test averages.
You must mark the result immediately after the test is
performed—while the result is still displayed on the
screen. To do this, follow these steps:
5. Open the Button Door.
Press the
button to mark
as a control.
The symbol indicates a
control result.

to accept.

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6. To release the used test strip,
hold the meter with the test
strip pointing down over a
waste container. Press the
release button. Be sure the
heel of your hand is not
against the meter handle.
NOTE: If you block the meter
handle with your hand, the test
strip may not release properly.
7. Press

to turn your meter off.

everyday use
reCallIng TesT resulTs:
Your Breeze Meter can store up to 420 test results in its
memory. This makes it easy to see your previous blood
glucose test results. To view those results:
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press the


The meter shows you the
most recent test result.
3. Press the
button to see
each of your stored results.
Helpful	Hint: When only is shown on the display,
you are seeing the most recent result; when only is
shown, you are seeing the oldest result.
Helpful	Hint: Your meter can store up to 420 test
results. If there are no stored test results in memory, the
meter will tell you this by showing three dashes. When the
memory is full, the meter will save the newest result and
discard the oldest.

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Viewing	Your	Averages
Your Breeze Meter calculates several different averages
of your blood glucose results. You can view averages for 1
day (the previous 24 hours), 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days.
To see the averages, simply follow these steps.
1. Open the Button Door and press the
meter will show you your last result.

button. The

2. Press the
button again
to see your blood glucose
average for the last 14 days.
3. Press the
to see each of your averages
(30 days, 1 day [24 hours],
7 days, and 14 days). The
bottom line of the display will
show you which average is
being displayed.
NOTE: If there are no results
in the memory for the average
you have selected, it will
be displayed as 3 dashes.
Otherwise, the averages will be based on the results
available, even if there are fewer days than the specific
4. Press the
button again to review your individual
stored test results.


Clearing	Stored	Test	Results
To clear the stored results from your meter, follow these
simple steps:
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press the


3. Press the
button again
and hold it.
4. While holding the
press and hold the


5. Hold both buttons together
until all three dashes are
continuously lit (for about
3 seconds).
If you change your mind and do not want to clear results,
simply let go of the buttons before all three dashes have
been lit.


Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

seTuP funCTIon:
Helpful	Hint: You can press the
button at any time
during Setup to turn the meter off. Just remember to
press the
button first to store your changes!

Setting	the	Time
1. Open the Button Door
(see page 3).
2. Press


3. Press
as needed to
change the hour.
When the correct hour is
being displayed, press
accept it and move on.
4. Press
to change
the minutes.
to accept and
move on.
Helpful	Hint: You may
want to change the time when
you travel to a different time
zone or when the time changes
with daylight savings time.


5. Press
or PM.

to select AM

to accept and
move on.

Setting	the	Date
NOTE: If you have just set the time, skip ahead to step 4.
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press


3. Press
until you see the
“day” display flashing.
4. Press
the day.

to change

to accept and
move on.


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5. Press
the month.

to change

to accept and
move on.

6. Press
the year.

to change

to accept and
move on.


Setting	the	Buzzer	Level
Your Breeze Meter has an easy-to-use volume control
for the buzzer. There are three different buzzer levels:



NOTE: If you have just set the date, skip ahead to step 4.
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press


3. Press
until you see
the “buzzer” symbol.
4. Press
to change
the buzzer level.
to accept and
move on.


Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

Setting	the	Time	Format	(12-	or	24-hour	Clock)
Your meter can display the time format as either 12-hour
) or 24-hour (
).You can change the time format
as follows:
NOTE: If you have just set the buzzer level, skip ahead to
step 4.
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press


3. Press
until you see the
“time format” display.
4. Press
to change the
time format.
to accept and
move on.

Setting	the	Date	Format
Your meter can display the date format as either
“month-day” (
) or as “day-month” (
).You can
change the date format as follows:
NOTE: If you have just set the time format, skip ahead to
step 4.
1. Open the Button Door.
2. Press


3. Press
until you see the
“date format” display.
4. Press
to change the
date format.

to accept.

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TransferrIng resulTs To a ComPuTer:
You can transfer test results
from the Breeze Meter
to a computer, where they
can be summarized in a
report with graphs and
tables. To make use of this
feature, you need Bayer
diabetes management
software and a Bayer
data cable.
CAUTION: The BREEZE Meter has not been tested
or certified by Bayer for use with any software other
than Bayer diabetes management software. Bayer
is not responsible for any erroneous results from the
use of other software.
For more information, call Customer Service or visit our
website (see the bottom of the page).

CleanIng your meTer:
Your Breeze Meter can be cleaned using a moist (not
wet) lint-free tissue with a mild detergent or disinfecting
solution (1 part bleach mixed with 9 parts water). Do not
use alcohol. Wipe the outside
of the meter, taking care to
keep detergent or disinfecting
solution from running down into
the test strip slot. Wipe dry with
a lint-free tissue after cleaning.
If you do get moisture in the
test strip slot, wick it away with
a corner of a tissue as shown.
Inspect the test strip slot, from
both the inside and outside, for
debris and foil. Gently remove
if found.
WARNING:	Potential	Biohazard!
Healthcare professionals should be aware of the
following and should follow the infection control
procedure approved by their facility.
All products or objects that come into contact with
human blood, even after cleaning, should be handled as
if capable of transmitting viral diseases.
The user should follow the recommendations for prevention of blood-borne
transmissible diseases in healthcare settings, as recommended for potentially
infectious human blood specimens in National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Standards, Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired
Infections: Approved Guideline–Second Edition. NCCLS Document M29-A2 [ISBN
1-56238-453-8] NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania
19087-1898, USA, 2001. This document has complete information on the topic of
user protection and can be used as background material for instruction.

Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

rePlaCIng The baTTery:
Your Breeze Meter uses one 3-volt lithium battery
(CR2032). A battery will already be installed in the meter
when you buy it.
A flashing battery on the screen
means that it is time to put a
new battery in the meter. You
will not erase test results in
the meter’s memory when you
change the battery. You may
need to reset the time.
CAUTION: If you have a low
battery in your meter, you
should replace the battery
within approximately 20
readings or one week.
NOTE: When the battery life is too low to perform a test,
the display will show only a battery symbol. When this
occurs, the meter will not allow you to run a test until the
battery is changed. When the battery life has completely
ended, nothing will show on the display and the meter
will not respond.
If swallowed, immediately contact your physician or
poison control center. Dispose of old batteries properly.


To replace the battery, follow these steps:
NOTE: A replacement battery (CR2032) can be found at
most stores or can be ordered from Bayer Customer
Service (free of charge for meter owners in the U.S.A.).
1. Hold the meter with the
display screen down. Open
the meter by pressing in on
the open latch and pulling up.

2. Slide out the battery holder.
NOTE: You must open the
meter first in order to remove
the battery holder. DO NOT
PRY the battery holder out!
3. Remove the old battery by
pushing it out from the back
side with your thumb.


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4. Snap 1 new battery (CR2032)
firmly in the holder with the +
side up.

5. Gently slide the battery
holder back into the battery
compartment. Make sure the
battery holder is pushed all
the way in.

6. Close the meter.
7. Check the meter’s time and reset if needed (see page 27).
You are now ready to resume testing!


Technical Information

Sample Size:	
Units of Measure:	
Test Range:	
Memory Feature:	
Normal Operating
Power Source:	

Capillary blood glucose referenced
to plasma/serum glucose values
Meter is automatically coded each
time a new 10-test disc is inserted
Approximately 1 µL
20–600 mg/dL
5-second countdown
Meter stores 420 test results
50° to 113°F (10° to 45°C)
10 to 80% RH
One 3-volt lithium battery (CR2032)

Performance Evaluations:
Refer to the direction insert for the Breeze
for performance information.


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Test Strips

Solving Problems

Solving Problems:
You can solve many of the problems you might have by
working through this section.
1.	Do you have a 10-test disc in the meter? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 7.
2.	Does it contain new test strips? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 7.
3.	Is the 10-test disc within its expiration date?
Yes_____ No______
If No, see page 7.
4. When you “Pull and Push” the meter handle, are you
making sure you “Pull” all the way out and “Push” all
the way in? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 11.
5.	Do you need to replace the battery? Yes____ No_____
If Yes, see page 35.
6.	Is the battery holder pushed all the way into the battery
compartment? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 37.
For additional help, see “Troubleshooting and Error
Codes” on the next page.


Troubleshooting and Error Codes:
When you have a problem or a question concerning what
you see on your screen, the following may be helpful.
What You See


What It Means

What You Should Do

Test result is below
10 mg/dL.

Repeat the test and make sure
the test strip is completely filled.
If LO appears again, contact
your physician or healthcare

Test result is above
600 mg/dL.

Wash your hands and the
test site. Repeat the test. If
HI appears again, contact
your physician or healthcare

You have not pushed
the meter handle all
the way in.

Push the meter handle in until it
clicks. You must push the handle
all the way in and see the “apply
blood” prompts before you touch
the strip to the blood drop.

•	The 10-test disc is
	 out of test strips.
•	There is no disc in
	 the meter.
•	The disc has been
	 inserted upside down.
• The disc is defective.

Insert a new 10-test disc. If a full
disc is already inserted, remove and
inspect for foreign material. Rotate
the disc and reinstall it, bumpy side
up. If error repeats, try inserting
a new disc. If the error continues,
contact Bayer Customer Service.

The meter will mark
a test result with a
thermometer and an
if the meter is too cold
or too hot when the test
is performed. The result
will not be included in
any averages calculated.

Test only when the meter
temperature is between 50°F
and 113°F (10°C and 45°C).

Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

What You See

What It Means

What You Should Do

Low Battery symbol
flashes if battery power
is low.

Replace the battery (CR2032)
within 20 readings or one week.

Battery life has ended.

Replace the battery (CR2032).

Temperature is outside
the operating range of
the meter (too hot or
too cold).

Allow the meter to reach room

Meter does not
recognize the test disc.

Remove the test disc and inspect
the meter for foreign material.
Rotate the disc and reinstall it. If
error repeats, try inserting a new
disc. If error continues, contact
Bayer Customer Service.

Test strip was removed
during the test, or the
release button was
pressed during the test.

Take care to not press the release
button or remove the test strip
during the test. Release the used
test strip and repeat the test (see
page 10). If the error continues,
contact Bayer Customer Service.

The meter was open
when the meter handle
was pulled.

Close the meter and push the
handle in.

(with continuous


What You See


What It Means

What You Should Do

1.	You may have
	 applied blood too
	 early to the test strip.

1.	Repeat the test and wait until
	 you see the “apply blood”
	 prompts before you touch the
	 strip to the blood drop.

2.	There may be
	 moisture in the test
	 strip slot.

2.	Wick the moisture away (see
	 page 34), then repeat the test.

There was a problem
completely filling the
test strip; accurate test
result is not possible.

Release the used test strip and
repeat the test with a new strip
(see page 10).

1. Meter has detected
an error; accurate
result is not possible.

1. Release the used test strip and
repeat the test with a new strip
(see page 10).

2. The 10-test disc may
be past its expiration
date or may have
been damaged due
to intense heat or
moisture exposure.

2. Replace the 10-test disc, using a
new box if necessary.

Your blood glucose level
is very high or the meter
has detected an error;
accurate test result is
not possible.

Turn the meter off, then on using
. Retest. If the error appears
again, call your physician or
healthcare professional. Your
blood glucose may be above
1500 mg/dL. If the problem is
with the meter, contact Bayer
Customer Service.

Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

What You See

What It Means

What You Should Do

Meter has detected an
error; accurate result is
not possible.

Turn the meter off, then on
, then retest. If the
error remains, contact Bayer
Customer Service.

1.	You may have
	 accidentally pressed

1.	Press the

2.	Meter has turned
	 off after 3 minutes
	 without use or after
	 10 minutes of no use
	 while waiting for you
	 to apply blood or
	 control solution.

2.	This is a normal expected action
	 that saves battery life. Press
to turn on again.

1.	Battery life has ended.

1.	Replace the battery (see page 35).

2.	Battery holder is
	 loose or battery is
	 installed with the
	 + side down.

2.	Check the battery and battery
	 holder to be sure they are
	 tightly in place and correctly
	 installed (see page 37). If the
	 display is still blank, replace the
	 battery (CR2032).

1.	Not enough blood in
	 test strip.

1.	Discard the used test strip. Retest
	 using a round drop of blood.

2.	There may be debris
	 inside the meter.

2.	Inspect the inside of the meter
	 (see page 34) and remove
	 debris if present. Retest.

3.	Meter failure.

3.	Contact Bayer Customer Service.

or higher
The display
goes blank when
the meter is
turned on.

Meter will not
turn on.

Meter fails to
start countdown
after blood is

button again.


What You See
Control Test
result is out of
range (too high
or too low).

What It Means
•	 Control solution is
	 past its expiration
	 date or is past the
	 6-month open
	 use-life date.
•	 10-test disc is past its
	 expiration date.

What You Should Do
Run another control test. If the
result is still out of range, retest
with a new 10-test disc and
control solution with an acceptable
expiration date and open use-life
date. If still out of range, contact
Bayer Customer Service.

•	 Deteriorated test
	 strip due to heat or
	 exposure to moisture.
•	 Control solution
	 is not at room
•	 Not enough control
	 solution drawn into
	 test strip.


Meter begins
countdown before
blood is applied.

The inside of your
meter may be wet.

Wick the moisture away (see
page 34). If you continue to
experience difficulty, contact
Bayer Customer Service.

Some display
segments do not
appear to be
showing when
is held in or
the meter handle
is all the way out.

This may affect the way
you see your results.

If there is a difference in your
meter’s display and the one
shown on page 5, contact Bayer
Customer Service.

Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

Customer Service:
If a problem arises, work through the Solving Problems
section (see page 39). You will probably find your solution
there. If you are still having trouble, please call our
Customer Service Department. We have friendly,
knowledgeable people who are there to help 24 hours
a day. In the U.S.A., call toll free:
(24 Hours a day)
•	 Always speak with a customer service representative
	 before returning your meter for any reason. They will be
	 able to provide information that may help solve your
	 problem quickly.
•	 Have your Breeze Meter ready for testing when you
	 phone. It would also be helpful to have a bottle of
	 Breeze Normal Control Solution with you.
•	 Fill out the following check list before you call:
Check List:
1.	The meter serial number:____________________________
2.	Date and time the problem occurred: _________________
3.	I have tested with Normal Control: Yes______ No______
	 The Normal Control result was: _______________________
	 Lot Number: ___________ Expiration Date:____________
4.	Please also give the Lot Number and Expiration Date of
	 the test strip disc currently being used. This information
	 is printed on the test strip disc and the test strip disc box.
	 Lot Number: ___________ Expiration Date:____________


Replacement Items:
Replacement Parts
	 Part Number* 	
1 lithium battery (CR2032)	
(also available at most stores)
BREEZE ® User Guide
BREEZE ® Quick Reference Guide
You can obtain these parts in the United States by calling:
or by writing:
	 Bayer HealthCare LLC
	 Customer Service Department
	 P.O. Box 2004
	 Mishawaka, Indiana 46546
If you call or write for supplies, please include the number with
the name of the replacement part or product.

Replacement Products

Product Name
BREEZE™ Test Strip Discs
(box of 50 tests)
BREEZE™ Test Strip Discs
(box of 100 tests)
BREEZE™ Normal Control Solution
BREEZE™ Low Control Solution
BREEZE™ High Control Solution
MICROLET ® Adjustable Lancing Device
MICROLET ® Lancets (box of 100)

Replacement products can be obtained from retail pharmacies
and home healthcare distributors.
*Part numbers are subject to change without notice.


Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

Warranty Information:
Please be sure to register your meter, either by returning
the completed warranty card, registering on-line at or calling Customer Service at
Manufacturer’s Warranty: Bayer HealthCare LLC (“Bayer”)
warrants to the original purchaser that this instrument will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship for 5 years from
the date of original purchase (except as noted below). During
the stated 5-year period, Bayer shall, at no charge, replace a
unit found to be defective with an equivalent or current version
of the owner’s model.
Limitations of the Warranty: This warranty is subject to the
following exceptions and limitations:
1. A 90-day warranty only will be extended for consumable
	 parts and/or accessories.
2. This warranty is limited to replacement due to defects in
	 parts or workmanship. Bayer shall not be required to replace
	 any units which malfunction or are damaged due to abuse,
	 accidents, alteration, misuse, neglect, maintenance by other
	 than Bayer, or failure to operate the instrument in accordance
	 with instructions. Further, Bayer assumes no liability for
	 malfunction or damage to Bayer instruments caused by the
	 use of reagents other than reagents (i.e., BREEZE™ or
	 AUTODISC ® Test Strip Discs) manufactured or recommended
	 by Bayer.
3.	Bayer reserves the right to make changes in design of this
	 instrument without obligation to incorporate such changes
	 into previously manufactured instruments.


4.	Bayer has no knowledge of the performance of the BREEZE
	 Meter when used with any Test Strip Discs other than BREEZE
	 or AUTODISC Test Strip Discs, and therefore makes no
	 warranty of the performance of the BREEZE Meter when
	 used with any Test Strips or Test Strip Discs other than
	 BREEZE or AUTODISC Test Strips or when the BREEZE or
	 AUTODISC Test Strip is altered or modified in any manner.
Some states do not allow the inclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion
may not apply to you. This warranty gives you a specific legal
right and you may also have other rights which vary from state
to state.
For Warranty Service: Purchaser must contact the Customer
Service Department of Bayer HealthCare LLC, by calling toll free
1-800-348-8100, for assistance and/or instructions for obtaining
service of this instrument.


Bayer Customer Service: 1-800-348-8100

Bayer HealthCare LLC
Mishawaka, IN 46544 USA

Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Ascensia, Breeze, Autodisc, Microlet and Vaculance are
trademarks of Bayer.

©2006 Bayer HealthCare LLC	

Rev. 11/06


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