Beijing TierTime Technology X5 Tiertime X5 (3D Printer) with 2.4G WiFi User Manual

Beijing TierTime Technology Co. Ltd Tiertime X5 (3D Printer) with 2.4G WiFi

user manual

       3DP-23-4ABeijing TierTime Technology Co., Ltd.  Company:Tiertime Corporation Name / Position:Joseph GuO/Sales ManagerTel:888-288-6124 Landess Ave. #338 Milpitas 95035 U.S.A
Chapter 1. Safety and Printing Environment 1.1 Safety Precautions 1. The 3DP-23-4A printer requires the power adapter provided by the original manufacturer, otherwise the machine could be damaged or even cause fire. Keep the power adapter away from water and out of high temperature environments. 2.During printing, the temperature of the nozzle of the printer could reach 260°C and the temperature of print platform could be over 70°C. Do not touch these parts with your bare hands when the printer is in the operation mode, not even with the heat resistant gloves included in the accessories, as the temperature could damage the gloves and injure your hands. WARNING, HOT SURFACES!   High Temperature: Do not touch! 3. During printing, the print head and other mechanical parts move at high speed. Touching these parts while they are moving could cause injuries. Moving parts: Do not touch!  4. Wear goggles when removing the supporting material from models or detaching models from the build plates. 5. When printing with plastic filaments, the process could generate light and, for some people, annoying odor. It is recommended to run the printer in a well ventilated environment. We also suggest to keep the printer in an environment with a stable temperature as unwanted cooling could cause adverse effects to the print quality.   6. When using the “Extrude” function, make sure there is enough space between the print head nozzle and the build platform. 50mm is recommended, otherwise the nozzle could be blocked. 7. Fasten moving parts. Tie back loose hair, secure loose clothing and keep all printer doors closed during operation. 8. Do not leave the printer unattended during operation. Watch to make sure the first a few layers adhere correctly.  9.The left door is automatic, do not force it to open or hinder its operation.      10. The top lid is not physically connected to the printer body, do not push the lid, should use both hand to left the lid to avoid damage and injury.
  1.4 Compliance      Chapter 2. Machine Introdcution
  Chapter 3. Download and install Software  3.1To operate the X5, you need to install the UP Studio software version 2.5 or above  on  your  computer.  You  can  download  the  installation  files  of UP Studio  software  from  the  following  url:  or  search  UP  Studio  in  the  App Store. System Requirements: Support Operating Systems: Windows 7 (SP1) or higher (32 bit and 64 bit) Mac OS 10.10 or higher Hardware requirements: Open GL 2.0 At least 4GB of RAM Installation Make  sure  you  download  correct  version  of  software  based  on  your computer’s configuration.
 3.2 Updating the touchscreen firmware.  Go to Download touchscreen firmware and copy the file into a usb disk. Please note the file name should not be changed and the file have to be in the root folder.  Switch off the machine and insert USB disk into front USB port. Switch on the machine and the touchscreen will prompt message asking whether update to the touch screen firmware.
 Chapter 4. Connecting The Machine:  4.1 USB Connect machine to comptuer through the USB type B port.    4.2 Ethernet  The machine and computer must be connected with an router.
   4.3 WIFI Connect to machie with USB cable and then go to printer setting. Setup the network SSID and Passoword. Click the    button to setup the WIFI    This figure is replaced with an Ethernet connection
Adding a Printer Please note, for wifi connection, a printer will be first added to printer list before the software can recognize the printer. After adding the printer, software will actively scan for the presence of the machine and display in the list of avaialble machines appear in on upper left corner.   Chapter 5. Printer Operation  5.1 Load filaments Insert filament from the filament entrance in the spool chamber on right side.   Go to software, maintenance, select the material type, click extrude button. When nozzle temperature reach target, machine will buzz and start extruding, gently put filament into extruder until filament appear from the nozzle.   Extrusion will stop autoamtically.
     5.2 Overhead Spool rack  The overhead spool rack is designed for using flexible material. Insert the rack onto socket, put spool onto the rack, inset filament without using the filament guiding tube.
   5.3 Load the Build Plates  The  auto  swapping  platform  can  load  up  to  12  build  plates.  Due  to  the mechanism of swapping the last build plate cannot be used for printinig. Load the build plate from the front door.
5.5 Printing  Switching on continuous mode by going to maintenance. If continuous mode is not checked, the printing will stop after finish the current print job.    Load model into software  Use the + button to load models into software.
  5.6 Tiertime Print Queue explained       Moving queued print job up on the list   Start Print Job   Stop Print Job   Remove Print Job from list (will move to history list)  Status Failed:Print job failed due to error or stop by users Waiting: Print job waiting to be printed, will printed from according to the print order of the list.  History List
 Finished print jobs and print jobs removed from print queue will go to history list.    Delete the print job completely Operation Check Box: When checked will able to reactivate the print job and send it back to print queue.
 Select number of time to repeat this print job.     5.7 Setup a collection device:  It is recommended to setup a collection bucket or similar device to collect the finished prints. Soft bastket is included in the package.
Chapter 6. Machine Maintenance  6.1 Changing Air Filter  To remove the air filers, remove 3 screws on the filtration unit.     Remove the cover.
  Pull out the filter   Chapter 7.Touchscreen Instruction    Tiertime X5 Touchscreen consists of two sections,the Printer Status Bar and the Main Menu.   Figure 5.1 X5 Touchscreen Display  5.1 Touchscreen Introductions  Printer Status Bar
The Printer Status Bar is at the top of the X5 Touchscreen, which is easier for you to monitor the printer’s status regularly. There are five icons in the Printer Status  Bar,  each  of  which  represents  different  aspects  as  explained  in  the following, starting from left to right:   Left                                  Figure  5.2 Printer Status Bar                              Right  1. Temperature  Icon:  It  has  the  thermometer  icon,  the  nozzle  temperature indicator, and the build plate temperature indicator.   2. Ethernet Status Icon: It indicates the Ethernet connection status.   3. Wi-Fi Status Icon: It shows the Wi-Fi network connection status. If there is a red exclamation mark on the top, it indicates that the Wi-Fi network has been detected but it is not connected to the printer. If there is no red exclamation mark on the top, it means that your printer has been connected to the Wi-Fi network successfully.   4. Private Status Icon: This lock icon indicates whether the printer has been set as private use to one particular user.   5. Material Information Icon: This icon represents the material’s type name and the remaining weight of the current material roll. (It may appear alternatively as Name/ Weight)    Main Menu  There  are  eight  buttons  in  the  Main  Menu:Material,  Print,  Maintenance, Calibrate, Information, Config,    Network and Initialize.    Figure 5.3 Main Menu  The  following  table  lists  all  the  information  of  icons  in  the  Main  Menu  and
summarizes the actions associated with each icon.  Table 5.1 Main Menu Icon Description Name Icon Description   Material  1.Change Material Type.   2. Withdraw Material. 3. Extrude Material.   4. Set Material Weight. Print  1.Print Job Current List   2.Print Job History List (Print Task Management). 3.USB Stick Print Job. 4.Print Job’s Details. 5.Pause  the  ongoing  print  job,  and  change  the material. Maintenance  1.Switch plates. 2.Reset plates. 3.Door control. Calibrate  Set Nozzle Height Manually Information  1. Basic Printer Information: Model Name, Serial Number, Firmware Version, Screen Version, Total Print Time, Total Weight of the Material Consumed, LAN M.A.C., WLAN M.A.C.. 2. Reset Printer Profile.   3.System Language Settings. 4.Touchscreen Update option.  Config  1.Printer Name Information 2.Basic Printer setting: Sound, Preheat, Auto Update, Continuous Print, Private and Password setting Network  1.Ethernet connection setting 2.WIFI connection setting Initialize  Initialize the printer  5.2 Material  In the material section, there are Extrude, Withdraw, Change Material Type and Set Total Weight buttons functions.
 Figure5.4 Material  To change the material type, click the Material Type button, and then input your filament’s weight. Make sure the material settings properly reflect your situations, because the default setting may not fit yours.  Table 5.2 Material Icon Description Name Icon Description Withdraw  To take out the filament inserted in the extruder unit with the preset temperature.    Click the Withdraw icon. The up arrow on the button will start moving upwards, indicating the extruder is heating up. The extruder will start pushing the filament out once the temperature reaches the melting temperature with a beep.    You now can remove the filament from the tip of the extruder Extrude  To load the filament into the extruder unit with the preset temperature.    Click the Extrude icon. The down arrow on the button will start moving downwards, indicating the extruder is heating up. Once the extruder temperature reaches the filament’s melting point, the machine will give off a beep, and you can push the filament into the extruder and the extruder will heat up the filament, and extrude through the nozzle.    If the machine works properly, you will find an evenly extruded string of filament coming out
of the nozzle, without bubbles or tangling as the extrusion goes on Stop  To stop the printer in the middle of an extruding or withdrawing process.  Click the STOP icon, the up/down arrow on the buttons will stop moving. The printer should stop fully from extruding or withdrawing the filament. Material Type  To change the material type.    Click the Material Type icon button to change the material type.   Also, you can add customized types of material under Maintenance in the software first, and then the new type will be available on the touchscreen for you to select.    Default Settings: The default material type is ABS. The default material selection includes ABS, ABS+, PLA, and TPU. The button will show the current selected material type. Material Weight  To change the total weight the material remaining manually.   Click Plus icon to increase the value or Subtract icon to decrease the value. The value ranges from 0g- 9999g.    The material weight will be adjusted automatically based on how much the material is consumed by print jobs    Default Setting: The default value of material weight is 500g.    Exit  Exit the Material section and back back to the main menu   5.3 Print  In the Print section, you can start a print job or manage the print jobs that currently in the print queue or have finished.
 Figure 5.5 Print  There are three sections: The Print Job Current List lists the print jobs that have been assigned to the printer. The Print Job History List contains all the print jobs that have finished. It is the same content that shows in the software Wait Assignment Section.The USB button will show the print jobs lists from external USB stick.    Table 5.3 Print Description Name   Icon  Current Print Job List  The print job list contains the print jobs that are assigned to the printer. The highlighted row is the current print job.    Click the Print Job Name to view more settings and detail information for the print job. You can start the printing process by clicking Print, or delete the print job by clicking Delete. History  Entering the history list of the print jobs which has previously been printed on the printer, or ended with errors. USB  Entering the print job list from the external USB stick   Page  Click to go to the next page Exit  Exit and go back to the main menu    Print Job History List
The Print Job History List contains all the print jobs that have finished.  Tap the Print Job Name in the list to view the detail print settings. You can add the print job    back to the Current Print Job List by tapping the Add button. The Clear button will erase the entire history print list.  Table 5.4 Print Job History List Print Job History List Print Job Information    Start A Print   Table 5.5 Printing Process  Table 5.6 Print Description   Name Icon Description Pause  Pause the on-going print job. Resume  Resume the paused print job. Stop  The printer will stop the print job completely. Extrude  To extrude the inserted filament. Withdraw  To withdraw the inserted filament.        5.4 Maintenance  There are three sections under this function, Switch Plate, Reset Plate and
Door Control   Figure 5.6 Maintenance Page    Table5.7 Maintenance Description Name Icon Description Switch Plate  Switch the current build plate to the next one   Rest Plate  Reset the current build plate and not switch it to the next one Door Control  Control the side door to open/close automatically   5.5 Calibrate   The nozzle height of a printer is a key parameter that needs properly set before any print jobs. It can be calibrated manually on X5’s touchscreen or set it from UP studio software.   Figure 5.7 Calibrate
 Click Edit on the touchscreen, and enter the suitable value for your printer.    You can also use either +/- button to adjust the value in the Value Box, and then tap the Value Box to move the nozzle to the value height you set in the Value Box.    Nozzle Height: is the current printer’s nozzle height.    The default value for the nozzle height for each Tiertime printer has been set as 0mm before leaving factory floor for safety reasons. Therefore, calibration is the mandatory step prior to your first print.  Table 5.8 Calibration Icon Description Name Icon Description Live Nozzle Height    Indicating the present nozzle height.  Using +/- to adjust the nozzle height manually. Edit  To edit the nozzle height by inputing numbers manually Exit  Exit Calibration section and back to main menu.  5.6 Information   Within this section, it displays all the information of your printer, it also provide gateway icons for language setting and touchscreen updating. •Model: The Model Name of your printer’s model.   •S.N.: Your printer’s ID, which will be required if you looking for customer service. •Firmware Ver.: Stands for firmware version of your printer. •Screen Vers.: Stands for the touchscreen version. You can check whether your touchscreen is operating using the latest touchscreen system.   •Total Time: This represents the total printing time of your printer from the beginning. •Total Weight: This indicates the total material weight which accumulated from the first print.   •LAN M.A.C: The unique LAN M.A.C address of your printer in Ethernet .   •WLAN M.A.C: It’s the unique printer’s M.A.C address in your Wi-Fi network.
 Figure 5.8 Information       Table5.9 Information Icon Description   Name Icon Description Reset  This reset button will erase the following three sets of values which has been stored in your printer.   Nozzle height: 0mm. Material type set to ABS, and total weight set to 500g. Name to its defaulted S.N number. Language  There are two types of languages available for you to choose from, Simplified Chinese Simplified and English. Update  Users can update the touchscreen manually from a USB stick by tapping this button Exit  Exit Information section and get back to the main menu.  5.8 Config Config section contains seven parameters.
 Figure 5.9 Config Name: it’s the printer’s name, you can change it on the UP Studio software. The default name is the printer’s S.N number.   Sound: Toggle the click sound while using touchscreen.   Preheat: Toggle the build plate preheating option. If it is on, the machine will start pre-heating 15 minutes ahead of the start of the print job. You can read the introduction of Preheating in Maintenance -> Preheat in the Software User Manual.   Auto Update: Toggle the touchscreen update automatically.If switch it off,Then the touchscreen can only update manually. Cont.Print: Toggle the continuous print function for the printer Private: Toggle the printer to set a password for private use. Once this option is on, you can set a password for your printer and your printer will not be accessible by other users on the same network without obtaining the password.   Password: The password for the printer to protect your printer from other people’s access. Click the text field to enter your password.  5.9 Network This section includes Ethernet Network Settings and Wi-Fi Network Settings.   Ethernet Network Settings:   1.Plug an Ethernet cable to the LAN socket at the back of X5.   2.The Ethernet connection Status icon should be appear in the Printer Status Bar.   3. You now can go to Config to enter Network Settings section.   4. Click Information button to edit the printer’s Ethernet Network Settings
                   Figure 5.10                                                              Figure 5.11  Table 5.10 Network Setting Icon Description Name Icon Description Network Type/Name Network    Ethernet The printer is connect with Ethernet Network    Tiertime The name of connected WiFi network. Static  Toggle the static IP option to edit following settings for static IP IP IP This is printer’s IP address in the network. Click the text field to edit, click Return to save and exit editing. Mask Mask This is printer’s mask in the network. Click the text field to edit, click Return to save and exit editing. Gateway Gate This is where you define the printer’s gateway. Click the text field to edit, click Return to save and exit editing. DNS DNS This is where you define the printer’s domain name system. Click the text field to edit, click Return to save and exit editing. Page  Go to the next page. Exit  Exit and get back to the Network Section. The following descriptions also applies for Wi-Fi network settings.  Wi-Fi Network Connection and Settings: 1. Go to Config, enter Network Settings section.   2. Toggle on Wi-Fi Network Connection.   3. Find the desired Wi-Fi Network’s name in the list below.   4. Tap the name to connect the Wi-Fi Network.   5. The 3DP-23-4A is connect to the Wi-Fi Network successfully, when the red exclamation mark disappeared, a interlock and Information icon appears.   6. Tap the Information icon to edit the printer’s Wi-Fi Network Settings.
 5.10 Initialize The printer requires initialization before printing.   The Material, Calibration and Print buttons on the Main menu of the touchscreen will be greyed out before the printer is properly initialized.  Figure 5.10 Click Initialize and confirm the printer will start initializing by clicking “√”. After the printer is initialized, you can start sending print jobs to the printer.
   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

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