Belco Co PMP-3860 2.4 GHz 50 Channel Analog Cordless Phone with CID User Manual Part 2
Belco International Co Ltd 2.4 GHz 50 Channel Analog Cordless Phone with CID Users Manual Part 2
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- 1. User Manual
- 2. Users Manual Part 1
- 3. Users Manual Part 2
Users Manual Part 2
., “: lime? fi“ffiw‘4‘r‘mfl}i Deleting Message Wetting indication Clears any current message waiting indication. See page 50 lor more Information about message waiting. 1. Press and hold the (E/PROG key to enter the menu. 2. Press to go to the rri‘eesnge waiting programming °p"°“' rise unlrma {LEE -. _. 3. Press @ED|T to reset the message waiting indi— cation. "DELErE'wIIl begin flashing. 4. Press (ENSAVE to delete the indication. A double beep will sound to confirm. 5. Continue with programming or press ®PHOG to return to the idle screen. Turning Auto Answer On or on Turn on ard off the auto answer feature. When on, the phone will automatically answer an incoming call if the handset is in the base. 1. PressandholdtheCEPHOery. . Press®togototheautoanswer programming °P“°"- euro HNEINER n _. . Press (EEDITtochengethesetting. .UselheAVkeytotogglebetween0nandOli. . Whenthesettlngybudeslreiadlsplayed press EDISAVEtosavethesetling. Adbublebeepwiil soundtoooniirrn the setting has beensav'ed. 8. Continue with progenimiflg or preesCEPFlOG to return to the idle screen. 27 SETTINGS Disabling the Ring for Private Cells Turns on and all the ring for NI cells where the caller has bloated their taller ID. 1. PiessandholdtheGn-D/PHOGKW 2. Press Q) to go to the private ring programming ”fl“ ' PRIUFITE ENG EFF -. _. . Press (EEDIT to change the setting. . UsetheAVkeytotoggIebetweenOnandOfl. . When the setting you desire is displayed. press (EISAVE to save the setting. A double beep will sound to oonlirm the setting has been saved. . Continue with programming or press (EIPROG to return to the idle screen. Note: The phone wlll ring once when 01!" unless First Ring Is also set to ”all." Disabling the Fling tor Unavailable Cells Turns on and oil the ring for all cells where caller ID lnlormation' is unavailable. 2. Presser» - to go to the unavailable ring programming Mm" UNHUHILmRNG " —§ . Press (EEDIT to change the setting. “On“ will begin flashing. .UsetheAVkeytotogglebetweenOnandOff. .Whentheaettihgyeudesireisdleplayed,prees ®SAVE to save the setting. A double beep will sound to confirm the setting has been saved. . Continue with programming or press EPROG to return to the his screen. . mu.- Thephene willrlng once when 'Oli“'unless Flrst Fllng ls also set to ‘Ofl.’ 28 SPEED DIALING Storing Phone Numbers In the Handset The PMP-3875 will store up to 20 speed dial nunbers h the Innthot phone book, in the order that they are programmed. No duplicate numbers can be stored. -HONE BOOK JOHN 5! our was as 3. Enter the name you wish to store using the tiel pad to enter the letters (up to 15 letters). See the following letter table tor how to program the letter: using the number pad. To add a space between words, push ©- Exernpte: For JOHN SMITH dial this sequence: 5 666 1 7777 ~ 1 i- J 0 space S . PressV,anddialthenumberyouwinhhstore(uplo 16 digits). Press (E) to insert a dialing pause Into the "um" JOHN snmi 1.9383 as 5. Pres (EISAVE when finishdm store the * numberto memory. Note: Mtherearenamemoryiocetionsleflinthespeeddkldlrwloryme PMP-safiMflMay‘MEMORYFULLJ Toomfinuenirhmemory programming, youmusto‘eleteareditexistt‘ngspeedddnumbem Mole.- IfyoumrLs-typeenrefingweplmenumbenyoucanmovefllmwnme' nunberandedt'ltbypreeelngandhaldlngrhe@®. Todelerea MmdwaaenpreesMe-IDELETEkey;wdeleteafluhiw hunter, preseandholdmemELETEksy. i; 29 ‘ mart. 31pm 2. Press (EEDIT- to create a new phone book entry Viewing the Handset Phone Book .Preu (E to enter the phone book PHONE BOOK — 6 .PressAVtoiocetettwnumheryeuwishtovieu JOHN SHITH 5 l? IEP ene- was . It the name or number Is more than 11 characters, preathe®end®buttentovieamerestoithe display (as indicated by the arrows in the top line of m' “pm" JUHN SMITH lSSSSSS la I we- was -s . Press (33 to exit the phone book. or let the phone book time out. SPEED DIALlNG Making Cells item the Handset Phone Book 1. Tomakeacailiromihephonebndepreu®. PHONE m . Locate the number you wish in tie] using A V. JOHN SMITH BE 55 1212 was -s —vs 3. Push ®. The dspley will show the directory name, and begin dialing the number. JOHN 91ng an 4. When you are finished with your call, pres @, or place the handset back on the base. l? 3510-010“. 9800 Mule: Besunmdwdcfietmeflnelemtlnueebyemmnelon. Deleting a Number Stored In the Handset 1 m“ E) PHONE 800K . Locate the number you wish to delete using A 7. JOHN SMITH 55 1218 tears mu -5 <5 . Prea (E/DELETE. ERRSE ITEN" 555555 I? q ..|s 4. Press (EDELETE to delete the phone book Maury. Thedieplaywiii brieflyehow'EHASED'and return to the previous phone book envy. . 5. When you are finished press ®. 331m»; G U 1.5 “10.101." ' 8 31 SPEED D'Al iNG’ Editing-NumberStoredlntheHandoet 1~ "WE PHONE BOOK .LoceteihenumberyouwiehioeditueingAv. JOHN SMITHE . Press @EDIT. Move the cursor to the section you wish to edit using the A, V, E), and @ keys. When moving through the number field. it will be necessary to press and hold the G) end @ keys ior more than one second until the cursor moves, since just pressing them enters e ' or it into the dialing eequence. Any die] pad key pressed will be inserted before the cursor. . To delete e character. pron the -/IELETE key. To delete 5 number. piece and hoid the @/DELETE key ior more than one second until the number ls deleted, since if the key Is just pressed. ii Inserts a pause in the dialing sequence. 5. When you erel finished. press (ED/SAVE to store the edited entry. 32 Preferred (VIP) Cells Vbucenesslmstorednumbersasprelerredcells. Whenanlncomlngcnllie marchedroestored mmberdeslgneledes'Vlfi'lhephonev-ilmmea special ringer sound alter the firs1 ring (caller ID information must be received first). To marks phone book emry as preferred: s 1. Press E. 2. FressAoeroqomedesiredentry. a. Press the (Emma btmon once. 1m LCD will «JOHN- SN 1 TH shmthe'VIP'iccn. 555 IE 18 80! 12/25 4. PreseElnmritthephonebook. Blocked (REJ) Calls I1 you do not wem lo have the phone rlrlg when a specific number calls, you can mmanunberlnmephonebookarnusslgnedlraeblodod. When an beam call is mun-den lmndnurnberdeelmned u ‘HEr-lfthephone will rm rlng alter the first rlrrg (caller ID information must be received first). Tomerkaphonebookemyublocked: 1- ME) 2. PressAoerogorheemrytobeblodred. a. Preeslhe nocummmmwnwm JOHN §F1ITH showme‘flEJ'lcon. 555 IE]? 502' IE/éS 4. PreesEloexltrhephonebook New: Pflorln/andBlockedcallswlllonUwrkllmelncamhgcellhnumber exealymalcl'restheonerheriestwedinmemry. Ilyoudl‘almrrdlalts mmlllocellxmakesuretheryourereaoodeleedleeepmzs-Za). Amnrlreereacodelspmarmmanynumbermmwmm musrbesluedwlrhourmemcodemsasevendlyitnumberflnm speeddlalmemory. SPEED DIALING CZALLER iii Calleranllmnihecellerenameerflplwnenumherwbeshwnonthe defleyhebreyeummerthecell. In orderto ueethisleamreyoumustfiret subecrbeloc-llerloeervicewmrywielephemcompw VIhenYou Hecelve a Cell dDHN SMITH 1. Munmelelephemnngmheoeller'emmeand SSS-5554218 phone nunberappears on medlsplay. ws- m/ n ..-aa "a 2. ThenewCeler ID recordlncludeelhenameand nurnberofthecallerand mommuetetherecord lancelvethe NewCelllightwilllhshro indicate her you have a new Caller ID call stored in memory. More: Whenrhe Cally/Dmbnmtianr‘erecelved, lrls storedlnmemoryso that this inbrmntr'on can be recalled for law use. Up to 40 Caller ID calls can bastared. Vlwdno the Caller ID List mephomeubmeficellymmhmwcelle received. linen lerecelved lrom the some number more than once since rm records were lest vlewed, no mm I. made. brmherepeatcall been (“RH") enema numbercrrepnr eels ls deployed. ‘- 1, With the handset idle press -. 2. Any unvlewed (new) calls will be dlsplayed first. The men recent call will be displayed. The information on the call will be displayed wllh the name, number, date, and time that the call was received. JCIN SH XTH 555-555- 12 IE wi- uu u Jil "I . lithe name or number is more than 11 characters, preesthe®and®buuonrovlewmeresrofme displly. . Toecrolllothenexleall,prequrV.TheAwllIgu throuqhthe calls lrom‘lhe last call recelved lo thelirsl. Thveillellalvywlovlthecellsl-ornrhefirsrcell receivedlothelesr. 5. Press-lam. 34 CALLER ID Caller ID Displays sh nd crudeteolthe JOHN SMITHE gislplay owsnamee number, time ill/ Display shows numberme service. "UNAVAILABLE" will be displayed when Caller iD UNF‘UHILF'BLE inlormalion is not available. This call was made «em a was ten telephone company that does not after Caller in services (hcludinc international calls). “PfiiVATE” will be shown when a call In received lrom a blocked number. For privacy muons. some states allow callers the option to prevent their telephone data from being displayed on the other party‘s Geller ID display. Display thaws when the Caller ID Iniermetlon wee ERROR received Incorrectly or only part of the dam was received. ”4" W“ "a "‘ Nah: Whenarencrisrecelved, noneoirhadamfmm this callis saved In memory. - Diepleyehmewhenavoicemellmeeeaeeheebeen “56 WRITING received and is tiered by message waiting service ena- mas -n _sq WW by lhd phone company. r sews a.) Display shows when the incoming call is a priority call. Tldsisdepleyndwhen-iapressedandmereleno Caileridemred. NU CRLLS WP IEIES -o -n 35 CAi. i [751 ll") Cliler with Cull Walling Service lnorderlc uselhe "CaliwwtingcallerlD‘ serviceyou mueteubecrihetoa telephone compenythet offers Caller ID service combined with "cell waiting" service. When a new call comes in while you are talking, you will hear a notification Nephunlhehlndcelandmevolumismnmrilymledfihenewceilers name and phone number, if evaildaie, appears on the depley. Once flash has been pressed. an “1.2" In the JOHN SH ITH loner rbht hand corner Indlceiee the cell wailing cellar 5 S E 13 so you can keep new of who you are talking lo. “a 1. When you receive a Wall walling" cell and you wantln connect the call. press (E. The active cell will be placed on hold end the new call will be active. 2. Press (E) lo anemale between calls. 3. Press ®tc and the all or place the handset back on the base. Storing Caller ID Record. Pm“- Jorgn SMITHIE aw . UeeAVlnscrclliclhecellrecordyouwish losicre inlelhephonebook. . Press (ESAVE. SHUEJ sw- la/es un . Hyouwlshbsdtll'renewlystorednumber,edithln lhephonebobk (page 33,16th aSiored Number'). 6. Press-memeeCallerlDlog. Nomi/Wlerrnumbereeresioradlntomephonebook, a '1'leirwer1edr‘nfrvmotlhenumber. Ifywmust dial: 10dgilnwr1berbrlocelcalie.youmusledit menunrberloexcludelheldfgltrodlaloul correctly. . 36 my: es firj m .: u!l&fi“’« ‘: - “Twit m‘ i, at Deleting Geller ID Record: WhenviewinglheCallerlDinbrmallonyoucandelete-sirldenIIreeordnull «s- mm.“- . UseAVtoscrolltothecalrewdyouwiehtd delete. i Press -/DELETE. ERHSE ITEM? 55 IEIE me was 4. To delete the record press @DELETE. 5. Pres to exit the Caller ID log. 1' PW“- JOHN 5mmXE . Press and hold ENDELEI'E. The display wil show ‘EHASE ALL?‘ Benn-Mn. Geller lD Cells 1. Press-. .UeetheAVloeoroIllomecellreeordyouwishto call JOHN SH! THE . If the number displayed ts notwrreci (needing 7,10, 11 digits). use the D Opllon key totoggle the number to display the oorred number of digits in be dialed. JOHN SMI TH 555-555-1312 ws- inm an -; Press 0 Optlon D IRL ’ 55 var Rm Press 0 Option DIHL" 155 55132112 m- (as 4. Press @ to dial out the dilplayed number. 5. Press to cancel dallnq. 6. Toendlhecell,press®,orplaesmehandsetbadi inmbuse. ANSWERING SYSTEM SETUP Sellingtlunlnqcount Therim coumeettingwiilprommthe PMP— 3875topidtupanlnoomlnqoellwithlhe answering machine alters, 5, orTS(lolI- eever3/5)rings.1'hereiearingeruiwhon mesldeoflhebesemdjustmieewmhto themrrberoin'ngs ihetyoudeeire. if you set the switch to “an" the answering machine wil pick up after three rings. ifyousetthemitohtofiflmeunitwiiipiokupaihrfiverhm. Or,iiyoueetitto “Ts,“ ihe machine will pick up after five rings ii there are no new messages or after three rings ii there are. This enables you to hang up after the iourth ring when checking your messages remotely (which saves toil charges), elnoe you lam: there are no new nieseegee. Setting the Date and Time While Mlflnfiymodd. puss moCD/Tm 9.1 key and ihecurrently programmed date and time I: heard. To m the mend time: 1. MandhoidCD/Tlmesaiormm seconds until ‘SundaY’ is heard. 2. Pres-the «Repeater n/Sk‘pkeyio Joledmewrrerrtdeyoitheweek 3. Preee (ZYl'lme Set to store that Information. '12" will be emounoed. 4. Preeea/Repenorib/Sidpioeeiedme elm-"thew“ through12). 5. Pressman. Wwillbe announced. Frees «Mentor »/Sklps mmytinesneoeeeerytoeetthewnem m'nuteemt throughSS). s. Pressman ‘Mwiilbe announced. Prose «Moped! or wlSidpb select AM or PM. 7. Pressmweueiu meinbrmfionwmbemudmthenew dehumanevviiibeenmuneed. mammcede MMWSMNUbeetmmiiwee-digiteooeesmdewmm Mflmheneweringmachineiromaremeiooefion. Pressing mDeoa-euwmmmomismwrpuymemmmm meet.Thedeiaultoodeie'123.' Tamil-mnemoode: .Preeemdhoid aetiorthree seconds. ‘i'arrd‘Preesthesklporrepeet buiimiosetthe first dlglt’isheerd. . Huh «IFlepeat or »/Skip until the desired nunber is announced and displayed. . fish the Set key to set. You will hour ‘2’ and “Press the skip or repeat button to set the second digit.“ .Hiehthe«/Repealor»ISklpkeyie eeieetlheeeoonddiglt. Push madman 5. Alter'Preeeilwsklperrepe-lbuttonioset the thlrd digit’ sounds, push the «mm or n/Skh keno select the third digit. Push meanest. Ammldbeheardmfineflnnewrenwteaopeseoodfleaflremote 00601113. M:ertedawnrheremoieeodeoniheremleewessaerdprovfde¢ $1 ANSWERENG SYSTEM Stfifl' MngflnAnnouneoModo TMPMP-387Samwuhneordmdmmwvolmwmm Mammmsshmbebmlhaicanbemwmm. AMOOUNCEMENTHPIomIeaveyowmaooWwewilm‘mmau.‘ ANNOUNCE ONLY: ”Sorry, mailbox Is full. Please try again lulu." UseflieDANsOMOllkayioselsabmn-nmmnmring rrrodu: AnswerOnMnnmneeOnMa’ArBrnrO". Typicdtyihemadilneboolmwnh answeron. 1. Press OAKS Onion once. The answaring maohlno Is turned elf. “Answer Off" is heard and the masses counter Is turned oft 2. PressCDANSONOllagaintounhe unluoannounoeonly mode. The unit will say “Announce Gulf and rho current announce only wimlng mess-ca. The mama ooumsr will display " A.‘ 3.Pm|lmtimDANSOn/Oflkayathird1lmomrnamgunnon. Vbu will haar “Answer On." The massage enumer wil display the cum mm of mews. ‘ Recording-n Announcomom Mmmulbovonmdewulmmheamnmnmhmwmm Wherelevamannouncsmem. “Mann-mm: 1. Pres-mandam- on.A boophhsnrd. Whileywoomimelohold MNDOGHM.WN mmmm. Youean muggedmupmmmlong. 2. mnmnaqmm icy. ThoPMP-w5vdllb-opmdplqy bwkyourneMyrecord-dw. Nomlbmumloflndaflulrarmaunoomomhrasrhgmmm m0,mmmhasbmunflayw.mmmm DWI-y. Adoubloboepufllbaboadundrhamdrwmumm lhadofiulrouuolmanmuncamrr. 41 "N‘QWERING ‘v‘v‘fiTf M ilP‘EflATlnN mm—QfiilmflnompssmqukoflumringmwhimvflMuw "Mr-ouch. Themaxlnmmrooordfimeioronamwlaonemlnme. bflwmdmnhwups,mdbsmmww yourunnnlnmuflcallystopmeordingaflsrsevenuwxdsdsllsme. wwmumm wnmnuuhnmeawed,MPMP-3_s75unueoummecallsandmessages spa-Hy. 1. anmCallorleAmsavedhmmnoryhemcafleoumerinme hmdhphywilliruusebyone. 2. When new msaqesarerecordsdthe message counter on mebasewill incnmbyono. The counter dapluy also shows various information about the answering machine and the status ol the commands given ii: .[2] weanmr EM] AnmiOnlymode [56] Recurring longit- IA] Answer Ofl mode “m E [PA] Paused During lFLl Mommy Full PM . [EA] Shale mum E] m" ll t? "gmufmmmvwmqsr‘h 1 ANSWERiNG SYSTEM OPl—Rnl rue-s Answeflngc-llewllhAnm On 1. Whenlhereisanlrwnlngcdl.merenenngmcllnrl0mend nunwu(nmm)waedWonmmli-vhmqulsm numberolrlngeselbymerlngselmwlldljleennoumnwlllmn. 2. Allerlho mlouneemeMplaysllnPMP-swswlllbeeplndeflmllmh caller can record his/her message. The maximum lenqlh ol the incoming message is two mlnulee 3. The New Message fight wlll blink cnnflnuously. 4‘ The message counter will increase byone wilh owl mmoeme rooelved. Note: II no Caller ID informerian was received, the cell counter on the handset will not change Amulng Cells In Announce Only Mode 1. When the lelopnane rlnns, the NAP-3875 will answer the lelephone line dopendngonlhemmberol ring: eel-cud. 2. The Caller ID name and number (ll lvelleblol wlll bedlaplayed and the announcement will mm 3. Ten 1mm mum anmuncomom plan. the phone wll disconnect. 4. The New Cell Ihhl wlII flash ”rl Caller ID inlormeflon was received. Mole.- InAnewarONynm,mnwsMIlbcmcoM-¢ Anchor-OH Inlhhmode.lhePMP—3875lcdeelgnednolwennerlhepmm. However," wraith-phone mlomqu-nmnmmmmmmwm Ormnbmdallwmmsmbberewrdedmrameodembe m- 1. NCWIDnalmalldnm(Havallable)MfiMl/MNHM‘W. . 2. Mlofim,nPMP»3875ulllununendpid(upumllna. 3. The HAP-3875 le nowln AnewerOn mode. ANSWQRQNT- “57k? ‘ PM (JF'FRATION mum-nun... fimmmmmM-awswiflplaymmmwmdm only. llmmnommeeeeqeemllmeeeeaeeendmemoempleyedlnm orderinymmonledin. ' meeeagesiandhoflmenyalmemere new. lllheremnommeoelenPMP- 3375wlllenneunco'Vbuheveno mess“: . Almebegr'nningoleechmesuaedhe magenumbermdlmdayendfimelhe meagewnsrecelved wlllbe announced . Allerellnleeeaqeehmbeenplm/ed.fl1e PMP-3075 announces 'No more "muons. Pmendholdllerm mmemeellmeseeoes.‘ "abutmenoldmdmmm, mounhwfllphymmmmonly. W@Mynmmmflwmmm meomrevm MWMWWMMLCDWMMQIIWWMWWSM MMMMIDMMvebo-nnvimd. 1. mmgmdumgplaybmw suspendeclivlly. 2. Pmekeyaoelnlonsume aaMly. Mflisfilfinpeueemodeaflarimlnule, the PMP-3875mtomeflolllyreumsw mm. 44 ANSWEEING SYSTEM GPith u'l'lON WWW Torepeathawnmfiyphymm mm®mbym mammohdayingwuethD/flemlwymlcemphythepmfloua message. During message playback, pushingthe®lstlp kaywllladvmeephybamm themxlmeseage. Themmmmmberwllhemwfin message will begln playlng. Deletlng Menace: Messages will be saved unless you daleh lhem. wi‘mm 1. Whileamesuoo‘nplqylngmss . The HAP-3675 announces Message erased.“ 2. The IMP-8875 will announce the next nuance number and play the next WMnmmmm-Im m,mume'Nomoremeesaoesf n‘mmeemthmsum $14" Memory Full WhenmePMP~3e75'smmory hm,hnussaqeooumrvdlldleplq[m. Menanlrmmhgenlllsmeelved,mPMP-as75willu|uyhhwev0nly Me. Nelneemlnarnemwllbereeordod. Album-WWW W.“edlwillbedleeormm Eruesomeornllmeesqenoreoovdnuwmanu. Nab: mumbwm-mmwmuwwu mmmmmwmkmm- nmmum MW IMMMmhmbmmdo,mmm-Mly imam“ mmwwngupwmnmmuwby M «sputum-ct. AN$WERWL we ‘t‘un ”Phi-UNION Menu-Hallo mm-Gnfllfluyouhnwdmmwupwmemmm Mmflummmnammmmemumm. 1. Towdummmmsmholdlhe hey. ThoPMP-aMSMIbeep wummwnnso-m Mn. 2. While continuing to holdlhe OMeme, say your memo message. When you are finished wllh your mama, release lhe 0mm key 3. Thememolanoreduanewmeuaqs Whenewcal Ilahlwlll flash Non: Hmomanaylsfulldunhgmmrdhg, theunnwfilamummmwylsm' andfhammemwldlnglaended Remote Access ”ITnPMP-mfipmldumnl mum-hm. The PMP- 3875 recognizes mmmmmvmrmwmmmsmm 1. mumnws mmammwuolmrmcugehasfinlshed, mmmmmmmmmmwdeisemmm mnngnmclunewllletopandnelnglebeepwlllswnd. 2. mPMP-awswlllm‘oumelhemmberolmaoulrdlwmanyof mwmm.wmnvdflbeglnplmmmm mbhelpuuldeyoumpreesmeeomelum. 3. Ovuhmmhaemmmunpmmewopdmlwyhplq Mm.lhnwllwvebepvmwpbmm.mmemes. Mm.neordmmummh,dnnqelmwumummdlordelm mule. See'RMOpflom’onpaoeflbrmoredehlle. “pumasbmmmmammmm mmwnomx mePMP-aanvglllhwup. 46 ANSWERING SYSTEM OPERATMT‘N v! "NARA T AMSWFHfiHY "av'nfi OpiflbTH'Hd‘ , MbAmOpflom muhmmmmnmdsobe CPI/Romney ‘ mMmmmwdemmhfl-wu “mum- mmwmma Hammluncflomflmwhmmm mnwmmmomm The mmmmhm wmpubmmdo. Allmedhlpad‘t MommFMP—aathz/dasammmurduusymmflm mmmuw.m“mabbb ‘ mnmmmuwmm mm. a, “on: RmahAmassMncfimmdmehandseH-Pmm ‘Pnn-hphyb-dcmm-ou Modamnwonsnmalmusfldmflcal. Fm-mmmmnuqn - hmxmnuou, indudimemaumf ‘PrnaGDmpl-ymmuuqu. n mwwmmmw m-_ hMuIntom-mlhmmu.’ Isl “Pm-Dbmuhmhm-uf Newman-ma aim-10m mull-W Mon: ProssOCIWomou-lwdmammahmmthammommw Murnrhehnndsatralheidlesm. Scmnlnu Incoming cau- ThePMP-Slfidbwsyouwnmnnammvlmnwmmm wmmmthmqhmhm AMMmflth-‘em “whethmommmnmmwmm "mmwulkwmoulw.m®bmhult Thom manhlnawlilmprsoordimmdyuunnymmmecalhr. ';‘"P‘ "I flmmm 7? " EWWQMWJ $1 PM“: {' rah; 5 hflw mwmlwbmmdcemnflmmrfimhm hmmmcdlmwmmnmmm. ~ mmnnmwmam hmMyouhnvannewCflhHD filmmmry. - Mmmmnmmwwum mmwmmnmna-m mo. mcfluw 0 ° 0 °°E§E°° "mow-hing anbwhomlmeMpmns anmamvomwm mmummmm,mm mmmwm'momm), M: mmmmmmmmmwmm wFuth-mephmwmrymmuypeof mmmwmmmmysmm1~uw mmmmmmmmm. ”mmwmmybwfiflmwmm inmate; was ulnITI'NG |E/25 -! “I up: Hywvdlhwdelemthe"Musqu|ifing”mwe.delueitudesmbedin flew-flfinpmfion‘mbfingfluleifingIndicm”(m mam meme umz‘ Wu ..1 _.. Within-Idiot FlndoflPAGE) 1. Panamanian-fie. I'mnmdeetlsln ruvalllboepbrzOsmm. 2. memmmmmmmpmmmemm wear fflmmwm : ft ax a”; 5! Mung-Light punyoureeoivumkwmsmmm ”Hawaii-own anmnorymummmw “Macaw-mm [pummel-“Minutfl‘nhmwbqflI-Mfl “WNW“ HmyourMnhm-swm Mnblumhocdlwiflbodmppod.Wh9nhbmmMN mmmmdwmwmmnflmm Win. ‘ Chantal Changing Nywareexpeflmdnqlnwfiorenoedudngudephonocdl,mmeo Minamoto key. "the HAP-3875 will scan up to 50 annual: and select the . MWWMMMMW. "meow-mammalian- Mona, tho channel MM rem-In tho camo‘ “WWW?" MWMthmwmfiur-unfilmm Whamvlmdand/orttnhmemoryhm WM- vniflfl‘u! Mr ' wulmb’. ! mwmmmmbmmum mun; mmummmJu-u mun mm 1. mumanmmM-mmmmm hd'hmwwmdmNmmflbMp-m 2. MWfiMMMMdMNMMkMfl,” nmmmmmmmzmMemm drum 3. MmrPMP-awsmmwfiulymoppmghmmwbus dunmhflwhxornp'uficuummMmaymmmmammfibn. 4. Dommwmdmuuwmpmbdemm m.Unonh/mudmmonasm,dlmpdommdoMMPMP- 375m. 5. TMPMPwshumm-houmpmwondmhmmmnflmm FCC requiem. However, an Inch-munch as n I'nhtning whator near ”mummifiuuuwbuw. e. "NPMP-snsiohmmanmmmmormmdmbal mnhwuwmuwmmm Mummwwwmummm Insidldon. 7. mummmmuwwmmmmwwm mmmhmmmummmmmm “MumwaflviuWJWWmmme mwmbrnpdrorreplwm. U. ummmwwmmmumman mmwwmmmm—m—ns Oryou mwflsmucmmmmwlmww 52 Bll1TEHV CAL] HUNGRY iNSTH m: cmnou . ummmun-ornurynmm-uflamm - WMmW,mm3,wmnMNWmfll-WLPM ”WWWWMW. - mm|dmummmm.m.maumqw. 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