Benq AWL500 Access Point User Manual users manual

Benq Corporation Access Point users manual

users manual

BENQ CorporationWireless LAN Access PointAWL-500User ManualVersion 1.0 April 2002
BENQ  CorporationNotice ICopyright StatementThis manual cannot be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without the prior written permission of BenQ Corporation.BenQ Corporation reserves the right to change this manual and the specifications to improve products without prior notice. So you can get the most recent software and user documentation for all BenQ Wireless LAN products on our web site.http://www.BenQ.comTrademarksCopyright © 2002 BenQ Corporation. All rights reserved.Contents subject to change without prior notice. BenQ is a registered trademark of BenQ Corporation. All other trademarks belong to their respective proprietors.
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BENQ  CorporationTable of ContentsChapter 1    Introduction ................................................................... 1Chapter 2    Hardware Installation.................................................. 22-1 Product Kit.................................................................................................. 22-2 System Requirements.............................................................................. 22-3 Mechanical Description ............................................................................ 32-4 Hardware Installation................................................................................ 5Chapter 3 Configuring the Access Point..................................... 63-1 Using the Access Point Search Tool ..................................................... 63-2 Using the Web Management................................................................... 9Chapter 4 Troubleshooting............................................................ 21
BENQ Corporation-1-Chapter 1 IntroductionThank  you  for choosing  BenQ  Wireless  LAN  Access  Point  AWL-500.  TheAWL500  Wireless  LAN  Access  Point  can  be  used  with  relevant  BENQwireless  networking  devices  such  as  the  BENQ  AWL100  Wireless  LAN  PCCard and BENQ AWL300 Wireless LAN USB Adapter, which would allow theusers to access  an  office  LAN wirelessly,  or  share  an  xDSL/cable  modem.The AWL500 could accommodate up to 32 network users a time and this highperformance device is also extremely simple to install.
BENQ Corporation-2-Chapter 2    Hardware InstallationThis chapter describes initial setup of the Access Point.2-1 Product KitBefore installation, make sure that you have the following items:!!  AWL500 Wireless LAN Access Point!!  Software CD containing user manual and utility!!  Quick Start Guide!!  RJ-45 cable!!  Power adapter !!  Metal stand!!  Screw pack!!  Warranty card2-2 System RequirementsBefore using your AWL500, please check that you have the following required items:!!  Broadband access device (ADSL/cable modem) or Office LAN!!  UTP Cat-5 cable for linking ADSL/cable modem/LAN and the AWL500!!  Wireless LAN PC card (AWL100) or USB adapter (AWL300)!!  Web browser (Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or Netscape Navigator 4.5or higher)
BENQ Corporation-3-2-3 Mechanical DescriptionTop panel of the Access PointThe following table provides an overview of each LED activity:LED Definition Activity DescriptionPWR Continuous Green Power enabledOff: No wireless activityWLAN Flashing Green Flashing: Wireless RX/TX activityOff: No Ethernet traffic activityLAN Flashing Green Flashing: Wired LAN traffic activity
BENQ Corporation-5-2-4 Hardware Installation# Connect the Ethernet CableThe  11Mbps  Wireless  LAN  Access  Point  supports  10/100M  Ethernetconnection.    Attach  your  UTP  Ethernet  cable  to  the  RJ-45  connector  onthe  Access  Point.    Then  connect  the  other  end  of  the  RJ-45  cable  to  ahub  or  a  station.    Please  be sure  to  use  the MDI  port to connect  theAccess Point to a hub.  Otherwise,  please  use the MDI-X port to connectthe Access Point to a computer/station.# Plug the Power CablePlug  the  power  adapter  to  the  power  socket  on  the  Access  Point,  andplug the other end of the power into an electrical outlet. ONLY use the power adapter supplied with the Access Point.Otherwise, the product may be damaged.NOTE
BENQ Corporation-6-Chapter 3 Configuring the Access PointThe 11Mbps Wireless LAN Access Point is shipped with default parameters,which  will  be  suitable  for  the  typical  infrastructure  wireless  LAN.   Justsimply  install  the  Access  Point,  power  it  on,  and it  is  now  ready  to  work.Nevertheless,  you  can  still  adjust  configuration  settings  depending  on  howyou  would  like  to  manage  your  wireless  network. The 11Mbps  WirelessAccess Point allows its user to configure via the browse TCP/IP (HTTP).3-1 Using the Access Point Search ToolThe Access Point Search tool is useful for first time configuration and forgotAccess Point IP. The following steps will guide you through the installations of the Access Point Search utility.After  finishing  hardware  installation,  put  the  supplied  Software  CD  into  theCD-ROM  drive  of  your  PC,  and  locate  the  “device_search.exe” file  in  theAWL500 directory.  Double-click its icon with the left button of your mouse toexecute the file. Then follow the steps below:I. After double-clicking on the icon, a small window will appear showing thestatus in searching for Access Points.
BENQ Corporation-7-II. After searching for a few seconds, information on the result of the searchwill be shown in a window.III. When  the  Access  Point is  found  within  the  network,  a  configurationwindow will appear. You will see the basic information of the Access Point, such as MAC AddressΕSSID Ε IPΕChannelΕWEP Mode and Firmware Version.ITEM DescriptionMAC Address It is a hardware identification number on the network Access PointSSID SSID is a unique ID on the network Access PointIP Address Current Access Point IP AddressCH Access Point channel idMode Access Point WEP ModeFirmware Version Displays the firmware version that is equipped with your hardware
BENQ Corporation-8-Change IP Address1. When both Access Point and host are not on the same subnet, you canchoose it and change IP Address  .2. Configure IP address to the Access Point. You may either give a fixed IPaddress to  your  Wireless  Access  Point,  or  choose DHCP  client  with  theEnable DHCP  item  selected. It  will obtain  the  IP  address  automaticallyfrom your DHCP server..
BENQ Corporation-9-3. When both Access Point and host on the same subnet, please select IEicon , into Web Management. 3-2 Using the Web ManagementThe  Wireless  Access  Point  has  a  build-in  web  management  server.  Thebuilt-in  Web  Management  provides  you with  user-friendly  web  pages tomanage  your  Wireless  Access  Points.  Using  web  browser  connected  to  theWireless Access Point (e.g. will allow you to monitor andconfigure the Wireless Access Point. The Access Point Search Tool described in  the  previous  section  may  help  you  to  find  out  the  IP  address  of  theWireless Access Point if you forget its IP.1.Open your web browser.2.Enter the IP address of your Wireless Access Point in the Address field (e.g.    You  will have access  to  the Wireless  Access  PointWeb Pages of the Wireless Access Point.3.Enter  the  password  to  login  onto  the  Wireless  Access  Point. Both  thedefault id and password are admin.    The main page will show up.
BENQ Corporation-10-The Wireless Access Point main page contains eight items for you to manage your Wireless Access Point.Quick Installation Wizard This  tool  displays  the  Firmware  Version  of  this  Wireless  Access  Point.  Andyou  may  adjust  the  settings  on  the  Wireless  Access  Point  such  as  DHCP,Fixed  IP,  IP  Address,  Netmask,  ESSID,  Channel,  RTS  Threshold,  FragmentThreshold, Basic Rates, TX Rates and Preamble Type.
BENQ Corporation-11-ESSID: The  ESSID  is  a  unique  ID  given  to  the  Access  Point.    Wirelessclients  associating  to  the  Access  Point  must  have  the  same  ESSID.    TheESSID can have up to 32 characters.Channel:  You  may  select  any  of  the  available  channels  as  an  operationalchannel for your Access Point.RTS  Threshold:    RTS  Threshold  is  a  mechanism  implemented  to  preventthe “Hidden Node” problem. “Hidden Node” is a situation occurred when two stations are within range of the same Access Point, but are not within rangeof  each  other.    Therefore,  they  are  hidden  nodes to  each  other.    When  ahidden  station  starts  data  transmission  with  the  Access  Point,  it  might  notnotice  that the  other  station  is  already  using  the  wireless  media.    Whenthese  two  stations  send  data  at  the  same  time,  they  might  collide  whenarriving simultaneously at the Access Point.    The collision will most certainlyresult  in  a  loss  of  messages  for  both  stations.    Thus,  the  RTS  Thresholdmechanism  will  provide  the  solution  to  prevent  data  collisions.    When  theRTS  is  activated,  the  station  and  its  Access  Point  will use  a  Request  toSend/Clear to send protocol (RTS/CTS).    The station will send an RTS to the Access  Point,  informing  that  it  is  going  to  transmit  the  data.    Upon  receipt,the  Access  Point  will  respond  with  a  CTS  message  to  all  station  within  its
BENQ Corporation-12-range to  notify  all  other stations  to  defer  transmission. It  will  also confirm tothe  requesting  station  that  the  Access  Point  has  reserved  the  channel  fortransmission.Fragmentation Threshold: Fragmentation mechanism is used for improvingthe  efficiency  when  there  is  high  traffic  within  the  wireless  network.    If  youtransmit large files in a wireless network, you can enable the FragmentationThreshold  and  specify  the  packet  size. The  mechanism  will  split  the  packetinto the packet size you set.Rate Set: By default, the unit adaptively selects the highest possible rate fortransmission. In case of obstacles or interference, the system will step down.Select the Basic Rates to be used among the following options: 1 - 2 (Mbps),1 - 2 - 5.5 – 11 (Mbps). Select the TX Rate set among the following options,(1 – 2 - 5.5 - 11 Mbps) or (1 - 2 Mbps).Preamble Type (Short/Long): Preamble is the first sub field of PPDU, whichis  the  appropriate frame  format  for  transmission  to  PHY  (Physical  layer).There are two options, Short Preamble and Long Preamble.InformationStatisticsThis item displays the Ethernet and wireless network traffic:
BENQ Corporation-13-Channel InfoThis item displays the channel information of the Wireless Access Point.
BENQ Corporation-14-Associated TableThis is a list of all the stations that have ever associated. This table providesinformation to track how many stations have ever associated with the AccessPoint.
BENQ Corporation-15-Advanced SettingSecurity SetupTo  prevent  unauthorized  wireless stations  from  accessing  data  transmittedover the network, the 11Mbps Wireless LAN Access Point offers WEP (WiredEquivalency  Privacy). You  can  set  up  4 encryption  keys to encrypt  yourdata.The 11Mbps  Wireless  Access  Point  allows  you  to  create  4  data  encryptionkeys to secure your data from being eavesdropped by unauthorized wirelessuser. To activate and set the WEP keys, please do the following:# From the WEP encryption item, list three options:Disable – Allows wireless adapters to communicate with Wireless AccessPoints without any data encryption.WEP64 –  Requires  wireless  stations  to  use  data  encryption  with  64  bitalgorithm when communicating with the Wireless Access Point.WEP128 - Allows  wireless  clients  to  communicate  with  the WirelessAccess Point with data 128 Bit encryption algorithms.
BENQ Corporation-16-# When WEP64 is selected, enter 10 digit hexadecimal values in the range of “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9”, (e.g. 1234567890).# When WEP128 is selected, enter 26 digit hexadecimal values in the rangeof   “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” (e.g. 11223344556677889900aabbdd).Enter the 4 WEP keys in the Key 1, Key 2, Key 3 and Key 4 entry filed.Select one WEP key as an active key before enabling use of encryptionAccess ControlThe Access Control Table enables you to restrict wireless stations accessingthe  Wireless  Access  Points  by identifying  the  MAC  address  of  the  wirelessdevices.The WEP key must be set up exactly the same on the Wireless Access Points as they are on the wireless client stations. If you use Key 1 on the Wireless LANAccess Point, the same value must be assigned to Key 1 for all client stations.NOTE
BENQ Corporation-17-Use the following buttons to manage the Access Control Table:Enable – allow network access from stations in the listChange – to change and add the entries in the table if you enter the incorrect MAC addressDelete – to remove MAC addresses one at a timeAdmin PasswordYou may change the default password by entering the new password.    Enterthe new password in the Confirm Change field to make the new setting take affect.Be sure to press “Apply” bottom after modifying the configuration before leave this page or “Save Setting”NOTE
BENQ Corporation-18-Save SettingThis function offers you the opportunity to save your current configuration.Reboot SystemThis function offers you the opportunity to restart your Access Point.ALL settings will not take effect until “Save Setting” and “Reboot System” performed.NOTE
BENQ Corporation-19-Firmware UpgradeHere, you can upload the newest firmware of the Wireless Access Point. Youmay either enter the file name in the entry field or browse the file by clickingthe Browse button.
BENQ Corporation-20-Load Default SettingThis function offers you the opportunity to load your default setting.
BENQ Corporation-21-Chapter 4 TroubleshootingIf  you  have  trouble  using the  11Mbps  Wireless  LAN  Access  Point,  the  usercould  perform  primary  troubleshooting  with  the  LED  activity  on  your  AccessPoint.  The  following  is “LED  Error  Table” is provided  to  assist  you  indiagnosing and to solve operational problems.PWR WLAN LAN Description/ActionFlashGreenFlashGreenNormal operation where flickering indicates interfaceactivity.#  No action required.ContinuousGreenFlashGreen OffNormal operation that indicates there is no LAN activity.#  No action required.Off Off Off Power failure.#  Check the power cord.#  Check the power supply.Off OffInvalid loader firmware or the micro-controller is dead.#  Return the unit to the vendor for support.--Invalid Access Point firmware.#  Upgrade the firmware via the utility or console mode.BlinkGreen -Wireless LAN initialization failure#  Check whether the wireless module has been properly installed.ContinuousGreen-BlinkGreenEthernet initialization failure#  Return the device to the vendor for support.

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