Benq M25 M25 GSM Wireless Module User Manual Manual revised

Benq Corporation M25 GSM Wireless Module Manual revised

Manual revised

                                                   !"#$"$% 1 M25 GSM Wireless Module Customer development package manual    Rev.0.1 2007/1/30               COPYRIGHT BENQ Corporation This document  contains proprietary technical information which is the property of BenQ  Corporation and  is  issued  in  strict  confidential  and  shall  not  be  disclosed  to  others  parties  in  whole  or  in  parts without written permission of BenQ Corporation The documents contain information on a product, which is under development and is issued for cus-tomer evaluation purposes only.   BENQ may make changes to product specifications at any time, without notice.  BenQ Corporation. Networking & Communications BG 18 JiHu Road, Nei-Hu, Taipei 114, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2799-8800 Fax: +886-2-2799-8332
                                                   !"#$"$% 2  DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ISSUE DATE  AUTHOR  COMMENTS [0.1]  2007/1/30 Kevin RY Cheng Creation
                                                   !"#$"$% 3 1.  M25 software architecture This  Module  platform  provides  dual  channels  for  MMI  task  to  control  protocol stack  and  hardware  device  respectively.  These  service  interfaces  are  Internal  AT command interface and driver service interface, as shown in Figure 1. MMI  task  sends  message  which  carries  string  based  AT  command  to  protocol stack. By this way, MMI task must register AT command call back function for han-dling  occurred  event.  Hence,  MMI  task  controls  communication  procedure  via  this “Internal  AT  command”  directly  without  extra  hardware  device  support.  Moreover, previous BenQ module platform uses AT command to control hardware device. This platform provides simply and uniform specific driver API for operating hardware de-vice. Figure 1 Service interfaces for MMI task  1.1. Internal AT command API MMI task sends AT command string via internal AT command interface, and re-ceives response message from registered callback function. The follow APIs are used to handle those procedures.   If_at_init() : This function is used to register callback function.   If_at_cmd() : This function is used to send internal AT command.    MMI          AT command   Interface          Driver Service         Interface             Internal       AT command        Response             Callback       Driver API                   Event                 Callback
                                                   !"#$"$% 4 1.2. Driver service interface BenQ provide complete specific driver API, which are:   LCD driver API   128*64 Black & White SPI control LCD.   Keypad driver API   Audio driver API   Three sound types: key-beep, tone, melody.   Two audio paths: hand-held, hand-free.   GPIO driver API   5 GPIO pins for customers.   Real Time Clock API   Flash File System driver API   Power Management API   Communication Channel API   Communicate with external device via UART or USB port.  1.3. Dual image architecture This platform provides one advanced code building policy which is “dual image” architecture. Convention is compiling and link whole source files into one image file. Hence, customer must maintain lots of library files and cost much time to download the huge image file.   Dual  image architecture  is  divide  source  code  into  two  parts.  The  core  proce-dures which contain system, drivers and protocol are linked into one image file, and MMI procedures of customer are built into another image file independently. By this method,  code  management  is  more  convenient.  After  module  product  leaving  the factory, the core image file is already downloaded into module and users only need to download the MMI  image. Hence, it costs users less time for proceeding download procedure.  2.  Console daemon BenQ provides an  MMI task prototype with  development phase  debug  environ-ment, which called “console daemon”. This software component simulates the MMI task to communicate with module system core.  Customers will  know how to  imple-ment MMI task in this platform easily and conveniently via  this task prototype. The debug environment with command line interface is used to examine the correctness of procedure and export the debug message via the serial port.
                                                   !"#$"$% 5 3.  Compile environment 3.1. Install M25 platform compiler   TMS4701x_2.54 : Compile tool package which includes compiler, archiver, linker and some standard libraries.   Copy the whole TMS4701x_2.54 folder to C:\ (root directory). 3.2. Code base directory description   Build folder : This folder includes one makefile (MMI.mak) and one batch file (MMIbuild.bat) for building MMI source code.   MMI.mak : The makefile contains rules for compiling console daemon (MMI prototype) source code, and user can directly modify it for com-piling self-own source files.   MMIbuild.bat : When execute this  batch file at command line mode of Windows XP (or Windows 2000) operating system, it will start compiling and linking MMI source code.   gnumake.exe : Standard compile tool (make).   MMI folder : This folder contains console daemon source codes and three sub-folders.   cons_cmd.c, cons_cmd.h : console daemon command line function set.   cons_cmd_hdlr.c,  cons_cmd_hdlr.h :  console  daemon  command  line parser.   cons_cmd_tbl.c,  cons_cmd_tbl.h :  console  daemon  command  line fuction table.   cons_ker.c : console daemon MMI task body.   cons_ret_cb.c, cons_ret_cb.h : event callback functions.   Obj folder : After building MMI source code, the generated object code will store in this output folder.   If_obj folder :  Service  interface  object  code  which  contains driver API and AT command API must be linked with MMI object code.   atcmd_if.obj : AT command API object code.   drv_if.obj : driver API object code.   cons_tramp.obj : dual image policy object code.   Include folder : Contains service interface header files and MMI task in-cludes these header file for using service APIs.   atcmd_if.h : AT command API header file.   drv_if.h : driver API header file.   Os_if.h : OS service API header file.
                                                   !"#$"$% 6   Out folder : This folder includes image files.   M25[version_number].m0 : System core image file.   MMI.m0 : Generated MMI image file.  : Generated MMI memory mapping file.   Sys folder : This folder contains runtime support libraries and one command file (MMI.cmd)  which contains memory mapping information for  linking im-age file.   rts16le_flash.lib, rts16le_int_ram.lib : runtime support libraries.   mmi.cmd : memory mapping command file.   Version folder : Version number text of system core image. 4.  Download image In development phase, customers must download both M25 system core image file and MMI image file. BenQ provides USB based GUI download tool for customer to download image files. i.  Download MMI image file. ii.  Then, download system core image. iii.  After rebooting the module device, module will start initialization proce-dures and communicating with network. The download tool manual contains  detailed download tool configuration and oper-ating steps. 5.  Command line interface of console daemon Console  daemon  provides  command  line  interface  for  development  phase  de-bugging. After downloading image files and resetting module device, the default set-ting of UART port is used for sending external AT command. Connect EVB board with PC  terminal  via  UART  port  and  execute  Windows  hyper-terminal  application.  Hy-per-terminal application will show the follow message:  This  message  shows  that  external  AT  command  interface  is  ready.  Input  AT command string from hyper-terminal into UART port of module and this AT command string is directly sending to AT command interpreter which is component of ACI pro-AT-Command Interpreter ready _
                                                   !"#$"$% 7 tocol. On the other hand, internal AT command is message with AT command string sent from MMI task to ACI.    5.1. Enter command line mode of console daemon Input  one  specific AT command  “at$cons”  to  enter  into console  daemon  com-mand  line  mode.  If  command  line  mode  changes  successfully,  hyper-terminal  will show “cmd%” string.  In this mode, the inputted character string is sending to console daemon (MMI prototype). Then, console daemon task sends internal AT command to ACI or exe-cutes specific  command  line  function. For example, we defined one command  line function  “cmd_if_audio_melody_start”  to  test  correctness  of  audio  driver  API “if_audio_melody_start”. Input command “cmd_if_audio_melody_start” and its argu-ments (single space between arguments) for executing this command line function. If this command is inputted correctly, melody will start playing. Otherwise, it will shows “cmd error” string on hyper-terminal.  If we want to input internal AT command in command line mode, input “>” char-acter and then it is available to input internal AT command. Input AT command char-acter string and this string will be transmitted to console daemon task. Then, console daemon task will send Internal AT command to ACI. And input “<” character to return command function input mode. AT-Command Interpreter ready at$cons cmd%cmd_if_audio_melody_start 1 0 cmd%  AT-Command Interpreter ready at$cons cmd%cmd_if_audio_melady_start 1 0 cmd error cmd% Correct  Wrong AT-Command Interpreter ready at$cons cmd%
                                                   !"#$"$% 8  5.2. Add new command line function The command line interface is extendable for user adding or modifying command line functions. The adding function steps are: i.  Add new command line function body into cons_cmd.c.  ii.  Add new data entry (contains function information) into command func-tion table(cons_cmd_tbl.c).    After finishing these steps, we can type “hello” command to execute “cmd_hello” const tCOMMAND atCmdTbl[] = {  Data entry #n  { “hello”,               Command       (MyFunc)cmd_hello,        Function name       “command line example”,        Description       {  “module”, (STRING_ARG | REQUIRED_ARG),      Arguments and its       NULL, 0    Terminal                        property (string)       }  },   NULL }; Ex: void cmd_hello (  unsigned int iArgNum          Number of argument  char * module) {   c_printf(“\n\rHello %s!”, module); }  AT-Command Interpreter ready at$cons cmd%> at             Internal AT command ok < cmd%         Command line function mode
                                                   !"#$"$% 9 this command line function.  AT-Command Interpreter ready at$cons cmd%hello M25            Argument input Hello M25!
                         ©2006 BenQ Corp.    Confidential Property    M25 DATASHEET                                        Version: 0.1 – 2006/10/10 285.1 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations  The FCC Equipment Authorization Certification for the M25 reference application described in Section 5.1 is listed under the FCC identifier JVPM25 IC: 6175A-M25 granted to BenQ Corporate.    Note: 1.  The maximum antenna gain allowed for use with this device is 0 dBi. 2.  When the module is installed in the host device, the FCC ID label must be visible through a win-dow on the final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily re-moved. If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the final device that contains the following text: “Contains FCC ID: JVPM25”.

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