Beurer BF700 Body Analysis Scale User Manual 751 487 0514 BF700 indd

Beurer GmbH Body Analysis Scale 751 487 0514 BF700 indd

User manual

     Dear customer, ENGLISH Thank you for c hoosing one of our  products. Our name stands for high-quality, thoroughly t ested products for applic ations in the areas of heat, weight, blood  pres sure, body tem perat ure, puls e, gentle therapy, mass a ge, beauty,  baby and air. Pleas e read these instructions for us e carefully and keep them for later use, be sure to make them acces- sible to ot her us ers and obs erve t he notes they contain.  Wit h kind regards, Your Beurer team contents  1. Getting to k now your instrum ent ............. 2 2. Signs and symbols ................................... 3 3. Safety not es.............................................. 3 4. Inform ation ............................................... 4 5. Unit d esc ription ........................................ 5 6. Initial use of the scale ............................... 5 7. Initial use wit h the app.............................. 5     8. Taking meas urements .............................. 6 9. Ev aluation of res ults ................................. 7 10. Other f unct ions....................................... 9 11. Cleaning and care of the unit ................. 9 12. D ispos al.................................................. 9 13. What if there are problems ? ................... 10 14. Ot herinform ation ......................................11  Included in delivery • Quick I nst all Guide • Diagnostic sc ale BF 700 • 3 x 1. 5  V AAA batteries • T hese operating instructions  1. Getting to know your instrument Function of  t he  unit This digit al diagnostic scale is intended f or weighing and providing a diagnosis of your personal fitness dat a. It is intended f or s elf-t esting in the priv ate domain. The sc ale has the following diagnostic functions that can be us ed by up to 8 persons: • body weight measurement, • meas urement of body fat percentage, • body water percentage, • muscle percentage, • bone mass, • basic and activ e met abolic rate. This scale also has the f ollowing functions: • switc h betw een k ilog rams “kg”, pounds “lb” and stones “st”, • autom atic shutoff function, • battery change indic ator f or weak batteries, • Automatic us er recognition • LCD display of three initials of the user  • Storage of the last 30 m easurements for 8 users if the dat a cannot be transf erred to t he app. • A m axim um of 20 unk now n measurements can be stored, • The scale us es Bluetooth®  Sm art (low -energy ) and transm its via the 2.4 GHz frequency band. system requireme nts A smartphone/tablet, compatible wit h Bluetoot h®  4. 0 suc h as the iPhone 4S and 5. List of c om patible devices: 2
  2. signs and symbols The following sy mbols  appear in these instructions.  Warning      Warning instruction indic ating a risk of injury or dam age to health.  Important    Saf ety note  indic ating possible dam age to the unit/accessory.  note             Note on important information.  3. safety notes Pleas e read these instructions for us e carefully and keep them for later use, be sure to make them acces- sible to ot her us ers and obs erve t he inf orm ation they contain. Warning • The  scales must not be  us ed by persons  wit h medical implants (e.g. heart pace- make rs)  Ot he rwise  t he ir f unct ion could be  impaired. • Do not us e during pregnancy. • Do not stand on the outer edge to one side of the scale otherwise it may tip! • Batteries  are highly dangerous if swallowed.  Keep batteries and scale out of reach of small chil- dren. If  batteries are swallowed, get medical help immediately. • Keep children away from packaging materials (risk of  suffocation). • Caution! Do not step onto the scale with w et feet or when the scale’s surface is damp  – danger of  slipping! notes on handling batteries • Swallowing batteries can be  extrem ely dangerous. Keep the batteries  and scale out of the reach of small c hildren. Should a c hild s wallow a batt ery, seek medical assistance immediately. • Replac e weak batteries b ef ore t hey dis charge completely. • Always replac e all batteries at the same time and use batteries of the same type. • Batteries must not be  rec harged, taken apart, thrown into  an open fire or short circuited. • Leaking batteries may  damage the dev ice. If  you do not intend to us e t he dev ice f or longer periods, rem ove the batteries  from the battery compartment. • If  a battery has leaked, put on protectiv e g lov es and clean the battery com partm ent w ith  a dry cloth. • Batteries can cont ain  tox ins  that  are harmful to healt h and t he environm ent. Alw ays dis pos e of batteries in accordance w ith applic able  legal regulations. D o not dis pos e of batteries w ith the nor- mal hous ehold w aste. • Do not throw batteries into fire. Ex plosion hazard! General notes • The unit is for personal us e only and is not intended for m edic al or c om mercial applications. • Not e that  technic al t oleranc es m ean that  results may v ary, bec ause t he sc ale is not c alibrated for professional m edic al use. • The capacity of the sc ale is 180 kg (396 lb, 28 st ). For w eight m easurem ent and bone mass meas- urement, the results are show n in 100 g increments (0.2 lb). • The measuring  res ults of the body fat, body water and musc le perc ent age  are shown in 0.1 % inc rements. • The caloric  requirem ents is specif ied in steps of 1 kcal.  • W hen supplied to the custom er,  the sc ale is set to w eigh and me as ure in “kg” and “cm”. You can change t he unit s ettings during initial us e of the app. • Plac e the scale on a firm lev el flo or;  a firm floor cov ering is required for c orrect measurement. • Protect the unit against hard knocks, moisture, dust, c hemic als, major tem perature fluctuations and heat sources w hic h  are too clos e (stov es, heating radiators). • Repairs m ay only be carried out by Beurer c ustomer service or authorised dealers. Bef ore submit- ting any  c om plaint, first c hec k the batteries and replace them if necessary. • W e hereby guarantee that this  product  complies  with the European R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. Pleas e c ont act the s pec ified servic e addres s to obtain furt her inform ation, suc h as the CE Decla- ration of Conformity. 3
Storage and maintenance The acc uracy of the m eas urem ents and servic e lif e of the devic e depend on its careful handling: IMPORTANT • The unit should be cleaned occ asionally.  Do not use abrasiv e detergents and never imm ers e the unit in water. • Ens ure t hat no liquid gets on the sc ale. N ev er dip t he sc ale int o water.  Nev er w ash it under run- ning water. • Do not plac e any objects on t he s cale w hen it is not being used. • Protect the unit against hard knocks, moisture, dust, c hemic als, major tem perature fluctuations and heat sources w hic h  are too clos e (stov es, heating radiators). • Do not press t he buttons  us ing excessive force or w ith pointed objects. • Do not expose the sc ale to high temperat ures or strong electromagnetic fields (e. g. mobile phones).  4. Information The measuring principle This scale operat es according to the B.I.A. principle (bioelectric impedance analysis). This enables the measurem ent of physic al relations hips wit hin sec onds by means of an undetect ab le, completely harmless electric current. The body fat percentage and ot her physical relations hips in the body can be determined by measuring the electric al  resista nc e (impedanc e) and c alculating c onstants  and individual para meters such as age, height, gender and degree of activity. Musc le tissue and water have good electric al c onductiv ity, and therefore low er resist ance. Bones and fatty tissue, on the ot her hand, have low c on ductivity as fat cells and bones conduct hardly any current as a result of their very high resistance. Pleas e be aw are that values obt aine d  from the diagnostic scale repres ent only an approx im ation of actual analytic al medic al data. Only a s pecialist physician c an acc urately determine body f at, body wat er, muscle percentage and bone structure  using medic al proc e dures (e.g. c om puted tomography). General tips • If  poss ible, always w eigh yours elf at the same time of day (preferably in the m orning), after using t he toi- let, on an empty  stomac h  and unclothed, in order to achiev e comparable results. • Import ant for t he m eas urem ent: only meas ure body fat when baref oot and with the s oles of the feet slightly moist. Com pletely  dry s oles can res ult in unsatisf actory  meas urements due to inadequat e conductiv ity. • St and still and upright during the measurement. • Wait a few  hours after unacc ustomed physic al activity. • Wait approx. 15 minutes after getting up in the m orning to allow the water in the body to distribute. • Rem em ber that only long-t erm  trends are im port ant. Short-t erm c hanges in w eight w ithin a f ew days are usually caused by a loss of fluid.  Body water plays an im portant  role towards our general w ellbeing. Limitations When m easuring body fat and other v alues, deviating and implausible  results may occ ur in: • c hild ren under approx. 10 years, • com petit ive athletes and body  builders, • pregnant w omen, • pers ons wit h fever, undergoing dialys is treatm ent or wit h symptoms of edema or osteoporosis, • pers ons taking cardiov asc ular m edic ation (affecting the heart  and vascular system) ,  • pers ons taking vascular dilating or vascular c onstrict ing medication, • pers ons wit h c onsiderable anatomic dev iat ions of the legs in relation to total body siz e (lengt h of the legs c onsiderably shortened or lengthened). 4
5. Unit description  rear 1. Res et button                    2. Battery  compart me nt          Display                                                                                                                                    3. Bluetoot h®  sym bol for connection   between scale and smartphone  4a. I nitials of the user, e. g. T om                    4b. Unk now n meas urements “     ” 5. Body w eight  6. Body d at a e. g. BMI, body fat etc.                                       6. Initial use of the scale Inserting batteries Rem ove the batteries from  the protectiv e pack aging and ins ert the batte ries  int o the sc ale ens uring that the battery  polarity is c orrect. If  the sc ale does not f unction,  rem ove t he batteries completely and reinsert the m.  setting up the scale Place the sc ale on a firm lev el floor; a f irm floor covering is required for correct measurement.   7. Initial use with the app You must enter personal user param eters in order to measure your body fat percentage and other physical data. The scale  has 8 us er memory loc ations w hic h allows, f or  ex am ple, you and your family members to save personal settings. It  is als o possible to activ ate us ers via ot her m obile end devic es on which the HealthManager app has been installed or by changing the user profile in the app (s ee t he app settings). Keep the smartphone close to t he sc ale in order to m aintain an active Bluetooth®  connection during initial use.  – activate  Bluetooth®  in the smartphone settings. note: Bluetooth Smart devices, such as this scale, are not visible in the general s ettings of the Bluetooth device list. Bluetooth Sm art devices are visible only in special apps or in device m anuf acturer apps. – Install “Beurer healthmanager”  from the app store – start the app and follow the instructions. – select BF 700 in the app. – enter t he  BF 700-related data. The following settings m ust be set or entered in the “Beurer Healthmanager” app:   5
   Degrees of activity  Select ion of the degree of activity  m ust refer to the medium and long ter m.   Degree of activity Physical activity 1 None.  2 Low:  A small amount of light phy sic al effort  (e.g. s hort walks, light garden w ork, gym nastic exercises). 3 Medium: Physic al effort  for 30 minutes at least 2 to 4 times a w eek. 4 High: Physical effort  for 30 minutes at least 4 to 6 tim es a w eek.  5 Very  high: Intensiv e physic al effort, intensiv e training or hard physical w ork f or at least one hour daily.  – assign the user when requested to do so by the app. For autom atic personal recognition, the first measurement must  be assigned to y our pers onal us er data. Follow the app instructions for t his.  Step onto the sc ale wit h bare feet and ensure that you  are standing still w ith equal w eight distribution and wit h bot h legs on the electrodes.  8. Taking measurements P la c e the scale on a firm level floor; a f irm floor covering is required for correct measurem e nt. Weighing, carrying o ut  diagnostics Step onto the sc ale with bare feet and ensure that you  are standing still wit h equal w eight distribution and with b ot h legs on the electrodes. note: There m ust be no skin contact betw een your f eet, legs, c alv es or thighs. Ot herw ise  the meas- urement cannot be performed correctly. note: T he m eas urem ent result will be incorrect if the meas urem ent is c arried out wit h socks on. The sc ales begin w eighing im mediately. First, the weight is displayed. Whilst the further param eters are being m eas ured an “       ” appears. Your meas ured w eight is dis played shortly after this. If  a user has been assigned, the BMI, body fat, wat er, m uscle, bone, BMR and AMR are show n. T his is the case if the initials  are show n.  The follow ing appears: 1. Weight in kg wit h BMI 2. Body fat in % wit h interpretat ion of BF 3. Body water in % 4. Muscle perc enta ge in % 5. Bone m ass in kg 6. Basal met abolic  rat e in kc al ( BMR)  7. Active met abolic  rat e in kc al (A MR)  If  the us er is not  recognis ed, only the w eight can be show n and no initials appear “     ”. Only weight measurement Now  step on t he s cale w earing s hoes. Stand still on the sc ale with your weight distributed evenly  betw een bot h legs. T he scale imm ediately begins to m eas ure your w eight. The w eight is s hown and “     ” runs acros s the LCD. If  a us er has been assigned then t he  BMI, BMR and AMR are display ed. T his is the c ase if the initials are show n. If  the us er is not  recognis ed, only the w eight can be show n and no initials appear “     ”. 6
age poor good very good 10 –100 <45 % 45 – 60 % >60 %  note: Only the meas urem ents displayed on t he scale m ay be used for further observations.  switching off the scale The sc ale will t hen sw itch its elf off automatically.  9. evaluation of results Body fat percentage The following body fat percent ages  are guide v alues (c ont act your physician f or further information).                                                                                   A low er v alue is often found in at hletes. D epending on t he type of sports, training intensity and physical const itution, v alues may  result which  are  below the recommended values stated. It s hould, how ever, be noted that t he re c ould be a danger to healt h in t he case of extrem ely  low values. Body water percentage The body water percent ag e is normally wit hin the f ollow ing ranges: Man                                                                       Woman  age poor good very good 10 –100 <50 % 50 – 65 % >65 % Body fat cont ains  relativ ely little water.  Theref ore pers ons wit h a high body fat perc ent age have body  water percentages below the recommended values. Wit h endurance athletes, howev er, the rec om mended values  could be exceeded due to low fat percent ages and high m uscle percentage. This scale is uns uitable for measuring body water in order to draw m edic al c onc lusions conc erning age- related water retention, for ex am ple. If  nec ess ary ask y our phys ician. Basic ally, a high body water percent- age should be the a i m.  Muscle percentage The muscle percentage is normally wit hin the f ollow ing ranges:  7
Bone mass Lik e the  rest of our body, our bones  are subject to the natural dev elopment, degeneration and ageing pro- cesses. Bone m ass increas es rapidly in childhood and reac h es its m aximum betw een 30 and 40 years of age. Bone m ass reduc es s lightly wit h increasing age. You can reduce t his degeneration som ew hat w ith healthy nut rition (partic ularly c alc ium and vit amin D) and regular exercise. With appropriate  m usc le building, y ou can also strengthen your bone structure. Not e that this sc ale w ill not show  you t he c alc ium c ontent of your bones, but will m eas ure t he w eight of all bone constituents (organic subst ances, inorganic subst anc es and water). Little influenc e c an be ex erted on bone mass, but it will vary slightly  wit hin the influencing factors (weight, height, age, gender). no rec ognised guidelines or recomm endations  relating to bone mass measurement. Attention: Please do not c onfus e bone m ass wit h bone dens ity. Bone density c an be determined only by means of a medical  examination (e.g.  computer to mogra- phy, ultras ound). It is t heref ore not pos sible to draw conclusions conc erning c hanges to the bones  and bone hardness (e.g. osteoporosis) using this scale. BMR The bas al m etabolic  rate (BMR) is the am ount of energy required by t he body at complet e rest to m aintain its basic functions (e.g. while lying in bed for 24 hours). This value largely depends on w eight, height and age. It is dis play ed on t he diagnostic sc ale in kcal/ day units using the scientific ally rec ogn ized H arris -Benedict formula. Your body  requires this amount of energy in any cas e and it m ust be reintroduced int o y our body in the form of nutrit ion. If  you take on less energy ov er the longer term, this c an be harmful to y our health. AM R The active metabolic  rate  (AMR) is the am ount of energy required daily by the body in its activ e state. The energy consumption of a human being rises w ith inc reasing physic al activ ity and is m eas ured on the diag- nostic scale in relation to the  degree of activity entered (1– 5). To m aint ain your existing w eight, the amount of energy used m ust be reintroduced int o the body  in the form of food and drink. If  less energy is introduc ed than is used over a longer period of tim e, your body  w ill obt ain the  differenc e largely from t he am ount of fat stored and your weight will decreas e. If, on the other hand, ov er a longer period of time more  energy is introduced than the total activ e m et ab olic rate (AMR) calc ulated, your body will be unable to burn off the exc ess energy, and the exc ess will be stored in t he  body as fat and y our weight will increase. results in relation to  time Rem ember that only long-term  trends  are im portant. Short-term fl uct uatio ns in w eight ov er a few  days  are usually the res ult of a loss of fluid. The interpretation of the res ults will depend on c hanges in y our overall weight and body fat, body water and muscle percentages, as w ell as on the period during w hich these changes tak e place. Sudden c hanges wit hin days m ust be distinguis hed  from m edium t erm c hanges (ov er weeks) and long term changes (months). A basic rule is t hat short term changes in w eight alm ost exc lus ively represent changes in water content, whereas medium and long term changes may also inv olv e the fat and m uscle percentages. • If  your w eight reduc es ov er the s hort term, but your body fat perc entage increas es or remains t he sa me, you have merely lost water  – e. g. after a training s ession, sauna session or a diet  restricted only to rapid weight loss. • If  y our w eight inc reas es ov er the medium t erm  and the body fat perc ent age falls or stays the sam e, then you could h av e built up v aluable muscle mass. • If  y our w eight and body fat perc ent age f all simult aneously then your diet is working  – you  are losing fat mass. • I deally you s ho uld support  y our diet with phys ic al activity, fit n ess or power training. This way you c an increase y our m uscle percentage ov er the m edium ter m.  • Body f at, body water or muscle percentages s hould not be added (certain elements of muscle tissue als o contain body water). 8
10. Other functions User assignment It  is pos sible to assign up to 8 scale users for a weight-only m easurem ent (wit h shoes) and for a diagnos is meas urem ent (bare feet). For a new m easurem ent, the scale ass igns the m eas urem ent to t he us er w hos e most  recently saved meas urem ent falls within +/- 2 kg of this and, if a diagnosis w as poss ible, +/- 2% of the body fat. Unknown measurem e nts If  m eas urem ents cannot be assigned to any us er, the sc ale stores them as unk nown m easurem ents. Up to 20 unk nown measurements are sav ed on the scale. You c an us e the app to directly assign unknow n meas urem ents to your user. saving the assigned measurements on the scale  If  the app is open and t here is an active Bluetooth®  connection to the scale, newly assigned meas urem ents are sent imm ediately to the app. In this c ase, the values are not sav e d on t he scale. If  the app is not open, the new ly ass igned meas urem ents  are s av ed on t he sc ale. A tot al of 30 measure- ments per us er c an be s av ed on the sc ale. The saved m eas urem ents  are transferred autom atic ally to the app if you open the app wit hin t he Bluetoot h®  range. Data synchronis ation takes plac e wit hi n 10 sec onds. It  is possible to autom atic ally  transf er dat a w hen the scale is switched off. Deleting scale data If  you w ould lik e to com pletely delete  all m eas urements and old us er data on the sc ale, switc h on the scale and press the reset button for approx. 3 seconds. “      ” will appear in the dis play for several seconds. This is nec essary if y ou would lik e to delet e scale us ers who hav e been set up inc orrectly or are  no longer required, for example. You m ust t hen carry out the actions in chapter 7 again (us er assignment). replacing batteries Your sc ale is equipped wit h a “low  battery indic ator”. If  you operat e the scale with flat batteries, “Lo” will appear on the dis play and the sc ale will autom atic ally switch off. In this cas e, the batteries m ust be replac ed (3 x 1.5  V AAA). Note : • When changing batteries, alw ays us e batteries of the s am e type,  brand and capacity. • Do not us e rec hargeable batteries. • Use batteries that  are free of heavy metals.  11. cleaning and care of the unit The unit should be cleaned occasionally. Clean us ing a dam p c lot h, to w hic h you can apply a little detergent if necessary. I M POR TAN T: • Do not us e aggressive solvents or cleaning agents! • Nev er im m ers e the unit in water! • Do not w as h the unit in a dishw asher!  12. Disposal Standard and rec hargeable batteries  should not be dis posed of separat ely from  the hous eh old w aste. As a cons umer,  you are legally obliged to return us ed batteries f or proper dis pos al.  You can hand in y our used batteries at public collection points in your district or s ales outlets w here batteries of this type  are sold. Note : The c odes below  are printed on batteries containing harmful s ubstanc es: Pb = Battery c ont ains lead, Cd = Battery cont ains cadmium, Hg = Batt ery contains mercury. 9
For env ironm ent al  reasons, do not dis pos e of the sc ale wit h the batteries in the hous ehold wast e at the end of its usef ul lif e. Dis pos e of the unit at a s uit able loc al c ollection or recycling point. Observe the loc al regulations for material disposal. Pleas e dispos e of the de vic e in accordance  with EC Directive  – WEEE (Waste Electrical and                     Electronic Equipment). If  you hav e any queries, please contact t he appropriate  loc al authorities.  13. What if there are problems? If  the scale detects and error w hen meas uring, the f ollow in g is displayed.  Display cause remedy “       ” Unk now n m eas urem ent as it is outside the us er assignment lim it or a unique ass ignm ent is  not possible. Assign unknow n m eas urem ent in app or repeat us er assignment. “        ” runs  acros s the LCD. The fat perc ent age is outside the measurable range (less  than 3 % or greater than 65 %). Repeat the  meas urem ent barefoot  or, if nec ess ary, m oisten the s oles of your feet slightly.  The m axim um load-bearing capacity of 180 kg was excee- ded. The load m ust not exc eed 180 kg or incorrect weight is  displayed. No flat, stable surface. Place the sc ale on a flat, stable s urf ace. Attach t he additional f eet f or carpet. or incorrect weight is  displayed.. Not st anding still. Stand as still as possible. Incorrect weight is dis- played. Scale zero setting is incorrect. Wait until the sc ale sw itches its elf off. Acti- vate scale, wait for “0.0 kg” to appear and repeat measurement. no Bluetoot h®  connec- tion (    symbol is  miss- ing). Devic e outside the range. The minim um  range in  a free field is approx. 25 m. W alls and c eilings  reduc e the range. Other radio w aves may interf ere wit h the transmiss ion. Therefore, do not position the scale near devices s uch as W LAN routers, microw aves, induction hobs etc.  User memory s pace is full. No more m eas urem ents can be saved. Open the app. T he data is transferred auto- matic ally. T his m ay take up to one mi nute.  The batteries in the scale are e mpty. Replace the batteries of scale.            10
FCC warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   IC warning: This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio  exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne  doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage  radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.   11

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