Binatone Electronics BLINK1 Wifi Baby Monitor User Manual MBP36 IFU EN

Binatone Electronics International Ltd. Wifi Baby Monitor MBP36 IFU EN

Users Manual

USER’S GUIDEBLINK1 / MBP2000BU / MSC3BABY MONITORUSER’S GUIDEThe features described in user's guide are subject to modifications without prior notice.
This User's Guide provides you with all the information you need to get the most from your product.Before you can use the baby monitor, we recommend you insert and fully charge the battery in the parent unit, so that it continues to work if you disconnect it from the power supply to carry it to another location. Please read the Safety Instructions on page 6 before you install the units.Got everything?•  1 x Baby Camera Unit•  1 x Power adaptor for the Baby Camera your new Motorola Baby Monitor!Thank you for purchasing the BLINK1/MBP2000BU/MSC3. Now you can see and hear your baby sleeping in another room or you can monitor your older children in their playroom. Please retain your original dated sales receipt for your records. For warranty service of your Motorola product, you will need to provide a copy of your dated sales receipt to confirm warranty status. Registration is not required for warranty coverage. For product related questions, please call:US and Canada 1-888-331-3383UK 0845 218 0890On the Web:
1. Photo Sensor (Night Vision Mode)2. Camera Lens3. Infared LEDs4. Power LED5. Microphone6. Speaker7. ON/OFF Switch8. Power Adapter Connector9. Antenna10. Temperature Sensor11. Pair KeyImportant guidelines for installing your Baby Monitor•  To use your Video Monitor Baby and Parent Unit together, you must be able to establish a radio link between them, and the range will be affected by environmental conditions.•  Any large metal object, like a refrigerator, a mirror, a filing cabinet, metallic doors or reinforced concrete between the Baby and Parent Unit may block the radio signal.•  The signal strength may also be reduced by other solid structures, like walls, or by radio or electrical equipment, such as TVs, computers, cordless or mobile phones, fluorescent lights or dimmer switches.•  Use of other 2.4GHz products, such as wireless networks (WiFi routers), Bluetooth® systems, or microwave ovens, may cause interference with this product, so keep the baby monitor away at least 5ft (1m) from these types of products, or turn them off if they appear to be causing interference.•  If the signal is weak, try moving the Parent and/or the Baby Unit to different positions in the rooms.Overview of Your Baby Unit1911108236547
Table of contents 5ENGLISHTable of contents1. SafetyInstructions..................................................................... 62. GettingStart................................................................................ 83. OperationMode.......................................................................... 94. DirectModeMonitoring.......................................................... 125. SetupTheCameraInRouterMode........................................ 166. MoreFunctionOfBabyMonitor.............................................. 287. DisposalOfTheDevice............................................................ 368. Cleaning.................................................................................... 379. GeneralInformation................................................................. 39
6 Safety Instructions1. Safety InstructionsWARNINGThis baby monitor is compliant with all relevant standards regarding electromagnetic fields and is, when handled as described in the User's Guide, safe to use. Therefore, always read the instructions in this User's Guide carefully before using the device.•  Adult assembly is required. Keep small parts away from children when assembling.•  This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.•  This baby monitor is not a substitute for responsible adult supervision.•  Keep this user's guide for future reference.•  Do not place the baby unit or cables in the cot / crib or within reach of the baby (the unit should be at least 3 feet away).•  Keep the cords out of reach of children.•  Do not cover the baby monitor with a towel or blanket.WARNING:STRANGULATION HAZARD - Keep the adapter cord out of baby's reach.NEVER place camera or cords within the cot / crib.Secure the cord some distance away from baby's reach.Never use extension cords with AC Adapters. Only use the AC Adapters provided.CAMERA SET UP & USE:●Determine a location for the CAMERA that will provide the best view of your baby in his cot / crib.●Place the CAMERA on a flat surface, such as a dresser, bureau, or shelf.●NEVER place camera or cords within cot / crib.●Secure the cord to the wall to keep cord away from the baby's reach.
Safety Instructions 7ENGLISH•  Never use extension cords with power adapters. Only use the power adapters provided.•  Test this monitor and all its functions so that you are familiar with it prior to actual use.•  Do not use the baby monitor near water.•  Do not install the baby monitor near a heat source.•  Only use the chargers and power adapters provided. Do not use other chargers or power adapters as this may damage the device and battery pack.•  Do not touch the plug contacts with sharp or metal objects.
8 Getting Started2. Getting Started2.1 Baby Unit Power Supply1. Connect the small plug of the power adapter to the baby unit and the other end to the electrical outlet.NOTEOnly use the enclosed power adapter (5.9V DC / 1000mA).2. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the ON position. The power LED will light up in green.3. Slide the ON/OFF switch to the OFF position to turn the Baby Unit off.
9ENLISHOperation Mode3.OperationModeThere are three operation modes how the Baby Monitor connected to and viewed by  the Parent Unit.3.1 LocalMonitoringinDirectConnectMode:• Auto and Direct connection between Parent and Baby camera unit for    in-house monitoring without the connection to WiFi Router.• Easy Setup.
10 Operation Mode3.2 LocalMonitoringinRouterMode:• Parent and Camera unit are connected via WiFi Router so Parent unit    can access both Camera and Internet at the same time.
11ENLISHOperation Mode3.3 RemoteMonitoringinRouterMode:• With the IP and Server Control, the user can view the video picture      anywhere from Smartphone (iPhone and Android Phone), Tablet and    PC.
12 Direct Mode Monitoring4.DirectModeMonitoring4.1 TurnONthecamerawiththeslideswitch.The Green LED on the camera front panel will be turned on and start to blink after 45 sec.   After 90 sec, it turns into the Direct Mode and waits for the Parent handset unit to connect.  Then the Green LED will blink every 2 sec. Duration of blink is 200ms. If the Camera is already set to Router mode in the past, it needs to reset to Direct Mode by press-and-hold the RESET button on the bottom cabinet for 10 seconds until you hear the double beep conrmation tone.   4.2 TurnontheMBP2000Parentunit.IntheHome Screen,selecttheAppsBabyMonitor.
13ENLISHDirect Mode Monitoring4.3 ThenyouwillseetheLogin/Registerscreen  here.4.4 Thenyouwillviewalistofcamerawhichis  alreadysetinDIRECTmodeandwaitfor  connection.The camera name consists of “Moto-Cam-xxxxxx” where “xxxxxx” is low 6 nibbles of the MAC address assigned for each camera unit at the factory. The 2nd line “00:0e:a3:07:0a:08” is the MAC address of the Camera.  This display of MAC address will be removed in nal software.
14 Direct Mode MonitoringIf you cannot see any Camera in the list,  press [Back] key back to Welcome screen and select [Direct Connect] again.   Please note the [ReScan] button doesn’t work at the current software.If still not found, please check if the Camera is already in Direct Mode by the Green LED  status.  If not, reset the Camera to Direct Mode by press-and-hold the RESET button on the bottom cabinet for 10 seconds until you hear the double beep conrmation tone. 4.5 SelecttheCameraandthenyouwillbeprompt toentertheCameraPassword.******
15ENLISHDirect Mode Monitoring4.6 Fortheproductionunit,eachcamerawill  bepresetwithanuniquepasswordandwritten inthestickeratthebottomcabinet.Inthe  currentdevelopmentsoftware,thecamera  isnotsetanypasswordsoyoucouldenter  anythinglongerthan4characters.Thenselect [Next]tocontinue.4.7 ThenyoushouldseetheCameravideoinafew seconds.
16 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.SetuptheCameraInRouterModeIn order to have the Internet access and Remote monitoring function, the user requests to setup the Account and Camera in the Server developed by Binatone. 5.1 InHomeScreen,selecttheAppsBabyMonitor.5.2 ThenyouwillseetheWelcomescreenifitis  rsttimesetuptheCamera.
17ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.3 Ifyoudon’twanttoSetuptheCameratoRouter  forLocalandRemotemonitoring,youcould  select[DirectConnect]toviewtheCamera  video(PleaserefertoSECTION1:DIRECTMODE MONITORING).Ifyouwanttocontinuethesetup, select[StartSetup],thenthelogin/registerscreen isshown.
18 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.4 Forthenewuser,youneedtoSelect[Create  Account].Otherwiseyoucouldloginthesever  withexistingusernamefromStep9.If the Parent Handset unit hasn’t yet connected to any WiFi Router, it will prompt the list of available Wireless Network for connection.    If it is already connected to any WiFi network, it will jump to Step EntertheSecuritykeyoftheselectedWiFi  networktomaketheconnection.
19ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.6 EntertheUserNamewiththeexistingemail  addressandpassword.5.7 ThenyouwillreceiveanemailwithActivation  keyontheusernameemailaddress.Enterthe Activationkey.After pressing [Next] button, you will get the login success in Step 10.
20 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.8 PleaseenterUserNameandPasswordandthen select[Login]5.9 Afterloginsuccess,youwillseethe   followingscreen,
21ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.10 Select[AddCamera]toaddanewCamerato  thisAccount.ThenyouwillseeCameraSetup screentoremindyoutosettheCamerain  DirectModeasdescribedinStep2.5.11 Select[Next]toviewthelistofcamerareadyto add.Remark : If you cannot see any Camera from the list, select [ReScan] again
22 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.12 Seectthecamera(e.g.Moto-Cam-070a08)in  thelist.Thenyouneedtoenterthepasswordof theCamera.Atthismomentforthis   Demosoftware,youcouldenteranythinglonger than5characters.Inactualproductionunit,  eachcamerawillhavedifferentpassword  markedonthelabelstickedatthebottom  cabinet. Then press [Next] to continue
23ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.13 ThenyouwillbepromptedtoChooseWireless NetworktoconnecttotheCamera.5.14 SelecttheWiFiRouterSSIDnamewhichyou  wanttoconnectandenterthepassword.Then press[Next]tocontinue.
24 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.15 Thentheunitwillstarttocongurethecamera toconnecttotheBinatoneServerunderyour  useraccountthroughtheselectedWiFinetwork.5.16 Afteronetotwominutes,theSetupisDone  asshown.Press[Finish]toviewtheCamera  listavailable.
25ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.17 ThentheLoggedinscreenwillshowup.Select [ConnecttoServer]toviewthelistofcamera  alreadyconguredinyouruseraccount.
26 Setup The Camera In Router Mode5.18 ThenyoushouldseetheCamerashownon  thelistasfollowingexamplewiththeGreenDot andSnapshotpicture.Red  :  Not accessibleGreen  :  Available for Local Connection for video monitoringOrange  :  Available for Remote Connection for video monitoringCamera Status Camera Settings
27ENLISHSetup The Camera In Router Mode5.19 SelecttheCamerapicturetodisplaythefull  picture.
28 More Function Of Baby Monitor6.MoreFunctionOfBabyMonitorAfter the Camera is connected and Video is shown on Parent units,  the user can have more functions.                             Select camera if more than one is Snapshot of the picture Press and hold to talk back to baby Battery Level Indicator Lullaby Melody Off Temperature   Camera Channel WiFi signal strength Press and hold to talk back to baby Scroll to 2nd page of Function Menu Press to start Video Recording Menu for more functions and Settings Two Finger Touch Zoom Pan and Tilt Control of the Camera
29ENLISHMore Function Of Baby MonitorThe Camera Settings Menu           Scroll to 2nd page
30 More Function Of Baby MonitorName:  Create the name of CameraCamera Volume :  Adjust the volume of Camera speakerCamera brightness :   Adjust the brightness of Camera videoMelody :  Select and playback the Lullaby MelodVOX Settings :  Select Voice Activation Sensitivity Level  - Off, Low, Medium, HighTemperature Unit :   Switch between degree F and CRemove this Camera :  Remove this camera from the current User      AccountInfo :   Display the current version of Application      Software   and Camera Firmware.
31ENLISHMore Function Of Baby Monitor AccesstheCameraRemotelyoutsideyourhomeorofce If you use the device outside your home and network to login your  Account  to view your cameras.   The camera will indicate in Remote situation with Orange light.In Remote mode, the snapshot picture will not be viewed but you could still press the icon to access the Camera.
32 More Function Of Baby MonitorAccesstheCamerafromotherDevices1.AndroidSmartphoneandTablet• For development stage, the Android Apps (apk) can be installed into     the Android devices by putting it on SD card for testing purpose.• After product launch, we shall put the App into the Android Market for    the user to download.2.AppleiPhoneandiPad• For development stage, the iOS Apps (apk) can only be customized     for individual iOS device and installed by iTune for testing purpose.       This App is still under development.• After product launch, we shall put the App into the App Store for the      user to download.3.PCandOtherdevicewithWiFiconnectivityandInternetBrowser software• If your device has only Browser, you could access the Camera and      Server by web portal.  • Open the Browser software like Google Chrome or Opera (Internet      Explorer has currently some issues to x).  (1)  If you want to monitor the Camera connected in Router Mode• Type in the URL• For the current development stage, the Web portal will cause your      system to block it to run due to security check.  You need to force the    system to continue, i.e.
33ENLISHMore Function Of Baby Monitorvv Enter your user account (Email address) and Password.  Then [Login]Then you will see the list of Camera congured already.
34 More Function Of Baby MonitorSelect View to see the Camera video.Currently this Web Portal is still under development so other functions (Pan and Tilt, Temperature reading, 2-way auto communication, etc) will be added later.
35ENLISHMore Function Of Baby Monitor(2) If you want to monitor the camera  video from your PC in Direct      Mode: • Connect the WiFi of your PC to the Camera directly. Please ensure      the Camera is also set in Direct Mode so you could nd its name in      the Wireless network list.•• Open Internet Explorer or Google Chome.  Type in URL            Then you will get the camera video        immediately.  In Production version, it will add the Camera Password.
36 Disposal Of The Device                                                                                                                    
37ENLISHLcleaning  camera unit         cloth. N                                           camera unit                             camera unit                     
38 Lcleaning                                                                                                                                                          
39ENLISHGeneral Information9                                                                                                                                           
40 General Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
41ENLISHGeneral Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
42 General Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
43ENLISHGeneral Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
44 General Information                                                                                          
45ENLISHGeneral Information    BLINK1/MBP2000BU/MSC3 .4GHz WiFi               dapter : SWP-22357-00LInput : 100-240V,50/60Hz 0.15A max                              VLJ-BLINK1                            4552A-BLINK1Output : 5Vdc, 1000mA
BINATONE TELECOM PLC1 Apsley Way London NW2 7HF,United Kingdom.Tel: +44(0) 20 8955 2700   Fax: +44(0) 20 8344 8877e-mail:        .EC Declaration of ConformityWe the manufacturer / Importer  :Binatone Telecom Plc1 Apsley Way LondonNW2 7HF, United Kingdom.Declare under our sole responsibility that the following productType of equipment:                            Digital Baby MonitorModel Name:                       BLINK1/MBP2000BU/MSC3Country of Origin:                             ChinaBrand:                                                Motorolacomplies with the essential protection requirements of R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Radio Spectrum Matters, the Council Directive 2004/108/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member Statesrelating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the European Community Directive 2006/95/EC relating to Electrical Safety.Assessment of compliance of the product with the requirements relating to the essential requirements according to Article 3 R&TTE was based on Annex III of the Directive 1999/5/EC and the following standard:Radio Spectrum: EN300328 V1.7.1 (2006-10)EMC: EN301489-17 V1.3.2 (2008-04)EN301489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04)Electrical Safety: EN60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010The product is labelled with the European Approval Marking CE as show. Any Unauthorizedmodification of the product voids this Declaration.Manufacturer / Importer(Signature of authorized person)   London, 10 Apr 11Signature: (Paul Tsui/ Product Operation  Place & DateDirector)
Manufactured, distributed or sold byBinatone Electronics International LTD.,official licensee for this product.MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo,are trademarks or registered trademarksof Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC.and are used under license. All othertrademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.© 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All rights reserved.Version 2.0Printed in China

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