Bird Technologies Group 5PI001103 One-Way Signal Booster Amplifier User Manual 9257 s1 1

Bird Technologies Group One-Way Signal Booster Amplifier 9257 s1 1

users manual

EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 1 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 17-9257-1Installation and Setup Manualfor the One-way Signal Booster SystemModel Number 60-96-00400-G1First Printing: November 2000Version Number Version Date1 11/03/0082NCBPart No.Copyright (c) 2000 TX Rx Systems, Inc.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 2 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 2WARRANTYThis warranty applies for one year from shipping date.TX RX SYSTEMS INC. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workman-ship at the time of shipment. Our obligation under warranty is limited to replacement or repair atour option, of any such products (with the exception of tubes) which shall have been defective atthe time of manufacture. TX RX SYSTEMS INC. reserves the right to replace with merchandiseof equal performance although not identical in every way to that originally sold. TX RX SYS-TEMS INC. is not liable for damage caused by lightning or other natural disasters. No productwill be accepted for repair or replacement without our prior written approval.All Shipping charges on returned products must be prepaid by the purchaser. TX RX SYSTEMSINC. shall in no event be liable for consequential damages, installation costs or expenses of anynature resulting from the purchase or use of products, whether or not they are used in accordancewith instructions. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied,including any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness. No representative is authorized toassume for TX RX SYSTEMS INC. any other liability or warranty than set forth above in connec-tion with our products or services.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 3 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 3Table of ContentsGeneral Description 4  Note About Output Power Rating 5InstallationCautionary NotePre-RF Connection Tests 6  Test Equipment  Antenna Isolation 7  Procedure for Measuring Antenna Isolation  Increasing Isolation  Input Signal Levels  Procedure for Measuring Input Signal Levels 8  Reduction of Incoming Signal Strength 9  Setting Signal Booster Gain  Gain Reduction Methods  Bypassing Amplifier StagesOperationPerformance Survey 10Maintenance and RepairDetailed Subassembly Descriptions 11  Preselector Assembly 3-14478  OLC Assembly 3-9417 12  Pre-Amplifier 3-11432 13  First Driver Amplifier 3-11432 14  Second Driver Amplifier3-11795  Power Amplifier 3-3948illustrations & TablesFigure 1 Inside view of the Model 60-96-00400-G1 4Figure 2 Measuring Antenna Isolation 6Figure 3 Measuring Input Signal Levels 8Figure 4 Measuring Signal Booster Gain 10Figure 5 Surveying Performance 11Figure 6 OLC Assembly 3-9417 12
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 4 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 4GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSignal boosters extend radio coverage into areaswhere abrupt propagation losses prevent reliablecommunication. This system receives an RF sig-nal, raises its power level, and couples it to anantenna or leaky (radiating) coaxial cable systemso that it can be re-radiated. No frequency transla-tion (conversion) occurs with this device.The one-way signal booster model 60-96-00400-G1 (shown in figure 1) is a broadband, bidirectionalsingle branch system which passes frequenciesfrom 929 to 932 MHz. The system covers a 3 MHzpassband width (factory set) and uses linear RFactive amplifiers, filters, and DC power sources toadequately boost and re-radiate the passband sig-nals.The output level of any signal passing through asignal booster is determined by the systems gainspecification. All signals passing through a prop-erly operating signal booster are amplified by theFigure 1: Inside view of the model 60-96-00400-G1 one-way signal booster system.OutputPortDoorInputPreselector3-144783 and 6 dB FixedAttenuator PadsOLCAssemblyACReceptaclePowerSupply3-14915OutputPreselector3-144781 and 4 StageAmplifier3-11432InputPort3 WattAmplifier3-11795Heatsink6 WattAmplifier3-39483-9417
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 5 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 5same amount but will come out at power levels thatare related to their respective input level by thegain specification. Signal leveling is not anintended function of a signal booster. Amplifierstages used in this signal booster system may bedamaged by excessively strong input signal levels.The system is equipped with Output Leveling Cir-cuitry (OLC) to protect the amplifiers and reducespurious signals. It is interesting to note that thetotal power for the multicarrier condition is alwaysless than the maximum single carrier rating. As thenumber of carriers increases, the differencebetween the single carrier maximum and the totalpower of all carriers grows even greater.Linear power amplifiers (Class-A operation) areused in this application in contrast to the highly effi-cient Class-C power amplifiers used in the outputstages of most FM land mobile transmitters. Linearamplifiers are biased for a relatively high continu-ous DC current drain that does not change withchanging RF drive levels. Class-A amplifiers gener-ally have the lowest efficiency of the various ampli-fier types, typically in the range of 25 - 33%. Theirbiggest advantage is faithful reproduction of theinput waveform which results in the lowest levels ofintermodulation distortion products (IM) of all theclasses of amplifiers. The generation of IM distor-tion is a serious design consideration when two ormore channels are simultaneously present in thesame amplifier stage.Filtering is used at the input and output of the sig-nal path to help suppress any IM products that maybe inadvertently generated. Signals that exceedthe maximum input rating may either damage thesignal booster or cause it to generate intermodula-tion products that exceed the maximum allowed bythe FCC or other regulatory agency.Note About Output Power RatingsA single maximum output power rating does notapply to broadband signal boosters because thelinear amplifiers (Class A) used in them may haveto process multiple simultaneous signals. Underthese conditions, the questions of power ratingbecomes more complex.When more than one signal is amplified, a numberof spurious signals will also appear in the amplifiedoutput. They are referred to as intermodulation dis-tortion products, more commonly called IM. Thesespurious products would not be present in a per-fectly linear amplifier but as in all things, somethingshort of perfection is realized. Accepted industrypractice is to use the Third Order Intercept Pointspecification of a signal booster to predict the levelof IM products. The intercept point is derived fromthe measurement of an amplifiers 1 dB compres-sion point.INSTALLATIONThe layout of the signal distribution system will bethe prime factor in determining the mounting loca-tion of the signal booster enclosure. However,safety and serviceability are also key consider-ations. The unit should be located where it cannotbe tampered with by unauthorized personnel yet iseasily accessible to service personnel using trou-ble shooting test equipment such as digital multim-eters and spectrum analyzers. Also consider theweight and size of the unit should it becomedetached from its mounting surfaces for any rea-son.Very little is required to install this signal booster.The unit should be bolted in its permanent positionusing lag bolts or other suitable fasteners. Makesure there is an unobstructed airflow over theexternal heatsink. Safety and serviceability are keyconsiderations. The signal booster cabinet will staywarm during normal operation so in the interest ofequipment longevity, avoid locations that willexpose the cabinet to direct sun or areas where thetemperature is continually elevated.The signal booster is designed to be powered from120 VAC and a conduit entry box is provided at thebottom of the enclosure for bringing the AC line intothe cabinet. AC line connections should be made inaccordance with local electrical and building codes.Connection of RF to the unit is made via “N” femaleconnectors located on top of the cabinet. Theseconnectors are individually labeled “Input” and“Output”. Care should be used when making con-nections to these ports to insure the correctantenna cable is connected to its correspondinginput / output port or the system will not work. Theuse of high quality connectors with gold center pinsis advised. Flexible jumper cables made of highquality coax are also acceptable for connecting torigid cable sections.CAUTIONARY NOTEThe following cautions are not intended to frightenthe user but have been added to make you aware
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 6 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 6of and help you to avoid the areas where experi-ence has shown us that trouble can occur.1) Just like the feedback squeal that can occurwhen the microphone and speaker get tooclose to each other in a public address system,a signal booster can start to self oscillate. Thiswill occur when the isolation between the inputantenna or signal source and the output distri-bution system does not exceed the signalboosters gain by at least 15 dB. This conditionwill reduce the effectiveness of the system andmay possibly damage the power amplifierstages.2) The major cause of damage to signal boostersis the application of input RF power levels inexcess of the maximum safe input. This canhappen inadvertently when connecting a signalgenerator with full power out to one of the inputsor by a very strong signal that is far strongerthan expected. Following the pre-RF connectionchecks listed next will help to avoid these twoproblems.PRE-RF CONNECTION TESTSCertain characteristics of the signal distributionsystem should be measured before connecting it tothe signal booster. This step is necessary to insurethat no conditions exist that could possibly damagethe signal booster and should not be skipped foreven the most thoroughly designed system. Twocharacteristics need to be measured; antenna iso-lation and input signal levels.Test EquipmentThe following equipment is required in order to per-form the pre-installation measurements.1) Signal generator for the frequencies of interestcapable of a 0 dBm output level. Modulation isnot necessary.2) Spectrum analyzer that covers the frequenciesof interest and is capable of observing signallevels down to -100  dBm.3) Double shielded coaxial test cables made fromRG142 or RG55 coaxial cable.INTERNALSIGNAL DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEMSPECTRUMANALYZEREXTERNALANTENNASIGNALGENERATORZERO LOSSREFERENCEISOLATION (dB)Figure 2: Typical test equipment setup for measuring antenna isolation.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 7 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 7Antenna Isolation Antenna isolation is the signal path isolationbetween the two sections of the signal distributionsystem that are to be connected to the signalboosters antenna ports. Lack of isolation betweenthe input and output antennas can cause theamplifiers in the system to oscillate. This can hap-pen at a high enough level to damage the poweramplifier stages. In general, if one or both antennaports are connected to sections of radiating coaxialcable (lossy cable) the isolation will be more thanadequate because of the high coupling loss valuesthat are encountered with this type of cable. Whena network of antennas are used for the input andoutput, this problem is much more likely. Isolationvalues are relatively easy to measure with a spec-trum analyzer  and signal generator.Procedure for Measuring Antenna Isolation1) Set the signal generator for a 0 dBm outputlevel at the center frequency of the signal boost-ers passband (930.5 MHz).2) Set the spectrum analyzer for the same centerfrequency and a sweep width equal to or justslightly greater than the passband chosen instep one.3) Connect the test leads of the signal generatorand the spectrum analyzer together using afemale barrel connector (see figure 2). Observethe signal on the analyzer and adjust the inputattenuator of the analyzer for a signal level thatjust reaches the 0 dBm level at the top of thegraticule. 4) Referring to figure 2, connect the generator testlead to one side of the signal distribution system(external antenna) and the spectrum analyzerlead to the other (internal distribution system)and observe the signal level. The differencebetween this observed level and 0 dBm is theisolation between the sections. If the signal istoo weak to observe, the spectrum analyzer'sbandwidth may have to be narrowed and itsinput attenuation reduced. Record the isolationvalue. The isolation value measured shouldexceed the amplifier gain figure by at least15 dB.It is wise to repeat the procedure listed above formeasuring antenna isolation, with the signal gener-ator set to frequencies at the passbands edges(929 and 932 MHz) in order to see if the isolation isremaining relatively constant over the completewidth of the passband.Increasing Isolation  If the measured isolation does not exceed theamplifier gain figure by at least 15 dB then modifi-cation of the signal distribution system is required.Alternately, the gain of the signal booster can alsobe reduced to insure the 15 dB specification is met.If the isolation cannot be increased then theamount of gain reduction required is determined asshown in the following example.Input Signal LevelsExcessive input signal levels can damage the sig-nal booster. Although this problem is less severe inOLC protected systems, strong signals may causesudden reductions in gain and an associateddecrease in the desired output signal strength.Even in the most carefully designed signal distribu-tion systems, unpredictable situations can arisethat can cause this trouble. A few of the more com-mon causes are:a) Unintended signals entering the system. Prima-rily caused by radios operating on channels thatare within the operational bandwidth of the sig-nal booster. Sometimes this will be a transientproblem caused by mobile units when theytransmit while in close proximity to your system.b) Hand-held and mobile units that approachmuch closer than expected to one of the anten-nas in the signal distribution system.c) Unexpected signal propagation anomalies.Building geometry can cause signal ducting andother phenomena that cause signal levels thatare much stronger (or lower) than expected.d) Lower than estimated signal attenuation causessignals to be unusually strong. Higher lossesEXAMPLEGain Reduction (dB) = Minimum Isolation (dB) - Measured Isolation (dB)If the measured isolation is -75dB and the mini-mum isolation is -80dB then the amount of gainreduction required is: -80dB - (-75) = -5 dB
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 8 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 8can also occur giving weaker signals thandesired.e) Signal booster model with excessive gain. Insystems that have an existing signal booster, itis sometimes assumed that an identical unitshould be installed when expanding the systemto provide extended coverage. In most cases, asignal booster with far less gain than the first isrequired.f) Improper installation or application of signalsplitters or directional couplers in the signal dis-tribution system. This is usually the cause of toolow a signal level but deserves mentioning here.Signal splitting needs to be done with constantimpedance signal splitters so that the properpower splitting ratios and VSWR are main-tained. Using tee connectors by themselves isinviting trouble. Directional couplers must beconnected with regard to their directionality andcoupling levels or improper system signal levelsmay result.Procedure for Measuring Input Signal Levels 1) Set a spectrum analyzer for the center fre-quency of the system (930.5 MHz).2) Set the analyzers sweep width so that the entirepassband frequency range can be observed.3) The analyzers input attenuator should be set toobserve input signal levels from approximately -80  dBm to 0  dBm.4) Connect the analyzer to the section of the sig-nal distribution system that is going to serve asthe input (see figure 3).5) Record the power level (in dBm) of all carriers inthe passband frequency range that are signifi-cantly greater than the noise floor displayed onthe analyzer.6) To find the total power being applied the calcu-lations listed below must be performed. Theconversion chart at the rear of  the manual canbe used. Here are the steps:a) Convert all values in dBm to Wattsb) Total the power for all carriers in Wattsc) Convert the total power in Watts to dBmExample: suppose we have a signal booster with amaximum gain of 70  dB.  After checking the inputsignal levels, it was determined that there are threesignals that are significantly greater than the noisefloor displayed on the analyzer. These signals havestrengths of -45  dBm, -43 dBm and -41 dBm. S p e c t r u m   A n a l y z e rR a d i o   1R a d i o   2S I G N A L   D I S T R I B U T I O N   S Y S T E MFigure 3: Typical test equipment setup for measuring input signal levels.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 9 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 9First we use the conversion chart at the end of thismanual to convert the power levels in dBm to wattsso that we can add them together. The power inwatts is written in scientific notation but the chartuses computer notation. For example, in the chart,an exponent may be written as E-08. In conven-tional mathematical notation E-08 is written 10-8.The total power must be written as a numberbetween 0 and 10 to use the chart. Look up1.611E-7 in the Watts column. This number fallsbetween -38 and -37  dBm so we chose -37because it is the next higher value.Reduction of Incoming Signal StrengthReducing the strength of offending signals mayrequire some or all of the following steps:a) The addition of extra filtering. Consult TX RXSystem's sales engineers for help in thisrespect.b) Modification of the signal distribution layout bychanging the type or location of pickup anten-nas. This has to be approached in an empiricalway, that is, change-and-try until you get thedesired results. Sometimes changing from omnito directional antennas will correct the problem.Setting Signal Booster GainThe Pre-Installation checks as outlined earliershould have been performed to determine if gainreduction will be necessary for your installation.This can be due to low antenna isolation or exces-sive input signal levels, or both. The actual amountof gain reduction is determined by the largest num-ber required because of either low isolation orexcessive signal levels.For example, if the results of the isolation measure-ment indicated the need for a gain reduction of -10dB but signal level measurements indicate a needfor only a -5 dB gain reduction; then 10 dB is thenumber required since both conditions are satis-fied.Gain Reduction MethodsAs shipped from the factory, the system was setupfor maximum gain. Gain reduction is accomplishedby adding fixed attenuator pads to the input of thepin diode attenuator section of the OLC assemblyor where even greater reductions are required,bypassing one of the first driver amp stages.Bypassing of amplifier stages is preferred for largegain reductions so that excessive noise levels arenot produced. Use of attenuator pads alone willreduce gain but the signal booster will also amplifythe noise generated in the lower level stages. Thecorrect positions for adding fixed pads to the sys-tem are shown as dotted symbols on the specifica-tion drawings.CAUTION: Any fixed attenuator pads that arealready connected into the booster circuitry havebeen installed at the factory and should not beremoved for any reason. Their  function may beother than gain reduction.A pair of fixed attenuator pads (3 and 6 dB) aresupplied which are mounted in holders on theinside of the cabinets front door. The pads’ attenu-ation values are clearly labeled on the body of theattenuator.Bypassing Amplifier StagesSometimes the amount of gain reduction needed isgreater than the amount available with the attenua-tor pads alone. In this case, the second stage ofthe first driver amplifier may be bypassed. The fivestages of the amp are connected together withshort lengths of coaxial cable. To bypass the sec-ond stage, remove the coax cable that connectsthe second and third stages. Move the cable fromthe input connector on the second stage to the cor-responding connector on the third stage. The inputconnector is always the one on the left when facingthe side of the amplifier with the BNC connectors.Keep in mind that the total gain reduction is thesum of the added pading plus the loss of gain forthe bypassed amplifier stage. Quality 50 ohm ter-minations should be installed on the open termi-nals of any bypassed stage.OPERATIONPower is applied to the signal booster by turning onthe power supply assembly (see figure 1). Thegreen LED indicator should come on indicating thePower (dBm) Power (watts)-45 dBm 3.16 x 10-8-43 dBm 5.01 x 10-8-41 dBm 7.94 x 10-8TOTAL 16.11 x 10-8
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 10 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 10power supply assembly is functioning normally.The red LED is not used.PERFORMANCE SURVEYIt is a good idea to document the performance ofthe system after installation so that a referenceexists for future comparisons. This information canmake troubleshooting an interference problem orinvestigation of a complaint about system perfor-mance much easier. If there are coverage prob-lems with a system, this survey will usually revealthem allowing corrective measures to be takenbefore the system is put into routine use. The fol-lowing is an outline of how to do such a survey.Because the nature of each installation can bequite different, only a broad outline is given.1) Measure the gain of the signal booster beingcareful not to exceed the maximum input level.Figure 4 shows this being done using a signalgenerator and spectrum analyzer. This is basi-cally a substitution measurement. Record themeasured values for each passband.2) The signal booster system is equipped with a -50 dB signal sampler port following the final out-put amp (part of the OLC assembly). This portis for the connection of test equipment such asa spectrum analyzer and will allow the observa-tion of the amplifier output at a considerablyreduced output level. This decoupling figureneeds to be added to a measured signal valuein order to arrive at the actual signal level.3) With a spectrum analyzer connected to the sig-nal sampler port (see figure 5), have personnelwith handheld radios move to predeterminedpoints and key their radios. Record the level ofthese signals as observed on the analyzer andalso record the location of the person transmit-ting. In this way, a map of the systems perfor-mance can be generated.4) For branches that amplify signals coming from afixed antenna or station, record the level of allthe desired incoming signals for future refer-ence.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSignal boosters manufactured by TX RX Systems,Inc. can function reliably for 10 or more years withlittle or no maintenance. However, if the amplifiersDCSampler SamplerDetectorElectronicAttenuatorOLC AssemblyFilter FilterAmpDCControlZEROREFERENCEGAIN10 dB PadSIGNALGENERATORSPECTRUMANALYZERFigure 4: Test equipment interconnection for measuring signal booster gain.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 11 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 11are subjected to excessively high signal levels,power surges or lightning strikes, failures mayoccur. The following procedures may be followedfor detecting a malfunctioning unit or as part of aperiodic maintenance program.1) The heatsink area should be cleared of dustand debris.2) Inspect the unit to see that the power supplyLED DC indicator is lit (remove any dust ordebris that may obscure the LED).  This will ver-ify that DC power is flowing properly.  Check allhardware for tightness.3) Compare system performance to initial perfor-mance levels measured when the system wasfirst installed. The lack of signal can be traced toa malfunctioning amplifier by progressive signalmonitoring from the output (far end) to the inputend of the system noting the area where thesignal returns to normal level. The next amplifiertoward the output end of the system will proba-bly be the one that failed.orMeasure the gain at any convenient frequencyin the working frequency band to verify that thegain specification is being met. If the gain val-ues fall below that specified for the model checkthe following:A) Open the signal booster cabinet and inspect forany loose or broken connections or cables, andrepair as necessary.B) Measure the output of the power supply to seethat the proper operating voltage is being main-tained.C) If the operating voltage is proper but the gain isstill low, measure the gain of each amplifierstage until the one with low gain is isolated.Replace a low gain amplifier with a new ampli-fier stage to correct the problem.DETAILED SUBASSEMBLY DESCRIPTIONSThe following section details the operation of eachassembly in the One-Way Signal Booster System.Preselector Assembly 3-14478The RF input to the system is first applied to acombline bandpass filter which limits the frequencyapplied to all subsequent stages. The bandwidth ofthis filter is determined by the spacing between thetuning rods which are all located on one side of thealuminum housing and vaguely resemble the teethof a comb (hence the name). This filter is consid-ered to have one section for each tuning rod. thegreater the number of sections, the greater theselectivity and ultimate rejection of the filter. Thesefilters are not intended for tuning to other frequencyDCSampler SamplerDetectorElectronicAttenuatorOLC AssemblyFilter FilterAmpDCControl10 dB PadSPECTRUMANALYZERSIGNAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMBOOSTEDRF SIGNALFigure 5: Test equipment interconnection for surveying performance.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 12 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 12bands. The combline output filters suppress any IMproducts that may be inadvertently generated.OLC Assembly 3-9417Signals that exceed the maximum input rating mayeither damage the repeater amplifier or cause it togenerate intermodulation products that exceed themaximum allowed by the FCC or other regulatoryagencies. The addition of the Output Level Control(OLC) circuit helps prevent this from happening.The OLC Assembly (part # 3-9417) is set to main-tain a maximum single carrier output power fromthe 6-watt amplifier of +25 dBm. The assemblycontains a signal sampling and detection section, aDC control section and a PIN diode RF attenuatorsection which is applied ahead of all amplification.OLC circuitry should not be considered a panaceafor a poor system design. One undesirable sideaffect of OLC is that the signal level of all signalsbeing processed by the branch will be reducedwhen this circuitry is activated. This means that theperformance of the system is actually decreasedfor all signals in a branch as long as gain reductionis taking place for any one signal in that branch.The implication is that OLC has been designed tohandle short term or transient overdrive episodesonly.This circuitry actuates when the predeterminedmaximum output level is reached. The outputpower level is sensed with a signal sampler that isbuilt into the OLC assembly. The sampler outputsto a detector circuit which generates a DC voltagethat is proportional to the output power level. Theproportional DC voltage from the detector is thenapplied to a control circuit which develops a voltageused to control a variable electronic attenuator. Theelectronically controlled attenuator is placed at theinput end of the amplifier chain and reduces theincoming signal by an amount necessary to keepthe power from exceeding the maximum safe level.The gain reduction range is typically 5 - 40 dBwhich is more than adequate for most real life situ-ations. The OLC assembly is divided into three shieldedcompartments; one housing the RF/DC converter,the second a DC control circuit, and the third con-taining the RF attenuator circuit. A test point is pro-vided for measuring the DC voltage applied to theRF attenuator (see figure 6). Regulated VDC isRF to DCConverterDC ControlCircuit RF AttenuatorRF InputRF OutputOLCVoltageTest PointVDCInputRF Input-50 dBSamplerPort(Shown withdustcover on)RF OutputFigure 6: OLC Assembly 3-9417.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 13 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 13supplied to a "TNC" female connector to power thisassembly. The RF to DC converter section of the OLC assem-bly contains three circuits, a -20 dB sampler whichis used to supply the RF signal to the diode detec-tor, and finally a -50 dB sampler which provides aconvenience port for connecting test equipment.The detector circuit receives RF from the -20 dBsampler and produces a negative polarity DC out-put voltage that is proportional to the RF signal. ASchottky Barrier diode (D2) and integrator (R3/C1)are used as the detector.The DC voltage produced by the RF to DC con-verter is directly proportional to the output signalstrength of the final amplifier. The DC voltage issupplied to the DC control circuit at the non-invert-ing terminal of op-amp IC2. A variable referenceDC voltage is applied to the inverting terminal ofthe same op-amp. Variable resistor VR2 is used toset the magnitude of this reference voltage andcontrols the level at which gain reduction will startto occur.As the signal strength increases, the output voltageof the RF to DC converter, which is of negativepolarity, becomes larger. This change causes theoutput of IC2 to also become increasingly negative.This output voltage is connected via diode D1 tobias the RF attenuator circuit board assembly. Asthis voltage becomes more negative, the attenua-tion is increased thus achieving a certain range ofgain control. Diode D1 insures that the gain controlvoltage is always positive and never goes below 0volts. In actual practice, OLC operation is set tocommence when the power output of the finalamplifier reaches its maximum two-carrier level.Two other ICs are mounted on the OLC control cir-cuit board.  IC1 is a 10 volt regulator that suppliesDC to the other two chips.  Variable resistor VR1 isused to set this voltage. IC3 is a voltage inverterthat produces -4.5 volts which is applied to the op-amp IC2. This negative voltage allows the outputvoltage of IC2 to closely approach 0 volts. Twodiodes (D1 and D2) are used in series to extendthe attenuation range. The diodes are always for-ward biased with minimum forward resistance andinsertion loss occurring at about 20 ma of current.Pre-Amplifier 3-11432The pre-amplifier consists of the 400 milliwattamplifier connected between the input filter assem-bly and the op-amp/attenuator assembly. Thepreamplifier is a single stage of the five identicalstages found in assembly 3-11432 and is used toinsure that a sufficient level of signal is applied tothe attenuator. Each of the five individual stages (part# 3-7718)found in assembly 3-11432 are complete 400 milli-watt amplifiers. They are mounted on a commonmounting panel and have a common DC distribu-tion bus running internally between the individualstages. Each stage provides a minimum of 13.2 dBof gain with a power requirement of 21.7 VDC(nominal) and a typical current draw of 120 ma.The maximum single carrier power output is 400milliwatts.Each amplifier stage consists of two circuits, theamplifier circuit (3-7725) and the bias regulator cir-cuit (3-10742). Both of these circuits are housed intheir own enclosures which are then physicallyjoined together to make up one stage. The circuitsare electrically joined using feed-thru capacitorsCf1 and Cf2. The amplifier circuit uses a linear RF transistor Q1(Philips part# BFQ34/01) which is operated in aclass "A" configuration in order to keep intermodu-lation distortion to a minimum. The RF transistor isbiased for a nominal collector current of 120 ma. Abias regulator circuit is used to keep the collectorcurrent constant with changes in temperature. Nar-row band matching techniques are used in thisamplifier and it will require tuning if the transistor ormatching network components are replaced.The bias regulator circuit uses an Op-Amp compar-ator IC1 to supply a variable bias current which var-ies as required to keep the RF transistors collectorcurrent constant. Current to the collector of the RFtransistor flows through resistor R1. The voltage atthe collector side of this resistor is applied to thenon-inverting input of IC1. Voltage divider R2 / R4sets the desired reference voltage on the invertingterminal of IC1. The variable output voltage at pin 6of IC1 is then applied to the base of the RF transis-tor. The bias on the RF transistor will now vary insuch a way as to keep the voltage at the collectorend of R1 equal to the reference voltage providedby divider R2/R4, thus keeping the RF transistor'scollector current constant (120 ma nominal).
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 14 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 14Repair or replacement of bias circuit componentsdoes not necessitate retuning of the amplifier.First Driver Amplifier 3-11432The remaining four stages of the five stage assem-bly (3-11432) are used to form a driver amplifierwhich amplifies the output of the OLC assemblyand applies it to the second driver amp.Second Driver Amplifier 3-11795The second driver amplifier is used to provide suffi-cient amplification to drive the input of the finalamp. It uses a single ultra-linear RF transistor. The2.5 watt rating indicates the maximum safe outputfrom this amplifier using a single carrier.  Theactual maximum allowable power output with multi-carriers is considerably lower and is determined bythe maximum allowable intermodulation productlevel and is also limited by the collector-emitterbreakdown rating of the RF transistor. This amplifier stage draws a nominal 500 ma.  Abias regulator circuit within the amplifier assemblyis used to keep the collector current of the RF tran-sistor constant with changes in temperature. Thisamplifier has a minimum gain of 14 dB, 15 dB typi-cal. The amplifier uses narrow band matching tech-niques and will require tuning if the transistor ormatching network components are replaced.The bias regulator circuit uses an operationalamplifier and a PNP transistor to supply a variablebias current that varies as required to keep the RFtransistor collector current constant. Current to thecollector of the RF transistor is sampled throughresistor R5. The voltage at the collector side of thisresistor is applied to the non-inverting input of U1.Voltage divider R6 / R7 sets the desired referencevoltage on the inverting terminal of U1.  U1 is liftedabove chassis ground by the zener diode D2 inorder to keep U1 operating below its 18 volt maxi-mum rating.Resistor R3 and  C2 work in combination to pre-vent  U1 from oscillating at audio frequencies. Thevariable output voltage of U1 biases pass transistorQ1 through the voltage divider R4 / R8. Q1 in turnsupplies the current to bias the RF transistor. Thebias on the RF transistor varies in such a way as tokeep the voltage  at the collector end of R5 equal tothe reference voltage provided by divider R6 / R7,thus keeping the RF transistor's collector currentconstant. Repair or replacement of bias circuitcomponents does not necessitate retuning of theamplifier.Power Amplifier 3-3948This 6 watt final amplifier uses a single ultra-linearRF transistor. The 6 watt rating indicates the maxi-mum safe power output from this amplifier using asingle carrier. The actual maximum allowablepower output with multi-carriers is considerablylower and is determined by the maximum allowableintermodulation product level and is also limited bythe collector-emitter breakdown rating of the RFtransistor. The One-Way Signal Booster systemspower specifications appear on the specificationdrawing.This stage receives its DC power from the 21 voltregulator and draws a nominal 960 ma. The RFtransistor is biased for a nominal collector currentof 880 ma. A bias regulator circuit is used to keepthe collector current constant with changes in tem-perature. This stage has a minimum gain of 9 dB,10 dB typical. This amplifier uses narrow bandmatching techniques and will require tuning if thetransistor or matching network components arereplaced.The bias regulator circuit uses an operationalamplifier and a PNP transistor to supply a variablebias current that varies as required to keep the RFtransistor collector current constant. Current to thecollector of the RF transistor is sampled throughresistor R5. The voltage at the collector side of thisresistor is applied to the non-inverting input of U1.Voltage divider R6 / R7 sets the desired referencevoltage on the inverting terminal of U1.  U1 is liftedabove chassis ground by the zener diode D2 inorder to keep U1 operating below its 18 volt maxi-mum rating.Resistor R3 and  C2 work in combination to pre-vent  U1 from oscillating at audio frequencies. Thevariable output voltage of U1 biases pass transistorQ1 through the voltage divider R4 / R8. Q1 in turnsupplies the current to bias the RF transistor. Thebias on the RF transistor varies in such a way as tokeep the voltage  at the collector end of R5 equal tothe reference voltage provided by divider R6 / R7,thus keeping the RF transistor's collector currentconstant. Repair or replacement of bias circuitcomponents does not necessitate retuning of theamplifier.
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 15 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 15dBm dBw Watts Volts (50Ω)80 50 100000 2236.0779 49 79432.82 1992.978 48 63095.74 1776.1777 47 50118.72 1583.0176 46 39810.72 1410.8675 45 31622.78 1257.4374 44 25118.86 1120.6973 43 19952.  62                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         998.8172 42 15848.93 890.1971 41 12589.25 793.3970 40 10000 707.1169 39 7943.28 630.2168 38 6309.57 561.6767 37 5011.87 500.5966 36 3981.07 446.1565 35 3162.28 397.6464 34 2511.89 354.3963 33 1995.26 315.8562 32 1584.89 281.561 31 1258.93 250.8960 30 1000 223.6159 29 794.33 199.2958 28 630.96 177.6257 27 501.19 158.356 26 398.11 141.0955 25 316.23 125.7454 24 251.19 112.0753 23 199.53 99.8852 22 158.49 89.0251 21 125.89 79.3450 20 100 70.7149 19 79.43 63.0248 18 63.1 56.1747 17 50.12 50.0646 16 39.81 44.6245 15 31.62 39.7644 14 25.12 35.4443 13 19.95 31.5942 12 15.85 28.1541 11 12.59 25.09dBm dBw Watts Volts (50Ω)40 10 10 22.3639 9 7.94 19.9338 8 6.31 17.7637 7 5.01 15.8336 6 3.98 14.1135 5 3.16 12.5734 4 2.51 11.2133 3 2 9.9932 2 1.59 8.931 1 1.26 7.9330 0 1 7.0729 -1 0.79 6.328 -2 0.63 5.6227 -3 0.5 5.0126 -4 0.4 4.4625 -5 0.32 3.9824 -6 0.25 3.5423 -7 0.2 3.1622 -8 0.16 2.8221 -9 0.13 2.5120 -10 0.1 2.2419 -11 0.08 1.9918 -12 0.06 1.7817 -13 0.05 1.5816 -14 0.04 1.4115 -15 0.03 1.2614 -16 0.03 1.1213 -17 0.02 112 -18 0.02 0.8911 -19 0.01 0.7910 -20 0.01 0.719 -21 0.01 0.638 -22 0.01 0.567 -23 0.01 0.56-24 00.455-25 0 0.44-26 00.353-27 00.322-28 00.281-29 00.25Power Conversion ChartdBm to dBw : Watts : Microvolts
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 16 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 16dBm dBw Watts uVolts (50Ω)0 -30 1.0000E-03 223606.8-1 -31 7.9433E-04 199289.77-2 -32 6.3096E-04 177617.19-3 -33 5.0119E-04 158301.49-4 -34 3.9811E-04 141086.35-5 -35 3.1623E-04 125743.34-6 -36 2.5119E-04 112068.87-7 -37 1.9953E-04 99881.49-8 -38 1.5849E-04 89019.47-9 -39 1.2589E-04 79338.69-10 -40 1.0000E-04 70710.68-11 -41 7.9433E-05 63020.96-12 -42 6.3096E-05 56167.49-13 -43 5.0119E-05 50059.33-14 -44 3.9811E-05 44615.42-15 -45 3.1623E-05 39763.54-16 -46 2.5119E-05 35439.29-17 -47 1.9953E-05 31585.3-18 -48 1.5849E-05 28150.43-19 -49 1.2589E-05 25089.1-20 -50 1.0000E-05 22360.68-21 -51 7.9433E-06 19928.98-22 -52 6.3096E-06 17761.72-23 -53 5.0119E-06 15830.15-24 -54 3.9811E-06 14108.64-25 -55 3.1623E-06 12574.33-26 -56 2.5119E-06 11206.89-27 -57 1.9953E-06 9988.15-28 -58 1.5849E-06 8901.95-29 -59 1.2589E-06 7933.87-30 -60 1.0000E-06 7071.07-31 -61 7.9433E-07 6302.1-32 -62 6.3096E-07 5616.75-33 -63 5.0119E-07 5005.93-34 -64 3.9811E-07 4461.54-35 -65 3.1623E-07 3976.35-36 -66 2.5119E-07 3543.93-37 -67 1.9953E-07 3158.53-38 -68 1.5849E-07 2815.04-39 -69 1.2589E-07 2508.91dBm dBw Watts uVolts (50Ω)-40 -70 1.0000E-07 2236.07-41 -71 7.9433E-08 1992.9-42 -72 6.3096E-08 1776.17-43 -73 5.0119E-08 1583.02-44 -74 3.9811E-08 1410.86-45 -75 3.1623E-08 1257.43-46 -76 2.5119E-08 1120.69-47 -77 1.9953E-08 998.82-48 -78 1.5849E-08 890.2-49 -79 1.2589E-08 793.39-50 -80 1.0000E-08 707.11-51 -81 7.9433E-09 630.21-52 -82 6.3096E-09 561.68-53 -83 5.0119E-09 500.59-54 -84 3.9811E-09 446.15-55 -85 3.1623E-09 397.64-56 -86 2.5119E-09 354.39-57 -87 1.9953E-09 315.85-58 -88 1.5849E-09 281.5-59 -89 1.2589E-09 250.89-60 -90 1.0000E-09 223.61-61 -91 7.9433E-10 199.29-62 -92 6.3096E-10 177.62-63 -93 5.0119E-10 158.3-64 -94 3.9811E-10 141.09-65 -95 3.1623E-10 125.74-66 -96 2.5119E-10 112.07-67 -97 1.9953E-10 99.88-68 -98 1.5849E-10 89.02-69 -99 1.2589E-10 79.34-70 -100 1.0000E-10 70.71-71 -101 7.9433E-11 63.02-72 -102 6.3096E-11 56.17-73 -103 5.0119E-11 50.06-74 -104 3.9811E-11 44.62-75 -105 3.1623E-11 39.76-76 -106 2.5119E-11 35.44-77 -107 1.9953E-11 31.59-78 -108 1.5849E-11 28.15-79 -109 1.2589E-11 25.09Power Conversion ChartdBm to dBw : Watts : Microvolts
EXHIBIT 2  PAGE 17 OF 17TX RX Systems Inc.                           Manual 7-9257 (version 1)                          11/03/00                           Page 17dBm dBw Watts uVolts (50Ω)-80 -110 1.0000E-11 22.36-81 -111 7.9433E-12 19.93-82 -112 6.3096E-12 17.76-83 -113 5.0119E-12 15.83-84 -114 3.9811E-12 14.11-85 -115 3.1623E-12 12.57-86 -116 2.5119E-12 11.21-87 -117 1.9953E-12 9.99-88 -118 1.5849E-12 8.9-89 -119 1.2589E-12 7.93-90 -120 1.0000E-12 7.07-91 -121 7.9433E-13 6.3-92 -122 6.3096E-13 5.62-93 -123 5.0119E-13 5.01-94 -124 3.9811E-13 4.46-95 -125 3.1623E-13 3.98-96 -126 2.5119E-13 3.54-97 -127 1.9953E-13 3.16-98 -128 1.5849E-13 2.82-99 -129 1.2589E-13 2.51-100 -130 1.0000E-13 2.24-101 -131 7.9433E-14 1.99-102 -132 6.3096E-14 1.78-103 -133 5.0119E-14 1.58-104 -134 3.9811E-14 1.41-105 -135 3.1623E-14 1.26-106 -136 2.5119E-14 1.12-107 -137 1.9953E-14 1-108 -138 1.5849E-14 0.89-109 -139 1.2589E-14 0.79-110 -140 1.0000E-14 0.71-111 -141 7.9433E-15 0.63-112 -142 6.3096E-15 0.56-113 -143 5.0119E-15 0.5-114 -144 3.9811E-15 0.45-115 -145 3.1623E-15 0.4-116 -146 2.5119E-15 0.35-117 -147 1.9953E-15 0.32-118 -148 1.5849E-15 0.28-119 -149 1.2589E-15 0.25dBm dBw Watts uVolts (50Ω)-120 -150 1.0000E-15 0.22-121 -151 7.9433E-16 0.2-122 -152 6.3096E-16 0.18-123 -153 5.0119E-16 0.16-124 -154 3.9811E-16 0.14-125 -155 3.1623E-16 0.13-126 -156 2.5119E-16 0.11-127 -157 1.9953E-16 0.1-128 -158 1.5849E-16 0.09-129 -159 1.2589E-16 0.08-130 -160 1.0000E-16 0.07-131 -161 7.9433E-17 0.06-132 -162 6.3096E-17 0.06-133 -163 5.0119E-17 0.05-134 -164 3.9811E-17 0.05-135 -165 3.1623E-17 0.04-136 -166 2.5119E-17 0.04-137 -167 1.9953E-17 0.03-138 -168 1.5849E-17 0.03-139 -169 1.2589E-17 0.03-140 -170 1.0000E-17 0.02-141 -171 7.9433E-18 0.02-142 -172 6.3096E-18 0.02-143 -173 5.0119E-18 0.02-144 -174 3.9811E-18 0.01-145 -175 3.1623E-18 0.01-146 -176 2.5119E-18 0.01-147 -177 1.9953E-18 0.01-148 -178 1.5849E-18 0.01-149 -179 1.2589E-18 0.01-150 -180 1.0000E-18 0.01Power Conversion ChartdBm to dBw : Watts : Microvolts

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