Bird Technologies Group 5PI616850 SIGAL BOOSTER 2 User Manual 9386S1 1

Bird Technologies Group SIGAL BOOSTER 2 9386S1 1


                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 11TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 11 of 25It is the customer’s responsibility to make surethese devices are mounted safely and in compli-ance with local building codes.CONNECTIONSAll cabling connections to the booster should bemade and checked for correctness prior to power-ing up the system.AC LineSignal Booster II is designed to be hard-wired to110 single phase AC lines at 50 - 60 Hz (see Fig-ures 2 and 3). A junction box is provided for thispurpose. There is a hole provided in the cabinetbottom-wall for bringing in the AC line. The entrybox contains a standard two-receptacle AC outletthat serves as a junction for the incoming line andalso provides a convenient AC outlet for runningtest equipment. See figure 3 below. Use conduit forrunning the wiring into SB II and #14 gauge orlarger conductors.Backup DC PowerSB II may be run on a DC power source that cansupply 24 to 30 volts DC at 2.5 amps. Screw termi-nals are provided for this purpose (see figure 2).This line should be equipped with a fast-acting 3Amp fuse. Use #16 or #18 gauge wire for this con-nection.The power system in SB II automatically switchesto this backup DC input when the AC supply failsfor any reason including a power outage or inten-tional disconnection.It is not necessary that this connection be made fornormal operation on the AC line.Alarm Terminals (Form-C contacts)Two sets of contacts are provided to monitor thegeneral operating condition of SB II and areintended for connection to a supervisory system.See figure 2. One set changes state when the AC power supplyshuts down for any reason and the unit switches tooperation on the backup DC power system.The other set of contacts changes state when anyof a number of fault conditions arises within theelectronics such as current drain outside of theexpected operating range in some module.Figure 3: Wiring of AC line entry.AC LineGround Wire(green orgreen/yellow)Neutral Wire(white)Hot Wire(black)
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 12TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 12 of 25A six-terminal strip is provided for the interface anduses screw terminals for ease of connection. Routethe alarm wires through one of the access holes inthe bottom of the box, strip about 3/16” of insula-tion from each end, loosen the screw terminal,insert and retighten. Use #20 or #22 gauge insu-lated wire.Use of these terminals is optional. SB II also has anumber of status LEDs built-in to individual mod-ules to indicate a fault condition.RF ConnectionsN(F) bulkhead connectors are provided on the bot-tom of the cabinet for connection to the signal dis-tribution system. Be sure that the correct branch ofthe distribution system is connected to its corre-sponding Uplink/Downlink connector or the systemwill not work properly. Using high-quality connec-tors with gold center pins is advised. Flexiblejumper cables made of high-quality coax are alsoacceptable for connecting to rigid cable sections.PRE-RF CONNECTION TESTSAntenna isolation between the uplink and downlinkbranches should be measured before connectingthe signal booster to the antenna system. This stepis necessary to insure that no conditions exist thatcould possibly damage the signal booster andshould not be skipped for even the most thoroughlydesigned system.Note: The 80 dB gain models are fac-tory preset to 50 dB gain and shouldonly be reset to a higher value afterdetermining the safe maximum gainbased on antenna isolationTest EquipmentThe following equipment is required in order to per-form the pre-installation measurements.1) Signal generator for the frequencies of interestcapable of a 0 dBm output level. Modulation isnot necessary.2) Spectrum analyzer that covers the frequenciesof interest and is capable of observing signallevels down to -100  dBm or better.3) Double shielded coaxial test cables made fromRG142, RG55 or RG223 coaxial cable.Antenna Isolation Just like the feedback squeal that can occur whenthe microphone and speaker get too close to eachother in a public address system, a signal boostercan start to self oscillate. This can occur when theisolation between the input antenna or signalsource and the output distribution system does notexceed the signal boosters gain by at least 15 dB.Oscillation will reduce the effectiveness of the sys-tem and may possibly damage the power amplifierstages.In general, if one or both antenna ports are con-nected to sections of radiating coaxial cable (lossycable) the isolation will be more than adequatebecause of the high coupling loss values that areencountered with this type of cable. When a net-work of antennas are used for the input and output,this problem is much more likely. Isolation valuesare relatively easy to measure with a spectrumanalyzer  and signal generator.Procedure for Measuring Antenna Isolation1) Set the signal generator for a 0 dBm outputlevel at the center frequency of the signal boost-ers passbands.2) Set the spectrum analyzer for the same centerfrequency and a sweep width equal to or justslightly greater than the passband chosen instep one.3) Connect the test leads of the signal generatorand the spectrum analyzer together using afemale barrel connector, see Figure 4. Observethe signal on the analyzer and adjust the inputattenuator of the spectrum analyzer for a signallevel that just reaches the 0 dBm level at the topof the graticule. 4) Referring to figure 4, connect the generator testlead to one side of the signal distribution system(external antenna) and the spectrum analyzerlead to the other (internal distribution system)and observe the signal level. The differencebetween this observed level and 0 dBm is theisolation between the sections. If the signal istoo weak to observe, the spectrum analyzer'sbandwidth may have to be narrowed and itsinput attenuation reduced. Record the isolationvalue. The isolation value measured shouldexceed the signal booster’s gain figure by atleast 15 dB.NOTE
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 13TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 13 of 25It is wise to repeat the procedure listed above formeasuring antenna isolation with the signal gener-ator set to frequencies at the passbands edges inorder to see if the isolation is remaining relativelyconstant over the complete width of the passband. Repeat the isolation measurements at the otherpassband in bi-directional systems and use thelesser of the two values to determine the maximumgain setting.Increase Isolation or decrease gain?Modification of the signal distribution system isrequired to increase isolation between the up anddownlink path. This will require significant changesthat may or may not be practical from a cost orlogistical standpoint. Gain reduction may be theonly alternative but this is easy to achieve with Sig-nal Booster II. Gain for both the uplink and down-link path can be set from 50 to 80 dB. Here are thesteps to follow.1) Subtract 15 dB from the measured isolationbetween uplink and downlink branches of theantenna/signal distribution system. This is themaximum usable gain level for both the uplinkand downlink path.2) Accessing the user menu through the frontpanel, set the gain of the uplink path to the leveldetermined in step 1. A detailed explanation ofhow to negotiate the menu system is given onpage 9.3) Repeat step 2 for the downlink path.NORMAL OPERATIONPower is applied to the signal booster by turning onthe AC power switch located on the junction boxinside the cabinet, refer to figure 2. The followingstartup sequence occurs.INTERNALSIGNAL DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEMSPECTRUMANALYZEREXTERNALANTENNASIGNALGENERATORZERO LOSSREFERENCEISOLATION (dB)Figure 4: Typical test equipment interconnection for measuring antenna isolation.Figure 5: Software version is displayed brieflyduring the boot-up sequence.
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 14TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 14 of 251) At turn-on, the four status LEDs on the frontpanel glow red for about 5 seconds as the resultof entering a self-check mode.2) The two green OLC light bars will be fully litalong their length for approximately 5 seconds.3) The LCD display shows the firmware revisionscreen for about 5 seconds (see Figure 5).4) After the self check is complete, the four statuslights should turn green and the light barsshould be dark unless a signal is activating OLCaction in either the uplink or downlink.If the OLC light-bar segments on both the Uplinkand Downlink display light-up and pulse on and offevery 1 to 3 seconds simultaneously, SHUT OFFTHE POWER IMMEDIATELY! The booster may beoscillating. Disconnect the uplink and downlinkantenna connections and measure the isolationbetween the two branches to insure there is suffi-cient isolation. Reset the booster gain as needed.5) The LCD display should appear similar to Fig-ure 6 after the self check is complete.LED Status indicatorsThe SB II front panel has 4 status LEDs that glowgreen or red to indicate the general health of 4 sub-systems from a DC perspective. Additionally, theplug-in, Low-Level and Mid-Level amplifier cardshave tri-color (green-orange-red) status LEDs visi-ble when the cabinet door is open.FRONT PANEL LEDS:24V: Green indicates the 24 volt DC Power systemis operating properly.12V: Green indicates the 12 volt DC power systemis operating properly.UL PA: Green indicates that the uplink poweramplifier is drawing current within the expectedoperating range and at a safe temperature.DL PA: Green indicates that the downlink poweramplifier is drawing current within the expectedoperating range and at a safe temperature.Module LEDS;Mid-Level, Low-Level, Low Gain Module: Greenindicates current or device temperature within theexpected operating range. Orange indicates cur-rent or temperature slightly out of the expectedrange but the overall booster operation may stillappear normal. Red indicates a large departurefrom normal current or device temperature andbooster operation is likely to be affected. See page11 for more details about alarm operation.Attenuator Module: Green only indicating DCpower is applied to the card.OLC LIGHT BARSIdeally, there should be little or no light bar activity.Each light bar segment represents an average 3dB of OLC gain reduction. OLC (output level con-trol) is meant to reduce gain for transient episodesof very strong signals. However, when OLC isactive, gain is reduced for all signals being pro-cessed by that booster branch and that reductionmay compromise communications for weaker sig-nals in the booster’s passband.If more than 2 or 3 light-bar segments are lit upmore than occasionally, it is advised that the gainof that branch be reduced. See the SET GAINparagraph on page 10 for details.Front Panel Controls & the LCD DisplaySB II is software directed so control of the systemis accomplished via user interface with the controlpanel using the LCD display screen and the menuselect buttons, see figure 2. A flow chart showingall of the possible user menu selections is shown inFigure 7.WARNINGFigure 6: Normal Operational LCD Display.
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 15TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 15 of 25GAIN##  dB##  dBOUT  LVL##  dBm##  dBmUL:DL:SBII Status OKCalibrate CurrentsSet GainSet Output LevelChange Gain ConfigRestore Orig ConfigUplink Low Level AmpUplink Mid Level AmpUplink Power AmpDownlink Low AmpDownlink Mid AmpDownlink Power AmpPower SupplyCurrent OLC StatusOLC Historical InfoOLC Historical InfoAvg# dB# %Day# dB# %ULCurrent OLC StatusUplink# dB# %Downlink# dB# %Name of AmpCurrent #  Temp #Amp Status MessagePower Supply Status24v ### 12v ###Set Desired GainUplink## dBDownlink## dBDoneSave Changes?Yes     NoUplink## dBmDownlink## dBmDoneSet Output LevelsUL >DL >_ _ _ _ Gain  ## dB_ _ _ _ Gain  ## dBDoneChange Gain ConfigAre you sureyou want to restorethe Factory Presets?Yes     NoPress Enter toCalibrate CurrentsCalibrating . . .Done CalibratingPress Enter to SavePress ENTER keyKEYSBII USER MENU 1 (8-20460B)Press Item Select arrow key EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDetailed StatusConfigurationNOTE:Press ENTERto see DownlinkNOTE:Button press requiredto exit this displayNOTE:Pressing CANCEL always returnsyou to the previous menu withoutsaving changesNOTE:If no button is pressed within2 minutes, system returns toMain Status Display ScreenNOTE:This menu screen will also give youthe option to place an amplifier intoBypass or take one out of Bypass.  Figure 7: Signal Booster II Menu System.
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 16TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 16 of 25LCD ScreenOnce the boot-up sequence is completed (afterseveral seconds) the LCD screen will switch to themain status display as shown in figure 6. This is thenormal display for the signal booster. The systemwill return to this display from any other display ifnone of the menu interface buttons are pressedwithin 2 minutes. The exception is the OLC statusdisplay which does require a button press to exit.The main status display shows the uplink anddownlink gain in dB as well as the uplink and down-link output level in dBm.The last line of the main status display gives asummary status message for the entire signalbooster. In this example “Status OK” is being dis-played. Pressing the “ENTER” button will move youfrom the main status display into the menu selec-tions and will permit interaction with the system.There are two main functions available within thesoftware menus including configuration settingsand detailed status displays.Configuration SettingsIn most cases, the factory default settings are theoptimum values for adjustable parameters. Themost common setting to be changed by the sys-tem’s technician is the gain setting. This is normallydone to compensate for varying values of antennaisolation as outlined earlier in this manual or toreduce excessive OLC action resulting from exces-sive gain.Please thoroughly study this section before makingany adjustments to the configuration values. Eachconfigured item is discussed in detail.Note: Changes to configuration set-tings do not take affect until the MainStatus screen is re-enabled. Thisoccurs automatically after 2 minuteswithout button input or manually bypressing the Enter/Done/Cancel buttons to returnto the status screen.RESTORE ORIG CONFIGThis command will restore all configured settings totheir original factory default values. SB II ships fromthe factory preset to the lowest gain possible.CALIBRATE CURRENTSUse this command when replacing an RF amplifier.This function automatically calibrates the currentalarm “trip” point of each amplifier in the system.Due to manufacturing tolerances there are smalldifferences in current draw between amplifierassemblies. This software function matches thealarm sensing circuit to the respective amplifierassembly and should be repeated whenever anamplifier assembly is replaced.SET GAINThis function allows the user to electronically setthe gain of the booster in 0.5 dB increments over arange of 30 dB. Gain can be adjusted indepen-dently for both the uplink and downlink channelsbut in most cases both uplink and downlink shouldbe set to the same gain value.Know your antenna isolation before making thisadjustment. We recommend that you temporarilydisconnect both the uplink and downlink antennaswhen setting the gain to avoid the possibility ofcausing the unit to oscillate. After changing the set-ting, power the unit down, reconnect the antennasand power-up the booster.Note: A reduction in system gain willalso result in an equal reduction in theOLC dynamic range, refer to the sec-tion titled “OLC” on page 11.SET OUTPUT LEVELAllows the output power for the uplink and downlinkchannels to be independently adjusted in 0.5 dBincrements up to +31 dBm. Note that the OLC cir-cuitry will maintain the systems output level at thevalues you have selected in this menu.Use this function ONLY if your system is causingsome form of interference to another radio system.You can only reduce the booster’s output powerwith this command.CHANGE GAIN CONFIGURATIONInsures proper gain readings when changing basicbooster gain by changing the type of plug-in cardassemblies.Use of this menu is ONLY needed when convertingyour stock SB II to a different gain level by chang-ing the low level, mid-level plug-in amplifier card orthe addition of an attenuator card. The addition ofthese cards will change the unit to another modelwithin the UHF SB II family, see table 2. Don’t con-fuse this with simple amplifier bypassing to reducegain. Uplink and down link can be set indepen-NOTENOTE
                    Manual 7-9386-1                 Page 17TX RX Systems Inc.               09/30/0461-68-50 UserMan page 17 of 25dently. Choices for gain are Full, Mid or Low andthe ENTER key toggles the gain setting. The corre-sponding gain level is displayed. Select DONEusing the arrow keys and press ENTER to return tothe menu. Use the CANCEL button to return to theStatus Display.Detailed Status ScreensThese items allow a detailed examination of sys-tem components including; all amplifiers (currentdraw and temperature), the power supply (voltagelevel), and the OLC function (present status andhistorical archive). Each item is discussed below indetail.AMPLIFIERSA separate status screen is available for eachamplifier in the system. When an amplifier isselected this function will display the present cur-rent draw of that amp as well as its present operat-ing temperature in degrees Celsius. In addition, astatus message will indicate if the amplifier is con-nected and whether the amplifier is bypassed ornot bypassed. This menu selection also providesthe option of placing an amplifier in bypass or tak-ing an amplifier out of bypass.The current draw will be blank if an amplifier is notconnected, will display BYP if the amplifier isbypassed, and will display ATTEN if an attenuatorcard is being used in place of the amplifier card.The power amplifier currents will nor-mally fluctuate up to 850 ma when sig-nals are present.POWER SUPPLYThis function displays the real time power supplyvoltages for both 24 volt and 12 volt supplies.OLCThis screen shows the amount of attenuation pres-ently being used by the OLC for both the uplink anddownlink channels. In addition, the percentage ofOLC presently being used is also shown.The amount of OLC currently beingused in either the uplink or downlinkchannels is also indicated by LED bargraph displays located on the displaypanel. Each segment represents 2 to4 dB of attenuation depending on the gain settingof the booster. The OLC bars should only be activeoccasionally and no more than 3 or 4 segmentsbriefly lit. Constant light bar activity means thebooster gain needs to be reduced for optimum per-formance.The system has 60 dB of OLCdynamic range. However, thedynamic range of the OLC is reducedwhen the user selectable gain isreduced. The reduction will be anequal amount. For instance, if the user selectablegain is reduced by 20 dB then the OLC dynamicrange will also be reduced by 20 dB.OLC DATALOGThis screen displays an OLC Datalog which is theOLC data over the past 100 days for both uplinkand downlink branches of the system. This is a roll-ing 100 day log with day 101 overlapping day 1 andso forth. Day zero represents the current day whileday one represents yesterday and so on. Thelogged data is stored in non-volatile memory andwill not be erased when the unit is powered down.The average OLC attenuation used when the OLCwas active is given both for individual days andover the entire past 100 days. The percentage oftime the OLC was active is also given for both indi-vidual days and over the past 100 days. Thisarchived information will permit the creation of auser signal profile to facilitate optimum system con-figuration and performance.This archive feature will allow you to see if the gainof the unit is set too high or if there are transientepisodes of strong signals perhaps desensingother channels being amplified by the booster.AlarmsThe system continuously monitors the current drawand operating temperature of each amplifier as wellas the voltage level of the +12 and +24 VDC sup-plies. If any of these parameters exceed normaloperating levels by a factory preset percentage thesystem enters an alarm condition. Notification of analarm condition is provided by LED indicators andForm-C contacts available via the alarm terminalscrews.NOTENOTENOTE

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