Bird Technologies Group 61170 Channelized Signal Booster User Manual

Bird Technologies Group Channelized Signal Booster

user manual

TX RX Systems Inc.  8625 Industrial Parkway,  Angola,  NY  14006  Tel: 716-549-4700  Fax: 716-549-4772 Installation and Operation Manual forChannelized Signal BoosterModel 611-70Manual Part Number7-9469
WarrantyThis warranty applies for one year from shipping date.TX RX Systems Inc. warrants its products to be free from defect in material and workmanship at the time of shipment.Our obligation under warranty is limited to replacement or repair, at our option, of any such products that shall havebeen defective at the time of manufacture. TX RX Systems Inc. reserves the right to replace with merchandise ofequal performance although not identical in every way to that originally sold. TX RX Systems Inc. is not liable for dam-age caused by lightning or other natural disasters. No product will be accepted for repair or replacement without ourprior written approval. The purchaser must prepay all shipping charges on returned products. TX RX Systems Inc.shall in no event be liable for consequential damages, installation costs or expense of any nature resulting from thepurchase or use of products, whether or not they are used in accordance with instructions. This warranty is in lieu of allother warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty or merchantability of fitness. No repre-sentative is authorized to assume for TX RX Systems Inc. any other liability or warranty than set forth above in con-nection with our products or services.TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE PRICES AND TERMS:Prices are FOB seller’s plant in Angola, NY domestic packaging only, and are subject to change without notice. Fed-eral, State and local sales or excise taxes are not included in prices. When Net 30 terms are applicable, payment isdue within 30 days of invoice date. All orders are subject to a $100.00 net minimum.QUOTATIONS:Only written quotations are valid.ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS:Acceptance of orders is valid only when so acknowledged in writing by the seller.SHIPPING:Unless otherwise agreed at the time the order is placed, seller reserves the right to make partial shipments for whichpayment shall be made in accordance with seller’s stated terms. Shipments are made with transportation charges col-lect unless otherwise specified by the buyer. Seller’s best judgement will be used in routing, except that buyer’s routingis used where practicable. The seller is not responsible for selection of most economical or timeliest routing.CLAIMS:All claims for damage or loss in transit must be made promptly by the buyer against the carrier. All claims for shortagesmust be made within 30 days after date of shipment of material from the seller’s plant.SPECIFICATION CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS:All designs and specifications of seller’s products are subject to change without notice provided the changes or modifi-cations do not affect performance.RETURN MATERIAL:Product or material may be returned for credit only after written authorization from the seller, as to which seller shallhave sole discretion. In the event of such authorization, credit given shall not exceed 80 percent of the original pur-chase. In no case will Seller authorize return of material more than 90 days after shipment from Seller’s plant. Creditfor returned material is issued by the Seller only to the original purchaser.ORDER CANCELLATION OR ALTERATION:Cancellation or alteration of acknowledged orders by the buyer will be accepted only on terms that protect the selleragainst loss.NON WARRANTY REPAIRS AND RETURN WORK:Consult seller’s plant for pricing. Buyer must prepay all transportation charges to seller’s plant. Standard shipping pol-icy set forth above shall apply with respect to return shipment from TX RX Systems Inc. to buyer.DISCLAIMER Product part numbering in photographs and drawings is accurate at time of printing. Part number labels on TX RXproducts supersede part numbers given within this manual. Information is subject to change without notice. Bird Technologies Group                                                                                TX RX Systems Inc.
Symbols Commonly UsedWARNING                ESD Electrostatic DischargeHot SurfaceElectrical Shock HazardImportant InformationCAUTION or ATTENTIONHigh VoltageHeavy LiftingBird Technologies Group TX RX Systems Inc.NOTEManual Part Number 7-9469Copyright © 2009 TX RX Systems, Inc.First Printing: March 2009Version Number Version Date1 03/30/091.1 06/10/09
For Class A Unintentional RadiatorsThis equipment has been tested  and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuantto Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide resonable protection against harmfulinterference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tion manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in aresidential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which the user will be required to correct the inter-ference at his own expense.WARNING: Changes or modifications which are not expressly approved by TXRXSystems Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.ATTENTION: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undes-ired operation.
Table of Contents                                                     Manual 7-9469-1.1                                                        06/10/09Table of ContentsOverview............................................................................................................... 1  Down / Up Conversion......................................................................................... 2Unpacking ............................................................................................................ 2Installation............................................................................................................ 2   Location  ............................................................................................................. 2Antenna Isolation  ............................................................................................... 2  Required Equipment ......................................................................................... 2  Measurement Procedure .................................................................................. 3Functional Block Diagram Description ............................................................. 4  Downlink / Uplink Input Signals ........................................................................... 4  Downlink / Uplink Output Signals ........................................................................ 4  Channel Module 3-22322 .................................................................................... 4Operation.............................................................................................................. 6Module LED’s ..................................................................................................... 6RF Exposure ........................................................................................................ 6Figures and TablesFigure 1: The Down / Up Converter Process ....................................................... 1Figure 2: Measuring Antenna Isolation................................................................. 3Figure 3: Functional Block Diagram ..................................................................... 4Figure 4A: Module housing Front View ................................................................ 5Figure 4B: Module Housing rear View.................................................................. 5Figure 5: Channel Module Block Diagram............................................................ 6Table 1: Specifications .......................................................................................... 1Table 2: Channel Module Indicator LED’s............................................................. 7
Table of Contents                                                     Manual 7-9469-1.1                                                        06/10/09Contact Information  Changes to this Manual                  Bird Technologies Group TX RX Systems Inc.Sales Support at 716-549-4700 extension 5043Customer Service at 716-549-4700 extension 5044Technical Publications at 716-549-4700 extension 5019We have made every effort to ensure this manual is accurate. If you discover any errors, or if you have suggestions for improving this manual, please send your comments to our Angola, New York facility to the attention of the Technical Publications Department. This manual may be periodically updated. When inquiring about updates to this manual refer to the manual part number and revision number on the revision page following the front cover.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 1OVERVIEWSignal boosters extend radio coverage into areaswhere abrupt propagation losses prevent reliablecommunication. The system receives an RF signal,raises its power level, and couples it to an antennaso that it can be re-radiated. The input signal maybe derived from a receiving antenna or a long runof radiating coax.The TXRX model 611-70 channelized signalbooster is designed to operate in the 450 to 470MHz range. The system is based on a moduledesign with each module capable of handling oneuplink and one downlink channel simultaneously.The size of the system can be tailored to the cus-tomers needs by increasing or decreasing thenumber of modules used. Each module is bi-direc-tional with one downlink and one uplink signalbranch. Each of the two branches in a module areindependently tunable to their required pass fre-quency via software interface.The systems part number is used to describe theconfiguration of the product. The first three digitsare always 611 and describe the channelized sig-nal booster product group. The second group oftwo digits describe the frequency range (450 to 470MHz). The next two digit group describes the num-ber of channel modules while the last letterdescribes the mounting method used (the letter “A”represents rack mounted). Specifications for the611-70 family of channelized signal boosters arelisted in Table1.IntermediateFrequencySignalProcessing1st Mixer 2nd MixerRF OutRF InLocalOscillatorFigure 1: The down converter / up converter process.Frequency Range 450 - 470 MHzNumber of Carriersper Channel1 Uplink1 DownlinkNominal Passband Gain 120 dBChannel BandwidthStandard 25 KHz;can be programmed to meet group delay require-ments(User Selectable)Output Power per Channel  + 37 dBm ERPMaximum Input Level -40 dBmRF In/Out Impedance 50 OhmsAlarms Form-C ContactsModule LED’sPower90 - 250 VAC, 50/60 Hzor28 VDC (+/- 5%)Operating Temperature Range -30°C to +60°CTable 1: Specifications
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 2Down / Up ConversionA channelized signal booster has much in commonwith a superheterodyne (superhet) receiver. Theincoming signal is converted to a lower frequencyso that single channel selectivity can be obtained.It is then filtered. Unlike the superhet receiver how-ever, the signal is not demodulated. Instead, it isup-converted back to its original frequency where itis further amplified to reach a useful power level.Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram thatillustrates the down/up conversion principle. Anincoming signal at (Freq IN) is applied to the firstmixer along with a signal from a local oscillator(Freq LO). A third signal at an intermediate fre-quency (Freq IF) is produced as a result of the mix-ing. The intermediate frequency is given by thefollowing relationship:(1)   Freq IF = Freq IN - Freq LOThe IF signal from the mixer then passes throughfiltering with single channel bandwidth before beingamplified and passed on to the second mixer. Thesecond mixer also receives the same local oscilla-tor signal (Freq LO). The result is a mixing productfrequency at the output of mixer 2. The output fre-quency (Freq OUT) is given by the following rela-tionship:(2)   Freq OUT = Freq IF + Freq LOSubstituting equation (1) for the “Freq IF” term inequation (2) allows the “Freq LO” terms to be can-celed yielding:(3)    Freq Out = Freq INThe implication of equation (3) is that the frequencystability of the signal that is processed by this typeof signal booster is not affected by the frequencystability of the signal booster itself. Frequency sta-bility depends only on the stability of the signalsource producing the signal to be boosted. A shiftin the LO frequency of the signal booster will onlycause a shift in the IF frequency with a possibleloss of signal amplitude but no change in the out-put signal frequency.UNPACKINGIt is important to report any visible damage to thecarrier immediately. It is the customers responsibil-ity to file damage claims with the carrier within ashort period of time (1 to 5 days). Care should betaken when removing the unit from the packing boxto avoid damage to the unit.INSTALLATIONThe following sub-sections of the manual discussgeneral considerations for installing the booster. Allwork should be performed by qualified personneland in accordance with local codes.LocationThe layout of the signal distribution system will bethe prime factor in determining the mounting loca-tion of this unit. However, safety and serviceabilityare also key considerations. The unit should belocated where it can not be tampered with by thegeneral public, yet is easily accessible to servicepersonnel. Also, consider the weight of the unit andthe possibility for injury if it should becomedetached from its mounting for any reason.The booster needs to be installed such that therecan be unobstructed air flow over and around thesubassemblies. The various subassemblies willstay warm to the touch during normal operation soin the interest of equipment longevity, avoid loca-tions that carry hot exhaust air or are continuallyhot.Antenna IsolationAntenna isolation between uplink and downlinkshould be measured before connecting the signalbooster to the antenna system. This step is neces-sary to insure that no conditions exist that couldpossibly damage the signal booster and should notbe skipped for even the most thoroughly designedsystem.Just like the feedback squeal that can occur whenthe microphone and speaker get too close togetherin a public address system, a signal booster canstart to self oscillate. This can occur when the iso-lation between the Uplink and Downlink antennasdoes not exceed the signal boosters gain by atleast 15 dB. Oscillation will reduce the effective-ness of the system and may possibly damageamplifier stages. Isolation values are relativelyeasy to measure with a spectrum analyzer and sig-nal generator.REQUIRED EQUIPMENTThe following equipment is required in order to per-form the antenna isolation measurements.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 31) Signal generator for the frequencies of interestcapable of a 0 dBm output level. Modulation isnot necessary.2) Spectrum analyzer that covers the frequenciesof interest and is capable of observing signallevels down to -100 dBm or better.3) Double shielded coaxial test cables made fromRG142, RG55 or RG223 coaxial cable.MEASUREMENT PROCEDURETo measure the antenna isolation perform the fol-lowing in a step-by-step fashion.1) Set the signal generator for a 0 dBm output levelat the center frequency of the boosters pass-band.2) Set the spectrum analyzer for the same centerfrequency and a sweep width equal to or justslightly greater than the passband chosen ear-lier in step 1.3) Temporarily connect the test leads of the signalgenerator and spectrum analyzer togetherusing a female barrel connector, see Figure 2.Observe the signal on the analyzer and adjustthe input attenuator of the spectrum analyzerfor a signal level that just reaches the 0 dBmlevel at the top of the graticule.4) Referring to Figure 2, connect the generator testlead to one side of the antenna system and thespectrum analyzer to the other then observe thesignal level. The difference between theobserved level and 0 dBm is the isolationbetween the sections. If the signal is too weakto observe, the spectrum analyzer’s bandwidthmay have to be narrowed and it’s input attenua-tion reduced. The isolation value measuredshould exceed the signal booster’s gain figureby at least 15 dB.5) Repeat step 4 again with the signal generatorset at the passband edges in order to see if theSignal GeneratorExternalAntenna(YAGI)Spectrum AnalyzerIsolation (dB)Zero LossReferenceInternalSignal DistributionSystem(Omni-directionalAntennas)Figure 2: Typical test equipment interconnection for measuring antenna isolation.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 4isolation is remaining relatively constant overthe complete width of the passband.6) Repeat the isolation measurements if necessaryat other system passbands to determine theoverall minimum isolation value for the system.Physical modification of the antenna systemmaybe required in order to reach an acceptableminimum value.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DISCUSSIONFigure 3 is the functional block diagram of thechannelized signal booster model 611-70. Figure4A and 4B show the front and rear views of themodule housing.Downlink / Uplink Input SignalsDownlink and Uplink input signals are applied to adistribution amplifier 3-22340. This is an ultra-lownoise high linearity amplifier with a gain of 18.9 dB.Refer to schematic 3-22341. Following the distribu-tion amp is a 6-way power divider which is used todistribute the signal to individual channel modules.Downlink signals are applied to the down converterboard of a downlink branch while uplink signals areapplied to the down converter board of an uplinkbranch. Any unused output ports of the 6-Wayshould be terminated with a 50 ohm load. Signalprocessing within the channel module is discussedin the Channel module section below.Downlink / Uplink Output SignalsDownlink signals leave the channel module at theDL OUT connector and are applied to a poweramplifier 8-22290 which has a typical gain of 35dB. After amplification, signals from multiple mod-ules are combined by a Hybrid Combiner 3-18317-1 and fed into combline filtering before beingapplied to an antenna. Uplink output signals leavethe channel module at the UL OUT connector andare applied to an active combiner 3-22319. Theactive combiner amplifies and combines signalsfrom multiple modules. Following the active com-biner is combline filtering.Channel Module 3-22322The channel modules are bi-directional with eachmodule containing one downlink branch and oneuplink branch. The branches are functionally identi-cal because the same set of circuit boards areused in each branch. The uplink and downlinkbranches can work on different frequencies withinthe modules passband (450 to 470 MHz) but foreither branch the input and output signals will bethe same frequency. Figure 5 is the block diagramof the channel module.ActiveReceiverMulticouplerActiveChannelCombiner(one ampper input)Duplexer/FilterDuplexer/FilterToDonorAntennaChannel Module20W PAToCoverageAntennaSystemChannel Module - DownlinkChannel Module - UplinkChannel Module - DownlinkChannel Module - UplinkChannel Module - DownlinkChannel Module - UplinkActiveReceiverMulticoupler20W PA20W PAHybrid CombinerFigure 3: Functional block diagram of the channelized signal booster.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 5Figure 4A: Module housing front view.UserInterfaceConnectorPower ONLEDIndicatorFigure 4B: Module housing rear view.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 6Each branch consists of four boards; Digital, LocalOscillator, Down Converter, and Up Converter. RFsignals enter the branch at the down converterboard where they are filtered, amplified, and con-verted into a 70 MHz intermediate frequency. Thedigital board digitizes the IF signal with an ADC.The digitized samples are applied to a programma-ble gated array for digital filtering. The filtered sig-nals from the array are converted back into analogby a DAC and output to the up converter board.The up converter board converts the IF back intothe original UHF signal and outputs it from themodule. The Local Oscillator board generates thereference signals for mixing and sampling. Themixing frequency can range from 380 to 400 MHzand is determined by the user via interface with themicro controller on the digital board.OPERATIONPower is applied to the unit by plugging in the ACpower cord. There is a Power-ON LED located onthe front of the unit (near the computer interfaceconnector) which will illuminate when power isapplied.Module LED’sThere are six LED indicators on the front of eachchannel module, 3 for the uplink branch and 3 forthe downlink branch. The function of indicatorLED’s are listed in Table 2.RF EXPOSURETo comply with FCC RF exposure compliancerequirements, a separation distance of at least 100cm must be maintained between the antenna ofthis device and all persons. This device must notbe co-located or operating in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter.10M RefAlarmLogicForm 'C'SquelchRF Out (DL)RF In (UL)Out10 MHz+28 VDCI2CForm"C"ContactsInRF Out (UL)RF In (DL)LEDConnect(UL)LEDConnect(DL)LEDs(3)5.5V5.5V5.5VDAC Out(2)LOLOAttn Cnl(4)ADCin (2)Vocm AGCCnl (2)Freq Cnl(3)56M (3)Up Converter Board3-22302InterfaceBoard3-22315LEDBoard3-22295Down Converter Board3-22308LO Board3-22312Digital Board3-2231010M28VI2CThru Wall CableFigure 5: Channel Module block diagram.
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 7Status LEDGreen (flashing fast) Unit Identification (for several seconds only on command from User Interface)Orange (slow flash) Unprogrammed unit (no settings set)Off Unit disabled (no output from module)Red (slow flash) External reference selected but is absent or not lockedRed (solid ON) Alarm of some kind (current or temp out of limits, LO not locked, filter not set)Green (solid ON) all is OKChannel KeyedSlow Flash Unprogrammed unit (no settings set)ONUnit will transmit signalif CTCSS and DCS disabled then signal present on input above carrier squelch thresholdElse if one is enabled then it means that the selected CTCSS or DCS code has been detectedOFF Unit will not transmit signalCarrier DetectSlow Flash Unprogrammed Unit (no settings set)ON Signal present on input above carrier squelch thresholdOFF No signal present on input above carrier squelch thresholdTable 2: Channel Module Indicator LED’s
TX RX Systems Inc.                               Manual 7-9469-1.1                               06/10/09                                  Page 8TX RX Systems Inc.  8625 Industrial Parkway,  Angola,  NY  14006  Tel: 716-549-4700  Fax: 716-549-4772 SYSTEMSINC.SYSTEMSINC.

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