Bissell 1699 User Manual PROHEAT CLEARVIEW Manuals And Guides L0505039
BISSELL Carpet Cleaner Manual L0505039 BISSELL Carpet Cleaner Owner's Manual, BISSELL Carpet Cleaner installation guides
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1699 SERIES- 120V 8905 SERIES- 120V 3 4 5 6-17 18-20 21-22 22 23 24 We're glad you purchaseda BISSELLProHeatClearViewheated formula deep cleaner.Everythingwe know aboutfloor carewent into the designand constructionof this complete,high-tech homecleaningsystem. YourProHeatClearViewis well made,and we back it with a limited one-yearwarranty.We alsostand behindit with a knowledgeable, dedicatedConsumerServicesdepartment,so, shouldyou ever havea problem,you'll receivefast. considerateassistance. My great-grandfather_nventedthe floorsweeper in 1876. Today, BISSELLis a global leaderin the design,manufacture,andserviceof high qualityhomecareproductslike your ProHeatClearview. Thanksagain,from all of us at BISSELL. ! Mark J. Bissell Presidentand Chief ExecutiveOfficer 0 ID Keep plenty of genuine BISSELLAdvanced Cleaning Formulas on hand so you can clean whenever it fits your schedule.Always use genuine BISSELLdeep cleaning formulas. Non-BISSELL cleaning solutions may harm the machine and void the warranty. JeDer CreviceTool ToolCaddy Storage Power Switch _ SmartTerr ffM Switcp PowerCord QuickRelease Stain BrushStorage Tank-inTankT_\ HexNuts TurboBrusk Storage ", SeEect Models 4" Upholstery ToolStorage 0 FlexHoseJ SmartTemD T_ Readyugn_' Accessories FlowIndicator CFilter Inside SmartMix 6 Switch _AIIitems may not be includedwith your model. Moretools areavailable.To order replacement parts or tools pleaserefer to page23. Lower _anaEe 4" UpholsteryTool Available on select ToughStainBrush PreTreatWand (Available on select models only.) ReadjTools _ Dial Dirtl PowerBrush BareFloorAttachment SprayingCreviceTool Available on select models only.) (Available on select models only.) BeltAccessDoor FloorNozzleWindo_e TurboBrush _ 'Available on selec_ 0 moqels onl_ 16oz BISSELL16 oz, BISSELL Multi-Allergen FiberCleansing Formuld _With Formula with Scotchgard T' ScotchgardT_ Protection Protectsn TM 16 oz, 16 oz, Floor ToughStain Cleansing PreCleane¢ M Formuld_ This User'sGuidehasbeendesignedto helpyou get the utmostsatisfactionfrom yourBISSELL ProHeat ClearView. You'llfind assemblyand operating instructions,safetyprecautions,as well as maintenance andtroubleshootinginstructions.Pleasereadthis Guide thoroughlybeforeassemblingyour DeepCleaner. Payparticularattentionto the productdiagram,assembly instructions,and part names.Locateand organizeall parts beforeassembly.Familiarizeyourselfwith the parts and wherethey go. Followingthis User'sGuidewil greatlyenhanceyourabilityto get the most performance from yourBISSELLProHeatClearViewfor many years. WARNING: Do Not plug in your cleaner until you have completely assembledit per the following instructionsand are familiar with all instructionsand operating procedures. YourProHeatClearViewcomesin three, easyto assemblecomponents. UpperHandle LowerHandle ToolCaddy Theonlythingyou will needto assembleyourcleaneris a Phillipshead (_ screwdriver. Referto AssemblyDiagramon page4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slide UpperHandleonto LowerHandle. FeedbundledpowercoramroughToolCaddy from caddy'sflat side. Align UpperHandleholesand ToolCaddyno_es. Placehexnut qtobackof ToolCaddyand holdin place.Insertboltfrom frontto backturning nto the hexnutuntilsnug.Donotovertmqten. Repeatfor thesecondboltand nexnut, Insert2 screwsintolower2 holes.Turn untosnug. 6 Snaptools into Storageon the ToolCaddvas shown in figure 6, WrapPowerCordand Flexrlose as snown,n figure7, ProHeat ClearView assemblyis now complete. v ix i ix i i ii _r The BISSELL SmartClean ® System The ProHeatClearViewis a home cleaning systemthat automatically mixes hot tap water with the BISSELL advanced cleaningformula and heats the solution as it is applied to the carpet. The combinationof heated cleaning solution,powered brush and suction providea safe g,effective method of cleaning. Temperaturecontrol automatically heats the cleaning solution as it is being applied to the carpet I*l to safely optimize cleaningeffectiveness. OL | SmartTemp Reads switchesmJstbe ONfor SmartTemp to work ]-hePowerSwitchcontrolspowerto the machine;both ]-heSmartTempSwllsh is foundon tne back of the handle nextto the PowerSwitch.You maycnooseno_to usethe SmartTempfeature if youare cleaningdelicatewoo or onenta rugs. PowerSwitch SmartTemp *SmartTempheats the cleaningsolutionfor carpet and bare floor applicationonly. It does not heat solutionsprayedthrough the accessorytools, 0 The SmartTempReadyLight indicateswhenthe heater s ON.Thenearershouldbe turnedon two minutesbefore cleaning,to becomeful y warmed up and readyto clean. The SmartTempReadyLightis foundon the front of the nandlewhereItlseasyto see wnneyou c_ean temperature25° and will allowit to exceed180°. SmartMix bottle Providescustomcontrolfor eachcleaningjob. maDnlne base. _ ft the SmartMixconcentrateDome up ano )ut of the I Turnthe position.Unscrew tne valvecad ana' sad tnes Dome the bottle overso tnat tne valve _ an to upward --harkwith BISSELLDeedCleaning:ormula. Replace_ne /ave cad turning unt snug 0 0 ReplaceSmartMixconcentratebottle. Note: If bottle leaks, check for proper positioningof o-ring and straw. 0 Tng Positon Choosethe SmartMixsettingthat fits _necleanlrj job Water Rinse- usefor gem_ec_ean_ng or for the final rinseafter cleaning. Normal- automaticallyprovidesthe pest mix of water and concentratefor mostcleaning 9us. High Traffic- automaticallymixestne right amount of water and concentratezoa_sso_ve zougngrime and heavysoil. Note:Residualcleaningmaterialsleft in carpetfrom other productsmaycauseexcessive foamingwhenpicked up. If foam is overflowing tank, moveSmartMixdial to "WaterOnly"position until the conditionstops. Note: Boththe SmartMix Bottleand the clean water tank must have liquid in them in order for the machineto spray.If one tank is empty,the machinewill temporarilylose its primeand not apply either cleaningsolutionor water only. _ortant: If you are using the WATERRINSE setting, fill the Smart Mix bottlewith water also! / WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, be extra careful when cleaning stairs. Make sure machine is secure and level. Thepoweredbrushroll at the floor nozzleis aesignedto enhancecleaningperformance.Thebristle pattern fts out the deepdown dirt while gentlygrooming_'aroetfibers.The floatingsuspensionself-adjuststo all carpelnelgmsand protectsyourcarpet if youleavethe powerswitch ON When the machinehandleis in the fully uprightposition CarpetSaverautomaticallyraisesthe brush _ffthe caroe[ / WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, use only BISSELLDeep Cleaning Formula in your ProHeatClearView. Useof cleaning formulas which contain lemon or pine oil may damage this appliance and void warranty. Chemical spot cleaners or solvent based soil removers shouldnot be used.These products may react with the plastic materials used in your ProHeatClearView, causing cracking or pitting. 6 OurTank-in-Tanksystemis designedwith a Bladderinsidefor cleanwater.As youclean,the Bladderwill empty.Dirtywater collects in the tank outsidethe Bladder. 0 0 0 Stepon handlereleaseto la_ _nemacnmenanule downout of the way, _iftthe Tank-in-Tankhandle The nanulelOCKS _ne id in place. Carry t likea bucketto fill at the SINK, Note: You may notice hair and debris depositson the carpet that were loosenedby the brushingaction (especiallywith newer carpets that have never been deep cleaned before).This debris shouldbe picked up and thrown away. Debristhat depositsin the BrushBelt shouldbe cleaned between usesto keepthe Belts runningfree. LiftandCarry 3 Setthe tank downand rotatethe handleforwardto unlatch the id. Lift off and set the d aside. Findthe mouth of the Bladderand fill to the bottomof the neck with cleannot tap water.*Do not boil or microwave water as it can destroythe Bladder. Note:Fill the Bladderwith clean hottap wateronly. must bethe in the forwardpositionto Replace TankLid matcnmg[hereinstall. lid and tank edges.Handle Rotatethe handleto the carryingpos_t_on to re-_atcn the lid. 4 _ Unlatch Replacetank in macnmebase,seatingfirmly _ place, 5 Rotatei_andleback downto the latchedoosmon Note: Boththe SmartMix Bottleand the clean water tank must have liquid in them in order for the machine to spray.If one tank is emptythe machinewill not apply either cleaningsolution or water. Important: If you are using the WATERRINSE setting, fill the SmartMix bottle with water also! 0 FillBhdderonlywith cleanhot tapwater 0 0 0 0 0 Removethe Tank-in-Tank- follow steps1 ana 2 on page8. CarrytheTank-in-Tank,like a bucket,to tne SInKfvnere/ou will disposeof the dirty water. RemoveTankLid by rotatinghandleforward to untatcnua ana lifting lid off tank. Pourout dirty water. After eachuse, removeand rinsethe nt screen locatedon theTankLid. A. RemoveTankAssemblyfrom unit. B. RemoveTankLid. 5C LintScreen 5D O. Removeany debriscaughtin Lint Screen. D. ReinsertLint Screenon TankLid.Thescreenwill click into place E. ReplaceTankLid. I=. ReinsertTankAssemblyinto unit. 0 0 0 0 Refillwith cleantap water as above,steps 5 through9 on page 8, and refillthe SmartMixbottlewith BISSELLDeep CleaningFormulaas necessary. Whenthe cleaningjob is complete,rinseout the Tank-in-Tankby rinsingcteanwater De[weenthe Bladderand tank. ReturnTank-in-Tankto the machine followingsteps6 through 9 (on page8). Referto the Maintenancesection,page18 for the final cleanup. 0 This IS iocaTea)n tne macnlnebase. ITsolns wnentne trigger s presseutc nalcatetnat me macnmes applyingcleaning solutionto the floor.It wi step spinningto nalcatemat the SmartMixbottleor Bladderneedsto be refilled or whenthe trigger is releaseaFlow nalcatoraces not soln whenset to Toolsetting. FlowIndicator This providesabovefloor cleaningwlm tne' E of a switch.Just cnoosethe cleaningtool. attachto the flex noseand ProHeat Clearview_sreadyto c_eanupnostery,stairsor more* *Set the dial to FloorCleaningwhen cleaning or bare floors or set it to Tools/PreTreatwhen using the flex hoseattachmentsor for pre-treatingfloors. *SmartTempheats the cleaningsolutionfor carpet and bare floor applicationonly. It does not heat solutionsprayedthrough the accessorytools. (Availableon select modelson y) Unplugcleanerfromoutlet beforeattachingTurboBrush AttachTurboBrushto the flex hoseby pressingtoo ontothe gri!!trigger until buttonsnaps nto hole.Makecer[amtoo__s securely In place. activatesthe brush. . This ovetheTurboBrush switchto the "BRUSH"9osltlon pressureon the tool and pull towardsyouwnHepullingtrigger Placethe tool directlyon the soiledsurface.Applydownward to sprayc_eanmgsolution. "SUCTION" areaunt nc morecleaning Releasetheposition.Vacuumtne spraytnggeran(] movetne swltcnto the solutioncan be removed. Ca_on: Donetwe'wet. Repeatsteps1-3 um nc more(]lrt can Deremove(] @ ReadyTools Dial Disconnect downon thethe button TurboBrush lock and from pullings[ralgn_)fl the flex noseDypusnlng O nceremoved can be cleaned. fromthe FlexHose,theTurboBrush A Movetheswitchto the"SUCTION" oosMor B Rinseunderrunningwater. C Checkspraynozzlefor dirt.If necessary, cleanNitha soft bristlebrush. D ReplaceTurboBrush in thespecialstorageiocatonon the handlefront.(onselectmodelsonl_ 0 0 0 0 Planactivitiesto give carpettime to ary. Removeeasilymovedfurniturefrom the room,cnalrs. lamps,coffeetables,etc). Vacuum thoroughlyto pick up oosedebrisand pet ha beforeusingthe ProHeatClearView. Planyour cleaningrouteto leavean exit path. 't is best to begincleaningin the cornerfarthest from _our exit. Set up the machinefollowing nstructlons The Featuressection,pages6-11. Usea BISSELL AdvancedCleaningFormula ntne SmartMix tank.Whencleaningcarpets,stairsor upnols[ery,use clean water in the SmartMixTankfor gentlecleaning )r rinsing. 0 0 Choosethe SmartMixsettingto match_ne _'leanlng job. Setthe ReadyTools switchto eitherTeels/PreTreat or Fleer Cleaning. ® Pretreating is recommendedto improve cleaning effectivenessfor heavilysoiled carpet in high traffic areassuch as entryways and hallways: Setthe SmartMixdia to High Traffic Set ReadyTools dial to PreTreat roper outletand turn on both the Powerand Switches. the areato be cleaned,CautionDo not overwet. Whilepressingthe triggerslowly makesevera oassesover Turnthe macnmePowerSwitchOFFand lettne BISSELL ling Formuladissolvethe tougnsoil for 1-2 minutesbeforecontinuing )or outletandturnthe Powerand the SmartTemp switchesON.Waittwo minutesfor the neaterto jtnn_ng to ctean. and anotherone back. Letthe SmartTemp heatedformula Whilepressingthe trigger,makeone slow forwardwet pass and DirtLifterPowe"brushdo the work for you.Caution: Do not overwet. Note:Takecarenottorunoverlouseobjects or edgesofarea rugs.Stalling bmobmayresultinpremature beltfailure. Releasethe triggerand makeor_esic Nforwardand back hoveanyrestaua dirty water. O appearsctean. epeatcleaningpassesuntil solutionDetngDutteaup Continuepasseswithoutpressingtne trigger untt youcan't see anymorewater being pulled up. Note:BoththeSmartMix andtheclean water tankmust haveliquid in theminorder forthemachine tospray. Ifonetankisempty the machine willnotapply either cleaning solution orwateronly. WaterOny After cleaning,you to g ve your maycarpetinga Nantto turnfinal the rinse.This SmartMixdial will to ensurethorougnremova _f embeddeddtrt toosened Bythe AdvancedDeepCleaningFormula.AdvancedDeepCleaning Formulascontainsan antt-resotttn j agenttnat nelpsyour carpetsreDetdtrt and KeeDstnem lOOKing gOOdlonger. ® Whenthecteantr sectionfor macnlne j joecleanupandstorage tscomeletereferto theMaintenance nstructlonson page18 ATTENTION BERBER CARPET OWNERS: Some Berber Carpets have a tendency to fuzz with wear. Repeated strokes in the same area with an ordinary vacuum or deep cleaner may aggravate this condition. Please see Stain Removal instructionson page 13. De Net Belay! Failureto attendto an accidentsoonafter it occurs may causeit to set and becomepermanent. Beforetreatinganystain,follow these pre-treatmentsteps: White recommended becausecer[amayes Blot upmaterialsare liquidswith an absorbentcloth or oaDertowels may bleed and makethe stainworse. O not usea knife orsemi-solidswith other utensilwith Gentlyscrapeup a sharpeages spoonor spatula.Do becauseit coulddamagethe carpet or upnolstery If the area hasdried, removethe remainingsemi-solids and residuewith a sweeperor vacuum. Be sureto pre-testanyspot removalSOlUtions or cnemlcals on an inconspicuous areafirst.This is extremeb important;differentdyesand materialscouldbe damaged or discoloredbya cleaningsolution.If sucha cnanae shouldoccur,try a differentsolutionor calla orofessional. If cleaningon BerberCarpetgently run your macnmeover a hiddenarea.If no fuzzingoccurs,continuecleanng ,n soiledarea. Useone of the followingmethodsto Precleanthe stain: 0 UsingBISSELL ToughStainPrecleaner T°,generousiy spraythe area with the formula.Gently _7ork the solution with a cleancloth or towel into the area using ight strokesfrom the edgesof the stainto the center.When yourcloth reachesthe center of the stain,gently pinchit in an upwardmotion.Make sureto turn and changeyour cloth frequentlyand do not rub the stain, rou may repeat this processseveraltimes. or Useyour BISSELL deep cleaneras a Precleaner. With one of thetools attachedto hose,set the ReadyTools dial to Pretreatand the SmartMix dial to tne rllgn Traffic setting.Spraythe area with solutionand allowtne Deep Cleaningformulato penetratefor 3-5 minutes. Oncethe Precleaningis complete,usetne attacneatool to gentlyscrub the stain with back andforth strokes. Allowto dry.Somedifficult stainsmay requirea seconc treatment. ® Checkmanufacturer'stag beforecleaning."W" or "WS" on the tag means7ou can Jse/our ProHeatClearView. f the tag s codedwith 'Y or "S" wire a diagonalstrike througn),or says"DryCleanOnly, ao not proceed.Do 'lot useon velvetor silk. If manufacturer'stag is missing or notcoded,checkwith yourfurnituredealer. 0 0 0 0 ® Checkfor colorfastnessin an inconspicuousplace. If possible,checkupholsterystuffing Coloredstuffing maybleedthroughfabric wner we1 PlanactMt_esto g_veupholsteryt_meto dry. Vacuumthoroughlyto pick Jp ooseaeDnsand pet hair. Usea vacuumwith a brushattachmentanda crevice toolto cleanin fabricfolds andtJfts. Set up the machinefollowing as[ructlons_ TneFeatures section,pages6-11. Use BISSFLLAdvanced3leaningFormulas n SmartMixtank. Set the ReadyToolsdial to Tools or PreTreat. * SmartTempheats the cleaningsolution for carpet and bare floor application only,It doesnot heat solution sprayedthroughthe accessorytools, 0 0 0 0 Set SmartMixDialto Normal. Choosethe 4" SmallAreaTool the ToughStain Brusn or the SprayingCreviceTooland connectto the FlexHose. Plug intoa properoutlet andturn PowerSwitchON. Whilepressingthe trigger,slov+_y movethe sprayingtoo back and forth overthe soled surface.Releasethe trlgg_ suctionsoiledwater. Continue to cleanSOllea area.workingin small sectons. until no moredirt canDeremovec Caution: Do not overwet. Whenthe cleaningjob s completereferto the Maintenance sectionfor macnmec_eanup and storage instructionson page 18 @ ii i The Bare FloorToolis includedin select modelsonly. If your ProHeat CleaViewdid not come so equipped, you may contact BISSELLConsumerServicesat www.bissell.comor 1-800-237-761 to order one.The Bare FloorTool provideseffective cleaningfor linoleum, vinyl, and tile floors. Caution:Do not use on hardwoodfloors. 0 0 0 0 0 IO UseBISSEL_FloorCleansingFormula. Vacuumor sweepthoroughlyto pick up toosedebrisan(]pet hair HandleRelease :_emove eas,_movedfumiturefromthe room,cnatrs,taDtes,etc.). Planyour cleaningroute_o eavean exit oa_n. Planaclvitiesto allow30 minutesforthe floorto drycomptetety. Stepon thehandlereleaseto raythe machinehandledown RemovetheTank-in-Tank from the macnne oase. O Liftthe machinebaseto exposethe undersided the FloorNozzle. sde (ReadyToo s s de)of Foor Nozz e. AttachBareFloorTool to the FloorNozzle wtthlongTabtothe right 0 Firstattachleft s de ,snortTab)catchingtabovernozzteedge. GentlybendlongTab(rightside)outwardto easly snapover ofc ear nozzteo-1left. Botto FrontEdge )f FoorNozzle Ba_eFoc }leannc @ TiltHandle Back napTogeTne Carrying %]JWP ® Setup machinefollowing ns_rucuons intne Features section,pages6-11. Be sureto thorougnlyrinse _utan! remainingFiberCleansingFormulafrom tne SmartMix bottle to preventslippery noleum wr.,., anq tile floors Use BISSELLFloorCleansingFormulain the SmartMix tank. 0 0 0 CheckReadyTools Dial- it snoulqbe set on FloorCleanng, Choosethe SmartMixsettingto matchthe cleaningjob. Pluginto a properoutlet anu turn PowerSwitchON.Turn SmartTemp3witchON.TheSmartTempReadyLight illuminatesand ProHeatClearViewis read,,to clean. forwardand backoversoiled _urtaceonet me wnlle Slowlymovethe machinenozzlewith BareFloorTool pressingthe trigger.Caution:Do not overwet. 0 0 0 Repeatthe motionwithout pressingthe trigger usingthe Bare FloorToolto squeegeeand suctionup the dirty water. O Maintenance/Storagesectionon page18. henthe cleaningjob is comple[ereferto the O outwardand pullFloorToolgently tool down awa_from nozzle Rinse o removeBare Denulong tab (right side) thoroughly,dry and store. Repeatsteps1 and 2 backingalong the exit path. Allowabout30 minutesfor the floor to dry completely. ® TurnPowerand SmartTerr: switchesOFF. WARNING: t CordOuisk Release. Unplugpowercordfrom the outte[ana cottarouna Power O ! reptacein thermsetools ToolCaddy. Removeand tnctean,runningwater dry and Coil FlexHosearoundstoragebracketson Too Caddy. lank-In-Tank,disposeof dirt_ water.SeeFeatures _age8-9. Rinseo[ )laceon the machine;Clean Cleanout the Flow ndicatorFiltereacht "hett ts useato bestcleaningperformance._nscrewthe Flos ndicatorCap. fl outthe RedRotorand White Filter Rinseall three parts in tap wateJReplacethe filter and rotor.Replace tile FlowIndicatorCap;turn until snug, do not over-tighten. Wipea,, exteriorsurfaceswttn a soft cloth 0 Storecleaneruprght in a protected,dry area Note: ProHeatClearViewuseswater and must not be storedwhere there is a dangerof freezing. Freezingwill damage internalcomponentsand voidthe warranty. Whencarpet is dry.vacuumagainto removehair andfuzz he ProHeatClearViewmay navetoosenec @ To reducethe risk of tim, electric shock or injury unplugfrom outlet beforeservicing. O Turnthe machineoff and unplug from_ne Nailoutlel O floor tep (seeillustration). on the releasepedaland reclinethe hande downonto --- 2 (seeillustration). RemoveTank-In-Tankand SmartMixtanks.Setthem aside Toolsswitch by insertinga flat headscrewdriverintothe RemoveBeltAccess Doorlocatednearthe FloorCleanng slot nearestto the handleand gentlypryingthe accessdoor off (seeillustration). O facing upward(seeillustration). urn the machineonto its side so the belt accessarea _s 6 O isnathe redbottomof retainerplatethat holdsthe black brusharm and the machine,searthe belt accessarea brushin place.Usinga PhillipsheadscreNdriverremovethe screwthat holdsthe red retainerplatein place.Set red retainerplateand Phillipsheadscrewaside(seeillustration). Setthe black brusharm aside (see ustratlon), Remove the black brusharm[natholdsthe brushm place. O the red pump pulle_ Setthe "toothed"brushbelt andfrom brush Remove the "toothed"brushbelt from me Drusntnen aside. Locateand removebrokenpumppelt @ 1 With the unit stl )n is slae. lOOP one ena )f the replacement pumpbelt arounatne rea DUBD pUlleyana tnentne otnerend aroundthe silver motorshaft see Jstralon Do nottwist the replacementpumpbelt 0 O 0 Re-instal thetoothed brushbeltfirst ontotne rea pump pulley and then cqto the toothecend of the Drusn see Hustra_on). 3 Reqnstallthe brushintothe baseof unit Placethe black brusharm ontotne brushana sllae black brusharm into baseof unt. The blackbrush armand brush snouldslideeasilyinto originalpostlon(see ustralon). Re-installthe red retainerplate and Pnll@sneaa screw (see lustrationj Usingyourfinger,gently spinthe replacementDumDbelt on the sWer motorsnalt. If assembledcorrectly,the replacement pumpbelt shoud rotatefreely aroundthe snvermeiershaft and drivepulleywithoutobstruction.The brusnsnoulaalso rotatefree y whenthe silver motorshaft is turned. Turnthe macnlnerightsideup and replacethe Tank-In-Tank, SmartMixTankand BeltAccessDoor see ustration).) Assemblyis now complete. If you naveanyc Jesttons.or are havingtroubleinstallingyour replacementpumpbelt, pleasecall BSSELLConsumer Servicesat 1-800-237-7691. @ Z WARNING: To reducethe risk of fire, electric shock or injury unplug from outlet before servicing. SmartTemp Ready Light does not illuminate. PossibleCauses Remea_es The SmartTemoswitch is no_ Turnon the SmartTempswitch. turned ON. The machinePowerSwitchis not turned ON. Reduced spray or no spray PossibleCauses Bladdermay oe empty. Bothswitchesmust be ONto activatethe SmartTerra ReadyLight. Remeales Refilltank with hot tap water. SmartMixbottle may be empty. Fill with BISSELLDeepCleaning Formulafor cleaningor waterif rinsing. Thefilter may be clogged. Cleanout FlowIndicatorFilter,page18. Tanksmay not be seatedproperly. TurnpowerOFF:remove& reseattanks. Pumpmay havelost _rJme. TurnpowerOFF:after1 minuteturn ON anddepresstrigger. ThePumpBeltmaybe broken. Turnthe machineOFFand unplugfrom the outlet Tocheck if a Pun p Belt has broken,youwill needa flat head screwdriver.Insertthe bladeend intc the lower slot of the BeltAccessdoor to releasethe lower snap.If necessary, insertthe bladeend intothe upperslot to releasethe uppersnap. Examinethe belt for breakage.Youshouldbe able to seethe PumpBeltloopedaround the motorshaft, if it is brokenor missing,pleaserefer to Replacement Parts on page23 beforecalling ConsumerServices.Corn9lete installationinstructionswill accorrpanythe replacementbelt. me_e Screwdriver BladeHere DirtLifter PowerBrush does not turn. PossibleCauses Remedies The BrushBelt or PumpBelt ........................... from may be broken. the outlet.Tocheck if a Purep Belt has broken,youwill needa flat head screwdriver.Insertthe bladeend into the lower slot of the BeltAccessdoor to releasethe lower snap.If necessary, insertthe bladeend intothe uaperslot to releasethe uppersnap. Examinethe belt for breakage.If brokenreferto pages19-20. 0 Cleaner not picking up solution. PossibleCauses ReadyToolsdial may beat the wrongsetting for the cleaningjob. NozzleWindowmay not be properlyattached. Tank-in-Tanklid s not properlyinstalled. Remedies Set ReadyTools dial to eitherToolsor PreTreator FloorCleaning. Pressdownfirmly on the blackoval gasketat the top windowto makesure the two tabs on the backof the Nozzle Windoware snappedintothe mating slots in the main housing. Re-installlid; referto the Features section. Tank-in-Tankis not propertyseated. Tank-In-Tankmust befirmly seatedto function;removeandreseatTank-in-Tank. Poortoolposition /Handheldattachments only). Adjustangle;applymoredownward pressure. Tank-in-Tank haspickedup maximumdirtywater. EmptyTank-in-Tank, referto the Featuressection. Forinformationaboutrepairsor replacementparts,or questionsabout your warranty,call: BISSELLConsumer Services 1-800-237-7691 Monday - Friday Saturday 8 a.m. -- 10 p.m. EST 9 a.m. m 8 p.m. EST Or write: BISSELLHOMECAREN3 POBox 3606 SrandRaoids MI 49501 ATN: ConsumerServices Orvisit_neBISSELL_ eoszte WhencontactingBISSEL. navemoaelnumberof unit available, Pleaserecordfour Model _lumber: Pleaserecordyour PurchaseDate: NOTE: Pleasekeepyouroriginalsalesreceipt.It providesproofof dateof purchasein theeventof a warrantyclaim.See"About YourWarranty" onpage24 for details. Pleasedo not returnthis Droauo[[o [ne store @ Item Part No. Part Name 1" 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 210-9201 603-0910 210-9148 210-1197 214-9131 014-9142 215-9155 015-9043 015-4439 015-9041 210-1785 210-1795 210-1651 010-6214 210-7635 210-3510 014-9865 210-4052 015-0628 20 015-0621 21 015-3500 4" SmallAreaTool 6" StairTool SprayingCreviceTool TurboBrush ® BareFloorTool PreTreat Wand ToughStainBrush TankAssemblyComplete TankLid Assemby TankBottom SmartMix ®Bottle ncluoesCap! SmartMix ® CapAssembly FlowIndicatorCaD FlowIndicatorO-Ring FlowIndicatorRotor FlowIndicatorFilte_ FloorNozzleWindowancGasket WindowGasket ReplacementPumpBelt zl* (WithInstructions ReplacementBelt (WithInstructions', LintScreen 3* _r 6* *Notall partsare includedwith everymodel. 7* I B I I 11 13 12 © 1A --15 16 19 2O 0 This warramy gives you suecific ega rlgms ann you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state. If you nee(] a(](]Eiona ns_ruc_onregarding this warranty or have questions regarding what it may cover oleasecomac_BISSELLConsumer Services by E-mail, telephone, or regular mail as descr 9eu uelow. LIITted OneYearWarranty Subjec_to the *EXCEPTIONSAND EXCLUSIONSidentifiedbelow,upon receiptof the product BISSELL domecareInc.will reuair or reulacewen newor remanufacturedcomponentsor products),at BISSELUs option,free of chargefrom the dateof surcnaseDythe original uurcnaser,for one yearanydefectiveor malfunctioningpart. See information below on "if your BISSELLoroauc_should require service". Thiswarrantyappliesto productusedfor oersonalann not commercialor rentalservice.Thiswarranty doesno_aDDlyto routinemaintenancecomponentssucnas filters,belts,or brushes.Damageor malfunctioncausedby negligence,abuse,qeglect,unau_norlzea repair,or any otheruse not in accordance with the User'sGuideis no_covered. If your BISSELL product should require service: Contact BISSELLConsumerServicesto locate a BISSELLAuthorized Service Center in your area. If you need information about repairs or replacement parts, or if you have questions about your warranty, contact BISSELLConsumerServices. Websiteor E-mail: Usethe CustomerServices tab. Or Call: BISSELL ConsumerServices 1-800-237-7691 Monday- Friday8 a.m. - 10 p.m.EST Saturday9 a.m. - 8 p.m.EST Orwrite: BISSELL HomecareInc. POBox3606 GrandRapidsM149501 ATTN:ConsumerServices BISSELL HOMECARE ]NC,IS NOTLIABLEFORNCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OFANYNATURE ASSOCIATED WITHTHEUSEOFTHISPRODUCT. BISSELL'S LIABILITY WILLNOTEXCEED THEPURCHASE PRICEOFTHEPRODUCT. Somes_ates conoralnwthe excusionor limitation of inclaenral or consequential damages, satheabovelimitationarexclusian maynot aPPly _DyOU "EXCEPT ONSANDEXCLUSIONS FROMTHETERMSOFTHELIMITEDWARRANT THISWARRANTY ISEXCLUSIVE ANDIN LIEUOFANYOTHERWARRANTIES EITHER ORALORWRITTEN. ANYIMPLIEDWARRANTIES WHICHMAYARISEBYOPERATION OFLAW,INCLUDING THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES 0E MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARELIMITED TO THEONEYEARDURATION FROMTHEDATEOFPURCHASE ASDESCRIBED ABOVE Somes[a[esao not allow ilml[arlons an nowlong aRimplleawarramy the abovelimitationmaynat applyta you. @2003 BISSELLHOMECARE, Inc. GrandRapids,Michigan All rights reserved.Printedin USA. PartNumber310-5904 Rev07/03 Visit our websiteat: @ Scotchgardis a trademark of 3M
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