Bk 4050B Series Programming Manual User
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PROGRAMMING MANUAL Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator MODEL: 4050B Series (4053B, 4054B, 4055B) Table of Contents 1.1. About Commands & Queries __________________________________________ 1 1.2. Table of Commands & Queries _________________________________________ 2 1.3. IEEE 488.2 Common Command Introduction ______________________________ 4 1.4. Output Command ___________________________________________________ 9 1.5. Basic Wave Command _______________________________________________ 10 1.6. Arbitrary Wave Command ___________________________________________ 11 1.7. Modulate Wave Command ___________________________________________ 13 1.8. Sweep Wave Command _____________________________________________ 17 1.9. Burst Wave Command_______________________________________________ 19 1.10. Parameter Copy Command ___________________________________________ 22 1.11. Sync Command ____________________________________________________ 22 1.12. Number Format Command ___________________________________________ 23 1.13. Configuration Command _____________________________________________ 23 1.14. Buzzer Command __________________________________________________ 24 1.15. Screen Save Command ______________________________________________ 24 1.16. Clock Source Command _____________________________________________ 24 1.17. Frequency Counter Command ________________________________________ 25 1.18. Invert Command ___________________________________________________ 26 1.19 Coupling Command _________________________________________________ 26 1.20 Voltage Overload Command __________________________________________ 27 1.21 Store list command _________________________________________________ 28 1.22 Get arbitrary wave data command_____________________________________ 28 1.19. Virtual key command _______________________________________________ 31 1.20. Harmonic Command ________________________________________________ 31 1.23 Waveform Combining Command ______________________________________ 32 1.24 IP Command ______________________________________________________ 33 1.25 Subnet Mask Command _____________________________________________ 33 1.26 Gateway Command _________________________________________________ 34 1.27 Index _____________________________________________________________ 1 1.1. About Commands & Queries This section lists and describes the remote control commands and queries recognized by the instrument. All commands and queries can be executed in either local or remote state. The description for each command or query, with syntax and other information, begins on a new page. The name (header) is given in both long and short form, and the subject is indicated as a command or query or both. Queries perform actions such as obtaining information, and are recognized by the question mark (?) following the header. 1.3.1 How they are listed The descriptions are listed in alphabetical order according to their short form. 1.3.2 How they are described In the descriptions themselves, a brief explanation of the function performed is given. This is followed by a presentation of the formal syntax, with the header given in Upper-and-Lower-Case characters and the short form derived from it in ALL UPPER-CASE characters. Where applicable, the syntax of the query is given with the format of its response. 1.3.3 When can they be used? The commands and queries listed here can be used for 4050 Series arbitrary/function waveform generators. 1.3.4 Command Notation The following notation is used in the commands: < > Angular brackets enclose words that are used placeholders, of which there are two types: the header path and the data parameter of a command. := A colon followed by an equals sign separates a placeholder from the description of the type and range of values that may be used in a command instead of the placeholder. { } Braces enclose a list of choices, one of which one must be made. [ ] Square brackets enclose optional items. … An ellipsis indicates that the items both to its left and right may be repeated a number of times. 1 1.2. Table of Commands & Queries Short Long Form Subsystem Function *IDN *IDN SYSTEM Get identification from device. *OPC *OPC SYSTEM Get or set the OPC bit (0) in the Event Status Register (ESR). *CLS *CLS SYSTEM Clear all the status data registers. *ESE *ESE SYSTEM Get or set the Standard Event Status Enable register (ESE). *ESR *ESR SYSTEM Reads and clears the contents of the Event Status Register (ESR). *RST *RST SYSTEM Initiate a device reset. The *RST recalls the default setup. *SRE *SRE SYSTEM Set or get the bit settings of the Service Request Enable Register (SRE). *STB *STB SYSTEM Read the contents of the 488.2 defined status register (STB), and the Master Summary Status (MSS). *TST *TST SYSTEM Perform an internal self-test and the response indicates whether the self-test has detected any errors. CHDR COMM_HEADER SIGNAL Sets or gets the command returned format OUTP OUTPUT SIGNAL Set or get output state. BSWV BASIC_WAVE SIGNAL Set or get basic wave parameters. Turns on or off channel signal. ARWV ARBWAVE SYSTEM Change arbitrary wave type. MDWV MODULATEWAVE SIGNAL Set or get modulate wave parameters. SWWV SWEEPWAVE SIGNAL Sets or gets sweep parameters. BTWV BURSTWAVE SIGNAL Set or get burst wave parameters. PACP PARACOPY SIGNAL Copies parameters from one channel to the other. SYNC SYNC SIGNAL Set or get in-phase signal. NBFM NumBer_ForMat SYSTEM Sets or gets data format. SCFG SYSTEM_CONFIG SYSTEM Changes system load data of power on. BUZZ BUZZER SYSTEM Set or get buzzer State. SCSV SCREEN_SAVE SYSTEM Sets or gets screen save state. ROSC ROSCILLATOR SIGNAL Set or get clock source. FCNT FREQCOUNTER SIGNAL Sets or gets frequency counter parameters. INVT INVERT SIGNAL Set or get output signal phase state. COUP COUPLING SIGNAL Sets or gets coupling parameters. VOLTPRT VOLTPRT SYSTEM Sets or gets state of over-voltage protection. STL STORELIST SIGNAL Lists all stored waveforms. 2 WVDT WVDT SIGNAL Sets and gets arbitrary wave data. VKEY VIRTUALKEY SYSTEM Sets the virtual keys. HARM HARMonic SIGNAL Sets or gets harmonic information. CMBN CoMBiNe SIGNAL Sets or gets wave combine information. SYST:COMM: SYSTEM:COMMU SYSTEM The Command can set and get system IP address. LAN:IPAD NICATE: SYSTEM The Command can set and get system subnet mask. SYSTEM The Command can set and get system Gateway. LAN:IPADDRESS SYST:COMM: SYSTEM:COMMU LAN:SMAS NICATE: LAN:SMASK SYST:COMM: SYSTEM:COMMU LAN:GAT NICATE: LAN:GATEWAY 3 1.3. IEEE 488.2 Common Command Introduction IEEE standard defines the common commands used for querying the basic information of the instrument or executing basic operations. These commands usually start with "*" and the length of the keywords of the command is usually 3 characters. 1.3.1 IDN DESCRIPTION The *IDN? Query causes the instrument to identify itself. The response comprises manufacturer, model number, serial number, software version and firmware version. QUERY SYNTAX *IDN? RESPONSE FORMAT *IDN ,, , , , , :=“BK Precision” is used to identify instrument. := A model identifier less than 14 characters. := A nine- or 10-digit decimal code . := A serial numbers about software version. := two digits giving the major release level followed by a period, then one digit giving the minor release level followed by a period and a single-digit update level (xx.y.z). EXAMPLE 1 Reads version information. *IDN? return: *IDN BK Precision,4050B,00-00-00-13-22,,20.234.3. 1.3.2 OPC DESCRIPTION The *OPC (OPeration Complete) command sets to true the OPC bit (bit 0) in the standard Event Status Register (ESR). The *OPC? query always responds with the ASCII character 1 because the device only responds to the query when the previous command has been entirely executed. QUERY SYNTAX *OPC? 4 RESPONSE FORMAT *OPC 1 1.3.3 CLS DESCRIPTION The *CLS command clears all the status data registers. COMMAND SYNTAX *CLS EXAMPLE The following command causes all the status data registers to be cleared: *CLS 1.3.4 ESE DESCRIPTION The *ESE command sets the Standard Event Status Enable register (ESE). This command allows one or more events in the ESR register to be reflected in the ESB summary message bit (bit 5) of the STB register. The *ESE? query reads the contents of the ESE register. COMMAND SYNTAX *ESE : = 0 to 255. QUERY SYNTAX *ESE? RESPONSE FORMAT *ESE EXAMPLE The following instructions allows the ESB bit to be set if a user request (URQ bit 6, i.e. decimal 64) and/or a device dependent error (DDE bit 3, i.e. decimal 8) occurs. Summing these values yields the ESE register mask 64+8=72. *ESE? Return: *ESE 72 RELATED COMMANDS *ESR 1.3.5 ESR DESCRIPTION The *ESR? query reads and clears the contents of the Event 5 Status Register (ESR). The response represents the sum of the binary values of the register bits 0 to 7. QUERY SYNTAX *ESR? RESPONSE FORMAT *ESR : = 0 to 255 EXAMPLE The following instruction reads and clears the content of the ESR register: *ESR? Return: *ESR 0 RELATED COMMANDS 1.3.6 *CLS, *ESE RST DESCRIPTION The *RST command initiates a device reset. The *RST recalls the default setup. COMMAND SYNTAX * RST EXAMPLE This example resets the signal generator: *RST 1.3.7 SRE DESCRIPTION The *SRE command sets the Service Request Enable register (SRE). This command allows the user to specify which summary message bit(s) in the STB register will generate a service request. A summary message bit is enabled by writing a ‘1’ into the corresponding bit location. Conversely, writing a ‘0’ into a given bit location prevents the associated event from generating a service request (SRQ). Clearing the SRE register disables SRQ interrupts. The *SRE? query returns a value that, when converted to a binary number represents the bit settings of the SRE register. Note that bit 6 (MSS) cannot be set and it’s returned value is always zero. COMMAND SYNTAX *SRE : = 0 to 255 6 QUERY SYNTAX *SRE? RESPONSE FORMAT *SRE EXAMPLE The following instruction allows a SRQ to be generated as soon as the MAV summary bit (bit 4, i.e. decimal 16) or the INB summary bit (bit 0, i.e. decimal 1) in the STB register, or both are set. Summing these two values yields the SRE mask 16+1 = 17. *SRE? Return: *SRE 17 1.3.8 STB DESCRIPTION QUERY SYNTAX The *STB? query reads the contents of the 488.2 defined status register (STB), and the Master Summary Status (MSS). The response represents the values of bits 0 to 5 and 7 of the Status Byte register and the MSS summary message. The response to a *STB? query is identical to the response of a serial poll except that the MSS summary message appears in bit 6 in place of the RQS message. *STB? RESPONSE FORMAT *STB : = 0 to 255 EXAMPLE The following reads the status byte register: *STB? Return: *STB 0 RELATED COMMANDS *CLS, *SRE 1.3.9 TST DESCRIPTION The *TST? query performs an internal self-test and the response indicates whether the self-test has detected any errors. The self-test includes testing the hardware of all channels. Hardware failures are identified by a unique binary code in the returned number. A “0” response indicates that no failures occurred. 7 QUERY SYNTAX *TST? RESPONSE FORMAT *TST : = 0 self-test successful The following causes a self-test to be performed: TST? Return(if no failure): *TST 0 EXAMPLE RELATED COMMANDS *CAL 1.3.10 CHDR DESCRIPTION This Command is used to change query command return format. SHORT parameter is return short format. LONG parameter is return long format. Off is that command header and parameter unit will not return. COMMAND SYNTAX Comm_HeaDeR := {SHORT,LONG,OFF} QUERY SYNTAX Comm_HeaDeR? RESPONSE FORMAT SYNC EXAMPLE 1 CHDR LONG Set query command format to long. EXAMPLE 2 Read query command format. CHDR? return: COMM_HEADER LONG 8 1.4. Output Command DESCRIPTION COMMAND SYNTAX Enable or disable the output of the [Output] connector at the front panel corresponding to the channel. The query returns ON or OFF and “LOAD”, “PLRT” parameters. :OUTPut :={C1, C2} := {a parameter from the table below} Parameters Value Description ON --- Turn on OFF --- Turn off LOAD Value of load ( default unit is ohm ) PLRT Value of polarity parameter < load>:= {please see the note below.} QUERY SYNTAX : OUTP(OUTPut)? RESPONSE FORMAT : OUTP EXAMPLE Turn on channel one. C1: OUTP ON Read channel one output state. C1: OUTP? Return: C1: OUTP ON, LOAD, HZ, PLRT, NOR Set the load to 50. C1: OUTP LOAD, 50 Set the load to HZ. C1: OUTP LOAD, HZ Set the polarity normal. C1: OUTP PLRT, NOR Set the polarity inverted. 9 C1: OUTP PLRT, INVT 1.5. Basic Wave Command DESCRIPTION COMMAND SYNTAX Set or get basic wave parameters. If Wave Combine is turned on, it is not possible to set the wave to square because combining a square waveform is not possible. :BaSic_WaVe :={C1, C2} := {a parameter from the table below} Parameters Value Description WVTP Type of wave FRQ Value of frequency. If wave type is Noise or DC, you can’t set this parameter. PERI Value of period. If wave type is Noise or DC, you can’t set this parameter. AMP Value of amplitude. If wave type is Noise or DC, you can’t set this parameter. OFST Value of offset. If wave type is Noise or D C, you can’t set this parameter. SYM Value of symmetry. Only when wave type is Ramp, you can set this parameter. DUTY Value of duty cycle. Only when wave type is Square and Pulse, you can set this parameter. PHSE Value of phase. If wave type is Noise or P ulse or DC, you can’t set this parameter. STDEV Value of Noise wave standard deviation. Only when wave type is Noise, you can set this parameter. MEAN Value of Noise wave mean. Only when wave type is Noise, you can set this parameter. Note: if the command doesn’t set basic wave type, the parameter will set parameters to current device wave type by default. where: :={SINE, SQUARE, RAMP, PULSE, NOISE, ARB ,DC} := {Default unit is "Hz". Value depends on the model.} := {Default unit is "V". Value depends on the model.} 10 := {Default unit is "V". Value depends on the model.} := {0% to 100%. Value depends on frequency.} :={ 0% to 100%} := {0 to 360,if you set 400,it will set 40 (400-360)} < standard deviation >:= {Default unit is "V". Value depends on the model.} := {Default unit is "V". Value depends on the model.} := {Max_width < (Max_duty * 0.01) * period and Min_width > (Min_duty * 0.01) * period.} := {Value depends on the model.} := {Value depends on the model.} := {Unit is S. Maximal is Pulse period, minimum value is 0.} := {ON,OFF} := {value between 20MHz and 120MHz} QUERY SYNTAX : BaSic_WaVe? :={C1, C2} RESPONSE :BSWV , , , , , , , , , , , , . EXAMPLE 1 change channel one current wave type to ramp. C1:BSWV WVTP,RAMP EXAMPLE 2 Changes current signal frequency of channel one to 2000 Hz. C1: BSWV FRQ, 2000 EXAMPLE 3 set current signal amplifier of channel one. C1: BSWV AMP, 3 EXAMPLE 4 reads channel basic wave parameters from device. C1:BSWV? Return: C1:BSWV WVTP, SINE,FRQ,100HZ,PERI,0.01S,AMP,2V, OFST,0V,HLEV,1V, LLEV,-1V,PHSE,0 RELATED COMMANDS ARWV, BTWV, CFG, CPL, MDWV, SWWV 1.6. Arbitrary Wave Command DESCRIPTION Sets and gets arbitrary wave type. 11 COMMAND SYNTAX Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Name StairUp StairDn StarUD Ppulse Npulse Trepezia Upramp Dnramp ExpFal ExpRise LogFall LogRise Sqrt Root3 X^2 X^3 Sinc Gaussian Dlorentz Haversine Lorentz Gauspuls Gmonopuls Tripuls Cardiac Quake Chirp Twotone SNR Hamming Hanning Kaiser Blackman Gausswin :ArbWaVe INDEX, :ArbWaVe NAME, :={C1, C2} : the table below shows what the index number and its corresponding waveform name. < value2>: For user-defined waveforms, this is the name of the waveform. It is case-sensitive. Index 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Name RoundHalf RoundsPM BlaseiWave DampedOsc SwingOsc Discharge Pahcur Combin SCR Butterworth Chebyshev1 Chebyshev2 TV Voice Surge Radar Ripple Gamma StepResp BandLimited CPulse CWPulse GateVibr LFMPulse MCNoise AM FM PFM PM PWM EOG EEG EMG Pulseilogram Index 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 12 Name LFPulse Tens1 Tens2 Tens3 Airy Besselj Bessely Dirichlet Erf Erfc ErfcInv ErfInv Laguerre Legend Versiera Weibull LogNormal Laplace Maxwell Rayleigh Cauchy CosH CosInt CotH CscH SecH SinH SinInt TanH ACosH ASecH ASinH ATanH ACscH Index 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Name SquareDuty16 SquareDuty18 SquareDuty20 SquareDuty22 SquareDuty24 SquareDuty26 SquareDuty28 SquareDuty30 SquareDuty32 SquareDuty34 SquareDuty36 SquareDuty38 SquareDuty40 SquareDuty42 SquareDuty44 SquareDuty46 SquareDuty48 SquareDuty50 SquareDuty52 SquareDuty54 SquareDuty56 SquareDuty58 SquareDuty60 SquareDuty62 SquareDuty64 SquareDuty66 SquareDuty68 SquareDuty70 SquareDuty72 SquareDuty74 SquareDuty76 SquareDuty78 SquareDuty80 SquareDuty82 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Triangle BlackmanH Bartlett-Ha nn Tan Cot Sec Csc Asin Acos Atan Acot Square SinTra SineVer AmpALT AttALT 84 85 ResSpeed ECG1 134 135 ACotH Bartlett 184 185 SquareDuty84 SquareDuty86 86 ECG2 136 BohmanWin 186 SquareDuty88 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ECG3 ECG4 ECG5 ECG6 ECG7 ECG8 ECG9 ECG10 ECG11 ECG12 ECG13 ECG14 ECG15 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 ChebWin FlattopWin ParzenWin TaylorWin TukeyWin SquareDuty01 SquareDuty02 SquareDuty04 SquareDuty06 SquareDuty08 SquareDuty10 SquareDuty12 SquareDuty14 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 SquareDuty90 SquareDuty92 SquareDuty94 SquareDuty96 SquareDuty98 SquareDuty99 demo1_375pts demo1_16kpts demo2_3kpts demo2_16kpts Note: Index is only available for built-in waves and Name is only available for user defined wave. QUERY SYNTAX :ARWV (ARbWaVe)? :={C1, C2} RESPONSE FORMAT :ARWV EXAMPLE 1 Set StarUp arbitrary wave output by index. ARWV INDEX, 2 EXAMPLE 2 Reads system current wave. ARWV? Return: ARWV INDEX,2,NAME,stairup Set Atan arbitrary wave output by name. ARWV NAME, ATAN EXAMPLE 3 RELATED COMMANDS BSWV 1.7. Modulate Wave Command DESCRIPTION Set or get modulated wave parameters. 13 COMMAND SYNTAX Parameters :MoDulateWaVe :={C1, C2} := {a parameter from the table below. } Value Description STATE Turn on or off modulation. Note: if you want to set or read other parameters of modulation, you must set STATE to ON at first. AM, SRC AM signal source. AM, MDSP AM modulation wave. Only when AM signal source is set to INT, you can set the param eter. AM, FRQ AM frequency. Only when AM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. AM, DEPTH AM depth. Only when AM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. DSBAM, SRC DSBAM signal source. DSBAM, MDSP DSBAM modulation wave. Only when AM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. DSBAM, FRQ DSBAM frequency. Only when AM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. FM, SRC FM signal source. FM, MDSP FM modulation wave. Only when FM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. FM, FRQ FM frequency. Only when FM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. FM, DEVI FM frequency deviation. Only when FM signal source is set to INT. you can set the parameter. PM, SRC, PM signal source. PM, MDSP PM modulation wave. Only when PM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. PM, FRQ PM frequency. Only when PM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. PWM, FRQ PWM frequency. Only when carrier wave is PULSE wave, you can set the parameter. PWM, DEVI Duty cycle deviation. Only when carrier wave is PULSE wave, you can set the parameter. PWM, MDSP PWM modulation wave. Only when carrier wave is PULSE wave, you can set the parameter. PWM, SRC PWM signal source. PM, DEVI PM phase deviation. Only when PM signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. ASK, SRC ASK signal source. frequency 14 ASK, KFRQ ASK key frequency. Only when ASK signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. FSK, KFRQ FSK key frequency. Only when FSK signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. FSK, HFRQ FSK hop frequency. FSK, SRC FSK signal source. PSK, KFRQ PSK key frequency. Only when PSK signal source is set to INT, you can set the parameter. PSK, SRC PSK signal source. CARR, WVTP Carrier wave type. CARR, FRQ Value of carrier frequency. CARR, AMP Value of carrier amplitude. CARR, OFST Value of carrier offset. CARR, SYM Value of carrier symmetry. Only ramp can set this parameter. CARR, DUTY Value of duty cycle. Only square and pulse can set this parameter. CARR, PHSE Value of carrier phase. CARR, RISE Value of rise time. Only Pulse can set this parameter. CARR, FALL Value of fall time. Only Pulse can set this parameter. CARR, DLY Value of carrier delay. Only PULSE can set this parameter. Note: If Carrier wave is Pulse or Noise, the modulation waveform cannot be set. To set AM, FM, PM, CARR and STATE the first parameter have to be one of them. where: :={ON,OFF} := {INT,EXT} :={SINE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, UP RAMP, DNRAMP, NOISE, ARB} := {Default unit is "Hz". Value depends on model} := {0% to 120%} := {Default unit is "Hz". Value depends on model) :={ 0 to carrier frequency, Value depends on the difference between carrier frequency and bandwidth frequency.} :={Default units are in “Hz”. Value depends on model} := {0° to 360°} := {0Hz to 4kHz } := { Default unit is "%",value depends on carrier duty cycle} := Default units are in “Hz”. Value depends on 15 model} :={Default units are in “Hz”. Value depends on model} := { the same witch basic wave frequency} :={SINE ,SQUARE, RAMP, ARB, PULSE } := { Default units are in “Hz”. Value depends on model} :={Default units are in “Volts”. Value depends on model} :={ Default unit is "V".} :={0% to 100 %.} :={ 0% to 100%} := {Value depends on the model.} := {Value depends on the model.} := {Default unit is "S".} QUERY SYNTAX :MoDulateWaVe? :={C1, C2} RESPONSE FORMAT :MoDulateWaVe :={return all parameter of the current modulation wave parameters.} EXAMPLE 1 Set channel one modulation type to AM. C1:MDWV AM EXAMPLE 2 Set modulation shape to AM, and set AM modulating wave shape to sine wave. C1:MDWV AM, MDSP, SINE EXAMPLE 3 Reads channel one modulate wave parameters that STATE is ON. C1:MDWV? Return: C1:MDWV STATE,ON,AM,MDSP,SINE,SRC,INT,FRQ,100HZ,DEPTH,100,CARR,WVTP ,RAMP,FRQ,1000HZ,AMP,4V,OFST,0V,SYM,50 EXAMPLE 4 Reads channel one modulate wave parameters that STATE is OFF. C1:MDWV? Return: C1:MDWV STATE,OFF EXAMPLE 5 Set channel one Fm frequency to 1000HZ C1:MDWV FM, FRQ, 1000HZ 16 EXAMPLE 6 Set the value of channel one carrier wave shape to SINE. C1:MDWV CARR,WVTP,SINE EXAMPLE 7 Set the Value of channel one carrier wave frequency to 1000Hz. C1:MDWV CARR,FRQ,1000 RELATED COMMANDS ARWV, BTWV, SWWV, BSWV 1.8. Sweep Wave Command DESCRIPTION Set or get sweep wave parameters. COMMAND SYNTAX : SWeepWaVe) :={C1, C2} := {a parameter from the table below. } Parameters Value Description STATE Turn on or off sweep wave. Note if you want to set or read sweep wave parameters, you must first enable sweep mode. TIME