Blue Sky Wireless 19548668048 Stunt Flyer-Quadcopter User Manual Book1
Blue Sky Wireless, LLC Stunt Flyer-Quadcopter Book1
User Manual
The kmledge and saletyrnmes below ale useful lor cu m (he rmmmml world. ens: read this manual carefully balm: o rali lll's duct and kee itpfgrfilmwlmermce. p 1. THE PROD PACKAGING CONTENTS The prmemive Imme X4 WEE USB Charger x1 2 THE INSTALLATION OF BATTERY OF REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE Open the hallary cuvsr an Inn hack of remote conImIIaL Insan 4X1 5V “AA" bananas in accmdanca win the inswmns on battery box {Ballery should be purchased SeparnIer. old and new or d‘fiewnl Types uI bananas shouldn‘t be mixed ) \\,J ‘-_ .,/ / cw mo batlcry ccvcr on the um u' m Lullvollu Cnmnm X1 (Purchase Sepamter) Ballury x1 K .—; / Card rsacer X1 (Mm SoaamIer} =u in 4 AA ba'verissr Please Tallow ay 1m: rightward ‘ ' sigma: the claw: showm -2- Inslmmlnn hnnk X’I J1EE SD Card x1 [Purchase Sepa'ale y) Enliery HE BATTERY CHARGING OF FLYING DEV‘CE 3 1 Ta msnrt me malgel mm the rivihan 919mm supp‘y, lha iudlmur shnws glean IghL' 3 2 In remove the hatlery (mm the flying device. anc Insert the batter plug Into the socket oi rmrger far battery chargwrg 3,3 In the process of battery charglng. Iha Indutor shows red light after MI charging the indicatcr changes light (mm rod 10 glean Mat: The rarginglmcb abuutZ hours L‘ ‘P" |','mer Bansrv 4 QUADCOF‘TER ASSEMBL‘NG 4.1 Pvapam smaw driver. hva nk a! and pmled cover 4.2 {used the two sans bracke‘s Into me brackethoIea at the brmom 01 the quadcnpmr (as p‘ctum Shawn), (.3 Insert lour pmmlion covers moths rides of the he protection Dover, wnrch beside the four blades and use lhs smaw knife 10 luck four screws Ilghdy. 4.4 Each paddle of flymg device are 001 same. on each made is marked with "A" or ‘E '. When installlng of paddle. [:4 case pcflorm corrcmly installation acwdiug lo the wrrespuuding labem as shown in figure below, When paddm Is nul curredly Installed, flying device ain‘t lake 01", roll over. and skau rug fly. HEI 6 THE OPERATION AND CONTROL OF FLYING DEVICE The la". cnnlml level controls the rising and falling of flymg device. The Ian comm lever 15 I0 conlml turning left r'nghl oI flying device _4_ The right wntrol lever is to control airuatt lett and right side fly 7. FINE- STMENT Whel‘ the flying device In in the flight. II appears deviations (turning Ieit’vight marching/retreating lcmright side); it is to adjust mom by turning the nppnsitinn directior cnrmfipnnding siighl keys Fm example: the flying dewce Is dewated to front. so 1: I5 to admel by turning [he backward ‘marchingiretreating slight" key as shown in figure, 8. THE SETTINGS OF SENSITIVIT This section can be implemented three kinds of aircraft operating modes: low [40%) - Intermediate (70%) - Advanced (100%) Stubbs switch an the remote control to the lett oi the lower made (sensitivity up to 40%), to the middie at the intermediate mode (up to 70% sensitivity)‘ to me right IS the advanced mode (up to 100% sensmvny). . THE ROLLING MODEL The flying device can perform rolling flight of 360 degrees by following operation. In order to better implement rolling function, and endure flying device Is kept me meters height above the ground, It Is better to operate rolling in the process of rising up. In this case. the flying device can be kept with height alter flying device periorms rolling action. rm Len mos somersault: Click "mode of conversion". and then push the right-central lever to tan in maxrmum, Amer the ttying devlce rolls, rt Is to turn control leverto the middle position. 5.2 Right Side somereaull Click "mode of conversion”. and men push‘the nghtmntml lever to . right In maxrrr-ym. After the ltylng devtce rolls. vt_|s to turn cuntml lever to the middle position. 9 3 Front somersaull' Click "mode of oonvetsion". and then push the right—comml lever to tront in maximum. After the flying device rolls. ii is to turn cuutvul lever to the middle position. 9 4 Backward somersault' Click "mode of conversion" and than ush the nghtmntml lever in ackward in maximum. After the flying device rolls. it Is to turn control lever lathe middle posmun. 10 HEADLESS MODE WITH ONE KEY RETURN That islnfighL no "mart-Mal menial mam is. m matterntlatdmm it‘s amine. as lmg at; dick on the headess rnoee W. amen: imp m aircraft Wit. When 1011mm almrarlngit h§ yw vetylarwhen you ooqld no: tellthe direction, then click onme headless rmcle key. you an not ieoogwlze the dream to oonlml the summit retum‘ ream-i key mark the atlcmfirllmclhn nllhe vehicle wl minimallmly mm 10.10Ht1e wee oftne airu'eltrnust head toward me ‘rur't (arrear headless mode and automatic mode openng Greene" ml neiurn dcnrdov) 10.2 Wd‘her mm use the headless mode. aids ontne leafless mode Key. the vetlc‘ e W1" ammlly look the lemon . 10.3 When you do not use the neaaess moce. then click the needless mode bumnwenl the needless mode 10.4 When you wmttoeubnsllely 'eth. dimthe button mautorrmmllyrelim lhea'aalt 15in the direction olleireoll mi be autoimtmlty refunded 10.5 Antonella relum pruness can be wnzrubd mmually about the Ulruclion 0‘ the éu'rrrdfl. panning tremetlck (award to exit automate rctum Minion. “'3”th Twin W less VlSiUl and pedestrians at m placewlh WE almraft 50 as [D W UnnSOGSSZV DESES! 11. THE APPLICATlON OF CAMERA 11.1 Afler connected With power supply of flying device. men I: Is to man 4;) remote control cevroe and roofreadm ol codes 11.2 a turn up 9 ‘camerg" key on the remote contml device. and then lhe camera will take a photo lcamera's blue Ilghl Willflash one lime) 11.3 To turn up the ‘camera key on the remote control dense. and then the camera l.inll enter to mode of camera (camera; red light Will keep flash ng). and turn down the ‘camem" key on the remote control deVIce. at this moment. the camera returns from camera mode. 11.4 To exit the camera mode, then turn 011 the power. and finally remove out the SD card. 12. TROUBLE SHOOTING DURING FLlGHT m— Iznxxwrg a» am I rn him fiflw‘,,“,flfi,:fj.":,fl:fifl "5 Umhle no blnd Io trenamnter aspect the pawel up imd 2mg pmcess N: mus in End input 3 PWW‘; lu Irarvsn mug-v.- mwver, ‘ "I In" mmwgflzflum "em . . N . ‘ one: wan-19's manner , ’Lebaflyr‘rsm W7 ho vehmv any oaths-y IS w W, 2. Um filly ”’9.“ Minimal ”we“ '3 ‘gr‘nmc‘e' '4. PM Ecmm on tram ts’wllnlih, 3 Ruse! ha tatim' and 8W” G00“ m‘tncl cement-m heme/MM! Mn‘fll HMS rd W5 '3 We . _ rUlly creme the MI!!!» Dr ‘0me with a sflmeevar LE) fiestas. "9“ “"5" W7 W‘Mv 'IJ'y charged batman I . f _ a 1 mm mm may ’ ltnplflm mar nmns ‘ W" ”W “PM“ '3‘" “"“m ° N" °” 1 Fight whale battery deflated 2 Chime u ’eolane l-lt’ Ml)‘ merged battery. 31mg vibmtm uMight veheie 1.Delo'rr|ed main beaas '. Rapiaaa mai— blades Trill mi mm rate! no aniuwm. b m‘gggfii‘fi“ “""9 2, Dwmgs: tail om makx 2 Replace in new mix» 1, Bungee tall mom ’ Raglan! rmr mazes Flight 'rohckl still woman thaId ‘ ' TM bcc' WI Hfino-firo tt'o _ Wmmm 5 Flight uehcle sun modem rem ngh: 1. tWro‘V '. Replace tt'e mm am trim acjustmcnt during hover 2. Com lose: 2. mtaloc tght om: ACCESSORIES / \ K \ / \ / \ CL, f. \' VI '. l I I, \ \ 7, :2 ’ x. /' '\. / ‘ \ ’ The upper cover The hmmm mver The pfiflfl‘es A]? The proteuive frame 0' machlm body a! mamlna body ’ f f \, r \ / \ / \ ’ .$ -‘ A I: . y m. u I /. ‘7" r—"' ‘ 9 fl \‘ v ,_ .1 ‘ - - ) \ / \ / \ / \ / Undevoa niawe Maw seat Battery Camera / \ / x , x \ I ' ' ‘ r' .4‘ / \_ / \ ./ so CardfCard reader Receiver Board Navigafinn Iighlcouer The main rower l/ ‘\_ “\ (r / x‘ g . . , S - O O I I a), a \\ / \ l A/ \ ,/ \ / Main motorA/B Satewdriver USB Charger Remole Comm CEOCJ—if’éi‘é 8— Fcc ID: M319546668048 This device crannies vn'th Part 15 of Ire FCC Rules Operation is suljedlo the rum Mo confioru: (1) this deuce may not cause narrrrul imerrerence. and (2) this Mice nusl accept any inrerrerence received, indudng interterence that maycause undesired operations caufionz‘l'he user is cautioned that changes or modfications not expressly approved hythe party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to compty with the limits for a Gass B diglal device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These linits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation, This equipment generates, uses and can radate ratio frequency energy and, if rid installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful interference to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that interference will not oocur'll a particular installation If this equ‘pment (hes cause harmful interference to ratio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment at and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient orrelomte the receiving antenna — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit (ifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer orarr experienced radio/TV technician forhelp,
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No Author : Administrator Create Date : 2016:07:14 14:14:45+08:00 Modify Date : 2016:07:22 15:10:35+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Format : application/pdf Title : Book1 Creator : Administrator Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Metadata Date : 2016:07:22 15:10:35+08:00 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:bc716149-5a51-41d8-be12-aed014f78264 Instance ID : uuid:e0c028e8-6a8b-45da-b47d-948097ed9926 Page Count : 9EXIF Metadata provided by