Boly Media Communications SG983G Scouting Camera/Trail Camera User Manual

Boly Media Communications (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Scouting Camera/Trail Camera Users Manual

User manual

Infrared Mobile Digital Scouting CameraUser’s ManualSG983G series
ContentInstruction.................................................. .1 General Description...................................... .2 Application.............................................. .3 Camera Overview........................................ .4 Shooting Information Display...............................5 Two Way Communication................................. Cautions.................................................... Quick Start Guide............................................ .1 Power Supply............................................ .2 Insert SD card and SIM card............................... .3 Do the Camera Settings................................... .4 Manually Send a MMS or GPRS Photo..................... .5 SMS Control............................................ Advanced Operations........................................ .1 Work Mode............................................. .2 Settings Menu.......................................... 4.2.1 Setting Items....................................... 4.2.2 Default Set......................................... .3 Use the Remote Control.................................. .4 Load or Remove a Wireless Sensor........................ .5 Change the Settings via Android APP or SMS............... .6 User Level...............................................7 Use Android APP........................................ .8 SMS Command List..................................... Appendix I: PIR Detection Zone.................................Appendix II: Error Code....................................... Appendix Ⅲ: Technical Specifications........................... Appendix Ⅳ:PartsList........................................ 
SG983G series   1 Instruction1.1 General DescriptionThis camera, a digital scouting camera with 3Gcommunication function, is a digital infrared surveillancecamera, triggered by any movement of human or animalmonitored by a high sensitive Passive Infrared (PIR) motionsensor, and then automatically captures high quality pictures(up to 30M pixels) or records video clips (1080 FHD). It sendspicture instantly to your mobile device or video (less than 10M)to your e-mail via GPRS network. You’ll be alerted just whenthe camera is triggered or per custom settings.It takes color pictures or videos under sufficient daylight.While at night, the built-in infrared LEDs can help to take clearpictures or videos (monochrome).There is a 3” color LCD display screen on the camera and asound recorder embedded in the camera. A laser pointer is usedto help target the photo area of the camera.It is resistant against water and snow. The camera can alsobe used as a portable digital camera.1.2 ApplicationThis camera can be used as an automatic surveillancedevice for guarding and recording unexpected intrusion tohomes, shops, schools, depots, offices, taxis, work sites, etc. Itcan also be used as a trail camera for hunting or monitoringanimals by recording the traces of wild animals. It can be leftalone for weeks and months and it will save event recordsautomatically in digital format.
SG983G series   1.3 Camera OverviewTake a few moments to familiarize with the cameracontrols and displays. It is helpful to bookmark this section andrefer to it when reading through the rest of the manual.Figure 1 Diagram of camera functional indicators
SG983G series   Figure 2 Inner panel viewFigure 3 Diagram of camera interfaces
SG983G series   1.4 Shooting Information DisplayWhen the camera is turned on (the power switch is slid toSETUP position), the current settings will be displayed onscreen.Figure 4 Shooting information displayis the correct SIM card status and the available spaceof SD card should be a none zero value.1.5 Two Way CommunicationYou can set SMS control submenu as ON to open the twoway communication function. Under this setting, the cameracan receive and respond to your SMS command or the AndroidAPP command.This camera can send pictures instantly to your mobiledevice via WCDMA/GSM(GSM not work in USA and Canada)network. You’ll be alerted just when a picture or video has beentaken. The camera sends MMS or Email message throughMMSC(MMS Service Center) or GPRS network, so before usingthis function, you need to open MMS and GPRS service from
SG983G series   your service provider. It supports following bands :GSM with850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz ;WCDMA with850MHz, 900MHz, 1900MHz and 2100MHz.
SG983G series   2 CautionsThe working voltage of the camera is 6V. The camera issupplied by the power adapter or 8 AA batteries.Please install batteries according to shown polarity.Please insert the SD card before power on camera. Thecamera has no internal memory for saving images or videos.The camera will not work if there is no SD card.Please unlock the write-protect switch before inserting theSD card.Please do not insert or take out the SD card when the powerswitch is at ON position.Please make sure that your SIM card supports the MMS andGPRS data business.When going into the SETUP mode, allow approximately10-20 seconds for the camera to acquire a signal.It is recommended to format the SD card by the camerawhen used for the first time. Many other SD cards formattedby other cameras have poor compatibility with differentbrands of cameras. So it is best to format the SD card withthis camera or on a computer.In the SETUP mode, the camera will shut downautomatically after 3 minutes if no operation is done. Pleaseturn on the power again if you want to continue to work withthe control.
SG983G series     3 Quick Start Guide3.1 Power SupplyUse 8 AA batteries. High-density and high-performancealkaline or lithium batteries are recommended.Also 6V external power supply and solar panel aresupported. The battery can be just a backup for emergency use(6V support).3.2 Insert SD card and SIM cardInsert an unlocked SD card and an available MMS andGPRS enabled SIM card.3.3 Do the Camera SettingsDown load the camera set-up software (BMC-config) fromour website.The specified website is written in the last page ofthe manual.1) Open the software and select camera model:
SG983G series     2) Set the camera parametersFirst, select your country and carriers (step1) according toyour SIM card and input your receiving phone number in“administrator number” and receiving e-mail address in“Receive Email 1”(step3). For first time use, we suggest youto use default settings (step2), any settings you want to change,please click “Change Setting”.3) Do WAP/Internet settings
SG983G series     After finish above settings, click “Check WAP/InternetParameters” to check whether you have all parameters filled in.Then save the GSM folder to the root directory of your SD card(step4).If your country or SIM card operator is not in the list, try tofind “Others”, then ask the SIM card operator for theparameters you need(MMS URL, MMS APN, Port, MMS IP,Account, Password, GPRS APN,GPRS account, GPRS password)
SG983G series     and fill in. Also you need to fill in some parameters(send emailserver, port, email address and password) of an email accountas sending email. We suggest you use a gmail.Note, only SMTP is supported by the camera when sendingemail.If you use an SSL email such as Gmail as sending email,please click “Advanced”button to mark it.3.4 Manually Send a MMS or GPRS PhotoAfter you generate a setting file in your SD card, please slipthe power switch to SETUP position. Whenthe camera acquires signal and the SIMcard icon appears, target an object andpress “SHOT” to take a photo manually.Then press “OK” to playback thephotos, press “▲”and“▼”toswitchtoprevious or next photo. Press “MENU” andyou can see a Send Phone [MMS]/EmailGPRS interface, press “OK” to send outthe MMS or Email.After a few seconds (Usually less than1Min), you will receive an MMS in your
SG983G series     phone or Email in your mailbox.3.5 SMS ControlWhen the camera is working, you can send a text message“#T#” to your camera’s SIM card number to get an on spotimage or use our Android application tools. Note you need toset SMS control as ON when using SMS command.Down load the Android control software from our website.The specified website is written in the last page of the manual.For iPhone, just download it from the App Store bysearching BGTools.
SG983G series    4 Advanced OperationsThis chapter explains the advanced operations forcustomizing the camera settings.4.1 Work ModeSetup mode: to program camera or to playback thephotos or video clips.Hunting mode:whenanimalorhuman intrudes into the monitoringregion, the camera will take pictures orvideos automatically according to theprevious programmed settings.Afterswitching the camera to ON position,the motion indication LED (red) willblink for about 10 seconds. This time interval is for you toposition the camera for automatic surveillance operation.Security mode:similartohunting mode, but needs morepower to supply. So it’ssuitablefor indoor use and needs to usethe power adapter. Onlyinsecurity mode you can use theremote control to easily arm ordisarm.If the power switch is in ON position and the SecurityMode is ON, the camera will work in Hunting Mode.4.2 Settings MenuPress MENU on the keyboard to enter into the menusetting. The settings menu will be shown on the LCD.Use “▲”or“▼” key to select the menu item, use “►”
SG983G series    or “◄” to change different item pages or select the differentoptions. Press “OK” to save the settings.4.2.1 Setting ItemsSettingItemsDescriptionCameraModeThere are three camera modes: Photo,Video and Pic+Video. You can enter the mainmenu to set the camera mode. If you choosePic+Video mode, the camera takes a picturewith a video clip.SecurityModeTo set if you will use security mode. Securitymode is suitable for indoor use. You need touse the power adapter to power supply. Thebattery can be just a backup for emergencyuse. Otherwise, the battery will be quicklyconsumed. The remote control is availableonly when Security Mode is ON.Photo Size Choose the image size: 14MP, 20MP or30MP.Video Size Choose the video size: 1920x1080,1280x720 or 640x480.Photo BurstThis parameter affects the number ofpictures taken for each triggering in cameramode. It’s from “1 Photo” to “3 Photos”.VideoLengthChoose duration of recording a video. It’sfrom 5 seconds to 180 seconds.Set ClockSet cameradate andtime.You can change the date and time by settingthis parameter when necessary, e.g., afterevery battery change. The date format can bechanged, the time format is hour: minute:second.
SG983G series    Time LapseTime lapse means the camera can captureimages or videos at a preset time intervalregardless of whether motions are detected.The default parameter is Off, which means thetime lapse function is disabled. Changing thisparameter to a non-zero value turns on theTime Lapse mode, and camera will takephotos at given time interval.Please note that if the PIR Trigger is set toOff,thenTimeLapsecan’tbesettoOff.PIR TriggerChoose sensitivity of the PIR. The highersensitivity indicates that the camera is moreeasily triggered by motion and takes morepictures or records more videos. It isrecommended to use high sensitivity in roomor environment with little interference, and touse lower sensitivity for outdoor orenvironment with lots of interference like hotwind, smoke, near window, etc. For normaluse of the camera, the Normal mode isrecommended and is the default setting.PIR IntervalThis parameter indicates how long the PIR(Passive Infrared motion sensor) will bedisabled after each triggering in ON mode.During this time the PIR of the device will notreact to the motion of human (or animal).The minimum interval is 0 second. It meansthe PIR can work all the time.Work DayChoose the days of the week to let thecamera work.ThisitemisavailableonlyinSecurityMode.Work Hour Choose a time period of a day to let thecamera work. The camera will awake at the
SG983G series    setting time duration in a day. In the rest ofthetimethecameraissleeping.SetWorkHour as off means the camera works all day.Send toThere are 2 Send to modes:1 Phone MMS: send images to mobilephone.2 Email GPRS: send images to an e-mailaddress via GPRS use SMTP.You should set your receiving phonenumber and your receiving e-mail address inthe APP program to function it.Send ModeThere are 4 Send modes: “Manual” works inSETUP mode ,“Daily” and “Instant” work inON mode. “OFF” means to close thecommunication function.1. “Manual”:Choose “Manual” in SETUP mode. Pleaseensure a SIM card is inserted properly. Videoinformation can’t be sent in SETUP modewhen you choose Phone MMS; but you cansend photos or videos( less than 10M) whenyou choose Email GPRS.2. “Daily”:Daily means the camera will report thesummarized information at a preset time (ifthe preset time is, eg. 20:00 PM) on howmany pictures it had taken per day. So, youwill get a summarized text message until20:00 PM.If it is on Photo or Pic+Video mode, thecamera will send an MMS at the preset time.The MMS will show you the latest photo andthe total quantity of the pictures taken. If it is
SG983G series    on Video mode, the camera will send a SMS orvideo at the preset time. The SMS will showyou how many video clips the camera hastakenwithin24hours.If you choose “Daily”, you need to set thedaily report time: xxH, xxM.3. “Instant”:Instant, just works in ON mode, whichmeans the camera will send an MMS to yourphone instantly after it captures a photo or toyour email with a Video( less than 10M). Youcan choose the number of pictures you want itto send out per day.If it is on Photo mode and you choose theInstant mode, and set the MAX number as 10,the camera will send 10 MMS within 24 hours.It then continues to capture photos and savethem on the SD card. After 24 hours, thecamera will send MMS again when it capturesphotos. If it is on Video mode, the Camera willsend only SMS instead of MMS when send tois set as Phone MMS.If you choose “Instant”, you need to set howmany MMS you want to send for economicconsideration.4. “Off”: to disable communication function.SMS ControlSMS Control can enable two waycommunication functions. It means if youchoose SMS Control as ON, this camera canreceive and respond to your SMS command.Also you can retrieve live pictures any time.But the power consumption will be a littlemore than normal hunting status.Game Call It means this camera can play audio file at a
SG983G series    preset time clock for preset times.The audio file must be saved in the directoryof \DCIM\BMCIM\ with a name ofAUDIxxxx(from 0000 to 9999).WAV afterformat the SD card and setting the game callas on mode, or choose the audio file(format ofWAV, AVI,MP3) in Windows APP. Note thatGame Call will not function if the SD card isfull or there is a trigger when it is time toplayback the audio.Study CodeIt means to pair the camera with a specified433MHz wireless device, such as PIR sensor,wireless door magnet, wireless smokedetector, etc. The specified wireless sensor canbe set as part of the alarm system.Alldeviceshouldbepairedwiththiscamerafirst. Please see following chapters to find themethod to connect or remove a wirelesssensor.Please note this item is available only inSecurity Mode.Language Choose the language you need.Beep Sound Enable or disable the beep sound.CameraPositYou can set A-Z position for your camera, sothat you can distinguish which photo is takenby which camera.Format SD Format the SD card. All images and videosin the SD card will be deleted.Default Set Restore all customer settings to defaultvalues.Version Version information
SG983G series    4.2.2 Default SetSetting Items Default Options DescriptionCameraModePhoto Video,Pic+VideoSecurityModeOff OnPhoto Size 30MP 20MP14MPVideo Size 1920x1080 1280x720640x480Photo Burst 1 Photo 2-3 PhotosVideo Length 10 Sec. 5-180 Sec.Set Clock Enter Adjust ClockTime Lapse OFF 5Min-8HPIR Trigger Normal High, Low,OffPIR Interval 5 Sec 0-55 Sec,1-60 MinWork Day EnterWork Hour Off 00:00-23:59Send to Phone[MMS]Email[GPRS],Send Mode Manual Daily,
SG983G series    Instant,OffSMS Control On Off Two waycommunicationGame Call Off On Set the time andfrequency ofaudio playbackStudy Code EnterLanguage English Suomi,Deutsch,Svenskt,DanskNorsk,češtinaItaliano,PусскийBeep Sound On OffCamera Posit Off AtoZPositionFormat SD Enter Yes, NoDefault Set SaveVersion Enter
SG983G series    4.3 UsetheRemoteControlWhen it’s in Security Mode,youcanusetheremotecontrol to easily arm (button A) or disarm (button D). Alsoyou can dial the emergency numbers via button C in case ofemergency. Press button B to open or close the laser (youcan easily mount the camera with the help of the laserpointer).Button A: Arm the cameraButton D: Disarm the cameraButton C: Emergency call buttonButton B: Laser pointerSetup status Study Code Menu Study Code MenuMethod to add remote control(s) to the camera:Set Security Mode as On, Enter the Setup status, pressMenu and enter the Study Code submenu. Choose “RCH,”
SG983G series    press OK button, then press button Aof the remote control .When it's successful, there will be a "√” before RCH.Note, it has not entered Security mode even you setsecurity mode as on, you need to press the left key to entersecurity mode quickly or wait for about two minutes tillthere is an “A” instead of “S” on the display screen.4.4 Load or Remove a Wireless SensorWe support three customized kinds of 433MHZsensors, infrared body sensor, wireless door magnet andwireless smoke detector that can be set as an alarm sensorof the camera.Method to load or remove a wireless sensor:1. Power on the wireless sensor.2. Enter the Setup status, press Menu and enter intothe Study Code submenu. Choose a zone, for exampleZone1, press OK button, then trigger the wireless sensor tocheck if the sensor is loaded successfully. When it'ssuccessful, there will be a "√” after the zone number.For example,to load a infrared body sensor :1. Choose a zone to start study code;2. Power on and trigger the wireless sensor;3. When you want to remove the wireless sensor,please enter the study code menu, press “◄”or “►”button to cancel the “√.”Please note that the wireless sensors just can be usedin Security Mode. In Hunting Mode, the wireless sensorswill not function.
SG983G series    
SG983G series    
SG983G series    4.5 Change the Settings viaAndroidAPP or SMSWhen you are far away from your house, you can getspot photos or change camera settings via our androidapplication tools or SMS.4.6 User LevelThere are two user levels: administrator and normalusers. Each user has a different authorization level:Functions User LevelSet administratorphone numberOnlyadministrator’s passwordSet administrator’s password administratorSet camera parameters administrator
SG983G series    Set normal user administratorReceive emergency calling administrator, normal userSend SMS for on spot picture administratorReceive MMS when triggered administrator, normal userCheck camera status administrator, normal userGet help information administrator, normal user4.7 UseAndroidAPPIt’s easy to use the Android APP to communicate withthe camera, so you don’t need to edit the SMS. You justneed to click the button to finish the operation.4.8 SMS Command ListIf you can’t use the Android APP for easy operation,the list below shows all the SMS commands for you. Youcan control your camera via SMS.A. Set Network Parameters
SG983G series    No Function SMS Command1 Set NormalUsers PhoneNumber#n#13800138001#13800138002#13800138003#2 Set MMSParameters#m# name#password#(The example parameters are for thecarrier of China Mobile) Set Normal ControlNo Function SMS Command1 Get On SpotPhoto#T# (Send MMS to phone)#T#E#(Send to email by GPRS)4 Check CameraSettings#L#5 Format SDCard#F#6SetAdministrator’sPassword#P#0000# (It’s suggested that theadministrators password be changed atthe beginning)7Help #H#C. Set Menu ParameterNo Function SMS Command1 ChangeCamera Mode#e#cp# (photo mode) or #e#cv# (videomode) or #e#ct#(pic+video)2 Change PhotoSize#e#s5# (5mp) or #e#s10# (10mp)
SG983G series    3 Change PhotoBurst#e#b1# (1~6 photos)4 Change VideoSize#e#fh#(720p) or #E#fl#(VGA)5 Change VideoLength#e#v5# or #E#v30# (the number after Vis seconds)6 Change DateTime#e#t# (adjustment the time)7 Change TimeLapse#e#l1h# (1 hour) or #e#l5m# (5 min)8 Change PIRTrigger#e#po# (Off) or #e#ph# (High) or#e#pn# (Normal) or #e#pl# (Low)10 Change PIRInterval#e#i30m# (30min) or #e#i30s# (30sec)11 Change SendTo#e#mp# (phone) or #e#me# (email) or#e#mc# (call) or #e#mg# (e-mail gprs)12 Change SendMode#e#ed# (daily) or #e#ei10# (to setinstant mode and the max number perday) or #e#eo# (off) or#e#em#(Manual)13 Change GameCall#e#gon18:00[5]# or #e#goff#15 ChangeCameraPosition#e#oa# (a~z) to set the camera positionfunction#e#ooff# to off the camera positionfunction16 Change WorkHour#e#hoff# or #e#hon10:00-18:00#
SG983G series  Ⅰ:    Appendix I: PIR Detection ZoneFigure 5 shows Bolymedia’s 5 kinds of detection range atdifferent detection angles. This camera is super long range with60 degree.Figure 5 PIR Detection ZoneThe PIR detection angle (α) is just smaller than the field ofview (FOV) angle (β). The advantage of this design is to reduceempty picture rate and capture most, if not all, motions.Figure 6 Detection anglevs.FOVangleThis camera has a new design of PIR and the new PIR is
SG983G series  Ⅰ:    patented. The new patented PIR’s detection range can reach to100ft (in good environments). Figure 7 shows the compareddetection zone between normal PIR and the new patented PIR.Figure7Comparison ofDetection Zones ofnew andexistingPIRs
SG983G series AppendixⅡ: Error Code Appendix II: Error CodeCode Meaning DescriptionNon-existentaddressPossible cause:1. The user forgets to input the receivingcellphone number.2. The user forgets to input the receivingE-mail address.Suggestion:1. Check the MMS settings, input all thenecessary parameters.File not foundPossible cause:1. The file means the image file. Itshows that the system can’t find theimagefilewhensendingtheMMS.Just when the system is unstable, itwill happen (very small probability).Suggestion:1. When the GSM and GPRS signal areboth OK, please resend again.2. When the GSM and GPRS signal arepoor, please change a place to try again;3. If 1 and 2 do not work and the errorcode 3919 always appears, please sendthe camera back for repairs.MMS busy;Sending MMSstopped;Sending MMSbusyPossible cause:When start a new MMS sendingprocedure, the previous MMSsending is not finished, so it willshow these information. This is ainner use error, we have the correctprogrammer design, so it won’thappen in the consumer’s side.Suggestion:
SG983G series AppendixⅡ: Error Code If it always shows 3926,3927 or 3928,maybe there is a hardware defect.Please send camera back for repair (verysmall probability).Failed toopennetwork;Networknotdeactivated;NetworkerrorPossible cause:1. The GSM network is not good or notwell covered with the GPRS network.2. The instability in signal transmissionleads to some MMS setting parametersmissing when the GSM base station dothe data analysis. If for the incorrecttransmission reason, the camera mayshow various error code.Suggestion:1. Contact the network provider if theGPRS network is well covered in thatarea.2. Change a place to try again. It’s betterto try in a public place, where there isalways good signal.3. If the provider said there is GPRSsignal covered but the signal is weak,you can try to use a enhanced antennathat is SMA type with antenna gain of10db.Notenoughbalance inSIM card;MMSPossible cause:1. The SIM card is not enough balance.2. Not correct settings.3.The GSM network is not good leading toatimeoutproblem(verysmallprobability).Suggestion:
SG983G series AppendixⅡ: Error Code setting error; 1.Please check to make sure your SIMcard has enough balance.2. Please check the MMS settings.Other error codeMany codes in the list are used fordebugging in the product design phase.Most of them will not be shown toconsumers, so please ignore the othererror codes and contract us directly.Thanks.
SG983G series Appendix Ⅲ: Technical Specifications Appendix Ⅲ: Technical SpecificationsImage Sensor 14MP Color CMOS,20MP , 30MP InterpolationLens F/NO=2.2;FOV (Field of View)=60°PIR Detection Range 30m/100ftDisplay Screen 3’’ LCDMemory Card From 8 MB to 32 GBPicture Resolution30MP=6400×480020MP = 5184×388814MP = 4320×3240Video Resolution1080FHD(1920×1080)720P HD (1280×720)VGA (640×480)PIR Sensitivity Adjustable (High / Normal /Low/Off)Trigger Time 1 sec.Weight 0.30 kgOperation/StorageTemperature -20-+60°C/-30-+70°CPIR Interval 0 sec. – 60 min.Video Length 5–180 sec.PowerSupply 8×AAor4×AAStand-by Current < 0.25 mA (<6mAh / Day)Power Consumption400 videos(interval=5 min,video length=10 sec)>500 MMS (use 8*AAbatteries)Sound Recording AvailableMounting Rope / Belt / Python lockDimensions 147 x96 x79 mmOperation Humidity 5 % - 90 %
SG983G series Appendix Ⅲ: Technical Specifications SecurityAuthentication FCC, CE, RoHS*without battery
SG983G series Appendix Ⅳ:PartsList Appendix Ⅳ:PartsListPart Name QuantityDigital Camera oneWireless RemoteControltwoUSB Cable oneBelt oneUser’s Manual oneAntenna oneWarranty Card one433MHz WirelessSensoroptionWebsite Information:Down load the APP software from here: 1.0)
 FCC Caution:  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference  Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

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