Bosch Security Systems ATX-TRM Allplex track User Manual ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter

Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Allplex track ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter


Installation Manual

        ALLPLEX track Personnel TransmitterATX-TRM-304T01 | ATX-TRM-433T01  en Installation Manual
Table of contents1Copyright, Safety and Warranty 41.1 Copyright information 41.2 Important safety notes 51.3 Safety precautions 61.4 FCC information 62Introduction 73System Overview 84Installation and Setup 94.1 Removing the Cover 94.2 Battery 95Enabling and Disabling Features 105.1 Selecting Transmitter Radio Frequency 105.2 Factory Reset 115.3 Activating Configuration Mode 125.4 Configuring the Transmitter 125.5 Exiting Configuration Mode 126Basic Transmitter Features 136.1 Transmitting a Manual Alarm 136.2 Man-Down Alarm 136.3 Lanyard Snatch Alarm 137Wearing the Transmitter 148Testing the Transmitter 169Upgrading Transmitter Firmware 17ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Table of Contents | en 3Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Copyright, Safety and WarrantyCopyright informationAll rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, without the prior written permission of BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS. This manual is provided pursuant to a license agreement containing restrictions on their use.The manual contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information of BOSCH SECURITYSYSTEMS and is protected by international copyright law. It may not be copied or distributedto third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the said license agreement. All software is provided "AS IS." The sole obligation of BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS shall be tomake available all published modifications that correct program problems are published withinone (1) year from the date of shipment. The software is intended for use only with the hardware specified in this manual and in theabsence of other software. Concurrent use with other software or with hardware not specifiedmay cause the program to function improperly or not at all. BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS maynot provide support for systems operating under such conditions. All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. The abovenotwithstanding, BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS assume no responsibility for any errors in thismanual or their consequences. The information on this document is subject to change without notice. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of theirrespective owners.  11.14en | Copyright, Safety and Warranty ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Important safety notes1. Read, Follow, and Retain Instructions – All safety and operating instructions must beread and followed properly before putting the unit into operation. Retain instructions forfuture reference.2. Consider all Warnings – Adhere to all warnings on the unit and in the operatinginstructions.3. Accessories – Use only accessories recommended by the manufacturer or those soldwith the product. Accessories not recommended by the manufacturer shall not be used,as they may cause hazards.4. Installation Precautions – Do not place this unit on an unstable stand, tripod, bracket, ormount. The unit may fall, causing serious injury to persons and damage to the unit. Mountthe unit according to the manufacturer’s instructions.5. Service – Do not attempt to service this unit by yourself. Opening or removing covers mayexpose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified servicepersonnel.6. Damage Requiring Service – Disconnect the unit from the main AC or DC power sourceand refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:– When the power supply cord or plug is damaged.– If liquid has been spilled or an object has fallen into the unit.– If the unit has been exposed to water and/or inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.).– If the unit does not operate normally, when following the operating instructions.Adjust only those controls specified in the operating instructions. Improperadjustment of other controls may result in damage, and require extensive work by aqualified technician to restore the unit to normal operation.– If the unit has been dropped or the cabinet damaged.– If the unit exhibits a distinct change in performance, this indicates that service isneeded.7. Replacement Parts – When replacement parts are required, the service technician shalluse replacement parts that are specified by the manufacturer. Unauthorized substitutionsmay result in fire, electrical shock or other hazards.8. Safety Check – Upon completion of service or repair work on the unit, ask the servicetechnician to perform safety checks to ensure that the unit operates properly.9. Power Sources – Operate the unit only from the type of power source indicated on thelabel. If unsure of the type of power supply to use, contact your dealer.– For units intended to operate from battery power, refer to the operating instructions.– For units intended to operate with External Power Supplies, use only therecommended approved power supplies.10. Lightning – For added protection during a lightning storm, or when this unit is leftunused for long periods of time, disconnect the unit from power. This will preventdamage to the unit due to lightning and excessive power line surges.11. Restricted Access Locations are required for the installation.  1.2ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Copyright, Safety and Warranty | en 5Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Safety precautionsDisposalYour Bosch product has been developed and manufactured using high-quality materials and components that can be reused.This symbol means that electronic and electrical devices that have reachedthe end of their working life must be disposed of separately fromhousehold waste.In the EU, separate collecting systems are already in place for usedelectrical and electronic products. Please dispose of these devices at yourlocal communal waste collection point or at a recycling center.FCC informationThis device complies with Part 15 FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.1.31.46en | Copyright, Safety and Warranty ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
IntroductionThe ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitters are security transmitters designed to work with theSecurity Escort system. When an alarm is initiated, a signal identifying you and your location issent to the Security Escort Central Console. The Central Console displays your location on amap along with related information.2ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Introduction | en 7Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
System OverviewDuring an emergency, a person presses and holds the alarm button to produce an alarm.Generally the system sounders, strobes, or sirens activate within two seconds. The alarm signal transmits to the receivers which relay the alarm signal to the transponder orAT coordinator, and to the central console. The central console shows the person’s locationon a map, along with a photograph, name and vital information such as a medical condition ordisability. The transmitters are available in the following models.Transmitter Model DescriptionATX-TRM-304T01 ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter 303/304/433 MhzATX-TRM-433T01 ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter 433 Mhz38en | System Overview ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Installation and SetupThis section provides information for system planners and configurators.Removing the CoverFigure 4.1: Back of Transmitter1Retaining Screw 2 Lower Part Instructions1. Remove the belt clip, if used.2. Remove the retaining screw on the back of the enclosure.3. Use a flat-head screwdriver to pry the lower part of the front cover away from theenclosure. BatteryThe transmitter uses a CR2, 3 V lithium battery. The central console indicates when thebattery is low and needs replacement. Refer to Enabling and Disabling Features, page 10 forbattery polarity. The battery’s life depends on usage and enabled features.Notice!Batteries must not be disposed of in household waste. Please take used batteries to the localcollection points. See for further information.44.14.2ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Installation and Setup | en 9Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Enabling and Disabling FeaturesFigure 5.1: Components of the transmitter1Dip Switch for Radio Frequency 4 Test Button2 Battery Compartment (3V) 5 Lanyard3 Alarm Button  Selecting Transmitter Radio FrequencyThe radio frequency (RF) is set as 304 MHz by default. To change the RF to 303.825 MHz, setdip switch 1 to the OFF position and dip switch 2 to the ON position. To change the RF to433.42 MHz, set dip switch 1 to the ON position and dip switch 2 to the OFF position. 55.110 en | Enabling and Disabling Features ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Figure 5.2: Selecting Transmitter Radio FrequencyDiagram Radio Frequency Switch Number 1 Switch Number 21 304 MHz (default) OFF OFF2 303.825 MHz OFF ON3 433.42 MHz ON OFFUsed for Factory Reset ON ON Notice!Remove the battery before setting the dip switches.Use a white marker to indicate the configured RF on the back of the transmitter after settingthe dip switches.Changes to the dip switches should be performed by administrators only.Once the transmitter restarts after inserting the battery, the transmitter will emit a number ofbeeping tones depending on the configured RF.Radio Frequency Number of Beeping Tones303.825 MHz 1304 MHz 2433.42 MHz 3Table 5.1: Number of Beeping Tones after RestartingFactory ResetFactory reset should be performed by administrators only. Set both dip switches 1 and 2 tothe ON position. While pressing the Test and Alarm buttons, the transmitter resets afterinserting the battery. If the reset is successful, there will be 3 slow consecutive beep tonesevery 1 second. After a successful reset, select the transmitter RF by setting the dip switchesas described in Selecting Transmitter Radio Frequency, page 10. If the reset is unsuccessful,there will be 2 slow consecutive beep tones every 1 second.Refer to the following table which lists the values that are being set for the respective featuresfollowing the factory reset.Feature ValueTransmitter Type SecurityMan-Down Disabled 5.2ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Enabling and Disabling Features | en 11Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Feature ValueSupervision Tracking DisabledLanyard DisabledAutotracking Interval 7 secsSupervision Tracking Interval 90 secsTable 5.2: Factory Reset FeaturesActivating Configuration ModeConfiguration mode on the transmitter is activated by going into the test mode. Note that thismode is not available if the Man-Down or Lanyard snatch alarms are triggered and active.While holding down the Test button, press the Alarm button and release. The transmitter is inconfiguration mode once it emits 3 short and fast beep tones every 3 seconds.Configuring the TransmitterTransmitter type, Autotracking interval, Man-Down pre-beep to duration, Supervision Tracking,Man-Down and Lanyard Snatch features can be configured wirelessly on the transmitter viathe coordinator using the Central Console software. To establish communication between thetransmitter and the coordinator, you need to know their Radio IDs. Their unique Radio IDs canbe found engraved on the devices. Using the Central Console software, enable or disable thefeatures accordingly and send the configuration to the transmitter. Please refer to the SecurityEscort Technical Reference Manual for further details.Exiting Configuration ModeThe transmitter will exit configuration mode automatically once the configuration has beentransferred successfully to the transmitter. If no coordinator/receiver is present, user can exitthe configuration mode immediately by pressing the Test button. The transmitter will enteroperational mode once it exits the configuration mode.!Caution!The ALLPLEX track system is not a substitute for safe behavior. Do not take personal risksbelieving that the system will protect you. en | Enabling and Disabling Features ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Basic Transmitter FeaturesThis section provides information of the various features of the transmitter. Transmitting a Manual AlarmInitiate an alarm by pressing and holding the Alarm button for 1 second. This emits a series ofmixed tones for 2 seconds and sends an alarm signal to the Central Console. If alarm isactivated within sight of a receiver, the red LED on the receiver lights up. After initiating amanual alarm, the Auto Tracking feature sends your latest location to the Central Consoleevery 7 seconds (configurable).Reset the transmitter after a manual alarm by performing a test as described in Testing theTransmitter, page 16.Man-Down AlarmWhenever you are in a prone position (60° from upright) for more than 5 seconds(configurable), the transmitter emits a series of mixed tones for 2 seconds, and sends analarm signal to the Central Console. There are no tones or alarm signal if transmitter isrestored within 5 seconds (configurable). If alarm is activated within sight of a receiver, thered LED lights up.Reset the transmitter after a Man-Down Alarm by returning the transmitter to the uprightposition and performing a test as described in Testing the Transmitter, page 16.Lanyard Snatch AlarmInitiate an alarm by pulling the lanyard off the transmitter. This emits a series of mixed tonesfor 2 seconds, followed by short beeps at 250 millisecond intervals. The transmitter sends analarm signal to the Central Console. If activated within sight of a receiver, the red LED of thereceiver lights up. The Auto Tracking feature sends the latest location to the Central Consoleevery 7 seconds (configurable).To reset the transmitter after a Lanyard Snatch Alarm, reinsert the lanyard pin and perform atest as described in Testing the Transmitter, page track Personnel Transmitter Basic Transmitter Features | en 13Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Wearing the TransmitterThis transmitter includes a clip you can wear over a pocket/belt, or firmly fixed to a belt.Figure 7.1: Belt Clip Attachment1Side view of clip 4 Screw holes (mandatory)2 Clip 5 Screw holes (optional)3 Back of transmitter   714 en | Wearing the Transmitter ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
To wear the transmitter over a pocket/belt, secure the clip to the transmitter at the two toppositions (no. 4) using the screws provided. To fix the transmitter firmly on a belt, secure theclip to the transmitter at the two top positions (no. 4), and at the bottom location (no. 5)using the screw that secures the battery door.The clip is designed to be worn on a security type utility belt. If worn on a thin belt, be awarethat a loose fit might cause the transmitter to send a Man-Down Alarm (if enabled) when youmove too much.ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Wearing the Transmitter | en 15Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
Testing the TransmitterTest your transmitter by standing within sight of a receiver or siren-strobe. While holdingdown the Test button, press the Alarm button until the transmitter emits 3 short beep tones. Atest transmission is sent to the Central Console, lighting the green LED on a receiver or thestrobe on an outdoor siren-strobe. There might be a brief delay of 2 to 3 seconds before theflashing light appears.If the receiver’s LED or the strobe does not light to confirm a successful test transmission,retest the transmitter. If you still do not receive confirmation, contact the securitydepartment.816 en | Testing the Transmitter ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL Installation Manual Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Upgrading Transmitter FirmwareTransmitter firmware can be upgraded wirelessly via a dedicated coordinator using the UtilityTool of the Security Escort software. For more information on the usage of Utility Tool, pleaserefer to the Security Escort Installation and Setup Manual.9ALLPLEX track Personnel Transmitter Upgrading Transmitter Firmware | en 17Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Installation Manual 2014.03 | V1.0.0 | DL
  Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd11 Bishan Street 21573943© Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, 2014

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