Brightstar A765X Mobile Phone User Manual

Brightstar Corporation Mobile Phone

User manual

1  Content Get Started ......................................................................... 2 Insert SIM card ...................................................................... 2 Charge the Battery or Connect to a Computer ...................... 2 Keys and Parts .................................................................... 3 Lock and Unlock the Screen ................................................ 4 Make it yours ..................................................................... 5 Add Widgets and more icons to Home Screen .................... 6 Add widgets and icons to home screen ................................. 6 Rearrange  or  remove  widgets  and  icons  on  your  Home screen .................................................................................... 6 Enter Launcher ................................................................... 7 Open and Switch Applications ............................................... 7 Switch to Recently Used Application ..................................... 8 Make a Call ......................................................................... 9 Call Log ............................................................................. 10 Reject a Call by Sending a Busy Message .......................... 11 Add a Contact ................................................................... 11 Send and Receive Message(s) ........................................... 12 Browse the Web ............................................................... 14 Enjoy Music ...................................................................... 15 Download Applications From Android Market .................. 16 Manage Applications/ Move to SD card ............................ 17 Bluetooth ......................................................................... 18 Wi-Fi ................................................................................. 25 Maintenance & Safety ...................................................... 30
2  GGeett  SSttaarrtteedd  IInnsseerrtt  SSIIMM  ccaarrdd  TThhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  aa  DDuuaall  SSIIMM  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee  aalllloowwiinngg  yyoouu  ttoo  uussee  tthhee  ffaacciilliittyy  ooff  ttwwoo  nneettwwoorrkkss..  TToo  iinnsseerrtt  SSIIMM  ccaarrdd((ss))::  11..  SSwwiittcchh  ooffff  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee  aanndd  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  rreeaarr  ccoovveerr..  22..  IInnsseerrtt  tthhee  SSIIMM  ccaarrdd  ccoorrrreeccttllyy  iinn  tthhee  ccaarrdd  sslloott((ss))  ((SSeeee  ffiigguurree  bbeellooww))                CChhaarrggee  tthhee  BBaatttteerryy  oorr  CCoonnnneecctt  ttoo  aa  CCoommppuutteerr  YYoouu  ccaann  cchhaarrggee  yyoouurr  bbaatttteerryy  uussiinngg  tthhee  cchhaarrggeerr  oorr  ccoonnnneecctt  tthhee  UUSSBB  ccaabbllee  ((ssuupppplliieedd  wwiitthh  tthhiiss  pphhoonnee))  ttoo  tthhee  ccoommppuutteerr..  YYoouu  ccaann  uussee  aa  sshhiieellddeedd  UUSSBB  ccaabbllee  ccoonnnneeccttiinngg  ttoo  tthhee  ccoommppuutteerr  ffoorr  ddaattaa  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn..             SIM1 Card SIM 2 Card
3 KKeeyyss  aanndd  PPaarrttss  The smart phone supports 3G Card and gives you marvelous feelings to experience on Camera, Video recorder, FM radio, Music and Sound recorder. Let you install various APPs, games, and more (supports APK format) by downloading from Android Market.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             USB jack  Volume Up/down Camera Lens LCD Receiver Headset port Power   Front camera Menu Home Back
4 LLoocckk  aanndd  UUnnlloocckk  tthhee  SSccrreeeenn  Press power  button to enter Sleep  mode  and  meanwhile the  screen will  be  locked; press  power button again  to  wake  up  and  then  drag the lock to the right side to unlock.
5 MMaakkee  iitt  yyoouurrss  11))  HHoommee  ssccrreeeenn::  IItt  iiss  yyoouurr  ssttaarrttiinngg  ppooiinntt  ttoo  aacccceessss  aallll  tthhee  ffeeaattuurreess  oonn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  IItt  ddiissppllaayyss  aapppplliiccaattiioonn  iiccoonnss,,  wwiiddggeettss,,  sshhoorrttccuuttss,,  aanndd  ootthheerr  ffeeaattuurreess..    22))  NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  BBaarr::  AAtt  tthhee  ttoopp  ooff  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn,,  tthhee  SSttaattuuss  bbaarr  ddiissppllaayyss  tthhee  ttiimmee,,  ssttaattuuss,,  aanndd  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonnss..  IIff  tthheerree  iiss  aa  nneeww  mmeessssaaggee,,  mmiisssseedd  ccaallll  oorr  ssoommeetthhiinngg  iinn  tthhee  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  bbaarr,,  yyoouu  ccaann  ddrraagg  iitt  ddoowwnn  ttoo  ooppeenn  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  ppaanneell  aanndd  cclliicckk  tthhee  ddeessiirreedd  oonnee  ttoo  hhaavvee  aa  vviieeww..  WWhheenn  yyoouu  ffiinniisshheedd,,  yyoouu  ccaann  cclloossee  iitt  bbyy  ddrraaggggiinngg  tthhee  ppaanneell  uupp  oorr  pprreessssiinngg  ““BBaacckk””..  33))  LLaauunncchheerr::  TToouucchh  tthhee  LLaauunncchheerr  iiccoonn  aatt  tthhee  bboottttoomm  ooff  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  ttoo  vviieeww  aallll  iinnssttaalllleedd  aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..
6 AAdddd  WWiiddggeettss  aanndd  mmoorree  iiccoonnss  ttoo  HHoommee  SSccrreeeenn  AAdddd  wwiiddggeettss  aanndd  iiccoonnss  ttoo  hhoommee  ssccrreeeenn  Enter  Launcher  and  long  press  and  hold  an  application  till  the  app displays on the home screen, and then release your finger hold. RReeaarrrraannggee  oorr  rreemmoovvee  wwiiddggeettss  aanndd  iiccoonnss  oonn  yyoouurr  HHoommee  ssccrreeeenn    a). Long  press  and hold  the  widget or  icon you  want to move. Once “Remove” appears, don't release your hold on the icon and drag the widget or icon to a new location on the screen. b). Press and hold on icon for several seconds, and drag the widgets or icon to remove!
7 EEnntteerr  LLaauunncchheerr  OOppeenn  aanndd  SSwwiittcchh  AApppplliiccaattiioonnss  TThhee  LLaauunncchheerr  hhoollddss  iiccoonnss  ffoorr  aallll  ooff  tthhee  aapppplliiccaattiioonnss  oonn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  aannyy  aapppplliiccaattiioonn  tthhaatt  yyoouu  ddoowwnnllooaaddeedd  ffrroomm  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMaarrkkeett  oorr  ootthheerr  ssoouurrcceess..  OOnn  tthhee  HHoommee  ssccrreeeenn,,  ttoouucchh  tthhee  LLaauunncchheerr  IIccoonn  ttoo  ooppeenn  tthhee  mmaaiinn  mmeennuu..                         PPrreessss  HHoommee  iiccoonn  oorr  BBaacckk  iiccoonn  ttoo  cclloossee  tthhee  LLaauunncchheerr..                  TToouucchh  aann  aapppplliiccaattiioonn  ttoo  ooppeenn  iitt..  SSlliiddee  tthhee  LLaauunncchheerr  lleefftt  oorr  rriigghhtt  ttoo  bbrriinngg  mmoorree  iiccoonnss  iinnttoo  vviieeww..
8 SSwwiittcchh  ttoo  RReecceennttllyy  UUsseedd  AApppplliiccaattiioonn  PPrreessss  aanndd  hhoolldd  tthhee    iiccoonn  ffoorr  aa  ffeeww  sseeccoonnddss..        TToouucchh  ttoo  ooppeenn  tthhee  aapppplliiccaattiioonn
9 MMaakkee  aa  CCaallll    OOnn  tthhee  ssttaarrtt  ssccrreeeenn  cchhoooosseeaanndd  eenntteerr  aa  ccoommpplleettee  pphhoonnee  nnuummbbeerr  ttoo  mmaakkee  aa  ccaallll..                                      SSlliiddee  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  ttoo  rriigghhtt   SSlliiddee  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  ttoo  rriigghhtt   Make a call
10 CCaallll  LLoogg  IInn  ccaallll  lloogg  ooppttiioonnss,,  yyoouu  ccaann  MMaakkee  aa  ccaallll,,  aadddd  nneeww  ccoonnttaacctt  aanndd  sseenndd  mmeessssaaggee  eettcc..             TToouucchh  tthhee  iiccoonn  ttoo  ddiiaall  oouutt..  TToouucchh  tthhee  iiccoonn  ttoo  vviieeww  ddeettaaiillss  ooff  tthhiiss  ccaallll  lloogg..      SShhoorrtt  pprreessss  tthhiiss  ppllaaccee  ttoo  aadddd  tthhee  nneeww  CCoonnttaacctt..
11 RReejjeecctt  aa  CCaallll  bbyy  SSeennddiinngg  aa  BBuussyy  MMeessssaaggee  While  there  is  an  incoming  call, you  are  inconvenient  to  accept  the call, and then you can send a busy message for rejecting the call. Drag  the  circle  up  to ,  some  busy  messages  will  show  on  the screen, short tap any of them to send out.    AAdddd  aa  CCoonnttaacctt  Tap and enter Contacts and then add a contact (see figure below.) Tap “ ” to add a new contact to Phone or SIM card.
12 SSeenndd  aanndd  RReecceeiivvee  MMeessssaaggee((ss))  EEnntteerr  MMeessssaaggiinngg,,  aanndd  tthheenn  ccoommppoossee  nneeww  mmeessssaaggee..  YYoouu  ttoouucchh  aa  tteexxtt  ffiieelldd  wwhheerree  yyoouu  wwaanntt  ttoo  eenntteerr  tteexxtt,,  ttoo  ooppeenn  tthhee  kkeeyybbooaarrdd..                                    aa..  WWhheenn  yyoouu  aarree  ccoommppoossiinngg  aa  nneeww  tteexxtt  mmeessssaaggee,,  yyoouu  ccaann  sseelleecctt  tteexxtt  ffoorr  ccuuttttiinngg  oorr  ccooppyyiinngg..  TThhee  sseelleecctteedd  tteexxtt  iiss  hhiigghhlliigghhtteedd  iinn  bblluuee..  TToouucchh  tthhee  tteexxtt  ffiieelldd  oorr  ppoorrttiioonn  tthhaatt  ccoonnttaaiinnss  tteexxtt..  ((sseeee  tthhee  bbeellooww  ffiigguurree))  YYoouu  ccaann  sseelleecctt  aallll  ccoonntteexxttss,,  ccooppyy,,  ccuutt  aanndd  ppaassttee..  bb..  WWhheenn  aa  nneeww  mmeessssaaggee  ccoommeess,,  yyoouu  ccaann  rreeaadd  bbyy  ddrraaggggiinngg  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  ppaanneell  aanndd  cclliicckk  tthhee  mmeessssaaggee,,  oorr  eenntteerriinngg  MMeessssaaggee  ttoo  rreeaadd  iitt  ddiirreeccttllyy..      TTaapp  tthhiiss  ttoo  sseelleecctt  ddeessiirreedd  ccoonnttaacctt  ffrroomm  pphhoonneebbooookk..    TToouucchh  oonnccee  ttoo  ccaappiittaalliizzee  tthhee  nneexxtt  lleetttteerr  yyoouu  ttyyppee..  TToouucchh  aanndd  hhoolldd  ffoorr  ccaappss..  PPrreessss  ssppaaccee  oorr  aa  ppuunnccttuuaattiioonn  mmaarrkk  ttoo  eenntteerr  tthhee  hhiigghhlliigghhtteedd  ssuuggggeessttiioonn..
13                         11..  LLoonngg  pprreessss  oonnee  ooff  tthhee  aallll  mmeessssaaggee  tthhrreeaadd,,  yyoouu  ccaann  ddeelleettee  tthhee  mmeessssaaggee  tthhrreeaadd..  22..  TToouucchh  aanndd  hhoolldd  aa  mmeessssaaggee  iinn  aa  mmeessssaaggee  ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn  wwiinnddooww..                        33..  TToouucchh  FFoorrwwaarrdd  iinn  tthhee  mmeennuu  tthhaatt  ooppeennss..  44..  AAdddd  aa  ccoonnttaacctt..  55..  TToouucchh  SSeenndd  iiccoonn  ttoo  sseenndd  tthhee  mmeessssaaggee..  Touch to lock the message.  Tap to forward the message.  TTaapp  tthhiiss  ttoo  sseelleecctt  aallll..  PPaassttee  CCooppyy  CCuutt
14 BBrroowwssee  tthhee  WWeebb  SSwwiittcchh  oonn  DDaattaa  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn  oorr  WWiiFFii                                                TTiippss::  TToo  bbrroowwssee  tthhee  wweebb,,  yyoouu  nneeeedd  sswwiittcchh  oonn  DDaattaa  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn..  IIff  tthheerree  iiss  WWiiFFii  aarroouunndd,,  yyoouu  ccaann  sswwiittcchh  oonn  WWiiFFii  ttoo  uussee  iitt  bbrroowwssee  tthhee  wweebb..  SSoommee  mmaayy  nneeeedd  ppaasssswwoorrdd..    TToouucchh  iitt  ttoo  sswwiittcchh  oonn  oorr  ooffff  DDaattaa  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn
15 EEnnjjooyy  MMuussiicc  WWhheenn  yyoouu  ccooppyy  mmuussiicc  ttoo  yyoouurr  SSDD  ccaarrdd,,  tthhee  MMuussiicc  ppllaayyeerr  sseeaarrcchheess  tthhee  ccaarrdd  ffoorr  mmuussiicc  ffiilleess  aanndd  bbuuiillddss  aa  ccaattaalloogg  ooff  yyoouurr  mmuussiicc,,  bbaasseedd  oonn  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  aabboouutt  eeaacchh  ffiillee  tthhaatt  iiss  ssttoorreedd  iinn  tthhee  ffiillee  iittsseellff..                                       TToouucchh  aa  ttaabb  ttoo  vviieeww  yyoouurr  lliibbrraarryy  iinn  oonnee  ooff  ffoouurr  wwaayyss..  TToouucchh  ttoo  ooppeenn  tthhee  aallbbuumm,,  ssoonnggss  oorr  ppllaayylliisstt..
16 DDoowwnnllooaadd  AApppplliiccaattiioonnss  FFrroomm  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMaarrkkeett  aa..  AAdddd  aa  GGooooggllee  aaccccoouunntt                        bb..  EEnntteerr  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMaarrkkeett  ((PPllaayy  SSttoorree))  aanndd  ddoowwnnllooaadd  aappppss..
17 MMaannaaggee  AApppplliiccaattiioonnss//  MMoovvee  ttoo  SSDD  ccaarrdd  EEnntteerr  SSeettttiinngg  >>AAppppss,,  tthheenn  mmaannaaggee  tthhee  aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..    AAss  yyoouu  iinnssttaallll  ddoowwnnllooaaddeedd  AAppppss,,  yyoouu  nneeeedd  sswwiittcchh  oonn  ““UUnnkknnoowwnn  ssoouurrcceess””  iinn  SSeeccuurriittyy  sseettttiinnggss..
18 BBlluueettooootthh  Using Bluetooth Bluetooth  is  a  short-range  wireless  communications technology  that  allows  devices  to  exchange  information over a distance of about eight meters without requiring a physical connection.   Turn  off  Bluetooth  when  not in  use  to  conserve  battery power,  or  in  places  where  using  a  wireless  device  is prohibited, such as on board an aircraft and in hospitals.    Turning Bluetooth on or off   1. Press HOME > Applications> MENU>Settings > Wireless & networks   2.    Select or clear the Bluetooth check box.   An even easier way to turn Bluetooth on or off is with the Bluetooth icon on the Status Bar.  Changing the phone name   The phone name identifies your phone to other devices.   1. Press HOME >Applications>MENU>Settings > Wireless & networks   2.    If the Bluetooth check box is not selected, select it to turn Bluetooth on.   3.    Tap Bluetooth settings > Device name.    Connecting a Bluetooth headset or car kit   You can listen to music over a Bluetooth stereo headset, or  have  hands-free  conversations  using  a  compatible
19 Bluetooth headset or  car kit. It's the same procedure to set up stereo audio and hands-free.   For you to listen to music with your headset or car kit, the headset  or  car  kit  must  support  the  A2DP  Bluetooth profile.   1. Press HOME > MENU>Applications> Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings 2.  If  Bluetooth  is  not  switched  on,  tap  the  Bluetooth check box to switch it on.   3.  Make  sure  that  the  headset  is  discoverable,  so  that your  phone  can  find  the  headset.  Refer  to  the instructions that came with the headset to find out how to set it in discoverable mode.   4. Tap Scan for devices. Your phone will start to scan for Bluetooth devices within range.   5. When  you see the name of your headset displayed in the Bluetooth devices section, tap the name. Your phone then automatically tries to pair with the headset.   6. If automatic pairing fails, enter the  pass  code supplied with  your  headset.  The  pairing  and  connection  status  is displayed below the hands-free headset or car kit name in the  Bluetooth  devices  section.  When  the  Bluetooth headset  or  car  kit  is  connected  to  your  phone,  the Bluetooth connected icon        is displayed in the status bar. Depending  on  the  type  of  headset  or  car  kit  you  have connected, you can then start using the headset or car kit to listen to music and/or make and receive phone calls.   Reconnecting a headset or car kit   When  you  have  paired a  headset  with  your  phone,  you
20 should  be  able  to  reconnect  it  automatically  by  turning on  Bluetooth  on  your  phone,  and  then  turning  on  the headset.   However, sometimes you will need to reconnect manually, for  example  if  you  have  been  using  your  headset  with another Bluetooth device.    1.  Press  HOME  >  MENU>Applications>Settings  > Wireless& networks >Bluetooth 2.    If  Bluetooth  is  not  switched  on,  tap  the  Bluetooth check box to switch it on.   3.    Make sure that the headset is discoverable.   4.    Tap  the  headset's  name  in  the  Bluetooth  devices section.   5.    If  prompted  to  enter a  password, try  0000  or  1234, or consult the headset/car kit documentation to find the password.   If  you  still  cannot  reconnect  to  the  headset  or  car  kit, follow  the  instructions  in  "Un-pairing  from  a  Bluetooth device"  in  this  chapter,  and  then  follow  the  instructions under "Connecting a Bluetooth headset or car kit" above.    Disconnecting or unpairing from a Bluetooth device   Disconnecting a Bluetooth device 1. Press HOME > MENU>Applications> Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings 2. Choose a device has been connected. 3. Tap Disconnect.   Unpairing from a Bluetooth device
21 You  can  make  your  phone  forget  its  pairing  connection with  another  Bluetooth  device.  To  connect  to  the  other device  again,  you  may  need  to  enter  or  confirm  a password again.   1. Press HOME > MENU>Applications>Settings > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings 2.  In  the  Bluetooth  devices  section,  press  and  hold  the device to unpair.   3. Tap Unpair.      Sending and receiving information using Bluetooth   You  can  use  Bluetooth  to  transfer  information  between your phone and another Bluetooth- enabled device such as  a  phone  or  notebook  computer.  The  first  time  you transfer  information  between  your  phone  and  another device, you need to enter or confirm a security password. After  that,  your phone  and  the other  device are  paired, and  you will  not need  to exchange password to  transfer information in the future.   Sending information from your phone to another device   You  can  send  the  following  types  of  information, depending on the device you are sending to:   Images and videos   Calendar events   Contacts   Audio files   1.      Set the receiving device to discoverable mode. You may also  need to set  it  to  "Receive  Beams"  or  "Receive Files".  Refer  to  the  device's  documentation  for
22 instructions on receiving information over Bluetooth.   2.    On the phone, open the application that contains the information or file you want to send.   For example, if you want to transfer a photo, press HOME, and then tap >photos 3.    Follow  the  steps  for  the  type  of  item  you  want  to send:   photo or video (in  Camera). After capturing  a  photo, on the  preview  screen,  tap  the  Share  button              ,  and then choose Bluetooth.   Photos and videos (in Photos). On the Albums tab, tap an album.  Tap  the  Share  button,  tap  Bluetooth,  select  the items you want to share, and then tap Next.   Calendar event. In the Calendar's Day view, Agenda view, or Week view, press and hold the event. Contact.  On  the  People  screen's  All  tab,  press  and  hold the contact, and then tap Send contact as vCard. Tap the down  arrow  icon,  and  then  select  Bluetooth  from  the displayed list.   4.    If you are prompted to turn on Bluetooth, tap Yes.   5.    Tap the name of the receiving device.   6.    If prompted, accept the connection on the receiving device,  and  enter  the  same  password  on  both  your phone  and  the  other  device,  or  confirm  the auto-generated password.   7.    On the receiving device, accept the file.   The location where the information is saved depends on the type of information and the receiving device. If you send another file type to a Windows computer, it is
23 normally saved in the Bluetooth   Exchange folder within your personal document folders.   On  Windows  XP,  the  path  may  be:  C:\Documents  and Settings  \[your  username]\  My  Documents\  Bluetooth Exchange   On  Windows  Vista,  the  path  may  be:  C:\Users\[your username]\Documents   If  you  send  a  file  to  another  device,  the  saved  location may depend on the file type. For example, if you send an image file to another mobile phone, it may be saved in a folder named "Images".   Receiving information from another device   Your  device  is  capable of  receiving  a  wide variety of file types with Bluetooth, including photos, music tracks, and documents such as PDFs.   To receive files from another device, you need to have an SD card installed in your phone.   1.      Press  HOME  >  MENU>Applications>  Settings  > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings   2.    If  Bluetooth  is  not  switched  on,  tap  the  Bluetooth check box to switch it on.   3.    Tap the Discoverable check box.   4.    On  the  sending  device,  send  one  or  more  files  to your  phone.  Refer  to  the  device's  documentation  for instructions on sending information over Bluetooth.   5.    If prompted, enter the same password on both your phone  and  the  other  device,  or  confirm  the auto-generated  password.  A  Bluetooth  authorization request is displayed on your phone.
24 6.    If  you  want  to  automatically  receive  files  from  the sending  device  in  future,  select  the  Always  trust  device check box.   7.    Tap OK.   8.    When  your  phone  receives  a  file  transfer  request notification, slide down the notifications panel, and then tap Accept.   9.    When a file is transferred, a notification is displayed. To open the file immediately, slide down the notifications panel, and then tap the relevant notification.   When  you  open  a  received  file,  what  happens  next depends on the file type:     Media files and documents are usually opened directly in a  compatible  application.  For  example,  if  you  open  a music track, it starts playing in the Music application.
25 WWii--FFii  Wi-Fi provides wireless Internet access over distances of about 300 feet (100 meters). To use Wi-Fi on your phone, you need access to a wireless access point or "hotspot".   The availability and range of the Wi-Fi signal depends on the  number,  infrastructure,  and  other  objects  through which the signal passes.    Turning Wi-Fi on and connecting to a wireless network   1.      Press  HOME  >Applications>  Settings  >Wireless  & networks 2.    Select Wi-Fi settings, choose  the  Wi-Fi  check box to turn Wi-Fi on. The  phone will scan for available wireless networks.   3.    Tap  Wi-Fi settings.  The  network names  and  security settings of  detected Wi-Fi networks  are displayed in the Wi-Fi networks section.   4.    Tap  a  Wi-Fi  network  to  connect.  If  you  selected  an open network, you will be automatically connected to the network. If  you  selected a  network  that  is secured with WEP, enter the key and then tap Connect.   When your phone is connected to a wireless network, the Wi-Fi icon      appears in  the status bar and tells you the approximate signal strength (number of bands that light up).   The  next  time  your  phone  connects  to  a  previously accessed  secured  wireless  network,  you  will  not  be prompted to enter the key or other security information
26 again, unless you reset your phone to its  factory default settings.    Checking the wireless network status   1.  Press  HOME  >Applications>Settings  >  Wireless  & networks 2.    On  the  Wireless  &  networks  screen,  tap  Wi-Fi settings,  and  then  tap  the  wireless  network  that  the phone is currently connected to.   A  message  box  is  then  displayed  showing  the  Wi-Fi network name, status, speed, signal strength, and more. If  you  want  to  remove  the  wireless  network  settings on your phone, tap Forget on this window. You need to enter the settings again if you want to connect to this wireless network. Connecting to another Wi-Fi network   1. On the Wireless& Network settings screen. It  displays Wi-Fi settings and Wi-Fi networks. 2. Wi-Fi settings include: Wi-Fi (Turn it on or off here) and Network  Notification  (Notify  or  not  when  an  open network is available. 3.  Wi-Fi  networks:  It  shows  all  the  networks  the  phone scanned. If  it  needs  the  password  to  connect,  there will be the icon        beside the name of that network. 4. Tap  the network you want to  connect, then  input the password if necessary, tap Connect. 5. If the wireless network you want to connect to is not in the  list  of  detected  networks,  scroll  down  the  screen, then tap Add Wi-Fi network. Enter Network SSID, choose
27 the Security, and then tap Save.    Connecting to a virtual private network (VPN)   From  your  phone,  you  can  add,  set  up,  and  manage virtual private networks (VPNs) that allow you to connect and access resources inside a secured local network, such as your corporate network.   Preparing your phone for VPN connection   Depending on the type of VPN you are using at work, you may  be  required  to  enter  your  login  credentials  and/or install security certificates before you can connect to your company's  local  network.  You  can  get  this  information from your network administrator.   Also,  your  phone  must  first  establish  a  Wi-Fi  or  data connection before you can initiate a VPN connection. For information about setting up and using these connections on your phone, see "Data connection" and "Wi-Fi" in this chapter.   Setting up secure credential storage   If your network administrator instructs you to download and install security certificates, you must first set up the phone's secure credential storage.   1.  Press  HOME  >Applications>Settings  >Location& Security, and then tap Set password.   2.    Enter a new password (at least 8 characters without any  spaces)  for  the  credential  storage,  scroll  down  and confirm the password, and then tap OK.   3.    Select the Use secure credentials check box.   You  can  then  download  and  install  the  certificates
28 needed  to  access  your  local  network.    Your  network administrator can tell you how to do this.    Adding a VPN connection   1.  Press  HOME  >Applications>  Settings  >  Wireless  & networks > VPN settings 2.    Tap Add VPN, and then tap the type of VPN you want to  add.  There  are  defaulted  types  as  below:  Add  PPTP VPN; Add L2TP VPN; Add L2TP VPN; Add L2TP/IPSec PSK VPN; Add L2TP/IPSec CRT VPN. 3.    Tap  the  VPN  settings  and  set  them  up  according  to the security details you have obtained from your network administrator.   4.    When finished, press MENU, and then tap Save.   The  VPN  is  then added  to  the  VPNs  section  of  the  VPN settings screen.   Connecting to a VPN   1.  Press  HOME  >Applications>Settings  >  Wireless  & networks > VPN settings.   2.    In  the  VPNs  section,  tap  the  VPN  that  you  want  to connect to.   3.    When  prompted,  enter  your  log  in  credentials,  and then  tap  Connect.  When  you  are  connected,  the  VPN connected  icon        appears  in  the  notification  area  of the title bar.   4.  Open  the  web  browser  to  access  resources  such  as intranet sites on your corporate network. See "Using your phone's web browser" for more information.   Disconnecting from a VPN
29 1.      Press  and  hold  the  title  bar,  and  then  slide  down your finger to open the Notifications panel.   2.    Tap the VPN connection to return to the VPN settings screen,  and  then  tap  the VPN  connection to  disconnect from it.   When  your  phone  has  disconnected  from  the  VPN,  the VPN disconnected icon displayed in  the notification area of the title bar.   Wi-Fi Settings See  all  of  Wi-Fi  settings  on  the  chapter  of  “Wireless  & Network”.
30 MMaaiinntteennaannccee  &&  SSaaffeettyy  PPlleeaassee  rreeaadd  aanndd  oobbsseerrvvee  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  ffoorr  ssaaffee  aanndd  pprrooppeerr  uussee  ooff  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  aanndd  ttoo  pprreevveenntt  ddaammaaggee..  AAllssoo,,  kkeeeepp  tthhee  uusseerr  gguuiiddee  iinn  aann  aacccceessssiibbllee  ppllaaccee  aatt  aallll  tthhee  ttiimmeess  aafftteerr  rreeaaddiinngg  iitt..  11..  AAfftteerr  ssaalleess  sseerrvviiccee  KKiinnddllyy  rreeffeerr  ttoo  tthhee  WWaarrrraannttyy  CCaarrdd  pprroovviiddeedd  iinn  tthhee  ssaalleess  ppaacckkaaggee  bbooxx..    22..  CChhaarrggeerr  aanndd  AAddaapptteerr  SSaaffeettyy  CChhaarrggeerr  aanndd  aaddaapptteerr  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ffoorr  iinnddoooorr  uussee  oonnllyy..    33..  BBaatttteerryy  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn  aanndd  CCaarree  oo  PPlleeaassee  ddoo  nnoott  ddiissaasssseemmbbllee  tthhee  rreeaarr  ccoovveerr  ooff  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee,,  ssiinnccee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  iiss  iinnbbuuiilltt..    oo  RReecchhaarrggee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  aafftteerr  lloonngg  ppeerriiooddss  ooff  nnoonn--uussee  ttoo  mmaaxxiimmiizzee  bbaatttteerryy  lliiffee..  oo  BBaatttteerryy  lliiffee  wwiillll  vvaarryy  dduuee  ttoo  uussaaggee  ppaatttteerrnnss  aanndd  eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall  ccoonnddiittiioonnss..  oo  TThhee  sseellff--pprrootteeccttiioonn  ffuunnccttiioonn  ooff  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  ccuuttss  tthhee  ppoowweerr  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee  wwhheenn  iittss  ooppeerraattiioonn  iiss  iinn  aann  aabbnnoorrmmaall  ssttaattuuss..  IInn  tthhiiss  ccaassee,,  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  ffrroomm  tthhee  pphhoonnee,,  rreeiinnsseerrtt  iitt,,  aanndd  ttuurrnn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  oonn..    44..  GGeenneerraall  NNoottiiccee  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ppllaaccee  iitteemmss  ccoonnttaaiinniinngg  mmaaggnneettiicc  ccoommppoonneennttss  ssuucchh  aass  aa  ccrreeddiitt  ccaarrdd,,  pphhoonnee  ccaarrdd,,  bbaannkk  bbooookk,,  oorr  ssuubbwwaayy  ttiicckkeett  nneeaarr  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  TThhee  mmaaggnneettiissmm  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee  mmaayy  ddaammaaggee  tthhee  ddaattaa  ssttoorreedd  iinn  tthhee  mmaaggnneettiicc  ssttrriipp..  oo  TTaallkkiinngg  oonn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  ffoorr  lloonngg  ppeerriioodd  ooff  ttiimmee  mmaayy  rreedduuccee  ccaallll  qquuaalliittyy  dduuee  ttoo  hheeaatt  ggeenneerraatteedd  dduurriinngg  uussee..  oo  WWhheenn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  nnoott  uusseedd  ffoorr  aa  lloonngg  ppeerriioodd  ttiimmee,,  ssttoorree  iitt  iinn  aa  ssaaffee  ppllaaccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  ppoowweerr  ccoorrdd  uunnpplluuggggeedd..  oo  UUssiinngg  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iinn  pprrooxxiimmiittyy  ttoo  rreecceeiivviinngg  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ((  TTVV  oorr  RRaaddiioo))  mmaayy  ccaauussee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  tthhee  pphhoonnee..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  iimmmmeerrssee  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  iinn  wwaatteerr..  IIff  tthhiiss  hhaappppeennss,,  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  aanndd  ttaakkee  iitt  ttoo  aann  AAuutthhoorriizzeedd  SSeerrvviiccee  CCeenntteerr..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ppaaiinntt  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  oo  TThhee  ddaattaa  ssaavveedd  iinn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  mmiigghhtt  bbee  ddeelleetteedd  dduuee  ttoo  ccaarreelleessss
31 uussee,,  rreeppaaiirr  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee,,  oorr  uuppggrraaddee  ooff  tthhee  ssooffttwwaarree..  PPlleeaassee  bbaacckkuupp  yyoouurr  iimmppoorrttaanntt  pphhoonnee  nnuummbbeerrss..  ((RRiinngg  ttoonneess,,  tteexxtt  mmeessssaaggeess,,  vvooiiccee  mmeessssaaggeess,,  ppiiccttuurree,,  aanndd  vviiddeeooss  ccoouulldd  aallssoo  bbee  ddeelleetteedd..))  TThhee  mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr  iiss  nnoott  lliiaabbllee  ffoorr  ddaammaaggee  dduuee  ttoo  tthhee  lloossss  ooff  ddaattaa..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ttuurrnn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  oonn  oorr  ooffff  wwhheenn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  cclloossee  ttoo  yyoouurr  eeaarr..    WWaarrnniinngg::  CCoommppaannyy  wwiillll  nnoott  bbeeaarr  aannyy  rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy  ffoorr  aannyy  iinnccoommpplliiaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  aabboovvee  gguuiiddeelliinneess  oorr  iimmpprrooppeerr  uussee  ooff  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee..  OOuurr  ccoommppaannyy  kkeeeeppss  tthhee  rriigghhtt  ttoo  mmaakkee  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo  aannyy  ooff  tthhee  ccoonntteenntt  hheerree  iinn  tthhiiss  uusseerr  gguuiiddee  wwiitthhoouutt  ppuubblliicc  aannnnoouunncceemmeenntt  iinn  aaddvvaannccee..  TThhee  ccoonntteenntt  ooff  tthhiiss  mmaannuuaall  mmaayy  vvaarryy  ffrroomm  tthhee  aaccttuuaall  ccoonntteenntt  ddiissppllaayyeedd  iinn  tthhee  ddeevviiccee..  IInn  ssuucchh  ccaassee,,  tthhee  llaatttteerr  sshhaallll  ggoovveerrnn..
32 FFCCCC  RReegguullaattiioonnss::  TThhiiss  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee  ccoommpplliieess  wwiitthh  ppaarrtt  1155  ooff  tthhee  FFCCCC  RRuulleess..  OOppeerraattiioonn  iiss  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  ttwwoo  ccoonnddiittiioonnss::  ((11))  TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmaayy  nnoott  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee,,  aanndd  ((22))  tthhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmuusstt  aacccceepptt  aannyy  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  rreecceeiivveedd,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  tthhaatt  mmaayy  ccaauussee  uunnddeessiirreedd  ooppeerraattiioonn..  TThhiiss  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee  hhaass  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  aanndd  ffoouunndd  ttoo  ccoommppllyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  lliimmiittss  ffoorr  aa  CCllaassss  BB  ddiiggiittaall  ddeevviiccee,,  ppuurrssuuaanntt  ttoo  PPaarrtt  1155  ooff  tthhee  FFCCCC  RRuulleess..  TThheessee  lliimmiittss  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  pprroovviiddee  rreeaassoonnaabbllee  pprrootteeccttiioonn  aaggaaiinnsstt  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  iinn  aa  rreessiiddeennttiiaall  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ggeenneerraatteess,,  uusseess  aanndd  ccaann  rraaddiiaatteedd  rraaddiioo  ffrreeqquueennccyy  eenneerrggyy  aanndd,,  iiff  nnoott  iinnssttaalllleedd  aanndd  uusseedd  iinn  aaccccoorrddaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,,  mmaayy  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..  HHoowweevveerr,,  tthheerree  iiss  nnoo  gguuaarraanntteeee  tthhaatt  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  wwiillll  nnoott  ooccccuurr  iinn  aa  ppaarrttiiccuullaarr  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn  IIff  tthhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ddooeess  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  oorr  tteelleevviissiioonn  rreecceeppttiioonn,,  wwhhiicchh  ccaann  bbee  ddeetteerrmmiinneedd  bbyy  ttuurrnniinngg  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ooffff  aanndd  oonn,,  tthhee  uusseerr  iiss  eennccoouurraaggeedd  ttoo  ttrryy  ttoo  ccoorrrreecctt  tthhee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  bbyy  oonnee  oorr  mmoorree  ooff  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  mmeeaassuurreess::    --RReeoorriieenntt  oorr  rreellooccaattee  tthhee  rreecceeiivviinngg  aanntteennnnaa..  --IInnccrreeaassee  tthhee  sseeppaarraattiioonn  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  rreecceeiivveerr..  --CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  iinnttoo  aann  oouuttlleett  oonn  aa  cciirrccuuiitt  ddiiffffeerreenntt  ffrroomm  tthhaatt  ttoo  wwhhiicchh  tthhee  rreecceeiivveerr  iiss  ccoonnnneecctteedd..  --CCoonnssuulltt  tthhee  ddeeaalleerr  oorr  aann  eexxppeerriieenncceedd  rraaddiioo//TTVV  tteecchhnniicciiaann  ffoorr  hheellpp..    FFCCCC  NNoottee::  CCaauuttiioonn::  CChhaannggeess  oorr  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  nnoott  eexxpprreessssllyy  aapppprroovveedd  bbyy  tthhee  ppaarrttyy  rreessppoonnssiibbllee  ffoorr  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ccoouulldd  vvooiidd  tthhee  uusseerr‘‘ss  aauutthhoorriittyy  ttoo  ooppeerraattee  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt..  RRFF  EExxppoossuurree  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn  ((SSAARR))  TThhiiss  pphhoonnee  iiss  ddeessiiggnneedd  aanndd  mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd  nnoott  ttoo  eexxcceeeedd  tthhee  eemmiissssiioonn  lliimmiittss  ffoorr  eexxppoossuurree  ttoo  rraaddiioo  ffrreeqquueennccyy  ((RRFF))  eenneerrggyy  sseett  bbyy  tthhee  FFeeddeerraall
33 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss  CCoommmmiissssiioonn  ooff  tthhee  UUnniitteedd  SSttaatteess..      DDuurriinngg  SSAARR  tteessttiinngg,,  tthhiiss  ddeevviiccee  wwaass  sseett  ttoo  ttrraannssmmiitt  aatt  iittss  hhiigghheesstt  cceerrttiiffiieedd  ppoowweerr  lleevveell  iinn  aallll  tteesstteedd  ffrreeqquueennccyy  bbaannddss,,  aanndd  ppllaacceedd  iinn  ppoossiittiioonnss  tthhaatt  ssiimmuullaattee  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  iinn  uussaaggee  aaggaaiinnsstt  tthhee  hheeaadd  wwiitthh  nnoo  sseeppaarraattiioonn,,  aanndd  nneeaarr  tthhee  bbooddyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  sseeppaarraattiioonn  ooff  1100  mmmm..  AAlltthhoouugghh  tthhee  SSAARR  iiss  ddeetteerrmmiinneedd  aatt  tthhee  hhiigghheesstt  cceerrttiiffiieedd  ppoowweerr  lleevveell,,  tthhee  aaccttuuaall  SSAARR  lleevveell  ooff  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  wwhhiillee  ooppeerraattiinngg  ccaann  bbee  wweellll  bbeellooww  tthhee  mmaaxxiimmuumm  vvaalluuee..    TThhiiss  iiss  bbeeccaauussee  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  ooppeerraattee  aatt  mmuullttiippllee  ppoowweerr  lleevveellss  ssoo  aass  ttoo  uussee  oonnllyy  tthhee  ppoowweerr  rreeqquuiirreedd  ttoo  rreeaacchh  tthhee  nneettwwoorrkk..    IInn  ggeenneerraall,,  tthhee  cclloosseerr  yyoouu  aarree  ttoo  aa  wwiirreelleessss  bbaassee  ssttaattiioonn  aanntteennnnaa,,  tthhee  lloowweerr  tthhee  ppoowweerr  oouuttppuutt..    TThhee  eexxppoossuurree  ssttaannddaarrdd  ffoorr  wwiirreelleessss  ddeevviicceess  eemmppllooyyiinngg  aa  uunniitt  ooff  mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt  iiss  kknnoowwnn  aass  tthhee  SSppeecciiffiicc  AAbbssoorrppttiioonn  RRaattee,,  oorr  SSAARR..    TThhee  SSAARR  lliimmiitt  sseett  bbyy  tthhee  FFCCCC  iiss  11..66WW//kkgg..        TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  iiss  ccoommpplliieedd  wwiitthh  SSAARR  ffoorr  ggeenneerraall  ppooppuullaattiioonn  //uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd  eexxppoossuurree  lliimmiittss  iinn  AANNSSII//IIEEEEEE  CC9955..11--11999922  aanndd  hhaadd  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  iinn  aaccccoorrddaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt  mmeetthhooddss  aanndd  pprroocceedduurreess  ssppeecciiffiieedd  iinn  IIEEEEEE11552288..  TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  hhaass  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  aanndd  mmeeeettss  tthhee  FFCCCC  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  gguuiiddeelliinneess  wwhheenn  tteesstteedd  wwiitthh  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  ddiirreeccttllyy  ccoonnttaacctteedd  ttoo  tthhee  bbooddyy..      TThhee  FFCCCC  hhaass  ggrraanntteedd  aann  EEqquuiippmmeenntt  AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioonn  ffoorr  tthhiiss  mmooddeell  pphhoonnee  wwiitthh  aallll  rreeppoorrtteedd  SSAARR  lleevveellss  eevvaalluuaatteedd  aass  iinn  ccoommpplliiaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  FFCCCC  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  gguuiiddeelliinneess..    SSAARR  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  oonn  tthhiiss  mmooddeell  pphhoonnee  iiss  oonn  ffiillee  wwiitthh  tthhee  FFCCCC  aanndd  ccaann  bbee  ffoouunndd  uunnddeerr  tthhee  DDiissppllaayy  GGrraanntt  sseeccttiioonn  ooff  wwwwww..ffcccc..ggoovv//ooeett//eeaa//ffcccciidd  aafftteerr  sseeaarrcchhiinngg  oonn  FFCCCC  IIDD::  WWVVBBAA776655XX..    FFoorr  tthhiiss  ddeevviiccee,,  tthhee  hhiigghheesstt  rreeppoorrtteedd  SSAARR  vvaalluuee  ffoorr  uussaaggee  aaggaaiinnsstt  tthhee  hheeaadd  iiss  11..3355  WW//kkgg,,  ffoorr  uussaaggee  nneeaarr  tthhee  bbooddyy  iiss  11..3399  WW//kkgg..    WWhhiillee  tthheerree  mmaayy  bbee  ddiiffffeerreenncceess  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  SSAARR  lleevveellss  ooff  vvaarriioouuss  pphhoonneess  aanndd  aatt  vvaarriioouuss  ppoossiittiioonnss,,  tthheeyy  aallll  mmeeeett  tthhee  ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt  rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss..
34 SSAARR  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ffoorr  bbooddyy--wwoorrnn  ooppeerraattiioonn  iiss  bbaasseedd  oonn  aa  sseeppaarraattiioonn  ddiissttaannccee  ooff  1100  mmmm  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  uunniitt  aanndd  tthhee  hhuummaann  bbooddyy..  CCaarrrryy  tthhiiss  ddeevviiccee  aatt  lleeaasstt  1100  mmmm  aawwaayy  ffrroomm  yyoouurr  bbooddyy  ttoo  eennssuurree  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  lleevveell  ccoommpplliiaanntt  oorr  lloowweerr  ttoo  tthhee  rreeppoorrtteedd  lleevveell..  TToo  ssuuppppoorrtt  bbooddyy--wwoorrnn  ooppeerraattiioonn,,  cchhoooossee  tthhee  bbeelltt  cclliippss  oorr  hhoollsstteerrss,,  wwhhiicchh  ddoo  nnoott  ccoonnttaaiinn  mmeettaalllliicc  ccoommppoonneennttss,,  ttoo  mmaaiinnttaaiinn  aa  sseeppaarraattiioonn  ooff  1100  mmmm  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhiiss  ddeevviiccee  aanndd  yyoouurr  bbooddyy..    RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  ccoommpplliiaannccee  wwiitthh  aannyy  bbooddyy--wwoorrnn  aacccceessssoorryy,,  wwhhiicchh  ccoonnttaaiinnss  mmeettaall,,  wwaass  nnoott  tteesstteedd  aanndd  cceerrttiiffiieedd,,  aanndd  uussee  ssuucchh  bbooddyy--wwoorrnn  aacccceessssoorryy  sshhoouulldd  bbee  aavvooiiddeedd..

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