Bruker Optik BRAVO-01 TiWi-BLE Transceiver Module User Manual BRAVO Analyzer EN

Bruker Optik GmbH TiWi-BLE Transceiver Module BRAVO Analyzer EN

User Manual

BRAVOHandheld Raman SpectrometerUser Manual 1837209Draft version
1st edition 2015, publication date May 2015© 2015 BRUKER OPTIK GmbH, Rudolf-Plank-Straße 27 D-76275 Ettlingen, rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any formor by any means including printing, photocopying, microfilm, electronic systems etc. wit-hout our prior written permission. Brand names, registered trademarks etc. used in thismanual, even if not explicitly marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected bytrademarks law. They are the property of their respective owner.This manual is the original documentation for the handheld Raman spectrometerBRAVO.Draft version
1Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualTable of contentsTable of contents1 Safety..............................................................................................................51.1 General safety information.................................................................................... 51.2 Classification of the safety notes ......................................................................... 51.3 Overview of possible types of hazard.................................................................. 61.3.1 Possible hazards during installation and operation .................................................. 61.3.2 Possible hazardous sample materials...................................................................... 71.4 Laser safety ............................................................................................................ 81.4.1 Laser class ............................................................................................................... 81.4.2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................... 81.4.3 Laser exit points ....................................................................................................... 91.4.4 Laser status LED.................................................................................................... 101.4.5 Enabling / disabling the laser ................................................................................. How to enable the laser ......................................................................................... How to disable the laser ........................................................................................ How to abort a running measurement.................................................................... 121.5 Fire safety ............................................................................................................. 121.6 Battery safety instructions.................................................................................. 131.7 Safety notes regarding the LCD.......................................................................... 131.8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)................................................................. 141.9 Intended use ......................................................................................................... 141.10 Service contact data ............................................................................................ 152 General information ....................................................................................172.1 Fields of application............................................................................................. 172.2 Technical feature.................................................................................................. 172.3 Scope of delivery.................................................................................................. 182.4 Inspecting the packaging .................................................................................... 192.5 Ambient conditions and power supply .............................................................. 193 BRAVO analyzer - Overview .......................................................................213.1 Components and control elements - Overview................................................. 213.2 Laser status LED ................................................................................................. 223.3 Measuring tip........................................................................................................ 233.4 Button panel - Control buttons ........................................................................... 243.5 Touchscreen......................................................................................................... 243.6 Docking station .................................................................................................... 254 Operation......................................................................................................274.1 Switching on / off BRAVO  .................................................................................. 274.2 Logging in............................................................................................................. 284.3 Scanning the barcode of the sample.................................................................. 294.4 Exchanging the measuring tip............................................................................ 304.5 Verifying a sample ............................................................................................... 31Draft version
2BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHTable of contents4.6 Aborting a running measurement....................................................................... 334.7 Exchanging the battery........................................................................................ 344.8 Recharging the battery ........................................................................................ 354.8.1 General information................................................................................................ 354.8.2 Recharging the battery with the battery charger..................................................... 364.8.3 Recharging the battery via the docking station....................................................... 374.9 Establishing a wireless connection between BRAVO and a data station....... 384.9.1 Connecting the data station to the WLAN .............................................................. 384.9.2 Connecting BRAVO to the WLAN .......................................................................... 394.9.3 Connecting the data station to BRAVO via WLAN ................................................. 414.10 Establishing a wired connection between BRAVO and a data station............424.10.1 General information................................................................................................ 424.10.2 Possible connection variants.................................................................................. 424.10.3 Assigning network addresses to BRAVO ............................................................... 454.10.4 Connecting BRAVO to data station  ....................................................................... 474.10.5 Checking the connection between BRAVO and data station ................................. 474.11 Mounting / demounting the carrying strap ........................................................ 484.11.1 General information................................................................................................ 484.11.2 Procedure............................................................................................................... 485 Cleaning and Decontamination..................................................................515.1 Cleaning the BRAVO analyzer............................................................................. 515.1.1 Cleaning the plastic cover ...................................................................................... 515.1.2 Cleaning the touchscreen....................................................................................... 515.2 Decontaminating the BRAVO analyzer............................................................... 525.2.1 Approved decontaminating agents......................................................................... 525.2.2 Decontamination procedure ................................................................................... 526 Repair ...........................................................................................................536.1 General information ............................................................................................. 536.2 Procedure.............................................................................................................. 537 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................557.1 General information ............................................................................................. 557.2 Problem - possible cause - solution................................................................... 557.2.1 BRAVO does not boot up ....................................................................................... 557.2.2 Log in attempt failed ............................................................................................... 567.2.3 Barcode cannot be scanned................................................................................... 567.2.4 Black touchscreen display...................................................................................... 577.2.5 Failed PQ test / OQ test ......................................................................................... 577.2.6 Aborted measurement............................................................................................ 577.2.7 Problems regarding the detected spectral signal ................................................... 587.2.8 Problems regarding wireless data transfer............................................................. 587.2.9 Problems regarding the docking station ................................................................. 59A Specification ................................................................................................61Draft version
3Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualTable of contentsA.1 BRAVO ................................................................................................................. 61A.2 Environmental conditions ................................................................................... 61A.3 Battery and battery charger ................................................................................ 62A.3.1 Battery ...................................................................................................................62A.3.2 Battery charger ...................................................................................................... 62A.4 Docking Station ................................................................................................... 62A.5 WiFi module.......................................................................................................... 63A.6 Barcode reader..................................................................................................... 63A.6.1 Depth of field range ............................................................................................... 63A.6.2 Resolution ............................................................................................................. 63B Orderable items ...........................................................................................65B.1 Spare parts & replacement parts........................................................................ 65B.2 Reference standards and certified samples...................................................... 65B.3 Consumables........................................................................................................ 66B.4 Cleaning utensils.................................................................................................. 66B.5 Optional parts....................................................................................................... 66B.6 Network equipment.............................................................................................. 67Draft version
4BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHTable of contentsDraft version
5Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual1 Safety1.1 General safety information1.2 Classification of the safety notesDepending on the degree of hazard, important safety notes are classified in this manualby signal words as follows:➣Read carefully all instructions and safety notes in this manual before putting thehandheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO into operation. Keep the manual for futurereference available at any time at a suitable place. ➣Always observe the instructions and safety notes given in this manual. Failure todo so can lead to severe personal injuries and/or property damage. Non-obser-vance of the instructions and safety notes also violates the intended use of thehandheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO. (See section 1.9.) ➣It is the operator's duty to plan and implement all necessary safety measures andto supervise their observance. Moreover, the operator must ensure that the hand-held Raman spectrometer BRAVO is in proper condition and fully functioning. ➣A safe and trouble-free operation of the handheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO isensured only if it is operated, maintained and repaired according to the proce-dures described in this manual and in compliance with all relevant safety stan-dards and regulation. ➣The handheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO should be operated only by autho-rized personnel which is trained in operating the instrument and which is familiarwith the relevant safety instructions and laser safety regulations. ➣Do never remove or deactivate any supporting safety systems during the opera-tion.The handheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO has been developed according to thesafety regulation EN 61010-1:2010 (IEC 61010-1:2010+Cor.:2011) for electricalequipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.DANGER➣Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious(possibly irreversible) injury and major property damage.WARNING➣Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or seri-ous (possibly irreversible) injury and major property damage.CAUTION➣Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or mod-erate (reversible) injury and minor property damage.Draft version
6BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 1iThe symbol i will draw your attention to additional pieces of information which might beuseful for you. 1.3 Overview of possible types of hazard 1.3.1 Possible hazards during installation and operationHazards that can possibly occur during operating the analysis instrument BRAVO areindicated by the appropriate warning symbols. The following warning symbols indicatedifferent dangerous situations which may be caused by an improper use of the analysissystem:➣Important note: All warning labels on the analysis system BRAVO must always bekept legible. Immediately replace a worn or damaged label.NOTICE➣Indicates a practice which could result in property damage if the given instructionsare not observed.Warning symbol DefinitionGeneral hazard:This warning symbol indicates general hazard. The label is locatednear the danger spot in question. Observe the safety instructions andfollow the precautions described in the manual to avoid personal injuryand/or property damage.Laser radiation:This warning symbol indicates the existence of laser radiation. Thelabel is located near the opening at which hazardous laser radiationexits the instrument. Do not look directly into the laser beam or useany kind of optical instruments to look into the beam as this may causepermanent eye damage.Electrical shock:This warning symbol indicates electrical hazard. It is located near live parts or enclosures behind which are live parts that represent an acci-dental contact hazard. Do not touch these parts. Before removing the corresponding housing part and beginning any repair works, first turn off the mains power switch and unplug the power cord. Prevent all live parts from coming into contact with a conductive substance or liquid. Non-observance of the relevant safety instructions can cause severe injury and/or property damage.Draft version
7BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.3.2 Possible hazardous sample materialsThere can also be hazards caused by the sample material. Depending on the type ofhazardous substances you analyze, you have to observe specific substance-relevantsafety instructions. Affix the corresponding warning label on the appropriate BRAVOposition. The label must be well legible and permanently discernible. The following listcontains some examples of hazardous substances:➣Important note: In case you have analyzed substances which are dangerous tohealth you have to decontaminate the BRAVO analyzer completely before youreturn it to Bruker for repair purposes. In addition, you have to add a declaration withwhich you confirm that the BRAVO analyzer is completely free of any hazardoussubstances. See chapter 6.Waste disposalDispose all waste produced (chemicals, infectious and radioactively contaminated sub-stances etc.) according to the prevailing laboratory regulations. Detergents and cleaningagents must be disposed according to the special waste regulations.Symbol DefinitionInfectious materialThis warning symbol indicates the possible existence of biologicallydangerous and infectious material. When working with this kind ofmaterial always observe the prevailing laboratory safety regulationsand take necessary precautions and disinfection measures (e.g. wear-ing protective clothing, masks, gloves etc.). Non-observance maycause severe personal injury or even death.For information on how to use, dilute and efficiently apply disinfectants,refer to the Laboratory Biosafety Manual: 2004 by WHO - World HealthOrganization.Radioactive materialThis warning symbol indicates the possible existence of radioactivity.When working with radioactive material always observe the safety reg-ulations and take necessary protective measures. Wear protectiveclothing, e.g. masks and gloves. Non-observance may cause severepersonal injury or even death. Corrosive substancesThis warning symbol indicates the possible existence of corrosive sub-stances. When working with corrosive substances always observe thelaboratory safety regulations, and take protective measures (e.g. wearprotective masks and gloves). Non-observance may cause severe per-sonal injury or even death. Draft version
8BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.4 Laser safety1.4.1 Laser classThe handheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO is classified as a laser class 1M productaccording to IEC/EN 60825-1:2007. It emits invisible laser radiation in the wavelengthrange 700nm to 1100nm (Popt. < 100nm). Laser class 1M product means that the product is safe for all reasonable foreseeableconditions of use. This means, no laser safety equipment is required for operatingBRAVO. The duration of the laser radiation emission is limited automatically to the duration of thespectroscopic measurement.☞For information about the laser exit points, see section Safety instructionsAlthough BRAVO is a laser class 1M product, circumstances may occur in which laserradiation poses a potential health hazard. In these cases, observe the following safetyinstructions:☞For information about how to switch off BRAVO, see section 4.1. For informationabout how to remove the battery, see section 4.7. For the Bruker service contactdata, see section 1.10.This laser warning label identifies BRAVO as alaser class 1M product. It is affixed at thebottom side of the handheld Ramanspectrometer.WARNINGHealth hazard because of exposure to laser radiationNon-observance of the following safety instructions can result in serious injury (possi-bly irreversible eye injuries).➣Do not place magnifying optics (e.g. magnifying glass) into the exiting laser beamwhich focuses the laser beam. A focussed laser class 1M beam is capable ofcausing eye injuries. Note: Means used for the correction of vision defects like eyeglasses or contact lenses do not pose an injury risk to the human eye in this con-text.➣In case the housing is damaged (e.g. parts of the housing are broken away) donot start a measurement. Otherwise, there is a potential risk of laser radiationemission. Instead, switch off the BRAVO spectrometer immediately and removethe battery. Contact the Bruker service.Draft version
9BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.4.3 Laser exit pointsThe location of the laser exit point depends on the type of installed measuring tip. Onlyas long as a spectroscopic measurement is in progress, invisible laser radiation of laserclass 1M exits the handheld Raman spectrometer at the following exit points:In case of an installed measuring tipfor bags, directed laser radiationexits BRAVO.In case of an installed measuring tipfor vials, diffusely scattered laserradiation exits BRAVO.Important note: If there is not anymeasuring tip installed, the user can-not start a measurement neither bypressing the Start Measurement but-ton   at the BRAVO spectrometernor by touching the Collect Data icon on the touch screen. This safetyfeature prevents an accidental laseremission in case no measuring tip isinstalled.Draft version
10 BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.4.4 Laser status LEDThe laser LED informs you about the currentlaser status as follows:•Laser LED is off: Laser is disabled (i.e. it isnot ready for emitting radiation).•Blue solid: Laser is enabled (i.e. it is readyfor emitting radiation) and the laser safetystatus of the instrument is OK.•Red solid: Laser emits radiation (for mea-surement purposes). As soon as the mea-surement is finished, the laser LED willreturn to blue (solid).•Blue flashing: This indicates a laser safetyproblem. In this case, you can not start ameasurement. Contact the Bruker service.See section 1.10.Laser status LEDDraft version
11BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.4.5 Enabling / disabling the laserIn the enabled state, the laser is switched on and ready to emit radiation, but it does notemit radiation. The laser does not emit radiation before the user actively starts a mea-surement by pressing the button   at the BRAVO spectrometer or tapping the icon on the touchscreen display. The duration of the laser radiation emission is automaticallylimited to the measurement time. In the disabled state, the laser is switched off. In thiscase, a spectroscopic measurement cannot be performed. How to enable the laser How to disable the laser Enabling the laser1. Switch on BRAVO by pressing the ON /OFF button  . ➣After you have switched on BRAVO, thelaser status LED is still off. This indicatesthat the laser is not yet activated.2. Enable the laser by pressing the button at the BRAVO button panel.➣The laser status LED lights blue. Thisindicates that the laser is ready for emit-ting radiation and laser safety status isOK.i Before starting a measurement, make surethat the laser is enabled. When you start ameasurement with a disabled laser,BRAVO aborts the measurement anddelivers a result of the category Aborted.The reason stated for the abortion is Lasernot enabled. Disabling the laser (e.g. in case of emer-gency)Press the button   at the BRAVO buttonpanel.➣This action switches off the laser i.e. it isnot ready for emitting radiation anymore. As a consequence, the laser sta-tus LED turns off. Note: To re-enable the laser, press again thebutton   at the BRAVO button panel.Draft version
12 BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety How to abort a running measurement➣Note: BRAVO emits laser radiation only for the duration of the spectroscopicmeasurement (data collection).1.5 Fire safetyFor analyzing purposes, the sample is exposed to laser radiation. This laser radiationhas the capacity to ignite highly flammable materials. So especially in case of highlyflammable substances, there is a potential fire hazard. Either Press to Abort on the touch screen display...... or disable the laser by pressing the button   at theBRAVO button panel.WARNINGFire hazard when analyzing a highly flammable substanceNon-observance of the following safety instruction could result in serious injury and/or property damage.➣Do not analyze knowingly a highly flammable substance.➣When analyzing unknown material, be aware of the potential fire hazard and takeappropriate precautions (e.g. a fire extinguisher within reach). Draft version
13BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.6 Battery safety instructions1.7 Safety notes regarding the LCDThe liquid crystal in the LCD is poisonous. During normal operation, it does not pose anyhealth hazard. However, should the touchscreen display break and liquid crystal leaks,be careful.WARNINGHealth hazard because of an exploding batteryNon-observance of the following safety instructions can result in serious injury and /or property damage.➣Do not expose the battery to fire, sparks or glowing embers. Do not dispose thebattery in fire. Otherwise, it will explode. Risk of explosion and fire!NOTICE➣Avoid excessive physical shock or vibration.➣Do not short-circuit the battery terminals.➣Do not disassemble or deform the battery.➣Do not use a battery which has visible signs of damage. ➣Do not immerse the battery in water or other liquids. Do not allow the battery toget wet.CAUTIONHealth hazard because of improper handling of leaking liquid crystalNon-observance of the following safety instructions can result in minor injury.➣Avoid any skin contact. If you your skin or clothes have come in contact with liquidcrystal, wash it off immediately using soap and water.➣Do not put liquid crystal in your moth.Draft version
14 BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 11.8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)EU regulationsThe BRAVO analyzer has been developed according to EN 61326-1:2013 Electricalequipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1:General requirements. The BRAVO analyzer is a class A equipment. Class A equipment is suitable for the use in all establishments other than domestic andthose directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildingsused for domestic purposes.➣Important note: In a domestic environment, BRAVO may cause radio interference.In this case, the operator may be required to take corrective actions in order to stopradio interference.US / FCC regulationThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea-sonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in acommercial environment. ➣Important note: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, maycause interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi-dential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will berequired to correct the interference at his own expense.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compli-ance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.1.9 Intended useBRAVO is a handheld spectrometer intended for Raman spectroscopic measurementsand subsequent qualitative evaluation for the purpose of raw material verification.Due to the measurement technique, BRAVO is suited for analyzing all kinds of solid andliquid samples which are Raman active, excluding highly flammable substances forsafety reasons.BRAVO is intended for indoor usage under the ambient conditions specified inappendix A.2.The intended use includes also the compliance with the relevant standards and regula-tions, especially:• EN 60825-1 - Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification andrequirement• national and local safety regulations• national and local accident prevention regulations• generally recognized technical regulationsThe intended use also includes the strict observance of all instructions given in this man-ual, namely:• safety instructions • operation and handling instructions• cleaning instructionsDraft version
15BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 1 1.10 Service contact dataIn case you have questions about safety, operation and / repair of the BRAVO analyzeror you need technical assistance in case of a hardware and / or software problem, youcan contact the Bruker service as follows:• Service hotline hardware: +49 (0) 72 43 504-2020• Service hotline software: +49 (0) 7243 504-2030• Fax:  +49 (0) 72 43 504-2100• E-mail:☞On our website you willfind also the current contact data of all Bruker Optics services offices worldwide.WARNINGHealth hazard because BRAVO is used other than for its intendedpurposeNon-observance of the following safety instruction could result in serious injury (pos-sibly irreversible skin and/or eye injuries).➣Use BRAVO only as intended. Do not take any action that violates the intendeduse. The operational safety BRAVO is ensured only if it is used as intended.Draft version
16 BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSafety 1Draft version
17BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual2 General information2.1 Fields of applicationBRAVO is a handheld Raman spectrometer designed for raw material verification andraw material identification. It is approved for indoor usage only, namely in laboratory andwarehouse environments. A typical field of application is the incoming goods inspection. There are two different types of measuring tips which are interchangeable. These mea-suring tips can be used for measuring liquid and solid samples being filled in a vial or ina plastic bag, in a barrel, for example. With BRAVO, the samples are measured in a non-contact way.2.2 Technical featureThe BRAVO analyzer is characterized by the following technical features:Duo LaserTM excitationThe BRAVO analyzer is equipped with two laser diodes which emit radiation in the wave-length range between 700nm and 1100nm. This dual laser excitation provides for a veryhigh sensitivity across the entire spectral range. This in turn ensures a very high degreeof unambiguous sample identification.Fluorescence mitigation by sequentially shifted excitation (SSETM)1Normally, the Raman spectroscopic measurement technique is not suitable for sampleswhich tend to fluoresce when being exposed to laser radiation because sample fluores-cence can yield a much more intense signal than the Raman scatter of the sample,masking any Raman bands in the spectrum.The patented SSETM technique, however, allows for obtaining pure Raman spectra evenin the presence of intense fluorescence by exciting the sample with a sequentiallyshifted laser radiation. Due to the implemented fluorescence mitigation techniqueSSETM, BRAVO can also be used for measuring samples which tend to fluoresce whenbeing exposed to laser radiation.Inbuilt wavenumber calibrationThe automated wavenumber calibration ensures highly reproducible measurementresults and an unmatched wavenumber accuracy. They are crucial for a raw materialidentification in a validated environment. Automatic recognition of the measuring tipBRAVO recognizes automatically the currently installed type of measuring tip. In addi-tion, this information is stored automatically in the measurement records. 1.  US patent 8,570,507, other patents pendingDraft version
18 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHGeneral information 2In case, the user has explicitly defined a certain type of measuring tip for a certain sam-ple when setting up a library, than BRAVO automatically prompts the user to use the pre-viously defined tip for measuring the sample in question. This special feature preventsthe user from measuring a certain sample using the wrong measuring tip.The design of the measuring tip allows for an easy interchange and ensures always aprecise positioning.Wireless and wired data transmissionBRAVO is equipped by default with an integrated WLAN device. This technical featureallows for a wireless data exchange between the BRAVO analyzer and a PC station viaa wireless network. If demanded, the wireless connectivity can be deactivated. Alterna-tively, a wired data transmission via an Ethernet network is also possible by using theoptional docking station. 2.3 Scope of delivery The items of the default delivery scope are delivered in a robust carrying case. Standard Components: The carrying case includes the following items:• handheld Raman spectrometer BRAVO with installedBRAVO software• 1x measuring tip for vials• 1x measuring tip for bags• 2x rechargeable batteries (Note: The rechargeablebatteries are delivered in a charged state.)• 1x battery charger• 1x polystyrene standard (reference standard for OQand PQ test measurements)• 1x calcite standard (reference standard for OQ testmeasurement)• 1x microfibre cloth• 1x carrying strap (including the required items andtools for mounting / demounting the strap)• OPUS software delivered on an USB stick (includingOPUS online help) Note: By default, the followingOPUS software packages are delivered: OPUS/IR,OPUS/BRAVO, OPUS/SEARCH and OPUS/VALIDA-TION.• Quick Start Guide (printed version)• BRAVO Analyzer User manual and BRAVO SoftwareUser Manual (electronic version, delivered on an USBstick)Optional Components: • Docking station with power cord and external powersupply unit (Note: The docking station is delivered in astorage case.• 1x Ethernet cable (crossover)• Validation kit containing the following Raman referencestandards: 1x vial cyclohexane, 1x vial naphthalene,1x vial benzonitrile, 1x vial tylenol, 1x PE bag tylenolwith certificate-of-origin• Bruker validation manual• optional OPUS software packages (e.g. OPUS/IDENT)• Data systemDraft version
19Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualGeneral information 22.4 Inspecting the packagingAfter having received the BRAVO analyzer, inspect the packaging for damages. 2.5 Ambient conditions and power supplyFor proper and error-free operation of the instrument, ensure that the following condi-tions are met:CAUTIONPossible damage to the delivered goods because of transport damageNon-observance of the following safety instructions could result in injury.➣Check the packaging visually or damages. If there are signs of damage contactthe shipping company.➣A BRAVO analyzer delivered in a damaged packaging may be damaged as well.Therefore, do not put BRAVO into operation in this case. Contact Bruker instead.(See section  1.10.)Ambient conditions / environmental require-ments:• Approved for indoor use only (in laboratory andwarehouse)• Ambient temperature range: 5°C - 35°C (41°F to95°F)• Humidity (non-condensing): 0-95% (relativehumidity)• BRAVO is shielded against electromagnetic interfer-ences. Nevertheless, the instrument should not beinstalled near high electric and/or magnetic fields. Power supply: BRAVO is designed for both battery operation (stan-dard) and mains operation (option). Note: For mains operation, put BRAVO in the dockingstation. The docking station is an optional item. In thiscase, the power supply has to fullfil the followingrequirements: 100 - 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz☞For information about battery specifications, seeappendix  A.3.☞For information about how to recharge a battery,see section  4.8. Draft version
20 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHGeneral information 2Draft version
21Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual3 BRAVO analyzer - Overview3.1 Components and control elements - OverviewTop side① - Laser status LED② - Measuring tip (exchangeable)③ - Touchscreen④ - Start measurement button⑤ - Laser enabling / disabling button⑥ - ON / OFF button⑦ - Barcode scanner button⑧ - Carrying strap (removable)Bottom side⑨ - Contact bar for the docking station⑩ - Laser label⑪ - Type label⑫ - FCC label②①③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫Draft version
22 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHBRAVO analyzer - Overview 33.2 Laser status LED Front side ⑬ - Measuring tip (exchangeable)⑭ - Barcode readerBack side ⑮ - Battery compartment door (removable)⑬⑭⑮Laser status LED is off.➣The laser is disabled (i.e. it is not readyfor emitting radiation).Laser status LED lights continuously blue.➣Laser is enabled (i.e. it is ready for emit-ting radiation) and laser safety status isOK. Laser status LED lights up red.➣Laser emits radiation.Note: The red laser status LED is of a tempo-rary nature only. As soon as the measurementis finished, the laser status LED returns to blueindicating that the laser radiation emission isover.Laser status LED is flashing blue.➣This indicates a laser safety problem. Inthis case, you cannot start a measure-ment. Contact the Bruker service. ☞For service contact data, see section 1.6.Draft version
23Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualBRAVO analyzer - Overview 33.3 Measuring tipDepending on the type of container in which the sample material is filled, there are twodifferent types of measuring tips: a measuring tip for vials and a measuring tip for bags.iThe available measuring tips are automatically recognized by the BRAVO analyzer whenthey are attached. The type of measuring tip and relevant data about the measuring tip arestored with each measurement. Measuring tip for vials (for measuring liquid or solid samples being filled in a vial)Measuring tip for bags (for measuring samples being filled in a plastic bag, in a barrel etc.)LaserVialLaserSampleDraft version
24 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHBRAVO analyzer - Overview 33.4 Button panel - Control buttonsThe button panel includes the following control buttons: 3.5 TouchscreenGeneral informationBRAVO is equipped with high-resolution TFT display with touchscreen 7" (15.0 cm x9.4 cm). Handling instructions ON / OFF buttonDepending on whether the BRAVO analyzer is currentlyon or off, pressing this button switches BRAVO on or off.Laser enabling / disabling buttonPressing this button enables or disables the laser. (Note:In the enabled state, the laser is ready to emit radiation.)➣An enabled laser is indicated by a blue laser LED.When the laser is disabled, the laser LED is off.Barcode scanner buttonWhen you press this button, the barcode reader scans thebarcode placed in front of it.Note: Alternatively, you can start the barcode scanningprocess using the BRAVO software. Start measurement buttonPressing this button starts the spectroscopic measure-ment.Note: Alternatively, you can start the measurement usingthe BRAVO software. NOTICEDamaged touchscreen because of improper handlingObserve the following handling and operating instructions to avoid damages.➣Operate the touchscreen only with your fingers. Do not use a sharp objectbecause it can damage of scratch the display surface.➣Do not touch the touchscreen with a conducting metallic object as this can causeinterferences / lead to a touchscreen disfunction.➣Operate the touchscreen only with clean and dry fingers.➣Clean the touchscreen only as described in section 5.1.2.Draft version
25Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualBRAVO analyzer - Overview 33.6 Docking stationThe docking station is an optional item. It provides for:• a data transfer (up-/downloading data) via Ethernet network (wired network)between BRAVO and the data station on which OPUS is installed • recharging the battery inside BRAVO and the spare battery which is storedinside the docking station• storing the measuring tip which is currently not used and the reference samplefor the PQ test• data transfer via USB stick① - Contact bar for connecting with BRAVO② - Blue lamp indicates whether the electric contact with BRAVO is established③ - Green lamp indicates the current state of charge of the battery which is insideBRAVO④ - Indentation intended for the storage of the measuring tip⑤ - Indentation intended for the storage of the reference sample or a vial ⑥ - Compartment for the spare battery (for storing and recharging the spare bat-tery)⑦ - Ethernet port for connecting the data cable in case the instrument is connected to a wired network⑧ - Low-voltage socket for connecting the low-voltage cable to establish the power supply⑨ - USB port for connecting an USB stick①②⑤③④⑥⑦⑧⑨Draft version
26 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHBRAVO analyzer - Overview 3Draft version
27Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual4OperationiThis manual is restricted mainly to the hardware-related aspects of operation. Fordetailed information about the software-related aspects of operating BRAVO, refer to theBRAVO Software Manual.4.1 Switching on / off BRAVO iin the switched-on state, there is typically a slightly increased heat dissipation at the bot-tom side of the BRAVO analyzer.iIt is recommended to switch off BRAVO when it is not in use for a longer period of time inorder to prevent the rechargeable battery from discharging unnecessarily. 1. Switching on BRAVOPress the ON / OFF button  . ➣BRAVO starts to boot up. The boot-upprocess takes approx. 10 seconds.2. Waiting for BRAVO to boot upWait until the boot-up process is finished andthe Login screen is displayed on the touch-screen.☞For information about how to log in, seethe following section 4.2.1. Switching off BRAVOPress the ON / OFF button  .➣This action switches off the handheldRaman spectrometer BRAVO. The laserLED turns off as well. Draft version
28 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.2 Logging in iFor your username and password, ask the responsible OPUS administrator. 1. Entering the user name and passworda) Tap the Username entry field.➣The on-screen keyboard pops up. b) Enter your user name using the on-screen keyboard.i  Alternatively, you can scan the user ID,provided the user name is available asbarcode. In this case, place the user IDbarcode in front of the barcode readerand press the button   at the BRAVObutton panel.c) Tap the Password entry field and enteryour password using the on-screen key-board. 2. Confirming the entered username andpasswordTouch the return key   on the on-screenkeyboard. ➣The on-screen keyboard disappears andthe start screen of the BRAVO softwareprogram is displayed.➣Note: For closing the on-screen key-board without confirming the entereddata, press the key  .➣After you have logged in, the on-screenkeyboard disappears and the startscreen of the BRAVO software programis displayed.i  To proceed with scanning the barcode ofthe sample tap the icon   in the naviga-tion bar.For information about how to scan the sam-ple barcode, see the following section 4.3.Draft version
29BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.3 Scanning the barcode of the sample1. Positioning the sample barcode in frontof the barcode readerPosition the barcode on the sample containerin front of the barcode reader. Make sure thatthe barcode reader can scan the completebarcode.2. Scanning the barcodeEither press the button   at the BRAVObutton panel...... or tap the icon   in the navigation bar ofthe Scan Barcodes screen.i  Alternatively, you can enter the materialname, the batch / lot # and the container #manually by touching the correspondingentry field. In doing so, the on-screen key-board pops up. Enter the data using theon-screen keyboard. Entering the MaterialName is mandatory, entering Batch / Lot #and Container # is facultative.☞For more details, refer to the BRAVOSoftware Manual. This manual is deliv-ered as pdf file on an USB flash drive.i  To proceed with verifying the sample,swipe left in the workflow bar to put theicon   into the center position.☞For information about sample verifica-tion, see section 4.5.Draft version
30 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.4 Exchanging the measuring tipGeneral informationDepending on the type of container in which the sample material is filled, there are twodifferent types of measuring tips: ☞For additional information about the available measuring tips, see section 3.3.Exchange procedureDepending on the type of sample container, install the appropriate measuring tip. Measuring tip for bags➣Use this measuring tip for samplesbeing filled in a plastic bag, in a barreletc.Measuring tip for vials➣Use this measuring tip for measuringliquid or solid samples being filled ina vial.1. Removing a measuring tipRotate the bayonet socket ① a quarterturn. The direction of rotation is indicatedby the red rotation arrow in the left image.Take off the measuring tip.2. Installing a measuring tipFit the measuring tip on the objective unitwith the groove of the measuring tip ③being in alignment with the tongue of theobjective unit ②. Rotate the bayonet socket until itengages. The direction of rotation is indi-cated by the red rotation arrow in the leftimage.Note: The bayonet coupling is properlyengaged when the arrow is in line with thelock icon  .①②③Draft version
31BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.5 Verifying a sample 1. Putting the sample in the measurementpositionIn case you verify samples which are filled invials, place the vial in the holder of the mea-suring tip.In case you verify samples which are filled inbags, press the bag against the laser exitopening of the measuring tip. ☞In case the measuring tip needs to beexchanged, see section 4.4. 2. Enabling the laser (only if not yet done)Press the button   at the BRAVO buttonpanel. If the laser is already enabled, skipthis step. i  An enabled laser is indicated by a blue(solid) laser LED. Note: When you start a measurement with adisabled laser, BRAVO aborts immediatelythe measurement and delivers a result of thecategory Aborted. The reason stated for theabortion is Laser not enabled.3. Starting the sample measurement Either press the button   at the BRAVObutton panel...... or touch the icon   in the navigation barof the Collect Data screen.☞For more details, refer to the BRAVOSoftware Manual. This manual is deliv-ered as pdf file on an USB flash drive.Draft version
32 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44. Waiting until the measurement isfinished and the result is displayed onthe touchscreenSample measurement in progressWARNING! LASER EMISSION POSSIBLE!☞For detailed information about the laserexit points and laser safety, refer tosection 1.4.The measurement progress is indicated by acountdown timer showing the remainingmeasurement time. Note: If additional time is required, a secondcountdown timer will appear after the pre-scan.Important Note: As long as the measure-ment is in progress, the BRAVO spectrome-ter emits laser radiation. This is indicated bya red laser status LED ①. As soon as themeasurement is finished, the laser statusLED returns to blue (solid). This means, thelaser is enabled but it emits no radiation.Automatic comparison of spectraImmediately after the data collection, theBRAVO software compares automatically themeasured sample spectrum with the refer-ence spectra of the used spectra library.Automatic display of the resultAfterwards, the result of the spectra compari-son is displayed automatically. The result cat-egories Accepted and Rejected tell the userwhether the expected material is confirmedclearly on the basis of the used spectralibrary or not.☞For detailed information about this topic,refer to the BRAVO Software user man-ual. This manual is delivered as pdf fileon an USB flash drive.i To proceed with scanning the barcode ofthe next sample, touch the icon   in thenavigation bar.①Draft version
33BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.6 Aborting a running measurementEither Press to Abort on the touchscreendisplay or ....... press the button   at the buttonpanel.Note: Pressing this button disables thelaser and aborts a running measurement.➣In case of a measurement abort, nodata is saved. And consequently,BRAVO is not able to verify the sam-ple and to deliver a verification result.Instead, the BRAVO software pro-gramme informs the user about thereason for the abort. Draft version
34 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.7 Exchanging the batteryiThe standard delivery scope includes two rechargeable batteries. One of them serves asspare part.iBefore starting with the battery removal, it is recommended to log out the system and toswitch off BRAVO.1. Opening the battery compartmentRotate the cover of the battery compartmentcounter-clockwise up to the stop.Take the cover off.2. Removing the empty batteryPull out the battery.3. Inserting the charged batteryInsert the battery with the electric contactstrip ① pointing upwards. Push the battery into the battery compart-ment. 4. Closing the battery compartmentInsert the two lock hooks at the cover into thecorresponding recesses of the guide slots atthe battery compartment. Rotate the cover clockwise until it snaps intoplace.①Draft version
35BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.8 Recharging the battery4.8.1 General informationThere are two ways of recharging the battery: • by using the batter charger which is included in the standard delivery scope• by using the optional docking stationDisplay of the battery state of chargeHandling instructions☞For detailed battery safety instructions, see section 1.6.In case of the battery inside the BRAVOanalyzer, the current battery state ofcharge (in precise percentage) is dis-played by the BRAVO software in theupper right corner of the touchscreen dis-play.The current battery state of charge isalso displayed on the battery itself by afive-segment bar-graph display ① (insteps of 20%). ①NOTICETo ensure a long service life of the rechargeable battery, observe thefollowing handling instructions:➣Do not expose the battery to high temperatures. ➣Store the battery in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place.Draft version
36 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.8.2 Recharging the battery with the battery charger In this case, the battery needs to be removed from the BRAVO analyzer.☞For detailed information about how to remove and re-insert the battery, seesection 4.7.Battery charger - Safety notes1. Connect the battery charger to the mainspower supply. 2. Place the battery into the battery bay of thecharger ensuring that the 5-way connectoris fully seated.➣The charger will automatically begincharging the battery.LEDs ① at the battery charger indicate thecharge state of the battery as follows:• Green flashing: The battery is charging.• Green solid: The battery is fully charged.• Red solid: Error①CAUTIONNon-observance of the following safety instructions may result in minoror moderate (reversible) injury and minor property damage.➣Do not expose the charger or power supply to water or liquids. It is not a sealedcase.➣Place the charger in a cool spot, away from external heat sources.➣Do not cover the air vent or obstruct the air flow. This will cause overheating.➣Do not open the charger or the power supply unit. There are no serviceable partsinside.➣Use only the manufacturer’s power supply and observe the terminal polarity.Draft version
37BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.8.3 Recharging the battery via the docking stationiWith the docking station, two batteries can be charged at the same time: the batteryinside the BRAVO analyzer and the spare battery placed in the battery storage compart-ment of the docking station. iTo have always a charged battery at hand, make a habit of putting the spare battery intothe battery storage compartment of the docking station.☞For more information about the optional docking station, see section 3.6.1. Connect the power cord to both thedocking station ① and the wallsocket.Charging the battery inside BRAVO2. Put the BRAVO analyzer withinserted battery into the docking sta-tion as shown in the left image.3. Make sure that the blue lamp ② atthe docking station lights. This indi-cates that the BRAVO analyzer isproperly connected with docking sta-tion.The green lamp ③ at the docking stationindicates the charge state of the battery asfollows:• The green lamp is flashing. --> The bat-tery is recharging.• The green lamp lights continuously. --> The battery is fully recharged.4. As soon as the battery is fullyrecharged, you can take BRAVO outof the docking station and proceedwith your work.Charging the spare battery5. Insert the spare battery into storagecompartment ④ of the docking sta-tion.➣Note: Insert the battery with the elec-tric contact strip pointing upwards. The current battery state of charge is dis-played on the battery itself by a five-seg-ment bar-graph display ⑤ (in steps of20%).①②③④⑤Draft version
38 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.9 Establishing a wireless connection between BRAVO and a data stationBy default, the BRAVO analyzer is designed for a wireless connection between BRAVOand data station.➣Important Note: For a wireless connection between BRAVO and data station, aWLAN-capable data station (e.g. notebook, tablet PC) is required. In case there isno WLAN available at your site, a router is required in addition. In case the data sta-tion is not WLAN-capable, a wireless access point is required.Establishing a wireless connection between BRAVO and the data station involves thefollowing basic steps:1. Connecting the data station to the WLAN2. Connecting the BRAVO analyzer to the WLAN3. Connecting the data station to the BRAVO analyzer via WLAN➣Important Note: BRAVO and data station have to be connected to the sameWLAN!➣Note: The BRAVO analyzer is equipped with a WiFi module which supports thestandards IEEE 802.11b/g/n.4.9.1 Connecting the data station to the WLANThe precise procedure depends on the used wireless LAN-equipment and the wirelesslocal area network (WLAN) at your site. ☞For this reason, ask your responsible IT administrator for information about how toconnect your data station to your WLAN.1. Activate the WLAN card which isintegrated in your data station.☞For information about this subject,refer to the user manual of the datastation in question.Note: In case a router is used, switch iton as well.☞For information about this subject,refer to the user manual of the routerin question.2. Connect the data station to a WLANwhich is available at your site (e.g. acompany-internal WLAN). Wait untilthe wireless connection is estab-lished.☞If you have any questions on thissubject, contact your IT administra-tor. Draft version
39BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.9.2 Connecting BRAVO to the WLANOpening the Settings workflow1. Open the Settings workflow by swip-ing left or right in the navigation baruntil the icon   is in the center.2. Touch the icon  .Opening the Network screen3. Swipe left or right in the navigationbar until the icon   is in the center.Selecting the network type Wireless4. Touch the Wireless Network icon.Performing a WiFi scan to find outwhich WLANs are available at yoursite.5. Touch the WiFi Scan icon .➣Wait until the WiFi scan is finished.Afterwards, all WLANs which arecurrently available at your site aredisplayed.Draft version
40 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 4Selecting the desired WiFi network.6. Touch the corresponding option but-ton.➣Important: The BRAVO analyzerand the data station have to be con-nected to the same WLAN!Configuring the WiFi network7. In case you have selected the optionSelect Network Manually, you haveto configure the WiFi network youintend to use. Enter the NetworkName (SSID) using the on-screenkeyboard.8. In case you have selected a pass-word-protected network, enter thepassword using the on-screen key-board.☞For the network password, ask theresponsible IT administrator.➣In case you have selected a non-password-protected network, youcan skip this step.Establishing the connection betweenBRAVO and WLAN9. In the navigation bar, Press to Con-nect.10. Wait until the wireless connection isestablished.➣In case of a successful connectionattempt, the following messageappears: Config. saved. Connectionsuccessful!  In addition, the connec-tivity icon   in the top bar lightsyellow.☞In case the connection attemptfailed, see section 7.2.8 for trouble-shooting. If you do not succeed insolving the problem, contact theresponsible IT administrator. Draft version
41BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.9.3 Connecting the data station to BRAVO via WLAN1. Select in the OPUS Measure menuthe  Optic Setup and Service func-tion.2. Select in the Configuration drop-down list the option BRAVO.3. Enter the Optical Bench URL of theBRAVO analyzer to which you wantto connect. The Optical Bench URLhas the following syntax: http://<IPaddress of the BRAVO ana-lyzer>:8443.➣Note: You find the IP address ① ofthe BRAVO analyzer in the Networkscreen of the BRAVO software.4. Click on the Connect button.5. Exit this dialog by clicking on theSave Settings button.①Draft version
42 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.10 Establishing a wired connection between BRAVO and a data station4.10.1 General informationOnly with the optional docking station, you can establish a wired Ethernet connectionbetween the BRAVO analyzer and a data station (e.g. PC, notebook) for data transferpurposes.iThe optional docking station is not included in the standard delivery scope. But ifdesired, you can reorder a docking station. For the order number, see appendix B,section B.5.➣Important Note: For a wired connection between the BRAVO instrument and thedata station, a data station (e.g. PC) with Ethernet port is required.Note: In case the data station has been delivered by Bruker, the integrated networkinterface cards are labelled OPTIC CONNECTOR and LAN. The LAN port has to beused for the connection between data station and network hub; the OPTIC CONNEC-TOR port has to be used for the connection between data station and BRAVO analyzer.4.10.2 Possible connection variantsBasically, the following connection variants are possible:• Connecting the docking station directly to a stand-alone data station• Connecting both the docking station and the data station(s) to a local area net-work• Connecting the docking station to a data station which is connected to a localarea networkVariant A: Connecting the docking station directly to a stand-alone data station For establishing this connection variant, one crossover Ethernet cable with RJ45 con-nector is required.iBruker provides crossover Ethernet cables of different lengths. For the order number,see appendix B, section B.5.Port OPTICCONNECTORcrossover cableIP address: factory-assigned ifthe PC has been obtainedfrom Bruker)IP address: factory-assigned)Draft version
43BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 4Variant B: Connecting the docking station and the data station(s) to a network For establishing this connection variant, straight-through Ethernet cables with RJ45 con-nector are required.In case of this connection variant, all IP addresses (i.e. IP addresses for data station(s)and BRAVO analyzer) have to be defined by your network administrator. To the BRAVOanalyzer, both IP address types - static and dynamic - can be assigned. In the lattercase, however, a DHCP server is required.☞For information about how to assign a network address to BRAVO, seesection 4.10.3.Variant C: Connecting the docking station to a network data stationGeneral informationThis connection variant requires two network interface cards: one for the communicationbetween BRAVO and data station and another for the communication between data sta-tion and network hub. In case the data station is equipped with only one network inter-face card, a LAN USB adapter is required for establishing the connection between datastation and network hub.iBruker provides the required network equipment. For the order number, see appendix B,section B.6.For establishing the connection between data station and network hub, a straightthrough Ethernet cable with RJ45 connector is required. For establishing the connectionbetween BRAVO analyzer and data station, a crossover Ethernet cable with RJ45 con-nector is required.iBruker provides crossover Ethernet cables of different lengths. For the order number,see appendix B, section B.5. Port LANNetwork hubStraight-through cablesPort LANAll IP addresses have to be defined by your network administrator.Draft version
44 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 4Computer equipped with two network cardsComputer equipped with one network cardNetwork hubStraight through cableLANPort OPTICCONNECTORCrossover cableIP address: factory-assigned)OPTIC CONNECTOR network card:IP address: factory-assigned if the PChas been obtained from Bruker)LAN network card:IP address has to be defined by yournetwork administrator.PortNetwork hubCrossover cableNetwork portUSB portLAN USB adapterStraight through cableIntegrated network card:IP address: factory-assigned if thePC has been obtained fromBruker)LAN USB adapter:IP address has to be defined byyour network administrator.IP address: factory-assigned)Draft version
45BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.10.3 Assigning network addresses to BRAVOGeneral informationThe BRAVO analyzer is delivered with the factory-assigned IP address Incase the network connection established at your site requires a different IP address, youhave to assign a different IP address to the BRAVO analyzer. In this case, the IPaddress has to be defined by your network administrator.To the BRAVO analyzer, both IP address types - static and dynamic - can be assigned.In the latter case, however, a DHCP server is required.➣Important note: Only a person with the access right Administrator is authorized toassign network addresses to the BRAVO analyzer. Address assignment procedureOpening the Settings workflow1. Open the Settings workflow by swipingleft or right in the navigation bar until theicon   is in the center.2. Touch the icon  .Opening the Network screen3. Swipe left or right in the navigation baruntil the icon   is in the center.Selecting the network type Wired4. Touch the Wired Network icon  .Draft version
46 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 45. Scroll down until the Network Summaryis displayed.➣The Network Summary displays the cur-rently assigned network addresses,namely IP address, subnet mask andgateway IP.➣A static as well as a dynamic addressassignment is possible. Note: For adynamic address assignment, a DHCPserver is required.Proceed with either of the two assignmentvariant.Manual assignment of a static IP address6. Tap an entry field.➣The on-screen keyboard pops up. 7. Enter the new IP address.8. Press the return key   on the on-screen keyboard to confirm the enteredIP address.➣The on-screen keyboard disappears.Note: For closing the on-screen keyboardwithout confirming the entered data, pressthe key  . Dynamic IP address assignment via DHCP9. Tap the button Automatic (DHCP).Note: To deactivate the dynamic addressassignment, tap again the button Automatic(DHCP).Draft version
47BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 44.10.4 Connecting BRAVO to data station 4.10.5 Checking the connection between BRAVO and data stationTo find out whether there is a communication connection between the BRAVO analyzerand the data station, proceed as follows: In the toolbar, press the network icon toestablish the connection.1. Select in the OPUS Measure menuthe Device Manager function.On the Device Manager page GeneralSettings you see the serial number of theBRAVO analyzer to which the data sta-tion is currently connected.In case there are no version informationand device information displayed, thismeans that the data station is not con-nected to a BRAVO analyzer at all.Draft version
48 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 44.11 Mounting / demounting the carrying strap4.11.1 General informationBRAVO is delivered with the carrying strap not being mounted. The carrying strap canbe mounted on either side of the BRAVO analyzer. iWe recommend the usage of the carrying strap. It facilitates carrying and holding theBRAVO analyzer and provides for a more secure hold of the BRAVO analyzer. The delivery scope includes the following items:  4.11.2 Procedure 1x carrying strap 2x mounting elements2x slotted pan head screws ((M2x6)1x flat tip screwdriver1. Remove the two covering caps ①using the flat tip screwdriver.①Draft version
49BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOperation 42. Put the slotted head screw in themounting element and ... ... screw the mounting element tightat the BRAVO analyzer.➣Note: Attach the mounting elementwith the hole pointing upwards.3. Remove the screw from the swivelplug at the end of the carrying strap.4. Attach the carrying strap by fittingthe swivel plug on the mounting ele-ment and tightening the screw youhave removed before.5. Attach the other end of the carryingstrap at the BRAVO analyzer in thesame way.Draft version
50 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOperation 4Draft version
51Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual5 Cleaning and Decontamination5.1 Cleaning the BRAVO analyzer5.1.1 Cleaning the plastic coverWipe the plastic housing clean with a dry or damp cloth. Damp the cloth with water, ifrequired.5.1.2 Cleaning the touchscreenCleaning utensils• a soft and lint-free cloth• ethanol➣Do not use any organic solvent or detergent other than ethanol.iFor cleaning the touchscreen, we recommend using a microfiber cloth.Cleaning procedureWipe off the touchscreen gently with a soft cloth moistened with ethanol. Do not rub anddo not press too hard on the screen.iWe recommend switching off the BRAVO analyzer before beginning to clean the touch-screen. Usually it is much easier to see where the fingerprints and other smudges arewhen the BRAVO analyzer is switched off.NOTICEBRAVO analyzer damage because of improper cleaning➣Do not immerse the BRAVO analyzer in water or any other liquid cleaning agent.➣Do not wash down the BRAVO analyzer.NOTICEBRAVO analyzer damage because of improper touchscreen cleaning➣Do not clean the touchscreen with something that is abrasive. Otherwise, there isthe risk of scratching the touchscreen.➣Do not spray or pour ethanol directly onto the touchscreen. There is a risk of liquidleaking into the BRAVO analyzer and damaging it. Instead, moistened the clothwith ethanol and wipe the touchscreen with the damp cloth.Draft version
52 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHCleaning and Decontamination 55.2 Decontaminating the BRAVO analyzer5.2.1 Approved decontaminating agentsThe following detergents are approved for decontaminating the BRAVO analyzer:• Ethanol (C2H6O 70%)• Isopropanol (C3H8O 70%)• Sodium hydroxide (NaOH 5%)• Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO 6%)• Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 5%)5.2.2 Decontamination procedure1. Damp a cloth with an appropriate decontaminating agent. Use only an approveddecontaminating agent. (See the above list.)2. Wipe off the BRAVO analyzer thoroughly.3. Strictly observe the application time of the decontaminating agent in question.(Note: The correct application is stated by manufacturer of the decontaminatingagent.)4. Afterwards, remove the decontaminating agent by wiping off the BRAVO analyzerthoroughly with a damp cloth (i.e. damped with water).NOTICEBRAVO analyzer damage because of improper decontamination method➣Use only an approved decontaminating agent. See the above list. (Note: Only forthe above listed detergents, the material compatibility has been tested.)➣Do not immerse the BRAVO analyzer into the liquid decontaminating agent.➣Do not wash down the BRAVO analyzer.Draft version
53BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual6Repair6.1 General information➣Only Bruker service personnel is authorized to repair the BRAVO analyzer! If your BRAVO analyzer is in need of repair, contact the Bruker service. For repair pur-poses, the BRAVO analyzer needs to be returned to Bruker.☞For the Bruker service contact data, see section 1.10. For a complete list with theaddresses and telephone numbers of all Bruker headquarters, branch offices andrepresentations worldwide, visit our website ProcedureIn case your BRAVO analyzer is in need of repair, proceed as follows:1. Contact the Bruker service and notify us the problem.2. Then, Bruker will send you a repair request form (RMA form). 3. Fill in this form completely and truthfully. 4. Clean the BRAVO analyzer thoroughly. In case you have analyzed substanceswhich are dangerous to health you have to decontaminate the BRAVO analyzercompletely before you return it to Bruker. ➣Note that you have to confirm with the RMA form that the returned BRAVO analyzeris free of any hazardous material (e.g. infectious, radioactive, toxic or corrosivematerial).Important note: You have to ensure that the returned analyzer is completely free ofany hazardous material so that no person involved in repairing the BARVO ana-lyzer will suffer temporary or permanent damage to their health. You assume fullresponsibility if we determine a health risk caused by hazardous substances onyour BRAVO analyzer.☞For detailed information about how to clean and decontaminate the BRAVO ana-lyzer, see chapter 5.5. Return the RMA form together with the cleaned BRAVO analyzer to Bruker.WARNINGHealth hazard because of an unauthorized repair attempt by the user➣Do not attempt to repair the BRAVO analyzer. Otherwise there is a potentialhealth hazard (e.g. exposure tho hazardous laser radiation). Instead, proceed asdescribed in the following section 6.2. Draft version
54 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHRepair 6Draft version
55BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual7 Troubleshooting7.1 General informationThis chapter deals with the most common problems that may occur as experience hasshown. It provides information about possible causes of the problem and presents solu-tions for troubleshooting. If the solutions listed in this chapter do not solve the problem,contact the Bruker service.☞For the Bruker service contact data, see section Problem - possible cause - solution7.2.1 BRAVO does not boot upAfter being switched on, BRAVO does not boot up.Possible causes  SolutionsEmpty battery Substitute the empty battery for a chargedbattery.☞See section 4.7.Recharge the empty battery.☞See section 4.8.No battery is inserted in the BRAVOanalyzer. Insert a charged battery.☞See section 4.7.A failed BRAVO software updateA defective partition on the SD cardRecover the system by pressing the ON/OFF button and the laser enabling /disabling button simultaneously.A major BRAVO defect (e.g. damagedtouchscreen) Contact the Bruker service.☞For the service contact data, seesection 1.10. For detailed informationabout the repair procedure, seesection 6.2.Draft version
56 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHTroubleshooting 77.2.2 Log in attempt failed7.2.3 Barcode cannot be scannedPossible causes  SolutionsYou have entered the wrong usernameand / or the wrong password. Enter the correct username and / or pass-word.☞For your login-data, contact theresponsible administrator.The administrator has locked your userrecord in OPUS. Contact the responsible administrator. Your user record has not yet beentransferred form the data station to theBRAVO analyzer.Contact the responsible administrator. Possible causes  SolutionsThe distance between the barcodelabel and the barcode scanner is tooshort or too long.Hold the BRAVO analyzer in such a waythat the barcode label is within the depth offield range.☞For information about the depth of fieldrange, see section A.6.1The window in front of the barcodescanner is dirty, scratched or dam-aged. In case of a dirty barcode scanner window,clean it.In case of a scratched or damaged barcodescanner window, contact the Bruker ser-vice.☞For the service contact data, seesection 1.10. For detailed informationabout the repair procedure, seesection 6.2.Barcode label is dirty or damaged. In  case  of  a  dirty  barcode  label,  clean  itcarefully without damaging it.Draft version
57Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualTroubleshooting 77.2.4 Black touchscreen display7.2.5 Failed PQ test / OQ test7.2.6 Aborted measurementPossible causes  SolutionsAfter a certain period of time withoutany user interaction, the touchscreendisplay switches automatically in thepower-saving mode, i.e. it becomesblack.Touch the touchscreen at any spot.Possible causes  SolutionsWrong reference standard has beenused. Repeat the test with the correct referencestandard.The test has been performed with noreference standard being placed in thevial holder of the measuring tip.Repeat the test with the correct referencestandard being placed in the vial holder ofthe measuring tip.Sapphire window is dirty. Clean it. Afterwards, repeat the test.Hardware problems Contact the Bruker service.☞For the service contact data, seesection 1.10. For detailed informationabout the repair procedure, seesection 6.2.Possible causes  SolutionsThe spectroscopic measurement hasbeen started with a disabled laser. Enable the laser. Then restart the measure-ment.☞For information about how to enablethe laser, see section 1.4.5.Draft version
58 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHTroubleshooting 77.2.7 Problems regarding the detected spectral signalThese kinds of problems become apparent as follows, for example:• No spectrum has been acquired.• The spectral intensity of the spectrum is too weak.• Unexpected spectrum has been acquired.7.2.8 Problems regarding wireless data transferPossible causes  SolutionsNo sample in the sample position dur-ing the measurement. Put the sample in the measurement posi-tion and repeat the measurement.Note: In case you verify samples which arefilled in vials, place the vial in the holder ofthe measuring tip. In case you verify sam-ples which are filled in bags, press the bagagainst the laser exit opening of the mea-suring tip. Entrapped air in the vial i.e. entrappedair between vial and sample powder.  Shake the vial to remove the air inclusions.The barcode label on the vial or bagprevents the laser beam from reachingthe sample.When inserting the vial in the vial holder,make sure that the label on the vial is not inthe beampath of the laser beam.When pressing the bag against the laserexit opening of the measuring tip, makesure that the exiting laser beam will impingeon the sample and not on the label.Possible causes  SolutionsInterferences of the WiFi networkcaused by microwaves etc. Eliminate the source of interference.WiFi signal strength is to weak at yourcurrent location. Move to a different location where the WiFisignal strength is higher.If the above listed solutions do not solve theproblem, contact your administrator who isresponsible for the wireless network at yoursite.Draft version
59Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualTroubleshooting 77.2.9 Problems regarding the docking stationYou have put the BRAVO analyzer into docking station, but the blue lamp at the dockingstation does not light up.Possible causes  SolutionsYou have not put the BRAVO analyzerproperly into docking station.  Put the BRAVO analyzer again into thedocking station. Pay attention to the correctsit of the contacts.The corresponding contacts are dirty. Remove the dirt.☞For the location of the contact bars,see section 3.1 and section 3.6.Draft version
60 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHTroubleshooting 7Draft version
61Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualA SpecificationA.1 BRAVO A.2 Environmental conditionsBRAVO is intended for indoor usage only, namely in laboratory and warehouse environ-ments. Parameter Specified Parameter ValueDimensions 27.0 cm (w) x 15.6 cm (d) x 6.2 cm (h)Weight ca. 1.5 kg (3.25 lbs)Voltage 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz (for battery charger of the dock-ing station)Spectral range 3.200 to 250 cm-1 Spectralresolution 10 cm-1 to 12 cm-1Laser classThe BRAVO analyzer is classified as a laser class 1M product according to IEC/EN 60825-1:2007.LaserPopt< 100mW @ λ= 700 - 1100nmNote: The two integrated laser diodes are classified as laser class 3B lasers.DetectorCCDTouchscreen displayHigh resolution touchscreen (15.0 cm x 9.4 cm), 7" back-lit IPS HD displayResolution: 1280 x 800 (219ppi)Viewing angle: 178 ° Parameter Specified Parameter ValueOperating site BRAVO is intended for indoor usage only, namely in labo-ratory and warehouse environments.≤ 2000 above sea levelAmbient temperature range  5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95 °F)Atmospheric humidity (non condensing) 0 to 95% (relative humidity)Ingress protection IP 64Draft version
62 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHSpecification AA.3 Battery and battery chargerA.3.1 Battery A.3.2 Battery charger A.4 Docking Station Parameter Specified Parameter ValueRecharge time for a full charge (from 0% to 100%) 3.5 hoursVoltage Vmax =8.4VVnom =7.2VVcutoff =4.8VMax. current discharge 3A continuousMax continuous power 14.4 W (to cutoff voltage)Battery chemistry Lithium IonParameter Specified Parameter ValueInput voltage range 100 - 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 HzPower consumption 1.5 A max.Dimension  180 mm (length) x 92 mm (width) x 58 mm (height)Weight 235 gParameter Specified Parameter ValueInput voltage range 100 - 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 HzPower consumption 2.5 A max.Dimension 36 cm x 15 cm x 13 cmWeight ca. 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs)Draft version
63BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualSpecification AA.5 WiFi moduleThe BRAVO analyzer is equipped with a WiFi module which supports the standardsIEEE 802.11b/g/n.This WiFi module has an approval certificate for the U.S. and Canada. A.6 Barcode reader A.6.1 Depth of field range A.6.2 Resolution approval certificate for the U.S. FCC ID: 2AD88-BRAVO-01approval certificate for Canada IC: 5969A-TIWI101Symbology Depth of field - Typical range100% U.P.C. 46 mm to 419 mm (1.8’’ to 16.5’’)5 mil Code 39 64 mm to 163 mm (2.5’’ to 6.4’’)10 mil Code 39 28 mm to 338 mm (1.1’’ to 13.3’’)6.7 mil PDF417 46 mm to 185 mm (1.8’’ to 7.3’’)10 mil Data Matrix 53 mm to 203 mm (2.1’’ to 8.0’’)Type of barcode Resolutionlinear barcode 0.127 mm (5.0 mil)2D matrix code 0.169 mm (6.7 mil)Draft version
64 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHSpecification ADraft version
65Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualB Orderable itemsB.1 Spare parts & replacement parts B.2 Reference standards and certified samplesOrder number ItemC610 Single battery chargerC612 Rechargeable battery 7.2 V (< 100 Wh), initial operating time > 4h R420 Measuring tip for bagsR421 Measuring tip for vialsS152 Strap for carrying / holding the BRAVO analyzer1826953 Battery compartment cover(replacement part for the battery compartment cover included in the standard delivery scope)S150 Carrying case for the BRAVO analyzer(replacement part for the carrying case included in the stan-dard delivery scope of the BRAVO analyzer)S151 Storage case for the docking station(replacement part for the storage case included in the delivery scope of the optional docking station)Order number ItemBRM400 Polystyrene rod (reference sample for performing the PQ test)BRM420 Validation Kit (for validating BRAVO in accordance USP35, Ph.Eur. 7.0, ASTM E1840-96,ASTM E2529-06 and ASTM E2911-13)The validation kit includes the following Raman reference stan-dards:• 1x vial with cyclohexane• 1x vial with naphthalene• 1x vial with benzonitrile• 1x vial with tylenol• 1x PE bag with tylenolFor each Raman reference standard, the certificate of origin is included.Draft version
66 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOrderable items BB.3 ConsumablesB.4 Cleaning utensils B.5 Optional partsBRM421 Raman standard cyclohexane with certificate of originfor validation with measuring tip for vialsBRM422 Raman standard naphthalene with certificate of originfor validation with measuring tip for vialsBRM423 Raman standard benzonitrile in vial with certificate of originfor validation with measuring tip for vialsBRM424 Raman standard tylenol in vial with certificate of originfor validation with measuring tip for vialsBRM425 Raman standard tylenol in PE bag with certificate of originfor validation with measuring tip for bags Order number ItemOrder number ItemS153 200x glass vials including stoppersRecommended: S154 - septa for stoppersS154 septa for stoppers in S153Order number Item1828002 1x microfiber tissue for cleaning the touchscreen display (especially for removing fingermarks)Order number ItemS201 Docking stationThe delivery scope includes:• docking station• power supply unit and power cord• storage caseDraft version
67Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualOrderable items BB.6 Network equipmentFor establishing a direct Ethernet connection between the docking station and the datastation (e.g. PC, notebook), a crossover cable with RJ 45 connector is required. Thistype of cable is available in the following lengths: Order number ItemC295-E USB-LAN adapterC295-PCIE Network interface card (for PC model HP Elite 800 G1 Tower, 800 G1-Ultra Slim)10/100/1000 Mbit, RJ45, PCle-interface Order number ItemI21329 Ethernet cable (crossover) with RJ 45cable length: 10 mI24010 Ethernet cable (crossover) with RJ 45cable length: 30 mI24011 Ethernet cable (crossover) with RJ 45cable length: 50 mI24012 Ethernet cable (crossover) with RJ 45cable length: 100 mDraft version
68 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbHOrderable items BDraft version
69Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO Analyzer - User ManualDraft version
70 BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual Bruker Optik GmbH Draft version

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