C MAX Asia CM9301SDT2014 Bluetooth 4.0 Module User Manual 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014 UseMan

C-MAX Asia limited Bluetooth 4.0 Module 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014 UseMan

User Manual

  CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module                                                                                                                                       This module is limited to OEM installation ONLY SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 1 of 16  C-MAX 1.0  Description  The  CMM-9301-SDT  module  is  a  Bluetooth  4.0  Single  Mode  (Bluetooth  Low  Energy)  module  for implementing  Bluetooth  functionality  into  various  electronic  devices.  Standalone  as  a  Bluetooth  Low Energy End Product, it is embedded with a proprietary data exchange profile allowing the bridging of data from an external host by means of UART link via Bluetooth 4.0 protocol to a Bluetooth 4.0 Dual Mode device.   Inclusive  of  dedicated  hardware  for  the  Physical  and  Link  Layer  implementation  of  Bluetooth  Smart from  EM  Microelectronics  and  a  high  performance  interface  MCU,  this  SDT  module  is  optimized  for embedded  applications  such  as  health  monitoring,  sports  devices,  human  sensoring  devices,  home appliances etc. Without any additional study of the Bluetooth protocol, customers are able to develop and test their own applications.   1.1  Features  o  Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) (Single Mode) full corestack embedded module in slave mode o  Enables application with Bluetooth connectivity with no Bluetooth knowledge required whatsoever  o  Embedded with BT4.0 GATT profile and Device Information Service o  1Mbps on-air data rate o  Programmable BLE parameters such as: Device Information, connection interval and more... o UART interface with external host via AT command set o Dimension: 15.5 x 22.5 x 3.2 mm   o No tuning necessary o Operational Temperature Range -20 / +60°C    o  Tape and Reel packaged ready for SMT assembly  1.2  Pin Assignments and Dimensions                                           Top View                      Detailed Dimensions  All dimensions are in mm. Connection pin pitch = 2.54 mm +/- 0.1mm Module Thickness = 3.2mm max.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 2 of 16  C-MAX Pin Number  Pin Name Input to  / Output from Module  Pin Description 1  RXD  I  RXD pin of UART communication with Host 2  Reserved  I/O  Reserved pin for future use 3  Reserved  I/O  Reserved pin for future use 4  Reserved  I/O  Reserved pin for future use 5  Reserved  I/O  Reserved pin for future use 6  GND  GND  Ground connection for module 7  TXD  O  TXD pin of UART communication with Host 8  UART_EN  I  Connect to VCC for UART serial data transfer mode 9  SLEEP  I  Module  wake  up  pin  to  wake  module  from  low  power  sleep  mode (Wake-up =  LO, Sleep = HI) .  In  Sleep  mode  UART interface  will be disabled. 10  VDD  VDD  2.3 ~ 3.6 V voltage supply pin to module 11  IRQ  O  Interrupt Request  Pin  to  signal  host  when data  received in  buffer  and ready to poll 12  RST  I  Reset (Active LO) 13  LINK  O  Module Link Indication signal (Bluetooth Disconnected = LO; Bluetooth Connected = HI) 14  RESERVED  I/O Reserved pin for future use   1.3  Recommended PCB layout and foot print                             Recommended module contact pads footprint
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 3 of 16  C-MAX  Recommended Clearance       Recommended Keepout area around Module and Ground Plane Area  under Module   1.4   Module Block Diagram
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 4 of 16  C-MAX 1.5  Functional Modes    In general, the module has three functional modes of operation:   A.  Sleep Mode: A HI state on the SLEEP pin will put the module into this mode, where the processor in the module is in low power sleep mode. In this mode, the module cannot communicate with the Host via UART communication. However, Bluetooth can be kept on and connected in this mode to listen for any incoming data packets. The module will only be waken by a LO enable signal on the SLEEP pin .   B.  On Mode: A LO state on the SLEEP pin will put the module into this mode. In this mode, the processor in the module is awake and ready to communicate with the Host via UART communication. UART communication is possible for all AT command operations. Once SLEEP pin is set back to HI, the module will enter into Sleep Mode.  C. Test Mode: This mode is used for RF testing purposes only. By sending an AT command from HOST to module (making sure that the SLEEP pin is set to LO first), the module will start RF Test mode. By sending different test data to the SDT, the HOST can control the module to transmit on different frequencies, in two different transmission modes : unmodulated carrier or modulated carrier with test data pattern alternating 1s and 0s.   2.   HOST Interface specification   2.1   Overview   UART interface is used for data transfer between host and SDT module.   The HOST system can send command/data or receive event information/data via UART interface.    2.2   Connection with HOST systems    Connection with HOST system consist of the UART interface and 3 control pins.   The below is a reference diagram for the connection of the CMM-9301-SDTV2 module with an external host processor:    The 3 control pins have the following functionality.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 5 of 16  C-MAX   LINK: This pin indicates to HOST system the Bluetooth connectivity state of the SDT module.  LINK signal will be asserted to LOW at power up and in the event of Bluetooth disconnected.  During Bluetooth connected phase, LINK signal will be stay HIGH.    SLEEP: Control signal by HOST to wake module and start UART communication. It has to be asserted Low before start serial communication. Asserting this pin back to High will put module into low power sleep mode. Note that this pin does not control the Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth connectivity has to be controlled via AT commands.     IRQ: IRQ indicates Bluetooth Data Received status from SDT module to HOST system. Regardless of SLEEP pin status, when Bluetooth is turned on, once Bluetooth data is received, module will assert IRQ signal to High . Hereafter, upon more received data packet (up to a maximum buffer of 64 packets @ 20 bytes each), IRQ will be kept High until the received packet buffer is all cleared or if received packets >= 64 packets, then IRQ will be asserted Low to indicate an empty buffer.  Behavior of each pins are described below.   Default status of LINK and IRQ signal is Low.   Host upon initialisation:  1. Set UART_EN = VDD 2. Power up module by applying power to VDD 3. Bluetooth is turned on automatically 4. If no data is expected to be transferred via Bluetooth, Bluetooth can be turned off by first asserting SLEEP signal to Lo (to wake up module ready for UART communication), then issue  AT Command : AT+BTOFF. 5. To save power, keep SLEEP signal at High state when there is no UART communication.    For host to send data over Bluetooth:  1. HOST system assert SLEEP signal to Low (to wake up module ready for UART communication) 2. Issue AT command AT+BTON 3. Wait for peer device  to connect to module. Once Bluetooth link with peer device is established, SDT module asserts LINK signal to HIGH. 4. Send data by issuing AT Command AT+WRITEDATA = <Param>. 5. To disconnect Bluetooth, issue AT command : AT+BTDISCON, This will put module into discoverable and connectable mode.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 6 of 16  C-MAX 6. To turn off Bluetooth completely, issue AT command AT+BTOFF 7. HOST system asserts SLEEP signal to HIGH after finishing UART communication   For host to receive data from peer device via Bluetooth:   1. Assert SLEEP signal to Low (to wake up module ready for UART communication) 2. Issue AT command AT+BTON 3. Wait for peer device  to connect to module. Once Bluetooth link with peer device is established, SDT module asserts LINK signal to HIGH 4. When data is received via Bluetooth, SDT module asserts IRQ signal to HIGH 5. HOST system detects IRQ 6. Issue AT command AT+READDATA? to read received data stored in buffer 7. To keep module in connected mode, just put module into low power mode by asserting SLEEP signal to HIGH 8. To disconnect from Bluetooth but to remain discoverable and connectable, issue AT command : AT+BTDISCON, then put module into low power mode by asserting SLEEP signal to HIGH 9. To turn off Bluetooth completely, issue AT command AT+BTOFF 10. Assert SLEEP signal to HIGH after finishing UART communication
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 7 of 16  C-MAX 2.3   UART physical interface specification     UART bridge interface between CMM-9301-SDT module and the host controller is enable by setting the pin UART_EN to HIGH. Under UART mode, command transaction from host to module must be in AT command format.  UART Settings: ParameterConfigurationDefaultBaudRate300‐115200bpssettableoverUART1200bps(noteearlysampleshavedefaultof115200bps)Datasize8bitsParitybitNoParityStopbit1stopbitFlowcontrolNotsupported  3  AT Command List    OperationsDescriptionsATCommands (UARTmode)OperationalResetResetbothMCUandEM9301AT+RESETTestTestmodestart/exitAT+TEST=<Param>BT_OnTurnonBluetoothinadvertisingmodeAT+BTONBT_DisConDisconnectBluetooth,EM9301inadvertisingmodeAT+BTDISCONBT_OffTurnoffBluetoothandpowerdownEM9301AT+BTOFFRead_EERestoreSettingsfromeepromAT+READE2?Write_EESaveSettingsintoeepromAT+WRITEE2Read_DataReadOldestReceivedDataviaBluetoothstoredinbufferAT+READDATA?Write_DataWriteDatatoSDTmoduletobesentviaBluetoothAT+WRITEDATA=<Param>Read_PacketsReadnumberofpacketsinbufferunread(20bytesperpacket)AT+PACKETS?SettingConfigurationsSet_NameSetBLEDeviceNameAT+NAME=<Param>Set_UART_BaudRateSetcommunicationbaudrateofUARTinterfaceAT+BAUDRATE=<Param>
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 8 of 16  C-MAX Set_ModelNumSetLocalDeviceModelNumberinDeviceInformationServiceAT+MODEL=<Param>Set_SerialNumSetLocalDeviceSerialNumberinDeviceInformationServiceAT+SERIAL=<Param>Set_HardVerSetLocalDeviceHardwareVersionNumberinDeviceInformationServiceAT+HWVER=<Param>Set_SoftVerSetLocalDeviceSoftwareVersionNumberinDeviceInformationServiceAT+VERSION=<Param>Set_ManufacturerSetLocalDeviceManufacturerNameinDeviceInformationServiceAT+OEM=<Param>Set_ConnIntSetConnectionIntervalrelatedparameters.(NotethatsettingoftheseparametersmustbeinlinewiththeconditionssetbyBluetoothSIGandApple)AT+CONN=<SET><SPACE><MinConnInt><SPACE><MaxConnInt><SPACE><ConnLatency><SPACE><ConnTimeout>Set_AdvDataSetManufacturerSpecificAdvertisingDataAT+ADVDATA=<Param>PairEnablePairingwhenconnectingviaBluetoothAT+PAIR=<Param>Set_PowerSetBluetoothtransmissionoutputpowerAT+POWER=<Param>ReadingConfigurationsRead_NameReadBLEDeviceNameAT+NAME?Read_AddrReadLocalDeviceAddressAT+ADDR?Read_DeviceInfoReadLocalDeviceInformationincluding–ModelNum,SerialNum,HardVer,SoftVer,ManufacturerAT+DEVICEINFO?Read_ConnIntReadConnectionIntervalAT+CONN?Read_AdvDataReaddatatoadvertiseAT+ADVDATA?Read_PowerReadsetBluetoothtransmissionoutputpowerAT+POWER? Important Note:  All changes performed in setting configurations are saved into RAM, in order for changes to take effect and preserved, changes should be saved into eeprom via the command Write_EE, then re-power on or reset the module.  For detailed AT command list and examples, please refer to documentation CMM-9301-SDT-supp_20141215.pdf
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 9 of 16  C-MAX 4.  Default Settings   ParameterSystemDefaultsuponpoweronUARTBaudrate1200bpsBluetoothStatusBluetoothturnedonasperipheralinadvertisingbroadcastmodeBLEDeviceNameC‐MAXLocalDeviceAddressUniqueforeachmodule,startingwithC‐MAXidentifier90:2C:C7LocalDeviceInformationModelNum:CMM9301‐SDTSerialNum:2ABBXCM9301SDTHardwareVersion:V2SoftwareVersion:R2.00Manufacturer:C‐MAXAsiaLtdConnectioninterval125msAdvertisinginterval125msOutputPower0dBmPairingOptionPairingandBondingEnabledManufacturerSpecificAdvertisingData00000000000000000000000000 5.1  Mobile APP Data Exchange Service   In order to allow your APP to receive data from and transmit data to the CMM-9301-SDT module, your APP will have to link up to our proprietary data exchange profile with the following service UUID:  0x00005301-0000-0041-4C50-574953450000   And the following characteristics UUID:   The 5302 characteristic allows the mobile APP to write data (maximum 20 bytes per transmission) to the module and the 5303 characteristic allows the mobile APP to receive data as both notification or indication data from the module.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 10 of 16  C-MAX 5.2   Mobile APP Device Information Service  Device Information of the module can be acquired by an APP via discovering the standard Bluetooth SIG service: Device Information Service. This service has the UUID of 0x180A, and has the module has the following characteristics (with their respective UUID on the right) available:  // DEVICE INFORMATION Service Model number UUID #define BLEUUID_DEVICEINFORMATION_MODEL_NUMBER  0x2A24  // DEVICE INFORMATION Service Serial Number UUID #define BLEUUID_DEVICEINFORMATION_SERIAL_NUMBER  0x2A25  // DEVICE INFORMATION Service Hardware Revision UUID #define BLEUUID_DEVICEINFORMATION_HARDWARE_REVISION  0x2A27  // DEVICE INFORMATION Service Software Revision UUID #define BLEUUID_DEVICEINFORMATION_SOFTWARE_REVISION  0x2A28  // DEVICE INFORMATION Service manufacturer name UUID #define BLEUUID_DEVICEINFORMATION_MANUFACTURER_NAME  0x2A29  6.   Module Electrical Specifications   Specification  CMM-9301-SDTV2 Storage Temperature Range  - 40 to + 85 degrees C Operating Temperature Range  - 20 to + 60 degrees C Voltage Range  2.3V to 3.6V Frequency Range  2.400 to 2.484 GHz Modulation  GFSK On-air data rate  1Mbps RF channels  40 Average Current Consumption,                                                                  Conditions:  Bluetooth Broadcast Interval and Connection interval on default 30 ms,                         Vcc = 3.0, output power = 0 dBm SLEEP pin status  Bluetooth Status  Bluetooth Connection  Typical Average Current (mA) LO  OFF  DISCONNECTED  2.34 HI  ON  CONNECTED  0.39 HI  ON  DISCONNECTED  0.39 HI  OFF  DISCONNECTED  0.007
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 11 of 16  C-MAX 7.  FCC Statement  NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:    This device may not cause harmful interference, and    This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  The Grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B  digital  device, pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help  Radio frequency radiation exposure information:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. Please  see  the  RF  Exposure  information.  This  transmitter  must  not  be  co-located  or  operating  in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the antenna and all persons.  Label requirements:  Contains: FCC ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014  FCC RF Exposure Requirement:    At least 20cm separation distance between the antenna and the user’s body must be maintained at all  times.  And  must  not  transmit  simultaneously  with  any  other  antenna  or  transmitter,  except  in accordance with FCC multi transmitter product procedures.   To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to RF radiation, the maximum antenna gain including cable loss in a mobile-only exposure condition must not exceed 0dBi in the 2.4GHz band.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 12 of 16  C-MAX   A user manual with the end product must clearly indicate the operating requirements and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliance with current FCC RF exposure guidelines. Note: If this module is intended for use in a portable device, you are responsible for separate approval to satisfy the SAR requirements of FCC Part 2.1093.  Please  be  noted  that  the  following  information  and  instructions  should  be  placed  in  the  end-user’s operating manual.  The CMM-9301-SDT Module must be installed in the designated host as specified in this manual.    Separate  approval  is  required  for  all  other  operating  configurations,  including  portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.   The  CMM-9301-SDT  Module  and  its  antenna  must  not  be  co-located  or  operating  in  conjunction with any other transmitter or antenna within a host device. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.   A label must be affixed to the outside of the end product into which the CMM-9301-SDT Module is incorporated, with  a statement  similar to  the following:  For CMM-9301-SDT: This device contains FCC ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014.   The  module shall  be  in non-detachable  construction  protection into  the  finished products,  so  that the end-user has to destroy the module while remove or install it.   This module is to be installed only in mobile or fixed applications. According to FCC part 2.1091(b) definition of mobile and fixed devices is:  Mobile Device:  A  mobile  device  is  defined  as  a  transmitting  device  designed  to  be  used  in  other  than  fixed locations  and  to  generally  be  used  in  such  a  way  that  a  separation  distance  of  at  least  20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter’s radiating structure(s) and the body of the  user  or  nearby  persons.  In  this  context,  the  term  ‘‘fixed  location’’  means  that  the  device  is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another location.  Portable Device:  For purposes of this section, a portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user.    Separate  approval  is  required  for  all  other  operating  configurations,  including  portable configurations with respect to FCC Part 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.   A certified modular has the option to use a permanently affixed label, or an electronic label. For a permanently affixed label, the module must be labeled with an FCC ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014. The OEM manual must provide clear instructions explaining to the OEM the labeling requirements, options and OEM user manual instructions that are required.   For a host using this FCC certified modular with a standard fixed label, if (1) the module’s FCC ID is not visible when installed in the host, or (2) if the host is marketed so that end users do not have straightforward commonly  used methods for access to remove  the module  so that the  FCC ID  of the  module  is  visible;  then  an  additional  permanent  label  referring  to  the  enclosed  module: “Contains:  FCC  ID  :  2ABBXCM9301SDT2014”  must  be  used.  The  host  OEM  user  manual  must
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 13 of 16  C-MAX also contain clear instructions on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC ID.   Host product is required to comply with all applicable FCC equipment authorizations regulations, requirements  and  equipment  functions  not  associated  with  the  transmitter  module  portion, compliance must be demonstrated to regulations for other transmitter components within the host product; to requirements for unintentional radiators (Part 15B). To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter  functions  the  host  manufacturer  is  responsible  for  ensuring  compliance  with  the module(s) installed and fully  operational. If a host was  previously authorized  as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without a transmitter certified module and a  module  is  added,  the  host  manufacturer  is  responsible  for  ensuring  that  after  the  module  is installed  and  operational  the  host  continues  to  be  compliant  with  the  Part  15B  unintentional radiator requirements. Since this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the  host,  the grantee (the  party  responsible  for  the  module  grant)  shall  provide  guidance  to the host manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements.  OEM RESPONSIBILITIES TO COMPLY WITH FCC REGULATIONS  The CMM-9301-SDT Module has  been certified for  integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following conditions: This device is granted for use in Mobile only configurations in which the antennas  used  for  this  transmitter  must  be  installed  to  provide  a  separation  distance  of  at  least  20 centimeters from  all persons and  not be co-located with any  other transmitters  except in accordance with FCC and Industry Canada multi-transmitter product procedures.  As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the  OEM  integrator  is  still  responsible  for  testing  their  end-product  for  any  additional  compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).  IMPORTANT NOTE:   In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another  transmitter),  then  the  FCC  and  Industry  Canada  authorizations  are  no  longer considered  valid  and  the  FCC  ID  and  IC  Certification  Number  cannot  be  used  on  the  final product.  In  these  circumstances,  the  OEM  integrator  will  be  responsible  for  re-evaluating  the end  product  (including  the  transmitter)  and  obtaining  a  separate  FCC  and  Industry  Canada authorization.  OEM LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR END-PRODUCT  The  CMM-9301-SDT  module  is  labeled  with  its  own  FCC  ID  Certification  Number.  The  FCC  ID certification numbers  are  not  visible when  the module  is  installed  inside another  device,  as such  the end device into which the module is installed must display a label referring to the enclosed module. The final  end  product  must  be  labeled  in  a  visible  area  with  the  following:  “Contains:  FCC  ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014”.  The OEM of the CMM-9301-SDT Module must only use the approved antenna(s) listed above, which have been certified with this module. The device carries FCC authorization and is marked with the FCC ID  Number.  Whilst  any  device  into  which  this  authorized  module  is  installed  will  not  normally  be required  to  obtain  FCC  authorization,  this  does  not  preclude  the  possibility  that  some  other  form  of
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 14 of 16  C-MAX authorization or testing may be required for the finished device.  OEM END PRODUCT USER MANUAL STATEMENTS  The OEM integrator should not provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module or change RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.  If  this  module  is  intended  for  use  in  a  portable  device,  you  are  responsible  for  separate  approval  to satisfy the SAR requirements of FCC Part 2.1093.  The  user  manual  for  the  end  product  must  include  the  following  information  in  a  prominent location:  This  device  is  granted  for  use  in  mobile  only  configurations  in  which  the  antennas  used  for  this transmitter  must  be  installed  to  provide  a  separation  distance  of  at  least  20  centimeters  from  all persons and not be co-located with any other transmitters except in accordance with FCC and Industry Canada multi-transmitter product procedures. The end product with an embedded FCC ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014 Module may also need to pass the FCC Part 15 unintentional emission testing requirements and be properly authorized per FCC Part 15.  The labeling instructions of finished products refer to following requirements:  A  certified  module  has  the  option  to  use  a  permanently  affixed  label,  or  an  electronic  label  (see Electronic Labeling below). For a permanently affixed label, the module must be labeled with an FCC ID  -  Section  2.926  (see  Certification  labeling  requirements  above).  The  OEM  manual  must  provide clear  instructions  explaining  to  the  OEM  the  labeling  requirements,  options  and  OEM  user  manual instructions that are required (see next paragraph). For a host using a certified module with a standard fixed label, if (1) the module’s FCC ID is not visible when installed in the host, or (2) if the host is marketed so that end users do not have straight forward commonly used methods for access to remove the module so that the FCC ID of the module is visible; then  an  additional  permanent  label  referring  to  the  enclosed  module:  “Contains  FCC  ID: 2ABBXCM9301SDT2014”  must  be  used.  The  host  OEM  user  manual  must  also  contain  clear instructions on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC ID. Other user manual statements may apply.  8.  R&TTE Statement Hereby,  C-MAX  Asia  Limited declares  that  this  CMM-9301-SDT  module  is  in  compliance  with  the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 15 of 16  C-MAX 9.  Temperature Profile for Lead-free Reflow Soldering   10.  Packaging Information  Tape & Reel: 1Kpcs/reel  Item  D0 D1 P0 P2 E  W A0 A1Dimension  1.50   +0.10-0.00 0.00  +0.00-0.00 4.00 +0.10-0.102.00 +0.10-0.101.75 +0.10-0.1044.0 +0.30-0.30 16.0 +0.10-0.100.00  +0.10-0.10 Item  B0 B1 K0 K1 P  F  T   Dimension  22.9    +0.10-0.10 0.00  +0.00-0.00 3.80 +0.10-0.100.00  +0.10-0.1024.0 +0.10-0.1020.2 +0.10-0.10 0.35 +0.05-0.05
 CMM-9301-SDT Bluetooth Low Energy  Serial Data Bridge Module      SPEC No. CMM-9301-SDT   BLE Bridge module Revision 2.0 State 2015-03-04C-MAX printed  2015-03-04 Version English Page 16 of 16  C-MAX     11.   Ordering Information    Disclaimer of Warranty Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However C-MAX assumes no responsibility, neither for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. C-MAX products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices without express written approval of C-MAX.    Note It is not given warranty that the declared circuits, devices, facilities, components, assembly groups or treatments included herein are free from legal claims of third parties. The declared data are serving only to description of product. They are not guaranteed properties as defined by law. The examples are given without obligation and cannot give rise to any liability.   Reprinting this data sheet - or parts of it - is only allowed with a license of the publisher.  C-MAX  reserves the right to make changes on this specification without notice at any time.   C-MAX Asia Ltd                C-MAX Technology Ltd (Shenzhen) Unit 117, 1/F.,              Room 922-923, 9/F., Liven House,              Kerry Centre, 61-63 King Yip Street,                2008 Reminnan Road,   Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK SAR             Luohu District, Shenzhen, PR China, Tel.: +852-2798-5182                Tel:+86-755-25181858 Fax: +852-2798-5379                  Fax:+86-755-25181859 e-mail: enquiry@c-max.com.hk C-MAX Module  Part Number  Delivery Form  Size (mm) Typical Operating  Voltage (V) CMM-9301-SDTV2-DEX Shielded, no pin connectors, Tape and Reel 22.5 x 15.5  2.3 ~ 3.6

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