CARRIER Package Units(both Units Combined) Manual L0520542
User Manual: CARRIER CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Manual CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Owner's Manual, CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) installation guides
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48HJ020-028 Single Package Rooftop Units Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Installation, Start-Up and Service Instructions CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .......................... 1,2 INSTALLATION ...................................... 2-17 Step 1 -- Provide Unit Support ......................... 2 • ROOF CURB • ALTERNATE UNIT SUPPORT • SLAB MOUNT Step 2 -- Remove Shipping Rails ....................... 2 Step 3 -- Rig and Place Unit ............................ 2 • POSITIONING • ROOF MOUNT • INSTALLATION ONTO CURB Step 4 -- Field Fabricate Ductwork ..................... 9 Step 5 -- Make Unit Duct Connections .................. 9 • VERTICAL CONFIGURATION • HORIZONTAL APPLICATIONS Step 6 -- Install Flue Hood and Inlet Hood ............ 10 Step 7 -- Trap Condensate Drain ..................... 10 Step 8 -- Install Gas Piping ........................... 10 Step 9 -- Make Electrical Connections ................. 11 • FIELD POWER SUPPLY • FIELD CONTROL WIRING Step 10 -- Install Outdoor-Air Hood ................... 12 • MANUAL DAMPER ASSEMBLY Step 11 -- Position Optional Power Exhaust or Barometric Relief Damper Hood ........ 16 Step 12 -- Non-Fused Disconnect .................... 16 Step 13 -- Install All Accessories ..................... 16 PRE-START-UP ....................................... 18 START-UP ........................................... !8-46 Unit Preparation ...................................... 18 Compressor Mounting ................................ 18 Refrigerant Service Parts ............................. !8 Crankcase Heater(s) .................................. !8 Compressor Phasing ................................. 18 Internal Wiring ........................................ 18 Evaporator Fan ....................................... 18 Condenser Fans and Motors .......................... 19 Return Air Filters ..................................... 19 Outdoor Air Inlet Screens ............................. 19 Gas Heat .............................................. 19 Optional EconoMi$er IV ............................... 40 Operating Sequence .................................. 45 SERVICE ............................................ 4(,-54 Cleaning .............................................. 46 Lubrication ........................................... 46 Evaporator Fan Service and Replacement ............ 47 Evaporator Fan Performance Adjustment ............. 47 Belt Tension Adjustment .............................. 47 Condenser-Fan Adjustment ........................... 47 Power Failure ......................................... 48 Refrigerant Charge ................................... 48 Gas Valve Adjustment ................................ 48 Main Burners ......................................... 48 Filter Drier ............................................ 50 Protective Devices .................................... 50 Manufacturer Bookl 1 Tab Ila Catalog SAFETY Printed in U.S,A. CONSIDERATIONS Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous due to system plessure and electrical components. Only trained and qualified service personnel should install, repair, or service air-conditioning equipment. Untrained personnel can perform the basic maintenance functions of cleaning coils and filters and replacing filters. All other operations should be performed by trained service personnel. When working on _fir-conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached to the unit, and other safety precautions that may apply. Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use quenching cloth for unbrazing operations. Have fire extinguishers available for fill brazing operations. Before perforlning service or maintenance operations on unit, turn off main power switch to unit. Electrical shock could cause personal injury. 1. Improper inst_fllation, adjustment, or maintenance can cause property injury, or loss of life. Refer to the Manual provided with this unit for 2. alteration, service, &Lmage, personal User's Information mole details. Do not stole or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. What to do if you smell gas: 1. DO NOT try to light any appliance. 2. DO NOT touch any electrical phone in your building. 3. IMMEDIATELY call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. 4. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, department. reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications No. 04-53480011-01 Page 50 50 50 50 55-59 55 58 CL-! Relief Devices ......................................... Control Circuit, 24-V .................................. Replacement Parts .................................... Diagnostic LEDs ...................................... TROUBLESHOOTING .............................. Unit Troubleshooting .................................. EconoMi$er IV Troubleshooting ....................... START-UP CHECKLIST .............................. switch, or use any c_dl the fire or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Form 48HJ-31SI Pg 1 10-05 Replaces: 48HJ-27SI Step 3 -- Rig and Place Unit -- Inspect unit for transportation &image. See Tables 1-3 for physical data. File any claim with transportation Disconnect gas piping from unit when pressure testing at pressure greater than 0.5 psig. Plessmes greater than 0.5 psig will cause gas valve damage resulting in hazardous condition. If gas valve is subjected to pressure greater than 0.5 psig, it must be replaced before use. When pressme testing field-supplied gas piping at pressures of 0.5 psig or less, a unit connected to such piping must be isolated by closing the manual gas v_dve(s). IMPORTANT: Units have high ambient temperature] operating limits. If limits are exceeded, the units will automatically lock the compressor out of operation. Manual reset will be required to restart the compressol: All panels must be in place when rigging. Unit is not designed for handling by fork truck. Dmnage to unit may result. I INSTALLATION Step 1 -- Provide Unit Support ROOF CURB -- Assemble or install accessory roof curb in accor&mce with instructions shipped with this accessory. See Fig. 1. Install insulation, cant strips, roofing, and counter flashing as shown. Ductwork can be installed to roof curb before unit is set in place. Ductwork must be attached to curb and not to the unit. Curb must be level. This is necessary to permit unit drain to function properly. Unit leveling tolerance is _+J/l(_in. per line,u ft in any direction. Refer to Accessory Roof Curb Inst',_lation Instructions for additional information as required. When accessory roof curb is used, unit may be installed on class A, B, or C roof covering materi_d. Carrier roof curb accessories are for flat roofs or slab mounting. IMPORTANT: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is critical for a watertight seal. Install gasket with the roof curb as shown in Fig. 1. Improperly applied gasket can also result in air leaks and poor unit performance. Do not slide unit to position on roof curb. ALTERNATE UNIT SUPPORTWhen a curb cannot be used, install unit on a noncombustible surface. Support unit with sleepeLs, using unit curb support area. If sleepers cannot be used, support long sides of unit with a minimum of 3 eqmflly spaced 4-in. x 4-in. pads on each side. SLAB MOUNT (Horizontal Units Only) -- Provide a level concrete slab that extends a minimum of 6 in. beyond unit cabinet. Install a gravel apron in fi_mt of condenser coil air inlet to plevent gross and foliage from obstructing airflow. NOTE: Horizontal required. units may be installed agency. Do not diop unit; keep upright. Use spreader baLs over unit to prevent sling or cable damage. Rollers may be used to move unit across a roof. Level by using unit fralne as a leference; leveling tolerance is _+1/1(_ in. per linetu ft in any direction. See Fig. 3 for additional information. Unit rigging weight is shown in Fig. 3. Four lifting holes tue provided in the unit base mils as shown in Fig. 3. Refer to rigging instructions on unit. POSITIONING -- Maintain clearance, per Fig. 4, around and above unit to provide minimum distance from combustible materials, proper airflow, and service access. Do not inst_dl unit in an indoor location. Do not locate air inlets near exhaust vents or other sources of contaminated ai_: For proper unit operation, adequate combustion and ventilation air must be provided in accordance with Section 5.3 (Air for Combustion and Ventilation) of the Natiomd Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 (American National Standmds Institute). Although unit is weatherproof, higher level runoff and overhangs. guard against water from Ix)cate mechanical diaft system flue assembly at least 4 ft from any opening through which combustion products could enter the building, and at least 4 ft from any adjacent building (or per local codes). When unit is located adjacent to public w_dkways, flue assembly must be at least 7 ft above grade. ROOF MOUNT -- Check building codes for weight distribution requirements. Unit operating weight is shown in Table 1. INSTALLATION ONTO CURBThe 48HJ units are designed to fit on the accessory full perimeter curb. Correct placement of the unit onto the curb is critical to operating performance. To aid in correct positioning, 3/s-in. diameter locating holes have been added to the unit base rails. When placing the unit, these holes should line up with the roof curb edge as shown in Fig. 5 and 6, to assure proper duct opening alignment. For placement on the roof curb, use the alignment holes located approximately 2-in. fiom the end of the base rail on the return end of the unit. See labels on the side of the unit for more details. on a roof curb if Step 2 -- Remove Shipping Rails -- Remove shipping rails prior to lowering unit onto roof curb. See Fig. 2. The rails are attached to the unit at both the return end and condenser end. Remove the sclews from both ends of each rail. Be c_u'eful not to drop the rails onto gray surface that could be dmnaged. Disc_ud the rails. It is important to replace the sclews into the unit to avoid any air or water leakage. Do not allow the shipping rail to drop on the roof surface. Dmnage to the roof surface may result. Do not slide unit to position it when it is sitting on the curb. Curb gasketing material may be &_maged and leaks may result. MAX CURB LEVELING TOLERANCES: A B R08FCDR5 DES _ 88 CRIFCUIBO_BCOQ CRRFCURS0! 9C05 28 57 ii [N 28 _ BACKEN_ ,--GASKET i {SSPPL][D i _URB_ _l_t RE_URN m5 ] ATTACfl DUCT TO ROOF CURB _OU}L/_I OF BOTiOM 8F UNIT (FIELD RONT _PLAN VI{_ OF ROOF CUR8 UNiT OPENINGS \ FROM CHARi SUPPLY AIR (T£) SECTIONCiC Fig. 1 -- Roof Curb Details VIEW"A-A" _NSULATION SUPPL_EO! [1tl i Fig. 2 -- Shipping Rail Removal CAUTION NOTICETO RIGGERS: ALL PAI_,.S MUSTBE IN PLACE_ RIGGING. NOTICE TO RIGC-B_& Rig by inserting hooks into unit base rais as shown. Maintaina cistance of 120 inches (3048 MM) from top of unit to eyehook. Leave co] cover attached to unit _ riggbg to protect coil of unit from damage. CENTER OF GRAVITY (in.) UNIT SIZE MAX WEIGHT (Ib) X Y Z 020 024 3358 3380 63.9 34.0 30.5 63.9 34.5 30.5 028 3769 67.8 35.0 35.0 10"-0" (3048 MM) NOTE: Add 1501b(68kg) for domesticoratb9. Fig. 3-- Rigging Details UNIT SiZE OPZRATIRG WEIGHT LOW N_T HEI6_T CENT[R OF GRAVITY LOCATION j F .......................... HJO20 I 2224 11008} HJ024 ,_A HJO88 _t9 2526 [t14_] x i _ CORNER L_ WEIGHT [NGI z 58 118 [1476} 54 (1538} 112 33 [851] 1/2 1752] 30 [476 116251 I i 70 /8 [7811 58 (t727] 34112 [876] ] ] 34-1/Z [B76] 1/2 1277] 610 [_41 751 [1761 387 (2!6 476 283] 345 1181i 652 i300] 859 390 434 [2601 571 [1981 /" 221 ACCESS PANEL SUPPLY _OIRECTiON OF CENTER OF AIRFLOW GRAVITY 149_ [)321 1791 11208] 'DUCT SIZE VIEWA-A [121] 86-5/1G [21931 [15491 OUfSI_E AIR I_TA_E aOOD " " * EXHAUST CONDENSERCOIL = _ _ = = , !1 O0 _ _;5_/° 8_ 5/8 [2199] _ol (PO_ER) RIGHT SIDE 79- 1/8 12010] LEFT S_E / W _ _OR-FUSED DISCO_R[C__ _AROLE (OPTIONIFIZLO IRSTALLEO) Fig. 4 -- Base Unit Dimensions Table 1 -- Physical Data UNIT 48HJ NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) OPERATING WEIGHT (Ib) AI/AI* COMPRESSOR Quantity Number of Refrigerant Circuits Oil (ounces) Ckt A...Ckt B...Ckt C REFRIGERANT TYPE Expansion Device Operating Charge (Ib) Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C CONDENSER FAN Nominal Cfm (Total, all fans) Quantity...Diameter (in.) Motor Hp...Rpm Watts Input (Total) CONDENSER COIL Rows... Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) EVAPORATOR FAN Quantity...Size Type Drive Nominal Cfm Motor Bearing Type Maximum Allowable Fan Rpm EVAPORATOR COIL Rows... Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) FURNACE SECTION Rollout Switch Cutout Temp (F) Burner Orifice Diameter (in....drill size) Gas Thermostat Heat Anticipator Setting Stage 1 (amps) Stage 2 (amps) Gas Input (Btuh) HIGH HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range Gas Input (Btuh) MEDIUM HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range Gas Input (Btuh) LOW HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range (F) Manifold Pressure Natural Gas (in. wg) Natural Gas (in. wg) Gas Valve Quantity Gas Valve Pressure Range Min-Max Allowable Field Gas Connection Size (in. FPT) HIGH-PRESSURE SWITCH (psig) Cutout Reset (Auto) OUTDOOR-AIR INLET SCREENS Quantity...Size (in.) RETURN-AIR FILTERS Quantity...Size (in.) LEGEND N/A -TXV -- Not Applicable Thermostatic Expansion Valve Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Vertical Horizontal (in. wg) (psig) 020 18 024 20 028 25 2224 2272 2526 3 3 68...68...90 3 3 90...90...90 2 2 110... 110...N/A R-22 TXV R-22 TXV R-22 TXV 13.1 12.7 15.2 13.8 13.9 15.5 21.8 20.3 N/A 14,000 4...22 1/4...110O 1400 14,000 4...22 1/4...11 O0 1400 21 ,OOO 6...22 1/4._1100 2100 2...17 57.78 2...17 57.78 2...17 66.67 2...15xl 1 Belt 7000 Ball 1400 2...15xl 1 Belt 8000 Ball 1400 2...15xl 1 Belt 10,000 Ball 1400 3...15 23.33 4...15 23.33 4...15 27.22 225 0.136...29 Natural 225 0.136...29 Natural 225 0.136._29 Natural 0.98 0.44 317,000 400,000 82 25-55 0.98 0.44 317,000 400,000 82 25-55 281,000 365,000 81 25-55 199,000 250,000 82 15-45 0.98 0.44 317,000 400,000 82 25-55 281,000 365,000 81 25-55 199,000 250,000 82 15-45 3.00 2.95 1 5.5-13.0 .235-.469 3.00 2.95 1 5.5-13.0 .235-.469 s/4 3.00 2.95 1 5.5-13.0 .235-.469 s/4 426 320 sh 426 320 3...20x25 426 320 3...20x25 9...16x25 *Aluminum 281,000 365,000 81 25-55 199,000 250,000 82 15-45 3...20x25 9...16x25 ew _oratorcoiland 9...18x24 aluminum condensercoil. Table 2 -- Fan Motor and Drive Data -- Vertical Supply/Return 020 48HJ LOW RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min, Pitch Diameter (in.) Motor Pulley Max, Pitch Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity,.,Type..,Length (in.) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) MID-LOW RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min, Pitch Diameter (in.) Motor Pulley Max, Pitch Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity,.,Type..,Length (in.) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) MID-HIGH RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min, Pitch Diameter (in.) Motor Pulley Max. Pitch Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity...Type..,Length (in.) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) HIGH RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min. Pitch Diameter (in.) Motor Pulley Max. Pitch Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity...Type..,Length (in.) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) LEGEND Bhp N/A --- Brake Horsepower Not Applicable (rpm) 575 V N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.7 1725 4.25 3698 56HZ 7/8 685-939 2.7 3.7 6.8 1.1875 Fixed 11.293-13.544 1 ,..BX_.38 51 6 812 3.7 1725 4.25 3698 56HZ 3 1725 3.45 3149 56HZ 7& (rpm) (rpm) (rpm) 024 203/230 and 460 V 7& 647-886 2.7 3.7 7.2 1.1875 Fixed 11.293-13.544 1._BX_.38 48 6 767 810-1072 3.1 4.1 6.6 1,1875 Fixed 11.286-14.475 1..,BX,..38 52 6 941 5 1745 5.75 4900 $184T l_& 897-1139 3.7 4.7 7.2 1.1875 Fixed 9,81-13.055 1..,BX-.38 48 6 1018 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 11/8 873-1108 3.7 4.7 7.4 1,1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1..,BX_.38 47 6 991 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 13& 1078-1274 5.5 6.5 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1..,BX_.42 39 6 1176 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 13& 1078-1274 5.5 6.5 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1...BX_.42 39 6 1176 203/230 and 460 V O28 575 V and 460 V 575 V 751-954 3,7 4.7 8.6 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 ...BX_.40 41 6 853 5 1745 5.75 4900 $184T 1% 687-873 3.7 4.7 9.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 ..BX._41 37 6 78O 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 11& 687-873 3.7 4.7 9.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 _.BX_.41 37 6 78O 5 1745 5,75 4900 $184T 11& 949-1206 3.7 4.7 6.8 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 _.BX...38 51 6 1078 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T l_& 949-1206 3.7 4.7 6.8 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 ..BX._38 51 6 1078 5 1745 5.75 4900 $184T l_& 805-1007 4.8 6.0 10.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 _.BX_,45 4O 6 906 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T l_& 805-1007 4.8 6.0 10.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 _.BX._45 4O 6 906 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 S213T 13& 941-1176 4.8 6.0 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1_.BX._42 47 6 1059 13/8 941-1176 4.8 6.0 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12,179 1,.BX.-42 47 6 1059 10 1745 11.5 9582 $215T 1% 1014-1297 4.3 5.5 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 2_.BX._38 57 6 1156 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 203/230 13/8 941-1176 4.8 6.0 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12,179 1...BX-,42 47 6 1059 lO 1745 11.5 9582 $215T 1% 1014-1297 4.3 5.5 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 2..BX_,38 57 6 1156 1% 941-1176 4.8 6.0 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1.,BX.-42 47 6 1059 10 1745 11.5 9582 $215T 1% 1014-1297 4.3 5.5 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.025- 2.179 2._BX._38 57 6 1156 lO 1745 11.5 9582 S215T 13& 1014-1297 4.3 5.5 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 2_.BX._38 57 6 1156 Table 3 -- Fan Motor and Drive Data -- Horizontal Supply/Return 020 48HJ LOW RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min. Pitch Diameter (in,) Motor Pulley Max, Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity..,Type...Length (in,) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) MID-LOW RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min. Pitch Diameter (in,) Motor Pulley Max, Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Belt, Quantity..,Type...Length (in,) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) MID-HIGH RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min. Pitch Diameter (in,) Motor Pulley Max. Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in,) Belt, Quantity.,.Type.,.Length (in,) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) HIGH RANGE Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Maximum Continuous Bhp Maximum Continuous Watts Motor Frame Size Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Rpm Range Motor Pulley Min. Pitch Diameter (in.) Motor Pulley Max. Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Blower Pulley Shaft Diameter (in,) Blower Pulley Type Pulley Center Line Distance (in,) Belt, Quantity.,.Type.,.Length (in,) Speed Change Per Turn -- Moveable Pulley Moveable Pulley Maximum Full Turns Factory Speed Setting (rpm) LEGEND Bhp N/A --- Brake Horsepower Not Applicable (rpm) (rpm) (rpm) 028 575 V 203/230 and 460 V 575 V N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.7 1725 4.25 3698 56HZ 7/s 896-1227 2.7 3.7 5.2 1.1875 Fixed 11.293-13.544 1 ..,BX,..35 66 6 1062 3 1725 3.45 3149 56HZ 3.7 1725 4.25 3698 56HZ 5 1745 5,75 4900 $184T l_& 1113-1414 3.7 4.7 5.8 1.1875 Fixed (rpm) 024 203/230 and 460 V 9.81-13.055 1 .-BX,..35 60 6 1264 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 13& 1096-1339 5.4 6,6 8.6 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1._BX...42 49 6 1218 7& 863-1141 3.1 4.1 6.2 1.1875 Fixed 11.286-14.475 1._BX...38 56 6 1002 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 1042-1285 4.3 5.3 7.2 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1..,BX.,.38 48 6 1164 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 $213T 13/8 1096-1339 5.4 6.6 8.6 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1._BX_.42 49 6 1218 203/230 and 460 V 575 V 5 1745 5.75 4900 S 184T 11/8 687-873 3,7 4,7 9,4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 -BX.-41 37 6 78O 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T l_& 687-873 3.7 4.7 9.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 ...BX_.41 37 6 78O 896-1227 2.7 3.7 5.2 1.1875 Fixed 11.293-13.544 1 ._BX..,35 66 6 1062 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 11/s 873-1108 3.7 4.7 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1 .,.BX,_38 47 6 991 5 1745 5.75 4900 S184T 11/8 605-1007 4.6 6.0 10,4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1.,.BX..,45 4O 6 906 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T l_& 805-1007 4.8 6.0 10.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.81-13.055 1..,BX,..45 4O 6 906 5 1745 5.75 4900 $184T 11& 1113-1414 3.7 4.7 5.8 1.1875 Fixed 5 1745 5.75 4900 184T 11/s 1113-1414 3.7 4.7 5.8 1.1875 Fixed 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 S213T 13/8 941-1176 4.8 6,0 8,9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1-.BX...42 47 6 1059 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 S213T 13& 941-1176 4.8 6.0 8.9 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1,.,BX,..42 47 6 1059 lO 1745 11,5 9582 S215T 13/s 1014-1297 4,3 5,5 7,4 1.1875 Fixed 9,025-12,179 1 .,BX..,38 57 6 1156 lO 1745 11.5 9582 S215T 13& 1014-1297 4.3 5.5 7.4 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1 ,.,BX,..38 57 6 1156 7& 9,81-13.055 1,.,BX,.,35 60 6 1264 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 S213T 1% 1096-1339 5.4 6.6 8.6 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1 ,.,BX_,42 49 6 1218 9.81-13.055 1.,.BX..,35 60 6 1264 7.5 1745 8.63 7267 S213T 13/s 1096-1339 5.4 6.6 8.6 1.1875 Fixed 9.025-12.179 1 .,.BX..,42 49 6 1218 ALIGNMENT HOLE (IN BASE RAIL)_ HOLE SHOULD LINE UP WITH ROOF CURB EDGE FLANGE ALIGNMENT _q EDGE FLANGE Fig. 5 -- Alignment RETURN SUPPLY OPENING OPENING CURB ALIGNMENT HOLES FOR CURB-BOTH SIDES For vertical supply and return units, tools or pmls could diop into ductwork and cause an injury. [nst_dl a 90-degree turn in the return ductwork between the unit and the conditioned space. If a 90-degree elbow cannot be installed, then a grille of sufficient strength and density should be installed to prevent objects from f_dling into the conditioned space. Hole Details I_/ CURB_F RETURN SUPPLY OPENING OPENINg. ROOF L HORIZONTAL APPLICATIONS-Horizontal units are shipped with outer panels that allow for side by side horizontal duct connections. If specified during ordering, the unit will be shipped with the vertical duct openings blocked off from the factory, ready for side supply installation. If the horizontal supply#eturn option was not specified at time of ordering the unit, a field-installed accessory kit is requiled to convert the vertical unit into a horizontal supply configuration. Installation of the duct block-off covers should be completed prior to placing the unit unless sufficient side cle_u'ance is available. A minimum of 66 in. is required between the unit and any obstruction to install the duct block-off covers. Side supply duct dimensions and locations tue shown on Fig. 4. Install ductwork to horizontal duct flange connections on side of unit. CURB ECONOMIZER Fig. 6 -- Alignment Hole Location Step 4 -- Field Fabricate Ductwork -- On vertical units, secure all ducts to roof curb and building structure. Do not connect ductwork to unit. For horizontal applications, fieldsupplied flanges should be attached to horizontal discharge openings and all ductwork secured to the flanges. Insulate and weatherproof all external ductwork, joints, and roof openings with counter flashing and mastic in accordance with applicable codes. Ducts passing through an unconditioned space must be insulated and covered with a vapor barriel: if a plenum return is used on a vertic_fl unit, the return should be ducted through the roof deck to comply with applicable fire codes. A minimum clearance is not required around ductwork. Cabinet leturn-air static plessure (a negative condition) shall not exceed 0.35 in. wg with economizer or 0.45 in. wg without economizel: \ SEE NOTE @ AIR OUT NOTE: Do not drill in this area; damage to basepan may result in water leak, Fig. 7 -- Air Distribution -- Vertical SEE SEE HEAT EXCHANGER NOTE Make Unit Duct Connections VERTICAL CONFIGURATION -- Unit is shipped for vertical supply and return duct connections. Ductwork openings are shown in Fig. 1 and 4. Duct connections for vertical configuration are shown in Fig. 7. Field-fabricated concentric ductwork may be connected as shown in Fig. 8 and 9. The unit is designed to attach the ductwork to the roof curb. Do not attach duct directly to the unit. Supply/Return ECONOMIZER These units are designed for a minimum continuous returnair temperature in heating of 50 F (dry bulb), or an intermittent operation down to 45 F (di_ bulb), such as when used with a night set-back thermostat. To operate at lower return-air temperatures, a field-supplied outdoor-air temperature control must be used to initiate both stages of heat when the temperature is below 45 R Indoor comfort may be compromised when these lower air temperatures are used with insufficient heating temperature rise. Step 5 -- HEAT EXCHANGER AIR OUT AIR IN AIR OUT NOTE: Do not drill in this area; damage to basepan may result in water leak. Fig. 8 -- Air Distribution -- Concentric Duct / BAFFLE NOTE: Dimensions A, A', B, and B' are obtained from field-supplied ceiling diffuser. ;_ Shaded areas indicate block-off pans. Fig. 9 -- Step 6 -- Install Concentric Flue Hood Duct Details and Inlet Hood -- Flue hood (smaller hood), inlet hood (larger hood), and screens are shipped inside the unit in the fan section. To install, remove the heat panel. Tile flue hood is attached to the heat section panel from the outside using tile sclews provided. See Fig. 10. Tile inlet hood is installed by inselling the hood through the back of the heat panel. Attach the hood by inserting the screws provided through the clearance holes in the heat panel and into the intake hood. Install the screens into both hoods using file screws and retaining nuts provided with the unit. Attach the cover of the observation hole on the intake hood and then replace the heat panel onto the unit to complete the instfdlation. NOTE: When properly installed, the flue hood with the combustion fan housing. See Fig. 11. Step 7 -- Trap Condensate FLUE HOOD INLET HOOD will line up Fig. 10 -- Flue and Inlet Hood Locations Drain -- See Fig. 12 for drain location. One 3/4-in. half coupling is provided outside unit evaporator section for condensate drain connection. A trap fit least 4-in. deep must be used. See Fig. 13. All units must have an external trap for condensate drainage. Install a trap fit least 4 in. deep and protect against freezeup. If drain line is installed downstremn from the external trap, pitch the line away from the unit fit 1 in. per 10 11of run. Do not use a pipe size smaller than the unit connection. Step 8 -- Install Gas Piping -- Unit is equipped for use with natural gas. Refer to local building codes, or in the absence of local codes, to ANSI Z223.1-1atest year and addendum Z223.1A-latest year entitled NFGC. [n Canada, installation must be in accordance with the CANI .B149.1 and CAN 1.B 149.2 installation codes for gas burning appliances. Support gas piping. For exanlple, a 3/4-in. gas pipe must have one field-fabricated support bemn every 8 11. Thelefore, an 18-1l long gas pipe would have a minimum of 3 support beams. COMBUSTION FAN HOUSING HEAT EXCHANGERSECTION INDUCED-DRAFT -MOTOR MAIN BURNER -SECTION Instfdl field-supplied manual gas shutoff valve with a 1/8-in. NPT pressure tap for test gage connection fit unit. Tile pressure tap is located on the gas manifold, adjacent to the gas valve. Field gas piping must include sediment trap and union. See Fig. 14. Fig. 11 -- Combustion 10 Fan Housing Location Step 9 -- Make Electrical Do not pressure test gas supply while connected to unit. Always disconnect union before servicing. A hazardous condition could occur resulting in serious injury. When installing units, provide disconnect per NEC (National Electrical Code) of adequate size (MOCP [Maximum Overcurrent protectionl of unit is on the informative plate). See Tables 4A and 4B. All field wiring must comply with NEC and local codes. Size wire based on MCA (Minimum Circuit Amps) on the unit informative plate. See Fig. 15 for power wiring connection to the unit power terminal block and equipment ground. I must MPORTANT: not be less Natural than 5.5gas in. pressure wg or greater at unitthan gas 13.0 connection in. wg. Size gas-supply piping for 0.5-in. wg maximum pressure drop. Do not use supply pipe smaller than unit gas connection. •DAMPER Connections FIELD POWER SUPPLYUnit is factory wired for voltage shown on unit nameplate. Be sure to check for conect voltage. Route power and ground lines through control box end panel or unit basepan (see Fig. 4) to connections as shown on unit wiring diagram and Fig. 15. MOTOR The correct power phasing is critical to the operation of the scroll compressors. An incorrect phasing will result in compressor shutdown on thermal overload and possible &_mage to compressor. Should this occur, power phase correction must be made to the incoming powel: Og#gSA, E D_ DRAIN CONNECTION [12081 / 5-1/4 [132] SUPPLY AiR Fig. 12- Unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted, unbroken electric_fl ground to minimize the possibility of peLsonal injury if an electrical fault should occur This ground may consist of electric_d wire connected to unit ground lug in control compartment, or conduit approved for electrical ground when installed in accordance with NEC, ANSI/NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), latest edition, and loc_d electriced codes. Do not use gas piping as an electrical ground Failure to follow this warning could result in the installer being liable for personal injury of others. RETURN AIR Condensate Drain Details MINIMUM PITCH ONE IN PER 10 FT Field wiring must conform to temperature type "T' wire. All field wiring must comply local requirements. ()F LINE t SEE NOTE TO ROOF DRAIN Operating voltage to compressor must be within voltage range indicated on unit nameplate. On 3-phase units, voltages between phases must be balanced within 2%. A_ Unit failure as a result of operation on improper line voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuse and may cause &_mage to electrical components. FIELD CONTROL WIRING -- Unit can be controlled with a Carrier-approved accesso q thermostat. Install thermostat according to the installation instructions included with accessory. Ix)cate thermostat assembly on a solid interior w_dl in the conditioned space to sense average temperature. ROOF CURB DRAIN PLUG NOTE: Trap should be deep enough to offset maximum unit static difference. A 4-in. trap is recommended• Fig. 13- Condensate Drain Piping Details MANUAL SHUTOFF (FIELD SUPPLIED) Route thermostat cable or equivalent single leads of colored wire from subbase terminals through conduit into unit to lowvoltage connections as shown on unit label wiring diagram and in Fig. 16. FT'I SUPPLY NOTE: For wire runs up to 50 ft, use no. 18 AWG (Americ_m Wire Gage) insulated wire (35 C minimum). For 50 to 75 fl, use no. 16 AWG insulated wire (35 C minimum). For over 75 fl, use no. 14 AWG insulated wire (35 C minimum). All wire larger than no. 18 AWG cannot be directly connected at the thermostat and will requile a junction box and splice at the thermostat. PRESSURE TAP (1/8" NPT PLUG) TO UNIT i Fig. 14- _-"--- SEDIMENT limitations for with NEC and TRAP Field Gas Piping 11 .... 5. TBI I II [ FIELD r---I 6. L....... Z_U_ SUPPLY o=;.......... , F_! I I ! r I i EQUIP GND NEC TB ----- 7. EQUIP GND 8. LEGEND Equipment Ground National Electrical Code Terminal Board 9. 10. NOTE: The maximum wire size for TB1 is 2/0. Fig. 15- Field Power Wiring Connections THERMOSTAT Apply seal strip (provided) to back flange of both hood sides where hood side connects to the unit back panel. See Fig. 18. Apply seal strip (provided) to top flange of both hood sides where hood sides connect to the hood top panels. See Fig. 18. Install hood sides to the back panels using the screws from Step 2. The sloped flanges point outwtud. The drip edges of the side panels should face outwmd as well. Attach the filter guides to the hood sides. The flanges of the filter guides should face inwm'd to hold the filters in place. See Fig. 18. Apply seal strip along the entire length of the bottom flange of the hood top. See Fig. 18. Install the bottom pmt of the hood top using 4 screws providedi See Fig. 18. Remove the packaging from tilters (3) and install into the filter tracks. Slide the filtel.'s to the sides then place the last filter into the center of the tilter track. NOTE: For units with manu;d dampers, replace the end filters with the manual ck_mpers. Install the filter in the center between the manual dampel.s. ASSEMBLY 11. Install the filter retainer track along the bottom edge of the outdoor air hood using 4 screws provided. See Fig. 18. TB2- I I I I I I 1 [_ 2 [_ 3 [_4 _5 [_6 I 12. I [] Jll Fig. 16- Field Set heat anticipator VOLTAGE All Control Thermostat [] 7 [_ 8 NOTE: For filter remov_fl, remove the four screws holding the filter retainel: The filters can then be removed, cleaned, or replaced. Install the filters by reversing the procedure. MANUAL DAMPER ASSEMBLY-For units equipped with manual dampers, the assembly process is similar to the outdoor air hood for units with economizers. There me two slide dampers shipped with the unit to _fllow for manual setting of the outside air volume. When assembling the hood, place one of the manual slide dampers in each of the end positions and the remaining filter in the center position. The manual dampel.s can then be moved to the appropriate position and then locked into place using the screws mounted in the adjustment slots. See Fig. 20. Wiring settings as follows: STAGE 1 (Wl) ON 0.15 STAGE 1 AND 2 (W1 AND W2) ON 0.30 Settings may be changed slightly to provide a greater degree of comfort for a particular installation. Step 10 -- Install Outdoor Air Hood -- Install top section of the outdoor air hood using 9 screws provided. See Fig. 18. See Fig. 19 for a pictme of the assembled outdoor air hood. Per- fonn the following procedure to install the outdoor-_dr hood on units equipped with an economizer, two-position dmnpeL or manual outdoor air &+mper: 1. Remove blank panel from return end of unit (hood section). Save the screws. See Fig. 17 for shipping location of components. 2. Hood sides me fastened to sides of outdoor air opening. Remove the hood sides and save the screws (3 each side). 3. Remove the bracket holding the bottom half of the hood in the shipping position. Remove the hood bottom half and filters (or manual dampers on units so equipped) from outdoor section. HOOD TOP HOOD SIDE HOOD TOP (BOTTOM HALF) (TOP HALF)_ HOOD SIDE SECTION NOTE: On units without economizers, the components are attached to the unit basepan. To access the components, remove the panel below the outdoor air intake section. 4. Fig. 17 -- Outdoor-Air Hood Component Shipping Location Remove inner filter track from shipping position in outdoor section. Position inner filter track so the track is facing outward from the unit. Install the tilter track with 4 screws provided. 12 Table 4A -- Electrical Data -- Units Without Convenience Outlet UNIT 48HJ NOMINAL VOLTAGE (3 Ph, 60Hz) VOLTAGE RANGE MIn Max COMPRESSOR NO. 2 NO. 1 RLA LRA RLA LRA OFM NO. 3 RLA LRA Oty Hp IFM FLA iea} Hp 3.7 208/230 020 460 575 187 414 518 253 16.7 506 9 633 7 130 70 55 16.7 9 7 130 70 55 22.4 10.7 9.3 184 90 73 4 4 4 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.5 5 0.7 0.7 187 253 22.4 184 22.4 184 22.4 184 4 0.25 575 414 518 506 10.7 633 9.3 90 73 10.7 9.3 90 73 10.7 9.3 90 73 4 4 0.25 0.25 187 253 47.1 245 47.1 245 6 0.25 3.7 4.8 5 7.6 7.5 11 3 3.9 5 6.1 7.5 9 3.7 10.6/ 9.6 460 575 See Legend 414 518 506 633 19.6 15.8 125 100 19.6 15.8 125 100 6 6 0.25 0.25 16.7/15.2 7.5 24.2/22 10 30.8/28 3.7 4.8 5 7.6 0.7 0.7 7.5 11 10 14 5 6.1 7.5 9 10 11 1.5 7.5 10 028 16.7/15.2 24.2/22 5 208/230 10.6/ 9.6 1.5 024 460 FLA 7.5 5 208/230 0.7 0.7 and Notes on page 15. 13 COMBUSTION FAN MOTOR POWER EXHAUST 16.7/15.2 24.2/22 30.8/28 5 7.6 7.5 11 10 14 5 6.1 7.5 9 10 11 Qty Hp _L/_ FLA POWER SUPPLY DISCONNECT SIZE MCA MOCP* 7_ 77 10_ 9_ 6_ 89 83 10&100 10&100 9_ 94 10_100 10_102 10_100 12_110 99/ 96 112/110 90 FLA 8_ 82 9_ 9_ 96 89 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 9_ 89 104/101 2 1 3.1 39 45 45 50 42 49 2 1 3.1 42 48 50 50 45 52 2 1 3.1 45 51 50 60 49 56 32 37 40 45 35 40 35 39 40 45 37 43 45 50 40 46 0.5 0.3 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 37 42 2 1 5.9 6_ 88 101/100 10&100 11_110 9& 95 11_109 9_ 94 10_106 10_100 12_125 10_102 11_115 10_101 11_113 11_108 12_110 12_125 12_125 112/109 12&123 12_116 0.24 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 12_120 42 15_125 50 13_130 46 2 1 3.1 49 50 53 45 51 50 60 49 56 0.5 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 49 55 50 60 53 60 2 1 3.1 52 59 60 60 56 63 2 1 2.4 39 44 45 50 42 48 42 47 50 50 46 51 50 60 46 53 0.3 0.24 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 44 49 2 1 5.9 132/130 14_142 17_175 17_175 13_136 151/150 2 1 5.9 13_137 151/149 17_175 17_175 14_144 16_158 14_143 15_155 17_175 20_200 15_151 16_164 2 1 5.9 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 0.5 0.3 0.24 56 62 59 60 60 60 59 66 63 66 60 70 62 69 60 60 66 73 46 51 60 60 48 54 49 54 60 60 52 57 51 56 60 60 54 59 Table 4B -- Electrical Data -- Units With Optional Convenience Outlet UNIT 48HJ NOMINAL VOLTAGE (3 Ph, 80 Hz) VOLTAGE RANGE MIn Max COMPRESSOR NO. 2 NO. 1 RLA LRA RLA LRA NO. 3 RLA OFM LRA Oty Hp _a_ Hp 3.7 208/230 020 480 575 187 414 518 253 506 633 16.7 9 7 130 70 55 16.7 9 7 130 70 55 22.4 10.7 9.3 184 90 73 4 4 4 0.25 0.25 8.25 1.5 5 0.7 0.7 253 22.4 184 22.4 184 22.4 184 4 0.25 575 414 518 506 633 10.7 9.3 90 73 10.7 9.3 98 73 10.7 9.3 90 73 4 4 0.25 0.25 187 253 47.1 245 47.1 245 6 0.25 4.8 5 7.6 7.5 11 3 3.9 5 6.1 7.5 9 460 575 414 518 506 633 19.6 15.8 125 100 19.6 15.8 125 100 6 6 0.25 0.25 10.6/ 9.6 16.7/15.2 7.5 24.2/22 10 30.8/28 3.7 4.8 5 7.6 0.7 0.7 7.5 11 10 14 5 6.1 7.5 9 10 11 1.5 7.5 10 028 16.7/15.2 3.7 5 208/230 9.6 1.5 024 460 10._ O_ 24.2/22 5 187 FLA 7.5 3.7 208/230 POWER EXHAUST IFM 0.7 0.7 14 16.7/15.2 24.2/22 30.8/28 5 7.6 7.5 11 10 14 5 6.1 7.5 9 10 11 Hp COMBUSTION FAN MOTOR FLA {ea} 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 FLA 0.5 POWER SUPPLY DISCONNECT SIZE MCA MOCP* 83/ 82 108/100 FLA 95/ 89/ 94 88 100/100 100/100 103/101 96/ 94 101/ 99 110/100 110/108 108/100 125/125 105/102 118/116 89/ 2 1 5.9 97/ 94 109/106 2 1 3.1 42 48 50 50 45 52 2 1 3.1 45 51 50 60 48 56 2 1 3.1 48 54 50 60 52 59 35 40 40 45 38 43 38 42 45 50 40 46 45 50 44 49 0.3 88 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 40 45 2 1 5.9 94/ 93 106/105 108/100 125/125 102/101 116/115 101/ 99 112/111 110/100 125/125 109/107 123/121 108/106 128/118 117/113 125/125 125/125 125/125 118/115 131/129 125/122 150/150 50 139/136 49 0.24 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 2 1 5.9 129/125 45 2 1 3.1 52 60 56 48 54 50 60 52 59 0.5 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 52 58 60 60 56 63 2 1 3.1 55 62 60 70 60 67 2 1 2.4 42 47 50 50 46 51 45 50 50 50 49 55 50 60 51 57 0.3 0.24 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 47 52 2 1 5.9 137/135 148/147 175/175 175/175 144/142 157/155 2 1 5.9 144/142 156/154 175/175 208G00 152/150 166/163 151/148 163/160 175/175 200G00 160/157 173/170 2 1 5.9 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 2 1 3.1 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 2 1 2.4 0.5 0.3 0.24 59 65 62 60 80 80 62 69 66 69 80 73 65 72 80 90 69 77 49 54 60 60 52 57 52 57 60 60 55 60 54 59 60 60 57 63 LEGEND AND NOTES FOR TABLES 4A AND 4B LEGEND FLA HACR IFM LRA MCA MOCP OFM RLA --------- EXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 460-3-60. Full Load Amps Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Motor Locked Rotor Amps Minimum Circuit Amps Maximum Overcurrent Protection Outdoor (Condenser) Fan Motor Rated Load Amps A B C AB = 452 v AC = 456 v Average Voltage= BC = 464 v (_ 452 + 464 + 456 3 1371 3 = 457 Determine maximum deviation from average voltage. (AB) 467 - 462 = 5 v (BC) 464 - 457 = 7 v (AC) 457 - 456 = 2 v Maximum deviation is 7 v. *Fuse or HACR circuit breaker. Determine percent voltage imbalance. 7 % Voltage Imbalance = 100 x 45"_= 1.53% NOTES: 1. In compliance with NEC (National Electric Code) requirements for multimotor and combination load equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protective device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker. Canadian units may be fuse or circuit breaker. 2. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage Never operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply voltage is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determine the percent voltage imbalance. This amount of phase imbalance maximum allowable 2%. is satisfactory as it is below the more than 2%, contact your local electric utility company IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance is immediately. I I I 3. The convenience outlet full load amps (FLA) are 5, 3, and 3 for 208/230,460, 575-V units, respectively. % Voltage Imbalance = 100 x max voltage deviation from average voltage average voltage TOP HOOD SECTION SEAL STRIP HOOD SIDE ADD SEAL STRIP ADD SEAL STRIP INNER FINER TRACK ADD SEAL STRIP HOOD SECTION ADD SEAL STRIP GUIDE FILTER RETAINER FILTER HOOD SIDE MANUAL DAMPER (IF EQUIPPED) UNIT BACK PANEL NOTE: Units with manual damper only use one filter. Fig. 18 -- Outdoor-Air ]5 Hood Details 2. 3. Pivot the damper assembly outward until top edge of the damper assembly rests against file inside w_dl of unit. Secure each damper assembly to unit with 6 screws across top (3 screws provided) and bottom (3 screws from Step 1) of dampel: 4. With screws saved from Step 1, install brackets on each side of &tmper assembly. See Fig. 22. 5. Remove tape from damper blades. Step 12 -- Non-Fused Disconnect -- The handle for the factory-installed non-fused disconnect is shipped inside the unit to prevent the handle from &image during shipping. Follow these steps to complete inst_dlation of the handle. /4. Be sure power is shut off to the unit from the building power supply. Electrical shock could cause serious persomd injury. 1. Open the control box access dool: / Fig. 19- Outdoor-Air 2. Hood Assembled 3. MOVEABLE DAMPER / AIR FILTER POSITION Fig. 20- \ MOVEABLE 4. Insert the square shall into the disconnect with the pins vertical. On the 100-amp disconnect, the shall is keyed into the disconnect and can only be installed one way (with the pins vertical). 5. Insert the handle through the corner post and onto the shall with the handle positioned so that "OFF' is on top. 6. Rotate the handle to the "ON" position into the handle. 7. From the inside of the corner post, attach the handle mounting screws to the handle. Slide the shall fully into the handle and tighten the set screw(s) on the disconnect to lock the shall. Tighten the screws that attach the handle to the corner post. 8. Rotate the handle back to the "OFF" position. 9. Replace _fll panels and doors. Power can now be turned back on to the unit. DAMPER Manual Damper Details Step 11 -- Position Optional Power Exhaust or Barometric Relief Damper Hood -The optiomfl power exhaust or barolnetric relief dampel_ are shipped assembled and tilted back into the unit for shipping. Brackets and extra screws ale shipped in shrink wrap around the dmnpers. Remove the small cover plate located on the unit corner post near the control section. Remove the inner control box cover. The handle and shall are located in a plastic bag at the bottom of the control box. Step 13 --Install to lock the pins All Accessories--After all of the factory-installed options have been adjusted, install all field-installed accessories. Refer to the accessory installation instructions included with each accessory. Consult the CaMer Price Pages for accessory package numbers for particular applications. 1. Remove 9 screws holding each &tmper assembly in place. See Fig. 21. Each dmnper assembly is secured with 3 screws on each side and 3 screws along the bottom. Save screws. Use care when tilting blower assembly. Hoods and blowers are heavy and can cause injury if dropped. 16 REMOVE SCREWS_ ,REMOVE SCREWS REMOVE SCREWS Fig. 21 -- Power Exhaust or Barometric Relief Damper Mounting ®_ @ Fig. 22 -- Bracket and Hood Positioning ]7 Details PRE-START-UP START-UP Use the following inforlnation and Start-Up page CL-I to check out unit PRIOR to start-up. accordance ble codes. spring mounted. down bolts. Make the following b. Inspect for oil at all refrigerant tubing connections and on unit base. Detecting oil generally indicates a refrigerant leak. Leak-test all refiigemnt tubing connections using an electronic leak detectok halide torch, or liquid-soap solution. c. d. 4. IMPORTANT: Unit power must be on for 24 hom.'sprior to start-up. Otherwise, damage to compressor may result. Compressor Phasing hnproper wiring will cause compressor stoppage and may cause equipment damage. Correct wiring by switching leads as indicated below. On 3-phase units, it is important to be certain the compressors are rotating in the proper direction. To determine whether or not compressors are rotating in the proper direction, use a phase-rotation meter on the unit input power to check for L I -L2-L3 or clockwise rotation. If the compressor is rotating in the wrong direction, the suction pressure will not diop and the discharge pressure will not rise. NOTE: Indoor or outdoor fan rotation direction may not indicate proper input power phase sequence, as some 3-phase units use single-phase fan motors. Check fan rotation where applicable. To correct the wrong compressor the following procedure: 1. Turn offpower during shipping and the fins with a tin to the unit and lock out the power. Switch any two of the incoming unit power leads. Turn on power to the unit. 4. Verify corrected where applicable. b. Make sure that air filter(s) is in place. c. Make sure that condensate drain trap is filled with water to ensure proper di'ainage. d. Make sure that all tools and miscellaneous have been removed. compressor rotation Check all electrical unit control boxes; tighten as required. Evaporator Fan- Make sure that condenser fan blade is correctly positioned in the fan orifice. See Condenser-Fan Adjustment section on page 47 for more details. rotation direction, perform 2. 3. Internal Wiring- Verify the following conditions: a. hold- Heater(s)Crankcase heaters are energized as long as there is power to the unit and the compressor is not operating. Inspect all tield-wiring and factou-wiring connections. Be sure that connections are completed and tight. Inspect coil fins. If damaged handling, carefully straighten comb. compressor Crankcase inspections: Inspect for shipping and handling damages such as broken lines, loose parts, or disconnected wires, etc. Compressors are internally or remove ports per circuit. One port is located on the suction line, one on the compressor dischmge line, and one on the liquid line. Be sure that caps on the ports are tight. CAUto, or a. Do not loosen Refrigerant Service Ports-- Each independent refrigerant system has a total of 3 Schmder-type service gage Proceed as follows to inspect and prepare the unit for initial st_ut-up: 3. -- Check that unit l'msbeen installed in with these installation instructions and all applica- Compressor Mounting- a. Shut off gas and then electrical power to the unit. Install lockout tag. b. Relieve all pressure from the system using both high-pressure and low-pressure ports. c. Cut the component connection tubing with a tubing cuttek and remove the component from the unit. d. Carefully unsweat the remaining tubing stubs when necessary. Oil can ignite when exposed to torch flalne. on all WARNING labels attached on Unit Preparation F;filure to observe the following warnings could result in serious personal injury. 1. Follow recognized safety practices and we;u protective goggles when checking or the servicing refrigerant system. 2. Do not operate the compressor or provide any electric power to the unit unless the compressor terminal cover is in place and secured. 3. Do not remove the compressor terminal cover until all electrical sources _ue disconnected. 4. Relieve all pressure from file system before touching or disturbing anything inside the compressor terminal box if refrigerant leak is suspected around the compressor terminals. 5. Never attempt to repair a soldered connection while the refrigerant system is under pressure. 6. Do not use torch to remove any component. The system contains oil and refrigerant under pressure. To remove a component, wear protective goggles and proceed as follows: 1. Remove all access panels. 2. Read and follow instructions TION, and INFORMATION shipped with, the unit. Checklist and fan rotation connections in Fan belt and v_uiable pulleys are factory-installed. See Tables 5-23 for fan performance data. Be sure that fans rotate in the proper direction. See Table 24 for air quantity limits. See Table 25 for evaporator fan motor specifications. See Table 26 for accessory or factory-installed options static pressure. See Table 27 for fan rpm at various motor pulley settings. To alter fan performance, see Evaporator Fan Performance Adjustment section on page 47. loose parts 18 Condenser motols section Fans and Motors -- Condenser ;ue factory set. Refer (page 47) as required. Return-Air Filters- stalled in filter tracks return-air filters. to Condensel;Fan fans and 2. Adjustment 3. Check (see Table that correct flters 1). Do not operate are 4. in- unit without 5. NOTE: For units with 4-in. filter option, units ale shipped with standard 2-in. filtel_. To inst_fll 4-in. filters, tile filter spacers must be removed. Outdoor-Air Inlet Screens -- Outdoor-air must before operating Verify gas pressures be in place Gas Heat follows: 1. -- Turn off field-supplied to unit. inlet screens unit. manual before turning gas stop, located on heat as Connect pressure gage to supply gas tap, located on fieldsupplied manual shutoff valve (see Fig. 14). Connect pressure gage to manifold pressure tap. Turn on feld-supplied manual gas stop. Provide a call for heating stage 1. After the unit has run for several minutes, verify tile supply gas pressure is between 5.5 in. wg and 13.0 in. wg. Provide a call for heating stage 2. Check manifold pressure after 5 minutes of stage 2 operation. Manifold pressure should be 3.00 in. wg. If manifold pressure must be adjusted, refer to Gas Valve Adjustment section. 6. NOTE: Supply gas pressure must not exceed 13.0 in. wg. Turn off unit. 7. Remove c_dl for heat. external Table 5 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJD020 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 Rpm 460 499 538 579 621 664 707 751 795 839 884 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 Bhp Watts --- AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 0.4 0.2 Watts 591 774 990 1243 1536 1871 2250 2676 3150 3676 4253 Bhp 0.68 0.89 1.14 1.43 1.77 2.15 2.59 3.08 3.62 4.23 4.89 Rpm 548 581 617 654 693 732 772 813 855 897 940 Watts 1476 1740 2039 2376 2753 3172 3636 4145 4703 5311 5972 Bhp 0.89 1.12 1.39 1.71 2.07 2.48 2.93 3.44 4.01 4.63 5.32 Rpm 623 653 685 719 755 792 830 869 909 949 990 AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 1.4 1.2 Rpm 814 834 857 884 913 945 978 1012 1047 1084 1121 Watts 774 976 1212 1485 1798 2152 2550 2994 3487 4029 4625 Bhp 1.70 2.00 2.35 2.73 3.17 3.65 4.18 4.77 5.41 6.11 6.87 Rpm 871 888 909 933 960 990 1022 1055 1089 1124 1160 Watts 1650 1930 2243 2594 2984 3417 3895 4419 4992 5615 6290 Bhp 1.90 2.22 2.58 2.98 3.43 3.93 4.48 5.08 5.74 6.46 7.23 Rpm 924 939 958 980 1006 1034 1064 1095 1128 1163 1198 LEGEND Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor STATIC PRESSURE 0.6 Watts 951 1170 1423 1715 2045 2417 2834 3295 3805 4366 4978 Bhp 1.09 1.35 1.64 1.97 2.35 2.78 3.26 3.79 4.38 5.02 5.73 Rpm 692 717 746 778 811 846 883 920 958 997 1037 STATIC PRESSURE 1.6 Watts 1825 2119 2446 2811 3215 3662 4153 4691 5277 5915 6604 Bhp 2.10 2.44 2.81 3.23 3.70 4.21 4.78 5.39 6.07 6.80 7.60 (in. wg) 0.8 Watts 1126 1361 1630 1938 2285 2673 3106 3585 4112 4689 5318 1.0 Bhp 1.29 1.56 1.88 2.23 2.63 3.07 3.57 4.12 4.73 5.39 6.12 Rpm 755 777 803 832 864 897 932 967 1004 1042 1080 Watts 1301 1551 1835 2158 2520 2925 3373 3868 4411 5004 5649 Bhp 2.30 2.65 3.05 3.48 3.96 4.49 5.07 5.70 6.40 7.14 7.95 Rpm 1023 1035 1051 1070 1092 1117 1144 1173 1204 1236 1269 Watts 2173 2497 2853 3244 3674 4147 4665 5229 5842 6506 7223 (in. wg) 1.8 Rpm 975 988 1005 1026 1049 1076 1104 1135 1167 1200 1234 Watts 1999 2308 2650 3028 3445 3905 4409 4960 5561 6211 6914 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 647-886 (208/230 and 460-v), 810-1072 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 897-1139 (208/230 and 460-v), 873-1108 (575-v) High Range: 1078-1274 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 19 Bhp 1.50 1.78 2.11 2.48 2.90 3.36 3.88 4.45 5.07 5.75 6.50 Bhp 2.50 2.87 3.28 3.73 4.23 4.77 5.37 6.01 6.72 7.48 8.31 Table 6 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJE020 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 350O 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 EXTERNAL --- PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 470 511 553 597 641 686 732 779 826 873 921 611 802 1029 1297 1606 1961 2363 2816 3320 3879 4496 0.70 0.92 1.18 1.49 1.85 2.26 2.72 3.24 3.82 4.46 6.17 556 691 629 669 709 751 794 837 882 926 972 791 1001 1248 1534 1862 2234 2653 3122 3642 4217 4847 0.91 1.16 1.44 1.76 2.14 2.57 3.05 3.59 4.19 4.86 6.57 630 661 695 732 770 809 849 891 933 976 1019 967 1194 1458 1761 2106 2495 2931 3416 3953 4542 5189 1.11 1.37 1.68 2.03 2.42 2.87 3.37 3.93 4.66 5.22 5.97 697 725 756 789 825 862 900 940 980 1021 1063 1141 1383 1663 1982 2343 2749 3201 3702 4254 4860 6621 1.31 1.59 1.91 2.28 2.70 3.16 3.68 4.26 4.89 5.59 6.35 760 784 812 843 876 911 948 986 1025 1065 1106 1314 1572 1866 2201 2577 2997 3465 3981 4549 5169 5846 1.51 1.81 2.16 2.53 2.96 3.45 3.99 4.58 6.23 6.96 6.72 Bhp 2.31 2.67 3.07 3.52 4.02 4.57 5.17 5.82 6.54 7.32 8.16 Rpm 1026 1039 1056 1076 1100 1127 1156 1187 1220 1254 1290 Watts 2182 2512 2876 3278 3721 4210 4745 5330 5967 6657 7403 AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 1.4 1.2 Rpm 818 840 865 893 925 958 993 1029 1067 1106 1145 Watts 1488 1760 2068 2417 2808 3243 3725 4256 4838 5474 6165 Bhp 1.71 2.02 2.38 2.78 3.23 3.73 4.28 4.90 6.56 6.30 7.09 Rpm 874 893 915 942 971 1003 1036 1071 1107 1145 1183 Watts 1661 1948 2270 2632 3037 3486 3982 4528 5124 5774 6479 Bhp 1.91 2.24 2.61 3.03 3.49 4.01 4.58 6.21 6.89 6.64 7.45 Rpm 927 943 964 988 1016 1045 1077 1111 1146 1182 1220 LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC 0.6 Rpm AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 AVAILABLE 0.4 0.2 STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 1.8 Watts 1835 2136 2472 2848 3266 3728 4238 4797 5407 6071 6790 Bhp 2.11 2.46 2.84 3.28 3.76 4.29 4.87 5.52 6.22 6.98 7.81 Rpm 978 992 1011 1033 1059 1087 1117 1150 1184 1219 1255 Watts 2008 2324 2673 3063 3494 3970 4492 5064 5688 6365 7098 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.76 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 647-886 (208/230 and 460-v), 810-1072 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 897-1139 (206/230 and 480-v), 673-1108 (575-v) High Range: 1078-1274 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 2O Bhp 2.51 2.89 3.31 3.77 4.28 4.84 6.46 6.13 6.86 7.66 8.51 Table 7 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJF020 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 EXTERNAL --- PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 470 511 553 597 641 686 732 779 826 873 921 611 802 1029 1297 1606 1961 2363 2815 3320 3879 4495 0.70 0.92 1.18 1.49 1.85 2.26 2.72 3.24 3.82 4.46 5.17 556 591 629 669 709 751 794 837 882 926 972 791 1001 1248 1534 1862 2234 2653 3122 3642 4217 4847 0.91 1.15 1.44 1.76 2.14 2.57 3.05 3.59 4.19 4.85 5.57 630 661 695 732 770 809 849 891 933 975 1019 967 1194 1458 1761 2106 2495 2931 3416 3953 4542 5189 1.11 1.37 1.68 2.03 2.42 2.87 3.37 3.93 4.55 5.22 5.97 697 725 756 789 828 862 900 940 980 1021 1063 1141 1383 1663 1982 2343 2749 3201 3702 4254 4860 5521 1.31 1.59 1.91 2.28 2.70 3.16 3.68 4.26 4.89 5.59 6.35 760 784 812 843 876 911 948 986 1025 1065 1105 1314 1572 1866 2201 2577 2997 3465 3981 4549 5169 5846 1.51 1.81 2.15 2.53 2.96 3.45 3.99 4.58 5.23 5.95 6.72 Bhp 2.31 2,67 3,07 3,52 4.02 4.57 5.17 5,82 6.54 7,32 8.16 Rpm 1026 1039 1056 1076 1100 1127 1156 1187 1220 1254 1290 Watts 2182 2512 2876 3278 3721 4210 4745 5330 5967 6657 7403 AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 1.4 1.2 Rpm 818 840 865 893 925 958 993 1029 1067 1106 1145 Watts 1488 1760 2068 2417 2808 3243 3725 4256 4838 5474 6165 Bhp 1.71 2.02 2.38 2.78 3.23 3.73 4.28 4.90 5.56 6.30 7.09 Rpm 874 893 915 942 971 1003 1036 1071 1107 1145 1183 Watts 1661 1948 2270 2632 3037 3486 3982 4528 5124 5774 6479 Bhp 1.91 2.24 2.61 3.03 3.49 4.01 4.58 5.21 5.89 6.64 7.45 Rpm 927 943 964 988 1016 1045 1077 1111 1146 1182 1220 LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC 0.6 Rpm AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 AVAILABLE 0.4 0.2 STATIC PRESSURE 1.6 Watts 1835 2136 2472 2848 3266 3728 4238 4797 5407 6071 6790 Bhp 2.11 2.46 2.84 3.28 3.76 4.29 4.87 5.52 6.22 6.98 7.81 Rpm 978 992 1011 1033 1059 1087 1117 1150 1184 1219 1255 (in. wg) 1.8 Watts 2008 2324 2673 3063 3494 3970 4492 5064 5688 6365 7098 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 647-886 (208/230 and 460-v), 810-1072 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 897-1139 (208/230 and 460-v), 873-1108 (575-v) High Range: 1078-1274 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 21 Bhp 2.51 2,89 3,31 3,77 4.28 4.84 5.46 6,13 6.86 7.66 8.51 Table 8 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJD024 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Rpm 590 633 677 722 767 813 859 906 952 999 1047 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 AVAILABLE 0.4 0.2 Watts 1276 1579 1925 2317 2758 3250 3795 4394 5051 5767 6544 Bhp 1.47 1.82 2.21 2.67 3.17 3.74 4.36 5.05 5.81 6.63 7.53 Rpm 683 703 744 786 828 871 915 959 1004 1049 1094 Watts 1516 1838 2203 2614 3073 3582 4143 4759 5432 6163 6956 Bhp 1.74 2.11 2.53 3.01 3.53 4.12 4.77 5.47 6.25 7.09 8.00 AVAILABLE 1.4 1.2 EXTERNAL Rpm 727 764 803 842 883 924 966 1008 1051 1094 1138 EXTERNAL --- Watts 1745 2084 2467 2896 3371 3897 4475 5107 5797 6544 7352 STATIC 1.6 Bhp 2.01 2.40 2.84 3.33 3.88 4.48 5.15 5.87 6.67 7.53 8.46 Rpm 788 820 857 894 933 972 1012 1053 1095 1137 1180 PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.8 Watts 1968 2324 2723 3167 3660 4202 4797 5445 6150 6913 7736 1.0 Bhp 2.26 2.67 3.13 3.64 4.21 4.83 5.52 6.26 7.07 7.95 8.90 Rpm 840 872 907 942 979 1017 1056 1096 1136 1177 1219 Watts 2189 2560 2974 3434 3942 4500 5110 5774 6494 7272 8111 (in. wg) 1.8 Bhp 2.52 2.94 3.42 3.95 4.53 5.18 5.88 6.64 7.47 8.36 9.33 2.0 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 891 921 954 988 1024 1060 1098 1137 1176 1216 1256 2408 2792 3221 3696 4219 4792 5417 6096 6831 7624 8478 2,77 3.21 3.70 4.25 4.85 5.51 6.23 7.01 7.86 8.77 9.75 940 968 999 1032 1066 1101 1138 1175 1214 1253 1292 2625 3024 3467 3956 4493 5080 5719 6413 7163 7970 8838 3,02 3.48 3.99 4.55 5.17 5.84 6.58 7.38 8.24 9.17 10.16 987 1014 1042 1073 1106 1140 1176 1212 1250 1288 1327 2843 3255 3711 4214 4764 5365 6018 6726 7490 8312 9193 3,27 3.74 4.27 4.85 5.48 6.17 6.92 7.74 8.61 9.56 10.57 1032 1057 1084 1114 1145 1178 1213 1248 1285 1322 1360 3060 3485 3955 4470 5034 5649 6315 7036 7814 8649 9545 3,52 4.01 4.55 5.14 5.79 6.50 7.26 8.09 8.99 9.95 10.98 1076 1099 1125 1153 1183 1215 1249 1283 1319 1355 1393 3277 3716 4198 4726 5303 5930 6610 7344 8135 8984 9893 3.77 4.27 4.83 5.44 6.10 6.82 7.60 8.45 9.36 10.33 11.38 LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC PRESSURE 0.6 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 685-939 (208/230 and 460-v), 751-954 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 949-1206 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 22 Table 9 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJE024 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Rpm 607 652 699 746 794 842 891 940 990 1039 1089 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 0.4 0.2 Watts 1329 1648 2013 2428 2895 3415 3992 4628 5325 6085 6911 Bhp 1.53 1.90 2,32 2,79 3,33 3,93 4,59 5,32 6.12 7.00 7.95 Rpm 677 719 763 807 851 897 943 990 1037 1085 1133 Watts 1565 1902 2285 2716 3198 3735 4327 4977 5688 6462 7301 Bhp 1.80 2.19 2.63 3.12 3.68 4.30 4.98 5.72 6.54 7.43 8.40 AVAILABLE 1.4 1.2 Rpm 740 779 819 861 904 947 991 1036 1082 1128 1174 EXTERNAL --- Watts 1791 2145 2545 2993 3491 4043 4650 5316 6042 6829 7682 STATIC 1.6 Bhp 2.06 2.47 2.93 3.44 4.02 4.65 5.35 6.11 6.95 7.85 8.83 Rpm 797 833 872 911 952 994 1036 1080 1124 1168 1213 PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.8 Watts 2013 2382 2798 3262 3776 4343 4966 5646 6386 7188 8055 1.0 Bhp 2.31 2.74 3,22 3,75 4,34 5.00 5,71 6.49 7,35 8.27 9.26 Rpm 850 884 921 958 998 1038 1079 1121 1163 1207 1251 Watts 2231 2616 3046 3525 4055 4637 5274 5970 6724 7541 8421 (in. wg) 1.8 Bhp 2.57 3.01 3.50 4.05 4.66 5.33 6.07 6.87 7.73 8.67 9.69 2.0 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 900 933 967 1003 1041 1079 1119 1160 1202 1244 1287 2448 2847 3292 3785 4330 4926 5578 6288 7056 7887 8781 2,82 3.27 3.79 4.35 4.98 5.67 6.42 7.23 8.12 9.07 10.10 949 979 1011 1046 1082 1119 1158 1198 1238 1279 1321 2664 3077 3535 4043 4601 5212 5878 6601 7384 8228 9137 3,06 3.54 4.07 4.65 5.29 5.99 6.76 7.59 8.49 9.46 10.51 995 1023 1054 1087 1122 1158 1195 1234 1273 1314 1355 2879 3305 3778 4298 4870 5495 6174 6912 7708 8566 9488 3.31 3.80 4.35 4.94 5.60 6.32 7.10 7.95 8.87 9.85 10.91 1040 1066 1095 1127 1160 1195 1231 1269 1308 1347 1387 3095 3534 4019 4553 5138 5776 6468 7219 8029 8900 9836 3.56 4.06 4.62 5.24 5.91 6.64 7.44 8.30 9.23 10.24 11.31 1083 1108 1135 1165 1197 1231 1267 1303 1341 1379 -- 3310 3762 4260 4806 5404 6055 6761 7524 8347 9231 -- 3.81 4.33 4.90 5.53 6.22 6.96 7.78 8.65 9.60 10.62 -- LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC PRESSURE 0.6 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 685-939 (208/230 and 460-v), 751-954 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 949-1206 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 23 Table 10 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJF024 Vertical Discharge Units* AVAILABLE AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 0.6 --- (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 607 652 699 746 794 842 891 940 990 1039 1089 1329 1648 2013 2428 2895 3415 3992 4628 5325 6085 6911 1.53 1,90 2,32 2,79 3,33 3,93 4,59 5.32 6,12 7.00 7.95 677 719 763 807 851 897 943 990 1037 1085 1133 1565 1902 2285 2716 3198 3735 4327 4977 5688 6462 7301 1.80 2.19 2.63 3.12 3.68 4.30 4.98 5.72 6,54 7.43 8.40 740 779 819 861 904 947 991 1036 1082 1128 1174 1791 2145 2545 2993 3491 4043 4650 5316 6042 6829 7682 2.06 2,47 2,93 3,44 4,02 4,65 5.35 6,11 6.95 7.85 8.83 797 833 872 911 952 994 1036 1080 1124 1168 1213 2013 2382 2798 3262 3776 4343 4966 5646 6386 7188 8055 2.31 2.74 3.22 3.75 4.34 5.00 5.71 6.49 7.35 8.27 9.26 850 884 921 958 998 1038 1079 1121 1163 1207 1251 2231 2616 3046 3525 4055 4637 5274 5970 6724 7541 8421 2.57 3.01 3.50 4.05 4.66 5.33 6.07 6.87 7.73 8.67 9.69 Bhp 3.56 4.06 4.62 5.24 5.91 6.64 7.44 8.30 9.23 10.24 11.31 Rpm 1083 1108 1135 1165 1197 1231 1267 1303 1341 1379 -- Watts 3310 3762 4260 4806 5404 6055 6761 7524 8347 9231 -- AVAILABLE 1.4 1.2 Rpm 900 933 967 1003 1041 1079 1119 1160 1202 1244 1287 Watts 2448 2847 3292 3785 4330 4926 5578 6288 7056 7887 8781 Bhp 2.82 3.27 3.79 4.35 4.98 5.67 6.42 7.23 8.12 9.07 10.10 Rpm 949 979 1011 1046 1082 1119 1158 1198 1238 1279 1321 Watts 2664 3077 3535 4043 4601 5212 5878 6601 7384 8228 9137 Bhp 3.06 3.54 4.07 4.65 5.29 5.99 6.76 7.59 8.49 9.46 10.51 EXTERNAL Rpm 995 1023 1054 1087 1122 1158 1195 1234 1273 1314 1355 LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC PRESSURE Rpm AIRFLOW (Cfm) 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 EXTERNAL 0.4 STATIC PRESSURE 1.6 Watts 2879 3305 3778 4298 4870 5495 6174 6912 7708 8566 9488 Bhp 3.31 3.80 4.35 4.94 5.60 6.32 7.10 7.95 8.87 9.85 10.91 Rpm 1040 1066 1095 1127 1160 1195 1231 1269 1308 1347 1387 (in. wg) 1.8 Watts 3095 3534 4019 4553 5138 5776 6468 7219 8029 8900 9836 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 685-939 (208/230 and 460-v), 751-954 (575-v) Mid-Low Range: 949-1206 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 24 Bhp 3.81 4.33 4.90 5.53 6.22 6.96 7.78 8.65 9.60 10.62 Table 11 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJD028 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 Rpm Watts Bhp 750 797 845 892 939 986 1033 1079 1126 1172 1219 1268 1311 2,468 2,942 3,468 4,045 4,677 5,364 6,108 6,911 7,773 8,696 9,681 10,732 11,848 2.84 3.38 3.99 4.65 5.38 6.17 7.03 7.95 8.94 10.00 11.13 12.34 13.63 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 AVAILABLE 0.4 0.2 Rpm Watts 806 2,767 853 3,276 900 3,840 948 4,462 995 5,141 1042 5,882 1090 6,684 1137 7,550 1184 8,480 1232 9,475 1279 10,539 1326 11,669 ............ Bhp 3.18 3.77 4.42 5.13 5.91 6.76 7.69 8.68 9.75 10.90 12.12 13.42 AVAILABLE 1.4 1.2 Rpm Watts Bhp 988 1024 1063 1104 1146 1190 1235 1280 1326 1372 3,900 4,426 5,026 5,698 6,443 7,289 8,148 9,111 10,147 11,259 4.49 5.09 5.78 6.55 7.41 8.35 9.37 10.48 11.67 12.95 Rpm Watts 1035 4,250 1066 4,760 1101 5,351 1140 6,020 1180 6,765 1222 7,886 1266 8,483 1310 9,456 1355 10,505 ............ EXTERNAL --- (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 854 899 945 991 1038 1085 1132 1180 1227 1274 1322 ......... 3,031 3,587 4,142 4,789 5,497 6,269 7,105 8,007 8,978 10,017 11,127 3.49 4.09 4.76 5.51 6.32 7.21 8.17 9.21 10.33 11.52 12.80 898 941 985 1030 1076 1122 1169 1216 1263 1310 1357 3,298 3,832 4,430 5,092 5,818 6,611 7,470 8,399 9,399 10,468 11,611 3.79 4.41 5.09 5.86 6.69 7.60 8.59 9.66 10.81 12.04 13.35 943 982 1024 1067 1112 1157 1203 1249 1296 1342 -- 3,584 4,118 4,721 5,391 6,129 6,936 7,813 8,761 9,782 10,876 -- 4.12 4.74 5.43 6.20 7.05 7.98 8.99 10.08 11.25 12.81 -- EXTERNAL STATIC 1.6 PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.8 2.0 Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 4.89 5.48 6.15 6.92 7.78 8.73 9.76 10.88 12.08 1082 1109 1141 1176 1214 1255 1296 1340 1384 4,634 5,126 5,702 6,361 7,103 7,925 8,824 9,804 10,862 5.33 5.90 6.56 7.32 8.17 9.11 10.15 11.28 12.49 1130 1153 1181 1213 1249 1287 1327 1369 ...... 5,053 5,524 6,081 6,727 7,489 8,276 9,176 10,158 5.81 6.35 6.99 7.74 8.58 9.52 10.55 11.68 1177 1197 1222 1251 1283 1319 1357 1398 5,499 5,953 6,490 7,118 7,837 8,645 9,541 10,822 6.32 6.85 7.46 8.19 9.01 9.94 10.97 12.10 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied PRESSURE Rpm LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC 0.6 NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.80 drive. 2.5 bhp is: Data notes. Table 12 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJE028 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm 775 826 878 929 2,600 3,115 3,690 4,326 2.99 3.58 4.24 4.98 825 2,872 875 3,408 925 4,006 975 4,667 1026 5,395 1076 6,191 1128 7,058 1179 8,000 1230 9,016 1282 10,111 1333 11,287 ............ 981 1033 1085 1137 1190 1242 1294 1347 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 AVAILABLE 0.4 0.2 5,029 5,799 6,640 7,553 8,542 9,609 10,756 11,985 5.78 6.67 7.64 8.69 9.82 11.05 12.37 13.78 Watts --- (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 871 918 966 1015 1064 1114 1164 1214 1265 1316 1367 3,130 3,679 4,292 4,970 5,717 6,533 7,421 8,385 9,424 10,542 11,741 3.60 4.23 4.94 5.72 6.58 7.51 8.54 9.64 10.84 12.12 13.50 915 959 1005 1052 1100 1148 1198 1247 1297 1347 ...... 3,400 3,954 4,575 5,265 6,025 6,856 7,761 8,741 9,799 10,937 3.91 4.55 5.26 6.06 6.93 7.89 8.93 10.05 11.27 12.58 959 1000 1043 1088 1134 1181 1229 1278 1327 1376 3,692 4,245 4,868 5,564 6,332 7,173 8,091 9,086 10,158 11,311 4.25 4.88 5.60 6.40 7.28 8.25 9.31 10.45 11.68 13.01 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 1004 1041 1081 1124 1168 1214 1260 1308 1356 4,016 4,559 5,179 5,875 6,647 7,495 8,421 9,425 10,510 4.62 5.24 5.96 6.76 7.64 8.62 9.69 10.84 12.09 1050 1083 1120 1160 1202 1245 1290 1337 1384 4,374 4,902 5,512 6,203 6,974 7,825 8,756 9,768 10,862 5.03 5.64 6.34 7.13 8.02 9.00 10.07 11.23 12.49 EXTERNAL STATIC 1.6 PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.8 2.0 Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 1098 1126 1159 1196 1235 1277 1320 1365 ......... 4,769 5,277 5,872 6,553 7,318 8,168 9,100 10,116 5.48 6.07 6.75 7.54 8.42 9.39 10.47 11.63 1145 1170 1199 1233 1269 1309 1351 1394 5,195 5,685 6,261 6,928 7,684 8,527 9,457 10,474 5.97 6.54 7.20 7.97 8.84 9.81 10.88 12.05 1192 1214 1240 1270 1304 1341 1381 -- 5646 6122 6680 7329 8071 8905 9830 -- 6.49 7.04 7.68 8.43 9.28 10.24 11.31 -- Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied PRESSURE 3.30 3.92 4.61 5.37 6.20 7.12 8.12 9.20 10.37 11.63 12.98 LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC 0.6 Bhp AVAILABLE 1.4 1.2 EXTERNAL NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 drive. 26 bhp is: Data notes. Table 13 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJF028 Vertical Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 --- (in. wg) 0.8 1.0 Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp 775 826 878 929 981 1033 1085 1137 1190 1242 1294 1347 2,600 3,115 3,690 4,326 5,029 5,799 6,640 7,563 8,542 9,609 10,756 11,985 2.99 3.58 4.24 4.98 5.78 6.67 7.64 8.69 9.82 11.05 12.37 13.78 825 2,872 875 3,408 925 4,006 975 4,667 1026 5,395 1076 6,191 1128 7,058 1179 8,000 1230 9,016 1282 10,111 1333 11,287 ............ 3.30 3.92 4.61 5.37 6.20 7.12 8.12 9.20 10.37 11.63 12.98 871 918 966 1015 1064 1114 1164 1214 1265 1316 1367 3,130 3,679 4,292 4,970 5,717 6,533 7,421 8,385 9,424 10,542 11,741 3.60 4.23 4.94 5.72 6.58 7.51 8.54 9.64 10.84 12.12 13.50 915 959 1005 1052 1100 1148 1198 1247 1297 1347 ...... 3,400 3,954 4,575 5,265 6,025 6,856 7,761 8,741 9,799 10,937 3.91 4.55 5.26 6.06 6.93 7.89 8.93 10.06 11.27 12.68 959 1000 1043 1088 1134 1181 1229 1278 1327 1376 3,692 4,245 4,868 5,664 6,332 7,173 8,091 9,086 10,158 11,311 4.25 4.88 5.60 6.40 7.28 8.25 9.31 10.45 11.68 13.01 Bhp 5.97 6.54 7.20 7.97 8.84 9.81 10.88 12.05 Rpm 1192 1214 1240 1270 1304 1341 1381 -- Watts 5646 6122 6680 7329 8071 8905 9830 -- AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 1.4 1.2 Rpm 1004 1041 1081 1124 1168 1214 1260 1308 1356 Watts 4,016 4,559 5,179 5,875 6,647 7,495 8,421 9,425 10,510 Bhp 4.62 5.24 5.96 6.76 7.64 8.62 9.69 10.84 12.09 Rpm 1050 1083 1120 1160 1202 1245 1290 1337 1384 Watts 4,374 4,902 5,512 6,203 6,974 7,825 8,756 9,768 10,862 Bhp 5.03 5.64 6.34 7.13 8.02 9.00 10.07 11.23 12.49 Bhp 5.48 6.07 6.75 7.54 8.42 9.39 10.47 11.63 Rpm 1145 1170 1199 1233 1269 1309 1351 1394 (in. wg) 1.8 2.0 Watts 5,195 5,685 6,261 6,928 7,684 8,527 9,457 10,474 Refer to this page for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied STATIC PRESSURE 1.6 Rpm Watts 1098 4,769 1126 5,277 1159 5,872 1196 6,553 1235 7,318 1277 8,168 1320 9,100 1365 10,116 ......... LEGEND Bhp Watts STATIC PRESSURE 0.6 Rpm AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 AVAILABLE EXTERNAL 0.4 0.2 NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.60 Bhp 6.49 7.04 7.68 8.43 9.28 10.24 11.31 -- Data notes. bhp is: drive. GENERAL NOTES FOR TABLES 5-22 1. Static pressure losses (i.e., EconoMi$er IV) from Table 26 must be added to external static pressure before entering Fan Performance table. 2. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. 3. Fan performance is based on wet coils, clean filters, and casing losses. See Table 26 on page 39. 4. Extensive motor and drive testing on these units ensures that the full horsepower and watts range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using the fan motors up to the watts or bhp rating shown will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be affected. 5. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire size. Contact your Carrier representative for details. 27 Table 14AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm 635 707 780 853 928 1003 1079 1155 1231 1308 1385 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Fan Performance- Bhp 1064 1402 1802 2264 2794 3047 3812 4697 5714 6871 8177 0.4 Watts 1.22 1.61 2.07 2.60 3.21 3.50 4.38 5.40 6.57 7.90 9.40 Rpm Bhp 709 1278 773 1627 840 2037 909 2510 979 3049 1051 3376 1123 4166 1196 5078 1270 6120 1344 7303 ............ 1.2 Rpm 951 998 1050 1105 1163 1224 1286 1350 Bhp 2143 2535 2756 3329 3997 4771 5658 6668 1.4 Watts 2.46 2.92 3.17 3.83 4.60 5.49 6.51 7.67 Rpm 1003 1048 1097 1150 1205 1263 1324 1386 Bhp 2120 2548 3055 3651 4342 5138 6048 7081 48HJD020 Horizontal Discharge Units _' EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE(in. wg) 0.6 Watts 1.47 1.87 2.34 2.89 3.51 3.88 4.79 5.84 7.04 8.40 Rpm 776 835 897 961 1028 1096 1166 1236 1308 1380 --- Watts 1.72 2.13 2.61 3.17 3.46 4.27 5.21 6.29 7.51 8.90 Rpm 838 892 950 1011 1075 1140 1207 1275 1345 ...... EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 Watts 2.44 2.93 3.51 4.20 4.99 5.91 6.96 8.14 Rpm 1052 1095 1142 1192 1246 1302 1361 ......... LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp 1492 1853 2273 2756 3012 3714 4529 5465 6533 7741 Bhp 2387 2835 3363 3979 4692 5511 6445 Watts 2.75 3.26 3.87 4.58 5.40 6.34 7.41 Rpm 1100 1141 1185 1234 1288 1340 1397 0.8 Bhp 1708 2080 2510 2710 3333 4059 4898 5859 6952 1.0 Watts 1.96 2.39 2.89 3.12 3.83 4.67 5.63 6.74 8.00 Rpm 896 947 1001 1059 1120 1182 1247 1313 1381 Bhp 1924 2307 2465 3015 3661 4411 5274 6260 7378 Watts 3.06 3.60 4.23 4.96 5.81 6.78 7.87 Rpm 1148 1184 1227 1274 1324 1377 -- Bhp 2944 3432 4001 4658 5415 6278 -- 1.8 Bhp 2662 3129 3878 4315 5051 5892 6847 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Net Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 863-1141 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 (208/230 and 460-v), 1042-1285 (575-v) High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 28 Watts 2.21 2.65 2.84 3.47 4.21 5.07 6.07 7.20 8.49 Watts 3.39 3.95 4.60 5.36 6.23 7.22 -- Table 15AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm 645 718 792 887 943 1019 1096 1173 1250 1328 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Fan Performance- Bhp 1105 1454 1866 2343 2889 3177 3973 4894 5952 7153 0.4 Watts 1.27 1.67 2.15 2.69 3.32 3.85 4.57 5.63 6.85 8.23 1.2 Rpm 985 1014 1067 1123 1182 1243 1306 1371 Bhp 2195 2364 2882 3489 4194 5008 5939 6997 Rpm 720 785 853 923 995 1067 1141 1215 1290 1365 Bhp 1329 1692 2117 2605 3162 3532 4354 5304 6389 7620 1,4 Watts 2.53 2.72 3.31 4.01 4.82 5.76 6.83 8.05 Rpm Bhp 1018 2181 1064 2644 1114 3187 1168 3820 1224 4551 1283 5391 1345 6349 ............ 48HJE020 Horizontal Discharge Units* EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE(in. wg) 0.6 Watts 1.53 1.95 2.43 3.00 3.64 4.06 5.01 6.10 7.35 8.76 Rpm 788 848 911 977 1044 1113 1184 1256 1328 ......... --- Watts 1.78 2.22 2.72 3.30 3.63 4.48 5.45 6.58 7.86 Rpm 851 906 985 1027 1092 1158 1226 1295 1366 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1,6 Watts 2.51 3.04 3.67 4.39 5.23 6.20 7.30 Rpm 1068 1112 1160 1211 1266 1323 1382 LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp 1549 1926 2364 2865 3158 3892 4742 5719 6832 Bhp 2442 2930 3498 4156 4913 5779 6763 Watts 2.81 3.37 4.02 4.78 5.65 6.65 7.78 Rpm 1116 1158 1204 1253 1306 1361 ...... 0.8 Bhp 1767 2158 2609 2845 3497 4259 5136 6140 7281 1.0 Watts 2.03 2.48 3.00 3.27 4.02 4.90 5.91 7.06 8.37 Rpm 910 962 1017 1078 1138 1201 1267 1334 -- Bhp 1982 2388 2583 3163 3843 4631 5535 6567 -- Watts 3.11 3.70 4.39 5.17 6.07 7.10 Rpm 1162 1202 1248 1294 1345 1398 Bhp 2979 3517 4135 4844 5652 6569 1,8 Bhp 2708 3221 3814 4497 5280 6172 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 863-1141 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 (208/230 and 460-v), 1042-1285 (575-v) High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 29 Watts 2.28 2.75 2.97 3.64 4.42 5.33 6.37 7.55 -- Watts 3.43 4.05 4.76 5.57 6.50 7.56 Table 16AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 0,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm 645 718 792 867 943 1019 1096 1173 1250 1328 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 0,000 9,500 10,000 Fan Performance- Bhp 1105 1454 1866 2343 2889 3177 3973 4894 5952 7153 0.4 Watts 1.27 1.67 2.15 2.69 3.32 3.65 4.57 5.63 6.85 8.23 1.2 Rpm 965 1014 1067 1123 1182 1243 1306 1371 Bhp 2195 2364 2882 3489 4194 5008 5939 6997 Rpm 720 785 853 923 995 1067 1141 1215 1290 1365 Bhp 1329 1692 2117 2605 3162 3532 4354 5304 6389 7620 1.4 Watts 2.53 2.72 3.31 4.01 4.82 5.76 6.83 8.05 Rpm Bhp 1018 2181 1064 2644 1114 3187 1168 3820 1224 4551 1283 5391 1345 6349 ............ 48HJF020 Horizontal Discharge Units* EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE(in. wg) 0.6 Watts 1.53 1.95 2.43 3.00 3.64 4.06 5.01 6.10 7.35 8.76 Rpm 788 848 911 977 1044 1113 1184 1256 1328 ......... --- Watts 1.78 2.22 2.72 3.30 3.63 4.48 5.45 6.58 7.86 Rpm 851 906 965 1027 1092 1158 1226 1295 1366 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 Watts 2.51 3.04 3.67 4.39 5.23 6.20 7.30 Rpm 1068 1112 1160 1211 1266 1323 1382 LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp 1549 1926 2364 2865 3158 3892 4742 5719 6832 Bhp 2442 2930 3498 4156 4913 5779 6763 Watts 2.81 3.37 4.02 4.78 5.65 6.65 7.78 Rpm 1116 1158 1204 1253 1306 1361 ...... 0.8 Bhp 1767 2158 2609 2845 3497 4259 5136 6140 7281 1.0 Watts 2.03 2.48 3.00 3.27 4.02 4.90 5.91 7.06 8.37 Rpm 910 962 1017 1076 1138 1201 1267 1334 -- Bhp 1982 2388 2583 3163 3843 4631 5535 6567 -- Watts 3.11 3.70 4.39 5.17 6.07 7.10 Rpm 1162 1202 1246 1294 1345 1398 Bhp 2979 3517 4135 4844 5652 6569 1.8 Bhp 2708 3221 3814 4497 5280 6172 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 3.45 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Net Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 863-1141 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 (208/230 and 460-v), 1042-1285 (575-v) High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 30 Watts 2.28 2.75 2.97 3.64 4.42 5.33 6.37 7.55 -- Watts 3.43 4.05 4.76 5.57 6.50 7.56 Table 17 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJD024 Horizontal Discharge Units* EXTERNAL AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm Bhp Watts 642 714 787 862 937 1013 1089 1166 1243 1320 1398 1082 1426 1831 2301 2838 3113 3893 4798 5837 7017 8350 1.24 1.64 2.11 2.65 3.26 3.58 4.48 5.52 6.71 8.07 9.60 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Rpm 714 780 847 917 988 1060 1133 1207 1282 1356 ............ 1.2 --- wg) 0.8 1.0 Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 1296 1651 2067 2547 3094 3445 4250 5181 6244 7450 1.49 1.90 2.38 2.93 3.56 3.96 4.89 5.96 7.18 8.57 781 841 904 969 1036 1106 1175 1247 1319 1392 1510 1877 2303 2793 3067 3783 4615 5570 6658 7890 1.74 2.16 2.65 3.21 3.53 4.35 5.31 6.41 7.66 9.08 843 898 957 1019 1083 1149 1216 1285 1356 ...... 1726 2103 2540 2755 3390 4130 4986 8965 7080 1.98 2.42 2.92 3.17 3.90 4.75 5.73 6.86 8.14 901 982 1008 1066 1127 1191 1256 1323 1391 1943 2330 2501 3062 3719 4484 5364 6369 7507 2.23 2.68 2.88 3.52 4.28 5.16 6.17 7.32 8.63 PRESSURE 1.6 (in. wg) STATIC 1.4 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 955 1004 1056 1112 1171 1232 1295 1360 2160 2299 2793 3376 4057 4848 5749 6778 2.48 2.64 3.21 3.88 4.67 5.57 6.61 7.80 1007 1053 1103 1156 1212 1271 1333 1396 2142 2578 3093 3699 4402 5213 6141 7193 2.46 2.96 3.56 4.25 5.06 6.00 7.06 8.27 1.8 2,0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 1056 1100 1147 1199 1253 1310 1369 ......... 2409 2865 3402 4029 4754 5588 6538 2.77 3.29 3.91 4.63 5.47 6.43 7.52 1104 1145 1191 1240 1292 1348 ...... 2684 3160 3718 4366 8114 8970 3.09 3.63 4.28 5.02 5.88 6.87 1149 1189 1233 1280 1331 1384 2968 3463 4041 4710 5480 6358 3.41 3.98 4.65 5.42 6.30 7.31 LEGEND Bhp Watts PRESSURE(in. 0.6 EXTERNAL AIRFLOW (Cfm) STATIC 0.4 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.26 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.78 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 873-1108 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 3! Table 18 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJE024 Horizontal Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm 652 725 800 875 952 1029 1106 1184 1262 1341 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Bhp 1123 1479 1897 2383 2937 3249 4061 5003 6083 7312 0.4 Watts 1.29 1.70 2.18 2.74 3.38 3.74 4.67 5.75 7.00 8.41 1.2 Rpm 970 1019 1073 1130 1189 1251 1315 1381 Bhp 2213 2393 2920 3537 4257 5086 6035 7114 Rpm 726 792 861 931 1003 1077 1151 1226 1302 1378 Bhp 1347 1716 2148 2645 2883 3605 4445 5414 6522 7779 1.4 Watts 2.55 2.75 3.36 4.07 4.90 5.85 6.94 8.18 Rpm Bhp 1022 2203 1069 2673 1120 3226 1174 3870 1232 4614 1292 5469 1354 6446 ............ EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.6 Watts 1.55 1.97 2.47 3.04 3.32 4.15 5.11 6.23 7.50 8.95 Rpm 793 854 918 984 1053 1123 1194 1266 1340 ......... --- Watts 1.80 2.24 2.75 3.34 3.70 4.56 5.56 6.71 8.01 Rpm 856 912 972 1035 1100 1167 1236 1306 1377 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 Watts 2.53 3.07 3.71 4.45 5.31 6.29 7.41 Rpm 1072 1117 1165 1218 1273 1331 1391 LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp 1567 1950 2395 2904 3217 3966 4834 5831 6967 Bhp 2464 2959 3537 4207 4977 5859 6861 Watts 2.83 3.40 4.07 4.84 5.72 6.74 7.89 Rpm 1120 1163 1209 1259 1313 1369 ...... 0.8 Bhp 1784 2182 2639 2892 3558 4334 5229 6253 7417 1.0 Watts 2.05 2.51 3.04 3.33 4.09 4.98 6.01 7.19 8.53 Rpm 914 967 1024 1083 1145 1210 1276 1344 -- Bhp 2000 2412 2620 3212 3905 4707 5629 6681 -- Watts 3.14 3.74 4.43 5.23 6.15 7.19 Rpm 1166 1207 1252 1300 1352 -- Bhp 3002 3548 4176 4896 5719 -- 1.8 Bhp 2730 3251 3854 4549 5345 6253 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 873-1108 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 32 Watts 2.30 2.77 3.01 3.69 4.49 5.41 6.47 7.68 -- Watts 3.45 4.08 4.80 5.63 6.58 -- Table 19 -- Fan PerformanceAIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 0.2 Rpm 652 725 800 875 952 1029 1106 1184 1262 1341 AIRFLOW (Cfm) 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 Bhp 1123 1479 1897 2383 2937 3249 4061 5003 6083 7312 0.4 Watts 1.29 1.70 2.18 2.74 3.36 3.74 4.67 5.75 7.00 8.41 1.2 Rpm 970 1019 1073 1130 1189 1251 1315 1381 Bhp 2213 2393 2920 3537 4257 5086 6035 7114 Rpm 726 792 861 931 1003 1077 1151 1226 1302 1378 Bhp 1347 1716 2148 2645 2883 3605 4445 5414 6522 7779 1,4 Watts 2.55 2.75 3.36 4.07 4.90 5.85 6.94 8.18 Rpm Bhp 1022 2203 1069 2673 1120 3226 1174 3870 1232 4614 1292 5469 1354 6446 ............ 48HJF024 Horizontal Discharge Units* EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.6 Watts 1.55 1.97 2.47 3.04 3.32 4.15 5.11 6.23 7.50 8.95 Rpm 793 854 918 984 1053 1123 1194 1266 1340 ......... --- Watts 1.80 2.24 2.75 3.34 3.70 4.56 5.56 6.71 8.01 Rpm 856 912 972 1035 1100 1167 1236 1306 1377 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1,6 Watts 2.53 3.07 3.71 4.45 5.31 6.29 7.41 Rpm 1072 1117 1165 1218 1273 1331 1391 LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp 1567 1950 2395 2904 3217 3966 4834 5831 6967 Bhp 2464 2959 3537 4207 4977 5859 6861 Watts 2.83 3.40 4.07 4.84 5.72 6.74 7.89 Rpm 1120 1163 1209 1259 1313 1369 ...... 0.8 Bhp 1784 2182 2639 2892 3558 4334 5229 6253 7417 1.0 Watts 2.05 2.51 3.04 3.33 4.09 4.96 6.01 7.19 8.53 Rpm 914 967 1024 1083 1145 1210 1276 1344 -- Bhp 2000 2412 2620 3212 3905 4707 5629 6681 -- Watts 3.14 3.74 4.43 5.23 6.15 7.19 Rpm 1166 1207 1252 1300 1352 -- Bhp 3002 3548 4176 4896 5719 -- 1,8 Bhp 2730 3251 3854 4549 5345 6253 2.0 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor Data notes. NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 4.25 (208/230 and 460-v), 5.75 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 5.75 High Range: 8.63 *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: Not Used Mid-Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 873-1108 (575-v) Mid-High Range: 1113-1414 High Range: 1096-1339 All other rpms require field-supplied drive. 33 Watts 2.30 2.77 3.01 3.69 4.49 5.41 6.47 7.68 -- Watts 3.45 4.08 4.80 5.63 6.56 -- Table 20 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJD028 Horizontal Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 0.2 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.6 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm 786 842 898 955 1012 1069 1127 1184 1242 1299 1357 2,658 3,208 3,827 4,518 5,284 6,127 7,050 8,057 9,149 10,331 11,604 3.06 3.69 4.40 5.20 6.08 7.05 8.11 9.27 10.52 11.88 13.35 819 871 925 979 1034 1090 1146 1202 1258 1315 1372 2,835 3,386 4,006 4,699 5,466 6,312 7,238 8,247 9,344 10,529 11,806 3.26 3.89 4.61 5.40 6.29 7.26 8.32 9.49 10.75 12.11 13.58 857 3,052 905 3,599 955 4,217 1007 4,908 1059 5,675 1113 6,521 1167 7,448 1221 8,460 1276 9,557 1332 10,745 ......... AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 0.4 1.2 1.4 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp 988 1024 1063 1105 1149 1194 1242 1290 1340 1391 3,900 4,428 5,031 5,709 6,465 7,302 8,222 9,227 10,321 11,505 4.49 5.09 5.79 6.57 7.44 8.40 9.46 10.61 11.87 13.23 1035 4,248 1066 4,760 1102 5,354 1140 6,025 1181 6,777 1225 7,608 1270 8,524 1316 9,525 1364 10,617 ............ --- 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 3.51 4.14 4.85 5.65 6.53 7.50 8.57 9.73 10.99 12.36 899 943 989 1037 1087 1138 1190 1243 1296 1350 3,304 3,847 4,460 5,148 5,912 6,757 7,682 8,693 9,791 10,979 3.80 4.42 5.13 5.92 6.80 7.77 8.84 10.00 11.26 12.63 943 983 1026 1070 1117 1165 1215 1266 1318 1370 3,586 4,123 4,733 5,416 6,176 7,017 7,940 8,948 10,046 11,232 4.12 4.74 5.44 6.23 7.10 8.07 9.13 10.29 11.55 12.92 1.8 2.0 Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 4.89 5.48 6.16 6.93 7.79 8.75 9.80 10.96 12.21 1082 1109 1141 1176 1215 1256 1298 1343 1389 4,632 5,124 5,703 6,364 7,109 7,935 8,847 9,845 10,932 5.33 5.89 6.56 7.32 8.18 9.13 10.17 11.32 12.57 1129 1153 1181 1213 1249 1287 1328 1370 ...... 5,050 5,521 6,081 6,729 7,463 8,282 9,189 10,181 5.81 6.35 6.99 7.74 8.58 9.53 10.57 11.71 1177 1197 1221 1250 1283 1319 1358 1399 5,499 5,950 6,487 7,116 7,838 8,649 9,548 10,536 6.32 6.84 7.46 8.18 9.02 9.95 10.98 12.12 Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied 0.8 Watts EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 LEGEND Bhp Watts Bhp NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 drive. .34 bhp is: Data notes. Table 21 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJE028 Horizontal Discharge Units* EXTERNAL AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 0.2 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm 799 856 913 971 1029 1087 1145 1203 1261 1320 1378 2,730 3,294 3,929 4,637 5,421 6,285 7,231 8,262 9,381 10,592 11,896 3.14 3.79 4.52 5.33 6.24 7.23 8.32 9.50 10.79 12.18 13.68 833 2,914 887 3,481 941 4,118 996 4,829 1052 5,617 1108 6,484 1165 7,433 1222 8,468 1279 9,592 1337 10,807 ............ Bhp 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 1.2 --- 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 3.35 4.00 4.74 5.55 6.46 7.46 8.55 9.74 11.03 12.43 872 921 972 1024 1078 1132 1187 1243 1299 1355 3,135 3,699 4,335 5,046 5,835 6,703 7,655 8,693 9,820 11,038 3.61 4.25 4.99 5.80 6.71 7.71 8.80 10.00 11.29 12.70 914 958 1006 1055 1106 1158 1211 1265 1319 1374 3,392 3,950 4,582 5,290 6,077 6,946 7,898 8,936 10,065 11,284 3.90 4.54 5.27 6.08 6.99 7.99 9.08 10.28 11.58 12.98 958 999 1042 1088 1136 1185 1236 1288 1341 1394 3,687 4,235 4,860 5,562 6,345 7,211 8,161 9,199 10,327 11,547 4.24 4.87 5.59 6.40 7.30 8.29 9.39 10.58 11.88 13.28 STATIC 1.4 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm 1005 1041 1080 1122 1167 1214 1262 1312 1363 4,020 4,555 5,168 5,862 6,638 7,499 8,447 9,482 10,608 4.62 5.24 5.94 6.74 7.63 8.63 9.72 10.91 12.20 1052 1084 1119 1158 1200 1244 1290 1338 1387 4,390 4,908 5,508 6,190 6,959 7,813 8,754 9,785 10,909 5.05 5.64 6.33 7.12 8.00 8.99 10.07 11.25 12.55 1100 1128 1160 1195 1234 1275 1319 1365 ......... PRESSURE 1.6 (in. wg) 1.8 2.0 Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 4,791 5,294 5,878 6,548 7,305 8,149 9,084 10,110 5.51 6.09 6.76 7.53 8.40 9.37 10.45 11.63 1148 1172 1201 1233 1269 1308 1349 1392 5,221 5,710 6,279 6,934 7,677 8,511 9,437 10,454 6.00 6.57 7.22 7.97 8.83 9.79 10.85 12.02 1195 1217 1242 1272 1304 1340 1379 -- 5673 6153 6708 7347 8076 8896 9812 -- 6.52 7.08 7.71 8.45 9.29 10.23 11.28 -- Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied (in. wg) Watts LEGEND Bhp Watts PRESSURE 0.6 EXTERNAL AIRFLOW (Cfm) STATIC 0.4 NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 drive. .35 bhp is: Data notes. Table 22 -- Fan Performance -- 48HJF028 Horizontal Discharge Units* AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 0.2 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm 799 856 913 971 1029 1087 1145 1203 1261 1320 1378 2,730 3,294 3,929 4,637 5,421 6,285 7,231 8,262 9,381 10,592 11,896 3.14 3.79 4.52 5.33 6.24 7.23 8.32 9.50 10.79 12.18 13.68 833 2,914 887 3,481 941 4,118 996 4,829 1052 5,617 1108 6,484 1165 7,433 1222 8,468 1279 9,592 1337 10,807 ............ AIRFLOW (Cfm) 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 0.4 Bhp 1.2 1.4 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 0.6 --- 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 3.35 4.00 4.74 5.55 6.46 7.46 8.55 9.74 11.03 12.43 872 921 972 1024 1078 1132 1187 1243 1299 1355 3,135 3,699 4,335 5,046 5,835 6,703 7,655 8,693 9,820 11,038 3.61 4.25 4.99 5.80 6.71 7.71 8.80 10.00 11.29 12.70 914 958 1006 1055 1106 1158 1211 1265 1319 1374 3,392 3,950 4,582 5,290 6,077 6,946 7,898 8,936 10,065 11,284 3.90 4.54 5.27 6.08 6.99 7.99 9.08 10.28 11.58 12.98 958 999 1042 1088 1136 1185 1236 1288 1341 1394 3,687 4,235 4,860 5,562 6,345 7,211 8,161 9,199 10,327 11,547 4.24 4.87 5.59 6.40 7.30 8.29 9.39 10.58 11.88 13.28 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) 1.6 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp 1005 1041 1080 1122 1167 1214 1262 1312 1363 4,020 4,555 5,168 5,862 6,638 7,499 6,447 9,482 10,608 4.62 5.24 5.94 6.74 7.63 6.63 9.72 10.91 12.20 1052 1084 1119 1156 1200 1244 1290 1338 1387 4,390 4,908 5,508 6,190 6,959 7,813 6,754 9,785 10,909 5.05 5.64 6.33 7.12 6.00 6.99 10.07 11.25 12.55 1100 4,791 1128 5,294 1160 5,878 1195 6,548 1234 7,305 1275 6,149 1319 9,084 1365 10,110 ......... LEGEND Bhp Watts 0.8 Watts 1.8 2.0 Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts 5.51 6.09 6.76 7.53 6.40 9.37 10.45 11.63 1148 1172 1201 1233 1269 1308 1349 1392 5,221 5,710 6,279 6,934 7,677 6,511 9,437 10,454 6.00 6.57 7.22 7.97 6.83 9.79 10.85 12.02 1195 1217 1242 1272 1304 1340 1379 -- 5673 6153 6708 7347 6076 6896 9812 -- 6.52 7.08 7.71 8.45 9.29 10.23 11.28 -- Refer to page 27 for general Fan Performance Brake Horsepower Input to Fan Input Watts to Motor *Motor drive ranges: Low Range: 687-873 Mid-Low Range: 805-1007 Mid-High Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014-1297 All other rpms require field-supplied NOTE: Maximum continuous Low Range: 5.75 Mid-Low Range: 5.75 Mid-High Range: 8.63 High Range: 11.50 Data notes. bhp is: drive. Table 23 -- Power Exhaust Fan Performance LOW SPEED AIRFLOW (Of m) 3250 3350 3450 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 4250 4450 4650 4850 5050 5250 5450 5650 5850 208 V ESP 0.32 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.09 Bhp 1.41 1.44 1.46 1.47 1.49 MEDIUM SPEED 230,460,575 Watts 1580 1610 1635 1645 1665 ESP 0.70 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.40 Bhp 1.49 1.52 1.55 1.56 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.64 1.67 V Watts 1670 1700 1730 1745 1765 1790 1810 1835 1865 208 V --- V 208 V 230,460,575 V ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts 0.60 0.55 0.49 0.43 0.39 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.00 1.51 1.54 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.74 1.79 1690 1720 1750 1780 1815 1835 1860 1885 1945 2005 0.82 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.49 0.40 0.30 0.22 0.16 0.12 1.62 1.64 1.67 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.79 1.84 1.89 1.94 1.98 2.02 1810 1840 1870 1900 1930 1950 1975 2000 2060 2115 2170 2215 2260 0.60 0.56 0.51 0.41 0.31 0.20 0.11 0.04 1.85 1.87 1.89 1.92 1.97 2.04 2.09 2.13 2070 2095 2120 2145 2205 2280 2335 2385 ----- 0.73 0.69 0.65 0.56 0.47 0.37 0.30 0.23 0.17 0.12 0.07 0.04 1.99 2.01 2.04 2.06 2.12 2.19 2.24 2.28 2.33 2.38 2.40 2.42 2230 2255 2280 2310 2370 2450 2505 2555 2610 2665 2690 2710 LEGEND Bhp ESP HIGH SPEED 230,460,575 Brake Horsepower External Static Pressure (in. wg) 36 Table 24 -- Operation Air Quantity Limits COOLING 48HJ Minimum Cfm Maximum Cfm 020 5,400 9,000 024 028 5,500 10,000 6,000 *7000 cfm minimum 11,500 recommended HEATING (Nat. Gas, Vertical) MINIMUM CFM GAS HEAT HEATING (Nat. Gas, Horizontal) MINIMUM CFM HEATING (Propane, Vertical) MINIMUM CFM HEATING (Propane, Horizontal) MINIMUM CFM High Heat (8 Cell) Medium Heat (8 Cell) 5_522 5,522 5,522 4,920 4,977 4,977 4,480 4,480 Low Heat (5 Cell) High Heat (8 Cell) 4,218 4,218 4,218 3,796 5,522 5,522 5,522 4,920 Medium Heat (8 Cell) Low Heat (5 Cell) 4,977 4,977 4,480 4,480 4,218 4,218 4,218 3,796 High Heat (8 Cell) Medium Heat (8 Cell) 5,522 5,470* 5,522 4,920* 4,977 4,977* 4,480 4,480* Low Heat (5 Cell) 4,218 4,218 4,218 3,796 above 1.0 in. wg external static pressure. Table 25 -- Evaporator Fan Motor Specifications UNIT DRIVE ORIENTATION Low Vertical Mid-Low Mid-High High Vertical Vertical Vertical 48HJ020 Low Mid-Low Mid-High High Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal MOTOR PIN NOMINAL HP VOLTAGE --- EFFICIENCY % MAX BHP MAX BkW MAX AMPS N/A N/A 208 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 460 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 575 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HD60FK651 3.7 208 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 10.6 HD60FK651 3.7 230 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 9.6 HD60FK651 3.7 460 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 4.8 HD58DL575 3 575 3149 81.7 3.45 2.57 3.9 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 N/A N/A 208 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 460 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 575 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HD60FK651 3.7 208 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 10.6 HD60FK651 3.7 230 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 9.6 HD60FK651 3.7 460 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 4.8 HD58DL575 3 575 3149 81.7 3.45 2.57 3.9 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 LEGEND BHP BkW MAX WATTS Brake Horsepower Brake Kilowatts 37 Table 25 -- Evaporator Fan Motor Specifications UNIT DRIVE Low Mid-Low Mid-High High ORIENTATION Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical 48HJ024 Low Mid-Low Mid-High High Low Mid-Low Mid-High High Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical 48HJ028 Low Mid-Low Mid-High High Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal MOTOR PIN NOMINAL HP VOLTAGE EFFICIENCY % MAX BHP MAX BkW MAX AMPS 10.6 HD60FK651 3.7 208 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 HD60FK651 3.7 230 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 9.6 HD60FK651 3.7 460 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 4.8 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 HD64FL650 10 208 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 30.8 HD64FL650 10 230 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 28 HD64FL650 10 460 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 14 HD64FL575 10 575 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 11 N/A N/A 208 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 460 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 575 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HD60FK651 3.7 208 3698 85.8 4.25 3.17 10.6 HD60FK651 HD60FK651 3.7 3.7 230 460 3698 3698 85.8 85.8 4.25 4.25 3.17 3.17 9.6 4.8 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD60FL650 HD60FL650 5 5 208 230 4900 4900 87.5 87.5 5.75 5.75 4.29 4.29 16.7 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 HD64FL650 10 208 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 30.8 HD64FL650 10 230 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 28 HD64FL650 10 460 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 14 HD64FL575 10 575 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 11 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD60FL650 5 208 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 16.7 HD60FL650 5 230 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 15.2 HD60FL650 5 460 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 7.6 HD60FL575 5 575 4900 87.5 5.75 4.29 6.1 HD62FL650 7.5 208 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 24.2 HD62FL650 7.5 230 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 22 HD62FL650 7.5 460 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 11 HD62FL575 7.5 575 7267 88.5 8.63 6.43 9 HD64FL650 10 208 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 30.8 HD64FL650 10 230 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 28 HD64FL650 10 460 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 14 HD64FL575 10 575 9582 89.5 11.5 8.58 11 LEGEND BHP -BkW -- MAX WATTS (cont) Brake Horsepower Brake Kilowatts 38 Table 26 -- Accessory/FlOP EconoMi$er IV Static Pressure (in. wg)* CFM COMPONENT EconoMi$er 8,000 IV 0.10 COMPONENT 8,500 i 9,000 i 9,500 it0,00C;i,,,000 ,0,500 i,,,500 1,2,000 EconoMi$er IV 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.20 LEGEND FlOP -- Factory-installed Option *The static pressure must be added to the external static pressure. The sum and the evaporator entering-air cfm should then be used in conjunction with the Fan Performance tables to determine blower rpm and watts. Table 27 -- Fan Rpm at Motor Pulley Settings* MOTOR 48HJ DRIVE Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High 020 (208/230 and 460 volt) Range Range Vertical Vertical High Range Vertical Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Range Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Horizontal Range High Range Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Range Range Vertical Vertical High Range Vertical 020 (575 volt) Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Range Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High 024 (208/230 and 460 volt) Horizontal Range High Range Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Range Range Vertical Vertical High Range Vertical Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Range Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Horizontal Range High Range Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Range Range Vertical Vertical High Range Vertical 024 (575 volt) Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Range Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High 028 (all voltages) Horizontal Range High Range Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Range Range Vertical Vertical High Range Vertical Low Range Mid-Low Mid-High Horizontal Range Range High Range *Approximate Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal PULLEY TURNS OPEN 0 1_ 1 11_ 2 21_ 3 31_ 4 41_ 5 51_ 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 647 667 687 707 727 747 767 786 806 826 846 866 886 897 917 937 958 978 998 1018 1038 1058 1079 1099 1119 1139 1078 1094 1111 1127 1143 1160 1176 1192 1209 1225 1241 1258 1274 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 896 924 951 979 1006 1034 1062 1089 1117 1144 1172 1199 1227 1113 1138 1163 1188 1213 1238 1264 1289 1314 1339 1364 1389 1414 1096 1116 1137 1157 1177 1197 1218 1238 1258 1278 1299 1319 1339 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 941 963 985 1007 1028 1050 1072 810 832 854 876 897 919 873 893 912 932 951 971 991 1010 1030 1049 1069 1088 1108 1078 1094 1111 1127 1143 1160 1176 1192 1209 1225 1241 1258 1274 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 863 886 909 933 956 979 1002 1025 1048 1072 1095 1118 1141 1042 1062 1083 1103 1123 1143 1164 1184 1204 1224 1245 1265 1285 1096 1116 1137 1157 1177 1197 1218 1238 1258 1278 1299 1319 1339 685 706 727 749 770 791 812 833 854 876 897 918 939 949 970 992 1013 1035 1056 1078 1099 1120 1142 1163 1185 1206 941 981 980 1000 1019 1039 1059 1078 1098 1117 1137 1156 1176 1014 1038 1061 1085 1108 1132 1156 1179 1203 1226 1250 1273 1297 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 896 924 951 979 1006 1034 1062 1089 1117 1144 1172 1199 1227 1113 1138 1163 1188 1213 1238 1264 1289 1314 1339 1364 1389 1414 1096 1116 1137 1157 1177 1197 1218 1238 1258 1278 1299 1319 1339 751 768 785 802 819 836 853 869 886 903 920 937 954 949 970 992 1013 1035 1056 1078 1099 1120 1142 1163 1185 1206 941 981 980 1000 1019 1039 1059 1078 1098 1117 1137 1156 1176 1014 1038 1061 1085 1108 1132 1156 1179 1203 1226 1250 1273 1297 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 873 893 912 932 951 971 991 1010 1030 1049 1069 1088 1108 1113 1138 1163 1188 1213 1238 1264 1289 1314 1339 1364 1389 1414 1096 1116 1137 1157 1177 1197 1218 1238 1258 1278 1299 1319 1339 687 703 718 734 749 765 780 796 811 827 842 858 873 805 822 839 856 872 889 906 923 940 957 973 990 1007 941 981 980 1000 1019 1039 1059 1078 1098 1117 1137 1156 1176 1014 1038 1061 1085 1108 1132 1156 1179 1203 1226 1250 1273 1297 687 703 718 734 749 765 780 796 811 827 842 858 873 805 822 839 856 872 889 906 923 940 957 973 990 1007 941 981 980 1000 1019 1039 1059 1078 1098 1117 1137 1156 1176 1014 1038 1061 1085 1108 1132 1156 1179 1203 1226 1250 1273 1297 fan rpm shown. 39 ECONOMI$ER IV CONTROLLER WIRING AND OPERATIONAL MODES -- Determine file EconoMiSer IV control mode befole set up of the control. Some modes of operation may require diffelent sensors. Refer to Table 28. The EconoMi$er IV is supplied from the factory with a supply-air temperature sensor _md an outdoor air temperature sensoc This allows for operation of file EconoMiSer IV with outdoor air dly bulb changeover control. Additional accessories can be added to allow for different types of changeover control and operation of the EconoMiSer IV and unit. Optional EconoMi$er IV -- SeeFig. 23 for EconoMi$er IV component locations. The optional EconoMiSer IV comes fiom the factory fully wiled and assembled. No field wMng or assembly is requiled for stand;u'd outdoor dly bulb changeover operation. Field wiring of accessory sensors is lequiled for diffelent operational modes. ECONOMISER IV STANDARD SENSORS Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) Sensor -- The outdoor air temperature sensor (HH57AC074) is a 10 to 20 mA device used to measure file outdoor-air temperatme. The outdoor-_dr temperature is used to determine when the EconoMi$er W can be used for free cooling. The sensor is factory-installed on the EconoMi$er IV in the outdoor airstremn. See Fig. 24. The operating range of temperature measurement is 40 to 100 E Outdoor Dry Bulb Changeover -- The standmd controller is shipped from the factory configured for outdoor chT bulb changeover control. The outdoor air and supply-air temperature sensors abe included as stan&ud. For this control mode, the outdoor temperature is compmed to an adjustable set point selected on the control. If the outdoor-air temperature is above the set point, the EconoMiSer IV will adjust the outdoor-air dmnpers to minimum position. If the outdoor-air temperature is below the set point, file position of the outdoor-air dampel.s will be controlled to provide fiee cooling using outdoor ail: When in this mode, the LED next to the free cooling set point potentiometer will be on. The changeover temperatme set point is controlled by file free cooling set point potentiometer located on the control. The sc_de on the potentiometer is A, B, C, and D. See Fig. 25 for the conesponding temperatme changeover values. Supply-Air Temperature _SAT) Sensor -The supply-_dr temperature sensor is a 3 K thermistor located at the outlet of the indoor fan. See Fig. 24. This sensor is factory installed. The operating range of temperature measurement is 0 ° to 158 E The temperature sensor is a short probe with blue wires running to it. Outdoor Air Lockout Sensor -The EconoMi$er IV is equipped with an ambient temperature lockout switch located in the outdoor ailstream which is used to lock out the compressors below a 42 F ambient temperature. DAMPER ASSEMBLY WIRE HARNESS DAMPER ACTUATOR ECONOMIZER BLOCKOFF Fig. 23 -- EconoMi$er IV Component 4O Locations (Exploded View) changeover control, turn the enthalpy set point potentiometer fully clockwise to the D setting. Outdoor Enthalpy Changeover -- For enthalpy control, accesso U enthalpy sensor (p_u-t number HH57AC078) is lequired. Replace the standard outdoor d U bulb temperature sensor with the accesso U enthalpy sensor in the same mounting location. When the outdoor air enthalpy rises above the outdoor enth_dpy changeover set point, the outdoor-tilt dmnper moves to its minimum position. The outdoor enth_dpy changeover set point is set with the outdoor enthalpy set point potentiometer on the EconoMiSer [V controller The set points are A, B, C, and D. See Fig. 27. The factou-installed 620-ohm jumper must be in place across termimds S R and + on the EconoMiSer IV controllen See Fig. 26. J Differential Enthalpy Control -- For differential enthalpy control, the EconoMiSer [V controller uses two enth_dpy sensors (HH57AC078 and CRENTDIF004A00), one in the outside air and one in the return air duct. The EconoMi$er IV controller compales the outdoor tfir enthalpy to the return air enth_dpy to determine EconoMi$er IV use. The controller selects the lower enthalpy air (return or outdoor) for cooling. For example, when the outdoor air has a lower enth_dpy than the return tfir. the EconoMiSer IV opens to bring in outdoor air for free cooling. Fig. 24 -- Supply Air Temperature Sensor Location 19 LED ION 18 17 16- - LED OFF _ LEDON <15 _ E14 LED OFF- _LED ON Replace file standard outside tfir d U bulb temperature sensor with the accesso U enthalpy sensor in the same mounting location. Mount the return air enth_dpy sensor in the return tfir duct. Wiring is provided in the EconoMiSer IV wiring harness. See Fig. 26. The outdoor enth_dpy changeover set point is set with the outdoor enthalpy set point potentiometer on the EconoMiSer IV controllel: When using this mode of changeover control, turn the enthalpy set point potentiometer fully clockwise to the D setting. See Fig. 28. 13 _,< 12 LED ON--- 11 10 LED OFF _'_%. I 9 40 45 58 55 68 65 DEGREES 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 FAHRENHEIT Fig. 25 -- Outdoor Air Temperature Changeover Set Points Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sensor [nput -- The IAQ input can be used for demand control ventilation control based on the level of CO 2 measured in the space or return _firduct. Mount the optional IAQ sensor according to manufacturer specifications. The IAQ sensor should be wired to the AQ and AQI terminals of the controllen Adjust the DCV (demand controlled ventilation) potentiometel.s to correspond to the DCV voltage output of the indoor _fir qu_dity sensor at the user-determined set point. See Fig. 29. If a separate field-supplied transformer is used to power the IAQ sensor, the sensor must not be grounded or the EconoMi$er IV control board will be damaged. Differential Dry Bulb Control -- For differentkd ch-y bulb control the stan&"ud outdoor dU bulb sensor is used in conjunction with an additiomd accesso U c_h 7 bulb sensor (part number CRTEMPSN002A00). The accesso U sensor must be mounted in the return ail_tream. Wiring is provided in the EconoMiSer IV wiling htuness. See Fig. 26. In this mode of operation, the outdoor-tilt temperature is compared to the return-air temperature and the lower temperature tfirstream is used for cooling. When using this mode of Table 28 -- EconoMi$er IV Sensor Usage APPLICATION ECONOMI$ER IV WITH OUTDOOR AIR DRY BULB SENSOR Accessories Outdoor Air Dry Bulb Differential Single Differential Dry Bulb CRTEMPSN002A00* Enthalpy Enthalpy CO2 for DCV Control using a Wall-Mounted CO2 Sensor CO2 for DCV Control using a Duct-Mounted CO2 Sensor Required None. The outdoor air dry bulb sensor is factory installed. aRd 33ZCSENCO2_ 33ZCASPCO2** ECONOMI$ER IV WITH SINGLE ENTHALPY SENSOR Accessories Required CRTEMPSN002A00* (2) CRTEMPSN002A00* HH57AC078 HH57AC078 and CRENTDIF004A00* None. The single enthalpy sensor is factory installed. 33ZCSENCO2 33ZCSENCO2 CRENTDIF004A00* CRCBDIOX005A00tt and 33ZCSENCO27 33ZCASPCO2** _ CRCBDIOX005A00tt *CRENTDIF004A00 and CRTEMPSN002A00 accessories are used on many different base units. As such, these kits may contain parts that will not be needed for installation. 1-33ZCSENCO2 is an accessory CO 2 sensor. **33ZCASPCO2 is aR accessory aspirator box required for duct-mounted applications. 1-1-CRCBDIOX005A00 is an accessory that contains both 33ZCSENCO2 and 33ZCASPCO2 accessories. 41 OA = Percent of Outdoor Air Exhaust Set Point Adjustment -- The exhaust set point will determine when the exhaust fan runs based on dmnper position (if accessory power exhaust is installed). The set point is modified with the Exhaust Fan Set Point (EXH SET) potentiometer See Fig. 28. The set point represents the damper position above which the exhaust fans will be turned on. When there is a call for exhaust, the EconoMiSer IV controller provides a 45 _+15 second delay before exhaust fan activation to allow the dampers to open. This delay _fllows file damper to reach the appropriate position to avoid unnecessary fan overload. T R = Return-Air Temperature RA = Percent of Return Air T M = Mixed-Air As tin example, if local codes require 10% outdoor dunng occupied conditions, outdoor-air temperature 60 IF.and return-air temperature is 75 IF. When using demand ventilation, the minimum damper position represents the minimum ventilation position for VOC (volatile organic compounds) ventilation requirements. The maximum demand ventilation position is used for lhlly occupied ventilation. When demand ventilation control is not being used, the minimum position potentiometer should be used to set the occupied ventilation position. The maximum demand ventilation position should be turned fully clockwise. temperature Disconnect the supply air sensor from terminals T and TI. 3. Ensure that terminals P used, make Fig. 26 and turned fully Connect 24 the factory-installed jumper is in place across and PI. If remote damper positioning is being sure that the termimfls are wired according to that the minimum position potentiometer is clockwise. vac across termin_ds TR and TRI. 5. Cmefully adjust the minimum position potentiometer until file measured mixed-air temperatme matches the c_dculated v_due. 6. Reconnect the supply-air sensor to terminals T and TI. Remote control of the EconoMiSer IV damper is desirable when requiring additional temporary ventilation. If a fieldsupplied remote potentiometer (Honeywell part number $963B1128) is wired to the EconoMiSer IV controllel: the minimum position of file dmnper can be controlled from a remote location. To control the minimum damper the factory-installed jumper on the EconoMiSer IV controllel: Wire the ter to the P and PI termimfls on the See Fig. 2(>. using the OA RA T (TO x I--T-_T) + (T R x I-T-_ ) = M T o = Outdoor-Air 2. 4. Adjust the minimum position potentiometer to allow the minimum mnount of outdoor ail: as required by local codes, to enter the building. Make minimum position adjustments with at least 10 ° F temperature difference between the outdoor and return-air temperatures. To determine the minimum position setting, perform the following procedure: mixed-air air is (60 x. 10) + (75 x .90) = 73.5 F Minimum Position Control -- There is a minimum damper position potentiometer on the EconoMiSer [V controllel: See Fig. 28. The minimum damper position maintains the minimum aidlow into the building during the occupied period. 1. Calculate the appropriate following formula:: Temperature position remotely, remove P and PI tenninals on the field-supplied potentiomeEconoMiSer IV controllel: Temperature LEGEND IA IAQ OA OAS PL RAS SAT -------- Indoor Air Indoor Air Quality Outdoor Air Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Plug Return Air Temperature Sensor Supply Air Temperature Sensor SAT __/HEN IS DISCONNECTED WHEN ACCY DA ENTIIA!_Y IS INSTALLED Fig. 26 -- EconoMiSer IV Wiring 42 INSTi_-LIN6 IA ENTHALPY RETURN AIR SENSOR IENO_ 6L'0_2 RESISTOR BETWEEN SR+ & SR ANB CDNNECT BLU ZORN VIES CONTROL CURVE CONTROL 85 90 95 100 105 110 (29) (32) (35) (38) (41) (43) POINT N APPROX. °F (°C) AT 50% RH A 73123) B C 70 (21) 67(19) D 63(17) \ X \ \\ -\ _x \ HIGH 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 \ 105 (2) (4) (7) (10) (13) (16) (18) (21) (24) (27) (29) (32) (35) (38) (41) APPROXIMATE DRY BULB TEMPERATURE Fig. 27 -- Enthalpy i LIMIT CURVE 110 (43) o o F (C) Changeover Set Points CO 2 SENSOR MAX RANGE SEqq-ING FAN SET POINT 6000 LED Lt_ WHEN EXHAUST CONTACT IS MADE POSITION 5000 z SETTING _o DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION SET POINT 3000 LT_ Z DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION INPUT IS ABOVE SET POINT VENTILATION 4000 ____.__ 8 2000 LU L_ z < cc 1000 +900 ppm +800 +1100 ppm ppm _1000 ppm SET POINT 0 LED LIGHTS WHEN OUTDOOR AIR IS SUITABLE FOR FREE COOLING CHANGEOVER 2 3 4 5 6 7 DAMPER VOLTAGE FOR MAX VENTILATION ENTHALPY SET POINT 8 RATE Fig. 29 -- CO 2 Sensor Maximum Range Setting Fig. 28 -- EconoMi$er IV Controller Potentiometer and LED Locations 43 Damper Movement -- Damper movement fiom full open to full closed (or vice vel_a) takes up to 21/2 minutes. Thermostats -- Tile EconoMi$er IV control woNs with conventional thermostats that have a YI (cool stage 1), Y2 (cool stage 2), WI (heat stage 1), W2 (heat stage 2), trod G (fan). The EconoMi$er IV control does not support space temperature sensol_ like the T55 or T56. Connections me made at the thermostat terminal connection board located in the main control box. rate of 5% and an output of 6.7 volts provides the maximum ventilation rate of 20% (or base plus 15 cfm per pelion). Use Fig. 29 to determine the maximum setting of the CO 2 sensol: For example, a 1100 ppm set point relates to a 15 cfm per person design. Use the 1100 ppm curve on Fig. 29 to find the point when the CO 2 sensor output will be 6.7 volts. Line up the point on the giaph with the left side of the chart to determine that the range configuration for the CO 2 sensor should be 1800 ppm. The EconoMiSer IV controller will output the 6.7 volts from the CO 2 sensor to the actuator when the CO 2 concentration in the space is fit 1100 ppm. The DCV set point may be left fit 2 volts since the CO 2 sensor voltage will be ignored by the EconoMiSer IV controller until it rises above the 3.6 volt setting of the minimum position potentiometel: Occupancy Control -- The factory default configuration for the EconoMiSer IV control is occupied mode. Occupied status is provided by the black jumper from termimfl TR to termintfl N. When unoccupied mode is desired, install a field-supplied timeclock function in place of the jumper between TR and N. See Fig. 26. When the timeclock contacts ale closed, the EconoMi$er IV control will be in occupied mode. When the timeclock contacts are open 0emoving the 24-v signtfl from terminal N), the EconoMiSer IV will be in unoccupied mode. Once the fully occupied dmnper position has been determined, set the maximum dmnper demand control ventilation potentiometer to this position. Do not set to the maximum position as this can result in over-ventilation to the space and potential high-humidity levels. Demand Control Ventilation -- When using the EconoMiSer IV for demand control ventilation, there are some equipment selection criteria which should be considered. When selecting the heat capacity and cool capacity of the equipment, the maximum ventilation rote must be evaluated for design conditions. The maximum &lmper position must be calculated to provide the desired fresh ail: CO_2 Sensor Configuration -- The CO2 sensor has preset standard voltage settings that can be selected anytime after the sensor is powered up. See Table 29. Use setting 1 or 2 for Carrier equipment. See Table 29. 1. Press Clear and Mode buttons. Hold fit least 5 seconds until the sensor enters the Edit mode. Typictflly the maximum ventilation rate will be about 5 to 10% more than the typical cfm required per person, using normal outside air design criteria. A proportional anticipatory strategy should be taken with the following conditions: a zone with a large area, varied occupancy, trod equipment that cannot exceed the required ventilation rate fit design conditions. Exceeding the required ventilation rote means the equipment can condition air at a maximum ventilation rate that is greater than the required ventilation rate for maximum occupancy. A proportionalanticipatory strategy will cause the fresh air supplied to increase as the room CO 2 level increases even though the CO 2 set point has not been reached. By the time the CO 2 level reaches the set point, the damper will be fit maximum ventilation and should maintain the set point. In order to have the CO_ sensor control the economizer dmnper in this manner, firs[ determine the &unper voltage output for minimum or base ventilation. Base ventilation is the ventilation required to remove contaminants during unoccupied periods. The following equation may be used to determine the percent of outside-air entering the building for a given dmnper position. For best results there should be fit least a 10 degree difference in outside and return-air temperatures. 2. Press Mode twice. The STDSET 3. Use the Up/Down Table 29. Menu will appeal: 4. Press Enter to lock in file selection. 5. Press Mode to exit and resume normtfl operation. button to select the preset numbel: See The custom settings of the CO2 sensor can be changed anytime after the sensor is energized. Follow the steps below to change file non-stan&ud settings: 1. Press Clear and Mode buttons. Hold tit least 5 seconds until the sensor enters the Edit mode. 2. Press Mode twice. The STDSET Menu will appeal: 3. 4. Use the Up/Down button to toggle to the NONSTD menu and press Entel: Use the Up/Down button to toggle through each of the nine variables, starting with Altitude, until file desired setting is reached. 5. Press Mode to move through the variables. 6. Press Enter to lock in the selection, continue to the next vmiable. then press Mode to Dehumidification of Fresh Air with DCV Control -- Information from ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) indicates that the largest humidity load on tiny zone is the fresh air introducedi For some applications, a device such as a 62AQ energy recovery unit is added to reduce the moisture content of the fresh air being brought into the building when the enthalpy is high. In most cases, the normal heating and cooling processes are more than adequate to remove the humidity loads for most commercM applications. OA RA T (To x l--i--_- ) + (TR x l--i.-_- ) = M T o = Outdoor-Air Tempeiature OA = Percent of Outdoor Air T R = Return-Air Temperature RA = Percent of Return Air T M = Mixed-Air Temperature Once base ventilation has been detemfined, set the minimum dmnper position potentiometer to the correct position. If normal rooftop heating and cooling operation is not adequate for the outdoor humidity level, an energy recovery unit and/or a dehumidification option should be considered. The stone equation can be used to determine the occupied or maximum ventilation rate to the building. For example, an output of 3.6 volts to the actuator provides a base ventilation 44 Table SETTING EQUIPMENT 1 Interface w/Standard Building Control System 29 -- 002 Sensor Standard OUTPUT VENTILATION RATE (cfm/Pereon) ANALOG OUTPUT Proportional Any 0-10V 4-20 mA Settings 002 CONTROLRANGE (ppm) OPTIONAL RELAY SETPOINT (ppm) RELAY HYSTERESIS (ppm) 0-2000 1000 50 0-2000 1000 50 0-2000 1100 50 Proportional Any 3 Exponential Any 2-10V 7-20 mA 0-10V 4-20 mA 4 Proportional 15 0-10V 4-20 mA 0-1100 1100 50 20 0-10V 4-20 mA O- 900 900 50 0-1100 1100 50 2 5 Proportional Economizer 6 Exponential 15 0-10V 4-20 mA 7 Exponential 20 0-10V 4-20 mA O- 900 900 50 Proportional 0-10V 4-20 mA 0-9999 5000 50O Proportional 0-10V 4-20 mA 0-2000 8 Health & Safety 9 Parking/Air Intakes/ Loading Docks 7OO 50 LEGEND ppm -- Parts Per Million Operating 45-second delay will be shortened to 5 seconds less than the time from initiation of heat to when the limit tripped. Gas will not be interrupted to the burners and heating will continue. Once modified, the fan on delay will not change back to 45 seconds unless power is reset to the control. Sequence COOLING. UNITS WITHOUT ECONOMIZER -- When the thermostat calls for one stage of cooling, YI and G are energized. The indoor-fan contactor (IFC) and compressor contactor(s) (C.AI and C.BI on three-compressor units or C.AI only on two-compressor units), and outdoor-fan contactors (OFCI and OFC2 when outdoor temperature is above LTS setting) ale energized and the indoor-fan motol: compressor(s) (AI and BI on three compressor units or AI only on twocompressor units), and outdoor fans controlled by OFCI are stalled. If the outdoor temperature is above the setting of the low temperature switch, the outdoor fans controlled by OFC2 are _dso stmted. When additional heat is required, W2 closes and initiates power to the second stage of the main gas valve. When the thermostat is satisfied, WI and W2 open and the gas valve closes, interrupting the flow of gas to the main burners. If the call forWl lasted less than 1 minute, the heating cycle will not terminate until 1 minute after WI became active. If the unit is controlled through a room thermostat set for fan auto., the indoor-fan motor will continue to operate for an additional 45 seconds then stop (and the outdoor-air dampers will close). If the overtemperatme limit opens after the indoor motor is stopped within 10 minutes of WI becoming inactive, on the next cycle the time will be extended by 15 seconds. The maximum delay is 3 minutes. Once modified, the fan off delay will not change back to 45 seconds unless power is reset to the control. If more cooling is required, the thermostat will call for a second stage of cooling, energizing Y2. This will allow relay CRI to energize, which in turn energizes the compressor contactor (C.CI on three-compressor units or C.BI on two-compressor units). The second stage compressor (CI on three-compressor units or B I on two-compressor units is then started. HEATING, UNITS WITHOUT A LED indicator is provided on the IGC to monitor operation. The IGC is located by removing the side panel and viewing the [GC through the view port located in the control box access panel. During norm;d operation, the LED is continuously on. For information on troubleshooting refer to page 56. COOLING. UNITS WITH ECONOMISER IV -- When free cooling is not available, the compressors will be controlled by the zone thermostat. When free cooling is available, the outdoor-air damper is modulated by the EconoMiSer IV control to provide a 50 to 55 F supply-air temperature into the zone. As the supply-air temperature fluctuates above 55 or below 50 E the dampers will be modulated (open or close) to bring the supply-air temperature back within the set point limits. ECONOMIZER NOTE: The 48HJ020-028 units have 2 stages of heat. When the thermostat calls for heating, power is sent to W on the [GC (integrated gas unit controller) board. An LED (light-emitting diode) on the IGC bo_ud will be on during normal operation. A check is made to ensure that the rollout switch and limit switch are closed and the induced-draft motor is running. The induced-draft motor is then energized, and when speed is proven with the hall effect sensor on the motor. the ignition activation period begins. The burners will ignite within 5 seconds. If the burners do not light, there is a 22-second delay before another 5-second attempt. If the burners still do not light, this sequence is repeated for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes have elapsed, if the burners still have not lit, heating is locked out. To reset the control, break 24-v power to the thermostat. For EconoMi$er IV operation, there must be a thermostat call for the fan (G). This will move the &{mper to its minimum position during the occupied mode. Above 50 F supply-air temperature, the dampers will modulate from 100% open to the minimum open position. From 50 F to 45 F supply-tdr temperature, the dampers will maintain at the minimum open position. Below 45 F the &tmpers will be completely shut. As the supply-air temperature rises, the &{topers will come back open to the minimum open position once the supply air temperature rises to 48 E When ignition occurs the IGC board will continue to monitor the condition of the rollout and limit switches, the hall effect sensol: as well as the flame sensol: If the unit is controlled through a room thermostat set for fan auto., 45 seconds after ignition occurs, the indoor-fan motor will be energized (and the outdoor-air dampers will open to their minimum position). If for some reason the overtemperature limit opens prior to the start of the indoor fan blower, on the next attempt, the 45 If optional powerexhaust is installed, astheoutdoor-air damper opens andcloses, thepower exhaust fanswill beenergizedanddeenergized. If field-inst_dled accessory CO2sensors aleconnected tothe EconoMi$er IVcontrol, ademand controlled ventilation stlategywillbegin tooperate. AstheCO2levelinthezone increases above theCO2setpoint,fileminimum position ofthedamper will beincreased proportionally. AsfileCO2leveldecreases because oftheincrease infleshair.theoutdoor-air damper will beproportionally closed. Damper position willfollowthehigherdemand condition fromDCVmode orfreecooling mode. Damper movement fromfullclosed to full open(orvice versa) willtakebetween 1112 and2112 minutes. If fieecooling canbe used as determined fiom file appropriate changeover command (switch, dry bulb, enthalpy curve, differential dry bulb, or differential enthalpy), a call for cooling (YI closes at the thermostat) will cause the control to modulate the dampers open to maintain the supply air temperature set point at 50 to 55 E As the supply-air temperature drops below the set point range of 50 to 55 E the control will modulate the outdoor-air dmnpers closed to maintain the proper supply-air temperature. HEATING. UNITS WITH ECONOMI$ER IV -- When the room temperature calls for heat, file heating controls am ene> gized as described in the Heating, Units Without Economizer section. The IFM (indoor fan motor) is energized and the EconoMiSer IV damper modulates to the minimum position. When the thermostat is satisfied and WI and W2 ale deenergized, the IFM continues to run, and file economizer damper modulates to the minimum position. MAIN BURNER -- At file beginning of each heating season, inspect for deterioration or blockage due to corrosion or other causes. Observe the main burner flames. Refer to Main Burners section on page 48. FLUE GAS PASSAGEWAYS -- Tile flue collector box and heat exchanger cells may be inspected by removing heat section access panel (Fig. 4), flue box cover, and main burner assembly (Fig. 30). Refer to Main Burners section on page 48 for burner removed sequence. If cleaning is required, clean tubes with a wire brush. Use c_mtion with ceramic heat exchanger baffles. When installing retaining clip, be sure file center leg of the clip extends inward toward baffle. See Fig. 31. COMBUSTION-AIR sure proper airflow wheel every fgdl and first heating season, mine proper cleaning BLOWER -- Clean periodic_dly to asand heating efficiency. Inspect blower periodically during heating season. For the inspect blower wheel bi-monfllly to deterfrequency. To inspect blower wheel, remove heat section panel. Using an inspection mirror and flashlight, look into the flue exhaust duct to inspect file wheel. If cleaning is required, remove motor and wheel assembly by removing the screws holding the flue box cover to the flue box. See Fig. 30. Remove the screws holding the inducer housing to the inlet plate. The wheel can then be removed fiom the motor shaft and cleaned with a detergent or solvent. Replace the wheel onto the motor shaft in the correct position and reassemble the flue cover onto the flue box. Lubrication COMPRESSORSEach compressor is chguged with the correct amount of oil al the factory. Conventional white oil (Zerol 150T or Sontex SA32) is used. White oil is compatible wifll 3GS oil, and 3GS oil may be used if the addition of oil is required. See compressor nameplate for original oil charge. Oil mchguge amount is shown in Table 1. When a compressor is exchanged in the field it is possible that a major portion of the oil fiom the replaced compressor may still be in the system. While this will not affect the reliability of the replacement compressor, tile extra oil will add rotor drag and increase power usage. To lemove this excess oil, an access valve may be added to the lower portion of the suction line at the inlet of the compmssoc The compressor should then be run for 10 minutes, shut down and the access valve opened until no oil flows. This should be repeated twice to make sure the proper oil level has been achieved. SERVICE Before performing service or maintenance operations on unit, turn off main power switch to unit. Electrical shock could cause personal injury. Cleaning -- Inspect unit interior at beginning of each heating and cooling season and as operating conditions require. Remove unit top panel and/or side panels for access to unit interiol: EVAPORATOR COIL -- Clean as required with commerci_d coil cleanel: CONDENSER COIL--Clean condenser coil annu_dly and as required by location and outdoo>air conditions. Inspect coil monflfly; clean as required. FAN SHAFT BEARINGS -- Lubricate bearings at least evely 6 months with suitable bearing grease. Typical lubricants are given below: CONDENSATE DRAIN -- Check and clean each year at the st_u'tof the cooling season. In winter, keep drains and traps dry. An access panel is located above the condensate connection to allow easy clean out of the condensate pan. Tile first time the panel is removed, file insulation behind the access panel will need to be cut away. Carefully cut file insulation with a knife or blade on three sides so the insulation can be folded out of the way during cleaning. Be careful not to damage components behind the insulation while cutting. Once cleaning is completed, fold the insulation back into place and secure the access panel in the original position. FILTERS -- Clean or replace at stalt of each heating and cooling season, or more often if operating conditions require. Refer to Table 1 for type and size. OUTDOOR-AIR INLET SCREENS -- Clean screens with steam or hot water and a mild detergent. Do not use throwaway filters in place of screens. See Table 1 for quantity and size. MANUFACTURER Texaco Mobil Sunoco Texaco LUBRICANT Regal AFB-2* Mobilplex EP No. 1 Prestige 42 Multifak 2 *Preferred lubricant because it contains rust and oxidation inhibitors. CONDENSER AND EVAPORATOR-FAN MOTOR BEARINGSThe condenser and evaporator-fan motors have permanently sealed bearings, so no field lubrication is necessary. 46 Evaporator Fan Performance Adjustment (Fig. 32 and 33) -- Fan motor pulleys are factory set for speed shown in Table 1. To change fan speeds: 1. Shut offunit COMBUSTION -FAN HOUSING HEAT EXCHANGER SECTION INDUCED DRAFT MOTOR IGC BOARD MAIN GAS VALVE MAIN :[_] BURNER SECTION IGC -- Ix_osen nuts on the 4 ctu'riage bolts in the mounting base. Using adjusting bolts and plate, slide motor and remove belt. 3. Ix_osen movable-pulley 4. Screw movable flange towtud fixed flange to increase speed and away fi_m fixed flange to decrease speed. Increasing fan speed increases load on motol: Do not exceed maximum speed specified in Table 1. flange setscrew (see Fig. 33). See Table 24 for air quantity limits. (HIDDEN) / 7 power supply. 2. Integrated Gas Controller 5. Set movable flange at nearest keyway of pulley hub and tighten setscrew. (See Table 1 for speed change for each lull turn of pulley flange.) 6. Replace and tighten belts (see Belt Tension Adjustment section below). 7. Restore power to unit. Fig. 30 -- Typical Gas Heating Section To align fan and motor pulleys: CERAMIC BAFFLE CLIP 1. Ix_osen fan pulley setscrews. x_ 2. Slide fan pulley along fan shaft. 3. Make angultu" alignment mounting plate. Belt Tension Adjustment by loosening motor from -- To adjust belt tension: 1. Turn off unit power 2. NOTE: One baffle and clip will be in each upper tube of the heat exchanger. Fig. 31 -- Removing Heat Exchanger Slide out fan deck to service position as shown in Evaporator Fan Service and Replacement section above. Ix_osen fan motor bolts. 3. Ceramic 4. Move motor mounting plate to adjust to proper belt tension. See Table 30. Motor adjuster bolts may be used to tighten belts. See Fig. 32. The 5. Check for proper belt alignment. 48HJ units feature a slide-out fan deck for easy servicing of the indoor-fan motol: pulleys, belt, and bearings. To service components in this section, perform the following procedure: 6. Tighten motor mounting proper position. 7. Return fan deck back into operating 8. Restore power to unit. Baffles Evaporator 1. Turnoffunit 2. 3. 4. 5. and Clips Fan Service and Replacement-- powel: Open the fan section access panel. Remove three no. 10 screws at fiont of slide-out fan deck. Save screws. See Fig. 32. motor in position. Table 30 -- Belt Tension Adjustment 48HJ Disconnect the electrical plugs and wires connected to the slide-out fan deck (evaporator fan plug, supply air thermistol: and fan status switch if installed). Wires may be damaged if not disconnected. Fan deck can now be slid out to access serviceable components. BELT TENSION (Ib) Unit Model Number Position 10 VOLTAGE 208/230 A,J N/A B,K 4.9 C,L 5.1 D,M 5.7 E,N N/A F,P 4.7 G,Q 5.0 H,R 5.5 460 N/A 4.9 5.1 5.7 N/A 4.7 5.0 5.5 575 N/A 3.9 5.2 5.7 N/A 3.8 4.7 5.5 208/230 4.8 5.1 5.8 4.5 N/A 4.7 5.0 5.5 460 4.8 5.1 5.8 4.5 N/A 4.7 5.0 5.5 575 5.3 5.1 5.6 4.5 N/A 5.2 5.0 5.5 208/230 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 460 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 575 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 4.5 5.4 5.9 4.5 020 024 028 DO NOT SLIDE FAN DECK OUT PAST THE STOP BRACKET. ff lurther access is required, the fan deck must be suppolled. Make sure plugs and wiring are not pinched between fan housing and unit center post. Damage to unit may result. LEGEND N/A -- Not Available Condenser-Fan 6. Adjust if necessary. plate bolts to lock Adjustment (Fig. 34) To replace fan deck to operating position, slide fan deck back into the unit. Secure with the three no. 10 screws removed in Step 3. 1. Shut off unit power supply. 2. Remove condenser-fan assembly 7. 8. Re-attach electric_d plugs and wires. Close fan section access dooc 3. Adjust fan height as shown in Fig. 34. 4. Tighten setscrews and replace condenser-fan 9. Restore power to unit. 5. Turn on powerto (grille, motor, cover, and fan) and loosen fan hub setscrews. 47 unit. motor assembly. NO CHARGE -- Use standard evacuating techniques. After evacuating system, weigh in the specified amount of refrigerant (refer to Table 1). LOW CHARGE COOLING -- Using cooling charging chaff (see Fig. 35-37), add or remove refrigerant until conditions of the chaff are met. An accurate pressure gage and temperaturesensing device is required. Charging is accomplished by ensuring the proper amount of liquid subcooling. Measure liquid line pressure at the liquid line service valve using pressure gage. Connect temperature sensing device to the liquid line netu the liquid line service valve and insulate it so that outdoor ambient temperature does not affect reading. TO USE THE COOLING CHARGING CHART -- Use the above temperature and pressure readings, and find the intersection point on the cooling charging chart. If intersection point on chmt is above line, add refrigerant. If intersection point on chtut is below line, carefully recover some of the charge. Recheck suction pressme as charge is adjusted. MOTOR - PULLEY (HIDDEN) FAN PULLEY - MOTOR MOUNTING - BASE SLIDE-OUT FAN DECK Fig. 32 -- Evaporator-Fan Motor Adjustment NOTE: Indoor-air cfin must be within normal operating of unit. All outdoor fans must be operating. STRAIGHTEDGE range The TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) is set to maintain between 10 and 15 degrees of supeflleat at the compressors. The valves are factory set and should not requile le-adjustment. MUST WITH BELT Gas Valve Adjustment NATURAL GASThe gas valve opens sponse to the thermostat or limit control. PULLEY The regular factory setting is stalnped on the valve body. The setting is 3.00 in. wg for vertical supply/dischalge units. The setting is 2.95 in. wg for horizont_d supply/discharge units. To adjust regulator: MOTOR AND FAN SHAFTS MUST BE PARALLEL 1. Set unit at setting for no call for heat. SETSCREWS_ 2. 3. Turn main gas valve to OFF position. Remove l/a-in, pipe plug from manifold or gas valve pressure tap connection. Install a suitable pressuremeasuring device. 4. Set main gas valve to ON position. 5. Set thennostat 6. Remove screw cap covering (See Fig. 38). 7. Turn adjustment counterclockwise 8. Once desired pressure is established, set unit setting for no call for heat, turn off main gas valve, remove pressure-measuring device, and replace I/s-in. pipe plug and screw cap. FIXED FLANGES SINGLE-GROOVE Fig. 33 -- Evaporator-Fan Alignment and Adjustment T , v , at setting to call for heat. regulator -- For most applications, factory set and should require no adjustment. Power Condenser-Fan For applications at altitudes above Tables 31 and 32 for altitude compensation. MAIN BURNER REMOVAL Adjustment Failure -- Dampers have a spring return. [n event of power failure, dampers will return to fully closed position until power is restored. Do not manually operate damt)er I'IION)K Refrigerant Charge -- Amount of refiigerant ch;uge is listed on unit nameplate and in Table 1. Refer to Career GTAC II; Module 5; Chmging, Recovery, Recycling, and Reclamation section for charging methods and procedures. Unit panels must be in place when unit is operating during charging procedure. NOTE: Do not use recycled contaminants. refrigerant as it may screw main burners are 2000 1l, refer to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shut off (field-supplied) manual main gas v;dve. Shut off power to unit. Remove gas section access panel. Disconnect gas piping from gas valve inlet. Remove wires from gas valve. Remove wires from rollout switch. 7. 8. 9. Remove sensor wire and ignitor cable from IGC board. Remove 2 screws securing manifold bracket to basepan. Remove 2 screws that hold the burner assembly to vestibule plate. Lift burner/manifold assembly out of unit. cont;fin 10. 48 adjustment screw clockwise to increase pressure or to decrease pressure. Main Burners Fig. 34 -- in re- When power is supplied to valve terminals W2 (High Fire) and C l, the main valve opens to its preset position. MOVABLE FLANGES PULLEY and closes CHARGING 2 LEADS, #18 WIRE 1/32 INSULATION, 600V. MAX., 105°C _ CHART fALLCIRCUITS) REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT ALL OUTDOOR FANS MUST BE OPERATING / //// /u_u_ I \\\ I}\\ I1 I'='/A'TL_ I _ JII / ._9%\\ _ln-t (REMOVE COVER) / / OUTLET PRESSURE /TAP (PLUGGED) n_9[t:_l _LT--_JI RECEPTACLE AND I /TAB _______ COMBINATION TERMINAL \ [. _)/ \ --, INLET PRESSURE TAP (PLUGGED) 1/8 - 27 N.P.T. THDS. LIOUIDPI_[SSIJI![ [UTERINGTXV, [psi91 SCREW " _'[ _/ H [_) ' " \PILOTCONNECTION FOR 1/4" O.D. TUBING (PLUGGED) / / / RECEPTACLE TERMINAL Fig. 38 -- Gas Valve LEGEND TXV --Thermostatic Expansion Valve Fig. 35 -- Cooling Charging 48HJ020 Units CHARGING Chart- Table 31 -- Altitude Compensation ELEVATION (ft) CHART FALL CIRCUITS) ALL OUTDOORFANS MUST BE OPERATING ORIFICE High Heat (6 Cell) High Heat (8 Cell) 0-2,000 29 30 29 29 2,000 29 30 29 29 3,000 30 31 30 30 4,000 30 31 30 30 5,000 30 31 30 30 6,000 30 31 30 30 7,000 31 32 31 31 8,000 31 32 31 31 9,000 31 32 31 31 32 33 32 32 10,000 ELEVATION (ft) ENTERING TXV, [psi 9] LEGEND TXV -- Thermostatic Expansion Valve Fig. 36 -- Cooling Charging 48HJ024 Units CHARGING Chart -- CHART FALL CIRCUITS) ALL OUTDOORFANS MUST BE OPEt?ATINC GAS Medium Heat Table 32 -- Altitude PRESSURE NATURAL Low Heat above LIQUID SIZE -- (Natural Gas) Compensation ORIFICE SIZE -- (LP Gas) LP GAS Low Heat Medium Heat High Heat (6 Cell) High Heat (8 Cell) 0-2,000 35 38 35 35 2,000 36 39 36 36 3,000 36 39 36 36 4,000 37 40 37 37 5,000 37 40 37 37 6,000 38 41 38 38 7,000 39 42 39 39 8,000 40 43 40 40 9,000 41 44 41 41 42 45 42 42 above 10,000 CLEANING AND ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove burner rack from unit as described Burner Removed section above. _6o LIQUID _'5o PRESSURE ENTZRING TXV, ;oo Ipsigl LEGEND TXV -- Thermostatic Expansion Valve Fig. 37 -- Cooling Charging 48HJ028 Units Chart -49 2. Inspect burners, and if dirty, remove 3. Using a soft brash, clean burneLs and crossover required. 4. 5. Adjust spark gap. See Fig. 39. Reinstall burners on rack. 6. Reinstall burner rack as described in Main burners from rack. above. port as SPARK GAP.120"TO .140" DETAIL "C" Fig. 39 -- Spark Gap Filter Drier -- Replace whenever refiigerant system is ex- Adjustment Relief Devices posed to atmosphere. Protective Devices -- All units have relief devices to protect against &_mage from excessive pressures (i.e., fire). These devices protect the high and low side. COMPRESSOR Control Overcurrent protection. Circuit, 24-VEach control circuit is protected against overcurrent by a 3.2 amp circuit breaket: Breaker can be reset. If it trips, determine cause of trouble before resetting. See Fig. 40-42 for wiring. PROTECTION -- Each compressor has internal line bleak motor Overtemperature -- Each compressor has an internal protector to protect it against excessively high dischmge gas temperatures. Replacement Parts parts may request. Compressor Lockout -- If any of the safeties (high-pressure. low-pressure, freeze protection thermostat, compressor intern¢fl thermostat) trip, or if there is loss of power to the compressors, the cooling lockout (CLO) will lock the compressot.s off. To reset, manually move the thermostat setting. HIGH-PRESSURE AND LOW-PRESSURE SWITCHES -If either switch trips, or if the compressor overtempemture switch activates, that refrigerant circuit will be automatically locked out by the CLO. To reset, manually move the thermostat setting. be obt_uned Diagnostic LEDs for diagnostic Table 33. purposes. -- -- A complete list of teplacement from any Canier distributor upon The IGC control board has a LED The [GC error codes _ue shown in Table 33 -- IGC LED Indications ERROR CODE Normal Operation Hardware Failure Fan On/Off Delay Modified Limit Switch Fault Flame Sense Fault Five Consecutive Limit Switch FREEZE PROTECTION THERMOSTAT (FPT) -- An FPT is located on the top and bottom of the evaporator coil. They detect frost build-up and turn off the compressor, ¢fllowing the coil to cleat: Once the frost has melted, the compressor can be reenergized by resetting the compressor lockout. EVAPORATOR FAN MOTOR PROTECTION -- A manual teset, calibrated trip, magnetic circuit breaker protects against overcurtent. Do not bypass connections or increase the size of the breaker to correct trouble. Determine the cause and correct it before resetting the breaker. CONDENSER-FAN MOTOR PROTECTION -- Each condenser-fan motor is internally protected against overtemperature. Ignition Inducer Rollout Internal Software Faults Lockout Fault Switch Fault Switch Fault Control Fault Lockout LED INDICATION On Off 1 Flash 2 Flashes 3 Flashes 4 Flashes 5 Flashes 6 Flashes 7 Flashes 8 Flashes 9 Flashes LEGEND IGC LED --- Integrated Gas Unit Controller Light-Emitting Diode NOTES: 1. There is a 3-second pause between error code displays, 2. If more than one error code exists, all applicable error codes will be displayed in numerical sequence, 3. Error codes on the IGC will be lost if power to the unit is interrupted. Fuses m'e also located in the control box and feed power to the condenser fan motors. Always replace blown fuses with the correct size fuse as indicated on the unit fuse label. 5O LEGEND Fig. 41 -.A _,HA AL AUX ----- .B -- .C -- CAP CB CC CCH CLO COMP CR CS DU FCS FlOP FPT FS FU GND GV GVR HACR HS HERM HPS I IA IAQ IDM IFC IFCB IFM IGC IRH LAFC ---------------------- -= ------- Fig. 40 -- Low Voltage Control Schematic Power Schematic and Fig. 42 -- Component Arrangement Circuit A Adjustable Heat Anticipator Ambient Limit Auxiliary Contact Circuit B Circuit C Compressor, Contactor Capacitor Circuit Breaker Compressor Contactor Crankcase Heater Compressor Lockout Compressor Compressor Relay Current Sensor Dummy Terminal Fan Cycling Switch Factory-Installed Option Female Pipe Thread Flame Sensor Fuse Ground Gas Valve Gas Valve Relay Heating, Air Conditioning, Heat Sensor Hermetic High-Pressure Switch Ignitor LPS LS MGV OA OAS OAT OFC OFM ORH PEC PEM PL OC OT RAS RAT RS SAT TB TC TR TRAN O and Refrigeration Terminal (Marked) Terminal (Unmarked) Terminal Block • Splice Splice (Marked) L_ _ _ Splice (Field Supplied) -- Factory Wiring Field Control Wiring Field Power Wiring .... .... ..=.=.=.= THERMOSTAT/IGC -= = = ------ Low Pressure Switch Limit Switch Main Gas Valve Outdoor Air Outdoor Air Sensor Outdoor-Air Temperature Outdoor-Fan Contactor Outdoor-Fan Motor Outdoor Relative Humidity Power Exhaust Contactor Power Exhaust Motor Plug Quadruple Contactor Quadruple Terminal Return Air Sensor Return Air Thermostat Rollout Switch Supply-Air Temperature Terminal Block Thermostat Cooling Thermostat Heating Transformer O _ Indoor Air Indoor-Air Quality Induced-Draft Motor Indoor-Fan Contactor Indoor-Fan Circuit Breaker Indoor-Fan Motor Integrated Gas Controller Indoor Relative Humidity Low Ambient Fan Control BM C CM CS G GV IFO LI R = ---------------------- Blower Motor Common Inducer Motor Centrifugal Switch Fan Gas Valve Indoor Fan On Line I Thermostat Power Accessory or Optional Wiring To Indicate Common Potential Only, Not To Represent Wiring MARKINGS RS RT SS W Wl W2 X Y1 Y2 --= = ------ Rollout Switch Power Supply Speed Sensor Thermostat Heat 1st Stage of Heating 2nd Stage of Heating Alarm Output 1st Stage of Cooling 2rid Stage of Cooling NOTES: 1. Factory wiring is in accordance with the National Electrical Codes. Any field modifications or additions must be in compliance with all applicable codes. 2. Use 75 C minimum wire for field power supply. Use copper wires for all units. 3. All circuit breakers "Must Trip Amps" are equal to or less than 156% RLA (rated load amps). 4. Compressor and fan motors are thermally protected. Three-phase motors protected against primary single phase conditions. 5. The CLO locks out the compressor to prevent short cycling on compressor overload and safety devices; before replacing CLO, check these devices. 51 ) trc ] fez eL+.t ] fez ) e(c_ ¢,¢1 _tnAU _e/cl Fig. 40 -- Low Voltage Control Schematic 52 ONLY C A! YEL YEL CLOCI 3 CIRI_JF (3 CIRCU_ !FCg MOVE WIRES l© OFCI WHEN INSTALLING A_BIENT FAN CONTROL ACCESSORY ADD WIRES WHEN !NSTA!LING IOW AMBIENT FAN CONTROl PI53 ACCESSORY CONNECT APPROPRIA?E _IRE TO UNll VOL?AGE PL/0 BLK ............................ BLK T£ANI 1028/300ONLYI I0281a00 ONLYI PL56 I I ----- vIo 208/230v BLK 460V Fig. 41 -- Power 53 Schematic P{IZ EVAPORATOR RETURN BEND END 020/810 -B_TC ONLY) (BUD/SOB ONLY: CKTB {O241240 ONLY) 10201210-024/240 TBERM [0201810 )NLY} _CNTB ONLY} LOCATION EOUIP GROUND _ (D28/DDO THER_ ONLY} LOCATION CKTB CO_@RESSOR CONTACTORS OD81SO0 2081B3DV ONLY COMPRESSOR COBTACTORB ALL UNITS EXCEPT OB8130O BOB/Z30V AND AL ONLY) (ODOIBIO ONLY) PLUG LOCATION REFERENCE PLY :ORTROL BOX CONTROL BOARD} PLS _EAT SECTIO_ PARTITION HEAT CONTROLS) SECTION PL4 :AN I_DOOR FAN MOTOR} PL5 :ORDENSER SECTION OR_l, B, 3) IORDE_BER SECTIO_ PLG ICONOW[EZR SECTION PLT ECOnOmIZER MOTOR} >OMEN EXHAUST SECTION PL9 IPOWER EXHAUST MOTORS1 PLIO :ONDERSER SECTIO_ OF_I} PLI] :ONDERSER SECTION OE_2) PLIBI:ONDERSER SECTION OF_S) :ONDENSER SECT]O_ PLID!OF_4} :ORDERSER SECTION PLI4 OF_S) PL15 :ONDERBER SECTION OF_6) PL]6 :AN SECTION FAN STATUS ACCESSORY) PL]7 ECONOMIZER SECTION B-POSITION DA_PERI SECTION PL]8 :OMPRESSOR COB SENSOR) SECTIOW PL19 :OMP_E_SO_ PLB1 :ORDERSER SECTIO_ SPEED CONTROL) L/1 CIRCUIT CIRCUIT A THERMISTORS SPEED CONTROL- rl_Y CO_"_E'_E CCH 81 CC_ AI OUTLET TRAffSEOR_ER I [VAP CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION Fig. 42 -- Component Arrangement TROUBLESHOOTING Unit Troubleshooting- Refer to Tables 34-36 and Fig. 43. Table 34 -- Cooling Service Analysis PROBLEM CAUSE Compressor and Condenser Fan Will Not Start, Power failure. Fuse blown or circuit breaker Defective relay. thermostat, Insufficient Incorrect setting Faulty wiring circuit. Defective Determine Replace motor. Pressure Too Low. Locate Locate restriction and remove. unit size. leak, repair, and recharge. Condenser Clean coil or remove restriction. coil dirty or restricted. Dirty air filter. Replace coil. refrigerant, evacuate system, and recharge. filter. Clean coil. overcharged. Recover excess refrigerant. 1. Check TXV bulb mounting and secure 2. Replace TXV if stuck open or closed. Recover air restricted or air short-cycling. charge. Determine refrigerant, Remove evacuate system, repair, and recharge. restriction. Check for source Faulty TXV. 1. Check TXV bulb mounting and secure 2. Replace TXV if stuck open or closed. overcharged. charge. device Insufficient Temperature Field-installed Recover excess Replace filter. Check for leaks, or low side restricted. Remove source and eliminate. airflow. too low in conditioned filter drier area. Reset thermostat. Replace. LEGEND Valve 55 line. tightly to suction line. repair, and recharge. of restriction. Increase air quantity. necessary. restricted. tightly to suction refrigerant. 1. Check TXV bulb mounting and secure 2. Replace TXV if stuck open or closed. evaporator line. and recharge. High heat load. Dirty air filter. tightly to suction cause and correct. Check for leaks, in liquid tube. Faulty TXV. Expansion cause and replace. Reset thermostat. charge. Low refrigerant to thermostat. Recover Metering Thermostatic and recharge cause and correct. cause and correct. Replace filter. Decrease load or increase for load. Low refrigerant TXV -- breaker. Air in system. Refrigerant Suction compressor. Replace. system. set too low. Restriction Pressure. cause for safety trip and reset lockout. overload. Air in system. Suction Replace Recover refrigerant, evacuate system, nameplate. Replace and determine cause. Faulty TXV. Excessive cause and replace. Determine thermostat. Condenser room temperature. Determine Defective Refrigerant Too Low, below and repair or replace. cause. Defective Dirty condenser Head Pressure and rewire correctly. setting Determine Determine Determine Low refrigerant Pressure. or undercharge. in refrigerant diagram Replace fuse or reset circuit Determine cause. compressor. Dirty air filter. Unit undersized cause and correct. Check wiring Insufficient line voltage. Blocked condenser. Thermostat Head or internal power dead. overcharge Restriction Excessive out, seized, locked out Faulty condenser-fan Operates in compressor breaker. component. Lower thermostat overload. Refrigerant Replace Check wiring too high. One leg of 3-phase Compressor continuously. or control Determine or loose connections Compressor Defective transformer, line voltage. Compressor motor burned overload open. Compressor Cycles (other than normally satisfying thermostat), tripped. contactor, or faulty wiring. Thermostat Compressor Will Not Start but Condenser Fan Runs. REMEDY Gall power company. Replace fuse or reset circuit Check filter and replace if Table 35 -- Heating Service Analysis PROBLEM CAUSE Burners Will Not Ignite. Misaligned REMEDY spark electrodes. Check flame ignition and sensor electrode Adjust as needed. No gas at main burners, positioning, Check gas line for air; purge as necessary. After purging gas line of air, allow gas to dissipate for at least 5 minutes before attempting to relight unit, Check gas valve, Inadequate Heating. Water in gas line, Drain water and install drip leg to trap water, No power to furnace. Check power supply, fuses, wiring, and circuit breaker. No 24 v power supply to control circuit, Check transformer, Transformers with internal evercurrent protection require a cool-down period before resetting, Check 24-v circuit breaker; reset if necessary. Miswired or loose connections. Check all wiring and wire nut connections, Burned-out heat anticipator Broken thermostat wires, Replace thermostat, in thermostat. Run continuity check, Replace wires if necessary. Dirty air filter. Clean or replace filter as necessary. Gas input to unit too low, Check gas pressure at manifold, Clock gas meter for input, If too low, increase manifold pressure or replace with correct orifices. Unit undersized for application, Restricted airflow. Replace with proper unit or add additional Blower speed too low. Install alternate motor, if applicable, speed. Limit switch cycles main burners. Check rotation of blower, thermostat heat anticipator temperature rise of unit. Adjust as needed. Too much outdoor air. Adjust minimum position. Check economizer Poor Flame Characteristics, unit, Clean filter, replace filter, or remove any restrictions. Incomplete combustion (lack of combustion air) results in: Aldehyde odors, CO, sooting flame, or floating flame. or adjust pulley to increase fan settings, and operation. Check all screws around flue outlets and burner compartment. Tighten as necessary. Cracked heat exchanger. Replace heat exchanger, Overfired unit -- reduce input, change manifold pressure, Check vent for restriction, orifices, or adjust gas line or Clean as necessary. Check orifice to burner alignment, Burners Will Not Turn Off. Unit is locked into Heating mode for a one minute minimum. Wait until mandatory to unit. one minute time period has elapsed or power Table 36 -- IGC Board LED Alarm Codes LED FLASH CODE DESCRIPTION On Normal Operation Off Hardware 1 Flash Failure ACTION TAKEN BY CONTROL RESET METHOD -- -- -- No gas heating. -- Loss of power to the IGC. Check 5 amp fuse on IGC, )ower to unit, 24V circuit breaker, transformer, and wiring to the IGC. PROBABLE CAUSE Indoor Fan On/Off Delay Modified 5 seconds subtracted from On delay, 5 seconds added to Off delay (3 min max). Power reset. High temperature limit switch opens during heat exchanger warm-up period before fan-on delay expires. High temperature limit switch opens within 10 minutes of heat call (W) Off. See Limit Switch Fault. 2 Flashes Limit Switch Fault Gas valve and igniter Off. Indoor fan and inducer On. Limit switch closed, or heat ,_all (W) Off. 3 Flashes Flame Sense Fault Indoor fan and inducer On. Flame sense normal. Power reset for LED reset, High temperature limit switch is open. Check the operation of the indoor (evaporator) fan motor. Ensure that the supply-air temperature rise is within the range on the unit nameplate. Check wiring and limit switch operation. The IGC sensed a flame when the gas valve should be closed. Check wiring, flame sensor, and gas valve operation. 4 Flashes Four Consecutive Switch Fault No gas heating. Heat call (W) Off. Power reset for LED reset, 4 consecutive limit switch faults within a single call for heat. See Limit Switch Fault. 5 Flashes Ignition Fault No gas heating. Heat call (W) Off. Power reset for LED reset. Unit unsuccessfully attempted ignition for 15 minutes. Check igniter and flame sensor electrode spacing, gaps, etc. Check flame sense and igniter wiring. Check gas valve operation and gas supply. 6 Flashes Induced Draft Motor Fault Inducer sense normal, or heat call (W) Off. 7 Flashes Rollout Switch Lockout If heat off: no gas heating. If heat on: gas valve Off and inducer On. Gas valve and igniter Off. Indoor fan and inducer On. Inducer sense On when heat call Off, or inducer sense Off when heat call On. Check wiring, voltage, and operation of IGC motor. Check speed sensor wiring to IGC. Rollout switch has opened. Check gas valve operation. Check induced-draft blower wheel is properly secured to motor shaft. 8 Flashes Internal Control Lockout No gas heating. Power reset. IGC has sensed internal hardware or software error. If fault is not cleared by resetting 24 v power, replace the IGC. 9 Flashes Temporary Software No gas heating, hour auto reset, or power reset. Electrical Limit Lockout Power reset. LEGEND IGC LED --- interference is disrupting the IGC software. NOTES: 1. There is a 3-second pause between alarm code displays. 2. If more than one alarm code exists, all applicable alarm codes will be displayed in numerical sequence. 3. Alarm codes on the IGC will be lost if power to the unit is interrupted. Integrated Gas Unit Control Light-Emitting Diode 56 I I.- (HEATING) J 2 FLASHES 9,/WrCH - OPENING OF LtMfT I I_TES FLAME WTfH 3 FLASHES CLOSED- FLAME GAS VALVE SENSOR J CYCtED 4 TIMES ON SINGLE 4 _ CALL FOR + LIM+TSV_TCH HEAT IGC BOARD F I _ START F I FAULT I 6 _ 8e_" - INDUCED DRAFT fer ee _) I iI _VM_EDt&TELY FAN MOTOR I I_3_'_ _ DEF_ 24V TR,aNS. _WIRE BLOWN 5 AMP FUSE NO POWER TO LINIT I I, _& 5 (No FLASHE8 _ - _ IGNmON 15 rr_u_5) LOCKOUT 2. 3. I, 4, I ON DEt.AY _FAN 'WI' FROM BASE CONTROL BOARD ON IGC - 1 MINUTE LOCK-ON ENERGIZES 'W' I I _ 'Ct/t ON IGC COMSt,_'TIONRELAy_INDt.,_i_DR_'TMOTOR(ID_THROUGH I I I I t, I 7 FLASHES - _ OF _ _ AND IMMeDiATELY _ I F_kT E}=PT:CT IF IDM 18 8_NSOR TURNINGSENDS AT CORRECT CORRr:CTSPEED 81GNAL (ATTO LEAST _ 2400 RPM), *Jl' ONH_L IGC _F_ LOCKOUT 9 FLASHES - SOFTWARE I l _" SWffCH ARE CLOSED, _C SAFETY LOP-.4£V_LL INITIA'_E IF IJM1T SWITCH AND ROLLOUT SE_ENCE i, 4, _ HIGH VOLTAGE 10,000 VOLT _ARK _d3ONE6 FOR 5 1 I I I VALVE FOR 5 SECONDS I OFF GAS VALVE AND SPARK OC SA_ LOGtC V_ILL SHUT 4, Yes HAS BEEN _ DUE TO LIMrr SWfTCH /If=FER 45 SECOh_D_ (ON LEDS F THE _RELAY TRIPS) IGC WlLL 15kFjRGIZE BL(:7#ER I ! ANOTHER 5 SL::OONDS) FROM INDOOR SUBTRACT FAR5 ON SECONDS TIME 13B_Y (OR Yes (5 _8 OF L_)) I i No LEGEND IDM IGC --- Induced-Draft Motor Integrated Gas Unit Controller NOTE: Thermostat "AUTO" position. Fan Switch in J H_NG_ _ I the I ,_ s.ro_,s, s,_=-rY LOaCSHUTS O_ C_._ VALV_ (DBJW _ 45 SECOND BLOWER 8HLmOFF DELAY BY 5 8ECOND_ FOR _ UME SW/TCH TRP MAXIMUM DELAY: 3 MINUTES) Fig. 43 -- IGC Control (Heating and Cooling) 57 J J EconoMiSer IV Troubleshooting -- See Table 37 for EconoMi$er IV input/output logic. A functional view of the EconoMi$er [V is shown in Fig. 43. Typic;d settings, sensor ranges, and jumper positions are also shown. An EconoMi$er IV simulator program is available from Carrier to help with EconoMi$er IV tr;fining and troubleshooting. ECONOMI$ER IV PREPARATION-This procedure is used to prepare the EconoMi$er IV for troubleshooting. No troubleshooting or testing is done by performing the following procedure. Jumper TR to 1. 6. 7. Jumper TR to N. If connected, remove sensor from termin_ds So and +. Connect 1.2 kilo-ohm 4074EJM checkout resistor across terminals So and +. Put 620-ohln resistor across terminals SR and +. 8. 9. 10. Set minimum potentiometers Set DCV maximum (clockwise). 11. Set enthalpy 12. position, DCV set point, and fully CCW (counteMockwise). position potentiometer potentiometer 1. Make sure EconoMiSer been performed. Remove 620-ohm resistor Cool LED should turn off. across 5. Return EconoMiSer IV settings after completing troubleshooting. and wiring 4. Set the enth_dpy potentiometer Cool LED should turn off. 5. and wiring DCV (Demand Controlled Ventilation) AND EXHAUST -- To check DCV and Power Exhaust: 2. 6. Turn the Minimum Position Potentiometer actuator should drive fully open. 7. Remove the jumper from TR and N. The actuator drive fully closed. 8. Return EconoMiSer IV settings after completing troubleshooting. SUPPLY-AIR IV preparation 2. 3. lully CW. The and wiring should to norm_d -- To check supply-air input: IV prepmation procedure has Set the Enthalpy potentiometer to A. The Free Cool LED turns on. The actuator should drive to between 20 and 80% open. Remove the 5.6 kilo-ohm lesistor and jumper T to TI. The actuator should (hive lully open. 4. Remove the jumper across T and TI. The actuator should drive fully closed. 5. Return EconoMiSer IV settings and wiring to norm_d after completing troubleshooting. ECONOMISER IV TROUBLESHOOTING COMPLETION -- This procedure is used to return the EconoMiSer IV to operation. No troubleshooting or testing is done by performing the following procedure. to normal has The 1. Disconnect to norlnal 2. 3. POWER 4. procedure INPUT 1. Make sure EconoMi$er been performed. to D (fully CW). The Free Return EconoMiSer IV settings after completing troubleshooting. 1. Make sure EconoMiSer been performed. Turn the DCV Maximum Position potentiometer to midpoint. The actuator should drive to between 20 and 80% open. Turn the DCV Maximum Position potentiometer to lully CCW. The actuator should drive fully closed. Turn the Minimum Position potentiometer to midpoint. The actuator should (hive to between 20 and 80% open. fully CW SINGLE ENTHALPY -- To check single enthalpy: 1. Make sure EconoMiSer IV preparation procedure been performed. 2. Set the enthalpy potentiometer to A (fully CCW). Free Cool LED should be lit. has 3. exhaust So and +. The Free procedure Connect a 9-v battery to AQ (positive node) and AQI (negative node). The DCV LED should turn on. The actuator should (hive to between 90 and 95% open. 4. Apply power (24 vac) to terminals TR and TRI. IV prepmation 2. to D. 4. Turn the DCV and Exhaust potentiometers CCW until the Exhaust LED turns on. The exhaust contacts will close 30 to 120 seconds after the Exhaust LED turns on. Return EconoMi$er IV settings and wiring to normal after completing troubleshooting. DCV MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM POSITION -- To check the DCV minimum and maximum position: DIFFERENTIAL ENTHALPY-To check differential enthalpy: 1. Make sure EconoMiSer IV preparation procedure has been performed. 2. Place 620-ohm resistor across So and +. 3. Place 1.2 kilo-ohln resistor across S R and +. The Free Cool LED should be lit. 3. Turn the Exhaust potentiometer CW until the Exhaust LED turns off. The LED should turn off when the potentiometer is approximately 90%. The actuator should remain in position. Turn the DCV set point potentiometer CW until the DCV LED turns off. The DCV LED should turn off when the potentiometer is approximately 9 v. The actuator should drive fully closed. 7. 1. Disconnect power at TR and TRI. All LEDs should be off. Exhaust fan contacts should be open. 2. Disconnect device at P and PI. 5. 4. 6. before Be starting I tiometers IMPORTANT: sure totroubleshooting. record the positions of all poten - ] Jumper P to PI. Disconnect wires at T and TI. Place 5.6 kilo-ohm resistor across T and TI. Connect a 9-v battery to AQ (positive node) and AQl (negative node). The LED for both DCV and Exhaust should turn on. The actuator should (hive to between 90 and 95% open. 5. NOTE: This procedure requires a 9-v battery, 1.2 kilo-ohm resistol: and a 5.6 kilo-ohm resistor which are not supplied with the EconoMi$er IV. 3. 4. 3. has 5. 6. Ensure terminals AQ and AQI tue open. The LED for both DCV and Exhaust should be off. The actuator should be lully closed. +. 58 power at TR and TRI. Set enthalpy potentiometer to previous setting. Set DCV maximum position potentiometer to previous setting. Set minimum position, DCV set point, and exhaust potentiometers to previous settings. Remove 620-ohm resistor from terminals SR and +. Remove 1.2 kilo-ohm checkout resistor from terminals So and +. If used, reconnect sensor from terminals So and 7. Remove jumper flom TR to N. 8. Remove jumper fiom TR to 1. 9. Remove 5.6 kilo-ohm resistor from T and TI. Reconnect wiles tit T and TI. l 0. Remove jumper PI. 11. Apply power (24 vac) to terminals Table 37 -- EconoMi$er IV Input/Output Below set (DCV LED Off) Above set (DCV LED On) device a P and TR and TRI. Logic INPUTS Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) fiom P to Pl. Reconnect OUTPUTS Enthalpy* Outdoor Return High (Free Cooling LED Off) Low Low (Free Cooling LED On) High High (Free Cooling LED Off) Low Low (Free Cooling LED On) N Terminal1- Compressor High *For single enthalpy control, the module compares enthalpy to the ABCD set point. 1-Power at N terminal determines Occupied/Unoccupied 24 vac (Occupied), no power (Unoccupied). **Modulation is based on the supply-air sensor signal. 1-1-Modulation is based on the DCV signal. Y1 Y2 Stage 1 Stage 2 On On On On On Off On Off Off Off Off Off On On On Off On Off Off Off On On On Off Off Occupied Unoccupied Damper Minimum position Closed Off Off Modulating** (between min. 3osition and full-open) Modulating** (between closed and full-open) Off Off Minimum position Closed On On On Off Modulating1-1- (between min. 3osition and DCV maximum) Off Off Off Modulating1-1- (between closed and DCV maximum) On On On Off On Off Off Off Modulating*** Modulating1-1-1- Off Off Off Off ***Modulation is based on the greater of DCV and supply-air sensor signals, between minimum position and either maximum position (DCV) or fully open (supply-air signal). I-I-I-Modulation is based on the greater of DCV and supply-air sensor signals, between closed and either maximum position (DCV) or fully open (supply-air signal). outdoor setting: Fig. 43 -- EconoMi$er IV Functional View 59 Copyright 2005 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, Bookll Tab Ila Catalog No. 04-53480011-01 or change at any time, specifications Printed in U.S.A. or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Form 48HJ-31SI Pg 60 10-05 Replaces: 48HJ-27SI START-UP CHECKLIST MODEL NO.: SERIAL NO.: DATE: TECHNICIAN: I. PRE-START-UP: [] VERIFY THAT ALL PACKING MATERIALS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM UNIT [] VERIFY INSTALLATION OF OUTDOOR AIR HOOD [] VERIFY INSTALLATION OF FLUE EXHAUST AND INLET HOOD [] VERIFY THAT CONDENSATE CONNECTION IS INSTALLED PER INSTRUCTIONS [] VERIFY THAT ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND TERMINALS ARE TIGHT [] VERIFY GAS PRESSURE TO UNIT GAS VALVE IS WITHIN SPECIFIED RANGE [] CHECK GAS PIPING FOR LEAKS [] CHECK THAT INDOOR-AIR FILTERS ARE CLEAN AND IN PLACE [] CHECK THAT OUTDOOR AIR INLET SCREENS ARE IN PLACE LU [] VERIFY THAT UNIT IS LEVEL 2: [] CHECK FAN WHEEL AND PROPELLER FOR LOCATION IN HOUSING/ORIFICE, AND VERIFY SETSCREW IS TIGHT d3 [] VERIFY THAT FAN SHEAVES ARE ALIGNED AND BELTS ARE PROPERLY TENSIONED rm [] VERIFY THAT SCROLL COMPRESSORS ARE ROTATING IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION Z [] VERIFY INSTALLATION OF THERMOSTAT/SPACE SENSOR < I- [] VERIFY THAT CRANKCASE HEATERS HAVE BEEN ENERGIZED FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS o LU I-- o, II. START-UP ELECTRICAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE COMPRESSOR LI-L2 AMPS -- COMPRESSOR -- COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR (020,024 SUPPLY L2-L3 L3-LI AI LI L2 L3 B1 LI L2 L3 CI LI L2 L3 ONLY) FAN AMPS LU 2: rm TEMPERATURES LU I-- OUTDOOR-AIR TEMPERATURE RETURN-AIR TEMPERATURE F DB (Dry Bulb) FDB COOLING SUPPLY AIR GAS HEAT SUPPLY AIR F F d3 F WB (Wet Bulb) Z o, < o PRESSURES GAS INLET PRESSURE GAS MANIFOLD PRESSURE REFRIGERANT SUCTION STAGE NO. 1 CIRCUIT A CIRCUIT B CIRCUIT C CIRCUIT A CIRCUIT B CIRCUIT C REFRIGERANT DISCHARGE [] VERIFY REFRIGERANT CHARGE USING CHARGING IN. WG IN. WG PSIG PSIG STAGE NO. 2 IN. WG PSIG(020,024ONLY) PSIG PSIG PSIG(020,024ONLY) CHARTS ON PAGE 49 GENERAL [] ECONOMIZERMINIMUM VENT ANDCHANGEOVER SETTINGSTO JOB REQUIREMENTS Copyright 2005 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications Book 111 Tab F Catalog No, 04-53480011-01 Printed in U.S.A, or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Form 48HJ-31SI Pg CL-1 10-05 Replaces: 48HJ-2781
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 61 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Fri Apr 20 12:43:45 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by