CHINA ELECTRONICS SBT1004 Bluetooth Speaker User Manual SBT1004 Revised OL 09 12 16
China Electronics Shenzhen Company Bluetooth Speaker SBT1004 Revised OL 09 12 16
User Manual
SBT 1004 User Manual Tower Speaker User Guide SBT1004 INTHE BOX 3 5mm auxlllary cord Tower Speaker rIL Base stand Ac Adapter Ill! 4 screws Remote Control LOCATION OF CO NTRO Main Unlt 1.[ O] button POWER 0N Oulckpressto turn ON POWER OFF; Qurckpress agarn to turn off. 2. [MODE] button Changelnput sources 3 ['« NOE ] button‘ Prevlous track/Tune down through radlo stattons rn FM mode. 4. [HI/SCAN] Press and hold to scan FM statlons. S [»r not] button, Next tracldTune upthrOugh radro stattons In FM mode, a. Source indicator lights 7. IR remote sensor a AUXcIN yack LOCATION OF CONTROLS (CONT , DC IN 9 FM Antenna 10 DO IN Remote Control om Vmu‘ s. 11 1 [Lb ] button: POWER ON : Qurckpress (make sure the Power Swrtch rs set to ON] POWER OFF : Qurckpress Z. [ l<<] button Prevlous track/Tune down through radlo statlons In FM mode 3 [+] or [-I buttons. lrlcrease/DeCrease the volume 4 [MODE] button: Mode Converslorl S [1K1 ] button. Mute , turn OFF/ON sound 6. [»1] button‘ Next track/Tune up through radro statrons tn FM mode 7 [ >II]buttorl Play/Pause 8 [RESET] button Volume recovery system defaultsettlngs 9 [FM SCAN] button, Press St Hold : FM Scan 10 [ED] button- 5wrtch sound settlngs 11 Numertc buttons NOTE The battery tor the remote control (I 01205 Irthrum battery] rs rncluded To replace the battery, push and slrde outthe battery door In the remote control ReplaCe the battery wIth a new CR2025 battery wIth the polarrty Iacrno up slrde the door 3 1 IR Remote Sensor 2, Bass Speakers 3,TweeterS 4 Base Stand 5 Screws Step I Connectthe wooden basetothe marn body usrng the supplred screws and washers BASIC OPERATION. 1 Flrp Marn Power Swrtch on the rear ofthe unit to the ON posrtron. 2. Press the [t'J] button to turn ON the unlt. A source rndtcator wlll ltght up GREEN when the unlt ls ON, the llght WIIl go out when the LInIt Is OFF 3. Press the [MODE] button on the Speaker or the [MODE] button On the remote control repeatedlyto swrtch the playback sourceThe Source rndrcator wlll llght up GREEN accordrngly 4 Press the [VOL+/VOL-] buttons on the speaker or the [+/-] buttons on the remote control to adrust volume level. 5 Press the [EQ] button to Set EQ mode as deslred 6. Press the [1K] button on the remote control to turn offthe sound Press It agaln to turn the sound back on RADIO OPERATION: 1. Press the [ LU] button to turn ON the unrt 2 Press the [MODE] button on the speaker or on the remote control repeatedly untrl the FM rndrcatorturns GREEN. 3 Press the !« tvotc] or [»I NOL] button on the speaker orthe remote control to tune down/up through radro statrons 4 To scan to the next avarlable statton, press and hold the [DH/KAN] or [FM/SCAN] button tor one rull second and release, S Press the [FM SCAN] button on the remote control to search all avarlable stattons Press rt agarn to stop on a statron on store preset radto stattons rn FM Mode a Tune to the statron you want to save, b Press and hold a numerlc button [or 3 seconds on the remote control to store the statron c Numbers between 1 and 9 may be used, For example, rtyou press and hold ”1"then you wlll have programmed "Statlon 1" NOTE To enhance radro receptron abrlrty, rully unwrnd and extend the FM antenna wrre loCated On the beCk of the Spea ker AUXILIARY PLAYBACK 1 Plug one end otthe rncluded 3 5 mm Auxlllary cord to the headphone rack on your devrce 2 Plug the other end orthe 3 s mm Auxrlrary cord rnto the Auxrack on the top otthe speaker 3. Press the [0] button to turn ON the unrt 4 Press the [MODE] button on the speaker or the [MODE] button on the remote control repeatedly untrl the AUX rndrcatorturns GREEN. 5 Use your devlce's audro controls for musrc playback NOTE You cannot use the speaker controls tor audro playback whrle the deyrce rs plugged rnto the Auxtack BLUETOOTH PAIRING & LINKING OPERATION: 1 Keep yourTower Speaker and Eluetooth enabled devrce wrthrn 3 reet or each other durrng the parrrng process 2 Press and hold the [LU] button toturn ON the unrt, 3 Press the [MODE] button on the speaker or the [MODE] button on the remote control repeatedly untrl the Bluetooth rndrcator Rashes GREEN The Bluetooth rndrcatorwrll remarn GREEN when parrrng ls suCCessful. NOTE Flashlrlg Green Palrlng Mode SOIId Green You are COnneCted to the Bluetooth devlce lfyou would llke to use a new Bluetonth devrce wIth the speaker, you must unparr the speaker trorn your devrce usrng your devrce's Bluetooth menu lryou power on the speaker when rt rs unparred, the next trme you turn the speaker on the Bluetooth rndrcator wlll rlash Green whrch means rt rs rn parnng mode 4—» wtthrn steet 4 Set your mobrle phone or other Bluetooth enabled devrce to searCh tor Bluetooth devrces saunas Rluvmath Blue'ant'r 0 w urcts at not cannccred 1 oncx azvrccs s when the devrce finds the Tower Speaker, connrm by selectrng SBT] 004 from the Ilsl tVAless (e B luetooth On parred devrces Q saTl 004 AvatI-ble devtoes BLU ETOOTH PAIRING (cont'd) o Select”PaIr”to connect theTower Speakerto your aluetooth enabled devlce. Bluetonth: Enabled Parred Devrces SBT1 004 9‘ Enter numerrc passkey torSBTIODA noon Enter paSsCOde"tlllllll"lfpromp:nd bythc dcvrce 7 Your Bluetooth enabled devrce wlll connrm that the parnng was completed, and prompt you to accept the connectron Please respond YES to connect the Tower Speaker to your Bluetooth enabled devrce llufluuth: Enabled Parretl Devrces SET1004 Accept connectron rooucst rrorn SBT‘IOOA 7 W/Cl :kt'llx agarr 8 when attemptlng to reconnect the Tower Speakerto your Bluetooth enabled devrce, you may see the message below, and your Bluetcoth devrce wlll prompt you to accept the connecuon request to the 53mm speaker, and an optlon not to askthrs agatrt. Please accept the connectron, and tryou select "Don’t askthrs agaln", your Bluetooth devrce wlll automatrcally accept tuture connectron requests trom yourTower Speaker, Bluetooth: Enabled Parred Devrces SBT1004 Confirm (thcttlon to SBTIDDA /:] PLAY MUSIC FROM BLUETOOTH DEVICES: Make Sure the Bluetooth Connectlon between the Speaker and the Bluetooth enabled devtce rs actlve. (see Bluetooth palnng & Irnklng operatronl 1 Press the [ >ll] button tO pause the mustc Press the [>ll ] button agatn to resume play 2 Press the [»t NDLt] button tosktp forward tothe next track and the ll“ NOLs] button to skrp backward to the prevrous track. 3 Press the [VOL+NOLc] buttons On the speaker or the [Jr/s] buttons on the remote control to ad]ust volume level wrthrnz teet LEGAL INFORMATION READ (‘AREEL'LLYAXD KEEP THIS MANUAL Caucrorr Any changes or modl‘ltatlons not expressly approved could vord the user s authorrty to operate t'Ie eourpmen: Thrsdcvrcc cornplrcstvrth Partrs orthe FCC Rules Opcrdtlon rs subycct tO the rollotvrno two condrtrons r’T‘, Thl\ Elm/InV may not tdLlSt‘ hurrrlltll lntt‘rlt’rvnttl, and (2', thrs cevrcc must accept arty lPtcrfchth rOCL‘IVOd, rncludrnq Interference that may cause undersrred operatron \‘utc Thrs c-ourpmerrt has been tested and round to complywrth the lrrnrts for a class B drorcal devrce, pursuant to part 1 S orche FCC Rules These lrrnrts are detrgrred to provrde retlsttrlrxble- pratec t on agarntt harmrul rnterrerence rn a resrdcntral rnstallatron Thrs equrpment qcrluratC-S uses and can radrate radro treguency energy and, rtnot rnstalled and used rn accordance wrth The lrlStrtICc Zlorls, rnay cause harrntul rnlerlerenre to rule cornmunrcatrorrt dowever, there rs no guarantee that IIItL‘rturCIILC‘ WIII nOt OCCUr Ill .1 paltltular Ihstdllt‘rtlon It thls egurpment does cause harmtul rnterterence to radro orcelevrsron receptron, vrhrch can be- dezerlhlth-‘d by Iurnlrlg the eourprnent ott and on the user I: encouraged to :ryto correcttho rntcrrorcncc by one o~ more o‘thc tollowrng measures -Reorrent or relocate the recervrng antenna - Increase the separatron between the eourpment and reterver -Connectthe ecrurpment rnto an outlet on a crrcttrt d Rerent [Ian that to \Vhlth the retelver ls conhetled . Consult the dealer or an experrenced rad orTVtechnrcran tor help LIMITED WARRANTY .p, Days;tl \xauaaty In the unlrkely eventthat :hrs product rs detectrve, or does not pertorm properly, you may wrthrrr nlllcty Igor clays trom your orrgrrral date or purC'IaSC return ItTO the authorrzed serv cc ccvrtov ror rcparr Or cXCharqu TtrtlrsTtIR \‘t.\RRr’\\TY SlRVIt l, n (all tho Customer support number located below, or go to our websrte portal to re erve an SRO number - Provrde proororthe date or purchase tvrthrr the package ldatod brll ol sule‘r . Prepay clll yhrpp rIg costs to the dttlhurl/e-d Se-erte- te-rllv', and remember to rnsure your return . lrrclude a return Shlpplng address rno PO Boxes], a telephone contact nu'rloer, and the defeCthe Lmlt Wlthlrl the package - Oascrrbo the dorm or reason you arc rteurrrrng the product Your product wrll be rcparred or rcplacod, at Our optrorr, tor the Sdml‘ or srrrrrlar medal or equal value rt Oxamlnatlnn by the servrce center deterrnrnet thrs product ls detectrve Products recerved damaged as a result otshrpprno wrll regurre you to file a clarm tvrth the carrrer Tho shrpprng address orthc» authorlzvd sortrrcc» contar rs a Cutlmrlt’r Svrvrct» ant so tr’o Southern lelecorn 400 kenneoy Drrve Brooklyn, Nv 11232 Should you have any ouestrons or problems concernrng thrs product, please contact our customer servrce department at Customer Support fi Phonv 1427745343481 N'londdyckrlday 8AMc‘lOPll/ll'LSll g wwwsouthcrntclccorn com Clrtk on ”PruduCt Support' \‘trtlrurly sun'lt‘c nut prm rtlccl ThlS warranty does Pot cover damage resultrng tram accrdent, ~n suse, abuse, rrnproper rnstallatron or operatron, lack or reasonable care, and unauthorrzed modrhcatran Thrs warranty rs voldcd In the event any undutho'lzvd person opcns, dlfcrs Or robarrs thrs product All products bt‘lnq rvtLlrnvd to thtV authO'l/vd serltc ((‘Yltt‘r [or rt'pulr rr'uS: b0 surtably packageo errtatron otWarranty ~ THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE IS THE OVLV WARRANTV APPLICABLE IO lHIS Pllmbtl All OlHFRttlARRANlIFS, FXPRFSSOR IMPI er [INCLUDIRO ALL IMPLILDWARRAN IILS OI MLRt HAN lAbLIl v OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE l IEREBV DISCLAI NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY AIT, INC ITS ACEATS, OR EMPLOVEES SHALL CREATE A CUARANTV OR IN Alw WAV INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTV ~R:PAR 0R REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDERTI IISWARRANTV IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER AIT, INC SHALL NOT BE LIARLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESbLTINO FROM THE USF OF THIS PRODUCTOR ARISING OUT ’ ARV BREACH OF ANY IrxPRFSs OR IMPI IH)WARRAN [Y ON IHIS PRODUE I lHIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITEDWARRANTVAR: CrOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW VORK EXCEPTTO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANV IMPLIED WARRANTVOF MERCHARTIRILITVOR FITVESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUC I IS I IMII H) I0 l—IE APPI [[AtSl t WARRAN l v PcRIOD Stl I ORI H ABOVE Some states do not allow the exClItSlOn nor lrrnrtatron otrncrdental or consequerrtral damages, or Il'natlons On hotv long an rrnplred warranty lasts to tht‘ abpvo Irmrtatrorrs on oxtltlSlorlS may not upply to you Thrs warranty grves you spa-t rnc legal ~rghtt, and you also may have other nghts thdtvdry from state to state r .r ,rr., rtr strr urrr ,r r .,r r r. rrctrrr rrrnr
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