CIS Technology WS-5614HSM User Manual 35489
CIS Technology Inc 35489
Installation and Operation USER’S GUIDE WS-SIiMIISM(G) / WS-5614HM M(G) gontentg Section One: Introduction 1.1 Modem Compatibilily .................................................... 1 Section Two: Installing The Modern 2.1 Unpacking Your Mndcm ................................................ 2 2.2 Modem lnslallation 2.2.1 Hardware lusialintion . 2.2o21ack Connections 2.2.3 Selling Up Modem Uudcr Windows 98 / OSRZ A 2.2.4 Checking Modem Functionality 2.2.5 Corrccling " Can't Open Port" Message ......................... ll Section Three: Installing and Configuring Communication Soitware 3.1 Accessing the Pux/Voicerpcakphone Functions 12 3.2 Using Your Modem .. ._ 12 3.3 Where To Go From11cre ........................................... l} Secllon Four: Troubleshooting Communication Software 14 4.1 Modem does not respond to commands ............................. 4.2 Modem dials, but docs not counccl .. 14 4.3 Modern makes a connect, hul no data appears on your screcn, 14 4.4 Morlcxn experiences cums while unlinc wilh a minute mudcm..15 4.5 Modem exhibits poor voice record or playback .................. 15 Section Five: AT Command Set 5.1 Executing Commands ........................................... 5.2 Command Format . 53 AT Commands Section Six: S Register Summary Semion One - lntmduclion Your new Sokbps modum is n high speed I’(‘ Lolllllllllllkilllull miiplicm! llml mmbmcs Dunn Fm. Voice. S|xx|kcr|>lmnc l'unmons into a singlw (lmicc This high pcxi’onnnncc modem connects wnr computer lo nl‘ mpnlur modems and ln\' nnnllincs mailulrlr link!) This nunmnl prmidcs inslallnlion mid opcmlmg inslmcllnns (or yonv mmkm Alm inglmlul in Him mnmml mu Ilslimw mnl ilcsulplions of Ho smndnrd A'l' wnmumd scl. ‘ rcglslcn. auid lronh .l|onli||g lips Bc ccrlnm lo rend St’t'fiflll Tim - Installing Ilw Madam lhunmglil) bcforc pcrforminr, Illc nclunl ingnllnlion. Our customer support experience hns slionn illnl many coslly and lime-consuming calls can be avoided “illl closer allcnlion lo “IO mslnllauon information pro‘idcd 11ch, 1.1 Modem Compatibility Your modem is oompnliblc with the following standards -V 90 (56Kl7ps download slremn only) -K56 flex (Sokbps download stream only) ‘V 34+ (33600 bps) 'V.34(28300 bps) -v 311715 (14401! bps) - v 32 (9600 bps) ' v.23 (I 200/75 bps) -V,22bis (2400 bps) - v.22 (12430 bps) -v,21 (m0 bps) -Bcll 212A (1100 bps) -Ecll 103 (300 bps) - V,I7 (14400 bps FAX) 'V.29 (9600 bps FAX) rV.27lcr (4800 bps FAX) - V 2| (‘lianncI-Z (300 bps FAX) - V 42his(d:1l:| compression) -MNI’ 5 (data compression) - TlA/EIA 602 AT Command sci - V.8 Sum—up sequence -V.80(Vidco Ready mode) -V 8 bis Sum-up sequence - TlA/ElA57Z Class Fm command Se! vPlug and Play PCI Spec. VLOa -TlA/EIA 695 Voice command "“ WS-5614 HMM(G) is H Rockwell based Data Fax Modcm *" WS-5614 H SM(G) is a Rockwell based modem willl Voice Functions ‘VAZ (mor myrrwiion) -MNP 2-4 (error correction) fl)” —» cum ff/VI (Cr) Seclion Two — Installing The Modern [his scumn nplninr. how in cnnrlccl yuur nrmlcm ln your cmnputcr 2.1 Unpacking Your Modem ill miriillull (u llrix nurmml. your nrmioln pack cmrixnrrs llrc firllowing llcnrt -()nc modem 'MOLlcm sulln'mc A l’, disc -0nc srrflware nmniml ‘Onc lclcphnnc cable 'Vrricc sncki‘l Bruckcl (WS—SOMI |SM(G)) NOTE: Contact yrmr dealer rl nny all/re nlrove llerrrs are nn‘ssmg from your package 2.2 Mndem Installation The following steps provide inslruclions for inslnlling your lirodcin. 2.2.1 Hardware Installation CAUTION: Belore removing llle cover from your columnar, mm of! and unplug {he computer and all attached peripherals Discharge any slallc electricity lrum your body by touching any melal surface before lcrnoving llm modem Imnr ils nrrlislnlic bag 1 Turn all and unplug your computer lrom the AC outlet 2. Remove the conrpuler's cover according to ils owner's manual 3, Select any available PCI bus slot 4. Remove the brackel and save the screw 5 Carelully inserl the modern inlo the selected slol Apply even pressure until [he modem is firmly sealed. 6. Secure Ihe bracket With the screw saved earlier Slore Ihe bracket lor lulure use. 7 Replace the ccmpuler cover and p|ug in your computer - ” Reconnect all cables I ll Conner?! llle lelr‘phmm (inhle inlo the modem‘s "LINE" conneclor (see Figure 2-2)t Attach the olher end into the telephone wall jack, 9 Connect the sound jacks between MODEM and your . Sound Card or the brackel ‘" ‘ provided with the package \ Of Sour-dune l w» z 2 Please carefully read your Sound Card User's Manual for connectnr pin assign- ment 01 Sound Card um mmplctm tttc mtmmt modem insmittumt NOTE: ' The back of yourmadem should look like Figure 2—2. 2.2.2 Jack Connectlcns Snund Jacks Ifyuu pmcimctt WS-SGMIISMlG) VUICL' Mom-1M, yuu can me an vntcc finictiuns through telcpliunu handset (telephone set connection is not allowed in some cmlllll‘ics. 'l Ilctcfutc, pltuncjztck cmincttinn is not leflikllflc for some country versions ), sound jacks on MODEM card Or sound jacks on sound cald. Please refer to fig 24 for pin assignment. I. Lincoul 2. Ground 3. Ground 4. Lincin 2.2.3 Selling Up Modem Under Windows 98 I OSERZ ‘l'his lulcrnal mmlmn cumulus the Plug and Play fczmnc II nllmw ynur mmmmfl |n «at Ilvc uplmml muliuumlinu l’m llm mmlmn mul mmnmnimlimv ~u|l\\l||c uuluumlwall}. NOTE: Check your vars/on of Wlm‘lnws 96 / USER? by looking H1 "Slali" ,.~ "Scll‘llrgs" J ”(Tunllul Panel" 2‘ "System" a "General" PARTA of the installation is (or WEB (mnduws 98 versron 410.7998) only PART B oil/19 lnslnllallon ls (or OSRZ (VV/ndows 95 Version 4 00 9505) only, ZEART ALWJ “5!ng EMEISLOJLA. 1,0 L19,98) ‘Go to Part B if you have OSRZ A Windmv§®95 mflucm lhlvcr diskclle labeled will! "VVS-SGHHMMGF) Modem Driver" Or "WS»5614HSM((;) Modem Driver" was provided wilh Illc modem. Please follow the procedure below to install xhe modem driver: 1 Tum ON compuler power alley compleling hmdware iuslallallon 2; Wix\dows‘“‘98 will automalically delecl {he Plug and Play mudem and display a message under New Hardware Found as shown below. man aw an nu mm m mddt mum.“ a manta-nu tau—am; mm. mm «mm huff-“h mum-«am- llwm-flummmcwwwm maxim llnwmmlMMKqumlw-n Madamrmm,mmnm 3, Next, insert dvsk }abe\ed ”Modem Driver (ID—ROM" in CD—ROM Drive. [hen dick “Nexl”. Cllck "Next" r finflnlivddnmmxmnumz m“ “mum".mmm Click "Next" wmnrlnnhhmawwmlmmdsmu My» mm nummelmnd-zmd mm mnuwmwm Select “CD- r‘ mm». mm ,, . r: minim ROM Dnve, m, r Macaw/munch then press r Shednbcm "Next" F —__| (Bad um um wmmvb-zuhhfima Rummkmmmau Mamkm‘uqlo-«thnmwuvuv- Click "Next" m mammmmmnfim link“ “a.“ [gamma gumsuww Chck "Finish" Se‘ect the country you need, then Press "OK" w Mn N aw. whmd mum Wham-“ Wm pm mm mm»: mm m m m ms».- ..(e um Madam Eounhy sul t Emma REF 56K by. Van Pu Modem misled mam xflccilhewmnyiwdldmn Mm w] be mad Szkclifllcmnyomulhmm=mnvfiemwm cwvmwkwflwcmnwmmlfl w cwflwed |v a wav m mu“ m; idem-unmar- mwlmnm 01 my «any h mm w- mdem may m "mm mmw a w. (medcmiw selecnmi: m mods Elviy wind “we cmnty n mu, m m Inn-led saw 5 cm“, 4. Proceed to Section 22.4. BARKB (OSR2 Windowsjlfi yersion 41.00.9508) A WindowsWS modem driver diskeuc labeled W|lh ”\VS-5(vl4HMM(G) Mndcm Driver" rxr "WS—SGNHSMKE) Modem Driver" was provided with lhc modem. Nmsc folknv the procedure hcluw In insml| Ihc modem driver I Turn ON computer power after completmg hardware mstallation 2 OSRZ wrll automaticafly detect the Plug and Play modem and display a message under Update Device Driver VWzard menu as shown below v». mm. We u. “um.” Pu s-u um. wm-mem mm nun-m mi.- u Ire-mums! a»... "mm-Hunt m Mm—flhhme. Chck "Next' "“‘"‘°" hhmmnwuwm mm“ was... rmm Mun-mun“. nymph“ Duvnwmm Mummmo-q-ddmmmn- a“, uummum En...“ lywmlnmwrtmmkkl'm. Milk/mime mag.- rdywlmllnnmflwlu "aw-n m, MWfiAlfi-«mnm rmuuw Click "Finish" 1 Next, insert CDVROM in CD»ROM Drive . (hen dick “0K" Q MMWMWWMMMMM Click "OK" 4. Copy files from: Please lype the letter 0! Drive you selecled, then press “OK" L'ollvmg mu II! magma mi mMMfik-laldm Duk ‘ _ MW“ l'_-1~_1 Camel mmwmslnuamm mlhe am ——I Cllck "0K" Maugham films Wm,“ M [m-Hfl M 5. Select the counm/ you need, (hen press “OK". Hummusunnmruwmnu Wl-xdsdhwflyhfikhflnmfihwzd Sdeulmnmwmmlmmnufixhwm ammlwdzdwwlszwmlnbccwlwed n-mwwuxmmm mmmulucw InadFIwwalnmdem-ta/mllmclmwmyile WMMsMM 1mm“ MnMwu-m Click "OK" 6. Proceed in Section 2.14. 2.2.4 Checking Modem Functionality 1 Sum Windows 95 ==> Chck “Slarl' :=> “Settings" —=> "Modem“. => “Control Pane|" a: mm mm BEE [l‘ S‘” Y“ 5&1 Ti] 35 r ‘ 997.9 mm 9 m, w“ M9 mm mm Mm. 99 a a; .:9 9 Q "3 99: 29 33? Ex 93 a 9 9 PM m, m 2 Click “General" and highlight "Rockwell HCF 56K Data Fax PCI Modern ' as shown below an“ \ Dwauvslnxl Q2; lenlwruvwdmk ue “a w mmamwu. [4:99 59me Madam A“ “M W ‘Dti‘zndmmn ~ — ‘ Dkiw hm Dela-l annlm Uu Dining Pym m may had you Lek am dahd nah-g movie! 3. Click “Dlagnosiirj‘ and Illghlighl [he demgualed COM as shown be‘aw Click “More Info 0." and [he syslem ww|l communicate wnn the modem, Gav-ad Diavmliw \ wmm 4mm live Ivbwmv mu, m m lastly NNM mg Maw mm alum m Mm mm hmuz “mm-“mum vakwal Ncr sex 0m mm Madam Chck " More Info " m mm — m mm W m “am as- umr us "mm uiva SM “5x aw Click " 0K " MkmlWiSfil‘a‘lleMukr-n um.“ mstcmm Own-d HUN“: . Am a; mz on An: 212m? M‘Il nmmuwwwuu PU Mn. ANS m __ ‘ Ans WHWM \ ANS van smmwvevzq ‘ cVLmMVuZS j Iflhcre is no error message, then your modem is set—up properly and is funclional. I0 ”you have |I|c error message “Couldn‘t Open l‘ull", please follow the imuuclions in Secliun 2.2.5. Couldn't open poll 2.2.5 Correcting “Can’t Open For!" Message 1 Click “Start" “Settings" ==> "Control Panel” ==> "Add/Remove" and selecl “Rockwell HCF 56K Modem", than cllck “Add/Remove . " Ada/Nam“: Pmmmvu Plnprllrnl an mum-mm! Wm sum Slakn pm $51” u mmlumplwan ham ; Wavydnk m mRDM J a‘m, zulmlal [man 44 1mm xAlwaecmhewm-‘mnlymcdb, 1: vim: 1mm”: . wows" u lumodlyk mum mum, mm a hum me m m an mm m mum Click" YES .. g) Mmmnmlumm-dwwwmduhmn a, 2 Restart Windows 95 and 1ollow the insuucfions slanmg from Section 2.2.2 I] Section Three - |nsta|ling and Configuring Communication Software NOTE: lllSltl" (he ctilllllllllill'nlmn softwalt' llCtIllltIlllll to llle soltwaro user’s manual Be certain that your sollware is configured to communicate Wll/l the modem on llle some COM port and IRQ line used by the modem You may be prompted hy the software to configure ccnrtin communication parameters Wc suggest tho followim‘sy settings: Baud rate: I |5,200 lips Data bits: 8 Parity: Nonc Stop bit: I FimvConll‘oi' INS/CTS lmlialilfllitln slring !\T&F Select a Rockwell modem type if prompted by your dttm communications software, Select Generic Class 1 or Rockwell modem typc when prompted by your Fax or Voice soflwntc 3.1 Accesslng the Fax l Voice l Speakerphone Functions ‘I he Fax. Voice, Speakerphone and DSVD functions (ifyonr modem are application driven and inc accessed only through application soltware. Cur-urn your software manual rt‘gnrding procedures on using these [call us. 3.2 Using Your Modem Common modem functions (i.e. dialing, file transfer, faxing) are performed by using communication soflwate in conjunction with the modem. NOTE: The communication software included with your modem provides a user ln'endly into/lace [or all common modem lunctlons and should be sufficient [or all of your communication needs The modem may also perform basic communication functions (such as dialing) via the AT commands. A list and description of all AT commands appear in Section Five. Since the communication software is designed to shicld the user from the difficult and cumbersome AT commands, We strongly suggest that all modern operations be pcrformcd via the software. 12 3.3 Where To Go From Here Ifyml have ditficlilttcs gutting your modem In work, IL‘ild Satin" Fruit (0 (“mil infinmfltiuil as wet! n< amwcrs In mmmmny mm queuinm and prublcins cmtu‘ining the C(\||\||Il|l|iL‘i|liHll sullwmc. fluclmnc live lllmugli ‘lcn contain reference material (AT commands. S-ieg, tcr. and Result-codex etc.) and can be skipped. NOTE: It is lmportant that you Iamllianze yourself With the [motions available from the included software by reading 115 manual (you may also use any other commercially available communication soliware). The software manual Includes detailed inlonnatiun an all common modem functions 13 Section Four - Troubleshooting Communication Software Your nitnlciii is designed to provide icliiiblc rind troiililc»t’rcc service. Should you experience any difficulty. however, the information contained in this section will assist you in determining and resolving the source of the difficulty if you cannot resolve your difficulty after reading this clinptCr. COnUtCI your dealer or vendor for assistance. 4.1 Modem does not respond to commands. 1.Make sure the modem is not configured with a conflicting COM port and IRQ setting . It another device in your system is also configured as the same COM port, it will not work, Similarly, IRO settings may not overlap. 2.Make sure the communication software is configured with the correct cOM and IRQ settings (same COM port and ma line as the modern). Your communication software Will not be able to send-to and receive- irom your modem any data it it does not have the correct COM and lRQ settings of the modem. 3.Make sure the modem is property initialized by the communication soflware. Your modem may have been improperly initialized by the software because you have selected an incorrect modem type. Select "Rockwell" modem type in your data communication software (select "Generic class 1" and "Rockwell" in your Fax software. respectively ). Vou may also be prompted to enter an initialization string by the soltware. Use ATE-F as your initialization string. 4. It you are running Microsoft@ Windows 95, make sure that the modem is properly configured in Windows (see Section 2.2.2) 4.2 Modem diais, but does not connect. t.Make sure the COM port setting is identical on both the system and the software. 2. Make sure the phone line is working properly, A noisy line will prevent proper modem operation. 4.3 Modem makes a connection, but no data appears on your screen. ' 1.Meke sure all communication parameters (baud rate. data. stop, and parity bits) are properly configured and identical on both sides. Be certain hardware flow control (RTS/CTS - delault) is enabled in both the modern and the communication soltware. I4 2 Press lhe ENTER key several limes. The remole syslem may be wailing lo receive your dala belore ll begins 3 Make sure [he oorrecl lerminal emulation mode is being used in the soflware (reler to soilware manual) 4.4 Modem experiences errors while online with a remote modem. 1 Make sure Call Waiting is lurned off. 2 Make sure RTS/CTS hardware flow control is enabled. Do nol use XON/XOFF soltware flow control when transferring binary 3 Make sure the data speed is no! faster than your computer's capability. Mosl IBM compalibles are capable of 19.200bps under DOS and Windows 3 x Operating at higher speeds under Windows 95 requires a faster CPU (Penlium 100MHz or beller). 4.5 Modem exhibits poor voice record or playback. 1. Make sure Ihe correct modern lype is selected in lhe Voice/Fax suflware. Use "Rockwell“ or similar selection Do not select "Cirrus Logic" or "Lucent". 2. Make sure your computer is fast enough In handle voice operations (38,4Kbps). Voice operations are CPU inlensive and require a Pentium 100MHZ or belief CPU when running urrder MS Windows 95 15 Section Five - AT Command Set 5.1 Executing Commands Your modem is in Command Mode upon power—on and is ready I0 receive and execute “AT” commands The modem remains in Command Mode until it makes a coniicclion with a remote modem (‘uminands may be sent to the modem from an attached terminal or a PC running a communication program This modem is designed to operate at common D'IE speeds ranging fiom llS.2Kb]is to 300mm. All commands and data must be issued to the modem using one oftlic valid UTE speeds 5.2 Command Format All commands must begin with the AT prefix, followed by the command icltcr and ended Willi ilie ENTER key. Spaces are allowed in the command string to increase command line readability, but are ignored by the modem during command execution All commands may be typed in either upper or lower caste but not mixed. A command issued without any parameters is considered as specifying the same command with a parameter of“0“, Example: ATL [ENTERI This command causes your modem to lower its speaker volume. 5.3 AT Commands All default settings are printed in bold text. Command Funct'gn A Answer incoming call Al Repeat Lasl command [ENTER] Dn 0-9.A>D,#Bnd' Radial last number Pulse dial Tone dial Wail tor second dial tone Pause wall in! 5 seconds of silence Hash ‘ return to Command made after dialing E0 Command echo disabled E1 Command echo enabled 54a:- .4®< I6 ¢+¢ x3 X4 ECO $01 600 E01 ED! AF APO &Pl Escape diameters—switch lrom Data Mode to Command Mode Modem un-nouk (hang-up) Modem oil-nook (make busy) Repull ldentificalian iulormatlon UFO-7) Speaker OFF LOW speaker volume Medium speaker vulume ngh speaker volume Speaker always on Speaker on unlll carrler detected Speaker always on Speaker all during dlalmg‘ on unlll carrier detected Return lo Data Mode Initiale a retrain and retum lu Data Made Pulse dial Result code enabled Result code disabled Read S-reglsterr Relel to Chapler 710! details Sel S-regisler r to value n Relerlo Chapter 7 for delalls Tune dial Numeric responses Text responses Enables CONNECT result mde only Dial tone and busy detection are disabled Same as X0 plus all CONNECT responses/Mind dlallng Enables all CONNECTresult code Dial [one delecllnn is enabled, but busy detection is disabled Enables all CONNECT resutt code [7d lure detection is disabled. But Busy deleclion is enabled Enables all CONNECT result code. DIaI tune and busy detection am both enabled Reset and recall wnflguratinn pmlile Carrier detect always ON Turn on CD when remote carrier Is present DTR signal ignored Modem relurn lo Command Mode afier DYR tuggle Modem hangs up and utum (0 Command Mode afier DTR toggle Load lactory delaull configuration profile 59! pulse dlal to STA/617.1 makelbreak ratlo @ 10 pps Set pulse dial lo 33%/67% make/break ran‘o @ 10 pps I7 6p? APJ &V &W ¢MS=B,b.c‘d.e,l tMR=0 ~MR=1 tES=ath.c Set pulse dial to sewer-st, make/break ratio @ zn pps Set pulse drel to syn/em make/break ratio @ zo pps Report currenl cwnftgllratlcn and stored profile Store current curlltgurallcn Select Modulation Parameter a speclltes the modulation protucul as 8103, 5212. V21 N22. V225, VZGCs V32, V325‘ V34 ctr K56FLEX, W0 Parameler b specrnes automode onemtrorr,vmre 0 = automode disabled, 1 = automode enabled Parameter c specifies the lowest transmil speed (or connection, Parameter d Speclfles lite hlghesl transmit speed (at connection Parameter e specifies the lowest receive speed (or connectlun. Parameter l specrlies the highest receive speed for connecllon. The detail“ is +MS=V90, 1‘ 75, 33600. 75. 56000 Modulation connection reporting disabled Modulation connection reporting enabled Select error control and synchronous access mode Parameter a specrtres tlte mmal requested mode when modem oliglnales a all, where 0 : initrete call with direct mode 1 : tnitrate call wrtlr normal mode 2 = initiate call with V 42 wtllioul detection phase 3 : initiate call with v 42 with detection phase 4 iniilale Call with MNP mode 6 = initiate call wittl v 80 synchronous access mods Parameter b specifies the acceptable Iallbaok mode wnen modem origlnetes a cell. where 0 = LAF‘M. MNP or normal mode 2 = LAPM or MNP mode 3 = LAPM made only 4 : MNP mode only Parameter r; specifies the acceptable fallback mode when modem answers a call or specifies V so synchronous access mode where l = Normal mode 2 = LAPM, MNP or normal mode 4 = LAPM or MNP mode 5 = LAPM mode Only 5 = MNP mode only I8 a : answer call with vao synchronous access mode The deraun Is +ES= Error cuntrol reporting abled Error Eonlrui repurting enabled Select data ccmpression parameter Farameter a specifies the desired direction of data compression, where 0 = data compression disabled 1 = both direction data compression enabled Parameter b specifies whether or not Ihe modem whether or not the modem should oorrlrnue to operate “the resu|1 is not oblained, whsre 0 = don't discounted Parameter c specifies the maximum number or drcllanary entnes 19 Section Six - 8 Register Summary Your mndem has 16 registers, designated 50 “trough 889. Table 6-I shows the registers, their I‘uncliuns, and their licrllllll values. Sumo registers can have their values changed by commands, If you use a command to change a register value, the cmmnand remains in effect until you tum offer reset your modem. Your modem lhen reverts to the operating characteristics specified in its nonvolatile memory. Refer to Section Five for information on how to use the AT commands to mantpulale the S registers. NOYE: The default value and range a! some S- regislers listed below could vary WIN] country. Table 6»! S - Registers Register Fungt’gu Rangelunigg Edam: so Auto-answer Ring 0255 lrings 0 51 Ring counier 0-255 lrings 0 $2 Escape code character 0-255 IASCII 43 53 Carriage relum character 0-127 [ASCII 13 54 Line feed character O—1Z7IASCII 10 S5 Backspace character 0-32‘127 (ASCII 8 SG Dial lone wail time 2-255 [seconds 2 S1 Remote earner wait time 1-255 [seconds 50 SB Comma pause time 0255 [seconds 2 S10 Carrier loss lime 1-255ID.1 second 14 511 Touch-tone dialing speed 50-255 [milliseconds 95 S12 Escape character guard time 0-255 [002 second 50 20 Section Seven - Result Code Summary 0K RING ERROR NO DIALTONE NO ANSWER DELAYED FAX ‘FC ERROR mmamo 24 33 +F4 CONNECT NO CARRIER CONNECT 1200 E BUSY CONNECT xxxxx' BLACKLISTED DATA NOTE: ‘ Forx1, x2 , x3 and x4 the modem send (his result code when (he DTE speed is xxxxx bps 2] “mu—x 10 32 35 Section Eight - Specifications Modulation ski: v.90, K56flex, V341», v.34, v.32bis, V,32‘ v.29. VA27ler, V,22bis‘ v.23, V.22‘ v.21, v.17. Bell 212/ 103‘ Compression: v.42bis. MNP Class 5 Error Correction v.42, MNP Ciasses 2-4 FAX Group: Group III FAX Command: TIA/EIA 578 class 1 Transmri level: 412 dBm +l- 1 dB (vary with country) UART 16550 compatible Power: .75 W max Temperature: 0 lo 55 degrees C, operating; -20 lo 50 degrees C, non-operating Wwwwwwwmwsunmwwrm znronmrzcm r»: w Law mumeuuuuuuuuu EHLS ccmolidi 4gzn ;a:c L} at zne rCL one. u the fetidwinu 1L) a ceuse hAtmfuL lg| \ccegt An? lnte , an‘uuLn; inhe CJHSG unue5ireq QDETAELQT‘N NOTE. This equipment hAs been tested And und Le comp _ with 115 Limila :ur a Ciass a digiza x ce. Fursant ts Fat: 15 of the FCC mules. xnese Limits signed to provide reasanabie ptetecZLJO ' harm ter: » in a seeidenziai ins:aiie2i equipm eretes, uses and can re iate reuia Ere energY a ' not Lus:a_ied and used in acccrfilnce with :he Lnstruc ma :ause narmzui interference cc radio .i:&:L0nS~ ‘ there ee lna: interferen articular ' this equipmen: fe“en:e to re isicn recegtion ed bv turning : off and on an ry to correct rence by one or asures: --Recrient <-Inc:ease equipment and receiver. equipment incc an outiet on a circuit -—Ccnnect the from tnac to which the receiver is connected‘ different __Ccnéult the dealer er an experienced radio/TV technician for helg. Tiis beekiet is available from the US government Printing 0 *washington, DC 20402, Stock N0. 004-000-003+‘-4~ H. CAUTION: Any changes of modifications not expreseiy 3PDPOVed by the grantee of this device could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:29 12:04:04 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 35489.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:29 12:04:06-04:00 Page Count : 25EXIF Metadata provided by