COMISO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY C8S Wireless speaker User Manual


User manual

Download: COMISO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY C8S Wireless speaker User Manual
Mirror Download []COMISO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY C8S Wireless speaker User Manual
Document ID3951551
Application IDTILbaKCrNrLX3QepQZUDBA==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize208.7kB (2608723 bits)
Date Submitted2018-08-04 00:00:00
Date Available2018-08-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-07-13 17:53:08
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2018-07-13 17:53:08
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: 平面设计

cssfiflififlflfi meal)? RU“ :110*110MM IE:1509€|EHI§ZEECMYK @Elllal
Wireless 5 ea ker F“"c“°"“'°‘“9'am T“
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ay ause e—fi ON/OFF x Bl; aa-n gel rt-err dfi‘llntml‘lcttyalnpllnl‘t‘
CBSb'uemomSpeaKer Hal‘“""‘“¢"““"¢“°" " ulurmrl- w \exll,»narr r ZSllurtpms)‘ vbl 'uull Lt’ul'ullt‘o ulv
Instructlons ‘ ’ hurrah)“ , Fvevme‘wl marlmteassurulve alumna
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:reyrnrelrghtau rheotlrercne sell «lyllash
Adscyour ‘Il‘anttost‘awl‘ (x: Fmdran‘lrttlt
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rhespeakerrl» yeupress:rsrnarnspeaker
andrsrslcltrrdrwrltrc _ rarcanrtmnrrl
alumeduwn/PlevlnusSung . . Volunleup/Nextsollg
Wl‘c'l an urloresccanlr. chCptlor acct '5
please use we Resellllnc’tlon
_, llllll ‘M—lrlfi llllll'r‘
l—4 Volume up/Next Song
Volume dowll/Prevlous Song
Aux Poll
use Chamewfl Resellunrtlon
Exception handling Power supply Spemficatlon Cautlons&Warmngs Warranty Card
Situation 1: unable to search torcss Please full charge the speaker when you first uslng. Bluetooth version Actions v41 Lvlfigsnfiflrs’mfcfiflf ngl‘fgav'rillezmd”°° 5W" "95‘
Treatment methods'Long press the”Palrtunctlpn“keytor3 seconds, Please select the adapter lor 5V/2A. 9 9 9 - Name Gender
setthe Eluetooth speaker lntd palrlng mode and search agam Charge tlme ls about 34 hours ”W“ DCSV/ZA 2.00 NOT dlsassemblerdlsmantleJepalrmodlfyroperl,
Situation 2=Chargingtimeistoulong NOTICE. Powsmmpm 12Wx2 lnclneratepamtor lnsertlorergn boiecls lnto the speaker Tel Num Age
Treatment methods.Please selectthe Charglng cable Wlthoutappraval Such aclluhs may resultin damage
that comes wllh the Bluetooth speaker.
The adapters output capapllity not less than DCSV/ZA
The aluetddth speaker will autumatlcally s1arldby E
atte 3.7V 4400mAh
when dlscomlected with thecell phone more than 10mlnutes ry / 3 Do NOTexpose yourspeakertd extremely high er Place (”Purchase
The Bluetooth speakerrsnot ln usefora longtlmepleaseaharge Size 150'160mm lowtemperamres.
Thlsequipment has beentested and lourld to complywltll the llmlts the pmdunatleagtmueamonthm avold overdlscharge Weight 1 3kg A DONOTleaveyourspeakernearopenflames‘ DateofPurchase Produchode
foraClassBdlgltaldevlcer pursuantto Part1507the FCC Rules caused bydamagetolhebattery such ascocklng burnerscarldlesorllreplaces
These limlts are designed to provlde reasonable prolectlon agalnst ‘ Working temperature AS'C
harmful lnterference ln a resldentlal installatlon Thls equlpment mm" mmmmmplam“"me mmwi"bunw‘osimhmm 5 Do NOT make yourspeakerto be ln contactwrth Postcode Sale Num
generates uses and can radlate radlo lreouency energy and it not WW‘hebiuemmmmwmwwm W m be mlmd_ any sharp oblects ltcculd cause scratches and damage.
Installed and used ln accordance Wlth the lnstructlons. may cause
harmlul rnterlerence to radio communlcaliuns However. there is no
guarantee that rnterrerence will not occur in a parllcular lnslallalioh
lrthls eoulpment does cause harmlul interlerence to radlo or 59"” “lemm- Post Address
televlslon receptlon, whlch can be determined by turning the
equlprnent otland on, the user lS ehcauraged to try to correct the
interlerence by one or more otthe lollawirlg measures:
, Reorrent or relocate the Teceivlng antenna
ncrease the separatron between the eourpment and recerver
-- Connect the equlpment lnto an outlet on a clrcult dlllerent lrom that
to whlcll the Tecelver Is connected
-- Consult the dealer or an experlenced radlolTV technlclan for help
Changes or modlhcalidns not expressly approved by the parly
responslhle for compllance could void the user's authdrlty lo dperate , _
lheequipment. r \
6 llyou need to clean the speakerplease turn all the Pa” NW“
speakerand dlSCaneCl itwrth all external devlces
7 DO NOT use alcoholybenzene drothercllemlcals tu
cleanthe speaker
a llydurspeakerhas mallunctlon‘pleasetum to
prolesslonal personnelWrong operatlon mey lead
to damagetothe speaker
Dealer Stamp User slgnature

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 1
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Create Date                     : 2018:07:13 17:53:08+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2018:07:13 17:53:08+08:00
Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version
Author                          : 平面设计
Creator                         : CorelDRAW X7
Title                           : C8S中性说明书英文加FCC警告语.cdr
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: 2AEZG-C8S

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