CalAmp Wireless Networks RTU5 Remote Transmitter Unit RTU5 User Manual 4001 00XX SO RTU5 Operations Manual

LoJack Corporation Remote Transmitter Unit RTU5 4001 00XX SO RTU5 Operations Manual

Operations Manual

LoJack Confidential Proprietary
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Remote Transmitter Unit 5
Operations Manual
Author: V.Ricci
Date: May 22,2017
Revision#: "1"
Document ID: 4001-00xx-SO
Document Name: 4001-00XX-SO_RTU5_Operations_Manual.doc
RTU5 Operations Manual Revision: "1"
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Copyright 2017 by LoJack Corporation. All rights reserved. This document
contains proprietary information protected by copyright. This document is intended
for use by LoJack internal customers and should be disclosed within the
customer’s organization on a “need to know” basis. This document shall not be
reproduced by any means, stored on magnetic media, or made available directly
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should
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warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or
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Document History
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Original Development
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Table of Contents
Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Document History ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Table of Figures .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 1 About this Document................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Section 2 Maintenance User Interface (with PC connected via Serial Port) ......................................................... 7
2.1 Main Screen components .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Status Frame ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Verifying GPS functionality ................................................................................................................................ 9
Section 3 Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................................................................... 10
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Table of Figures
Figure 1 Local Interface, using SSH ........................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 RTU5 to Antenna Cable Options .................................................................................................................. 11
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Section 1 About this Document
1.1 Purpose
This document is intended to be used as a reference for users of the RTU5 software application.
This product is not intended to be sold in the consumer market.
It has been intended for use by only authorized personnel and
as such should be in a secure location to protect unauthorized
1.2 Scope
The scope of this document is restricted to the operation of the software interface of the RTU5.
Except for example purposes the actual hardware implementation of the system is beyond the scope
of this document.
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Section 2 Maintenance User Interface (
with PC connected via Serial Port
In standard operation, the remote mode RTU5 software is not intended to be operated with a display
screen permanently connected. However, a relatively simple display format has been included.
Figure 1 Local Interface, using SSH
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2.1 Main Screen components
2.1.1 Status Frame
The status frame reports the status of the various aspects of the RTU5.
1. Mod/PTT – [OK|BAD] the status of the Mod/PTT channel. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the Mod/PTT. A BAD status here could indicate an incorrect MODPTT
setting in the rtcconfig.cfg file.
2. DSP – [OK|BAD] the status of the DSP channel. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the DSP. A BAD status here could indicate an incorrect DSP setting in the
rtcconfig.cfg file.
3. GPS – [OK|BAD|N/A] the status of the GPS signal. A BAD status indicates a problem
communicating with the GPS. N/A will be displayed if no GPS is being used. The field will be
prefixed with an
if the built in GPS is being used.
4. Decoder - [OK|BAD|N/A] the status of the Decoder signal. BAD Status indicates a problem
communicating with the packet decoder. It will also indicate that a large number of garbled
MSK formatted messages have been received, in this case the error will clear itself once a good
packet has been received.
5. Fan - [OK|BAD] indicates the status of the RTU5 cooling fan. Referenced to the speed limits set
in the config file.
6. Receiver - [OK|BAD] the status of the uplink receiver. A BAD status here could also indicate an
incorrect UPLINK setting in the rtcconfig.cfg file.
7. Noise - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates an unacceptable noise level in the uplink receiver.
8. Access - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a problem with permissions accessing various system
resources such as the serial ports for the DSP, Decoder and Mod/PTT channels.
9. Assertion - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates that an internal software error has been detected.
10. Configure - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure processing the configuration file.
11. Logger - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure writing data to the condition logger.
12. Save - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a failure to write configuration data to the rtcconfig.cfg file after
a remote configuration has occurred.
13. TimeSynch - [OK|BAD] BAD indicates a TimeSynch (NTP) problem.
Note that when time synchronization is lost the timing of transmissions will become randomized.
14. System Temp – [OK|BAD] indicates the internal temperature of the RTU5 in reference to the
limits set in the config file.
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2.2 Verifying GPS functionality
Figure 2 GPS Time Display)
When looking at the debug screen you should see the time increment while the RTU5 is running.
There is a display entry that shows a time increment every second and next to that is an entry for the
number of satellites the RTU5 sees.
For example the lines below at 17:01:03 and17:01:04 in column 1, the text next to that {17:01:17 5
50 05 01 02.03 0255 1023} and {17:01:18 5 50 05 01 02.04 0255 1023}. The first part 17:01:17 and
17:01:18 are the GPS time ticks they should be incrementing every second. The number 5 next to
the GPS time is the number of satellites that the GPS can currently locate.
The first column (17:01:17 and17:01:18) is system time in UTC, there will be approximately 14
seconds difference between UTC and GPS time.
GPS Display
GPS Time tick
# of Satellites Visible
System time
in UTC
eat color/phasegroup
“04” - # of seconds
within the phasegroup
Number of bytes left
in the repeat queue
Number of bytes left in the
hardware downlink queue
Transmit color/phasegroup
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Section 3 Warnings and Cautions
This product as supplied meets the requirements of the European Union Directive 89/336 EC and is
eligible to bear the CE marking.
It meets the requirements for an industrial environment. However, it must be noted that because the
unit is user configurable, certain precautions will be required to maintain that compatibility.
The RTU5 unit must be grounded. The grounding lead should be as short as possible and
connect to the incoming cabinet earth ground.
If a rack-mounted monitor is used, it is recommended that the monitor body grounding stud be
connected using as short a lead as possible to the PC body grounding stud.
Failure to comply with these recommendations may invalidate the compliance with the EMC
WARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
WARNING: The electronic assemblies within the unit are susceptible to electrostatic discharge
(ESD). Take anti-static precautions before handling, otherwise damage can occur.
Appendix "A" This product is not intended to be sold in the
consumer market. It has been intended for use by only authorized
personnel and as such should be in a secure location to protect
unauthorized access.
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RTU5 to Antenna Cabling Procedures
The recommended antenna is a Cellwave PD-200; all information presented in this document assumes that this
is the antenna being used, check with the manufacturer for cable and connector information on any other
antenna. For RF cables, we recommend 50 ohm low density foam dielectric coaxial cables such as the
HELIAX LDF series from Andrew Corp. or equivalent from Eupen or RFS Cellwave.
The primary concern surrounding the selection of interconnection cable used between the RTU5 and the
Antenna is the distance the antenna is located from the RTU5.
If the antenna is located within 100ft from the RTU5, the connection procedure shown in illustration “A” is
Use a ½ inch cable (HELIAX LDF4 – 50A) with a Male “N” connector (HELIAX L4PNM) on the RTU5 end and
a PL 259 connector on the antenna end.
If the antenna is located between 100ft and 500ft from the RTU5, the connection procedure shown in
illustration “B” is recommended.
o Use a inch cable (HELIAX LDF5 – 50A), with a Female “N” connector (HELIAX L5NF) on both
ends, as the main run from the RTU5 to the Antenna.
o Because cable larger than ½ inch is very hard to bend into a tight radius an interconnecting ½ inch
cable is used on both ends of the main run.
On the RTU5 end a ½ inch cable between 3ft and 6ft long (HELIAX FSJ4 – 50B) with Male “N”
connectors (HELIAX F4PNM-C) on each end is required to connect the RTU5 to the inch
cable of the main run.
On the Antenna end a ½ inch cable (HELIAX FSJ4 – 50B) about 18 inches long with a Male “N”
connector (HELIAX F4PNM-C) to attach to the main run cable and a PL 259 connector to attach
to the antenna. (Where required this cable is supplied with the Cellwave PD-200 antenna.)
If the antenna is located greater than 500ft from the RTU5, the connection procedure shown in illustration
“C” is recommended.
o Use a 1¼ inch cable (HELIAX LDF6 – 50), with a Female “N” connector (HELIAX L6PNF) on both
ends, as the main run from the RTU5 to the Antenna.
o Because cable larger than ½ inch is very hard to bend into a tight radius an interconnecting ½ inch
cable is used on both ends of the main run.
On the RTU5 end a ½ inch cable (HELIAX FSJ4 – 50B) between 3ft and 6ft long with Male “N”
connectors (HELIAX F4PNM-C) on each end is required to connect the RTU5 to the 1¼ inch
cable of the main run.
On the Antenna end a ½ inch cable (HELIAX FSJ4 – 50B) about 18 inches long with a Male “N”
connector (HELIAX F4PNM-C) to attach to the main run cable and a PL 259 connector to attach
to the antenna. (Where required this cable is supplied with the Cellwave PD-200 antenna.)
Figure 3 RTU5 to Antenna Cable Options
Up to 100 ft
From 100 ft to 500 ft
Over 500 ft
3ft to 6 ft
3ft to 6 ft
18 inch
18 inch
N Male
N MaleN Male N Female N Female
PL 259 Male
PL 259 Male
PL 259 Male
½ inch cable
inch cable
inch cable
RTU5 Operations Manual
Revision: "1"
Document ID: 4001-00xx-SO

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