CalAmp Wireless Networks VTU3-US VTU3 Vehicle Tracking Unit User Manual VTU 3 Users Guide

LoJack Corporation VTU3 Vehicle Tracking Unit VTU 3 Users Guide

Users Manual

LoJack Confidential Proprietary
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Users Guide
Author: Ed Gyte
Revision#: 0.1
Document ID: 4105-0001-UG
Document Name: VTU-3 Users Guide
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Copyright 2004 by LoJack Corporation. All rights reserved. This
document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. This
document is intended for use by LoJack internal customers and should
be disclosed within the customer’s organization on a “need to know”
basis. This document shall not be reproduced by any means, stored on
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without prior written consent of LoJack Corporation. Program listings
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by LoJack, which expressly
disclaims any warranties, express or implied, including any implied
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Send Inquiries or comments to:
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FCC Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense.
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Document History
Version Status Date Author Description Approval
0.1 Draft 01/28/2004
Original Development
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Table Of Contents
Section 1 About this Document...............................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose ...........................................................................................................................6
1.2 Organization ....................................................................................................................6
1.3 Typographical Conventions .............................................................................................7
Section 2 VTU-3 INTERFACE ...................................................................................................8
2.1 Background:...................................................................................................................12
2.2 Configuration: ................................................................................................................12
2.3 Installation:.....................................................................................................................12
2.4 Operation:......................................................................................................................12
2.5 Smart Audio:..................................................................................................................13
2.6 LCD Display:..................................................................................................................13
Table of Figures
Figure 1 VTU3 Display Unit ........................................................................................................8
Figure 2 VTU3 Display Unit (Brightness Manual mode) .............................................................9
Figure 3 VTU3 Brightness Control Actions...............................................................................10
Figure 4 VTU3 Display Unit (Master Volume Control mode).....................................................11
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Section 1 About this Document
1.1 Purpose
This document is designed to explain the purpose, functionality and the operation of the
latest innovations in the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System.
1.2 Organization
This document is designed as a reference source. It is not intended to replace or redefine
current procedures. This document is broken down into the following major sections:
Section 1: About this Document: This material explains the conventions that have
been used in the development of this document, any formatting
conventions or word usage conventions that need to be understood for
full comprehension of the content of the document.
Section 2: VTU-3 Interface: This material explains the functional operation of the
VTU-3, the display screen and the controls provided.
Glossary: Defines various names and terms used by LoJack as a whole. All of the
terms defined in this section may not appear in this document, but are
provided in the event that they may be used in future communications
concerning this material.
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1.3 Typographical Conventions
Several type faces and text formats are used throughout this guide. Please refer to the
following formatting in the text to help you identify special information.
Format: Type of Information
Emphasis Words and characters in Times bold-italic
type are used to emphasize the
Menu items
Screens names
Dialog boxes
Section titles
Heading titles
Names of reports
File names
Other manual titles
Particular words
New Term Words and characters in Arial bold type
are used to introduce a new term.
Type Command Words and characters in Century
Schoolbook bold type indicate what you
type on a command line from your
Echo Words and characters in Century
Schoolbook type indicate the result or
output of a command or the contents of a
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As you can see in Figure 1 the VTU3 (PTCIII) is similar to the display units on previous
tracking units (PTCI and PTCII).
Figure 1 VTU3 Display Unit
On the left side of the unit is a screen that displays information about a Vehicle Locating
Unit (VLU) installed in the target vehicle. On the right side of the unit is a group of buttons
that are used to control the operation of the display unit.
The characters on the upper left side of the screen display the “Reply Code” received
from the VLU in the tracked vehicle.
One of the differences from the PTCI and PTCII is the fact that the VTU3 is capable of
displaying an expanded number of characters. A sixth character is available for future use
but is not active at this time.
On the bottom left of the display screen is the “Signal Strength Indicator”. This indicator
works the same as on previous units, as you get closer to the target vehicle the number of
vertical bars will increase.
On the right side of the display screen is the “Direction Indicator” (Relative Bearing
Indicator). This indicator is the same as on previous units, it displays the direction of travel
required to intercept the target vehicle.
In the group of buttons on the display unit there is a button labeled “SCAN/ENTER”, this
button is not active at this time.
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
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A major difference between the VTU3 and previous display units is the display in the lower
center of the screen. This display is the “MODE INDICATOR”. The MODE INDICATOR
shows what mode the Up and Down buttons are in. In Figure 1 the menu indicates “VX
(there is a symbol of a speaker “X”next to the V). This menu selection indicates that the
buttons are in the Master Volume control mode. In Figure 2, the MODE INDICATOR “B”
indicates that the buttons are in the Brightness control mode.
The MODE button changes the effect of the Up and Down Arrows. The PTCII has Up and
Down arrows but they have a single function (volume control).
Pressing the “Mode” button changes the MODE INDICATOR. This switch will toggle the
MODE INDICATOR between Master Volume and the “Brightness modes. The two
small arrow buttons (UP and Down) on the far right of the unit will increase or decrease
the intensity of the screen brightness or the volume of the audio signal being presented by
the display unit depending on the state of the MODE INDICATOR.
The SCAN/LOCK/IDLE mode indicator reflects the state of the tracker:
SCAN: actively receiving and tracking any and all VLU reply codes.
LOCK: only receiving and tracking a specific VLU reply code, and averaging the
direction information for that VLU.
IDLE: not actively receiving or tracking any VLU reply codes
The “SCAN” INDICATOR shows that the system will react to any signal that is received. If
the system is reporting several different VLUs being detected and the operator wishes to
track a select unit out of the group the mode can be switched from the “SCAN” mode to
the “LOCK” mode and only the selected unit will be tracked. Normally the switch from
“SCAN” to “LOCK” would be accomplished by pressing the “SCAN/ENTER” button but on
this select unit that feature is inactive.
Figure 2 VTU3 Display Unit (Brightness Manual mode)
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When the menu is in the “Brightness” (B) mode it can be manual or automatic; in
automatic mode, the intensity of the display will be changed by the amount of ambient
light falling on the display unit. The brighter the ambient light the higher the display
intensity will go, the lower the ambient light the lower the intensity will go. This feature is
provided to eliminate the need for an operator to adjust the display while traveling through
different ambient light environments.
The different “Brightness” operating modes (manual or automatic) can be identified by an
indication next to the “B” in the menu portion of the screen. If there are three lines = next
to the “B” (i.e., “B=”), the display is in the “Brightness Manual” mode, otherwise it is in the
“Brightness Automatic” mode (i.e., “B”).
When in either the “Brightness” or “Volume” mode the first press of an Up or Down
control button will switch the screen to display, a level indicator for the mode activity on the
lower left side of the screen as shown in Figure 4. When the Auto mode is entered the
level indicator will be replaced by the word “AUTO”
When the menu is in the “Brightness Manual” (B=) mode each press of the “Up” arrow will
increase the brightness to the limit and will then switch to the auto mode, another button
press will return to the manual mode, go to the lowest brightness level and begin to
increase again. See Figure 3 for a diagram of the button actions. The “Down” arrow will
cycle to the lowest brightness level then switch to the auto mode, another button press will
return to the manual mode, go to the brightness level detected by the auto mode and
begin to decrease again.
The Brightness control operates the same in both directions of travel, i.e., it wraps around
in both directions 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,AUTO,8,7,6,5,4,··· and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,AUTO,1,2,···
Figure 3 VTU3 Brightness Control Actions
Pressing either the up or down button while in automatic mode will switch into the manual
brightness mode.
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Figure 4 VTU3 Display Unit (Master Volume Control mode)
When the VTU3 is in the Master Volume control mode, pressing on either the up or
down arrow controls will activate the “Master Volume Indicator” as shown in Figure 4.
Each time the “Up” button is pushed the indicator bar will increase in length until the
volume maximum is reached. When the “Down” button is pressed the bar will decrease in
length until the volume minimum is reached, there is no cycling as in brightness mode.
When the VTU3 is in the Master Volume control mode, each push of either the Up or
Down button will sound a tone at the new volume level.
A few seconds after the last button is pressed the “Master Volume Indicator” will be
removed from the screen and the display will return to the normal operating conditions.
The VTU3 display unit does have “Smart Tones” included; this is an audio tone that will
increase in frequency as you get nearer to the target vehicle. The frequency increase is
not that the tone sounds more often but the sound of the tone gets higher as the target
vehicle is approached. The volume of the “Smart Tones” is adjusted while in the System
Menu Volume mode.
The VTU3 can receive signals that are on the correct frequency and modulated correctly
but the system cannot properly decode the signal, when this happens the screen will
display, in the lower right corner, an ICON of a “C” indicating that a carrier signal has
been detected, a “T” indicating that a tower signal has been detected, or a “V” indicating
that a VLU has been detected but the system cannot yet properly decode the reply code.
With this early version of the VTU3 the “C” is displayed for towers and un-decodable VLU
ID codes.
When the VTU3 is first activated, by turning on the ignition key, the unit will display a
series of start-up information screens progressing through a screen simply displaying the
word “Waiting” and on to a screen displaying “Scanning” then into the normal screen
The screen displaying “Waiting” indicates that the display unit is active and waiting to
start communicating with the receiver unit. The screen displaying “Scanning” indicates
Up & Down
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that the display and the receiver unit are communicating. After the word “Scanning”
appears on the screen the different ICONs can start to be displayed indicating that the
system is communicating and receiving signals from different sources.
2.1 Background:
VTU-3 is an extensive redesign of the LoJack Police Tracking Computer (PTCII) used for
stolen vehicle recovery. The redesign effort was initiated for several reasons as follows:
Enhanced performance would be incorporated into a redesign
Easier operation would be achieved with a redesign
New features would be incorporated into a redesign. Configuration:
2.2 Configuration:
VTU-3 consists of an antenna array, an electronics chassis, a control and display head,
and cabling between these components.
2.3 Installation:
Installation of the antenna array is by drilling 4 holes (3/4" diameter) into the roof of a
tracking vehicle. The holes are in a square pattern in the middle of the roof or away
from other equipment such as other antennas or light bars.
Installation of the VTU-3 electronics chassis is by mounting the chassis in the trunk or
rear storage (boot) of the vehicle.
The cabling between the antenna array and the electronics chassis is between the
roof liner and the roof, into the trunk and the cables plug into the electronics chassis.
Power wiring (+12V and ground) is on a separate connector on the electronics
Installation of the VTU-3 Control and Display head is on the dashboard or attached to
the roof over the rear view mirror. A mounting bracket is provided.
The data cable is connected between the electronics chassis and the Control and
Display head. The connectors are RJ-11 (phone) type.
2.4 Operation:
Overall operation with regard to front panel controls is very simple. This can be seen from
the fact that there are few controls on the front panel.
Power-on self-test is performed automatically. The test takes only about 1-2 seconds and
then the unit displays READY for an additional second.
The only control necessary is the volume control. The volume is adjusted via up/down
buttons. An audio tone is presented during adjustment.
The SCAN button is only used when a second VLU is present. The unit automatically sets
the SCAN mode correctly during normal operation.
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2.5 Smart Audio:
'Smart Audio' has been included in VTU-3 and is incorporated in several ways. First, as
previously explained, the volume control reports back as “V” is adjusted. Next, when a
'Stolen LoJack' is decoded, at any signal strength, a clean beep will be presented. This is
because the electronics handles-all the decisions regarding squelch and noise and
interpretation of the LoJack signal. Tower signals, and other interference, will be ignored.
When the electronics determines that the beep should be presented, it synthesizes the
audio for clarity. The electronics is expected to be as good, or better than a human ear in
listening for a LoJack signal.
Next, the first time a reply code is decoded, the audio beep will be fairly loud. This is to
get the operators attention in case the operator has turned the volume down very low.
After the first beep, the volume will be at the level set by the operator.
Next, the audio beep will change tone (not volume) in proportion to the signal strength
display. As the signal strength increases, the tone increases. This should result in
tracking without constantly watching the display.
Next, a different tone will be presented when the signal strength becomes full scale. This
will alert the operator to start visual tracking (this is in case the operator is not watching the
display and would not otherwise know that full scale has been reached). Finally, when
tracking an LJU, and another LJU is present, a second, distinctive tone is presented. The
operator may then use the SCAN button to select between the two VLU units.
2.6 LCD Display:
A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
A sun shield is not included since the display is more visible and easier to read in daylight,
even in direct sunlight.
A backlight will appear for nighttime viewing whenever there is a display on the screen.
The Reply Code alphabet is constructed from 19 segment characters.
The Signal Strength display is one continuous row of 25 segments. A row of small
reference dots is presented when any signal strength is displayed. This shows the relative
scale of the displayed signal strength bars.
A single rotating arrow presents the direction information.
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Ack Acknowledgement
AES (Tower to Tower Communications International term)
AJD Anti Jam Disable
Base Ack Acknowledgement by TRTU
BBU Battery Back-up Unit
BOM Bill Of Material
CP Command Post
DSP Digital Signal Processor
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
IA Instant Activation
ITU Installation Test Unit
LCIMS LoJack Corporate Information Management System.
LJU LoJack Unit (See VLU. This abbreviation is used primarily in
the USA.)
LJU3 LoJack Unit. Also known as VLU3.
LP Listening Post
LPRT Listening Post / Remote Transmitter
MOD/PTT Modulator/ Push To Talk
MSK Minimum Shift Keying
MSM Motion Sensing Module
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
NAK Not Acknowledged
NTP Network Time Protocol
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDT Portable Data Terminal
PSU Power Supply Unit
PURR Periodic Uplink Response Rate
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QA Quality Assurance
RAS Registration and Activation System
RLU3 Ruggedized VLU3
RMS ADC ?????
RT Remote Transmitter
RTC Remote Transmitting Computer (term obsolete See RTU)
RTU Remote Transmission Unit, collective term for a site
RTU Lite Repeater with intelligence
SAC Sector Activation Computer
SNDECODE Secret Number Decoder application
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TBC To Be Confirmed.
TBD To Be Defined.
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TR Switch Transmit/Receive Switch
TTU ?????
Unit Ack ?????
VAC Vehicle Activation Computer (International term)
VAT Vehicle Activation Transmitter
VLU Vehicle Locating Unit.
VTC Vehicle Tracking Computer (Obsolete term See VTU)
VTR Vehicle Tracker (most common)
VTU Vehicle Tracking Unit
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Activation Code .. The code associated with a LoJack Unit that is used for activating or deactivating the
Adaptive configuration A supported configuration in which the VLU-5N will synchronize to a TRTU,
and operate its receiver with a duty cycle in order to reduce average current
consumption. When an Adaptive unit is out of range of a TRTU or TRU, it will
operate its receiver continuously, hence drawing more current than when
AES Intellinet A manufacturer of security and wireless communication products in the USA
Alert ID Character string transmitted by a Vehicle Locating Unit triggered by a motion sensor
Alpha Paging Alpha Paging is a text message sent to a pager. These messages may include
alphabetic and numeric characters.
Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) A circuit that can be adjusted to minimize the mismatch between the
antenna and the unit's transmit and receive circuits.
Arm Code
Backup Battery A 6.0V battery that can be connected to the Adaptive, Full Service, or Low Current
VLU-5N to provide backup and transmit power, if and when the primary battery is
removed or discharged. The backup battery is replaced with a transmitter battery in
the Portable model.
Box Number The Vehicle Locating Unit Serial number
Central System ... Incorporates the Transmission System and the Registration and Activation System
Configuration ID .
Deactivation ID.... Alternate character string for deactivating a Vehicle Locating Unit
Dedicated Battery A 3.6V battery that supplies power to the VLU-5N processor and receiver circuits in
the Portable configuration.
Domestic VLU or Wideband VLU............... A unit that is designed and manufactured to FCC requirements.
This includes any unit that is not ETSI compatible, including units shipped to non-
ETSI countries. Domestic TRTU units are configured to work with the standard
LoJack 8 seconds TRTU system and has a 25 KHz bandwidth. See TRTU below.
The domestic VLUX is specified in a separate document. See Reference 14. LoJack
IV Vehicle Transceiver Version R02.02 DRAFT
Downlink Minimum Shift Keying transmission from Remote Transmission Unit to Vehicle Locating
DSP Card Digital Signal Processor Card (part of the Uplink Receiver assembly)
Early Warning
Early Warning Detector (EWD) See Motion Sensing Module (MSM)
ETSI A unit that is designed and manufactured to European Telecommunication Standards
Institute requirements.
Extended Message A message generally sent from the TRTU system to the VLU-5N unit.
Extended messages are not part of the original LoJack standard messages. They
extend the number of messages in the system to increase versatility
Full Service Configuration (FS) ...............A model that will not attempt to synchronize with a TRTU system.
Installation and Test Unit (ITU)................A special purpose test instrument that allows testing of a VLU-5N.
The ITU communicates to the VLU-5N using the TEST REQUEST command
according to the VLU-5N protocol.
LE Liaison. Law Enforcement Liaison is a LoJack employee with responsibility of interfacing with law
enforcement agencies.
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LoJack Timed Remote Transmitter Unit (LoJack TRTU)........Synchronous LoJack TRTUs that incorporate
precise timing control, facilitating the use of time-windowed synchronization of VLUs.
The TRTU system uses different timing than the LoJack system
LoJack Unit (LJU)A LoJack vehicle mounted module, which can be activated by a compatible system
and tracked by a tracking receiver. Also referred to as Vehicle Transceivers (VTs) or
Vehicle Location Units (VLUs).
Low Current configuration (LC)........A low current model, configured during manufacture, powered by 12V.
A VLU-5N in this configuration will maintain a low lifetime average current even
when not synchronized to a TRTU system.
LPRT LPRT (Listening Post/Remote Transmitter) is the tower site computer. This is the
equivalent of the RTU (Remote Transmission Unit) upgraded with additional
Motion Sensing Module (MS)....... An electronic module that can sense the presence of vehicle motion, and
issue a "Movement Alert" message via the VLU-5N's Motion Sensor Interface. Also
may be described as an Early Warning Detector (EWD)
Motion Sensor Interface (MSI) The interface pins on the VLU-5N that connect to the Motion Sensor Module.
If both pins are pulled high by the MSM, the VLU-5N will register a motion event and
act accordingly.
Non-Timed Remote Transmitter Controller (Non-TRTU)..An RTU system that does not adhere to the strict
timing requirements of the synchronous TRTU system (see Timed TRTU).
Packet Decoder... An Minimum Shift Keying transponder that decodes Reply Codes; and can act as a
Periodic Uplink Response Rate.........Certain Uplink messages are sent by the VLU-5N at a Periodic Uplink
Response Rate. These messages are sent n times at intervals of in minutes then x
times at intervals of y minutes (where n, in, x, and y are configurable parameters).
The broadcast of the message will continue until the unit sends n and x messages
OR it receives an appropriate BASE ACK. The reception of the appropriate BASE
ACK indicates that the message has been received by the system and transmissions
can cease. The rates (n, in, x, and y) are global parameters and all messages that
use the Periodic Uplink Response Rate use the same values (in a particular VLU-5N).
"Out of ITU" message uses just the x and y values.
Portable Configuration A very low current model, configured during manufacture, powered by a
dedicated battery and a transmitter battery used only to power the transmitter. The
Portable configuration will maintain a very low lifetime average current even when
not synchronized to a TRTU system.
Portable RTU Remote Transmission Unit designed to be easily moved
Primary Power .... Primary power is used with the Adaptive, Full Service, and Low Current models to
denote vehicle power. Primary power in the Portable configuration is supplied by the
3.6 V dedicated battery.
Remote Transmitter Unit (RTU) .......... Part of the system infrastructure which receives commands from the
system central computer via phone lines or other communication techniques and
broadcasts packets to VLU-5Ns over the RF channel according to the RF
Communications Specification.
Repeater Tracker Repeater Unit (TRU is obsolete)
Reply Code The code associated with a LoJack Unit that is used to speed-up a unit. The reply code is
transmitted from a LoJack Unit when it is activated. The reply code is received by
Police Trackers.
RF Amplifier Manufacturer of UK RF Amps
SAC A Sector Activation Computer is a LoJack Computer that calls the Listening Post/Remote
Transmitter’s for LoJack Unit Activations, Speed-ups (Tracks), and Deactivations,
based on commands from a Law Enforcement Computer.
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Standard Message A message generally sent from the TRTU system to the VLUX unit.
Standard messages conform to the original LoJack message format
Timed Remote Transmitter Unit (TRTU).......... Refers to a system of synchronous RTUs which incorporate
precise timing control, facilitating the use of time-windowed synchronization of VLU-
5Ns. The LoJack TRTU system and the TRTU systems use different timing.
TRACKER Network Unit (TNU) A name for a TRACKER version of a VLU-5N.
TRACKER Repeater Unit (TRU)...A specially configured TRACKER "MK 2" unit that relays TRTU messages
downstream and Uplink messages upstream. TRUs can be daisy chained such that a
TRU feeds another TRU. Used to fill in areas of coverage and relay reply codes from
activated units.
Transmitter Battery A 6V battery that provides power solely to the transmitter circuits in a
portable VLU-5N. This battery uses the same input connection as the Backup Battery
on the Adaptive Model.
Transmission System Communications subsystem that interfaces to Remote Transmission Units
Transponder Category of RF equipment that the Vehicle Locating Unit belongs in.
Unit ID
Uplink Frequency Shift Keying transmission from Vehicle Locating Unit to Remote Transmission
Uplink An infrastructure enhancement that allows VLUs to send appropriately formatted
messages directly to the TRTU system. The Uplink operates on the same basic
frequency as the rest of the system infrastructure. The Uplink channel uses a much
slower data rate to help make up for the reduced signal margin of the VLU transmit
power relative to that of TRTU towers.
Uplink Central .....
Uplink Receiver... Receiver Analogue Unit designed for decoding Uplink (Frequency Shift Keying)
messages transmitted by Vehicle Locating Unit s
VB VOICE VB VOICE is a Visual Basic programming module, including a hardware board, which
performs automated calling of phone numbers with voice messages.
Vehicle Transceiver (VT, VLU, or VLC).A vehicle mounted module, which can be activated by a compatible
system and tracked by a tracking receiver. Also referred to as Vehicle Location Units
(VLUs), or Vehicle Location Communicators (VLCs).
Vehicle power The +12V vehicle electrical system supplies power to the VLU-5N in either TRTU or non-
TRTU configurations, except in portable units.
Vehicle Tracking Receiver or Units (VTR or PTC) ....Provides the ability to track an activated VLU-5N, and
allows the vehicle location to be determined. Usually mounted on police vehicles and
are often referred to as Police Tracking Computers (PTCs).
VLU Vehicle Locating Unit. A transponder hidden in the vehicles that can be remotely
activated. The transmission from Vehicle Locating Unit can be decoded by Vehicle
Tracking Unit.
VTU Vehicle Tracking Unit. A direction-finding receiver used by the tracking agency in a
mobile environment. (Used to be called PTC.)

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