California Eastern Laboratories B1010SP0 MeshConnect Bluetooth Low Energy Module User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
California Eastern Laboratories MeshConnect Bluetooth Low Energy Module Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
PR RELIMINAR RY DATAS SHEET Mes shConn nect™ B1010SP0 Mini M Mod dules B1010SP0-1x BL LE Transceiiver Based Modules Integratted Trans sceiver Modules fo or Blueto ooth® Sma art Applic cations DE ESCRIPTIO ON ® CE EL’s MeshConn nect Bluetooth Smart Module es eliminate de esign risk k and significa antly reduce tiime-to-market for Bluetooth Low Ene ergy wireless solutions, inclu uding the innovative CSRme esh™ pro otocol. ese devices are footprint-com mpatible with CEL’s existing line of The ZigBee and Threa ad-based Mod dules, allowing designers to easily tran nsition betwee en multiple wireless networking standardss via dro op-in compatible module hardware. e B1010SP0-1x is also compatible with CE EL’s award-win nning The Me eshWorksTM pla atform. By em mploying Mesh hWorks, userss can quickly and easily program the e B1010SP0-1x for standard d (i.e. n-CSRmesh) Bluetooth Sm mart applicatio ons using siimple non Pytthon-based scrripts. BLO OCK DIAGR RAM Best-in-Classs RF Range of 50m to 100m +8dBm Transsmit Power TM Supports CSRMesh h Avi-onTM Softtware Available with TM Interoperable e with CEL's Me eshWorks Platform 15 Analog/Digital I/O Pins Supports UART, I2C & SPI AP PPLICATIO ONS Connected Home Building Auto omation Sports & Fitn ness Sensors Health Senso ors Mobile Accesssories General Blue etooth Wirelesss Sensor Netwo orking External EEPROM Castellation Edge Connector KE EY FEATUR RES 32 kHz XTAL 16 MHz XTAL ANT CSR1010 Micro processor Radio RDERING INFORMAT TION OR Part Numberr Ord der Number Description MeshConnect B1010SP0 Min ni Modules B1010SP0-1-R CSR1010 IC, +8dBm Output Power, PCB Trace e Antenna 600/600 CSR1010 IC, +8dBm Output Power, Castellatio on Pin for Externall Antenna 600/600 B10 010SP0-1C-R Min/Multiple B1010SP0 Mini Modules DEV VELOPME ENT KITS MeshConnec ct µEnergy Starter De evelopmen nt Kit CSR R's µEnergy pla atform provides s a complete Bluetooth qualified solution for produccts using the Bluetooth Low Energy standard d. L's µEnergy Sta arter Developm ment Kit is a sim mple yet CEL comprehensive wa ay for designers s to develop Bluetooth Smart applications using CSR's µEnergy solution. h kit contains: Each Evaluation n board with B1010SP0 Mini Module CSR µEnergy Platform Software o Software Development Kit (SD DK) application examples and development to ools o xIDE for µEnerrgy (includes co ompiler) o Production testt and configura ation tools Mini-USB Cable Setup & Quick Start Guides Visitt meshconnec 010 for more infformation. MeshWorks Bluetooth Smart Dev velopment Kit The Bluetooth® Sm mart module is an integral parrt of the MeshW Works™ K and wireless networking pla atform. The MesshWorks™ kit contains SDK the following: MeshWorrks™ Software, including Pyth hon scripting la anguage, IDE, and ScriptNinja™ configuration to ool Two Bluettooth® Smart Sensor Nodes with integrated d sensors for rapidly y prototyping many different applications Companio on app to comm municate with Bluetooth® 4.xx-equipped smartphone (used as a bridge) Visitt http://www.ce e information. R Refer to Works for more the respective deve elopment kit usser guides. KIT T ORDERIN NG INFORM MATION Kit Family Orde er Number MeshConnect µEnergy Starter Development Kit B1010 0SP0-EVB-1 MeshWorks Bluetooth Smart Development Kit BM MW-KIT-1 BMW--SENSOR-1 Description Min/Multiple µEnergy Starte er Development Kit, K with license forr CSR µEnergy SD DK 1/1 Bluetooth Sma art MeshWorks Evvaluation Kit (Inclu udes Two Sensor Nodes) 1/1 Bluetooth Sma art MeshWorks Se ensor Node 1/1 B1010SP0 Mini Modules TABLE OF CO ONTENTS DESSCRIPTION ..........................................................................................................................................1 KEY Y FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................1 APP PLICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................1 BLO OCK DIAGRA AM ....................................................................................................................................1 ORD DERING INFO ORMATION......................................................................................................................1 DEV VELOPMENTT KITS ...............................................................................................................................3 KIT ORDERING INFORMATIION ................................................................................................................3 BLE OF CONTTENTS ..............................................................................................................................4 TAB TRA ANSCEIVER IC .....................................................................................................................................5 ANTTENNA ...............................................................................................................................................5 EXTTERNAL EEPR ROM ................................................................................................................................5 SOFFTWARE / FIIRMWARE ........................................................................................................................6 CRY YSTAL TRIM VALUES ...........................................................................................................................6 ABSSOLUTE MAX XIMUM RATTINGS .............................................................................................................7 REC COMMENDEED OPERATIN NG CONDITIIONS ............................................................................................7 DC CHARACTER RISTICS .............................................................................................................................7 RF CHARACTER RISTICS ..............................................................................................................................8 I/O PIN ASSIGN NMENTS ...........................................................................................................................9 ZICM M35x ZIGBEEE/THREAD MODULE CO OMPATIBILITTY ..............................................................................9 MO ODULE DIMEENSIONS .........................................................................................................................10 MO ODULE LAND D FOORTPRIN NT ................................................................................................................10 PRO OCESSING .........................................................................................................................................11 AGEENCY CERTIFFICATIONS (PCB ANTENNA ONLY) ..................................................................................13 SHIPMENT, HANDLING AND STORAGE..................................................................................................14 QUA ALITY ...............................................................................................................................................14 REFFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................15 REV VISION HISTO ORY ...............................................................................................................................15 DISCLAIMER .........................................................................................................................................15 B1010SP0 Mini Modules TRA ANSCEIVE ER IC CEL L’s MeshConne ect B1010SP0 Mini Module, utilizing the C CSR1010 transsceiver IC, is a single-mode e Bluetooth Low w Energy (BLE E) device that is i part of CSR's µEnergy pla atform. This transceiver incorp porates a base eband modem,, RF circuitry, and a 16-bit XAP P microprocesssor. Together with w CSR's qualified Bluetoo oth v4.x specifiication stack, iit is an excelle ent low cost, lo ow power cons sumption and high performan nce solution ide eally suited for all BLE applications. For mo ore information about the CSR R1010 IC, please visit ANTENNA CEL L’s B1010SP0 Mini M Modules in nclude an integ grated Printed Circuit Board (PCB) trace antenna. An optio onal configurattion which uses s a castellation pin on the mo odule allows the e user to conne ect an externall antenna. The B1010SP0 ha as been certified with the PCB B trace antenna a only. The PCB antenna employs a top pology that is compact and highly efficient. To T maximize ra ange, an adequate ground plane must be provided on the e host PCB. Co orrectly position ned, the ground plane on the e host PCB will contribute significantly to the e antenna perfo ormance (it sho ould not be dire ectly under the e module PCB antenna). The position of the e module on the e host board and overall design of the prod duct enclosure contribute to antenna perfo ormance. Poorr design affectss radiation pattterns and can n result in refle ection, diffractio on and/or scatte ering of the transmitted signa al. For optimum anten nna performancce, the MeshCo onnect Mini Mo odules should be b mounted with the PCB trac ce antenna ove erhanging the edge of the hos st board. To further improve performance, a ground plane e may be placed d on the host board under the e module, up to o the antenna (a minimum of o 1.5" x 1.5" is recommend ded). The insta allation of an u uninterrupted ground plane on o a layer direc ctly beneath the module will also allow you to t run traces un nder this layer.. CEL can provvide assistance e with your PCB B layout. design gu uidelines to hellp ensure anten nna performance: The following are some • Never pllace the ground d plane or route copper trace es directly unde erneath the ante enna portion of the module • Never pllace the antenn na close to metallic objects • In the ovverall design, ensure that wiring and other ccomponents are e not placed ne ear the antenna • Do not place the anten nna in a metallic c or metalized plastic enclosu ure • Keep pla astic enclosure es 1cm or more e away from the e antenna in an ny direction nna of a type and a maximum (or ( lesser) Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio trransmitter mayy only operate using an anten t transmitter by Industry Ca anada. To redu uce potential ra adio interferencce to other userrs, the antenna a type and gain approved for the should be e so chosen th hat the equiva alent isotropica ally radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that nece essary for its gain succ cessful communication. Confformément à la a réglementatio on d'Industrie Canada, le préssent émetteur radio peut foncctionner avec une u antenne d'u un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur parr Industrie Canada. Dans le but b de réduire les risques de brouillage radio oélectrique à l'iintention des autres utilisateu urs, il faut choissir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte qu ue la puissance e isotrope rayo onnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne e dépasse pas l'intensité néce essaire à l'établissement d'une communicatiion satisfaisantte. EXT TERNAL EEPROM The B1010SP0 Mini Module incorporates an additional 512kkB external EE EPROM for sto oring program code and Ove er-The-Air code e updates. The e EEPROM is connected to the t master I2C interface using I2C_SCL, I2 2C_SDA, and PIO[2] as detaiiled in the CSR R1010 referencce design. The instruction sett for the EEPR ROM is similarr to the Fudan FM24C512D. See the Fuda an Microelectro onics Group website for more e details. B1010SP0 Mini Modules OFTWARE / FIRMWAR RE SO CEL L’s B1010SP0 Mini M Modules run r CSR's µEnergy platform, which is a fullyy qualified Blue etooth Low Ene ergy solution. In addition to su upporting stand dard BLE 4.x devices, the B1010SP0 Mini M Modules also support CSRme esh, which is a protocol layerr that runs on top of the Bluetooth Smart standard that enables messages to be relayed over m multiple Blueto ooth Smart de evices. By expa anding the netw work range thro ough a mesh, comprehensive e lighting, hom me automation, and building automation solu utions can easily be develope ed which can be e controlled thrrough a smartp phone, tablet, or o any other BL LE 4.x device. y platform is a feature-rich Bluetooth Sma art developmen nt environmentt and containss everything re equired to The CSR µEnergy ate an interoperrable BLE 4.x solution. This includes a fullyy licensed xIDE E software deve elopment envirronment (with compiler), crea exam mple applicatio ons for popula ar Bluetooth Smart and CSRmesh profiles, example ho ost application ns for iOS and d Android platfforms, and prod duction test and configuration n tools. For more information, visit CR RYSTAL TR RIM VALUE ES During the manufa acturing proce ess, all B1010 0SP0 Mini Mod dules are testted for full RF F and DC funcctionality. Thiss includes asuring frequen ncy error and setting the crysstal trim token so the frequen ncy error for an n unmodulated d RF tone is ass close as mea poss sible to zero. CEL recommen nds saving the crystal trim value, which is sttored in the exxternal EEPRO OM, before refla ashing the B1010SP0 Mini Mo odule with diffe erent software for f optimal perfformance. es, install CSR''s µEnergy devvelopment kit a and launch the CsConfig tool while the In orrder to manually save the cryystal trim value evaluation board iss connected to your PC. en the tool is firrst launched, th he Connection Options dialog Whe box is displayed. The T evaluation board uses the e USB SPI sport to commu unicate with the e module. Thiss option should trans appe ear if the appro opriate drivers were installed during the deve elopment kit insstallation proce edure. Once it is selected, click k OK. All th he key names are a now displa ayed in the left list l and their corre esponding valu ues are in the right list. The crystal trim value is named “Crrystal frequenccy trim”. In the example wn to the right, the value is 0xx0015. The keys can be show expo orted to a .keyrr file using Keys s->Export to file… and inclu uded into your xIDE project du uring your appllication deve elopment. nded to export the keys to a During production, it is recommen the comm mand line versio on of this tool file using (csconfigcmd.exe) also present within the devellopment kit. Then n flash the app plication firmwa are. Finally, me erge the key file that was exported previously into the module us sing the csco onfigcmd.exe to ool again. B1010SP0 Mini Modules BSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS AB Des scription Min Max Unit Storage temperature range -40 85 ⁰C Pow wer supply voltag ge (VDD_BAT) 1.8 4.4 I/O supply voltage -0.4 4.4 VSS - 0.4 VDD + 0.4 Oth her terminal volta age* * VD DD = Terminal Supply Domain RECOMMEND DED OPER RATING CO ONDITIONS Des scription Min Typ Ma ax Unit Ope erating temperature range -30 85 ⁰C Pow wer supply voltag ge (VDD_BAT) 1.8 3.6 I/O supply voltage (V VDD_PADS) 1.2 3.6 DC CHARACT TERISTICS S (@25⁰C unless otherwise speccified) Des scription Transmitter Currentt Draw, max outp put power Transmitter Currentt Draw @ 0dBm Rec ceiver Current Draw Sleep mode currentt (Dormant mode e) Conditions Min Ty yp Max Unit @ 2.7V 35 mA @ 1.8V 54 mA @ 3.6V 25 mA @ 2.7V 23 mA @ 2.7V 24 mA @ 1.8V 39 mA @ 3.6V 17 mA @ 3.3V 0..9 µA B1010SP0 Mini Modules RF CHARACT TERISTICS S (@25⁰C unlesss otherwise speccified) Patth Description Conditions Operating Frequency RX Typ 2402 Max Unit 2480 MHz Maximum output power dBm 2nd Harmon nic 54 dBuV 3rd Harmon nic 54 dBuV F = Fo ± 2MHz -38 dBm F = Fo ± 3MHz -38 dBm F = Fo ± > 3M MHz -38 dBm Modulation delta F1 average 225 255 275 kHz Modulation delta F1 / F2 0.8 Modulation delta F2 max 100 Frequency accuracy -100 25 100 kHz Frequency offset -100 25 100 kHz Maximum Drift D Rate (kHz/50 0µs) -20 20 kHz / 50uS In-band emissions TX Min Receiver Se ensitivity -94 Receiver Se ensitivity (with dirrty transmitter) -93 Maximum re eceived signal att 30.8% PER -10 dBm dBm ≥ -10 dBm B1010SP0 Mini Modules I/O PIN ASSIG GNMENTS Refer to the CSR1010 datasheet for pin p functionality details. Module Pin Number CSR1010 IC Pin Number Pin Name 1, 2, 2 12, 31, 33 33 to 48 VSS 26 SPI_IO#_S SEL 4 5, 6 4, NC NC WAKE 8,9 NC NC 10 16 PIO[3] 11 29 I2C_SDA 13 32 VDD_BAT_S SMPS 14 28 I2C_SCL 15 17 PIO[4] 1 17 16, NC NC 18 23 PIO[9] 19 15 PIO[1] / UART T_RX 20 14 PIO[0] / UART_TX 21 24 PIO[10] 22 19 PIO[6] 23 20 PIO[7] 24 22 PIO[8] 25 13 AIO[0] 26 NC NC 27 18 PIO[5] 28 12 AIO[1] 29 25 PIO[11] 30 11 AIO[2] 32 NC RF Out Notes Castellation Pin n for External Antenna ZIC CM35x ZIGB BEE/THRE EAD MODU ULE COMPA ATIBILITY he land pattern and location of o the RF castellation is identiccal to the ZICM M35x family of ZigBee/Thread The geometry of th dules. The digittial and analog g I/O mapping is described be elow: mod ZICM35x B1010S SP0 Notes Serial Co ontroller 1 UART/SPI/I2C Two wire UA ART/I2C PB3 and PB4 4 are not conneccted Serial Co ontroller 2 SPI/I2C SPI/I2 2C GPIO PA6 PIO9 GPIO PC2 PIO6 GPIO PC3 PIO7 GPIO PC4 PIO8 GPIO PC0 PIO5 GPIO PB6 PIO11 ADC PB0, PB5, PB7 AIO0, AIO2 2, AIO1 PB6 is connected to PIO11. PC1, PA A4 and PA5 are no ot connected B1010SP0 Mini Modules MO ODULE DIM MENSIONS MO ODULE LAN ND FOORT TPRINT Dime ensions are sh hown in inches, with millimeter conversion in n brackets Note: Refer to the An ntenna section in this document for fo layout recomm mendations which will yield optim mal antenna perfo ormance. B1010SP0 Mini Modules PROCESSING commende ed Reflow Profile Rec Parrameter Values Ram mp Up Rate (from m Tsoakmax to Tpeakk) 3º/sec max Minimum Soak Tem mperature 150ºC Max ximum Soak Tem mperature 200ºC Soa ak Time TLiquuidus 60-120 sec 217ºC Tim me above TL Tpeaak 60-150 sec 250ºC Tim me within 5º of Tpeeak 20-30 sec Tim me from 25º to Tpeeak 8 min max Ram mp Down Rate 6ºC/sec max Pb--Free Solder Paste Use of “No Clean” soldering paste e is strongly re ecommended, a as it does not require cleaning g after the sold dering process. T quality of solder joints on n the castellatio ons ("half vias"") where they ccontact the hosst board should d meet the Note: The appropriate IPC Speciffication. See the Castellated d Terminationss Section in tthe latest IPC C-A-610 Accep ptability of Electronicc Assemblies document. Cle eaning In ge eneral, cleanin ng the populate ed module is sttrongly discourraged. Residua als under the m module cannot be easily removed with any cleaning proce ess. • Cleaning with water can lead to capillary effeccts where watter is absorbe ed into the gap between the host d the module. The T combinatio on of soldering g flux residualss and encapsulated water could lead to sho ort circuits board and between neighboring pa ads. Water coulld also damage e any stickers or o labels. • Cleaning with alcohol or a simila ar organic so olvent will like ely flood sold dering flux re esiduals into the two for post-washing in nspection. The solvent could a also damage any stickers or labels. housings, which is not accessible anently. • Ultrasonicc cleaning could damage the module perma h is to consider using a “No Clean” solder pa aste and eliminate the post-so oldering cleanin ng step. The best approach Optical Inspe ection Afterr soldering the module to the host board, co onsider optical inspection to check the follow wing: • Proper alig gnment and centering of the module over the pads • Proper solder joints on alll pads acts to neighbo oring pads or vvias • Excessive solder or conta B1010SP0 Mini Modules Rep peating Re eflow Solde ering Only y a single reflow w soldering pro ocess is encourraged for host boards. Wa ave Solderiing If a wave soldering process is required on the e host boards due to the prresence of lea aded components, only a sin ngle wave i encouraged.. soldering process is Han nd Soldering Hand soldering is possible. When n using a solde ering iron, follow w IPC recomme endations.(refe erence docume ent IPC-7711). Rew work The MeshConnect Module can be e unsoldered frrom the host bo oard. Use of a hot air rework tool should be programmable e and the odule should no ot exceed the maximum peakk reflow temperrature of 250ºC C. solder joint and mo Cau ution If tem mperature ram mps exceed the e reflow temperature profile, module and co omponent dam mage may occu ur due to therm mal shock. Avoiid overheating. Wa arning Neve er attempt a rework on the e module itself (i.e., replacin ng individual components); such actions will terminate warranty cove erage. Add ditional Grrounding Attem mpts to improvve the module or o the system grounding by soldering braids s, wires or cables onto the mo odule RF shield cover is done e at the custom mer's own risk. The ground piins at the module perimeter should be sufficcient for optimum immunity to o external RF interference. B1010SP0 Mini Modules AG GENCY CER RTIFICATIO ONS (PCB ANTENNA A ONLY) The following certiffications are in effect: • B1010SP0: FCC and IC FCC C Complia ance Statem ment Part 15.19, Section 7.15 of o RSS-GEN This device complies with Part 15 5 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canad da license-exem mpt RSS Stand dards. Operatio on is wing two conditions: subject to the follow 1. This devicce may not cau use harmful interference. 2. This devicce must acceptt any interferen nce received, in ncluding interfe erence that mayy cause undesired operation. appareiil est conforme e aux CNR d'Ind dustrie Canada a applicables aux a appareils ra adio exempts de d licence. L'exxploitation Le présent est autorisée aux deux conditionss suivantes: 1. l'appareil ne doit pas pro oduire de brouillage, et ur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique e subi, même ssi le brouillage est 2. l'utilisateu susceptib ble d'en compro omettre le fonctionnement. Wa arning (Parrt 15.21) Changes or modificcations not exp pressly approve ed by CEL cou uld void the use er's authority to o operate the eq quipment. 20 cm Separa ation Dista ance To comply with FC CC/IC RF expossure limits for general populattion/uncontrolle ed exposure, th he antenna(s) used for this trans smitter must be e installed to prrovide a separa ation distance o of at least 20 cm c from all perssons and mustt not be co-loca ated or operrating in conjun nction with any other antenna or transmitter.. OEM Responsibility to the t FCC an nd IC Rule es and Regulations The MeshConnect Mini Module has h been certified per FCC Pa art 15 Rules an nd to Industry C Canada license e-exempt RSS ndards for integ gration into products without further testing o or certification. To fulfill the FC CC and IC Cerrtification requirrements, Stan the OEM of the Me eshConnect Mo odule must enssure that the infformation provided on the Me eshConnect lab bel is placed on n the outside of the final product. The MeshConnect Mini M Module is labeled with its s own FCC ID Number and IC C ID Number. If the FCC the module is installed in nside another device, then the e outside of the e device into which the ID and the IC ID arre not visible when dule is installed must also disp play a label refe erring to the en nclosed module e. The exterior label can use wording such as a the mod follow wing: “Containss Transmitter Module FCC ID:: W7Z-B1010S SP0” or “Contains FCC ID: W7 7Z-B1010SP0” “Containss Transmitter Module IC: 8254 4A-B1010SP0"" or "Contains IC: 8254A-B1010SP0” eshConnect Mini Module may y only use the approved ante enna (PCB trace antenna) tha at has been cerrtified with The OEM of the Me of the Mes shConnect Min ni Module mustt test their final product config guration to com mply with Uninte entional this module. The OEM Compliance per Part 15 of the FCC Ru ules. Radiator Limits beffore declaring FCC IC Certificatio on — Indus stry Canad da Stateme ent The term "IC" before the certificattion/registration n number only signifies that th he Industry Canada technicall specifications were met. Cerrtification IC - Déclarration d'Ind dustrie Can nada Le te erme "IC" deva ant le numéro de d certification//d'enregistreme ent signifie seulement que less spécificationss techniques Indu ustrie Canada ont o été respecté ées. Sec ction 14 off RSS-210 The installer of thiss radio equipme ent must ensurre that the ante enna is located or pointed succh that it does not n emit RF field in ess of Health Canada limits fo or the general population. Con nsult Safety Co ode 6, obtainab ble from Health h Canada's web bsite: exce n/99ehd-dhm23 37/index-eng.p php B1010SP0 Mini Modules L'article 14 du u CNR-210 Le programme d'in nstallation de ce et équipement radio doit s'asssurer que l'ante enne est située e ou orientée de telle sorte qu u'il ne pas éme ettre de champ RF au-delà de es limites de Sa anté Canada po our la populatio on générale. C Consulter le Cod de de sécurité 6, disponible sur le site Web de San nté Canada: htttp:// mt/pubs/radiatiion/99ehd-dhm m237/index-eng g.php G AND STO ORAGE SHIPMENT, HANDLING Shiipment The MeshConnect Modules are delivered in tap pe and reel. The e reel diameterr is 12.992" (33 30mm) and con ntains 600 mod dules. Han ndling The MeshConnect Modules are designed and packaged to be e processed in an a automated assembly line. Wa arning The MeshConnectt Modules conttain highly senssitive electronicc circuitry. Han ndling without p proper ESD prrotection may destroy or mage the modulle permanentlyy. dam Wa arning The MeshConnect Modules are moisture-sensit tive devices. Appropriate handling instructio ons and precautions are summ marized in TD-033. Read carefully to pre event permanen nt damage due e to moisture intake. J-ST Mo oisture Sen nsitivity Lev vel (MSL) MSL L 3, per J-STD--033 Sto orage Storage/shelf life in n sealed bags is i 12 months at <40°C and <9 90% relative hu umidity. UALITY QU CEL L Modules offerr the highest quality at comp petitive prices. Our modules are a manufactu ured in complia ance with the IPC-A-610 spec cification, Class s II. Our modu ules go through h JESD22 qua alification proce esses which inccludes high temperature ope erating life tests s, mechanical shock, temperrature cycling, humidity and re eflow testing. CEL conducts RF and DC fac ctory testing on n 100% of all production partss. L builds the qua ality into our pro oducts, giving our o customers confidence wh hen integrating our products in nto their system ms. CEL B1010SP0 Mini Modules REFERENCES Refere ence Documents CS--231985-DS - CS SR1010 Data Sheet Download Link REV VISION HIS STORY Previous Vers sions 0019-00-07-00-000 May y 15, 2015 Changes to Current Version Initial Preliminary Da ata Sheet Page(s) N/A DIS SCLAIMER The information in this document iss current as of the e published date e. The information n is subject to ch hange without no otice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publiications of CEL Data Sheets or Data Books, etc., for the mosst up-to-date sp pecifications of CEL oducts. Not all products and/or types are availab ble in every country. Please che eck with an CEL L sales representative for availab bility pro and additional inforrmation. o part of this docu ument may be co opied or reproduced in any form o or by any means s without the prio or written consent of CEL. No CE EL assumes no re esponsibility for any errors that may m appear in thiis document. CE EL does not assu ume any liability for f infringement of patents, copyyrights or other in ntellectual properrty rights of third parties by or arissing fro om the use of CE EL products liste ed in this docume ent or any otherr liability arising from the use of such products. No N license, expre ess, implied or otherwisse, is granted und der any patents, copyrights or oth her intellectual property rights of CEL or others. escriptions of circ cuits, software and other related information in th his document are e provided for illu ustrative purpose es in semicondu uctor De pro oduct operation and a application examples. The in ncorporation of th hese circuits, software and inform mation in the dessign of a custom mer’s equipment shall be done under th he full responsib bility of the customer. CEL asssumes no respo onsibility for any losses incurred d by stomers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, softtware and information. cus FOR MORE IN NFORMAT TION For more informatio on about CEL MeshConnect products and ssolutions, visit our o website at MeshConnect. TEC CHNICAL ASSISTAN NCE For Technical Assistance, visit om/MeshConne ectHelp
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : lhan Create Date : 2015:05:15 10:24:11-05:00 Modify Date : 2015:05:15 10:24:11-05:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 81.157285, 2014/12/12-00:43:15 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 15.0 (Windows) Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - 15. BLE1010SP0 Mini Module Datasheet _Draft - May 14 2015_.docx Creator : lhan Document ID : uuid:f66af2d9-79c6-4b71-90bf-1572e51a4d35 Instance ID : uuid:1569a544-2697-4d6a-8647-082e254e883b Page Count : 14EXIF Metadata provided by