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Document ID | 3515899 |
Application ID | WGySeC+hTtnIM2TGQlHdkQ== |
Document Description | User Manual |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 60.34kB (754257 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2017-08-17 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2017-08-29 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2017-08-03 15:25:06 |
Producing Software | PDF-XChange (Windows Seven Ultimate Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)) |
Document Lastmod | 2017-08-16 11:19:53 |
Document Title | User Manual |
cnPilot™ e600
Ceiling Tile Mounting
Product Overview
�=·:: :::.
,。 。
The guide pr vides a quick installat n pr cess
802.l l ac Wave2
Indoor Access Point
Package Contents
Quick Start Guide
。 。tl!!e
Power Co『d’
POE lnjecto,•
Mult; c。。r LED
M cnting B,acket
Top View
阱。unt F。。t
T-barM。unt H。Ider
Rubber F t
WallM unt Anch r
Ce,nng THe
12VOC p。we,
Lock s。t
• Ph;l;ps sc,ewdnve,
-。nly ava;lable f。r certain 。,denng SKUs
Exploded View
14mm T-Bar Rail Mounting
也﹔:� :Y
Wall Mounting
a 38m何1 ceiling T-bar rail by
Rubber feet Assembly
函, -
The e600 is secured t
using the ceiling m unt bracket.
�� �
The e600 m unts to a ceiling tile and all ws for the
ethernet cable to be hidden by r uting thr ugh a h le in
the ceiling tile.
Bottom View
24mm T-Bar Rail Mounting
USB P。rt
Tools Required
Model: e600
38mm wide T bar rail
例。unt,ng Plate
Ce;i;ngMount;ng sc,ews
WallMount;ng K;t
ce;hng M。uet;ng B,acket
e600 Access Po;nt
38mm T-Bar Rail Mounting
ce;hng me
ce,1;ng r;1e
。 。
c mmunity.cambiumnetw
rks.c m
The e600 can be m unted t
using the clips built int
a 24mm width T-bar rail
the underside f the unit.
The e600 can be m unted t
using the clips built int
a 14mm width T-bar rail
the underside f the unit.
The e600 m unts t
。 any wall by using tw。 screws with
c rresp nding wall anch rs.
The e600 can be m unted
the rubber feet t
n any surface by attaching
the underside f the unit.
Powering Up
。 f e600 t。 the p。 E
。門。 f Gigabit Data + P。 wer.
C。 nnect an Ethernet cable fr。 m y。 urLAN 。 r c。 mputer t。 the
Gigabit Data port 。 f the PoE adapter.
c nnect the Ethernet cable fr m Ethl/P E IN
Select Properties for the Ethernet p rt In Wind ws尬,s found in
The cnPil t e600 Access Point supp rts multiple m des
c ntrol Panel > Network and Internet > Netw rk c nnecti ns >
Hardware Overview
Local Area Connecti n
Standalone· The Access p int can be managed directly from its GUI by
selecting the 'C nfigure tab
。 。”er : The Access p。 int can be 。 nboarded t。 cnMaestr。 netw。 rk
。 。
。 n-premises 。 r the cl。ud vers’。 n at
https://cl。 ud.carr、 biumnetw。 rks.c。 m
cn Pil t e600 will use a default static IP address
f, If
12V DC p wer
the'Tr。 ublesh。。 ting
。 f the Access p。 int GUI. Connection status can
LED Color
Bottom View
be m nitored from the AP dashboard
Access Point is
Access Point is
Access Point is
powering up
1n service.
managed with
and lntitializing
cnMaestro or
DefaultL gin inf rmati n
p E Adapter
Pr duct Dimeo
180 x 180 x 42 mm
7.1萬7 1 x 1.6 inch
。 。
0.4 kg
Pr d,ct Weight
poratlng Freq,ency
2 4GHz
2412 • 2462MHz
5240MHz; 5745 - 5825MHz
2402- 248
2 X RJ4S 10/1
Networking Interlace
USB Port
。。/10。。 ”bes Ethernet
Versi。n 2 。”。st
... ,,-,,.na
Antenna Gain
22 SW (12.95W 802.3af m de)
Max Power Con叫mption
a11: TX Power
WI Fl 2 4/SG 24d8m/28d8m﹔Bluetooth叫dBm
p wer Supply
56V/30W Glgablt Passive PoE Injector 802 3at P臣 ,
8 2.3af《Redoced F,cctlonallty) 12Vdc Power Adapter
Dual P larl,ed Single and o,ao Band Internal Antennas
peratlng H,n、ldlty
Th e,e a,e n。 e.,lceable pa,ts ln s,de th, s equ,pment. Se,vlce sh uld
p,ov;ded nly by a qual;f;ed se 阿ke technk陷n
This equipment I s p rn vlded with a detacha ble paw e, card which ha s an ,ntegcal
safety gro,nd
ntended for c。nnecti。n t。 a gro,nded safety 。utlet
D。 n。t su bst忱ute the powe, c。rd with 。ne that 1s n。t the p r。v1ded
appr。ved type N eve, use an adapte, plug t。 c。nnect t。 a 2-wire 。utlet
a s th
II defeat the c n1;n,;ty of the grnund;ng w;re.
Th e equ,pment req叫res th e use。f th e grnund w,re a s a阻忱。f th e safe句
c ert,f,cat;on, mod cation 。 m,me can p rov,de a sh。ck hazard that can
result ,n se n us ,叫u,y r death
c。n個ct a qcallfled eleWlclan
th e manufacMe, ,f th e,e a,e quest 。ns
a b t the onstallat,on pdor to coenect,ng th e equ,pment
Pr tective ea忱hing is pro,ided by Listed AC adapter. Building in stallati
shall p 。vlde appropnate sh。rt cl,cu,t backup p 。tection
P,otectl ve b ndlng must be Installed In acco,danc e with local national
w,,,ng ,ule s and reg,lat 。n s
to SO G C
5 - 95% Noncondenslng
V圳relessClient c enoctovlty Mesh
WPA2 Pre shared Keys WPA2 Enterpr崎e
Ce1l g tile T-bar Oeskt p Wall
Certlflcatl n
C m ance with manufacturer's la bel for v ltage, rrequency, and c,nent
req,,rement s c。nnect,ng t。 a diff erent p。we, s urc e than th。se spec,f,ed may
, e,ult ,n lmp,ope, operatl。n, damage t。 equ,pment 。r p e a fire hazard ,f the
hm,tat;on, a,e not f llow ed
V 4.0
。開rating Temperature
Electrical Safety lnformatl
802.Ha/b/g/n/ac Wave 2
。。th Standard
Be aware that the un;t surfac es can become ,e叩h。t t。 the t。uch s。 do n。t
handle th e dev;ce wh en ;t ;, runn;ng for long p er;ods f t;me. Turn ft p wer to
the devic e first for a few mmutes and then handle th e u叫t ca,efully
。 。
• T
rest re to factory default settings, press and hold the
。 。
Reset butt n f r m re than 10 sec nds
。 c。 nnect the p。 wer and
。 theLAN and DHCP server.
The Main po內is a Gigabit Ethernet p rt used t
T。 p,e,ent loss of hf e 。r phy;;ca1
。bserve the f。 。wong safety guodel;nes In n。
e vent shall Cam bium N etw。rks be liable r。r any injury 。r damage caused dur;ng th e
;n,tallaUon 。f e600 platfo,m. Ensure that 。nly qual;f;ed pers nnel Install
nly use attachment s/access roes spec,f;ed by th e manufacture,
Wifl Standards
WI叫ess security
。 r https (webpage
restart』 press and release the Reset butt n quickly
sh uld be c nnected t
。 functi。 ns for e600
• T
LAN P rt
Safety Notice四
The Reset butt n se阿es tw
management interface access), SSH (CLI management interface access).
Management Prot c Is enabled by default -http
。。Is such as ping fr。 m
”Passw rd: admin
the internet. c nnectivity can be verified using t
Username adm1n
Once powered ON -- P werLED sh uld illuminate continuously on
For management from cl ud please ensure the AP has c nnectivity t
there 的no DHCP server
。 。 the adapter, and then plug the p。 wer
c。 rd int。 a p。 wer 。 utlet.
n the menu, and setting up a wirelessLAN
c ntr
IP Address c nfiguration
C nnect the p wer c rd t
c ntr lier system, either
Default IP address received via DHCP
Hardware Overview
AP Management
Configure Management PC
c 。 mpliance
;們 ;
Changes 。r m。d cat 。ns n。t expressly appr。o ed by th e party resp。nsi ble f。r
c。m anc e c。 Id v。 d th e user' s auth。 ty t。。perate th e eq,,pment
Th device com訓1es with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules pe,at 。n so bJ ect t。 the follo
tw c nd1t1ons
Th; s de,,ce may n t cao se harmf,I ,nterierenc e, and
Th的de,,c e must accept any ,nterl erenc e , ece,ved, ;ndud,ng mte,fe,ence that
may cause undesored operation
’ 的
F。r p 。duct ava,la ble ,n the USA/Canada ma.ket 。nly channel 恥11 can be 。pe,ated
Selection 。f 。th e, channels I s n。t p。sso ble
Th;s de,;ce ;, restr;cted f。r ;nd r use
FCC Rad旭fon Exp s,re Statement
Th;, equ;pment compn es 圳的 FCC ,ad;at;on e,posure nm;t, set fo,th fo, an
uncont,olled enwonment This equ,pment sh uld be installed and oerated with
mln,mum d, stance 24 cm between th e ,adlat。
y u, b dy
。 。
Th的eq,;pment has been岫sted and found to c mply w,th the hm,ts lo, a Class 8 d,g,tal
devoce, p,rs,ant t。 Part 15 。f th e FCC R,les Th ese llm,ts are des,gned to p 。v1de
reasona ble protect 。n aga,nst harmf叫 interferenc e in a resident關I installati。n Th時
eq"'pment gene,ates, oses and can ,ad,ate ,ad;o freq,ency energy and, ,f not mstalled
and used m accordance with th e mstruct 。ns, may cause ha,mful lnte 斤erenc e t。 d 。
c。mmunicati。ns H。weveκth ere I s no guarantee that mte,ferenc e w,11 not occo, ,n a
r installati。n If this equipment d。es cause harmful interference t。 ad 。。r
televl s 。n ,ec eptlon, which can be dete,m,ned by turning th e equ,pment 。 and 。n th e
use, l s enc。o raged t。 1'Y to conect the lnte.te,enc e by 。ne of th e foll。 ng measures
Re。 ent 。, rel。cate th e rece;,;ng antenna
Increase th e sepa,at 。n betw een th e eq,;pment and rece,ver
c nnect the eq,,pment ;nt。 an 。utlet 。n a drw,t d,tterent fr。m that t。 wh,ch
the rece, ve, , s c nnected
c nsolt th e deale, o, an experienced間d;o/TV techn;dan for h elp.
IC Statement:
, ’
問 ,
Th的dev;ce c mpn es w;th lnd,stry Canada 1;,e吋n se e,empt RSS standar氓的。pe,at;on ;s
su b1ect to the followong two condlt; ns (1) th,s de, ce may not cao se ;nterteren,e, and
(2) th,s devoce must accept any ;n1erte,ence, ;nd,d,ng mte,fe er、ce that may cause
undes ked pe,at; n of the de叫ce.
Le p,esent appa,e n est conforme aux CNR d'lndustr;e Canada applka bles aux appare;ls
radio exempts de licence L’exploltatl。n est aut see aux deux c。ndltlons suloantes (1)
l'apparell ne dolt pas produl,e de bro,lllage, et (2) l'utlllsateur de l'ap口arell dolt accepte,
toct b
lllage ,ad10.iew1q,e so bl. m•me s, le b 。 lllage est mcept, ble d ’en
c。mo 。mettre le fonct 。nnement
FCC C mpliance
F。r p rnduct a,a ble ;n the USA/Canada market 。nly channel 1-11 can be 。pe,ated
Select 。n of the, channels , s n。t po ss, ble
p。 les pr。dults dosp nl bles aox重tat s-Unl s / Canada d, marche, seul le canal 1色11
peu,ent �t,e exploltes Selection d'autres canaux n'e st pas po ssl ble
Dynamic Freoc ency Select n (OFS) f。r devic es perat,ng on the bands 5250· 5350
MHz. 5470-5600 MHz and 5650-5725 MHz.
select 。n dynam
e de freq,enc es (OFS) pou, les dlsp。s1t1fs foncti。nnant dans les
bandes 5250-5350 MH,. 5470-5600阿Hz et 5650-5725 MHz
Th e dev ce f。 ooe,at,on ,n th e band 5150-5250 MHz ;s only for md 。r use to reduc e the
p。tent l for harmful interf erence to c。 channel m。b,le sate mte systems
les dlsposotlfs fonct nnant dans la bande 515 5250 MHz s nt re serves uni uement
p ur une
,tm sat 。n • I lnted eu, afin de red叫 re le, d sques de brournage prej,dlda ble aox
systemes de satelhtes m biles ,rn,sant les memes canau,
Caring for the Environment: R
,& "'
Th, s radi。 transmltW has been app 。ved by FCC t。。perate with th e antenna t,pes
listed below叫th the maxlmcm pe,m, ssl削 e ga,n and ,equl,ed antenna ,mpedance to,
each antenna type ;nd;cated. Antenna types n t ;n,luded ;n th;s n st, hav;ng a ga;n
greater than the ma,omum ga;n ond;cated for that t,pe, are stnctly pr h; b,ted for use
with this de,lce
Antenna Information, Tw
band and th,ee slngle band antenna,
。目 酬,
IC Rad1ati n Exp sure Statement
Th e ouopment c。mphes woth IC RSS-102 ,adlati
e,p。sure limits set forth f。r an
,nc。ntrolled env1r。nment Th, s eq"'pment sh。uld be
tailed and 。p e,ated w,th
mimmum dis tance 20 cm between the rad1at。
y。 b。dy
Cet equopement est conforme aux lomltes d'exp。Sltl。n au
y。nnement s IC eta es
p。ur un envir。nnement n n c。nt
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