Cameo Communications SHS-2000 SMART HOME NETWORKING SERVICE User Manual user manual

Cameo Communications Inc SMART HOME NETWORKING SERVICE user manual


Specifications StatementSPECIFICATIONSModel: SHS-2000Description: Smart Home ServerRadio: 802.11g, 802.11b compatiblePorts: WAN: One 10/100 RJ-45 portLAN: Four 10/100 RJ-45 portsLEDs: On, Status, Disk, WiFi, WAN, LAN (1,2,3,4)Power: External 12V DC, 1.5ADimensions: 9.25”W6.38” D1.38” HWeight: 1.4 Lbs.
SMART HOMENETWORKING SERVICEUSER MANUALWhile every effort has been made to ensure this document is correct and current, Sereniti reserves the right to revise this document without notice. You can download the latest version of this manual at
COPYRIGHTThis book and the computer programs to which it relates are original, proprietary materials, the copyright of which is owned by Sereniti Inc. All exclusive rights under the copyright laws are expressly reserved, except to the extent of express license granted to persons acquiring the copyrighted material from Sereniti Inc. In particular, attention is drawn to section 109 of the Copyright Statute, which prohibits the rental, lease, or lending of copyrighted computer programs.Copyright © 2006 by Sereniti Inc. All rights reserved.UM-(v1.0.0.1)Published January, 2006.Printed in the United States of America.While every effort has been made to ensure this document is correct and current, Sereniti reserves the right to revise this document without notice. The customer is responsible for compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations in connection with customer use of this product.Sereniti Inc.111 Pavonia Ave., Suite 700Jersey City, NJ
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | i. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CONTENTS 1 Introduction............................................................ 1Welcome............................................................................................. 1Command Center ................................................................................ 1Overview of the Manual ..................................................................... 32 Using the Command Center ................................. 7Overview............................................................................................. 7Tray Icon............................................................................................. 8Logging In and Out............................................................................. 9Logging In ..................................................................................................9Logging Out..............................................................................................11Change Login Accounts ................................................................... 12Launch Options................................................................................. 13Main Menu........................................................................................ 14Home Page........................................................................................ 17Network Map............................................................................................17Dashboard.................................................................................................19To Do List......................................................................................... 21Open the To Do List .................................................................................21Understanding Alerts................................................................................22Responding to Alerts ................................................................................233 Connecting PCs to Your Network ...................... 27Overview........................................................................................... 27Network Map .................................................................................... 28Device Information Page .................................................................. 29Device Information...................................................................................29
CONTENTSii | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)Current Status ...........................................................................................30Connection Detail .....................................................................................31Device Management Page................................................................. 32Security Summary Page.................................................................... 34Backup Status Page........................................................................... 35Manage Firewall Page ...................................................................... 37Set a PC to Auto Login ..................................................................... 37Change a PC’s Name ........................................................................ 39Change a PC’s Type ......................................................................... 39Change a PC’s Icon........................................................................... 39Connect the PC to Another Wireless Network ................................. 404 Connecting Non-PC Devices to YourNetwork.................................................................43Overview........................................................................................... 43Wireless Devices ......................................................................................43Network Map............................................................................................44Other Pages...............................................................................................44Register a Device .............................................................................. 45Set a Device to Auto login ................................................................ 46Open Ports for a Device.................................................................... 475 User Accounts......................................................49Overview........................................................................................... 49Types of Accounts ............................................................................ 49Privileged Accounts..................................................................................50Non-Privileged Accounts .........................................................................50User Name and Password Guidelines............................................... 51User Name Guidelines..............................................................................51Password Guidelines ................................................................................52Create a User Account ...................................................................... 52View a List of Existing Accounts ..................................................... 54
CONTENTSSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | iiiModify a User Account..................................................................... 55Delete a User Account ...................................................................... 58Set Up User Notifications ................................................................. 586 Parental Controls.................................................61Overview........................................................................................... 61Choose a Content Filter .................................................................... 62Available Filters....................................................................................... 62Bar Graph................................................................................................. 62Create Allowed and Restricted Sites Lists........................................ 64Set a User’s Time Filter .................................................................... 65Create a Time Filter Override........................................................... 67Unblock a Site................................................................................... 68Blocked by Content Filter........................................................................ 68Blocked by Time Filter ............................................................................ 707 Backup and Restore ............................................71Overview........................................................................................... 71Scheduled Backups.................................................................................. 72Customize the Backup Schedule.............................................................. 73How Backups are Stored................................................................... 73Versions ................................................................................................... 73Example ................................................................................................... 74Set the Backup Schedule................................................................... 77Time and Frequency ................................................................................ 77Set the Schedule....................................................................................... 77Select Folders for Backup................................................................. 79Select Common Folders........................................................................... 79Select Other Folders (this PC only) ......................................................... 80Track the Status of Scheduled Backups............................................ 81Perform an Unscheduled Backup...................................................... 82View the Contents of the Most Recent Backup ................................ 83Display the Folders and Files .................................................................. 83
CONTENTSiv | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)Understanding the Display .......................................................................84Restore Files and Folders.................................................................. 85Restore All Files and Folders in the Most Recent Backup.......................86Restore Specific files and Folders in the Most Recent Backup................87Restore an Old Version of a File or Folder ..............................................89Clean Up Old Backups ..................................................................... 90Monitor Disk Usage .................................................................................91Clean Up Unneeded folders......................................................................92Open Ports for Backups .................................................................... 948 Shared Server Drives and Network Devices .....97Overview........................................................................................... 97Sereniti Shared Drive ...............................................................................97USB Ports .................................................................................................98Use the Sereniti Shared Drive........................................................... 99Windows Explorer....................................................................................99Internet Explorer.......................................................................................99External Storage Devices................................................................ 100Connect the Device.................................................................................100Rename the Device.................................................................................101Monitor Disk Usage ...............................................................................101View the Contents of the Device Using the Command Center ..............102View the Contents of the Device Using the Windows Exploreror Internet Explorer ................................................................................102Repair a Hard Drive................................................................................102Reformat a Hard Drive ...........................................................................103Remove the Device.................................................................................103Network Printers ............................................................................. 103Connect the Printer .................................................................................104Change the Printer’s Name.....................................................................1099 Folder and Printer Sharing................................111Overview......................................................................................... 111Folder Sharing ........................................................................................111Printer Sharing........................................................................................111
CONTENTSSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | vWorkgroups ........................................................................................... 112Folder Sharing................................................................................. 113Create a Shared Folder........................................................................... 113Unshare a Folder.................................................................................... 115Access a Shared Folder from the Command Center.............................. 116Access a Shared Folder from a Browser................................................ 116Printer Sharing ................................................................................ 117Create a Shared Printer .......................................................................... 117Connect a PC to a Shared Printer........................................................... 120Disconnect a Printer from a PC ............................................................. 12010 Port Forwarding .................................................121Overview........................................................................................  121Ports ....................................................................................................... 121Port Forwarding ..................................................................................... 122Enable Universal Plug and Play.....................................................  122Select a System Defined Rule......................................................... 124Create a User Defined Rule ............................................................ 125Delete a Rule................................................................................... 12611 Monitoring Network Security............................129Overview......................................................................................... 129Check the Security Summary Page................................................. 130Understanding the Security Summary Page ................................... 131Resolving a Problem ....................................................................... 132What the Page Shows ............................................................................ 132How to Resolve a Problem .................................................................... 133Using the To Do List....................................................................... 13312 Managing the Smart Home Server ................... 135Overview......................................................................................... 135Check the Wired Settings................................................................ 135
CONTENTSvi | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)WAN IP and MAC Addresses................................................................136LAN IP and MAC Addresses .................................................................137Check the Wireless Settings ........................................................... 137Wireless Settings ....................................................................................138Attached Wireless Devices.....................................................................139Change the Wireless Channel ......................................................... 139Monitor Disk Usage........................................................................ 140Change the Time Zone and Workgroup.......................................... 141Change the Time Zone ...........................................................................141Change the Workgroup...........................................................................141Manage an External Storage Device............................................... 142Rename Network Printers ............................................................... 14313 Managing Your PC .............................................145Overview......................................................................................... 145View a PC Inventory....................................................................... 145Defragment the Hard Drive ............................................................ 146Repair Connectivity Problems ........................................................ 14814 Error Messages ..................................................151Overview......................................................................................... 151Antivirus Messages......................................................................... 152Antispyware Messages ................................................................... 154Firewall Messages........................................................................... 157Backup and Restore Messages........................................................ 159Sereniti Shared Drive Message....................................................... 160Multiple Connection Message ........................................................ 160AppendicesAppendix A: About IP Addresses................................................ 163Appendix B: Backing Up Microsoft Outlook.............................. 169
CONTENTSSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | viiAppendix C: Resolving DNS Problems....................................... 171Index......................................................................... 175FCC Interference Statement...................................183
CONTENTSviii | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | ix. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LIST OF FIGURES2 Using the Command CenterFIGURE 2-1 Login Fields  ...................................................................  10FIGURE 2-2 Welcome Message ..........................................................  10FIGURE 2-3 Blocked Access Message ................................................  11FIGURE 2-4 Change Login Account Button .......................................  12FIGURE 2-5 User Name/Password Dialog ..........................................  13FIGURE 2-6 Command Center Main Menus .......................................  14FIGURE 2-7 Network Map ..................................................................  17FIGURE 2-8 Device Information Page (Wireless PC).........................  19FIGURE 2-9 Dashboard .......................................................................  20FIGURE 2-10 To Do List .......................................................................  223 Connecting PCs to Your NetworkFIGURE 3-1 Device Information Page  ...............................................  29FIGURE 3-2 Device Management Page (Sereniti Enabled PCs) .........  33FIGURE 3-3 Device Settings Page.......................................................  33FIGURE 3-4 Security Summary Page ..................................................  34FIGURE 3-5 Backup Status Page.........................................................  35FIGURE 3-6 Manage Firewalls Page ...................................................  37FIGURE 3-7 Auto Login Page .............................................................  384 Connecting Non-PC Devices to Your NetworkFIGURE 4-1 Device Management Page (Non-PC Devices)  ...............  44FIGURE 4-2 Manage Firewalls Page (Unknown Device) ...................  45FIGURE 4-3 Device Registration Page ................................................  45
x | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)FIGURE 4-4 Auto Login Page..............................................................  475 User AccountsFIGURE 5-1 Add User Page ................................................................  53FIGURE 5-2 Users List.........................................................................  55FIGURE 5-3 User Settings Page...........................................................  56FIGURE 5-4 Notifications Page ...........................................................  596 Parental ControlsFIGURE 6-1 Parental Controls Page  ...................................................  64FIGURE 6-2 Content Filter Settings Page............................................  65FIGURE 6-3 Time Filter Settings Page ................................................  66FIGURE 6-4 Start and Stop Fields and Time Filter Override ..............  67FIGURE 6-5 Blocked Access Message (Content Filter) ......................  68FIGURE 6-6 Unblock Requests List ....................................................  69FIGURE 6-7 Blocked Access Message (Time Filter) ..........................  707 Backup and RestoreFIGURE 7-1 Backup Status Page  ........................................................  78FIGURE 7-2 Backup Settings Page ......................................................  78FIGURE 7-3 Select Additional Folders Window .................................  80FIGURE 7-4 Backed Up Folders Window ...........................................  84FIGURE 7-5 Restore Page....................................................................  86FIGURE 7-6 Select Folders to Restore Window ..................................  88FIGURE 7-7 Backup Disk Usage Page (Totals)...................................  91FIGURE 7-8 Backup Disk Usage Page (Folders).................................  92FIGURE 7-9 Backup Cleanup Page......................................................  93FIGURE 7-10 Backup Cleanup Details Page .........................................  93
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | xi8 Shared Server Drives and Network DevicesFIGURE 8-1 Attached USB Devices Page  ..........................................  101FIGURE 8-2 Printers and Faxes Window.............................................  104FIGURE 8-3 Add Printer Wizard (1)....................................................  105FIGURE 8-4 Add Printer Wizard (2)....................................................  106FIGURE 8-5 Add Printer Wizard (3)....................................................  106FIGURE 8-6 Add Printer Wizard (4)....................................................  107FIGURE 8-7 Add Printer Wizard (5)....................................................  108FIGURE 8-8 Add Printer Wizard (6)....................................................  1089 Folder and Printer SharingFIGURE 9-1 Folder Sharing Page  .......................................................  114FIGURE 9-2 Folder Sharing Wizard (1)...............................................  114FIGURE 9-3 Folder Sharing Wizard (2)...............................................  115FIGURE 9-4 Printer Sharing Page........................................................  118FIGURE 9-5 Printer Sharing Wizard (1) ..............................................  118FIGURE 9-6 Printer Sharing Wizard (2) ..............................................  119FIGURE 9-7 Printer Sharing Wizard (3) ..............................................  11910 Port ForwardingFIGURE 10-1 Manage Firewalls Page  ..................................................  123FIGURE 10-2 Firewall Settings Page.....................................................  123FIGURE 10-3 Add Firewall Rules Page.................................................  124FIGURE 10-4 Port Forwarding Rules Page............................................  12511 Monitoring Network SecurityFIGURE 11-1 Security Summary Page  .................................................  130FIGURE 11-2 Device Security Page ......................................................  132
xii | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)12 Managing the Smart Home ServerFIGURE 12-1 Smart Home Server Status Page .....................................  136FIGURE 12-2 Wireless Settings Page ....................................................  138FIGURE 12-3 Smart Home Server Settings Page ..................................  141FIGURE 12-4 Attached USB Devices Page ...........................................  14213 Managing Your PCFIGURE 13-1 PC Inventory  ..................................................................  146FIGURE 13-2 PC Status Page ................................................................  147FIGURE 13-3 Windows Disk Defragmenter..........................................  148FIGURE 13-4 Connectivity Manager .....................................................  149
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | xiii. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LIST OF TABLES1 IntroductionTABLE 1-1 User Manual Chapters ....................................................  32 Using the Command CenterTABLE 2-1 Tray Icon Menu Options  ................................................ 8TABLE 2-2 Command Center Options .............................................. 16TABLE 2-3 Dashboard Options ......................................................... 20TABLE 2-4 Alert Fields .................................................................... 226 Parental ControlsTABLE 6-1 Content Filters ................................................................ 6314 Error MessagesTABLE 14-1 Antivirus Messages ........................................................ 152TABLE 14-2 Antispyware Messages ................................................... 154TABLE 14-3 Firewall Messages .......................................................... 157TABLE 14-4 Backup and Restore Messages ....................................... 159
xiv | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INTRODUCTION1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WELCOMECongratulations. You have chosen to subscribe to the Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service. Our unique combination of hardware, software and around-the-clock technical support can help you overcome the complexities and frustrations that all too frequently accompany the installation and management of a home network.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMMAND CENTERThe User Manual explains how to operate the Sereniti Command Center. The Command Center is an easy to use home network management program that you can install on any PC in your network running the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. The Command Center does two things:Manages the network The Command Center helps you set up and manage a Smart Home Network. Using the Command Center, you can:• Create user accounts so that others can log into the network, use its broadband connection to access the Internet, send and receive email, chat with friends, etc.• Set up parental controls to restrict the types of web sites your children can access and the hours of the day they can access them
INTRODUCTIONCommand Center2 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)1• Ensure antivirus, antispyware and firewall programs are installed on each PC, and are enabled and up to date• Create a backup schedule to automatically back up key files and folders on each PC • Share folders and printers among network usersImproves network usability In addition to helping you manage your network, installing the Command Center on a PC serves another purpose – it makes it much easier to:• Log the user into the network• Apply the appropriate parental controls • Monitor the antivirus, antispyware and firewall programs• Ensure key files are backed upon on a regular basis• Connect to the two Sereniti shared drives, any printers or storage devices connected to the Smart Home Server, and all other shared printers and foldersFor these reasons, we recommend you install the Command Center on all PCs in your household, as well as any PCs that will connect to the network on a regular basis, such as laptops you bring home from the office, a college student returning home for vacations, etc. Complete installation instructions can be found in the Installation Manual.To get the benefits of the Command Center, the program does not have to be open, only installed and running. The only thing the user will notice is a small icon in the Windows system tray.Tip: If a user will not be using the Command Center to manage the network, you can set the user’s PC to auto login. The user will then be logged in automatically when the PC is started and need never open the Command Center. Parental controls will still apply. For details, see Chapter 3.
INTRODUCTIONOverview of the ManualSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEW OF THE MANUALTABLE 1-1 briefly summarizes the contents of each chapter in the User Manual.TABLE 1-1 User Manual ChaptersThis chapter... Explains how to...Chapter 2. Using the Command Center• Use the Command Center’s tray icon• Log in and out of the Command Center• Change login accounts• Set the Command Center’s launch options• Use the Command Center’s Main Menu• Use the Network Map and Dashboard, which are found on the Command Center’s Home page• Use the To Do List, which shows all alerts issued by the systemChapter 3. Connecting PCs to Your Network• Find a newly connected PC in the Network Map and other Command Center pages• Use the Network Map and Device Management page to track the PC’s status and respond to security and backup problems• Use the Security Summary page to track the status of the antivirus, antispyware and firewall programs running on the PC• Use the Backup Status page to track the status of scheduled backups on the PC• Use the Manage Firewalls page to track the port forwarding rules in effect for the PC• Set the PC to auto login• Change the PC’s settings (name, type, icon)• Connect the PC to another wireless network
INTRODUCTIONOverview of the Manual4 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)1Chapter 4. Connecting Non-PC Devices to Your Network• Register a non-PC device• Set a non-PC device to auto login• Open firewall ports for non-PC devicesChapter 5. User Accounts• Create privileged and non-privileged user accounts• View a list of existing user accounts• Modify the details of a user account• Delete a user account• Set up user notificationsChapter 6. Parental Controls• Choose a content filter to assign to a user• Create Allowed and Restricted Sites Lists• Set a user’s time filter• Create a time filter override• Unblock a web siteChapter 7. Backup and Restore• Set the backup schedule• Select folders for backup• Track the status of scheduled backups• Perform an unscheduled backup• View the contents of the most recent backup• Restore files and folders• Clean up old backups• Open ports for backupsTABLE 1-1 User Manual Chapters (Continued)This chapter... Explains how to...
INTRODUCTIONOverview of the ManualSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 5Chapter 8. Shared Server Drives and Network Devices• Access the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive)• Connect an external storage device to the Smart Home Server• Rename an external storage device• Access, monitor, format, repair and remove an external storage device• Connect a network printer to the Smart Home Server• Rename the printerChapter 9. Folder and Printer Sharing• Create and access shared folders• Create and print to shared printersChapter 10. Port Forwarding• Enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)• Select a system defined port forwarding rule• Create a user defined port forwarding rule• Delete a port forwarding ruleChapter 11. Monitoring Network Security• Identify and evaluate the severity of any problems with the security programs running on any of your network PCs• Take action to resolve the problems• Use the To Do List to identify and resolve problemsChapter 12. Managing the Smart Home Server• Check the Smart Home Server’s wired and wireless settings• Change the wireless channel• Monitor hard disk usage on the Smart Home Server• Change the Smart Home Server’s time zone and workgroup• Manage external storage drives• Rename network printersTABLE 1-1 User Manual Chapters (Continued)This chapter... Explains how to...
INTRODUCTIONOverview of the Manual6 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)1Chapter 13. Managing Your PC• Display an inventory of a PC’s hardware and software resources• Defragment a PC’s hard drive• Resolve connectivity problemsChapter 14. Error Messages• Respond to Antivirus error messages• Respond to Antispyware error messages• Respond to Firewall error messages• Respond to Backup and restore error messages• Respond to Sereniti shared drive messages• Respond to Multiple connection messageTABLE 1-1 User Manual Chapters (Continued)This chapter... Explains how to...
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USING THE COMMAND CENTER2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Use the Command Center’s tray icon• Log in and out of the Command Center• Change login accounts• Set the Command Center’s launch options• Use the Command Center’s Main Menu• Use the Network Map and Dashboard, which are found on the Command Center’s Home page• Use the To Do List, which shows all alerts issued by the system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWThe Command Center interface provides subscribers of the Smart Home Networking Service with a powerful set of tools to set up and manage their Smart Home Network. It consists of:• A tray icon to represent the Command Center • Launch options to determine how the Command Center opens• A Main Menu to access the Command Center pages you need to set up and manage the network• A Home page with a Network Map showing at a glance all devices connected to the network and a Dashboard to help manage the PC you are currently using
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTray Icon8 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2• A To Do List showing all outstanding alerts and the actions needed to resolve them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRAY ICONWhen the Command Center is installed on a PC, it places an icon in the Windows system tray. The system tray is usually located at the bottom right of the screen. The appearance of the icon depends on whether or not the user is logged into the Command Center.Right-clicking on the tray icon pops up a menu with seven options. TABLE 2-1 explains what each option does.TABLE 2-1 Tray Icon Menu Options Option What it does...Go to If you are logged in, it opens the Sereniti home page in a browser. If you are not logged in, it is grayed out because login is required for Internet access. Command Center If you are logged in, it brings the Command Center to the front of the screen. If you are not logged in, it opens the Command Center so you can log in.Reset to Default SettingsResets the Command Center software to the default settings. Select this option whenever you connect to a new Smart Home Server.Help Launches the on-line help window= Logged in= Not logged in
USING THE COMMAND CENTERLogging In and OutSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOGGING IN AND OUTTo connect to your home network and use your broadband Internet con-nection, all users must log in. Users attempting to access the Internet without logging in will be blocked by the Smart Home Server and asked to login.Users remain logged in until they log out (or until exiting the Command Center or turning off the PC). Users can change login accounts without logging out (see “Change Login Accounts” below).Note: PCs can be set to auto login so that the user is logged in automatically when the PC is turned on. For additional information, see Chapter 3.LOGGING INUsers can log in through the Command Center or through a browser.Logging in through the Command Center To log in through the Command Center, follow the steps below:1The Command Center should open automatically when your PC starts. If it does not, right-click the tray icon and select Sign In.About Displays the version of the Command Center software currently installedSign Out/Sign In Signs you in and out of the Command Center.Signing in opens the Command Center and allows you to log in. Signing out logs you out of the Command Center but leaves the Command Center running.Exit Closes the Command CenterTABLE 2-1 Tray Icon Menu Options  (Continued)Option What it does...
USING THE COMMAND CENTERLogging In and Out10 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)22When the Command Center is open and the Home page displayed, type a user name and password in the Username and Password fields (FIGURE 2-1).Note: The Username and Password fields appear at the bottom of every Command Center page. Users can log in and out from any page.3Click LOGIN. A message pops up indicating you are being logged in. In addition, a welcome message with your user name appears on the upper left of every page (FIGURE 2-2) and the LOGIN button becomes a LOGOUT button.Logging in through a browser  To log in through a browser, follow the steps below:1Open a browser such as the Internet Explorer. The browser attempts to connect to the Internet and then displays a Blocked Access message (FIGURE 2-3).FIGURE 2-1 Login FieldsFIGURE 2-2 Welcome MessageWelcome message
USING THE COMMAND CENTERLogging In and OutSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 112Type your user name and password in the User name and Password fields.3Click LOGIN. The browser now connects to the Internet and displays the browser's home page.LOGGING OUTUsers can log out through the Command Center or through a browser.Logging out through the Command Center If you logged in through the Command Center, there are two ways to log out:1Click the LOGOUT button at the bottom right of any Command Center page.or2Right-click the tray icon and select Sign Out.Logging out through a browser If you logged in through a browser such as Internet Explorer, you have to logout through the browser:1Open the browser and enter in the Address field.FIGURE 2-3 Blocked Access Message
USING THE COMMAND CENTERChange Login Accounts12 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)22Click Go. When you are logged out, a Blocked Access message appears in the browser window. To log back in, enter your user name and password and click the LOGIN button.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHANGE LOGIN ACCOUNTSSometimes it is necessary to change accounts and log in as a different user. To do this:1Click the CHANGE button. It is found at the bottom right of every Command Center page (FIGURE 2-4). FIGURE 2-4 Change Login Account ButtonCHANGE button
USING THE COMMAND CENTERLaunch OptionsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 132A dialog box pops up and prompts you for a user name and password (FIGURE 2-5).3Enter a user name and password in the Username and Password fields.4Click OK. The login account is immediately changed. Any parental controls associated with the new account now apply to you.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LAUNCH OPTIONSThe Command Center is set to launch automatically every time you start your PC. If you do not intend to use the Command Center, you can close the Command Center window by clicking this icon  or minimize the window by clicking this icon  . In either case, the Command Center remains running, just not visible, and the icon still appears in the Win-dows system tray.If you logged in before you closed or minimized the window, you remain logged in even though the Command Center is not visible. The tray icon shows you are logged in (see “Tray Icon” above).If you did not log in before closing or minimizing the window, the tray icons shows you are not logged in. If you attempt to connect to the Inter-net, you will be prompted to log in. Once you do, the tray icon will change. If you re-open the Command Center, you will not have to log in again.FIGURE 2-5 User Name/Password Dialog
USING THE COMMAND CENTERMain Menu14 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2Note: To turn the Command Center off, so that it is not running at all, right-click the tray icon and select Exit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MAIN MENUEvery Command Center page has a horizontal Main Menu across the top. The menu appears twice, once as text and once as icons(FIGURE 2-6). The two versions are essentially the same. These are the primary simi-larities and differences:File menu The text version has a File menu that is not found in the icon version. The File menu enables you to:SOLUTION: How do I turn off auto launch?If you would rather not have the Command Center launch automati-cally every time you start your PC:1. Go to the text Main Menu (see “Main Menu” below).2. Click File.3. Select Options.4. Select Auto Launch Sereniti Command Center.Now, when you start your PC, the Command Center will not launch,but the icon will appear in the system tray. To open the CommandCenter, right-click the icon and select Command Center.FIGURE 2-6 Command Center Main Menus
USING THE COMMAND CENTERMain MenuSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 15• Return to the Home page from any other Command Center page (the icon version has a Home option that does the same thing)• Auto launch Sereniti wireless. This auto launch feature is automatically turned on when you set a PC up to connect to the Smart Home Server wirelessly. You can turn this feature off by selecting it. You only need to do this when you connect to a different wireless network.• Auto launch the Command Center. This auto launch feature is turned on by default. This means the Command Center opens automatically when the PC starts. You can turn this feature off by selecting it.• Exit the Command CenterHelp menu The text version has a Help menu that is not found in the icon version. The Help menu enables you to:• Launch a window that shows the version of the Command Center software currently running on this PC• Access the Sereniti web site to view the company’s copyright information, privacy policy and home page, and to contact the company for supportSupport menu The icon version has a Support menu that is not found in the text version. The Support menu enables you to:• Access the Sereniti support portal• Contact a Sereniti support agent by chat or email• Diagnose and repair connectivity problemsCommand Center menu The primary portion of the two Main Menus are the six Command Center options. These are the same on both menus. They enable you to set up and manage your network. TABLE 2-2 explains what each option does.
USING THE COMMAND CENTERMain Menu16 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2TABLE 2-2 Command Center Options Option What it does...My PC Helps manage the PC you are currently using. Lets you check its status, defragment its hard drive, set up restore points and repair connectivity problems.My Network Helps monitor the PCs in the network. Lets you check the status of their security programs and backups, set auto login and repair connectivity problems.Also helps manage the Smart Home Server, check its status and settings and monitor its hard disk usage.Users Helps manage access to your network. Lets you create, modify and delete user accounts. Also lets you set up parental controls.Security Helps manage network security. Lets you monitor the security programs on each PC and resolve any problems.Also lets you open ports on the network firewall and set up parental controls.Backup Helps protect against information loss. Lets you create a backup schedule, choose the folders to be backed up, perform unscheduled backups and restore old backed up files.Also lets you monitor backup disk usage and clean up unneeded backup files.Sharing Helps make network resources available to all users. Lets you set up folder and printer sharing.Also lets you view the contents of the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive) and manage any external storage devices and printers attached to the Smart Home Server.
USING THE COMMAND CENTERHome PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HOME PAGEThe Home page is the first page that appears after you log into the Com-mand Center. You can return to the Home page from any Command Center page by clicking Home in the Main Menu.The Home page consists of a Network Map and a Dashboard.NETWORK MAPThe Network Map shows all the PCs and other devices connected to your network. The devices do not have to be powered on to show up on the Network Map.FIGURE 2-7 shows a typical network map.Note: You can also display the Network Map by clicking My Networks and then clicking the Network Map icon.FIGURE 2-7 Network Map
USING THE COMMAND CENTERHome Page18 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2On or offline The appearance of the icon tells you if the device is online or offline. If the device is online, the icon appears in full color, as shown below:The green star only appears on PCs running the Command Center. It indicates the Command Center is up and connected to the Smart Home Server. If the PC is not connected to the Smart Home Server, a red star appears.If the device is offline, the icon appears grayed out, as shown below:IP and MAC addresses To display the IP and MAC addresses of a device, rest your mouse cursor on the icon. The IP and MAC addresses pop up, as shown below:Additional device information To view additional information about a device, click the device’s name to display the Device Information page (FIGURE 2-8).
USING THE COMMAND CENTERHome PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 19If the device is a PC running the Command Center, the page warns you if the PC is experiencing security or backup problems (see FIGURE 2-8), and provides links to the Device Security and Backup Status pages so you can resolve them.DASHBOARDThe Dashboard appears along the left side of the Home page (FIGURE 2-9). It lets you open the To Do List and provides links to Command Cen-ter pages to help you manage and troubleshoot the PC you are currently using.FIGURE 2-8 Device Information Page (Wireless PC)Security and backup status
USING THE COMMAND CENTERHome Page20 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2Note: The Dashboard is detachable. You can separate the Dashboard from the Command Center and pin it to the desktop so it can be accessed more easily. To do this, click the pin icon  at the top-right of the Dashboard (see FIGURE 2-9). To unpin it, click the pin icon a second time.TABLE 2-3 explains what each Dashboard option does.TABLE 2-3 Dashboard Options Option What it does...To Do Opens the To Do List (see “To Do List” below for a description and explanation). Security Displays the Device Security page for the PC you are currently using. This page shows the status of the security programs and helps you resolve any problems.Hardware Displays the PC Status page, which lets you defragment the PC’s hard diskFIGURE 2-9 DashboardPin to detach12345123
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do ListSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TO DO LISTWhen an event occurs that could cause a problem, the Command Center issues an alert. Two things then happen:• An Alert Box pops up near your system tray and warns you of the problem.• An entry is placed in the To Do List, where it remains until you remove it.Examples of events that can trigger an alert are:• New device connected to your network• No firewall, antivirus or antispyware programs installed or enabled on a specific PC• New definitions available for the antivirus and antispyware programs• A PC has not been backed up for at least seven daysFor each alert, the To Do List recommends action to resolve the issue.OPEN THE TO DO LISTTo open the To Do List, follow the steps below:1Click Home to display the Dashboard.System Integrity Displays the Restore Point page, which lets you create new restore points and perform restore operationsConnectivity Displays an icon page that lets you repair connectivity problems and perform a new setup on the Smart Home Server and this PCTABLE 2-3 Dashboard Options  (Continued)Option What it does...45
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do List22 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)22Click the To Do icon in the Dashboard to display the To Do List (FIGURE 2-10).UNDERSTANDING ALERTSThe To Do List lists each outstanding alert in chronological order, start-ing with the most recent alert. Each alert consists of four fields of infor-mation and two action buttons. Fields The fields are explained in TABLE 2-4.TABLE 2-4 Alert FieldsField What it means...Severity The seriousness of the problem triggering the alert. Expressed by these icons.Recommended ActionThe action to take to resolve the issue that triggered the alert. For assistance, click HELP next to the action.Device The device experiencing the problemDetected The date and time the problem was first detectedFIGURE 2-10 To Do List1 2 3 4 51= Warning – potential problem identified=  Major – problem identified, act soon=  Critical – serious problem identified, act immediately234
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do ListSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 23Buttons At the far right of each alert are two action buttons.•IGNORE If an alert does not represent a security threat or cannot be addressed, click IGNORE to mark it as ignored and remove it from the list.•DONE If the problem that caused an alert has been resolved, click DONE to mark the alert as resolved and remove it from the list.RESPONDING TO ALERTSThe Recommended Action column tells you what to do to resolve the problem that caused the alert. The following lists some of the more com-mon recommended actions and explains how to carry them out.Unknown device detected Whenever the Smart Home Server detects a device it cannot identify, it issues an alert. This happens when you connect a new device to your network. You should register the device. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Home to display the Home page.2Locate the unknown device on the Network Map. It should look like this:5SOLUTION: When should I ignore an alert?Here is an example of an alert that can be ignored. You connect adevice to the network and then disconnect it without registering it. Analert is issued instructing you to register the device, but since thedevice is no longer connected to the network, it cannot be registered.Click IGNORE to remove the alert from the To Do List.
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do List24 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)23Click the device to display the Device Registration page (see Chapter 4, FIGURE 4-3).4In the Device Name field, replace UNKNOWN with a name of your choice. Use only letters, numbers, a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_). Do not use spaces.5In the Device Type field, select the type of device from the drop-down list.6In the Icon field, click CHANGE to open a pop-up window showing other available icons.7Select an icon and click Select to close the window and return to the Device Registration page. The new icon appears in the Icon field.8Click SUBMIT.Install a firewall/antivirus/antispyware program To protect your PCs, each PC should be running personal firewall, antivirus and antispy-ware programs. Whenever the Smart Home Server detects a PC that is missing one or more of these programs, it issues an alert. You should install the missing program(s).The Serenity Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with the Smart Home Networking Service, contains all three programs, as well as a pop-up blocker. To install the suite, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon.Enable a firewall/antivirus/antispyware program To protect your PCs, the personal firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware programs running on them should be enabled at all times. Whenever the Smart Home Server detects a PC with one or more of these programs disabled, it issues an alert. You should enable the program(s).Most security programs put an icon in the Windows system tray that can be used to enable and disable them. If you are not sure how to enable your security programs, consult the documentation that comes with the software.
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do ListSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 25Download and install new antivirus/antispyware definitions To be effective, antivirus and antispyware programs should be equipped with the latest definitions and signatures. Whenever the Smart Home Server detects a program lacking the latest definitions and signatures, it issues an alert.Most antivirus and antispyware programs put an icon in the Windows system tray that can be used to download and install the latest defini-tions and signatures. If you are not sure how to do this, consult the docu-mentation that comes with the software.PC has not been backed up for at least seven days To protect important information, your PCs should be backed up on a regular basis. Whenever the Smart Home Server detects a PC that has not been backed up in seven days, it issues an alert.You should check to see why the scheduled backups have been failing. The most common reason is that the PC is turned off when the backups are scheduled. To check the backup schedule:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page.2Locate the PC and click EDIT to display the Backup Settings page (see Chapter 7, FIGURE 7-2).3Check the scheduled time. If the PC tends to be off at that time, select a time when you can leave it on.4Click SUBMIT.Since the PC has not been backed up in at least a week, as a precaution you might also want to perform an unscheduled backup. The unsched-uled backup will not affect the backup schedule.To perform an unscheduled backup:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (see Chapter 7, FIGURE 7-1).2Locate the PC and click BACKUP.
USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo Do List26 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)2
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 27CONNECTING PCS TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YOUR NETWORK10 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Find a newly connected PC in the Network Map and other Command Center pages• Use the Network Map and Device Management page to track the PC’s status and respond to security and backup problems• Use the Security Summary page to track the status of the antivirus, antispyware and firewall programs running on the PC• Use the Backup Status page to track the status of scheduled backups on the PC• Use the Manage Firewalls page to track the port forwarding rules in effect for the PC• Set the PC to auto login• Change the PC’s settings (name, type, icon)• Connect the PC to another wireless network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWTo connect a new PC to your Smart Home Network, follow the instructions in Chapter 3 of the Installation Manual. They explain how to install the Command Center software and establish the wired or wireless connection.
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKNetwork Map28 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3Once the connection is established, the Smart Home Server detects the presence of the new PC and passes this information to the Command Center. By opening specific Command Center pages, you can monitor the PC’s security programs and backups, and open ports when required.Note: If you connect a PC that does not have the Command Center installed, the Smart Home Server treats it the same way it treats a non-PC device. See Chapter 4 for details.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NETWORK MAPLog into the Command Center from the PC. There should be an entry for the PC in the Network Map on the Home page. The entry appears as a desktop computer icon. Next to the icon are the PC’s name, the Windows user name and a status message. The following shows what a typical entry looks like:In the example above, FamilyRoom is the name of the PC, MICHAEL is the Windows user name, and the status message is Warning, indicating a problem with the security programs on the PC. The green star   indicates the Command Center is connected to the Smart Home Server. If it were not connected, the star would be red.Note: To find out the name of a computer, click Start on the Windows taskbar, right-click My Computer and select Properties. The Computer Name tab shows the computer name and allows you to change it.If you pass the mouse cursor over the icon, the IP and MAC addresses of the PC pop up.
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKDevice Information PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEVICE INFORMATION PAGEIf you click the PC name or icon in the Network Map, the Device Information page displays (FIGURE 3-1). This page shows provides basic device information, shows the current status of the device, and gives some basic connection details. The following explains:DEVICE INFORMATIONDevice information includes:•NameThe full computer name of the PC. To view and change the name on the PC, click Start in the Windows taskbar, right-click My Computer and select Properties. Click the Computer Name tab in the Properties window and then click the Change button.FIGURE 3-1 Device Information Page1231
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKDevice Information Page30 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3•Windows Workgroup NameThe workgroup to which the PC belongs. The Smart Home Server and all PCs must be in the same workgroup to share folders and printers. To change the workgroup, click Start, right-click My Computer and select Properties. Click the Computer Name tab and then click the Change button.•User The user account currently logged in. To view the user accounts on a PC, and add or change an account, click Start and select Control Panel. Then, double-click the User Accounts entry in the Control Panel.•Online StatusYes = PC currently onlineNo = PC currently offline•Connected ByWired LAN or Wireless LANCURRENT STATUSCurrent status information includes:•SecurityIndicates the status of the antivirus, antispyware and firewall programs using these symbols:If Warning, Major or Critical appears, click Security and then click the Security Summary icon to display the Security Summary page. This page shows the security problems on each network PC and helps you resolve them. See Chapter 11 for details.= Good – no action required= Warning – potential problem identified= Major – problem identified, act soon= Critical – serious problem identified, act immediately2
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKDevice Information PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 31•BackupIndicates the status of the last backup using these symbols:If the last backup was unsuccessful, click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page. Locate the PC and position the mouse cursor on the   icon. The cause of the failure will pop up (e.g., PC was offline when backup started). You can fix the cause and then either wait for the next scheduled backup or perform an unscheduled backup. See Chapter 7 for details.•Signal Quality (wireless PCs only)The strength of the Smart Home Server's radio signal. No green bars means no signal. One green bar is the weakest; five green bars is the strongest. The icon below shows three green bars, which represents good signal quality.CONNECTION DETAILConnection detail information includes:•Wireless Encryption (wireless PCs only)Should always be on. You were instructed to create an encryption key when this PC was initially set up using the Quick Install CD. All wireless PCs connecting to your network need this key. To identify your WEP key, click Security and then click the Wireless Settings icon to display the Wireless Settings page. See Chapter 12 for details.•Wireless Transmit Rate (wireless PCs only)Your current transmission speed. If your wireless mode is 802.11g, the maximum speed is 54 mbps. If it is 802.11a or b, maximum speed is less.= Last backup successful= Last backup unsuccessful3
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKDevice Management Page32 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3• Wireless Channel (wireless PCs only)The channel the radio transmitter in the Smart Home Server is using to broadcast. By default, it broadcasts on channel 6.•Wireless Mode (wireless PCs only)The wireless protocol. The Sereniti system is compatible with 802.11a, b or g. Most newer devices use 802.11g. •IP AddressThe IP address of the PC. This is assigned by the Smart Home Server, and is usually 192.168.50.X, where X depends on the number of devices in your network.•Subnet MaskA number that the Smart Home Server uses with the IP address to help identify the various devices connected to your network.•GatewayThe IP address of the Smart Home Server. By default, the address is The Smart Home Server is your gateway to the Internet.•MAC AddressThe MAC address of the wireless card in the PC. The MAC address is a unique number that is burned into all Internet devices at the factory.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEVICE MANAGEMENT PAGEIn addition to the Network Map and Device Information page, an entry is also placed in the Device Management page under the heading Seren-iti Enabled PCs. Click My Network and then click the Device List icon to display this page (FIGURE 3-2).
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKDevice Management PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 33You can do the following from this page:•Display the Device Information pageClick the name of any PC to display the Device Information page for that PC (FIGURE 3-1).•Display the Device Settings pageClick the SETTINGS button to the right of any PC to display the Device Settings page (FIGURE 3-3) You can change the PC’s name, device type or icon from this page.•Display the Device Security pageThis page uses the same icons as the Device Management page FIGURE 3-2 Device Management Page (Sereniti Enabled PCs)FIGURE 3-3 Device Settings Page
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKSecurity Summary Page34 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3to represent security program problems (see page 30). Click the icon in the Security Summary column for any PC to display the Device Security page (Chapter 11, FIGURE 11-2). This page provides a closer look at the status of the PC’s personal firewall, antivirus and antispyware programs. See Chapter 11 for details.•Display the Backup Status pageThis page uses the same icons as the Device Management page to represent backup problems (see page 31). Click the icon in the Last Backup Status column for any PC to display the Backup Status page. This page show the status of the last backup for each PC and allows you to perform a number of backup-related functions. See Chapter 7 for details.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SECURITY SUMMARY PAGEAn entry for the new PC also appears in the Security Summary page. Click Security and then click the Security Summary icon to display this page (FIGURE 3-4).FIGURE 3-4 Security Summary Page
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKBackup Status PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 35This page shows the status of the antivirus, antispyware and personal firewall programs running on each PC. It uses the same icons as the Device Information page (see page 30).If any PC has a problem, Click VIEW in the Details column to display the Device Security page for that PC. This page spells out the nature of the problem and provides links to help you solve it. See Chapter 11 for details.You can also click the name of any PC to display the Device Information page for that PC (FIGURE 3-1).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACKUP STATUS PAGEAn entry for the new PC appears in the Backup Status page. Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display this page (FIGURE 3-5).For each PC, this page shows:The PC nameFIGURE 3-5 Backup Status Page12 3 41
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKBackup Status Page36 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3The date and time of the last backup attemptThe outcome of that attemptIf the backup was unsuccessful, position the mousecursor on the  . A box will pop up and give the reasonthe backup failed.The date and time of the next scheduled backupYou can do the following from this page:•Display the Backup Settings pageClick EDIT for any PC to display the Backup Settings page for that PC. This page allows you to change the PC’s backup schedule and select the folders to be backed up. See Chapter 7 for details.•View the last successful backupClick VIEW for any PC to look at the folders in this PC’s last successful backup.•Perform an unscheduled backupClick BACKUP for any PC to perform an unscheduled backup right now.23= Backup successful= Backup unsuccessful4
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKManage Firewalls PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MANAGE FIREWALLS PAGEAn entry for the new PC appears in the Manage Firewalls page. Click Security and then click Network Firewall Settings to display this page (FIGURE 3-6).For each device in your network, this page indicates if Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is enabled and shows any port forwarding rules in effect for the device. Click EDIT for any device to display the Firewall Settings page for that device. This pages allows you to enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and select or create additional rules. See Chapter 10 for details.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SET A PC TO AUTO LOGINWhen the Command Center is installed on a PC, users have to log into the Command Center to obtain Internet access. If they do not do this, they are blocked and prompted to enter their user name and password.You have the option of setting the PC to auto login to avoid this. When a PC is set to auto login, login takes place automatically as soon as the PC FIGURE 3-6 Manage Firewalls Page
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKSet a PC to Auto Login38 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3is turned on. The user does not have to enter a user name and password. This is especially useful for young children.When you set up auto login, you have to enter a user account. The parental controls associated with the account are in effect for auto login, and apply to everyone who uses the PC.To set a PC to auto login, follow the steps below:1Click My Network and then click the Device Auto Login to display the Auto Login page (FIGURE 3-7).2Locate the PC.3Select a user account from the drop-down list in the Auto Login Account field. All parental controls associated with the account will apply to whoever uses this PC to access the Internet.Note: In addition to showing all existing user accounts, the drop-down list also has an entry called Non-PC Device. This entry is intended for game consoles, media servers and other non-PC devices. It is the equivalent of a non-privileged user with unlimited Internet access. 4Click SUBMIT.FIGURE 3-7 Auto Login Page
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKChange A PC’s NameSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHANGE A PC’S NAMEAll new PCs are identified by their internal computer name. You can change the name to something more easily recognizable. The new name replaces the old name wherever it appears in the Command Center.Note: Changing a PC’s name only changes the name that appears in the Command Center. The PC’s internal computer name remains the same. This can only be changed on the PC itself.To change the name, follow these steps:1Click My Network and then click the Device List icon to display the Device Management page (FIGURE 3-2).2Locate the PC and click SETTINGS to display the Device Settings page (FIGURE 3-3).3Type a new name in the Device Name field.4Click SUBMIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHANGE A PC’S TYPENew PCs are always identified as PCs, regardless of whether they are desktop or laptop units. To change the type to laptop, follow these steps:1Click My Network and then click the Device List icon to display the Device Management page (FIGURE 3-2).2Locate the PC and click SETTINGS to display the Device Settings page (FIGURE 3-3).3Select Laptop from the drop-down list in the Device Type field.4Click SUBMIT.
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKChange A PC’s Icon40 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHANGE A PC’S ICONNew PCs are always assigned an icon that depicts a desktop PC. You can change the icon to a laptop, a PC with flat panel display, or a tower PC. The new icon replaces the old icon wherever it appears in the Command Center.To change the icon, follow these steps:1Click My Network and then click the Device List icon to display the Device Management page (FIGURE 3-2).2Locate the PC and click SETTINGS to display the Device Settings page (FIGURE 3-3).3Click CHANGE in the Icon field to open a pop-up window showing other available icons.4Select an icon and click Select to close the window and return to the Devices Settings page. The new icon appears in the Icon field.5Click SUBMIT.CONNECT THE PC TO ANOTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WIRELESS NETWORKIf your PC was set up to connect to your home network wirelessly (see Chapter 3 of the Installation Manual), the Sereniti wireless agent was turned on. The agent instructs the wireless adapter in the PC to look for the Smart Home Server and connect to it.When you take your PC out of your home and attempt to connect to another wireless network, such as your office network or a public hotspot, you will need to turn the Sereniti wireless agent off. This allows the Windows wireless agent to take over and search for available networks to connect to.
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKConnect the PC to Another Wireless NetworkSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 41To turn the Sereniti wireless agent off:1Go to the text Main Menu (see Chapter 2 for an explanation of the two Main Menus).2Click File.3Select Options.4Select Auto Launch Sereniti wireless. This option was turned on when the PC was configured for wireless. Selecting it now turns it off. When you return home and want to reconnect to you Smart Home Server, repeat the procedure above. This turns the wireless agent back on.
CONNECTING PCS TO YOUR NETWORKConnect the PC to Another Wireless Network42 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 43CONNECTING NON-PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORK4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Register a non-PC device• Set a non-PC device to auto login• Open firewall ports for non-PC devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWMany types of non-PC devices can be connected to your Smart Home Network. The following lists a few of the more common ones:• Personal data assistants (PDAs)• Game consoles• Digital video recorders • Print and media serversNote: PCs that do not have the Command Center installed are treated as non-PC devices.WIRELESS DEVICESIf the device is wireless, make sure its wireless adapter is enabled and it is configured to connect to the Smart Home Server. This may require you to enter your network’s SSID and WEP key. These can be found by clicking My Networks and then clicking the Wireless Settings icon. (For help in configuring a device, refer to the documentation that comes with it.)
CONNECTING NON-PC DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORKOverview44 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)4NETWORK MAPLog into the Command Center. The non-PC device you just connected appears on the Home page in the Network Map. The entry for the device appears as an unknown device icon. The name of the device is also UNKNOWN, and the status is simply “online.” The following shows what such an entry looks like:Tip: It is not a good idea to connect several devices at the same time, because each device shows up as UNKNOWN and it is some-times difficult to tell which device is which. A better approach is to connect one and register it (see below) so that it has a name to identify it, and then connect and register another, etc.OTHER PAGESIn addition to the Network Map, UNKNOWN entries are also placed in the Device Management page (see Chapter 3, FIGURE 3-2) and the Man-age Firewalls page (see Chapter 10, FIGURE 10-1). Device Management Page The entry in the Device Management page appears under the heading Non-Enabled PCs and Other Devices. Click My Network and then click the Device List icon to display this page (FIGURE 4-1).FIGURE 4-1 Device Management Page (Non-PC Devices)
CONNECTING NON-PC DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORKRegister a DeviceSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 45Manage Firewalls page To display the Manage Firewalls page, click Security and then click the Network Firewall Settings icon(FIGURE 4-2).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .REGISTER A DEVICETo give the device a name and icon so that you can more easily identify it in the Command Center, you have to register it. To register a device, follow the steps below:1Locate the device in the Network Map and click the name or icon to display the Device Registration page (FIGURE 4-3).Note: You can also display the Device Registration page by clicking UNKNOWN or SETTINGS in the Device Management page.FIGURE 4-2 Manage Firewalls Page (Unknown Device)FIGURE 4-3 Device Registration Page
CONNECTING NON-PC DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORKSet a Device to Auto login46 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)42In the Device Name field, replace UNKNOWN with a name of your choosing. Use only letters, numbers, a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_). Do not use spaces.3In the Device Type field, select the type of device from the drop-down list.4In the Icon field, click CHANGE to open a pop-up window showing other available icons.5Select an icon and click Select to close the window and return to the Devices Registration page. The new icon appears in the Icon field.6Click SUBMIT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SET A DEVICE TO AUTO LOGINNon-PC devices that have to access the Internet must be set to auto login. This is because they do not have a login screen where you can enter a user name and password.When setting a device to auto login, you have to select either Non-PC Device or a specific user account which serves as the auto login account:•Non-PC DeviceGives the device unlimited Internet access (but not privileged status).•User Account Limits the device’s Internet access, based on the content and time filters associated with the accountSOLUTION: When should I select a user account?Select a user account instead of Non-PC Device whenyou want to restrict Internet access. For example, if youdo not want your children to use a game console after 10pm, create an account with a time filter that blocksaccess from 10 pm until 10 am the following morning.
CONNECTING NON-PC DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORKOpen Ports for a DeviceSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 47To set a device to auto login, follow the steps below:1Click My Network and then click the Device Auto Login to display the Auto Login page (FIGURE 4-4). It shows each device.2Locate the device.3Select Non-PC Device or a user account from the drop-down list in the Auto Login Account field. All restrictions associated with the account will apply to the device.4Click SUBMIT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPEN PORTS FOR A DEVICEThe Smart Home Server creates a firewall between your network and the Internet. Many non-PC devices have to communicate with other devices on the Internet and exchange two-way traffic with them. The firewall prevents incoming traffic from reaching your device, unless you open the appropriate ports to let the traffic through.FIGURE 4-4 Auto Login Page
CONNECTING NON-PC DEVICES TO YOUR NETWORKOpen Ports for a Device48 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)4There are three ways to open firewall ports:•Enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) This works for devices that support the UPnP protocol.•Select a port forwarding rule Port forwarding rules open firewall ports. The Command Center provides system defined rules for many popular devices and applications.•Create a port forwarding rule If no system defined rule exists for a device, it is possible to create one yourself. This requires some networking knowledge. You can contact Sereniti technical support for assistance.For a more detailed discussion of port forwarding, including step-by-step instructions for enabling UPnP, selecting a rule and creating a rule, see Chapter 10.
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USER ACCOUNTS5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Create privileged and non-privileged user accounts• View a list of existing user accounts• Modify the details of a user account• Delete a user account• Set up user notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWTo protect your network from unauthorized access, the Smart Home Networking Service requires users to enter a user name and password in order to log into your network. If they do not enter a correct user name and password, they cannot connect to the network and use your broadband connection to access the Internet.To provide a user with a user name and password, you have to create a user account. In addition to setting up the user name and password, the account defines the user’s privileged status (see below) and determines the content and time filters, if any, that apply to the user.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TYPES OF ACCOUNTSThere are two types of user accounts:
USER ACCOUNTSTypes of Accounts50 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)5• Privileged accounts• Non-privileged accountsPRIVILEGED ACCOUNTSPrivileged accounts can log into the Command Center and perform all administrative functions. Privileged accounts can do all of the follow-ing, which non-privileged accounts cannot do:• Log into the Command Center remotely• Create, edit and delete user accounts• Set up parental controls to determine which web sites other users can access• Monitor the security software running on network PCs and access the To Do List• Create a backup schedule, perform unscheduled backups and restore old backups• Reset and upgrade the Smart Home ServerMore than one user can log into the Command Center at the same time using the same account. For this reason, you need to decide how many privileged accounts to create.The more privileged accounts you create, the harder it is to control access to the Command Center.NON-PRIVILEGED ACCOUNTSNon-privileged users can log into your network, access shared resources such as folders and printers, and use your broadband connection to access the Internet. If their email programs are configured properly, they can send and receive email.Non-privileged users can also log into the Command Center (not remotely) and perform certain minimal functions that involve their own PCs.
USER ACCOUNTSUser Name and Password GuidelinesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 51USER NAME AND PASSWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GUIDELINESUser accounts specify the user name and password the user must enter to log in. When creating user names and passwords, there are certain guidelines you must follow. If you do not follow these guidelines, the Command Center will reject the account and prompt you to enter the user name or password again.USER NAME GUIDELINESWhen entering user names, follow these guidelines:Valid name s User names must be unique across all users of the Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service. This means that when you assign a name to a new user, this name cannot be in use anywhere in the Sereniti system. If it is, you will receive an error message requesting you to enter another name. The reason for this is that Sereniti allows privileged users to access and manage their networks remotely by logging in with a browser. To prevent an unauthorized user with the same user name from logging into your network, your user name must be unique.If your first choice for a name is already taken, you can try to create other variations or you can add a numeric suffix. For example if john.adams is already taken, try one of the following:j.adams jadams john.q.adams jqadams adamsj john.adams123
USER ACCOUNTSCreate a User Account52 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)5Valid characters User names can contain between 3 and 30 charac-ters. All the following characters are valid:• a-z (uppercase letters are converted to lowercase)•0-9•Period (.)• Hyphen (-)• Underscore (_)Spaces are NOT permitted. User names are NOT case-sensitive. "John.Adams" is treated the same as "john.adams."PASSWORD GUIDELINESPasswords do NOT have to be unique across the entire Sereniti system. Passwords can contain between 5 and a 30 characters. All the following characters are valid:•a-z•A-Z•Period (.)• Hyphen (-)• Underscore (_)Spaces are NOT permitted. Passwords ARE case-sensitive. It matters how the user enters the password. If the password was created with capital letters, the user must capitalize the same letters to log in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CREATE A USER ACCOUNTTo add a new user account, follow the steps below:
USER ACCOUNTSCreate a User AccountSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 531Click Users and then click the Add User icon to display the Add User page (FIGURE 5-1).2Go to User Detail  and type a name in the User Name field. This is the name the user enters to log into your network.3Type a password in the Password field. This is the password the user enters to be authenticated. Note: The Command Center will reject user names and passwords that are not formulated correctly. See “User Name and Password Guidelines” above.4Type the password again in the Confirm Password field. Passwords are case-sensitive, so be sure to capitalize the same letters each time you type the password.5To make this account a privileged user, click the Is this a Privileged User? check box. FIGURE 5-1 Add User Page1231
USER ACCOUNTSView a List of Existing Accounts54 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)5Note: For an explanation of the types of user accounts, see “Types of Accounts” above.6Go to Parental Controls  and select the appropriate content filter for the user. Your choices are:• Child (under 12)• Young teen (ages 13-15)• Mature teen (ages 16-17)• Adult (no restrictions)Note: For help in selecting a content filter, See Chapter 6, TABLE 6-5 for a more detailed description of the contents filters.7Go to User Security  and select a security question from the drop-down list in the Question field. 8Enter an answer to the security question in the Answer field. Users who forget their password will have to provide this answer to obtain a new password.9Click SUBMIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VIEW A LIST OF EXISTING ACCOUNTSTo display a list of the user accounts that have been created to date, follow the steps below:1Click Users and then click the Users List icon. 23
USER ACCOUNTSModify a User AccountSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 552The Users List appears (FIGURE 5-2). Accounts that have a check mark in the Privileged column are privileged accounts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MODIFY A USER ACCOUNTYou can change any of the details in a user account except the user name. To change a user name, you have to delete the account and create a new one.To modify the details of a user account, follow the steps below:1Click Users and then click the Users List icon to display the Users List (see FIGURE 5-2).FIGURE 5-2 Users ListPrivilegedaccounts
USER ACCOUNTSModify a User Account56 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)52Locate the user account and click the user's name or click EDIT in the Action column to display the User Settings page (FIGURE 5-3). 3All new user accounts are automatically assigned this icon:This icon appears to the left of the account in the Users List. To change the icon:aIn the Image field, click EDIT to display a selection of other icons.bClick the radio button under the icon you want to select it.cClick SUBMIT. You are returned to the User Settings page. The icon you selected is displayed.4To change the user’s password, type a new password in the Password field, and then type it again in the Confirm Password field. Capitalize the same letters each time.FIGURE 5-3 User Settings Page
USER ACCOUNTSModify a User AccountSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 57Note: The Command Center will reject user names and passwords that are not formulated correctly. See “User Name and Password Guidelines” above.5To change the user’s privileged status, select or unselect the check box in the Is this a Privileged User? field. Selecting the check box gives the user privileged status and unselecting it removes privileged status. You cannot change the privileged status on your own account.Note: For an explanation of privileged accounts, see “Types of Accounts” above. 6To change the content filter:aLocate the Content Filter Bar Graph and click EDIT. This displays the Content Filter Settings page (see Chapter 6, FIGURE 6-2).bSelect a new content filter from the four offered. Note: See Chapter 6 for a more detailed description of the content filters.cClick SUBMIT. You are returned to the User Settings page.7To change the time filter:aLocate the Time Filter Bar Graph and click EDIT. This displays the Time Filter Settings page (see Chapter 6, FIGURE 6-3).bSelect a period of time by entering start and stop dates and times in the Start and Stop fields under the weekly time grid.cClick BLOCK to block Internet access during the selected time period, or click ALLOW to allow access.dRepeat Steps b – c until the time grid is what you want.eClick SUBMIT. You are returned to the User Settings page.8To change the security question, select a new question from the drop-down list in the Question field, and then type the answer in the Answer field.9When you have finished making changes, click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Users List.
USER ACCOUNTSDelete a User Account58 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DELETE A USER ACCOUNTUser accounts that are no longer needed should be deleted. You cannot delete a user account that is currently logged in. To delete a user account, follow the steps below. 1Click Users and then click the Users List icon to display the Users List (FIGURE 5-2).2Locate the user and click DELETE in the Action column. A dialog box pops up and asks you if you are sure you want to delete this user.3Click OK to confirm the deletion and close the pop-up. When the deletion is complete, a second dialog box pops up and tells you the user account has been successfully deleted.4Click OK to close the pop-up. You are returned to the Users List. The deleted user is no longer on the list.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SET UP USER NOTIFICATIONSYou can enter up to three email addresses and telephone numbers for Sereniti support staff to contact you. To do this, follow the steps below:
USER ACCOUNTSSet Up User NotificationsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 591Click Users and then click the Setup Notifications icon to display the Notifications page (FIGURE 5-4).2In the Email Notification field, enter up to three email addresses in the standardmyname@myaddress.comformat. Sereniti will send an email to each address when special situations arise.3In the Telephone Notification field, enter up to three telephone numbers (including area code). If a critical situation is detected, Sereniti will call you at these numbers, starting with the first one you enter.4Click SUBMIT.FIGURE 5-4 Notifications Page
USER ACCOUNTSSet Up User Notifications60 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)5
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PARENTAL CONTROLS6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Choose a content filter to assign to a user• Create Allowed and Restricted Sites Lists• Set a user’s time filter• Create a time filter override• Unblock a web site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWMany parents believe that much of the content on the Internet is inappropriate for their children. In addition, they often feel that time spent on the Internet is time not spent on more important activities, such as schoolwork, reading and athletics.For these and other reasons, parents believe it is their responsibility to supervise their children's Internet experience to ensure their children do not visit offensive web sites or spend too much time aimlessly surfing the web or chatting with friends.To provide parents with the means to fulfill their responsibilities, the Smart Home Networking Service provides a powerful set of Internet filtering tools to control the sites users can visit and the time of day they can access the Internet.
PARENTAL CONTROLSChoose a Content Filter62 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHOOSE A CONTENT FILTEROnce the Smart Home Networking Service is installed, no one is permitted to access the Internet without a user account. When you create the user account, you have to assign it a content filter. The content filter determines the sites the user can visit and the hours the user can access the Internet. AVAILABLE FILTERSThere are four content filters to choose from. They are described in TABLE 6-5 on the next page.Each user is assigned one of these four filters when the user 's account is created. If the user tries to visit a site that is blocked by the filter, a Blocked Access message appears and the user is refused permission to land on the site.Note: See Chapter 5 for instructions on creating a user account and assigning a content filter. Chapter 5 also explains how to change a user’s content filter.BAR GRAPHThe Command Center provides a Content Filter Bar Graph. It gives an approximation of the percentage of web sites blocked by a user’s content filter. You can use these to compare content filters.The bar graph appears on the Parental Controls (FIGURE 6-1), Control Filter Settings (FIGURE 6-2), and User Settings (Chapter 5, FIGURE 5-3) pages.The following is an example of a typical Content Filter Bar Graph:Orange represents the percentage of sites blocked and white the percentage of sites allowed. The above example shows the graph for the mature teen filter.
PARENTAL CONTROLSChoose a Content FilterSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 63TABLE 6-5 Content FiltersFilter Intended For Does thisChild Children under 12 • Only allows access to sites known to be safe for children• Blocks Internet access at all times (you must modify the time filter to allow access)Young Teen Children 13-15 • Allows access to much of the Internet, but blocks much inappropriate content, including sites dealing with:• Allows Internet access during daytime hoursMature Teen Children 16-17 • Allows access to most sites, except for hate sites and sites dealing with extremely violent or sexual content• Allows Internet access at all timesAdult Over 18 • No restrictions• Abortion• Alcohol•Criminal skills• Cult• Drugs• Gambling• Hacking•Hate•Nudism• Occult• Personals and dating• Pornography• Sexual advice• Sexual orientation• Tobacco• Chat•Gaming•Sex education• Suicide• Violence• Weapons
PARENTAL CONTROLSCreate Allowed and Restricted Sites Lists64 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)6CREATE ALLOWED AND RESTRICTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SITES LISTSTo complement the content filters, the Smart Home Networking Service provides two lists you can also use to control Internet access:•Allowed Sites List — a collection of URLs that all users can access, regardless of their content filter•Restricted Sites List — A collection of URLs that only adult users can accessWhen you first install the Command Center, these lists are empty. You can add URLs to them as you see fit. To add a URL to either list, follow the steps below:1Click Users or Security and then click the Parental Controls icon to display the Parental Controls page (FIGURE 6-1).2Select a user and click EDIT to the right of the Content Filter Bar Graph. It does not matter which user you select because the two lists apply to all users. The Content Filter Settings page displays (FIGURE 6-2).FIGURE 6-1 Parental Controls Page
PARENTAL CONTROLSSet a User’s Time FilterSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 653Go to the Restrict these sites or Allow these sites  panels and enter the URLs. Enter one URL per line. (To remove a URL, select it and delete it).4When you are finished entering URLs, click SUBMIT. You are taken to the User Settings page for this user.Note: If a user has made a request to unblock a web site, a third panel is shown with the request in it. When working with the Allowed and Restricted Site Lists, you may ignore this panel. See “Unblock a Site” below.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SET A USER’S TIME FILTER The content filter also determines when the user can access the Internet (see TABLE 6-5). However, you can modify this part of the content filter FIGURE 6-2 Content Filter Settings Page121 2
PARENTAL CONTROLSSet a User’s Time Filter66 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)6– called the time filter – and customize it to suit you and your user’s needs.To set a user’s time filter, follow the steps below:1Click Users or Security and then click the Parental Controls icon to display the Parental Controls page (FIGURE 6-1).2Locate the user, and then click EDIT to the right of the Time Filter Bar Graph to display the Time Filter Settings page (FIGURE 6-3).This page is a grid showing all the hours of the week. Hours shown in orange are blocked – Internet access is denied. Hours shown in white are unblocked – access is permitted.FIGURE 6-3 Time Filter Settings Page
PARENTAL CONTROLSCreate a Time Filter OverrideSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 673To block or unblock a period of time:aGo to the Start and Stop fields (FIGURE 6-4) under the weekly time grid and select a period of time by entering start and stop dates and times.bClick BLOCK to block Internet access during the selected time period, or click ALLOW to allow access.cRepeat Steps a – b until the time grid is what you want.4Click DONE. You are taken to the User Settings page for the user you selected.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CREATE A TIME FILTER OVERRIDEIf a user has to access the Internet during a period of time blocked by the user’s time filter, you can create a time filter override to give the user temporary permission to access the Internet. The override lasts for a specified period of time (up to 24 hours) and then expires.To create a time filter override, follow the steps below:1Click Users or Security and then click the Parental Controls icon to display the Parental Controls page (FIGURE 6-1).FIGURE 6-4 Start and Stop Fields and Time Filter Override
PARENTAL CONTROLSUnblock a Site68 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)62Locate the user requesting the override and click EDIT to the right of the Time Filter Bar Graph. The Time Filter Settings page displays (FIGURE 6-3).3Go to the Timer field at the bottom of the page (see FIGURE 6-4) and select a period of time from the drop-down list. You can select from 30 minutes to 24 hours.4Click DONE. You are taken to the User Settings page for the user you selected. Permission to access the Internet begins now and ends when the override expires.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNBLOCK A SITEA user’s access to the Internet can be blocked by the content filter or the time filter.BLOCKED BY CONTENT FILTERWhen a user attempts to browse to a web site blocked by the content filter, a message appears in the browser indicating the site has been blocked (FIGURE 6-5).FIGURE 6-5 Blocked Access Message (Content Filter)
PARENTAL CONTROLSUnblock a SiteSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 69The user has two choices:• Enter a different user name and password and click Change User. This only works if the user knows a user name and password with a less restrictive content filter.•Click Request to submit a request to unblock the site. The request is emailed to the addresses you entered on the Notifications page (see Chapter 5). The user has to wait until the request is granted.Respond to a request To respond to a request to unblock a web site, follow the steps below:1Click User or Security and then click the Parental Controls icon to display the Parental Controls page (FIGURE 6-1).2Select any user – the user does not matter – and click EDIT to the right of the Content Filter Bar Graph. This displays the Content Filter Settings page, which now contains an Unblock Requests List along with the Allowed and Restricted Sites Lists (FIGURE 6-6). The Unblock Requests List  contains the blocked URL.3To allow the request, select the URL and click Allow  . This moves the URL to the Allowed Sites List. It can now be accessed by all users.FIGURE 6-6 Unblock Requests List12 312
PARENTAL CONTROLSUnblock a Site70 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)64To disallow the request, select the URL and click Block . This moves the URL to the Restricted Sites List. Only adult users can now access this site.5Click SUBMIT.Note: The Unblock Requests List only shows when there are outstanding requests. When all requests have been cleared – either allowed or blocked – the List is removed.BLOCKED BY TIME FILTERWhen a user attempts to browse to a web site during a period of time blocked by the time filter, a message appears in the browser indicating the site has been blocked (FIGURE 6-7). The user has two choices:• Enter a different user name and password and click Change User. This only works if the user knows a user name and password with a less restrictive time filter.• Contact a privileged user and ask for a time filter override (see“Create a Time Filter Override” above).3FIGURE 6-7 Blocked Access Message (Time Filter)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACKUP AND RESTORE7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Set the backup schedule• Select folders for backup• Track the status of scheduled backups• Perform an unscheduled backup• View the contents of the most recent backup• Restore files and folders• Clean up old backups• Open ports for backups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWAll the information you have accumulated using the PCs in your network is stored in folders located on each PC's hard drive. The folders may contain information that someone in your family has created – for example, correspondence, financial records, school work, digital photographs, etc. – or they may contain content that has been obtained elsewhere, such as digital music that has been purchased and downloaded from an Internet site.In either case, the information is susceptible to loss. Folders and hard disks can become damaged and unreadable. Files can be mistakenly deleted, overwritten or corrupted in other ways. If any of this happens,
BACKUP AND RESTOREOverview72 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7you and your family could lose valuable information that cannot be easily replaced. For these and other reasons, it is critically important that you back up your essential files onto an external device on a regular basis. Copying the files to another folder on the same PC can prevent some information loss, but it cannot ensure that your files are protected in the event of hard disk or other catastrophic failure.SCHEDULED BACKUPSThe Smart Home Networking Service automatically backs up the com-mon folders on all PCs running the Command Center at 3 am every morning…unless you choose to change the folders or the schedule. The common folders are:My Documents The My Documents folder is a convenient location to store important files, especially files you need to access frequently. When you open the Windows Explorer, the My Documents folder always appears as the first folder under your desktop. This makes it easy to locate. In addition, key Windows programs, such as WordPad and Paint, automatically save files to this folder (unless you instruct the programs otherwise).Favorites The Favorites folder stores all the favorite web sites that you flagged using the Internet Explorer (by opening the Favorites menu at the top of Explorer window and selecting Add to List). Since these web sites are presumably important to you, it is a good idea to regularly back this folder up.Email The Email folder stores all your saved email messages. If this folder is selected, the Sereniti system will automatically back up the Microsoft Outlook file that contains your email (see Appendix B for details) – providing you did not change the default folder in which Outlook file is stored.If you changed the default, or if you are using a mail program other than Outlook, selecting the Email folder will not back up your email. You
BACKUP AND RESTOREHow Backups are StoredSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 73need to select the specific folder where the email is stored using the Command Center’s select additional folders feature (see “Select Folders for Backup” below)Desktop The Desktop folder stores all files, folders and icons found on the desktop (which is actually the c:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop directory).CUSTOMIZE THE BACKUP SCHEDULEThere are three changes you can make to the backup schedule:Time and frequency You can change the time of day the backups take place and the number of times each week the backups are performed. You can set different schedules for different PCs, so that some are backed up at different times and more frequently than others. Folders You do not have to back up all the common folders. You can remove any or all of them from the backups. You can also back up other folders in addition to the common folders. You can back up a different selection of folders on each PC. Turn scheduled backups off If you unselect all the common folders and select no additional folders for a PC, that PC will not be backed up automatically. This is not recommended.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HOW BACKUPS ARE STOREDThe folders that you select for backup are copied onto the hard disk on the Smart Home Server. The complete contents of each folder is copied, so you have a backup of each subfolder and file in the folder.VERSIONSBackups are stored on the Smart Home Server by date. You can take a look at the backups for any PC in your network, and you will see them listed by date. Here is how the folders are stored:
BACKUP AND RESTOREHow Backups are Stored74 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7• The first time a folder is backed up, it is copied in its entirety to the Smart Home Server, so that one copy of each file is stored.• After that, the individual files in the folder are only copied to the Smart Home Server when they change. If they do not change, the most recent version of the file is moved from the previous backup to the current backup.• The Smart Home Server can store up to eight versions of a file. If a file never changes, only one version is stored. Each time a backup is performed, this version is moved from the previous backup to the current backup.• If eight versions of a file are stored, and the file changes again, the oldest version is dropped and the new version stored. This process continues with each subsequent change.EXAMPLETo make this clearer, let’s consider a specific example:1Young Johnny creates a folder called Projects for school assignments. He then prepares first drafts of English, history, science and Spanish papers, and saves them as files in the Projects folder. On the morning of Nov. 1, the folder is backed up for the first time. This is what the backup looks like:2That night, Johnny makes changes to the English and History files, but does nothing to the Science and Spanish files. On Nov. 2 the next backup is performed. This is what the backups now look like:      English History SpanishScienceVer. 1 Ver. 1 Ver. 1 Ver. 1ProjectsBackup: Nov. 1
BACKUP AND RESTOREHow Backups are StoredSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 75The Nov. 2 backup contains the new versions of the English and History files and the old versions of the Science and Spanish files. The Nov. 1 backup retains the first versions of the English and History files, but no longer contains the first versions of the Science and Spanish files, because these files did not change and were moved to the Nov. 2 backup.At this point, the Smart Home Server is storing two versions of the English and History files and one version of the Science and Spanish files.3That night, Johnny makes changes to the History and Spanish files, but leaves the other two alone. On Nov. 3 the next backup is performed. This is what the backups now look like:   English HistoryVer. 1 Ver. 1ProjectsBackup: Nov. 1       English History SpanishScienceVer. 2 Ver. 2 Ver. 1 Ver. 1ProjectsBackup: Nov. 2
BACKUP AND RESTOREHow Backups are Stored76 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7The Nov. 3 backup contains the new versions of the History and Spanish files and the old versions of the English and Science files. The versions that did not change were moved from the previous backup.At this point, the Smart Home Server is storing three versions of the History File, two versions of the English and Spanish files and one version of the Science file.4This process continues as Johnny’s school year progresses. If a file is stored eight times, and then changes again, the most recent version is backed up and the oldest deleted.By storing up to eight versions of a file, the Smart Home Networking Service allows users like Johnny to go back and recover earlier versions of files, should that ever be necessary.   English HistoryVer. 1 Ver. 1ProjectsBackup: Nov. 1      English History SpanishScienceVer. 2 Ver. 3 Ver. 1 Ver. 2ProjectsBackup: Nov. 3   History SpanishVer. 2 Ver. 1ProjectsBackup: Nov. 2
BACKUP AND RESTORESet the Backup ScheduleSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 77. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SET THE BACKUP SCHEDULEBy default, the Smart Home Networking Service automatically backs up each PC running the Command Center at 3 am every morning. The only requirements are that the PCs are turned on and connected to the network at the time of backup.TIME AND FREQUENCYYou can change the backup time and frequency for any PC from the PC you are currently using. • You can schedule the backups for any hour of the day or night• You can schedule the backups to take place once a day, once every three days or once a weekTip: When setting backup time, select an hour when the PC is most likely to be online. And prioritize your backups – back up PCs containing vital files every day, while backing up other PCs once every three days or even once a week.SET THE SCHEDULETo set the backup schedule for a PC, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (FIGURE 7-1).
BACKUP AND RESTORESet the Backup Schedule78 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)72Locate the PC you want to schedule and click EDIT to display the Backup Settings page (FIGURE 7-2).Tip: If you are backing up the PC you are using, you can click Backup and then click the Edit Backup Settings icon to go directly to the Backup Settings page.FIGURE 7-1 Backup Status PageFIGURE 7-2 Backup Settings Page123
BACKUP AND RESTORESelect Folders for BackupSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 793In the Backup Schedule field  , go to the first drop-down list and select the hour of the day.4Go to the second drop-down list and select AM or PM.5Go to the third drop-down list and select the frequency. Your choices are once a day, once every three days or once a week.6Click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Backup Status page. The time and frequency you entered are reflected in the entry in the Next Backup Scheduled field.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SELECT FOLDERS FOR BACKUPBy default, the Smart Home Networking Service backs up the four common folders on each PC (see “Overview” above for a description of each common folder).You can change this. You can remove some, or even all, of the common folders, and you can add other folders. However, these rules apply:• You can change the common folders on any PC in your network from the PC you are currently using• You can only add other folders to the backup on the PC you are currently using. To do this on another PC, you have to log into the Command Center on that PC.SELECT COMMON FOLDERSTo select common folders for backup, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (FIGURE 7-1).2Locate the PC to be backed up and click EDIT to display the Backup Settings page (FIGURE 7-2).1
BACKUP AND RESTORESelect Folders for Backup80 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7Tip: If you are backing up the PC you are using, you can click Backup and then click the Edit Backup Settings icon to go directly to the Backup Settings page.3Go to Common Folders  and uncheck any folders you do not want to back up. Leave those to be backed up checked.4Click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Backup Status page.SELECT OTHER FOLDERS (THIS PC ONLY)To select other folders for backup, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the Edit Backup Settings icon to display the Backup Settings page (FIGURE 7-2).2Go to Additional Folders   and click CHANGE to display a Select Additional Folders window (FIGURE 7-3). 3Go to the Look in field  and select the drive containing the folders you want to back up. The folders are shown in the pane directly below the Look in field  . Only folders are shown, not files.4Select the folders you want to back up. You cannot select individual files.23FIGURE 7-3 Select Additional Folders Window1212
BACKUP AND RESTORETrack the Status of Scheduled BackupsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 81• To open a folder so that you can select a subfolder, double-click the folder.• To select a single folder, click it once.• To select multiple folders, hold down the [CTRL] key and click each folder once, or hold down the [SHIFT] key and select two folders. Those two folders and all folders in between are selected.Note: To unselect all files selected in the left pane, click Clear Selection.5When you have made your selection, click the arrow button   between the two panes to copy the folders to the right pane. These are the folders that will be backed up.Note: To remove a single file from the right pane, click the file to select it and click Clear. To remove all the files, click Clear All.6When you have selected all the folders to be backed up, click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Backup Settings page. The full path of each folder you selected appears in the Folder Name field.7Click SUBMIT again to save the selection. You are taken to the Backup Status page.TRACK THE STATUS OF SCHEDULED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACKUPSScheduled backups can fail to take place. The two most common reasons are:• The PC was not turned on and connected to the Internet when the backup was scheduled.• The network was experiencing connectivity problems when the backup was scheduled, and the PC could not communicate with the Smart Home Server.
BACKUP AND RESTOREPerform an Unscheduled Backup82 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7The Smart Home Networking Service issues an alert whenever a PC has not been backed up for seven straight times. This means:• If the backup schedule is set for once a day, you will be alerted after seven backups fail• If the schedule is set for once every three days, you will be alerted after the third failure• If the backup schedule is set for one a week, you will be alerted after the first failureHowever, you do not have to wait for an alert to check on the status of a scheduled backup. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (FIGURE 7-1).2Locate the PC and look in the Last Backup Status column: = Backup successful = Backup NOT successful If the backup was not successful, you can find out why by resting the mouse cursor on the   icon. A box will pop up with the reason the backup failed (e.g., “PC was offline when backup started”).3Look in the Last Backup Attempt column. When a backup fails, this shows the date and time the unsuccessful backup was attempted.4Look in the Next Backup Scheduled column. This indicates the date and time of the next scheduled backup. If the backup is taking place now, the column will say In Progress.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PERFORM AN UNSCHEDULED BACKUPAlthough your PCs are backed up automatically, sometimes it is necessary to perform an unscheduled backup. Performing an unscheduled backup has no effect on regularly scheduled backups.
BACKUP AND RESTOREView the Contents of the Most Recent BackupSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 83You can back up any PC in your network from the PC you are currently using. Just make sure the PC you are backing up is turned on and connected to the network. To perform an unscheduled backup, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (FIGURE 7-1).2Locate the PC to be backed up and click BACKUP. A dialog box pops up and warns you that the backup could take a while if many files are backed up.Tip: Before starting the backup, make sure the correct folders have been selected. If you are not sure, click EDIT. 3Click OK to continue. You may resume your work while the backup is in progress. Another pop-up notifies you when the backup is complete. The date and time of the backup should then appear in the Last Backup Completed column on the Backup Status page.Note: When a backup begins, a STOP button is inserted in the Actions column. If for any reason you need to terminate the backup before it completes, click this button.VIEW THE CONTENTS OF THE MOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RECENT BACKUPYou can take a look at the folders and files in the most recent backup of any PC in your network from the PC you are currently using. DISPLAY THE FOLDERS AND FILESTo display the contents of the most recent backup, follow the steps below:
BACKUP AND RESTOREView the Contents of the Most Recent Backup84 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)71Click Backup and then click the View Backup Status icon to display the Backup Status page (FIGURE 7-1).2Locate the PC and click VIEW to display a Backed Up Folders window (FIGURE 7-4).UNDERSTANDING THE DISPLAYThe following is a close-up of the display in FIGURE 7-4. All backups look like this when first viewed.As you can see, the first entry indicates that this is a backup and the second entry gives the date and time of the backup. In the above example, the backup took place on October 28, 2005 at 11:00 am. Double-click the date and time to display the disk drive(s) that were backed up. This is what the display looks like:FIGURE 7-4 Backed Up Folders Window
BACKUP AND RESTORERestore Files and FoldersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 85Only the C: drive was backed up. To display the folders that were backed up from the C: drive, double-click C:. This is what the display now looks like:Four folders were backed up from the C: drive. To display the contents of one of these folders, double-click the folder icon or name. This is what the display now looks like if the Taxes folder is double-clicked.All backups adhere to this format. To display other folders or subfolders, double-click them and they will open.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RESTORE FILES AND FOLDERSIf a file or folder becomes lost or corrupted, or you need an earlier version of it, you can locate the version you want in one the backups on the Smart Home Server and restore it. You can restore complete folders, or you can restore specific files.You can restore a file that was originally backed up from any PC in your network, but you can only restore it to the PC you are currently using. You can restore the file to its original location or to a new location.
BACKUP AND RESTORERestore Files and Folders86 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7RESTORE ALL FILES AND FOLDERS IN THE MOST RECENT BACKUPYou can restore all the folders in the most recent backup. This restores all subfolders and files as well. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the Restore Backed Up Files icon to display the Restore page (FIGURE 7-5).2In the Restore Files/Folders From field, select a PC from the drop-down list. This is the PC from which these files and folders were originally backed up. You can select any PC in the network.3Go the Files/Folders to Restore field and click All Folders.4Go to the Destination field and select a location on your PC’s hard drive to put the restored files and folders. Click Original Location or Select Location.• If you clicked Original Location, the files and folders are restored to the location from which they were originally backed up. If they were originally backed up from another PC, make sure the same location exists on your PC.• If you clicked Select Location, a CHOOSE button appears. Click it to display a browse window and select the location to put the restored files and folders. The location is displayed to the right of the CHOOSE button on the Restore page.5Click RESTORE. A window pops up and prompts you to confirm the restore.FIGURE 7-5 Restore Page
BACKUP AND RESTORERestore Files and FoldersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 876Click OK. The Restore starts. While the restore operation is taking place, you cannot perform a back up or clean up backed up files on the Smart Home Server.RESTORE SPECIFIC FILES AND FOLDERS IN THE MOST RECENT BACKUPYou can restore specific files and folders in the most recent backup. Restoring a folder restores all the subfolders and files in it.To select specific files and folders and restore them, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the Restore Backed Up Files icon to display the Restore page (FIGURE 7-5).2In the Restore Files/Folders From field, select a PC from the drop-down list. This is the PC from which these files and folders were originally backed up. You can select any PC in the network.3Go the Files/Folders to Restore field and click Select File/Folders. A CHOOSE button appears.
BACKUP AND RESTORERestore Files and Folders88 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)74Click CHOOSE to display a Select Folders for Restore window (FIGURE 7-6). The most recent backup is shown in the left pane. 5Select a file or folder from the most recent backup and click the arrow button   between the two panes to copy it to the right pane. Repeat until all files and folders to be restored are in the right pane.Note: For help in expanding the most recent backup and locating specific files and folders, see “View the Contents of the Most Recent Backup” above. To remove a file or folder from the right pane, click it to select it and click the Clear button between the two panes.6Go to the Destination field and select a location on your PC’s hard drive to put the restored files and folders. Click Original Location or Select Location.FIGURE 7-6 Select Folders to Restore Window
BACKUP AND RESTORERestore Files and FoldersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 89• If you clicked Original Location, the files and folders are restored to the location from which they were backed up. If they were originally backed up from another PC, make sure the same location exists on your PC.• If you clicked Select Location, a CHOOSE button appears. Click it to display a browse window and select the location to put the restored files and folders. The location is displayed to the right of the CHOOSE button on the Restore page.7Click RESTORE. A window pops up and prompts you to confirm the restore.8Click OK. The Restore starts. While the restore operation is taking place, you cannot perform a back up or clean up backed up files on the Smart Home Server.RESTORE AN OLD VERSION OF A FILE OR FOLDERYou can restore old versions of files and folders. To do this, follow the steps below.1Click Backup and then click the Restore Backed Up Files icon to display the Restore page (FIGURE 7-5).2In the Restore Files/Folders From field, select a PC from the drop-down list. This is the PC from which these files and folders were originally backed up. You can select any PC in the network.3Go the Files/Folders to Restore field and click Select File/Folders. A CHOOSE button appears.4Click CHOOSE to display a Select Folders for Restore window (FIGURE 7-6). This window shows the most recent backup.5Click ADVANCED. Up to eight previous backups for each folder and file are shown in the left pane.6Select a file or folder from one of the backups and click the arrow button  between the two panes to copy it to the right pane. Repeat until all files and folders to be restored are in the right pane.
BACKUP AND RESTOREClean Up Old Backups90 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7Note: For help in expanding old backups and locating specific files and folders, see “View the Contents of the Most Recent Backup” above. To remove a file or folder from the right pane, click it to select it and click the Clear button between the two panes.7Go to the Destination field and select a location on your PC’s hard drive to put the restored files and folders. Click Original Location or Select Location.• If you clicked Original Location, the files and folders are restored to the location from which they were backed up. If they were originally backed up from another PC, make sure the same location exists on your PC.• If you clicked Select Location, a CHOOSE button appears. Click it to display a browse window and select the location to put the restored files and folders. The location is displayed to the right of the CHOOSE button on the Restore page.8Click RESTORE. A window pops up and prompts you to confirm the restore.9Click OK. The Restore starts. While the restore operation is taking place, you cannot perform a back up or clean up backed up files on the Smart Home Server.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CLEAN UP OLD BACKUPSYou should keep an eye on the amount of space on the Smart Home Server’s hard disk used to store backups, and the amount of space remaining for future backups. If the Smart Home Server runs out of space, future backups will fail.Note: The amount of space used to store documents on the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive) also affects the amount of space available for backups. The less space taken up by the S: drive, the more space available for backups. To determine the amount
BACKUP AND RESTOREClean Up Old BackupsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 91of space used by the S: drive, click My Network and then click the View Smart Home Server Status icon to display the Smart Home Server Status page (see Chapter 12, FIGURE 12-1).MONITOR DISK USAGETo obtain a snapshot of the amount of space currently used by backups, and the amount of space available, follow the steps below:1Click Backup and then click the View Backup Disk Usage icon to display the Backup Disk Usage page (FIGURE 7-7).2The three fields across the top of the page show, from left to right:The amount of disk space currently used by all backed up foldersThe amount of disk space available for future backupsThe total amount of disk space available on the hard disk 3Underneath these three fields, the page lists each PC in your network and shows the total amount of space used to back up each PC’s files and folders. To break the totals down by folder, click the arrow icons   next to the totals. FIGURE 7-8 shows what this page now looks like,FIGURE 7-7 Backup Disk Usage Page (Totals)1 2 3123
BACKUP AND RESTOREClean Up Old Backups92 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7CLEAN UP UNNEEDED FOLDERSIf the hard disk on the Smart Home Server does not have enough space to store the next backup, the backup will not take place. In such a situation, you need to "clean up" the hard disk by removing enough old folders to create space for future backups. You can only remove folders, not individual files.Tip: Before selecting folders for cleanup, take a look at the size of the folders you have backed up and the amount of space available for future backups. This can help you decide which folders to remove. You might also consider eliminating unneeded files from future backups to avoid facing this problem in the future.To clean up old backup folders:1Click Backup and then click the Clean Up Historical Backups icon to display the Backup Cleanup page (FIGURE 7-9).FIGURE 7-8 Backup Disk Usage Page (Folders)Show totals
BACKUP AND RESTOREClean Up Old BackupsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 932Locate the PC whose backed up folders you want to clean up.3To clean up all the backed up folders for this PC, click the check box in the Remove all Backed Up Data for this Device column.4To clean up specific backed up folders, click SELECT in the Cleanup Selected Backed Up Data column. This displays the Backup Cleanup Details page (FIGURE 7-10).FIGURE 7-9 Backup Cleanup PageFIGURE 7-10 Backup Cleanup Details Page12
BACKUP AND RESTOREOpen Ports for Backups94 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)75On the Backup Cleanup Details page:aDecide if you want to remove any common folders. If you do, go to Common Folders  and click one of the two check boxes next to the folders you want to remove. For each folder, you have two choices:•Click Remove Old File Versions Only to remove existing backups of this folder, but continue to include the folder in future backups.•Click Remove All File Versions and Stop Backing Up to remove existing backups, but drop the folders from future backups.bDecide if you want to remove any of the other backed up folders. If you do, go to User Selected Folders  and follow the same procedure described in Step a.cClick SUBMIT. A message pops up and asks you to confirm the cleanup. dClick OK. A message pops up telling you that the cleanup has begun.eClick OK. You are returned to the Backup Cleanup page.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPEN PORTS FOR BACKUPSIf one of your PCs is running a personal firewall other than the Windows firewall, you may get a message that a backup failed because the personal firewall on the PC blocked access to TCP ports 873 and 6001. You need to open these ports. If you do not know how to do this, consult the manuals and other documentation that come with the firewall you are using.12
BACKUP AND RESTOREOpen Ports for BackupsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 95Note: Do not confuse opening ports in a personal firewall running on a PC with creating a port forwarding rule to open ports in the network firewall in the Smart Home Server. These are two different firewalls.
BACKUP AND RESTOREOpen Ports for Backups96 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)7
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 97SHARED SERVER DRIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AND NETWORK DEVICES8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Access the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive) • Connect an external storage device to the Smart Home Server• Rename an external storage device• Access, monitor, format, repair and remove an external storage device• Connect a network printer to the Smart Home Server• Rename the printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWThe Smart Home Server is equipped with an internal hard disk and two USB ports. You can use the hard disk to store files and exchange infor-mation with other network users, and you can use the USB ports to con-nect storage devices and printers to the network.SERENITI SHARED DRIVE When the Smart Home Server is installed, an area on its hard disk is set aside as a shared drive that you and other members of your family can use to store files and exchange information.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESOverview98 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)8You can use the S: drive as you would any other disk drive on your PC.Note: The Smart Home Server’s hard disk is also used to store backup files. Therefore, the more files stored on the S: drive, the less space available for backups.USB PORTSYou can connect external storage devices (such as hard drives and flash drives) and printers to the two USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server. You can connect two storage devices, two printers or one of each. You can connect devices supporting either USB 2.0 or USB 1.1.Error: System Failed to Map to S: Drive on <PC Name>If you already have an S: drive on your PC, an Alert Box will popup when you log into the Command Center and tell you that thesystem failed to map the Sereniti Shared Drive to the S: drive. Toallow the system to map the Sereniti Shared Drive to the S: drive,you have to remap your existing S: drive to another letter. To dothis:1. Close the Command Center.2. Open the Windows Explorer.3. Click Tools and select Map Network Drive.4. In the Drive field, click the drop-down list and select an unused letter.5. In the Folder field, click Browse and select the folder currently mapped to the S: drive.6. Click Finish. This maps the folder to the drive letter you selected in Step 4.7. Right-click the S: drive and select Disconnect. This unmaps the drive from the old letter.8. Open the Command Center. The drive should now map properly.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESUse the Sereniti Shared DriveSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USE THE SERENITI SHARED DRIVEThe hard disk on the Smart Home Server is divided into two parts:• Backups• Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive)The backups are not a drive and are not accessible through the Windows or Internet Explorers. You have to use the Command Center to view and restore backup files. See Chapter 7 for details.The S: drive is accessible through the Windows and Internet Explorers.WINDOWS EXPLORERTo view files or folders stored on the S: drive in the Windows Explorer, follow the steps below:1Log into the network.2Open the Windows Explorer.3In the Folders panel on the left, find My Computer and click it to expand it.4Scroll down until you come to this entry:INTERNET EXPLORERTo view files or folders stored on the S: drive in the Internet Explorer, follow the steps below:1Log into the network.2Open the Internet Explorer.3In the Address field, type\\<pc name>where <pc name> is the name of your PC.4Click Go.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESExternal Storage Devices100 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)85Click the drop-down list in the Address field and look for this entry:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EXTERNAL STORAGE DEVICESYou can connect up to two external storage devices to the USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server. Two popular types of storage devices are hard drives and flash drives. The devices give you:• Extra space to store files (if you have large files, such as video, this can be very useful)• Another way to exchange data among network usersCONNECT THE DEVICETo connect a storage device to the Smart Home Server, follow the steps below:Note: Make sure the device is formatted before you connect it. If it is not, you will get an error message and you will have to format it through the Command Center.1Connect the storage device to one of the USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server.2Log into the Command Center.3Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1). The device you
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESExternal Storage DevicesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 101just connected is shown – if it is the first device connected, it is named EXT_HDD_1 (the second is named EXT_HDD_2).RENAME THE DEVICETo give the device a more easily recognizable name:1Type a new name in the Name field.2Click SAVE. MONITOR DISK USAGETo keep track of the amount of space available on an external storage device, follow the steps below:1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1).3Locate the device. The following information is shown:• Total amount of space on the device• Amount of space currently in use• Amount of space currently available for use• Percentage of space currently in useFIGURE 8-1 Attached USB Devices Page
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESExternal Storage Devices102 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)8VIEW THE CONTENTS OF THE DEVICE USING THE COMMAND CENTERTo use the Command Center to view the files and folders stored on the device, follow the steps below:1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1).3Click VIEW. The files and folders in the drive are shown in an Internet Explorer window.VIEW THE CONTENTS OF THE DEVICE USING THE WINDOWS EXPLORER OR INTERNET EXPLORERTo use the Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer to view the files and folders stored on the device, follow the steps below:1Log into the PC.2Open the Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer.3In the Address field, type:\\SERENITISHS\<device name>where <device name> is the name of the hard disk.4Click Go. The files and folders in the drive are shown in the Explorer window.REPAIR A HARD DRIVETo repair a hard drive without causing loss of data, follow the steps below.1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1).3Click REPAIR. A message pops up and prompts you to confirm the repair operation.4Click OK to proceed or CANCEL to terminate.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork PrintersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 103REFORMAT A HARD DRIVETo reformat a hard drive, follow the steps below:WARNING: Reformatting a hard drive erases all files and folders.1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1).3Click FORMAT. A message pops up and warns you that all data on the disk will be erased if you proceed with the format operation.4Click OK to proceed or CANCEL to terminate.REMOVE THE DEVICETo remove a device’s records from the Command Center, follow the steps below:WARNING: Disconnecting a device without first removing it from the Command Center's records could damage the device and cause loss of data.1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1).3Click REMOVE. A message prompts you to confirm the remove operation.4Click OK to proceed or CANCEL to terminate.5Disconnect the drive from the USB port on the back of the Smart Home Server.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NETWORK PRINTERSYou can connect up to two printers to the USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server. These become network printers, and anyone who can log into your network can print to them.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork Printers104 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)8WARNING: Do not connect a multi-function printer to the Smart Home Server. A multi-function printer is a printer that also scans, faxes and copies. These printers will not work because they require two way communication with the Internet.CONNECT THE PRINTERTo connect a printer to one of the USB ports on the Smart Home Server, follow the steps below:1Using a USB cable, connect the printer to a USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server.2Log into your PC, click Start on the Windows task bar and select Printers and Faxes. This displays the Windows Printers and Faxes window (FIGURE 8-2). FIGURE 8-2 Printers and Faxes Window
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork PrintersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1053Click File and select Add Printer. This launches the Add Printer wizard (FIGURE 8-3).4Read the text on the opening Wizard screen and click Next to display the next Wizard window (FIGURE 8-4).FIGURE 8-3 Add Printer Wizard (1)
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork Printers106 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)85You have to indicate the type of printer. Select Network Printer (not local) and click Next to display the next Wizard screen (FIGURE 8-5).FIGURE 8-4 Add Printer Wizard (2)Network printerFIGURE 8-5 Add Printer Wizard (3)Browse for a printer
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork PrintersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1076You now need to identify the printer. Select Browse for a printer and click Next to display the next Wizard window (FIGURE 8-6).7This Wizard window shows all available printers. Locate the Smart Home Server’s workgroup (WORKGROUP if you did not change the default) and look for SERENITISHS. 8Double-click SERENITISHS to display the printer you just connected. 9Select the printer and click Next. The Wizard will prompt you to select a driver for the printer. Follow the on-screen instructions. When the driver has been installed, the Wizard will prompt you to make the new printer the default printer (FIGURE 8-7).FIGURE 8-6 Add Printer Wizard (4)SERENITISHS
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork Printers108 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)810 It this is the printer you will be using most of the time, click Yes . Otherwise, click No. Then click Next to display the final Wizard window (FIGURE 8-8).FIGURE 8-7 Add Printer Wizard (5)FIGURE 8-8 Add Printer Wizard (6)
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork PrintersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 10911 This window shows the printer settings. If they are acceptable, click Finish to close the wizard. You can now select this printer from any application and print to it.CHANGE THE PRINTER’S NAMEThe Command Center identifies any printers connected to the Smart Home Server by vendor and model. You can change this to a more easily recognizable name, such as “upstairs” or “photos.” To do this, follow the steps below:1Log into the Command Center.2Click Sharing and then click the Setup Network Printer icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 8-1). The printer you just connected is shown.3Type a new name in the Name field.4Click Save.
SHARED SERVER DRIVES AND NETWORK DEVICESNetwork Printers110 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)8
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 111FOLDER AND PRINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHARING9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Create and access shared folders• Create and print to shared printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWYou can use the Command Center to turn folders and printers into shared folders and printers, so that other members of your household can make use of them.FOLDER SHARINGFolder sharing is a way to take a folder that has been saved on one PC and allow other network users to view the folder on their PCs, open files stored in the folder, and put files of their own in the folder.Note: Shared folders are not to be confused with the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive) that is made available on the Smart Home Server. See Chapter 8 for a description of this drive.PRINTER SHARINGPrinter sharing is a way to take a printer that is connected to one PC and allow other network users to print to it, so long as the PC is turned on and connected to the network.
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGOverview112 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)9Printer sharing is especially useful if you have more users than printers, or if you have different kinds of printers – for example, a laser printer and a photo quality inkjet printer – and want users to be able to print to both.Tip: Before sharing a printer, consider connecting it directly to the Smart Home Server and making it a network printer. This allows all users to print to it at any time. See Chapter 8 for instructions.WORKGROUPSFor folder and printer sharing to work properly, all the PCs and the Smart Home Server must be in the same Windows workgroup. The Smart Homer Server is initially assigned to the workgroup “WORKGROUP.” This is the same workgroup that all PCs running Windows XP Professional are initially assigned to. However, PCs running Windows XP Home Edition are assigned to the MSHOME workgroup.If you attempt to set up folder or printer sharing, and your PC belongs to a different workgroup than the Smart Home Server, you will see the message shown below:You need to change one of the workgroups. Change the Smart Home Server workgroup To change the Smart Home Server’s workgroup:1Click My Network and then click the Edit Smart Home Server Settings icon. The Smart Home Server Settings page appears (see Chapter 12, FIGURE 12-3).2Type a new workgroup in the Windows Workgroup Name field.
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGFolder SharingSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1133Click SUBMIT.Change the PC’s workgroup To change a PC’s workgroup:1Click Start on the Windows taskbar, right-click My Computer and select Properties. The System Properties window appears.2Click the Computer Name tab. The workgroup name is shown in the middle of the window.3To change the workgroup name, click Change, enter a new workgroup in the Workgroup field, and click OK twice to save the new workgroup and close the System Properties window.4When instructed, restart your PC for the new workgroup to take effect.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FOLDER SHARINGTo create a shared folder and, if necessary, unshare it, you must be using the PC on which the folder is saved. To access a shared folder, you can be using any PC that is logged into the network.CREATE A SHARED FOLDERTo share a folder so that other users can access it from their PCs, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Folder Sharing icon to display the Folder Sharing page (FIGURE 9-1). This page shows each PC in your network and the shared folders on each PC. For each shared folder, it gives the share name and the full path to the folder.
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGFolder Sharing114 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)92Click Share to launch the Folder Sharing Wizard (FIGURE 9-2).3Type the complete path to the shared folder in the first field of the opening Wizard screen, or click Browse, find the folder and select it.FIGURE 9-1 Folder Sharing PageFIGURE 9-2 Folder Sharing Wizard (1)
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGFolder SharingSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1154The folder name is automatically copied into the second field. This is the share name users will look for when accessing the folder. You can leave it or replace it with another, more recognizable name. 5Click Next. The next page of the Wizard shows the path and share name you just entered (FIGURE 9-3).6If you want to share additional files, click SHARE MORE to return to the first Wizard screen. Otherwise, click Finish. You are returned to the Folder Sharing page. The shared folder you just created is shown next to the PC on which it is saved.UNSHARE A FOLDERIf you no longer want to share a folder with other users, you can unshare it. The folder still exists on the PC where it is saved, but it can no longer be accessed by the other PCs in the network.To unshare a folder, you must be using the PC on which the folder is saved. Follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Folder Sharing icon to display the Folder Sharing page (FIGURE 9-1).FIGURE 9-3 Folder Sharing Wizard (2)
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGFolder Sharing116 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)92Locate the PC on which the folder is saved, and click the folder to select it.3Click Unshare. A box pops up and tells you the folder is unshared.4Click OK. The shared file no longer is shown on the Folder Sharing page.ACCESS A SHARED FOLDER FROM THE COMMAND CENTERUsers running the Command Center can access a shared file without leaving the Command Center. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Folder Sharing icon to display the Folder Sharing page (FIGURE 9-1).2Locate the PC on which the folder is saved and click the folder to select it.3Click VIEW. The Windows Explorer opens and shows the subfolders and files in the shared folder.ACCESS A SHARED FOLDER FROM A BROWSERUsers not running the Command Center can access a shared folder from a browser. To do this, follow the steps below:1Open the Internet Explorer or a compatible browser.2In the Address field, enter\\<computer_name>\<share_name>where <computer_name> is the name of the PC on which the folder is saved and <share_name> is the share name you gave this folder when you made it a shared folder (see “Create a Shared Folder” above).Tip: You can also access a shared folder from the Windows Explorer. Go to My Network Places → Entire Network Microsoft → Windows Network and look for the PC. Its shared folders should be listed under it.
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGPrinter SharingSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 117. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PRINTER SHARINGSharing a printer with other users is a two step process. First, you have to make the printer a shared printer. This can only be done from the PC to which the printer is connected.Then, you have to connect the other PCs that will be using the printer to the printer. This has to be done from the various PCs. Once the connection is made, users can print to the shared printer.To print to a shared printer, you have to have the printer’s driver installed on the PC you are using. The printer driver can be found on the CD that comes with the printer or by downloading it from the printer vendor’s web site.Tip: An easy way to install a printer driver is to physically connect the PC to the printer and follow the on-screen instructions.CREATE A SHARED PRINTERTo create a shared printer, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Printer Sharing icon to display the Printer Sharing page (FIGURE 9-4).It shows each PC in your network and the shared folders on each PC. For each printer, it gives the share name and the full path to the folder.
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGPrinter Sharing118 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)92Click Share to launch the Printer Sharing Wizard (FIGURE 9-5).FIGURE 9-4 Printer Sharing PageFIGURE 9-5 Printer Sharing Wizard (1)
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGPrinter SharingSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1193The Wizard will help you create a shared printer. Click Next to display a Wizard screen showing the printers available to share.4Click a printer to select it. The name of the printer is copied to the Printer Name field. This is the shared printer name users will look for to print to it. You can leave it or replace it with another, more recognizable name.5Click Next. The next page of the Wizard shows the printer name and share name you just entered (FIGURE 9-3).FIGURE 9-6 Printer Sharing Wizard (2)FIGURE 9-7 Printer Sharing Wizard (3)
FOLDER AND PRINTER SHARINGPrinter Sharing120 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)96If you want to share additional printers, click SHARE MORE to return to the first Wizard screen. Otherwise, click FINISH. You are returned to the Printer Sharing page. The shared printer you just created is shown next to the PC to which it is connected.CONNECT A PC TO A SHARED PRINTERTo print to a shared printer, you first have to connect the user’s PC to the printer. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Printer Sharing icon to display the Printer Sharing page (FIGURE 9-4). 2Locate the PC to which the printer is connected, find the printer and click the printer to select it.3Click CONNECT. A message pops up when the connection is established.4Click OK to dismiss the message. You should now be able to print to the printer.DISCONNECT A PRINTER FROM A PCIf you no longer want to share a printer with other users, you can disconnect it from their PCs. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Printer Sharing icon to display the Printer Sharing page. It shows every shared printer in your network.2Find the printer and click it to select it.3Click DISCONNECT. This disconnects the PC from the printer.
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 121. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PORT FORWARDING10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)• Select a system defined port forwarding rule• Create a user defined port forwarding rule• Delete a port forwarding rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWThe Smart Home Server creates a firewall between your network and the Internet. To protect your network, the firewall closes all ports on the Server to incoming traffic. This does not affect your ability to access the Internet, send and receive email, download files, etc., but it does prevent intruders from penetrating your network from the outside.PORTSWhen a program running on one computer attempts to communicate with a program running on another computer, it does so by connecting to a port on that computer. A port is a logical connection point that allows two computers to "talk" to each other.Ports are identified by number. A computer has more than 65,000 ports, but most common Internet applications use a very small subset of these ports – specifically those numbered 0-1023. These are referred to as "well known ports."
PORT FORWARDINGEnable Universal Plug and Play122 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)10Perhaps the most well known port is port 80, the default port for the HTTP protocol (the basis for all Internet traffic). Whenever you visit a web site, your browser is connecting to the web site through port 80.PORT FORWARDINGSome programs and devices have to receive incoming traffic from the Internet in order to work. Devices such as game consoles and VoIP telephones, and programs such as instant messaging and remote access applications, all need open ports to receive incoming traffic.There are three ways to open ports for incoming traffic:Enable Universal Plug and Play UPnP is a protocol that enables a device to configure itself for the Internet and communicate with other UPnP devices on the Internet. You should always enable UPnP on the non-PC devices you connect to your network. If they support UPnP, they will tell the firewall to open the necessary ports, and you will not have to use a port forwarding rule.Select a system defined rule In cases where UPnP is not supported, you have to provide the firewall with a port forwarding rule telling it which ports to open for a specific program or device. The Command Center provides port forwarding rules for a number of popular programs and devices. These are called system defined rules. Check to see if one exists for the program or device you are using. If it does, select it and the ports will be opened.Create a user defined rule In situations where no system defined rules exist, you have to create the rules. These are called user defined rules. You should only attempt this if you are familiar with networking and firewalls. If not, contact Sereniti technical support for assistance.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENABLE UNIVERSAL PLUG AND PLAYTo turn on UPnP, follow the steps below:
PORT FORWARDINGEnable Universal Plug and PlaySereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1231Click Security and then click the Network Firewall Settings icon to display the Manage Firewalls page (FIGURE 10-1). It shows each PC in your network and the port forwarding rules in effect.2Locate the device that needs the open ports and click EDIT to display the Firewall Settings page (FIGURE 10-2).3Click the Enable UPnP check box  .FIGURE 10-1 Manage Firewalls PageFIGURE 10-2 Firewall Settings Page1231
PORT FORWARDINGSelect a System Defined Rule124 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)104Click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Manage Firewalls page.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SELECT A SYSTEM DEFINED RULETo select a system defined port forwarding rule, follow the steps below:1Click Security and then click the Network Firewall Settings icon to display the Manage Firewalls page (FIGURE 10-1).2Locate the device that needs the open ports and click EDIT to display the Firewall Settings page (FIGURE 10-2).3Go to System Defined Rules  and click ADD. The Add Firewall Rules page displays (FIGURE 10-3).This page contains four drop-down lists of rules for these types of programs and devices:• Media devices• Messaging applications• PC games• Remote access programs4Go to the appropriate drop-down list and select a rule. You can select rules in more than one drop-down list.2FIGURE 10-3 Add Firewall Rules Page
PORT FORWARDINGCreate a User Defined RuleSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 125Note: To select two or more rules in the same list, select them one at a time. Select one rule and click SUBMIT. Return to this page and repeat as often as necessary.5Click SUBMIT. You are returned to the Firewall Settings page. The rule you selected is displayed, along with the numbers of the ports that have been opened.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CREATE A USER DEFINED RULEDo not attempt this unless you are familiar with networking and firewalls. If you need help, contact Sereniti technical support for assistance.To create a user defined port forwarding rule, follow the steps below:1Click Security and then click the Network Firewall Settings icon to display the Manage Firewalls page (FIGURE 10-1).2Locate the device that needs the open ports and click EDIT to display the Firewall Settings page (FIGURE 10-2).3Go to User Defined Rules  and click ADD. The Port Forwarding Rules page displays (FIGURE 10-4).4In the Application field, type a name to help you identify the program or device in need of open ports.5In the Start Port and End Port fields, type the numbers of the ports to be opened. If you only need to open one port, enter the number in both fields.3FIGURE 10-4 Port Forwarding Rules Page
PORT FORWARDINGDelete a rule126 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)10Note: Refer to the documentation that comes with the program or device, or contact their support personnel, to determine which ports have to be opened.6In the Relocate Port field, type a number only if you want to redirect incoming traffic to a different port on a PC. This field is optional and is rarely used in home networks.Note: If this rule is opening a single port, all traffic on that port will be redirected to the relocate port. If this rule is opening a range of ports, traffic on the first port in the range will be redirected to the relocate port. Traffic on other ports in the range will be redi-rected to the following sequence of ports. For example, if you enter a port range of 80 – 85 and a relocate port of 90, incoming traffic on ports 80-85 will be redirected to ports 90-95.7In the Protocol field, select either TCP or UDP from the drop-down list.Note: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are protocols for exchanging data on the Internet. Refer to the documentation that comes with the program or device, or contact their support personnel, to determine which protocol is used.8In the Enabled field, click the check box if you want the rule to take effect immediately. If not, leave the box unchecked and return to it when you need to activate the rule.9Click ADD to save the rule. You are returned to the Firewall Settings page. The rule you created is displayed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DELETE A RULEYou should delete any rules you no longer need. You can delete both system and user defined rules. If you delete a system defined rule and
PORT FORWARDINGDelete a ruleSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 127discover you subsequently need it, you can select it again. If you delete a user defined rule you later need, you have to re-create it.To delete a port forwarding rule, follow the steps below:1Click Security and then click the Network Firewall Settings icon to display the Manage Firewalls page (FIGURE 10-1).2Locate the device for which the rule was written and click EDIT to display the Firewall Settings page (FIGURE 10-2).3Locate the rules you want to delete and click the check boxes to their left. You can select either system defined rules or user defined rules (but not both at the same time).4Click DELETE. The rules are removed from the Firewall Settings page.
PORT FORWARDINGDelete a rule128 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)10
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 129MONITORING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NETWORK SECURITY11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Identify and evaluate the severity of any problems with the security programs running on any of your network PCs• Take action to resolve the problems• Use the To Do List to identify and resolve problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWYour home network is a valuable and highly personal resource. It repre-sents a sizable investment on your part in terms of money and time. Depending on how you use it and what information you store on it, it can reveal as much about your family's life and habits as your wallet, tax returns or intimate correspondence. For these reasons and more, you need to install these three types of security programs on each PC in your network:•Personal firewall program Prevents hackers, intruders and other unwelcome visitors from gaining access to the PC•Antivirus program Prevents viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other malicious software from infecting the PC•Antispyware program Prevents spyware in all its forms from gathering and distributing personal information about you, your family and your Internet browsing habits
MONITORING NETWORK SECURITYCheck the Security Summary Page130 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)11The Serenity Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with the Smart Home Networking Service, contains these three programs, as well as a pop-up blocker. To install any of the programs in the suite, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon.CHECK THE SECURITY SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PAGEThe Security Summary page lists each PC in your network and shows the status of the three security programs running on each PC. To display the page, click Security and then click the Security Sum-mary icon (FIGURE 11-1).FIGURE 11-1 Security Summary Page
MONITORING NETWORK SECURITYUnderstanding the Security Summary PageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 131UNDERSTANDING THE SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SUMMARY PAGEFor each security program, the Security Summary page tells you if there are any problems. If there are, it indicates the seriousness of the prob-lem, using the icons shown below:You should see a green check   next to each program, indicating the program is installed, enabled and up to date. Anything other than a green check indicates a problem. The degree of seriousness should dictate how quickly you react.No problems. No action is required on your part.Minor problem. For example, new definitions are available for the antispyware program on a PC, or an antispyware scan has not been performed in the last seven days. Immediate action is not required.More serious problem. For example, new definitions are available for the antivirus program on a PC, or an antivirus scan has not been performed in the last seven days. You need to act soon to prevent additional, more serious problems.Critical problem. For example, an antivirus program is not installed or enabled on a PC. The security of the PC is in danger. You need to act immediately.
MONITORING NETWORK SECURITYResolving a Problem132 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RESOLVING A PROBLEMIf any PC has a security problem, click VIEW to display the Device Security page (FIGURE 11-2). Tip: You can display the Device Security page for the PC you are currently using by clicking Security and then clicking the My PC icon, or directly from the Dashboard by clicking Security.WHAT THE PAGE SHOWSThe Device Security page provides a closer look at the three security programs. For the antivirus and antispyware programs, it shows:• The current status of the program (enabled or disabled)• The date and time the last scan was performed• The update status of the program (are there new antivirus or antispyware definitions that need to be downloaded and installed?)For the firewall program, this page indicates whether or not the firewall is currently enabled.FIGURE 11-2 Device Security Page12
MONITORING NETWORK SECURITYUsing the To Do ListSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 133HOW TO RESOLVE A PROBLEMIn the example in FIGURE 11-2, the PC shown has two problems:No antivirus scan has been performed recentlyandThe personal firewall program is currently disabled.To resolve either problem click the appropriate icon. The system will either resolve the problem for you, or provide information explaining how to resolve it.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USING THE TO DO LISTSecurity problems also cause alerts to be issued and placed in the To Do List. First, an Alert Box pops up near the tray icon and warns you of the problem.Then, if you open the To Do List, you will see a related alert. For exam-ple, if the antivirus program on one of your network PC is out of date, you will see this alert:Download and install new anti-virus definitions from your vendor's websiteSimilarly, if no antispyware program were installed, this message would appear:Install an anti-spyware programTo resolve the problem, open the Security Summary page and follow the procedure described in “Resolving a Problem” above.For additional details about the To Do List, see Chapter 2.12
MONITORING NETWORK SECURITYUsing the To Do List134 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)11
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 135MANAGING THE SMART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HOME SERVER12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Check the Smart Home Server’s wired and wireless settings• Change the wireless channel• Monitor hard disk usage on the Smart Home Server • Change the Smart Home Server’s time zone and workgroup• Manage external storage drives• Rename network printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWThe Smart Home Server was installed and configured for wired and wireless operation when you set up the Sereniti Home Networking Service (see the Installation Manual for details).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK THE WIRED SETTINGSTo display a page showing the device name, software version and wired settings of the Smart Home Server, click My Network and then click the View Smart Home Server Status icon to display the Smart Home Server Status page (FIGURE 12-1).
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERCheck the Wired Settings136 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)12This page shows the Smart Home Server’s name (SerenitiSHS) and the version of the software running on the Smart Home Server. It also shows its two IP and MAC addresses. The reason the Smart Home Server has two such addresses is because it connects to both the Internet and your home network. WAN IP AND MAC ADDRESSESThe IP and MAC addresses of the Internet connection are referred to as the WAN (Wide Area Network) addresses. The Ethernet port on the back of the Smart Home Server labeled WA N  is the port that connects the Smart Home Server to the Internet via your broadband modem. The WAN IP address is assigned by your Internet service provider. The MAC address is burned into the WAN port’s network interface card (NIC).FIGURE 12-1 Smart Home Server Status Page
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERCheck the Wireless SettingsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 137LAN IP AND MAC ADDRESSESThe IP and MAC addresses of the home network connection are referred to as the LAN (Local Area Network) addresses. The Ethernet ports on the back of the Smart Home Server labeled 1 - 4 are the LAN ports. These are the ports that connect PCs and other devices to the Smart Home Server. These ports have a single IP and MAC address. The IP address is set to Smart Home Server automatically assigns all devices that connect to the network an IP address. The IP addresses will be on the same subnet as the LAN IP address. The first device that connects will be given the IP address, the second, and so on.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK THE WIRELESS SETTINGSThe Smart Home Server is equipped with a radio transmitter that enables wireless PCs and other devices to connect to your network without using an Ethernet cable.To display a page showing the wireless settings and the wireless devices currently connected to your network, click My Network and then click the Wireless Settings icon to display the Wireless Settings page (FIGURE 12-2).
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERCheck the Wireless Settings138 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)12WIRELESS SETTINGSThe Wireless Settings page shows the following settings:SSID Your network's Service Set Identifier. The SSID is a string of characters that identifies your network. Wireless devices use this identifier to connect to your network.Channel The channel the radio transmitter is using to broadcast its wireless signal. By default, the Smart Home Server broadcasts on channel 6. You can change the channel by selecting a different one in the Current Wireless Channel field (see FIGURE 12-2) and clicking SUBMIT.Encryption The encryption strength. The Smart Home Server provides 128-bit encryption, which is the most difficult to break.WEP Key (ASCII) The ASCII version of the WEP key. When you installed the Smart Home Server, you were asked to enter a WEP key. Wireless devices attempting to connect to your network must know this key to connect. When setting up wireless devices, you will have to enter this key. Most devices accept the 13 character ASCII version of the key.FIGURE 12-2 Wireless Settings PageChange channel121
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERChange the Wireless ChannelSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 139WEP Key (HEX) The hexadecimal version of the WEP key. Some older wireless devices can only accept the hexadecimal version of the WEP key. If you are configuring such a device, enter the hexadecimal value shown.ATTACHED WIRELESS DEVICESThe Wireless Settings page also shows each wireless device currently connected to your network. For each device, it shows:Connection speed  54 Mbps is the maximum wireless connection speed. Your actual speed may be less.Wireless mode  WiFi version. It can be 802.11 a/b or g. Most new devices are 802.11g.Signal strength The quality of the signal. It is expressed graphically, as shown below.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHANGE THE WIRELESS CHANNELThe Smart Home Server is designed to broadcast on channel 6. If you are experiencing weak signals – possibly because nearby networks are 2= No signal= Poor signal= Weak signal= Good signal= Excellent signal= Strongest signal
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERMonitor Disk Usage140 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)12also broadcasting on channel 6 – you may want to consider changing channels to see if this helps.To change the channel the Smart Home Server is broadcasting on, follow the steps below:1Click My Network and then click the Wireless Settings icon to display the Wireless Settings page (FIGURE 12-2).2Go to the Current Wireless Channel field and select a new channel from the drop-down list.3Click SUBMIT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MONITOR DISK USAGEThe hard disk on the Smart Home Server is used for two purposes:• To store backups of all the PCs in your network running the Command Center• To provide space for the Sereniti Shared Drive (S: drive), which network users can access and use to store and exchange files (see Chapter 8 for additional details).To monitor hard disk usage, click My Network and then click the View Smart Home Server Status icon to display the Smart Home Server Status page (FIGURE 12-1). This page shows:• Status of the drive (formatted or not formatted)• Total capacity of the drive• Amount of space currently in use• Amount of space currently available• Percentage of disk space in use
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERChange the Time Zone and WorkgroupSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 141CHANGE THE TIME ZONE AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WORKGROUPWhen the Smart Home Server was initially set up, its internal clock detected the time zone and it was assigned to the workgroup called “WORKGROUP.”CHANGE THE TIME ZONETo change the Smart Home Server’s time zone, follow the steps below:1Click My Network and then click the Edit Smart Home Server Settings icon to display the Smart Home Server Settings page (FIGURE 12-3).2Select a new time zone from the drop-down list in the Local Time Zone field.3Click SUBMIT.CHANGE THE WORKGROUPBe careful when changing the Windows workgroup. For folder sharing to work, all PCs sharing folders must be in the same workgroup, along with the Smart Home Server.To change the Smart Home Server’s workgroup, follow the steps below:1Click My Network and then click the Edit Smart Home Server Settings icon to display the Smart Home Server Settings page (FIGURE 12-3).2Type a new workgroup in the Windows Workgroup Name field.FIGURE 12-3 Smart Home Server Settings Page
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERManage an External Storage Device142 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)123Click SUBMIT.MANAGE AN EXTERNAL STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEVICEYou can connect up to two external storage devices (hard drives, flash drives, etc.) to the USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server. Once they are connected, all network users can access them.The external drives can be viewed and managed from the Attached USB Devices page. To do this, follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Setup External Hard Drive icon to display the Attached USB Devices page (FIGURE 12-4). 2For each external drive, it shows:• Status of the drive (formatted or not formatted)• Total capacity of the drive• Amount of space currently in use• Amount of space currently available• Percentage of disk space in useFIGURE 12-4 Attached USB Devices Page
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERRename Network PrintersSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1433The hard drives are initially named “EXT_HDD_1” and “EXT_HDD_2.” To change either name, type a new name in the Name field and click SAVE.4To view the contents of a drive, click VIEW. The files and folders stored on the drive are displayed in the Windows Explorer.5To fix a drive with formatting problems, click REPAIR. This attempts to repair the problem without causing data loss.6If the drive cannot be repaired, you may have to reformat it. Do this only as a last resort because it erases all files and folders stored on the drive. To reformat a drive, click FORMAT.7To disconnect a drive, first remove it from the Command Center’s records to avoid damage or data loss. Click REMOVE, and then when the Command Center indicates the drive has been removed, disconnect it.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RENAME NETWORK PRINTERSYou can connect up to two printers to the USB ports on the back of the Smart Home Server. These become network printers. Once they are connected, all network users can print to them.The Smart Home Server has the ability to detect the printer’s vendor and model and use this as the printer name. To change the printer name to something more recognizable (for example, “upstairs” or “photos”), follow the steps below:1Click Sharing and then click the Setup Network Printer icon to display the Attached USB Drive page (FIGURE 12-4).2Type a new name for the printer in Printer field.3Click SAVE.
MANAGING THE SMART HOME SERVERRename Network Printers144 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)12
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 145. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MANAGING YOUR PC13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to:• Display an inventory of a PC’s hardware and software resources• Defragment a PC’s hard drive• Resolve connectivity problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWThe Command Center provides a number of tools to help Smart Home Network users manage their own PCs and diagnose and resolve problems. These tools are available from the My PC option in the Main Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VIEW A PC INVENTORYA PC inventory is a window that shows all of a PC’s software resources, hardware components and security programs. To launch this window,
MANAGING YOUR PCDefragment the Hard Drive146 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)13click My PC and click the View Detailed PC Inventory icon. FIGURE 13-1 shows a typical PC Inventory. To save the inventory in a file, click Save to File. It is saved as an xml filePCInv.xmlin the directoryc:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Sereniti\Smart Client\Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEFRAGMENT THE HARD DRIVEFiles are not always stored in one place on a PC's hard disk. If necessary, they are divided into pieces and stored on separate segments of the disk. If the files on the disk become too fragmented, the PC may slow down.FIGURE 13-1 PC Inventory
MANAGING YOUR PCDefragment the Hard DriveSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 147To avoid this, you should periodically analyze the storage patterns on the disk and, if necessary, perform a defragmentation. This can be done directly from the Command Center. Follow the steps below:1Click My PC and then click the Manage PC Hardware icon to display the PC Status page. Tip: You can also get to the PC Status page directly from the Dashboard by clicking the Hardware icon.2Click ANALYZE to determine whether the disk needs to be defrag-mented now. A message like the one below will pop up and show the percentage of fragmentation and indicate whether you should perform a defragmentation now. FIGURE 13-2 PC Status Page
MANAGING YOUR PCRepair Connectivity Problems148 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)133To perform a defragmentation, click DEFRAG NOW to launch the Windows Disk Defragmenter.4Click Defragmentation to begin defragmenting the hard disk. You can stop the defragmentation at any time by clicking Stop on the Windows Disk Defragmenter.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .REPAIR CONNECTIVITY PROBLEMSIf your PC is having trouble connecting to the Internet, you can repair many connectivity problems directly from the Command Center. Follow the steps below:FIGURE 13-3 Windows Disk Defragmenter
MANAGING YOUR PCRepair Connectivity ProblemsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1491Click My PC, click the Troubleshoot and Repair icon, and then click the Repair Network Connection icon to display the Connectivity Manager (FIGURE 13-4).2Click Check Network Connectivity to check connectivity status.3If there is a connectivity problem, click Repair Network Connectivity. The Connectivity Manager will run a number of diagnostic tests and make any necessary repairs. The results are displayed in the Repair Log tab on the Connectivity Manager.FIGURE 13-4 Connectivity Manager
MANAGING YOUR PCRepair Connectivity Problems150 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)13
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ERROR MESSAGES14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIS CHAPTERExplains how to respond to:• Antivirus error messages• Antispyware error messages• Firewall error messages• Backup and restore error messages• Sereniti shared drive messages• Multiple connection message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OVERVIEWWhen the Command Center detects certain problems on the PCs connected to your network (and running the Command Center), it displays an error message to make you aware of the problem and point you toward a solution. These problems include:• Security program problems• Backup and restore problems• Sereniti Shared Drive problems• Multiple connection problemsThis chapter lists the most common error messages in each category and explains what you should do to resolve the problem that caused the message to appear.
ERROR MESSAGESAntivirus Messages152 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ANTIVIRUS MESSAGESTABLE 14-1 lists the error messages that apply to antivirus programs and explains how to respond to them.TABLE 14-1 Antivirus MessagesMessage Do this...Antivirus program not installedInstall an antivirus program The Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service, contains an antivirus program. To install the program, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon. Multiple antivirus programs installedUninstall the extra antivirus programsRunning more than one antivirus program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to keep and remove the rest.1. Open the Windows Control panel.2. Select Add or Remove Programs.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the program.Antivirus program not enabledEnable the antivirus program Pass your cursor over the tray icon. This should indicate if the antivirus program is enabled. If not,1. Right-click the icon and enable it, or 2. Open the program console and enable it from there.Multiple antivirus programs enabledDisable the extra antivirus programsEnabling more than one antivirus program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to enable and disable the rest.1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Select Disable from the pop-up menu, or3. Open the program console and disable it from there.
ERROR MESSAGESAntivirus MessagesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 153Antivirus definitions out of dateUpdate the antivirus programNew antivirus definitions are available1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Open the program console.3. Perform an update.Antivirus scan overdueScan the hard disk for viruses1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Open the program console3. Perform a scan of the hard disk. 4. If viruses are found, follow up and delete or quarantine themSereniti cannot verify the product vendor for your antivirus packageSereniti cannot determine whether your antivirus package is enabledSereniti cannot determine when your antivirus program was last updatedSereniti cannot determine when the last antivirus scan was performedSereniti cannot determine if the definitions for your antivirus package were receivedThese messages appear if your PC is running an antivirus program that is NOT supported by the Smart Home Networking ServiceIn all cases, consider installing the antivirus program that is included in the Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service. To install the program, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon. TABLE 14-1 Antivirus Messages (Continued)Message Do this...
ERROR MESSAGESAntispyware Messages154 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ANTISPYWARE MESSAGESTABLE 14-2 lists the error messages that apply to antispyware programs and explains how to respond to them.TABLE 14-2 Antispyware MessagesMessage Do this...Antispyware program not installedInstall an antispyware program The Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service, contains an antispyware program. To install the program, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon. Multiple antispyware programs installedUninstall the extra antispyware programsRunning more than one antispyware program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to keep and remove the rest.1. Open the Windows Control panel.2. Select Add or Remove Programs.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the program.Antispyware program not enabledEnable the antispyware program Pass your cursor over the tray icon. This should indicate if the antispyware program is enabled. If not,1. Right-click the icon and enable it, or 2. Open the program console and enable it from there.
ERROR MESSAGESAntispyware MessagesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 155Multiple antispyware programs enabledDisable the extra antispyware programsEnabling more than one antispyware program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to enable and disable the rest.1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Select Disable from the pop-up menu, or3. Open the program console and disable it from there.Antispyware definitions out of dateUpdate the antispyware programNew antispyware definitions are available1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Open the program console.3. Perform an update.Antispyware scan overdueScan the hard disk for spyware1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Open the program console3. Perform a scan of the hard disk. 4. If spyware is found, follow up and delete or quarantine it.TABLE 14-2 Antispyware Messages (Continued)Message Do this...
ERROR MESSAGESAntispyware Messages156 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14Sereniti cannot verify the product vendor for your antispyware packageSereniti cannot determine whether your antispyware package is enabledSereniti cannot determine when your antispyware program was last updatedSereniti cannot determine when the last antispyware scan was performedSereniti cannot determine if the definitions for your antispyware package were receivedThese messages appear if your PC is running an antispyware program that is NOT supported by the Smart Home Networking ServiceIn all cases, consider installing the antispyware program that is included in the Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service. To install the program, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon.TABLE 14-2 Antispyware Messages (Continued)Message Do this...
ERROR MESSAGESFirewall MessagesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 157. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FIREWALL MESSAGESTABLE 14-3 lists the error messages that apply to firewall programs and explains how to respond to them. TABLE 14-3 Firewall MessagesMessage Do this...Firewall program not enabledEnable the firewall programPass your cursor over the tray icon. This should indicate if the firewall program is enabled. If not:1. Right-click the icon and enable it, or 2. Open the program console and enable it from there.Firewall program not installedInstall a firewall programThe Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service, contains a firewall program. To install the program, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon.Multiple firewall programs installedUninstall the extra firewall programsRunning more than one firewall program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to keep and remove the rest.1. Open the Windows Control panel.2. Select Add or Remove Programs.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the program.
ERROR MESSAGESFirewall Messages158 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14Multiple firewall programs enabledDisable the extra firewall programsEnabling more than one firewall program on the same PC can cause problems. Decide which one you want to enable and disable the rest.1. Right-click the tray icon.2. Select Disable from the pop-up menu, or3. Open the program console and disable it from there.The Windows XP operating system includes a personal firewall. This program is enabled by default. To disable it:1. Click Start on the Windows task bar2. Select Control Panel.3. On the Control Panel, locate Windows Firewall and double-click it.4. Click Off5. Click OK.Sereniti cannot determine whether your firewall program is enabledThis message only occurs when your PC is running a firewall program that is not supported by the Smart Home Networking Service. Consider installing the firewall program that is included in the Sereniti Security Suite, which is provided free of charge with your subscription to the Smart Home Networking Service.To install the suite, click Security and then click the Install Security Suite icon.TABLE 14-3 Firewall Messages (Continued)Message Do this...
ERROR MESSAGESBackup and Restore MessagesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 159. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACKUP AND RESTORE MESSAGESTABLE 14-4 lists the error messages that apply to the backup and restore features and explains how to respond to them.TABLE 14-4 Backup and Restore MessagesMessage Do this...Backup failed as the Smart Home Server was powered cycled.A backup failed because the Smart Home Server was turned off and on during the backup.You have two choices. You can wait for the next scheduled backup, or you can perform an unscheduled backup. Directory does not exist on the hostThe Sereniti system could not find a folder that had been selected for backup.Open the Windows Explorer and verify that the folder named in the message does, in fact, exist. It is possible it could have been moved or deleted.Network failure during restoreYou lost network connectivity while trying to restore a previously backed up file, and as a result the restore failed. Check to determine the cause of the failure. Make sure the broadband modem and any installed routers are running properly, and all cables are connected.When connectivity is returned, perform the restore again.PC was offline when backup startedA backup failed because the PC being backed up was not online. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network. Then, you can either wait fort the next scheduled backup, or you can perform an unscheduled backup.
ERROR MESSAGESSereniti Shared Drive Message160 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SERENITI SHARED DRIVE MESSAGEThe following message applies to the Sereniti Shared Drive:System failed to map to S: driveYour PC cannot connect to the S: drive on the Smart Home Server. Check to make sure you are logged into the Command Center and connected to the Smart Home Server. Make sure the S: drive is not already in use. If it is, you will have to remap it to another letter. For instructions, see the Error box on page 98.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MULTIPLE CONNECTION MESSAGEIf you have a PC connected to the Smart Home Server, and also connected to another networking device such as a router or modem, you will get an error message. It does not matter if the connections are wired or wireless. In either case, the Command Center will not work properly if another network connection is active. To resolve this problem, you have to disable the connection to the other networking device. Please free up more space on your Smart Home ServerThere is not enough space available on the Smart Home Server to back up your folders. You need to delete some backed up files to free up space on the Server's hard disk. See Chapter 7 for details.You also might consider looking at the folders you are backing up with an eye toward reducing the number of folders so that your backups occupy less space on the Server.TABLE 14-4 Backup and Restore Messages (Continued)Message Do this...
ERROR MESSAGESMultiple Connection MessageSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 161To disabled a wired connection, remove the Ethernet cable from the Ethernet port on the PC.To disabled a wireless connection:1Click Start on the Windows taskbar, select Connect to and then select Wireless Network Connection. The Wireless Network Connect Status window appears.2Click Disable to disable the connection and close the window.Note: To re-enable the connection, click Start → Connect to → Wireless Network Connection again.
ERROR MESSAGESMultiple Connection Message162 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)14
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 163. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APPENDIXA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ABOUT IP ADDRESSESWHAT IS AN IP ADDRESS?Every device that connects to the Internet must have an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This address enables the device to contact other devices on the Internet, establish a connection with those devices, and pass information back and forth. FORMATAn IP address consists of four numbers (each containing from one to three digits) separated by decimal points, which are usually referred to as "dots." The numbers below are all examples of IP addresses: MASKEvery IP address consists of two parts:•Network part Identifies the network that the device belongs to•Host part Identifies the device itself Both parts are determined by a third number called a subnet mask. When one PC attempts to contact another – for example, when you visit a web site – the subnet mask tells the routers that establish the connection:• Which numbers in the IP address represent the network
About IP Addresses164 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)• Which numbers represent the PC itself.A USEFUL ANALOGYOne way of understanding IP addresses is to think of them as the Internet's version of telephone numbers. Every telephone has a unique number that identifies it; without this number, it cannot make or receive calls. Like an IP address, a telephone number consists of multiple parts: a network part (called the area code), a subnetwork part (the exchange), and a device part that indicates the specific telephone to be rung. The switches that perform the same function that routers perform on the Internet use the number to find a distant telephone and set up a connection to it.HOW DOES A PC OBTAIN AN IP ADDRESS?A PC can obtain an IP address in one of two ways:•Static IP address A network administrator can assign the PC a specific IP address. This is called a static IP address because it does not change from day to day.•Dynamic IP address A program called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) can "lease" the PC an IP address whenever it connects to the Internet. This is called a dynamic IP address because it can change from day to day.DHCP is the more common method. The usual procedure is for a household's Internet Service Provider (ISP) to include DHCP as part of the package. All you have do is make sure all household PCs are configured to use DHCP. CONFIGURE A PC TO USE DHCPTo check to see if a PC is configured to use DHCP, and to configure it if it is not, follow the steps below:
About IP AddressesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1651Click Start on the Windows task bar, select Connect to, and then select Show all connections. The Network Connections window displays (FIGURE A-1).2Locate the local area connection and double-click it to display the Local Area Connections Properties window (FIGURE A-2).FIGURE A-1 Network Connections WindowDouble-clickFIGURE A-2 Local Area Connections Properties WindowInternet Protocol (TCP/IP)
About IP Addresses166 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)3Go to the panel labeled This connection uses the following items and scroll down until you come to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).4Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window displays (FIGURE A-3).5Find the radio button labeled Obtain an IP address automatically. This button enables DHCP. It should be selected. If it is not, select it.6Click OK twice to return to the Network Connections window, and then close the Network Connections window.WHY DON'T I HAVE TO KNOW A WEBSITE'S IP ADDRESS?By now you may have noticed that in one important respect IP addresses differ from telephone numbers. To call someone, you have to know that person's telephone number. You cannot simply enter the person's name and expect the telephone system to identify it. But to contact a web site, you can enter the site's name. For example, to connect to Amazon's web site, you can enter A-3 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window Obtain an IP address automatically
About IP AddressesSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 167The reason for this is a program called DNS (Domain Name System). DNS is like a large telephone directory that contains the name and telephone number of all telephone users. When you enter the name of a website in the Address field of a browser and click GO, your PC contacts a computer called a DNS server and "looks up" the IP address of the website you entered. It then uses this address to find and connect to the computer running the website you are interested in.
About IP Addresses168 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 169. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APPENDIXB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BACKING UP MICROSOFT OUTLOOKMicrosoft Outlook is a personal information and communications management program that is included in all editions of the Microsoft Office suite. The program allows users to send and receive email and maintain a to do list, a calendar of appointments, and a directory of key business and personal contacts. Outlook is a very popular program, and many home network users employ this program to handle their email and other tasks.OUTLOOK FILESAll your Outlook data is stored in a personal folders file. This is a file with a .pst extension. If you have not changed the default name, this file is called "Outlook.pst" and is found in this folder on your PC:C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlookwhere <user name> is your Windows user account name.In addition to this file, Outlook places an Archive.pst file in the same folder. This file contains all the old Outlook data that you have archived. BACKING UP THE FILESTo back up both the Outlook.pst and Archive.pst files, select Email as one of the common folders to be included in each backup. See Chapter 7 for details.
Backing Up Microsoft Outlook170 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 171. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APPENDIXC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RESOLVING DNS PROBLEMSWHAT IS DNS?The Domain Name System (DNS) converts domain names into IP addresses. Whenever you enter a domain name such as into a browser, the name is sent to a DNS server, which looks up its IP address. Without DNS, you would have to know the IP address of every web site you want to visit.For the Sereniti system to work properly, each PC in your network must use the Smart Home Server for its DNS server. To make this happen, you need to configure the PCs to obtain their DNS server addresses automatically. This ensures that the PCs ask the Smart Home Server for a DNS address, and the Server gives its own.WHAT CAN GO WRONG?Problems arise if a PC is given a fixed DNS address instead of configured to obtain its DNS address automatically. This can happen for two reasons: •You deliberately entered a fixed DNS addressSome users may need to enter a fixed DNS address; for example, to connect to a network in their work environment. If this is the case, the Sereniti system will reconfigure the PC to obtain its DNS address automatically when you bring it home and connect it to your home network. However, you will have to reconfigure the PC when you return to your office. The procedure below explains how to do this.•The PC became misconfiguredFor a variety of technical reasons, it is possible that a PC can
Resolving DNS Problems172 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)be set to obtain its DNS address automatically, but become misconfigured and given a fixed DNS address instead. When this happens, the Sereniti system displays a message indicating it has detected the problem, and then automatically corrects the problem. No action on your part is required.RECONFIGURE A PC TO USE A FIXED DNS ADDRESSTo reconfigure a PC to use a fixed DNS address, follow the steps below:1In the Windows taskbar, click Start, right-click My Network Places and select Properties. This displays the Network Connections window.2Right-click the active network connection and select Properties. This displays the Local Area Connection Properties window.FIGURE C-1 Network Connections WindowDouble-click
Resolving DNS ProblemsSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 1733Scroll down until you come to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click it once to select it, and then click the Properties button. This displays the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window. FIGURE C-2 Local Area Connections Properties WindowInternet Protocol (TCP/IP)FIGURE C-3 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window Use the following DNS ServeraddressesEnter up to two DNS addresses
Resolving DNS Problems174 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)4Click the button labeled Use the following DNS server addresses, and then enter up to two DNS addresses in the fields below.5Click OK twice to close the two Properties windows, and then close the Network Connections window.
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 175. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INDEXAAdd Firewall Rules Page 124Add User Page 53Allowed Sites List 64–65Antispyware Program 129Antivirus Program 129Attached USB Devices Page 101, 142Attached Wireless devices 139Auto LaunchCommand Center 13Sereniti Wireless 41Auto Login 37–38, 46–47Auto Login Page 38BBack Up Microsoft Outlook 169Backed Up Folders Window 84Backup Settings Page 78Backup Status Page 35–36, 78Backups 71–85How they are Stored 73–76Scheduled 72–73, 77Select Folders 79Unscheduled 82View the Contents 82CChangeContent Filter 57Login Accounts 12PC Icon 39, 56PC Name 39PC Type 39PC Workgroup 113
INDEX176 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)Privileged Status 57Security Question 57Smart Home Server Workgroup 112Time Filter 57User Password 56Wireless Channel 139Channel (Wireless) 138, 140Clean Up Old Backups 90–94Clean Up Unneeded folders 92Command CenterLaunch Options 13Main Menu 14Tray Icon 8Common Folders 72Connect a PC to a Shared Printer 120Connect External Storage Device 142Connect the PC to Another Wireless Network 40Connectivity Manager 149Content Filter 57, 62–63Content Filter Settings Page 65CreateShared Folder 113Shared Printer 117User Accounts 52–54User Defined Port Forwarding Rule 48, 125–126DDashboard 19–21Defragment the Hard Drive 146DeletePort Forwarding Rule 126User Account 58Desktop Folder 73Device Information Page 29Device Management Page 32–34, 44Device Security Page 132Device Settings Page 33DHCP 164–166Disconnect a Printer from a PC 120Dynamic IP Address 164
INDEXSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 177EEmail Folder 72Email Notifications 58, 59Enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 122Encryption 138Error Messages 151–160Antispyware Messages 154Antivirus Messages 152Backup and Restore Messages 159Firewall Messages 157Sereniti Shared Drive Messages 160External Storage Device 142FFavorites Folder 72Firewall Program 129Firewall Settings Page 123Folder Sharing 113–116Access A Shared Folder from a Browser 116Access a Shared Folder from the Command Center 116Connect a PC to a Shared Printer 120Create Shared Folder 113Disconnect a Printer from a PC 120Unshare a Folder 115Folder Sharing Page 114HHome Page 17–21IInstall Security Suite 24IP AddressDynamic 164Format 163Static 164Subnet Mask 163LLaunch Options 13Logging In 9, 10
INDEX178 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)Through a Browser 10Through the Command Center 9Logging Out 11Through a Browser 11Through the Command Center 11MS: Drive Failed to Map 98Main Menu 14Manage Firewall Page 37, 123Manage Firewalls Page 45Map a Network Drive 98Modify User Accounts 55–57Monitor Disk Usage 91Monitor Network Security 129–133Firewall Program 129Resolve a Problem 132Monitor Network SecurityAntivirus Program 129My Documents Folder 72NNetwork Map 17–19, 44Network Printer 143Non-Privileged Accounts 50NotificationsEmail 58, 59Telephone 58, 59PParental Controls 61–68Allowed Sites List 64–65Content Filter 62–63Restricted Sites List 64–65Time Filter 65–67Time Filter Override 67Unblock a Web Site 68Parental Controls Page 64Password 52PC Icon 39, 56PC Inventory 145
INDEXSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 179PC Name 39PC Status Page 147PC Type 39Personal Firewall ProgramPort Forwarding 121–127Create User Defined Rule 125Delete a Rule 126Relocate Port 126Select System Defined Rule 124Port Forwarding Rule 48System Defined Rule 48User-Defined Rule 48Port Forwarding Rules Page 125Printer Sharing 117–120Create a Shared Printer 117Printer Sharing Page 118Privileged Accounts 50RRegister a Device 45–46Relocate Port 126Rename a Network Drive 101Rename a Network Printer 143Repair Connectivity Problems 148Restore Files and Folders 85–90Restore All Files and Folders in the Most Recent Backup 86Restore an Old Version of a File or Folder 89Restore Specific files and Folders in the Most Recent Backup 87Restore Page 86Restricted Sites List 64–65SSecurity Question 57Security Summary Page 34–35, 130Select a System Defined Port Forwarding Rule 48, 124Select Additional Folders Window 80Select Folders to Restore Window 88Sereniti Security Suite 24Sereniti Shared Dive 98Sereniti Wireless Agent 40, 41
INDEX180 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)Set the Backup Schedule 77Smart Home Server 135–143Disk Usage 140IP Address (LAN) 137IP Address (WAN) 136MAC Address (LSN) 137MAC Address (WAN) 136Time Zone 141Wired Settings 135Wireless Settings 137Workgroup 141Smart Home Server Settings Page 141Smart Home Server Status Page 136SSID 138Static IP Address 164Subnet Mask 163System Defined Port Fowarding Rule 48TTelephone Notifications 58, 59Time Filter 57, 65–67Time Filter Override 67Time Filter Settings Page 66Time Zone 141To Do List 21–25, 133Tray Icon 8Turn offCommand Center Auto Launch 14Sereniti Wireless Agent 41UUnblock a Web Site 68Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 48, 122Unshare a Folder 115User Accounts 49–58Create 52Delete 58Modify 55–57Non-Privileged Accounts 50Privileged Accounts 50
INDEXSereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 181View 54User Icon 56User Name 51–52Valid Characters 52Valid Names 51User Settings Page 56User-Defined Port Forwarding Rule 48Users List 55VView User Accounts 54WWEP Key (ASCII) 138WEP Key (HEX) 139Wired Settings 135Wireless Devices 43Wireless Settings 137Authentication 140Change Channel 139Channel 140SSID 138Wireless settingsChannel 138Encryption 138WEP Key (ASCII) 138WEP Key (HEX) 139Wireless Settings Page 138Wireless Signal Strength 139Workgroups 112, 141
INDEX182 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)
Sereniti Smart Home Networking Service | 183FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERFERENCE STATEMENTThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generate, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that o which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
FCC INTERFERENCE STATEMENT184 | User Manual (v1.0.0.1)IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENT:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.We declare that the product is limited in CH1~CH11 by specified firmware controlled in the USA.

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